#holdin him like the matrix
lyndaxy · 4 years
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Baby cheetah in Waltmart📹🐆
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csilarry · 2 years
some As It Was thoughts
My initial reading of the music video is that it is a chronological reenactment of Harry’s life and his experience being closeted.
[0:00]-  He bangs on the glass to get out (glass closet)
[0:06]- He is walking forward with a bunch of people dressed in business attire. Harry is wearing a bright red coat. The shade they picked reminds me of the red carpet, symbolizing stardom.
[0:15]- The people with “normal” jobs get to keep going forward and be with who they want (there’s a girl waiting for someone by the wall, and he catches up to her and hold her shoulder and they walk forward together), while Harry gets dragged back (into the closet of the entertainment industry).  
Holdin' me back Gravity's holdin' me back
Gravity is the force of the whole world. The pressure of the world holds him back from coming out of the closet & out of his public performer persona.
[0:27]- Inside, he and Blue/Lou are both dressed as performers, just out of reach from each other.  
Their red and blue outfits combined with "What kind of pills are you on?" may refer to the red and blue pills in the Matrix: a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. 
This symbolism would represent that he is contemplating between changing his life by telling the truth and keeping things in a state of blissful ignorance. It seems to me GP is content but he is devastated.
[0:29]- He brushes Blue’s hand when he first gets on stage (similar to the touches they shared during one direction) but then they move away to “perform” on their own parts of the stage.
[0:42]- reenactment of the last public hug between Harry and Louis at their last 1D concert.
[0:48]- He lets blue go, she shrinks in on herself, then he comes up behind her and gives her a reassuring hug (and she touches his hands as if she feels his support), then he leaves her and she is able to walk up tall. Maybe this is Louis being scared/lonely to start his career by himself/without Harry, so Harry gives him the support and courage he needs to walk tall and proud.
[1:05]- Blue gets knocked off the stage and Harry keeps going. Symbolizing Louis getting screwed over & his career delayed.
[1:06]- When H strips his clothing, he is shedding of layers of the performance industry and the brand that he’s made for himself. Once he strips all that away, he is able to truly hug blue.
The business people stripping off their clothes might symbolize society’s new openness. Homophobia has changed a lot in the 12 years Harry has been in the spotlight. Society is not the same as it was. When he shows himself others are able to as well.
[1:32]- When H and Louis are together, the drawing is in color.
[1:32]- Bars are placed over them, and they are trapped to the colored surface. this may symbolize them being forced into a "box" (society's expectation of them).
[1:47]- T Swift crawls all over Harry and another person (beard) over Blue.
[1:54]- When they dragged apart, life/the drawing becomes black and white.
[1:58]- Trying to make it work as performers together, they are stuck running in circles, not going anywhere, just out of reach of each other
[2:16]- Harry is alone on the stage again. He's defeated and has given up running. He decides to run away from the stage.
[2:17]- Harry watches birds fly, symbolizing freedom. (Louis has the birds flying tattoo and Harry has the closed birdcage with no door)
[2:18]- Harry makes "yes/success" motion. He is elated, jumps off the stage, and starts dancing freely.
[2:20] *Some shots from above of him spinning just like Louis’ Walls music video, H's TPWK mv, and their bff Liam Gallagher from Oasis.*
[2:26] H suddenly finds himself outside. He realizes he doesn’t have his coat on and he’s in public showing his true self. Once he checks himself and realizes, he is able to truly break free.
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skyprincess212 · 4 years
Wait. Before I go. Heres a reupload of my little space QnA with some updated answers.
Do you sleep with a stuffie? Mhmm. I sleep with a panda and a bunny and 2 reindeer
Do you have a CG/daddy? Nope. I'm not looking either. I do have a friend I'm talking to but I dont think they'd be interested because of my whole situation right now
How many stuffies do you have: I only have like 10 here and then about 20 at my mom’s house
Favorite time of the year: Wintr cuz its my birthday and christmas but santa is supr dupr scary cuz hes supr tall and stuff and he smells weerd
Favorite disney princess/prince: Repenzel cuz shes from tangled
Favorite little space sweet/candy: cheetos puffs
What do you do while in little space? I play the sims or runescape. Sometimes i’ll color but a lot of the time i just wanna cuddle
Stuffies or blankies: i got both
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite hobby: listening to music
Favorite disney movie: Tangled cuz the mosick is supr pretty and i can sing a lot of the songs
Do you use a paci: I used to have these really cute hello kitty ones but my ex found them and cut them up and set them on fire. I have one from the dollar tree but i’ve hidden it a lot better now
Do you use diapers: no but im sort of curious
Favorite color: blu and pink
Whats your zodiac sign: capricorn
Describe your ideal little date: ok so. They’d dress me up supr dupr cut. Then we’d go to the park and feed ducks and do nauhaty stuff and then we’d go to the mall and go shopping and then we’d go and have dinner where they’d order for me because im too little and cant red and then we’d go hoome and do nauhaty stuff and then we’d watch disny movies while eating ic cream and then id be the little spoon on the bed while they red me a story and then we’d fall aslep with him holdin me all tigt and warm like a little coocoon
Build a bear or disney stores: disny
Do you participate in pet play and if so which animal? Mhmm yes i do. I’m mainly a kitee
Do you have a blankie: mhmm its reely big and blu and soft and warm
What is your little/middle age range: Little age is from 2-7, middle age is about 9-12. 
Do you have any pets: mhmm a black kitee named raven
Favorite tv shows: i only have Netflix so money heist, atypical, and supernatural. I kind of like word party too tbh
Favorite game: the sims
Favorite disney character: Pascal. Repenzels frog
Favorite tv show character: maybe Dean??
What do you eat when its snack time: cheetos and chips
One little space thing you want: i really really want an actual paci from those little space websites so i dont feel like im biting my tongue all the time. Or maybe a cut pink and blu paddel with either “Sir” or “Daddy” on it for nauhaty stuff
One unique thing about you: I can sing really well and i know a lot of songs
Favorite little activity: making sims while drinkin juice but then i gotta pe real bad cuz juice makes me gotta pe
What would your dream playroom/bedroom look like? Well little me wants greyish with pastels to make everything look cute but gothic. Cute everything. That’s for the bedroom. Ideally, id want my own room and id only be allowed into the main bedroom if i was told to be. That way, they can stay with me until I fall asleep and have other people over if they want. It would be filled with toys both innocent and not so innocent. A lot of books since I love to read. Maybe a little computer area too
Talk about someone special: I dont have anyone like that right now.
Favorite little space drink: apple juice
Whats your little space name: i dont really have a set name. Just call me whatever you want
Last picture you colored: i’m not sure where the coloring book went or else id show you
What are your fears: that no one actually loves me and everything is just one giant lie. That people won’t except me for who i am. That this is all just a dream like in the matrix or something
Are you a little 24/7? I really really want to be but i do have sub space too and occastionally Domme space too since i’m a switch. Well… its like 80% submissive/little and 20% Domme. But yeah if i could live the lifestyle 24/7 i would
Favorite smell: popcorn
What always puts you in little space? sammich and lollipops. I really wanna watch it together with my friend. He liks thm too I think
Whats your little nighttime routine? Ok so nauhaty stuff and then help me brush my teeth and brush my hair and help me put pjs on and then sleepy time
Whats your morning routine? idk I dissociate half the time so i have no clue
Do you have a favorite sippy cup? I don’t have any right now. I’ve been kind of scared to get any since my abuser found all my little space stuff. That was not a fun time
Favorite dessert: cupcakes or oreos. 
Favorite little space song: i see the light from tangled. I sing it supr good and its supr pretty and its the best
Do you have any little friends? yup. I got a couple
How long have you been a little? since i was 19
How did you discover you were a little? my abuser was yelling and screaming at me as usual and i just kind of slipped into little space. I was like wtf is happening. I then looked up what happened and i guess i used it to cope with my abuse at first
Are you open about it? Sort of. Some friends on Facebook know
Does anyone in real life know that your a little? I don’t think so
Do you have any little gear: mhmm and some pet play stuff too. I have one good collar and leash. I have some collars and chokers. Some paws, I used to have a tail but Josiah stole it and won’t give it back. I have a ton of skirts and dresses but only a couple are really for little space. Most of the rest of them put me into subspace because of how short or tight they are
Funniest experience in little space: so my mom called me once and since I was in little space I couldn’t talk very well especially not in full sentences so she just hung out and said she’d call me later
Worst experience in little space: I was raped and beaten up by my abuser. It was the day he found out about me being a little
Cg’s nickname: I dont have one but I'd call them 'sir' or 'daddy'
Favorite cartoon: either adventure time or the grim adventures of billy and mandy
Explain your username: my name is Sky and I'm a princess duh
Favorite little outfit: i wear my pink dino onsie
Dream little outfit: just a cute little gothic pastel baby
Hardest cg rule to follow: i dont really have any rules and the ones that i do have are really easy to follow
What makes you happy in little space? Being told im the cutest babee grl ever. It makes me squeal and giggle and blush or when I get called cuti or um idk
What makes you sad in little space? When my friend and I cant talk :(
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