#hold on. this au is starting to become so tasty
americankimchi · 2 years
anh radio drama got me thinking abt an au where anakin and vader really are just two entirely different people the way it was originally planned to be before george lucas revised it. it would be such a massive shift though i have no idea how that would even work alongside the PT..... in this au vader would have to be in ahsoka's generation instead which brings up an even more interesting concept...... ahsoka's dark mirror in that she too lost her childhood and lifestyle to war but she turned away from the dark and kept the jedi in her heart while au vader turned towards the dark and slaughtered the jedi all at once
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actuallysaiyan · 1 month
sooooo many tasty ones!!! Welcome back!!!! Let me start with : jiraiya + “Shhh! You don’t want to get caught do you?
warnings: office sex, oral sex(fem receiving), unprotected sex, AU where Jiraiya is the Hokage, slight scent kink??
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Finding time to be alone with your husband could be difficult most times. But now that he was the Hokage of Konoha, it was proving to be even more difficult. Almost impossible at times. But you knew that with his voracious sexual appetite, he could become grumpy and irritated if he doesn’t get laid often.
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So one day, you decide to go visit him under the guise of dropping off some much needed lunch for your overworked husband. The minute you come in through the door, his face lights up. He sees you wearing that cute dress that always gets his blood boiling.
“Here’s your lunch, sweetheart.” You place the bento box on his desk and press a kiss to his forehead.
“Thank you!!” He smiles happily, opening up the bento.
The two of you share lunch, indulging in sweet kisses and he tells you about his day. Then he listens to you, hanging off your every word as you recount the details of going shopping and the people you met along the way.
There’s that look in his eyes very soon. He’s feeling needy and you can always tell whenever he’s in this mood that you’re about to get bent over the nearest surface and fucked hard. He goes over to the door and makes sure it’s locked tight.
You let out a gasp when his big hand pushes on your lower back, bending you over his desk. You look up at him from over your shoulder and he smirks. There’s a light dusting of pink on his cheeks as he pushes your dress up over your hips.
“Can you be a good girl for the Hokage and give him the relief he needs?”
Just the words alone have you shuddering and your panties are clinging to your folds. His fingers peel them aside, exposing you to him. He kneels down, spreading your cheeks and taking a deep, greedy inhale of your scent. A strangled moan escapes him before he begins to lap at you.
The feeling of his warm, velvety tongue on your folds and rubbing against your clit sends you reeling. You grip onto the desk, letting out a very loud moan. He tries to hush you, but he’s almost too busy licking your pussy. It’s been so long since he’s been able to do this. The minute he wraps his lips around your swollen little bud, you know you can’t hold back the loud whine.
“Shhh! You don’t want to get caught do you?”
He gets on his feet, spreading your thighs a bit more. Then you hear him undoing his pants, and you whine softly when you feel the tip of his cock prodding your hole. Slowly, he pushes in, making you shudder and your knees buckle. Jiraiya leans in close, wanting to whisper in your ear.
“I know everyone knows that I’m a pervert,” he moans softly. “But I still have my reputation as the Hokage. So please, I know I’m fucking you so good, but you need to quiet down.”
And he begins a steady pace, his hand clamped down on your mouth to muffle those pretty noises you make just for him.
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dividers by: @adornedwithlight
Send me a prompt and character and I'll write you a short Drabble!
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sarahowritesostucky · 29 days
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📖"The Taste of You"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 3061
Tags: Fresh AU, dark rom-com, dark!Bucky, pre-serum Steve, kidnapping, cannibalism, yandere/basement wife, meet cute-ish, gay sex n' stuff, ignoring of sexual boundaries, dub-con bordering on non-con, (mostly humorous) gore, (mostly humorous) body horror
Summary: Steve is so tired of the meat market that modern dating has become. Just when he's deleted all the apps and given up on ever finding Mr. Right, he meets the perfect guy at the grocery store.
A dark, cute, funny, fucked up, and very tasty love story.
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It's a Fresh AU. "If you can't handle the cannibalism, get out of the kitchen" ... or something like that
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12. Tenderize
Wait! I haven't read a previous chapter. Story Masterlist
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Bucky spends the afternoon doing what he calls "meat prep." Steve tries not to look, he really does, but the House Hunters show he puts on the television doesn’t really hold a candle to the morbidly fascinating process that is Bucky, "prepping" Melissa’s leg.
Bucky sends it up in the dumbwaiter after taking Erica her lunch. He washes his hands meticulously at the sink and dries them, picks the leg up and plops it down onto the counter with a flourish. It’s the lower leg. Left or right, Steve doesn’t take note, he just sees the painted toenails, the tattoo on the ankle that he can’t quite make out. He sits on the couch and peers over the back of it, watching Bucky work.
Bucky moves with a sort of glee, almost like a dance, as if he can hear music that Steve can’t. He looks very in his element, and very handsome and capable as he works. Steve would probably spend more time admiring that, if it weren’t for the fact that he’s also watching the man slicing pieces off of a woman’s calf.
“I usually take the non-dominant forearm, first,” Bucky tells him as he’s working. “This was Melissa’s … third cut? Anyway, it’s all I’ve got left of her now. I defrosted it a couple days ago. There’s this Italian guy who always orders shank, specifically.”
Jesus fuck, Steve thinks. "Shank." He actually calls it that.
“I send it with everything he needs for my grandma’s osso buco,” Bucky declares. “Herbs, wine, specifically-curated olive oil. All that and like, some hair or some panties or something. Because, you know: perverts.” He rolls his eyes and Steve has to suppress a horrible urge to laugh. Bucky looks up and catches sight of his twitching mouth, and he smiles back. “Yeah, I know. Good ol’ Gammy made hers with beef. But trust me,” he points his knife at Steve. “This way is so much better.”
Steve chews his lip. “I’ll take your word for it.”
“You-don’t-have-to,” Bucky sing-songs from the kitchen, in his element, happy. “You’re welcome to try any cut you want, anytime.” He produces a meat tenderizer and starts pounding away at the slices of meat he’s produced.
Steve winces as the hammer comes down hard, and then lighter in a series of almost loving taps. Christ. “I’ll pass for now,” he murmurs, unsure if Bucky’s heard him or not. He continues to watch the macabre display for a bit, but goes back to the television once Bucky is vacuum packing the meat with the herbs and spices.
He's very surprised (and honestly a bit grossed out with himself) that he doesn’t get more upset from watching the actual process. He doesn’t even get nauseous. Oh, it’s weird for sure. Downright shocking when he very first sees the leg lifted out of the dumbwaiter and plopped onto the countertop, the pedicured foot still attached, Bucky slicing away and hacking through bone. But Steve doesn’t retch and get sick like he thought he would. His stomach doesn’t once roil or threaten to turn. It’s like he’s already been desensitized to it, just from the sheer amount of stuff he’s imagined, from what Bucky’s told him and shown him so far, eating kidneys and ‘other-bacon’ right in front of him.
He thinks of Clint and watching Midsommar with him, asking him how he could stomach all the gore.
“It’s not real. Just movie magic, dude.”
His own lack of a physical reaction to this actual gore is what disturbs Steve the most, so he forces himself to sit back on the couch facing the tv, and actually pay attention to the show. The young married couple is searching for a house in Toronto. They need to upsize because they’re having another baby. Steve watches the show. He hopes they pick the middle house. They wind up picking the last one.
Absently, Steve wonders what osso buco is.
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“What’s osso buco?” Steve asks.
Bucky’s just finished with his meat prep and woken Steve up from his nap on the couch. He’d been so sweet lying there, looking so peaceful. Bucky hadn’t wanted to wake him, but it's getting late, and he’s already started chilling the wines for dinner.
He smiles at Steve and sits at the opposite end of the couch from him, tangling their feet together in the middle. He describes what osso buco is. “I was surprised you watched,” he tells him gently, honestly. He rubs his socked foot against Steve’s bare one. “What’d you think?”
Steve is quiet for a long time. When he finally answers, he simply says, “You were right. We do look a lot like beef.”
Bucky busts out in a laugh and leans forward to slap him on the thigh. “Told ya!” He gets up to go and finish the final elements of their dinner. “You ready for date night, my dear?”
Steve watches him from over the back of the couch again. “Mmhm. What’re we doing?”
Bucky beams at him. He’s been looking forward to this all day. “First, we have our appetizer: La Pissaladiere.” He’s begun speaking in a very fake French accent, and Steve scoffs.
"That's terrible."
"Yeah it was kinda terrible, huh?”
Steve laughs, and then Bucky laughs with him, and for a second it feels just like one of those genuine, laughing stupidly together moments that they used to have. And it makes Bucky’s heart squeeze painfully as the brief moment fizzles out. He can see it in Steve’s face too, how it hurts.
Bucky looks down, clearing his throat. “Um, yeah. And then we’ve got this salad, pretty simple. And the main, which is …” he does a drumroll on the countertop. “Osso Buco!” He does that one in an equally terrible Italian accent, but Steve is not amused.
"What?! No! No fucking way!" he cries, tiny and furious and kneeling up higher on the couch cushions. Bucky marvels at him and has such a strong urge to tackle him into submission and sex right then and there, that he has to look away. “Bucky,” Steve growls. “You promised you wouldn’t make me—”
“Calm down, babe,” Bucky hurries, not wanting Steve’s temper to ruin their date night. “It’s the two version meal again, don’t worry. Yours is 'vegetarian'.”
Steve deflates some, but Bucky can see that he’s still wary. “Prove it,” he says, and Bucky sighs dramatically to cover up the disappointment he feels at Steve not being able to trust him yet.
“Okay, come here.” He unlocks Steve’s tether at the couch and brings him over to the island countertop, locks him there. “Look.” He points to each crockpot that’s been braising the meat for hours. He’d put tape on each one to label them. The right one reads “Vegetarian,” the left one reads “Melissa.”
He's pleased as punch when Steve rolls his eyes and even laughs a little. “This is so crazy,” he mutters. “Why can’t you just enjoy cow like everybody else?” He’s asking in a good enough natured way, so Bucky indulges him,
“I told you, Honey. We’re just better.”
“Yeah yeah, I remember. ‘Tastes like roadkill in comparison’.”
“It does,” Bucky insists, though he can see Steve rolling his eyes. “Only one way to prove me wrong,” he challenges, leaning over the counter with a smirk. Steve scowls and says no way, and Bucky backs off. Instead, he tries to explain it to him, musing, “And you know, it also just makes the whole meal more of a … a spiritual experience.” He meets Steve’s eyes, and they’re riveted on him. Bucky licks his bottom lip slowly, eager to explain, to make Steve see. “When it’s not just an animal? When it's us? Well then you’re not just eating. It's so much more than that. You’re taking someone else inside yourself. You’re consuming them. It’s …” he inhales deeply. “It’s heady. It’s meaningful.” He sees Steve gulp and knows he’s playing with fire here, but he pushes onwards, taking Steve’s small hand from over the counter and covering it with his own. “No matter what they did in their life, they’re still a person. And a person matters. In a way an animal never can.” He watches the movement of Steve's closed lips, the nervous rise and fall of his Adam's apple. Bucky shivers and breathes, “It’s a very powerful thing.”
Steve pulls his hand back slowly, never looking away from Bucky’s eyes. Bucky can’t tell if he’s terrified, or fascinated, or both. He’d take both.
He breaks the tension of the moment by pulling back and standing up straight again, giving Steve some breathing room after that—admittedly impassioned—speech. “And then of course, we have Dessert: le tarte tatìn—with fennel ice cream, though I think the French would arrest me for serving it à la mode.” He moves away to go check on the crock pots and then the oven where the Pissaladiere is baking. “Almost ready,” he says brightly, clapping his hands together. “Let’s go set the table!”
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After dinner, they decide to finish watching The Hunger Games. They’ve only got the last movie to go. Bucky puts it on and they snuggle up close together on the couch. Steve is left untethered to any cord or chain, and he spends at least the first ten minutes of the movie eyeing up every solid object in the near vicinity, imagining what would or would not be suitable for bludgeoning Bucky with.
It’s a dreadful train of thought, and when Bucky pulls him in cozily against his side and kisses his hair and whispers that he’s so happy to have Steve back with him like this, Steve almost feels guilty for his scheming. He knows he has to stay strong, though. He just sat through an entire—admittedly delicious—dinner service where he watched the other man consume wine and salad and human shank.
Excuse him, he means osso buco.
Steve’s "vegetarian" version had been delicious. Bucky is an excellent cook and Steve really, really wishes he was just a normal boyfriend. Because cute little cooking-at-home-together dinner dates are so much fun with him. If only, if only. It’s so horrible that it’s laughable, and that’s what Steve’s found himself doing more often than not. Laughing about the absurdity of the situation in which he finds himself. He tells himself that it’s okay, that it’s a coping mechanism, and not him becoming used to anything. God forbid.
In the end, Steve concedes that Bucky was right: Peeta is a much better match for Katniss. “But only due to their circumstances,” he argues, as they’re eating their dessert on the couch, the credits and soundtrack music still rolling up the tv screen. “I mean, they’re just bonded through PTSD, basically. If things had gone differently, Gale would’ve been the one to know her better, deeper.” He shrugs. “Plus, he’s cuter. And taller.”
Bucky counters by pointing out that it’s always about your circumstances. “You can’t play that ‘what if’ game,” he says. “We live through what we live through. And it changes us, and that’s okay. Life doesn't always turn out the way we planned. Happiness comes from acceptance of that.”
He’s staring straight at Steve as he says it, and Steve finds his next mouthful of tarte tatìn going down with some difficulty. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “I guess so." Does Bucky really expect him to accept all of this? He shifts uncomfortably and holds out his bowl. "I ah, I think I'm done with mine.”
Bucky takes it with gentle fingers and a soft expression. “I hope you liked everything,” he says. “I wanted to make this special for you. A real treat.”
"Oh." Steve flounders with his heart in his throat. “It ... it was.”
“Mm.” Bucky sets both of their bowls on the coffee table, then he comes back and crawls over to Steve on the couch, crowding him back, and back, until Steve is lying down and Bucky's over top of him. Steve shudders, parts his lips to say something in protest, but Bucky kisses him before he can.
It’s not just the kiss, is the thing. It’s the way that Bucky’s elbows and forearms box him in. It’s the way his hands slide up Steve’s shoulders, how they trace his neck and his jaw. It’s how his full body lies atop him, how his weight pushes down, sinking Steve into the cushions as good as any restraint could. It’s how he fits so perfectly between Steve’s legs, and how his hips roll, slow and purposeful, while he kisses him.
Without meaning to, Steve moans, and the moment his hands come up to hold Bucky’s shoulders, he knows it’s game over: He's lost, tonight.
He still protests the loss, of course. Tries to stop it on the couch, and then in the hallway, and in the bedroom. But Bucky hushes him endlessly, kisses away his whimpers and licks his moans into existence, taking them as permission, as Steve conceding his loss.
Steve really, really doesn’t mean it that way, but there’s only so much he can do, and so much he can take. He’s been alone and scared for weeks now, and every time Bucky touches him it’s like a dagger in his guts, a sharp and painful reminder of how they used to make love before all this happened. How good Bucky used to make him feel, how well he’d played his body and taken him apart and made him come and cry. Steve wants that again, god damn him. He wants to feel good again.
So, somewhere in-between the leather couch and the luxury bedcovers, he really does give in.
The second he stops squirming and starts really kissing back—not just accepting it, but participating—Bucky moans louder. He bites Steve’s lip and says, “Yes, baby. Come on. Let me make you feel good.”
And isn’t that just what Steve wants? It’s certainly the best he can have, in his present situation. He shivers full-body as Bucky undresses them both, then lies out over him, warm and naked. They’re both hard, and Steve pants when Bucky slots one of those thick, firm thighs between his legs and pushes, rocks his hips so his own cock drags against Steve’s belly. “Fuck, Honey,” he breathes, kissing him. Hot kiss after hot kiss, that dominating tongue rolling in and keeping Steve’s thoughts short and disjointed.
Steve keens sharply at a particularly good roll of their hips. “Oh, oh, yeah …”
“Yeah,” Bucky says, nipping his chin. “What do you want, baby? You want my fingers? Want Daddy to make love to you?”
Steve groans and turns his cheek into the pillow to escape it, the kisses and the words, both. Bucky just hums knowingly and takes up residence at his throat instead, sucking and licking and biting at the skin. Even after all that’s happened between them, he’s still remembered that one slip Steve had, when he'd let the word tumble out of his mouth: Daddy. He squeezes his eyes shut and writhes against Bucky’s larger body, dick blurting out precum at the way Bucky touches him and treats him and talks to him. He’s so fucking perfect. ... Well, except for the whole cannibalism th—
Bucky wraps a hand around his cock and starts stroking just in time to put an end to that train of thought, and Steve gasps, his belly tightening in such sharp pleasure that he thinks he might come. “Sl-slow down!” he gasps, unable to stop his hips from jolting up. “I-I can’t. Wait, wait ..."
Bucky listens, cooing apologies and praise at him and petting his dick back down against his belly. His hand is slick. Where the hell did he get lube? Steve stops wondering when the hand ventures further back. “Tilt up for me, Honey,” Bucky murmurs, kissing his collarbone, humming an approving sound when Steve listens. “There you go. Good boy.”
Steve squirms harder at his embarrassing reaction to being praised. But it’s something he’s always gone for, and hearing Bucky say it in his gorgeous voice, from his gorgeous lips, makes it hit even harder. He feels a finger go in, and Bucky finds it easily, just like he always had before. He strokes over his prostate, never too rough, always gentle, letting the pleasure and pressure build inside Steve at his own pace.
“Shit,” Steve curses, gritting his teeth and rolling his hips against Bucky’s hand. Another finger joins the first, so easy, and Steve humps down harder against it. “Bucky,” he chokes, gasping. “W-wait, wait.”
“So sensitive, baby.” Bucky eases his fingers out and kisses at the corner of Steve's mouth, speaking smugly against his lips. “So wound up. What’s the matter, Stevie? Haven’t you been getting laid?” Steve grits his teeth and snarls a half-hearted “fuck you” at him, but it only makes Bucky laugh and slick his cock up and fit the head right to Steve’s entrance. “Don’t worry,” he whispers, propping himself up with his other arm, pushing in just a little, so slow, letting Steve’s body suck him in. “I’ll be gentle.”
He is. He pushes in so incredibly slow. So slow that it becomes torturous, makes Steve wrap his arms around his shoulders and hook his feet over the backs of his thighs, pulling him in closer. “Fuck,” he exhales against Bucky’s ear, dragging his lips over it. “Oh, Bucky.”
“Fuck me.”
Bucky starts rolling his hips, rocking into him and pulling out just a little, just enough. It’s like he doesn’t want to get too far away from Steve, doesn’t want to separate from him long enough to make their sex anything but close and deep. Steve cries out and moans and makes all sorts of shameful noises, because it feels amazing. Grinding down against Bucky and slipping a hand between their bodies to stroke himself off, it feels so goddamn good that he cries.
He tells himself that they’re tears of pleasure, of ecstasy. But that’s not entirely true. Bucky seems to know that by the tender way he kisses them off his cheeks, by the way he whispers "it’s okay, it’s okay" to him as he fucks him, and by the way he holds him so tightly once it’s over and they’ve both spent all over Steve’s stomach. “Shh sh sh,” he calms him, forcing him still once he starts to panic and cry out and pull. “Shhh. It’s okay.” He kisses his hair and holds fast until Steve collapses, giving up the struggle, exhausted. Steve cries sluggish tears, and Bucky hugs him and says quiet things into his hair for a long time. One of them might be "I love you," but Steve isn’t sure.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Was thinking of FFM, specifically the bit about the island being effectively isolated from the outside world. That means it's entirely possible for different strands of plant life that otherwise went extinct or had evolved different characteristics remain in suspension, only affected by the things Wukong himself brings onto the island.
Pigsy is a food connoisseur. He only uses the freshest ingredients. In Century Egg Au and Slow Boiled, he effectively becomes a parental figure to Wukong. One, who would very much likely make many a trip to FFM to check up on Wukong. Same for TMKATI except Wukong doesn't live in the mountain in that one and therefore there's less reason to visit. Imagine how he'll react when he realizes the mythical island not only has the freshest ingredients but the rarest as well!
Pigsy seeing an isolated island with some very tasty looking rare tree fruits from the view of Sandy's ship, only to learn that it has a impassable magical barrier:
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He's ok to let the matter slide... for now. He reasons with himself that whatever is on that island is better off without his mitts on it.
Until he's shaken awake by a very excitable Tang, holding a book on island isolation and evolution, rambling at a mile a minute about how the plant and animal life on the sheltered island has likely evolved completely separate from the outside world, and if this island is part of the fabled lost country of Alolai - then it likely is teeming with wildlife that evolved after the mythical Floods and Burning.
Pigsy, groggy: "Tang... how'd you get in my room???" Tang, highly-caffienated: "I haven't slept in two days!" Sandy, texting: "Is he at your place now?"
Eventually after forcing the scholar to calm down and take a rest before his heart gives out, Pigsy is told something that really tickles his inner connoisseur.
Tang: "Before it was introduced and selectively bred, potatoes could only be encountered in remote areas of the Andes mountains." Pigsy: "And?" Tang: "Imagine if you discovered the next potato." Pigsy: *squeal of intrigue!*
Needless to say, Pigsy has his own Nerd Moment™ the first time he actually touches down on the island and recognises a bunch of rare species.
Pigsy, side-tracked by a tree: "Sweet Chang'e! This is looks like a button mangosteen! I've never heard of them growing this far north! The skin is more red-orange though, maybe it's a branched variety back when the islands were connected to the mainland? Button Mangosteens taste closer to tangerines than their purple cousins, I wonder if that intesifies based on colouration." Sandy, delighted for his friend: "You seem to be having lots of fun!" Pigsy: *nodding happily*
He's equally delighted in the TMKATI au to have "Such a resourceful employee!" when Wukong comes back from his visits to the island bearing gifts. It caught him off guard the first time though.
Wukong: "Hey boss, I got you something." Pigsy, opening a box: "Wu... are these fresh truffles?!" Wukong, wondering if he did something wrong: "Yeah, why? Did I mess up? I overheard you talking about wanting to have enough to experiment with and-" Pigsy: "No no! I'm... I'm so grateful, I don't even know what to say... How did you even afford these?" Wukong, genuine confusion: "Afford? I just gathered a bunch from the lime orchard at home. There's hundreds of these things - I don't like 'em personally cus they taste like dirt to me. I normally just toss them in the hotpot when I run out of the chicken-tasting ones." Pigsy: "Excuse me."
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I hc that in the direct aftermath in returning to FFM during the White Bone Spirit chapter of JTTW; Sun Wukong did a lot of gardening and farming in order to ensure that his people would have a sustainable source of food. Probably convinced Zhu Bajie to "show off his super-cool 9-Toothed Rake" to start the farmers off.
He also plants a bunch of super-rare and super-divine plants on the island that he picks up in his travels.
Wukong, chilling on a tree clearly not native to the island: "What? I like using the leaves as nesting material."
And lets not mention the super rare species of animals that managed to survive/escape the Burning.
FFM probably has an undiscovered wild cat or two that Sandy accidentally befriends.
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teecupangel · 10 months
pops in here bc I’ve been writing Resident Evil crossover AUs for fun (and angst) and I have a fun little idea for you!
so, re4make has dropped some interesting and tasty lore about Los Illuminados, aka the parasite cult that makes up the main bad guys in this particular game. according to the new lore, they popped up in 1554 and were exiled from their old place in 1741. now, we know that mutations and parasites and viruses can possibly extend somebody’s life in REverse beyond their natural lifespan and also make them far more durable than humans. I was thinking—Edward Kenway gets killed in 1735. this we’re well aware of. but what if he wasn’t?
say that Birch is aware of Los Iluminados and their work. he wants to keep a closer eye on them since he hears a lot about Las Plagas and its hive mind abilities, but he’s not about to risk becoming a part of their hive mind—he doesn’t entirely trust this cult. and he has a pesky Assassin who’s just found out that he’s actually a Templar, and who has a book and a son he would defend. if he survives the night—and it’s damn near a guarantee that he would, Birch has heard that he once cleared a whole deck of a galleon on his own—there’s nothing stopping him from taking up his sword and beelining to Birch and just cutting down every last member of the British Rite. but he can’t do that, if he has a bug inside his head.
so Edward gets knocked unconscious, and dragged off to the cult. now Birch has a reason to keep an eye on the cult, and he’s taken Edward out of the picture with no one the wiser for it.
years later—hundreds of years later—Desmond Miles, 17yo runaway, gets kidnapped along with Ashley Graham for whatever reason. maybe he saw too much and immediately launched himself at Krauser and actually managed to acquit himself pretty well in a fight, only to get stuffed into a van along with a very terrified First Daughter. Leon goes to find them.
in the meantime, Saddler has a very fucked-up Edward stand guard, and Desmond starts to talk to this guy, bc something about him seems…not quite the same as the rest of the cult. there’s some core of humanity still holding stubbornly on inside him, even if he looks pretty bad off, if not heavily mutated by now. which is how Leon ends up finding both Ashley and Desmond having managed to get a very snarly pirate to help break them out and has to gently convince said pirate that yes he really is here to help them please put that pitchfork down sir.
Oooohhh, if you wanted to, you can even include one of Ezio’s or Aquilar’s descendants in the lore as well, maybe even both? 1554 is around the time Flavia and Marcello would be 20~21 years old. Old enough to be Assassins that would be sent to foreign lands to help other Brotherhoods. We can even have them be sent by the current mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood because of this cult that supposed worship something ‘strange’. The mentor thought that the Italian Brotherhood who had a mentor who had been quite verse in strange things would have an idea of what they’re dealing with. Flavia or Marcello (or both if you want) asks to be sent because it seems connected to the precursors and, as Ezio Auditore’s children, it’s their duty to continue their father’s legacy.
They meet up with Aquilar’s child (or grandchild maybe?) and they help in exiling Los Illuminados, making the cult hate them and the Brotherhood in the process.
It’s because of their hatred for the Brotherhood that Birch was able to have a distant alliance with them and it’s because of his connection with the cult that Edward starts to suspect him as being a Templar.
(To sprinkle more angst, how about Haytham saw his father being dragged away and tried to save him, killing one of the kidnappers which ends with Teresa seeing him as a cold blooded killer and he is indoctrinated by Birch as a way to try and find Edward but never found him. After learning Birch was the leader of his father’s kidnapping, he gives up on Edward because Birch burned all evidence that will link him to Edward and the Los Illuminados)
Okay, so we go to the Ashley and Desmond part of the story.
Ashley is around 20 years old when she was abducted so, if you’d like, she could be in New York to shop or something when she was kidnapped. Desmond was on his way to his first shift in Bad Weather and saw a woman struggling while being dragged into a car with men looking like professional bodyguards (suit, sunglasses, wired ear pieces) on the ground, unconscious maybe? Dead even?
Desmond didn’t have time to think, his body reacted and he punched one of them. He starts to fight them off while telling the girl to run and the girl tried to, screaming for help but there were more men than they expected but her screaming (and his battle cries, they were not screams, they were battle cries damn it) was attracting attention so they had to book it quickly and Desmond was swept alongside the girl in the process.
Leon is briefed that an unknown man with no past of his own may be with the president’s daughter and he’s a low priority. The most that Leon is expected to do is find out who he was and if he was truly just taken alongside the Ashley because he tried to be a good Samaritan.
Now Saddler though…
Saddler had planned to kill Desmond from the very beginning but then he noticed something peculiar.
Desmond looked familiar.
So he let Desmond live because he needs to find out why Desmond looks familiar at all. He orders Edward to guard them and to keep them there.
Leon starts doing his job and Saddler gets sidetracked.
When he heard that Edward had ‘betrayed’ them, he realized why Desmond looked so familiar.
In one of the oldest journals written by his ancestors, there were sketches of the three Assassins who led to their fall and exile.
And two of them…
… looked very similar to Desmond Miles.
So now, Saddler believes Desmond is a descendant of those who exiled them and wants to infect him as well.
Because what better revenge is there than to have a descendant of those who wronged them become their ‘property’?
Unorganized Notes:
I like to imagine Ashley and Desmond become friends immediately, with Desmond helping Ashley stay calm while Ashley gives Desmond something he wanted ever since he was a child, a close friend.
Ashley would definitely not leave without Desmond and Desmond would do everything he can to keep Ashley safe.
Edward ‘recognize’ Desmond, in a way that Desmond reminds him of his young son, but he doesn’t understand it, because the infection inside him mutated thanks to his ‘bloodline’, so he’s not exactly the same as the others.
Edward will be conflicted though because his infection would make him want to obey the cult but he can't hurt Desmond at all. He doesn't want to and his body will never allow it.
Is it his own free will? The reminder of a past long gone? Or...
The Calculations at work?
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Hello I saw your post about super villain y/n can I request about the supervillains fighting over who kidnappes reporter yuu today when villain y/n just swoops in dragging yuu away while grim taunts the villains idk
It's been a long time since I wrote for that Au...! Thank you for requesting it! A HUGE shout-out to @britishassistant because it's their Au and it's one of my favorites!
[Yuu has no date life]
Based on the imagine above!
Knocking on the door to the apartment. You impatiently tap the heel of your shoe, holding the box of mini cakes and red roses.
"J-just a second (Y/N)!" Yuu called out behind the door, a bit of whisper-shouting and shuffles being heard after.
The well-known reporter had asked your civilian self on a date, so you decided, "Why not?" The two of you planning to meet at their home and make the date as you go.
Here you were, standing outside, waiting, and feeling like a fool. The sky had just turned into a warm sunset color, and you could have sworn your pretty bouquet of roses was starting to droop.
Leaning against the door, you stare down at your nice attire for the evening.
"So... While we wait, uh.. Talk to me about your day?" Yuu's voice was heard once again through the door. You perk up slightly, smiling happily, recalling the odd events happening during the day.
You weren't one for fashion, but you wanted to look nice. It wasn't every day you went out with someone as famous and cute as Yuu Radcliffe.
Your villain suit was on the board list of what you could wear... But you chuck the idea away, deciding to head into the city and find something nice.
Browsing through the clothing rack of a store more expensive than the machinery you made for evil schemes, you pause when noticing a tall lean figure a few steps away from you.
'Oh shit, they look so cool..'
Trying to be as chill and not creepy as possible, you go over to them.
"Hi.. I.. Like your clothes, where'd you get them?"
The person turns around, a pair of black sunglasses and a hat adoring their figure.
"Custom made, designed by me."
"Wow really?!" You get closer to them, looking over them once more and showering them with compliments by the second!
They smile at your fluttering, enjoying the way they were given attention without the need of even knowing his true identity.
"Hey, can I ask a personal question?"
"You may..."
"(Y/N) that's my name, but... Does this suit or dress look better?" You ask, holding up the two sets of clothing shyly.
Your clothing rack buddy lowers their shades and shoots you a look.
"Neither, dear apple."
You soon find yourself modeling with your new found clothing rack buddy. With him mostly choosing outfits that would suit you nicely.
Even paying for your outfit and deciding what cosmetics you should apply, he even gave you his number!
You smile at the warm air surrounding you when you step inside the bakery. Breathing in the intoxicating scent of bread or cake. Walking up to the counter, your grin becomes bigger towards Trey. Whose family owned the tasty establishment, but from the small conversations they've had with each other. Trey had somewhat of a second job like you, yet you doubt he knew that you were a villain for fun.
"Hey Trey, mind if I order a small box of mini cakes?"
"Your lucky I got these out of the oven," he replied with a soft laugh. Heading behind the counter to the kitchen.
"(Y/N), it's good to see you." A voice states behind you, turning around, you stare down at the well-off pharmacist. "Dr. Riddle! It's good to see you too, you' on a lunch break?" You ask, noticing his face become a lighter shade of pink on his pale skin.
"Ah, yes actually. How can anyone resist Clover Bakery," Riddle joked. Causing you to let out a small chuckle.
Trey comes back with the box of mini cakes and tells you your total, handing you a receipt once you finished paying. Waving goodbye as you and Riddle step out of the way for the next person in line.
"I didn't know you liked Trey's mini cakes as much as (favorite food)." The red-headed stated quizzically when noticing the small box in your hand, along with a few bags of items you had possibly bought during the day.
"They're not for me, I'm meeting someone today, thought I would surprise them... Ya'know?"
Riddle frowns at the idea of you hanging out with someone other than him, but he controls himself. Wishing you a pleasant evening and a promise of the two of you heading to the city gardens for tea and tarts.
Hearing full-on arguing and yelling, the door busts open as The Royal Flush and King were seen holding onto Yuu's arms while Charon and Leviathan were looking around the simple apartment.
Poison Queen scowled at the attire the reporter was wearing as Snake Charmer and Tsunotaro noticed you.
Tsunotaro strides up to you, his presence more domineering than the other villians.
"What makes you think yous earned a place to even be in the reporters' presence?" He hissed darkly, raising your chin to stare at him instead of Yuu.
"I.. I wanna to get to know them, that's how things like that work. Sure maybe I'm not "worthy", but I'd like to try."
You state plainly, shrugging your shoulders. Having known Tsunotaro when you were in costume, so you weren't that scared by him.
The villain hummed, letting go of your skin, "I see."
Gazing back at your roses, you came up with a idea.
You out one rose towards Tsunotaro, who looked shocked at your gesture you grin sheepishly.
Heading to the other quiet super-villians. You hand them all roses, saving at least two for Yuu and leaning one on the counter for Yuuken.
"Is it cool with ya'll for me to steal Yuu for a date?"
They all look at each other, then back at you. Letting go of Yuu as they stumble next to you.
"When I come back. All of you. Please leave my house."
{Ta-da! I hope you enjoyed! I'll be writing a bit more twst again so get ready! For my batman fans, I got something amazing for yall too!}
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micheya · 9 months
Hobbies with Nahida | Modern Au
Hello, hello! Here is my @favonius-library Santa gift to @blueskyofthedawn . I do hope it's of a readable quality as it had been quite a bit since this old scribe has picked up a pen, or in this case, opened a word document (Times have been tough).
Todays characters: Nahida x reader and mentions wanderer
Synopsis: two hobbies Nahida had picked up in her great amounts of spare time, and what she's like with them.
Gingerbread house making and general baking
With her small and dexterous hands, Nahida ranks pretty high in her ability to make Gingerbread houses. I believe when she looks for new activities she reads up on a few tips on them before starting. Not too much, however, as she believes there's a merit to spending time and thought on trial and error. A sort of satisfaction is gained figuring out by yourself how to get your desired result. Though, there isn't much error to the trials with Nahida, as she tends to be the type of person whom will most likely have the solution by the second try.
She's fond of baking as a past time, and thoroughly enjoys the tea breaks, especially with her books, and even more especially when those tea breaks and books are with you.
They say cooking is an art, and baking is a science, which is probably why you seem to find yourself back in what seems like chemistry class when asking her "What did you put in this to make it so tasty?"
It's a joy she keeps close to her heart when she sees you eat what she prepares with delight, and is it's own excitement when she notes down your preferences - whether savoury or sweet - ready for the next little book session in your cozy sweaters, soft and cuddly, sunken into your positions on the couch by the fire.
If there was one area she had to pick in needing assistance, when it comes to this hobby she could become a professional in, it would be the more artistic task of decorating. Don't get me wrong, most of her creations come out looking delectable, presented exactly as they should be presented. However, apart from maybe the usual flower or smiley face on top of a cupcake, she'd often find herself humming in wonder when visualising the designs of grandiose birthday and wedding cakes that she would consider art works first and desserts second - though they weren't necessarily on their list of 'Baking to-dos'.
That's why she'd ask you. She supposed, like with anything else, she could look it up, study and perfect the formula for a consistently beautiful design. However, she liked hearing "What if we try to have the walls go up to the ceiling, and have little windows with people looking out." From you.
She also liked replying with, "Oooo, a multi-story accomodation styled gingerbread house? Or rather an old- fashioned tower of a castle design?"
Every idea, good or (arguably) bad, were ideas she took to heart, and imprinted in her mind for days the two of you lacked creativity.
“Hmm, what if we made that little cake bridge, again?”
Crocheting and knitting.
It gets cold out in the winter, and at home too, she supposed you and Wanderer could use something.
Oh, and, she'd maybe look at a corner of her home and think something could fill a certain empty space.
Oh, and, you know what? This would make a perfect gift for that child’s next birthday…
Knitting and Crocheting was amongst the other hobbies she had picked up when wondering what else to do in her spare time.
She found that, after the settlement she received from the mistreatment of her workplace, she'd have enough money to take a break and fully take time to understand herself some more. In this break, one of the earlier hobbies she picked up ended up being this activity.
As always, she was quick to learn, mistakes that were made rarely happened twice, and the satisfaction she gained holding up her first pair of purple gloves, had her grinning ear to ear.
She was sure the wanderer noticed her joy, as she noticed his - despite his quirked brow and curt thank you (it's been two years and she still remembers him frantically looking around the house when he had thought he'd lost them).
From the general scarf and gloves, she soon would knit sweaters and leg warmers in what she believed was the middle ground of what would suit you and your preferences of fashion.
When starting a new hobby, there's always a plan in mind to have you and Wanderer partake in it at some point in some way.
Which is why it's truly no surprise when you find the three of you on the floor in the process of making cute plushies of your favourite animals.
It's okay if it's not your particular thing by the end of it. She's truly just thankful that you decided to sit with her anyway.
And if the animal doesn't exactly come out as you had imagined, that's fine! She'll make it for you if you want (Only if you want, as she'd never want to undermine your efforts) and even make little accessories for it.
“Oh, that looks adorable.” Clasping her hands together she smiles to the both of you, “Great job!”
“I already have experience in the area, anyway.” The wanderer passes over the compliment, putting his little cat next to Nahida’s frog, “But, thanks.” he continues before looking towards yours.
It was a little wonky at the base, however, it was noticeable how you had gotten a grasp at the process when looking at the rest of the body, as well as the cute little smiley face.
“Thanks, Nahida. Yours looks amazing.” Pulling your fingers back in a stretch you sighed, “It doesn't even look like your hands are tired? My fingers are aching.”
“Hehe, well it comes with practice. It's been great exercise for my joints.” She replied, further showing the point when grasping her hand into a fist a few times. “It wasn't originally what I started for, but it's not all that surprising of an outcome.”
Following the Wanderer’s lead, you placed your little plush beside the frog, unable to contain your smile.
“Look at that, they look like the best of friends.” Nahida said, “We couldn't possibly separate them.” She made an expression of thought, though you felt it was more of an act for an already made decision, “How about you take the frog home with you, that way they won't be lonely.” She then turned to kunikuzushi, “And your cat can have one of my already made cat plushies too.”
“No, it's fine, I had made it with the intention of handing it to you, however, it's just like you said,” he then stood up from the floor, swiftly dropping the cat into your lap, straight faced, “We wouldn't want the little ones to be lonely” Before even finishing the sentence, he was already headed out, “I'm going to make dinner now, both of you should tidy up and set the table.”
The two of you that as your signal to get started “I look forward to it!” Nahida called back grinning. “So…what animal shall we make next time?”
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year
PLEASE give me any world building ideas you have for the caseynardo au!! That art was gorgeous, I’m so curious about it now 👀
Pssst ive got your Elder Gays fix >:]
First off, some lore on various phases in the Husband’s lives courtesy of @lucatea
- The guys have their own loose knit clan of scavengers, but that clan also has an enemy clan, competing with them over territory mainly. This other clan has a tendency of being violent, yes they’re basically the evil dudes in this AU.
- in a tasty parallel to Splinter’s human life, this enemy gang does burn down the boy’s first home, with Leo getting trapped in the burning house and almost dying, for some context a tangent:
- The Gays have a divorce era >:] 💅 it was inspired by rewatching Road to el Dorado and the melodramatic gay breakup in the movie with a song by Elton John ft The Backstreet Boys (slay.) After some time stranded in this new dimension, Leo starts to think that no one is coming for them, while Casey holds on to hope, they are pretty young here but they have already started scavenging. This entire time, they have been mainly looking for portal tech in order to try to get home (the tech does exist, but it’s very very difficult to find and there are just tiny fragments, which makes it very difficult, especially since these guys have no idea what they’re doing.) Leo falls into dispair and grows tired of searching for tech and wants to give up, while Casey wants to keep looking; so they fight, and split up, which is the first time they’ve been in their own, since they stuck together the entire time they were there. Tangent over, back to the fire 🔥
- They spend some time bitter but also worrying about each other. Meanwhile, the enemy clan has noticed that Leo is on his own now and has decided to take him out, cue housefire. Meanwhile, Casey decided to come back, realizing that they need to stick together, and while he’s not far from their house, he’s pacing back and forth, deep in thought, trying to figure out what he’s going to say to Leo and doesn’t notice the orange glow in the distance and the smoke rising from where their house is. When Casey runs through the woods towards the house he goes from the dark and calm woods to looking up at a raging inferno. He runs in and tries to get an unconscious Leo out, but part of the house collapsed and is pinning him down, with most of the weight on his right leg. With the flames closing in and the house filling up with smoke, Casey makes a heat of the moment decision and cuts off Leo’s leg at the knee (which wasn’t too hard since the bones were mostly reduced to shards.) He gets them both out alive (barely,) and manages to stop the bleeding. During the ordeal, Casey sustained many burns (but Leo not so much, the brunt of the flames hadn’t gotten to him, just the falling rubble,) mainly on his arms and back from shoving away the burning rubble.
Casey barely has time to breathe when he has to take Leo and make a run for it, since he can hear the enemy clan coming for them. Adrenaline is the main thing that gets him out of there, considering he’s trying to carry a still unconscious Leo on his back. He flees for who knows how long, trying tend to Leo’s wounds and being paranoid that he might die or that the enemies are still after them. Eventually, they come across an abandoned base, which becomes the home in that painting I did.
Leo pulled through, but Casey felt incredibly guilty about cutting his leg off, so he hyperfocuses on trying to make him a prosthetic which leads to:
- Casey made Leo’s prosthetic. I think that after a learning curve, he’d actually figure out how to make stuff out of the ancient tech, since he is kinda mechanically inclined in the show, with fixing cars and making himself gear and stuff.
He’d be running around putting himself in danger to find parts and worrying the hell out of Leo. But he’d have to constantly worry whenever he’s away that something might happen to Leo (who’s still at the base,) like he’s going to come home and find the place on fire.
- The boys have pets. This world has a domestic Horse-sized dog species. At some point, Casey finds a stray and brings it home, Leo disapproves but Casey does puppy-dog eyes and gets to keep it. But are you ready for the best kind of pet?
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Grabcrabs are very smart chihuahua-sized crab creatures and are the most common type of pet. They are child-like and very empathetic, as well as handy. Grabcrabs often have hobbies or jobs, and can be taught to do most things, but are not capable of language. Grabcrabs like accessories and normally wear something reflective of what they like to do. Grabcrabs are often helpers and therapy animals at places like hospitals (they wear little nurse hats.) A Grabcrab cannot be bought or chosen by a person, a Grabcrab chooses you. They can be very mischievous too, but never cause real harm because they feel bad when they do. They are pure little guys and it’s despicable to hurt a Grabcrab. The relationship to these little guys is different depending on what society they’re with; they can have genetic differences because when inside a city, their populations are mostly isolated, and their social roles can be different, with some cities even considering them equal to people while others even worship them.
At some point, they notice a little crab creature following them and after trying and failing to get him to go away, Casey names him Ricky and they now have a crab toddler. Ricky learns basic first aid, and he likes to garden so he has a little sun hat.
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Ricky is the best boi. He plays a big role in saving Leo from the fire. When Ricky saw that Leo was trapped, he ran out for help and alerted Casey to the fire by freaking out and running circles and tugging on his pant leg. And when Leo is alone at the new base, Ricky tries to stand guard with a little stick, but Casey eventually gives him a knife. Ricky loves mischief but is also very protective and caring
Ok enough Ricky, we need some angst:
- At some point, Casey gets kidnapped by the enemy clan and he is held prisoner / hostage for some time (a month or two maybe?) during which Leo is losing it. He is furious and will stop at nothing to find him. Over the time Casey is missing, Leo starts to fear that he’s already dead or that they’re hurting him (since these bad guys are very much evil assholes,) so when he finds the enemy base he rips that place up and goes on a rampage beating the crap out of everyone there. He finds Casey chained up in a cell with all his gear gone and in poor condition.
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After they escape, Leo takes care of him and he seems to be recovering before he takes a sudden turn for the worst. It was the point where he was walking around normally before he suddenly collapses. He gets very sick and gets close to the brink of death. He makes it but he gives Leo a good scare.
Random tidbits:
- the guys go on date night inside the cities, most often the restaurants or festivals. The cities hold different kinds of festivals yearly, and Casey drags Leo there.
- Casey is better with tech than Leo is.
- The way their house is depicted in that one painting I did it looks very peaceful. That’s because they’re above the treetops, but everything below is a jungle/forest hellscape. They have a massive barrier or electric fence of some kind surrounding their house to keep things out, specifically dangerous animals. In this world, the higher up you are, the safer you are, cities are often built high up in mountains or trees, although some take the other route and try to go underground instead. Most of the dangerous megafauna lives at sea level.
- around that world, you can find ancient remnants of various kinds of tech, mostly being giant destroyed mechs made for fighting. There are also rare labs and facilities that can be found (most are buried underground.) in these facilities is where most kinds of advanced tech can be found, as well as power source crystals (like the Kraang Crystals but smaller,) while the above-ground tech are mostly just rusted hunks of metal.
- the most peaceful times outside of the safe zones are the daytime, mainly early morning or afternoon. Night time is the most dangerous, with midday being close second, since most predators hunt at these times. Midday is also dangerous since it’s when the weather becomes the most extreme, with intense heat waves in the summer.
- Casey kept up his graffiti and now likes to do murals in their house.
- The jungles where they live have many Cenotes and underwater cave systems. The issue is that there is a species of vin that grows across these in a thick mat, covering them completely. It’s easy for someone who isn’t paying attention to fall through the vines and into a cave/cenote/pit, basically any hole in the ground, the boys fall into these a lot when they first get there.
I you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate let me know!
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fivie · 1 year
There's a thought about umw that I've had for a long long time and since I didnt exactly have anywhere else to out it I thought I'd share it here.
It's about Montparnasse, or rather, the apparent lack of him and where oh where is he.
Now, obviously, there are many les mis characters who aren't in the story, it makes perfect sense, eg. javert who is implied once or twice but isn't actually mentioned.
But anyway, while thinking about umw my thoughts often turn to R's life before the story. I mean, it has been many centuries and while I can imagine it Nit Being Much, there had to be Events to fill the time, right? Some people he met, some historical events he's witnessed, etc etc.
I've always imagined imagined Grantaire to have met Floréal some time in the 1600s or 1700s and them being very loose sort of friends. Acquaintances is a better word maybe.
But the one concept that cannot for the love of everything leave my mind is Montparnasse sort of being there, throughout the ages. At first I thought, a fallen angel maybe? But that doesn't seem to fit him at all, and the idea that I arrived at was that Montparnasse was a Reaper. I'm going to be serious, I haven't been keeping up with spn for several seasons now and my memory of the lore is very fragmented so I'm not sure how it holds up canon-wise, but it seemed neat to me. He accompanied R during the worst of times, when he witnessed the most deaths, wars, revolutions, massacres, the sort of atrocities that made Grantaire so cynical and distrustful and That Way in general. Maybe they became sort of friends. Maybe Montparnasse was the Reaper intended to bring the kids from Smoleńsk across. Who knows. Maybe the whole theory is bullshit and he's either some rando doing Crime around Lyon or he doesn't exist in the universe at all, but it's still fun to think about.
Anyway that's all I hope it's at least a bit entertaining 🙌🙌 + tysm for all the hard work on the fic it's taken up at least 85% of my brain at all times for thr last 2.5 (maybe more?) years<33
Ooh that's a cool idea! It would have been fun to have a Reaper character in UMW, especially since humans can't see them (unless they're dying or, y'know, dead) so it would be someone only Grantaire could interact with. Or maybe Jehan can perceive Reapers too, which would add a tasty Romantic quality to his abilities – he sees dead people and also the embodiments of death itself 💕 also I imagine a Reaper, a keeper of the Natural Order, would have a thing or two to say about resurrected-ghost-Feuilly 😂
I actually do have my own UMW version of Montparnasse, since he was originally meant to feature but got cut due to the story already spiralling madly out of my control without me adding even more characters and plot threads. I think I wrote about him in a post once but it was like a bajillion years ago so for funs let me tell you about him here:
He IS some rando doing crime around Lyon!! (Or possibly Paris, I never 100% decided.) He's sort of like a dark mirror of Jehan; he's human and also a psychic, but much less naturally powerful, and has started dabbling in witchcraft and other unsavoury things to enhance his abilities. He's wildly jealous of Jehan's powers and also considers Jehan to be an idiotic waste of those powers because he won't use them for his own gain. He comes from a much bleaker background than Jehan and had to fend for himself from a young age, and so has become very adept at using his abilities to manipulate people and is now a very successful and wealthy con artist. He's not 'evil', which is a pretty strong term in a world with demons etc, but circumstances have molded him into a person who does not trust others and is very out for himself, and his psychic abilities make him somewhat arrogant and he considers ordinary people to be inferior and fair game for him to mess with.
As you can see my personal take on Montparnasse is a bit darker than the pure neutrality of a Reaper-type character 😂 In this AU I envisioned him as kind of the same type of character as Spike from Buffy, in that he starts out as a legitimate threat and thorn in the protagonists' sides but reluctantly develops into an ally as time goes on.
However I know that fandom interpretations of Montparnasse vary wildly and all are valid, and since he's almost definitely never going to actually show up in UMW, please have fun imagining whatever version of him you enjoy most!! I just also have a lot of thoughts with nowhere to go and will take any opportunity to share 😂
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kibikikou · 1 year
Fuck it. Detroit: Become Human TMA fear entity alignments. I've been rotating them in my head for so long and need to get them out now
Connor: Eye/Web. Yeah he's officially known as the deviant 'hunter' but to me he seems to pursue knowledge about the deviants above hunting them. After going deviant himself he gets even a whiff of the fears? He'd absolutely fall deep into chasing after any scrap of knowledge he can learn about them to his own detriment. But also that first interrogation scene?? Pure Web manipulation baby. I see him falling in with the Eye and pursuit of knowledge more, but he could easily go Web if he leans into those manipulation tactics too hard
RK900/Nines: Hunt. Okay so we don't know too much about Nines except that he's more military geared and better than Connor in every way. But while I see Connor leaning away from combat in his alignment, I see Nines leaning into it. But not in a bloodthirsty Slaughter way, but in a 'I will do anything to accomplish my mission' way that could easily slip into an enjoyment of the thrill of the chase just before mission complete once deviated, allowing the Hunt to slip on and take over
Bonus: RK80060: Web. In the 'Sixty survives' AUs, I feel Connor would lean into his Eye tendencies, and Sixty would be the one to go Web. Manipulating Hank into going with him by pretending to be his Connor? That's Web shit right there. Plus the monologuing? We all know Web avatars live for the drama just look at Anabelle
Markus: Desolation. Okay so this alignment comes from the violence routes of the game. Nuking the city? Desolation. I mean, he can set himself on fire for his cause in one of his bad endings, that's pure Desolation material right there nothing more needed.
Bonus: Markus: Buried. So this one is more of a stretch, but I feel Markus could wind up either a victim of or aligned with the Buried in some of his pacifist 'bad' endings. Specifically if all his companions, maybe excluding North, die and he's left to be the leader of the revolution nearly alone. Remember, the Buried isn't just claustrophobia, it's also fearing being crushed by debt, expectations of others, anything that can contribute to that 'I'm drowning/being crushed by the circumstances of my life' which would fit very well in those specific endings.
North: Slaughter. Was there any question about this? Yeah her violent tendencies are quashed in the pacifist route, but the violent route? It would be so easy for the Slaughter to come in and take over through her anger and violence. In these routes Markus would be taken by the Desolation, and his choices aligning with that would only fuel the Slaughter in her more. We stan a trigger happy queen
Ralph: Corruption. I waffled between Corruption and Stranger for him, but Corruption won. He lives in an abandoned, presumably moldy house, and he tried to serve Alice a rat to eat. I could see him easily falling for the same song of family and home that Prentiss fell for in the podcast. The damaged parts of him could become filled with mold, holding him together and visually signifying his alignment the way the worm holes did for Prentiss.
The Jerrys: Stranger. The way they're all the same and almost operate as a hivemind along with being androids just screams Stranger. They look human, but they're behavior is just off enough to raise warnings in humans. And when more of them start appearing? That's a tasty fear snack right there
Zlatko's creations: Spiral. While at first I was tempted to classify them as Stranger, they're too inhuman to be so. Stranger avatars have always been to the left of human, activating the feeling of the uncanny valley. The creations are straight up inhuman looking, and if they choose to lean into that, they could go from 'weird inhuman looking androids' to 'wtf am I looking at someone help me please I don't understand' would be pure Spiral baby
Amanda: Web. Sure she's just an ai handler for Connor, but the way she uses praise and disappointment to get Connor to do what Cyberlife wants? That's all Web manipulation
Hank: Lonely. Moving away from the androids, we've got poor lonely Hank. He has no one truly left in his life, his family gone, his coworkers think he's a joke at best, or despise him at worst. The people at the bar and food truck probably just tolerate him for his money. Sumo is the only one that cares for him and that he cares about. Until Connor comes along, but if Connor goes the machine route and does a bunch in the process? Well that's got to fuck Hank up even more and only serve to drive him deeper into his loneliness, until it's the only thing left in him
Gavin- realistic: Hunt/slaughter. All we see of Gavin's character is a hot headed bully who does anything to get what he wants. Based on his incredibly shallow character, and the fact he's a cop, he'd either fall in with the Hunt or Slaughter, depending on if he follows the chase after criminals, and then more, or follows his more violent tendencies. But you want to know what my mind has conjured up for him? The Vast. I don't really have any justification, other than I think he'd have so much fun throwing people off buildings into an endless sky. But if I had to give something, he's worked hard and stepped on so many toes to get where he's at, he'd be afraid to fall off the career ladder, so to speak. But he still wants to climb higher and higher. So rather than it being a literal ladder over an endless void, it's a metaphorical one. But mostly my brain has gotten stuck on Vast for Gavin for some reason and won't let it go, despite it not fitting his canon character very well.
That's all I have. If a character isn't listed here, it's because the game didn't show enough negative character traits for them for me to make a judgement on the alignment. The only exception is Kamski, who I want to tentatively place as Web, but can't be certain on that
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yellowcry · 9 months
Gluing the broken glass
Sometimes even under the perfect facade would spread cracks, no matter how hard you try to cover them. Mirabel didn't hestitate to fix them. After all, it's her job to heal what's broken, isn't it?
Chapter 1: Nothing in this world could ever bring them down
Yes, it's another au. This time power swap. All the gifts were determined by a spinning wheel
Mirabel sighed harshly, outstretching a little in her bed, then gasped as the sound of an alarm clock on her nightstand pierced through the giant magical room. Somewhere inside, the teenager wanted nothing more than to roll over to her side and get ten more minutes of slumber.
But when you had a job to do, you couldn't just stay in your room. Besides, today wasn't just any normal day. It was Antonio's fifth birthday, his gift ceremony, the most important day when he would become a real Madrigal. So Mirabel had a lot of preparations to do, except for her daily cooking routine.
She quickly put on her teal dress before heading to the kitchen. As Mirabel expected, she was the first to wake up, just as usual. In her fifteen, most of the cooking in the house was her responsibility. But Mirabel was happy to help anyway, so it worked good for everyone. Besides, somewhere deep inside, Mirabel felt somehow responsible for the status of her side of the family. After all, one of her sisters didn't have a gift at all, while the other one had a relatively useless one. So Mirabel needed to make up for that and work as hard as she could.
Soon, the rest of the family started to rattle, going out of their rooms. From the kitchen, Mirabel could hear their heavy footsteps, the moving furniture, and creaking doors. Mirabel nodded to herself as she turned on the stove and started to brew the coffee. Years of this kitchen job had made her really good at time management.
So, just as Casita poured coffee into cups, the door to the kitchen slammed open, and Tia Pepa stormed inside, clearly mad without her morning drink, just like it was on any other day. The next second, she took a sip, Pepa looked up with a smug expression.
"I was the first!" She yelled into the air.
Luisa, who had been standing in the doorway already, rolled her eyes. "No need to yell like that; I'm right here," she muttered under her breath, getting inside for her coffee as well. But Luisa's location didn't really mean anything at all if she could hear everyone regardless of their location. Mirabel was half sure that her sister and aunt had some silent competition of who could consume more caffeine per day.
The young girl hid her chuckle as she made another arepa, the animals who were sneaking around weren't able to hide from her sight. And she was honestly used to Camilo's mischiefs. Or his desperate love for some tasty food. Mom would come too soon, asking if Mirabel's tired, much to her annoyance. Mirabel might be the youngest out of her sisters, but there's enough strength in her body. Tia Pepa could retire.
The breakfast was rushing as everyone tried to hold their excitement over the birthday boy. Already five. Mirabel still remembered his birth as if it were yesterday. And now he was so big... Antonio was a really sweet child, a bit shy; he didn't talk much, but overall, he was a good kid. He was somehow close with Mirabel, probably because she often had to stay at home, cooking for the village. And Antonio didn't love to go outside, worried about how everyone would react to him. Mirabel didn't mind her baby cousin; he never interrupted her or tried to get into the cooking himself.
Abuela and Isabela both sat at the head of the table, on the opposite sides. Mirabel's elder sister was really like their grandma's copy in any aspect. Strict, confident, meticulous to the smallest details, pretty good leader. There was a reason why everyone called Isabela 'Alma Junior'. The lack of gift only made them more equivalent.
"How many of us are here today?" Abuela asked, looking at Luisa.
The young woman tilted her head for a moment. "Tío Bruno doesn't seem to come." She reported, but it wasn't anything strange. Honestly, Mirabel couldn't remember the last time she actually saw her uncle, despite the fact that they lived in the same house. "Yep, he's asleep," Luisa added quietly, taking her seat next to Mirabel.
Mirabel sighed with a smile. It was another day of their lives. Maybe a bit hectic, but wasn't it a normal thing in the Madrigal household?
And, just for the better, a group of kids surrounded Mirabel on her way to work, fishing out anything Mirabel could tell them, asking about the family. Madrigals may be the most popular people in here, but there were still a lot of them. And everyone had to do their job.
"Who is who?" Alejandra desperately clinged to Mirabel's arm. Juancho, who had been drinking another cup of coffee, looked around, trembling all over. "I can't remember all the gifts!"
Mirabel chuckled a little, standing next to her counter in the middle of the street. Kids were gathering around, interested in learning about Madrigal's genealogy. And teenager had zero problems with satisfying them.
The first to arrive was a young man, holding a box with supplies for Mirabel. As he put the next to her, in a split second he changed to her mom, making some kids gasp in surprise.
"Oh, thanks, mama!" Mirabel smiled but let out an awkward, displeased groan as Julieta reached to give her a big kiss on her cheek. "Ah, please!" Mirabel then looked at the niños; most of them weren't really shocked by this sudden change of appearance, tho a bunch tilted their heads, looking questioningly. "This is my mom, Julieta!" Mirabel announced with a proud grin. "Her gift is shapeshifting! She can be anyone you need!"
"Ah, mija, me alabas." She reached to ruffle her youngest daughter's hair. "Do you need help with something else?"
Mirabel shook her head, "No, I'm ready for the day."
Her mom nodded. "Okay, call me if you need anything. Te amo!" Soon, she vanished into the crowd, taking care of the other thing somebody needed help with.
Somewhere nearby, the flowers were blooming. Cecilia inhaled in excitement, looking at how beautiful plants were spreading on the roofs. enlacing the balconies in bright colors. As the crowd parted a little, Mitabel saw her older cousin Dolores gracefully bowing to somebody before creating a beautiful ramo for the young engaged couple.
"This is Dolores, my older cousin." Mirabel explained, waving her hands in the direction of the young woman. 
"She's so pretty!"
The youngest Madrigal woman chuckled, not really having any way to argue with it. Dolores was really a princess from a fairytale. "She can create many flowers. And they seem to get even prettier with just her being around."
While Mirabel was looking at the silhouette dissapearing in the lane, she almost missed a couple of nasuas, who were trying to secretly fetch some arepas for their owner.
"Shh." She waved her hand, trying to send the sneaky animals away. "Go tell Camilo that he could just pay a visit himself if he was hungry." 
Pumped Juancho starled. "Oh, that's the mischievous one, right?"
Mirabel chuckled, nodding. "Ah, yes. Camilo is the biggest prankster in the whole Encanto. And his animals are just like he is." She shook her head slightly in disapproval. Sometimes she felt that Camilo was a bit immature for his age. But again, wouldn't it be boring if everyone was serious all the time?
The kids around gasped in shock from the yelling nearby. And even some adults in the queue winced from surprise as the gingerheaded woman walked around, carrying a few wagons without a single muscle twitching.
"This is my Tia Pepa." Mirabel explained, pointing at her aunt. "She's super strong." She bent, whispering to the children. "Believe me, you wouldn't want to make her angry." Pepa had always been quick to rage. And Mirabel healed enough idiots who tried to ask her Tia for some ridiculous and pointless tasks to understand that she could be really dangerous if she wanted to. 
"Wait?" Alejandra turned to Mirabel in a stunner. "I thought that super strong is Lui.." The girl hesitated, trying to remember the name.
Even Mirabel jumped in terror at a sudden voice. "Gosh, Luisa, you're going to give me a heart attack one day." She leaned against the stall.
Luisa chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry..." She scratched the back of her head while Mirabel took a deep breath and introduced her to the kids.
"This is my older sister, Luisa." Mirabel could honestly understand why some kids thought that she was the strong one. Luisa was extremely tall, towering over anyone in the village, and incredibly muscular. "She may not be able to lift the whole building, but her hearing is essentially great."
Alejandra looked at the young woman in awe. "But your muscles are so big!"
"Oh, yes!" Luisa smiled proudly, placing her palms on her sides. "I always loved working out. The sound of blood running in my veins during the exercises helps me to focus."
Before another nieto came to ask something, Luisa winced in surprise, then groaned sligtly. "Papa..."
Mirabel sighed harshly. "Oh, he got stung by bees, didn't he?" She reached out to give a lenhona to Luisa before the latter ran away to help their negligent father. And just as somebody asked about his gift, Mirabel began to explain that Papa was married in the family, so he, as well as Tio Felix, doesn't have a gift on his own.
"But isn't he not the only uncle?" 
Mirabel sighed, serving the last of her clients. "Well, yes... There's also Tio Bruno. But he doesn't socialize that much." Mirabel threw her hands into the air for a dramatic effect. "He's able to subdue the weather." Of course, it wasn't true, but it sounded cooler than the fact that he didn't actually control the weather.
Finally, just when Mirabel finished aiding the villagers, her eldest sister came to her as well. "Abuela said that it's time to get ready for the celebration." 
"Oh, that's Alma two!" One of the boys gasped.
"Isabela." The mentioned lady corrected him, pretending not to be insulted.
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
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📖"The Taste of You"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Tags: Fresh AU, dark rom-com, dark!Bucky, pre-serum Steve, cannibalism, kidnapping, yandere/basement wife, meet cute-ish, gay sex n' stuff, dub-con
Summary: Steve is so tired of the meat market that modern dating has become. Just when he's deleted all the apps and given up on ever finding Mr. Right, he meets the perfect guy at the grocery store.
A dark, cute, funny, fucked up, and very tasty love story.
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A.N.: It's not as murdery as it sounds 😅 But, as per usual: minors DNI. It's a Fresh AU. "If you can't handle the cannibalism, get out of the kitchen"--or something like that
2. Amuse Bouche
Wait! I haven't read the previous chapter(s)
They crash into Steve’s darkened apartment, kissing, James kicking the door shut and shoving Steve up against the nearest wall.
Steve cries out against his mouth, consumed by the feeling of James’ hands all over him, how possessively he grabs his body and how authoritatively he kisses. It’s so sexy. Steve lets him grab at his ass and attack his mouth with that heated desperation, wondering how long it's been for him or how much he must really want Steve, to be acting like a man starved. 
He feels James’ tongue dip in hotly, tasting him, and he moans and follows with his own. James tastes like truffle oil and red wine. He smells fantastic—like expensive cologne and sweat, like a man. Steve is losing his head faster than he ever has, whining and rubbing up against James’ hard body, made useless by how much he wants this man. He hastily throws his hand out to the side, distractedly trying to flip the deadbolt without having to stop kissing the hottest guy he’s ever brought back to his apartment. The lock clicks into place, thank god, and Steve throws both his arms around James’ neck and jumps on him.
James doesn’t miss a beat, grabbing him under his thighs and hefting him in against his body in a shockingly erotic display of strength. Steve moans loudly at the feeling.
James grunts in satisfaction, grabbing at his ass and moving them through the dark apartment.
They bump into the couch, the coffee table, the credenza where Steve keeps his art supplies, but James is strong and keeps going. It’s only a studio apartment so there’s only so much to navigate before they reach the bed. The moonlight streaming in through the windows is enough to help James to find his way. He collapses them both onto the mattress, falling over Steve at the foot of the bed. They bounce, lips breaking apart as they pant in each other’s faces. Steve starts backing up, moving further up the mattress. James grins like a shark and starts crawling after him. Fuck, he looks like a predator.
Steve’s never wanted to be eaten so badly.
James cages him in with his body, lying over him and dipping down to kiss him once more. He pulls back and searches Steve’s face. “This okay?” he asks. “Not too fast?”
Steve shakes his head, heart clenching at James’ concern. He touches his jaw, feeling the shadow of stubble there. James presses into the touch, and Steve’s dick throbs in his slacks. “No,” he whispers, staring at the other man’s gorgeous face. Fuck, how’d he get so lucky? He hopes he isn’t fucking this up. “S’not too fast. I want it.”
James’ eyes get darker and he makes this quiet, aggressive sound in his throat and mashes their mouths together again, attacking him with teeth and tongue, dominating him. Steve’s knees come up of their own volition to cradle James’ large body, trying to get closer. His hips are rolling up before he knows what he’s doing, and heat floods his face as he realizes how horny and desperate he’s being. He can’t help it. 
He moans when he feels James’ dick, hard and big and rubbing up on him so deliciously through their clothes . “Fuck,” he groans, grabbing his broad shoulders to hold onto, to try and ground himself, slow this down before he embarasses himself. “James, oh,”
“Yeah,” James is saying, kissing across his jaw and down to his neck. He lavishes him with attention there, breathing hotly against the skin, scraping teeth and licking up the straining length of a tendon in an excruciatingly erotic way that makes Steve’s breath catch and stutter. James growls in satisfaction, rolling his hips down. “Yeah. Feels good, doesn’t it?” he whispers, right against Steve’s ear. 
All Steve can do is whine high in his throat. “Nnn, y-yeah.”
James chuckles lowly at Steve’s nonverbal state, thrusting harder. “You feel so good under me, Baby.”
Oh, God. Pet names. In James’ deep voice, from those lips. Steve’s balls throb and he has to squeeze his eyes shut at how much he likes it. This is so fucking hot, so goddamn perfect. James is just absolutely mauling him, grinding down on him however he wants, hard and fierce and indulgent. Confident. Steve drags his hands down his back restlessly, hating that he can’t feel skin. He wants to touch all of him, everywhere, never stop.
“James,” he gasps, turning his face away from another overwhelming kiss. His mouth is all spit-slick and sensitive, his pants too tight. “Clothes,” he pants, yanking a little at the back of James’ shirt. “Clothes.”
James shudders against him and nods, “Yeah, yeah.” He still kisses him a few more times—at the corner of his mouth, sucking on his bottom lip once more, like he just can’t help it. “Fuck. Okay.”
Steve watches with heavy lidded eyes as James pulls away and kneels up, hands undoing the buttons of his black dress shirt. Fuck, he thinks, heat flooding him as he finally gets to look at that big, broad body. “Yeah.” He runs one hand down to his own crotch and squeezes. “Aw, lookit you. Fuck.” He licks his lips as more and more of that big, tight chest gets revealed. “Jesus, James.”
James grins as he tosses his undershirt aside, eyes flicking over how Steve’s watching, how he’s touching himself. “Yeah?” 
Steve nods and squirms, and James widens his knees where he’s kneeling, abs clenching from the movement and—fucking hell, how is this guy a vegetarian?! He doesn’t mean to say it out loud, but realizes he has when James laughs, his smooth chest heaving from it.
Steve desperately wants to put his mouth on him there, feel the muscle under his cheek, one of those tiny brown nipples against his tongue. James is still staring down at him as he undoes his belt, and Steve can’t tear his eyes away from the sight of his strong hands working, his elegant fingers, the metal buckle clinking aside and the tent of his dick under the pants. Steve’s lips part as he watches him cup and squeeze himself from over the fabric. “Oh,” he whimpers. “James, please.” James pulls down the zipper, cants his head and watches Steve’s reactions so intently. It’s wonderful, but it’s a lot. Steve isn’t used to feeling so … so seen. 
“Please?” James repeats softly, pulling his pants open, pulling them down. They bunch on his thighs, his underwear wet where the head of his dick is. They’re so tight, Steve can see everything. James slips one hand under the waistband, touching himself, and he brings the other down to Steve’s face to hold his chin, his thumb gently tracing his lower lip. “Oh, Steve,” he murmurs, “I’ve got a confession to make.”
 James’ mouth quirks the tiniest bit, but his eyes stay hot and heavy on him like a physical weight. “Gotta be careful when you’re begging me, Honey. Cause I’ve got a powerful weak spot for pretty boys who say please.”
Oh my god. Steve’s mouth is horribly dry as he gulps, nodding helplessly under James’ scrutiny. He feels captured already, like he has to do anything and everything James wants of him. He wants to, so badly. “Okay,” he manages to croak, sounding like a mess next to how in control James is. He licks his lips, his tongue brushing the very tip of James’ thumb. The salt from it makes his stomach tighten in a visceral reaction, and suddenly his mouth is flooding with saliva. “Please,” he says again, meaningfully. “James,” he whispers, “please.” He flicks his tongue out again, this time on purpose.
James moans softly, brow pinched and wanting as he watches Steve’s mouth, and slowly pushes his thumb in. Steve catches sight of where James’ other hand is still in his underwear, stroking himself beneath the fabric. Steve groans and sucks hard on his thumb, rubbing his tongue over the pad of it, tasting him. It feels so good when James presses it in harder.
“Good boy,” he whispers, watching his mouth with an enraptured expression, as if Steve’s sucking his dick instead of just his thumb. “Oh, Sweetheart. You’re gonna be so good, aren’t you?”
Steve can only whine and squirm, hating that he still has all his clothes on. James seems to understand though, and he pulls his hand back and moves, rolling away so he can get his pants and everything else off. Steve hurries to do the same, his coordination shot, overeager fingers fumbling too long with the buttons on his shirt. It’s awful. But then James is there again, closer this time, and he tuts at Steve’s little sounds of frustration and helps him to get the shirt and everything else off. He crawls back over him, slotting one of those deliciously thick thighs between Steve’s. “There you are,” he purrs, one hand sliding into Steve’s hair and the other holding his jaw still so he can sink down and kiss him.
It’s different this time—less frantic, more intimate; exploring. James rolls his tongue into his mouth so slowly and purposefully that it drags a moan deep out of Steve’s chest. James hums, pleased. “Steve, look at me.”
Steve opens his eyes. James is staring down at him in that same way, like there are images he can see, words he can read in Steve’s eyes that tell him every single one of Steve’s deepest, darkest secrets. He licks his lips and asks, “What do you want, Honey?”
Steve’s heart flips. “I …” He flounders for a moment, but James is patient, watching him and holding his jaw so gently while he waits “.I want to feel you,” Steve finally says, the words falling so short of what he means. He tries to do better, grinding up against James’ thigh, running his hands all over the hot skin of his back. His fucking muscles, Jesus Christ. Steve doesn’t ever want to stop touching them. “James,” he whispers. “Please, I want you to …”
James smiles and takes pity on him, dipping to kiss him softly. “You bottom?” he asks, right against Steve’s lips. It’s presumptive, but in a gentle way that makes Steve’s heart flip again.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah. Lube and … and … in the drawer.”
James moves up his body and over, stretching to root through the bedside table. Steve spends the few seconds he gets with James’ dick bobbing inches from his face, staring at it. He’s fucking gorgeous. “Shit,” Steve says quietly. Oh, he wants to suck it.
James moves back with the lube and the condom and he doesn’t lie back over Steve like before. Steve huffs and squirms impatiently, wanting that full-body contact back. He wants the feel James’ hard, heavy body rubbing against him, pressing him down into the mattress. A whine builds in his throat when James sits back and gets comfortable between his legs. “Nnngh,”
“Shhh.” James runs a soothing hand over his inner thigh. “I got you, Beautiful. Not going anywhere.” He arranges him, guiding Steve to drape his legs over James’ own thighs, spread out and presented. Steve flushes at the intense exposure, but James is looking down at him with a rapt expression. “Oh, Honey,” he breathes. “Lookit you, huh?” He cover’s Steve’s cock and balls with his hand. Steve’s hips thrust up on instinct, and James chuckles and pulls his hand back. “Hang on.” He gets some of the lube in his palm and returns to take Steve in hand properly this time. 
And oh, it feels so good to finally be touched.
“Yes,” Steve sighs, eyes slipping closed. “Mmm.” The lube is cool but James’ hand is warm, and he gives him a few light strokes, feeling him out. Steve peeks his eyes back open after a moment, and finds James’ gaze fixed right on his face, not his dick. James swipes his thumb under the head, rubbing softly there, spreading the moisture around. Steve whimpers and inhales shakily, unable to look away from James’ stare. Fuck, this is intense. This isn’t like he’s ever had it before.
James proceeds to stroke him off, wet and a little tight and not too fast but not quite slow, either, never breaking eye contact for more than a few seconds. And it’s the eye contact that does Steve in, he realizes; James’ keen, unwavering stare that makes this so different from any time before, so intensely erotic. He moans and bucks his hips helplessly, dick swelling when he can feel himself almost there. “Close,” he gasps, not wanting to come yet. James said he was going to fuck him. Steve wants to feel it.
James stops, thank God, laying Steve’s red and wet and throbbing cock gently down onto his belly. He pets it and Steve hisses, hips stuttering upwards. James smiles. “Okay. Hang on, Sweetheart.”
(Oh, and the pet names: Steve’s world is kind of being rocked by those. He can’t handle it.)
The process of James prepping him is just as unbearably intimate as Steve is expecting it to be, with James’ heated gaze flicking from his asshole to his face, watching him carefully as he opens him up on his fingers. He uses a ton of lube, careful to make sure that Steve’s nice and relaxed by the time he’s pressing the tip of his dick inside him. Steve shudders and pushes against it, closing his eyes with a pleasure-pained grimace and trying to breathe through how overwhelming it feels. 
With a little effort, James sinks all the way in, smooth as silk. He stays there once he’s seated, stroking Steve’s rib cage and waiting. “Steve. Look at me, Honey.”
Steve lets his breath out slowly and opens his eyes. James gives a careful thrust, not pulling out very much, just feeling him while he watches his expression. When Steve makes a tight little noise of pleasure, James grins. 
“Mm. Mmhm.” Steve bites his lip and nods, closing his eyes again to focus on the feeling. God, it’s been so long. It feels so big inside him. He squirms, shifting the angle of his hips and pushing against James’ body until—There. Oh, right there. He opens his eyes again, matches James’ grin, and whispers, “Fuck me.”
It’s not gentle sex. James fucks into him deep, a steady pace, their bodies connecting with muted slaps on each thrust. But it’s not rough either, and Steve can’t stop gasping in pleasure, panting up in the space between their faces, embarrassingly helpless to hold back his moans. They kiss, mouths sliding messily together, crying out in sync whenever they roll their hips just right. James stays over him the whole time, never changing position, never trying to make it a production. Steve gasps in pleasure as he fucks him so good. He's shocked at how natural it feels, animalistic even. It’s nothing like the disconnected and impersonal hookups he’s had before, because James stays close the whole time, eyes riveted on him as they fuck, so intense. And his face is beautiful and pinched where he’s panting down at Steve, features tight with the pleasure he’s feeling. “Shit … Steve,” he whispers.
Steve answers with a moan, nodding frantically, shoving his ass up into it. “Nngh. Oh, god.”
They pant heavily into each other’s faces, bodies gone sweaty and slick, skin slapping together. Has it been a long time? Steve wonders. It feels like it has. Feels like it’s been hours. Steve can’t stop looking, touching, grinding up against his cock and whining every time it nudges his prostate just right. “Fuck, James, oh …” His body is so fucking strong and perfect, Steve feels spoiled at being allowed to have it. He cries out at a particularly good thrust and grapples his hands over James’ back. “Please,” he shudders. “Oh, m’close.”
“Fuck yeah.”
He keens and rolls his hips, working for it, feeling his insides coil tighter and tighter as his orgasm builds. This is, without a doubt, the best he’s ever been fucked. “Oh, god,” he keens, the words coming out stilted and high through his clenched teeth and his straining throat. “God, ohmygod yeah …”
“Baby,” James groans. “I’m close.” He shoves his hips hard into Steve, grunting, kissing him on his shoulder as if in apology. “Fuck, I can’t … m’close …”
Steve gasps at James’ hand, wedging between their bellies, grabbing onto his cock and squeezing, wringing up under the head. He cries out, “Oh!”
James seals their mouths together in a filthy kiss, hard, tongue pushing in and hand giving a tight stroke on Steve’s cock. His hand is slick, deliciously wet from lube and precum as Steve shoves his hips up into the tight clutch of James’ grip. “Fuck!”
“That’s it,” James husks; hips working, chest heaving, his panting mouth resting right at the corner of Steve’s mouth. “M’close. Want you to cum first, Gorgeous.”
Steve whines hard and clings to him desperately, legs hitched up high and heels hooked behind his clenching, thrusting ass; arms grasping at his strong back as Steve fucks up into his hand. 
James growls in approval, “Come on, come on." 
Steve shouts as his orgasm hits him like a punch to the stomach. It's forced out of him so strongly that he feels breathless with it, hips jerking and cock shooting off between them in long, drawn out pulses. “Oghn!”
James makes a furious noise and shoves into him hard enough to move them up the bed. His hips stutter as he starts to come, roaring in satisfaction. 
Then his teeth clamp down viciously on Steve’s neck, biting him so hard that Steve screams as the skin is broken.
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Story Masterlist
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silversatoru · 3 years
step-dad nanami + brat taming 😼?
dark content event!!!
yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyyesysyesy mmm so good mm very tasty idea ily and i got very carried away
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nanami + brat taming
tw: nsfw 18+, f!reader, psuedocest (nanami is your step-dad), brat-taming, noncon/dubcon, impact play, power imbalance, mild size kink?, manhandling, fingering, nanami said fuck jujutsu and is a very rich business man au
wc: 1.7k
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you knew your mother’s new fiancé was a moderately successful business man, but you certainly weren’t expecting to pull up to a security gate on the day that you moved in with him. a large house constructed with dark-colored bricks loomed over your mom’s dented toyota prius, and you wondered what the hell one lonely man needed all this space for.
the white-haired butler that opened the front door and offered to carry some of your bags seemed nice enough, but you couldn’t help but scoff at the entire situation. walking onto the pristine and shiny floors in your scuffed up sneakers made you wonder just how your mom had managed to gold-dig her way into this one. either she was terribly convincing, or this guy was horribly desperate — either way you weren’t opposed to reaping the benefits. a butler, a giant in-ground pool, a bedroom that was three times the size of your old one?
yeah, you’d settle in real quick.
and you did just that, taking whatever you wanted and not feeling a shred of guilt for it. this guy, nanami kento, had more than enough money to go around, so why shouldn’t you indulge yourself? why shouldn’t you throw unsolicited pool parties while they’re at work? invite boys over to spend time in your king sized bed? your mom forced you out of your hometown to move in with this rich asshole, might as well make the most of it.
and things were going pretty fucking smoothly if you do say so yourself, or at least they were until nanami caught you sneaking a boy through your window one night.
you thought your were so smart, so slick with the way that you used his house as your personal playground behind his back. but why would he own such an esteemed property and not have security cameras? you weren’t smart at all, in fact you were incredibly, incredibly stupid.
and you’ve been getting on nanami’s nerves for a while, sashaying around the house in tiny outfits surrounded by a horde of immature boys. he’d watch you through the security footage while he worked — blood boiling at the way you flaunted his home as if it were your own.
those boys were never going to be enough for you; you’d walk all over them with your inflated ego and terrible attitude. you needed a man, someone grown, who could put your back in your place — you needed nanami — and fuck, he’d wanted you since the day you walked through his front door. he’d been patient, very patient, but this was enough to snap the thin wire that was holding him back.
he didn’t hesitate to kick the boy right back out the window he climbed through, threatening to call the cops if he didn’t leave his fucking property right now. and then a firm hand was wrapped around your wrist, dragging you up the stairs and into his bedroom.
he gave your arm a harsh tug, tossing your body towards his large neatly made bed. the edge of the raised mattress whacked you in the gut, your face falling forward and mashing into the silky comforter.
“what the fu-,” you snapped your head back to look at him, but were immediately met with a rolled up black sock being shoved into the back of your mouth.
you coughed and whined through the fabric as he grasped both your wrists in his one large hand, his other weaving the leather belt that was previously looped through his trousers around your wrists. he had zero patience for you right now, and he was making that evidently clear.
“i’ve tried to stay patient with you, but you’ve forced my hand this time,” he looked at you with dark eyes, one of his hands undoing the zipper at the back of your skirt.
you tried to kick with your legs, tried to cuss him out through the sock, but it was entirely ineffective, his strong hands holding you down and the cotton preventing a single coherent word from leaving your lips. your skirt was gliding to your feet now, your bare ass exposed and looking nanami right in the eyes.
“sneaking in another boy? how many times should i spank you for that? five? ten? i think ten would be suitable in this situation,” he used one hand to keep you pinned to the mattress, and the other to caress the smooth skin of your upper thigh, “what do you think?”
obviously you tried to reason with him, tell him that you didn’t deserve any spanks, that you weren’t a child, that this whole thing was fucking weird — but none of that made it out of your mouth, not through the soggy sock that was still in your way.
“i’m glad you agree, ten it is,” he gave you a thoughtful look, raising up his hand in preparation to strike you for the first time.
his hand swung down with incredible force, a piercing smacking sound echoing through the room as you squealed and kicked under his touch. it felt like a thousand pins piercing through your skin, a blazing fire that burned through his fingers and straight through to your brain.
the second smack was brought down with even more strength, your whole body lurching in response to the impact. you still kicked, still fought, still screamed through gag for him to fuck off, but a small part of you was already anticipating number three.
the third strike to your backside flipped a switch in your brain, your legs falling limp and your screams replaced with pitiful whimpers and whines. his hand on your skin was starting to hurt so good, bits of the sock becoming trapped in your clenched teeth.
four, five, and six came quickly after, only a few seconds of rest between each of them — and nanami knew that he’d won when your feet began to push up onto your tip-toes, your ass wiggling closer to him as you waited for more.
“you count the next ones,” he reached forward and plucked the disgusting sock out of your mouth, tossing it to the floor and caressing your cheek.
seven came down hard, goosebumps lining your arms as you yelped; your tied up hands grasping at air. a shameful “seven”, rolled from your tongue a few moments later, your shaky voice flooding nanami’s ears.
“good girl,” he cooed, “three more”.
the next three stung the worst, nanami hissing at how badly it hurt his own hand — but your were a lightheaded, dizzy mess; practically drooling on his sheets by the time he was done. you’d done exactly what he asked, taken all ten and even counted out the last four — you were so good for him, and it was so easy.
he helped you roll over onto your back and then slipped his hand under the waistband of your panties, pulling and letting them fall down to your ankles. you’d taken the punishment pretty well, so it was only fair that you were rewarded now.
he sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, one of his hands pressing down onto your puffy clit. you knew how inappropriate this was all becoming, but your head was much too hazy to care.
he dipped two of his fingers low, slipping them into your slimy cunt and gently pushing them up inside you. his fingers were long, a sharp whimper flying through your teeth as he curled his fingers against your walls.
what the hell would happen if your mom got home right now? if she saw her soon-to-be husband fist-deep in her daughter?
those were the things you should have been thinking, but they didn’t cross your mind once. how could you care about the what if’s when nanami was stuffing you full with his thick fingers on one hand, and expertly massaging your clit with the other.
no one your age had this experience, and none of the boys you’d messed with had ever made you feel this good with such little effort. nanami was opening your eyes to his expert hands, and you began to wonder how many sorry brats had ended up in this exact spot before. maybe this is what he did for fun — romancing middle-aged women just to prey on their college-aged daughters until they inevitably get caught one day — and then the cycle continues.
but right now, on the edge of losing yourself around his fingers, you didn’t care if you were the hundredth step-daughter he’d done this to — it was worth it.
your walls clamped around his fingers as he thrusted them deeper, his other thumb rubbing hard and consistent circles over your sensitive nub. it was impossible to hold out any longer, the ball in your stomach flying undone as you rolled your hips into his hand and creamed all over his fingers. the room was filled with the prettiest mewls and whines, your body shaking and lurching as he kept feeling you even after your orgasm was fading.
only once you accidentally kicked him from the intensity of the overstimulation did he unsheath his fingers from your cunt, his skin glistening with your fluids. he shoved them into your mouth, your eyes widening as he offered a simple: “suck”.
but you did what you were told, you’d quickly learned that disobeying him would only lead to something worse. he smirked for the first time after he plucked them from your mouth, your lips making a satisfying popping sound.
“never gonna invite those boys over again, right?” he taunted you, an obvious bulge sitting in his dress pants.
you quickly shook your head no.
but if breaking the rules meant this would happen again?
you’d be breaking them every goddamn day.
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koroktsuya · 2 years
howling back at you
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# starring: best friend! park jongseong, gn!reader
# word count: 902 words (i think)
# content: fluff, non-idol!au, coming of age (?), sfw.
# warnings: i tried to keep it gender neutral, but tell me if I should correct anything! mentions of a kiss.
# a/n: it's april 20 where I live, which means we're celebrating the birth of my heart's dearest. happy birthday to my beloved jay <33. i wrote this while listening to Can You Hear the Moon? by Grady, one of my favorite songs. Gimme Love by Joji also fits the vibes nicely, too. hope you enjoy!
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You’re cruising down the highway with your closest friend, Jay, slouching in the passenger’s seat as nighttime descends on the city that never sleeps. The sky becoming a deep beautiful blue reminds you of the blueberries that you pressed to Jay’s lips just last night, his mouth brushing against your thumb. 
It’s a comfortable speed, and the lights sparkle white and red and cyan and pink in the distance, nearing as you approach the bend in the road. 
The warmth of the spring air leaves when Jay suddenly speeds up, zipping down the road with the energy of a god, bluffing his way through divinity  as a devilish grin splits his face in half and you hold onto your seat for dear life, being thrown against your window. The colors and scenery all turn into a blurry mess. 
It’s terrifying and dangerous and utterly exhilarating. You think you peed your pants a little bit, but you’re laughing too hard to care. Time seems to slow, and the night becomes infinite. 
Nothing matters when your lives are just starting and you have each other, and all the time in the world to enjoy more of this moments. 
You slowly move towards the open window and when the upper half of your body is getting hit by the wind and you can’t even see properly, you howl. You don’t even know if you’re actually hearing Jay laughing or if it’s just your imagination, but you pull an arm outside as well and feel like you and Jay own the world. 
Energy is heavier than elephants and even if Jay is focusing on getting you both to your special place, you can tell he’s just as delighted and bouncy as you. 
Once you’re at the top of the hill where you can overlook the entire city, Jay and you sit on the hood of his car and the small cake you prepared is between the two of you.
You’re both chatting the last minutes of the night away, wondering if Pink Floyd's songs really are too slow, if cats could really overthrow governments or theorizing on ways to develop superpowers with no pain, as per usual. 
The buzz of the ride there hasn’t entirely left you when your phone lights up as the clock marks 00:00 of april’s 20th, a reminder that you had set on your phone reads «Jongseongie’s b-day!! 💓» and you jump off the car, taking candles and the lighter from your house’s kitchen out of Jay’s your jacket pocket. 
Beautiful, you think as you watch Jay’s face lit by the moonlight now receiving the light of the fire. His smile even brighter as he coos “Aww, for me?” 
You grin, nodding yes as you hold the cake in between your hands, “Before you approach this tasty treat, allow me to say a few words, yeah?”
Jay hides his shocked expression behind a fond smile, “the mic’s all yours”. 
You clear your throat but suddenly words are gone. You look at the moon and it’s like you hear it, returning the feeling of excitement you had on the highway. 
“I met you in a day like any other, we started to talk and hang out almost every hour of the day. I never noticed how it happened but I was already thinking about you daily. I only made my way through the day to see the night fall and enter those conversations that only happen after midnight.”
“When I least expected it, I was already scribbling your name everywhere, I didn’t even see it coming, I just started to feel my heart racing more and more as I spent time with you and thinking about you. It all happened so fast and I truly didn’t expect it, but there’s no doubt in my mind that meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I am so happy I get to celebrate your birthday with you and delight in the beautiful sight that is your smile being lit by the moon.”
Jay’s expression is mirroring yours, the same glossy but loving eyes and a smile that says so much to you. 
Your cheeks redden as you realize that you almost started tearing up, you smile even bigger and whisper: “go ahead then, Jongseongie, blow the candles.”
He smiles even bigger, beautiful. He leans and holds your gaze as he blows the two candles you placed with the digits of his age. 
“So, what did you wish for?” You ask as you both are finishing your first slice of cake. 
He swallows and stares at you for a moment before mumbling “that you’d kiss me.”
You grin, approaching his face that suddenly looks too surprised. Your stomach’s busy doing some flips but you ignore them, pecking his cheek. He whines. 
“What? Is that not what you wanted?“ You exclaim with fake confusion. 
“No, Y/n. I meant a slow kiss, on the lips” he pouts dramatically and you laugh at him, with him, actually. 
“Oh, Jongseongie, I’m gonna kiss you so slow that you’re gonna think it’s a damn Pink Floyd song.”
He’s suddenly holding your chin softly his right hand, you both smile at each other “I’d really like to see that.” 
And as he closes the space between you two, you can definitely hear it. The moon is howling back at you. 
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🌿 reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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mrs-immortal · 3 years
Truly home (self aware red velvet x reader)
gender neutural reader! self aware au- red velvet!
'*•.¸♡ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ love suits you-!i♡¸.•*' ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Truly home - self aware red velvet! part 2 ♡
He had become accustomed to your schedule and everyday he wished he could be just a bit closer, maybe close enough to touch your hands against one another: but he was scared of the possibility you would not have liked him if he were there..after all, he did not belong.  A part of him had a hunch he was not the only one, he saw how licorice and dark chocoa had their eyes on you, looking into the sky: how pastry cookie would worship the temple’s more often; regardless of day. And he hated how he might be right about that hunch; so he seeked the old, half destroyed books of ruined libraries and tombs. He was no magician, so this task could blow up on him but he worked day and night in his very luxurious corner you made for him, crying over missing pages and scavenging books from the academies warehouses..he had finally gotten what he needed; even though it was very risky it was most certainly worth it to be home.  As his shaky hands put up the final preparations , he took a breather and wished upon his dreams: to be with you! The risks scared the jam out of him, to be stuck where he came from..but it was worth it; This was his only chance before others sought after you too..! Taking a final look at the dreaded scenery of the sky above, he started to chant; his vision blurred but he did not stop the words, to complete the lines and to finish the verses. Then he fell; unconscious. He felt.soft, he didn’t remember being so soft, and dough being so thin..is he where he thinks he is? Or is he just dreaming..? he was..a bit too tired to find out, his eye lids felt too heavy and he was so warm, he could stay there for a bit longer…wait..something smells tasty?  The sun rising and the smell of new food made him shake around where he was, but what he heard next made his heart jump and hit his brain.Soft as silk, sweet as honey; “I don’t know how, but he looked cold and hungry...” hearing you talking so close to him made him wake up so frantically, he rubbed his eye lids, cleaning off the waterline; as he woke up he realised his eyes felt different and so did his dough..? He tried to talk but it just came out as muttering, and that seemed to get attention from who was right there with him; “shh, don’t panic; the food is not going anywhere~!” he felt a bit embarrassed and just a tad called out by his heart knowing it was not the food he got so excited about, but that was okay! He tried to sit up properly, leaning to the headboards he let out a sigh he did not realise he was holding. He felt some cold and wet tissue wiping his face, so gently compared to how he was desperately trying to wake up; feeling the hand stop and cup one of his cheeks, he felt so happy over the attention and care; but your touch was his top priority. Or so he thought..grumbling of his stomach made him feel shy in front of you, looking down at his hands to avoid eye contact..and yet another confirmation that it worked: his hands looked human, slender, long fingers, thumbs, joints. The only remnant of his cake arm is the swirls in a darker tone across his arm and hands. As he watched you put the tray of food on his lap, telling him to eat, he talked to you for the first time since he got here:  “do you know my name?” “Well, if i am not going crazy, then you must be velvet: Red velvet, right..?”  He took a breather and looked up at the beauty in front of him; tense and scared of many things.“Yes, that would be me..you are not going insane.-” he grumbled awkwardly, to which you were still surprised by despite being sure of it. you asked him “..how? And why?- and don’t be scared, I-i am not angry! I won’t kick you out.” you spoke, quickly, stuttering at some places, but that was all he needed. He looked at you for confirmation as he took a slice of bread with chocolate, nomming on the tasty treat. He slowly ate and as he let out yet another shaky sigh , he felt the weight of his actions on his shoulders. He picked up after you, his breath shook him to the core as he talked; “Can i explain everything with time..? But the short story is that i..realised, that my life was scripted, and the only part that was actually natural was you so..i escape, t-to live with you.-” his chest hurt with the tension he held in the soul. “-I know it’s confusing but please, i will do my best and i will- i will-” his breathing hitched as he tried to reason with himself. As your hand held him gently like marble plates, you made him look at you in the eyes, softly whispering “it’s okay, we will cross that bridge when we get to it, please, breath slowly, honey.” your voice was aetherial, softly spoken. He did as you asked him to, slowly calming down: he felt tears at the corners of his eyes but he just giggled..”i did not think you would be so good with stress..not this kind anyway.” he joked to himself, outloud. You joined him on it though, seeing him relax, you replied “i had all day to prepare myself emotionally, it actually took a lot to convince myself i was not going crazy!” you laughed as you said the final part, which made him smile. “You should eat before everything gets cold, hm?” you reminded him, and he felt a bit flustered on your teasing tone but more-so you holding the fork and offering to feed him the breakfast you put together.You looked so happy as you held one hand underneath the fork incase anything dripped down. ‘There goes my reputation ..-’ he thought, but he really didn’t care about it that much since..’-i have wanted to do this for so long..!’ He opened his mouth just enough and let out a ‘nom’ noise as he took a bite, as the morning went on and you fed him his meal, he was so glad to be truly home. Soon enough he has eaten enough, and you took the tray to put everything in the machine. You looked back at him and said “feel free to wander around!” as you were getting up and heading out the room to the kitchen. He sure would, he has waited long enough to see the real world. First things first, he opened the blinds and looked through the window, the sun and the scenery, he loved the thought of gazing up at it with you. And so he started to look around your room, there were some pictures with your friends; you looked so happy. Some ..books? Seems to be sketchbooks, he skimmed through the shelves, there were some art supplies. A memory book, and some..enchanting, magic books? Did your world have magic too? He was sure to ask about that later.  And so he looked at your desk, where you had a mirror, and he looked at himself for the first time; his face was human, and his ‘odd’ eye was still there, his hair despite being messier was still the same. He was glad to be recognisable enough, but not too much. As he was lost in thoughts looking through nook and crannies he heard a notification noise from your phone; he checked the source. “Text from nebula: hey, i think someone just hopped into this realm, to your HOUSE specificaly. Are you ok?”...yeah, that would be something to explain. ...But for now he put down the phone and went out of your room to follow, he was looking forward to living with you, living together, loving forever..he still has to confess but he will cross that bridge when he gets to it, hm?
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 years
you're my baby - xiao, zhongli
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summary; one could say that you had a son. others would say they were merely just an adeptus. you would say xiao was both and you weren't alone on that statement.
genre; fluff, slight comedy, wholesome family shit right here, child! xiao, father! xhongli, i mean honestly it's pretty canon and you cannot convince me otherwise, canon divergence, archon! reader, established relationship
word count; 1.06k
[lowercase intended]
a/n; family au shit is all i need in my life. im so fucking lonely 🤧🤧 but anyways all i can think about is a motherly reader with any "father figure" person and their son or daughter HHGGFGHH i love it sm
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"if it isn't my favorite archon." zhongli's smile towards you is soft as his eyes gleam with adoration.
"well, now you're just being too sweet, zhongli." you chuckled. zhongli softly held your hand, moving it up to his lips to kiss your fingers lightly. "all this sudden affection, what happened to the rex lapis i knew?" you joked.
"i am still the rex lapis you know. the archon war has truly been a very big burden that has been released."
"i understand that very well. but there's something that might be making you much more happy than the archon war ending. it has already ended years ago, my dear."
"well, let's just say i have someone you might want to meet." he laced his fingers with yours, "we must head to wangshuu inn though first." and so you both headed to the ever so familiar inn.
"so who am i going to meet?" you asked excitedly.
"well..." zhongli went over to the small dining room next to the kitchen, "come here xiao, there's someone i would like you to meet." you look over and see a small young boy who you assumed was named xiao.
"oh my...archons! he's adorable!" you cooed, moving over to kneel down to xiao's height. the boy hid behind zhongli's leg, only making you coo more. "oh! i'm sorry xiao! i didn't mean to scare you, sweetheart! wait, he's not a lost kid, is he? where did you find him?"
"he's actually an adeptus. at least that is what i want him to be. when he's much older of course." zhongli explained. xiao was still hesitant to move towards you, the young kid seeming very cautious of a new person. "it is okay, xiao, you don't need to be afraid, she is my partner."
"i'm your wife, zhongli. get it correct." you stood up to stare at zhongli.
"well, you're still my partner, are you not? it counts."
"so.. does this mean xiao is our son?"
"i suppose it does." you looked over to xiao and kneeled down to his height once again.
"hello xiao, it's very nice to meet you, sweetie." you smiled softly, you put your hand out. xiao looks at it hesitantly before grabbing you hand. "it must be very weird to say, but i guess you can call me mom!"
xiao visibly relaxes at your calm aura and comforting voice. he slowly steps towards you, holding your hand tightly.
"i'm sure you two will get along very well." zhongli went to move down to xiao's height, the young kid slightly overwhelmed by the sudden attention from his two parents. "i'm sure you'll be a good mother to xiao, y/n."
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"xiao, what is your favorite food? does he even have a favorite food, zhongli?" you looked over to your husband who was currently reading a book.
"i don't think he does have a favorite food."
"well, time to test it out. how about i make him my favorite food?" you suggested. it seemed like zhongli wasn't opposed to the idea and xiao was soon by your side, curious as to what you were gonna do. "hello my little adeptus. come 'ere. let me pick you up." you picked him up, he wrapped his arms around your neck and legs around you.
"what are you making?" xiao's small voice looked at all the ingredients on the counter.
"i'm making one of my favorite foods. it's not your father's though but he always likes what i cook." you giggled. "he likes bamboo shoot soup. he makes that a lot. but i don't eat it as much as he does. so i make something else. i'm sure you'll love it." you hummed. xiao watches as you cook. his curiosity at its peak once you had finished cooking it and started to plate it up.
"what is it, mommy?"
"it's almond tofu. i'm pretty sure you would like something very light. it's like a dessert. well, it shouldn't be good to have since you haven't really had dinner but don't tell your father i let you have dessert early."
"i'm still here, my love. i can hear you two." zhongli walked into the kitchen with a small smile on his lips, watching his wife and son bond.
"whoops." you laughed, xiao resting in your arms clearly wanting to try the new food in front of him. "well, i'm done with dessert. would you like to feed xiao, my dear?"
"you and i both know he's more of a mama's boy."
"is he? i never noticed." you snickered. xiao looked at you and zhongli, wondering what the conversation was about. you looked back at xiao, rubbing a finger against his cheek, "come on sweetie, let's try this food, okay?" xiao nodded as you started to sit down on the dining room.
"looks weird.." xiao looked at the dish, poking it with a small hand. "why is it soft?"
"well, tofu is a soft food. and don't say that about a food you've never tried." you scoop a small piece of tofu. "do you wanna try first?"
"mommy, first." he urged you.
"okay! thanks for the meal." you hummed before taking a bite of the tasty dessert. "i haven't eaten this in a long while! maybe i should teach you my own recipe. or even make you a recipe you might like! now are you ready to try, baby?"
xiao hesitantly nodded as you scoop up some tofu, and bring it to his mouth. he opens his mouth, moving towards the spoon to eat the sweet food. he finds it weird that he doesn't need to chew but nonetheless, it's a nice smooth sensation.
"is it good?"
"mm!" xiao nodded. "can i have more?" you smiled, soon offering some more to the small boy. he starts to grab the spoon from you, eating it on his own (albeit he's making a bit of a mess as he does).
"you're so cute, xiao!" you cooed. "you're my baby! you always will be!" you kiss his cheek, xiao suddenly surprised at your affection as he was focused on the dessert.
"don't smother him too much, love. he'll end up being a brat."
"he will live just as long as we will, i can spoil him for as long as i want! he'll have to deal with me if he becomes a brat."
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