orkbutch 8 months
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Kelly The Kidd from a comic in planning, HOGBOYZ
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orkbutch 5 months
here from twitter because my curiousity is killing me. how does kelly's robo dick work. what are the mechanics at play here. can they switch their dick's out? where does the cum come from? i have so many questions 馃槶
Kelly doesnt know (and neither do I). They got drunk and took a bunch of ket, and one of the few body modders in Dead Australia who can do complex bio-mechanical hybrid modifications made and installed their cock.
What Kelly knows is this:
- its all his own skin sowed over a biomech hybrid cock that probably has synthetic meat within it; his motorbike is also a biomech hybrid (a Hog) and he figures his cock is similar technology. He can't switch it out; the machine goes deep within his body, filling the cavity where his uterus and ovaries were.
- his blood is inside the machine cock and helps it run; turning the cock on and off partly involves opening and closing a blood valve.
- the cum is not piss, but might have a little piss in the mix. It doesn't smell piss like, it smells slightly metallic and sweetish.
- He can control the size but hes given his dick stretch marks from pushing that, and he Can tear it. (He has torn open the original surgery scar that runs along the bottom and needed it resown, but he got that done at a Hog mechanic, so the scar is pretty rough and keloided now. He made it too big.)
What I know that Kelly doesn't know:
- the cum is blood that is processed within the mechanics of the cock sitting around his navel, where his uterus was, to separate the plasma and mix it with water and various other chemicals from within his body to make a creamy white substance. Its a little like the body drawing from your blood supply to make breast milk, except its a machine doing it and there isnt lactose involved. Mostly protein, water and fat I'd imagine. Some remaining iron and blood cells may make a warmer cream-white.
The actual mechanics of bio-mechanical hybrid technology in Hog Boyz is not at all science based and is silly fun. Don't worry about it :)
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orkbutch 4 months
Oooh, the hog bikes are biomechanical? How do they work?
Hogz are motorbikes that use a bio-mechanical hybrid system to run their engines. Biomech hybrid tech is a mix of traditional mechanics and synthetic flesh systems. Hogz essentially have a fully "alive" biological system, with muscles, organs, hair, skin and a brain, that consumes organic matter to assist in running its engine. These were grown with various animal's DNA, so different Hogz models will have different animal's flesh; this was entirely for aesthetic purposes. Below is Kelly's bike, for example.
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There are a community of people that know how these work and few others outside of them. They're mostly located in the remains of Melbourne CBD, where the best preserved buildings in the city - a cluster of pre-apocalypse hospitals - have been repurposed into a city/institution called "The Doctors". They only share their knowledge to people who become Hogz surgeon apprentices. These are tradesmen that are educated in vehicular mechanics and vetinary surgery so they can tend to Hogz. They are typically also doctors and human surgeons in a pinch, but don't specialise in human anatomy, so can be pretty dodgy. The only individuals that specialise in human surgery & anatomy are biomech Body Modders, who create and install body mods like Kelly's cock. They are extremely rare.
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orkbutch 3 months
so what is Kelly like, LIKE? what kinda fella is he?
I was gonna answer this more elaborately with drawings of other characters talking abt him but I'm too busy 馃槶 sorry for da late response.
Kelly is an edgy poser that distrusts everyone except like 2 - 6 people, who he is doggedly loyal to. He'd be an idealist if he wasn't so fucked, and he is an idealist in the parts of his life where he hasn't lost hope; mostly his love with Sadie. He is a hardcore romantic. He believes very solemnly in being Cool (Cool is survival and respect). He hates preachers, snakes, salesmen, macho men, elitists, authorities and negotiators. He thinks violence and killing is not the first but the most reliable solution to many problems.
He's one of the last butches still in existence in the world and he is trying to earn the title, in an existential sense. He is trying to literally earn several titles of success within the Hogboyz gang culture, especially the ones he falsely had tattooed onto his body when he was younger. The tattoos scare away most people but some can tell theyre fake, and those are usually very dangerous people that care about them. Kind of like a butterfly with wings designed to mislead predators, but 15% of the predators just get extra pissed. He is very good at combat with knives, machetes and guns. He is a very good shot, including while riding. He is illiterate.
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orkbutch 4 months
spare hogboyz lore? i'm super interested on what i've seen so far (also sorry if i missed something on twitter, i'm not on that hellsite anymore)
There are more things mostly on Twitter but honestly I think its all just porn of Kelly and Sadie LMAO.
Not lore, but the story blurb would be something like this:
Kelly McBride is a roaming survivor of a violent gang war that killed almost everyone and thing he cared about. One fateful night he kicks the newest, biggest, baddest hornet's nest in Dead Australia: God's Elect, a growing gang of strange religious extremists, that are now intent on killing the fuck out of Kelly. Hogboyz follows him and his mentor across the continent as he avoids his pursuers and tries to survive while amassing a gang of his own.
As for lore... Post-apocalyptic Australia (either Dead Australia or Country depending on who you ask) is sparsely populated. Most people are either Gangers or Tenders. Gangs/Gangers are nomadic occupation-based motorbiker guilds that move between the small communities and landmarks across DA/C, scavanging, raiding and trading. Most of the settlements in DA/C are built around pubs maintained by Tenders. Gangers and Tenders have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship of trade, travel, long-distance communication, protection and community exchange. Other than Gangers and Tenders, there are lots of other figures you'll find in most communities across DA/C; Doctors, Body Modders, Tradies, Truckies, Posties, Security, ect.
There are pockets of exceptional cultures across DA/C of course, and one that is so big it is The Notable Exception and might actually be a Very sizeable community, but I won't talk about them yet since its still early in being written/fleshed out :) but thats a little Hogboyz lore.
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orkbutch 4 months
is the faux cum something kelly's body makes?
Talk about it here in a bit more detail, but its made my his body mod using his blood and other substances taken from his body :)
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orkbutch 8 months
the problem with playing tears of the kingdom is its making me want to go back to my old Zelda project fuck !!!!! even a kinda shit zelda game inspires me so much bc i fucking love zelda
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orkbutch 8 months
just realised i havent posted any hogboyz here. I will do that um soon maybe. if i remember
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