#hoep this was a good one
xinsanitysxedgex · 2 years
xbloodiedxkneesx asked: Truth or dare with the girls & honey & someone dares Zima to kiss Gummy? yes pls. *grab hands*
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"Hmmmmnnhh~~... GOOMIE."
Zima's heart dropped as that nasally voice of what Rosa called a FRIEND announced her target. GULP. "W-What?" She looked around, panicked, from Gummy to Istina to Rosa, hoping one of 'em, ANY OF 'EM, would step in here. She had little faith in Leto or Beehunter who were ALREADY cheering on with that annoying af schoolgirl "Oooooh~~..." bullshit. "Why should Gummy hafta kiss me? It's my dare, shouldn't we do dares SOLO?" She was just clutching at straws at this point. She'd do anything. But things with Lada had been TOO ON EDGE ever since that night. Not helped by the girl's jokes of WHIPPING HER.
Sigh from Elena, judgmental and indignant. "Really...? THIS is what you guys have become? I don't know why I ever expect better from you all..." Meanwhile, Jinx just watched on in anticipation, smiling big and bright, revelling in the chaos. Honestly, she just wanted the night ot go this way in case SOMEONE wanted to get a little revenge and make her kiss Rosa next~... (She'd been duhrinking, too~~ WHAT A HEIST!!) Of course, first they had to somehow get this whole thing past Rozzi. But what the Hell was a mercenary s'posed ta do? Who cared if she was meant to be ranked ABOVE THEM, as an INSTRUCTOR? She was still just a hired hand. (Weren't they all hired hands? SHUT IT, YOU STUPID ROCKET LAUNCHER.) And, at least for now, she was merely observing from across the room, sipping on her own wine glass.
Zima licked her lips, heart racing, was the lick out of ANXIETY or ANTICIPATION? She'd never kissed ANYONE before. Jeez, she was fucking PETRIFIED, could Terran just open up and swallow her WHOLE? "Tell 'em, Gummy. Tell 'em it's not fair. Can't I do a, umm... A whatsitcalled." DAMMIT. THINK. BRAIN. THINK. "A punishment thing? Like y'all make me eat hot sauce or some shit, I dunno... I just... I don't think this is--" EYES WIDEN EDas Jinx called her a PUSSY. "I'm not! It's got nothing to do with that! Unlike SOME PEOPLE, we take our first kisses VERY seriously." BLUSH. Had she just admitted that out loud? Okay. Fingers crossed her dreams come to life and she dies tonight.
#WHY IS ROZZI HERE YOU ASK?#HONESTLY BECAUSEI ALREADY SET UP THE TEMPLATE FOR FOUR BEFORE I REALIZED THAT NATSUKI WOULDNT' FIT IN THE CONTINUITY AT THIS TIME HAHAHAHA#SOOO SHE'S HERE NISTEAD#WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS WITH HER HAHAHAHH BUT JINX TRYNA INCITE CHAOS#ELENA JUDGING THEM#AND ZIMA HAVING FULL GAY PANIC EPISODE AND MAYBE HURTING GUMMY'S FEELIGNS HAHAHAHAHA#IM NOT SUREEE#WE SHALL SEEE#HOEP THI SWORKKKSSS AND LIVES UP TO WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE#AHAHAHAHLKNDDLKSFRENLKFDKNLDNLKFLNK FDSNLK FNLFD#ISTINA LETO AND BEEHUNTER ARE ALSO PRESENT#-⚕⚕- ELENA -⚕⚕- I'm Doing This For Your Own Damn Good. You'll Make Up For What I Blew. What's The Problem? Why Are You Crying?#-⚕⚕- ELENA X ROSA -⚕⚕- We All Had Delusions In Our Heads. We All Had Our Minds Made Up For Us. We Had To Believe In Something. So We Did#-⚕⚕- ROSA -⚕⚕- But Who Would Want To Die As A Cowardly Little Child? When Our Time Is Up; Will We Be Ashamed Or Proud?#Xbloodiedxkneesx#-⚕⚕- JINX -⚕⚕- Eyes In The Dead Still Water. Tried But It Pushed Back Harder. Cauterized And Atrophied. This Is My Unbecoming…#-⚕⚕- JINX X ROSA -⚕⚕- This Is When It’s Now Or Never. When It Goes From Bad To Better. This Is When It All Makes Sense Somehow.#-⚕⚕- ZIMA -⚕⚕- No One Can Hear Me Scream. Maybe It's Just A Dream. Maybe It's Inside Of Me. I Must Confess I Feel Like A Monster…#-⚕⚕- ZIMA x GUMMY -⚕⚕- And If It Kills Me Tonight I Will Be Ready To Die. A Hero's Not Afraid To Give His Life. A Hero's Gonna Save Me…#-⚕⚕- GUMMY -⚕⚕- Will You Stay? Stay 'til The Darkness Leaves. I Know You're Busy. I Know I'm Just One. Are You There? Are You Watching Me?
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Stolen Soul and Love
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Valentino x fem!reader
warning : flirting, some fluff, inner strugle, obsession, falling in love in Val's own twisted way
Summary : One more meeting with the Overlords of Hell and he would have loved to kill himself, but he couldn't escape the responsibility any longer. The meeting was made all the sweeter when his red eyes settled on something he had never seen before pure love.
Info : THANK YOU ALL from my heart on my first HH work it means a lot. I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much and hoep you have fun with my future works
He was a pimp, one of the three overlords who showed their power more than clearly every day. He had everything: hookers, money, souls and power.
He was perfectly happy, I mean, he had the porn star from hell Angeldust and the TV demon Vox's ass was practically his. Everything the moth-like demon could want was his.
But why did he have this gnawing feeling inside him, like a growling, a chirping, a buzzing, like a moth, a fucking moth looking for something.
But what was it when he had everything but that one gnawing feeling inside him when he saw her. He was inevitably summoned to the Overlord meetings and for once he couldn't avoid it because it was probably about something important.
The three Overlords entered the room with an engaging appearance and the moth demon made himself as comfortable as possible in the damned narrow chairs.
The meeting seemed to begin, the reports were always the same, the souls the same and the danger the same. ,,Get to the point, Carmilla darling, some of us have a fashion empire to run," Velvette muttered, glancing up from her cell phone, which made Vox snicker, who was probably more focused on his ratings, which had dipped a bit due to his nemesis Alastor.
Nothing a fuck can't fix, Valentino thought, taking a drag on his cigarette and letting the engulfing red smoke billow around him before taking a puff across the room.
He kept his hands off the smiling radio demon, however, who had only given the three of them a quick glance, and had to hold Vox to prevent his cute TV head from cracking another one.
Letting his gaze drift, his gold tooth flashing in the light of the lamps and inwardly wondering which was the best setting for the next porno, he heard the door open. All the overlords were there, so it could only be one of the subjects and enemies.
And actually he wasn't going to look behind his heart-shaped glasses but when he saw that sweet smell he just knew something wasn't normal. It was the sweet irresistible alluring attractive smell and no one else in hell had it but him.
The red eyes searched first for a demon of lust perhaps, something powerful but no he found only a simple demoness maybe a little cat-like as the fuzzy ears on her head indicated but otherwise like any normal inhabitant here in hell.
But why did she smell so good? What was it that he felt that he had never felt? He watched her as she walked with a silver tray under her arm to the respective overlords to order a few drinks.
It seemed as if he could see she was neither a robot nor a slave but rather one of Carmilla's protégés dark silver white clothes a pretty dress but a little too long for his taste. It didn't lack class, which a little smoke can't change.
With a grin he waited in his seat until she came to him and blew his heart out to her. ,,Aren't you a sweetie?" he grinned, ignoring her superior's gaze and having long since forgotten the conversation and the meeting.
She smiled slightly and the moth demon felt his wings needing to flap, moving his fingers almost hastily across the table as he slowly came a little closer to her.
He was nervous, a fact that shocked him.  ,,Pretty trick Sir Valentino... what kind of drink do you want?" she asked, not moving away from him and following the red smoke lightly with her eyes, which slowly settled around her but didn't seem to take her in. He didn't check her at a glance even though her sweetness was so close to him.
One kiss, one look, one lick with his tongue was enough and he knew what made her come. But no, he didn't. He just said, ,,Love potion with berries, dear" before the tall man stood up again, pulling back first and looking at her form from behind his glasses. This feeling inside him was something he thought couldn't be.
Nervous and twitchy...am I no or? his thoughts revolved around her at that moment and why his dark heart in hell still beat for anyone at all. Could it be, could it really be that the pimp and overlord could lose his heart to a simple demon? He didn't know, but the way he felt it was like back then.
He still vaguely remembered his former life of this body function when people fell in love. But he didn't have any more time to think about it when the door opened again after a few minutes and he saw that she had come back.
Several drinks were lying on the silver tray and he could just see his puinken with berries sticking out. ,,Thank you dear, say would you like to earn a little extra money, maybe even become the star at my side?" he smiled, shielding her from the others with his wings.
His hands slowly placed themselves on her shoulders, wanting to have her with him forever. ,,You're different from AngelDust, from the princess of everything here... you could be my star," he suggested, watching her red eyes as she slowly realized what he was alluding to, what he really wanted and what it meant for her. ,,Sir-Lord I mean Valentino I'm flattered," she stammered and suddenly he felt the arrogance return to him.
He knew demons knew that once they were so taken in, once they were flattered, it was easy, wasn't it? ,,And so beautiful," he complimented and let the smoke slowly close around her.
Carmilla may have taken her, but in the end you are mine, thought the demon as he brought the back of her hand to his lips, running his tongue over it in a surprisingly gentle, warm and inviting way.
He saw her embarrassment, how she couldn't pull away and didn't want to. ,,And do I have you?" he asked, coming closer to her and wanting her closer, not like Angel, but wanting her in a different way, always with him somehow.
Before he was suddenly pulled away slightly by her and landed back on his chair, ,,Hands off my employee Valentino!" Carmilla warned and Val raised his hands placatingly and rolled his eyes. ,,Not at all Carmilla, I only wanted to confess my unethical feelings to such a pretty creature," grinned Valentino, feeling himself turning back into the demon he knew.
Before he spread his wings in warning and walked past the overlords with a broad grin. ,,See you around, pretty," he murmured with a wink before his wisp of smoke announced his departure and the moth demon withdrew from the meeting.
With his very own recognition of this meeting. He had to possess this beauty in one way or another and he had truly fallen in love, one more reason for him to get her soul and her heart when she had long since stolen both from him.
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imgoingtofreakoutnow · 11 months
your touch sets me alight, darling
Summary: After the battle with Lorroakan, you tend to Rolan's bruises, and some more things come to the surface
Pairing: Rolan x Tav
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: mentions of bruises and blood, hints at past abuse, light spoilers for Rolan's storyline, a lot of fluff and hand touching
A/N: hello! the tiefling wizard has charmed me and this is the result. I hoep you people like it, i apologize already if his characterization is not entirely accurate. Love you all!!!
Tagging: @tripleyeeet @elfinbloodbag @fictionobsession (if you don't want to be tagged, let me know <3)
Rolan hissed sharply as you patted down his bruised cheekbone with a gauze soaked with alcohol. You winced in response, knowing too well the sharp sting of the disinfectant liquid on an open wound.
"Sorry about that." Your gestures became even more careful after that. "I'm trying to be gentle."
"I know." He inhaled sharply when the cold cloth passed again on his bruise, pressing his lips together not to emit another pained sound. "But your kindness doesn't make it hurt any less."
Sighing at his sharp remark, you shot him a quick and apologetic look before treating the following bruise that cut his features.
"I still don't understand why you didn't use a healing potion," you mumbled softly. "By now you would've been back to one piece already."
The wizard looked at you, one eyebrow raised and an unimpressed look in his eyes. "And waste a perfectly good potion on these insignificant bruises?" He shook his head with a scoff. "I would never do that."
It was your turn to press your lips together in a small pout as you focused back on your task. "I wouldn't call them that."
You met his irises, a golden ring decorating his black orbs. "Insignificant."
His gaze trembled for a second before falling to the ground. His eyebrow creased as a stone-like expression set on his face, however the pain behind his eyes was so vivid it almost broke your heart just looking at him. You wished you could’ve just let the cloth in your hand fall to the ground; let your fingers run on his skin, cupping his face and giving him the comfort that he so badly deserved.
"You don't have to worry about me," he murmured calmly, but his hands kept fidgeting with the ends of his tunic. "You've done more than enough already. It's done, I'm fine."
You lowered the gauze for a moment, leaning down to meet Rolan's gaze. "Are you, though?"
His eyes locked in yours for a moment. His lips trembled open, moving silently as if they were trying so hard to find the right words to explain what was going on in his brain; what he was feeling and what he had felt before you had arrived.
To finally open up.
A distant voice broke through the silence of the room, rumbling through the walls and bookshelves of Ramazith's Tower, and the moment passed. Rolan cleared his throat, closing both his mouth and himself to you as he straightened his spine and shoulders.
"I don't want to talk about it." His gaze darted away to his fidgeting hands. "Not now, at least."
"There’s no rush."
Smiling gently at him, you discarded the dirty gauze with a clean one. After soaking it with some water from one of your many bottles, your hands went back to his face, gently wiping away the blood scattered on his sharp but charming features.
"I just wanted you to know that I'm here, if you need me,” you uttered softly. “To talk… or to distract you with my awful jokes."
Despite his gaze still lowered to the ground, the smallest genuine smile appeared on his face. You couldn't ignore the way your heart jumped in your throat like a frightened frog when his lips turned even so slightly upwards. You had been avoiding it long enough, that feeling that had slowly but inevitably grown since the first time you had met the tiefling wizard.
It was incessantly there, drumming from inside your chest like an innocent prisoner just wanting to be let out. And you didn’t have it in your heart to keep him inside any longer.
"Or…” you paused for a second, pushing through the sudden fear, heavy on your tongue, “whatever else.”
The words hung in the air between the two of you for a minute or so before Rolan reacted in any way to what you had just said. When he finally turned towards you, his eyes were as wide as those of a surprised doe, a wide-eyed look that lasted just a moment before it was replaced with a frowning confusion.
"Whatever else?"
You shrugged, meeting his questioning eyes not longer than the blink of an eye. Under his gaze, you felt a sudden heat blooming in your chest and slowly crawling towards your face. You tried to ignore it, focusing back on your task.
“Whatever else you may need,” you clarified in a rush of words. “Or want."
Nodding slowly, you could feel him following your every move as you put down the used gauze and reached for the bandages. "Such as?"
"How should I know?” you retorted, speaking quickly as a certain panic started setting in your chest. “Could be a book, a cup of tea…” – you paused, not one good idea crossing your embarrassed brain – “a warm blanket…"
Rolan narrowed his eyes, one eyebrow cocked up. "Do you think of me as some kind of grandad?"
"No, not at all!" you immediately blurted out, pulling your hands away from his face as a smug grin cut across his face, his sharp teeth poking through his lips. At that sight, the warmth beneath your cheek exploded, burning in your flesh and bones to an unbearable degree.
"I was just-”
You paused, not really sure where that sentence was headed. Lowering your head to the weight of your awkwardness, your hands fiddled with the wet piece of cloth, now stained with the tiefling’s blood.
Before you could think of something else to say – perhaps come up with a half-logical excuse for what you meant that wasn’t the actual truth – you felt a different kind of weight filling your hands. Rolan took the bandage out of them and wrapped his fingers around yours, letting them run gently across your palms, his claws tickling your skin just as much as his fingertips set it on fire.
"Could this,” he spoke softly as he intertwined his fingers with yours, an awkward and trembling smile pulling his lips, “be something you'd be inclined to offer?"
Opening your mouth to speak, not one sound left your lips. You were left speechless by his words and your heart, beating faster than a galloping horse, felt as though it was about to burst out of your chest and into his hands. That wouldn’t have changed much from how you had felt in the past weeks: he’d unknowingly had it in his grip all along, since that drunken, fateful night at the Light Inn.
 "Only if you want it, that is,” he whispered gently, but there was a sort of defeat in his tone as you felt the grasp of his hands loosen on yours and lightly pull away.
“I do!”
You blurted out those two words so quickly your tongue almost knotted on itself. You pulled his hands back towards you – perhaps with a little too much strength, your heads missing each other by mere luck – and you reveled in his touch.
“Sorry,” you murmured again apologetically. “But I really do. Want this.”
With your eyes locked in his – desperately waiting for a confirmation, you let your thumb press and circle the inner part of his wrist, brushing against his rushing artery. “Do you?”
Rolan didn’t answer immediately. He simply took your hand in his and brought it to his lips, leaving a row of kisses along your knuckles. You held your breath as he softly pressed them into your palm before placing it on his own cheek. A quiet sigh escaped his lips when your skin touched his, the tension disappearing like snow under a shining sun.
“Badly,” he breathed, his voice a low rumble that shook you to your core.
You chuckled lightly, almost unable to control your joy, your thumb gently caressing his skin. “I’m glad you’ve come to appreciate my company.”
The tiefling smirked, leaning into your touch and towards you like a moth drawn to the fire. “I hope I’ll get to appreciate it even more in the future.”
“Rolan, that’s so disgusting.”
You both quickly pulled away and turned to the doorway. Cal, appearing out of nowhere, stood there, leaning against the open door with a grossed out expression on his face. You couldn’t help but compare it to a child seeing his parents kiss for the first time.
“There’s a door for a reason, Cal! Knock on it!”
Despite his angry tone, you could clearly see the wizard’s embarrassment painting his already red skin of an even darker shade. It was quite adorable to witness him so vulnerable but you had to push back the smile growing on your lips.
The other tiefling rolled his eyes at Rolan’s outburst. “If you really wanted to keep people out, you should’ve locked it.”
If looks could kill, Cal would’ve dropped dead. Luckily for him, Rolan still wasn’t that powerful, but you could feel the anger exuding from Rolan, electric like a lightning about to strike.
“I better go.”
Your whisper only reached Rolan’s ears as you quickly picked up the few bottles and bandages scattered around the floor. After shoving them into your bag you should have been ready to go but something was missing. Before losing the little courage that his words gave you, you leaned towards Rolan and kissed him.
It was quick and messy – didn’t last longer than a few moments before it was over, but when you felt Rolan press back against you – his lips opening and closing around yours – you barely managed to keep yourself from melting into his touch, let alone pull yourself away from his warmth.
“I’ll see you soon then,” you whispered against his mouth, ignoring the disgusted noises that Cal was still making as he turned away from the scene.
The wizard scoffed, his anger long forgotten as a smug grin danced on his lips. “It’s a date.”
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cambion-companion · 10 months
I cannot concentrate on my work (ironically as a TA writing up my phd thesis) because I read your intelligence 8 tav x raphael fics and now I am shaken to the core and all I wanna do is daydream about being a clueless little slut in the house of hoep
please saer can I have some more
hahaha I'm so glad that brain worm took root, intelligence 8 Tav is delightful. I also wanted to incorporate this lovely ask as well and express my gratitude for the support you all have given me this month. All is well! Enjoy a drabble with a Tav/reader utterly oblivious to the true nature of a cambion...to them he's just a tiefling with wings! how cool!
Raphael + reader (gn) drabble
(I'll probably write another that's more romantic/cute but this was too funny to pass up)
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"You have an uncanny talent at getting into the most outlandish situations." Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger, inhaling a deep breath.
You looked around at the decadent room he'd rented for himself, steam rising from two baths and flower petals ornamenting the lush red carpet. "I wouldn't think a devil-guy would be the sort to have tulips thrown about."
"Roses." Raphael corrected, his hand clasping firm about your upper arm just in time to save you from slipping on the wet tile and braining yourself. "I would wager a hefty sum of gold your mind does not entertain too many thoughts at one time."
"Thank you." You murmured, touched. You allowed him to escort you to safety upon a chair and watched with vague interest at how his lips twisted in bemusement. "I should thank you for saving my bacon back there. Wasn't expecting to survive that. But Shart always gets Withers to bring me back when we run out of those glowy scroll things."
"I do believe I sense a migraine coming on." Raphael squeezed his eyes shut briefly before crossing to pour you both a glass of dark brown alcohol.
You took the fancy crystal glass and downed the drink with gusto, only realizing your mistake when the scorching whiskey had passed into your gullet, and you burst into a coughing fit. Raphael sighed and gave you a solid couple thumps on your back as you struggled to breath. "There now. Death by imbibing spirits too eagerly is no way to enter the afterlife. Not until you've served your purpose, at least."
"I'm concerned for your well-being, dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve. "That's really nice of you, Raph." He winced at the nickname but just barely managed to keep a pleasant neutral expression. "I don't know why everyone else threw such a fit about you, you're not a bad dude."
"I'm flattered." Raphael almost felt a sense of annoyance at how easy this was. He enjoyed a challenge, and this mortal was certainly not bringing it. He drained his glass fluidly and returned it with a clink to the table. "Now, your person is more or less stable for the time being."
You looked around, checking behind you. "What person?"
"Your body has been plucked from the peril you so naively flounced into." Raphael clarified, a slight edge to his words now, he was running low on patience. "Be a good mouse and run along, fetch me the crown and we can part ways amicably."
"I never imagined mice to be much good at fetching." You mused, rising to your feet as Raphael practically pushed you from his room. "That seems more a dog's forte. Oh, we have a most wonderful dog back at camp-"
The door closed in your face, so close it almost clipped your nose. You stared at the dark wood for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. You spoke a little louder so he would be able to hear through it. "His name is Scratch! What was I saying? Oh yes, dogs fetch crowns and balls better than mice! Maybe keep that in mind when giving people animal nicknames!"
No answer.
He must have gone to take a nap. You were sure cambions probably did that often since they seemed to act much like cats in every other way.
Smiling to yourself you departed, convinced that you and Raphael were now bosom friends.
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lampiridaes · 1 month
hello agaian. im here to request a different thing from what i usually request. hsr!! yay!!! yanqing, arlan, and qingque with a guinaifen-like s/o. a silly streamer and blogger.. like whatd they do or react when thir s/o do streams with them sometimes!!.. maybe trying out different types of foods, doing tricks, exploring places.. and more
(also you can refuse this req since idk if i can submit 2 or not, i donnt wanna sound greedy :'))
thank you!!!!<3
♬ now playing: "streamer"
-> "chat is this real", "... who are you talking to???"
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summary. hsr chars w/ a guinaifen-like!s/o
chars. yanqing , qingque (ft. fu xuan)
notes. blinks repeatedly. man! how long has it been. hai lyn!!! thank u for the two requests!!!! except tumblr ate the other one up and i . forgor what it was. u have been reading my works since liek . december ??? i find u very cool.!!!!! I COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING FOR ARLAN and also this is relly really short I AM very.veru sorry:( i hoep u still enjoy this tho!.!!!! ^0^
contains. spoilers for the event story "aurum alley's hustle and bustle" (yanqing), fluff, established relationships
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track one: yanqing
considering yanqing's job and training, he doesn't have as much free time as he wishes he had. but he still hangs out with you and even guests in your streams at times!
in fact, he even joined in when you visited aurum alley. after sushang and the trailblazer fixed the area up, helping the stores, it was no surprise that it was on your go-to list.
"good evening, everyone! i'm sure you all heard about the renewal of aurum alley, so i came here today!" you smiled at the video camera, then switched it over to frame yanqing, who was coming back to you with some berrypheasant skewers in hand.
"and today, i'm accompanied by the cloud knight's lieutenant, yanqing!" yanqing, already biting into one of the skewers and handing yours to you, gave a goofy smile to the camera.
essentially, you were documenting your exploration date with yanqing. he didn't seem to mind that much, though.
the chat, on the other hand, was sort of going wild — spamming cute stickers, a bunch of cheesy comments about you guys... overall finding this puppy love to be very cute (it is.)
track two: qingque
and on the other side of the spectrum, there's qingque — biggest slacker of the divination commission. it's admirable how she isn't fired yet.
so, it means that she's almost always down to stream with you. and this time, the both of you decided to explore around the luofu. nothing too special, honestly.
"man, this is actually getting a little boring." qingque mumbled, observing around the area you two are in. supposedly, there was something 'super duper fascinating' in this place, and you wanted to check it out. for the views.
admittedly, you were disappointed, too. you've been walking around for a good 45 minutes now, and nothing has shown up. not a building, creature, object... zero.
well, until you hear footsteps coming from behind you.
the both of you stopped in your tracks, absolutely horrified to hear something like that for the first time. it was almost cartoonish, the way you looked at each other like, 'did you hear that, too?'
one word came from the voice behind you, firm and annoyed — "qingque."
it was just the master diviner, fu xuan. however, realistically speaking, that's even scarier than any beast you could come across.
... needless to say, the stream switched off soon after.
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hi idk if you are taking request but I have one
So basically little one is ina phase where she just wants one daddy to do everything. She wants them to get her up, change her, feed her,play with her etc. when the other daddy decides to do those things she throws a complete fit. The other daddy feels helpless and doesn’t know that to do.
You can choose the daddy!
Thank you
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the request! sorry that you had to wait, I hoep you like how I turned it ❤️
Enjoy <3
Warnings : I don't really know, maybe sad Papa and confuse Daddy ?
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : do you really like just one of them ?
It's morning and you're stretching your body into the soft and cosy mattress. A sweet yawn makes its way out of your throat just as your Daddy walks inside the bedroom. When you see him, your smile get bigger than ever as your still streching your arms above your head causing him to chuckles a bit.
He walks toward the bed and gives you a kiss on your nose and then on your forehead making you giggle a little at the attention "how did you sleep, babygirl ?" he asks peerings down at you, his thumb stroking your forehead.
"I seep okay" you say with a smile "you ?" he smiles and nods his head "i sleep very good" he then stands up and throws the cover away from you "let's go" he gives you his hand "you have a delicious breakfast waiting for you" he winks
You bite your lips and get out of bed, gripping his hand. He leads you downstairs as you tell him everything about your crazy dream. He listen carefully until you end your story and is now helping you sitting on your seat around the table.
You frown when your Daddy went to sit across from you and your frown vanish when you see your Papa coming toward you with breakfast in his hands. He smiles at you and kisses the top of your head before you have times to pull away.
He seems to notice the way you react at him touching you but he shakes his head and throws away the shitty feelings he felt during that realisation. He grabs your plate and puts breakfast in it before doing the same with his and Bucky's plate.
Steve sits beside you and goes to feed you like your Daddy told him he does when you're not feeling like eating alone. Steve isn't at home often, he always has to train or to work with Tony so it's always you and your Daddy.
Your shy voice makes him stop his movement "I want Daddy" you say getting both of their attention, Bucky looks up at you from his food "but beautiful, it's always me who feeds you. Why don't you let Papa do it for once ? Since he's here, let him do that for you" he says tilting his head
"But I want Daddy" you say more firmly as you start balancing your legs. Bucky sighs and shakes his head "well it won't be me today" he starts to eat again. You cross your arms against your chest and say "then i don eat"
Buckys sighs again and is about to say something else when Steve cuts him "it's okay" he says with a sad smile as he looks at Bucky "Feed her. She needs to eat, it's okay"
Steve stands up and go sit on another seat so Bucky can sit where he was before he can even say anything.
When breakfast is finish, it's time to go in the bathroom and make sure you're still clean and in no need to be change.
You stand up and wait for your Daddy to go upstairs with you
"you should go with her" Steve says as he starts doing the dishes "she want you so we should do things easy and not start an argument with her"
"are you sure ?" Bucky asks "maybe she can change toward you after that" he says unsure.
"No!" you yell from the stairs "I want Daddy"
Bucky sighs and Steve just gives him the same sad smile before dropping his eyes on the dishes. Bucky kisses his cheek, murmuring an apology before walking toward you.
He helps you going on the changing table and starts to change you without saying a word. You start to feel bad and you don't even know why, during the whole time, you hold back your tears as you see the way your Daddy's eyes are on fire and that he doesn't even look at you
What did you do ?
When he finishes, he turns around and washes his hands. He's tense, you can see it and you don't know if you should stand up or staying laying down. When he turns back around and goes to throws away the dirty, you sit up and start fidheting with you fingers as a tear slides away "Daddy hates me ?" you whisper with a shaking voice
He quickly turns around and walks toward you "no babygirl. I don't hate you. I love so much, more than you can imagine but i'm just upset" he says kissing your forehead
"why Daddy's upset" you ask balancing your legs. He stops you movement by grabbing your feet and hold your little toes in his big fingers "it's nothing you should worry about" he reassures
He didn't wanted you to feel bad about why he's upset. He's upset because Steve is sad about his relationship with you. He doesn't like how things turn on and he doesn't know what to do to change it.
He helps you going down from the table "why don't we go watch a movie ?" he proposes and you smile while nodding your head. You love movie and it's even better when your Daddy is with you
He walks you downstairs and tell you to wait on the couch and to think about what you want to watch and he then walks in the kitchen where he meet Steve who's on his phone. He doesn't look up at Bucky but he knows he's here so he asks "how was it ?"
"it went good. We're gonna watch a movie, you join us ?" Bucky asks worried that Steve would decline the invitation. But to his surprise, he nods his head and even if he doesn't look the happier, it still make Bucky smiles in the inside. He just want to see the people he loves being close to each other
They make their way back toward the living room and sits on the couch "so what do you want to watch, beautiful ?" he asks
"Frozen" you sing happily making him chuckle "that's a perfect choice" he smiles and starts playing the movie.
During the entire time, you snuggle closer to Bucky and cuddling against his body as you sing your little heart out at all the song. Bucky keeps looking at the end of the couch where Steve is, too far away from you both at his liking. But he couldn't say anything, he didn't want you to say another thing who'll hurt Steve again.
At the end of the movie, you're dripping off to sleep against him. He softly slides his fingers down your hair and before he can lift you up to go put you in bed, Steve says "what did i do ?"
Bucky's head turns toward Steve who's looking at you with so much love and sadness in his eyes "Why does she not want me ?"
Bucky's eyes soften at the view of Steve like this, he reaches forward and grab a hold of his hand "i don't know but we'll figure it out and i'll help her and you getting close to each other"
Steve nods his head and gives him an appreciating smile before looking back down at you "you should put her to bed, i'll wait you in our room" he stands up before disappearing in the stairs
It's sunday afternoon and you're waiting for Bucky to come in your room for your tea time like every other sunday afternoon. You had already set up everything that you needed and you even scowled Bucksie to stop flirting with your Daddy when he's with you on a tea times. It happen every week and every week your jealous.
You start to smile big when you see him entering the room, he starts to grin when he sees everything you prepared and doesn't lose a time to sit down on his seat so he can taste all of that "well well, didn't you do a great job here, baby" he says eyeing everything "that look delicious"
You blush and shyly look into his eyes "tank you" he chuckles at how cute you are and gives you his cup so you can serve him.
After some times, Bucky decides that it's time to ask his question, so he puts his cup on the table and turns to look at you "beautiful ?" he calls grabbing your attention "come on Daddy's laps" he pats his laps and pulls the chair away from the table so you have room to sit.
You let your cup on the table as well and make your way toward him, you sit on his laps easily seeing how close of the floor he is and he immediately rests a hand on your lower back on the other on your knees "can I ask you something ?" he asks looking in your beautiful eyes
You nod
"What Papa did ?" he asks making you frown so he continues "what did he do for you to act like this with him ?"
You look down at your fingers and shrug "i don know him" you simply say and when your Daddy doesn't say anything else, you add "he scary"
Bucky sighs and nods his head "i know he's not around much but he's exactly like me. He just want to love you," he kisses your nose "to hold you," he holds you tight against his chest "to comfort you" he slides his fingers down your back and down your legs "and to play with you" he says wiggling his fingers on your sole and with the other hand on your side.
You squeal giggling and squirm making him laugh "you see ?" he says cupping your cheeks "he just want to be there for you and for you to not pull him away. He loves you and he just want you to accept that, to love him back"
"He's huge and tall and i know he's scary and intimidating but can you try to know him ?" he tilts his head looking into your eyes "for me ?" he pleads
You nod your head and whisper a little "oki". He smiles at you and rests his forehead against yours "thank you my little one"
It's night time and your Daddy walks in the living room were Steve is reading and were you're playing. He kneels behind you and slides his fingers up and down your back "it's time to go to sleep, beautiful"
You whine and shake your head "No Daddy, I want to play"
"do you remember what I siad, little one ?" he asks tilting his head, you turn your head toward him "ten minutes ago, I told you that in ten minutes, it'll be time to go to sleep. You knew you had ten minutes left and now that those ten minutes are over, it's time to go to bed"
You sigh and plead him with your eyes one more time but he doesn't change his mind causing you to sigh one more time. He stands up and gives you his hand so you can take it.
You lift your arms at him to take you and he immediately rests you on his hip. You rest your head on his shoulder as he starts to leave the living room. You look behind your Daddy and see your Papa alone in the couch while looking at you.
You don't say anything but you lift your hand, quietly asking him to come and take it in his. His eyes widen before falling into a frown and you wiggle your fingers at him, showing him that you want his hand in yours
He immediately stands up and almost runs toward you to take your hand, once his huge and warm hand is in yours, you rest your head back down on your Daddy's shoulder and you close your eyes. Yopu feel him squeezing your hand as you hold it tighter
Baby steps...
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gumnut-logic · 5 months
Talk No.2
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Alexander Sweetapple series | Talk No.1 | Talk No.2
Quick post as i dash out the door. Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight and @womble1 for the read throughs :D
I hoep you enjoy.
“So, you and Alex.”
Virgil jumped slightly as Erica sat down opposite him at the table. He had been looking at some equations for Alex and Erica. There was an idea the three of them had been nutting out together. It was a long shot, but if they could get it to work, it had a great deal of potential.
Alex had been staring at it too long and Virgil had been on the verge of suggesting some lunch, but then the Director had called him away, leaving Virgil with Erica.
She was chewing a pencil and waiting for an answer.
“Me and Alex, what?”
“You’re dating?”
“Going well?”
“I think so.”
“Going to look after him?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“Do right by him?”
“Of course.”
“You hurt him, I hurt you.”
She flicked the pencil out of her teeth and flung it end over end across the room, piercing the pinboard like a very pointed knife.
Virgil swallowed. “Understood.”
Erica smiled. “Good.”
She leant over the table and scribbled in a solution to one of the equations. Her purple pigtails bobbed as she sat up grinning, just as Alex walked through the door.
Virgil was quite happy to to feel Alex’s hand land on his shoulder, and when he looked up, Alex dropped a kiss to his forehead. “Miss me?”
Virgil smiled. “Of course.”
But he didn’t miss the gleam in Erica’s eyes.
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gideonisms · 6 months
titties forever my girlfriend just advanced to candidacy in her PhD program and I have had FOUR! margaritas and hoep you are having an excellent night. heading back to texas in a week. LOVE YOU
TITS FOREVER ANON how I have missed you!!! Congrats to your girlfriend!!! And congrats on the fun beverages! I'm having a good night, I was at work waiting for a mail truck to come in and got an hour and a half to sit there and read but I still got paid ♥️ Also just found out I'm getting a raise. ALMOST makes the extra work days worth it. Now I'm home eating pasta with butter!!
WELCOME BACK TO TEXAS! who knows perhaps our paths will one day cross. Until then good night sweet anon! Get some water too so you don't get a headache tomorrow
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Can you please do a part 3 to the wilbur sibling fic? It's so good!!!
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
I've been keeping this request for a while, sp it's finally time to get to it ^^
Hoep you enjoy <3
Brother!Reader being jealous of Crimeboy's bond pt. 3
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: Male - He/Him
Part 1 || Part 2
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Wilbur had spend an entire month now thinking about what he had done
At first, he must admit, he didn't believe he really did anything wrong
After all, to him it was just a mindless joke
But after hearing his friends point of view, he realized that he really had hurt you
Joke or not, he put your emotions on line and that was not a good thing to do
He spent this entire moth thinking of what he could do to make things better
Obviously he had to apologise first...but would an apology really be enough for you? Would it make you think of him as the kind and available older brother that he once was?
Wilbur decided that the best choice was to talk to someone who was actually close to you, and that happened to be the two people who gave him an earful last time for what he had done
Niki and Jack
And also Tommy was there, because he happened to be in Brighton that day
"I can't belive you still haven't said anything to him..." Niki started, daggers being glared into Wilbur's body
The singer panicked "I promise I'm trying-" he started "I just don't know what to do. I f*cked up and I'm scared of what his reaction will be if I apologise. He for sure hates me...my image in his eyes is totally ruined. What do I do? Help me, please!"
Niki and Jack tried to give Wilbur some advices, from the things he should say to the way he should act from now on.
Tommy, who had been told the situation by Jack, was mad at Wilbur for what he had said. Using him as a way of "making a joke" to his own brother was a low blow.
Heck if even Tommy understood the gravity of the situation, Wilbur really did do something wrong
And yet, no matter how much Wilbur said he was sorry, he was still here talking about what he should do instead of doing it. It's been a month.
"You're a coward, you know that?" Tommy spatted, now him being the one to glare at Wilbur, who was surprised by Tommy's sudden outburst
"You've spent a week trying to understand what you did wrong and a month trying to find a solution, while your brother is out there thinking that you don't care about him at all since you didn't even show a glipse of regret for what you did to him." He huffed angrily, before pulling Wilbur up to his feet and kicking him out of the cafe they had met up at
"Take action for the queen's sake. Show that you care and that you're sorry, instead of worrying for yourself and what you should do to look good in his eyes again. Solve the problem now, not in a year when you remember."
Seeing Tommy being serious and mature had made Wilbur feel very proud of who he had become
But most importantly it had given him the boost and wake up call that he needed to finally approach you
He quickly planned with his parents to visit you the next day, so that they would give the both of you some time alone to straighten things out
When you saw him at home, you just wanted to run in your room and lock yourself in there until he left
You didn't really feel ready to have this conversation, even if a lot of time passed
But Wilbur read your mind and stopped you from doing so
"Listen...I'm sorry" Wilbir spat out quickly, your struggling stopping as you were shocked from what you just heard
"I really shouldn't have said that. I've been so caught up in my career and in what the fans wanted that I pushed you aside and joked with your emotions. It was wrong of me and I should have realized it way sooner...I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner too. I was so nervous and only thinking about myself and my image in your eyes, that I didn't think about how you were feeling throughout this entire argument "
By now you two were sitting, his apology going on longer then you expected, but you just sat there and absorbed all of his words
Honestly, you weren't anticipating him to say anything about the situation. He seemed to be so sure of what he had said, not feeling any type of guilt about it, so an apology was not something you expected
But hearing him apologies and admit his faults had made you a bit happy, because to you it meant that he really did care
Obviously you couldn't forgive him completely just yet
But you two decided to start working on rebuilding your brothers-relationship all over again
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dudadragneel · 1 year
- okay so I saw you wanted ideas for both high school and for at work, so here’s my idea for a high school AU: character A thinks that their just feeling sick because of nerves before an exam but character B suspects otherwise and keeps an eye on them. Soon discovering that it wasn’t “just nerves” and they’re actually sick and need to go home. Character B goes home with them but character A’s parents aren’t home so they have to take care of them until they DO get home & explain to them what happened at school since character A is still kinda out of it.
I'm reposting this since 🧶 showed me what tags to use! Thank you!
This wasn't a request but this anon gave their ideas and I worked around them so I thought it would be best to credit them 😊
Hoep you'll enjoy!
High school was never easy on anyone, it was stressful all year long and especially stressful during midterms. They made even the most successful students nervous. There was no escape.
They were midterm week and that meant, studying all day, no going out, no game, nothing, just complete focus.
Today was the start of the midterms, and Felix's day started stressful from the get-go. While still laying in bed he felt a weird sensation lingering in his stomach, bothering enough for him to consider skipping class.
But he knew that not taking/doing the test on the exact day resulted in doing another harder one later. For someone who just wanted to be free from these midterms, that was not an option.
He decided to get up and sat on the edge of his bed trying to understand what he was feeling. Nausea, nerves? The only thing he could think was "Great, we started like this from the get-go"
He made his way to the bathroom and looked at himsel in the mirror, his complexion looked good, so he discarded the option of him being actually sick. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, trying to fully awaken before heading to the kitchen for breakfast.
He didn't want to eat but at the same time, he knew his mom wouldn't let him go to school on an empty stomach.
- Good morning, Mom.
- Good morning, dear. Sit down, I made you breakfast.
- Thanks, mom.
He decided to eat as he felt like it would be worse to deal with the nausea while also fighting an empty stomach-related pain. But unlike the other days, he ate less than normal.
- Oh dear, are you okay? You didn't finish your breakfast...
- I'm good, mom. I'm just not that hungry.
- Are you nervous, my love?
- Kind of.
- Oh sweetie. You're going to do good on the exam, don't worry. You studied hard.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Here. Your lunch. I made your favorite.
- Thanks. I'm off now. See you later.
He kissed her on the cheeks and left his house.
The boy was part of a rather popular group in school, they were known for their looks and talents. They would usually meet on their way to school and arrive there together.
Chan, the oldest one, lived close to Felix so they always met first and on their way, the others would pop up and join the group.
Felix loved walking to school, but today he was loathing that idea. But his parents and sibling all had work to do so they left a little earlier than him, so no rides today.
He met with Chan after about 10 minutes of walking and the older boy immediately noticed something wrong with the boy.
- Good morning, mate.
- Good morning, hyung.
- Hey, you okay Felix?
- Hm? Yes. I think it's just nerves.
- About today's exam?
- Yeah.
- You'll do good.
- I hope so.
For some reason, Chan believed that something else was going on, it wasn't just nerves so he decided to keep an eye on him throughout the day.
On their way, they met with Hyunjin, Han, Changbin, Minho, Seungmin, and Jeongin, and it was safe to say they were a pile of nerves because of the midterms.
The exams were going to happen in the afternoon, after lunch. And that meant Felix would have to sit through an entire morning of classes before getting rid of this god-forsaken exam. And to add to his misery of feeling nauseous due to nerves, they had gym class as well.
"Shit, this is going to be a long day," he thought to himself letting out a long sigh.
- Why did you sigh?
- I already feel defeated...
- Oh come on. It's just an exam, it's not the end of the world.
Han said giving a tap on the shoulder.
Felix went ahead because he wanted to study a little more before class started, so Chan took the opportunity and called the others back before they went to class.
- Hey, all 5 of you, since you're in the same class, I want to ask a favor of you.
- What is it, hyung?
- Keep an eye on Felix, I don't think he's okay.
- I noticed that too.
Hyunjin said.
- Don't worry hyung, we'll take care of him.
- If anything happens during class, text me and Minho, okay?
- Yes.
Chan and Minho were the oldest of the group and were in the same class, while the others were together in another class.
After about 20 minutes, the bell rang signaling the start of the day for the students. Throughout the first period, Felix tried to focus on what the teacher was saying but his mind only paid attention to how they had a test in a few hours, how before that they had gym class, and how his stomach wasn't giving him a break.
Han, having anxiety himself, knew the signs of someone anxious and he noticed how Felix's leg wouldn't stop shaking. He turned to Felix and mouthed
- Are you okay?
Felix just nodded back.
Han knew something was wrong, just like the others knew as well but he couldn't say anything during class. After the first period, they had a small break before the other class so the boys gathered around Felix.
Han put a hand on Felix's shaking leg.
- Hey, you're okay. Don't be nervous. You'll do well!
- Thanks...but it's not that...I feel strange...
- Strange how?
- I don't really know...I feel kind of nauseous...
- Do you think you're gonna be sick?
- No. It's just bothering me...can you just keep talking to me? It helps me get distracted and relax.
- Sure! Oh! Do you want to listen to the demo of the new song I'm working on?
- Yes!
They were known in the school for being extremely talented and they loved producing music.
Funny enough, Han's newly produced music was just what Felix needed to hear at that moment, even though there was no singing or rapping, the rhythm and beat were soothing and helped Felix relax a bit.
- Woah, it's really good!
- Glad you liked it! Maybe we can work on it after our midterms are done!
- Sure.
After a while, the second class started and Felix managed to sit through this one a little bit better. However, their next class was going to test the limits of his body, gym class.
Even though they were in separate classes, their gym class reunited a few classes, so all 8 of them would be together.
In a way, they were good at sports, and they did enjoy it, but today that one class was Felix's worst nightmare.
He had been feeling queasy all morning and running and jumping right now was definitely not the best idea. And on top of that, the weather was rather hot.
They had to run a few laps around the field before beginning a football match, and the boys were worried about him.
He did manage to take part in most of the class until the teacher gave them a break.
They all gathered in the shadow to catch their breaths and drink some water.
- Woah! It's too hot!
Some of them were spraying water on their heads, others were sitting down.
Felix was just standing with his hands on his waist, almost like Hyunjin's iconic pose. He was breathing rather erratically, his heart felt like it was still running on its own and his throat was dry.
- Here, Felix!
Chan said handing him a bottle of cold water.
- Thanks, hyung.
He gratefully accepted the water and took a small sip, but he was too thirsty, so he almost gulped down the entire bottle.
At first, he felt like he'd just been rescued from the desert but then reality hit.
He had just gulped down an entire bottle of water, on a queasy stomach, just before going back to the field.
He felt his stomach contract a little and bent down, hands on his knees for support, and his head ducked down.
- Hey, you okay?
Changbin said going over to his side, everyone was worried about him.
- Oi? I'm fine. Just tired, it's too hot.
Changbin and the boys decided not to insist on asking him if he was okay and just took his word for it. Even though they all knew something was wrong from the moment they met him early that morning.
They went back to the field and started the last part of their football match, and Felix was already regretting drinking that bottle of water even before he began running again.
Every step, every run, made his stomach flip over and over again, and the weather wasn't helping one bit.
He did manage to score a goal but he just kept feeling worse and worse. He bent over a few times to catch his breath and try to calm down and then continue. He did not want to leave the field out of the blue and catch everyone's attention, so he did his best to go through that torture.
Finally, the match ended and they won. All the boys gathered again one last time before going back to their classrooms and that's when things started to take a turn for the worst.
Felix leaned against the wall in the shadow with the others and felt his stomach flips again.
He felt it bubbling and sloshing its contents around, he tried to close his eyes and take a deep breath. But it wasn't working, he was already sweating from the exercise but now it was more like a cold sweat.
He was certain something was creeping up his throat and on top of that he was starting to feel lightheaded.
He attempted to close his eyes and breathe once again, but the nausea kept growing stronger.
Felix's mouth started to pool with saliva and he started to swallow convulsively, trying to keep everything in and not surprise anyone.
He did manage to control the situation but he was now twice as dizzy as he was before.
He felt the strength be sucked away from his legs and swayed a bit, catching all the boy's attention.
- Felix?
Chan said worryingly and quickly getting to his side. Being the oldest of the group he always took care of the younger ones.
He was quick to support Felix before the boy fell to the ground, and helped him down.
- Hey, easy. It's okay.
Felix couldn't even look up properly.
- What are you feeling?
Hyunjin asked kneeling next to him.
- I feel lightheaded and have cold sweats...
- You do look pale right now.
- I feel like I'm about to pass out...
- Lay down.
Felix did what Chan told him to do and he was glad that the nausea had gone away for a while, otherwise laying down would be the worst idea. 
Chan instructed that one of the boys held his legs up and the other put a cold water bottle on his forehead and his neck, as it should help with the heat and the low blood pressure.
Han called Chan to the side to talk to him without Felix listening.
- Hyung.
- What is it?
- He is not okay. Earlier in class his leg wouldn't stop shaking and he said he was feeling nauseous.
- Did he get sick?
- No. He just told us to keep talking to him and eventually, he calmed down.
- But now, gym class just made everything worse.
After a few minutes of the boys taking care of him, his face regained color and he was no longer feeling lightheaded.
- How are you feeling?
- better, I'm not dizzy any more.
- Great.
- Let's sit but take it slow, alright? Harsh movements will just make you feel dizzy again.
Minho helped Felix sit up but even if the movement was as smooth as he could manage, it still made his stomach's content slosh around.
It started gurgling and he felt liquid coming up his chest and his mouth pooling with saliva again.
He just stood there quietly while one of the boys massaged his nape with a cold wet cloth.
He appreciated the gesture but his stomach decided to make him suffer. It suddenly contracted and the nausea build up even more. He tried to keep it down by swallowing convulsively but it didn't work. He felt something creeping up his throat and he wanted to get out of there.
He tugged on Minho's jacket sleeve and didn't even look up, and just put his other hand on his stomach.
The older one immediately understood the signal, helped Felix to his feet, and wrapped his arm around his waist to support him.
- I'll go with him.
Felix gagged and swayed forward, and he would've fallen if Minho wasn't there supporting him.
The boys wanted to follow along but Chan told them not to because sometimes too many people around will only make one even more nervous, and he knew Felix would start to feel guilty for worrying them.
Minho guided Felix to the restroom and entered one of the stalls with his dongsaeng.
Felix bent over the toilet, hands grabbing the edges while Minho locked the door behind them. He put his hand on Felix's back and bent down to Felix's point of view.
- Are you okay?
Minho asked gently, a tone he used mostly with Felix.
- No... I've been feeling off since I woke up...
- We noticed.
- I'm sorry...
- No no no, it's okay.
Minho reassured him patting his head.
Felix's stomach kept bubbling and gurgling but he didn't feel like he was going to throw up. He kept his mouth open, only saliva coming out.
Minho started to rub his back up and down, trying to comfort his dongsaeng.
Felix gagged a few times but nothing came up, only thick saliva. He cursed under his breath because he still felt nauseous and he thought that if he threw up, he would feel better after.
- Felix, don't force it. You're gonna hurt your throat. Straighten your back and take deep breaths.
Minho helped him calm down before exiting the stall.
- Rinse your mouth and let's go, we still have one class and lunch before our exam.
- I wish I could do this exam now...
- me too. Let's go.
Minho walked out of the bathroom supporting Felix, because he knew the boy was still feeling unwell.
They met with the other 6 outside the bathroom, with worried expressions. Felix was already feeling bad and seeing his friends worried about him made him feel even worse.
- I'm okay.
He said firmly, no one believed it but they wouldn't contradict him and worsen the situation.
- Let's go back to class. See you later, Chan-hyung, Minho-hyung.
Changbin said wrapping his arm around Felix and walking with the other four to their classes.
As soon as the boys left, Chan turned to Minho and they made their way to their class as well.
- What happened in there?
- He felt sick but he couldn't throw up. Nothing came up.
- Shit. And we still have one class, lunch, and an exam.
- Yeah. What do we do?
- Let's see if we'll change classes for the exam and if we do, we keep an eye on him. If not, the other ones will be there if anything happens.
- I hope he will be okay.
The bell rang signaling the start of the last class before lunch. And Felix just sat through it, reading his notes for the exam and trying to ignore the fact that he still had to eat before doing that exam and going home.
Lunchtime arrived faster than he weirdly wished.
They all gathered in the school cafeteria, a place Felix was loathing right now because there was too much noise and the worst, food smells.
He had to eat but everything was making his stomach turn, he just buried his head in his hands sighing.
They all looked up at him, worried.
- Hey, Felix, are you okay?
- No...
They knew it was serious when he admitted. No one in the group used to admit to feeling unwell, so when they actually did, everyone should be concerned.
- What are you feeling?
- I feel weird...like, there's something lingering around in my stomach...
- Did you eat anything weird last night or this morning?
- No. I guess it's just nerves.
- Relax man, you'll do great. And it's not the end of the world. It's just an exam. Don't worry about it.
- I'll try to. Ugh-
He grimaced when his nose caught a strong scent of food, making his stomach turn again.
- Hey, Felix. Let's go eat outside, okay? We can see you're not feeling comfortable.
- Sorry, guys.
- Don't worry. Let's go.
They all decided to eat outside, under the shadow cast by the tree. There was a nice breeze and it helped Felix relax a bit, to the point where he managed to eat a little.
Lunchtime was over, much to Felix's happiness and despair. One because he didn't have to endure the smell of food anymore, and two because now there was no escaping the exam.
In their school, the students switched classes for the exam to prevent them from cheating.
This time, Minho and Chan were in the same class as Felix, while the others were in another one.
Felix read his notes for the last time before putting them in his bag and taking a deep breath in. All four of them looked at each other and wished good luck before the papers were handed out to them.
The exam wasn't difficult but it wasn't easy, they had to study but nothing that Felix needed to be afraid of or nervous about.
He started answering the questions, and at the beginning, he thought it was easy and that he didn't need to get anxious about it. And the nausea was gone, so he thought it was definitely just nerves.
But, as he continued to answer the exam, he felt this weird pressure between his eyes, as if he was dizzy but not really. He squeezed them shut to see if the weird sensation would go away. It did for a while but as he looked at the paper the letters started to get blurry and doubled, he squeezed his eyes again and looked up before returning his attention to the questions.
But what he thought were just nerves, were turning out to be something else. He felt cold sweat form at the back of his neck and trail down his back. His stomach started to act funny as well.
He tried his best to keep his attention on the questions before him, as he thought that being done with it he'd feel better and finally could go home.
However, things took a turn for the worst.
He felt his heartbeat increase and he broke in cold sweat, he couldn't pay attention to anything now. All the letters in front of him were completely blurred and doubled and he wasn't sure what was written or what he had answered.
His stomach started to do flips and he tried to make that horrible sensation go away. But the nausea just increased, he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white and started swallowing convulsively, as he felt something creeping up his chest.
By now, Chan and Minho had already noticed their dongsaeng's distress. They kept exchanging worried glances and keeping an eye out for Felix.
The young boy tried his best to get everything under control, he wanted to believe it was just nerves, but his body was telling him in every way possible that it wasn't.
He kept swallowing until his mouth became numb and for a brief moment the nausea seemed to be gone, only for him to focus back on the exam in front of him and it returned even stronger, and now he wouldn't be able to hold it.
He covered his mouth with his hand as he dropped the pen and ran out of the classroom, startling everyone.
The older boys looked at each other before getting up from their seats and following Felix.
Felix managed to get to the bathroom just in time, he barely had the chance to close the door behind him as he threw up, vomit escaping from in between his fingers and hitting the edges of the toilet, thankfully none got on his shoes or uniform. He just bent over holding against the wall as another stream made its way out.
Chan and Minho, and arrived shortly after, just in time to hear their dongsaeng gagging and the sound of vomit hitting the toilet water.
Minho went inside the stall and placed his hand on Felix's back and started rubbing it.
- Hey, take it easy. We're right here.
Felix gagged again bringing even more vomit up, hurting his throat in the process.
- Hey, do you have your hair tie on you?
Felix just motioned that it was in his pocket, so Minho grabbed it and tied his hair in a ponytail to prevent vomit from getting on it.
He barely managed to finish tying his hair and Felix's stomach contracted with full force making his back arch painfully, him bending even further, as a strong thick stream came out. The texture of the food he'd just eaten coming back made him feel even more nauseous as his stomach sent even more food up, this time making Felix lose his balance.
- Woah! Easy, easy, I've got you.
Minho said wrapping his arms around Felix's waist and guiding him down. The young spit saliva and then straightened his back, taking a deep breath, as his stomach finally gave him a break.
- Hyung...
He whined, before leaning against Minho.
The older boys' hearts just shattered into pieces seeing their dongsaeng in this state.
- It's okay, Lix.
Chan said bending down next to him and giving him a little pat on the shoulder.
For a while things seemed to have quieted down, Felix just lay there in his hyung's embrace.
- Do you think you're done?
As if on cue, his stomach flipped making him gag and lurch forward.
- I guess that's a no.
Chan said as they helped the boy back to the toilet. Felix didn't even have time to think before gagging again and vomiting even more, it felt like he was expelling last night's dinner.
- You're really not okay, Felix
Felix tried catching his breath but his stomach sent even more content up his throat making him almost choke in the process.
- Hey, calm down, it's alright.
Minho said as he now proceeded to rub Felix's lower back to his shoulder.
The young boy felt comfort in his hyung's touch and presence but the motion also stimulated his stomach once again, forcing him to vomit one more time, this time making him red from the effort.
After this, he was left vomiting only bile and hurting his throat. And even though there seemed to be nothing else to vomit, his body just didn't want to give him a break, as he kept feeling nauseous and gagging unproductively.
- Felix, there's nothing else for you to throw up. You're just hurting your throat.
Minho flushed the toilet and helped Felix straighten his back.
- There, straighten your back and take deep breaths with us.
Both he and Chan guided Felix through controlled breaths until the boy felt a little calmer.
- Hyung...I feel awful
The poor young boy said whining and leaning towards his hyungs' embrace. He felt horrible, he just wanted to go home but at the same time he was angry with himself because not only he wouldn't be able to finish his exam but neither would the hyungs that were taking care of him.
- I'm sorry, hyung- Because of me you won't be able to finish the exam-
Felix said already sobbing.
- Stop it, Lix. It's just an exam! It's not the end of the world! You're more important!
- Hyung-
Felix was now fully crying, he felt bad for his hyungs and he felt physically bad as well. He couldn't stop crying so Chan and Minho both hugged him tightly, letting their dongsaeng calm down little by little.
- It's okay, Yongbok-ah. It's okay. Don't worry.
Chan said stroking the boy's head and then placing a soft kiss.
- Let's rinse your mouth, okay?
- Hmm
They helped Felix to the sink to rinse his mouth and gave him some water.
- I'll talk to the teachers and we'll go home okay? You need to rest and get well.
- Okay.
- let's go outside.
Chan left to talk to the teachers and Minho stayed with Felix.
- Hey, why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well?
- I thought it was just nerves, I really did. But as I started the exam, instead of getting better it got worse. I'm sorry.
- Stop apologizing. It's not your fault.
After a few minutes, Chan got back with his and Felix's belongings.
- The teacher allowed us two to go home. Since we leave close to each other and his parents aren't home.
- Okay. I'll talk to the others when the exam is done.
- Alright. Oh, one more thing. The teacher allowed us three to take another exam later so we can guarantee our grades.
- oh! That's nice! See, Felix? Nothing to worry about.
Felix was so exhausted, he didn't even respond, he just wanted to go home and sleep the rest of the day.
- Hyung...can we go? I really don't feel good...
- Yes. Sorry. Let's go.
Chan pulled Felix closer to his embrace and walked out.
Their school wasn't that far from their houses but now, Felix felt as if they lived on the other side of the country and the sun in their heads wasn't helping.
Chan kept holding him the whole time, he offered a piggyback ride to Felix but the boy refused, he felt that maybe that would make him even more nauseous.
As they walked, the heat was starting to take its toll on Felix, it combined with his upset stomach and started to make the boy feel even worse.
He felt something creeping up his chest and his mouth started to pool with saliva, making him halt startling Chan.
- Felix? What's wrong?
Chan said bending a little to take a good look at his dongsaeng.
- Hyung- I think I'm gonna be sick again-
- Okay, calm down. Let's get you somewhere more private.
Chan guided Felix to a nearby alley where the boy could throw up without people staring at him.
Felix supported his weight with both hands on the wall and ducked his head down closing his eyes.
- It's okay, Felix. It's okay. Just let it out.
Chan said as he rubbed Felix's nape.
Felix spat out saliva as he tried to focus his attention on his hyung's touch.
He kept his head down, swallowing and squeezing his eyes as the nausea grew stronger. His stomach then contracted and sent hot liquid up his throat, his back arched making his head duck down even further as vomit came out hitting the ground with a sickening sound.
- That's it, let it out. You're doing good.
Chan said rubbing Felix's back as the young boy lurched forward one more time as another wave forced its way out, making him a little red and teary-eyed.
His stomach then left him vomiting bile as the nausea took its time to cease and give him a break. Chan kept rubbing his back throughout the process trying to make his dongsaeng a little more comfortable.
When Felix was done, Chan grabbed his water bottle from his backpack and handed it over to him.
- Here, rinse your mouth and try to take a small sip, just to relax your throat a bit.
Felix did as he was told, the water was still cold, so the sensation as he swallowed it felt indeed relaxing.
Chan took a good look at the sick young boy in front of him and noticed he looked pale yet flushed. He reached for Felix's forehead and it felt a little hot to the touch.
- I think you're developing a fever, Felix.
Felix's had enough of trying to stay strong and just broke down.
- Hyung, it hurts.
He said as he started crying.
Chan's heart was clenching seeing his domgsaeng suffering like this, if he could, he'd take everything Felix was feeling for him.
He pulled the boy into his embrace and Felix let himself sink into his hyung's arms.
- I'm right here. Hyung is right here. I've got you. Let's go home. Can you walk?
- Hm
Felix just nodded no so Chan proceeded to give him a piggyback ride back home. He walked as smoothly as possible, not wanting to upset his dongsaeng's stomach any further.
Felix dozed off on the way and within minutes, he was finally home.
Chan carefully sat him down on the couch and then went to the kitchen to get the boy some more water.
- Hey, Lix, do you have antiemetics here?
- Yeah...it should be in the cabinet.
- Okay. I'll go get it.
Chan got the pill and handed it to Felix, thankfully it was a gel one, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to swallow it. He gagged when he swallowed but managed to keep it down.
- I'm okay.
He said putting his hand up and giving the glass back to Chan.
- Do you think you can shower right now? You'll feel more comfortable after.
- I think so.
- Leave the door ajar, just in case. If you start to feel funny, call me okay? I'll be right outside.
- Okay, thanks hyung.
While Felix took his shower, Chan called his mom to tell her what happened.
- Oh, hello Mom!
- Oh, Chan, hello!
- How are you?
- I'm okay, and you?
- I'm fine. Mom, I called you because Felix got sick at school.
- Oh my! Really? What happened?
- We had an exam today and he thought he was just anxious but he ended up throwing up.
- Oh my god! He was acting weird before leaving this morning, he barely ate breakfast...
- We noticed something was wrong when we met, so we kept an eye out during the day.
- How is he right now?
- We're home, he is taking a shower. I'm here with him.
- Thank you so much, Chan! We'll be home in a while, make yourself comfortable.
- Okay, thank you, mom.
As the call ended, Felix got out of the shower to meet Chan.
- Was that my mom?
- Yeah. She said she will be home soon.
Felix was feeling relieved he was home and had his hyung with him and the shower thankfully relaxed him, maybe a little too much.
- Hyung...can we sit? I feel dizzy...
- Oh, sure. Come on.
Said wrapped his arm around Felix's waist guiding him to his bedroom.
- There we go. Feeling better?
- A little. I feel tired, hyung.
- Try to get some sleep. I'm right here, I won't go anywhere.
With Chan's reassuring words, Felix lay down on his bed while the older covered him with a light blanket because of the heat. He quickly left the bedroom to get a bucket, just in case, and returned.
- Hyung...
Felix whined which Chan understood as a sign that the boy needed more comfort.
He sat down beside the bed and started patting Felix's back lightly to help the young boy fall asleep.
- Hyung, can I hold your hand?
- Sure.
Chan said grabbing Felix's hand, he knew that would make the sick boy feel better.
- You can sleep now. Hyung's right here.
- Thank you, hyung.
Felix fell asleep within minutes, as Chan continued to pat his back.
As time passed, Chan also grew tired and ended up asleep as well.
After a few hours, Felix's parents came back to find both boys fast asleep in the bedroom, a sight that they'll never forget. They were more than grateful that Felix found so many good people and such a caring hyung.
They knew nothing would happen to their son since Chan was always with him.
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yumeyumeappleo · 3 months
i almsot broke the audio of my phone cause erm water…thas ok thiugh its all good now >_< !!!! i hoep that shit electrocutes me one day on skibidi
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cremisino · 8 months
❝L'ora D'oro is never particularly too busy, but the start of Alice's shift is noticeably calm. The salmon walls of the cafe echo only their own footsteps and that of the occasional customer. There is little buzz even less fuss, only the breeze rustling the spider plant and weeping figs by the window.
It's a small place, with four wooden tables and chairs inside and three more outside, all with pastel colored paint, chipped in a tasteful, rustic look. Or... maybe they're just old tables.
The stillness of the cafe is not unwelcome. Alice can sit down behind the bar as opposed to standing up. They can have a coffee of their own, and do some reading, maybe play with their phone, maybe have a quiet existential crisis before making drinks.
Were the start of their work days more eventful, Alice is pretty sure she'd have given up the barista job already. They felt a little pathetic about it, truth be told, ashamed of how little they tolerate effort. At this point, though, they just count their blessings for, in fact, having a nice calm before the storm of five in the afternoon, when there is, in fact, much buzz, and often even fuss.
Only a few customers come in at this time. Regulars, usually, including one that Alice dubbed in their mind "tea brunette", a woman who almost always just wants to sip her chamomile tea in peace before, presumably, going back to work.
Alice tried not to make a habit of scrutinizing everyone they saw at the cafe, but it was hard not to wonder, when it was calm like this. What must their lives be like? Do they have a little guy with abilities like Moonchild, too? Did they think about death and dying as much as she did? Were they, too, stuck in the limbo between fear of death and wishing for it?
Take Tea Brunette, for instance, who had just arrived. Alice felt an edge from her. Anxiety, maybe? Was her mind full of neurotic thoughts like Alice's? Did the chamomile tea make it better, or was it just a ritual, like Alice's lattes?
Did anyone alive grow up unscathed?
"Hi, good afternoon," Alice greets, far cheerier than how they feel. It's an existential crisis day, it seems.
At the order, they smile and nod. "Sure thing! I'll bring it to you in just a second." Alice doesn't bother asking her if she wants something to eat, too - Tea Brunette would have said so.
The small talk is new, though. Alice pauses for a second before her brain catches up. "Y-Yeah, you too! I mean, I hoep you're, er, having a productive day too! Producing... many things."
Alice's awkward smile lingers a tad too long. Augh. They're totally gonna fail at this social interaction.
"I'll be just a second," they turn around, and her apron's skirt twirls with the motion as they go about boiling some water.
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myymi · 1 year
Hello :)) I love your writing and had a few questions and wondered if you had any writing advice??? I’m not good with writing long fics, rare/unsual dynamics, or original characters and wondered if you have any tips from experience?
okay so, for long fics it's kinda iffy. especially if you aren't good with just long projects in general
but in my experience, take it slow. do not try to rush through it, because you will lose motivation very quickly
for planning a long fic, it could honestly go either way. i know most people don't plan a lot of it, and just kinda base everything off one or two scenes they want to write, but some people don't
some people plan every little aspect of it
i try to stay in between that range, but just kinda mess around with it (def start with the little-no planning option and work up to planning everything, gives you a chance to see where you land
rare/unusual dynamics are also kinda hard, but in the sense that you'll have to balance canon character traits and ooc traits (not headcanons. not entirely, anyway)
for example, shadow and tails
they've never really had an actual conversation with one another (i mean.. technically they did in shadow the hedgehog, but that was moreso working for the same goal rather than conversing with one another because they want to)
in canon, shadow is very closed off. he keeps to himself, and usually only works with sonic and co. when he absolutely has to
he wouldn't go seeking for conversation with some random 8yo. not the way i portray it, anyway
canonically, shadow and tails have kinda clashing personalities. a friendship between them would be more like colleagues than actual friends
so i tend to tweak shadow to be ever so slightly more open for it to work out (that, and having tails fix the dark rider/omega. still let's them communicate, but in a more canonically aligned way than them getting some food or smthn)
it's a hard balancing act, so you'll just have to play around with the characters you pick. dig really deep into them, try to find some common ground that links them in any way. it helps more than you would think
and for original characters, i honestly just use canon characters for writing them.
oftentimes, there is a pre-existing character that is similar enough to your oc. you can just nab their personifications and little habits, or you can mix them with other characters
say you want a very bubbly character that isn't a pushover;
take cream's compassion for chao/animals
take amy's determination
take tails' love for helping people
take rouge's confidence
mix them up, and then you'll have a base to work from to shape your oc
ocs can be tricky, but you can rely on the internet very heavily to help you out (if you have a voice claim for them, you can also look into that person and pick some things from them for your oc, but focus more on vocal stuff. accent, ways they pronounce certain words, etc.)
just pick a bunch of characters and throw them in a mixing bowl then voilà, characterization for your oc
hoep this helps!!
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chiefatticcreator · 9 months
MLB Prompt:
Adrien had been waiting the whole day to get home from his busy schedule. He had been hiding something, or rather someone to play with & now he was finally going to reap his rewards. As he gets home, he eats dinner & heads to his room & into his large bathroom where he finds his prize.
Juleka, who had transformed into Purple Tigress, was sitting there against the wall with a more revealing & tight suit compared to her original with her ass completely exposed with some of her curves exposed as well as a plunging neckline & opening for her pussy. On top of that, she enhanced her lips to be a bit more puffy & with some extra glossy violet lipstick, a tiger tail buttplug was in her ass.
Her arms were cuffed behind her back, a ball gag was in her mouth, a blindfold sat over her eyes & a bullet-shaped vibrator was in her pussy set to max, leaving her legs to thrash about as she cummed from multiple orgasms. She had snuck in the afternoon to try & pounce on her daddy, but Adrien had caught her & left her in his bathroom as punishment.
After removing the bondage equipment, it's revealed that she had also changed her eyes to be heart shaped & glowing, showing her devotion to her daddy. Adrien, deciding she's had enough of a punishment, brings her to his bed & rewards her with his cock, letting her suck it to get her favorite milk & then a nice rough breeding as she sings his praises with her filthy mouth & he enjoys her bimbo-like body.
"I am going to bed early tonight." Adrien told his father, barely looking at him as he left the table. "Nathalie, make sure no one bothers my sleep, please."
The slight smirk Adrien shot Nathalie told the secretary everythign she needed to know, and with an imperceptible nod, she confirmed that neither Gabriel nor anyone else would disturb Adrien until the next morning.
"Let's see how many times you've came..." Adrien grins as he opens the door to his bathroom.
THe bathroom was a complete mess. Her trashing about in her many, many orgasms had thrown the towels and small carpets around, and the puddle of juices from all her climax was quite impressive.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you've made a huge mess." adrien chuckled.
Hearing his voice after so many hours of torture made Juleka immediately calm down, whimpering as the vibrator continued to stimulate her pussy, and whimpers and moan came out of her mouth as her master returned. when his hands got to work freeing her, she blinked in the light, before her heart-shaped pupils were focused on adrien once more, full of love and lust and worship.
"I hoep you've learned your lesson, naughty girl." he smiled as he unclasped the ball gag out of her mouth. it was covered in drool from how much she had moaned, but she immediately smiled.
"I'm so sorry, daddy! I'll never do this again, i've been such a bad girl."
Grabbing her arms as he untied her, adrien took her to his bed, his hands gropign her bimbo-thick body all the while, smiling when he sat down. She immediately began to undo his pants, looking at him reverently.
"I'm so sorry for being such a filthy perferted naughty kitty~" Juleka began to talk once more. "Can I please suck your cock? I really really REALLY want my milk, i want your cum to shoot down in my stomach, i want to use my plump bimbo lips to pleasure you, i want them wrapped around your cock, i want..."
"Go ahead."
His hyper cock had barely been freed from the confines of his pants that Juleka's bimbo, dick-sucking lips were wrapped around his cockhead. Leavign a trail of purple glossy lipstick down as she forced herself to take his enormous dick as far down her throat as she could. She gagged on it, but didn't even stop to breathe. now that she had her daddy's delicious dick in front of her after so much teasing, she was goign to worship it. She would get completely brain-dead cock-drunk from it, suck his cock 'til she passed out and as much as it would need to until it was properly lathered in her salive and lipstick. Her tongue ran over his fingers-wide veins, desperate for his approval, for his blessing, for his cum.
Adrien had been looking forward to this for a while, so iit did not take logn until he was cumming. Shooting his first load of the evening down Juleka's throat and stomach. bulging her with bucketfuls of tar-thick, potent, virile jizz. She struggled to swallow it all, some overflowing from her nose and even her eyes as she cried his cum.
But she smiled at him, takign his cock out of her mouth and showing him her drenched cunt.
"Please, daddy~Breed this naughty kitty. Shove your fat divine cock into my slutty cunt, beat my womb with your godly cock, fill me with yoru cum and rape my eggs, BREED ME!"
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
I’ve been reading The Lowlander again (I think this is the 4th time??) and I just AH I had to come say that I am so grateful you create and share your stories with us because, really, what a gift. I fall back in love with the whole ar Mara family over again every time… 100% my favorite book I’ve ever readddd I cannot stress this enough I savor every single word. Thank you thank you thank you for all your continuous hard work!
I’m also so glad your recovery is going well 💜 thanks for all the updates about your health here. I check in often as I’m sure many others do because you’re such a gift and we’ve been worried about you! Sending love your way.
I love that you still love that story so much, and I just posted the next chapter of Asunder! It's hard to know I don't think I can ever quite capture the magic I felt writing that first book and with such an excited and engaged audience, it really was one of the most fun things in my entire life!
You're so sweet to check in on me 🥰 I really did feel so much love and support from online folks through this whole ordeal when my real life circle is very small, it's really a testament to the GOOD things that can come from online communities! So thank you and I will send that love right back, I hoep you are doing well!
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garpswhore · 1 year
rewatching early one piece dub and feeling every good feeling that has ever been a feeling COME ABOARD AND BRING ALON GALL YOUR HOEPS AMD DREAMS TOGETEHR WE WILL FIND THE
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