#hobi’s birthday and Valentine’s Day? They said let’s make a comeback
justasopearchive · 2 years
I love you, bro…🌝
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btsandvmin · 4 years
A Vmin throwback - 2019 (Part 1)
3 years I have been making this post now, and every year people keep saying Vmin is dead, less close or even fake. I usually say: Do you have eyes? 
Vmin surely proved you wrong this time and I think at this point their bond is hard to deny. This post has been really difficult to make, both because of the amount of moments and also because it’s more difficult to find good gifs for everything and I can’t include twitter videos in this type of post. Just know there was a lot of moments I had to skip.
2019 was the year of the pig, aka. the year of everyone born 1995. So in this year of Vmin of course they have given us plenty of moments to gush about. In fact despite the break we have gotten spoiled with a lot of really great Vmin moments. So without much further ado let’s get this started!
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There is a lot more Vmin under the cut. You have been warned.
I will cheat a little and start with Taehyung’s birthday bomb, which wasn’t released until 2019. Vmin were very cute in it.
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The first time I saw this I couldn’t believe it. Who looks at someone like that while they are feeding them?
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The year started of with a lot of good Vmin selcas, but even though we might not have gotten many tweets in total what we did get was still great!
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And don’t you all dare forget that Jimin posted this the day after Valentines!
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Then admittedly we had nothing in terms of selcas for almost the rest of the year, but thankfully Jimin came through and tweeted for Taehyung’s birthday.
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Something big they did this year was of course making songs! Jimin released Promise right at the end of 2018 and Tae (the best photographer) provided the cover photos.
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One month later Tae released Scenery. But not without Jimin accidentally spoiling it first.
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He was very apologetic about it.
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They both supported each other a lot and gave us a lot of cute moments in relations to their songs.
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Jimin even sang Scenery and basically just promoted and loved it a lot. But even that was nothing compared to what was to come... I am talking about Winter Bear of course, which Jimin loves so much and has promoted more than anything ever before.
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He did three vlives in a row where he gushed about the song and promoted it, and even told us stories about him and Taehyung. 
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He also mentioned how he wanted to keep the song and his friend (Taehyung) to himself. The name of the first Vlive was even Say hello to me, a line from the song. Basically Jimin is both supportive and possessive in regards to Taehyung.
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He sang it constantly and told us he listened to it every night falling asleep to it and even dreaming about it. 
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True love and support right there! He also gifted Tae the two bears he used on the cover.
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Movin on let’s look at the Run episodes of this year, because as usual they provided us with tons of Vmin moments.
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It’s actually kind of overwhelming so I had to skip a lot because right off the bat they just...
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First Run episode of the year and we already were in for a great start! And who knew we would get to see Vmin hold hands for minutes? I mean, Vmin seems to just have glued their hands together this year.
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Stick to my side might as well be the Vmin slogan of the year. :P
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And Run just kept on giving…
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Tae wants Jimin to be sexy. But not too sexy….
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Of course they also took selcas we will never get to see…
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And some we did get to see…
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The Canada episodes truly blessed us.
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We even got to see Vmin share a bed for the first (but not the last) time, even if I don’t have a pic included.
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They don’t even have to be on the same team...
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Or even win… They still somehow congratulate each other.
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Wo do love Vmin on the same team though.
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They have both just seemed really happy and carefree this year!
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I don’t even know how many times Jimin has said I love you to Taehyung this year… But it’s a lot.
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Actually we have seen Jimin trust Tae a little too much.
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But let’s move on, because we have much more to go through. This year we actually got some really good vlive moment from Vmin (besides the ones for Winter Bear I mean.). It started with the Grammy vlive.
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We had Vmin doing, something… In the Hobi birthday Vlive.
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And not soon after we got the infamous Rkive Vlive. Showing us some of the weirdest Vmin behaviours yet.
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The clinginess is a lot… I see why they might avoid Vlives alone, because they can’t even behave when they are with someone.
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I already mentioned the Winter Bear vlives.
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The year also ended well with some nice Vmin from Jin’s Bday Vlive.
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We of course also had a comeback with Boy with Luv that Taehyung made sure to add some Vmin to right away.
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And Vmin really made sure to make this their song. Love is nothing stronger...
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We also can’t forget the Lights MV.
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And then for the tour. Obviously we got a ton of Vmin moments.
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Special shoutout to Hong Kong.
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I mean tours are always good, but the amounts of hugs and happy Vmin.
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Tae holding Jimin’s hand to comfort him in Brazil when Jimin was sick and couldn’t sing well.
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We also got Tae comforting Jimin in London.
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And with this sweet moment, that I was lucky enough to see live, let’s end this post. It’s too long anyways, and will likely crash for many of you. As you may know I started this post in late 2019 but had so much trouble making it as Tumblr didn’t want to save my changes. I tried to remake it several times and at some point just gave up.
Then, I realized that the post is too long anyway and I might as well just post what I had if it managed to save the end part. Meaning this text here. So basically all of this post except this ending part was written and put together years ago. I know it says part 1, but I am not sure there will be a part 2 considering the problem with long posts. Just know 2019 was a great year for Vmin (as every year is), and that I didn’t even get to include everything (note the absence of Bon Voyage for example).  But finally it is done! I am so glad it saved this part and the tags. T_T
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging (if tumblr allows it), and sorry for the delay.  💜
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kpopkazoo · 7 years
i’ve been thinking about all the messes i’ve made (2/3)
Yoongi x Female!Reader / Yoongi x You
Prompt: 13. “I hate this. I hate feeling like this. I can’t trust anyone anymore, can I?”
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Three days passed with total radio silence from you. The boys had respected your wishes for the first twenty-four hours before you were getting spammed over every messaging app with apologies. You put them all on block before eventually just turning your phone off entirely. Having down time with the device would inevitably just lead to you looking at old conversations or pictures, and that wasn’t what you needed right now.
You didn’t hear anything from Yoongi, though, until the end of the third day.
You were just crawling into bed after a nice long bath with some of the LUSH products that Yoongi had gotten you for Valentine’s day a few months ago. It was hard, sitting in your apartment and looking around at all the little ways he had worked his way into your life over the last two years—his belongings and clothes lying around, gifts he’d given you for Chuseok and Christmas and birthdays and anniversaries—the list went on.
You’d turned on your phone to play some relaxing music while you lounged in bed when you heard the unmistakable chirp of your kakao.
My Min <3:
I know you’re probably still mad at me. But the least I can do is give you an explanation. Can we meet?
It seemed silly, but you’d forgotten to block Yoongi because he hadn’t messaged you at all.  You weren’t sure if he would. A part of you was a little scared he’d just ghost out of your life, never to be heard from again. After staring at your phone for a few minutes, you finally responded.
It’s almost midnight.
My Min <3:
I’ll make it fast.
A part of you wanted to hold out a little longer, the hurt from what had transpired a few days ago still feeling very fresh. But the larger side of you—the one that had spent two years learning the ins and outs of another person, who had taken the time to find the love in this brash boy from Daegu— just missed your best friend.
Two years was a long time to lose over a photo on Naver.
Just come over.
Normally you would have insisted the meeting take place in neutral territory, like a coffee shop or a park or something, but because of the nature of Yoongi’s job, your could only go to his place, your place or the studio. And hell if you were gonna have this conversation at the risk of the other members walking in.
So you threw on a sweatshirt over your sleep shirt and turned the lights in your kitchen and living room back on. You put the kettle on too—not unlike many late nights in your apartment.
You opened the door when you heard the knock, and you were proud of yourself for not getting teary-eyed at the sight of him standing in your doorway. He looked good, for almost midnight: black jeans and a flannel with a black baseball cap and a black facemask. (You silently cursed every god you could think of, like they knew you’d always been weak for Yoongi in plaid) Even from the several feet between you, you could tell he was wearing makeup, like he’d come straight from a schedule.
He didn’t move inside immediately, like he normally would. He pulled his mask down and licked his lips nervously, staring at you so intently you had to look away.
“Hi.” You responded softly, every nerve on edge. “You can come in, you know.”
“I know.” He said, and even though he was still looking at you in that way, he leaned down to untie his converse sneakers, which were—unsurprisingly—entirely black.
The kettle rang in the distance, and you left him alone to tend to it. He followed you into the kitchen area of your small apartment and sat down at the table you had there, the same way he did any time he came over and you were making something. Only this time there was no good natured teasing, no jokingly threatening him with your cutting knives and definitely no stolen kisses while waiting for the rice to finish cooking.
Instead, Yoongi sat down and pulled his arms in close to himself, as if trying to take up as little space as possible. It wasn’t something you were used to seeing from him—usually Yoongi was trying to make himself bigger, like he was trying to prove something to some inattentive god. He didn’t do… small, like this.
You silently prepared two cups of green tea, and placed one in front of him, like you’d done a thousand times. Now getting a good look at him in the light, you could see where the makeup was covering breakouts, where his eyes were bloodshot and his hair a little greasy beneath the cap. He stopped staring at the table long enough to glance up at you, and seemed unsurprised to find you already looking at him.
“You kind of look like shit.”
“I—haven’t been sleeping great. For obvious reasons.” He said quietly.
He brought the cup to his lips and took a long swig of the hot liquid. The picture of the two of you was as normal as any other night of the past two years—sitting together at your kitchen table talking over tea, or curled up on your couch reading or watching something together, or camped out in Yoongi’s studio until the latest release was done. From an outsider’s perspective, you wouldn’t think anything was amiss.
You missed when things felt that simple. Life had suddenly become more complicated.
Yoongi took a few sips of tea before sighing and looking up at you.
“I know apologizing isn’t enough right now,” He started throat already a little raw from his schedule, “And I can’t go back in time and changed things that happened in the past. If I could, I would. You know I would.” His eyes were pleading in a way you rarely saw from him. “But before you decide that this—that we—are really over,” He let out a little breath, like the idea took the very wind from him. “Just let me tell you what that happened that night. At least, from what I remember of it.”
You frowned, nursing your tea in your hands close to your chest. “I don’t know that that’s a great way to start.”
Yoongi grimaced. “Yeah, I know, but it’s the ugly truth. I don’t really remember a lot of that night. Jimin, that idiot—”
You crossed your arms. “As far as I’m concerned, the only real idiot in this situation is the one who’s been lying to his girlfriend for months.”
He frowned, casting his eyes downward again. “… Right. Anyway, Jimin was right—it happened in March, right before we finished the new album.”
“I was stressed out at the studio one night, and Namjoon was there with me. I was—I was just so frustrated, because it felt like nothing was coming together the way I wanted it to. We were just going to go out and have a couple drinks, to take the edge off.”
This itself wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. While you liked to think of yourself as a comforting presence when your boyfriend was going through rough times, you knew that sometimes he just needed to be out with the boys. It wasn’t something that had ever concerned you, and you trusted the rest of BTS with both your life and Yoongi’s. Maybe a little naively. “Where was I while all this was happening?”
“I think this was the weekend you went to Busan with your friends.” He rubbed at his eyes. “You weren’t home, I remember that for sure.”
“So we head out to Gangnam, and we’re at a couple bars, but then Hoseok wanted to meet up and go dancing and we were already kind of drunk, so it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“Fateful last words.” You said and Yoongi just chuckled darkly.
“No kidding.” He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “So we go the Impulse, where Hoseok knows who’s DJ-ing that night, or whatever, and suddenly there is this group of girls there that are talking to us and I’ve had a couple more drinks so I’m pretty drunk. Namjoon and Hoseok are doing most of the talking, from what I remember, but there’s this one girl who keeps calling me out specifically to ask me things. That’s pretty much where my memory ends.”
“So that’s it?”
He takes another sip of tea and scratches his head. “No, I know some of what Namjoon and Hobi told me. They say we all got up to dance – ” You snorted loudly and he grimaced. “Okay, Namjoon and Hobi got up to dance and I just followed them, then I just… wasn’t there, for a little while. Eventually they noticed and Nam found me out back, with that girl all up in my space.” He scratched the back of his head. “He dragged me back inside and then we left. The next morning I woke up in my bed. Alone.”
You felt the knot in your stomach loosen a small margin. Though Yoongi not telling you what happened that night was bad enough, it made you feel a tiny bit better that he hadn’t gone home with someone. You didn’t know just how far you’d be able to forgive.
“So that’s the end? What about the boys?”
Yoongi cleared his throat, eyes trained on the table again. “When I woke up and realized what had happened, I… I freaked. I have no idea what happened in that alley, but the idea that I could have done something to break your trust, or hurt you—I panicked. I made them promise me they wouldn’t tell you.”
Even at several feet away, you could practically feel the guilt rolling off of him in waves, but your temper flared. “So you turned all my closest friends against me.” His head snapped up.
“No, NO I would never—Baby—” He practically growled in frustration, both hands coming to lay flat on the surface of the table. “I was going to tell you, I swear, and the idea that it would get to you through one of them before I could explain—”
“You were going to tell me?” You crossed your arms, your irritation starting to get the better of you. “And tell me, Min Yoongi, when that was supposed to happen?”
“There was never a right time.” He mumbled. “The album dropped, and then we were in the middle of a comeback and then we left for tour and then it was our anniversary…” He dug the heels of his hands into his eyes so hard you momentarily worried for his eyesight. “And then months had gone by and nothing had come out in the press and we were good, we were so good, and it didn’t feel like it mattered anymore whether or not I couldn’t remember if a girl I don’t give a shit about tried to kiss me in an alley behind a stupid club.”
The thing was, he was right. Your relationship was usually something you were grateful for, but the last few months had been particularly special. You’d been allowed to accompany the boys on part of their tour, and had spent yours and Yoongi’s anniversary on a boat sailing around Sydney Bay, eating and drinking and laughing until you could barely move. He’d been there when you were having a hard time at your job, cursing your terrible boss to the high heavens and holding you when you’d been passed over for a promotion.
You’d always figured that after two years with someone, it was normal that the passion would fade—not entirely, but into a kind of placid contentment. It had happened to you in relationships before, and you’d seen the fire slowly fade in friends and family. But with Yoongi, that hadn’t happened; even though you knew each other intimately, there were still surprises. You’d traveled each other’s dark corners, but it was almost as if you’d just laid down roots for unknown things to grow there, things you planted together. It was more than getting an apartment or a pet together; sometimes you thought he was more of you than you were.
“I don’t believe in soulmates.” He’d said once, the two of you lying together in your bed, hands clasped over his chest. You were beginning to doze, but you knew he was talkative sometimes after making love, so you tried to keep yourself awake enough to listen.
“I know.”
“I don’t believe in soulmates.” He repeated, as if he hadn’t heard you speak. “I always thought it was silly, the idea that two people could be made for each other. Where’s the point of being an individual then, if you’re only half of something whole? It’s stupid.” He scoffed softly. You knew better than to be offended—if you hadn’t been able to handle this side of Min Yoongi, you’d have been headed for the hills a long time ago.
You yawned. “You’re right, babe.” Your eyes were beginning to droop, and you valiantly tried to keep them open. You knew the moment they shut you were a goner.
“Right. So I don’t believe in soulmates.” He paused, one hand drifting to smooth your hair. “But I believe in you. And I believe in me, and I believe in us, together.”
Staring at this poor creature in front of you—this hunched, miserable figure was not the Min Yoongi you loved, and yet it was. Because this was the boy who loved you so much that he was wrecked by the mere idea that he had been unfaithful. That he had hurt you.
I believe in us, together.
Not something silly with a girl in the back alley of a club.
“It doesn’t really matter to me whether she kissed you or not.” You admitted, setting your cup down on the table. “I wish you had told me right after it happened, so we could have just talked it out then, but I get that you were scared. I just…” You chewed on your lower lip, a habit he’d chastised you for over and over again, before extending a hand out over the table. He immediately extended both of his own and latched onto it, his fingers kneading small, comforting circles into your palm.
“No one wants to be that girl who gets left in the dark, you know? The one who’s the last to know. And you put me in that position with this, and it hurts. And you brought all our friends into it.” The misery on his face was clear, and you could see the tell tale signs that he was near tears.
“I know. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry for doing this to you.”
Finally hearing him truly apologize lifted some of the shadows from your gaze, and you let out a sigh to steady yourself. The two of you just sat like that for a minute, holding hands across the table with your eyes fixed on them.
But there was one more thing you needed to know. “I know you don’t do what you don’t want to do. So when I found out about what happened, I kept asking myself: ‘if he wanted to be with other people, why did he stay with me? Why are we still together?’” Yoongi’s hands momentarily squeezed yours so hard that you saw his knuckles go a little white.
“But then I thought about the first Chuseok after we started dating.” You smiled a little at the memory—your first trip to Daegu had been entertaining, to say the least. “And I thought about falling asleep in the car listening to Drake, and I thought about when I got my wisdom teeth pulled and you did girl group dances to make me laugh and spoon fed me soup and applesauce. And I thought about a hundred other moments that are so much more important to me than the picture I saw on Naver.”
“I don’t think you’d stay with me if you didn’t want to be with me.” His face was unreadable. You took a deep breath. “Do you still want to be with me, Yoongi?”
“Yes,” he breathed quietly, but without hesitation, “More than anything.”
You felt a traitorous prickle at the back of your eyes.
“Then I forgive you.”
He’d been so tense this whole time, you’d expected him to collapse when it was all over. But in true Yoongi fashion, he didn’t do anything you expected. He just stared at you for a minute, still clenching your hands together. You grew a little worried, watching him.
“Yoo—” Suddenly his hands moved to your face, cradling it like it was something precious that could shatter at any moment. Then, with painstaking slowness, he leaned across the table and kissed you softly once, then again. You felt dampness against your cheeks and knew the proverbial barrier had broken.
Even though the kisses were eons tamer than things you’d done before, you still found yourself breathless when you finally broke apart. “Don’t make me regret this, Min Yoongi.”
He smiled a little, still holding your face. You brought the sleeves of your sweatshirt up to wipe away some of his tear tracks. “I won’t—I promise I won’t.”
You smiled back at him, standing up. “Then let’s go to bed.”
You dropped your mugs by the kitchen sink and Yoongi followed you into the bathroom, where you sat on the counter and helped him remove his leftover schedule makeup with makeup wipes. You let yourself take extra time tracing the lines of his face, lingering on the soft skin under his eyes and around his mouth. Yoongi’s eyes never left you, and you felt yourself blushing. You pulled his toothbrush out from the drawer you’d thrown it in and together you brushed your teeth in silence, just basking in each other’s presence. The two of you crawled into your bed and curled up together, Yoongi barely bothering to remove his jeans before wrapping himself around you.
“You smell amazing.” He sighed, nuzzling into your hair. “It’s been driving me crazy since the moment I walked in.”
“It was a bath bomb. On of the ones you got me for valentine’s day.” You said quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment. Valentine’s day had been a good day.
He hummed quietly. He hadn’t said much since the end of your earlier conversation, but you knew that a quiet Yoongi didn’t necessarily mean an unhappy Yoongi. Sometimes he just needed more time to process things.
A few moments later, you felt yourself beginning to drift off when he finally spoke.
“I love you. So fucking much. I don’t say it a lot because I don’t understand it; how you can make me feel like I’m both completely content and bursting at the seams, but mostly I don’t say it because I don’t know how you can possibly love me back. How you can put up with all the shit I’ve put you through just by being an idol—fuck, just by being me—and still want to stand by me and make this work.” You could feel him swallow. “But I thank every fucking god every day that you do.”
You turned over in his arms so you were facing him. He let his hands come together around your lower back and the two of you gazed in each other’s eyes for the umpteenth time that night.
Finally you spoke. “I don’t believe in soulmates. Never have, never will.” You let yourself smile a little as the recognition lit up in his eyes. “But I believe in you. And I believe in me, and I believe in us, together.” You pulled your boyfriend— not your soulmate, but your Yoongi—in close and touched your foreheads together.
(now i understand why it takes authors years to edit books-- i already want to change so many things about this, but I hope it brought you some modicum of happiness. I have like 30% of pt 3 written so that’ll be up in the next few days)
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