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lockwood-fic-recs · 1 year ago
February Masterlist
All the fics we shared in the second month of 2024!! Thank you again for all the support :))
01/02 | Old Sun, New Morning by hailqiqi
02/02 | passed down like folksongs, the love lasts so long by youareiron_andyouarestrong (submission)
05/02 | Welcome to My Table, Bring Your Hunger by spinnaker1509
08/02 | Team Assets by the_one_that_fell
09/02 | [EXPLICIT] I melt with you by OctoberSeventeenth
12/02 | so this is love by TheMalapert
15/02 | Blinding Lights by kennys_birthday
19/02 | Boys Don't Cry by hobbitsdoitbetter
22/02 | Where did the newspaper clipping go? by Highuffle
23/02 | [EXPLICIT] yesterday we were just children by JennaTalbot
26/02 | Wrapped Up In You by jacksparrow589
29/02 | I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside by StarWritingFlute200
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adventures-in-mangaland · 3 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs Part 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
So I hear there's been some fandom drama? Guess it's time for another fic rec list! This fandom is so lovely, so let's focus on the positive and give all the love to our writers and artists. You guys are so talented. ♥️
Work It Harder, Make it Better by dear_monday, two_ravens
Olympics AU! And kind of Sk8er Boi? Charles is an Olympic skateboarder at the end of his competitive career and Edwin is a rising star in the world of dressage. They fall in love at Paris 2024. Amazing writing, as always, and I also enjoyed Niko and Crystal as members of the skateboarding and equestrian teams having their own Olympics Romance and Jenny as Charles' world-weary coach.
Twin Flame by Leandra
Another "He was a punk, he did ballet" romance! This time, everyone is alive and the boys meet when Charles watches Edwin perform at his little sister's ballet recital. The romance and Charles as a big brother are very sweet, which is great as this fic also covers some heavy themes. It's set in the 90s so there's discussion of homophobia, the AIDs crisis and Charles' canon child abuse. Suffice to say, his bisexual awakening is quite fraught. Recommended!
Love for Hire by lucrow
Edwin hires Charles to freak out his parents with his obnoxious fake boyfriend. What could possible haaappeeen? And yes, it's a ballet/punk romance too. 😅 Anyway, it's giving fantastic banter, lots of emotions and great use of trope! I also enjoyed Edwin's relationship with his mum in this fic, excellent parental feels.
so I try to talk refined by shadowquill17
Charles finds out about the Cat King taking on his appearance and (somehow) arrives at the conclusion that Edwin isn't attracted to him. Charles having body image as well as chronic self-esteem issues was interesting but kind of heartbreaking. Read it for Edwin's agonised attempts to verbalise his sexual attraction to Charles without exploding. That's love right there.
A Royal Pain(e) (series) by handwrittenhello
Royalty AU! I love a bodyguard romance from time to time and this one is lovely. Lots of yearning.
Turnabout's Fair Play by LikeMmmCookies
Edwin enlists Niko and Crystal to teach him how to flirt with Charles. It starts off cute and awkward and ends up Master Of All He Surveys, which is very Edwin.
I will love you (I really love you) by ghostinthelibrary
Charles has a feelings realization and tries to confess to Edwin. Repeatedly. From a cock-blocking enchanted statue to a Hellhound, it's farcical and fun. This fic has been living in my head rent free for months.
seasons of mists by laiqualaurelote
Edwin hires Charles to be the barista in his book shop's cafe. Two cosy AUs in one! And it even comes (appropriately) with its own reading list and fanart! Very cute, excellent autumnal vibes and a superb imaginary book shop. I'm genuinely so devastated it's not a real place. 😭
Ariadne's Thread by hobbitsdoitbetter
In which Edwin is demisexual and trying to make it work with Charles. Love to see some ace spectrum representation!
you know the problem with history (it keeps coming back like weeds) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Amnesia AU! And kind of Secret Relationship? Edwin has Not So Temporary Amnesia that made him forget a whole romantic relationship with Charles early in their partnership. And Charles never told him... Surely this will have no impact on the events of canon?? 😬 I loved this twist on the trope!
scraped to the marrow by Anonymous
Edwin learned black magic in Hell and kind of went to the Dark Side. I love the trope of "Everyone thinks Character avoids violence because they're scared/weak/nice/bad at it, but actually they're a bit too good at it" and this fic does it well. I love regular Edwin, but Lord Bone was also pretty cool.
To Walk Back Into Hell by Asidian
Charles goes to Hell in Edwin's place, so naturally Edwin needs to find a way to rescue him! Interesting Hell lore and I loved all the Charles love in this.
It does not stop by williamvapespeare
Now he's safe from Hell, Edwin finally works through his PTSD. Emotional, but peak Emotional Support Charles for the win!
signed, sealed, delivered by sulfuric
Outsider PoV of the boys and the agency through the years from the perspective of the Ghost Postman. He's kind of underrated as a side character, but there are so many Implications about the Dead Letter Office, so I enjoyed the worldbuilding. And the supernatural community of London gossiping about/shipping the boys (they're just like us, for real). Love that trope.
not so secret by lola_prongs
Social Media/Celebrity AU! In which they're both actors and Charles relentlessly thirsts after Edwin on Twitter. Great use of social media/epistolary storytelling.
Like a record, baby by singtome
Another celebrity/social media AU, but this time Charles and Crystal are budding rock stars and Edwin is their manager. Also Edwin goes viral as the mysterious #HotGuyatUnity after his picture's taken at an event and Charles *tries* to set the record straight. This one's funny, generous with the yearning and UST and is part of a series that also touches on the darker side of the music industry/celebrity, which I appreciated. And it also has this excellent visual representation of the online drama.
@ghostinthelibrarywrites @tumblerislovetumblerislife @shadowquill17 @neurodivergent-fangirling @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog @shazziez @many-gay-magpies @extremely-eager-reader @atariakana @guardianspirits13 @colourmornings @herebehunters @avoiceofnerat @littlepocketuniverse @overlord-of-chaos @fairandfatalasfair @handwrittenhello @every-moment-a-different-sound @williamvapespeare @laiqualaurelote @dear-monday @dear-lucrow @aletterinthenameofsanity @likemmmcookies @bibliomancer7 @c-rowland @nobledragonflying @hobbitsdoitbetter
I've tagged some people again. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
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dear-lucrow · 1 month ago
WIP word train!
I was tagged by the lovely @emryses and my word is CROWN.
C - Charles looked like he wanted to protest. The face of a boy unwilling to realize his cute little puppy was actually a rabid wolf. But Edwin nodded. Crystal and Edwin did not have a lot in common (other than the thing about flowers and graves). But they did share realistic opinions about the damage Edwin Payne could cause.
R - "Remember when the fucker broke our arm?" Charles pressed his lips together. Suddenly there was the distinct, sickening snap of his own bone in his ear. Rowland looked at him like he knew. "Not gonna lie... was satisfying to break his."
O - One, he was incredibly beautiful. Slight and sleek like a whip, with sharp features, a strong brow and dark hair curling just slightly over his forehead. Two, he wore a pistol at his hip. Which, granted, should have been Charles' first priority.
W - "We played together as children", Edwin corrected. Not outright cold but flat enough to stun. "Several years have passed since then. Years you have spent indulging in all the pleasures London has to offer to a young noble. Years I have spent scrubbing blood off the Hellspawn's deck. You do not know me and I do not know you. So, if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to, my lord."
N - Now, Charles was about 99,9% sure that Gertie - while being perfectly able to see ghosts - was utterly oblivious to the actual nature of the crowd they were serving. For the past decades they had often told him he reminded them of some other young man that used to come by, the similarity was uncanny! They also had told him they used to be big into the LSD-riddled club kid scene of the 80', which probably was explanation enough.
This was so much fun! So I'm no-pressure-tagging @majorlb @tragedy-machine and @hobbitsdoitbetter
Your word will be... GLOVE!
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cannibalisticcorpse · 29 days ago
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couldn't put it on MY shirt... so i put it on his! (or, he put it on his... and also ran out of thread lol)
context here and here
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ouchmyghostskin · 1 month ago
My commission slots have been filled but check out the other creators work for other commission options! 💜 Thank you all so much!
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mousedetective · 2 months ago
Benedict Lumberjack starring Benedict Cumberbatch
@sobeautifullyobsessed have you seen this? And @psylena-chaos, @mizjoely, @hobbitsdoitbetter, @o0katiekins0o, @darnedchild @sherlollyliplocked and others in the BBC Sherlock fandom...pass this along not only for half-naked Benedict but the good message it sends.
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mizjoely · 20 days ago
If I was creating a fanzine today...
These are the stories I'd put in a Sherlock & Molly (not necessarily Sherock/Molly, please note the difference) horror themed fanzine:
The Haunting of Molly Hooper by @sunken-standard
No Kiss Farewell by @justatrashpanda (morbidbydefault)
It's Not Too Late and The Curio Cabinet by yours truly (as editor of this imaginary zine, I reserve the right to pick my own stuff, lol!)
Ride Along by @petratodd
Universally Monstrous - Dracula by @darnedchild
The Ribbon by @mousedetective (afteriwake)
The Vanishing Hitchhiker by @escailyyy
The Undead Centre of Town (Victorian Dream Palace series) by @8minutehooper (3seconds)
When Does It End, Where Does It Begin by Purpleyin
The Feast of All Souls by @hobbitsdoitbetter
The Anatomist by rosa_acicularis
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greenerteacups · 10 months ago
Hey GTC,
Hope you're doing okay. I gotta be real with you—I'm kinda in a tight spot. Been a huge fan of your writing forever, and you're like my ultimate inspiration, seriously. But here's the thing: I've had this burning urge to write a fic for ages now, and it's gotten to the point where it's not just a thought, it's practically an obsession. It's haunting me now. No kidding.
The kicker? I want this story to be as British as humanly possible. Like, 99.99% British. But here's the catch: I'm about as British as a snowflake in July. I've tried everything—reading British books, binge-watching British shows, immersing myself in the culture—but nothing's clicking.
So, I'm reaching out to you 'cause I'm at my wit's end. I'm desperate for any advice or tips you might have, especially since English isn't even my second language. I just need some guidance from someone who knows their stuff. Please, help me out here.
My friend, hold on to your hat and get ready to go nuts, because I happen to have exactly what you're asking for.
A Reference Guide to Writing Harry Potter Fanfiction, by Callmesalticidae; and
The Cranky Brit's Guide to Brit-Picking, by hobbitsdoitbetter.
As a Yank myself (and someone who admittedly and shamelessly has littered her own fic with Americanisms) I'm not the best positioned to advise you on how to write Brits and British culture. I just do the best I can and try to weave in things I observe as someone who lives here. All I can do is wish you the very best from one writer to another!
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edmcmayonnaise · 3 months ago
wip emoji prompt
Tagged by dear @deadtwinksdetectiveagency. You are so kind for always including me in these! I know I have been scarce lately and I am sorry, but I haven't been feeling well enough to interact with most people these days.
Send me an emoji and I'll share a line from that wip:
🎃 Secret Pumpkin 2024 Fill— "Issho" (Payneland. Niko gets Charles to read some of her explicit manga, Charles gets ideas and brings them back to Edwin!)
💀 "Delectatio Morosa" (Payneland. 5+1 in which Edwin is confused about his body's physical response to being in Charles's proximity.)
⚰️ "Deep Cut" (Payneland and past Catwin. Coroner AU murder mystery in which Charles is the Coroner of in Jefferson County, Washington, and Edwin is called as a second opinion Medical Examiner after the murder of a little girl in Port Townsend.)
🗄️ Untitled DBDA Kinkfest Fill (Payneland. Charles is frantic because Edwin was almost banished to another plane of existence.)
🦋 "Imago" (Bluecap. Simon and Edwin School AU in 1916.)
Tagging @petesdragon, @phoenix-soar, @asnottoldbyginger, @smollsmule, @soulfulsam42, @regretsofaghost, @hobbitsdoitbetter, @nobledragonflying
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lockwood-fic-recs · 1 year ago
Fic Discussion #41
As our first fic last week we shared Boys Don't Cry and now we'd love to start a discussion! It's another big bang fic, which means it was in the works for a while! What did you think of it? Reply or reblog using the tag #lockwoods book club and let us know!
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asteraceae-blue · 11 months ago
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks to show my 4 favorite ships and let my mutuals assume what my concept of romance is 🎉
Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, The X-files
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2. Kate Beckett and Rick Castle, Castle
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3. Ruth Wilder and Sam Sylvia, GLOW
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4. Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper, Stranger Things
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Bonus 5. Molly Hooper and Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
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I present to you, smol ladies and their idiot men (ok, Stana Katic isn't that smol, but she squeaks in there in comparison to Nathan Fillion)
Tagging @mizjoely, @miabicicletta, @jomiddlemarch, @hobbitsdoitbetter, @mel-loves-all, @fibrochemist, @lilsherlockian1975, @perfectlyloudbouquet2, @theleftpill, @muffin-n-waffle, @sagiow - have some fun with me!
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miz-joelys-sherlollilists · 9 months ago
What’s everyone’s favourite newer fics! I feel like I’ve read the best from the good ole days but haven’t been around in the last few years. Anything compare to some of the top fics lately?
Oh heck yeah! Oodles of great stuff, especially post The Final Problem (I'm using 2017 as the baseline cos I assume by the good ole days you're talking PetraTodd and DietPlainLite and broomclosetkink and Nocturnias, to name but a few).
@sunken-standard has some awesome one-shots in her ficlet cemetary and a fantastic post TFP fic Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
And you can't go wrong with anything by any of these authors, imho:
@stlgeekgirl (aka Mouse9)
If anyone has more specific newer faves to recommend, please sing out!
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cristalknife · 2 months ago
WIP Word Train!
Rules: tagger gives a word, then for each letter of that word you share a sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with that letter.
tagged by: @littlechameleonguy
word was: WOUND excerpts from the DBD WIP Day 2 - Paul Rowland was actually a demon - Or Charles had been raised by a demon escaped from hell with the sole purpose of being sent to hell to take his place : While officially there were no closing time for the agency, it wasn’t all that common for clients to arrive at this time of the night anymore, not since they tried to operate more by appointments. On the other hand, Edwin Payne, don’t you think that after already escaping it once, any soul you’d touch while in Hell would automatically enter into the administration’s attention? Unless you can look at me and tell me that you wouldn't do the same if our position were reversed… Nothing however could have prepared him for the demon’s reaction. Do not go open that contract until i return with the information you requested, I’m sure it’s going to be a mountain of paperwork for me
Making it a problem of those I'm tagging (kidding no pressure, you can totally ignore me) : @thefanficsmustflow, @handwrittenhello @sixbynine-da, @gayboydetectivez, @hobbitsdoitbetter and anyone else who wants to play!
your word is: POKING
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mousedetective · 23 days ago
I was tagged by @diver5ion! Thanks, hun!
Rules: without naming them, post a gif of ten of your favourite films, then tag ten people someone to do the same.
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I tag @sobeautifullyobsessed. @hobbitsdoitbetter, @luciblook, @demberly, @lareinadehades, @strangedreamings and anyone else who wants to do this!
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 1 year ago
I was nominated by @hobbitsdoitbetter (tysm💖 dear!) to quote any Christmas story or any story of mine that I wish got more love. As it's well past the holidays, I'm going with my beloved, Strangebatch WIP, 'Of Magic, Miracles, and Moonlight'.
Stephen Strange x Teyla of Hadeeth (OFC)
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Since his return from that last mission, an unspoken urgency had flourished between them, which threatened the pattern of caution they’d been following to keep their secret safe.  Each time they slipped away now into their private world, Stephen had grown incrementally reckless, his need for her pressing him always forward.  Teyla counseled him to proceed with greater care, but was helpless as he swept her along, unable to decline his will for them.
Stephen’s recklessness had brought them to this alley tonight; his hot need to hold her, to touch her, to have her, overriding cooler reason.  Teyla had offered no defense, allowing him to pull her into the darkened alley without protest, within minutes of them meeting up.  He honestly hadn’t planned it this way, but the result was still the same.
Their bodies were pressed tightly together, with Teyla’s back against the coarse brick wall as she submitted herself to his hungry, bruising kisses.  She stretched her neck, humming deep in her throat at the greedy way he latched onto her tender flesh; her neck, throat, collarbone, all reddened in the flush of her desire, and from the rub of his goatee against her skin.  She flexed one hand in Stephen’s hair, and slid the other onto the delicious dip between his shoulder blades, holding him as close as the layers of material between her body and his would allow--their bodies housing no secrets from one another despite those maddening barriers of cotton and denim. “Oh my dearest…my love…,” she cooed, and then gasped his name when he palmed her breasts through her blouse. 
It wasn’t enough for him, could never be enough for him now. 
Stephen needed to rake up her top and feel the contours of her ribs on his way to hold her ripe little breasts fully in his hands—yet he hesitated, knowing the wall at her back would be too rough against her exposed skin.  “Do it,” she urged him, reckoning his need from his thoughts alone, “Touch me as you will, my love.  Your need is my desire as well…”  She trailed off into a heartfelt moan as he slipped both hands beneath the cloth and cupped her smoothly, rubbing her stiffened nipples with his thumbs and making her whimper helplessly. 
Teyla arched her back as he fondled her, arched into his hands, seeking his firmest contact with her virgin flesh.  He cursed inadvertently against her ear, at the sudden, gratifying heat that flared in his palms and thence to his wrists, up his arms, to course through his blood and fill his body with a flame which felt as though only she would be able to quell. Instinctively, Stephen knew this was her energy, pure as her heart, passing into him; there was no pain in this spectacular sensation, only the hunger to give back to her the same, from the depths of his heart.  “How is this happening?” he rumbled against her cheek.
“Because I love thee, Stephen,” she answered, lapsing into a patois of a Hadeethan mixed with English.  When his mouth recaptured hers, and she accepted the eager thrust of his tongue so she might suckle it luxuriously—the thrill of that intensifying the throbbing ache for her in his groin—Stephen realized he was hearing her in his mind.  'I love thee…I love thee…my heart, it is thine.' This startling intimacy awakened a need in him, a possessiveness, that shocked him.
'You are mine,' he thought back to her, spellbound by their connection; mine, he thought over and over.  'Mine tonight…and tomorrow…and always.  Let it be always, my sweet, little angel.  Good god…please…'  
And surely she heard him, even in the relentless depth of that kiss.  'I am, my darling…for as long as thee shall desire it of me,' she promised him.  Incredulous as much from the bond of their minds, as from the miracle that she loved him as he hadn’t dared to dream anyone could, Stephen gently pulled away, to study her face.  Her eyes remained shut as she panted softly, her beauty the same pure radiance he had witnessed in her astral form.
Understanding why he paused, feeling his disbelief that he was worthy of such devotion, Teyla leaned her head back enough so she could gaze up into his eyes.  Mercifully, tenderly, she reminded him, “My love, I am yours.  I have been, from our first kisses. Mayhap even before that night…”  Pictures flickered through his mind as she showed him how she had come to love him. Teyla laughing at something silly he had said; Teyla looking up at him empathetically, on the corner of Bleecker and Mercer; Teyla sobbing in his arms on her father’s kitchen floor.  In a half dozen heartbeats, she showed him a slew of little moments, wherein he was simply being himself, and all of them illustrating how her heart had fallen irretrievably to him—though in those moments he hadn’t had the eyes to see that amazing truth.  There he was, on the Sanctum roof with her in the moonlight, kissing her hand with sweet reverence; there he was kissing her mouth, on one of their secret excursions from Kamar-Taj, with her face cupped in his hands, and a patience that belied how much his blood had come to burn for her.    
Overwhelmed, Stephen hung his head down, feeling Teyla’s sweet breath whisper against his cheek; he splayed his hands flat against the wall on either side of her head, trying his damnedest to collect himself.  Allowing him his silence, she waited upon him, threading her fingertips through his hairline at the nape of his neck, the palm of her hand blessedly cool upon his flushed skin.  She nuzzled his ear, to whisper against it, “Did you not know this, Stephen?  Your lips marked me as yours, on our night beneath the moonlight—as I am forever now, if you would have it so.”
Her confession left him weak and filled him with joy—tinged with a trace of shame for the physical hunger that threatened to overrule his better nature. He wondered if she read his lust as well as she read his tenderness for her.  Did she understand how his body cried out to take her—to tear through the material that guarded her innocence, to finally breach her after the countless encounters that had sent him to his bed, unable to calm himself except by lengthy meditation?  Some nights lately, even that discipline had failed him, and he could only find sleep by picturing her lying sweetly beneath him, beckoning for him to do whatever he desired, while his scarred hands worked the deed he yearned to do inside of her.  Would she still adore him if she knew that dirty secret?...
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I nominate @strangelock221b @hithertoundreamtof23 @mckiwi @mousedetective @bakerstreethound @aelaer @couldntbedamned
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 1 year ago
Spooky Season Sherlolly Fic Recs 👻😱
Bumping Back by @hobbitsdoitbetter
A Halloween Costume for Rosie by @katfevre
Magic in the Moonlight at the Monster Ball by @pennywaltzy
The Sneinton Bollard Children by @mizjoely
Haunted by @mizjoely
Red Door Black by @hobbitsdoitbetter
Love Notes, Witchcraft, and Wonder by @mizjoely
Universally Monstrous Series by @darnedchild
The Witching Hour by @mrsmcrieff
A Slip in Time Makes Him Mine by @mrsmcrieff
In the Blood by @darnedchild
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