#hmmmmmm much to think abt much to fix
fandxmslxt69 · 10 months
🕯 💌 :)
hello cutie!!!!
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
oh . my god. um yeah. okay well, most fics are really hard to write cuz im constantly tired, dont have the time or motivation, and run out of excitement or interest very quickly.
BUT, one fic that was really hard was Cute Library Boys it was....I think my first MK fic- it's just a fluffy Steven thing but it was HARD. Mostly bc I was still finding my footing, and because I picked over every single detail over "will anyone like this?" even though really- i was giggling abt it and loved it and thats what matter. In the end i said fuck it and just did whatever- but i remember spending HOURS trying to "fix" it. But ANYWAY it's cute and it makes me giggle (not my best work AT all, again i was still testing out the waters, but it's special to me<3)
One fic that absolutely took a life of its own was Holidays With Them (fluffy MK x muslim! reader thing) & Enchanted 1 and 2 (Loki >:) !!)
BOTH of those fuckers took a) AGES and b) i winged both of them lmao. the MK one started off as a fun little thing, cuz I was Yearning, and then it kind of just....expanded. I had whole ass essays and rants wth people. I made some friends. It was really neat. It just grew on its own like I was possessed and I went from there. The Loki one too- its a song fic, so you'd think i'd have a solid plan, but liek always, these fuckers do whatever they want >:( i HAD a plan but then i blinked and 7k words later, i had a whole different story and not a trace of the original plot. I was possessed once again.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
HMMMMMM well. I've been working on planning this REALLY big and complicated series (for, SHOCKER, Loki) it's got like 3 different storylines and endings. It's suuuper fun actually, bc one of it is in the aftermath is him dying, and instead of whatever s1 was, we ignore that and suffer through angst >:) and its very traumatising but generally, a happy ending!! and i love getting to explore the what-ifs of a situation and digging through the little cracks of relationships!!! the second storyline is one that follows the show, and its really fun getting to poke at little holes to shove my own ideas into them!!!!
AND THEN im working on some Frank smut (based off of the little thing i put out a little while back cuz why not !!!). Oooh and i'm trinkering with boyfriend's dad!Marc >:)
but Also, I'm Yearning so much right now with all the stupid fluffy talk @hon3yboy keeps spewing and so I'm opening up my Docs with a heavy sigh to write fluffy stuff.
It's really fun!! Will any of this see the light of day soon? Absolutely not. I'm mostly focusing on my novel right now.
But it's fun nonetheless.
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cheswirls · 3 years
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was trying to decide on a shirt n finally picked the one that didnt make her even taller ughh. this is from the ref ive been lining literally allllll day its not done but its done enough for now
im @ches on artfight if youre doing it this year!! if youre logged in heres a link !
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nureyevsbf · 7 years
ive been doing this to everyone and ur no exception. do all of them!! with a Special Boy of ur choosing
that’s TOO MANY!!!
im going w foggy though because fucking of course i am
✨ Describe your favorite thing about them
oh my god this is a bullshit question idk where i could even start with this let alone narrow it down to a single thing but. god do you have any idea how much i love this boy’s heart. he’s so fucking. sweet and kind and is always going out of his way to help people and do the right thing i mean for gods’ sakes he helped fix the damages in mrs cardenas’s apartment, just for free on his own time, and then proceeded to run off and make sure he was there for anybody who needed help despite having just taken shrapnel to the side like. i’m in fucking l o v e
👑 Describe their favorite thing about you
having a positive self-image that includes specific traits you can talk about? in this economy?
lord uhhhhhhh i mean as a person i guess i’m also always Doing The Most™ for other people? and that would probably appeal to him a lot. (esp since i’m not terribly sure he’s used to being on the receiving end of that sort of kindness so,,)
❤️ Describe your first date!
luckily i’ve thought abt this one a lot (i don’t have anything set but it’s the thought that counts)
i think it’d be just something really casual, like, there’s a small restaurant in the neighborhood foggy’s really fond of - it’s not expensive or anything, it’s a real hole in the wall type place but foggy insists it’s the best of its kind in all of hell’s kitchen. there were also a lot of really good movies in theaters may 2015 (which would be about the time we had our first date) so a movie after is likely, maybe stopping for desert somewhere after that. like, nothing extraordinary, but really casual and intimate where we don’t have to worry about anything but just spending time with each other
🔥 Are they a good kisser?
absolutely like this is borderline canon.
to elaborate, i would think he kisses,, almost drunkenly. like the first couple of times, especially when it’s just good night kisses, it’s very slow and sweet and he knows exactly where to put his hands and when to pull away and it’s just nice and well-paced, it’s just not a lot, you know? but later down the line when things get more intimate it’s like. he can’t get enough, you know, hands are all over and he tries to be very tender and romantic about it but it just winds up hungry and passionate and uncoordinated but in a really good way and. fans self. fuck.
💍 Who proposes and how?
hhhhhhhhhhhhh oooh uhh i think i’d be the one proposing
i haven’t gotten the chance to touch on it on this blog but tl;dr i’d wind up having to leave for a few months after civil war, and during that time i’d probably get serious about like. shopping around for a ring. keeping it on a chain around my neck once i’ve gotten it.
so by the time i’ve returned, after everything’s settled a bit we’re out one night and maybe it’s not. a particularly impressive date. it’s not like i’ve planned this out there’s just…a lull in things where the time is right & i just sorta take the ring out and get on one knee
i don’t think i’d have a speech so to speak but i’d at least have a good idea of what i want to say but he doesn’t let me get a word out it’s just immediately a yes
📖 What’s your favorite thing to do together?
hmmmmm i would just,, like being intimate w him. we don’t even have to be doing the same thing, as long as we’re doing it together, you know? like, reading or working on paperwork or watching tv, but joined at the hip while doing it. resting our head in the other’s lap, leaning on the other, etc etc
i’m also into baseball, and foggy is really into baseball (i think football too, based on some dialogue in the first episode?) so i imagine we’d go to games a lot, or at least watch it on the tv(i don’t think it’s been mentioned what teams he’s into in canon? not real world, major league teams anyways. there’s the baseball poster in their college dorm but i just can’t fucking discern what team that is and i’m not sure it’s real. or major league, anyways. so personally i’m gonna go w the mets and giants, which i can get behind. there might be some mild rivalry given i’m real diehard into the rockies and broncos, but it’s not like he’s a diamondbacks fan or - god forbid - a patriots fan, so it’d be fine. hell, i mean, it’d probably be more about which of us hates the patriots more. might have been interesting while payton was on our roster tho.tl;dr sports)
🙈 Share an embarassing moment between you two
i’m sure it’s some drunk bullshit honestly like y’all’ve seen how he gets drunk
he’s loud and forgets himself, i’m impulsive and affectionate, it’s not a good mix
👶🏻 Do you ever have a family together? 
some dogs down the road, maybe, but i can’t have kids, don’t want kids, and don’t particularly like kids. like just for 1001 reasons there’s. no reason on god’s green earth i would or should have kids
(and i don’t think foggy would be too beat up about this? like he’s definitely a family man, because of course he is, but i also think he’s the kind of person who doesn’t want kids full time, just wants to spoil his nieces and nephews, of which he has plenty)
💪 Do you ever fight? Who’s the first to apologize?
hmmmmmm probably a little,, but it’d be more over something someone did and tbh whoever is in the wrong would i think. i don’t really think communication or fighting would ever be an issue.
😷 Who’s better at taking care of the other when sick?
it would be nigh impossible for me to get sick with my enhancements and all, so i would just by default. also i’m incredibly doting and know all the secrets and hacks to get through a cold or the flu, and i wouldn’t have to worry about getting sick myself so i could still get close.
i should, like, give him credit where credit’s due, though - when i’m injured or some stupid bullshit? he’s tremendous at taking care of me. i don’t think he’s very good at cooking so it’d mean a lot of takeout but he’d still be good with literally everything else, bc he’s like…….equally as doting, lbr
💋 Do you have nicknames for each other?
u h h h hhhhhh gosh i surprisingly havent thought abt this too much uhhhh,
i mean fogs for him, ofc. i think preferred petnames honey and darling?
and my uhh,,,, my name doesn’t really have any diminutives that i’m ok with, and there’s not a ton of petnames i care too much about either way but. for s ome fuckin reason. something abt calling me sugar? makes me weak as hell.
☁️ Who accidentally kicks the other off of the bed in the middle of the night/Hogs all the sheets?
i did address this earlier in another post but i guess i’ll do it again uhh,,
neither of us, really? bc either we’re wrapped up in each other’s arms, or we’re just sort of comfortably on our bags, not curled up and yanking sheets around and shit. and i don’t really thrash in my sleep and i don’t think he does either so.
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