#hmmm im happier with how it's turning out now
kenanda · 8 months
absolutely INSANE how editing changes a text. i thought i HAD a text ready, but damn that shit needed so much chiselling lol
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betzabobababi · 2 years
Who Would You Pick?
Hi Hi! I absolutley love this story. I kinda cried while writing it. Hope you like it! <3
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety/crying/flowers/chocolate/taking a bath/being insecure.
Type: Fluff (a little bit of angst?)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Not feeling like your normal self after a long day of work and then coming home and having to study you decided to do some self care. So you prepped the bathtub, lit some candles and played some relaxing music. But staying with your thoughts for a long time isn’t always the best. Especially since you had, had an an awfully tiring day. Your brain started to come up with fake scenarios. Some were pleasant, others not so much. One of those thoughts were if peter actually loved you. The rational part of your brain knew he did. But your brain was just tired and didn’t feel like being logical. So by default it started to add on to Does he really love me scenario. 
Peter’s POV
Grabbing my keys from my coat I opened the door and I immediately smelt the scent of your favorite candle burning. Oh how much I love her. I brought her some flowers and chocolate knowing she had a rough day and set them down on the table. And i found her standing in front of the mirror, hands gripping the side of the counter sink and head down, soft sniffles coming from her nose.
“Hey hey, whats wrong?” Peter asks you clearly with that. He stands behind you and gives you a back hug and wrest his chin on your shoulder
“Oh hey, I didn't hear you get home. Im ok don't worry i just- uhm its just my anxiety getting the best of me.” You reply quickly trying to wipe away the remaining tears staining your face. With that you wriggle out out of his hug and walk out of the bathroom heading to the bed. After a few seconds peter came out of the bathroom and snuggles up besides you on the bed. 
Your thoughts and anxiety getting the best of you again you decide to ask peter what your brain kept bringing up. “Hey Pete?” you ask in a soft voice “Yes baby?” peter answers in the same soft tone you spoke in. “Lets say you are in a room with a bunch of girls…and-” 
“Do a party!” peter cut in “uhhm... I wasnt done, but all of these girls are pretty ok?” you say “okay, how pretty?” “actresses, models , singers, very very pretty, anyone you want.” you say hesitantly scared for his answer. Peter hums and put his hand on his chin pretending to think, to him he was joking. But to you it actually hurt, because what if he chose someone who wasn't you. Someone who would clearly be better than you. “Mmmm, You!” Surprised with his answer you say “Nono who would you pick? Be honest” 
“Honestly…a girl who is a model and a dancer. Who has a hot body also.” Trying to hide the obvious pain and attempting to stop the tears from starting once again you ask “who?” He says “I don't know her name but she always looks sexy…..wait wait lemme show you a picture of her.” Peter leaves your side walking into the kitchen and comes back with his phone in hand scrolling down on it. “hmmm…Aha! Here” Your boyfriend turns his phone so its facing you and you look at with with blurry eyes only to see its on selfie mode and the person he showed you was no one other than you. “But why don’t you know her name? You know….” You say now with a happier tone. “Well because I'm too busy looking at her, Y/n Y/l/n.” “Petey….I'm going to ask one more time, WHO WOULD YOU PICK!!!!” You say with a playful tone. “I’m not at the party.” 
“Y/n Y/l/n! Once again!” 
“And why me?”
“Wait wait baby, why would I be at a girls party?I don't need to go when I have you” Peter says starting to get why he found you in the bathroom crying, and why you were being so persistent on knowing who he would choose. He saw how you were proud to be his boyfriend. But he also saw the tears threatening to spill. So being the logical boyfriend he is he leaned in towards you and gave you a soft kiss which you returned with the same amount of love. Breaking the kiss he said “Y/n I love you and only you, not models, or actors, or even princesses. Because you, are my queen"
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creativenicocorner · 1 year
A mp100 Orpheus and Eurydice retelling?!? 👀👀 You have ALL my attention
♡(´⌣`ʃƪ) Thank you so much for asking!
Oh tumblr user la-pou-belle, I wish I had more to offer because the most I have is
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As well as like a bunch of quotes and like the poetry collages?
Okay I'm getting ahead of myself - please forgive me, cause I have SO MANY feelings about this and yet have such a hard time to pin down like...anything?
Okay okay, getting ahead of myself
So this idea came to me while reading the script to Sarah Ruhl's Eurydice (highly recommended, especially if you can watch a production) but SIMULTANEOUSLY while having a lot of Magnus Archives feels
ESPECIALLY when but a single question came into my little shop of horrors of a brain Would Reigen Arataka be able to survive an encounter with The Lonely?
And here's the thing tumblr user la-pou-belle!! Here's the thing!!!
I. Don't. Know.
I don't know how to even begin answering that question.. .but ALSO I don't know if I'd want a happier ending to the myth? You know?
I feel like... by sheer convention of being tied to a retelling of the myth, I feel like our characters have to be doomed by the narrative from the get go...
in true mp100 fashion, where kindness and second chances and hope prevails...maybe this time, just this once, Eurydice makes it out of the underworld and reunites with Orpheus
And then I am reminded that Orpheus turning back was an act originated from love
And THEN I am reminded of that tumblr poll that was floating around, recreating Orpheus walk out of the Underworld and how, in that poll, he managed to not turn around - she got out!!
And THEN THEN I just get so overwhelmed by the cyclical nature of it all, and my own love for chthonic tales and folklore
The world is full of stories of someone braving the underworld for their loved one, why should this retelling stick to the pattern? Why can't it be a love letter to the act of braving the Unknown come hell or high water.
Oh, and also wouldn't it be cool if Dimple could act as a sort of 'Virgil guide figure' in some capacity ...don't know how, at least for now (oh shit Im having a realizing while responding to your message) but that could be a neat way to also explore Dimple origin HCs hmmm more thoughts to marinate on lol
But yeah as you can see tumblr user la-pou-belle, I'm still in the very very Very early stages of putting this together, in fact I might even be biting off more than I can chew lol Classic case of: 'a project in which my ambition is way higher than my actual skill level - but we stay silly'
But I'm excited to see where it goes in the future!
♡ Thank you again for asking!!! ♡
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pen-observing · 1 year
"what makes you human?" "you." tears swelling up in my eyes screaming yelling running around in circles im okay im alright the rhythm is glad
AQUA .... DOTTORE ANON LIKES IT SO MUCH‼️ not only you wrote a dottore fic but also referenced my beloved pride and prejudice!! i understood the reference immediately and i got so excited you have no idea i was ready to drop on my knees and ask you to marry me right now
also i wanted to say im so so proud of you<3 i saw your recent post and ik you struggled a little, you weren't satisfied with how some part turned out, but you still finished it and im so happy you did cause i rlly enjoyed it!! the idea that love is what makes us human... dottore might call himself a monster, but i feel like he still craves love and recognition and understanding and he still clings to his humanity
thank you sm for writing it, i appreciate it dearly, especially that - i'd like to think - it was partly because of me that you wrote it, so truly, thank you<3 nothing else makes me happier than to know i could inspire someone
- dottore anon
Thank you so much!! I am so glad to know you like it!! Feel free to consider yourself partially responsible because to us fic writers hmmm posting a fic is like walking into a room you have to be. I would be in that room regardless but entering it and then seeing someone happy I came to the party makes it all the more special if you get what I mean.
Yoooo,,,yooo the scene where Dottore looks down and sees the reader teleported in front of him was the one I struggled with FR FR it was so much better in my brain I promise aksdjaslf.
I initially planned to just mention the book off offhandedly but over the weekend I rewatched pride and prejudice and simply couldn't resist LMAOO
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princegaytea · 5 years
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"The only time I feel safe"
Lights by Ellie goulding is a charlie song that's my take
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takenbyheartstrings · 4 years
Yes, I’m Changing | Corpse x reader
pairing: Corpse x fem!reader
summary: as y/n infiltrates Corpse’s life and his life, he seems to be happier and more alive.
warnings: mentions of anxiety and depression, crying, fluff, angst and more fluff.
request: hello can i please request a corpse x reader where the reader and corpse meet and instantly become best friends and he starts to get happier around her and get a little less anxious - maybe like she’s his saviour? idk, also could you please make her voice the complete opposite of corpse himself? tysm 🤍🤍
a/n: tysm for requesting! i hope this lives upto your expectations ^-^ OBVIOUSLY most of this is made up - and i’m talking about the Leslie and Corpse storyline - so please don’t come @ me S,JDFNKJSDNF
You sighed as you logged onto discord ready for your stream, your setup was your favourite colour, so you clicked on your webcam with a smile and clicked to start the stream. People soon started to flood in.
“Hey guys!” You smiled taking a drink of water, “Welcome to the stream, we’re playing Among Us today with Rae and Sykkuno and a few more new friends! I think Corpse is coming to play with us, I’m excited to meet him!”
You quickly joined the discord call, Ludwig, Rae, Sykunno, Toast, Leslie, Poki, Felix and Sean had already joined, so as soon as I joined that was 9/10 of the lobby.
“Hey guys!” You giggled happily.
“Hey Y/n!” They all greet you happily, as you adjust your headphones on your head, pulling your mic a tad bit closer.
Soon one more person joined the discord call, “Hey,” a deep yet soothing voice speaks up.
“Woah.” You mutter quickly realising your mic discord isn’t muted.
Corpse laughs, you two were the only one’s in the lobby who didn’t know each other, “I’m Corpse, and you must be y/n.” You can hear his smile through the screen, “Big fan.”
Your face flushes red and chat takes notice, “Yes, that is me, I am y/n, and I, personally am very excited to meet you!” You cheer, trying to keep your cool.
“Holy shit guys.” Rae chuckles, “Their voices are complete opposite - it’s like the angel and the devil.”
“Hmmm maybe,” You perk up, “I guess I’d be the devil then.”
Corpse chuckles at your comment as the round starts as you smile because of his laugh, proud of yourself that you made the man, the myth, the legend, Corpse Husband laugh.
That was a year and a half ago.
You knocked on the door tugging on your grey sweater as he opened the door quickly, letting you in, before pulling off his mask as soon as the door had closed behind you. Corpse smiled at you as you hurried inside placing Grocery bags on the kitchen counter.
The two of you decided to rent a place together in LA to be closer to your friends and open up a new line of opportunities. Well, that’s how you pitched it to your best friend.
Anyway, it was game night at the Corpse x Y/n residence, last week was at Sykkuno’s house where you all played What Do You Meme, now it was yours and Corpse’s turn. Playing Cards Against Humanity because they all knew you guys had the largest collection of cards. You quickly set out everything on the table as Corpse just admired you from the couch.
“You could help, y’know.” You glared at him as he sat there watching you.
Corpse pretended to think about it, “Well, if I try to help you’re just gonna push me away and do everything yourself anyway.” He smirks - he’s right. You know he is. He knows he is. Everyone know’s he is. You’re a control freak.
You huff, “So what?”
“So what?” Corpse lets out the loudest laugh he can, “Last time you almost broke my finger!!”
You pause, before leaving it at that, Corpse just chuckles as he sits there, you finish in no less than ten minutes, “It’s gonna be fine.”
“Never said I wasn’t.” You retort.
Corpse looks at you, “I know you better than anyone, y/n.” It’s gonna be okay.
And he was right, the night went great. Everyone was smiling and laughing and having fun. It was a night to remember, mostly because Rae almost got blackout drunk and Toast and Sykkuno had to take her home early. But she’d just laugh it off in the morning after you call her and make sure she’s okay.
Corpse stands up, “Anyone need a drink?” He questions, as everyone shake’s their heads. Leslie actually changes her mind and follows him around the corner to a small kitchen.
A lot of people wouldn’t have known this, but Lesilie and Corpse met way before he met Felix or anyone current. She looks at him with a soft smile as she watches him get her a drink from the fancy fridge they have in their house.
“What?” Corpse questions noticing Leslie’s look.
Leslie chuckles, “You love her, dude,” She sighs before he can protest it, “Don’t try to say that I’m wrong either. She’s changed you, you’re slightly happier now, you’re making your way up there, she lifts your spirits every single day and you should see the way you fucking look at her, because I know you don’t know. You love her dude and she loves you too, think about it.”
Leslie leaves the kitchen as her and Edison are the only ones left in the house, it was kinda sad to see it without people in it but you smiled regardless. “That was really fun tonight, thanks Corpse!”
Corpse smiles as you do, “Always. But I’m super beat, gonna try and get some sleep.” In reality, he wasn’t. He was just gonna think about what Leslie said all night.
She was right. You loved him. But you couldn’t tell him that because 99.9% of the time they didn’t reciprocate those feelings back. She had learned not to try with love anymore. So you were sitting in bed that night thinking about a life where you had something good. You had love and comfort. Though you felt it was never going to happen.
Corpse was doing the same - he didn’t take the shots because he was scared. He thinks about her. All the fuckin’ time. How he’s so glad she joined that lobby. Leslie was right she made him happier. She made his life better. Way fucking better. He thought about a life with her, that it would be so good to call her his girlfriend. Never have to see her with another guy again - because yes. He was jealous of all the one’s she’d bring home after a night out with her friends. But she didn’t know they would come out and he’d scare them off.
He didn’t know he was doing that - not intentionally.
Your music fades out of your head as you try to fall asleep to it, but it fails coming back into earshot. You turn to the opposite side of the music. You tossed and turned before standing up out of bed. You had to do it. You had to tell him how you feel and you had to do it now. Something made you compelled to do it. Something made you need to do it.
You opened your bedroom door stepping out of it quickly walking down the hall over to Corpse’s room. 
Your anxiety started to spike, you could feel tears on the brims of your eyes - you were starting to overthink.
“What if he doesn’t love me back”
“What if he’s in love with someone else”
Corpse was having the same spike of anxiety, as he started to overthink feeling his stomach - his gut churn. He knew he had to tell you. No matter how anxious he was, he was willing to take that 50/50 chance. You were practically speed walking, and so was he. The two of you ran into each other, falling onto the floor opposite of each other, your hands catching you, breaking your fall. You yelped before you both chuckled and Corpse helped you up. The two of you hadn’t realise how close you were until Corpse spoke and you could feel the warmth of his breath and minty toothpaste on your face.
“Corpse I- I need to tell you something.” He stopped you.
“No- I do.”
“Corpse I have to tell you!”
“Y/N I LOVE YOU!” Corpse yells pulling away from you as he starts to pace, “I can’t go a day without missing you - I can’t go a day without you here. I crumble, I fall apart. You make me happier, nobody’s done that before. You are a light to my life, you are my sun, you are everything to me and I don’t know how to live without you - how to function. You went to VidCon for three days and I fell apart completely. I. Love. You.”
At this point Corpse didn’t know what he was saying. He was just going with his gut. You sat there shocked. You just smiled at him after a while. You ran towards him and jumped into his arms pressing a kiss to his lips and then pressing them all over the rest of his face.
He was relieved to say the least - probably guessing this is what you were going to tell him and he loved that - he could finally love you.
He carried you to his bedroom, which would soon be the two of yours as it was larger in size and fell asleep comfortably in each others arms as the warmth of Corpse’s body radiated onto yours. His arms around you, holding you to never let you go. To never get hurt. To protect you from all the bad in the world.
The two of your feelings were finally at peace. It was a beautiful masterpiece called love. You changed Corpse for the better and he changed you for it too. You both lived in perfect harmony with each other. It was a comfort you had never truely felt before - same to him. Something that the both of you never wanted to let go of. Let alone each other.
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Hiii, im a new follower but i loooove your prompts! Could you do a continuation of 135 ? No pressure tho :)
I so happy that you like my Prompts! I hope you continue to like them in the future :D
Continuation of Prompt #135   Original
"There you are, my darling little her-" [Other Villain] cut themselves off when, instead of [Hero], a scowling [Villain] stood in the middle of the abandoned building.
"Why the hell are you here? Get lost, [Hero] should be showing up soon." [Other Villain] spat.
"No, they aren't. I'm actually the one that set up this meeting. I just asked [Hero] to tell you about it." [Villain] stared daggers at [Other Villain].
"Oh." [Other Villain] wrinkled their nose in disgust, "In that case, I'll be going now, sorry, but you're really not my type."
[Other Villain] turned to leave before seeing that the exits had locked behind them. They slowly looked around the building, finding it deceptively secure for its appearance. Sure they could break out, but not fast enough to avoid [Villain] if they attacked.
"You're not going anywhere until we talk; you degenerate." [Villain] glared at them.
"Fine, fine, what do you even want?"
"[Hero] says you’re creepy. Stop doing that."
"What?" [Other Villain] took a step backward, taken aback that, out of all things, this is what they were discussing.
"You heard me." [Villain] continued to drill holes into [Other Villain] with their eyes.
"One, I'm not creepy. Two, why the fuck do you even care?! Like, How does this even affect you? Like I know you're a stick in the mud, but I'm not flirting with you or anything." [Other Villain] defend themselves.
[Villain] let out an annoyed huff from their nose as they retorted, "One, it's not the transgressors' right to determined if they transgressed; that's the right of the person transgressed. If they think you're creepy, you're creepy, you can't decide what they are and aren't comfortable with."
[Other Villain] opened their mouth to argue, but [Villain] cut them off by raising their voice.
"Secondly, it affects me when [Hero] is relieved to see me instead of you. I am the monster that should be stalking their nightmares. When they see me, they should feel dread, not relief."
"Oh, so it's a matter of your fragile little pride then, hmmm?" [Other Villain] teased.
"It is when my nemesis is happier to see me instead of some two-bit sex-fiend."
"Am I sensing a bit of jealously [Villain]?" [Other Villain] smirked, "I'm just giving [Hero] what they really want deep down. They just haven't admitted it to themselves yet."
"I refuse to argue nonsense with a sexual predator."
"The hell did you call me?!" [Other Villain] snarled, immediately lowering into a fighting sense.
"I called you many things throughout this conversation [Other Villain], but if you want to settle this with fists..." [Villain] lowered themselves as well, "I'm happy to beat my point into you."
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 210 here we go
awww seb doing the intro
congratulations to milky white and her baby chocolate milk😌
seb is so funny
but seriously, clean up that milk fast or else it will smell so bad in there....
was that Lauryn just randomly doing cartwheels? idk any theatre kids irl but that seems like it's a common thing...
is it just me or has ms Jenn been getting more harsh to Ricky and Seb mainly-
like what did they do to her
no because I actually snorted with laughter at the "you came back" WHAT IS THAT VOICE-
yeah so my throat hurts now
I'm dying over here
Ricky's fake death got the whole place in tears /s
he looks like an asthmatic walrus
Seb's on piano, I love
we all know if he was the beast we'd all actually be crying✋
ok but I listen to Julia's version of home on Spotify when I want to cry-
right so gimme a second
is Ricky scratching his face.....while he's dying?
"belle i-" *flop*
round of applause to Ashlyn for trying to make Ricky's earthworm seizure look less.... yknow
Kourtney's just dying there
did she really just disappear for 9 episodes just to come back and stare dramatically into the camera
oh so Ricky's wearing a gay shirt now too
so that's the real reason why Rini broke up, see y'all next season when Gini and caswen become canon /j
wait that was a long intro scene-
what was that look Carlos-
carlos' run is so funny to me
therapist Ashlyn to the rescue
"that is...super" son you good?
ms Jenn call Benjamin, he would willingly put his loved ones on a rocket and blast them into Venus for you....
"I don't want you kids to be disappointed" girl you do realise you're the one that's most invested in this?
"a smooth opening night" wasn't there just 1 show though-
like their opening night was closing night too
me Jenn looks like a serial killer during that clap and I'm lowkey scared for zacky
"I have notes"
oo if you're taking suggestions, lemme get my list
"mother is freaking out" uhhhhhh
"is everyone sitting down?"
*looks around awkwardly*
*big red slowly sits*
please seb was the only one sitting-
does that mean Carlos looked at Seb as soon as he walked in and assumed that everyone else was sitting too or am I a seblos clown🤡
"is this about the transformation"
she just shows up when it's convenient? is she gonna be at the sleepover too?
Seb's heavy swallow after Carlos shouts at him makes me so sad
"I never learned how to lie but I figure if I keep my mouth closed, I can't tell the truth" *nods and smiles at Nini when she asks*
why are they casually standing up all over the pizza shop, just sit at a big table and talk instead of blocking passageways and blocking off at least 6 tables-
so Cash Caswell has a bigger house than... Dennis Caswell.... who would've thought
ah yes there's the good old EJ 1.0
Nini: "boys vs girls"
Gina: *looks devastated and glances longingly at EJ*
way to be inconspicuous
"but north high should be" *cracks her knuckles in the most uncomfortable way*
good for Ashlyn for getting more confident though
oo bossy big red
"i get bossy around the power tools"
is that why Ashlyn was holding up the drill in episode 8 orrrr 🤠
Lily, leave him alone please
she's literally not blinking, is that what makes her creepy?
the diss at big red and his face afterwards is priceless
isn't that similar to what Gina's mom said to her in season 1? hmmmm
but seriously please don't try to redeem lily, let us have a character to hate, or to love because they're evil.
not everyone's a good guy.
"im not liked here and I don't know what to do"
let antoine finish his salad and it'll fix everything
"hug emoji" *gags*
y'all realize Lily's literally 14?
why is she calling a 16/17 year old from another school for personal advice-
"he gets weird around tools"
I shouldn't be laughing so hard
"deja vu maybe?" awkward silence
I'm dying here I love EJ so so so so much
"where's seb"
*cuts to seb being held hostage hoping that they'd notice he's missing and go look for him*
"don't ask"
"oh ok"
"100% real faux fur" as you should queen
sponsored by target
Kourtney is singlehandedly saving the entire show.
Seb making finger guns make me happier than it should
why is this kinda making me want to have a co-ed sleepover with my non-existent theatre friends
wait what-
you haven't talked to him all WEEK-
Carlos are you stupid /hj
Benjamin is so adorable I can't
he turned around to come back for her instead of going home. you're "what do you want Jenn🙄X act isn't fooling anyone Benjamin 🙃
1+4+16= 21st?
they placed 21st?
or do I just not remember how to convert to base ten
no ms Jenn, the kids are not eccentric 35 year olds.
aww sebby
is he thinking that Carlos is only with him cuz he's the only other openly gay guy at school-
son you are a perfect little bean don't put yourself down
yes they all ship portwell as they should.
they'll be throwing risotto at the wedding.
not the chocolates. stop there are no chocolates. please stop I'm dying.
Gina you don't have to explain yourself to her
it was a misunderstanding and it's in the past
why is Ashlyn still laughing-
exactly it wasn't a big deal please just move on Nini
Kourtney really be out here saving everything
why do I feel like when Gina finally told Ash about it, she didn't think it was that funny but wanted to feel included in the inside joke so now she brings it up randomly to show that she's in on it....I totally don't do that...
"idk, the farmer type" oh son...
Ashlyn and big red are just spilling the secrets back and forth huh?
cmon guys don't look at me like that-
"she is the best" and "we're buddies" don't sound right together
"pretty boy" "sweet boy" best ways to describe EJ
I love him.
and aw he's scared of rejection so he'll hold back just to keep her happy and not awkward how sweet
is Ricky wondering if letting her go(literally his song from last episode) was the best thing he did for Nini because he doesn't feel like it now? hmmm this is getting good
why is everyone so invested in Kourtney and Howie's relationship
oh yes Benji, that's exactly what she's doing
she couldn't follow her dream or whatever so now she's using the kids to gain some of the success she craves. why else would she have that massive hsm poster with her name on it in huge letters in her office.
just casually grab his hand with both your hands and stare at him creepily 🥰
ship jennzzara y'all
the first bump was a missed opportunity to do the baymax "falalala" as a reference to the fact that they watched big hero six while committing arson✋
wait so big red and EJ just left Ricky in the basement and now Ricky invited Carlos when they're supposed to be at the stage?
help no Ricky looks like he's about to tell Carlos he likes him (I know it's about writing the song for seb but still, look at his body language and tell me it doesn't look like that)
Ricky is so mature about this, he really just wants Nini to be happy even though he's hurting-
baby you deserve love, maybe Nini isn't the one for you but don't say you don't deserve it
why does he keep adding bro to the end like he doesn't know how to address Carlos
"let's write a song when we have like 45 minutes to get to the place and help our friends possibly win $50000 at the show in 2 weeks"
"can you hit a high C?"
"that's like the bottom of my range"
why am I laughing
this is so cool to see friendship interactions that we don't normally get to see
Nini why are you being like this-
Gina did nothing wrong??
I saw that, EJ and Gina being the only ones going in the same direction👀
right so obviously Kourtney's waiting until after the menkies to get back with Howie just in case he really is just using her as a way in to east high... obviously... right?
Why is portwell so awkward all of a sudden
OMG GINA SAY YES or not, do what you want.
the way she doubts that EJ would genuinely ask so she has to make sure it's not Ashlyn behind it
I want risotto now please
OOOOOOO what is this place that seblos is in, looks fancy....and secluded
oh wait no Ricky's just standing there
wait is it the bomb shelter
it looks so good what
@youranxiousnerd ARE YOU OK?
I like to imagine that Frankie and Joe practiced this in their apartment and just had a blast with it.
or maybe that Frankie practiced in secret like what Joe did for the climb
they're still so awkward with the dance I cant
let's appreciate Frankie's voice though
this episode really was made just for the seblos and portwell stans and you gotta love it
Seb's little "yeah" IS ADORABLE
you can't tell me that wouldn't have been the best time for them to say I love you....IF FREAKIN BIG RED WASN'T THERE
ok but wait Ricky needs more hugs like that, look at his face
the boy needs love
"bro" please don't let Ricky and Carlos go back to not talking because their friendship is amazing
EJ laughing at Ricky sounding like a cat coughing up a furball is so funny to me
I knew it was too good to be true
ok so Ricky's dead, next in line please
this episode was so short but I love it so much. this is what I signed up for for season 2✋
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
on the whole idea of the boys when they're older interacting with kids, what if one day a kid comes in with his family who's like rly shy and timid, like not bc of abuse he's just rly shy and with his family who are perhaps quite boisterous and he's not and he gets quite anxious and there's a whole thing where the boys are able to bring him out of his shell ;~; like when he and his family are sitting down for a meal dean comes out with their food and makes him relax bc hes so good with kids. he comes down during the night bc he heard a noise and got scared and cas is down there cleaning up for the night and talks to him about nature to calm him down and the boy is like :)) and then the next morning he's outside and there's other kids who are playing with sam and he's off to the side but sam notices and is able to bring him into the play and he ends up making friends with the other kids, and then by the time the family have to leave the inn he's like smiling and happy and he turns to his parents and is like 'can we come back here soon :D' and it's this rly nice moment, maybe from his perspective so we get to see others reactions to the boys :))
awwww this is so cute!!! Maybe this could be combined with the prompt about cas helping the family with an autistic child and helping the parents understand their kid better....like maybe the kid is autistic and so he has a hard time talking sometimes and is withdrawn bc of difficulty interacting with others. and dean is so good with kids, even if he can't spot right away that the kid is autistic like cas would be able to, he can tell when he comes out with the food that the kid is in distress. like he's like and here's yours sir :) to the kid (dean is very polite but he is calling the kid sir as a bit of a joke to make the kid smile) and the kid like doesnt look up and the parents are like oh sorry he's just shy. and dean is like oh. hmmm. cause the kid has like his fingers clenched in his tunic. when he comes back out he like crouches next to the kid to make him feel more comfortable and is like hey :) i'm dean :) and the kid doesnt look up or say anything and the parents r like sorry he gets like this idk why. jack look at the nice boy and introduce yourself. (i didnt watch the later seasons but from what i see on tumblr.edu the consensus is that jack is autistic so!) and dean is like no thats ok he doesnt have to look at me/talk to me. and then to jack he's like. u know i have a friend who doesn't always look at people or talk to them and we get along just fine. so i think me and jack are gonna get along great :) and then to jack he's like. you know. my friend and i dont always talk using our voices. sometimes we use our hands! (i guess this is post meeting eileen- i've said this on a different post but once dean cas and sam r introduced to the concept of sign language they adopt it immediately bc cas feels so much more comfortable communicating like that when he's having trouble w/ words) and jack is like ??! so turns towards dean w/o making eye contact, clearly intrigued. and dean is like :) wanna see? :) and jack nods. and dean shows him a few basic signs and jack mimics him. and one of the words is upset. and then once jack learns it, dean signs "you upset?" to him. ;~; and jack nods. and dean is like. wanna tell me what's up? maybe i can help! and then jack does the shy kid thing of indicating with body language that they dont wanna say what's wrong out loud, so dean leans in and jack whispers into his ear "loud." and dean is like oh! i see! we can fix that :) can i tell your parents what you just told me? and jack nods. so dean says to the parents (who r looking on in bemusement) its a bit loud in here for jack. mind if i take him outside for a minute? and the parents are like oh! sweetheart why didnt you tell us? (they arent bad parents they just dont get jack and its the middle ages so its not like there is info out there) and jack shrugs and the parents sort of helplessly shrug at each other, bc jack not verbalizing issues is a common problem for them. and they r like um its ok u dont have to take him outside we will take him. but do u mind bringing our food outside and stuff. like can we eat there. and dean is like of course no problem! and theyre like r u sure? im sorry that u have to go out of ur way for us, im sorry about our son, he can be. kinda fussy sometimes. and dean is like literally dont worry about it!
so then jack's parents take him outside and they all eat on the porch, and dean keeps popping back over to check on them. and jack is clearly much happier and starts to become much more verbal now that he's not overstimulated. still shy and quiet but much more smiley and every time dean brings them something he's very quietly like "thank you."
omg! maybe dean notices that he's not eating his food and so he's like do we want something else? and the parents r like omg no omg im sorry he's just so particular about what he likes omg the food is great jack pls eat ur food dont be rude. and dean is like he's not being rude at all he's a very polite young man :) id be happy to bring something else out. and the parents r like. well. if you're sure...he likes things that r like. boring. like really really boring. like plain porridge with nothing in it and stuff like that. and dean is like mashed potatoes? and the parents r like yes! and jack perks up. and so he brings that out for jack. and he brings it out and the parents r like omg omg thank u SO much for going so out of ur way for our weird kid even tho he still wont look at u at all. they dont say that part they're not assholes to jack, its implied tho and jack kinda curls into himself bc hes embarrassed about causing problems. and dean ofc notices and is like. u know. my friend who talks with his hands can be very particular too. he doesnt like the noise in the dining room either, and he also only likes certain foods. and jack perks up again :)
ahhh he keeps coming out to check on them and he's like hey how u doing? and!! oh no maybe dean also taught him the sign for happy and he signs "happy" at dean ;~:
to be clear- dean doesn't make the connection that jack LIKE like cas, as in he's autistic, at least not yet. like i think he WOULD if he had more time with him, but cas is the only autistic person he's ever met, and he just met jack. dean def just thinks he's very shy, but he's great with kids and can tell right away that jack is upset, and he shows him the signs not cause he realizes that jack is actually non-verbal in that moment but because he really doesnt care if the kid doesn't want to talk to him, he just wants to help. and he shows him the signs and stuff bc he wants the kid to tell him whats wrong, but kids wont tell strangers that if u just ask upfront, you have to gain their trust a little first ;~; and dean understands all of this instinctually bc he's great with kids so he manages to figure out whats wrong and solve the problem even without realizing that jack is autistic. ;~;
the person who figures out that jack is autistic is definitely cas!! jack comes down in the middle of the night maybe not cause he hears a noise, maybe he just cant sleep bc he hates his routine being disrupted and being in a new place ;~; and the sheets feel all wrong and everything smells wrong and everything is different and he hates it ;~; so he comes downstairs maybe be he's crying and he doesnt want to wake his parents up. and cas is downstairs cleaning up still, it's totally quiet tho now so there is no overstimulation. and cas is like oh! a tiny person!! uuhhh.... he def panics a little bc he's not good w people and he's not sure what to do with a random crying child. maybe he briefly considers waking dean up bc dean is good with kids and also maybe he saw dean talking to jack earlier. but then hes like no dean is tired i dont want to bother him ill try to deal with it. and hes like um. hello. um. my name is castiel i am the owner of this inn. um i guess u dont care about that. um. r u ok? and then the kid signs "upset" ;~; and cas is like oh! bc thats their signs! so he signs "what's wrong, why are you upset?" back even tho like it's just their home signs so how would this kid know them. but he signed "upset" so cas responds kinda on instinct. and the kid does not understand anything other than upset bc dean only showed him like 5 signs and he kinda already forgot the other ones. but it doesnt matter! bc those r hand words like dean was talking about and showing him! which must mean this is his friend who doesnt like looking at people or talking!! and jack is verbally like. r u dean's friend who doesnt like looking at people or talking. and cas is like um? yeah i guess? thats me. and jack is like ! i am very particular too! and bc he trusts dean and now by extension cas, and believes dean about cas being "particular" like him, he doesnt feel embarrassed about admitting what's wrong. and he spills his guts hes like everything is WRONG i dont like how anything feels or smells or tastes and everything is different from how it is at home and i HATE it and mom and dad says thats rude but i dont want to be rude but i cant sleep bc everything is all wrong!!! ;~; and he says all this not looking at cas and waving his hands around his head. and cas is like......................................................................oh. hm. i see. this is Me.
so he's just very empathetic and is like im really sorry i totally understand, you're not being rude, i also feel that way whenever we travel and i also am very selective about what i can touch and eat and stuff and am very sensitive to the physical environment. i know i cant fix it all but is there anything i can do to help you feel better? do u want to try some different blankets? and he takes jack to the linen closet and is extremely patient as he brings down each blanket and lets jack touch each one and decide which is the best. and it DOESNT solve everything but just having someone take him seriously and listen to him makes jack feel so much better and hes eventually able to go back to sleep ;~;
in the morning theyre outside, sam who's like 16 or whatever is chasing the kids around playing tickle monster. and jack's parents try to get him to go play with sam and the other kids but he doesnt want to he's too shy and anxious. and cas keeps staring at jack like :( bc he KNOWS but he doesnt know what to do about it. he brings it up with dean and dean is like OH. i see THATS what was going on with him he's like you! and cas is like yeah :( idk what to do about it...
sam sees jack hanging around with his parents on the side and he's like hey! do u want to come play? and jack is like................ and his parents r like sorry hes really shy. and sam is like thats ok! i have an idea, why dont we change the game and we can play hide and seek! (bc that doesnt require jack to jump in to interacting with a big crowd of kids) he's like :) i bet u can hide real well! :) and jack is like! :D and he nods bc hes like whoa i CAN hide really well! and they play hide and ofc sam is the seeker but when he finds the kids he always kinda turns it into man hunt cause he's like ah HA i got u!!! and he chases them around. and eventually he finds jack and hes like mwahahahaha now im gonna EAT you!!! and jack like screeches and giggles and bolts away and sam chases him and the other kids, and basically he like tricks jack into playing the exact same game they were playing before by like easing him into it by not making the start of the game require walking up to a crowd of ppl. but then once they r in the game he's ok just running around with the other kids :)
meanwhile dean and cas watch this and dean is like. do u want to talk to the parents. and cas is like. :/ i dont know how to do that. like how would we even start that conversation. and dean is like. i can help u :) so he does! he's like hey u remember i was talking about my friend to ur son the other day? this is he! u met him when u were checking in! ive noticed that he's like really really similar to ur son and has some of the same issues, and we were wondering if u wanted to talk about how cas deals with some of those things? and basically dean eases them into the conversation and makes it unintimidating for both parties. and cas teaches the parents all about the concept of sign language, and how going non-verbal is more than just being shy, and like they start describing situations in which jack was like Weird theyre like one time he started screaming and crying and rocking in public we didnt know what to do! and cas is like well where were u? what was going on? and like helps them identify the kinds of sensory things that probably trigger jack and stuff. and just like. its a good convo.
omg and cas is literate by this point and maybe the parents r too and hes like. if u ever wanna write to me and ask me about more shit and whatever pls dont hesitate. and then they DO and basically they help this family understand and raise their autistic son and its great!!! :D
anyway this is a VERY long response i definitely just outlined a mini-fic here.
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Saving Grace - Part 3
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
(Takes place after The Avengers defeat Thanos and people lost in the snap are back).
A/N -Sorry summary sucks! If i say too much it will give things away! 💜
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(3 months later)
I was sat on one of the sun loungers in the back yard with Wanda as we watched Bucky and Sam running around after Harrison while Clint was working away at the BBQ.
"You seem happier sweetheart" Wanda said rolling her head to the side to look at me.
"I feel a lot better, its still tough but I'm getting there" i told her truthfully smiling as i watched Bucky scoop up Harrison making him laugh loudly.
"Having Bucky around looks like its helped a lot"
"His been great...."
"Its just...." i could feel the heat rise to my cheeks and shifted in my seat.
"Just spit it out!"
"My hormones are going crazy!"
"Okay....." she looked confused and shook her head waiting for me to explain.
"Im horny all the time!!" I whispered to her "and he walks around looking like that..." i nodded my head over to where Bucky was now rolling around the grass with Harrison climbing on him, both of them laughing.
"Get him lil man!" Sam was encouraging Harrison as he stood laughing at the two of them.
"Like what? Its not like his naked Y/N" Wanda chuckled clearly thinking I'm loosing mind.
"Okay, you don't think this is real..... take a look"
"You mean you want me to use my powers on you?"
"Its the only way you'll get what i mean"
I could see the red wisps appear around Wanda's fingers and creep over to me, her eyes glowing red and then she gasped sitting back in her seat a little breathless.
"Wow! Thats..... intense"
"I told you!!"
"Hey doll.... you okay?" Bucky asked marching towards us, i let out a whimper at the way he strutted towards me.... i was about ready to throw myself at him i swear to god.
"Hmmm im fine, why?"
"I saw Wanda using her magic on you...."
"Oh that was nothing, just girl stuff" i shrugged holding my hand up "help me up would you i need to pee"
"Of course" he smiled taking my hand and easily pulling me up to my feet.
"Thanks, if im like this now what am i gonna be like by the end!" I moaned as i walked into the house.
On my way back outside i saw Sam in the kitchen grabbing more beers, he gave me a smile as soon as he saw me.
"Hey mama, you want anything?"
"Id love a beer" i said pouting at the fact i couldn't drink.
"How about a soda?"
"Fine! Always gotta ruin my fun Sammy"
As i walked over to grab my soda from Sam and help him with the beers he pulled me in for a hug.
"You doing okay?" He asked quietly placing a kiss to the top of my head.
"Im doing better, theres still alot anger there but im trying my best to push it aside" i admitted to the man who had been like a brother to me since the day i met him, it was always so easy to talk to Sam "i've gotta put Harrison and the baby first. My anger towards 'he who wont be named' isn't going to help anyone, so whats the point?"
"Your a better person than me Y/N"
"Its not gonna do me any good, it wont make him come back to us, he had his life with Peggy just like he always wanted. Even if that meant leaving us behind"
"If he wasn't so old i'd punch him in the face for you i promise"
"Haha get in line darlin, Wanda would be out for blood and Bucky.... well i think he would channel his inner Winter Soldier" i chuckled as i stepped out of Sams arms to grab the drinks.
"You and Bucky seem to be getting close"
"Sam..... don't start" i shook my head knowing where this was going "we're just friends, his helping me with Harrison...."
"It'd be okay if there WAS something there though I'm just saying" he held up his hands "i hate to admit this but Bucky is a good guy"
"I know he is, believe me i know"
"So whats the problem?"
"Erm how about the fact I'm pregnant by his best friend?" I said with wide eyes, it should have been the obvious reason!
"Well actually IM his best friend now since old man Rogers turned up"
"Erghhh you know what i mean! Stop making this weird!" I grabbed the drinks and headed outside away from the conversation.
"Hey, everything okay? I was gonna come looking for you you were gone that long" Wanda asked looking concerned.
"Yeah fine, just chatting with Sam"
"About anything exciting?"
"Nope" i replied popping the P as i shook my head and took my seat again.
"Mama!" Harrison said running over wanting to climb into my lap.
"Hey baby" i picked him up and his little arms held me round my shoulders as he buried his head in my neck "awww is someone sleepy" i smiled running my hand over his blonde hair "did Uncle Bucky wear you out bud?"
I felt Harrison nod his head and heard Wanda chuckle....2 minutes later he was fast asleep.
"Sweetboy just wanted his mama" Wanda said smiling as she looked at Harrison "i still can't believe you have a son and that i missed so much"
"I know me too Wan, at least you'll get to witness everything with this one" i said looking down at my almost 6 month bump.
"Oh Y/N i cant wait! Im so excited"
"Hey Wan, how would you feel about being in the delivery room with me when i have her?..... you don't have to only i really don't wanna do it alone"
"Are you being serious??? You would want me there??"
"Of course! Your my best friend"
"I would be honoured!"
"Thanks, your the best".
"Ladies foods ready" Clint called over and Wanda shot up and rushed over to grab something, i stayed where i was not wanting to disturb Harrison.
"Here, grabbed you a cheeseburger" Bucky suddenly appeared holding out the burger, it smelt like heaven and made me smile instantly.
"Bucky Barnes you are the best!" I beamed making grabby hands towards the plate he held.
"Here i'll swap you.... let me take Harrison while you eat"
"Thanks" i smiled up at him accepting the plate, then I watched as Bucky carefully took Harrison. He rubbed his back soothingly when he stirred a little bit but Harrison cuddled up to Bucky, his face buried against Buckys neck.
"Do you want me to go put him in bed?"
"If you don't mind that would be great, could you grab the monitor from his dresser please on your way out?"
"Sure thing doll, be right back" he smiled at me before heading inside.
"Bucky is so good with Harrison" i heard Wanda say, i turned round to see she was back in her seat with a plate full of food a huge smile on her face.
"He is, I'm glad Harrison has him around. Ever since Ste... HE left, i worry about the effect it will have on Harrison" i admitted "his okay right?.... i mean his young...."
"His fine i promise you, he has the best mommy in the world. Not to mention a kick ass aunt and uncles who love him so much"
"Id be lost without you guys".
"We'll we're not going anywhere so you have nothing to worry about".
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The following couple of days felt a bit off between Bucky and me after our friends had been constantly commenting on how close we had been getting, i started to panic and distance myself.
I wasn't blind, obviously i could see how attractive Bucky was but with my hormones all over the place.... it wasn't a good idea to even think about it. Plus he was Steve's BEST FRIEND!!
"Hey" i heard Bucky call out as he opened the front door.
"Hey Buck" i called back from the kitchen where i was making dinner. Bucky came into kitchen dropping his bag in the corner before walking over to Harrison to say hello.
"everything okay at the compound?"
"Same old, Secretary Ross is still against Sam taking on the shield" he said as he come to grab a bottle of water from the fridge "their pressing for this new guy Walker to take on the Captain America mantle"
"Of course they are, they want someone they can control" i rolled my eyes. Ross had always hated that Steve did his own thing, he wouldn't let them decide who he could or couldn't help and Sam was just the same.
"The guy seems like a punk not gonna lie"
"Sounds about right, probably their golden boy"
"We're fighting it the best we can but its tough" Bucky shrugged, i turned to look at him and noticed he looked exhausted.
"Why don't you go have a shower while i finish dinner, you look tired"
"Sounds good doll, your the best" he smiled and placed a kiss to my temple as he passed like it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do.
At dinner Harrison insisted on sitting next to his Uncle Bucky like always! Something that always made Bucky smile proudly. I loved that he had Bucky around but i couldn't help but think of how Steve was gone.... how could he leave his son so easily!
"Y/N you okay?" Bucky asked getting my attention, i nodded quickly and forced a smile.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"You sure? You've been kinda distant the past couple of days" he said as he wiped Harrison's face over and helped him down from the table.
"Just thinking about some things" i shrugged watching as Harrison run back through to the living room to play with his toys.
"Your nervous..... i can hear your heart racing you know"
"Buck thats not fair...."
"Whats going on? Talk to me"
"Its nothing to worry about"
"Is this about what Sam said the other day at the BBQ?"
"About what?" I asked playing dumb.
"I heard him ask about how close we'd become...."
"His not the only one who's mentioned it, Wanda said something too" i admitted shifting nervously in my seat.
"I see" he nodded sadly "you don't want them thinking theres anything going on with us"
"No! I don't care what they think. Its just.... this is so messed up Bucky"
"If I've over stepped in anyway I'm sorry.... i never meant to make you uncomfortable"
"You haven't i promise, honestly I've been so glad to have you here. I don't know what i would have done without you.... it feels so.... it feels right with you here. It scares me how much i need you around"
"Well I'm not going anywhere" he shrugged "i'll always be here for you and Harrison. Its been so long since i felt like i have a home....and... being here with you and Harrison? Im so happy and i can't remember ever feeling like this"
Bucky suddenly reached over placing his metal hand over mine "I don't know how Steve could ever leave you both. If you were mine id never let you out of my sight"
"Thats because your a good man Bucky Barnes" i smiled turning my hand so i could hold his hand better "after Steve left i was broken hearted you saw me" i scoffed "i didn't think it was possible to get past it let alone feel anything for anyone else..... then you came along"
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah" i chuckled "its just the timing.... i mean look at me, Im 6 months pregnant, my emotions are all over the place. I just think if we're even considering being anything more than friends that we need to wait. At least until after the baby....."
"I can wait" he nodded quickly "like i said I'm not going anywhere"
"Okay" i nodded giving him a smile "lets just keep this conversation between us for now, i don't want the others getting involved in this. They mean well but...."
"Their not exactly subtle about it are they?"
"I don't think they know the meaning of the word".
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Tag list: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam @captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl wont let me tag :(
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blueberryrock · 4 years
I'm so tired rn, it is currently 12:49 am so im going to bed after this. But enjoy!
(Blue's pov)
"Are you sure you can handle this?" I look down at the tiny pink gem in front of me.
"Of course, I've seen Pink do it a bunch of times" Spinel gives one of the biggest grins I've ever seen.
"A-and you know what to do? " I ask another question "oh and you know some of the rules....right?" I shift nervously on my sore feet.
"Rules?" Spinel shoots me a confused look "how can a ball have rules?"
"Well, there aren't many, just simple ones" I cross my arms "like for instance, we're not allowed to leave our seats, although White has definitely changed that one.....oh and cannons can't be in the ballroom, or the castle for that matter" I stroke my chin trying to think of any rules.
"Well, liquids are no longer forbidden, cause it turns out that Steven is about seventy percent water...."  I trail off.
"Speaking of steven, is he coming?" Spinel bounces happily in place.
"I think so, he said that he would come with gifts, although I don't exactly know what gifts he could make..since we are quite bigger then him" I shrug.
"Quite?" Spinel crosses her arms.
I chuckle and roll my eyes "you should probably go and get the ball ready, and is there a dress code" I cursorily ask.
"Dress code?" Spinel scratches her head.
"Yeah, like we could dress...I don't know...nicer? Or different at least" I try to explain but Spinel just shrugs.
"That sounds good, I think I will try something new but I don't really know, you can too if you'd like, that goes for Yellow and White too" Spinel turns around "but like you said, I've got work to do" she starts running down the empty hallway we were talking in.
"And if you need any help, you can always call me or Steven, he has thrown at least two balls" I shout after her. I definitely shouldn't tell her that the first ball turned into a disaster, but it wasn't his fault...
A spike of pain washes over me, starting from my feet and quickly ends as soon as it reaches my mid-calf.
I sigh, I should go and sit down, maybe I'll run a bath. Yeah, that sounds nice. I turn around and painfully make my way to my chambers. As soon as the doors close behind me I instantly phase into nothing but a very loose and thin blue shirt and a pair of comfortable panties.
I slowly make my way across my room towards my extraction chambers (which everyone now calls it a bathroom).
I hit the now higher panel and the doors in front of me open, letting the slightly cold air into the room. I shiver when my bare feet touch the freezing tile floor, but I try my best to ignore it and turn on the bath.
As soon as the room becomes filled to the brim with steam. I phase away the rest of my clothes, and carefully lower myself into the warm water.
I let out a relaxed sigh as I finally make contact with the bottom and sit down. This time I accidentally filled the bath with to much water and it's now up to my chin.
I gently place my hand on my big baby bump, ever since I opened up to Yellow, I've been feeling..... better I guess...I'm certainly not one hundred percent a-okay, but I've been feeling happier about the gemlings.
Every now and then I occasionally have a few bad thoughts, but I'm glad that I have Yellow to help me with it, I just can't help but feel like I'm dragging Yellow.
I shake my head trying to get rid of that last thought, I need to think of something else...hmm what should I wear to Spinel's ball?
She didn't really specify if there was going to be a dress code or not. I smile as a wonderful idea comes to mind, I should wear the dress I wore to my first ball! I will have to make some adjustments, I rub my baby bump, man Yellow will love it!
I quickly finish my lovely bath and I wrap a towel around my body and hair. I sit down on my very comfortable stool in front of my vanity, I unwrap my now wet towel from my hair, I dry my soaking wet hair as best as I can with the towel before I instantly remove all the water from it with my powers.
I toss the damp towel onto the floor, but before it actually lands on the ground it phases away.
I grab my new blue hairbrush and I run it through my very tangled hair, I faintly hum some human song. Humming quickly turns into quietly singing.
"From the shell, the song of the sea" I softly sing to myself, I shapeshift my hair to get rid of my loop so I can braid my hair "neither quiet nor calm, searching for love again".
I easily hum the rest of the song as I quickly and effortlessly finish my long braid, I unnecessarily fiddle with the end of my braid, trying to make it not fall apart. I sigh as I throw the end of it over my shoulder, what time is it? I pull up a screen to find that Spinel's ball is in five hours.
I droop onto my vanity and let out another sigh, I should probably finish designing the gemlings little room, but all I need are the colors. If it's going to be anything like that weird vivid dream I had, I should be able to guess the colors correctly.
But alas, I am not a sapphire. The medical pearl did say that the next appointment I'll have should tell us what colors they might be.
I sit straight up and whip around at the sound of my doors opening, I smile when Yellow diamond steps into my room. She turns on my crystal chandelier as she grumbles something to herself.
"I don't understand how you can see so well in the dark" she walks directly towards me and smiles "it's like a new power, and I lovee what you did with your hair your hair"
"Thank you" I grab her hips and pull her closer, I wrap my arms around her and stand up "I wanted to do something new for Spinel's ball, while the braid may not be entirely new, but what I'm planning is...also not entirely new" I quietly giggle "but I know you'll love it"
"You know I'll love anything you'll do, even if you've done it before" Yellow plants a soft kiss on top of my head.
"I know, I know" I release my hold from her and I grab my still open screen "Since you are here, I wanted to show you the nursery design for our gemlings!"
I pull up the blueprints and proudly show her, she grabs the screen and studies each picture for a few seconds before moving onto the next one.
"They look good, but what is the color scheme?" Yellow hands me the screen back.
"I wanted to do the colors of what the gemlings are, but that'll have to wait a couple of days or so" I pull up the time and date again "well, it says the next appointment is actually tomorrow, so the plans will be done quickly"
A sudden rush of fatigue washes over me, I let out a yawn as I dismiss the screen "I think I'm going to take a nap before the ball" I phase into a soft shirt and pants.
I walk around Yellow and head straight for my bed "wake me up at least half a cycle before it starts." I pull all the blankets onto me.
"Noted" Yellow lays down right beside me, I lay down on my back as Yellow messes with my braid, she hums as I flip onto my side, trying to find a good position.
I let out a very long and relaxed sigh as I finally get comfortable, I feel myself drift into slumber as Yellow finishes humming.
"Have a good nap, I'll be back to wake you up" She whispers, I grumble something back to her, but I don't know what it was.
Since I took a nap I surprisingly didn't have a dream, I just fell asleep then bam! Instantly woke up.
"Blue? You said to wake you up now, so I need you to wake up" Yellow shakes me awake.
"Hmmm" I sit up, I wipe the sleep from my eyes, I squint from the light and I turn to the golden diamond next to me.
"Yellow? Mmm, what time is it?" I pull back the very warm covers and shiver slightly as Yellow helps me off of the bed.
"It's about a cycle till the ball, I decided you might need some time to actually wake up" Yellow let's go of me, I let out a groan as I stretch my arms.
"It seems like I did the right thing" Yellow hands me a glass of water.
"Thank you" I croak, I take a few sips of the cold water, I hand her the glass as I yawn.
After a few minutes of Yellow talking to me, making sure I don't fall asleep again, I push her out of the room so I can get ready.
I sit back down on my vanity chair and I fix my messy braid, damn, I knew I should've waited until after I took a nap. But then again, I didn't know that I'd actually take one...
As soon as my braid is done, I stand up and phase off my pajamas and I put on a comfortable pair of matching panties and a bra.
Now, this is the hard part, I have to remember what my dress looked like. It really won't be hard, but it was a very very long time ago.
As soon as remember what the dress I wore for my first ball looks like, I phase it on. I quickly adjust the waist so it's not clinging to my body, but instead it flowing at the bottom.
I turn around to face the mirror, I take a few steps back to see the entire dress.
And it's almost just how I remember it.
The top clings to my form, I had to just the neckline so it ends at the tip of my gem, I kept the long sleeves but moved the end of them just an inch or two back. The color of the entire dress is still blue, but as dark as the night sky, and it still shimmers when I move.
Moving past my waist, I shortened the slit by my leg a lot, so now it goes from my mid-calf to my ankles, which is where the dress stops, I also added the same sized slit on the other side.
This time I finally put on shoes, but they are a simple pair of knee-length boots with a lot of extra padding inside.
I smooth down the front of the dress, I smile as the familiar softness tickles my hands. A familiar chime breaks the silence in my room "come in" I half yell.
I sit back down on my plush stool as the big blue doors open. Steven, Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie walk into my room.
Steven and Pearl laugh at something that Amethyst had probably said, and in Steven's and Connie's hands are some big wrapped items.
As soon as Connie sees me, she accidentally drops the gifts she was carrying and her brown eyes go wide.
I push myself off of the stool and walk over to them "is something wrong" I ask the shocked Connie as I pick up the thing she dropped.
"N-no, nothing is wrong" she shakes her head and smiles "it's just that Steven said that you were at least six months in, but I had no idea you were." I cut her off "Big? Huge?" I smile little.
"Well, no, I was going to say, I had no idea you were so pregnant" she nervously laughs "and your dress looks amazing!"
I slightly blush from the complement. "Well, I am carrying twins" I smile warmly, I gently place my hand on my belly. I examine the nicely wrapped item, it's wrapped in different styles of a human material, which I think is paper and it fits perfectly in my hand. "You guys really didn't need to bring us anything."
"Well, my art teacher had me and my class make stuffed animals" I neatly unwrap all the paper to reveal a very soft, mixed fabric, lion "and I decided to go all out." Connie very proudly says.
I neatly place the paper on my vanity and inspect the toy lion. It has stitched black eyes and a black heart-shaped nose, with a wild rainbow mane and matching tail.
"It may not be the prettiest thing in the world, but I'm pretty sure that bad boy gave me an A+ for the rest of the year" Connie smiles "and it took me a little more than a week to make it, not including the time it took to gather the materials, luckily my mom and dad were there to help me."
I put the adorable lion on my vanity and I grab the gift that Steven was holding, "Man, you do not know how long it took to wrap those, and how much wrapping paper it took" Steven smiles as I once again, neatly take the paper off.
"As I said, you really didn't need to bring us anything, but I really do appreciate it" I happily say, I place all the paper on the vanity with the other paper.
In my hand is a beautiful wooden box with a wind-up on the back, it's a lovely shade of dark green with the diamond insignia top.
"C'mon, wind it up!" Steven excitedly says.
I smile at his lack of patience, I delicately wind up the box, as excitement builds inside me with each crank.
Suddenly the little box makes a strange CLICK sound and a wonderful tune starts playing, I shoot a confused look towards Steven. But he just looks at me with what I think are tearful eyes.
The song ends quickly, Steven sighs "The song is called you are my sunshine, my dad would sing that to me whenever I got scared, I'll teach you the lyrics later, but now we've got a ball to attend!" Steven turns on his heel towards the door.
"I'll be right after you" I call out to him and his friends as they leave. I quickly set the box next to the lion, I take one last glance over my outfit before I turn around and leave.
(At the ball)
I stand in front of familiar ballroom doors, this time I'm not being introduced to gems, this time I'm just going to go in and enjoy the ball without any pressure, what so ever.
I take a deep breath in, hold my head up high, and hit the panel that opens the doors. Music fills up the small hallway I'm standing in, I walk into the very crowded room. I spot Steven and Connie dancing with a multitude of different gems and fusions.
I also see Spinel dancing with Amethyst and a handful of other quartzes, and Pearl talking to Blue and Yellow Pearl. I carefully move towards one of the back corners of the room, once I'm there I look around the room trying to find Yellow, I don't think she's here. I'd would've spotted her by now.
I sadly sigh, guess I'll have to wait for some time. As I wait I eagerly watch the only door that we can fit through, and it hasn't been all bad, a lot of different gems came up to me to say hello and to congratulate me. One gem even brought me a tray of brown and white sweets, which attracted Steven and Connie. They then told me the sweets were called 'chocolate', and I told them I love the really dark ones, which turned out to be dark chocolate.
They did have to take the tray away from me before I ate it all, then the diamond doors opened and I got very excited, but then White Diamond appeared then the doors remained close for quite a while.
She seemed to easily notice my mood and made quickly walked over to me.
"I'm going to assume you're waiting for Yellow?" White rests her back against the wall.
"Well...yeah" I sigh "I wanted to surprise her by putting on the dress from my first ball" when I finished my sentence, White did a double-take on my outfit.
"Oh wow, I didn't even notice" She runs her hand over my covered arm "you still look as beautiful as the day you first put it on"
I blush from the compliment "look, this time I actually put on shoes!" I lift my dress and flaunt my boots.
White laughs "they're not the heels that go with the dress, but those are pretty close".
I let go of my dress "I don't understand how you and Yellow can wear something with heels, I'd trip in them very easily"
"Which is why I let you go barefoot" White smiles warmly.
I smile back. "Anyways, I've really only came to the ball to say hello to every, so after that, I'm probably going to leave" I nod as White pushes herself off of the wall and heads towards Steven and his friends.
I sigh and rest my head against the hard stone wall. I continue to watch the door until Yellow diamond finally walks through it. Happiness builds inside of me as she spots me.
She carefully makes her way across the very crowded ballroom floor, I frown as I notice a few sparks dance across her shoulders and chest.
She finally stops in front of me and sighs "I'm sorry for being so late, as soon as you pushed me out of your room a topaz said there was an emergency, so I had to deal with that, then I got a reminder that the ball has started so I quickly polished my armor and...wait..." Yellow takes a step away from me. A big smile creeps on to my face.
"Is that?" Yellow looks me up and down.
"In fact it is! I did have to make a few adjustments to the dress, but I kept it pretty much the same" I wrap my arms around Yellow, she does the same, she gives me a short but passionate kiss on the lips before she pulls away and leads me towards where everyone is dancing. "C'mon, let's join them."
"Okay, but only for a little bit" I grab her hand and wrap my arm and she twirls me.
We continue to dance for some time before I start to feel sick from all the chocolates, so we say goodbye and thank you to everyone before Yellow whisks me away to my room, where I then have a 'stomach ache' for a few hours.
I painfully groan into my plush pillow, Yellow lovingly rubs my aching pregnant belly.
"Just try to sleep" Yellow kisses my neck.
"C-can't.. hurts too much" I whimper.
"Steven said it'll go away soon, just sleep it off" Yellow slows down, she rubs slow soothing circles.
Unfortunately, her touch is very soothing, I can feel myself growing tired every second.
I let out a long yawn which turns into another groan "mmmm fine, I'll try to sleep, but I'm telling you it's not going to work" I grumble. I tightly close my eyes, trying to get my self to fall asleep.
It eventually works when I finally relax and mumble good night.
"Good night Blue" Yellow places a kiss on my head before I quickly pass out.
I'm going to bed, gn
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suhoexcollector · 6 years
Rivals pt 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairing: Jaehyun x fem reader
Genre: angst with a bit of fluff
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: like some angst, (sorry but smut coming next chapter i promise)
Author: Admin Yugyeom
a/n: okay this is actually really bad im sorry krgbiergbigb
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The ache between your legs brought you out of your sleep daze.
The sheets rustled as you sat up in the bed of your apartment, memories of the night before rushing through your mind... the office, how the rug tickled the skin of your back as Jaehyun laid you down.
You wished he had stayed with you, instead of dropping you off after finishing at the office. 
At least you got his number. 
A feeling washed over you, you couldn’t pin point it, but it was like you were deprived, craving something, but you couldn’t tell what that specific thing was.
The feeling brought down your mood as you threw the sheets off and padded into the kitchen. 
You had barely made it into the kitchen when a bang sounded from the front door. 
It was 8am, who would be knocking on your door this early?
You walked over to the front door, opening it to reveal Lucas standing there dressed up in a suit, holding a brief case. He looked ready to go into the firm, but why on the weekend? 
‘What the fuck are you doing its 8am?’ you looked at him quizzically.
‘You weren’t answering your phone’ Lucas was casual and seemingly full of energy, his tall frame filling up the doorway, for a trainee lawyer, he was bigger than most of the people at the firm. 
‘Its 8am’ you emphasized on the last word. 
‘Taeyong called you into the firm for a case, but someone doesn’t know how to answer their phone’ He teased, pocking out his tongue at the last bit.
Even though Lucas had been a trainee at the firm for about a month, he had grown on you quickly and you were both now really good friends.
‘Let me get dressed at least’ you rolled your eyes.
‘Well are you going to invite me in?’ He asked, raising an eyebrow.
'Yeah, yeah’ you mumbled, moving out of the way to let him in.
Lucas walked off to the living room, letting you close the door behind him. 
'You know you weren’t answering your phone last night either.’ Lucas stated while sprawling out on the couch, his long legs taking up most of the cushioned space. 
‘So’ you said, making yourself some breakfast in the adjoining kitchen.
‘You don’t answer your phone unless you’re busy’ He spoke the words smugly, as if he knew what you were up to last night.
You went cold, there was no way Lucas could have known.
‘I was sleeping last night’ you said, willing motion into your body parts.
‘With who hmmm? You think you’d be a bit happier after getting laid.’ Lucas said the words blatantly. 
‘LUCAS’ you spun around to look at his smug form on the couch.
‘So you did get laid huh?’ He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. 
‘Shut up’ you said walking into the living room, to pick up a pillow and chuck it at Lucas.
‘Hey! As long as it wasn’t some Seoul scum bag’ you flinched at his words but quickly covered it, hoping he wouldn’t see. ‘Well who was it then?’ Lucas persisted. 
‘Why? Do you keep track of who sleeps with me?’ You said smirking at the blush arising on his cheeks.
‘No!’ He said quickly before turning a deeper shade of red. 
You continued about your business in the kitchen, putting the eggs in the frying pan. 
‘It’s just I’m looking out for a friend’ Lucas spoke confidently, his blush already receding. 
‘Who?’ Why the hell would anyone want to know who you were sleeping with?
‘Look don’t worry about it.’ He said smirking, knowing he had the upper hand.
‘If you don’t tell me, I’m going to assume it’s you’ you countered, still determined to know who it was. 
‘It’s not me, okay? Though, just be careful’ Lucas spoke the last bit with concern
‘Be careful? What?’ You looked at him, annoyed with his odd word choice.
‘I can’t tell you, okay?’ His hands scrubbed at his face and he seemed agitated.
‘I’m going to get changed, I made eggs’ you ignored him and put some eggs on a plate for Lucas. ‘Eat up’ you said, gesturing to the plate before heading to your room. 
Your thoughts wandered as you pulled on your usual work outfit.
If Lucas found out you got laid that quickly, how fast would he be to figure out it was Jaehyun? What if he told Taeyong?
Maybe you shouldn’t see Jaehyun again, if Taeyong, the CEO of Bukhansan, found out you, his best lawyer, slept with Jung Jaehyun, you were dead meat. 
A sigh left your lips and you finished buttoning up your blouse.
It better be something good if Taeyong called you in on a Saturday. 
Your thoughts drifted and the empty feeling returned as you walked into the living room to find Lucas.
‘Let’s go’ you grabbed your bag and started toward the front door.
‘He still makes you wear that’ Lucas said, looking your outfit up and down.
You rolled your eyes and ignored him, heading out the door.
The car ride was tense.
The guilt from sleeping with Jaehyun was eating at your stomach. The fact you had been called in and it was big didn’t even waver you, it was the choir of ‘what ifs’ ringing throughout your head that had you nervous. What if Taeyong did find out? How betrayed would he be? Would you be fired? It was so much to take in.
‘We’re here’ Lucas stated, he had sensed your tense mood and smartly decided to keep his distance.
The click of your heels echoed through the mostly empty lobby of the Bukhansan firm, leading away to the elevators.
Lucas stopped right outside the elevator.
‘Taeyong told me to wait, it’s apparently not something I should handle’ He stated.
‘Then Seoul is most likely involved and Taeyong is right to keep you away from that’ you said, walking into the elevator.
Lucas let out a disagreeing sigh and walked toward the trainee office, he just wanted to help as much as he could.
The doors shut and you pressed the highest button, causing the elevator to begin its ascent to the CEO’s office.
Your stomach felt like lead as the feeling of guilt amplified with every level you passed. You tried to use the time in the elevator to compose yourself for Taeyong, straightening your spine and tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
The doors opened with a ping to reveal Taeyong standing next to his desk, reviewing some paperwork.
‘Y/N..’ He trailed off, noticing you walk into his office.
Taeyong’s office was similar to Jaehyun’s, a large window covered the far wall. A reading nook occupied the left corner and a lavish crimson rug sat beneath an oak wood desk in the middle. Taeyong’s office was more comfortable and homey, whereas Jaehyun’s was more cold and modern.
‘Take a seat’ Taeyong gestured to the couch in front of his desk.
You complied, high heels muffled as you walked onto the rug. He sat next to you, close enough you could see his immaculate features shrouded in worry.
Taeyong turned to face you, ‘You know why you’re one of Bukhansan’s best?’
The question surprised you, though, you just shook your head lightly.
‘Because you’re not afraid of anyone. Some of the lawyers are scared of me, scared of my power, though, you’re not.’ He looked at you proudly. ‘That’s why I need your help with this case’
‘What is it?’ You asked.
‘We’re up against Seoul’ The guilt in your stomach heightened as your body turned cold at the words he spoke. ‘We’re up against Jaehyun’
You tried not to show the surprise on your face and covered it with a confident expression, banishing the worries that started to infiltrate your thoughts.
Taeyong looked forward toward the large window, lost in thought.
‘So?’ You spoke it nonchalantly, you banished the worry filling your mind and tried to keep your head clear so you could listen to Taeyong.
He huffed a smirk and turned his head toward you. You smiled back, confidence unwavering.
‘I’ll take the case’ You said, though it felt wrong, your gut twisting.
‘It’s not just Seoul involved, it’s a homicide case and you know how messy they get’ His smile faltered and you suddenly understood his worries, homicides always get messy and the last time a homicide case came up with Seoul and Bukhansan…
You shooed the thoughts away. That happened in the past.
‘Taeyong…’ You leant in, your arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. ‘Don’t worry, nothing will happen this time. I promise’
You felt Taeyong’s arms wrap around your torso, holding you closer. His face found the crook of your neck and he hugged you tighter.
‘Don’t make promises you can’t keep’ He mumbled into the skin of your exposed neck.
The warmth of Taeyong sent shivers down your spine and you found yourself melting into his touch.
Your thoughts escaped of Jaehyun as they centered on Taeyong’s breath fanning over your neck, his lips so impossibly close to the skin.
‘I will promise you this…’ He spoke, lifting his mouth up from your neck to your ear. ‘I will do everything in my power to protect you from Seoul’ His breath tickled the flesh of your ear and you believed him.
You believed that Lee Taeyong would do everything in his power to shield your from Seoul Law Firm.
And you lied as you said ‘I’ll stay away’
You felt his sigh of relief tickle the skim of your neck.
‘Thank you’ He spoke, glad you’d comply with him.
Taeyong’s cologne filled your nostrils as you tucked your head into the crook of his neck, offering comfort.
‘Isn’t this inappropriate between employees?’ You said teasingly.
‘No rules about fraternizing’ He replied smugly, giving you a little squeeze where his arms wrapped around you.
A giggle escaped your lips as you pulled away from the embrace, though you still had your arms loosely wrapped around Taeyong’s neck and his hands still lightly rested on your hips.
Panic washed over you as your body anticipated his move, Taeyong slightly lent in and you froze. His eyes flicked to your lips and then to meet your gaze, darting his tongue out, moistening his perfect lips. You couldn’t help but watch the motion, eyes flickering between his lips and eyes. He leant in closer, close enough to feel his warm breath lightly fan over your mouth.
Your phone buzzed.
Taeyong let go of your waist and pulled away suddenly.
‘Sorry, forget about that.’ He spoke the words quickly, turning away to hide a slight blush that littered his cheeks.
‘Oh its, fine.’ You replied, fumbling your phone out of your brief case. ‘Hello?’
‘Y/N?’ Jaehyun’s voice came through the phone.
‘Oh, hello’ You panicked, Taeyong was sitting less than a meter away and you were on the phone to the man you promised to stay away from.
The couch shifted as you got up, walking toward the window. You needed to get as far away as possible so he wouldn’t hear you were talking to the CEO of Seoul.
‘What are you up to?’ Jaehyun sounded casual and flirty, as if he had his signature smirk planted on his face as he talked to you.
‘Right now I’m at the office.’ You tried to mask the nervousness that seemed to run through your bloodstream like a virus.
‘On a Saturday?’ His words came across a bit suspicious.
‘Something came up with my boss, its fine.’ The confidence and ease in your voice surprised you.
‘Oh, okay. You doing anything later?’ Jaehyun’s voice deepened and you bit your lip. Just hearing his voice was heaven.
‘Probably not. Why? Do you have something in mind?’ A slight blush crept across your cheeks and you couldn’t help but to think back to last night.
‘I’ll come pick you up at 7pm’ You internally squealed at the comment. You were going to see Jaehyun again!
‘See you then, I gotta get back to work, see you’ And with that, you hung up.
A smirk crept across your features as your thoughts wondered to what he was planning.
‘Everything okay?’ Taeyong asked looking at you from the couch.
‘Yeah everything is okay’ You replied sitting down next to him.
‘I’ll have Lucas bring the files to you later today, its okay if you go home, it is a weekend’ He spoke distantly, something was off about Taeyong.
‘Hey, are you okay?’ The question just slipped out.
‘I’m fine, don’t worry about me’ You rested your hand on his back and leaned in, concerned at his obvious lie.
‘Taeyong, I always worry about you, you’re my boss and I’m going to look out for you as much as you look out for me’ A grimace crossed his face as you said boss.
‘Is that all I am to you? A boss?’ He retorted, spitting the words like venom as he got up, brushing your hand off.
‘Taeyong, no. What are you-’
‘Stop, I’ll get Lucas to give you the files for the case later, please go’ He cut you off and stalked to the chair behind his desk, where he situated himself.
‘Okay’ It came out a mumble as you got up, grabbing your brief case and leaving without another word.
The elevator doors opened and you began your descent to Lucas, getting off on the ground floor to text him.
You: Lucas pls bring case files to my house I’m going home
Lucas: What files?
You: The ones Taeyong told you to give to me
Lucas: Oh those
Lucas: I’ll be there soon
Lucas: Wait I gave you a lift who is taking you home?
You: Shit
You: Idk I’ll ask one of my friends
Lucas: Like the one you slept with last night?
You scoffed at the last message and put your phone away, though, before you could, it buzzed displaying another text from Lucas;
The message caused you to giggle and you put your phone away. As soon as you put it in your bag it rung.
‘Lucas, I swear’ You answered the phone expecting it to be him.
‘Lucas?’ Jaehyun’s voice came through the other end. ‘Are you seeing someone else?’ His voice became aggravated and jealous.
‘No, he’s just a co-worker who was being annoying’ You replied
‘Whatever, look, I’m actually at the office myself, because I was also called in and I was just wondering when you had your break’ He sounded exasperated, probably from the work.
‘I’m actually done for the day, so I can meet you at your office’ You tried to contain the excitement in your voice
‘Fuck it, I’m not even getting paid for the work, I’ll come pick you up.’ Panic swept over you as you heard Jaehyun’s words. You could not let him pick you up from Bukhansan, but there is a café a 2 minute walk away you can get him to pick you up from.
‘I’m on my lunch break so I’m at this café near the city. I’ll text you the address’ It was a smooth recovery as you spoke the lie with ease.
‘Ok see you soon’ And with that he hung up.
You let out the breath you had been involuntarily holding and started to walk to the café.
Jaehyun found the café with ease and picked you up in under 10 minutes, pulling up on the curb in his expensive car.
‘Y/N!’ He hollered out the unrolled window, catching your attention.
‘Jaehyun!’ You said in greeting, quickly moving to the passenger’s side of the black car and getting in.
The car smelt of him and it was intoxicating, you already under the daze of Jaehyun and you’d been around him 5 seconds maximum.
You turned to face him and smiled, though, before you could say anything, he leant over and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
‘Do that again’ You giggled, so entranced by the feeling of his soft lips.
Jaehyun smirked and once again lent over to give you a slow kiss. It was soft and light, not deep and passionate or hot and lustful, just a cute little kiss.
He broke of the kiss, his eyes flickering over your features, a smirk wiped across his face.
‘Hi’ He said the syllable with ease.
‘Hi’ Your face mirrored the smirk he had planted on his features as you took him in, broad shoulders, expensive suit, though, this time his shirt was made of a burgundy silk, tucked into black pants without a suit jacket.
The shirt shimmered in the afternoon sunlight and you reached out to run your hands over it, your fingers tracing patterns into the silk covering his exquisite chest.
‘Just wait, I’ll take you home and you can take the shirt off’ Jaehyun’s voice was low as he muttered the words next to your ear, lips lightly grazing the skin of your neck.
You tugged your bottom lip between your teeth at the thought. ‘Sounds like an amazing plan’ you beamed, thinking about what’s under the shirt, under the pants.
‘Better buckle in then’ he said before the car whizzed off in the direction of your apartment.
You and Jaehyun conversed the whole trip to your apartment, mostly flirty small talk to ease (or fuel) the sexual tension. It was all light hearted until the dreaded question came up.
‘So, what do you work as anyways?’ He meant it lightly, speaking the word without a single hint of conviction.
‘Oh, uh’ The question startled you, your breath escaping your chest for what felt like a minute, only to come crashing back into your lungs. ‘I work at an expensive office, helping the CEO out and stuff’
Relief washed over you as you spoke the lie without hesitation.
‘Oh, yeah. Which office?’ Your breath escaped you again as Jaehyun asked the question.
‘Um just one in the city, it’s not that good of a job’ The words came out smoothly again, somehow you willed your nerves away. Now was not the right time to tell him.
‘We’re here’ He said pulling up to your apartment, thankfully ending the conversation.
You both got out of the car heading toward the entrance and elevator. Jaehyun reached out to push the elevator button once you were both in the building, summoning the metal carriage.
His hand found the small of your back, leading you in as the doors opened with a ding. Your focus snapped to the warmth of his digits, lightly pressed against the fabric covering your back. It was hard to not be completely entranced by his touch, sending your senses to focus sharply on the way his palm flattened against the shirt you wore, how the warmth seemed to seep through and pulsate over your skin.
Your thoughts tried to center on anything but his hand, trying to anchor you in a raging sea of Jaehyun.
‘Which floor do you live on’ He looked to you casually, the words falling off his lips.
‘18’ You muttered back as he pushed the number you spoke onto the panel.
It was hard not to think back to what you and Jaehyun did in an elevator alone last time. The way his breath mingled with yours, how he still has the panties he took off you, the way his lips trailed sloppy kisses on your jaw.
Jaehyun’s hand trailed downward until it was lightly resting on your ass, causing you to scoff.
‘What was that huff for?’ he leant down so you felt the familiar sensation of his breath tickling your ear.
‘You can’t resist, can you?’ you looked into his eyes, noticing how his pupils were blown out in desperation and lust.
Instead of answering, he kissed you, his lips lightly connecting with yours.
The next kiss was more insistent, his lips pressing against yours harshly and lustfully, his hand gripping your ass and pulling you into him.
You groaned into the kiss at the feeling of him getting rougher.
The elevator cut you both off with a ding, indicating you were at your floor.
You pulled away quickly, scared anyone might have seen you, but thankfully the hallway was empty.
Jaehyun’s hands gripped your waist tightly, pulling your bodies close together as you lead the way to your apartment.
Your thoughts raced as you fumbled the keys out of your pocket, your hands rushing to fit the key into the lock.
Once the door was unlocked, he moved past you, only to turn around and brace his arm either side of your head against the front door, caging you in against the wooden slab.
Honestly, it was bliss having Jaehyun cage you in against the door, his scent filling your nostrils of musky rose, his lips ever so close to your own, eyes raking down your body with a lingering gaze on the curves defined by your tight shirt and skirt.
‘Enjoying the view?’ you huffed, noticing Jaehyun’s hungry gaze.
‘Loving it’ he said with a cheesy grin, quickly turning into a lip bite as he surveyed your body once more.
It was him to close the gap first, bringing his lips to press a light kiss against your jaw, causing you to elicit a moan.
Your hands slid up his chest, smoothly raking over the burgundy silk, while Jaehyun’s lips found your neck, harshly biting into the flesh only to kitten lick over the mark he left.
You tugged at his shirt, fingers maneuvering to pop the first button, exposing his collar bones and chest.
Deciding to be a tease, you ran your fingers over his exposed chest, running over the skin lightly, causing goosebumps to arise on his skin at the sensation.
Jaehyun continued to disperse hickeys up your neck, littering purple marks around the delicate skin.
‘I think I’ll take you up on that offer to take off your shirt now’ you breathed, attention solely on the feeling of his skin under your fingertips and his lips sucking at your neck.
‘Sure thing’ Jaehyun mumbled between kisses, pulling away, his arms leaving either side of your head to bring his hands up to the buttons of his shirt.
You swatted his hands away. ‘Allow me’ you said plainly and confidently.
Jaehyun smirked and brought his hands to rest at your waist, his digits untucking the fabric of your shirt from your skirt while yours worked at unbuttoning the burgundy silk adorning his perfect body.
A loud bang from the front door caught you off guard.
Your hands dropped from Jaehyun’s chest and his tightened around your waist as you jumped away from the front door.
‘Y/N!’ Lucas yelled from the other side of the door.
Your body went cold and ice pumped through your veins instead of warm blood.
‘Fuck’ you whispered.
‘Who is that?’ Jaehyun’s demeanor changed from the cheeky guy, to the overprotective one you first met.
‘Its Lucas’ you spoke, pushing his hands off your waist and leading him to your room. Your hands fisted in his shirt and you tried to pull him into the bedroom, he was complying, though only mostly because of the shocked expression and panic in your motion.
‘Lucas!?’ Jaehyun growled, trying to push you off him as he registered that another male was trying to enter your apartment.
‘Y/N!?’ Lucas yelled again with another loud bang to the front door.
‘HANG ON’ you yelled back at him ‘Look, please stay in my room and don’t make a sound’ you pleaded, now directing your attention back to Jaehyun, desperation saturating your words.
Jaehyun’s expression changed at your desperate tone.
‘I won’t, I promise’ he whispered, placing a light kiss on your forehead.
‘Thank you’ it came out along with your sigh of relief as you hurried out of your room, making sure to close the door behind yourself.
‘It’s open!’ you yelled out to Lucas, who was still banging at the front door.
‘What the fuck took you so- HOLY SHIT WHY DO YOU HAVE LIKE A THOUSAND HICKIES’ Lucas practically screamed the words as he took in your post make out state, after almost kicking the door down with his dramatic entrance.
‘Oh my god are you serious?’ your hands went up to cover your neck.
‘Y/N, your neck looks like you were attacked by a vampire that has no teeth’ Lucas said, waltzing into your apartment with a briefcase decorated with the Bukhansan seal.
You let out a scoff, rolling your eyes at his statement.
‘Don’t get sassy with me, I have your case files’ he said wagging the brief case right in front of you.
‘Whatever just hand them over and leave’ you spoke unimpressed, swiping out a hand to take the brief case but not before Lucas could pull it out of reach of your oncoming grasp.
‘Not until I get to meet the dude who ravaged your neck’ he teased, pulling the brief case behind his back.
‘No, go away’ you retorted, done with his antics, heading off to the couch to sit down.
‘Well then you won’t get your case files’ Lucas said following you.
‘Then you can explain to Taeyong why I didn’t get them’ you spoke smugly, knowing you had him in a checkmate position.
Lucas huffed in defeat as he dropped the brief case on your lap before flopping onto couch with you.
‘Thank you’ you said it sweet as sugar, knowing it would make him sour at not winning the little game you played.
‘Okay, whatever, but did I interrupt you or something? Because you took awfully long to answer the door’ he asked nonchalantly.
Your muscles tensed and your brain looked for an appropriate answer that wouldn’t have Lucas barging through the house looking for whoever you slept with.
A blush littered your cheeks and you ignored him.
‘HOLY FUCK I INTERRUPTED DIDN’T I?’ he sat up on the couch and looked toward your flushed face.
‘Shut up you perv’ you countered, not denying nor confirming anything.
‘Where are you hiding him huh?’ Lucas wiggled his eyebrows and you laughed at his weirdness.
‘Nowhere, go away, you delivered the files, job done’ you pleaded teasingly, trying to get him out of your hair.
‘Sorry for interrupting your make out session with Y/N’ Lucas partially yelled, loud enough to be heard by someone in the apartment, obviously directing it at whoever he interrupted you with.
You heard a huff of laughter from your bedroom where Jaehyun was hiding.
‘I heard that giggle from the bedroom’ Lucas said to you before getting up from the couch to walk to the front door.
‘Don’t let the door hit you on the way out’ you teased before he walked out the door.
‘Whatever’ said Lucas before closing the door behind him.
You waited until you heard the sound of his retreating footsteps before you called Jaehyun out of your room.
‘It’s all clear’ you yelled from the couch, watching as he walked out of your bedroom.
Jaehyun’s eyes instantly went to the silver Bukhansan seal on the briefcase at your feet.
His expression changed from warm and caring to granite, his features became unreadable and emotionless.
‘You’re Bukhansan’ it wasn’t a question, it was a statement spoken with a clipped tone that scared you.
‘Yeah..’ your expression also changed, turning disdain as your head fell to your lap, looking at your twiddling thumbs instead of Jaehyun.
‘I’ll be leaving now, forget this happened.’ His tone was steal, cold and emotionless as he headed toward the front door, obviously intent at ending whatever you had.  
‘No, don’t, please’ you got up and rushed over to his retreating form, tears forming in your eyes.
‘Why? Why shouldn’t I leave?’ he looked toward your panicked face and scowled, an ember of rage glowing in his eyes. ‘You know the rivalry between our firms, you know god dammed well. Yet you let me take you into my office. I let you into Seoul, even though you knew you had no right to be there.’
A hole formed in your chest, sucking in all emotions but guilt, because that was all you could feel.
‘Jaehyun, please. I didn’t mean to, we were in too deep last night and I risked it all.’ Your words were pleading.
‘You risked it all to fuck me. You’re just as bad as every other girl that tries to hook up with me. And I even protected you.’ His words were burning, he was spitting fire and you could feel it. ‘I even stopped that sleaze bag at the bar from hurting you.’ He let out a scoff, still looking toward your guilty expression ‘You know what the worse thing was? I fell for you. I genuinely fell for you.’ Jaehyun looked at you with a steel gaze, dripping with rage. ‘And you deceived me’
Something sparked in you, something that wouldn’t let you lose him because he was Seoul and you were Bukhansan, something that wouldn’t let you lose Jaehyun because of some stupid rivalry.
‘No, I may be Bukhansan and you may be Seoul, but maybe you should consider the fact that I knew who you were. I knew you were Seoul and I didn’t care.’ You realized now, how he wasn’t understanding that you had fell for him too and it made you annoyed, taking the fire from his words and turning it into a rage. ‘Jaehyun, I still went with you even though I knew you were Seoul, because guess fucking what? I fell for you too’
His expression changed at your newfound anger, his steel expression chipped away and you could tell your words were breaking his ice cold mask.
‘I didn’t give 2 shits if you were from Seoul because I fell for you, not because I wanted to fucking get into your pants’ the words were just coming out of your mouth and you couldn’t stop them.
Jaehyun’s features turned guilt ridden at your words.
‘If you’re still not convinced then explain this’ your hand reached out and grabbed his. Jaehyun flinched at your touch but you didn’t let him slip out of your grasp, instead leading his hand up to your chest. You pressed his palm onto the fabric covering the flesh over your heart, so he could feel the erratic beats.
His eyes widened in surprise and you felt him voluntarily push his hand under the material of your blouse to feel the skin over your heart.
Your eyes met his confidently, you were letting him know how you truly felt, laying it all bare for him.
He opened his mouth to say something but a soft knock sounded from the door.
Jaehyun pulled his hand away from your skin and you looked at him with surprise.
‘Y/N, it’s me, Taeyong’ his voice sounded from the other side of the door.
Why was everyone visiting you when the man that could destroy your reputation was in your apartment?
‘Quick the bedroom’ you whispered toward Jaehyun, ushering him into the room and closing the door behind you again.
You quickly walked toward the entrance and opened the front door for Taeyong.
‘Hi’ he said it quite surprised, like he expected you not to answer.
‘Would you like to come in?’ you asked politely, stepping aside to allow his entry.
Taeyong walked in with a nod, his eyes glancing to your neck on the way in.
He quickly situated himself on the couch and clearing his throat, you sitting down next to him.
‘I needed to apologize for my behavior earlier’ he said, his eyes still flickering between your neck and eyes, rage slightly growing in his gaze.
You throat felt like it was about to close shut from the guilt of Jaehyun hiding in your room and Taeyong surveying your neck every few seconds. You swallowed, trying to get rid of the guilt, though it only weighed you down when you glanced at your bedroom door, across from the living room, where you felt Jaehyun’s stare through the crack of the door.
‘I just don’t think I should have done that, you know, act so cold and rude’ you nodded at his words, not sure how to reply.
‘It’s okay, I understand’ you really didn’t but you shot him a sweet smile anyways.
‘Thank you, I just let my emotions get in the way sometimes and I had received some upsetting news from Lucas’ Taeyong’s voice was getting tense and his eyes flicked to your neck with looks of anger and jealousy.
‘It’s fine’ you said instinctively resting your hand on his thigh, giving him a sweet smile again.
‘What happened to your neck? I don’t remember seeing those before’ his voice was strained as his hand lifted up from his lap to lightly trace the marks.
‘Oh nothing’ you answered politely, not sure how to explain the hickies.
‘Doesn’t look like nothing’ he sounded angry, his tone sending chills down your spine.
You weren’t sure what to do as Taeyong’s kept fingers tracing the marks on your neck.
His thumb lightly traced over your lip and a surprised sigh fell off your lips.
Somehow your bodies had ended up much closer than before, your chest almost against his own, thighs pushed up against each other. There was almost no space between the two of you.
Taeyong’s eyes met with your own before glancing down to your lips.
‘Taeyong…’ it was a breathless whisper that filled the small gap between the both of you.
And it was the last thing you said before he kissed you, while Jaehyun watched. 
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sexxxlovemusic-blog · 6 years
I really dont understand what is going through my head, because it's seriously nothing.... at all!! yet I feel like I want to cry all the time. And I come home to your arms and it all goes away. I'm going to start these stupid pills again, maybe if they make me sick my mind will understand that I'm okay and dont need them or something so I can stop having this constant war in my head. Fuck I have such a headache.... and all I want is the day to be over so I can fall asleep in your arms, even though I just woke up not to long ago.....
I just want it all to be over in my head. I wish help was more affordable. I could probably really use someone to talk to so I can get over everything from my past. I just want to be completely happy. I want my mind to just stop putting me in a dark place even though nothing is currently wrong. Everything is amazing right now, I live on my own with my one and only true love, I have a family and a job and a couple friends I can count on but dont see often enough... Yet i guess i just dont feel good enough to be a part of it all.. my mind makes me feel like a waste of space or waste of time.....
The other day I got a flower from my man, as I look at it now I feel happier and I know for a fact I am loved. And.... like I said.... everything is fine! So, why does my head hurt and not feel fine? I want it to go away!!!! I want to lift this darkness off my shoulders and just watch it disappear forever. Hmmm... maybe I've got like..... a personality disorder or some shit like that. My mind seriously takes me out of anything and just sticks me in a hole of bad and horrible things. And I can be perfectly fine the next day. And just keep jumping in and out of this hole multiple times through the week........ And I feel like I'd bother anyone if I say another word about not being happy when I truly have nothing to complain about....
So here is my rant of nothingness. Meh.... I know I reminisce about the past a little to much, yeah I miss my past friends and wish I could go back for some things to keep..... like my mom for sure is the biggest one.... And there is a big reason why these "friends" aren't in my life anymore and I just need to move on... I know that's not a healthy thing to do and I just need to keep looking at my future and stop turning back...... But my future scares me, I dont know where I'm going to end up, or how bad im going to mess up, if im going to end up with a cute family of my own, or if my kids are going to hate me, or if im even going to have kids........
Will I end up alone and be grumpy like my dad? Or will I end up traveling the world like I dream of doing and have the brightest of days? Or will life get the best of me at a young age like my mom....... It's so scary to think about.
I hate not knowing... And living in the moment is kinda a drag for me, doing the same thing every day, work, sleep, eat, clean, have sex once in a while, the most amazing sex I've ever had. Haha! But, yeah, idk, mostly the same things every day. Maybe I should get into drawing again. Or writing even... even though i am not good at them in any way shape or form. Haha. There's a reason why i almost failed every class i took ever. I want to see something new, go somewhere i haven't been.
Maybe this vacation next week, instead of going somewhere that'll make me sad, maybe we can go to something new. Granted, this place that makes me sad, it also has some of the best memories, it's my childhood, it's my family, its.......not there anymore.......
And now I'm crying...... oh how I wish it was still there..... How I wish my family reunions were still there, how I wish my man could meet all the people who are now gone forever....... The people who I truly loved most, the ones my dad got alone with, my dad doesn't like who's left as much as the ones who are gone.... I'm not close with the family that I have now. I'm the outcast and I know at least a couple who might be judging me for my decisions.... And all the people that are gone were the outcasts too...... my mom, the gay uncle who gave us the best times at the park, my.... great aunt?? I cant remember, but she was so sweet and lovable and cute and always took care of me when I fell as a kid, when she was gone, the house was gone thanks to her nasty daughter...... Then there's all the others who taught me how to play golf which is the closest thing I now have with my dad...... I'm pretty sure every single one is gone now......
I haven't seen any of them in I think over 10 years now..... sigh....... I wish I could go back and just see them all once more and give them all the biggest hug, I was just a kid back then and never got to tell them all goodbye....... I wish I could walk through our house again, play slapjack in the living room and watch the old VHS movies I'd bring every year...... I wish we could go looking for arrowheads again, and pet the horses or play horseshoes even..... listen to the heavy rains in the trailer. Or be huddled up close to everyone in the house as it hailed..... Listen to my grandpas stories again and pay better attention to them, I was the stupid child who always had headphones in while in the car so I didn't listen........or I wish I could play poker with him and my cousins again... I need to go visit him and grandma soon...... He can hardly talk or walk anymore so his stories are all with him now..... God damn.......
......There's just so much, my family was big and I took it for granted, I thought I'd have so much more time, and now it's not so much and it's going to be separated even more...... I just feel like I didn't get enough time with anyone...... I didn't get as many hugs as I wanted. And I know they are gone and there is nothing I can do.... but I wish there was...... just for a split moment even...... its just to hard for me not to think about them all...... I miss it all so much..... They need to come back.....
So hey..... that's where my head is..... I can probably keep going but this post is already long enough...... I am totally fine in the moment, but my past and my future have me in a turmoil in my mind.... there is to much I wish I could have back.... And to be with them again requires death, which I'm not quite ready for.....
I am pretty, I am strong, and everything is fine in the moment.... for the most part.. I'm gonna go cry for a while before work, then I'll pretend like I'm okay and put that fake smile on my face for the hours I am there. Then who knows..... Come home and cry some more in your arms. Or maybe I'll be okay, we shall see I guess...
I'm sorry this is such a long post. But I just needed to post something. And.... well.... this is it..... Thanks....
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nijiimura · 6 years
all the botanical asks ;)
damn you.
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?griffins hell yea
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?soundcloud!!
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?annihilation by jeff vandermeer 
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?depends on if they fit or not but YEA bc it smells like them its nice
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?tomorrow im gonna see zoe im so fuckin ready
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?that its gonna be ok
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?the ocean
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?the question is who was the last person i kissed 
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?dfjdsbnfjsbfhfd NO im a walking disaster
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?bored
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?i dreamed about seeing infinity war the night before i actually saw it and apparently in dream IW they never went to Wakanda and just shot footage just for trailers like they did in rogue one
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?chocolate...
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?turn on - girls. turn off - men.
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?this morning bc my teacher sent me a pissed off email after i told me i was gonna be an hour late bc i missed the bus
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?no
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?whoever bites their ice cream are monsters
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?grand budapest hotel!!!!
desert rose; do you like yourself?hmmm next question
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?i took a selfie w a WWE commentator years ago 
night owl; how many countries have you visited?2!
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?yea it was fucken sweet
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?come out??
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?SLEEPOVER W ZOE TOMORROW
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?leo... yknow... nya
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.-i wear socks to bed bc my feet get cold!!-i have a scar on my wrist from a swinging accident w my little brother-i have a spotify playlist thats 122hrs long bc i just dump albums on there-abba is currently my favorite band-bleeding hearts are my favorite flowers bc they remind me of my late great grandma
daphne; do you believe in karma?yes??
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?yes
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?my dad tbh hes one of the hardest workers i know and has such a shitty job and deals w 90% of my family drama but hes always so positive and funny and i love my dad so damn much
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?good dog carl
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?i fucken hope so
iris; do you believe in ghosts?YEA
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?1979 just so i can go to an abba concert
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?hm no lmao
primula; what makes you sad?school. all these rohan ovas davpro keeps releasing
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?yea i went to class and disappointed my teacher 
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?zoe
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?nothing... and i had nothing for lunch either.... all ive had is some lemonade and poptarts i bought like an hour ago
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?going to this damn college
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?ok star wars universe is rad as fuck
violet; favorite tv show?the office and kitchen nightmares HDJIFDNJF
sunflower; share a favorite quote.god idk man
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?im home alone and its raining outside and i have the windows open. i dont have any deadlines to meet and i spend the day drawing 
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?drawing and crying
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.BITCH IDK DO U THINK I READ?????
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?catch fireflies but i am SO terrified of all bugs its not funny
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?my fucken age
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?okuyasu nijimura means the entire world to me, and heres why (pulls out 50 page essay) no but my little brother
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?have yall... dabbled in these books called warriors by erin hunter?
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?im not even into su anymore but amethyst always wins
magnolia; coffee or tea?coffee
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?Why Not Both Thot
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?WHY NOT BOTH THOT
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?hey guys im smoking the latest coolest drug called okuyasu nijimura
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?y...yes
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?yellow
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?yea we tight
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?night
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?idk if adhd is a mental illness or not so imma say... maybe
clover; how would your friends describe you?
fucken gay
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?depends :/
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?bitch idk man im an open book i embarrass myself on a daily basis
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.dumb gay bitch
lotus; best memory as a child?my mom bringing my cat bill home for the first time!!! he was so small.......
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?brown and brown
dahlia; do you like crystals?yea imma shove my dick in a geode
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?grievous real so i can fuck him
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?hufflepuff
calendula; biggest pet peeve?specific but when im literally just sitting in the car and one of my parents goes “looks like SOMEONE has an attitude” like?? i was silently looking out the window
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?friends bc i love them so much
blazing star; share a secret.I DONT HAVE A FUCKEN SECRET
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?bitch im too tired to answer this
bluebell; do you wear glasses?no
nymphea; forest or river?river
orchid; do you like exercise?HFDJKSFNDKJSDFNFK WHO TF DO I LOOK LIKE.
pansy; do you like poetry?FUCK poetry
morning glory; any special talent that you have?i can do a good swedish chef impression
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rebeltheanomaly · 5 years
Roughdraft/Notes on Grieftale Act 1 Part 1
Opening Scene:*a kid crawls up a mountain, seemingly panicked* Im not... Gonna let you... Hurt anyone else.... *he ties a rope around his neck, and falls into Mt. Ebott, only for the Rope to snap, letting him fall into the vast underground world below* The thump echoes off the cavernous walls, the only sign of life. They feel something soft against their skin... golden flower petals from dozens of crushed flowers. Somehow, they were enough to keep the fall from becoming fatal. *the kid awakens, covered with scars, not from the fall, but from... something else... he wanders on in hope of... something* You find a large stone doorway, leading to a hall filled with a playful tune... or is it in your head? in front of you is another golden flower, alone this time, grinning at you happily. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! Hmmm... you're new to the underground, aren't cha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready?" *he cowers* Please... don't hurt him... *he seems to be talking to someone else, Flowey feels a threatening presence, but shrugs it off, after all, it's just a human.... Right?* Flowey looks uncomfortable, his smile wavers. "Haha.. of course I won't hurt you! here we go!" Suddenly, the light in the room seems to be sucked out, and a white perimeter forms around you. You feel a weight in your chest, and look down to see a heart-shaped red glow underneath your striped sweater. "See that heart?" Flowey explains, "that is your soul, the very culmination of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but it can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV!" *His soul is Obsidian, which means he's being controlled..... Or his soul is a host to something* Flowey's grin wavers. He looks like he wants to say something, then recovers. "W-what's LV stand f-for? Wy, LOVE of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Here!" Half a dozen white pellets appear around the flower. They shoot towards you at an alarming rate. Flowey's expression darkens. "Get as many as you can." H-he says you want to hurt me... *at this point, Flowey gets the impression that he's probably just insane* *As soon as the pellets make impact with his soul, his mannerisms change from that of a shaky nervous teen too some kind of killer, he moves at impossible speed and pins Flowey against the wall, grinning and laughing in a completely different voice* ???: Sorry Goatweed, but i kinda need this body.... *His voice, grin, and penetrating red eyes seem..... Familiar to the little flower, like a really bad nightmare....* Flowey looks shocked, his face changes into that of azriel "C-chara? You're back! T-take it easy -- it's me!" *Laughs* You think i’m your girlfriend? (I’m just gonna say Chara is a girl for this) No, i know who you are Goat. *throws him to the ground* And you will stay out of my way if you know what's good for you. Flowey stares up in shock as he slinks away. ???:*lets the human take control as Toriel comes* "Oh my! You poor innocent youth, i thought I heard a commotion, are you hurt?" H-he's gone now... and so is that weird flower..... toriel takes a knee "my child, who hurt you? Who was here?" He didn’t hurt me... L might've hurt him though… "You don't have to hurt anyone ever again, my child... i'll protect you." she extends a hand to you *inches away* Plz stay away... He might hurt you too… She grabs the child's hand anyway (he takes her hand) Oh-ok… The goat monster smiles reassuringly. "My name is Toriel. What is yours?" She says as she walks with you into the next room. You notice a golden star in between two staircases... something is off about it. It isn't casting light on anything. It's almost as if it isn't even there. I-i... I cant remember... He's taken away most of my memories... *cries* "Oh, my child! The things you must have gone through!" She gasps, falling to her knees and hugging you tightly. "We'll both be happier now that we've found each other, i'm sure." Maybe.... he'll leave me alone for once.... "Of course, it'll be just you and me." She guides you up the stairs, and into a room with six pressure plates and a door. "Welcome to your new home, innocent one. Allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins. The ruins are full of puzzles: ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys. One must solve them to move from room to room. Please adjust yourself to the sight of them." She walks on four of the pressure plates, and the door slides open. In the next room, there sits a dummy. "As a human living in the underground, monsters may attack you. Stall for time, I will resolve the conflict. I promise. Here, practise talking to the dummy." *he looks at the dummy, and hugs it* Toriel's eyes shine with joy. "You are very good!" She walks ahead of you, and when she's not looking a frog monster jumps in your way. It looks like it has bad intentions as it charges forward for an attack “P-please stay away little frog..* The frog doesn't seem to understand you, but it hears the fear in your voice. Before it can make another attack, Toriel turns around and glares at it. The frog slinks away, embarrassed. You and Toriel find a long path of spikes barring your way. "Here, take my hand" She says, and steps forward. *he takes her hand, halfway through, one of the spikes shoots up higher then normal and gives him a small cut* I-im sorry L! "Oh don't apologize! L? What a cute nickname for me! I usually let people call me the first half of my name." Toriel seems completely oblivious, but is saddened by the cut. "Puzzles seem a little too dangerous for now." She leads you into a vast empty room, the lighting prevents you from seeing too far in. "You have done excellently thus far, my child. However... I have a difficult request to ask of you. ...I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself. forgive me for this." She runs off into the darkness, abandoning the one she'd sworn to protect. Y-your not L.... He punished me.... *when he sees Toriel run off* No! *he runs quickly, panicking* you chase after her, but she is nowhere to be seen. *he gets to the end of the room, she hears faint whispering around him, she can't tell what it's saying... But it doesn't sound pleasant...* Suddenly, Toriel is by your side. "Greetings, my child. Do not worry, I did not leave you. There was an important reason for this exercise... to test your independence. I must attend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while. please remain here, it's dangerous to explore by yourself." She thinks for a moment. "I have an idea, I will give you a cell phone! if you have a need for anything, just call. be good, alright?" She stays where she is for a moment, as if reconsidering, then brisky leaves you... for real this time. (as Toriel leaves, his other side comes out, and exits the room, with the grin of a madman) You exit the room and immdiately get a call. "Hello? This is Toriel. You have not left the room, have you? There are a few puzzles ahead that i have yet to explain. It would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself. Be good, alright?" *he waits until the call is over, then knocks the candy bowl over without even taking any, he then walks out of that room* You spot another golden star hovering over a pile of leaves. A froggit eyes you suspiciously L: *seems repulsed by the star* Grrr... it reminds me of hope.. A Whimsun flutters out of the leaves and encounters you... it looks like it's fighting out of fear. *grins and grabs it by the neck, preventing it from escaping* Well, what have we here? *Grins menacingly, seeming enjoy the fear in it* The whimsun gasps for air, it's wings fluttering aggressively. "i can't... handle this!" *rips off its wings, limbs and tongue and leaves it for dead, laughing* You stand over the dead creature, watching it turn to dust. The froggit behind you recoils in horror, then bravely charges forwards. *picks it up and hurls it into the wall with inhuman strength* its skull shatters against the wall and it crumbles into dust. Two more froggits try to jump you from behind! *grabs them and crushes their heads with his bare hands *walks into the next room* You find the ground ahead of you looks unstable... it reminds you that these really are ruins. A whimsun flutters over the problem area, whimpering at the sight of the dust on your hands Throws a sharpened stick at it with startling accuracy, impaling it* It crumbles with a whining cry, and the stick drops onto the uneven ground, dust sprinkling onto it *He tastes some of the dust, like the sick freak he, or more accurately the demon possessing him is* You take a few steps on the unstable looking ground... and your leg breaks through the floor! You crash a story down, landing on a pile of leaves. You are now in a room with two doors on either side of the leaves, surrounded by half a dozen whimsun, ready to fight for their lives *Uses something humans aren’t normally capable of: Magic. He summons a storm of crimson energy, forcing them into the worst pain imaginable* they drop from the sky, their attacks disappearing, writing on the ground as they slowly turn to dust. You leave through the door on the right, the stairs lead you through a small gap into the hallway with the broken floor. You're on the other side of the unstable ground, allowing you to move forwards. *He goes onto the next room, avoiding the unstable ground* Suddenly, your phone rings. "Hello? This is toriel. For no reason in particular... which do you prefer? Cinnamon or Butterscotch?" *Imitates the other kid's voice* I-I-I don't have a preference.... I haven't eaten anything sweet in so long… "Oh! You sound like you're getting a cold! Well alright, thank you." You take a few steps and she calls you back "You do not DISLIKE Butterscotch and Cinnamon, do you? Would you turn up your nose if you saw them on your plate?" No, they're alright...... I mean, i can't remember what they taste like... *at this point, Toriel thinks he has some kind of Trauma-related mental illness* "Right, right. I understand. Thank you for being patient, by the way." She hangs up, and you look around you. Three rocks sit near three pressure plates, and ahead of them is a bridge of spikes. *he pushes the two rocks, then goes to the third one* "Whoa there pardner! who said you could push me around?" *pulls out a drill* Hehehe… "Whoa... wait.. wait! I'll move!" the rock exclaims, sliding into place correctly. The spikes slide down. *drills it to bits as its on the button* I was gonna kill you anyway... Thanks for cooperating... *walks on* You take a few steps when the spikes shoot back up, pieces of the rock crumbling away from the pressure plate. You shriek in pain and feel your health drain away… *with the demon in control, the damage seems to make him stronger, hell, he seems to enjoy it, continuously scraping his arm across it* you move on, and spot another golden star next to a table with cheese on it. There's a mouse hole on the opposite wall *Walks on, hissing at the star* You hear a voice echo in your head: DETERMINATION in the next room you find a ghost lying on a pile of leaves... it starts to fade away You spear them with your stick. they stop fading away, looking at you with a blank expression *Gazes at the ground below Napsta, it starts sucking him in* Napstablook's face shifts from blank to shocked "W-What? What's happening? Oh no... I always knew I was a waste of space... at least now I can finally die..." Napstablook looks like he's letting himself get sucked in. *hands shoot out of the ground and drag him to hell, i'm sniggering all the while Napstablook's eyes go wide "I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to--" the hole closes, cutting napstablook off. You can now see there's a fork in the path *Looks at where the hole was* Doesn't matter, (grins) Suffering is all that exists, everything else is an illusion....*He enters the Spider bake sale* a little spider crawls down a web and greets you with a smile. "All proceeds go to real spiders!" she chimes happily *Grins and stomps on the webs, killing countless spiders, Muffet would never even receive word of the sadistic monstrosity from them, from someone else on the other hand.... You walk along a long, empty hall. Suddenly your phone starts ringing again (He answers) H-hello? *contemplating leaving a demonic latin message* "I just realized that it has been a while since I've cleaned up. I did not expect to have company so soon. There are probably a lot of things lying about here and there. You can pick them up, but do not carry more than you need. Someday you might see something you really like. You will want to leave room in your pockets for that. toriel hangs up, and you find yourself in a new room with six obviously damaged areas in the flooring. You get the feeling they can't support your weight for very long. At the end of the hall is another row of spikes. you walk to the one nearest to you. It collapses with a thunderous crash, and you land on a pile of leaves. While you dust off your clothes, a Vegetoid monster pops up from the ground, alongside dozens of carrots it's shooting towards you as an attack *he dodges with inhuman speed, picks it up, opens his mouth impossibly wide, bites the lower half of his body off and spits it out* I've always hated plant-based food… the vegetoid makes a high pitched shriek and dissolves, you taste dust in your mouth. You notice stairs leading back up *goes back up, and goes into all 5 of the broken areas* most are empty, one had a ribbon in it. On the fourth try, you notice in the room a glitched white shape, almost completely transparent, that keeps getting sucked into the ground and coming back up. "I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to-- I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to-- I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to--" they repeat again and again. "I -- I... I -- I -- I!" They pop out of existence, as if they were never there. *Grins and goes back up, walking out of the room* On the fifth try to find the switch and press it, and the spikes retreat successfully, revealing a loox. "You rude little snipe!" it cries, and strings of bubbles pour out of the walls, bouncing off surfaces at random *Grins* Is that all your gonna call me? *Pulls out the Ribbon, which he had turned into a lash* you whip the bubbles and they explode on impact, sending you sliding a few feet back but you stay on your feet. "Don't pick on me!" It yells, and you're finding it harder and harder to dodge the bubbles (Moves faster then it can keep up with and impales it's eye with his stick) It screams and the bubbles pop harmlessly. The tears from its eye manifest into attacks, then dissolve away as he does. you're in a room with three pillars, three buttons (red, green, and blue), and for the love of god more spikes *rips off one of the spikes and starts giving himself a sin mark, basically the Demonic equivalent of a tattoo* you step through the gap in the spikes and find another identical room, with a pile of moldsmalls bouncing happily and obliviously *grins and tackles one, ripping it to pieces* The other three rise up into Moldbyggs, thrashing their bodies and attempting to strike you like hammers *absorbs their life force by merely opening his mouth, at this point from beyond the fourth wall, though no one in universe seems to notice it, his skin gets more and more pale the more kills he makes, along with his hair growing and turning metallic silver very subtly, his teeth get sharper and more pointed, along with his nails * you walk on, and find yourself at another crossroad: straight ahead through brambles and bushes, or turn left where a bed of leaves forms a cross *he steps through the brambles* you find yourself on a balcony overlooking the ruins, it's breathtakingly beautiful (not that you care XD) you turn and spot the fake knife and grin, reaching for it, when a vine wraps around it. from behind you hear "Are you happy, you sick freak? is this what you were looking for?" flowey grimaces, blood dripping off one of his petals. "this isn't the first time i've watched a child wipe out monster kind, but never the way you're doing it. this is my warning: if you don't reset when you've finished having your fun... i ' l l s l a u g h t e r y o u . he pops back into the ground, and lets the knife go *smirks when he's gone* As if he can stop me... *picks up the knife and converts it into a Kukri, which is basically an Australian hunting knife, he then walks back and goes down the path untravelled* you hear toriel approaching. you realize you are still covered in dust and carrying the knife.
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pr1nc3-ed · 7 years
Tagged by @yuniras thank you :3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: idk someone in my family? 3. Text message: friend 4. Song you listened to: the playlist on my tumblr kek 5. Time you cried: hmmmm a week ago probably when i was watching some E3 videos of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 3 and Twilight Princess’s reaction and getting emotional/crying all over again? LOL, but also hmmm there was this and a day where i opened up to my friend to talk about how important she became to me as a best friend, then i teared up… thats what i could remember :p
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: yes
9.Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never got drunk and i fucking hate alcoholic shit, so HELL NO
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: black, red, blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yeah
17. Laughed until you cried: no idea, maybe
18. Found out someone was talking about you: idk
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your friends are: yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope, not anymore for a long time lol
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them probably
23. Do you have any pets: nope :(
24. Do you want to change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: reunited with many of my friends at home, it was fun as always
26. What time did you wake up: 5:30 am but then i slept and woke up one hour later
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i think i was playing fire emblem heroes? or sleeping idk
28. Name something you can’t wait for: at this point i dont even know, maybe hopefully buying a new game (Persona 5 or a 3ds fire emblem) lol
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: idk just living on a safer place and having a btter life when it comes to myself regarding this adult life which i never appreciated, except the times where i could go out and be a bit more free i guess
31. What are you listening to right now: a youtube video
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uhh nope
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: nah
34. Most visited website: youtube, twitter, tumblr
35. Mole/s: idk
36. Mark/s: no idea, maybe there is one on my shoulder and thats about it?
37. Childhood dream: you mean career dream? if thats it i kind wanted to become a football/soccer player, now i think about this and I'm like LMAO
39. Long or short hair: short... i wish i had a bit of longer hair on the front tho, i dont like how short it is
40. Do you have a crush on someone: nah.. whooo knows kekeke, leaving it up for mystery ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (hint: most likely not)
41. What do you like about yourself: who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ okay i like how i lost weight compared to 2/3 years ago and how i'm humble
42. Piercings: nah
43. Blood type: idk
44. Nickname: ed, edu, senpai (only a few ppl use this one tho)
45. Relationship status: single, sometimes im chill with it and there are other times where i miss dating
46. Zodiac: aries
47. Pronouns: he/him
48. Favorite TV Show(s): i dont watch anything foooooorever
49. Tattoos: nope
50. Right or left hand: right handed
51. Surgery: cant remember
52. Hair dyed in different color: never had it
53. Sport: soccer/football maybe
55. Vacation: nothing interesting, i always stay on my city
56. Pair of trainers: wat
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing right now 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: eat something? kek 61. Waiting for: the day where i can actually buy games on my country, outside of steam, my 3ds cries for fire emblem 62. Want: idk just have a happier life? money? lol 63. Get married: uhhh no idea, i dont even date for a long time and i dont think i might be able to even do that 64. Career: something on my area? meh i dont like talking about this kind of topic though
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: for me both 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: both are fine 68. Older or younger: ehhh idk 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach i guess lmao 71. Sensitive or loud: no idea 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: wtf
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: NEVER 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: u wot m8 no 79. Broken someone’s heart: idk... maybe? maybe not? i wouldnt be surprised if it was yes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: not really 85. Miracles: not sure 86. Love at first sight: naaah 87. Santa Claus: maybe 88. Kiss on the first date: probably yeah
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name(s): idk if i would like to add here, i mean, privacy reasons 91. Eye color: brown 92. Favorite movie: star wars movies i guess
tagging @alisasacagawea @kurome-in-wonderland @mut4ti0ns @s-e-l-f-i-s-h-n-e-s-s @ @yetanotherfluffyotaku @riftdoor @nadaikuni @vanus-et-elisus @kanashiri @myluchanblog @onuki-yumi only do it if you want to and sorry if anyone didnt want to be tagged ;-;
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