#hmm... some of these r ugly but they go well as a set.
616witch · 2 years
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I'll take larceny over virtue every time!
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Double the spotify
"This story takes place somewhere peaceful where two twins fight to live, but let's start 5 hours before that"
"Rave and her twin sister B were practicing their strength and magic power on each other"
Rave: *breaths in ripping out her wing jumping high in the sky, throwing her needle point wing at B*
"Raves wings then multitude i to hundreds"
B: *stands their as some missed her, then she got stabbed by multiple needle wings*
Rave: *tries summoning her weapon, getting upper cutted in her gut, vomiting*
B: u ok, sister?
Rave: *breaks B's arm spin, kicking her to the ground hard, then fixes her hair into a pony tail* There
B: *socks rave in her jaw, then headbutts her, breaking her nose* How my hoof feel ravie *laughs*
Rave: *she hit the ground head first dazed*
B: That had to hurt
"Raves and B's heart started to weaken, but they didn't know till rave didn't get up. B started to worry, so B teleported down to rave, then B started to feel fuzzy her chest started hurting, and her eyes got blurry"
B: w-wats go-oing on-n? I-i-i....... *She collapsed, getting catched by her dad* d-da.......... *she passed out*
~5 hours laters~
Red: This isn't good.....blood is gonna kill me......again......BLOOD
Blood: *appears* Well????
Red: .........B is blind rave and has some broken ribs, but........ they both have heart cancer. im sorry, blood. "She walked out of the room as she closed the door she started crying"
Blood: *he felt sick, scared of losing them so soon he fell crying*
God: *holds blood to comfort him* i-im so sorry blood......
Blood: i failed as a father.......i-i failed........
God: No blood, i failed u. i didn't notice the heart cancer......i failed u.......
"Then god heard a wailing she remembered that voice"
God: the holy being, of course, blood, we gotta go now theirs still time to save them
Blood: *he turned to her with fire in his eyes* im ready
God: *summons a portal to purgatory jumping in bloods body* Let's go love
Blood: *lights a blunt pulsing into the portal* Where r we hot stuff? *puffs on his blunt, looking around*
God: purgatory the home of the holy being
Blood: i see. "He started walking, then he heard a wailing of the holy being." That's very close?? *turns around quickly, summoning his holy energy sword*
holy being: *stops the swing, throwing the weapon grabbing blood by his throat pinning him to a tree* Who r u mortal how'd u get here?
Blood: fuck *tries getting free* off
Holy being: ahhh *blasts blood* talk mortal
Blood: *spits blood at the holy being* u.....suck at......hitting.......pussy.......
Holy being: *blasts blood multiple time* talk!!!!!!
Blood: damn u really suck huh......i pitty u. *breaks free using his vampire wings to choke the holy being*
Holy being: *grabs bloods wings* wat r u mortal is my question now?
God: *takes control* hi *smiles*
Holy being: *sets god down kneeling at her present* so sorry, my lord, i didn't know u had a new vessel
God: Don't worry, dear blood can be a prick sometimes now rise
Holy being: *stands* How may i serve my lord?
God: ..........
Holy being: lord?
God: i need a favor........
Holy being: ? Anything my lord, my soul is at ur serve
God: ...........i have two vessels for u........
Holy being: ..........I'll do it
God: *hugs the holy being* thank u........
Blood: *takes control summoning a portal* follow me pussy *walks threw the portal*
Holy being: *sighs walking threw*, huh? A? Hospital?
Blood: There they r ur two vessels
Holy being: their kids?
Blood: look pussy those two r my daughters they have heart cancer
Holy being: ok, so? That's not my problem
Blood: *growls* look bitch tits ur either help my two daughters or I'll forcefully make u help them ur choice
Holy being: this isn't over blood
Blood: Names blood rainbow pie ugly tits now IN!!!!!!!
Holy being: *separates in two one going in rave and one in B* hmm, these two have the will to live and would do anything to help their family hmmmm
To be continued
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Dream Analysis of Mugen Ressha
Spoilers for the movie, while it does not depart from the plot of the manga, they made adaptational choices which I may refer to within.
While Enmu has control over what kind of dream his victims see, ultimately, he would have no way of knowing all of the details of his victims' lives, so we can assume that he is prompting his victims to fill in a lot of the details themselves. These are the worlds they surround themselves with consciously, but their untouchable unconscious spaces say just as much.
I've said some of this before, but these dream sequences give us so much to say about Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kyojuro, and Tanjiro.
Into the dream: Did that "Rengoku-aniki" thing really happen???? It's animated like a fever dream (or drawn like a typical Gotouge-being-Gotouge panel), but both the movie and the manga leave this inconclusive. It can be interpreted two ways: 1. The two other demons were there all along as decoys, set to appear only when Enmu's blood technique slowly started to take effect so that they'd let their guard down. In this way, we'd know that the boys had a true way of witnessing Kyojuro's prowess and a true bonding moment, thereby making his death hit all the harder later. This would also mean that one of the cars was totally unusable for passengers, and many of the passengers were already thoroughly spooked before falling into sleep. It would also imply that they were all super excited, thoroughly relieved, returned to their seats, and then just passed out.
2. The moment the tickets were clipped, Enmu's very, very, very realistic dreams took immediate effect, but he still needed time before it took effect enough that their guards would go down. If this is the case, then it implies the following: 1. Enmu's illusions can be shared 2. Everyone syncs extremely well together to have all been sucked in by the same illusion (it's possible it was only Tanjiro's, but since we get in everyone's heads a little in this part, I believe they all experienced the same thing). Reacting in ways so true to how they would in waking like, they learned as much about each other as truthfully as they would have if they were fighting while awake. 3. The "Rengoku-aniki" thing is the moment they're falling into a deeper stage of sleep, when any bizarre thing will make sense. They've lost any sense of holding back and are embracing the emotions as they hit them. Even if that was all a dream, the bond formed was very real. But then, as they fall deep, they fall into their own headspaces. Inosuke: I love how bombastic this dream is. It moves at a very fast pace, and everything revolves around Inosuke. He is physically much larger than Ponjiro, Chuuitsu, and Pyonko, who clearly follow him as their leader, the most powerful person in this cave exploring world full of wonder and excitement. True to life, these underlings can at times be frustrating or stupid, but there is no one else Inosuke would rather have at his side to take on a hugely impressive foe. It's a relatively simplistic world, what Inosuke really cares about is his place in it, and who is there.
Taking it a step deeper, he should not be able to manifest in his self-conscious space, but Gotouge attributes his and Zenitsu's ability to do this and protect their cores from intruders to their strong senses of self. What's telling is that his subconscious space is practically identical to his conscious dream space; like there is no breakage between one stage of reality and the next. In its Zen-like simplicity Inosuke's mind is never at odds with itself, its interpretation of reality is fluid and seamless. However, being at this deeper state brings us to a deeper state of self actualization, with Inosuke manifesting closer to the ideal beast he views himself as.
Now, with Inosuke being so fully invested in what he sees as reality, he's still got a carry-over effect from dream after waking up, which one could interpret as not having fully shaken the effects of Enmu's blood technique. After all, Zenitsu simply never broke out of it, Tanjiro had to kill himself in his dreams each time to fully snap out of it, and Kyojuro was the only one powerful enough to have broken through its effects through his own willpower. When Tanjiro says the train is a demon, he buzzes with "I was right!" (a conviction that only got stronger in his dream), and Inosuke's declarations of being the boss and Tanjiro being his underling are indignantly plentiful and he fully believes what he is saying every time he brings it up, even if he's aware that he's no longer in the cave exploring dream. But, given that Inosuke is so at peace with his own version of reality, it's also just as likely that his conviction of being The Boss was also only compounded by the dream, and all that dream did was give him a more fun setting in which to play around in. But, what was so fun about the dream, what made him sleep-giggle with pleasure, was that everyone else was finally getting with the program and recognizing him as the boss, as they should. Finally. It's so frustrating in real life that he has to keep reminding them to get it right. Get it, Santaro?? GOOD. Zenitsu: What I love here is the contrast between subconscious and conscious space. Both of them have the same theme melody, but played in very, very different ways. They also both play with the same core desire in very different ways as well. Is it so much to ask that he can just spend some time alone with the girl he loves?? If we jump straight to the pitch black unconscious space, he specifies to the intruder that only Nezuko is allowed there. Not just girls in general, not a close friend like Tanjiro, only the one girl he loves, and even then, you'd have to love someone a lot to invite them into the deepest, darkest corners of your soul. And it is a very, very, very, very dark corner. Zenitsu's spent most of his life building that dark, pessimistic personality, compounded by the treatment he's always received throughout his life and what he believes about himself at his core. He's ugly and depraved there, and very defensive. Because he holds himself in such darkness, that makes him desire the bright, happy, completely idealistic world of his conscious dream world. It's rich with detail and warm and he knows it well, that places is the first place he ever felt someone have hope for him; it's Jiichan's home, that sunny place with delicious peaches and full of clovers and lush greenery and a charming stream. Of course he'd want to show it all to Nezuko, she deserves to see such a happy, pretty place! And, while the world is idealized and happy, Nezuko is e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cute and actually wants to hang out with him too. She's willing no hold his hand, none of the girls who dated (read: used) Zenitsu in the past were ever willing to hold his hand. He even gets to show her that he can be cool, and she likes it!! She looks him in the eyes and is totally honest about enjoying his company!!
He just wants someone to want him back. He wants to belong in the sunshine too. So, even if he had it in him to wake up from Enmu's blood technique, who can blame him for staying there? (You know, besides Tanjiro, who has been desperately screaming for them all to wake up and help him protect the passengers. Zzzzz, five more minutes, Tanjiro, zzzzzzz----) Kyojuro: This... isn't really a happy dream. Kyojuro has accepted a lot of sad parts of his reality so wholeheartedly that he doesn't seek the comfort of a dream in which his mother is still alive, or a dream in which his father is proud of him. Instead, what Kyojuro was looking for was the chance to go back and say more to Senjuro. This implies that on the real day he knelt in that room, while his father faced away and read the book* while Kyojuro told him all about how he defeated Lower Moon Two and became a Pillar, and was met with his father's heartbreakingly unenthusiastic reply, he later went outside and...
...didn't say any words of comfort to Senjuro.
This regret, that he didn't do more for his brother whom he knew was hurting in his own silent ways this whole time, was what sat most bothersomely in Kyojuro's otherwise peacefully self-assured psyche (or fired-up psyche, if you go by his subconscious space) . It makes sense that in his dying wishes, the first thing he requests is that Tanjiro do this in his stead. *Speaking of that book, Kyojuro had forgotten about it until his memories pulled together to create the details of the dream, which was why he thought to mention it to Tanjiro later. This shows that Enmu is not an architect of people's dreams, he only sets them in motion. How believable they are depends on each victim. (Totally unrelated, I love the design of the Rengoku estate's garden??? It's primarily evergreen and unflowering trees, meaning it stays relatively steadfast throughout the year, a garden designed in samurai villa taste. Plus the details of the house also fit really well, I think??? Would need to review research of buke-yashiki architecture to say more.) Tanjiro: ...*deep breath* This boy really, really wants to go home. Like, the climax of the movie is amazing and all, but it's the scenes with Tanjiro's family that make me cry. Ugh, where do I start. Enmu probably just grabs on to whatever thread of a desire a person has, and then he just tugs on it and says "this way, let's go really far in this direction, show me where it goes, hmm, okay, nice, lovely. Have fun here, I've now seen enough to write my own angsty version for later." So... so I'm just going to work backwards a moment. Enmu screwed up here, thinking he could really read the depth of Tanjiro's family and his feelings for them. He thought he could make a convincing version of these "characters" cry and shove Tanjiro around and speak meanly to him and make him feel shame. And the cut to that dream, OH MY GOSH, truly horrific sound and color change. But Tanjiro's sees through it so fast that he wakes up immediately and uses that anger at how Enmu wrote them to cut off his "head." You screwed up, Enmu, you blew it, maybe other people would very so blown down by the shock that they wouldn't question how unreal that dream sequence is, but Tanjiro has honed his fighting spirit so much that it's been nagging him even throughout his happy dream. And he really, really, really wants to stay in that happy dream. Like, even though he's on guard at the beginning, so much so that he only focuses on the familiar feeling of a demon being around and does not notice the familiar landscape AT ALL. But the moment Hanako and Shigeru step in, convincingly made from Tanjiro's memories and unedited by Enmu, Tanjiro throws that all away in an instant. As he says when he's trying, after trying and trying and trying to rip himself away from the dream, he was never even supposed to had left this world. He was never supposed to had touched anything like a sword, they were all supposed to stay there together, living their simple life. If things hadn't gone wrong that one night. Tanjiro cares deeply about his mission, he's adopted his training deeply, he has serious desire to improve, which is why his subconsciously keeps trying to call himself back to reality, but it's so hard, because this is where he wants to be, and it's even harder because it feels so real. It's a little peeve of mine when families with lots of little siblings are written to be too angelic and idealistic, and there is some of that with the "let's make sembei, yaaaay" scene, but... but that's actually pretty true. I'm giving myself away with how close this hits to home, but it's a dynamic in a lot of large families, especially large families pretty happy to stay to themselves and people who live the same sort of conservative, traditional lifestyle, to foster in the older siblings some pride in taking care of the little ones and helping create that happy world for them, even if taking care of little kids can be rough. It's not to say that things are always happy and fluffy, they're not, and that's not to say even
happy kids don't resent being in a large family sometimes. But there's plenty of moments in daily life, especially in the presence of small children, that you get swept up into a sillier, happy, caretaker side of yourself, and since you all grow up with these silly moments together, you're going to naturally fall into into some silly, scripted-feeling moments of "then I'll be in charge of eating the sembei!" "no faaaaair!". So, I'll give the sembei scene a pass because that IS a moment that happens in years of moments with the same posse of kiddos around you all the time. But it's also so striking to me how each of Tanjiro's siblings, however idealized, has their own personality. The traits are so subtle but consistent and Tanjiro knows all of them. They pick up on things about each other, they grow realistically annoyed and surprised and concerned and scared like they would if they were real instead of only Tanjiro's memories of them. Those kids feel so real to me, even if they are annoyingly overidealized in some parts as Tanjiro is letting himself get swept away. And just when he's managing to part from it to go face reality, Enmu makes more attack: he brings in Nezuko, trying to make it feel like there's no point in Tanjiro running at all. She's fine. There's nothing left for him to fight for. Everything's fine. And all over again, Tanjiro just stops. He KNOWS it's not real, but he's hurting so much to hear her voice again that he just sto-o-o-o-ps. And his desire to stay with the others catches up to him all over again, and he's tempted all over again to stay, EVEN KNOWING IT'S NOT REAL and there are very, very, very pressing matters to attend to. Even if it was all a little happy and idealized, more than anything, it felt like life always did. It's telling that when Tanjiro finally, FINALLY pulls away from that that time, he doesn't look back, and the family stops chasing him. This is Tanjiro accepting reality, however much it hurts. He's already had a couple years to accept this, but it was all overwhelming to get such a vivid taste of it again.
Tanjiro wants to do well to his organization and honor Urokodaki's training and avenge the fallen and prevent anyone else from being hurt and see an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and make Nezuko human again, but more than anything, he wants that simple life. And it's so, so heartwarming that at the end of the manga, he gets it.
It's not the same. It'll never be the same.
He never wanted a life with a sword, but he's been working so hard at it anyway.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
on the subject of crackships.
in a prue lives, phoebeleo piperkyle pruecole paigeandy au (in which paige meets them in s1) how do u see it playing out and ALSO. do u see them all having kids still. this is so random i am so sorry (also i don't mean they have to be set from the get go and never get w anyone else but these would hypothetically be endgame)
i mean with phoebeleo like hard yes like in s2 when they're watching the baby at the end everyone's like phoebe ik you're gonna be a great mom you're gonna have like a million and one kids like mark my words and phoebe's real smitten about it like wow u really think you : ) i'd like to. guess i should probably find a guy first tho huh. but if that guy's already there bc it's leo and he's been here since season one i think they are easily first to have kids and first to get a full power of three the other three is definitely like another can of worms bc like.
okay so for paigeandy obvi we're starting andy's an old childhood friend of the halliwell's for the sake of cleanliness did not date any of them (if we're going messy tho dated prue hooked up once or twice with phoebe (not while dating prue, but neither of them ever mentioned it around prue bc well. yikes.) And piper had a major crush on andy for like. a decade. from ages 13 to 23) and he's a cop and does. stuff idk helps people and this lands him frequently in bed with social services which is. consistently. a pain in the ass. and he doesn't try to hold it against them bc they're clearly understaffed underpaid there's a lot to do but um jesus. and everyone in the precinct Hates having to go over there to do stuff bc you're just standing in the lobby drinking bad coffee for fifty minutes before you can even get a word in with the work and unlucky andy he drew the short straw ends up at social services and who should he meet there if not this gorgeous but really scatterbrained berkeley grad with a mouth like a sailor and a heart of gold and now um there's no need to draw straws at the station because andy straight up volunteers to go to social services just to see paige which she notices of course because like. were you jinxed or something? cursed? i've never known someone to draw the short straw so many times. and andy's like no i just um. like being hands on with my work i don't like leaving up to some dumb rookie with bad luck and paige is like oh don't worry i promise it is still being left to some dumb rookie with bad luck i mean i am right here blah blah blah banter conversation hint at a tragic backstory give it half a season and then it's official bf/gf shit and as far as charmed goes it's a prophecy about four sisters and the halliwells are like phew. dodged a bullet there lmao. until they do something only charmed ones could do and they're like Wait. Fuck. Is There A Fourth Sister Out There? so they find paige within the first hmm ten episodes or so.
so since we have both s1 phoebeleo and paigeandy i'd say they'd be on the fastest track but i feel like paige does have a lot more issues when it comes to getting married and having kids than phoebe does regardless i think by s4 they're married on track to have kids with pruecole we're doing the s3 introduction and the enemies to lovers arc we seal that with either a wedding at the very end of s4 or at the very beginning of s5 however kids is like. like they both want kids but prue has daddy issues and cole has mommy issues not to mention the charmed one/demon hybrid so they need to do some soul searching on that one. prue's probably pregnant by the end of s5 and has her baby halfway thru s6. paige may or may not have had kids at this point if they did they were kind of a whoopsies baby but she and andy r embracing it with open arms.
piperkyle imo is peak in a divorce/widower era it's been pitched like piperkyle au where he's not fucking insane piperkyle au where she's not brokenhearted piperkyle au where they're both normal happy people who then meet but like. nah. the appeal of them to me really is being the broken fucked up human being and feeling like you're kinda just gonna stay broken and fucked up bc you had your shot and you blew it so now you're here get used to it and then to have someone to meet someone who sees you so genuinely as you are that at first it's disgusting leave me alone i hate you but out of that just honest sight grows familiarity and comfort and before you even realized it happened love and jfc i'm in love with them???? but you realize that you're always happier when they're around you want to stay by their side and you don't even have to wonder if they feel the same because you just know they do because you Know each other and you don't have to wait for them to turn and run once they see who you really are because they know who you are they've known from the start saw the ugly the broken and vile and looked past that and saw the beauty and genuine love underneath like 🗣‼🗣‼🗣‼🗣‼. piperkyle consistently makes me insane. So. in order to hit this. we're bringing in dan. that's right, from season two to six (maybe just five but i'd like to have the pruecole arc wrapped up in a nice bow by the time we open up the next enemies to lovers) piper and dan give a relationship the old college try going from the honeymoon phase to the cringe failmarriage stage until it's eventually just time to call it quits like you literally can't move forward. so because of the delayed start piperkyle would def be the last to have kids but because this is a long slowburn full of character development and just like. vulnerable bonding moments i think that once they go official as a couple wedding and kids are not far off on the horizon i think if we close out a season (a hypothetical 9 or 10) with them getting together for the first time then we gotta burn some miles on the freak out denial stage because i always think that's funny that'll last half a season? maybe a third. and then by the end of the season we're looking at a wedding. by the end of the following season they def have a kid
most fashionable couple: pruecole
most likely to name their kids after dead relatives: piperkyle
most likely to break p tradition: paigeandy
most chill about dating a charmed one: phoebeleo (andy kyle & cole would all be way too willing to throw themselves into danger, leo trusts phoebe's foresight and knows when he needs to sit on the sidelines. it is a lesson all the other men still struggle with)
bonus round!
best bromance: 1st place: leoandy 2nd place: leocole 3rd place: colekyle
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lune-hime · 4 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Chapter 4
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
Tulipa Rainbow Parrot ~ A tulip whose vibrant warm tones burst from deep violet petals like festive firecrackers.
“Where is that frilly lass? We are already behind schedule.” Your grandmother exhaled and tapped her foot impatiently. Levi idly counted the butterflies that fluttered at the foxgloves planted along the polished steps he sat upon. In all honesty, he didn’t mind the waiting. The longer they lingered at the property meant less time for his anxiety to rear its ugly head the moment they left you behind.
The harsh crunching of dirt under boots collided with his ear drums as a young woman raced into view. She held fistfulls of her jade colored dress with one hand while the other struggled to keep the satchel on her shoulder as it flapped wildly in time with her pace.
“‘Bout time.” The old woman huffed, crossing her arms and assuming a position that reminded Levi that she was once a high ranking officer in the armed forces. The girl that Levi presumed to be Felicia skidded to a halt in front of them. Her ragged breaths broke the mid-morning calm and her erratic movements had scared off Levi’s counting material.
“I’m here gnädige Frau! So sorry I’m late, I was preparing some tonics for miss Y/N and-well-” Felicia was heaving and inhaled sharply before continuing.
“I dropped the first batch on the floor so I had to clean up the glass but the shattering of the bottle gave me such a fright that I knocked over the mixing bowl and thus there all my ingredients were now wasted so I had to return to the apothecary to fetch new ones and-” Due to her lack of breath, her excited explanation was barely understandable the longer she carried on. Your grandmother held up a hand signaling her to stop. Felicia coughed once and immediately straightened up, clearly intimidated. She brushed the stray honey blonde baby hairs that had haphazardly escaped their hold back into place behind her ears and stood at attention.
“Felicia, that’s enough.” The lack of surprise in your grandmother’s voice let Levi know that this kind of interaction was nothing new.
“This is Levi. I’m very sure you have heard of him, as has the entirety of the walls.” She gestured to Levi with a nod of her head. Felicia gasped, immediately spewing apologies for not greeting him immediately.
“Oh my! Captain, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Felicia sputtered politely, attempting a deep curtsy. Her bag fell dangerously close to the ground as she did so and she just barely caught it when the strap slipped down to her elbow. She fumbled to collect herself and proceeded to salute enthusiastically, puffing her chest and looking straight past either of the other soldiers in front of her.
Levi shot a quizzical look at your grandmother who just shook her head and sighed.
“At ease?” Levi responded.
“Come inside, girl. It’s a shame that this is your first meeting with Y/N in a while.” Your grandmother turned on her heel and started up the stairs. Levi stood up and waited for Felicia to follow her, however she stood impeccably straight at the bottom of the porch. Levi regarded her with raised eyebrows.
“After you.” He stated unsure, arm extended towards the door. She squeaked and nodded vigoriously and trotted into the house, all the way her bag clanking loudly.
The creaking of the stairs was a prelude to the horrified gasp that resounded through the doorway. Felicia’s expression mimicked your grandmother’s when he had presented you in your state. The pure sadness that hummed along her features gave Levi a glimpse at what he must have looked like when he had seen the abnormal swat you out of the sky.
“Gnädige Frau, w-what happened?” Felicia’s voice crackled with emotion and her hands shook against the leather in her hands.
“Titans, that’s what. Her cuts are deep. I reckon she’s got some fractured ribs, too, based on her bruising.” Your grandmother responded. Levi stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed into himself and a hand resting at his chin.
“I tended to her most pressing wounds last night. But I’m afraid her body has gone into shock and she has yet to wake up.”
Felicia nodded, tears beginning to pool at the corners of her eyes. Levi felt a pang in his chest for the girl. You had told him many stories about her; her character painted with fond childhood memories. It was a surreal experience for Levi to be putting so many names and concepts to faces when you weren’t here to experience them with him consciously.
“What have you brought?” Your grandmother inquired, snapping Felica out of her bubbling well.
“U-um, some tonics, antiseptics, salts.” She sniffled.
“Good, good. You are a fine apprentice indeed.” Your grandmother praised and moved so Felicia could get closer to you.
Felicia began unloading the contents of her bag. Levi watched as glass bottles, their liquids a rainbow of colors, were laid out on the table. Her practice seemed more like witchcraft than medicine.
“Where exactly do you apprentice?” Levi asked, curiosity and slight worry about the extensiveness and obscurity of her collection getting the better of him. Felicia halted her actions and stopped what she was doing to properly address Levi, standing straight as an arrow.
“Oh! Besides being a housekeeper for the Vogel estate-”
“Hush, this is no estate. Maybe during my father’s time but now it's just a house.” Your grandmother mumbled while eyeing a thin-necked bottle with a foaming liquid inside.
“R-right, Frau Vogel. In addition to being a housekeeper for the Vogel family , I am also an apprentice at the local apothecary. Krovla’s hospital is constantly overrun these days, so I’m learning how to treat the locals here.” Felicia explained with a formality that contrasted with her scattered personality. Levi nodded in understanding.  
“Felicia, you don’t need to treat Levi like a prized artifact. He’s not your superior officer so stop with this saluting-bullshit. You’re the same age for Pete’s sake.” Your grandmother said, annoyance seeping onto her face.
Felicia let out a squeak and nodded slowly. She was clearly uncomfortable about casually addressing someone of more experience, even if they were the same age. While she was apprehensive about improperly addressing authority, she was not apprehensive about talking. Levi quickly learned that she was quite the nervous chatterbox.
“Captain, gnädige Frau, would you both help me set her up please.” She requested, giving one of her bottles one last inspection and a final swirl.
“Captain, open her mouth please.” Felicia instructed softly. Levi was sitting so close to you that his thigh almost brushed your forearm. Yet, he was afraid to touch you. It was strange, and gave him that familiar stomach churning feeling. How could something so loved and familiar to him feel so fragile and foreign? His thumb ghosted over your pale lips and with as delicate a hand as he could muster pulled down your jaw. He held it there while Felicia carefully had you drink the tonic. It was a painfully slow process where Levi fixed his gaze on your limp form still performing living functions.
“It is wonderful that she is able to swallow.” Felicia commented, relief evident in her voice. She screwed the cap back onto the bottle and discarded it next to her bag.
“Mhm. It could have been much worse.” Your grandmother answered. Her statement rang true but cast a dark cloud over the already damp room. Felicia picked up on this and cleared her throat.
“You know, Captain, when Y/N has been able to return home she always talks about you. She goes on an on and on about your handsomeness, selflessness-” Felicia adorned a nostalgic smile as she recalled your musings.
The corner of Levi’s mouth twitched upward into an almost grin. Damn, you made him sound like prince charming. Which was appreciated, but couldn’t be more far from the truth.
“I gotta say I agree with her that your height is very cute-” She drawled and then bristled like a startled cat. Your grandmother could not contain her guffaw and slapped the now wide eyed Felicia on the back. She didn’t have a filter, poor thing. Like a fawn with a blabber mouth caught at gunpoint, she was.
Levi cringed and let out a deep sigh.
“I-I mean-that’s not a bad thing...right?” Felicia was now as red as a beet and looked as if her head was going to explode out of embarrassment. Levi didn’t respond, only regarded her with the unfamiliar steeliness that scared many.
Frankly, Levi couldn’t give one single shit about how tall he was; or anyone for that matter. But the incessant declaration of cuteness by comrades and strangers alike never sat well with him. Like a fly ceaselessly buzzing against a window it cannot cross. Usually the teasing would be solved with force but he was not about to use that on your family.
“What’s with that look? There’s nothing wrong with being short, I mean look at me.” Your grandmother stated confidently with a wily grin.
The glee of the capital’s festival bled through the streets and blanketed every corner of the city on this celebrated evening. Everywhere he looked was another smiling face infected with the festival cheer. Levi couldn't deny that even he was not utterly immune to the happy virus.
His good mood was mostly due to you (and being able to finally rid himself of the stuffy capital officials), or moreover his alone time with you. After the opening ceremony, which was mostly glorifying the military police while the garrison and corps were there to stand there as ornaments of the government, was mandated break time for all soldiers. You two had simultaneously ditched Eren and Jean when they started getting competitive with the festival games and swerved Hange when she got particularly excited about the fancy delicacies.
Your mood, on the other hand, had done a complete 180 since ditching your decorated uniform for civilian clothes. Your fingers pawed at the fabric of your baby blue dress as intrusive thoughts began to slither through your mind like the blindingly neon colored plush snakes that could be won as prizes. You weren’t usually one to be bothered by the opinions of obnoxious festival goers. Unless it poked at one of your deepest insecurities.
A hundred times over you had told yourself to not let it ruin your night out. That your obsessiveness was stupid. Irrational even. That Levi had proved your persistent opinions wrong many many times. But like anyone knows with a thought that was born deep under your skin and resides within your tissues, it's very hard to eradicate.
“Would you ever date a girl who is taller than you?” One guy asked, gesturing discreetly in your direction from their spot behind you in line.
“Nah man. I wouldn’t be able to feel like a man. She’s sexy though, so even if I was shorter than her I’d make an exception.” One of the others added with a charm only a teenage boy could find appealing. The rest of their party hummed in agreement.
You tried your absolute hardest to focus on the lively drum beats, the elated stomping of dancers, and the boisterous pops of fire crackers. Yet their uninvited snickers remained replaying through your mind. You attempted to present as unbothered as Levi passed you his corndog. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and gave his shoulders a few lazy rolls.
You were supposed to be enjoying the Festival of the Hearth, supposed to be watching Levi lose to you at the hammer strength game, supposed to be happily eating your coma-inducing fried food, supposed to not let comments like that infringe on your happiness. The mental strain of your last expedition paired with the exhaustion that followed official government meetings left you with a petri dish for growing your insecurity. You knew you didn't need the approval of strangers but it ate away at you nonetheless. The victorious chiming of the bell at the top of the game rang with such force that it pulled you out of your pity party.
“I beat you.” Levi announced and turned back to smirk at you. He accepted the plushie, a creature somewhere between a turtle and a duck, from the carnival worker.
“Yeah, good job!” You exclaimed with forced gusto. When your grin cracked Levi squinted his eyes in suspicion. He regarded you with the sternness of a scolding parent, gaze flitting from you to the group behind you.
“How you let other people’s stupid opinions drag you down still gets to me.” Levi looked up at you with light annoyance. His agitation wasn’t a stab towards you but rather frustration that you couldn’t let these things go.
“What do you mean?” You abruptly answered. The hastiness of your reply was about as convincing as a wilted flower.
“It’s useless to play dumb with me. Why are you listening to random brats? Don’t you do enough of that back at HQ?” Levi chided as he cuffed his sleeves, the plushie held securely in his armpit.
“Look, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“No, some people talk too fucking loud.” Levi added, voice like a razor blade. His eyes were a weapon and dug so sharply into the men that they all began to find the neighboring cotton candy machine incredibly visually stimulating. You then hastily pulled Levi to the side to not clog up the line for the game.
“I heard what they said and it shouldn’t matter.” He said as he traded you the food for the plush. It was soft to the touch and looked at you with cold but adorable eyes. Akin to how you would describe those belonging to your love.
“I know. It’s fine, I’m fine.” You assured, hugging the turtle-duck to your chest. You knew too well he wouldn’t pick up the bullshit you were putting down. But, eh, it was worth a try.
He deadpanned and held your gaze so intensely that soon Tesla coils were spinning in the space between the two of you.
“Come on.” He beckoned. His voice was almost too low to hear over the ringing of the carnival games. He weaved the fingers of his free hand with yours so to not lose you as he led you through the hustle and bustle. No words were shared along this walk, allowing all the sensories of the festival to set in. Bodies danced past you in varying frenzies, confetti blasted in sporadic showers from the rooftops, and the artificial lights from the carnival games swept you up and
made you feel like you were in another world. Only a passing hello was exchanged when you briefly bumped into Sasha and Connie in line for the baked potatoes.
Levi parked you at the boardwalk. Plump tulips swayed in time with the music along the base of the railing. The river was alight with wishing lanterns, each one of them twinkling like fallen stars along the rippling water. He unbraided his fingers from yours and gave you that electric look once again.
He turned to you already assured of the outcome of what he was mentally planning.
“Do you wish I was taller?” He inquired nonchalantly. He leaned against the railing and took a bite out of his corn dog.
You huffed, a bit taken aback by his question. When he regarded you with one brow raised, that half smug grin of his made it click. He was trying to get you to realize the absurdity of your worries.
As if you didn’t already know.
“Of course I don’t.” You pouted. The warm light that bobbed from within the floating lanterns danced along your skin, giving you an ethereal glow that briefly made Levi forget what he even asked you. He found your hypocrisy amusingly irritating.
Levi had no self-consciousness about his appearance, for it really didn’t matter to him. He was aware that he was considered “handsome” by you and plenty of others but it was all dirt off his shoulders in the grand scheme of things. The workings of his physicality is what was more important, not its aesthetics.
“What if I said that I hated myself because I am short.” He questioned again. The evenness with which he posed his question did nothing to hide his lack of sincerity. You stared at him like someone who knew they had already lost a bet.
“Well you already hate yourself so-” You responded dryly, attempting to divert the conversation away from your ebbing embarrassment.  Levi rolled his eyes and continued to wait for the response he desired.
“Fine. I would say that it’s dumb to think that way.” You mumbled, resigning to his logic.
Levi’s lips curled. The annoyance that had surrounded him before was dusted off by the soft eyelashes of the night sky. He ditched the remnants of his corn dog in the nearest trashcan and approached you so that only a few inches separated your bodies.
“I would never wish for something as trivial as changing your height. The fact I have to slightly look up at you is one of the most insignificant things in my life.” He stated, tilting his head gently upward to meet your gaze.  His sincerity struck you like an arrow and embedded itself so lovingly within you that it shot all of the pesky doubts right out of your body.
“I know thoughts can get stuck in that brain of yours but focus on what you think of yourself and not what a group of shitheads, or anyone, decides to vomit out of their mouths.” The vulgarity of his sentence made you smile and you nodded in affirmation.
“Thank you, Levi.” You said, letting out one last puff air to rid your body of the sour mood.
He grinned in return, blessing you with one of your favorite sights. Despite feeling like a slight doofus, Levi didn’t belittle you for feeling this way. Moments like these caused the kind man under the marbled facade to peep through and made your chest swell with even more love for him.
“Here, there’s one more thing I want to do to further prove my point.” He said, gesturing towards the wooden booth selling wishing lanterns. Once a few dollars were handed over, the woman behind the counter gave the two of you square pieces of parchment and a pair of quills.
“I can think of a million other things I would rather wish for.” Levi reaffirmed as he dipped the quill in the inkwell.
“Like for the titans to fuck off into oblivion. To make Eren’s asshole the only orphus on his body so I don’t have to deal with his constant screaming. To get Hange to stop asking me for my toenails. Fucking disgusting.” He muttered the last part with a grimace. His attempt to make you laugh had succeeded and his heart bloomed with warmth when he heard you giggle.
“For a bigger bath so we have more room to-” He began casually, instantly being shushed by your finger to his lips. With his lips blocked his eyes smirked instead.
“You can’t write that.” You interjected in disbelief.
“Why not? No one is going to see it. My lantern, my wish.” He replied with a shameless shrug. You shook your head and set down your plushie to start writing your own.
“See? No height changes on this.” Levi declared after a few moments. His sudden display of paper made you quickly conceal yours. Your eyes skimmed over the colorful, yet surprisingly lovely language that dipped you in a feeling as warm as the sugared glaze of the carnival donuts.
“You have a lot of wishes.” You commented. Granted, most of them were obscure and seemed only to be there to lift your spirits.
“This world fucking sucks.” Levi responded as if it was the simplest thing within the walls. You couldn’t completely argue.
“What did you wish for?” Levi prodded as he eyed the paper you held face down to your chest. You defensively folded it in half and closed it within your palm.
“I can’t tell you or else it won’t come true.”
Levi exhaled and pursed his lips.
“You don’t believe that bull do you?”
“I can’t risk it.” You said stubbornly with a playful grin.
“Tell me or I’ll revoke your prize.” Levi urged slyly, nodding down to the turtleduck on the table. You gasped lightly and scooped up the piece of fluff into your embrace.
“You wouldn’t dare separate me from our child.” You accused with feigned offence. Levi looked into those dark, synthetic eyes and huffed.
“We could never produce something as ugly as that creature.” Levi threw back. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from cracking a smile at your exasperated look. He would secretly admit, the animal was actually pretty cute.
“Well for being rude to your daughter you definitely don’t get to know my wish now.” You countered and picked up your lantern and began walking towards the river. You turned to look over your shoulder with an excitement that dismissed the family quarrel.
Amidst hundreds of other festival goers at the river Levi held your lantern as you secured the paper to the inside with yarn. After doing the same for him, you lit the candle near the bottom with a match. The delicate ivory siding of the lantern crackled under your tender touch as you raised yours to the sky. Levi mirrored your movements.
“Ready?” You asked. The two of you looked at each other with unspoken fondness.
Then, your chambers of light and worldly prayers slipped past your finger tips and into the cosmos. Two pairs of outstretched palms bid them farewell as they sailed into the galaxy to form a constellation with the thousands of other lanterns that peppered the sky. Those now empty hands were filled with the comfort of each other as they relished in the last few minutes of tranquility before they slipped into the crowd to regroup with the others.
“Alright my girl, we are going to head out now.” Your grandmother announced, wiping her hands on the dish towel and placing it next to the sink. The awake members of the household had gathered in the kitchen before leaving for town.
“Right! I shall start planning out Y/N’s dinner and ours as well.” Felicia said with a determined glint in her eyes. Your grandmother smiled softly at her passionate response.
“Fine, but do not feel obligated to clean anything while I am gone. Although I know you will.” She instructed with a playful sternness. Felicia laughed bashfully before tilting her head in a bow of compliance.
Levi and the old woman’s boots tapped against the porch steps and down towards their awaiting carriage.
“Why don’t you just make her leave if you don’t want her service?” Levi wondered aloud. Your grandmother chuckled gruffly as she lifted herself onto the front seat of the wagon with youthful agility.
“As much as I grumble…” She began with a dreamy sigh. Levi awaited her reply as he heaved himself into the seat next to her, faltering slightly when he had to use his sore shoulder.
“I can’t kick her out because she makes the best schnitzel within these walls.” She confessed, her features glazing over in longing for the immaculately fried breading and juicy pork.  
“So you have something to look forward to when we return.” Your grandmother declared with a crinkle of her eyes and a crack of the reins.
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starylust · 4 years
Pranking Bokuto ➣
✧ K O N O H A   A K I N O R I ✧
genre: fluff, teeny tiny bit of angst; it’s like none at all
you and konoha had gotten back from school a couple hours ago just hanging out together. you both get bored and decided you should do something. as you both were thinking of something to do bokuto tweets out something. this leads you to your ‘amazing’ idea.
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The orange rays from the sun gleamed down on you and Konoha.
You both had gotten home from school a couple of hours ago and decided to just have a chill hangout today.
You were cuddled into his side while Konoha was laying on his back. Looking over at what he was doing you sighed as you were getting a little bored.
"What's wrong baby?" Konoha said while looking over to you.
"I'm getting bored can we do something?"
"Hmm sure what did you have in mind?" he asked.
"Nothing really do you have anything in mind," you said.
Konoha turned off his phone and set it beside him as he thought of what the two of you should do.
You grabbed your phone and turned it on going onto twitter. Konoha looked at you once more and got a glance of your phone.
His eyes widened as his smile started to form thinking of a idea. This idea had sparked when he saw Bokuto's tweet on your phone.
"Angel I think I know what we can do," Konoha said smirking.
You turned your head to look at him while he was talking and saw his smirk. You didn't know if this was a good smirk or a bad one.
"Then let's hear this idea of yours."
Konoha smiled brightly thinking about how you would love this idea.
"So how about we prank Bokuto for a little bit?"
You eyes widened and shined a little bit brighter after hearing that. "Yes I love that idea! You're so cute when you think of a good idea."
You brought your hand up from your phone and pinched his nose slightly. He scrunched up his face making you giggle a bit.
"So how are we going to prank him then?" You asked.
"Well I was thinking what if we did something that involved volleyball and tweet it?"
"That seems good. What would we do though?"
With that said you both went quiet for a little while thinking of things you could say.
"OH I GOT IT," you yelled quietly.
"Okay let's hear it then." Konoha shifted his body so that he was no longer laying on his back and was now facing you.
His heart missed a few beats seeing you so happy about the idea you just thought of. He gave you a sweet smile before you explained what you were thinking of.
You took a deep breathe in and out before announcing your thought.
"What if we say something like every time a spike scores a point a kid trips and falls on his face."
You looked up to Konoha and saw his smile.
"What?" You asked smiling and laughing a little.
"It's nothing, but you look also look cute and adorable when you think of a good idea." he said back
"Hey who said anything about you being adorable?" you answered in a teasing tone.
"You're right. You're pretty ugly to be honest."
You took a breathe in and brought your hand to your heart acting like you got offended.
"Why would you ever say that," you said while wiping away your fake tears.
Konoha reached up to your face and tucked a piece of hair behind your ears. "Nah I'm lying you're too pretty for me to lie to you like that."
You felt butterflies in your stomach while your face started heating up.
"Sh-shut up idiot," you said while lightly hitting his arm.
"So are we gonna do the prank of what," Konoha said while sitting up and bringing you up with him to his side.
You both reached down and grabbed your phones.
"Do you wanna tweet it or do you want me to? Also we should @ him so he can see right away!"
The excitement in your voice made Konoha smile sweetly once more.
"I think you should tweet it and I will @ him in it."
"Okay I'm on it," you said while turning away to your phone.
Konoha watched as you typed out the words 'who knew every spike that scores make a child fall and hit their face on the ground? that's just awful for people to do.'
You pressed tweet as you looked up at Konoha to watch him next. Konoha grabbed his phone and refreshed twitter.
He then clicked on your name liking the tweet before pressing the comment button.
He typed '@thebestestacever did you know this?' and pressed reply.
You both looked at each other again before going back on your phones waiting for a response.
A minute or two later you still got no reply which was weird since Bokuto wasn't doing anything right now.
Konoha looked at his phone while the screen lit up from an incoming facetime call from Bokuto.
He tapped you lightly making you turn you head and saw the call that was on his phone. You laughed quietly before telling him to answer it.
He pressed accept only to hear sniffling on the end.
"P-please tell me the tw-tweet isnt true," he said while trying not to stutter while talking.
Konoha looked at you on what to do next. You both had expected him to be upset about it but not this upset. Before you two could even say anything another person grabbed the phone from Bokuto.
"Hi Konoha-san Bokuto believes this tweet is true and won't listen to me when I tell him it's a prank," Akaashi said.
You formed a frown on your face when you realized Bokuto was really hurt by this.
"Can you hand the phone back to him and tell him I want to talk to him?" You asked Akaashi.
"Sure thing."
Akaashi gave the phone back to Bokuto who is still crying a bit but not as much as before.
"Hi Bokuto."
"Hi," he said before sniffling again.
"I'm sorry for pranking you like that. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." You stated sincerely.
"Wait it's not real?" He asked.
"No, me and kohona were just bored so we decided to prank you. We didn't mean you any harm."
Before Bokuto said anything his haired straightened back up and his eyes lit up.
"Don't do that again," He grunted playfully.
"Okay we promise we won't, right Aki?"
You moved the phone so the camera showed you both. You both nodded at the same time.
"Well it was nice talking to you guys but me and Akaashi have a movie to finish," he said smiling brightly into the camera.
"Haha okay enjoy your movie both of you," Konoha said.
The noise of the video indicating that it had ended rung out. You tilted your head upwards to see Konoha letting out a sigh.
"Well that didn't turn out the way I expected it to. To be honest I didn't know how he was going to react."
"Yeah but that was a little funny you can't lie," you said.
"Hm yeah you're right. Wanna take a nap now?"
You smile and nodded your head yes. Konoha laid back down and brought you down too.
You placed your head on his shoulder and rested your arm on his chest. He brought his arm around to wrap around your waist.
You both closed your eyes slowly falling asleep as a comfortable silence filled the room.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
hey guys !
konoha is so underated i love this man so much. i have a bunch of ideas for other haikyuu characters but leave some ideas and sugesstions anyway!
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pipedream-darling · 3 years
Live a Little
My piece for Day 2 of TGGTVAV Week! @tggtvav-week
Dreams | Historical AU | Side Character (Read on AO3)
This party is giving me a tremendous sense of deja vu. It’s the after-party for this year’s Annual Sportspeople of the Year Awards. Monty and I were both nominated for Best Footballer and for Best Media Personality, whatever that even means. Neither of us won either. I don’t care, not really (The player that did win Best Footballer scored two-thirds as many goals as Monty this season… but again. I don’t care.)
The same old formal wear, the same faces. I feel like I’m always at this bloody party. I’m standing in a corner with Monty, who is frowning down into his alcohol-free cocktail. I give him a consolatory nudge.
“Next year.”
“Hmm?” He looks up at me, then laughs. “Oh god. I don’t care. I’m just wondering who on Earth came up with the idea of a virgin mojito.”
“You could always drink tap water, you know.”
I roll my eyes and he sidles up to me, pressing himself against my chest so that he has to stretch his neck to look up at me.
“Let’s go hooooome.”
“Why do you even bother coming to these events if you get bored after an hour?”
“Because I get to see you all dressed up, mostly.” I laugh and he pouts. “Next time, we stay home, and you put on a tuxedo anyway.”
“That would be a waste. You’d take it off within minutes.”
“That’s the fun of it!”
I smirk and lean down to kiss his forehead. “We won’t stay late. It’s good for me to do the rounds at these things. For the Foundation.”
“I suppose,” he says with a sigh, but he doesn’t move away, just buries his face in my chest.
I smile and stroke his hair, then I look up as someone walks over— my heart sinks. Richard Peele. The only man on Earth who doesn’t manage to look attractive in a tux. I nudge Monty slightly and he stands up straight.
“Incoming,” I mumble as Richard approaches. Monty turns to see him, then swears under his breath.
“Boys!” Richard says, his grin as cocky as ever. His aftershave is overpowering. Not for the first time, I wonder how Monty ever hooked up with him without gagging.
“Richard,” Monty greets him, more politely than he deserves.
“Congratulations on your awards!” He fake gasps, clutching his hands to his chest. “Oh wait! You didn’t get any.”
“Peele…” I raise an eyebrow at him. “You weren’t even nominated.”
He shrugs. He looks drunk. “Wouldn’t have wanted a nomination. Whole thing is shit anyway.”
“Well, we’re agreed there.”
“So, what are you two doing hiding away in a corner? Up to no good? What’s the current favourite, Montague? Coke? Speed? I remember your speed phase fondly. You used to be able to go for—“
“Oh, piss off Richard,” Monty cuts in, trying to look unbothered. But I know he isn’t. “Don’t you have any actual friends to talk to?”
I put my arm around Monty’s waist, protectively, and he leans into me. Richard rolls his eyes.
“Got plenty of friends, thanks. Just wanted to check in on everyone’s favourite couple.”
“Well, now you have.” I say, giving him a pointed look. “See you around.”
He curls his lip at me, stepping closer. He’s taller than Monty, but not taller than me. I have a couple of inches on him, but he’s clearly too wasted to be intimidated by this fact.
“You don’t scare me, Newton. We’re not on the pitch now. You can’t accidentally elbow me in the face this time.”
No, but I can definitely punch you on purpose, I think to myself.
I don’t say anything. He huffs, then turns to Monty. “If you ever get bored of this fairy,” he points to me. “And fancy a go with a real man again, you’ve still got my number.”
Monty blinks at him. “I’ll bear that in mind. Cheers.”
Richard gives him a leery look up and down, before giving me one last glare, then stalking away. I can feel Monty’s shoulders tense up where he’s leaning against me, and I’m not much better myself, so I take a deep breath and try to relax.
“Christ. He’s like a cartoon villain.”
“Was he always that ugly?” Monty looks up at me. “I swear he didn’t used to be that ugly. I categorically do not sleep with ugly people.”
“Maybe your standards just got higher after you met me.” He laughs slightly. But it sounds stilted. I squeeze his waist. “Don’t let him get to you.”
“I’m not.”
I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Okay! I am. Slightly.” He sips his drink, pulling a face. “It’s hard not to be bothered when one of your most shameful regrets can walk and talk and embarrass you at parties.”
“He’s just someone you hooked up with. It’s not that big of a deal.”
He scoffs. “You look like you want to scream every time his name is mentioned.”
“Well… he’s…”
“Rude? Obnoxious? Untalented?”
“He makes you feel bad about yourself. I don’t like it.”
Monty pauses at that, reaching out and squeezing my hand.
“You’re the one he called a fairy.”
“Fairy and proud,” I say with a shrug. Monty laughs.
“I love you.”
“Love you, too.” I tug at his hand, pulling him away. “Let’s find you something less disgusting to drink”.
We’re standing at the bar, Monty trying to get the perfect selfie while the bartender makes our drinks. He leans into me, trying to get my face into the photo and I smirk.
“Aren’t people bored of seeing me on your Instagram?”
“Why would anyone ever get bored of seeing this face?” He gently bites my cheek, taking another few photos, then finally brings the phone down to review the results. “God, we’re hot.”
I laugh. “Is that what you’re captioning it?”
He starts typing. “Well, now I am.”
I grin and nudge him, then frown when I spot something on the bar a small distance away. A set of keys. I reach over and grab them.
“Someone left their keys.”
“Mmm,” he replies, still busy making his post. “Hand them in.”
I shrug, about to get the bartender’s attention, when Monty glances up then gasps, grabbing my arm.
“Wait.” He snatches the keys from me. “Look!”
He holds them up in front of my face and I frown. “What?”
He huffs, then points at the car key. It has a very tacky leather tag hanging off it, with a gaudy metal Lamborghini logo.
“These are Peele’s car keys!”
I laugh. “God, he really is drunk. We should probably keep hold of them so he doesn’t try to drive home”
Monty winces slightly, and I immediately feel bad, but then he shakes it off. “Don’t you see what an opportunity this is, Perce?”
I give him a look. “Opportunity?”
“Yes! We have that prick’s car keys!” He looks at them, sighing happily. “His beloved Lamborghini.”
I laugh. “And?”
“And! We could play all sorts of tricks on him. We could break into it. Leave his lights on. Drain his battery.”
“You are truly wild.”
He huffs. “Well, what’s your suggestion?”
“My suggestion was handing them in!”
He rolls his eyes, dumping them on the bar again and returning his attention to his phone. I pick up the keys, turning them over in my hands, and I think back to ten minutes ago, when Richard dragged his eyes over Monty’s body. My Monty’s body. Suddenly the need to piss him off is overwhelming.
Why do I always have to be the sensible one?
“However…” Monty looks up at me, raising an eyebrow. “I have always wanted to drive a Lamborghini.”
* * * *
We manage to sneak out without drawing too much attention (and without spotting Richard), taking the lift to the car park beneath the building.
His car isn’t hard to spot. Bright yellow amongst the sea of silver and white Mercedes and BMWs. We walk over to it and Monty looks unimpressed, leaning down to scrub at a little scuff with his sleeve.
“This car is a midlife crisis.”
I laugh. “He’s 26.”
“Well, it’s definitely compensating for—“
“I don’t want to know,” I cut in, leaning down to look in the windows. “I think it’s gorgeous.”
“Really?” He folds his arms, tilting his head at the car. “It’s no Porsche.”
“I swear you love that car more than you love me.”
“Absolutely not.” He walks over and leans down to where I’m crouching to kiss me on the cheek. “But it’s a close second.”
I smile, then hold up the keys. “So? Shall we?”
He frowns. “You were serious?”
“Why not?”
“Well, for a start… you can’t drive, Perce.”
I scoff, pressing the key unlocking the doors. “I’ve had some lessons. And I haven’t had a seizure in a year. Anyway, it’s an automatic. How hard can it be?”
I start to climb into the driver’s seat and Monty grabs my arm. “Perce!”
“Come on!” I grin at him. “Live a little.”
He furrows his brow, but then lets me go, and I slide into the seat, pulling the door shut behind me. A couple of moments later, Monty opens the passenger door and climbs in, mumbling to himself.
“I’ve lived plenty. This is just stupid.”
I look around the car, taking it in. Monty’s car is gorgeous, but this is next level. Every bell and whistle included. It’s a shame it smells like Richard’s pungent aftershave.
I put the key in the ignition and Monty flinches.
“Are you sure, baby?”
I start the engine, and then I grin at him. It must be contagious, because after a pause, he grins right back at me.
“Go on then,” he says, with a resigned shrug. “Show me what you can do.”
I surprise myself. Driving is… surprisingly easy? And this thing can go fast. The roads are thankfully quiet, and I’m pretty sure I’m speeding, but the adrenaline rush is impossible to deny.
Monty is watching me, laughing at the look on my face as I narrowly avoid hitting another kerb. Okay, maybe driving is sort of hard.
“Jesus, Perce!”
“I hope you’re enjoying your little crime spree. It might be the last thing we ever do.”
I laugh. “Oh, he’s wankered. We’ll take it back in a minute and he won’t even know it was gone.”
“True. As long as you don’t—“ He gasps as I very barely avoid scraping someone’s wing mirror at the side of the road. “Damage it!”
“I won’t!”
“You know what, I resent that you’ve turned me into the reasonable one tonight, but I think I should probably drive us back. Just in case.”
I pout at him. “Five more minutes? Oh, wait! I have an idea.”
I take a left, so sharply that Monty has to grab onto the car door to keep his balance. He shoots me an annoyed look, but I don’t acknowledge it. I’m trying desperately to remember a certain spot I know of around here, and I think I’m vaguely headed in the right direction.
Monty stops trying to object. I think he’s enjoying this really— watching me cut loose a bit. I glance at him and he bites his lip, giving me that look that usually ends with at least one of our trousers around our ankles. I look back out of the windscreen and grin to myself when I see what I was looking for.
I pull up in a parking spot, braking far too aggressively, and we both jolt forward.
Monty takes a long, deep, relieved breath as I put on the handbrake.
“See? No one died.”
“I’m definitely driving us back.”
I shrug, then motion out of the window. “Do you recognise this?”
“It’s a hill, Perce.”
I frown. “It’s Primrose Hill. Remember? We had a picnic here.”
He pauses, then smiles. “This is where you asked me to move in with you.”
He looks at me. “Baby, you really are a wonder. Combining a bit of grand theft auto with a romantic trip down memory lane.”
I laugh. “The duality of Newton.”
“This is very sweet.” He reaches out and squeezes my knee, giving me a fond look. “Thank you.”
“I just… I don’t like it when people drag up your past. Like it’s all you are. You’re… this. You’re picnics, and house keys, and romance. You’re all of it.”
He swallows, looking surprised. “Baby…”
“Don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise, okay? Especially not Richard sodding Peele.”
He nods, and his eyes look a little wet, then he reaches for my hand, holding it up to his lips and kissing my fingers. “Okay.”
We share a smile, then Monty turns away. I stare at him. He takes a while to notice, too busy gazing out of the window. When he finally turns back to me, he starts slightly.
“Did you and him ever…?”
He frowns. “I thought we’d already established this, darling.”
“No. I know.” I nod towards the backseat. “In here?”
He turns a little red, then looks away again, which is answer enough.
“Great. Nice.”
Monty huffs, looking at me with a sheepish look on his face. “Only a blowjob or two...”
I roll my eyes, tapping my hands on the steering wheel and staring out at the view in front of us for a few seconds. Then I shrug.
“Then we’ll just have to do more than that. Won’t we?”
He pauses, then frowns. “Eh?”
I lean over the centre console and take his face in my hands, kissing him. After a brief pause, he sighs against my lips and kisses me back harder.
“You really—“ he speaks between kisses, breathless. “Want to?” He stops to nip at my jaw. “Right here?”
I groan. “More than anything.”
“Revenge shag?”
“Revenge shag,” I confirm, starting to pull his shirt out of where it’s tucked into his trousers.
“There’s…” He sighs as I start to kiss his neck. “People could see.”
I bite down slightly and he gasps. “The windows are blacked out.”
“There’s not much room.”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something.”
He gasps as I find the lever on his chair, pulling it until he’s practically horizontal, and then I clumsily clamber over onto his lap, my legs either side of his.
He laughs in surprise, putting his hands on my thighs. “What the hell has gotten into you tonight?”
“Nothing.” I grin. “Yet.”
After, I lie on Monty’s chest and I can feel the dopey smile on my face. He’s gently twisting one of my curls around his fingers as we catch our breath.
“That was fantastic,” I say with a sigh. It’s stating the obvious. It’s always bloody fantastic.
He kisses the top of my head. “Obviously.”
I look up at him. “Better than Peele?”
“Peele who?”
I laugh. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I. Never heard of him.”
“Damn right.”
I lean up to kiss him and he gently strokes my cheek, then we both jump when we hear a buzzing sound. Monty grimaces, fumbling around on the seat around us trying to find his phone.
“Who calls people?” He finds it and holds it up. “Ooooofe.”
He grimaces and turns the screen to me. Peele is calling. There’s an eye-roll emoji next to his contact name.
I grimace back at him. “Shit. Why would he be calling you?”
“Perhaps because he pissed us off and then his car disappeared?”
“Should you answer it? Maybe you should answer it.”
He scoffs. “And say what? Oh, your car? Yes, we stole it and just did something filthy on the expensive leather.”
“Well, no. You can lie. I’m pretty sure you’re capable of lying.”
“Ouch! True. But ouch.” He takes a deep breath, then answers. “Richard!”
I hear muffled, angry talking. Monty bites on his lip to stop from laughing, before trying to get a word in between the ranting.
“Richard, I— What do you mean? Which car?” The muffled talking gets louder and Monty grins. “Oh, that car! Well, how did you manage to lose that? Seems pretty irresponsible.”
“Very careless,” I whisper in agreement.
Monty puts a hand over my mouth, still smiling, then suddenly his face falls. “Tracking device?”
My eyes widen. Shit. Shit shit. Of course, there’s a tracking device. This car is top-of-the-range ridiculous.
“Well, that’s good then.” Monty continues, somehow managing to sound calm and collected. “You’ll find it easily. Good luck!” He hangs up. “We need to get out of here. Immediately. He’s waiting for a cab and he knows where the car is”
I scramble off of him as quickly as I can, climbing back into the driver’s seat and looking for my clothes. “Shit, shit, shit.”
Monty does the same, laughing. I shoot him a look.
“What’s so funny?”
“You. Panicking. Naked.”
I find this shirt and throw it at his face. “Twat.”
I find my boxers and pull them on, and Monty picks his own up from where they were discarded in the well of the passenger seat. I suddenly have a thought, and reach out to grab his arm before he can pull them on, too.
I snatch them from him and he gives me an extremely confused look. I lean over into the back seat and place them on the leather, stretching them out so that they’re nice and displayed.
“A departing gift for our gracious host.”
Monty cackles, throwing his head back. “You’ve completely lost your mind.”
I grin at him. “Is it a problem?”
He pulls me in for a wet, sloppy kiss. “Absolutely not. Now come on.” He pushes me away again and starts pulling on his suit trousers. “We have to clear out of here before—”
There’s a sudden, loud sound, like fabric ripping. We both freeze. I look down and see that the button of Monty’s trousers has caught on the corner of the passenger seat. The leather has torn dramatically, showing the foam underneath. Turns out even the most expensive, luxury cars are no match for Monty’s clumsy streak.
I look up at him. “Before what, love?”
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Well, this has turned into a very expensive night out.”
“We can afford it.” He opens his eyes, then narrows them at me. “I’m aware that’s not the point.”
“This was your idea, you know. You decided to have a naughty streak, and now we have to buy— No. Actually. You have to buy Richard bloody Peele a new car.”
I scoff. “It’s just a little rip. It’s not like we’ve trashed it.”
And then… I picture it; Richard, hopping in an uber to where his little tracking device is pointing him, furious, that spiteful face all red and flushed. He gets here and Monty and I are long gone, his beloved Lamborghini is… trashed. The windows are smashed. The seats are ripped to shreds. And Monty’s Tom Ford pants are on the backseat.
I smile.
“We should trash it.”
Monty laughs, pulling on his shirt. “I’m cutting you off. No more carnage. We’re going to go home, you’re going to have one of your sad little sleepy teas, then we’re going to bed.”
“Montttyy,” I whine, and he gives me an incredulous look. “It’ll be funnnn!”
“Of course it would be fun! It would also land us in prison.”
“No one would know it was us!”
He points to the underwear on the back seat. “Have you never seen CSI?”
“Since when were you such a spoilsport?”
He stares at me, one eyebrow raised in challenge, then slowly reaches down and tugs at the rip in the seat, making it even wider.
I grin, turning around in my seat and looking for something to break. I look back forward, spotting the rear view mirror, then I lean up and grab it, yanking at it hard until it snaps off in my hand.
Monty gapes at me.
“Holy shit.”
I grin at him. “Shall we see what else we can break in the next five minutes?”
The answer is quite a lot, apparently. The seats are torn to shreds. The dashboard is cracked. Monty has scraped a key all along the exterior. And I’m currently working on burning holes in the leather seats with the dashboard lighter, still wearing nothing but my underwear.
Suddenly, I hear a very high pitched shriek. I abandon the lighter and scramble out of the car to check on Monty, who was halfway through trying to pull off one of Richard’s wiper blades. He’s now ducked down, hiding behind the bonnet of the car. I quickly join him.
“He’s here! I just saw an uber.”
“Shit. How did he get here so quickly? Maybe we were shagging longer than we thought?”
He hisses at me. “Not really relevant right now, Perce. More worried about getting out of here without him seeing us.”
I grimace. “I left my clothes in the car.”
“Then I guess you’re streaking. Come on.”
He quickly glances over the hood of the car, then once he decides the coast is clear, he grabs my hand and pulls me up.
And then we immediately collide with Richard Peele.
He seems to have snuck up from the other direction and well… he doesn’t look terribly happy.
“What—“ He’s so angry, he can barely get his words out. “In the name of fu—“
God bless Monty for attempting to be charming, even at a time like this.
“Awful news! Someone was trying to damage your car. Me and Percy scared them off.”
“How stupid do you think I am, Montague?”
“I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
Richard hisses through his teeth, stepping closer to Monty, and I decide it’s time to intervene, standing in front of him protectively. .
“Don’t even think about it.”
He curls his lip, looking me up and down. “Why are you naked?” He glances back at the car, then at me again, his face turning white. “Did you two...“
I smirk. “Twice.”
(It’s a lie. But he doesn’t need to know that.)
He looks like he wants to throw up. Then he pulls back his fist— but he’s still tipsy, and his reflexes are slow. So, I take a step back to dodge his punch, before reeling my own fist back to throw one of my own.
It connects with his nose. Hard. Kickboxing is one of my favourite workouts and I’m twice as strong as he is. The result being that his nose starts to bleed instantly and he staggers backwards. Monty yelps behind me.
He tries to pull at my arm but I ignore him.
“Not bad for a fairy, right Peele?”
“Monty, it’s fine.”
“No! Percy! The car!”
He pulls my arm even harder and I finally turn around. The car. The fucking car is on fire.
“Jesus! What happened?”
“Not sure, but shall we try and figure it out somewhere further away from the flaming car?”
I let him drag me away and we take off at a sprint. Richard isn’t far behind us, trying to keep up.
“The lighter,” I shout to Monty. “I dropped the lighter on the seat!”
The amount of serious crimes I’ve committed today is becoming difficult to keep track of. Car theft. Reckless driving. Public Indecency. Assault. And now apparently a bit of semi-accidental arson. But are they really crimes if the only victim is Richard Peele?
“Save it for court!” Monty replies.
When I think we’re a safe distance away, I stop, pulling Monty to me. We’re both gasping, out of breath. I hear Richard coughing nearby. He must have inhaled some smoke.
I ignore him, pushing Monty’s hair out of his eyes, then cupping his face in my hands.
“Are you okay?”
He takes a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”
I grin. “I’m amazing.”
He smiles back, exasperated. “You’re a lunatic is what you are.”
“I love you.”
He shakes his head, then puts his hand behind my neck, pulling me down into a kiss. I lean into it, my hands sliding to his waist and dipping him slightly, making him laugh against my lips.
And then… there’s a loud bang.
I don’t get the chance to glance over at the car before we’re being thrown into the air by the force of the explosion.
* * * *
I wake up with a flinch so huge that the bed shakes. I hear Monty groan next to me.
“Baby, what…?”
Jesus Christ, that was vivid. I can still smell the smoke.
Monty rolls over to face me with a huff. “Perce?”
“Sorry.” I rub my face. “Sorry, I was…”
“Dream?” he asks, mid-yawn.
I pause, then smirk. “Dream.”
He stares at me for a second, then snorts. “Oh god, not the car one again.”
“The car one.” I shuffle over to him, pulling him closer so that our noses are touching. “It was a good one. This time I punched him.”
He gives a sleepy laugh. “This dream almost makes me feel sorry for the man…”
I raise an eyebrow at him. “Monty…”
“I mean. Your subconscious is regularly ruining his life! Just because he used to give your boyfriend the occasional hand job after a game…”
“Perhaps the next dream will be the one where I finally murder him.”
He laughs, leaning in to kiss me and placing his hands on my chest. “Your heart is still pounding.”
I blush. “It was fun. There was an explosion.”
He rolls his eyes. “We’re never watching Die Hard before bed again.”
I laugh, rolling on top of him and making him yelp.
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lovehatemysme · 4 years
[Jumin x MC]
"Mr. Han, the reporter is here," the chief security announced. Jumin looked at you as you settled down the sofa, sitting beside you he brushed a hair and tucked it behind your ear. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
Jumin is no stranger with these kind of things, numerous times he has been featured in magazines, his face splattered across the internet, and he never did mind, after all it helped marketing the company. But with you however, he wanted to make sure you were as comfortable as you can be, your private and quiet life remains and out of the spotlight. He didn't want to cause you any distress with publicity.
You gave him a soft smile as you rest a hand on his thigh, "I am, I think it would be nice, it's the least I can do to help," you said. Jumin nodded and told the chief security to bring her in, you both stood up as you shook hands with the said reporter, clicking her phone for the recorder and opening her little notebook for notes.
"First of thank you Mr and Mrs Han for doing this interview," the reporter said as her hand on her chest to thank you, "lovely penthouse," she finished as she waved at the place and clicked her pen. "I uhm, trust that you have seen the questions?" she asked as she rolled the pen between her fingers, making the gesture as small as possible as she was a little fidgety to meet the Hans. And why wouldn’t she be? After all, their magazine was the only one to get an exclusive interview from you, and screwing it up could cause her job.  
"Yes, my assistant gave it to us and deemed everything was appropriate," Jumin spoke, remembering he skimmed through the questions making sure no question would make any of you uncomfortable to answer. There is a fine line between what could be shared to the public and what should be kept private, and Jumin made sure anything that goes out would be nothing in your expense.
The reporter started to scribble in her notebook, “The questions would be directed to both of you, please feel free to answer anytime,” she said as she turned a page.
“First would be..” she mumbled as her eyes glanced up and down her notebook, Jumin’s hand squeezing yours that was on top of his thigh before giving you a quick glance, your smile tight looking at the reporter as you waited for the first question, quite nervous as you knew this is huge, it would be publicized and spread everywhere, one wrong answer could plump down and slash not only Jumin’s reputation, but could also affect C&R as well. You took a deep breath as you squeezed Jumin back. How bad could it be? 
“How do you balance your married life and business? With Jumin being a director, surely he has a tight schedule running the company, even going overseas for meetings and such,” the reporter tapped once on her notebook.
This is easy, you thought, you knew how to answer that. 
“Well usually Jumin brings me with his trips,” you said with a sweet smile, “and if we have time we stay for another day or two to enjoy ourselves,” you enjoyed seeing new scenery with Jumin, how he would tell you some little fun facts about the places you went to, introduce you to new cuisines. 
“I even set up an office here so I could work here when I’m not needed in the office,” Jumin added, “Her company relaxes me even if she’s just reading by my side,” you couldn’t help but smile wider at what Jumin said, and it’s true. Sometimes he’d catch himself just watching you with whatever you were doing on the couch inside his office, he even have a blurry photo of you sleeping on the couch with Elizabeth on your lap. Seeing you within his eyesight gave him a sense of security.
As the reporter scribbled down some notes she said how sweet it was, “Moving to the next question.. Your announcement during the RFA party came as a surprise to everyone as Jumin was rumored to be engaged to Sarah Choi, how did you both manage during the scandals?” 
Jumin was prepared, he saw this question already of course, fixing one of his sleeves he started to speak, “It was rather emotional for us, I made sure to retaliate with credible sources,” you remembered how stressful it really was. With Elizabeth went missing, Sarah was also restless in her plans. “I was lucky enough I had MC by my side,” he squeezed your hand and you looked at him, “It was hard on both of us, but we managed because we got each other,” you added as you squeezed Jumin back as he smiled a you before facing the reporter again. 
“So the public wants to know, when do we expect a little Han?” she said sweetly, you laughed softly at the question. “I’m afraid not so soon,” you said, “Jumin and I are still enjoying ourselves,” “Yes, I’d love to have MC to myself a little more,” Jumin brought your hand to his lips as he gave it a quick kiss. You blushed at his gesture and smiled shyly, for someone who was deemed a robot, he sure did come a long way. When it came to you, he never held back showing affections. 
Elizabeth suddenly purred on your foot, rubbing herself restlessly against you, “I’m sorry she’s a little antsy with strangers,” you said sorrily to the reporter, “Oh this must be Elizabeth, she’s beautiful,” you picked up Elizabeth and placed her on your lap, stroking her softly to calm her down. 
“I have last two questions, addressed individually to both of you. First would be to you MC, what’s it like to be married with a Han? We’ve seen Chairman Han, but what about Jumin Han?” 
“Hmm,” you stroked Elizabeth as you thought, what’s it like to be married with Jumin? To be married to Jumin... you looked down at Elizabeth and a smile formed on your face, “it feels like a dream,” you whispered. Because it really was, sometimes even overwhelming how he would shower you with gifts, telling him you don’t need all of it, but he insists that you deserve everything. He treats you like a queen, and even with his shortcomings he made sure to make it up to you. Going to his work early in the morning without you seeing him off means a lovely note to your bedside, going home later than expected would mean him reading you to sleep. Trips he couldn’t bring you would outcome a dozen of gifts, and he’s still learning. 
You looked up to the reporter, “Jumin’s.. Amazing, he makes sure I feel loved and cared for, I couldn’t ask for more,” remembering everything he did for you made your heart flutter, and even Jumin who was looking at you felt so full with love, hearing you say that made him happy. He knew he was far from perfect, but as long as he could convey his feelings to you, he’s glad you’re happy. 
The reporter nodded with a smile as she scribbled down. 
"So my last question goes to you Mr Han," the reporter gave Jumin a quick glance before turning a page, "You have always been on the top of the list for the most wanted bachelors, now that you're off the market and have settled down, what is it like? In your own simple words, what is marriage to Jumin Han?" she asked as she clicked her pen, doting it to the notebook ready to write on whatever Jumin has to say.
What is marriage to Jumin? It wasn't that simple, Jumin thought. To Jumin, marriage means.… waking up to your sleeping form next to his, where he can watch you breathe steadily and comb away hair on your face for a few minutes before readying himself for the day. It's also sleeping next to you at the end of the day, having you in his arms that washes away all of his stress and anxieties away in an instant. It's wanting to hear your voice every second he's away from you, it's seeing a jewelry and thinking if you would like it. It's wanting to know every little quirk, habit and antics you have, it's wanting to know what that raise of a brow meant, what that tap of a finger indicated, it's wanting to see the good and ugly of you.
It's all of the emotions rushing into him all at once, he looked at you and saw you were playing quietly with Elizabeth, scratching her head and ears as she purred in your lap, and one emotion only prevailed at the end. His heart felt so warm, his thoughtful look broke into a loving smile, and suddenly he knew how to put marriage in simple words.
He moved a little closer to you, his hand palming your cheeks and you turned to face him, a curious look on your face as he just smiled at you.
"Marriage is… happiness,"
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mikkeneko · 3 years
for the meta meme: 4, 19, 20!
Ooh, these are meaty ones XD Gotta think about this for a little.
I always have problems with questions like these w/r/t scope, so I’m going to be arbitrarily limiting these to Untamed fandom work only.
4 - Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I was really proud  of this line from Yakety Sax:
The noise of the crowd was quickly growing into an ugly roar, a cacophony of cheers and jeers and shouts of rage, and Wei Wuxian couldn't help but wince at the dark emotion in it.  "Yikes," he said feelingly. "Tough day to be the Yiling Whatever."
Jiang Cheng slapped him upside the head, completely unfair. "That's you, you absolute idiot," he snapped.
I don’t think this one needs much explanation.
19 - Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Ahh, I answered this one in this ask, and couldn’t really think of anything there :< Hmm. One thing that I’ve noticed that turns up a lot is that if two characters are arguing I will have one “fling their hands into the air” even though this is not a thing I have ever literally done or seen done in real life XD
Last spotted in the wild, also in Yakety Sax:
Jiang Cheng threw up his hands and, predictably, his temper. "OH GREAT, HE DOESN'T REMEMBER," he shouted. "HE DUMPED US ALL IN THE SHIT AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE DID!"
20 - Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Gosh. Very open ended. Well, it does specifically say ‘that you want to ramble about’  so I’m gonna go back to my current favorite project, the Untamed In SPACE!!! AU, which takes up a lot of my headspace even though almost none of it has been published yet XD
AUs are some of my favorite kinds of fanfics to write, and the most fun part of an AU setting for me is figuring out how to convert the original setting into the target setting: in this case taking Ancient Magical Fantasy China and trying to convert into Also Magical But Future Sci Fi Space China. 
This can be something as straightforward as taking a quantifiable list like the Six Gentlemanly Arts (rites, music, archery, chariotry, calligraphy and mathematics) and updating them to be applicable to the new setting (cultivation, still music, marksmanship, piloting, still calligraphy, still mathematics.) 
Or it can be something more abstract, like transmuting the society’s values into the new setting.  For instance, in the space AU, the Lan clan are doctors and medical researchers. Their commitment to moral righteousness translates as a commitment to medical ethics, and the infamous slate of rules become safety procedures. So “Do not run within Cloud Recesses” is still a rule, but now it’s about preventing lab accidents rather than practicing self-regulation.  But in both cases the underlying value  is a commitment to prioritizing human life and adhering to strict moral standards, even when other sects don’t bother.
I’m also finding that a lot of Wei Wuxian’s spiral into infamy and the disintegration of his reputation in the later part of the story translates, in this case, less about him being viewed as evil  and more about him being viewed as crazy.  In a society that prides itself on rationality and scientific control of one’s surroundings, it is a much worse thing to be not in control of one’s mental facilities than to act in a way that’s unethical. So, Wei Wuxian must be opposed and stopped by any means necessary, not because he’s wicked and deviates from orthodoxy, but because he’s crazy and dangerous and who knows  what he might do next?
Anyway, you can tell by the last few paragraphs, I really like  spending time figuring out this kind of transmutation! It’s just, like, really satisfying to come up with something that fits neatly into the new setting but still (at least in my view) contains the essence of the original.
Fun meta asks for writers
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staywritten · 4 years
To Be Expected│Bang Chan
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To Be Expected│Bang Chan
Synopsis: You sent your boyfriend to buy a pregnancy test, what could you possibly expect?
Genre: One shot, fluff, expecting parents
Word Count: 2412
Masterlist. AO3
This scenario also has absolutely nothing to do with my Dad!Chan series, this was just a one off idea and Chan’s my ult so I wrote about him again.
“Babe, which one am I supposed to buy?” Chris grumbled into his phone in English, taking salvation in hoping that the old man working couldn’t understand him. There was nothing more embarrassing than standing in a convenient store in the middle of the night looking at the various pregnancy test.
“I don’t fucking know Chris” you groaned pacing back and forth in your living room. “I haven’t done this before-just get all of them.”
“All? There’s like thirty different brands. Have you lost your mind?”
“Yes, Chris. Yes I have because SOMEBODY may have gotten me pregnant.”
“Don’t blame me for all of this, we’re a team. You’re equally responsible.” He sighed looking at the shelves “…Hmmm this should be fine right?” He shrugged, grabbing the more inexpensive of the brands. There was no way in hell he was going to leave this convenient store with only a pregnancy test. He grabbed chips, cookies, and drinks. Anything that’ll prolong the clerk from getting to the pregnancy test. “Babe, you want anythin?”
“Yes, I want to not be pregnant”
“Anything I can get you at the store?” he chuckled.
“Hmm maybe a bottle of soju?”
“How ‘bout somethin not harmful to the possible baby?”
“Good point... ice cream?”
“Deal” he smiled, tossing the ice cream on top and walking over to the counter. Fidgeting and clearing his throat as the clerk took out each and every item scanning and bagging them at arctic speeds. Luckily for him the old man wasn’t too talkative, but he did notice how he paused and side eyed him when he got to the pregnancy test. It was the same judgemental look he expected any grandfather to give him.
There was something about a pregnancy test.
The directions were so simple to follow. There really wasn’t any room for error, and yet you still had to read them over and over and over just to be sure you did it right. You even had Chris read over it a few times.
You set your alarm and then the anxiety set in. This was going to be the longest five minutes of your life.
How did you even wind up in this mess? You were always so careful. Very careful. You’d been on birth control for years it was like second nature to you. But one tiny slip up. One slight lapse in judgment. One bottle of soju too many and all your indiscretion was tossed out the window.
Laying on the bed with Chris you sighed. His king Charles spaniel Berry, tucked by the foot of the bed. It’s like your anxiousness was contagious. This was the calmest she’d ever been, it was like she was trying to ease your nerves. “…What if it’s positive..?” you fiddled with your nightshirt, your nerves restless. “What do we do?”
He smoothed down your hair in an attempt to calm you. “Then we’re gonna be parents.” he shrugged and laughed.
“…Can we afford to be?” you never wanted to be on a tight budget with a baby. You didn’t want to be in a position where you had to decide if you could afford to take care of another human.
“I mean we both have stable jobs. If anything we might have to dip into our savings to get by for a few months but we’re gonna be ok.” he shrugged “If we get desperate you know my parents will help out”
“Where are we gonna put a baby Chris…? There’s no room.” you released a deep sigh. You two had a nice little place. A one bedroom condo, with an office, that he’d turn into a studio. You never needed the extra room before but it became very apparent to you that children needed a nursery, maybe a playroom? Somewhere to explore and live, a place to grow, somewhere safe. 
A home.
“We’ll just get a bigger place” he gave you a warm dimpled smile. “We can get a house, with a playroom, and a little nursery for him, and a lawn.” he grinned. “I miss having a big back yard, running around in the back with my Dad, playing with my siblings...We can share all of that with him” he placed his hand on your stomach.
“Everything’s so simple to you isn’t it?”
“‘Course it is” he pressed a kiss to your hair line, brushing his nose down yours. “I love you, why wouldn’t it be simple?”
Then it dawned on you. 
This was a conversation you two never had. It just never came up, you knew he was good with kids and he always seemed like the kind of person that would want a big family, but you just never asked. Personally you wanted a family, maybe two kids but Chris was your partner, if he told you he didn’t want kids you weren’t sure what you would do. You loved him, but that was the one thing that could probably break your relationship, so you just avoided it. 
It was selfish, but you were scared. 
Before you knew it four years had passed. You two had a comfortable relationship, a cozy little apartment and dreams of the future. But was this something he wanted? “Chris...Do you want to be a parent?” you looked over to him. “No pressure but…? Would you want to?”
“You ask me this now?” he laughed ruffling your hair. “Of course I do. It’s a little sooner than expected but I always wanted a kid. And I mean we've been together for so long my Mum is pretty much just expecting it by this point.” he chuckled. “A little bub crawling around, I could even bring ‘em to work with me.”
“Really?” you sat up staring at him, a little dumbfounded. You partially expected him to say yes, you just weren’t expecting that much enthusiasm. “You thought about that?”
“Sure, little ankle biter at my shows. I can stay home with ‘em when you’re at work or I could bring him to my job. I’ll teach him all about producing and music. Whatever the Tike wants to know.” he chuckled “And it’s not like we have a shortage of Baby sitters, the guys could help out too”
He was always so passionate, and you loved that he was eager to pass that on. He was going to make such a great father. You turned on your side facing him, a smile on your face. “So you’ve already decided it’s a boy?” you brushed a hair out of his face.
He placed his hand on your stomach playfully. “Oh, a father knows. And that there is a boy.”
You laughed leaning your head on his arm and playfully hitting his nose. “I think you’re just afraid of a daughter.”
He leaned into you brushing his nose against yours, and a dazzling smile on his lips, his cheek dimpling. “Terrified.”
Pecking his lips, you grinned. “She’d have you so whipped.”
“Absolutely. Without a doubt. If she’s anything like you, the whole world will be hers.” he caressed your cheek lovingly. “She could just stare up at me with her beautiful doe eyes and I’d be a goner.” He brushed your hair behind your ear and smirked “Can’t let girls outnumber me between you and Berry I’m already weak, so I’m gonna hope for my little man.” seeing you laugh he couldn’t help but smile. “And she’d never be allowed to date so let’s hope for a boy”
He knew this was terrifying for you. You were almost shaking when you set down the pregnancy test. He needed to ease your mind. He had his own fears. Less so about financials and more so on if he would just be a good dad. Was he good enough? Was he gonna figure it out? Was he going to be the man you needed him to be? 
He wanted to be loving, he wanted to be their friend. But he needed to be stern. He wanted to raise them right. But he somehow knew he could if it was with you. “What about you Love? Girl or boy?”
You touched your stomach, mulling it over. “Hmmm… no preference. I just want them healthy.” Shrugging you looked at him. “Honestly, I would like one of each at some point. You ok with that?” you stroked his hand softly.
“Of course I am. We can have an army if you’d like”
“Woah, calm yourself. Let’s just take this one step at a time.” you giggled letting him pull you into his chest.
Suddenly being a mother was a lot less terrifying. You could picture it all so well now. You two could move into a new place after your lease was up. Paint the nursery, talk about baby names, pick out clothes. And you just knew your kid was going to be so loved. Between you two and your family, friends, and all of his members, they were going to have the best support system.
Hearing the alarm Chris jumped up. “You ready?”
“I-I…” shaking your head you covered your eyes. “I can’t look. You do it” That very anxiety that Chris worked so hard to disperse came rearing its ugly head.
He walked over to the counter in the bathroom and turned off the alarm on his phone. Walking out with the pregnancy test in hand he took a deep breath. “Ready…?”
“No. Yes. No” you groaned hugging the pillow to your body. “Yes-Ugh-Just tell me” your heart was racing a mile a minute. “Wait no” you huffed hugging your pillow to your body tighter. “I’m scared”
“Baby…It’s negative.” he set down the test on the dresser. He could pinpoint the exact moment your heart broke. “I…Babe…I’m sorry I-”
“….what?” you dropped the pillow, to look at him. Berry instantly going over to you and nuzzling you with her nose. “No…” your eyes glazed over as you shook your head. “No?”
His shoulders slumped as he walked over to you. He placed his hand on top of Berry, rubbing her head. “It’s…negative.”
“Oh that’s…that’s good.” you swallowed hard, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. “What a relief…r-right?” your voice breaking at every word. “Everything’s fine. Back to normal.” you forced a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Babe?” he crawled on to the bed. “You ok?”
“No, I’m fine.” you sniffled. “I’m fine. I’m-” but the moment he pulled you into his arms the dam broke and you just lost it. “Why…why does it hurt…?” you gripped his shirt. “I didn’t even lose anything…right? So why does it hurt so much….?” you mumbled into his broad chest, your little hands clenching at his shirt. “I...Why am I crying… This is so stupid…” you sobbed.
“You know I love you right..? I love you with all my heart…We’ll get through this…” he rubbed your shoulders lovingly. “Baby it’ll be ok”
“Chris…I…I think I really…really wanted this baby…” you rest your chin on his chest, looking up at him. “I loved them already and they never existed and I…”
“I’m so sorry…” he felt helpless, all he could do was hold you. He had to be strong for you, you needed him.
It wasn’t as if you two couldn’t just get pregnant on purpose. This was supposed to be a good thing, wasn’t it? Now you two could plan your future better, right? Wait until your married, even more financially stable and plan for a child. And yet you couldn’t help but feel at a loss. This beautiful picture of your family was slipping away from you. And it broke you.
“…I just…need a minute…” you wiped your tears, moving out of bed, and walking toward the bathroom. On your way into it, you stopped at the dresser, looking down at the heartbreaking test. “…Chris…There’s two lines…”
“Two lines mean pregnant” you whispered.
“No, it’s not. One line is pregnant.” he dug through the garbage to get out the packaging. Reading over it his eyes widened. “Wait…no it’s not…are you…?” he looked over at you with wide eyes. “Are we- Could it have changed?”
“Maybe? It’s been a few minutes. I have to take another test now.” you looked back at him a frantically. “Should I?” 
He nodded “I think we should” he grabbed his jacket “I’m gonna go buy a new one”
“I’ll go with you” you threw on a pair of sweatpants and followed him out. 
After another run to the convenient store, another judgmental look from the old man working, and opting for a more expensive brand you found yourself in that same anxious position.
Just waiting.
Both of you refused to leave the bathroom, wanting to see the results the moment it happened. He gave your hand a comforting squeeze. “Baby you gotta calm down” he laughed nervously, he could practically feel your pulse. 
“I can’t~” you whined “I’m trying but like I’m anxious, what if it’s negative again?”
“If it’s negative then we both start planning for a kid ‘cuz it became real clear that this is something we both want” he pulled you closer, kissing your hand. “You want this and I want this, so even if you aren’t pregnant in this very second, we’ll still have a family”
And after three minutes you checked the test with him. 
You stared down at the test, it was spelled out and yet you still had to re-read it a few times just to confirm. “Pregnant…” you looked over to him, still blinking in disbelief at the words before you. “That…that says pregnant right?” your eyes filled with tears showing him the test.
“It says pregnant.” he grinned, hugging you tightly. “We’re gonna be parents!”
“We’re gonna be parents!!!” you cried jumping up with him.
“I’m gonna be a Dad- you’re gonna be a Mum.”
“We’re gonna have a baby”
“God, I love you so much!!” he pulled you into a kiss, hugging you tight.
“I love you too Chris…we’re…we’re gonna have a family!” you cupped his face. Berry barked circling you two, happily.
Hey Friends! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ I hope you guys liked that! I realised that I never had a simple one shot for Chan and needed to change that. 
Fun fact I actually wrote the scenario a few years back for a different person, so I changed it a bit for Chan. It was nice breathing some new life into it.
Tags: @skzsprinkles @tophuphu @hugs4chan @channieboyo
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The next dayyyy.
Class started but Rena and Satoshi were nowhere to be seen. Keiichi had already ran through the halls looking for them. Satoshi was probably mad because he forgot about his homework but he had unlocked some new secrets in Mario. He planned to impress Satoshi with them but whatever he guessed.
-they are outside in the woods-
“Soooo Shion had sum makeup in her bag. That’s for u…keiichi has a Bruce Springsteen cd…ewww no thanks!!! Rika had a flask…that’s ours now…mion had some Pizza Hut coupons…lol guess we’re getting a pizza later”
Satoshi had ransacked everyone’s bags and he and Rena emptied their bags to so that it looked like they were also victims. “Omg we have to blame this on satoko”
“Oh also I took all the money as well so we can get some of those clothes at the mall we wer looking at.” Satoshi saw the kewlest sweatshirt. It was from the gap but it was like blue n purple. But it was like 50 bucks. “Girl wait I have an idea. I’m saving the money for something else I know how I can get that sweatshirt”
They went back 2 Satoshis house again. Satoko wasn’t home so they went thru her room and looked at her diary: “Dear diary my brother is sooooo mean to me. He is a bully!!!!” Bla bla bla. Lol honestly teppei sucked n deserved to die n so did his aunt. But sometimes he agreed w them n their choices.
“Omg tomorrow we HAVE to bring this to school and like leave it in someone’s desk. It would be funny I think” Rena said
Just then the phone wrang. “Who is this.”
“Hey it’s me Keiichi! Wat r u doing right now?”
He held the phone away from his face. “Rena it’s Keiichi should I tell him to meet me at the mall” and they laughed.
“Hey I couldn’t hear u what did u say?”
“Nothing. What do u want.”
“I was wondering if I could come over n we could play Mario I have 2 show you something”
He held the phone so he and Rena could both hear it. “Yea do ur parents have any alcohol? Maybe u could being that. I’ll let u come over if u do”
“Well…maybe they’ll notice”
“Omg it’s literally not a big deal I used to do it to my uncle all the time. Just full it back with water so it looks like nobody took sum” he rolled his eyes
“Um well ok…I’ll see you soon then I guess”
“Yea don’t forget the alcohol see u later”
Satoshi hung up “We are gonna go get cross faded girl”
They went to his room and hot boxed. He had to to deal w keiichis ass.
30 mins later they heard a knock. Satoshi opened the door “Hey”
“Hey best friend!!! …Wats that smell”
“God you are such a goodie two shoes. Anyway where’s the alcohol” He grabbed it out of keiichis hand. “cool thanks. Come in”
Keiichi walked in and set up the famicom. “This tv is old I don’t even no if I can set this up”
“Are u calling me poor? R u?”
“Um no I didn’t say that. It’s retro that’s kewl”
Rena whispered to Satoshi “He is so dumb I swear to god” “Girl I know right”
“So Keiichi we were thinking of going to the mall tomorrow. Maybe you could come”
“Oh kewl kewl. Yea I’ll come the sports store had this kewl BB gun on sale that I wanted”
“Yeah the Gap had this kewl sweater…it was like 50 bucks tho…so…”
He stared at Keiichi expectantly. He knew he would look sooooo good in this sweater. He wanted to pair it with his acid washed boyfriend jeans n his converses he stole. He bought the jeans JUST so he could pair it with the sweater.
“Hmmm well we could go check it out I guess. Anyway who wants to play Mario”
Rena rolled her eyes “Who wants to fall asleep am I right” Satoshi hip bumped her “Who wants to order a pizza” she said staring at Keiichi
“Yea that sounds good to me guys. Why r u staring at me?”
“Well unfortunately whoever took our bags at school stole all my money so we r wondering if you could get it n we pay you back” Satoshi said blinking his eyelashes “Or do you not like me enough”
“Yeah cool cool. Okay that’s fine…thanks for letting me com over btw”
“Yeah ur welcome. Anyway Rena u gotta see the mag I got at the store today, Debbie gibson is in it” they sat at the table reading the magazine drinking keiichis alcohol.
“Cool I wanna join” Keiichi sat with them.
Satoshi sighed “Cool do u like debbie gibson? Sorry Bruce Springsteen isn’t in this magazine you wouldn’t like it. Anyway Rena this top is so cute, u would look soooo hot in it”
Keiichi tried to join in. “Yea you would look pretty in it. Did u guys catch last nites baseball game?”
“Ummm what kind of loser likes baseball” Satoshi rolled his eyes. Rena and Keiichi both looked at him. Satoshi went back to the magazine n read the astrology section. “My guys look what it says about Geminis this month. Apperantly I am going 2 get rich and get lots of money. Wow that would be nice”
“Wat does it say about Aries” Keiichi didn’t care about girly astrology but he wanted 2 look like he fit in
“It says this month u will feel charitable…hmm that’s nice of u.”
“Wow that’s kewl. Anyway what pizza do we want” they ordered the pizza. Satoshi and Rena started smoking weed again. “Guys what are u doing?” He looked shocked
“I guess what they say is true it’s hip to be square I guess” Rena said smoking the weed and passing it to Keiichi “I thought u wanted to fit in with us.”
“Um ok…”he tried to smoke but he coughed. “why would you wanna do this guys it doesn’t seem very fun”
They showed him how to smoke weed. If he was willing to smoke w them maybe he was a little Kooler than they thot. Keiichi smoked a lot and they thought it would b funny to just let him.
The door bell rang “Keiichi go get it”
It was SHION!!! “OMG what does that ugly ratchet dusty bitch want. Keiichi tell her we went to the mall. Tell her we waited for her but she never showed up n that I’m mad at her”
So he did. “Um why r u at Satoshis house by itself.”
He wanted to answer but he couldn’t think of anything to say “Ummmm well” he was so fucked up he didn’t know what to think “Well his plumbing was messed up so he wanted me 2 look at it for him”
“Whatever just let me in” she pushed her way in “Keiichi are u smoking weed? It’s like I don’t even know U!!!”
Then the pizza came! Keiichi took it
“Keiichi that’s a lot of pizza for just 1 person. Ur sooo high” she laughed at him mockingly “Keiichi why r u listening to Debbie gibson?”
“Ummmm well g2g. Sorry they are at the mall like I said I guess they waited for u”
He shut the door in her face
“Stupid bitch”
He took the pizzas to the other room “She’s so stupid I’m a little sick of her Tbh”
“Omg us too! She thinks she’s all that. Well newsflash…SHE ISNT!!!!” Rena said flipping her hair
“Watever guys let’s just play Mario I guess since Keiichi doesn’t want to have fun.”
They played Mario except Keiichi was so fucked up he couldn’t even play. He was just looking at the screen trying to figure out what path Mario needed to take to jump over the pipe.
“Keiichi what r u doing. U are sooo dumb. Okay let’s prank call people” Satoshi picked up the phone and called the irie clinic.
“Hi is this the irie clinic?”
“Hello yes this is! How can I help you?”
“Oh shit sorry I thought this was the nambla hotline” Satoshi hung up and he and Rena laughed their asses off
“ummm. What’s nambla” Keiichi asked and then laughed his ass off at himself since nobody else seemed to think he was funny
“Keiichi we have soooo much to teach u.” Rena said
They ate the pizza n watched tv. Well maybe Keiichi had friends after all…
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Jason Voorhees x Freddy’sDaughter!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: They Cuddles; Him, Her, and her Bottle of Hypnocil. 
‘-There was something in her, something that was… pure horror. Everything you were supposed to watch out for. Heights, fire, shards of glass, snakes. Everything that his mom tried so hard to keep him safe from.’ - John Ajvide Lindqvist.
Inspired by the above quote.
Quick Background of Reader: You’re Maggies younger (Only a little) half-sister. (You were conceived and born shortly after he killed Loretta and your mother didn’t want you so you were pawned off to him so you were living with him until he was burnt by the Springwood Parents, whereas Maggie was of course taken away) (Pretend it was years between the time he was caught and the time he was killed)
Tried to write in Jasons POV, not sure how good it is, hah. 
I miiiiiiight have some ideas for future parts of this, this was adorable and sweet.
Just, Jason falling in so love with the enemies daughter who is so like her father - she’s loud, she’s hurt, she makes s t u p i d jokes and then laughs way too hard at them, she’s dangerous, - but who is gentle with him and kind. (She’s basically the type of girl Pam wouldn’t approve of at first but is so honest and kind that Pam cant help but begrudgingly like her eventually XD )
Warnings: Age gap? I mean it’s not a main plot point so you could ignore it but Jason and Freddy are similar in age so you’re young enough to be Jason’s kid too- but you’re in your 30’s-40’s so its okie. Fatherly trauma (Is that the right phrase?? Hah. You know what I mean) / Nightmare on elm Street survivor trauma also. Panic attack I think? Ends in fluff ^^ 
When you stayed a night in your van at that old, abandoned camp, you certainly didn’t expect to meet Jason. I mean, you weren’t surprised by his… abnormalities -referring to the fact that he’s dead. Not his deformities, - as much as you were how cute and sweet he was. And how well you two got on, after he tried to kill you.
And you don’t blame him for that! You trespassed; you get it. If you had known he was there and he had taken ownership of the area, then you would have asked before parking there.
When Jason had found a girl hidden away, sleeping in the back of a yellow van, he certainly didn’t expect that she would soon become so important to him. She was just another trespasser acting like a hoodlum -living! In! A! Van?! – in his general vicinity and of course, he didn’t like that.
Boring chase story short; He pushed your van over and there was a chase through the forest (You’ve never run that fast in your life, jesus christ. You can still feel the wind burn on your cheeks, that one rock under your bare feet that cut you and the energy rushing through your body pushing you forward anyway) and you leapt into the lake- waiting until he came in after you. And then when he did, you just screamed random nonsense, splashing around spastically at him until you hit a nerve that sobered him (Something about his mother). This is a technique you developed after you were given up to various foster homes after your father was burnt to death (And then also when he found you again) when stinky foster parents, foster siblings, bullies at school rando’s off the street wanted to put their hands on you, and that you mastered since. It works, evidently, with asexual zombie monsters too.
After that, you went back to your van and rap up your foot, thinking that at least the lake water cleaned up the cut on your foot, and then grumpily set up your bed on your window now since the van (Poor, dear Mandy) is now on its side thanks to the local undead jerk!
You hadn’t slept a wink the rest of that night, not because of the hulking mass of rotten flesh and a hockey mask that you knew was lurking somewhere close by, watching you, but because you weren’t about to waste an extra Hypnocil pill in one night. You just laid there, pillows propping you up and being bored. Staring at the ceiling, smearing various ugly pastel shades onto a page in your sketchbook, listening to the woods and imagining getting rawed by Danny Zuko were highlights. Then, when daylight finally broke out, you were finally, unhappily wondering how you were going to get Mandy back on her wheels, zipping up your jacket and looking at your beautiful pale-yellow Volkswagen.
You thinking what pain this would be to correct… and then having turned on your heel and went on a trek to the closest town to get some kind of breakfast. Procrastinating the inevitable.
When you had returned, a bag of groceries in your arms -drink propped on top of everything else so you could sip through the straw as you walked,- , your van was back on her wheels.
You don’t know what it was about you that made him do that, that made him stop and not kill you, and its likely you’ll never find out since he doesn’t talk, after that you had gone directly to find the - cute, now, -behemoth you knew fixed it for you, to make and give him fairy bread to say thank you and sorry for what happened last night- and honestly you’ve been friendly ever since. More then friendly, after a while, but never less then.
___TIME SKIP: Current time now. Months and months after you met___
~ POV Change~
Oh my god.
The second I see that the familiar bottle, the one from Typo with the Coca Cola logo on it that reminds me absolutely zero percent of my father that I keep Hypnocil pills in is not where I left it, a deep sense of dread and anxiety fills me up to the brim- only proceeding to grow outwards to the air around me as I search in an increasingly more panicked fashion for the thing. Where is it!? Where is it, where is it, where is it. “Where, where, where, where, where, where- “
I fling a pillow out the back of the van and am just bundling up the blankets, not caring what else goes with it to push out as well so I can find that fucking bottle when I notice Jason standing there at the back doors watching me, head tilted. I immediately stop what I’m doing, heart stopping for a second. “Lost something.” Is all I can squeak out.
He leans forward and I watch as I bends down so his head and upper body are in here with me and looks around, then up at me again as if to ask what I’m looking for so he can help me. “I-Its, um… “ My voice trembles. I need to find that bottle- the fact that Jason is being so sweet and offering to help me look just makes me feel even less together. I could cry. “A r-red bottle with umm, curly writing on it?” He probably doesn’t remember what coke is, much less the logo…
He nods, and starts looking around, eyes focused and slow as the graze along everything in the van so studiously that I stay extra still instead of helping- so he doesn’t miss anything with that super-vision he’s acting like he must have. The vans a mess and I’m just kneeling in the corner, against the driver’s seat with the blankets all bundles up in my lap, worrying my bottom lip and waiting for this man to save me. Please, jesus- help me. Save me.
A moment later and I’m about to slowly move from my place and Jason suddenly moves. His heavy arm shoots forward and pulls the bottle, a tubular shock of red, out of a nook between my portable DVD player/screen and some books and I was showing him earlier, offering it to me.
Dropping the blankets and sitting on them instead, feeling the softness on my bare legs and taking the bottle from him before hugging it to my chest and covering my face with my hands, silently.
Oh my god.
~POV Change~
Y/N curls up on herself, hiding her face and the bottle between her legs and her tummy and doesn’t make much noise except a quick, quiet whimper. She’s acting different, in a bad way. Why isn’t she talking to him, Jason wonders? Why isn’t she being loud? Is she okay?
Looking around the van, because he has to go in there and see if she’s okay- get her out of that body-cocoon, Jason crawls into the vehicle that he’s never dared to touch since the first night they met, and it breathes under his weight a little bit. He sits down next to her, crossing his legs and watching her for a while. What… to do… now… hmm…
Finally, he decides putting his hand on her shoulder might work to get her attention at least, and she does relax her shoulders quickly at the contact. Then looks up, face red, at him before wiping her face again and crawling suddenly into his lap. She takes a deep breath, regaining some of her usual colour and composure as Jason just sits solid and c o m p l e t e l y still beneath her, flashing him a quick, toothless smile. “Thank you for finding this Jason, it’s important to me.” She looks at the bottle in her hands, not wanting to put it down and risk losing it again even as she knows its irrational that she would do it twice in a row. “Its… how I keep him away… “
Y/N looks up at Jason, eyebrows risen up her forehead to watch him cautiously, worriedly, looking for signs. Did he understand what you were talking about? And if so, is he okay at the mention of your father?
He’s just completely unmoving still. Y/N blinks at the utter lack of responce. “Jason?”
When she still doesn’t receive a response, she taps his mask gently. “Jaaaason?”
That gets his attention, as he looks down at her face… and nods. A wonky smile that makes his somehow-still-beating heart flutter weirdly appears on her face and she looks outside instead. “So, what did you come to see me for? Ya just missed me? Hah, I missed you too cutie. How about we go for a walk? Its pretty today- ah.” When Jason’s big arms suddenly, slowly take action and wrap heavily around her, she’s pleasantly surprised. Her anxieties and panic from earlier all but slip from their knot in her chest and disappear at the action, and she responds by turning properly to her side in his lap so she can lean into his chest. “Oor we could cuddle. That sounds better anyway!~”
She taps the side of his face affectionately before closing her eyes, and he lets his own half lid themselves at the feeling of her so close to him. She’s so cute and warm. Its weird, but he thinks- if someone were to come right now in this moment, and not be loud and not do anything to Y/N or him… he would probably let them go.
(Well at least until he let her go.)
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lovelyladyventress · 4 years
Tell me which one of these AUs sounds the most interesting and which one you’d like to read more about? (uhh rep0st?)
Here I am, back at it again with my AU bullshit. Complete with my ugly ass dauntingly long list of AUs that I’d love to write about but can’t seem to 
decide which one to start writing. This has been going on for the past week, dammit! If it’s not too much trouble, could you please help a girl out and let me know either on here or in a PM which one of these you’re curious about or would like to see implemented in an actual story.
Here are four Cloud-centric AU ideas which include (multiple) gay, bi, and (some) straight main/side pairings. Regardless of which one I decide to write first, I (wistful thinking) want to eventually complete most or all of them, even if some of them only end up being one-shots. Thank you! <3
Mercenary Zack and Delivery Boy Cloud AU
Zack, a mercenary, and Cloud, a delivery boy, have been best friends since they were youngsters. Zack is straight but is undeniably (and confusingly into Cloud. Cloud is bi (with a strong leaning towards males) and he’s only recently started to explore that. One day, while Zack and Cloud are hanging out, Zack’s PHS dies and he asks to borrow Cloud’s laptop to check some work-related emails. Cloud says sure, completely forgetting what he’d been “researching” before Zack came over to hang out.
Cloud, suddenly remembering the content of said “research”, screeches out, “NoOoOoO!” whilst comically tripping over himself as he races to stop Zack from opening his laptop.
Zack, being Zack, laughs good-naturedly at Cloud’s behavior and says, “What, don’t want your bestie to see all your fReAkY sHiT LOL?”
Before Cloud can stop him, Zack unlocks the laptop (he knows the password, because, hello, besties) and proceeds to open up about ten tabs of LOUD GAY LEMONY YOU KNOW WHAT (all with actors that are blond and black-haired, hmm s u s p i c i o u s).
Cloud is fucking mortified and literally RUNS out of his own apartment and disappears (disintegrates) into the void while leaving Zack sitting there like a stunned D U M B A S S *insert shocked Pikachu meme here* Hilarity, fluffy romance, and “LeMoNs” ensue.
Main ship and only ship will be Clack/Zakkura. Syrupy sweet, comical, with only a pinch of plot-related angst. Will most likely be a one-shot/two-shot.
Vampire Slayer AU
Set in a world where Shinra keeps the existence of vampires and vampire covens a well-guarded secret from the general public of Midgar in order to keep its citizens calm, orderly, and manageable (see controllable).
Due to the frequency of recent vampire attacks in Midgar’s slums and outlying towns and villages, they charge their best slayer, Cloud Strife, and his partner with the task of finding and killing the progenitor of all vampire-kind in order to end the covert war between humans and vampires and kill off their kind, for good.
That is, until Cloud is double-crossed by his partner, who wants the title of Shinra’s best vampire slayer for himself, and Cloud is left for dead in a forest miles away from civilization. Cloud thinks he’s finally done for this time, until he’s saved by a half-vampire named Vincent, who then proceeds to take Cloud to his maker, Sephiroth, the son of the first progenitor.
Cloud’s only shot at making it out of this alive is playing at Sephiroth’s personal interest in him in a game of cat and mouse until he can get the vampire to trust him enough to let him get close to the progenitor in order to (finally) end the war once and for all and return to his former life.
Main ships are Sefikura with a possibility of some Strifentine. Side ships are Aerti, Scarlet x Elena, and a bunch of others. Angsty, passionate, romantic, and dark. Will probably be a six-shot or more. Who knows?
Life After Meteorfall Canon Divergence AU (I’m excited about this one)
An AU in which both Angeal, Zack, and Aerith (although, just barely) live and help kick Sephiroth’s ass in the final battle. Sephiroth has been defeated by the gang for good (no really, for good y’all), and now the world has turned to healing, mourning, and attempting to rebuild itself after the scars Sephiroth has left behind in his monstrous wake.
Cloud still has lingering feelings for Zack leftover from his time as an infantryman, but desperately hides this fact from both Aerith and Zack because he knows how long they’ve waited and how much suffering they’ve had to endure in order to be with each other. He also cares deeply for both of them and wants them to be happy, despite his own conflicting emotions.
Although Aerith is (slightly) suspicious, Zack is oblivious to it all because he’s finally got the girl of his dreams and has his love-addled goggles on (god dammit Zackary) and asks Cloud to be his best man at their wedding (ugh angst me upppppp baby).
Angeal, however, is not oblivious to it in the slightest. He sees the overly forced smiles, the longing stares, the glances of complete and utter h e a r t b r e a k Cloud shoots Zack when he thinks no one is watching/paying attention to him. And finally, fed up after months of sitting back and just silently observing Cloud falling into emotional ruin, Angeal finally intends to do something about it, honor be damned.
Main ship is Cloudgeal. Side pairings are Zerith, Rude x Tifa (don’t judge me, y’all, I ship SO MUCH this fandom), and possibly many more. Angsty, fluffy, romantic, and with a ridiculously happy ending where everyone reaches a happy, healthy understanding. Will most likely be either a three-shot or a six-shot.
Omegaverse SOLDIER AU (let me liveeeeeee, dammit!)
After failing to get into SOLDIER three times in a row (the max amount of times one can attempt in their lifetime) and having his childhood dream of becoming a hero shattered like glass, Cloud, a Beta cadet, is more than done with SOLDIER and everything to do with the corrupt Shinra Corporation (Uh huh. Suuuuure).
This opinion is only further solidified when Cloud discovers the tragic fate of his hometown: Nibelheim, in an “unprecedented” explosion of its Mako Reactor, burns to the ground, resulting in the deaths of Cloud’s mother and every single person Cloud grew up with. With no home to return to, Cloud, following his best friend Zack Fair’s advice, begrudgingly decides to join the Shinra military as an infantryman and work as a menial grunt for the military’s more prominent SOLDIER members.
That is, until one day during a mission Cloud’s entire unit, including a group of skilled Third and Second Class SOLDIERS assisting them, are slaughtered in a brutal, bloody conflict, leaving Cloud the only one left alive after the mission’s end.
This not only catches the eye of the Director of SOLDIER himself, but several of its First Class members, who are so impressed with the Beta’s strength that they wish to assess Cloud’s capabilities for themselves, personally. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This leads Cloud down a path filled with convincing lies and hard truths as he discovers the reality of his origins, unveiling secrets about Shinra and his past that he could have gone a lifetime without knowing. He realizes the hard way that sometimes what you dream for, what you desperately wish for, isn’t always something you want in the long run.
Main ships are a tie between Sefikura and Clack/Zakkura (possibly Sephiroth/Cloud/Zack or maybe even a love triangle, ew). I also really wanna try writing out Strifesodos, but I’m leaning towards Banorashipping as a side ship in this cuz its cute and passionate.
A S T R O N G side ship in this is going to be Aerti (featuring Turk!Tifa and Full Cetra!Aerith), along with minor ships like Scarlet x Elena, Tseng x Rufus, and honestly who  knows anymore, lol. This will most likely be the longest story on the list, I’m planning for at least ten+ chapters.
Also, not shaming it in any way, but just FYI for the people who are interested, there will be no pregnancy in this story. It’s just not my thing. <3
Again, all of these AU’s are subject to change, but I’d love to bounce ideas back and forth and see what certain shippers would like to see in the fandom. I’m really receptive to discussing fics in general, even if its an idea about one of your own stories you wanna talk about. :)
If you actually read all of that, THANK YOU KINDLY! <33333
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
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@trespassers-will​ ok here we go
i also watched the various videos hidden inside each photo and the videos that were posted today as well and took notes too hjfhk
1. hobi’s room
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okay so i thought i would rank jin’s room first but then i saw hobi’s room and i saw that couch nd went OMG okay thats no.1!! i love this interior so so much, like i normally hate orange and blue as a combination but this seems almost more like red and blue and it really reminds me of hopeworld. there’s many pop art-like graphic design posters adorning the walls, showing lines like ‘hope‘, ‘sweet’ and ‘my way‘. the shoes on the closet(?) behind him were disaplayed bc those are the colours we wears the most in his fashion. and then there’s this iconic inflatable clear pink couch and him wearing a pink robe and just GOD what a mood, i want a room like this!! the chair reminds me a lot of the type of fun quirky furniture i fantasized about and incorporated into my drawings as a kid when i was around 8-11, probably because i got inspired by stuff like totally spies and polly pocket, which had all these designs clearly inspired by 60s and 70s space age design but more in pink and purple i guess.
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also i hate the search for such stills bc even w safe search on, you still have godawful f3tish drawings depicting those kids from totally spies ending up in search results and it’s disgusting. but yeah it reminded me of that
when i say polly pocket, i particularly mean this quik-clik (magnetic clothes and hair) era in 2005 which was what i had some stuff from. i had that couch / movie night! set and the pool and that
also i just really like hobi’s room because with all the posters and cabinets and clothing items laid out and a carpet and fun colours and whatnot, it really feels like an actual room you could live in, unlike any of the other rooms which feel very empty or too minimalist to me. but YEAH hobi’s room is my fav, i love the way a fuller room feels more cozy and habitable and floaties and inflatable floaties are AMAZING
2. jin’s room
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jin’s room is so prettyyyy!! jins explanation of the room was very uhm confident and funny but i love that. the couch looks like a lilac shell, which makes sense as everything else looks very pearlescent. i really love cool-toned pastels like lilac, powder / baby blue, periwinkle and everything just looks like it’s part of a waiting hall for mermaids or something. there’s also gems in it which took me a while to realize bc i only noticed the glass chandelier and lamp but then i saw them in his hand nd on the table. i dont rly care abt gems / jewels but overall i just love how this whole room speaks ‘pretty‘ to me. robes are always a plus. as i was writing this, i was also reminded of hair extension mullet jin with iridescent clothing and all and that is actually my all time fav photoshoot / look of him. him saying he’s the gem of the room makes sense too as he’s sitting in the shell like a pearl. jin pretty pretty mermaid
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ok from here on its getting harder bc place 3-8 is not so much abt which is nicer but which one actually makes me feel any emotion bc i just feel too exhausted for excitement over comebacks or anything really. also minimalism doesnt make me feel anything either. but ill try
3. jungkook’s room
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ok ive been staring at a screen w few sleep for too long so ill try to go through my ranking faster bc ive been working on this post for too long, also partially bc i cant focus nd partially bc theres some i just rly dont feel much for but i feel bad for ranking one lower than the other or ranking smth higher when ive talked to someone who dislikes a room i like dghkfdf
but yeah i like jungkooks room! its a very intense blue tht might make you depressed if youre in it too long but again i love how theres multiple items stacked in the bg and intense blue lights, and the ceiling looks like it has soundproof padding. its like youre in a recording studio or at some vaguely nostalgic party of a friend of my mom, who had plants in her home nd rock music nd the tv on and was smoking nd it was a bit dark and mysterious. i like it, it intrigues me a bit nd makes me miss going to concerts. also this pic rly just reminds me of 2008-2010 pop music videos where theres always a party and dj and people are wearing sunglasses or something and theres a dance break at the end
4. yoongi’s room
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also blue!! the first time i saw this pic it was bc someone sent it to me to say how ugly they thought the decoration / editing looked w the metallic dripping stuff from the couch and whatnot but i kinda like it :( i like his velvety clothing and the light blue in the rest of the room is really pretty. i like mirror themes when done well nd i like how the reflectiveness shows also in the metallic dripping nd metallic spheres and the mirror hes standing on nd the way light reflects on his clothes and from the lamp. only the lamp feels a bit too much like a contemporary art installation for me nd his room already is a bit too empty for my liking nd i had the feeling when i watched the vid of him walking through the room that there was not much to interact w in the room like it was a bit dull. his voice in the explanation videos made it feel more like a place of peace / solitude rather than boredom or loneliness though.
5. namjoon’s room
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ehh i think place 5, 6 and 7 are interchangable at this point. namjoon woulve ranked lowest but i listened to his explanation videos and saw him goof around in today’s video and appreciated it a bit more. the room still looks quite minimalist and not super comfortable, like youre not allowed to touch anything there (which is the same for jin i guess but i dont view that as smth meant to look like a living room). i do like how the wood theme is present throughout each wall nd in various items and w the windows nd use of space it feels a bit inspired by japanese interior design and that that is inspired by his bonsai tree nd love for woodwork, but im not sure. i was actually quite shocked some of his explanations were so short. so yeah i place this 5th bc i like how coherent the theme is but it doesnt feel cozy or inviting nd still very cold to me, maybe bc it looks too expensive or minimalistic in terms of colours.
6. jimin’s room
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i like the flowers but also i dont like tiny flowers nd they tend to be the stinkier ones. i kind of like how jimins room feels the most like a grandma one w all the flowers nd offwhite and the lamp and beige i think? but the colours are so muted and if anything it feels like a place for a bridal photoshoot nd im just so bored. i love jimin nd feel bad for ranking a room he curated so low but it rly creates no serotonine in my brain, just melatonine bc im sleepy. i like how the room i obviously quite packed w stuff, but then the washed out colours make everything still look very bleak. hmm. i do like how the flowers reach outside the borders unlike w any of the others’ photos. im about to fall asleep so let me quickly finish this post
7. tae’s room
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the picture in the middle behind him is interesting nd i dont know how he made that, nd i do like how he described his room as a place where there would always be enough food for visitors. i know it’s meant to communicate some highbrow, artsy vibe but w the weird editing and lightning nothing looks real in the room he’s in (including himself, like it doesnt even look like hes in the room) and it just looks kitschy instead of artsy. yeah i dont gravitate towards this one, it’s like deep-fried and desaturated at the same time nd i tend to avoid looking at it subconsciously
8. the first room photo
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i first posted a long description here why but it disappeared but in short. this photo evokes no emotional response to me other than think of kind of crappy hotel rooms i was in w my parents while on vacation nd we slept in the same room or something nd the beds were awful nd made my moms chronic pain worse. the clothing is very boring and so r the colours of the room. i know bangtan curated stuff but its still the least interesting photo to me, maybe im too depressed to feel anything idk
im sorry this was prob very boring TT_TT i tried my best to make a ranking but i rly dont know nor care as much as i would want to
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onlyyyariii · 4 years
The Beginning
I’m hoping to make two more parts to this, called The Middle, and The End.
I was walking through the mall when I suddenly bumped into someone.
"Ow," I yelled as they shoulder checked me, "watch where you're going f****r."
I glance behind me at the man, he has dark hair and hazel eyes. The man next to him seems to look identical, just a bit taller and more muscular.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. It won't happen again." He says, staring at me.
"Yeah it better not."
I sit on a bench and continue to eat my salad. I love being at the mall. Many of the employees here are very helpful. They don't care about what size you are either. I also love watching the many different types of people that walk by me. The goths, the stoners, the popular girls who love nothing more than getting mani pedis and buying new dresses. Then there's the frat boys who try to throw compliments at me. I'm sorry frat boys, but you're not my type.
"Oh hey, it's the girl who bumped into me."
I look up to see the same guy from before, his clone by his side.
"Hey, you shoulder checked me."
He sits down beside me and his twin sits on my other side.
"What do you want?" I ask, setting my fork in the plastic bowl along with my salad.
"Your name."
"What? No, f**k that. I want yours first. How do I know you don't want to kill me?"
"First off I'm 23 years old, I don't want to kill anyone. But to appease you, I'm Ethan and that's my twin brother Grayson."
I glance between the two, "So does Grayson talk?"
"Of course he does why-"
I turn towards Grayson effectively cutting Ethan off, "Hi Grayson, I'm Liana. Liana Summers it's very nice to meet you."
He smiles and grabs hand brining it up to his lips, "Hi Liana, I'm Grayson but you could call me Gray."
"Uh hello? I was talking first."
I turn back towards Ethan, "I'm sorry sir but could you shut up? I'm trying to talk to my new friend here."
His jaw drops and Grayson giggles.
"Well I was going to ask you out-"
"My answer would be no."
"How come?" Ethan's smile drops slightly.
"I don't even know you. All I know is that you're Ethan and you have a twin brother and you guys are 23 years old."
"Okay... my favorite color is yellow, I'm dairy free, I'm also vegan. Grayson and I like to work out a lot. We're YouTubers, we got popular from vine. Our channel name is the Dolan Twins if you want to check it out."
"Hmm okay we'll see."
"What about the date?"
"You know nothing about me...?" I question, wondering why someone would want to go out with someone they know absolutely nothing about.
"Then tell me, tell me about you."
I smile, "Okay, my favorite color is purple. I'm vegan as well. I'm not some famous hot YouTuber, but I get by. I'm 22 and I work as a photographer. I've always liked make up so I wanted to start a YouTube channel for my make up videos."
"When's your birthday?" Grayson asks.
"It's in December. December 28th."
"Ours is the 16th."
"Oh, that's cool."
"So," Ethan starts as I turn to look at him, "can we go out now? Please."
I smile, "Fine but only one date. That's it."
"Yes," he jumps up off the bench, "here give me your phone."
I pull out my phone and unlock it. He takes it and starts typing away. He hands it back to me about three minutes later.
"D**n what took so long to add your number?"
"I made you follow my socials too."
"Oh my god. Are you serious? Your fan girls are going to come after me."
"Nah, I doubt it. I'll follow you back when we get home."
"Okay," I say, standing up.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Home. I have a shoot tomorrow."
"For yourself or are you taking the pictures?"
"Both," I smile and start walking away, "see ya guys. Bye Gray!"
The date was set for later this afternoon and I couldn't help but feel jittery. I worked out for 3 hours this morning hoping my body was a bit more defined for tonight. No, I'm not going to sleep with the guy on the first date. I just don't want him to think I'm ugly. I'm currently watching one of their YouTube videos. I have been watching them almost daily since Ethan had told me about the channel. Ethan and I talk a lot too. We mostly call, I don't really have the time to text. Only in between shoots, I usually text Grayson and call Ethan. I'm also trying to decide on what to wear tonight. I want to look enticing, like, you get me? I want him to look at me and want to f**k me but like understand that he doesn't get to. Is that mean? My thoughts are cut off by the phone ringing.
"Hello?" I say answering the phone.
"Heyyy Li."
"Oh hey Ethan, aren't you like coming in an hour and a half?"
"Change of plans."
"Oh," I suddenly find myself disappointed. He doesn't want to go out with me anymore? I was kind of excited.
"No! I'm not cancelling on you! I'm coming a little earlier if that's okay. Grayson just brought a girl in the house and he's like signaling for me to leave so I-"
"Oh no, you're fine! You could come to my apartment I guess. I'll text you the address."
"Okay," he chuckles, "thanks."
"Yeah of course."
"Hey, um would you just like dress comfortably?"
"Um, how do you mean?"
"I don't want to give it away but like sweatpants or shorts and a T-shirt or something."
"Oh," where could we be going, "sure."
"Alright I'm sure you'll look hot either way."
I giggle, "Thanks."
"Okay, just lemme know the address I'll be there soon."
He hangs up and I text him my address. (Top is her outfit without the sweater) I hurry and get dressed before Ethan gets here. I do a no make-up make up look. I just put on some mascara and a shiny chapstick. The door bell rings as I'm putting my socks on. I finish slipping the sock over my heel and open the door.
"Hi," Ethan says smiling.
"Hey, uh come on in." I smile and motion behind me.
I walk over and sit on my couch to finish putting on my shoes. I look up to see Ethan holding a picture of my ex boyfriend and I.
"Who's this?" He asks, looking at me.
"Um that was my ex."
"How come you still have the picture up?"
"I just haven't gotten rid of it yet. Most of his stuff is in my closet. I can't bring myself to look at it."
"Do you mind me asking what happened?"
I look around and suddenly his jacket is hanging on the hook and he's walking through the door.
"Hey baby, I'm home. Who's this?" He says, looking at Ethan.
I wipe away the tear that trails down my face and turn back towards Ethan, "Yeah, I'll tell you. Um follow me to my bedroom, if that's alright with you."
I get up and walk to my bedroom, I hear footsteps behind me letting me know Ethan is following me. I sit on my bed and he looks around at all the pictures hanging on my memorial wall.
"Who are all these people?"
"They were my friends."
He turns towards me with a confused look on his face, "Were?"
"They died two years ago," I grab one of the pictures off the wall and point to the people in it, "this is Morgan and Xavier, they were my friends from elementary school. They got engaged a few days before the accident. This is Aliyah and Marina, they became our friends in middle school. Then those two right there are Richie and me. We were dating and planning on getting married but then the accident happened."
I look at him trying to process everything. He looks up at my face and wipes away the tears that are running down my cheeks. I haven't been on a date since I was with Richie but being here with Ethan feels right.
"What was the accident?" He asks, his hand still on my cheek.
"We were in Minnesota, we went for a skiing trip. It was just the six of us. Morgan had this big hippie van that she had just bought. It was older but worked just fine. On our way up the mountain the tires slipped. The car flipped multiple times. When I woke up there was this terrible ringing in my ears. I look around at my friends and they were all still passed out. I crawled out and had to go farther down the mountain to get service. I called for an ambulance and when they arrived they picked me up and we drove back to my friends. Aliyah, Richie, and Morgan has all climbed out of the car but Xavier and Marina were still in the same positions I left them in. I tried to pull them out but they wouldn't move. I found out later that they'd hit their heads when we flipped and their brains swelled. They died during the time I left them there. I should've helped them it's all my fault that they're dead and I-"
Ethan pulls me into his arms and I bury my face in his neck, "Shhh it's okay. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't your fault. You can't blame that on yourself."
He places a kiss on my forehead. I find the strength to pull myself together as I tell him the rest of the story.
"Aliyah and Morgan has pulled Richie out from underneath the car. He had a broke leg, arm, and his ribs were cracked. They told me he had severe damage to his brain. He had to undergo serious brain surgery. Aliyah broke her nose, ankle, and her hand. The bones were shattered. Morgan didn't die until last year. She found out she had cancer, stage four. There was nothing she could do about it because it was too late. Aliyah was murdered a few months after the accident. Richie, after the surgery, forgot who I was. It was hard getting him to remember me again, when he did it was the day before he died. He remembered me and then we had a moment. He asked me to marry him and I didn't care that I was only twenty I said yes. I told him I would come back the next day but that night I got a call. The hospital called me at two in the morning and told me he went brain dead. I was his emergency contact and the only family he had around. They told me that after I had left that day he signed a DNR. I was heartbroken but I had to decide whether or not to pull the plug and I did. He wouldn't have wanted to stay alive like that. All I have from the accident is scars. Internal and external. There's scars on my back from the broken glass, I climbed out the window so I could call for help. It scraped open my back and I had to get stitches. I- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be dropping all of this on you we haven't even gone on our first date yet I-"
"I'm completely fine with it. I want to know about your life. You would've told me sometime anyways right?"
I look back up at him, "Yeah I guess you're right."
"Hey, how about we just stay here tonight? We could watch a movie, have popcorn. I'll make you a vegan dinner?"
I smile and wipe the rest of the tears off of my cheeks, "That sounds nice, however Grayson told me you're not the best cook."
"Not the- oh he's gonna get it."
"Okay," I giggle, "we could make it together."
"That sounds perfect."
Tell me if you guys want the next two parts lol, I didn’t write them yet but I would love to.
Taglist: @grantzarrr @fangdolan @luxplsr @blindedbythelightt @rhyrhy462 @333dolans
Message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Could you please do Robert Leckie for the Valentine’s asks? Thank you :)
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Bob is particular about physical affection in general (see EMBRACE below), so his ways of showing affection tend to be more subtle. He’s not above bribing people bringing people gifts, if he feels like he needs to secure their affection; he’s also a very intent listener with a genuine interest in people, and his compassion works to his advantage when loved ones are opening up to him. People feel seen when Bob listens to them  ---  and he doesn’t forget what they say.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Bitch doesn’t know the first damn thing about flowers. He’ll rock up somewhere with a lone flower obviously picked from the bush in the front yard and think he’s smooth. Banned from three flower shops in the state of New Jersey, but that’s a different story.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
“I’m not a fan of chocolate,” he says, deadpan, while literally digging through a box of Russel Stover. He loves the ones with nuts.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Hey, he’ll go classic, take someone out to dinner  ---   but he’s going to make it good. Bob will find a way to scatter surprises throughout the night, either by ordering a special dessert when his date’s in the bathroom, or taking the long way around on the way home so they can catch some fireworks in the local park. Bob wants to give his dates something to remember by the end of the night   ---   something more than the very memorable parting kiss on the doorstep.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
He pretends to be casual with physical affection, but it’s really quite significant for him. Bob is careful with how he holds himself, very conscious of his own body language; he likes to portray himself a certain way, and that Bob Leckie hands out back slaps like it’s nothing. Privately, though, he doesn’t like to be touched much. Bob will invite physical affection only when he really needs it, and then he tends to be a clingy hugger. If he’s actively seeking out physical affection from someone else, it’s his way of admitting he feels vulnerable.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Could teach a master class in flirting  ---   not that the lessons would be good, or the advice useful, but he absolutely believes he’s that smooth. The worst part is, he kind of is? Maybe it’s the cute smile, maybe it’s the wit, but Bob has a way of charming women. He’s talented with his mouth in more ways than one. His method of flirting is wit, good looks, and a bit of irresistible charm. (He’s such a lad, he picks a girl flowers from her own garden, don’t date him, dON’T---)
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Hmm. He’s...  a very determined gift-giver, who utilizes the resources at hand. He’s not going to import the perfect gift from another country, but he’ll pay attention to what people want in the moment, and try his best to obtain it for them. Gift giving is a double-edged sword for Bob. He’s naturally generous, and really enjoys giving gifts...  but part of that satisfaction comes from the gratitude of people around him, and the feeling that he’s a bit more important to them. That, by making them happy in this moment, he stands out in their minds a bit more. (We stan a boy who wasn’t hugged enough as a child!)
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He rushes into it quicker than he should. When Bob falls in love, he goes beyond the person themselves  ---  he falls in love with the fantasy. The life they could have, the life he imagines he wants with them...  and this fantasy isn’t always grounded in reality, but he wants it so badly in the moment. He takes love as deeply as he takes rejection, and his heart is as easily won as broken.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
He’s so casual about it. While walking out the door, a quick kiss on the cheek, “Love you.” While slipping into bed and turning off the light, “’Night, love you.” While looking at a meal his partner’s cooked, “Wow, I love you.” He even teases with it sometimes...  but this affected casualness is all a way of hiding how much he means it, how much he loves just getting to love someone, and being loved back. By saying it so often, that makes it concrete  ---   maybe that’ll make it last forever. There’s no denying how much delight he gets in saying it, though.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Very, very jealous, in ways that can sometimes be ugly. He...  does not like to feel like his partner’s attention is slipping. This will result in one of his patented Bob Leckie Attention Grabs. He might actually pick a fight, just to get his partner’s full attention on him once more; he’ll brood and pout and be cross for several days, until his partner finally forces him to sit down and talk it out. He just...  worries, is all. Not in a way where he’ll invade his partner’s privacy, but he will make it a Big Goddamn Deal when it doesn’t have to be.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
He gets into it very quickly, and is determined to please. Bob approaches kissing like a dance; if two bodies don’t find the right rhythm, they can’t really hit it off, can they? His hands move all over, getting the feel of his partner’s body, but he otherwise stays very still. His mouth is active, impetuous, nipping their lips and teasing them with his tongue as though eager to claim them. If he can win a noise from them  ---   either a sigh or a gasp  ---   it feels like a victory.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He likes himself a whole lot, but also hates himself, so it’s weird. He loves...  gah, it’s a hard question. Shouldn’t be, but it is. Once Bob decides to let himself care for someone, he cares about them very deeply. He loves his friends, the group he’s been through so much with  ---  they’re probably the closest people to him, just because they accept him, bugs and all. 
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
He comes alive at night; Bob is, unfortunately, a night owl. And also a morning person. If he’s awake, he tends to be annoyingly awake, and is up for getting weird at any hour of the day.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
He’s got a lot of enthusiasm. Technique? Finesse? Not so much, but Bob puts in the effort, okay? He’s very sensual, focused on enjoying himself in the moment  ---  the bedroom is one of the few places Bob can get out of his own head   ---   but it doesn’t quite work when you get turned on that quickly, Bob. His problem is that he’s lowkey always horny (which explains...  58% of his character) so when he finally gets to rock ‘n roll, sometimes he rolls before he can get rocking. Not his fault, not every time, it just...  happens. He makes up for it by being a generous lover who’s very good with his mouth, and can move his tongue in ways that would get a nun trembling. Bob’s patient. When he’s not focused on his own pleasure, he can drag his partner’s out for hours, drawing them up to the brink multiple times before pulling them back. He enjoys hearing them moan, feeling them squirm against him, just knowing that he’s the cause of all of it...  and, when they finally are allowed to go over the edge, he loves nothing more than to watch.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Annoyingly so. He’s very good at stringing words together, in a way that dances on just the right side of pretentious; when he wants to reach someone’s soul, he can hit a perfect heartfelt note, winning them over. He’s tried his hand at poetry before, but love poetry is well and truly beyond his talent, so please don’t let him try. It’s laughably bad.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Someone who can put up with his bullshit.  No, okay, he’d lowkey need someone with the patience of a saint. Someone...  grounded, for all the times he isn’t; someone with a clear head, who can look at a situation from an objective angle and give their take on it. He’d like someone capable of expressing themselves eloquently, maybe someone who doesn’t hold back their emotions. Someone sympathetic. Someone who listens, but who can tell a story that keeps people engaged. If they can talk him out of his brooding moods, they’re his greatest ally. If they’ll read his writing and offer opinions (even critiques), he’ll be head over heels.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
No, don’t worry. He’s going to ask. Bob might actually ask too soon, before the relationship is really there yet. He doesn’t take being told to slow his roll well, but when his partner points out that they’ve only been dating for six months and there are things they still don’t know about each other, he’s forced to see reason. At least, something close to reason; he keeps the ring in his desk drawer, waiting for “a rainy day” that will inevitably arrive sooner or later.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
A self-proclaimed cynic, disgusted by his own romantic longings. Someone please exorcise him.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Leckie was a flirt from the day he realized he could fast-talk people; he always had charm, even as a little kid, and it won over plenty of people. Little Bob craved attention, and sought it out from his teachers, who encouraged him; and his classmates, who either loved or hated him. He had about...  three elementary school girlfriends. None of them lasted long.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Please. He may fantasize about a picture-perfect romance, but he’s not naive, okay? Pssh.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Well...  Stella sure didn’t feel good. It wasn’t as though Bob was head-over-heels in love with her; he just thought he was, and had already moved to the stage of fantasizing about their children. He wanted that life, with a family who loved him, people who cared for him and wanted him around...  Mama Karamanlis was nothing like his own mother, and actually made him feel wanted. Maybe he was in love with that, more than Stella, but losing her felt like losing a rib. And knowing it was because she didn’t think he’d make it back? Let’s just say there were a few moments after that where Bob didn’t want to make it back.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
He has an actual hatred for it. Genuine vitriol. It’s weird, because Valentine’s Day has had...  legit no impact on his life so far. It’s done nothing to him. He just insists it’s a commercialized garbage day, and refuses to go out on principle.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
He...  I mean, yeah. It’s definitely something he wants. He’s got it all planned out  ---  nice house, successful career, doting spouse, two or three kids...  of course, life’s never that simple, he knows that, but it’s what he wants. The fantasy is Bob’s problem. He’s bound to be dissatisfied with actual married life, or even the idea of marrying a particular partner, until that ideal is shattered. It’ll hurt like losing a limb, but in the end, reality is sometimes better than a dream.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Oh yeah, and he’s gross about it. “Darling”, “honey”, “sweetheart”, just to see his partner blush...  or roll their eyes at him. Either works. He thinks he’s adorable.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Yes! Same with jealousy  ---  sometimes Bob will jump to conclusions, and it’s just like, “slow your roll there, marine”. He’s an overthinker, but he’s also quick with his fists, which is a dangerous combination. When he sees a situation that’s definitely not right (i.e. someone he cares about is blatantly being made uncomfortable, or is in danger)  he will step in. No hesitation, suddenly he’s just there, with a gleam of challenge in his eyes and a biting remark on the tip of his tongue. If he can’t diffuse the situation with a few words...  well, he’s prepared to get punched in the face for someone else’s sake.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He doesn’t exactly sleep around, but again  ---  he’s a flirt. He’s popular, with ladies especially. Several back in Jersey, of course Stella in Melbourne, and he wasn’t exactly getting anything in the Army hospital, but after he gets home...  he’s not above sleeping with coworkers, either, so the news office has gotten a little awkward at times.  5 - 6 partners, good for him.
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