#hmm i don't think i have an OP tag
prince-liest · 3 months
I am so sorry if i come off stupid with this ask but i’m not very educated on this topic and my english isn’t that good so pls dont take any offence but i’ve read some of ur fics (ur very skilled btw!!) and in some of them vox and alastor are depicted to be sexual at times but isn’t alastor acesexual? I used to think that ace ppl were repulsed(?) by sex and touch in general and now im a bit confused is he only comfortable with touch because they have a deep bond or is him being repulsed by touch just an act?
No worries at all, I think this is something that a lot of people get caught up on! Asexuality isn't very commonly talked about in terms of actually explanations, so a lot of folks tend to have the impression you did.
Asexuality is a spectrum that often correlates with but isn't actually inherently linked to comfort with touch! Asexual people can be sex-positive, sex-neutral, or sex-repulsed—or a combination of those three things depending on the context and their feelings at the time. I always write Alastor as aromantic and asexual, but I play around with his comfort levels regarding all those things depending on the fic or even how he feels in the moment, oscillating between sex-positive to fully touch-repulsed (or sometimes both, which causes some complicated feelings for him). (There are also demisexual and graysexual people but I'm just going to talk about asexuality here.)
I think a key point to understand is that for an asexual person to have sex, they're just going to have different reasons from an allosexual person. Alastor is never having sex in my radiostatic fics because he thinks Vox is hot and is super attracted to him (unlike Vox, whom I write as allo and who pretty consistently thinks Alastor is hot and wants to fuck him). Instead, some of the reasons he's slept with Vox in my works include: curiosity; societal pressure; nonsexual enjoyment of kink; sexual enjoyment of very specific acts (again, still not the same as "being sexually attracted to Vox"); seeking intimacy; being under the influence; etc.
If you think about it, allosexual people also have sex for reasons outside of sexual attraction. Lesbians may have sex with men out of social pressure or personal exploration; a lot of people have sex just because they're lonely and it's how they find intimacy; you can even imagine the stereotypical frat bro who has sex with a girl because he sees her as a status symbol; etc, etc. Just because someone is ace doesn't mean they can't have sex, it just means that their reason isn't going to be sexual attraction.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
It is SO great that every time I look at this blog from the dashboard, one of the "More Like This" posts is a fucking seizure inducing flashing gif and I have no power to remove or block from my sight. :))))))))
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
When Can I See You Again?
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SUMMARY: After classes you go with Ortho to Ignihyde to play with Idia. You end up eating noodles with him for dinner, and before you leave is when your conversation warms up a bit.
CHARACTERS: Pairing with Idia. Ortho and other characters as secondary.
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from: Book 6; The Phantom Bride; Twisted Halloween (1st and 2nd parts); The Harveston Sledathon; Camp Vargas 2: The Art of Survival.
COMMENTS: This is for the @briarvalleyarchives “Anthems of Old” event. I was invited to join this twst writers network and this is the first thing I write for it. I took this more as a challenge to myself. I was happy with the result and I hope you like it too. And it wasn't until later that I realized that I chose a song from a movie about villains not really being villains.
Check out the Song I chose -> Owl City - When Can I See You Again? (From Wreck it Ralph)
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You and Grim were having lunch with Ace and Deuce. Until Ortho showed up and asked if he could sit with you. He wasn't carrying a tray.
“We can arrange a sit for you on one condition.” Grim said “You don't eat because you're a robot, right?” Ortho confirms. "But now you're a student right? Aren't you entitled to a meal too?"
“Aaah, I think I know what Grim is getting at.” Ace comments.
“I think I know too.” Ortho says. “You want me to go get my meal and give it to you, correct?”
“Yah! If you do, you can sit with us.”
You tell Ortho he doesn't have to do that and Grim starts to protest.
“Ha ha. It's okay, prefect. As far as I know, the necessary amount of food is prepared for all students. If they do it with me as one of the students who will consume the food, that means at least one meal will be wasted. So maybe giving it to Grim is the best thing to do.”
Everyone approves of his point of view. Some for better reasons than others. He goes to get his meal to give to Grim and sits down with you.
You start chatting and, eventually, Ortho starts talking about a new game that Idia and him started to play and that a lot of people say it’s good. It was a cute and fun co-op game about a couple. And when you see some parts of the gameplay that he shows you, you show interest in playing too.
“So why don't you play with my brother? I'm sure he will enjoy playing with you.”
“Don't you want to play?” You ask.
“Hmm... yes, but I would like him to play in real life with someone else besides me. You know?” You do. “Why don't you come with me to Ignihyde after school to play? We can reset the game for you. We haven't made that much progress anyway, don’t worry.” he was clearly very happy about it.
“I pass.” Grim says with his mouth full.
“Hum? WHY?” Ortho asks.
“Because this guy always wants to treat me and pet me like I'm a cat! I'd rather take a long nap in Ramshackle Dorm with the ghosts.”
Ortho sighs, but he says it's okay. The truth he won't reveal is that it will even be better that way.
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After school, Ortho accompany you to the Ramshackle Dorm to drop Grim off. And then, you two go to the Hall of Mirrors to go to Ignihyde.
When you arrive at the door of Idia's room, upon recognizing Ortho, the door opens without any problems and you two enter. Idia was sitting in the desk chair with his back to you at the door, with headphones in his ears. Ortho chuckles mischievously.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” he whispers to you. “Do you want to surprise him?” And you do! He gives you an idea and you execute it.
Idia was focused on the screen. You approach slowly, lean in beside him, and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He jumps off the chair and lands on the ground. And as soon as he sees you, the ends of his hair turn pink.
“WHAT? WHEN... W-when did you spaun here?”
You laugh. "Didn't Ortho tell you I was coming to play with you?"
He looks at his younger brother.
“Surprise!” Nope, Ortho didn't tell him. But now he tells him about your lunchtime conversation. And about you two playing from the beginning.
“But I like to play on hard mode.” Idia mutters, thinking you can't hear him. “In that case I'll have to beat the game on easy mode.”
“If this is so painful for you then why don't you just tell me you only play with pros?” You say, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Hep!” he genuinely hoped you hadn't heard. “No! That's not- I didn't- I wasn't-” he seems unable to finish a single sentence.
Seeing him so flustered is so funny to you, to the point of being a little cute. You can't hide the urge to laugh and that makes him revert to his gloomy self. And sulking a little bit that you're laughing at him.
“So... you're not upset?”
“Oh, I am. But seeing you panicking is revenge enough for now.”
“Oh yeah? Let's see who panics when we're playing.” he smirks evilly.
You turn serious all of a sudden and worn him: “Don't put it on-”
“I'm not putting it on hard mode.” he answers you slightly intimidated. One of the sides he likes most about you and something that he will never admit.
It's a co-op puzzle game. Which means he becomes a cocky bastard for solving puzzles in seconds. He annoys you with his arrogance and you annoy him by messing things up in the game. While you're playing, Ortho left you two alone and none of you noticed.
You were having so much fun that it wasn't until your bellies rumbled that you realized you hadn't eaten yet and it was past dinnertime. You start to worry about Grim. Not because you think he would have been starving without you, but because he could eat who knows what without you around.
“It’s been fun but now I’ve got to go.” you say and your belly growls again.
“It's still going to be a long time before you get to your dorm and still have to cook dinner.” He says “If you are as hungry as I am, you should eat as soon as possible.”
“I know. That's why you should go now.”
“I have a lot of instant noodles. And I would say your best strategy right now would be to make yourself a cup of them and eat before you go. If you leave now with your hunger bar that low you could collapse halfway through.”
“Thank you for showing me the worst case scenario.”
“Oh, believe me, this isn't the worst I can imagine.” he smiles in a slightly creepy way, like someone who prides himself on predicting the worst. But then it goes back to normal. “Hey, it's just an offer. I'm going to make myself a cup now. If you'd like to come.”
You accept his offer and follow him into the kitchen. He asks you what kind of noodles you like best. If you ask him what kind of noodles he has, he will reply: "All kinds. Meh heh heh... Take a shot!" You say which one is your favourite. “IN STOCK NOW!” He says in his best Sam impersonation. It was so good that it surprised you and made you laugh.
He takes out two cups of your favourite noodles, one for you and one for him. He places them on the table where you sit while he goes to prepare the water in the electric kettle. He starts talking about the game you were playing together, but you're paying more attention to his small gesture of "making dinner" for you.
When he turns to you and sees your face, he shuts up and then says: “W-why are you looking at me like that? Has my hair turned a weird colour?” You chuckle but say no. “Then why that look?”
“Cause I think you're cute.” His hair does a PUFF in surprise and the ends of his hair turn pink and his face a little flushed. “Now yes, your hair is in a funny colour.” And you keep smiling at him.
“Meh heh... I may be a noob at this game but I still know how to play it.” He says, with a smirk and that confidence you only see once in a while.
“What do you mean?”
He puts his hands behind his back and slowly walks towards you while smirking. And you feel yourself blushing a little. When he gets in front of you he leans in, his face so close to yours that you almost feel hypnotized by his strong yellow eyes.
“Heh heh, looks like we're both cute when we're flattered.” He's speaking in that deep voice of his. “What's the matter? Not so confident when it's my turn?” He takes one of his hands to your face, thumb on one cheek, three fingers on the other and pinky under your chin, because his hand is relatively big compared to you. He's not hurting you, but he manages to gently get you to form your lips into a kiss pose. “(Y/N), dear, hon, you know very well at this point on a PvP between the both of us, I win. He he he...” he whispers, as he gets even closer “...cute...”
POP! He jumps and straightens up when startled by the electric kettle's signal that the water is already hot. And you laugh. He sulks, but turns and goes to get the water to put in your noodle cups.
Meanwhile, other Ignihyde students started to enter the kitchen to also prepare their dinners and eat. So, you couldn't continue your "little game".
You finish eating and he walks you out of the dorm.
“When can we do this again?” You ask before you leave.
“Well, that depends.” He answers. “When can I see you again?” and then he starts talking very fast. “I mean, I'm always at my room. In the best case scenario. You're the one who's always busy solving the problems of an incompetent headmage. And having fun with those two single brain celled of friends. And having meeting and stuff with the other housewordens. So, hey, you're the one who should text me whenever your free.”
That sounded a little suspicious, didn't it? You look around. You don't see anyone else but you two.
“Idia?... Was that a jealous speech?”
“What? Jealous? No, of course not.” He's still speaking quickly “This is just the speed up speech I use to spit facts and vent in someone's face with the expectation that even if they hear me they won't understand what I say and will just be confused and think I'm weird enough to leave me alone.”
“You want me to leave you alone?”
“W-wha- NO! I-I-I-...” He sees you start to lift the corners of your mouth. In fact, it's funny to see him flustered. “*Sigh*... It's a blessing and a curse to have a weirdo who can understand me even when I speak in my turbo speech mode.”
“I'll take that "weirdo" as a compliment.” you say, smirking.
“As you should.” He says, a little lower and with that sweet little smile. You cherish that smile until you remember what you two were talking about.
“I wish you would go out more often. Ortho too. Wouldn't you like to take a walk with me one day?”
“Surrounded by normies who wouldn't take their eyes off us? No thanks.” He says and you sulk. “Oh, come on. You know very well I'm not saying I don't want to be with you. I will not continue to fall on your sulking face.”
“But you didn't like the other times you left Ignihyde?”
“Oh yes. Being kidnapped by ghosts into a forced marriage was the most romantic experience I've ever had. Getting kidnapped to a Halloween party in the Spectral Realm and being possessed? What an adrenaline rush! Go to a camp and get kidnapped by Couch Vargas and forced to squad until my legs are in agony? The outdoor exercise I've been needing. I just realized I have a problem with being serial kidnapped.”
Even his sarcasm makes you laugh. “Can't say you don't have a point there. But what about the Halloween before you were kidnapped? For example?”
“Ah, what delightful visitors Magical Monsters are.”
“First, what about the normal visitors? Wasn't it good to see them appreciate your work? And second, you're not going to tell me you didn't enjoy terrorizing Magicam Monsters, are you?” He answers you with his smug smile. “And what about that gaming afternoon at Ramshackle Dorm? Everyone was so impressed with your gaming skills.” his sweet smile comes back. “Aaaaand...” you were going to play your trump card and you tried to imitate him in his fanboy mode “Epel's grandma is the inspiration for the team leader os the show I'm obsessed about? DUUUDE. SHE'S BEST GIRL BY FAR! Would you autograph my guidebook? And can I take a picture with you?!”
“OKAY OKAY, I GOT IT!” He was so embarrassed, for both of you. Fortunately, no one was there to see it. “And BTW, the show is called Sled Over Heels, the team is called Beauties Sleeping and the character is called Ai. Thank you very much.”
“Did you regret leaving the dorm that time?” you ask, knowing the answer. But he doesn't answer, he doesn't like to give the other person reason so soon. “Would you regret taking a walk with me one day?”
“Maybe.” He says, you sulk. “Not because of you, because of everyone and everything else. Can't we take this getting me out of the room thing slowly?”
“That reminds me of a phrase. Life is way too short to take it slow. But in your case, yes, we can take it slow. What if you come to Ramshackle Dorm and play together then? Maybe you can pet Grim.”
“That's very appealing. You're good with deal, I must say. Perhaps you can compete with Azul.”
“So, is that an yes?”
“*Sigh* Fine, I will... try.”
“Just try? What if i buy some candy?”
“Damn, you really are persistent. But since you're raising the offer” he smirks “what if I try to see how far it goes?”
“Do you want a kiss?” your cheekiness makes his hair explode in pink, and he blushes a lot.
“I-i-i-is that an a-actual offer?”
“Perhaps. But with such a high offer, do you really think just going to my dorm is enough?”
“Hum...” he thinks for a second. “How about that walk with you? There are not many people on the beach at this time of year.”
“But don't you need permission to leave college?”
“Heh heh heh. You remember who my family is right? Do you really think I can't bribe the headmage? As if it were difficult.”
You two were smiling like partners in crime.
“We have a deal then.” you say “so... what kind of kiss would you like?”
“Any one I want?”
“Any one you want.”
He looks around again, there's no one there, but he still pulls you into a corner. Lift your chin with his fingers and bring his face closer to yours. You were lit by blue and pink fire lights.
“Then why don't we finish what we started in the kitchen?”
You kiss him as your answer. You feel the warm his hair emits and his delicate but passionate lips on yours. You just broke away from the kiss early, because you were in a place where someone could show up at any moment.
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When you get to Ramshackle Dorm, you find Grim and Ortho sleeping on the couch in the Lounge. The ghosts tell you that Ortho showed up there to keep Grim company and feed him dinner. He got some cans of tuna for himself. They also say that Ortho commented that his batteries were running low when he went into sleep or economy mode.
You wake Ortho up gently. And asks if he wants to spend the night there. You can arrange a place for him.
“It's ok. I was saving my energies to have enough to go back to Ignihyde anyway.”
He really wants to ask how the afternoon went with his brother, but it's late and he can ask you the next day. Or simply see in what mood Idia is in when he gets to their bedroom.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
ABOUT THE SONG: "When Can I See You Again?" is one of the 3 theme songs from Disney's 2012 animated feature film, Wreck-It Ralph. It is an uptempo dance-pop and synthpop song written and performed by Owl City.
The song is played during the credits showing Ralph, Felix, Vanellope, and Calhoun's game-jumping adventures.
The song is the main theme of the Paint the Night parade at Disneyland and Hong Kong Disneyland, and is played at the end of Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It!.
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shoku-and-awe · 4 months
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Link |||| h/t Garbage Day (whose creator is on here; just don't have the balls to tag him)
A gachapon machine of Other People's Family's Secret Curry Recipes! Twitter OP says they inserted ¥200 without even thinking. I would've too. I want. Where can I get this?
It also says each one is actually handwritten—I wonder if that means there's no repeats and they're all unique? Or is it just the people on the front. Hmm......
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
I remember when a friend asked me "If you dislike Gojo, then why do you like Solomon?"
And now I can't stop thinking about it because I also don't know what to say. T-T
- 🎹
Oh no no no. I can tell your friend how that works right now.
First, I feel the need to explain how I feel about Gojo in general. I was like yeah whatever at first. I appreciate that he’s pretty but he’s also a clown so I don’t care about him. But then like he kept doing things and being pretty and making me go hmm. So I ended up liking him but in an angry I wanna punch you in your pretty face kinda way. This is why when I reblog art of him I sometimes tag it with 😡😡😡 because like that art just made me want to punch him more than usual.
So while I like him it’s not at all how I like Solomon.
And here’s the difference: Gojo is op and he knows it and he’s cocky as hell. Solomon had to fight and study and live a lonely immortal life to get as powerful as he is. He knows it but he’s not cocky most of the time. (Only on occasion when he has to show off his power.)
That’s the difference in my opinion. I will also say that I haven’t finished the manga (I’m at the Shibuya incident 😭) but I’ve seen the anime and the movie.
They have a lot in common and they’re both silly little guys with white hair and too much power but they’re not exactly the same. So I think it’s reasonable to like one and not the other.
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lorei-writes · 4 months
You seem genuinely nice in your curiosity, so I thought I'd share my thoughts. Maybe this is not the right approach to how to go about interacting on tumblr, but if I notice that there's a blog that I've interacted with somewhat frequently (whether it be liking/reblogging their posts, sending requests when requests are open, etc) and then I notice that interaction is one-sided (either they don't follow me back, they never ever like or reblog my posts and I see them interacting with many others in fandom so I know they are active), I dunno, but I get the feeling they don't like me or my posts, maybe I post too many spoilers, maybe I flood the tags and my posts are annoying or some other third unknown option - and then it snowballs and I worry I'm annoying others with my comments or reblogs or whatever. And I slow my interaction with others out of fear of not being liked or just plain shyness. And sometimes I have unfollowed them. Because, again, I dunno, but I feel like if they don't want to interact with me, perhaps I should not interact with them? When those posts come across my feed because reblogged by a mutual, I will sometimes read/look at if a suitor I like, but when I see who the op is, I become hesitant with interacting, and end up not interacting at all.
I know, devil's advocate - what if this blogger who didn't interact with me has never seen my blog or any of my posts. That might fly in Genshin or HSR fandoms, but not Ikemen. I think by now most everyone knows each other around here (at least those who have been posting for a while and post regularly/frequently). And I'm not the only one who has experienced this...
Thank you for listening to my rambling.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Hmm... I must admit, Anon, what you've said has left me somewhat conflicted. I can agree that reaching out to a person repeatedly and the effort not being reciprocated can be disheartening. I do think that in this situation it is reasonable to adjust either your expectations ("I know they may not say anything back, but I did enjoy their work regardless, so I will share it." // no expectations of friendship, interacting with posts for the sake of posts alone) or the amount you give out ("I want to have some relationship with this person and they do not reciprocate, therefore I will decrease the amount of effort I put into this." // expectations of friendship, interactions as means of building relationships).
I can tell you that I do not know of a blogger who hasn't appreciated familiar faces in their notification. (Which isn't to devalue your experience. Maybe you met an outlier, maybe this person simply couldn't show it due to their personal circumstances, maybe they thought they showed it and a mismatch in terms of expectations occurred). I can tell you they shouldn't be taken for granted. But I also can tell you that, in some cases, which I do not know whether they are relevant to you, it is simply impossible to give back to everybody.
My experience is what I know best, so allow me to use that as an example. There's over a thousand people following this blog. I do not know all of you. More than this, I do not know all of the creators in the Ikemen Fandom. When I was primarily into Sen, I had no idea who was creating for Pri and was rather surprised to find out that some of those people were considered "big", as I went entirely without ever seeing their names. Even now that I have been invested into Pri for a year, I still find people I have never heard about before... And I still meet people who have no clue who I am or what I do. Likewise, Villains is a fog for me... As I would suspect the "old fandom" may be for you. So, I don't agree with the "most everyone knows each other around here (at least those who have been posting for a while and post regularly/frequently)" statement.
That aside, sometimes it is unfortunate, but it is simply impossible to give back to everybody. And it does suck. Just, hm... I suppose I'd like you to see me now, as it's something I've been struggling with and had to make my peace about? There is only one me. If "just" a hundred of people appear at any given time, or "just" fifty, it is still more than I can reasonably handle. My friendships with people who moved fandoms haven't dissolved and there are only so many relationships I can support. Reliably replying to everything here? I try. But I know I generally can't give back as much as I've received, or at least not in a personal enough manner. It is just too much for a single me. Due to my health issues I am chronically online -- what about people who have more robust offline lives?
Again, I do not know whether that is relevant for your case. It is only that I think it isn't you, as in it isn't about you being a certain way. The situation may just be a result of those mundane circumstances surrounding us. For me personally, a lot of luck is required to expand my circles in a meaningful manner. Of course, it still does suck in the end! Just maybe in a slightly different flavour.
Thank you for listening to my rambles and best of luck <3
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illwynd · 14 days
tagged by @thissmallplace. TY!!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: green, black, goldenrod
last song: honestly been trying to figure out what music i'm craving rn. been bouncing around between Misfits, Momus, Voltaire, Tom Waits, Paul Oakenfold, and NIN. Currently listening to some weird remix of Closer. ope now it's Doomscroll. now it's Hell Broke Luce.
currently reading: just got done with the not-quite-latest thor comic, looking forward to the new issue
currently watching: the sky out the window, because i was promised a flash thunderstorm in the middle of this insane heatwave, i even dreamed of a storm, and there are clouds out there and that looming tension feeling but no raindrops yet. c'mon thor. c'mon big boy. please. i don't even care that it will be muggy as fuck afterward.
currently craving: thunderstorm, and an end to the tired sleepy so i can get some writing done. maybe something caffeinated.
coffee or tea: i have to have coffee in the morning but i can only drink it once a day. tea i love all the time. you should see my tea cabinet.
hobby to try: i just finished making a tooled leather bag for @schaudwen for an upcoming festival (i have done leather tooling only a few times so it was good practice and i'm pretty pleased how it came out!) so next up... hmm... honestly i'm at the "no that is too many hobbies, put some back" stage. i do need to get serious about studying Finnish again, tho.
current au: tradwife thor AU, which is also a "what happens if the Frost Giant doesn't grab Loki's arm in Jotunheim and thus he doesn't get that revelation" AU and also an excuse for me to cram every kink I can think of into it and just go wild and be as self-indulgent as possible. I'm having fun with it. so much looking forward to whenever i can share it XD
Tagging: @rynfinity, @hechizero-emplumado, @gorgeousgalatea, @schaudwen, @thorarms, @edoraslass, @pyrebomb, @andithil, and anyone else reading this who wants to do the thing!
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lumpyrock · 1 year
Oh look, it's daytime and not a preformence!
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The song is "one more time with feeling" by Regina Spektor.
It's a fall day and currently no preformences are in progress.
Everyone is starting to leave for the day.
Bowser is one of the first to leave.
As he's right outside his door when he realizes he's forgotten his bag. It has his keys in it.
He runs back to the studio.
He's never been in it when there's no one there. It's creepy.
As he finally finds his bag but hears music from the stage. Someone must've left a speaker on.
Op, nope, it's Luigi. He's just dancing.
Bowser just stares for a minute, not even realizing he's doing it.
Then Luigi notices him.
"Oh, hi Bowser! You wanna dance?"
"Oh, no, I just forgot my bag, you can continue what you were doing."
"Oh, okay!"
Luigi continues to dance while Bowser watches.
Then a thought pops into Bowser's head.
It's getting close to Christmas.
The studio always does the nutcracker for the end of the year.
He's been cast as the main male character in the past two productions.
And Luigi has been climbing the ranks.
"Hey, you excited for Christmas?
(Luigi's doing a bunch of turns) "Hmm? Oh yeah! My family's coming here for a week to see me!"
(Walking closer) "Well, we always do a production of the nutcracker, and judging by the past two productions, we're probably going to the leads."
(Stopping) "Is there a problem with that?"
"No, there's not! Just... I feel weird after last time, ya know?"
"I know, you weren't the one blushing on stage. Still, we should be glad to be getting the roles."
"I'm not complaining about staying employed, just us being forced to work together."
"Well, we're not being forced right now."
They both look around. No one else is there, just them.
"You have a point."
"You wanna dance?"
Luigi changes the music to "One more time with feeling" by Regina Spektor.
They start free styling.
"What do you think your parents will think?"
(Annoyed and clearly just trying to dance) "What do mean?"
"Well, when they see us dancing together?"
"They'll be fine, they know it's just my job."
... "Don't you have the famous br--"
"Yes, I do. He'll be fine as well."
....... "But, like--"
Luigi literally jumps into Bowser's arms. "It will be fine, now can we just dance?!"
Tune in... probably tomorrow for the nutcracker!
@fishtale88 @dragonwritersblog @digimonandpokemon um, let me know if you do or don't want me to tag you? I've never done this before.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
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[background template source!]
hmm yknow what. maybe i was supposed to describe the unique magic in that bottom box. oh well teehee!!!!!
updated references for twst rsa ocs Char and Dañarte!!!!! for now. i'll add them to artfight soon!!! I was gonna do another one for Dañarte's Scarabia Era but I worked on these all week.... so i'll just do that one separately sometime maybe lol. anyway i've posted about these guys a lot as u can see from the tags i gave them on my blog, BUT my main origin post about their soap opera lore is really long and intimidating to read.... I have a shorter lore post here, but JFKSJLDJFKLDS.... finding these templates made nice, more condensed intros for them lol. and I [slightly] updated their looks so they aren't just carbon copies of what the seven dwarf characters are wearing!!!! but i'm bad at clothing design so i didn't really change them much!!!!
also i tried to be careful but my handwriting is Bad so i'll retype the info / talk more under the cut.
First guy: CHAR
Age: 18
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Birthday: March 19
Class: 3-C
Club: Fencing [does rsa have a fencing club. idk. they do now.]
Height: 175 cm
Hobby: Horseback Riding
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Arts & Crafts, Shellfish
Dislikes: Keeping Secrets, Beets
Unique Magic: Unknown [I haven't decided one for him yet, and I may simply make him a late bloomer who hasn't discovered his yet lol]
Extra info:
Favorite Stones: Pink Opal & Chrysoberyl
Older Cousin to Dañarte
Long-lost childhood friend + new love interest to Cater
Source Character: Prince Charming from Cinderella
Second guy: Dañarte*
Age: 17
Best Subject: Ancient Magic
Birthday: February 13
Class: 2-C
Club: Equestrian Club
Height: 182 cm
Hobby: Writing Speeches
Homeland: Shaftlands
Likes: Planning, Grain bowls
Dislikes: Tenderhearted people, Undercooked meat
Unique Magic: Kiss of Frost: He kisses something or someone and temporarily freezes them ICY STYLE!!!!! or something like that. idk it doesn't kill people[???? maybe it could. idk.] but it don't feel good. Perhaps the area of frost can vary as well, like a small smooch spot vs spreading through the whole body? We gotta workshop it a bit more I'll get back to u on that someday. maybe.
Extra info:
Favorite Stone: Apatite
Char's younger cousin
"Love interest" to Cater + later on, Jamil...
Source Character: Hans from Frozen
RSA -> NRC -> Scarabia [He gets expelled and/or leaves RSA for whatever reason, I still haven't come up w/that part LOL... and ends up at NRC post breakup with Cater and gets sorted into Scarabia.]
* Disclaimer bc I feel the need to point out whenever I bring him up about his name lol- Dañarte isn't truly a name, it's just a spanish verb that's like "to hurt you". his character literally spawned from a convo I was having with a friend when I was trying to think of a name for Char, and something I said got autocorrected to Dañarte, and we made jokes about an evil princely character... so he became his own thing and I just kept that as his name lol.
anyway. i like talking about them but i also get shy and embarrassed about it klfjslfjks. also i probs did not draw them to scale bc life is hard. so are colors. i went very basic bc im scared but im trying to remember how colors work again in our year 2024 or whatever. WAHOO FUNNY LITTLE GUYS!!!!
shoutout to op of this template [@unfinished-projects-galore] making me sit here and consider the lives of these boys a lil more w/that bio layout. i was tempted to put summoning as Char's best class but WHAT do they summon. tell me idia what does that MEAN - jk it's probably like how juice bb summons cauldrons lol. I also considered Potionology for Dañarte but I think he'd like stuff like history and all that jazz and older [perhaps FORBIDDEN] ways of doing things.
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seiwas · 9 months
hi sel! can I request 21 and 24 for the ask game? super curious because my other favorite part of your writing is seeing people go feral in the notes lol
iris!!! thank you for sending in 🥹
send me a number from this end of the year fanfic writer ask game!!
#21. most memorable comment/review
omg 🥺 YOUR favourite part of MY writing is seeing the notes??? 😭😭 i am gonna hug you PLS
i think i have been so extremely blessed with such generous readers 🥺 i reblog every memorable comment/review with the tag #shotorus.feedback if you would like to peruse!!! 🥹 but hmm... i'll put this under the cut bc for sure it's going to be long!!
#24. favorite some memorable fics you read this year
i answered this here! but 😼 this just gives me a reason to give ANOTHER set of fics hehehehe 😋 beware!!!! this'll be 15 total recs hehe
and!!! like i mentioned, i have a lot in my tbr so there are a lot i probs haven't gotten to yet + the fics i reblog are more or less ones i recommend anyway!!! 🥹 (will also put this under the cut)
for #21.
niku's and sera's reblogs on 'do you believe in love?' really tickle a spot in my heart!!
niku's because back then, col wasn't even a thing yet!! 'do you believe in love?' was just a silly little one-shot born from me thinking about whether gojo believes in love. in a way, this rlly inspired me to take the story further!! and so col was born 🥺 so really, col is all thanks to @stellamancer 🥺
sera's because sera's gojo is one of my absolute favourites and i've been reading her stuff since way way waaaay before i even started writing!! she's also one of my first moots, and is such an inspiration to me when it comes to writing 🥺 so seeing her comment on this lil fic of mine rlly made me feel so 🥹🥹🥹
midi's reblogs are always hilarious and she takes apart my fics like she's deboning a fish 😭😭 (this is how we became friends!!! i messaged her to thank her for her tags on my earlier works and it was even in her native language ashfbas so i google translated it to understand 😭)
ari's reblog on 'tell me about love (show me how)' had me sobbing last night omg 😭 i swear we're writing NOVELS for each other atp
+ a writer i really love and admire commented so many nice things on my megumi fic the other day, i'm still not over it (i won't link them here bc i don't wanna be exposed LOL)
but!! i am truly!! so thankful for each tag/comment i receive 🥺 i think it's so nice that people are not only taking the time to read, but also taking the time to write smth about how they feel or what they think 🥺
for #24.
stoplights by hajimio (iwaizumi hajime x reader) [1k. established relationship.] i think about this fic all the time and remember so vividly how i felt the first time i read it.
no matter what by shibaraki (miya atsumu x reader) [1k. established relationship hurt/comfort.] teared up a little reading this 🥹 clutched my chest too.
a piece of you with me by heich0e (kageyama tobio x reader) [1k. established relationship.] this was the cutest thing and i love how op writes tobio.
dancing with your ghost by wanderwithme (nanami kento x reader) [9k. kind of exes to lovers.] the concept is so good and so creative. executed so beautifully and achingly.
cantor's paradox by hawnks (gojo satoru x reader) [3k. ambiguous relationship.] one of my favourite gojo fics ever; i reread this all the time.
dawn instinct by lorelune (gojo satoru x reader) [6k. ambiguous relationship.] so tender and raw. really beautiful 🥺
i could fall asleep or stare in your eyes (you’re right by my side) by seoafin (gojo satoru x reader) [2k. ambiguous relationship.] the dialogue hits heavy and there's so much in the unsaid (i am crying).
in between by threadbaresweater (fushiguro megumi x reader) [3k. friends with benefits.] so tender and raw (2). there's such an ache and i love how megumi was portrayed.
the king is but a man by petrichorium (gojo satoru x reader) [series. usurper!gojo] one of my favourite gojo series!
cruel summer by seravphs (gojo satoru x reader) [collection. friends to lovers.] explores dynamics with other characters so wonderfully and really does give off that 'last summer with friends' feeling
carve it into the soil, carve it into me by gardenofnoah (todoroki shouto x reader) [series. gardener!reader.] puts shouto under a microscope and i love that. so beautifully written.
couldn't utter my love when it counted by c4ssiopeias (bakugo katsuki x reader) [5k. exes to lovers.] so vulnerable and so raw. cried reading this.
it takes a strong hand, and a sound mind by gardenofnoah (bakugo katsuki x reader) [5k. friends to strangers to lovers.] the pacing is beautiful and the there's smth abt it that's just so tender 🥺
on my way (to you) by ofmermaids (bakugo katsuki x reader) [12k. strangers to lovers.] one of my favourite bakugo pieces; i think about it all the time and is such a creative concept executed perfectly too.
you feel like home (you're like a dream come true) by willowser (bakugo katsuki x reader) [3k. ambiguous relationship.] the dialogue is everything omg. i ached so much at this!!!
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wifeysaremylifey · 1 month
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Well, golly gee, here we go!
Comfort food(s): Very unfortunately, it is a dessert which I can never have with any degree of frequency: tiramisu. I don't think anything really comes close that is easy to make, and I just have that, like, once every several months? But if I do need a comfort item for consumption in general, it's always the next one.  
Comfort drink(s): Coca-cola, original flavor. Been very addicted to it for the majority of my life, 25 years at least. I'm able to control my intake properly now, but it was remarkably bad in my more depressive teenage years when I was downing multiple bottles a day. To this day, there's nothing else that just serves as an instant shot of happiness to me, and I find that to be really unfortunate.
Comfort movie(s): I don't think I have one, I very rarely watch movies willingly. And when I do, I don't watch them more than once. I imagine I had one as a child, since I know I watched stuff several times then, but it's been forgotten now.
Comfort show(s): ... Do those old Looney Tunes shorts count? If not, then- Yu-Gi-Oh GX is probably the closest one to it. It is pretty silly early but also fun- and kind of existential and sad towards the end. And I happen to like a mix of those.
Comfort clothing: Big coats. Yes, even in warmer days.
Comfort song(s): Now this one has too many to count, I have different playlists that fit certain moods. But I'll break it down. So far as regular music goes, I like electro swing in general, but specifically for comfort I listen to Swingrowers a lot. Also sea shanties have that effect on me too, it's easy for them to get me to sing and feel better afterwards. An album I tend to come back to is The Green Knight, by Heather Dale. And in it, The Maiden and the Selkie is my favorite song, since it's kind of a chant and a fairy tale in one and I kind of love that. Other than that, game music has always been with me, and the original soundtracks of both Ragnarok Online and Chrono Cross will probably follow me forever and be big sources of comfort. Out of those, even if CC is a bit old, the soundtrack is worth a listen to this day, if you're ever curious.
Comfort book(s): I think I mentioned in a previous meme that Alice in Wonderland and the Sherlock Holmes novels are favorites of mine. They're also definitely comfort books and I both read it and heard their audiobooks dozens of times each- not as much Through the Looking-Glass, but it's catching up nowadays, Other than that, the Andrew Lang compilations of fairy-tales are books I read back to several times.
Comfort game(s): Hmm, I have to think about it a bit, since the games I find most worthwhile to play tend to make me actively uncomfortable and I kind of appreciate that. The clearest example in my mind is Pokémon. I just do a lot in that series, from replaying with small restrictions to active marked shiny hunting. Other than that, I do enjoy games where you have a contained gameplay loop that you can repeat several times, especially if they're co-op. Stuff like Payday 2 and Deep Rock Galactic. Lastly, if I've invested enough time in a gacha game, it tends to become a comfort game- potentially because of the whole habit-setting that they all covertly do, but still. Honkai: Star Rail is the main one I play currently.
tagged by: Someone who's called me out for not finishing Dragalia Lost *cough* @celestialprayer*cough* tagging: @iceiclehorned, @divinityunleashed, @puzzledmemories, @dragonknightsworn, @mysticallities, and whoever sees it and happens to want to do this (and potentially didn't finish Dragalia Lost either, don't let me be the only one to carry the burden--)
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fowlfics · 2 months
Ten questions for writers
Thank you so much for the tag, @katia-anyway !
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
At the moment of writing this post, 253!
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
I just broke 700k with my last fic :3c
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Whichever one I'm obsessed with at the moment xD Currently, I am thoroughly within One Piece's grip. Before that, there was BNHA, but I have written for a couple other fandoms in far smaller quantities before.
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I used to! But it became overwhelming fairly soon. Moreover, a lot of the comments I get are simple emojis or "this was cute!" and while i do appreciate them - of course i do! it always brightens my day to see them! - i find myself at a loss as to how to respond. I don't like seeing a chain of my own "thank you!" comments responding in the same way to everyone, and it feels like i'm cheating somehow, like i'm artificially inflating my comments count ajsdhkajh So nowdays I usually only respond if someone asks a question or says something that I feel I can respond to with something more substantial than just a "thank you <3"
5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge (unless I am forgetting, which is also possible lol)
6. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh, yes, plenty! Lemme dig up the receipts. Most notably there was a ton of fic telephones in Fic Fight '22 which I'm still not certain if I've got all of them jotted down xD
Then there was that one Stain & Aizawa & Izuku & Katsuki longfic we had started with (listing in the order on our tracking spreadsheet) Addri, myself, LadyE, Blanc, Sophy, Ryuka and Kooky! We initially started it as a November NaNoWriMo challenge back in 2022 (inspired by the joint Whumptober completionist thing NWA did) and we've got up to 40k before life had caught up xD
OH and of course the NWA Two Perspectives in Feb 2023, where both Brinn and I wrote 11k of the same EraserMic fic (fic 1)(fic 2) each in one person's POV, it was a lot of fun!
Other then those, there might have been instances of me co-writing with someone, but I do not recall them! (my memory is a sieve, if you wrote a fic with me and i forgor pls don't take it personally :crypuddle:)
7. what’s your all-time favourite ship?
There isn't one! I am a notorious multishipper, and I'll ship anything that moves in the vicinity of my current blorbo (cough cough Sabo the Revolutionary and April O'Neil being the. current victim of that)
The ranking of my fav ships switches pretty much hourly, with individual blorbos taking a longer time (it's been a mix of Sabo, Ace, Luffy and Law in any order for the past half a year or so) and fandoms being the slowest to rollover (BNHA to OP pipeline across 4 years)
8. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm a speed demon xD You Are Loved (13k) got written over the first four days since my joining of MDL. I prefer to go all-in on a fic idea the moment I think of it!
9. what are your writing weaknesses?
If I let a story idea stagnate, I'll have to wait until I'm in the mood for that particular fic to write it again, and it could take months. I write fast, sure, but it doesn't exactly work if I have no words to put down on the page xD My writing is very motivation-based, which sucks for any kind of a schedule but alas, I deal with it
10. first fandom you wrote for?
Hmm I believe that'd be Danny Phantom! I've written entries for Phannymay back in 2017, but I have since moved those to an alt AO3 account due to the fact that I barely knew english at the time and didn't want those on my record xD
Tagging: @mangogreent @portgas-d-aroace @taizi @swordsmans @ceramicwings hi pookies <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
I was tagged by @walder-138 and @hollytanaka to take part in this little tagging game, whereby you use a couple Picrew makers and an alignment test for your ocs!
The Picrew are here and here; the alignment test is here.
I am only going to do Jodie and Keith for this post, but if you'd like to see other ocs, then just ask! I just don't want to create a super long post with so much going off. I suppose this post can be themed BOCW!
Black Ops Cold War OCs
Jodie "Bell" Hall
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Lawful Good- A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
Note: Hmm, I can see where Jodie might be lawful good, but the questions were extremely tough to answer as there was a lot of context missing - like no, she wouldn't betray those she loves, but she has betrayed and been betrayed before. Overall, I'd say it is relatively accurate, but she has capabilities to do bad in the face of difficult situations, especially when her hands are tied. Although, I will say that this sentence "She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly" can most definitely be attributed to her in her later years of life, given that she chooses to turn against Perseus because it's the right thing to do. And of course, hating to see the guilty go unpunished. Jodie goes after those that have wronged her, that she deems guilty (Perseus and Keith), and especially in Keith's case, will stop at nothing to ensure they can never hurt her or her family.
Keith Wells
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Chaotic Evil- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
Note: I mean... what did we expect, really? He is literally the exact opposite of Jodie in the terms of where she betrayed because she felt there was no other way, he betrayed because he wanted to and because he would gain something from it. I think the only aspect I would dispute is this idea that his chaos is unpredictable; oh no, Keith knows exactly what his chaos is for and uses it to further the extreme political ideologies of Perseus, the one faction he has only ever truly felt any loyalty to.
I hope you enjoyed this little tag game where we delve into the BOCW OCs a little more!
I am happy for anyone to go ahead and take part in this! <3 Just tag me so I can see what your OCs turn out to be!
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
Thanks for the tag @pinkie-satan!
-last song: 0 - LMYK (English version)
-song stuck in head: 勇者/Yuusha/Hero - yoasobi (it's the frieren op)
-fav colors: purples, especially when they're down the blue end.
-currently watching: ah okay. so. I'm watching anime seasonals this time for some reason? Kinda surprised I'm keeping up with them as well as I am honestly. so anime-wise: frieren, spy x family s2, my new boss is goofy, deranged detective, tearmoon, I'm in love with the villainess. kdrama: move to heaven (I am genuinely enjoying it but there aren't many episodes so I think I keep delaying to make it last longer). don't think there's anything else I'm forgetting rn (but there probably is). I have a few other shows I want to check out like scavengers reign but probably when I'm less overloaded with my current lot.
-currently reading: does it count if I technically read it all yesterday? uh, ima say yes because I was probably sleep-deprived and so may give it a reread when I'm less so. latest murderbot book: system collapse. really good. there were a couple of parts I wish had been pushed further but overall it was exactly what I wanted out of a murderbot book so I can't complain (for context: murderbot is sci-fi and a mix of hurt/comfort, comedy, and intense relatability courtesy of the main character). other than that, it's mainly dungeon meshi. finished up volume 1 earlier today after getting distracted for ages and the fake biology aspects are so fun. (also have ongoing stuff in terms of manga and fics but I'll spare the details of those as there're a lot)
-currently craving: hot chocolate (brb)
-last movie: the marvels. was kinda disjointed but I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it actually was given the reception to it. also I know cats are probably expensive to deal with on film sets but did they really have to cg them to that extent? pls. I want real cattos. real alien cattos. whatever
-sweet, spicy or savory: usually sweet but occasionally spice
-relationship status: single, which personally I'm happy with, but people can be weird about it sometimes.
-current obsession: still in my link click era, trying to resist getting back into murderbot or nirvana in fire or stranger/secret forest.
-three fav foods: hmm, bolognese, gyoza, fior di latte gelato
-last thing googled: showings for anatomy of a fall. (unfortunately there aren't many which is a shame. I'd like to watch it but not really planning to go out of my way for it)
-dream trip: going to be boring and say the same here but japan fr. I'd want to actually have a vague sense of the language before even considering it though because what I have rn is just an assortment of words vaguely to do with murder mysteries
-anything you want right now: my original answer to this was depressing so I'm just gonna say the motivation to actually sort out a new laptop because rn I'm probably going to beat out my record for how long it took me to transfer over to my new phone after getting it (around a month iirc). I haven't even started figuring out what I want to prioritise in terms of specs or how much money I'm willing to spend and it's so much easier to do this kind of thing *on* a laptop (that isn't broken :V)
Tagging in anyone who wants to join in. I know especially I have some newish mutuals/followers and I'm not great at interacting directly but feel free to have a go ^^
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superblysubpar · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
Thank you for the tag @big-ope-vibes
Sorry I couldn't shut up 🫣
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! My middle name is for my Great Grandma
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh, just like 10 minutes ago. I watched an Eddie Munson video and my little hive mind ladies are too nice to me.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but someday I hope! I'm a Steve "I want six lil nuggets" Harrington kind of lady.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so? Idk if it comes off as sarcasm though?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm. Looks wise...I really don't know? I'm a sucker for backs & lips for anyone, and a jawline/facial hair on my men, but I wouldn't say I beeline for those things? Maybe lips I guess? But I do notice when someone tries to include someone. You know like a little step back to make room in a circle, ask someone who's been quiet a question, etc.
6. What's your eye color?
Hazel! And I actually used to to hate them, and then I read the beautiful poetry people write about Mr. Keery's eyes and now I'm finding them to be my favorite feature about myself 🥹
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oo. Um. I'm only just getting into liking scary movies (I like the gore, slasher, mind fuck ones but not a huge fan of ghosts). I like happy endings sometimes, and I love me a rom com, but I *love* when movies actually end realistically- they don't end up together, someone dies, no real ending other than growth from whatever situation they dealt with in the movie.
8. Any special talents?
I can put lipstick on with my boobs like Molly Ringwald in The Break - just kidding. No I don't think so? I make pretty good cinnamon rolls from scratch, is that a special skill?
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading and writing, I love artsy things and crafting, movies, baking/cooking, drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee and red wine, and I love hiking.
11. Do you have any pets?
Sadly, no. Working on the man to get a dog though!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I was in dance for 14 years and did pretty much all styles. I was on the basketball, volleyball, and softball team until early HS, tennis and golf team at the end of HS. Now I just do all of those for fun.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Oh gosh, I honestly loved all subjects except math. Environmental science/biology were my favorite science classes, sociology was a fun one, but I was a big art class/choir gal. In college my photography and creative writing class were my two favorites
15. Dream job?
As much as I love teaching, I'd love to do something with TV or movies. Writing, set/costume, art, whatever. I'll get people coffee at this point if I could.
15 no pressure tags plus anyone who cares to join! (sorry if you've been tagged already) - @boomhauer @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean @sweetpeapod @palmtreesx3 @starlightsearches @stevebabey @steves-babysitter @newlips @fracturedarkness @eveatethefruit @reysorigins @fleurfairie @vecnuthy
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
Hmm, should I collect screenshots of the OP's tags on various Knack posts? In case they delete the post or deactivate. Or maybe I should figure out how to use the wayback machine...
I found hints of a deactivated RP blog, very sad.
Thinking about what I should do to prepare for if major platforms of the internet just go belly up. Kind of just rambling now.
I'm illiterate. Dad might know. First thing that comes to my mind is I start reaching out to off-tumblr creators and ask if they have a tumblr or if I can share stuff here. And what is the best way to do either of those?
The part of that particular task loop I am stuck in is coming up with an alias. For things like Reddit, you can only choose once. Why don't I just go by this handle? Actually I'm not sure; I was thinking What if someone else wants to do what I'm doing but on a different site? And I'd feel slightly less faceless if I had a name to give.
But I ought to pick up the pace anyhow; I keep hearing rumors and getting a dreadful feeling. At any time, someone can decide to delete their account or their works, especially in response to terrible behavior by platform owners or peers. Or whole platforms can be shut down, and you would not believe the rocks I live under, so I might not even hear of it until too late.
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