#hmm hmm hmm
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brain-rot-hour · 1 year ago
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I have a goal of incorporating more backgrounds into my art this year. I've always loved doing landscapes and King Baka's new fic [iHanyou] provided some gorgeous inspiration 💚
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zamulas · 29 days ago
thinking about how harls has been mentored by miro and is now having to qb pp1 in his absence and is doing it well like. i am so proud of him
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keep-on-trying · 4 months ago
Wait, why is Mirai 20 year old and Liko is 19 year old. I thought they were same age. Or is the timing supposedly before Liko's and AFTER Mirai's birthdays o.o
(I was reading translated profiles on twitter)
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wyn-n-tonic · 16 days ago
I’m thinking of doing a movie double feature today because it’s been a while since I did one of those and taking a gym break between them possibly.
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pommigranite · 2 years ago
memento mori 🖤
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ok so y'all remember that cute art i did last night?? oops angst brain~
close up and comparison under the cut <33
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ambernotember · 13 days ago
... should i have been posting my full fluffebruary fics on tumblr? I just did snippets and linked to my ao3 but now I'm wondering. hmmmm
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lavenderrpages · 11 months ago
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purple character.
Purple characters are strong leaders and fierce people with a strong moral compass. They tend to be lost in the background, occupied by characters with louder personalities, but these characters are dependable and wonderful in their own right. They are poised and collected and can remain calm under pressure. They are also charismatic and supportive. They aren’t likely to accept half-assed excuses, but they are still compassionate. In addition to leading, they also often take on mentor roles with the people that they lead. People like following them, and while not particularly witty, they have a good sense of humor and an easy nature to them that causes others to enjoy spending time with them. They can vary between being very uptight and stern, as well as chill and lighthearted. They are affectionate towards the people they care about, but they can come across as intimidating to people who don’t know them. They usually establish themselves as generally friendly, but people know not to seriously upset or cross them. Although they are great and well-rounded people, they can become unsure of themselves if their leadership fails in any aspect. While they are patient, they can also become quite frustrated by people not understanding their perspective. They aren’t necessarily inflammatory, but often prefer fighting first and conversing later. They can jump to conclusions and stick to decisions that the people around them don’t like following, in order to not be seen as pushovers or indecisive. Purple characters need people in their life who allow them not to lead and to just join in the fun like everyone else, while also reassuring them that they are an important part of whatever group or organization they have found themselves in.
tagged by: @platiinums - my dearrrr thank you <3
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cowboylament · 1 year ago
fic where Lucien falls in love with a siren. their evasive flirtatious luring vs his upfront flirtatious charm.
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menciemeer · 1 year ago
It's interesting to me that (unless I really missed something) after the point where Hannibal sends Dolarhyde after Will's family, Will stops framing his work on the Red Dragon case as something altruistic.
Prior to that, Will talks about saving people. He even, immediately before the attack on his family, tries to convince Hannibal to help him via an appeal to his better nature (!!!)
WILL GRAHAM Do you know who they [the family that Dolarhyde is going to target] are? HANNIBAL Yes. WILL GRAHAM You're willing to let them die. HANNIBAL They're not my family, Will. And I'm not letting them die. You are.
(Which, just, listen. Hannibal is maybe the single least likely person, ever, to be swayed by the argument "maybe it would be better if fewer people died." Honestly.)
I just think it's interesting that after the attack on Will's family, that whole motivation (or pretense-at-motivation) is quietly dropped. It's not about saving the next family and it's not even really about the fear that Dolarhyde will try to finish the job. ("I can't go home until the Red Dragon is out of the way" reads more psychological to me than a statement of actual physical danger, although the viewer does also have more direct insight into Dolarhyde than Will does, and we know that he doesn't really seem interested in trying again...)
Will starts drifting further into Dolarhyde's mindset right at the end of the season, and by the time the final fight at the cliff house happens, it doesn't really feel about anything other than self-actualization. Will enacts his own becoming upon Dolarhyde. It's not about who Dolarhyde is or what he might do in the future so much as it is about Will, and what Will wants.
Anyway. The whole point of this is that it's a fun alternative (and, yes, compatible) motivation for Hannibal to direct Dolarhyde at Will's family in the first place. Will came back to the FBI and he came back to Hannibal, but he wrapped himself in a shroud of morality that doesn't align with Hannibal's view of Will's underlying self. Beyond the jealousy angle, Hannibal is making Dolarhyde bad in a way that is immensely personal to Will, so that Will can't deny that how good it would feel to hurt him.
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illicien · 2 years ago
Snippet in my head, will I ever write it fully? Who knows. I have so many things started already so have this slight concept snippet:
He could smell blood. Fear.
For the amount of pain he'd seen Zemo happily endure, smelling his fear was alarming - the man had a death wish, and had as long as Bucky had known him.
The stockade was more effective on him than Bucky wanted to admit, struggling in place as he tried to find Zemo within his limited scope, before sounds to his left resulted in the Baron being dumped in front of him in a graceless heap. He was broken - bones jutted out in places they shouldn't, and the deep purple colours that looked so good on his clothes were instead painted on the inside of Zemo's skin. Internal bleeding.
"Well, this has been fun. But he's about fulfilled his purpose, hasn't he?"
The man sounded altogether too pleased with himself. A super soldier. A target. The man's hand rustled Bucky's hair, met with a snarl as Bucky jerked again, feeling the stockade jerk but not release.
"Even if you get out soon, you're not getting him to a hospital in time. Not from here." The man stood, pacing slightly in his spot, before giving a twisted little smile at Zemo's groan of pain. "Ah, I know."
A familiar blue vial was placed in front of Bucky's face. "Since I broke your toy, perhaps this will help. Choice is yours."
The door clicked shut, and the moment it did the stockade released Bucky, leaving him to jump to his feet, quickly reaching out to his ally with some uncertainty.
"Don't. Just... Stay still, Zemo. You'll be fine."
He grabbed the vial in one hand, taking a few deep breaths and ignoring the way Zemo's eyes settled on him, out of focus.
"You can be pissed with me later. When you're alive."
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thetarttfuldickhead · 2 years ago
“If no one’s passing to Jamie we can always drop him to midfield.” 
Okay, so I’m don’t think Nate’s motives for suggesting this back in 2x03 were entirely motivated by an understanding how to best utilize Jamie, but he was the first to suggest that our number 9 might play in another position. That, in combination with how they both spotted Colin being open in the lastest game against City… I am very interested in seeing how Nate’s to Richmond will jell with the team’s Total Football approach and Jamie’s new position in it.
Roy does say that Nate’s great at the things Roy is shit at, and back in 3x07 Jamie had to be the one to tell the coaches how to best use him in their new game plan. You have to think that if Nate had been there, Jamie probably wouldn’t have had to that, yeah?
Think there might be something here. Something intriguing. 
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year ago
In a Muppets version of The Untamed (in the style of Muppet Treasure Island or Muppet Christmas Carol), who would be the one human actor of the cast?
Related, which iconic Muppet is which character? 🐸
inspired by that one piece of iconic muppets mdzs fanart of the wangxian confession scene, i am forced to concede that jgy is the most likely candidate to remain human amongst all the rest. i just went hunting for the fanart and could not find it, maybe one of my followers can do us a solid and find it for us.
as for which character is which muppet, god, i can't even begin to decide. this feels like another poll tournament in the making tho, ngl.
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supportingfire · 10 months ago
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ty new itto event you gave me thoma back from the war.
also full disclosure the urge to bring my cy.no to tunglr has grown exponentially since finishing his quest.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 1 year ago
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Month 12, day 9
Back to cloaks! Thank goodness I have a bajillion WIPs, my brain did not want to work on shading tonight, it wanted to draw something XD
In canon the different "evolutions" of the cloaks are basically the same thing just with more embellishments/accessories, so I'm redesigning the second "stage" of Echt to actually line up with that concept. That means pauldrons! Why? Because I like pauldrons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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peppertaemint · 1 year ago
TIL that Minho and Tedros acted in the same series? Hwarang? Ooh I though it was only those woogah squad people who were there. Interesting how minho is not a part of the tedros woogah squad
Anon, you have me lol-ing hardcore. Minho is the kind of person who is nice to everyone, I think. He's the kind of person who goes to everyone's bday party and wedding - always invited. But yes... he is not a part of the CisHet nightmare that is the tedros wooga squad. I don't even think Minho has gone to a tae bday type thing (but then again, why/how would I know this?). Anyway, because I think drama, I would love to see what would happen at a run-in. If Jimin is close with TM, and Minho and TM tend to share friends, and then Taehyung is close to Jimin... VMin 2Min dinner? Lol. It's just a fanfic now.
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freakquarantine · 1 year ago
the similarities between githyanki and klingons is numerous but consider, Romulans
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