kamilapetelin · 1 day
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Aula 2 - HMEC ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Rotina: Oficina 1 - Exame fisico geral qualitativo, oroscopia, pulsos e linfonodos.
Sentimentos sobre a aula: ✩Na minha ditadura seria proibido acordar cedo✩
Aprendemos sobre exame físico geral que deve ser seguido na sequência céfalo caudal (acho que é por conta do padrão de desenvolvimento) e não iremos sentir o pulso femoral.
Extremidades (pulsos)
Estado geral
Eu realmente não entendi o motivo de inspecionar a boca duas vezes, no início do exame e depois na oroscopia. Não seria melhor analisar tudo na oroscopia?
✩Vou ser teimosa e fazer do meu jeito pra ver o que acontece✩
A Magda disse (não nessas palavras) mas sentir linfonodo supra-clavicular alterado é sinal de que você pode ir tomar chá com jesus, assim como pesquisei anteriormente.
Algumas informações relevantes!
Importante observar bem fâneros para investigar anemia, doenças hepáticas (que formam linhas brancas nas unhas indicando baixa albumina) e SOP, pois há hirsutismo
Cianose em lábios pode indicar hipoxemia, cardiopatias ou intoxicação por monóxido de carbono que complete com a hemoglobina
Face leonina: Caracteriza-se por pele espessada e rígida, com proeminência nas maçãs do rosto e supercílios espessos, sendo um sinal clássico de hanseníase avançada.
Face mixedematosa: Relacionada ao hipotireoidismo, apresenta inchaço ao redor dos olhos, palidez e pele seca devido ao acúmulo de mucopolissacarídeos nos tecidos.
Face em lua cheia: Associada à síndrome de Cushing, com acúmulo de gordura no rosto, tornando-o redondo e inchado por excesso de cortisol.
Face acromegálica: Caracteriza-se por mandíbula proeminente, nariz e lábios aumentados, observada em acromegalia devido ao excesso de hormônio de crescimento.
Sentimentos sobre minha participação: Eu sou muito desengonçada para aprender exame físico. Bom que esses é mais simples, exceto sentir artéria poplítea. Vou tentar ver se encontro vídeos que me auxiliem melhor
Sentimentos sobre os professores: Anotei cada palavra que os professores falaram para atualizar meu roteirinho de consulta, mas confesso que há um espaço em branco, pois foi quando o Maqueda tirou a camisa para ser cobaia de algum exame que nem sei qual era, afinal não olhei para não desmaiar
Sentimentos sobre a turma: A Ana tem uma facilidade enorme em aprender só observando, eu preciso ler, memorizar, ensaiar em bonequinha... Que invejinha!
Informação relevante sobre linfonodos https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/6640394/mod_resource/content/1/Linfa%CC%81tico2.pdf
Dependendo do linfonodo, a mão precisa alterar entre garra, pinça e estendida. Devemos também pedir para o paciente se mover, não é tão fácil quanto pensei. Encontrei um pdf da usp bauru resumindo isso.
Vídeos relevantes sobre exame físico https://edisciplinas.usp.br/mod/resource/view.php?id=2844338
https://eaulas.usp.br/portal/video.action;jsessionid=18120EFB7E07F23F1F77B0CC2385EFB9?idItem=29861&idVideoVersion=67461 Esses vídeos sobre artéria poplítea e palpação de linfonodo em adolescente são muito esclarecedores, mas não me sinto preparada para consulta ainda...
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) fim
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r7inyz · 3 months
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allo-ho-mora · 1 year
anyone who leaves pins in while using a sewing machine is terrifying
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Ep. 20 Fitness to Thai Hmec 🇺🇳🇸🇸🇹🇭#gym #fitness #fyp #shorts #army 💪🏋️‍♀️🇺🇳 https://newsinfitness.com/ep-20-fitness-to-thai-hmec-gym-fitness-fyp-shorts-army/
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Secrets of Mammary Stem Cells Secretome-Juniper Publishers
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The role of mammary stem/progenitor cells and its secreted proteins in therapeutic application has not been evaluated yet. Here, author reviewed information pertaining to secreted proteins of mammary epithelial cells and mammary stem/progenitor cells and supported their ideas that secretome could potentially be explored for natural antimicrobials against supportive therapy of bovine mastitis.
Keywords: Mammary stem cell; Secretome; Mastitis; Bovine; Spectrophometer; Proteins; Laboratory; Lactoferrin; Receptors; Biomarkers; Pacific; Population; Antibiotics; Progenitor cells
Abbrevations: HMEC: Human Mammary Epithelial Cells; CM: Conditioned Medium; EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; AFDC: Adherent Fraction Derived Cells; MDC: Mammosphere Derived Cells; TGFβ: Transforming Growth Factor Beta; MDBK: Madin Darby Bovine Kidney Epithelial; LPS: Lipopolysaccharides
Secretome are the cell secreted proteins released in the cell extracellular space. Groups of proteins present in the secretome are involved in signalling and cell communications. Study of such proteins, thus would be helpful in understanding the niche of the cell. Researchers of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington probably was the first group which demonstrated secretome of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in 2008 [1]. They identified secretome of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC)-conditioned medium (CM) cell lysates and showed regulation of matrix metalloproteases through epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In 2009, Simpson and co-investigators have profiled three different secretome of basal MaSC, luminal progenitors and mature luminal cell lines. In this study, in addition to enriched expression of ephrin receptors and integrins, the activity of Wnt signalling pathway was uniquely detected in the MaSC [2]. In a recent publication of Scientific Reports journal, researchers from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY has defined secretome of mammosphere derived MaSC and opened up new doors for the possible treatment of bovine mammary gland infections [3].
For their studies, the team isolated cultured two different populations of bovine mammary cells- adherent fraction- derived cells (AFDC) and suspension mammosphere-derived cells (MDC). These two cell population were immunopheno typically different as analyzed by various cell surface markers. However, the expression of CD44 and CD49f was higher in MDC CM than the AFDC CM. Level of CD29 was high in CM of both these cells. Proteome analyses of AFDC and MDC CM, using mass spectrophometer, revealed 347 and 537 matched proteins and peptides functionally related to defense and immunity and tissue regeneration like angiogenesis and cell migration. Furthermore, two antimicrobial proteins namely lactoferrin and cathelicidine have been validated and quantified using Western blot (Figure 1) and observed differential expression of the proteins in CM of MDC versus AFDC. Two angiogenesis factors namely, angiopoetin 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor alpha, angiopoetin 1 showed high expression level in MDC CM. Likewise, levels of proteins involved in cell migration (transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), Insulin-like growth factor-1 and hepatocyte growth factor) were estimated in the CM and found that the concentration of TGFβ was high in CM of MDC. TGFβ induces epithelial cell to mesenchymal type and promotes cell migration. Taken together, this study showed CM of AFDC and MDC contains various proteins which have roles in tissue regeneration and immune defence of the host.
Interestingly, proteins of AFMC and MDC also contained factors which protects bacterial toxin-induced MEC death. Loss of MEC damage is an important consequence of mastitis and it is induced by the toxins of Gram-positive bacteria and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria. A significant reduction in growth of bacteria (measured by optical density) was observed when Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney Epithelial (MDBK) cells were grown in presence of Klebsiella (a Gram-negative bacteria) and Staphylococcus aureus (a Grampositive bacteria) in presence of MDC CM. The researchers also evaluated shelf-life of MDC CM for one week and found that frozen CM is biologically effective on MDBK cell migration. The storing of CM for long time would be advantageous for future clinical use in mastitis management even at remote places.
In summary, these studies providing rationale for the potential use of MDC secretome as supportive or adjunct therapy in bovine mastitis. Secretome could be an ideal biological source for naturally occurring anti-microbial and potentially beallogenically safe like antibiotics. In future, an important follow-on studies should include evaluation of novel proteins as biomarkers and identification of newly identified proteins with no to little annotations. In vivo application of MDC secretome in management of naturally occurring bovine mastitis, also warranted future investigations.
For more Open Access Journals in Juniper Publishers please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/open-access.php
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Open Access Journal of Dairy & Veterinary sciences
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kamilapetelin · 1 day
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Aula 1 - HMEC ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Rotina: Introdução do semestre, cronograma, conteúdos, avaliações e distribuição das turmas
Sentimentos sobre a aula: Minha pressão despencou e tudo ficou preto 10 minutos antes de começar a aula, magnífico. Preciso aprender a tomar café da manhã.
Hoje foi uma aula introdutória, sobre as oficinas que iremos aprender! Próxima aula será já sobre exame físico geral qualitativo, oroscopia, pulsos e linfonodos.
Sempre quis aprender sobre linfonodo, quero saber a diferença de um maligno e benigno e porque sinto dor na linha da mandíbula ás vezes, deve estar correlacionado, irei pesquisar! É algo bem prático para o dia-a-dia. Vou pesquisar mais tarde.
Me assustou isso de consulta de retorno, prontuário e exame cardiopulmonar, mas isso é problema para Kamila do futuro
Sentimentos sobre minha participação: Quando descobri que não fiquei no mesmo grupo que o ♡Maqueda♡ acabou pra mim e participei bem pouco na aula, mas tudo bem, é o primeiro dia e eu não preciso ficar provando meu valor toda hora (vou repetir isso alguma vezes na frente do espelho, vai que eu acredito mesmo!)
Sentimentos sobre os professores: Rafaela não foi kkk achei engraçadíssimo isso, gente como a gente. Enfim, não entendo por qual motivo a Magda tem fama de ser uma professora brava, ela não para de sorrir, tem 1,50 de altura e o peso equivalente a 3 maçãs, ela é literalmente uma fada. A aula foi bem levinha, gosto dos monólogos dela, aprendo bastante.
Sentimentos sobre a turma: No geral, a sala participou bem, especialmente o Lucas Fernandes, ele é o inimigo da timidez, acho isso muito legal nele.
Pesquisa sobre linfonodos: https://www.sbp.com.br/fileadmin/user_upload/Perg-oncologia1.pdf
Achei um artigo PERFEITO sobre linfonodos em crianças e naturalmente vou usar meu irmão de cobaia
Nem todos os linfonodos palpáveis indicam patologias, sendo a maioria benignos.
Linfonodomegalias associadas a sintomas sistêmicos devem ser investigadas, com atenção à localização, consistência e tamanho dos linfonodos.
Linfonodos em áreas incomuns, como epitroclear e supraclavicular, são considerados anormais, e os maiores de 2 cm com crescimento progressivo aumentam a suspeita de malignidade, especialmente com outros sinais como alterações radiológicas ou no hemograma.
Se a linfonodomegalia persistir após tratamento, é necessário investigar a possibilidade de neoplasia.
Em neoplasias malignas, os linfonodos tendem a ser endurecidos, coalescentes, fixos à pele ou a planos profundos, sem sinais inflamatórios. A dor não é um critério confiável para diferenciar linfonodos benignos de malignos. Em crianças, diversas doenças podem causar linfonodomegalia, e a anamnese e o exame físico são essenciais para o diagnóstico.
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ fim
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famouszombieobject · 4 years
Chicken Elisa Kits
Ondanks het opkomende succes van multi-gerichte proteïne-tyrosinekinase (PTK) -remmers bij kankertherapie, lijkt het onwaarschijnlijk dat significante bijwerkingen en zorgen over resistentie worden vermeden. Het doel van de huidige studie was om nieuwe multi-targeting PTK-remmers te identificeren. De enzymatische activiteiten van kinase werden gemeten door middel van enzymgekoppelde immunosorbent-assay (ELISA). 
De antiproliferatieve activiteiten in menselijke microvasculaire endotheelcellen (HMEC's) werden geëvalueerd door middel van sulforhodamine (SRB) -test. De fosforylering van kinasen en hun stroomafwaartse moleculen werd onderzocht door middel van Western blot-analyse. De bindingsmodus tussen MdOS en PTK's werd geprofileerd door oppervlakte-plasmonresonantie (SPR) -benadering en moleculaire simulatie. Buisvormingstest, aorta-ringmethode bij ratten en chorioallantoïsmembraanproef bij kippen werden gecombineerd om de in vitro en in vivo anti-angiogene effecten te illustreren.
 De resultaten gaven aan dat MdOS, een nieuw van zee afgeleid oligosaccharidesulfaat, een PTK-remmende werking met een breed spectrum vertoonde. Op enzymatisch niveau remde MdOS HER2, EGFR, VEGFR, PDGFR, c-Kit, FGFR1 en c-Src, met weinig impact op FGFR2.
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latinboxsports · 4 years
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@wbsuperseries Is Back!! • 🚨 CONFIRMED: @mairisbriedis vs @DorticosKO - #WBSS Cruiserweight Final - set for 26 September! 🔥🔥 The hotly-anticipated World Boxing Super Series Season II Cruiserweight Final between Mairis Briedis and Yuniel Dorticos takes place behind-closed-doors in Munich, Germany on Saturday, 26 September 2020. The culmination of the quest for the Muhammad Ali Trophy will be held in a television studio under Covid-19 rules and with no spectators at Plazamedia Broadcasting Center, a leading live sports production house in Munich. #BriedisDorticos 🏆 #AliTrophy https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4vMr-hMEc/?igshid=i1vu9iwkevad
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Temples in North America to hold virtual prayer to celebrate Ram Temple's foundation laying ceremony
Temples in North America to hold virtual prayer to celebrate Ram Temple’s foundation laying ceremony
Washington: Hindu temples in North America will hold a virtual national prayer to celebrate the foundation laying ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, religious groups have announced.
The Hindu MandirExecutives’ Conference (HMEC) and the Hindu Mandir Priests’ Conference (HMPC), in a statement on Friday, called for a virtual collective national prayer across America to rejoice the upcoming…
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ursumartins · 5 years
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#fiqueemcasa https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Atwc-hMEc/?igshid=xbgtqdwagw06
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kamilapetelin · 4 months
⋆⭒˚.⋆ Aula 11 - HMEC ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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Rotina: ♡ Síntese ♡ Treinar dados vitais e antropométricos Sentimentos sobre a aula: Agora sou uma nova mulher, pois tenho um Ipad (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) Minha tia me viu estudando com várias folhas de sulfite impressas espalhadas pelo chão e acabou me dando de presente. Como o floquinho de neve que sou, chorei quando ganhei, era a única da sala que só usava caderno :'')
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Achei curioso quando as professora perguntaram se estávamos aplicando o que aprendemos na UBS nas consultas simuladas, comigo foi o oposto. O que aprendi na simulação, apliquei na UBS. Minhas ferramentas ainda são limitadas e eu sou muito inexperiente, mas essa semana tive minha primeira ''paciente''. Foi minha primeira anamnese real e foi incrível, a Rafaela me preparou tão bem! Não ficou nenhum pouco engessado, foi uma conversa gostosa e o vínculo foi tão forte que ela até me relatou um caso de abuso ):
Sentimentos sobre minha participação: Dessa vez pude contribuir muito mais com meu grupo para resumir o caso, porque minha anamnese melhorou de verdade. Aproveitei MUITO os monitores, treinei dados vitais/antropométricos com um colega de turma, enquanto minha dupla fazia intervalo. Gostaria de ter participado mais durante a aula, mas estava muito preocupada com minha apresentação de SBE no dia seguinte. Sentimentos sobre a professora: Alguns alunos criticam a Dr. Magna, disseram que se sentiram excluídos da aula. Achei uma colocação injusta. O intuito era mostrar como conduzir uma consulta, como levar na conversa e se afastar do jeito robotizado. Além disso, a professora dava chances para os outros alunos participarem e darem sugestões de perguntas, até eu falei um pouquinho!
Livro que estou lendo:
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໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ fim
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Secrets of Mammary Stem Cells Secretome- Juniper Publishers
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The role of mammary stem/progenitor cells and its secreted proteins in therapeutic application has not been evaluated yet. Here, author reviewed information pertaining to secreted proteins of mammary epithelial cells and mammary stem/progenitor cells and supported their ideas that secretome could potentially be explored for natural antimicrobials against supportive therapy of bovine mastitis.
Keywords: Mammary stem cell; Secretome; Mastitis; Bovine; Spectrophometer; Proteins; Laboratory; Lactoferrin; Receptors; Biomarkers; Pacific; Population; Antibiotics; Progenitor cells
Abbrevations: HMEC: Human Mammary Epithelial Cells; CM: Conditioned Medium; EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; AFDC: Adherent Fraction Derived Cells; MDC: Mammosphere Derived Cells; TGFβ: Transforming Growth Factor Beta; MDBK: Madin Darby Bovine Kidney Epithelial; LPS: Lipopolysaccharides
Secretome are the cell secreted proteins released in the cell extracellular space. Groups of proteins present in the secretome are involved in signalling and cell communications. Study of such proteins, thus would be helpful in understanding the niche of the cell. Researchers of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington probably was the first group which demonstrated secretome of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in 2008 [1]. They identified secretome of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC)-conditioned medium (CM) cell lysates and showed regulation of matrix metalloproteases through epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In 2009, Simpson and co-investigators have profiled three different secretome of basal MaSC, luminal progenitors and mature luminal cell lines. In this study, in addition to enriched expression of ephrin receptors and integrins, the activity of Wnt signalling pathway was uniquely detected in the MaSC [2]. In a recent publication of Scientific Reports journal, researchers from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY has defined secretome of mammosphere derived MaSC and opened up new doors for the possible treatment of bovine mammary gland infections [3].
For their studies, the team isolated cultured two different populations of bovine mammary cells- adherent fraction- derived cells (AFDC) and suspension mammosphere-derived cells (MDC). These two cell population were immunopheno typically different as analyzed by various cell surface markers. However, the expression of CD44 and CD49f was higher in MDC CM than the AFDC CM. Level of CD29 was high in CM of both these cells. Proteome analyses of AFDC and MDC CM, using mass spectrophometer, revealed 347 and 537 matched proteins and peptides functionally related to defense and immunity and tissue regeneration like angiogenesis and cell migration. Furthermore, two antimicrobial proteins namely lactoferrin and cathelicidine have been validated and quantified using Western blot (Figure 1) and observed differential expression of the proteins in CM of MDC versus AFDC. Two angiogenesis factors namely, angiopoetin 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor alpha, angiopoetin 1 showed high expression level in MDC CM. Likewise, levels of proteins involved in cell migration (transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), Insulin-like growth factor-1 and hepatocyte growth factor) were estimated in the CM and found that the concentration of TGFβ was high in CM of MDC. TGFβ induces epithelial cell to mesenchymal type and promotes cell migration. Taken together, this study showed CM of AFDC and MDC contains various proteins which have roles in tissue regeneration and immune defence of the host.
Interestingly, proteins of AFMC and MDC also contained factors which protects bacterial toxin-induced MEC death. Loss of MEC damage is an important consequence of mastitis and it is induced by the toxins of Gram-positive bacteria and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria. A significant reduction in growth of bacteria (measured by optical density) was observed when Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney Epithelial (MDBK) cells were grown in presence of Klebsiella (a Gram-negative bacteria) and Staphylococcus aureus (a Grampositive bacteria) in presence of MDC CM. The researchers also evaluated shelf-life of MDC CM for one week and found that frozen CM is biologically effective on MDBK cell migration. The storing of CM for long time would be advantageous for future clinical use in mastitis management even at remote places.
In summary, these studies providing rationale for the potential use of MDC secretome as supportive or adjunct therapy in bovine mastitis. Secretome could be an ideal biological source for naturally occurring anti-microbial and potentially beallogenically safe like antibiotics. In future, an important follow-on studies should include evaluation of novel proteins as biomarkers and identification of newly identified proteins with no to little annotations. In vivo application of MDC secretome in management of naturally occurring bovine mastitis, also warranted future investigations.
To know more about  journal of veterinary science impact factor: https://juniperpublishers.com/jdvs/index.php
To know more about Open Access journals Publishers: Juniper Publishers
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launch-3-telecom · 5 years
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FGS-HMEC- 56C #adc1138660 #1138660. View here: https://t.co/XDgs6KfaHQ
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2karus · 5 years
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■ #mhealthcoin ■
■1400(14$) #HMEC    per ref+100 
#airdrop #bounty #btc #neo #eth #freetoken #crypto #xrp #blockchain #ripple #trx #ico #eos #exchange #zero #wallet
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therealojjim2000 · 6 years
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Lol. Yes, you know who you are!! #lol #rap #relationshipmemes https://www.instagram.com/p/BsPAct-hmEc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kpqxiv6pdfbe
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rnomics · 6 years
Cells, Vol. 7, Pages 240: #microRNA-Regulated Rickettsial Invasion into Host Endothelium via Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 and Its Receptor FGFR1
Microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) represent the primary target cells during human rickettsioses and respond to infection via the activation of immediate–early signaling cascades and the resultant induction of gene expression. As small noncoding #RNAs dispersed throughout the genome, micro#RNAs (#miRNAs) regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally to govern a wide range of biological processes. Based on our recent findings demonstrating the involvement of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) in facilitating rickettsial invasion into host cells and published reports suggesting miR-424 and miR-503 as regulators of FGF2/FGFR1, we measured the expression of miR-424 and miR-503 during R. conorii infection of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs). Our results revealed a significant decrease in miR-424 and miR-503 expression in apparent correlation with increased expression of FGF2 and FGFR1. Considering the established phenomenon of endothelial heterogeneity and pulmonary and cerebral edema as the prominent pathogenic features of rickettsial infections, and significant pathogen burden in the lungs and brain in established mouse models of disease, we next quantified miR-424 and miR-503 expression in pulmonary and cerebral microvascular ECs. Again, R. conorii infection dramatically downregulated both #miRNAs in these tissue-specific ECs as early as 30 min post-infection in correlation with higher FGF2/FGFR1 expression. Changes in the expression of both #miRNAs and FGF2/FGFR1 were next confirmed in a mouse model of R. conorii infection. Furthermore, miR-424 overexpression via transfection of a mimic into host ECs reduced the expression of FGF2/FGFR1 and gave a corresponding decrease in R. conorii invasion, while an inhibitor of miR-424 had the expected opposite effect. Together, these findings implicate the rickettsial manipulation of host gene expression via regulatory #miRNAs to ensure efficient cellular entry as the critical requirement to establish intracellular infection. http://bit.ly/2DRupMq
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