#hm. looks up ds for sale in my area
corrose · 8 months
NOOO my DS L-bumper key stopped working 😭 I can't play mystery dungeon bc item management takes forever without the L key wtf
Looking up repair videos and...
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Full confession:
One day i went to a gaming store to look at the used games, some for me and some for a friend since her bd was coming up. The employee was so sweet. I remember picking up a KH game and how she told me she adored and spent hours playing and researching disney works as she played along. She convinced me to pick up other games and one included a HM ds game. I spoke with her for maybe over an hour and ended up taking a few games. I seriously considered going back and asking if she would like to hang out since i didn’t have many friends and it looked like we had so much in common and we clicked right away.
At my job shortly after we were having a sale. I worked at a department store and was working the jewelry area and i had walked by a girl sitting down on her phone surrounded by alot of the jewelry clearance merchandise typing away on her phone. I didn’t think much of it. Then finally that girl came up to my register and i recognized her as the girl from the game store. Before i could greet her she slammed down all the jewelry she had been looking at and said she had just done the math and all of it should be less than $10, but was actually over $40. She told me she had just finished the semester and took a math class that showed her how to calculate the prices of merchandise on sale combined with the coupon we had. I however, was a math major, so i showed her how to calculate the right way since she was screaming at me that the register was doing the math wrong. I showed her how to find the actual price on clearance for 50% plus 40% off sale and with the 30% coupon we had going on. She tried telling me it should have been over 100% off and I was like, “uh…no ma'am, thats not how it works”. I tried explaining to her that she was getting a good deal since she had like 12 pieces of jewelry and was getting them all for a little over 40 and that we could not lower the prices to merchandise on clearance, that our registers did not allow us that option to change prices on reduced merchandise. She ended up demanding a manager and I was kept over an hour my shift to try settling the dispute with my manager. She made me late for my friends birthday and I remember getting there and apologizing so much to my friend then explaining what happened. My friend was so shocked, and told me it was at least over then opened the gift i got her. It was that HS game for the ds and she was so happy since that was the only game she was missing in her collection. I was going to watch her play, but guess what the last save file farmers name was? The girl from the gaming store. My friend and I screamed and she ended up taking the game cartage out then throwing it across the room yelling it was a bad omen. I know it’s stupid we let her ruin a game for us, but that girl ended up as going as far as calling corporate on me because she didn’t take over $40 of crappy clearance jewelry for less than $10. I never returned to the game store after that. 
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