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duzyszef · 1 year ago
Co na grzale
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anthonydjon · 2 years ago
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Listen to me, unless you’re #1 in your industry you shouldn’t be chilling. Every single day of your life give it 120%. Make it a BIG day people, we got this🔥🙌 💎always vibrate higher💎 Follow me & Hustle Like You’re Broke #hlyb ✅ 🏡🏦🏙🌠✈️🛫🛩🙌😉👉 #hypeman #motivator #realestate #realtor #swag #lifestyle #travel #instagood #architecture #detroitrealestate #picoftheday #luxurylistings #interior #travel #motivation #anthonydjonluxuryrealestate #fashion #luxury #luxuryrealestate #michiganrealtor #followme #proudsponsorsdetroitpistons #puremichigan #inspiration #anthonydjon #beknown #behypeable (at Anthony Djon Luxury Real Estate) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmtl4qduein/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mult-kor · 5 years ago
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Akire büszkék lehetünk: Szent-Györgyi Albert A fiatalkorában rettentően rossz tanuló, nagybátyja által csak tökfejnek hívott, ám végül orvosi diplomát szerző Szent-Györgyi a növényi légzés vizsgálata során jutott el a később aszkorbinsavnak nevezett anyag felfedezéséhez, amelyet Cambridge-ben tudott először izolálni déligyümölcsökből és mellékveséből. Az ismeretlen vegyületet eleinte ignóznak („nemismerem cukor”), majd Godnose-nak (istenorr), végül a tudóstársai számára elfogadhatóbb hexuronsavnak nevezte el. A mindig sportosan öltözködő, angol pipát szívó, a hallgatókkal röplabdázó, motorozó, laza „profnak” Szegeden sikerült bebizonyítania, hogy a hexuronsav és a C-vitamin ugyanaz a képlet. A munkásságáért 1937-ben orvosi Nobel-díjat kapott tudós 1893. szeptember 16-án született Budapesten. #multkor #history https://www.instagram.com/p/B2eWZ8-hLyB/?igshid=hlbkg8kdhs8q
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taliiekawaii · 4 years ago
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" practice using henna. Well.. " https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdJzZ-hlYB/?igshid=fvnjs3dom68e
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rnadal88 · 6 years ago
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#freezing #snowy #sunny #weather (at Roosendaal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-Lf1-hLYB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nhagkxi9q7d
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zanghonghuaer-blog · 6 years ago
Welch Allyn Vital Signs Management
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
As the elderly population continues to grow and residents’ acuity levels increase, the demands on long‐term care facilities continue to escalate as well. With cost constraints and higher resident‐to‐caregiver ratios, it’s more important than ever to have diagnostic equipment you can count on to help save time and improve the accuracy of resident information while still being cost effective. Welch Allyn can help.
Collect a complete set of resident vitals in under a minute and transmit them wirelessly to your EMR (including PointClickCare®) with the Welch Allyn Connex Spot Monitor with battery like Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery. •Collect and document blood pressure, temperature, SpO2 and more with an easy‐to‐use full touchscreen interface. •PointClickCare EMR connectivity makes it easy to identify residents and send their vitals directly to their charts—right from the bedside. •Provide accurate and more comfortable blood pressure measurement in just 15 seconds with SureBP® technology.1 •Choose between SureTemp® Plus Oral/Axillary and Braun ThermoScan® PRO 6000 Ear Thermometry to meet resident and clinician needs. •Select from leading SpO2 technologies from Masimo®, Nellcor® or Nonin®. •Automatically transfer weight from Detecto, Health o meter® and SECA scales.
The Connex family of vital signs devices can automatically document and transmit resident vitals directly to your EMR. The Connex Electronic Vitals Documentation System is designed to help long‐term care facilities improve: •Timeliness and efficiency: Reduce duplication of efforts and delays in entering data. Vitals transmit directly to residents’ electronic records so clinicians have information at their fingertips to help them provide better care. •Quality of care: Proactively improve care plans and address risk management implications with accurate, timely vitals. •Accuracy: Wireless connectivity between the Connex devices and the electronic medical record can help reduce the opportunity for manual transcription errors. •Regulatory and policy compliance: Data is time‐stamped and dated, leaving an audit trail for complete accountability. Welch Allyn ECG devices help long‐term care facilities keep valuable procedures in house instead of sending residents to hospitals. With our comprehensive line of resting ECG devices, you can: •Enhance resident safety by conducting tests in house immediately, while symptoms are occurring, so conditions can be quickly identified and addressed •Improve financial outcomes by reducing money spent on hospital transport and outsourced ECG costs, in addition to retaining reimbursement dollars •Reduce hospital admissions—and the time and money that come along with them
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fuguitianxiae-blog · 7 years ago
Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 690 Thermometer
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
The New Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 690 Thermometer comes with speed, accuracy, security, convenience and batteries like Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery in a single thermometer. An easy-to-read LCD display with flashing icons that clearly communicate in any language, an intuitive user interface and ergonomic shape making it a breeze to use. Patient safety is improved thanks to an interchangeable probe well that reduces the risk of cross-contamination. To top it all off, you can now use SureTemp Plus 690 with all of your patients, from infants to adults-whether you need to take oral axillary or rectal temperatures.
Provides 4-second oral, 10-second pediatric axillary temperatures (for children 17 years and younger), 10-second rectal, and 15-second adult axillary temperatures (for 18 years and older) Monitor mode capability for measuring 3-5 minute temperatures Used probe covers may be ejected automatically Large LCD displays temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius Has last temperature recall capability Waterproof, stainless steel probe shaft Convenient storage housing for 25 probe covers Color-coded, interchangeable and removable probe well to minimize the risk of cross-contamination Rubberized grips for ease of handling User-selectable icon and/or words for identification of thermometer modes Battery life indicator
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mislovery-blog · 7 years ago
Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitor
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
The Connex VSM with battery such as Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery is an advanced, touch screen monitor featuring bright, vivid colors with minimal knobs or buttons for ease of cleaning—perfect for general care floors within the hospital and also for surgery centers and other ambulatory care offices. For hospitals, working with Connex VM software, clinicians can improve workflow by wirelessly sending patient vitals directly to the EMR from the bedside. For physician offices, choose the specific workflow you need—monitoring, spot check or triage.
SureBP® technology measures BP as cuff is inflating
Supports adult, pediatric and neonatal
Pulse rate and MAP included
SureTemp Plus and/or Braun thermometry
Braun ThermoScan® PRO 4000 ear thermometry
Masimo or Nellcor Pulse Oximetry
Masimo Total Hemoglobin
Integrated thermal printer
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matewayer-blog · 7 years ago
Welch Allyn PIC 50 Defibrillator
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
The New Welch Allyn PIC 50 system, is the most innovative, reliable monitor/defibrillator/pacer available. The Welch Allyn PIC 50's controls and menus are easy-to-use.
The PIC 50 with battery such as Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery is also upgradeable. Increasing your treatment potential and purchase value without increasing the physical size and weight of the unit. This product comes with multiple configurations. Please contact us to find the product that best suits your needs.
The lightest defibrillator (10 lbs) with the most monitoring options available. Rugged transport unit designed for both out-of-hospital critical care and hospital users. Pediatric adapters and power options acquired separately. Innovative design to allow custom configurations and future upgrades as needs change. Very simple operation with dedicated controls for monitor, defib, pacing and treatment summary.
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balabarar-blog · 8 years ago
Welch Allyn Propaq LT Patient Monitor
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
The Welch Allyn Propaq® LT is a uniquely designed new patient monitoring solution developed to extend patient monitoring to frontline areas where technical complexity or cost made monitoring impossible in the past. At less than two pounds, it can be configured to monitor all basic continuous vital signs in patients of all ages. Compact design and advanced features make the Propaq LT versatile enough to be used in a wide variety of ambulatory, bedside and transport applications.
Product Features
��Less than two pounds and about the size of a paperback book •Durable enough to withstand a six-foot drop (shock resistance up to 75g) and still remain fully functional •Battery life lasts as long as 24 hours and is rechargeable in charging cradle with battery such as Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery •Highly intuitive user interface, designed to allow simple operation to clinicians of all skill levels •Monitoring of essential continuous vital signs: heart rate, three- or five-lead ECG, SpO2, noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP), and respiration •Color LCD screen, viewable both indoors and outdoors •24-hour tabular and graphical trending and storage of up to 20 full-disclosure data snapshots •Adult, pediatric and neonatal modes
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lovecbri · 8 years ago
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August 7, 2016  · HLYB Regroup - Update: How is day 7 going my hoopy friends? How are you feeling? <3 This first week has definitely challenged me in many different ways. Those hard days are killer. I almost gave up before the challenge even started and I was beating myself up pretty bad over it. Catching comparisons, allowing confusion to dominate (lol) and found it very hard to start a motivational goal. Even with all the juicy information the HLYB group provided. My birthday was on the third and the new moon was on the second, so this brought up a lot of fears to the surface. I felt pretty overwhelmed with everything but I allowed myself to go through these fears and feelings of discouragement, not allowing myself to over think about them or add on to it. Sometimes it's hard to slow down. Take it day by day and do what you can with what you have. Don't stress on the big picture and allow room for understanding and patience. <3 I chose to pick up my hoop and let the thoughts dissipate. This is a way to easy manifestation and to create space of love in each vital part of everything that makes up you. <3 REBOOT, SMILE and remind yourself how much you're worth! <3
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bokayounger-blog · 8 years ago
AED Defibrillators
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
In the year 2000, President Bill Clinton signed the Federal Cardiac Arrest Survival Act, which is now Public Law 106-505, regarding the placement of automated external defibrillators in federal buildings. In 2002, President George Bush signed into law the Community Access to Emergency Devices Act, which authorizes federal grants to states and localities that apply to purchase and place AED units in places where the public is likely to gather. These grants can also be used to train first responders on the use of AED devices and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). The law also encourages private companies to purchase automated defibrillators with battery like Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery and to train their employees in external defibrillator and CPR procedures. These laws will protect those acting in good faith, as a Good Samaritan, building owner or renter, from unfair lawsuits that may arise from the purchase or use of an AED machine to save a person’s life during sudden cardiac arrest.
AEDbrands.com prides itself on offering the best automated external defibrillators the market has to offer. Brands such as Philips, Zoll, Cardiac Science and Physio Control (formerly Medtronic)are included, along with many others. We also carry AED supplies, wall signs and decals; plus, we offer package specials to businesses, schools and public safety departments. Our products are FDA approved, and we are a member of the Better Business Bureau.
For more information on AED machines or applicable accessories, call or e-mail us today. We have a large selection of products available to fully outfit your facility, and offer leasing and purchasing options. We are an authorized dealer of all major AED devices and accessories and we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, as well as free shipping.
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anthonydjon · 2 years ago
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We wish your home is as warm as that cup of hot chocolate or pumpkin spice latte you are sipping, your heart as filled as that freshly-baked apple pie, and your future as bright as those lights glistening in your Christmas tree. 🌲 💎always vibrate higher💎 Follow me & Hustle Like You’re Broke #hlyb ✅ 🏡🏦🏙🌠✈️🛫🛩🙌😉👉 #hypeman #motivator #realestate #realtor #swag #lifestyle #travel #instagood #architecture #detroitrealestate #picoftheday #luxurylistings #interior #travel #motivation #anthonydjonluxuryrealestate #fashion #luxury #luxuryrealestate #michiganrealtor #followme #proudsponsorsdetroitpistons #puremichigan #inspiration #anthonydjon #beknown #behypeable https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmj2zgyJBYv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zwereshow-blog · 8 years ago
Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus Professional Thermometer
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
Provides the accuracy you need from the technique you learned to trust with the ease of use by utilising modern technology
Fast, 4-6 second oral temperatures with battery like Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery 10 second peadiatric axillary (for patients 17 years old and younger) and 15 second adult axillary (for patients 18 years and older) Fast, 10 second rectal temperatures available with rectal probe Disposable probe covers Automatic probe cover ejection Takes approximately 6,000 readings on three “AA” batteries Convenient storage for 25 probe covers 60-second timer for pulse and respiration 2-year warranty (except probe which has a 1-year warranty).
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zhurenshao-blog · 8 years ago
Welch Allyn Propaq LT Monitor
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Welch Allyn Battery
The Propaq® LT Monitor features legendary Propaq quality and reliability in a compact, lightweight and easy-to-use monitor. Featuring both continuous and spot check monitoring, the Propaq LT is ideal for both hospitals and outpatient surgery facilities for simple procedures, pre- and post-operative care and transport. And since it's light enough to fit on an IV pole (weighs about 2 lbs), rugged enough for air transport, and versatile enough for pediatric applications, the Propaq LT with battery such as Welch Allyn 420 Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 53NTO Battery, Welch Allyn 63NTB Battery, Welch Allyn 42NOB Battery, Schiller 53NTO Battery, Schiller 300 Series Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1203C Battery, Zoncare BAT-120005 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-12 Battery, Zoncare HLYB-1171 Battery, Zoncare ZQ-1206 Battery gives you the ability to monitor more patients in more places than before.
Features • Heart rate, 3- or 5-lead ECG, SpO2, NIBP, pulse rate, respiration • Shock resistance of up to 75g--enough to withstand a 6-foot drop • Continuous monitoring and spot-check modes • Storage of up to 20 full-disclosure data snapshots • Designed for use in large- and small-body fixed and rotary-wing aircraft • 24-hour tabular and graphical trending
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arabicin · 8 years ago
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