#hiveclan: art
goosehascats · 9 months
CW: Dead animals getting eaten (prey)
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Moon 4: Mosquitofur sees that Duskstar's piece of prey looks tastier and asks to swap. He agrees happily, saying he likes her prey better.
An old lady sharing her lunch with the guy who saved her and her granddaughter :)
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 4: Leechpaw is having a wonderful time discussing recent Clan news with Mitepaw.
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 3: Roachchirp surprised Mosquitofur with something nice.
Just a little something of Roachchirp having a soft spot for a single (adoptive) mother. Slight spoilers below the read more but important I think moving forward (just so I have this note. Somewhere)
but I've rolled next week's moons and, despite the lack of nursing queens in the Clan, the abandoned kit has survived, and current HC is that she had Snaillake find her an absurd amount of borage, just like. Eating borage salads (/hyp) with her prey to try to induce milk and has managed to produce just enough to keep the thing going, if underfed. There'll be a quick fix to that and some adjustments to welcome said kit into the Clan fully but for now. Here's the answer to the question that would've bugged me lmao
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 3: A rogue leaves a kit with the clan named Primrose.
Primrose discovery mini-story under the
Mosquitofur was alone in camp, again. The mornings were always lonely, with what few paws that were in the camp working to hunt and forage and train in the cool hours of early day. It left Mosquitofur with the duty of keeping an eye on empty nests.
Normally she would only hear the whistling of wind over the lip of the bowl that formed the camp, rustling the tall grasses that obscured it from view. But today the wind carried something else on it- a wail.
It was weak and sounded distant, but it was a cry nonetheless. Something in Mosquitofur's chest tightened, and she felt herself compelled to bound over the lip of the camp and down the rabbit run that lead into it.
She nearly stumbled over the poor thing, laying still and gray in the run like a stone. But it had wiggled and wailed just enough that she skidded to a stop. A single evening primrose lay next to the kit, which turned to her, sensing her weight and warmth. It's eyes were still closed, and it's ears still folded against it's small head. The scent of birth hadn't even left it's small body yet, though it was dry and clean.
Mosquitofur choked back tears, unable to fathom why a newborn kit would be left in a rabbit run alone like this, but she picked it up by the scruff, tucking her chin so it could press against the soft warmth of her chest fur. She began to hum a lullaby she hadn't sung in many moons as she walked back to camp.
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goosehascats · 9 months
IM SORRY-? WHO the FUCK decided to name the poor little baby that DROWNED “HoneySTREAM”? How did Beeflick react to this decision?
CW: Death mention, grief, unhealthy reaction to trauma
Well that would be Duskstar :) He, in typical Duskstar fashion, had a conversation where he comforted Beeflick, proposed the idea of naming him a warrior in death to ensure better luck for the Clan and rest for the young cat, and she agreed. He promised her he would make sure he found a name that honored his life. And yk. What better way to do that than with the thing that ended it, right? Beeflick's reaction, after all of her crying and grief, was kind of just a stunned, resigned acceptance. No "how could he" no "that's so messed up" just. A pang of guilt and sorrow and pain and then. "This is how it's supposed to be." And that's kinda where the turning point from feeling like a failure to needing to internalize the guilt and blame herself in the name of control really starts to happen.
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 6: Leechpaw is breathing normally again, the water in her lungs is gone.
Just a happy girl... Needed something light and easy to draw
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 6: Beeflick and Roachchirp find more abandoned nests, but these smell empty.
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goosehascats · 9 months
CW: Dead animal (prey)
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Moon 5: Duskstar and Mitepaw go hunting, Mitepaw successfully catches a squirrel.
Just a gal, being proud of herself :)
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goosehascats · 9 months
How is Beeflick handling the death of her first apprentice? ESP since the BOTH of them are (were..) so incredibly young…
CW: Death mention, grief, unhealthy responses to trauma Meta Response; Not well! She's had to confront death before, but as young as she is, this is the first time where she's been in any kind of position to be responsible for death, and that is. A whole new level of grief. Before it's been cats she's maybe known, even those younger than her, but still her peers, cats that were other cats' responsibility. So her first task as deputy is to train this apprentice (so that she qualifies for her position) and he dies. A moon in. And now she feels like her entire deputyhood is on the line because she failed to train Honeypaw correctly, failed to rescue him when she should have, failed to ignore his insistence that he could do it on his own. To some extent, Beeflick's age made her feel more like a big sister to Honeypaw, which is tied to some untouched on trauma that will be coming up in the future. So this is layered levels of bad for her :) And it doesn't help that Snaillake is more than eager to remind her of all of these failings.
In Lore Response: Beeflick is fine!! Beeflick is definitely not struggling with her self worth at all. Beeflick is definitely not developing a "villain complex" where she needs to blame herself for every bad thing that happens around her. There is no insecurity in Beeflick, to the tune of there is no war in Ba Sing Se.
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goosehascats · 9 months
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Moon 2: Mitepaw tells Beeflick the story of how she and Leechpaw escaped a dog together.
Beeflick might be deputy over Mitepaw, but she's still close enough in age to Mitepaw to warrant a little bullying. And Mitepaw does find Beeflick awfully easy to scare.
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goosehascats · 9 months
CW: Dead cow calf, severed limb.
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Moon 1: Roachchirp and Leechpaw find a dead calf while hunting, and drag back a gnawed off leg to the camp.
Just a good moment between our favorite (and only) warrior and her apprentice :) I don't think Roachchirp smiles very often, but I also don't think she's ever gotten so much meat in one hunting trip, especially in this small amount of time, so it's a celebratory occasion lmao
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goosehascats · 8 months
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while i'm still figuring out updates, here's some beeflick shitpost i've done the last few days. she seems to be my clangen friends' favorite so she gets all the attention lmao
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goosehascats · 9 months
ClanGen Project: Hiveclan
Well over the mountain ridge, far enough that it feels like a different planet, two Clans had resided in near peace for generations. Burrowclan and Rootclan had seen their fair shares of wars and peace talks, but for the last few leadership cycles, their co-existence had been amicable. This, however, would not last. A sudden influx of two-legs and dogs, faster and keener than any two-leg pet the Clan cats had encountered before, were invading their woods. The Clans tried to stick together, tried even to escape together, unified by their terror, but to no avail. The Clans were split up, cats scattered in survival groups in every direction. So few made it out. Even fewer found each other again over the mountain ridge. Some were Burrowclan, some were Rootclan. They didn't care at that point, however. They treated their wounds, and moved farther from the mountains, into the foothills. Hiveclan formed in the flower fields below.
About the Clan Moons Allegiances Journals Art References Asks
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goosehascats · 9 months
About Hiveclan
Hiveclan is, more than anything else, a Clan united by survivor's guilt and trauma. Relationships in the clan will be unhealthy, toxic, codependent, obsessive. Leadership will be rife with paranoia. Medicine cats will find signs in every nightmare and suspicious shadow. Warriors are paranoid and easily started; fight or flight rules over thought. Elder's tell horror stories from their lives, and kits and apprentices internalize these horrors.
Hiveclan values a few things in a cat;
Awareness (paranoia)
Compassion (an attachment and reliance on their Clanmates that borders on, if not being outright, codependency)
Wisdom (oversharing their traumas to the young and naive of the Clan)
Rules for Gameplay
All loners/rogues/strays are welcome to join the Clan (must be given some form of tragic or harrowing backstory if they choose to join)
Warriors names will be Southeast USA fauna and flora focused; heavy lean on bugs for name themes.
All encounters with other Clans will be ignored; Hiveclan is, for now, alone. Isolated.
All encounters with dogs will be focused on by the Clan founders, mark as major lore events.
Hiveclan lives in rolling foothills with tall grass, bordered on one side by wetland. The hills are full of wild flowers, and thus many ground hives for bees and wasps. Hiveclan, with their ever strained ears, have learned how to avoid the deep hums of these terrestrial dwellings- something they pray is to their advantage in the event of another invasion.
(Edit later with territory and camp maps)
Update Process
Every 3 moons, take note of any interesting going ons. Use these updates to inspire short stories and drawings until motivation and inspiration are out. Repeat the process. Updates will not be strictly game only text and will be interspersed with personal head canons for more specificity. Post schedule rn (after Jan 1 2024) is 1 journal and 1 piece of art on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
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