#hive fleet Blight
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hive-fleet-blight · 8 months ago
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Painted up Trygon! I kept flitting between different models but have found the motivation to finish a bunch of them.
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dryderpunk · 2 years ago
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So did some concepting on the @hive-fleet-blight exocrine (because their one was cool, & psychophage have really nice silloutte, and cost 10 rather than 40)
I enjoy the repose but when I first saw it thought gun was coming out of mouth, like one of those 90 horror animes, so trying to figure that out,
Maybe heatshape and melt the tongues onto the gun, like it's prolapsing (need better word) the whole throat out?
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llybian · 7 years ago
Pokemon Collective Nouns (Gen I)
(Gen I | Gen II)
Bulbasaur – Bevy, Knot, Nest
Ivysaur – Knot, Nest, Infestation
Venusaur – Nest, Infestation, Venue
Charmander – Congress
Charmeleon – Drive, Quiver
Charizard – Maelstrom, Drove
Squirtle – Squad
Wartortle – Unit
Blastoise – Bale, Torrent
Caterpie – Clamber
Metapod – Set
Butterfree – Flight, Flutter
Weedle – Tittle, Army
Kakuna – Collection
Beedrill – Swarm, Hive
Pidgey – Flock, Host
Pidgeotto – Flock, Host
Pidgeot – Flock, Host, Covey
Rattata – Mischief, Scurry
Raticate – Mischief, Scurry, Gnaw
Spearow – Flock, Suspicion
Fearow – Flock, Flight
Ekans – Bed, Pit
Arbok – Pit, Quiver
Pikachu – Sparkle, Charm
Raichu – Surge, Strike
Sandshrew – Company, Movement
Sandslash – Labor, Company
Nidoran – Warren, Litter
Nidorino/a – Warren
Nidoqueen/king – Castle, Warren
Clefairy – Chance, Hob
Clefable – Chance, Blessing
Vulpix – Leash
Ninetails – Nobility, Spirit
Jigglypuff – Dream, Chorus
Wigglytuff – Fancy, Chorus
Zubat – Cloud, Persistence, Bother
Golbat – Cauldron, Cloud
Oddish – Crop
Gloom – Malaise, Reek
Vileplume – Cologne, Bouquet
Paras – Administration
Parasect – Assimilation
Venonat – Itch
Venomoth – Eclipse
Diglett – Tunnel, Drift
Dugtrio – Catacomb, Burrow
Meowth – Litter, Kindle
Persian – Pounce, Intrigue
Psyduck – Paddling, Raft
Golduck – Team
Mankey – Troop, Barrel
Primeape – Paroxysm, Temper
Growlithe – Pack, Kennel
Arcanine – Pride, Pack, Blaze
Poliwag – Bath
Poliwhirl – Eddy
Poliwrath – Pummel
Abra – Departure
Kadabra – Circle, College
Alakazam – Brotherhood, Academy
Machop – Lop
Machoke – Flex
Machamp – Brawn, Powerhouse
Bellsprout – Knell
Weepinbell – Toll
Victreebell – Clangor
Tentacool – Bloom, Prickle
Tentacruel – Tyranny
Geodude – Cobble, Quarry
Graveler – Cobble, Quarry, Sediment
Golem – Quarry, Plate
Ponyta – Stable, String
Rapidash – Stable, Herd
Slowpoke – Bloat
Slowbro – Lethargy, Patience
Magnemite – Field
Magneton – Field
Farfetch’d – Flock, Brace
Doduo – Spat, Squabble, Quarrel
Dodrio – Rumpus, Feud, Debate
Seel – Pod
Dewgong – Rookery
Grimer – Ooze, Gloop
Muk – Mire
Shellder – Bed, Razz
Cloyster – Conspiracy
Gastly – Vapor, Haze
Haunter – Harrow, Spook, Omen
Gengar – Shadow, Curse
Onix – Rumble
Drowzee – Slumber
Hypno – Mesmer
Krabby – Cast, Attitude
Kingler – Consortium
Voltorb – Hail, Charade
Electrode – Shock
Exeggcute – Carton
Exeggutor – Palm, Forest
Cubone – Grief
Marowak – Skeleton, Charnel
Hitmonlee – Boot, Melee
Himonchan – Rumble, Brawl
Lickitung – Flavor
Koffing – Murk, Cloud, Blight
Weezing – Cloud, Brume
Rhyhorn – Crash
Rhydon – Crash, Stubbornness
Chansey – Grace, Blessing, Cure
Tangela – Snarl, Capellini
Kangaskhan – Troop, Mob
Horsea – Herd
Seadra – Herd, Saddle
Goldeen – School, Shoal
Seaking – School, Shoal
Staryu – Galaxy
Starmie – Cosmos
Mr. Mime – Mummery
Scyther – Monastery
Jynx – Opera, Smooch
Electabuzz – Whir
Magmar – Scoria, Melt, Smolder
Pinsir – Clique, Cluster, Pinch
Tauros – Run, Herd
Magikarp – School, Splash, Waste
Gyarados – Gang, Terror, Storm
Lapras – Tranquility, Loch, Pod
Ditto – Wad, Morph
Eevee – Litter, Possibility
Vaporeon – Fleet
Jolteon – Bolt
Flareon – Wildfire
Porygon – Code, Terminal
Omanyte – Audience, Oath
Omastar – Primeval, Oath
Kabuto – Club, Creep
Kabutops – Club, Prehistory
Aerodactyl – Flight, Herald
Snorlax – Nap, Snooze, Appetite
Dratini – Miracle
Dragonair – Ceremony, Lustrate
Dragonite – Drive, Drove, Clan,
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smolsparrowdragon · 6 years ago
Destiny Races
Exo (https://www.destinypedia.com/Exos)
The Exos were the brainchildren of Clovis Bray, though the motive for their creation remains a mystery. During the Collapse, the Exos' memories were shattered and nigh-all knowledge of their origins lost as well. In the Dark Age that followed, the Exos helped build the Last City alongside their organic brethren, with many going on to become Guardians. 
The Exos were built during humanity's Golden Age for a long forgotten struggle, possibly against the Vex, with the purpose of protecting their creators. Rasputin was once involved in their command, a fact that some Exos dimly remember. The conflict itself has long been forgotten and the Exo remain ciphers, even to themselves, for their purpose has been forgotten as well. But there is one clue to their origins; many Exos experience a dream they call Deep Stone Crypt, or the "place where they were born". It is described as "the infamous subroutine which seeded the first Exo consciousness". Cayde-6's memories stretch further, where he recalls being a human before traveling to Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn, to become an Exo, as he "came there in flesh and bone. Gave everything to the ice. Started over. Rebooted".
The Exo is a robotic body with an uploaded human consciousness. The technology to encode the latter into the former was developed by Clovis Bray. This existence is not naturally sustainable; early Exos suffered from a condition known as Dissociative Exomind Rejection (DER), a serious and ultimately fatal cognitive disorder caused by the human mind rejecting its new body.
Clovis Bray discovered that DER could be staved off by two particular methods. The first was the "reboot", erasing the mind's memories post-transfer so that it would not remember its old body and so better accept the new one. While effective, it was not a cure, and the reboot procedure would often be repeated several times over the Exo's life. It would also be used for functional purposes, such as restoring Exos whose minds had become "compromised". Successive reboots cumulatively eroded an Exo's mind and their ability to retain any memories at all. Clovis Bray estimated that the maximum number of times an Exo could be rebooted was around 20. Not all reboots completely remove past memories, though, especially for Guardians and some can gain access to these buried memories by purposefully dying or killing themselves. Every Exo has a number appended to their name that signifies the number of reboots they have experienced.
The second method Clovis Bray used to prevent DER was to introduce familiar organic conceits into the Exo's mechanical body, such as the drive to eat or reproduce. While these "humanisms" were not functionally necessary, they nevertheless reduced the chances of DER developing.
Exos appear unyielding and tireless. Mechanically, they are so advanced that only a Ghost can comprehend their inner workings. In many ways, Exos like to think of themselves as human, or having human minds in machine bodies.
Awoken (https://www.destinypedia.com/Awoken)
The Awoken are a race of humanoids living in the City and also the Reef. Ruled by a Queen and her brother, they were generally isolated from Earth, long avoiding contact with the City until the Wolf rebellion and later the Taken War.
Awoken are standoffish and resemble baseline humans, with the notable exception of having pale blue, purple, green, or gray skin. They also have luminescent eyes with glowing irises.
Beyond physical appearances, the Awoken seem to possess powers and abilities beyond their human ancestors. The Techeuns are a particularly notable example, though ordinary Awoken can also experience visions in the form of dreams. This is a side effect of them being within Earth's universe-within the Distributary, the Awoken do not have paracasual abilities, but are so intertwined with the fabric of its existence that they do not age past a certain point.
It is said the Awoken were born in the Collapse, descended from those humans who tried to flee its wrath. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep Black, and they were forever changed. After their race was formed, they took up residence and constructed the Dreaming City in the Asteroid Belt. Today many Awoken live in the Reef, aloof and mysterious, but others returned to Earth, where their descendants now fight for the City. Earthborn Awoken sometimes venture out to the Reef, hoping to learn its secrets—but find no special welcome from the reclusive Queen.
In Forsaken, it is revealed the Awoken are the descendants of the crew and passengers of the Yang Liwei, a generation ship that left Earth shortly before the Collapse in an attempt to find a way to live without the Traveler, and thus refused to take a side when the Darkness attacked the Traveler. During the initial sparring between the two acasual entities, the ship was at the centerpiece of an anomaly in space time that sucked it and all its inhabitants into a newborn universe, the Distributary, during which they lost their physical forms and reincarnated into their present ones under the direction of their captain and first queen Alis Li. Unbeknownst to Alis at the time, she was not the first to regain consciousness, but rather Mara Sov was, and it was Mara who quietly manipulated Alis into giving the Awoken physical forms that could be injured or die, as Mara believed truly omnipotent entities could not evolve or live meaningful lives. Later, Mara would lead some of her people back into Earth's universe and colonize the Reef, though some of them would go farther and emigrate to Earth itself.
Reef Wars
The Reef Wars marks the first time the Awoken emerged from their isolation. Noticing the Fallen massing to destroy the Last City in an effort to steal back the Great Machine, the Queen chose to intervene and keep the oblivious outsystem House of Wolves from joining their brethren on Earth.
Striking suddenly, the Awoken fleet destroyed Ceres and scattered the Wolves across the Reef, beginning a several-year-long campaign that whittled the Fallen's numbers and nobility to insignificance. After Variks, a Wolf scribe defected over to the Queen's side, the remaining Wolves were defeated and Skolas, their leader, imprisoned.
The Queen later gifted Skolas to her allies, the Nine, for their role in defeating the Fallen but they released the Wolf Kell, beginning the Wolf Rebellion and forced the Reef to open itself to Guardian access.
The Taken War
The Awoken were among the first to respond to Oryx's invasion. Attacking his fleet out around Saturn, the Queen and her Witches sacrificed themselves to fire the Harbingers, mysterious weapons or entities of incredible power, at the Hive Dreadnaught. Despite destroying a good portion of Oryx's fleet there were no marks made upon the flagship, and shortly thereafter Oryx ended the battle with a single blow from his cannon.
Despite a significant loss of Reef leadership, including the Queen and a missing Prince, the Reef aided the City and its Guardians in destroying Oryx's Taken. Setting bounties upon several lieutenants the Reef oversaw their extermination and eventual rooting out of the Taken Blights in conjunction with the Vanguard. During this conflict Petra Venj, Acting Regent-Commander, continued to search for the missing Queen and preventing a resurging House of Wolves from regrouping on Mars. With the aid of Variks and the Guardians the nascent Wolf house was scattered again.
Betrayal of a Prince
Following the resurgence of Uldren Sov, he led a rogue Fallen house known as the Scorn against The Reef, betraying his own people, and driving the Reef-borne Awoken into complete chaos and disarray. Cayde-6 was murdered in the Scorn's escape from the Prison of Elders, and Reef agents were forced to work with Guardian forces to prevent the total collapse of their society.
Human(ity) (https://www.destinypedia.com/Humanity)
The remaining humans are all that survive of a race whose reach once spanned the Solar System, having descended from those who endured the apocalyptic Collapse. Since then, they have fought to restore our toppled civilization to its Golden Age splendor — first by the legendary Iron Lords, and more recently by the Guardians.
During the 21st Century, humanity made first contact with the mysterious entity that would later come to be known as the Traveler, the arrival of which ushered in a centuries-long Golden Age that saw humans colonize the newly remade worlds of Sol including Mercury, Venus, Mars, and even the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
But this Golden Age would not last. Unbeknownst to humanity, the Traveler had an ancient enemy; a powerful Darkness that precipitated the Collapse and nearly wiped out mankind, if not for the intervention of the Traveler who sacrificed itself to push back the assailing Darkness. And with its dying breath, the Traveler created Ghosts to seek out those worthy to carry on its task.
In the dark decades after the Collapse, Humans, Exos, and Awoken found the Traveler where it made its final stand and built the City—the last bastion of mankind—beneath its shadow. And from an age of chaos and death began the City Age.
Though its tenuous peace lasted for the better part of a hundred years, the City Age would ultimately come to a shattering end in the wake of the devastating Cabal invasion; with the heroic deeds of The Guardian bringing an end to the Red Legion's siege and marking the dawn of a new Golden Age.
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Pure~Specialty Foods Memo
Pure~Specialty Foods Memo
In keeping with federal legislation, irradiated meals (most vegetables in the grocery retailer are irradiated) can legally be labeled natural -- so even in case you are shopping for within the natural section, your meals Harris Teeter wiki is irradiated. Buying organic foods from Complete Foods store means that you just get scale back the variety of toxins going into the body. Look at the ingredient listing on that low-fats meals item you're shopping for. Many dog house owners, including myself, would like to avoid wasting money on their month-to-month pet meals invoice however not if it means shopping for lesser quality pet food. Think about a cafe with actual meals. For example, a meals or grocery company can make a donation, earmarking it to purchase whatever quantity of laptops the value of the donation will purchase. Perhaps the affect of minerals in baits and reside food (together with plant material) are much more important concerning biological power supply and electrical subject kind meals detection than we but know. Coinstar, Inc. right this moment (January 16, 2010) introduced that greater than 15,000 Coinstar centers within the U.S.
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hive-fleet-blight · 8 months ago
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I'm so happy with how the Swarmlord turned out! I always forget to take before pictures, but it was originally painted up in Kraken colours.
I managed to get two models out of the same box by buying an extra Hive Tyrant torso, so I've also got a Winged Hive Tyrant to paint.
I just remembered I actually have a whole bunch of genestealers, warriors, rippers, and the older hormagaunts and termagants hidden away in a box and still painted up as Kraken that I'll eventually need to repaint...
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hive-fleet-blight · 7 months ago
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Finished the Parasite of Mortrex. I can't believe how small the model turned out to be, it's so cute!
I finally nailed down my scheme for the wing membranes. I tried the really light pink that I use for highlights (Fulgrim Pink) with red ink and then a separate try with purple ink, but it looked wrong.
I've gone for Pink Horror, with purple ink and then a drybrush of Pink Horror and then one more drybrush with a 50/50ish mix of Pink Horror and white.
I felt the model was lacking in the pink carapace colour, so I added some Rippers to the base.
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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WIP Tyrannofex kitbash from a Psychophage
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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WIP pictures and a height comparison of the Tervigon and Tyrannofex/Psychophage kitbash.
...Not sure how I'm going to actually going to get it to stay *on* the base 🤔
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hive-fleet-blight · 10 months ago
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Haven't posted in a while, but here's a rough pose (with white tac) for my Old One Eye conversion using a Screamer Killer as a base. It needs a lot of green stuff, but I think I'm happy with it so far, and it looks different enough from the Screamer Killer.
I used the following kits:
- Carnifex kit: Old One Eye head, claws, and back plate
- Leviathan box: Screamer Killer body and arms
- Plus, two little claws/mandibles, I think they're from the Trygon/Mawloc kit but can't be sure.
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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Little lost T'au and the big bad Broodlord
I hate the recessed armour lines!
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hive-fleet-blight · 7 months ago
Hobby adjacent post:
I really want to get into the gaming side of Warhammer 40k, so I decided I needed a way to store and transport my miniatures.
I remember having a lot of fun with this when I was a kid. I got a big thick sheet of furniture foam and cut holes in it with a holesaw bit. Then, I stuck the foam to thin sheets of mdf and packed layers into a massive toolbox. I think this alternative solution is a lot more elegant but less fun...
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If anyone is curious, I used a 4L A4 Really Useful Box and a sheet of 0.75mm self-adhesive rubber steel ferrous sheets from The Magnet Shop. It was about £10 for one sheet and one box. The sheets stick really well. This box will probably hold 60-80 infantry models.
The sheets I got were receptive to magnets (not magnetic). I got 2mm x 5mm round N45 magnets for the bases, but I'll definitely need stronger/bigger magnets for anything bigger than a termagant.
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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Lost steam for a while there but onto the next batch! For now, I'm slowly winning the battle against the grey, and my local store finally restocked the Emperor's Children pink paint.
(I think this may be the first time I might finish a Citadel paint pot without it drying out)
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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WIP and finished pics of my wrecked Devilfish base. For realism, it should probably be dirtier/more battle damaged but l'm done for now. Next, to finish modelling and painting the Psychophage/Tyrannofex kitbash to sit on top of it
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hive-fleet-blight · 1 year ago
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WIP of my finecast Lictor with bits added/replaced using spares from the new Lictor kit
He's got the new legs, arms, and head and the old/finecast body and pincer arms. I also used hot water to try and uncurl the tail, but it didn't work too well.
He doesn't have the second section that makes up the hooves, so I'm going to have to do some dense foliage on the base to hide that
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hive-fleet-blight · 2 years ago
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Von Ryan's Leaper! I'm working on the Screamer Killer next and need to figure out my basing.
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