#hitting her with that uno reverse
bxtonpxss · 1 month
@dnangelic from [HERE]
"Well you know, a girl’s gotta have her hobbies." She finds herself amusedly quipping back. In any other instance, she’d be positively embarrassed by his teasing, but her concern for his well-being outweighed everything else. Her attention was fully focused on gently and meticulously cleaning his wings, and it caused her to miss his usual grin in the mirror which would've easily got her heart pumping. She was almost done, having been at the task for nearly a half hour… maybe longer? This room lacked a proper time device so it was anyone's guess.
"Please don’t!" Immediately comes her exasperated groan at his words, momentarily imagining him coming to her covered from head to toe in filth with the intention of having her clean him off. She's not sure if she could handle that--- she was kind of getting used to his shameless speech, her cheeks still burned brightly with blush, but she's begun to sputter less and less in surprise, at his words at least.
She's still a bit jittery when it comes to the touching, having a boy be so bold with her is very surprising. Though she dreads the thought of him coming to her covered in an absolute mess, she wants to reassure him that despite her words she really doesn't mind it. Neya rose from her stool and walked around so she could crouch in front of Dark, her cheeks burning brightly while she pointedly kept her gaze strictly above his neck due to the improperness of this whole situation, but this was very important and he needed to know her feelings.
"But…" she begins softly, "if you ever need help with this kind of cleaning, please don’t hesitate to ask!" Neya reaches out and gently brushes the feathers near his arm, gaze becoming soft as she smiles, tone filled with deep sincerity. "These are… important to you, right? You can’t really make any daring and flashy escapes with your wings weighing you down or being damaged." She didn't really understand everything he did, but considering how messy they were, he utilized his wings a lot. They were almost like an extension of him in that regard she thinks, so maybe she'll cut him some slack.
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" So, I guess... if it's going to be like that-- then, I don't mind taking care of you Dark-san!”
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ziracona · 2 years
Losing my shit bc I forgot there’s a scene in OHSHC where Kyoya trying to prove a point throws Haruhi on a bed and acts like he’s going to assault her, and her response to that situation is to no emotion, to his face on top of her, go “lol, gay boy; as if,” and he just GETS UP AND LEAVES. He goes ‘I could rape you’ and she goes ‘no your gay ass couldn’t’ and he fucking gets up and immediately leaves his own room in his own house for the rest of the night like where does he even sleep??? He goes “damn ok her room now I guess ✊😔” and god damn /vacates/ at speed. His best friend he’s in love with walks in on it and goes “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER?” and he doesn’t even stop to acknowledge on the way out just gets up and throws his towel at him casually and leaves. Literally in the hall to himself out loud walkin off goes “‘Gay boy; as if’ huh? Damn…ok.” never seen someone take an L like that in my life
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wxndswept · 5 months
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"I knew it. I fucking knew it! She's a damn hypocrite! Stand up for yourself, Comandant! If she can simp, then so can you!!"
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oflostinfound · 1 year
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This does prove one thing though: she would be the queen of water balloon fights.
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deadn30n · 7 months
Cue Sivir wooing Eden by gifting them expensive jewellery.
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               ❝    sivir,  you  know  you  don't  have  to  get  me  so  many  nice  things  like  this.  isn't  that  my  job?     ❞    they're  teasing  her;  as  much  is  apparent  in  the  way  their  silent  laughter  reaches  all  the  way  up  to  their  eyes,  crinkling  their  corners.  the  Vastaya  is  touched  by  the  gesture;  who  wouldn't  be?  a  beautiful  woman  comes  to  you  with  a  vast  array  of  gifts  meant  to  entice  your  affection,  anyone  would  be  won  over  easily.  but  Eden  didn't  require  such  trivial  acts  to  be  swayed;  the  mere  thought  of  simply  being  thought  of  was  sufficient  enough  to  stem  the  tide.  they  accepted  those  gifts  nevertheless,  not  wanting  to  be  rude,  and  not  without  also  draping  some  of  them  onto  Sivir  herself.  share  the  beauty;  that  way  both  of  them  could  bask  in  the  golden  twinkle  of  these  eccentric  trinkets.
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nerdyydragon · 9 months
When we finally make it to confirmed romantic Percabeth and Athena pulls the “I don’t approve of your relationship with my daughter” bs card, we’re going to watch Percy’s war flashbacks in real time a split second before he says the equivalent of “DISRESPECTFULLY, choke” as he proceeds to turn down godhood and launch himself into hell.
It didn’t hit as hard in the books but the tv adaption of the Echidna sequence? Athena punishing Medusa because of Poseidon and then punishing Annabeth because she can’t punish Percy? Percy “Annabeth would push me down a flight of stairs” Jackson uno-reversing and pushing her into the arch stairwell because he knows what sort of bullshit is it is to be punished for something you didn’t do by a [step]parent who’s made you desperate for their approval? We haven’t even made it out of book one and Percy has already shown Olympus just how much he does not care about them, but especially when it comes to the safety of his friends.
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wardogsong · 1 year
[ STRADDLE ]:  sender  sits  in  receivers  lap  to  tease  them.
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frank after dark || no longer accepting
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What can he say? Frank had known he was in trouble deep just from the gleam in her eyes— let alone the way Rach had made a little pre-show out of putting her hair up. It's not much more than a messy bun, tendrils of red falling out of it here and there, some of it never having made it into the elastic's bite and hanging loose around her face; but that's not the point, the point is he KNOWS what it means. It's less seduction and more a primal warning— like watching her put on armor or check her chamber. IT MEANS. . . that she means to handle business. He's just the man lucky enough to be this woman's prey du jour, amen.
If he were a praying man still he'd be sending one up even as she straddles him, yet he might as well be a statue still as he goes beneath her. Still and STIFF and waiting for either pleasure or pain— whatever she deigns to give him even if it is just a belated lesson in payback and powerlessness; the only woman on the planet whom he'd take it from.
Frank goes flat when beautifully manicured hands push him back, the bed beneath them becomes an altar to her workings— his body the vessel upon which she casts the magic of her rocking hips, teasing him with the heated core of herself grinding over him as if to ready him for the act— as if he weren't ready already. She means to have him trembling with want of her, not just eager but DESPERATE. In turn he makes himself steel to it all in order to draw it out all the more; all the better to watch from beneath her the heavy sway of her breasts against the tee that is ever-present, the fine sheen of sweat that makes her hair go dark at her temples and forehead and stick there. She's a masterpiece in motion, a sight he could watch for hours— a dream he'll revisit again and again when he can not have the pleasure of the reality and on those nights it isn't a two minute loop he means to revisit and replay for the furious stroking of his own hand. Not when all he has to do is let it build and carry right here and now— the teasing meant for him becoming the start of her own pleasure, the hard thick ridge of him against the slick drag of her cunt riling her up as much as she does him until he can't help the near-bruising grip of his hands on her flexing thighs.
"Don't stop— keep goin', just like that..," like he's no better than some silicone grinder, ribbed for her personal pleasure and nothing else. He wants to feel her shudder and come against him, soaking him with the gush of the climax he urges her towards with his hands moving on to the swell of her ass, pulling her all the more firmly into the motions of her riding. One hand's grip becomes a light slap against those clenching cheeks, his own hips joining the rhythm, bucking upwards into her every roll, keeping her tempo right where she sets it until she's riding the peak of that crashing wave that breaks over them both.
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(I am so so sorry for the reblog dump I was trying to prove a point to my sis that not even I understand) last one for tonight I swear
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lxvvie · 1 year
@art-herog, you have called and I have answered. I think. And then I went and tweaked it so the scenario is as follows: your lovely babies are doing their own thing and ignoring you. how would they respond to you calling them someone by else's name as a prank?
Capt. John Price - It doesn't register because he's lost count of how many pet names you have for him and he assumes this is the latest one. Your prank dies a solemn, cigar-ridden death.
Gaz - "WHO?!" It's funny watching Gaz get all jealous and shit with his nostrils flaring. Yeah, that's what you get for the last prank (said prank woke you up from a good-ass nap).
Alex Keller - Has a delayed reaction. You think he didn't hear you until you hear, "The hell you say?" And thus he close shut the jaws... of Sweet Keller Lovin'. By refusing to manspread. Yeah, you wanna play that game? Good luck getting another glimpse at his sweet thighs, babe.
Soap - Is devastated in Golden Retriever. Was busy watching the latest football (soccer) game when you... when you broke his heart. How could you do this to him? Is willing to find and fight the bastard for his (his as in Soap's) honor because he gave himself to you mind, body, and spirit... after he sulks some more because his team just had to lose the game.
Ghost - A total Petty Betty 'cause you got him fucked up lmao. Doesn't really respond to it aside from a heated glance initially. And then he gets you back. You ask him a question: "Mm. Ask the knobhead, he'll have 'n answer for ya." You try to flirt with him: "Sorry. Simon is spoken for." You can practically see the smirk in his eyes. Touché, you bastard. Touché.
Alejandro - Was sifting through paperwork. Called him handsome to get his attention. No response. Okay, then. You then called him gorgeous. Still no response. Then: "You hear me, Rudy?" Alejandro stops mid-sift and stares. Hard. Bonus points because Rudy was in the vicinity and poked his head in all, "You called?" You're smirking, Alejandro narrows his eyes and turns to stare at Rudy, and poor baby doesn't even know what the fuck is going on.
Rudy - His whole reaction can be summed up as '??????????'. When it hits him it turns into '?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?'. Wait, who the hell is Dasher—?
König - König's inner Eldritch Horror Call of Köthulu Yandere comes out in full force and oh wow, did the air change all of a sudden? What's that tension? You turn and he's staring at you. Calmly. Evenly. He doesn't even blink. And then, "Who is Prinz, Schatz?" Turns out the person he lost that sniper position to took the callsign Prinz and König decided to one-up his ass. Once assured it was all a prank, he's back to his... normal self again? A Shadow over KorTac, indeed. It's on sight, PRINZ!
Horangi - Turns out one of the names you used is an alias he tried to use to get into a game but he got found out. He tells you the whole story and everything. It was riveting as shit, so much so that you forget you were even trying to prank him.
Graves - Doesn't even bother to react. Not really except for this one line: "Mm. He fuck you as good as I do, darlin'?" PHILLIP, PLEASE—
Valeria - Hits you with another Uno Reverse and calls you by the name of one of her exes. Thought you were being fucking cute with that prank, eh?
Roach - Wait, when did he receive a new callsign?
Keegan - Wasn't quite outwardly reactive but was mentally drafting a plan to find the bastard if only because they had an incredibly shitty name compared to his. Or something like that.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
the way Pearl instantly slammed down her "check out Marina she's so ***ing AWESOME" line so fast and it's the smoothest verse she spits in the rap battle-
she was SO READY to gush about Marina she was SO THERE for the chance and when it came she didn't even have to THINK
her going from casual barely-worth-my-time roasts and boasts (talking over Frye's turn like she isn't even there) to 'did you just call marina an imaginary friend?? YO ARE YOU CRAZY SHES AMAZING'
and THEN instead of getting defensive or pissed at Frye's 'oh so she's your groupie' jab she just turns hype man literally goes AS IF! LISTEN TO THIS! before bowing out so Marina can freeze Shiver solid by cheerfully taking every passive aggressive compliment from Shiver with a smile, a hearts eyes emoji, and an uno reverse card
Shiver: "Your voice is so haunting (possibly in a bad way) must be nice for your fans (implying it isn't so nice for anyone else)"
Marina, mimicking Shiver's singing: "You're far too kind! (i see you insulting me on the sly) Love your vibe! (that's very cute~) I can learn so much from your style! (i'll give you a taste of your own medicine if you want me to~)"
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's daughter- (grow up) what do they say? Octo see octo do? (stop copying me)"
Marina: "Glad you approve- (im rubber you're glue) your praise has left me moved (not saying what KIND of moved tho). Thanks to your notes (you decide if i mean your feedback or your actual ability to hit musical notes) I'll find my own groove! (you're not actually worth copying for real~)"
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late? (if you keep acting like a kid im going to treat you like one)"
Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long. (what do you mean? im having so much fun right now!) (oh but is this hard for you? ...do YOU need a break...?)"
and then Pearl barges in with a HOW'S THAT? YOU HAD ENOUGH YET??????
like kudos to Shiver and Frye for laying out some slick jabs, but they were working as two solo acts and didn't have a power couple combo move to counter Pearlina's with m(_ _)m ....they spent the whole time on offensive defense, trying to inflict some deep lyrical cuts while Pearl and Marina were happily tossing out hooks and reeling in fresh lines as they floated high up above on their dumb little rainbow cloud together
legit Pearl's only real reaction to Frye is her going <3 <3 <3 at Marina, and Marina not even treating Shiver as someone she needs to fight with while Shiver repeatedly tries poking at her, which Pearl sees and just effing LOVES ....amazing.......
no matter who you think rapped better, it's pretty clear which pair had the most fun and got the most kicks out of this (the wives)
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phant0mth1ef · 2 months
'24 masterlist
bakugou katsuki
bakugou x support course reader hcs!
girl dad bakugou hcs!
band bakugou x band reader hcs!
bakugou x blunt support course reader hcs!
the feeling that i'm losing her, forever (bakugou x reader angst sorta) part 2 part 3 part 4
bakugou x support course reader! part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
this boy's too young to be singing the blues / part 2 & part 3
forever young, i want to be forever young
too young to notice and too dumb to care, love was a story that couldn't compare.
i kissed the scars on her skin, i still think you're beautiful.
you'll never know the murderer sitting next to you
i don't know how i'ma manage, if one day you just up & leave.
if he cheating i'm doing him worse, no uno i hit the reverse.
if you could see 'em now, you'd be proud
clearing out your apartment
you're a part-time lover & a full time friend!
fuck the big 3, it's just big ME
you wonder why i'm bitter
icu scenario
scary? my god, you're divine.
all my friends are heathens, take it slow.
i think i just met my dad in 1985
a scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly.
i love my sister more than anything in this life, i will choose her happiness over mine everytime.
i bet on losing dogs.
cause when you know, you know.
you wanna be one of them? yeah. pt 2.
don't wanna be a fool for you.
when i'm around, slow dancing in the dark.
i've never felt so alone, felt so alone.
oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both-, oh yes.
bakugou x reader with dark body hair
was it casual when you told me you loved me?
guess i don't have a choice, all because i liked a boy.
fics! all currently ongoing
bakugou x streamer y/n: intro ch.1 ch. 2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7
bakugou x popstar reader: intro ch. 1 ch.2 ch.3
euphoria: limitless / the alchemy / prologue ch.1
if he cheating i'm doing him worse, no uno i hit the reverse.
graffiti artist reader!
no character just drabbles:
four men in uniform, to carry home, my little soldier.
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xo-zozo · 2 months
do you have game night head canons for the group??
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yes ofc!! this is such a creative idea!
tags : @flowers-for-em @nqds @x-liv25-jamieswife @reminiscentreader @sophiesonlinediary @zoyaaaabear @off-to-the-r4ces @lxvebelle @whatsamongus @peterlcsingwendy
i think that we all know that these game nights would be more competitive than any sport
they would always take place the movie room
they try to have game nights at least once a month
somehow, avery or grayson always win, no matter what card game they're playing
originally, they were just gonna play board games and card games but xander somehow convinced all of them to play mario kart
max never wins because she always ends up rage quitting whenever she's losing
whenever avery sits out a game, she sits with jameson and occasionally puts in her imput on what he should do
libby is really good at comebacks when it comes to monopoly (and honestly any other game
speaking of monopoly, it always start the most fights between the brothers (and it always ends up with xander, jameson and grayson wrestling on the floor and nash waiting for them to finish up so that he can keep playing)
max does that thing where she tried to get the perfect uno hand and then hits everyone with the reverse, skip, wild combo but still ends up losing and rage quitting
grayson secretly enjoys the game nights because he can actually relax (SOMETIMES HE EVEN WEARS HOODIES)
the charades games are always the most chaotic because xander and max are always partners and they just start screaming each at other
jameson and avery would 100% win charades... like have you seen them together??
twister is always brought out at the end of the game night but max, xander, libby and grayson are the only ones who actually play because everyone else just thinks its funny to watch
whenever a group of people isn't playing they bet money on whos gonna win the game (because they're all rich honestly)
they (probably nash) make grayson do blind karaoke to taylor swift (and he gets it right away-)
jameson definitely gets drunk but denies that he's not
SOMEONE makes them play paranoia and it's either hilarious or super messy (SOMEONE WRITE A FIC ABOUT THIS RIGHT. NOW.)
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simonsoys · 17 days
Out of curiosity, how do you think sans would react if frisk flirted with them? Or someone he isn’t really interested in vs someone he IS interested in?
(I’ve honestly started wondering about this when I realised you legit could flirt with half of the undertale mains Expect for sans! Like undyne with the spear at her house, or Alphys’s reaction when she mistakenly thinks the human is hitting on her (the letter) or papyrus on that date, or toriel with the phone)
I feel like no matter what the player says to Sans, he plays it cool like he expected you to say it and you're super predictable. He's unflappable. The man cannot be flapped.
Regardless of the angle of the flirt, the result would be a disappointing non-reaction and a verbal Uno reverse card. If you already went on a date with Papyrus he'd probably roast you about needing a rebound.
You also get most characters' phone numbers/contact info except his in one way or another, so maybe if you asked him for his digits, he'd play it up like you're trying to be flirty, then give you a bogus number that dials the Super Weenie Hut membership application desk.
Alternatively, dialing the number only reaches his "answering machine", that seems to be a machine except on specifically the 19th time you call, it remarks on you being kind of desperate. On the 20th and following calls it goes back to being the regular message. (Can you program a machine to do that? Is he actually just answering the phone each time to say the same thing and prank you?)
He would have 0 reaction to you flirting with other people, even if internally, he'd think you're weird and hilarious.
That's the thing with Sans: externally he's got a dry and controlled wit, regardless if on the inside he's angry with you, curious about you, or thinks you're peak comedy.
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guerrerajaguar · 6 months
My Devoted Husbands ( Fem!Reader) Chapter 3: What should I do now?
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of polyamory, reverse harem.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Head Canons
As soon as Kyojuro left, you immediately changed into your kendo practice outfit, grabbed a couple of bokken and went to look for your dad. As he saw you storming in, he instinctively hid behind your mom using her as a human shield. Your mother graciously slid to the side allowing you to throw one of the bokken directly to his hand.
-“Ah darling, I am so glad that you reached us here; your mother and I were just talking about Kyojuro and we just feel like…” He said desperately looking at your mom but obtaining no support from her.
-“We will decide this, right now. We will have a 3 set kendo match, if you win I will let Kyojuro know about our family legacy and I will allow you to freely speak to him about your crazy marriage ideas. But… “. Your stance was fierce and full of determination -“If I win, you will never mention anything related to the corp and will drop the circus about marriage until I decide the time is right. Deal?”-
You father was really taken aback, they both were in the middle of a very exciting conversation where he described to your mom how fast you moved in the living room and that he was completely sure that you had already surpassed him. But even after that, he stared at you solemnly standing up from his seat.
-“Y/N, sweetie, weren’t you training today with Sanemi-kun? Genya-kun will be disappointed if you did not make it.” He said sweetly, trying to convince you to drop off the subject.
-“Oh, the boys can manage without me. They are actually rooting for my victory.” Your voice was calm but defiant and as your father knew you were not going to step down from your challenge, he finally agreed.
 -“Very well, so be it. And might we keep our promises then, independently of the match result”.
-“I do trust that you will keep your word, because if you don’t, I will never speak to you back again. And you can bet I am dead serious” . Your gaze was fixed on his, with fiery resolution. If you were going to date Kyojuro, you would do it properly and on your own terms. 
You two walked down to the center of your garden, your mom would play as referee since she used to be a very skilled demon slayer. Your brother joined to witness what he believed would be your dad's defeat. Just by staring at you he knew you were already skillful enough to win over a kendo match, it was just a matter of time.
-“Whoever wins 2 sets out of 3 will be the winner of the match”- your mom said as she placed herself in the middle of you both “As for kendo goes, a direct contact will count as a point.” You and your dad were fixedly staring at each other, your bokken up in a guard stance, a dead silence reigned at the battleground and so your mother said with clear voice:
Almost immediately after that, you felt a very strong impact in your stomach that propelled you to the far back of the backyard, finding yourself in the need to kneel down to stop yourself from hitting against the wall.
-”Point!”. Your mother exclaimed as you looked at your dad still kneeling on the floor. He had that fiery gaze that confirmed his high ranking at the slayers corp. You were gasping for air but tried to dissimulate, that strike had been really precise and painful.
-”If you have any intention of winning, you need to start taking me seriously, Y/N. I might be your father but I am still The Water Pillar and if you ever intend to claim this rank, better start acting as the Tsugoku you are and drop your childish ideas.”
He was right, you have been so angry about what just happened with Kyojuro that you totally forgot who you were about to fight, it wasn’t an UNO match against your daddy; it was a kendo match with the Water Pillar. 
For an instant you felt a bit insecure, unsure if you could attain victory, but then it hit you. Even if you did not say it out loud you knew that your honor and worth as swordswoman were at stake. Because, how could you talk so big if you weren’t able to back your words with true strength? That was the challenge you threw at him by asking for a kendo match. You probably could have thrown a tantrum, asked your mother to intervene or given him the silent treatment for a couple of days to make him stop all his babbling related to Kyojuro. But no, you were so sure that your sword skills were superior to his, that you threw that challenge completely secure about your victory.
It wasn’t about boyfriend or marriage anymore, it was about if you were already strong enough to officially surpass your father and become the next Water Pillar. It was about if you could keep the family legacy with dignity. You were sure that by then, he would start respecting your decisions more and will stop making ridiculous comments about your personal life.
You honestly loved being in the corps, the training sessions, the knowledge your father passed to you and why not; you loved how damn good of a slayer you were. So yes, you would show him how strong your will to protect humans from the demon menace was and how proud you were to call yourself a Demon Slayer.
And you will, definitely, win.
As all doubts started to dissipate, you stood up with your gaze fixed on the messy ground, steadily breathing and as you sheathed your bokken to your belt, you said to your opponent:
-”Now I am ready, father.” You patiently  waited for your mother to call the beginning of the next set.
-”Start!” It was like your body moved by itself, you quickly positioned yourself at your dad’s back.
-”Water breathing, second form: water wheel!” Your rival was merely able to dodge it, he counterattacked, but you were faster blocking his front strike and so you continued:
-”Water breathing, fourth form; striking tide…” Now your father started to defend himself from a series of speedily impacts as you quickly changed your direction with a back somersault, you yelled “ Water breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool!!!”
-”Point!” Your mother briskly said as your bokken slightly impacted your dad’s shoulder. You are now even, 1 to 1, the next set will decide everything. You were pretty sure that your father was enjoying the match as much as you and you were also sure that the hardest part of the tussle was about to start. None of you said a word and so your mother proceeded to yell with excitement:
-”Start!” None of you two were to be seen at any place, as you both bet on speed for achieving victory. Only a high level swordsman could follow your now inhuman encounter, your brother was the only one having trouble keeping up compared to your mother, who was completely focused on identifying the match winner as her eyes quickly scanned the entire scene.
Your father’s strikes were faster, stronger and more precise compared to the beginning of the match; you felt like your bokken could break at any moment. You needed to use your entire body to dodge his strikes since getting a broken weapon will translate into an automatic loss.
While your foothold kept changing constantly you decided to start building momentum for a final strike, you were tired and were sure that if you did not finish it with all you had left, you would probably lose. You started your attack by briefly changing direction to totally impulse yourself on your garden wall, as you were total concentration breathing, your strong step cracked the wall as you propelled yourself forward against your father, this was it:
-”Water breathing, ninth form: Splashing Water Flow, Flash!”. It happened in an instant, a thunderous sound announced that one of the bokken had broken and after all the dust had settle; there was an obvious winner. You and your father were standing, staring in opposite directions, with your bokken slightly touching the back of his neck and your dad’s half bokken on the floor .
-”Point and match! Your mother happily yelled as you dropped to the floor, completely exhausted. Your father was showing you a big smile when he offered his hand to help you get up.
-”Do not ever doubt yourself again, your strength and skill now pairs with a pillar, live your life with honor as you have always had.” The feelings that those words carried were so powerful to you, that you had tears at the brink of your eyes. Just as in the beginning of the match, your body moved by itself, warmly giving into your father’s embrace, this was the moment you have been waiting for almost all your life since you unsheathed your first katana. You have finally deemed yourself worthy of your last name.
Well this was not it, at least not yet. You still needed to receive Lord Kagaya’s blessing and successfully complete your first mission as the lead of high-ranked Demon Slayer squad. But this was indeed the beginning of the rest of your life. Time flew so fast while your Dad merrily recreated your final strike with your brother’s help, that you did not notice it until your phone vibed violently with a sort of extremely enthusiastic texts:
From: Nemi
[Wth Y/N? U left me hanging by myself with the little shit.]
You couldn’t help but to giggle, you can’t remember how many times you have asked Sanemi to not call Genya those, in your opinion, bad taste nicknames but your friend was just like that. As you start writing back to him you realized how late it was and that you were not going to make it to your date with Giyuu.
From: You
[I finally broke my old man’s bokken, TTYL, got a date. ]
The time it took you to get ready was barely human, you showered, put some clothes and perfume on, grabbed your purse and you were already sprinting to the recently opened tea house. You thought that being a demon in slayer was not always that bad, as it came along with some physical perks. Being late was a usual with you and a good thing was that Giyuu never seemed to care about it.
It was not hard to spot your friend, peaceful sitting in a two-person table, scrolling through his phone, with a chilly glass of water at his side. The waitresses noticed you immediately as you made your way to your seat. Your black haired companion stood up as soon as he saw you walking in, he was slightly taller than you, he had was wearing a stretchy white blouse and denim jeans, his hair was a bit messier than usual, but still styled into a low pony tail.
“You look terrible.” - said your friend in a very serious tone.
“Thank you! I missed you too…- you said with a sarcastic tone while you removed your jacket and sat down, picking up the menu and calling in the waitress.
“…and you still wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend.” - You concluded raising a eyebrow and giving him a small side smile.
“I did not meant any harm with that… I am actually concerned. I think you sometimes take your training too seriously.” - He spoke as he ordered his and your drink. He’d know you for so long that he did not needed to ask about your choice. The waitress nodded and quickly removed herself from the table. It was actually nice the way you both got treated by the waitresses every time you and Giyuu hanged out, you assumed that it was because your friend was considerably handsome and that you both had always gave out the “best friends” vibe.
“… And I have not ever complained, not even once, for not having a girlfriend”.- You rolled your eyes with a wide smile.
“Then, you should learn how to properly speak to lady if you ever wanna change that.” - you concluded as you took the first sip from your drink. It was absolutely blissful, the floral scent flooded your nose, warmness embracing your insides, instantly relaxing every aching muscle of your body.
“I will take your advice, thank you”.- He sipped from his drink, and you were not sure if he enjoyed the tea as much you did, in fact it was always very hard to read your friend’s mind. Actually now that you had come to think about it, the way you two bonded was kind of peculiar.
You and his sister, Tsukako, became good friends during high school and even though you had knew him since then, you and Giyuu did not became friends until you both got into college together, in the same bachelor degree. A lot had changed since those times, but certainly not his lack of expressions, and you could not help but to compare him with Kyojuro and how much of an open book was your new blond boyfriend.
BOYFRIEND! Yes, these were happy news that you definitely wanted to disclose with one of your closest friends. The thought of Daki not being the first one to know gave you chills, but out of sight, out of mind right?
“So, you are never gonna guess what happened to me today.”- you took another sip. -“I was at this pizza place and I chose to start choking at the worst time possibly…” - Your friend interrupted you.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something…- his face was serious, nothing out of the normal, but was not the type of guy to ever interrupt you, so he left you out of words.
“I-I… Well that’s… ok sure. Is everything alright?”- you sipped again, glancing at him with the lower corner of your eye, with consternation.
“I like you and I want you to go out with me.”- Luckily for you, the tea was in the right place at the right time, otherwise your recently confessed lover would had a dripping wet face by then.
That phrase keep floating around your head, you blinked with confusion, did you heard that right? Probably not, so you sipped again while you cleared your throat.
“You, err, like me? You like me, exactly in which type of way?.- you asked, while repeating to yourself: “Please do not say it, please let it be a misunderstanding, please, not today.”
“In a romantic way, the way a man feels attracted to a woman.” - he sipped and cleared his fine lips with a neatly folded paper napkin. You rested your chin on the palm of your hand, using your fingers to cover your mouth, frowning with concern, unable to speak. This had to be a horrible coincidence, it was just some nights ago that you had dismissed your dad’s ranting about your friends having romantic feelings for you and here you were; A new boyfriend, the broken bokken of your father and another love confession.
Could this day get any crazier?
It was not the fact that you could not like Giyuu, he was indeed a great guy and you enjoyed being around him. Having your blue-eyed companion as a boyfriend was not an idea that you disliked but the problem was that you were dating someone else by now. How were you supposed to gracefully reject a friend and not hurt his feelings? You were not even sure if you were ready to be in a relationship with Kyojuro and there you were, having to break the heart of someone you cared for and if this was not enough, you were about to start the process to become the water pillar.
It was too much, too much for her, too much for a couple of days, too much for her the rest of her life thank you very much.
“You do not have to give me an answer right now. I am going on a business trip tomorrow. We can talk about it when I come back and I will be fine with whatever decision you take.” - He calmly called the waitress again to ask for a refill. How in hell could he be so calm after he spat such words? How could he failed to see how were you crumbling on the inside? Nonetheless, that was a good thing, right? It turned you into a very good liar, concealing your secret until the day you die. You have not spoken a single word.
“Sorry, I did interrupted you. You were talking about a pizza place?” - He sipped again, with inhuman tranquility, and you decided to play along. If you were going to reject him you would have time to think about the best way to do it and still end up in good terms, because that was only way to do it. Right?
“It was, it was nothing special, it was the best slice pizza that ever tried to kill me.” - For a change, Giyuu chuckled.
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deadbydangit · 6 days
Can you do an hc with survivor reader just going uno reverse and started hunting them down (can be whatever killer you want)
I absolutely can! What a cute idea!
With a Reader who starts hunting them down
Shape, Huntress, Mastermind
What are you doing?
He won't say that out loud, but that is what he's thinking.
First off, he's the master of stealth, okay?
Don't even try to sneak up.
I can hear you. Your footsteps, your breathing, the rustle of your clothes.
He. Hears. You.
Second, what what weapon?
What is that, a crow bar?
You think you can take Micheal Myers out with a crow bar?
How many times has this man been stabbed and shot?
And you think that dinky little crow bar will do the trick?
You don't even reach up to his waist.
You're either crazy or stupid.
He's going to ignore you.
Like, you can hit him all you want, it won't do anything.
He doesn't even seem to feel it.
If you're really bugging him, he can easily take the crow bar away.
He'll pick you up by the back of the shirt and move you away like you're some tiny kitten.
It's actually really funny.
Not to him though.
Just let the man do his thing.
Maybe, he'll let you hunt him outside of a trial.
She's hiding in the bushes and she suddenly hears a sound behind her.
That can't be right.
She's the Hunter and you're the prey.
It's not the other way around.
Anna could take this one of two ways.
As a threat or as a game.
If she's close to you and knows you well she'll take this as a fun little game.
Kind of like keep away.
But she's running from you while chasing other survivors.
Absolutely nothing will get done that trial.
But she's having a blast.
If Anna doesn't know you as well or knows you are a threat things will get bad really fast.
Through her years in the wilderness she's learned that she has to be the top dog in order to survive.
After what happened to her mother, she's always vigilant.
Why would that change in the Entity's realm?
If you're going to hunt her you better be prepared.
With like, a shotgun or something.
Even that probably won't be enough.
Like, have you seen that woman?
Messing with her means you end up on a missing poster.
So if you're hunting her you better be serious because she will kill you brutally.
So maybe it's better to just not.
"I don't have time for this."
"Are you trying to make me angry?"
Because you are.
You are making him very angry.
And Wesker is the last person you want to make angry.
Think about it.
You seen what he's capable of.
You seen how many people he's killed and how he does it.
The man is a police trained bio weapon, and you want to take him on?
"You must be a complete moron."
He won't even give you the time of day.
Unless you're one of the S.T.A.R.S members (particularly Chris) he doesn't see a reason to fight back.
He will destroy you with the most bored expression on his face.
Then carry on like nothing happened.
If you continuously do this throughout the trials he'll become more brutal.
More so than he already is.
Most of the time when he kills, it's brutal, but quick.
If you continue to mess with him?
"I will make this a slow, agonizing, death. One that will linger in your very soul."
And who in the right mind would want that?
Trust me, just don't try it.
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。「Affection Prompt 16」⋆。
◉ Sinopsis; Staying up half the night to finish a game with them
◉ feat; Loona
◉ A/n- Kinda basic of me, but I went with the IMP squad playing an intense game of Uno. Hope that's alright lol
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
How had it come to this? The whole night, you've been fighting, clawing your way to the top... only to be hit with a +4
"WHAT?! LOONA, WHY??" you wailed, drawing cards from the deck. This is the deepest form of betrayal- and to think it'd come from your girlfriend.
"Sorry babe, that's the game," she snickers, leaning over to give you a quick kiss on the side of your head.
"Well then why couldn't you give it to Moxxie? He's losing anyway!"
"I didn't have a reverse card. You've gotta take one for the team."
"It's Uno, there aren't any teams!"
"No, but there are alliances," Blitzø interrupts, smacking a card onto the table. "Switch to green, bitches!" He and Loona cheer, while everyone else groans, drawing cards as needed.
The game goes on until about 2 in the morning. There were twists and turns; Moxxie made a brief comeback, Millie had Blitzø on the ropes with a couple of lucky +4 and wild cards, and eventually, the winner is decided.
Loona whoops as she slams down her last card. "UNO, MOTHERFUCKERS! TAKE THAT!!" Blitzø, of course is the first to congratulate her. Millie claps, giving Loona a congratulatory thumbs up before taking Moxxie to bed. Blitzø excuses himself around the same time, giving you and Loona the living room to yourselves.
"Good game," you yawn, "Congrats on winning." You collapse onto the couch, slumping into the soft cushions. Loona sits too, leaning against you and resting her head on your shoulder. "Thanks. It was actually kinda fun. I liked seeing how competitive you got," she teases. Loona leans up, giving you a quick forehead kiss before settling back against the couch.
It isn't long before the two of you are passed out on the couch, limbs sprawled everywhere. It was a long night, but it was worth it. After all, you got to spend time with your amazing girlfriend.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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