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givemetofu · 8 months ago
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givemefreshtofu · 8 months ago
It's been a few years since I posted in the blog but when I come back, I'm always glad to see how alive you've been keeping all these movies. During this time, I've been developing a game, HITM3, and today it released. It's a slice - of - life adventure where you help your beloved pack film a movie in Santiago de Chile. I'm sure if you follow the blog, you'll know the movies they watch. So please, if you're interested, you can find it here
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queergamesbundle · 8 months ago
We're so happy to share that "HITM3" by Xiri launched on Steam today. Our favorite characters are in 3D (!), and they're making a movie together. Please check out the game! Buying and reviewing it soon makes a huge difference. Wishlisting is good too.
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ryanryansposts · 2 years ago
I wanna bruise my tits with my docs
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jellyaibo · 10 months ago
jnj you CANT do that oh you CANT be doing this to me
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wonderxshows · 3 months ago
anywyas. im Pretty sure tan youyou is voiced by natsuki hanae in the jp dub. im willing to bet my life on it
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methad1ne · 1 year ago
I can assure you I am ready!
I have so many Halsin/Abdirak thoughts and the only thing holding me back from spilling it on you all is the knowledge that the world is not ready.
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marshberri · 1 year ago
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givemetofu · 2 years ago
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castielsparkle · 2 years ago
my boy best friend dean winchester
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goodlucksnez · 2 years ago
long post feel free to ignore
This is going to come off as really egotistical or selfish or any other fancy definition of psychology term that you want to use but I'm not happy with the content that I'm making. It could be because I'm a perfectionist, it could be because I have crippling self-hatred and doubt, but I feel like I’m not “useful” to the community anymore
When I first started this, it was a very niche community. Many people had written fanfiction of their favorite characters, but not a lot of people had voiced them so I started voicing them. I gain traction and in time I got a Fanbase, which was great, but the whole reason I started my blog wasn’t to gain a Fanbase. It was to make content because there was not content of my favorite characters. In doing so I inspired others not to make blogs and PLEASE DO NOT take this the wrong way. I am absolutely thrilled that people have come out of their shells and started recording character wavs. Something that I might have inspired them to do or at least shown that it is possible I can never feel bad that I inspired that, but as the years go on the more I see other accounts are getting traction just like I had when I first started and I am staying where I am.
here is where I’ve been struggling with my mental health, am i egotisical for wanting that recognition or am I just a human who craves some recognition because I’m lonely and have no self-esteem? It’s a very fine line and it’s very hard to navigate this line. It’s like walking a tightrope and I feel like I’m constantly being thrown to either side and falling because of that I’m not in the right mindset to create the new content I want to. I want to do make things again, I did it in the first place because they were characters whom I love that have no content for 
I don’t do this for attention, but some small part of me, which is turning into unfortunately a large portion craves that attention and you can call me a selfish attention-seeking whore. I just want to explain what is going on in my mind.
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ianisin · 10 months ago
DOUBLE TROUBLE | Hitman 3 - Part 5
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geffenrecords · 2 years ago
punching fucking air rn blink plays a concert the day i leave here. pissed ass fuck. not even funny.i could never afford that shit and its in seattle but FUCK. fuckkkkk
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pakcikpetai88 · 1 month ago
Gadis brtdung hitm ni pling sempurna..amt sesuai dgn bju dia pkai..dgn wjah yg cantik..buah dada yg besar ranum,dipadankan dgn pinggang bak kerengga bersama dgn Pungkok yg jd idaman kita..Bedasarkn Pngalaman pkcik,law dok dlm keta nk sembam muka dkt tetek,awek nie ok je..untng pkwe die..Video nie 4mnit lbih jgk..
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Boleh layan Full video Kt group Candid Pkcik yer..Pm pkcik nk join..
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ask-postcrash-curly · 5 days ago
sorry can s.omeone please helpme please and quicker this time its worse sorry thankyou justneed it to stop fast please, i am quite afraid its fucking fireworks isnt even thesaem thing that happened to me,and itsnot real why does ithurt that s so pointless im sick of it im nevergoing to be able to be a person again if i have a panic ove r eveyrthing i nwant to go home soon now
pleasmake it turn off fast thank you love you help im scared
supposed to be strong this isso stupid hahaha. ow ow ow ow
cananyone haer me. pleas em ake it turn off cant do this one forso long its makingme panic every time oneofthem goes off haha it doesnt even soundthe same it was muchlouder when iitreally happened
what if the asteroid goes into a star a sun and idont die because im not allowed ever and i ahve to beo nfire forever!! that would be bad i don t want that . oh my god what the fuck am i talking about. maybe i shoudl just scream really loud and then jimmy will come and maybe he'll hit me hard enough to make itstop
no hah okay nope im not goingt o do that . thatss not a good plam at all! then iwould probably cry and he owudl hitme more!! cheers!!!!!!!! hahaha
are any of you there i want it to stop fast please. please can the time delay things not work this time idont want to wait that long .
nooo no it's fine i mean cmon the only reason that it took so long last time's because oft hhe dleays and then all the good videos came at once and it was good theyll . theyre not going to ignore me its okay that will not happen. oh god but i cant wait that long not again pleasecan you break the itme delya this time i dont want to i dont want to do this anymore
i migth start screming by accdint . i dont want to do that i t will make anya upset and jhimmy wuill be angyr and. i dont want him to be angry he might . be agnry. whyis eveyrone angyr with me all thetime i dont try to be frustrating i dont i reallydont . i dont want to be by myself anymore can you please. the rescueline disconnceted and no one can do anything to helpme please acn soemhone help me befroe i make it worse and scream haha oh mygod no i was wrong its the same its the same the sound is different but the way the colors burst across youreyelids when you shut themisthe same and tehn you cant shut them anymore and it hurts it hurts andeverything is white and then its red and youcant even scream youcant move and its just burnign and it takestoo long to pass out why did it take so long i felt evyrting it ev en when iw asnt awake i oculd feel it burnign
and i think i think he left me in there on purpose i think hewanted to make sure i coldnt get better i think he wanted to hurt me i htink he was angyr stilll about the firing an waht i sadi in the cockpit afterhis eval i think maybe thats why he hates me now i didnt i didnt know jimmy i wouldnthave said that if iknew why are you angry i wanted. to help why would you hurther jim she didnt do anytihng to you why would you why would you hurt her why would you hurt me wgy do you keep hurting me. idont ressist anymore so youdont have to push so hard dont have to reach sofar why do you . you want to hurt me yeah? you want to and itsnot because ofanything but you and me. jimmy anya soembdoy cann you make the fireworks go away for me please i will be better
please can aynoe hear me im sc ared im so scared i dont want to beon fire agian it hurt so much and wheni. woke up i couldnt stop screaming . i ocudnt stop im going tos cream aagain and hes going to hit me but nope he wont kill me he wont knock me out because i have to feel it i have to feel veyrthing all the time i cant even sleep!!! that woudl be too peaceful and i dont get to have it peaceful no no no!!!!!!! not allowed for curlly to hvave peaceful i have to be feleing all of it
i onyl had two days i only had two days iwanted to help but i was scared ishouldntmake excuses im sorry nevermind nevermind im sorry anyaimsory shoudnthave been you never you never anybody else i shoudlvedonesomething i shoudlve let us both die whenwe werekids ojgod no no i cantwant him todie hewas. my firned no no no he hurtssherbieng selfish why did i tell them why did i let her tell him why did i let him go in there why did i go in there
i wish it had killed me then it woudlnt stil hurt its been so so so so long forever humanbody isnt supposed to fele this way for so long icant do it anymore iwish they ddint all ahte me s omuch i dindt crash thesip i didnt do it i didnt i neverwouldve done it whyd theybleve you so easilyi am i thiat easy to, did anyoen ever likeme or did they all feel the same as you jimmy is that why. deado pixels everywehr theye all dead pixels and i ahve to bealive its not fair no no haha it is fair this is this is what happens when you dont do anythign now you dont get to!!!!!!cant fix anythuing no matere how muchyou want toooo
cant do anything ever and iut always hurts and shes aways crying andhe doesnt smile anymore and i dont seehim naymore hes drinnkinghismelf to death and none fo them aluagh they used to laugh i miss mmy parents i miss closing my eyes i miss when thinsgs were soft andpeople hugged me evenif it was just pretend and they didnt care i could believe it sometimes and it didnthurt
i wanna go home
i wnana go to sleep
im reallyscared that im going to scream soon not onpurpose
can anybody hear or amitalkingto nothing . can anyeone hear me? icanrt. see anything exceot, the
hah ha am i tlaking too much . i think i am . why would you give this to me. youknow it would hurt me . why does eveyrone liek to hurt me am i that awful or is it that fun . ah hahaha. it jus. it kepe s on going. ahahahaahaha. and anotheranotther anohter another another!!!! is htis because i c omplaiend about the fireare youmad at me because iwouldnt stop saying it overand over wouldnt shut up god it's so annoyign haha right thats it yeah? youask ove and over and nothing chagnes so you have to stop before you get hurt because therse a reaseono they dont listen and if you keep asking againanda again and again forever theyll make you pay.
im soryr ill. be quiet
youdont have to make it go away this time , i can. deal with itthis time until it ends if you dont do it agian. could we make that deal, is that all right can we
amibeing punished
i think i am
or maybe not . only persons get punished im not a perosn im a toy i think . thats it thats all it is anymore and hwen a toy breaks you break it moreandmoreandmore and thneyou throw itawya into the incinerator to burn forever yeah?
everyneos going to go away. whoeven cares right? got thier own lives. own worlds other worlds better worlds. better world where im gone!!! got real friends haha got reaaal families real sons. and the firworks keeo going and eveyrone goes away!!! boom boom boom thats anotehr oen gone. jsut me just me all by mysefl in th empty
oh no no no
no no nonoonnononononono im cryingnow i need to stop no ones in here and if he hears me he might
please imsorry if anyones still there please hlep i acnt stop hes going to hear me pleaseimscared
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sallymew4 · 2 months ago
well CLEARLY this is misinformation for if you look RIGHT HERE
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you can see Teru in his FAVORITEST SHIRT of ALL TIME. so [BEATS YOU UP]
teru hates buddy elf #true
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