#hissing biting maiming
albatris · 1 year
aaaaAaaAAAA can't sleep again
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eggtrolls · 5 months
took me 10 emails back and forth to schedule a meeting with this woman for 6 pm today. she never showed, I emailed her TWICE since 6 pm, nary a fucking peep. redacted when I hear from you, you better be actively dying.
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robitherat · 10 months
My boyfriend is so so so fucking cute oh ym God killing maiming biting
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thecryptidcomposer · 9 months
of COURSE the one time musescore decides to release a big update i wont have time to look at it for another 2 weeks
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alphacrone · 2 years
the best combination in fiction is a broken boy and an absolutely feral girl
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wizardlyghost · 9 months
learned today that last week we made an incredible amount of profit, much more than expected, but this week average sales were down due to being closed for two public holidays so multiple casual employees got their hours cut to make up for the shortfall. i want to bite someone.
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binx0r · 1 year
Whoever allowed music in ads to auto play I’m going to kill you
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gay-otlc · 2 years
I would like to apologize to the anon who I called an idiot for claiming Tiergan was straight. Reading Tiergan as a straight trans woman is a completely valid interpretation.
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niche meme?
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poguniversity · 1 year
I just wanna go home man
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basi-boy · 2 years
I hate when you call an office to request some documents and then they don't send you the fucking documents. I already made this phone call, and now I have to do it AGAIN? because you FORGOT?? death be upon you!!!!
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Please pray for phantom
I am going to die
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envy-of-the-apple · 7 months
ive been really obsessed with your gojo/geto naga oneshots and asks lately it feels like literal brain rot at this point its so good. ive reread it 6 times lol
i was wondering though, what would Geto do if Gojo was just a little bit too heavy handed with you? to the point of a sprained or broken arm or leg. Would he get mad at Gojo or just mad in general that reader was hurt? Also how would they act in response to the injured reader who can't do basic tasks themselves, I personally think they would enjoy the fact she relied on them even more to even move now.
Reminder requests are still closed!!!! I just love this idea so so much holdon lemme-
Part one Part three
(Yandere, dark, implied forced relationships, noncon touching, biting, language barriers, drugging(?))
Top of the Food Chain pt2
Dark!Naga!SatoSugu x reader
Two days later, Satoru still wasn't allowed inside the cave.
You can hear him, hissing and clicking, right outside, hovering just behind the invisible line Suguru refused to let him pass. If you weren't already in so much pain, you would have found pity on the poor thing. He wasn't allowed in his own home, even though the incident wasn't entirely his fault.
Technically, Satoru saved you. It was yet again another escape attempt. Something you'd been doing a lot these days once you've figured out these beings' intentions with you. You'd gotten past the rock quarry this time, a new record. Your plan was filled with holes: there was no way to truly escape the island. You had no boat, no way to call for help. Still, you ran, forgetting that there were more dangerous things on this island other than two territorial serpent men.
It was a monster. There was no other way to describe it. Big, ugly, shiny spikes and sharp teeth, eyes dripping with bloodlust. You would have been eaten, killed, maimed, if Satoru hadn't caught up with you in time.
The only collateral was the loss of nearby plant life and your broken wrist.
That had been Satoru's fault. He'd pulled at you too hard at the hand. The remnants of adrenaline from the fight, his anger, anger made him too rough on your fragile body. He froze at the wet snap, and then you started screaming. That was how Suguru had found you. Despite how much Satoru clicked and hummed and tittered, from his mate's look, you doubted it helped his case.
Another lonely coo made you wince. Suguru only huffed, wrapping you tighter in his coils. They were already warm from your body heat. The numerous animal pelts helped your comfort too.
"Make him stop," you beg, "he's been going on for hours."
At that, Suguru lifts his head from the base of your neck. He tilts his head as he surveys you, and you can't help but think how awful you must look. Sickly-looking from the pain, clammy skin. He can't do much about your appearance, but the least he could do was shut Satoru up.
"What want?" Suguru asks, "water?"
At that, he picks up a sack filled with sea-smelling water. You wrinkle your nose, turning away, cocooning yourself within his coils. With the increased pain, your appetite has decreased, as well as your thirst. The stress of being trapped like this along with your broken wrist was starting to take its toll on your body.
Suguru makes a sound of disapproval, shuffling around behind you. You know he's still mad about the escape attempt, but he's concerned enough for your well-being to put his anger to the side for now. He'd helped wrap your wrist, using something stretchy and soft.
You raise your wrist up, inspecting the thin material wrapped around your wrist. You're not sure what it is, it's too silky to resemble cotton. It must be from the foliage around the island. Yet, another strange thing you'd never find the answer to.
There's another rumble coming from the Naga's chest. He wraps a hand around your chin, bringing your face closer. In his other, he holds the dripping sack.
"Suguru," it's too soft to be anything more than a whine, "it hurts too much to take anything right now. Stop."
"Hurt?" he asks.
To that, you gesture to your broken wrist. It may not have been broken, you were no doctor, so you couldn't say for certain. But considering you'd been in the same amount of pain for two days, it really didn't matter to you.
A click, before he's tossing a glare at the entrance of the cave. He'd already given Satoru a beating right before coming to coddle you. Despite being bigger than his mate, Satoru is docile enough to take them. Suguru had been acting more aggressive lately. You had a feeling it was your fault.
He'd been inspecting your wrist every so often, but you see a different look within his brown eyes now as he takes your injured hand. He carefully turns your palm over, pressing slightly into your wrist. When you yelp, he retracts.
"Hurt." Suguru confirms. You can only nod.
"Hurt. No drink? No eat?" You don't like the way he's talking. As if he's putting a puzzle piece together. Coming to a solution you won't like.
When you go to pull away, his grip only tightens.
"No hurt," he says it like a promise, as though you're a toddler and he's coaxing you into drinking a sour-tasting medicine. His lips part, revealing the fangs you've often seen him use on meat, on Satoru.
Never did you think he'd ever use them on you.
"Suguru," you're pleading, trying to move away when he bends down, his hair brushing your sweaty forehead. You can feel his breath on your neck.
"No hurt," he repeats, and then he bites down.
He lied, of course, he did. His teeth puncture your skin, tearing through like paper. You think you screamed, or maybe it was more akin to a pitiful whimper. In the background, you can hear someone hiss, Satoru maybe?
For a second, you feel everything, the pain, the puncture wound, Suguru lightly licking your neck.
And then, you feel weightless.
It's hard to describe, but your brain feels like it's turned to mush. Your body feels like you're on a soft cloud, just there, floating. In the back of your mind, you remember how dazed Satoru would get whenever Suguru bit him. At the time, you just thought he was lovestruck.
When Suguru pulls away, he's smiling. A trail of blood, your blood goes down his lip. You can barely keep your eyes on him, close to falling asleep.
"No hurt," he says. When he leans down to kiss you, you accept without a single fuss.
You don't remember much after that, but you remember accepting whatever Suguru put in your mouth. The panic in your body was non-existent as he held the water-sack above your lips, watching as your throat bobbed. You think he kissed you a few more times, but you're not too sure. You were a lot more averse to kissing before. It'd make sense he'd take advantage of it.
When you wake up again, you're in between two bodies. The pain in your wrist is still there, but not as horrible as before. You're still groggy, mind fuzzy. Whatever Suguru had given you was still in effect.
Satoru is the first to notice you're awake. Suguru and him must have made up during the time you were unconscious. He props himself up, peering down at you. With how dim the cave is, you can barely make out his features. He looks just as guilty as he had two days ago.
"Sorry," he mutters, "is sorry."
If you weren't still high, you might have laughed. When you continue to stare, he takes it in stride, leaning forward to kiss your cheek, then your lips. You wince in distaste, leaning back.
"Stop," you say but don't fight when he licks at your jaw. You can barely move your fingers.
Panic is still far away, a distant call than anything alarming. It should worry you, but you still can't feel anything.
Suguru is at your back. You can hear his scales move across the cavern floor. He gives a hum, content as he curls himself around you. He doesn't seem to mind Satoru's touches. Your theory that they must have made up is unfortunately starting to strengthen.
You could barely manage Suguru's coddlings. You don't think you'll survive Satoru's.
"Sorry," he mouths into your neck. You can feel the grip on your waist starting to tighten. He stops, rising up to stare at you.
Blue, almost glowing.
"But no more leave."
You're coherent enough to piece together what he means. You can't escape Satoru. You can't escape Suguru. You can't leave this island. Running away is useless.
The nagas understood it. It's time you did too.
"Yes," you finally say, "no more leave."
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iite-cool · 5 months
thinking about simon being like a cat. a mean ol' one all teeth and claws, scratching and hissing when you stretch a hand out to him. biting you because that's all he knows how to do - it's all he's ever done - and it's kept him alive.
that's what his whole life's been about - staying alive. surviving. maiming anything he sees before it can get to him first. so he doesn't know how to react when you don't bare your teeth at him but just smile and make him tea. he reacts like a stray cat does when it's offered warmth - he's confused. and his confusion gives way to anger and again he spits fire because what else is he to do? accept your kindness? bah! it's a hoax, he knows that. you'll tire of him and claw at his neck sooner or later so he'd rather not let you close enough to do so.
and when you don't give up, and you keep smiling that gorgeous, dazzling smile at him, he doesn't know what to do. no one's ever done this before - been all soft and sweet and only wanting to be allowed to scratch at his ears in reward. why were you doing this? why didn't you run away when you saw how he snarled at you? why do you look at him with those big, beautiful eyes like he's the only person in the world?
at a complete loss, he lets you pet him and oh that smile he'd let you tear his heart out if you would just keep smiling at him. "hey, simon!" god, he wants to drown in the sound of your lips wrapping around his name. you come close to him and his brain stops working, eyes wide and lost when you wrap your arms around him and pull him to you. warmth. is this what it feels like? he wants to live forever in the crux of your arms, creating a life for himself between them.
he couldn't stop purring if he tried, if he were a cat he'd spend the rest of his time on this earth, the earth that tried to bury and kill him and is now making amends by sending him you, running between your legs and swishing his tail around you. simon riley who's always had his head on a swivel, who's not gotten a full night's sleep in a decade lest he miss the chance to look his reaper in the eyes, now sleeps with his head on your lap, belly up and purring.
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please comment/reblog!! i have so many thoughts about this man that need to be talked about
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alucarddear · 1 year
Alucard’s fangs* 👀
Nobody asked for this, but my brain needed to spit this out. Enjoy! [Alucard x You]
P.S. heads into the NSFW* zone.
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Sometimes, Alucard catches you staring at his teeth. The first time you told him you liked his fangs, he blushed.
You find it adorable the way they’d peek out whenever he’d talk or smile or laugh or kiss.
The way they’d extend when he’d hiss or when he feels threatened (usually when protecting you)… you get reminded just how dangerous your lover truly is. How those fangs can kill and maim. The thought sends shivers down your spine, like you almost can’t believe they weren’t made just for kissing you.
As much as you like his fangs though, Alucard has a habit of trying to hide them when speaking—so much so he sometimes sounds like he’s murmuring.
When he smirks at you, one side of his mouth showing off a fang… you know he knows exactly what he’s doing to you. This man knows how to use them for good. 😏
When he tears open packages, letters, your underwear, with his teeth. 👀
The way goosebumps would pepper your skin whenever he’d graze it with his fangs. The anticipation and danger of knowing he can just bite into you and suck you dry, yet knowing he wouldn’t—that you’re safe—adds to the heat of the moment.
His open-mouthed kisses on your thighs.
When he sucks on your fingertips, grazing them ever so faintly…
When you ride him and he throws his head back with a plea, panting with his mouth half open, those wretched fangs making you want to kiss him so urgently.
You love the way he kisses your lips so softly, gently, as if afraid of accidentally hurting you. And the way it contrasts with those desperate nights when your lips lock with barely any care for drawing blood.
The way he licks at your lips, languidly lapping at little droplets of blood, murmuring his sincere apologies against your mouth. “You taste so sweet, my darling.”
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stinkrascal · 4 months
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Breanna: [ she shuffles uncomfortably as she wakes; a faint moan escapes her]
Breanna: Ah! Aha! Hi, um, mister—um, were you here the whole time?
Vladislaus: Yes. I observed your transformation through the night. How did you sleep?
Breanna: Um! Fine. Vladislaus: Good. I hope you are comfortable, for you will remain in my care until your powers have matured. Breanna: I'm staying with you?
Vladislaus: Yes. You are my spawn, therefore you are my responsibility. My home is yours. All I ask is you forgive the mess in the kitchen, and you stay out of the basement. Breanna: What's in your basement? Vladislaus: It's off limits. Breanna: Why come? Vladislaus: It's off limits. Breanna: Why?
Vladislaus: It is off limits. Do I make myself clear? Breanna: I don't care about your stupid basement dude. Vladislaus: Good. If that is all, I shall be on my way. Breanna: Huh? Where you going?
Vladislaus: Downstairs. I have students to teach. Breanna: Can I come too? Vladislaus: No. Rest. Breanna: But I'm not tired.
Vladislaus: I wasn't asking. [ the door closes ] Breanna: [ murmurs ] Bitch.
Vladislaus: Your posture is horrendous. Straight your back, boy.
Caleb: Ugh. Got no reason, waking me this early. Vladislaus: Your attendance is mandatory. Caleb: Since when? Lilith: Hmm. I wonder if laziness is inherited between sire and spawn?
Vladislaus: No, but it seems insolence is inherited between kin.
Vladislaus: You're supposed to be resting. Breanna: I'm not tired. Can I join? Vladislaus: Come, then. Form a line. Let's see how you fare.
Vladislaus: Since we have a new addition, I will recount the basics. As vampires, we derive our powers from flesh and blood. Though any creature's blood will sustain us, not all blood is created equal. We are only as strong as the blood we consume.
Vladislaus: However, this grand power comes at the cost of innocent life. As our hunger is insatiable, this is a cost we will pay for all eternity.
Vladislaus: It is our responsibility to quench this hunger, as to not endanger ourselves, or endanger others.
Breanna: Actually, I change my mind. I'm going back inside. Vladislaus: [ snorts ] Don't tell me I've lost your interest already. Breanna: When you said train, I thought you meant we were gonna start maiming and biting and killing and stuff. This is kinda boring.
Vladislaus: You have jokes. How quaint. Try to release your dark form. We shall spar.
Breanna: My—huh? Vladislaus: Every vampire has a dark form, the evil within, their shadow self—whatever you wish to call it. When we are in this form, we are at our apex, but not all are capable of releasing it at will.
Lilith: I don't think this is— Caleb: Shut it, Lilith. I wanna watch.
Vladislaus: Only those with mastery over their powers, such as myself, are capable of releasing this form at will. Of course, this is a skill which will take decades, even centuries to achieve. Do not be discouraged if you fail.
Vladislaus: That is why I am here, to—
Breanna: [ maniacal hissing and growling ] Vladislaus: BACK! BACK AWAY, YOU LITTLE HEATHEN!
Lilith: BREANNA, STOP! HE'S OUR SIRE, YOU CAN'T EAT HIM! Caleb: Hah. She actually did it.
Breanna: Haaaaaah—your blood tastes really good, Vladdy! ❤
Vladislaus: [ groaning ] Breanna: Oh, shit—are you okay?!
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