#hiss growl
qibsichan · 16 days
I wish I could draw/write more :( I know you’re meant to balance everything out but I love creating things so much and see people with full coloured comics and animations and I know I could do that if I had the time
Mostly I’m grateful for anyone who enjoys my stuff :) I’ve decided I want to be a creative director, an author or a disability worker. Current dream is to make a fictional book series covering characters with different disabilities to spread awareness and love
I just… I wanna make!!!! I wanna make more
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p1nkc4lyps0 · 7 months
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ah yes, me, my boyfriend and this weird freak star that he’s weirdly attached to after experiencing the horrors.
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intrepidbeans · 4 months
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Brennan Bubble GIF
you’re all welcome
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fighting-naturalist · 5 months
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one last thing...
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rabidbatboy · 6 months
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SPECIFIC SUBVOCAL FLAGS: based on this (link) flag and definition. intended to be used by misceanimalis who exhibit specific subvocal sounds, but use as you please
growl | purr | trill squeak | chirp | hiss yip | bark | meow
TAGGING: @omegai @omegarchive
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leafdragon16 · 2 months
* slams head through the wall *
Ok so - stop screaming it's just me - so we know Experiment!Wheeljack can growl and hiss and stuff, but can he purr? And/or does he act animalistic in other ways (territorial, gets the zoomies, etc)? (You explored some of this in the chapter where he's staying at the original Autobot outpost, but I keep having Thoughts™ about our favorite gremlin Wrecker so I came here to chat about him😅) Ok that's all, I'll just be going now
* awkwardly pulls head back out of the wall, leaving a hole behind *
[sticks head through the hole you left behind]
Good question! I don’t think he can purr exactly the same way that a cat does, but he definitely can! Much in the same way he growls via grinding the sections of his throat together + engine noise he could probably also purr. So kinda weird sounding but recognizably purring
He also ABSOLUTELY gets the zoomies. He learned how to control it when he was with the Wreckers back on Cybertron, but it still slips out sometimes (like when June found him on the ceiling). Lights and sharp movements attract him, so he would in fact chase a laser pointer. Shockwave probably figured that one out the hard way while making calculations. He naturally walks very quietly and has a tendency to freeze up and try to stalk anything perceived as prey. He also sometimes has the urge to just get up and walk around randomly (which Ratchet also got to see when he caught him sneaking out to check on Bulkhead)
He’s learned to suppress most of the more animalistic urges around other bots. Back when he was on the Jackhammer alone he was quite literally bouncing off the walls, crawling around on the ceiling, biting the leg of his berth, etc.
Personally I think if he cut loose in the Autobot base it would go something like this
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poele-sexuel · 3 months
Ok so... Naruto brain rot :)
Even if both categories of Clans share characteristics with animals. There's a difference between a Beastial Clan and a Feral.
One is working with animals, the other is Being the animal.
For example...
Inuzuka, Beastial, work with ninja dogs, greater and sharper senses and instincts.
Hakate, Fucking Feral, Will bite your fucking throat out, are basically Animals in humans form.
But you can also be Feral without the animal parts.
You just need to be more Wild than a Beastial. Be literally one with Nature. :)
Yes, the Uzumakis are Feral. Yes, the Fucking Senju are Feral. Yes, Tsunade Senju is very Feral herself. (Orochimaru is too ;D)
Beastial Clans : Inuzuka, Aburame, Nara, Sarutobi, Uchiha, Onikuma...
Feral Clans : Hakate, Senju, Uzumaki, Nohara, Umino, Namikaze...
Also... Being a Junchiriki automatically make someone Feral. Or being mixed with Senju's DNA. Or adopted/Claimed by a Feral. :)
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symptomsofdeceit · 4 months
This suddenly pop up in my head so I gotta run here to ask you 🏃🏃💨 bad English ahead
So we all know that animals hate Thaumo, does that mean we can bring an animal as a 'Thaumo detector'?? Like, they'd be alerted and restless whenever Thaumo is within 10m radius, starting deadly into a corner he'a hiding or hissing at a random trashcan he's inside. And of course they get a no-kill pass because he wouldn't want to see us sad right?
I'm wondering if Nalis should be on the same list but he could bribe them with food. Imagine Nalis pretends to be Thaumo pretends to be Nalis (I love how confusing it sounds) acting all mean towards us but our pet recognize their food briber provider (he's the reason they get fatter lately)
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Yes 👍👍 animals work as a good Thaumo detector!! Probably not up to a 10m radius, but if you hold an animal near Thaumo it’ll growl or hiss or try to retreat from him, even when he’s shape-shifted.
Animals are neutral to Nalis, and Nalis is 100% the type who would bring over treats for your pet (along with snacks + a drink for you) whenever he visits.
It would be really funny if a chill pet is what gave him away… The mental image of Nalis trying to act cruel, your pet being happy to see him, you realizing he’s actually Nalis, and then him being totally confused and clueless on how you figured it out is killing me 😭😭
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Big teethies for Aethie!
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rubixcuby · 4 months
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Chomp. Scratch. Shoutout to my pookie @tesseractrave for providing me with a starter sketch when my art blocked. You are now forever attached to this god awful creation of ours. ALSO HAPPY PRIDE🏳️‍🌈
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angeltownn · 1 year
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Lamb doodles assortment (Ft. Kitty cat narinder)
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scarlett-vixen · 9 months
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W-why does this feel like the equivalent of trying to get your cat to the vet?
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canines-crown · 3 months
Am I the only one who'd throw hands with animals?
I often see clips of people getting attacked by geese, and they're always so scared and try to flee. Same with like... Seagulls! Sometimes raccoons or cats too!
And I'm so confused by that cause like... My friend. You're a tad bit bigger than that gull? Why don't you just defend yourself? 🤨
This isn't me saying that I enjoy fighting or hurting animals, not at all! But if a cat just randomly jumps me even though I just walked past it I'm not gonna run away screaming 😩
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I have just been hit w the sudden realization that Nikignik and Marolmar, if you squint reeeeeal hard, is radio host x scientist
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rainydaygt · 5 months
i wont be able to do digital art for a while because CLIP STUDIO HATES ME AND WONT LET ME RENEW MY SUBSCRIPTION!!! I HAVE THE MONEY!!!! RAGHHHHHHH
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omniscientpapaya · 1 year
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There she is. My beautiful wife whom I love very very much. My stupid Nefarious oc that I'm turning over and over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. When they're not engaging in girlboss activities like biobliterating the galaxy's entire population they spend their time singing at karaoke bars and knitting sweaters and funny hats for their pet leviathan
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