#his scent calming her down from a feral rage
jynnjecki · 4 days
here me out… alpha werewolf jyn and her emotional support human cassian
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lucysstoryworld · 2 years
Lease of Life | Azriel x Reader part 3
Thank you all so much for all the love. Just a quick one, I read all of your comments and there's so many that I can’t respond to all of them but I do read them. Especially with the tag list, I check for new entries before I post so don’t be worried if I don’t respond! hope you enjoy this next part! Let me know if you have any feedback!
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, self deprecating thoughts. 
Minors DNI. 
You were sure that others would rather gouge their eyes out than stare down the High Lord of the Night Court like you were in that moment, daring him to answer incorrectly. Your body felt like it was on fire, like each and every nerve ending was being scratched and torn. The sounds that had gone unheard by your human ears, the scent of the very air was an overstimulated nightmare. And your sister’s absence did nothing but fuel the inferno pooling within your soul, threatening to break the surface. Glancing around the room, the look on the others’ faces told you that they had been blindsided too. All eyes were on Rhysand, demanding an explanation as to what the actual fuck just happened. 
So he explained. Explained how he and Feyre had slipped out to have an impromptu mating ceremony... and had her named High Lady of the Night Court. Explained how she had sacrificed her safety for the sake of your escape. 
Classic, selfless Feyre. 
It was Nesta who broke the pregnant silence, the anger on her face matching what you felt, “So you just let her?! Wow, you really are useless. First you rock up to my home and promise that we will have no part in this war. You lied. Next, you allow my sister to just give herself over to the enemy!” She barked, growing close to being feral. 
“Watch how you speak to my High Lord,” Cassian growled, towering above her. 
“He is not my High Lord, so I will speak to him how I want. All he is to me is someone who has dragged all of my sisters into a war we have no part in.” 
The tension was thick, rage and shock at what happened fuelling the fire, “Feyre died so we could live and now she is risking her life again for the sake of this court all of her own accord. No one is forcing her. So I will only say it once more, mind you tongue, girl,” He sneered. 
“That’s enough,” Rhysand ordered, his demeanour was commanding all of the attention in the room. 
“Rhys...” Morrigan spoke, voice barely above a whisper. She stood from your side, approaching Rhysand with an uneasy calm, “You’re telling me my High Lady is with the enemy? She is in danger.” Morrigan seemed desperate, concern lacing her tone. 
“Your High Lady is conducting a recon mission in the Spring Court and will be safe,” Though the words were meant to be reassuring, you knew deep down Rhysand did not believe them. 
“Oh please!” Nesta scoffed once again, “Safe? Safe. You wouldn’t know what safety was if it slapped you in the face!”
This was all too much, the anger you felt was now at boiling point, “Shut it, Nesta!” You boomed, chest heaving with the effort it was taking to not blow up. All eyes were on you, yet your own remained fixed on your eldest sister. “Do not pretend as though you give a shit about Feyre’s safety. Not when she risked her life every day in that forest hunting just so you could pester her when she came home!” You wished the shouting would calm the storm brewing in your very bones, the strange feeling was clawing its way out. 
“(F/n)...” Morrigan whispered, edging closer to you once more.
“I am not speaking to you,” You snapped, lifting your hand to halt her pursuit towards you. The room began to fill with metallic scent of magic, seemingly consuming each molecule of air in the room. You did not miss how everyone in the room readied themselves to intervene. Both you and Nesta stared each other down, daring the other to make the next move. 
“I have always cared for our family,” She whispered lowly, almost darkly. 
In that moment, that insufferable feeling that, for all this time, had been dancing just beneath your skin broke loose. The power in the room made every wooden fixture begin to groan, glass began to shatter and fly violently across the room along with splinters of wood. 
All of them directed at your sister. 
In an instant, Rhysand stood before you. He placed a hand up, halting the assault on Nesta. Shards and wood chips fell to the floor and he looked at you with gentle eyes. The gentleness in his eyes shook you to the core. He had the same eyes as Feyre. The seriousness of what you just tried to do had you backing away from the group slowly.
“It’s okay,” He said quietly, “Just look at me. I will get Morrigan to bring you to your room. Is that okay?” Cautious. He was being cautious. 
A slight nod was all you could manage. The journey to your room was a blur and when Morrigan took her leave silently, you laid down in the soft bed and cried yourself to sleep. 
* * * 
It had been a few weeks since then. Weeks since you had tried to kill Nesta, and neither of you had made an effort to speak of it. Weeks since you were ripped away from your mortality and given a new body that coursed with strength and power that you barely keeping a handle on. It was obvious that you were not the only one struggling with the change. Elain had barely uttered two words since she arrived here, had barely eaten or slept. She seemed chained to the chair that faced the window, overlooking Velaris. At first, you believed she wanted to marvel in the undeniable beauty of the city though, it became clear her eyes were unseeing. Her sight seemed entwined in whatever catatonic blur that had encased her mind. You and Nesta desperately tried to coax any reaction from her, inviting her out to see the beautiful gardens or come try some of the baked treats the two wraiths had made. 
It seemed as though your sister was lost. 
Azriel had managed to get subtle reactions from her. Offering her tea resulted in an almost unnoticeable tilt of her chin, or a gentle good morning seemed to make her eyes glance towards him in response. It wasn't much, but you and Nesta prayed that whatever magic Azriel was working would continue to work. 
Caring for Elain made it easier to ignore the constant gnawing sensation in the back of your skull, the feeling like you were not the owner of the body you inhabited was both refreshing as it was grating. You relished in the feeling in taking long, powerful breaths of air. In walking around Velaris without tiring as you would have before. It felt like you had been given a new lease of life, appreciating every single second of health you walked in. Yet, the constant scents and sounds that invaded your senses were jarring. The conversations that you overheard on your walks past the cafes seemed so loud. The smell of the brewery down the next street seemed so strong. That female was surely letting all of Velaris know that she was wearing high heels, clacking against the cobble. Or the male in the restaurant was happy to let the whole dinning hall know he was chewing. 
It was all so... irritating. 
So, the walks in the beautiful city had ceased just as quickly as they started. You could barely cope with the sounds in the house, let alone a whole city’s worth. 
It made you yearn for Feyre more. Asking Rhys, as he had urged you to call him, whether or not she was coming home soon became a daily occurrence. Each day was filled with, ‘No, but she is safe,’. Disappointment seemed to weigh you down with each day she did not return. You needed her now more than ever.
The following day, after not receiving the update you wanted from Rhys had you sulking on the balcony, with your head in your hands. Gods, you needed her so bad. The irritation of everything prickled underneath your skin to the point where you couldn’t even look at Elain without becoming exasperated by her state. 
“You doing okay out here, (F/n),” Azriel’s deep voice called from the doors. 
Without lifting your head, “Doing wonderful, thanks.” The guilt for being so rude added to the list of things weighing you down. 
Gentle tingles began dancing across your arms, a cool sensation that made the hairs on your arm stand on end. Finally lifting your head to see what is was, you were met with Azriel’s shadows twirling near your body. Their master was now standing right in front of you, looking at you were a softness that you had not experienced before. “You’re so quiet, I didn't hear you walking over here,” Was all you managed to say. 
“Sorry if I startled you, it is part of the job description to move about unnoticed.”
“Not at all,” You sighed, “It’s nice actually. For something to be so silent.”
His eyes narrowed slightly in confusion, gesturing you to elaborate, “I’m not entirely sure what that means,” He replied. His eyes were like pools of gold, staring down at you were unnatural calculation yet it was not threatening in the slightest. 
“It means that fae senses suck and I miss being able to hear so little.”
The soft chuckle was like music to your ears. In the brief moments you had interacted with Azriel, often during the make shift hand overs for Elain, you could feel a strange excitement when he would look to you. When he would speak, your heart would begin to thump heavily in your chest. You weren’t stupid, you were aware that it was a crush.
That is all it was, a crush. You had never witnessed beauty akin to that of Azriel’s. So it was only natural that you were attracted to him. It was just a simple crush, was what you told yourself. Especially when you saw how dearly he was caring for your sister. Part of you whispered that his aid to your sister went beyond that of respect and love for his High Lady thus, you shut down any thoughts of how devastatingly handsome he was.
“Well, I can’t imagine how… off-putting it is to learn everything about your new body. I know it is not any consolation now but it will get easier, Feyre managed eventually,” He deliberately spoke soft, like he was afraid his voice was going to add to your irritation.
A smile tugged at your tugged on the corner of your lips, your heart swelling with the consideration he was showing, “I wish she were here though. I wish I knew how long it’s gonna take for this to feel normal,” You sighed, motioning to the body you inhabited. “It’s strange, I’m grateful that I feel strong for the first time in my life. I don’t remember a time where I wasn’t ill, or completely exhausted or able to just do what people do without being sick for the following days. Yet, I’m so miserable. Every little noise and smell makes me feel like my head is going to burst. I feel so pathetic,” You whispered, tears lining your eyes after finally voicing your woes.
“You’re not pathetic,” His sharp answer had you meeting his eyes once more. “You have been pushed into this without warning, which is partially my fault. I promised Feyre that I would protect her sisters and I failed. So do not, for one moment, think that you are supposed to feel a certain type of way about this. I can’t say there is one right way to adjust to being fae. But I can imagine being in a city is a sensory nightmare. So perhaps, we should take it slow. Maybe we should bring you somewhere more manageable, like a forest, or a small town or village,” He replied. The determination in his voice filled you with hope, that same jittery feeling of your crush set you on edge in the most wonderful way.
“I would like that, Azriel. Thank you for speaking with me. But for now, I want to stay here in case Feyre comes back.” The thought of not being in this house when Feyre came back was not up for discussion. You had already lost enough time with your sister over the recent years, you weren’t about to willingly risk losing even more time with her, despite having immortality to make up for lost time. Though, with the war looming, there was a real chance immortality wouldn’t protect you. 
“Of course,” His answer was distant, as though he was building himself up to say something more. 
“What is it?” 
“I can offer you a short reprieve from the sounds, but it is only if you want it,” He suggested, shyness causing a slight blush to dust his cheeks. 
You were sure that if you were still human, your heart would have given out by now. His suggestion sent butterflies dancing in your stomach, “What does it involve?” You whispered, your own cheeks heating. 
“My shadows... They can help. I mean, if I just,” He released a frustrated sigh, unable to explain himself. “I can just show you, but again only if you are okay with it.” 
The thought of complete silence was so inviting, you were ready to do just about anything for a few moments of peace. “Yes please, Azriel,” Was all you could manage. 
Slowly, his shadows seemed to grow thicker. They began stretching from him to you, entwining themselves around your body. The blackness the shadows possessed was so unlike that of the cauldron. They were lukewarm, comforting. They were silent. The pocket they encased you in made it feel like the world outside ceased to exist. Made it feel like time stood still. No sights, no sounds, no smells. 
It was divine. 
You sat for what felt like hours, just enjoying the complete nothingness you had craved this whole time. Slowly, a small crack appeared in the pocket. It allowed the slightest sounds to creep through, another tear invited the scents of Velaris. The final crack had the pocket melting away, revealing the Shadowsinger. 
“That was...” You started, words escaping you. “That was beautiful.” 
A sheepish smile graced Azriel’s face and again, you were sure your human heart wouldn't have coped with the sight of him in this moment. “I’m glad I could help you, (F/n).”
A comfortable silence settled between you and Azriel. You couldn’t help the soft smile that took hold, the kindness this male had shown you was unlike anything else. Gods, he really wasn’t helping with this crush you had. 
As though that thought was heard by fate, Azriel stood, “I must get back to Elain. Hopefully I can get her to eat something today.” While you watched his retreating figure, a strange sense of disappointment replaced the peace you felt moments ago. 
You couldn’t decipher why you would feel upset for him taking care of your incapacitated sister. Yet, it also made so much sense. When you were human, you never had the experience of having a man’s interest. Your health making it impossible to just go out and mingle with people during your time in the cottage  like Feyre had. And your health also made you an unsuitable bride during your family’s re-assimilation into aristocracy, being too weak to even consummate a marriage let alone produce an heir for her husband’s name was among one of the remarks you overheard one of Nesta’s ‘friends’ say during one their seemingly obligatory charity visits. Essentially, you knew you were unable to differentiate between genuine kindness and romantic interest. 
Yet before you could even entertain any more of the self pitying thoughts, Rhys’ voice entered your mind. It was frantic, yet you knew what he said. 
Feyre was back. With Elain’s mate. 
Tag list: @rebs2210 @meritxellao @blueeclipsepaperstudent @fredssweasleys @pricklepearbloom @emptyporche @kuraikei @garbagecryptid98 @weirdo-fun @balam-sen @judig92 @ruler-of-hades @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @kexrtiz @marina468 @edie-readie @baebeepeach @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @percyjacksonspeen @issybee0611 @buckysimp101 @acourtofchaosandmess @alainabooks143 @inpraizeof @feyres-fireheart @highlyselectiveextrovert @theravenphoenix26 @zaza-jones @hayley-jadee @highladyofillyria @introvertsuntes68-blog @fall-myriad @illyrian-dreamer
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
little princess
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EZRA!!!!!! @rowanaelinn you are such an incredibly talented writer and wonderful friend and i'm so glad we share this crazy fandom space <3 here's some fluffs for you❤️❤️
word count: 827
warnings: none, i swear
Eleven hours.
He’d been pacing outside that door for eleven godsdamned hours. A track showed in the carpet. The outrageously expensive rug Aelin had carefully selected and imported from Eyllwe.
“Aelin’s going to castrate you for that, you know.”
Rowan whirled at the voice, finding Lorcan casually standing at the end of the hall, observing his brother warrior with arched brow. 
“For the track?” He shrugged. “Either of us can fix it with a flick of a finger. What she doesn’t know won’t bother her.”
“You forget that she’s in no condition to forgi—”
“I know what godsdamned condition my mate is in, thank you, and if you came here to snark at me, you can shove it up your a—” His sentence cut off abruptly as Lorcan called up whatever godsdamned power he controlled and whisked the two of them out to the training yard. 
“You prick! I’m supposed to be there!”
“You’re supposed to NOT be adding worry to your mate’s labor, dammit! And pacing your big ugly boots into her expensive carpeting isn’t the way to do that. Besides, I’m willing to bet you were practically screaming your worry down the bond, which really does absolutely nothing good.”
“At least I have big boots,” smirked Rowan, glancing pointedly down at Lorcan’s everyday shoes.
Lorcan’s face split into a positively feral smirk. “Five hundred years and you still can’t accept that my sword has always been broader." 
Whatever few remaining threads Rowan had tying his self-control together snapped. And he launched himself at his brother with a growl of pure Doranellian rage. Lorcan smirked, dodged his barreling attack, and kicked the back of his knee. Rowan grunted, catching himself before he could fall, turned, and let his fists fly. Lorcan met him blow for blow, jab for jab, that infuriating smirk of his never fading. Through the mire of stress and worry clouding his mind, Rowan realized that Lorcan was giving him what he needed: an outlet for everything overloading his brain. 
Thank me later, brother, the dark-haired male's vicious grin said.
Rowan grunted. So damn full of yourself whenever you think you did something useful. He brought his flagging defenses back up and landed a punishing hit to Lorcan’s stomach. The older male grunted, backhanded him, and kicked his legs out from under him. Swearing viciously, Rowan hit the dirt of the training ring with a thud. Lorcan tackled him, promptly rolled him over, and put him in a headlock. Pinned, he slapped the ground three times, yielding, a significant chunk of his stress gone. 
“Who would have known that getting your ass kicked would help you not to worry about your lovely, strong mate?” Lorcan inquired.
“Says the one who knocked Elide up first.”
“Quite. And look how well that turned out.”
Rowan snorted a laugh. “Cal likes me best.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes. "You're just saying that because he hasn't shit his diaper all over you or spit up all over your clean fucking clothes."
"Ah, the perils of fatherhood."
Lorcan swatted him. "We'll see who's joking when--" Elide appeared from an upstairs window and motioned with her hand. Instantly, the two males were on their feet again, racing for the doors.  
“Whitethorn?” Concern creased Lorcan's normally scowling face.
“What.” Nerves and anxiety nearly overpowered Rowan's better judgment; he really hadn't meant to snap at Lorcan like that.
“Gods above, calm down.”
“I am calm!”
“In that case, it’s time to go home. Aelin and your baby are—” Rowan was gone before Lorcan finished his sentence. Lorcan rolled his eyes and followed him into the manor.
Back in the queen and king's hallway, Rowan paused before the door leading into Aelin’s room. The sharp medicinal smells from earlier were gone. His wife’s scent still hinted at pain, but also…joy. Such unending joy. He lifted his hand to knock, but the door swung open before he could. Standing there, grinning, were Elide and Lysandra. 
“Ready to meet your little princess?”
Rowan gulped, fighting back unexpected tears. Princess.
Yes, you big oaf, a daughter. Aelin’s voice. Exhausted, but not lacking that wry humor of hers. 
Rowan crossed the room to his mate and the bundle of blankets in her arms. His daughter. Their daughter. Asleep, he couldn’t tell her eye color, but the little one's face—it was a tiny, perfect mirror of Aelin's own. He slumped onto the bed beside her, overcome with awe and fear and a hundred other emotions.
“May I...hold her?” His words were thick with unshed tears. Aelin smiled softly, tiredly, and placed their baby girl in his arms. Rowan looked down into the face of his daughter. And cried, overcome with the emotions of holding the baby he never dreamed of having. The first of many, he hoped. When his eyes cleared, he sniffled and looked to his mate. 
“What are we naming her?”
Aelin's exhausted face lifted with quiet joy. "Alanna Evalin Whitethorn Galathynius."
Utterly perfect.
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biggestsimp12 · 2 months
Hi :3 I have an angst requesttt, yknow that outsiders quote "Dallys tougher then I am,Why can I take it when Dally can’t? And then I knew. Johnny was the only thing Dally loved. And now Johnny was gone." That with Aoi x Dead reader? Like it's Being from another student council members pov but it's like how heartbroken Dally was for Johnny , Aoi is for Reader dead :3
I'm so sweet!!>< /j have a good dayyy
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hi!! I don't really know that quote but I'm open to new things! :D I'll probably post this after my final exams as I'm too stressed to write rn; (sorry in advance for the long wait ;-:)
(WARNINGS: mention of violence and death)
(this is gonna be from Kuroko Kamenaga's POV)
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In the bustling corridors of the Akademi, the student council vice president, Kuruko, patrolled around, her eyes scanning the horizon of teenage angst and school spirit posters. She had seen it all before, the mundane dramas and fleeting romances that colored the lives of her peers. But there was one event that remained a stark monochrome amidst the pastel shades of high school: the grief of Aoi, her council mate.
This wasn't the first time Aoi had lost her temper, her normally nonchalant and tough face contorting into a mask of rage. It had been a week since the last incident, and Kuruko had hoped that the storm had passed. But as the bell for lunch rang, she heard the distant echo of a confrontation, a crescendo of accusations and shouts that sent a shiver down her spine. She recognized Aoi's voice, the one that usually whispered words of sassing and durability, now raised in a feral snarl.
"That's enough, Aoi," Kuruko said, her voice a calm oasis in the desert of chaos. She could feel the tension coiled in Aoi's muscles, the anger thrumming like a heartbeat just beneath her skin. "We need to talk."
With a sigh that seemed to deflate her, Aoi allowed herself to be led away from the scene, her steps dragging as they entered the sanctum of the student council room. The heavy door swung shut behind them, muffling the outside world. The room was a bastion of order, a stark contrast to the tumult outside. The scent of old books and the faint hint of the cleaning solution used to maintain the gleaming surfaces greeted them, a comforting reminder of their roles as guardians of the school's peace.
Kuruko guided Aoi to a chair, her hand a soft but insistent pressure on her shoulder. The latter slumped down, her gaze drifting to the floor, a picture of defeat. The room was filled with the heavy silence that often follows a storm. It was a silence that Kuruko knew all too well, the kind that echoed with the aftermath of grief and pain. She took a seat opposite Aoi, leaning forward, her elbows resting on the cool, wooden desk that separated them.
"Look, Aoi," Kuruko began, her voice measured and steady. "I know it's hard, but you can't keep letting this... this grief consume you. It's been a week since she passed away. It's time you started letting go." Aoi's eyes snapped up, a glimmer of defiance in their depths, but Kuruko didn't flinch. "I'm not saying forget her," she clarified, her tone soothing. "But you can't let your emotions interfere with your responsibilities here."
Aoi's jaw clenched, the muscles in her neck tightening. "How can you possibly understand?" she spat, her voice a mix of anger and sorrow. "You didn't even know her."
Kuruko took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving Aoi's. "I understand loss," she said softly. "And I understand that you're hurting. But we have a job to do. We can't let personal issues affect our duties."
Aoi's eyes narrowed, the fire of anger flickering back to life. "My personal issues are none of your business," she snapped, pushing herself to her feet. The chair scraped against the floor, the sound echoing in the stillness of the room.
Kuruko watched her go, her heart heavy with concern. Aoi had always been a closed book, but she knew that the grief she harbored was more profound than she let on. The lover, a young woman, had been in a terrible accident, her body marred by burns that told a story of unimaginable pain. The sight of Aoi's distress was like a strong storm, and she wished she could offer more than just empty words of comfort.
Just as the silence grew oppressive, the student council laptop beeped to life, interrupting the tension. The screen flickered, and Megami's face appeared, framed by the sleek black border. Her expression was stern, the epitome of authority that made her the ideal student council president.
"Kuruko, what's the situation?" Megami's voice was as sharp as a tack, cutting through the thick air.
Kuruko glanced at the screen, steeling herself before she spoke. "Aoi had another outburst, Megami. It's the third one this week."
Megami's eyes narrowed, the concern etched on her features. "What happened this time?"
Kuruko recounted the incident, her voice clipped and efficient, detailing the altercation in the hallway and Aoi's subsequent retreat. "It's like she's looking for a fight," she murmured, her gaze trailing to the window where the sun cast a warm glow, a stark contrast to the chilly atmosphere in the room. "I just- don't understand. Aoi is tougher than I am. Why can I take it when Aoi can't?"
Megami's gaze softened, the harsh lines of her face smoothing out. "Grief isn't a competition, Kuruko," she said gently. "Everyone deals with it differently. Maybe Aoi's toughness is just a facade, a way to keep everyone at bay-"
"And then I knew. Y/N was the only thing Aoi loved. And now, Y/N is gone.."
The end <3
(Sorry if it sucks, I never watched the outsiders-)
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9r7g5h · 9 months
A Week of My Enigma - Feral
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: E
Genre: Omegaverse Smut
AN: A week of Enigma Bakugou prompt fills.
Words: 3422
It was the growling that set the agency on edge, deep and promising harm to any who came near. Even from the third floor, where he was instructing some of the new interns on the proper way to address a partly collapsed building, Izuku could hear it. Could feel it in the way his skin rose into goosebumps, the way he could smell his own scent spike in fear, no matter how he tried to suppress it. Thankfully none of the children seemed to smell it, too caught up in their own cowering against their chairs, eyes wide as they stared at the door, as if expecting some villain at any moment to attack.
A guaranteed loss if they did, with half the agency available to fight if it came to that, but still Izuku could understand their fears. It wasn’t often someone heard an enigma growl, not like this. Even their previous exposure to Katsuki’s barking and snarling, with no real rage behind it but still enough to cow most people, did nothing for this.
This, this scared even Izuku.
A fear he quickly pushed away, a quick look telling them to stay put as he left the room, reigning in his scent. It wouldn’t do to scare the others, wouldn’t do for him to show anything other than a smile. He could handle whatever his boyfriend threw at him, knew how to calm him down from whatever temper tantrum the number two hero was throwing, could get him home and keep him from blowing up the agency they’d worked so hard to build at such a young age. He’d done it before, had been doing it for years even before they started dating, even if this felt different, had helped Katsuki down from hard days when “every idiot under the sun wanted to cross him,” and this couldn’t be that different.
He wasn’t the number one hero for nothing.
Except the growling grew worse as he drew closer, if that was possible, sending the others around him backing up towards the upper levels, trying everything they could to get away from the source of the sound. He could hear familiar voices talking; Kirishima loud and concerned, voice tight the way it got whenever he remained hardened too long, Denki exhausted and on the verge of overload, Ochako with the waver that came with using her quirk for too long, something he hadn’t heard in a long while. Forcing back the concern he knew would seep into his scent, forcing on a professional look, Izuku walked into the lobby of their agency, prepared to help take care of whatever trouble his Katsuki had gotten into.
None of them were ready as Katsuki’s growling turned into snarls, his already heavy struggling against the chokehold Kirishima had him in turning frantic, the two of them rolling in the air where Ochako had them floating. Whenever he had a free shot Denki sent a bolt towards the enigma, forcing him to release whatever bit of skin he had managed to get into his mouth or his claws into. Even with his quirk Kirishima was bleeding heavily, cracks and tears throughout his limbs, one on his neck just barely missing something important, a fight he’d obviously been in for a while. One Izuku wasn’t sure he could win as he watched Kirishima’s grasp slip, the beta catching Katsuki just in time as he tried to lunge at where Izuku was now standing.
“Feral quirk,” Ochako explained, her voice tight as she tried to control both her stomach and her quirk. “Makes them attack everyone, try and kill their mates. You should get out of here, Deku. We can handle this until the paramedics get here to sedate him.”
A lie, if Izuku had ever heard one, though not born out of malicious intent. Danger Sense and his own experience made it clear they had a few minutes at most before Katsuki got the upperhand, overwhelming their friends and either turning on them entirely or taking off after him. Even if they could get some of the others back in from patrol, those used enough to the toxic pheromones seeping from Katsuki’s pores to stand against him, there was no saying how long it would take for them to get there. Iida and Sero would be the quickest, he and Todoroki would have the best chance, but he’d never seen Katsuki like this before. Had no clue what this would do to his strength, already enhanced by his enigma status, no idea what the lack of self-preservation in pursuit of his goals would mean.
What he did know was these kinds of quirks never lasted long, could be burned out of the victim’s system given enough time and something to focus that energy on. What he did know was it had been raining for the last few days and all that morning. What he did know was there was a small little voice in the back of his head, either some form of instinct or one of the ghosts in the vestige, he couldn’t tell, whispering to him to lead Katsuki towards the forest. No collateral damage, no civilians or heroes to interfere or come to harm, somewhere he could run circles around Katsuki until the quirk ran its course, freeing him.
Making up his mind, Izuku reached under his hero outfit and grabbed his undershirt, easily tearing the fabric where it would smell like him the most, hours of wear and sweat soaked into the cloth. Hanging it off the end of a tendril of Black Whip, Izuku powered up OfA throughout his limbs, focusing on his legs as he slowly waved the scrap in front of Katsuki.
“When I say so,” he said slowly, watching as Katsuki’s struggling stopped, eyes blown and focused on the fabric, on him, jumping between the two as Black Whip’s movement constantly caught his attention. Izuku was sure he would follow him, would leave the building at least mostly standing, and without any casualties too. Not a perfect plan, but the best he could come up with. “Let him go, and get out of the way. I’m going to take Kacchan on a little run.”
“You sure that’s smart, bro,” Denki asked, even as he moved to a corner of the room. He immediately slumped back against the wall, clearly exhausted, just making Izuku’s resolve firmer.
Instead of answering, Black Whip pressed the fabric directly over Katsuki’s nose, Izuku letting out a low, sweet croon as it did, firmly ignoring the rush of blood to his face and the blushes that covered the others. It was a lewd sound, he knew, but it was his best chance of making sure his plan worked. Slowly walking towards the door, pleased that the enigma’s eyes never left him, the automatic door opener slid open behind him, leaving the exit free. Another moment, another purr, and Izuku turned, lightning flashing through his limbs as he gave himself a fair headstart.
He didn’t need to be there to know what Katsuki did next; the sounds of explosions and metal twisting gave him a good enough idea, though luckily there were no pained sounds accompanying them. He took to the skies, far above the buildings and people below him, Float and Fa Jin keeping him ahead of the explosions behind, Danger Sense and Black Whip letting him adjust as necessary to guide Katsuki where he wanted him. He wasn’t sure why it was this particular forest he was drawn to, the one the two of them had spent so much of their time together in when they were younger, when any of the forested parks closer to home would have worked just as well. But he followed that draw, pushed himself that much further for that extra bit of distance, glad that it would help burn through Katsuki’s impressive stamina that much quicker.
The sooner he was exhausted, too tired for the quirk to have sway and hold over him, the quicker this could be done with.
He released Smoke Screen the moment he landed; he knew it wouldn’t do much, that it would only take Katsuki a few seconds to sort through the smoke and nature to smell him, but it would increase the amount of distance between them, give him more of an edge, let him refamiliarize himself with the woods he used to know so well. Let himself sink into the instincts that led him in fights, the training that had drilled him to avoid punches and kicks letting him avoid the tree branches and undergrowth that threatened to trip him up, leading the distant snarls deeper in.
He wasn’t sure how long they ran, how long he led Katsuki in circles, how many close calls he let him almost get to keep the enigma’s attention on him and away from the faint sounds of civilization he could just barely hear. It must have been hours, the sun sinking in the distance - an alarm when they had been young, a reminder to run back home to dinner, but now just another advantage Izuku had, his clear mind letting him move swift enough even in the dark to avoid the snapping teeth and flashing claws that tried to take him, tried to snag his limbs or stomach or once lunging at his throat in the moments he’d allowed Katsuki to get close. Izuku wasn’t sure when or why the shift happened but it was almost fun, ignoring the danger that was still present, something in him thrilling at the run, the chase, similar to the way he felt whenever they fought.
Finally, though, he could hear the exhaustion in Katsuki’s panting, see the way he was slowing, his movements sloppy, a snicker forcing itself from Izuku when he heard his love run into a tree. Without the ancient power to drive him, Izuku knew he’d be the same, but this was a thrill, something he almost didn’t want to stop. He still forced himself to slow, taking cover in the dense foliage of a tree as he waited.
Waited and was rewarded with a confused whine, Katsuki’s voice shaking as he called out. “Deku? What the fuck happened?”
Still being careful, keeping a careful eye on the enigma in case this was some sort of trick as his mind was coming back to him, Izuku used Black Whip to lower a supply pack towards where Katsuki sat, his voice firm but soothing as he spoke. “You were hit with a feral quirk. I had to run it out of you before you hurt someone. How do you feel, Kacchan?”
It took a long while for him to respond, Katsuki instead tearing apart the energy bars and water bottles inside the supply kit, his limbs slowly losing their tremor as he recovered, the quick-acting formula taking effect. It was almost comforting to sit in the silence, the snarls and growls from before now gone, replaced by their breathing falling into sync. Comforting and peaceful, though for some reason it still felt like there was some kind of tension in the air, something Izuku couldn’t figure out as he waited for his boyfriend to reply.
What he got, to his surprise, was a chuckle, Katsuki’s gaze flitting through the trees above him. Even exhausted there was a smirk on his face, something trying to draw Izuku in, the desire to kiss him only making the tension worse.
“Horny fucking nerd, I didn’t think you of all people would mistake someone going feral for a mating run.”
“Kacchan,” Izuku squawked, embarrassed now that he could smell himself, the tension coming from him. From the thrum of energy in his limbs that had nothing to do with his quirk, but instead from the little voice in the back of his head that he now knew was his own, some instinctual part that was purring at how strong his mate was, how resilient, reminding him how others would have fallen long before then. How no one else was a match for him like Kacchan was, how they’d been dating for long enough, how Izuku had been thinking about asking for the next step in their relationship for a while. How good it would feel for them to wear matching marks, how strong their pups would be, how much he wanted that claim.
So caught up in his thoughts, his embarrassment letting these thoughts spill from his lips in a quiet mutter as he tried and failed to find something to refute Katuski with, he didn’t notice when his enigma moved, climbing the tree and wrapping his arms around Izuku before he could break the train of thought and respond. It was a loose hold, though, nothing that could set off the alarms in Izuku’s head, Danger Sense quiet and calm as he relaxed back into Katsuki’s hold. He shivered at the feeling of lips trailing over the back of his neck, his head falling to the side so Katsuki could kiss at his scent gland, both of them shifting on the thick branch so Katsuki’s back was against the tree, Izuku settled comfortably between his legs, arms wrapped around his waist.
“I technically caught you,” Katsuki said, smirking against Izuku’s skin as a shiver ran down his spine. “Wanna remind me what that means?”
“You’ve proven yourself good enough for a claim,” Izuku whispered, heart pounding as Katsuki continued to kiss up and down his neck, one hand reaching back to play with the zipper of his jumpsuit. He keened at the slight nip to his scent gland - not enough to break the skin, but enough to graze it, to immediately have his dick hard and ass slick as Katsuki undid his zipper, sliding the suit from his shoulder, lips following the fabric. It was embarrassing how quickly he was responding, the tension from the not-run bleeding into his veins, under his skin, making him well aware of each place Katsuki touched him, kissed him, ran his fingertips over too many layers of cloth that separated them.
They were technically in public, anyone could find them at any moment, and what a scandal that would be - the number one and two heroes fucking in a public park, even if they were deep in it, well hidden from any casual visitors - but it seemed like neither of them could care. It only took a moment to climb-fall from the tree, and then Izuku’s bare back was pressed against the trunk, Katsuki’s arms surrounding him, one hand palming his dick through his suit, giving him something to grind against as the other wrapped around to finish pulling down the zipper, to push down his underwear just enough to free his ass.
“Up,” Katsuki panted, and Izuku’s thighs were tight around Katsuki’s waist, giving him the room he needed to palm at Izuku’s ass, to slip one, two fingers inside, to immediately press up and against the spot that made him jolt, his head tilting back, Izuku unable to stifle the moan that left his lips even if he wanted to. Noises Katsuki took notice of, driving his fingers up again and again as Izuku dripped down his hand, the tree and his free hand supporting the omega’s weight as he squirmed desperately in his hold.
“More, Kacchan,” Izuku begged, demanded, whined as Katsuki pulled his fingers away, shifting his hand down to free his own cock from his pants. Izuku clutched harder at his shoulders as he felt the tip drag over his hole, teasing him, knowing he was unable to move like he wanted to, pinned as he was between Katsuki and the tree. All he could do was hold on for the ride as Katsuki shifted his legs over his arms, holding him up entirely on his own, before thrusting forward, both of them moaning as he pushed forward into Izuku, filling his ass exactly like Izuku wanted.
“Fuck, love you, ‘Zuku,” Katsuki muttered, hunched over so he could press his face against Izuku’s neck, taking a moment to not pop his knot the second he bottomed out. Only a moment, though, before he began to thrust, a slow, deep roll of his hips that hit each nerve on the way in, that just left Izuku clinging and gasping into Katsuki’s shoulder as he was bounced on his cock, the sharp graze of bark against his back only making it better. Forcing him to focus on the here and now, not letting his brain float into and get lost in the feeling of being fucked like it often did, hearing every word whispered into his ear as Katsuki slowly picked up speed.
“The best fuckin’ mate, so strong and pretty, gonna look so fuckin’ beautiful when I put a brat in ya.”
And Izuku keened at the thought, grabbing a handful of Katsuki’s hair to yank him into a kiss, ass clenching around his dick as he sucked on Katsuki’s tongue, begging for more when they parted, for faster, harder, everything he knew Katsuki could give him. His own dick was still trapped in his suit, the movement of Katsuki fucking up into him barely enough to tease it through the fabric, but between that and Katsuki fucking him and the sweet pain in his back, the feeling of Katsuki’s mouth on his neck, sucking on his scent gland, a pressure that promised puncture with one particularly well angled thrust had him falling over that edge, coming hard in his pants as Katsuki’s knot popped into his ass, locking on the right side of his rim, his enigma coming a few moments later with a grind of his hips that had Izuku crying out because it was too much, too much that he just had to stay there and take, unable to move. Too exhausted and purring at the feeling of being so well bred, something Katsuki always did so well, the remaining thrum of the run finally dissipating now that the feeling was sated.
It took a long moment before Izuku lifted his head from where it had fallen against Katsuki’s shoulder, blinking quickly to keep back the tears he could feel gathering at the edge of his eyes. He couldn’t stop the trembling in his voice, or his lip, as he looked up at Katsuki. “You didn’t bite me.”
Katsuki carefully kissed him, slow and gentle and loving, one hand coming up to cup Izuku’s face, wiping away the moisture beginning to gather at the end of his lashes. Slowly lowering them both to the ground, settling them back against the trunk of the tree, Katsuki nuzzled into Izuku’s neck, peppering the bruised skin with kisses and kitten licks, his scent soothing as he cared for his mate. “When I claim you after our mating run,” Katsuki finally said, “I want to remember the entire thing. That ok, ‘Zuku?”
And of course it was, something Izuku let Katsuki know by pulling him back into a long, soft kiss before settling into his arms. “When,” he asked hopefully, looking up through his lashes at his enigma, the only mate he wanted in this life.
“When,” Katsuki agreed, his arms warm around Izuku’s shoulders and lower back, careful of the scrapes the tree had left. “Doesn’t matter what some shitty extra does to me, all I could think about was you. It’s very much a when, nerd.”
They would be stuck there for a bit, would have to figure out how to tend to his scraped back and make the mess of his pants somehow presentable so they could get back to the agency and file the official reports. No doubt some kind of medical attention would be required for them both, something Izuku wasn’t looking forward to; at least Katsuki’s wounds had the excuse of him being feral. Izuku’s had one clear source, and he could already imagine the look on their support hero Stitch Witch as she healed them. They would also have to talk about having an actual mating run, if they actually wanted to follow such an old tradition that was falling out of favor with people of their generation, or if they wanted to find something else for their claimings.
But for now, stuck together as they were, arms wrapped around each other, Izuku instead focused on leaning up to kiss his boyfriend, his enigma, his Kacchan, deciding to worry about the rest of it later.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
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Chapter 20
Immortal Dilemmas
“Guys, s-something’s wrong! We got to go! Something’s wrong with Hailey!” Stefan said with a pained and panicked face. Ron hadn’t felt fear like that since the war but it was definitely bringing back memories. The dread he felt when Voldemort screamed that Hailey was dead and the denial he felt until it came crashing down when he saw Hagrid with a tear stained face holding what was thought to be her corpse. Thank the deities that it was not her time yet! The same feelings were coming back, he looked around and saw the same worried looks on the others. He made a gesture and quickly grabbed Stefan’s arm and ran out of the grill into the back alley. He saw that his brothers had caught on to what the plan was. Stefan looked near catatonic but there wasn’t any time to spare, quickly wizards paired off with vampires and apparated back to the Mickaelson Mansion.
Stefan looked like he was getting worse, when they landed he had keeled over and was grabbing his chest in pain. Bill made a move to try and help him back up but Klaus was quick to stop him, Bill was about to ask him why he stopped him when a furious roar erupted from Stefan. The vampires were quick to jump in front and cover the magicals. Klaus had to suppress a shiver when Stefan had stopped screaming and looked dead straight at the mansion. His worse fear for his brother had happened, something bad happened to Hailey and now Stefan’s vampire had gone feral. Before he could bark at his brothers to help hold back Stefan, he had sped into the mansion. They all chased after him but the scene in front of him filled him with dread.
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Stefan was hovering over a disturbingly still Hailey and Kol had a piece of broken furniture lodged in his chest. It doesn’t kill them but it still takes them out for a small period of time. He rushed over to pull it out, it shouldn’t take too long for him to wake up. Klaus and his brothers started to frantically look around, the boys…where are the boys?! That’s when a cry of anguish was let out by Stefan. They were all in shock and ran towards him. He let out a hiss when they came too close. He was holding Hailey close to his chest, one hand in her hair and the other around her back but she wasn’t holding him back, she was limp.
She wasn’t breathing. The magicals were suddenly back at Hogwarts seeing the scene all over again and the vampires were being filled with anguish and rage at the loss of their new family. Ron took in a shaky breath in and tried to not let loose the tears that were threatening to spill he had to remind himself the facts. Hailey is the Mistress of Death, even if she dies she won’t stay dead.
“Everyone calm dow-“ he tried to explain before things could escalate.
“How can we possibly be calm?!? Hailey is gone and the boys are missing!!” Klaus’s eyes were flashing from how angry he was and how his wolf was trying to break out and tear out the throat of who was responsible for it.
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“SHES NOT GONE-listen there are some things we haven’t gotten to tell you guys yet-“ Ron was cutoff as Hailey sucked in a large gasp and started coughing. Stefan, who still had his feral face on and tears running down, scrambled to put her in a proper position. Kol was coming back as well and was being brought up by his brothers. Hailey was flailing around and trying to get up from the ground but Stefan wasn’t letting her.
“THE BOYS!! WHERE ARE MY BOYS?!? WHERE ARE MY BABIES?!?” She was looking around frantically still trying to get out of Stefan’s arms until Percy had grasped her attention by grabbing her shoulders and barely flinching when Stefan snarled at him. The others were still trying to grasp reality as Hailey still had her human scent.
“Hailey! You got to tell us what happened!” Ever the logical one Percy wanted to know the situation before acting. But what Hailey said threw whatever calm response he could possibly have.
“Katherine happened! She must of took the boys, we got to go!”, she tried to again leave her husband’s arm but was confused on to why he wasn’t letting her go. Kol let out a growl at hearing the woman’s name.
“You just came back from the dead! You shouldn’t be moving around too much! Not to mention, Hailey we don’t know where they went how can we possibly find-“ Elijah tried to reason with her until she pulled out her pendant and muttered a spell which unleashed two golden arrows pointing.
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“Little treat MACUSA put in for me, now- LETS GO!” She screamed to everyone, they looked about ready to flash out and have the magicals hitch a ride but Stefan wasn’t moving. Stefan was just sitting with her on the floor letting out wounded growls when she tried to leave. His feral look had yet to leave him. Hailey finally asked her burning question.“What’s going on, why isn’t he talking and why isn’t he letting me go?”
“It’s his vampire, love. It went feral from feeling your death and now it’s likely he won’t be able to do muck other than hover over you until you can snap him out of it.” Klaus said with some trepidation. In theory a mate should be able to calm and coax a feral ripper, so far it seems possible. Hailey took Stefan’s face into her hands and forced eye contact, her face was filled with determination but also with panic.
“Stefan-Stefan, look at me! Katherine did this, she tried to take me away from you, but she didn’t but now she’s trying to take our boys! Stefan please we need to get our babies back! We have to!” Something flickered in his eyes. It started to settle down but his eyes were still blood red, the vampire still had major control. He nodded his head obediently. She reached up and wiped the tear tracks on his face away and nodded back. She looked to everyone. “Follow the arrows! They can shows us the way even with your speed involved! Let’s get the boys back!”
The arrows led them down a familiar path and then it made sense why. Katherine had gone to where she first met the Salvatore brothers, the Salvatore Estate now Boardinghouse. They barged in and found her sitting on the ground. “It never gets old seeing Stefan all sweaty, hot and bothered. Just like when we first met, right Stefan?” Katherine had an amused and cocky smirk on her face which looked misplaced because of how ragged she looked. It quickly dropped as Stefan answered her with an animalistic snarl. She had on the same purple Henley and jeans on when she was impersonating Elena at the park. But it was bloody and torn with her jeans stained of mud and grime. She was practically malnourished from how little she had gotten to drink and her hair was slicked and matted with grime. But what made everyone’s hearts jump was that she had the boys right beside her.
They were crying their lungs out and displaying their natures. Cedar was levitating and throwing everything and Caelan had his baby fangs in full display trying to bite at her. But with Katherine so close to them she wasn’t affected by the chaos as well as keep them a distance to avoid biting. Seeing her just sitting there and daring to taunt them had Hailey boiling and her magic was beginning to react to her emotions.
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“Katherine Pierce! You worthless bint! GIVE ME BACK MY BABIES!” The smirk that had dropped from Katherine’s face had come back full force with Hailey’s shouting. What could a human or witch do to her, Katherine Pierce. She’s survived over five hundred years on the run, she could survive a little girls tantrum. Everything this girl had should belong to her! Getting to raise her children despite being young and having Stefan at her side to do it, THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN KATHERINE. It was as if an outside force was speaking as her subconscious, making her be impulsive and more angry like she had to do it. She ignored it and started leering over Stefan again. Her eyes started to travel and she flinched when he lot out a small roar In retaliation. She looked around her redheads with the weird sticks and the Originals, she smirked.
“I don’t know about that…they just have the perfect amount of their daddy in them. Especially this one, he looks so much like Stefan. Would you mind if I just keep him? You can have the other, I just hope that this one is just as much fun as his daddy was.” Hailey had frozen at the implication of what Katherine was intending to do to HER BABY. As if something had snapped, her head drooped and she started to walk towards Katherine. She walked despite the hissing and shouting from everyone and as if Stefan knew something was amiss he just let out a small whimper.
The smirk was slowly dropping from Katherine’s face as the feeling of dread was quickly rising in her. The lights were flickering and the air was becoming cold. Then an unearthly screech was heard in the distance causing everyone but Hailey to flinch. Instead she raised her arm and pointed a single finger at Katherine. She raised her head and caused her family to let out large gasps and be riddled with befuddlement. Her eyes, instead of white it’s had become black and her irises her glowing reminding the Weasleys of the Killing Curse. The screeching was getting closer and closer until it just stopped. Then all of a sudden the door had slammed open and the screeching had filled the house. Ron was quick to bark orders.
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“Everyone against the walls don’t get close to those things!” He said while dragging Kol with him.
“What are those things?!” Klaus had been dragged to the wall by one of the twins. He was eyeing the Spector like things that were floating around the room. Every instinct in his body was telling him to run from those things.
“Dementors!”, as he said it the soul suckers had stopped flying around the room and came to a stop by standing behind Hailey, like dogs awaiting their masters orders to eat.
“Her.”, Hailey said simply but it left everyone with chills as her voice had changed to something unearthly. The Dementors charged at Katherine. They lifted her up by her arms and floated her away from Cedar and Caelan. With them so close to her and touching her Katherine was reliving every horrible memory she had. It didn’t take long for her to start begging.
“Please no! I-I’ll do anything I’ll leave you alone just let me go! I didn’t mean it!” She tried getting out of their grips but she couldn’t as she started to freeze in fear when Hailey Potter started to stroll towards her. She stopped momentarily when she got close enough to the boys. She picked them up and they calmed down almost instantly. She looked to the redheaded twins and they quickly scrambled up to get the boys from her. Once the twins were at a safe distance she turned her attention back to Katherine. In the corner of her eye she could see Stefan pelting himself over to the boys and frantically looking them over and nuzzling them when he deemed that they were okay.
“You didn’t mean it! You have evaded your crimes for too long!” Hailey’s voice had never sounded so bone chilling before even when facing off Death Eaters, that doesn’t compare to how angry she sounded at this very moment. She scoffed when Katherine started to form crocodile tears. And then started to explain herself that she was just jealous and just wanted some piece of Stefan. Hailey looked to the dementor on Katherine’s right with a raised eyebrow and I quickly put its corpse like hand over her mouth to shut her pleading up. Katherine was trying to get sympathy from anyone in the room with her wide fear filled eyes but she was just met with looks of disdain.
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“Katerina Petrova in the name of Death, I sentence you to your own personal hell! May your last moments be filled with remorse as no rest will accompany you!” She nodded to the Dementors and it removed its hand while the other leaned in. All her manipulation tactics and persuasion powers proved fruitless when being sentenced to the Dementor’s Kiss. The vampires looked on in horror as a white vapor left Katherine’s body and was being sucked up by the Dementor. They let her go and they expected to having to hold her down but she just sat there like a husk. Breathing but looking so empty. The Dementors bowed to Hailey and flew out of the house. Everyone let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. Stefan ran up to Hailey with the boys still with him, she gave them a faint smile…before promptly fainting. Fred was quick to conjure a very big bean bag for her to fall on. He knew that right now Stefan was in a very delicate mindset and anything could set him off. Not matter how worried he was for Hailey he could not risk it more by possibly pushing her mate too far.
Stefan made a wounded noise and climbed on the bean bag with her. Her arrange his family into a comfortable position. He was slowly coming back, the boys were rightfully tired and found a good sleeping place on their mama. Stefan was being lulled to sleep as well. As soon as Percy saw that they were asleep he put a silencing charm on them. They needed to plan out how they were going to move them back home without waking them up or drawing too much attention. From what he gathered this house was still being used by Damon so they needed to figure it out quickly. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Damon barged in with Elena both looked very irritated and with seeing them we’re about to begin interrogating when Charlie and Ron have had enough and hit them a Petrificus Totalus. They rubbed their foreheads when they both dropped like rocks into the floor. It was really turning into a long day.
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creedx13 · 1 year
sexuality and the compications of mutation ft.The Wind Rider herself
“Sometimes I wish I wasn't a feral. Why couldn’t I be a normal mutant like David or Sofia or a flat scan” I confess to storm.
 I’m sulking on her fluffy rug on the floor of her attic room. 
Ororo is sitting on her sofa, glass of wine in hand. She simply swirls her drink and raises her eyebrow at me. “And what exactly Is the problem with being a feral?” she asks in her wise benevolent goddess voice. 
“I’m a danger to my girlfriend. I don’t deserve Sofia. She probably hates me, not that I blame her.” my tears fall making a wet patch in her rug.
 “Instead of melting into my rug like a pathetic little thing, why don’t you come up here and tell me what happened. I dated the wolverine I think I know a thing or two about ferals and relationships.'' 
At this I sit up in front of her and tell her everything that happened. 
“It all started when Sofia led me out behind one of the trees near the school’s border wall to be alone. She kissed me and it was Beautiful like flowers and fire and a mossy little cave all to myself the scent of fresh water on a hot day. You know?” Ororo simply nodded indicating that I continue with a gesture of her glass.
 “I kissed her back and we just kept going, I needed her, I wanted her, she was mine all mine. It was like the blind rage I had with Hellion but I wasn’t angry. It was like a desire that swept me away like a flood. Next thing I know I heard a snap. My claws must have come out and I smelled blood and she used her powers on me. I hit the wall hard, I died  and when I came to she was gone. I almost mauled my girlfriend and she left me in a pool of my own blood and ran from me. Not that I blame her.” 
“I see, have you seen Sofia since?” Ororo asked, “No, she probably hates me and I don’t want to scare her.” I admit.  “ You know, you’re not the only mutant with a few self control issues. It is perfectly normal for someone with your kind of mutation, as you get older you'll mellow out a bit and learn focus and control. I dated Logan, a fantastic lover, very considerate and affectionate but when things got hot and heavy, he could get carried away like how you described. I’m sure his trigger for it was more sensitive when he was your age but he still has it that’s why we’d use extra protection.” Ororo explained. 
“Like a condom?”
“Yes condoms are important but so are mutation specific forms of protection like mouth guards, shackles and restraints and power dampeners. The professor and Hank should really stop teaching basic cishet human sex-ed to our queer and or mutant students. It leaves out all the important bits.” she admonished. Ororo Is the best sex positive no nonsense wine aunt a kid could have. 
She then got up and retrieved two items from her wooden chest in the corner and handed them to me, mouth guards and soft shackles still in their sealed packaging. “ I didn’t get a chance to use these with any of my partners, maybe you’ll have better luck. Now go present these to your girlfriend and beg her forgiveness.” 
 All is not lost, I can have Sofia back. I blot up and make a dash for the door. “Thanks Ororo you are the coolest. Love you auntie bye.” I make a mad dash out the door and down the hall just about tripping over and I dropped the presents twice before I calmed myself and sniffed the air searching for sofia by scent.           
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simiansmoke · 1 year
Those screams, those hits, the princess used her arms to protect herself from his fury, 𝒂 𝒚𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒕, 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒍𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔, Toads running away in a panic at see the strenght and fury of the Kong, making Peach even more nervous, she couldn't put peace in a place like this, in this situation.
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"Calm down! Stop it!. Donkey Kong, Stop it! You are going to hurt somebody!" Begged Peach as she went towards him, 𝑠𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑠𝘩𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑛'𝑡, 𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑. But her friend needed her now, she needed to calm him down before he hurts somebody. "I SAID ENOUGH!" Said her going at his direction still not being mindful with his hands, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭, 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟, but it sent her flying with a scream of pain, making her to fall on one of the many broken tiles 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐥𝐞. 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬. "DK... Try to calm down. Don't you think that I would have told you, like I always do when I send you stuff. I did not send that. I swear it over my mother's grave. What would I win by sending you those roses? This? Do you think that I want this? It would have been anyone, Roses are a pretty common thing to send to someone when you are in love..." Said the princess returning to her feet, going to him slowly and holding her injured hand over her chest to protect it from more damage, but she hugged the Kong's arm in an attmept to comfort both down, herself and him.
His fury was directed everywhere...but furious though he was, he tended to keep his rage thrown against inanimate objects. If he wasn't in some kind of battle, then he didn't need to throw hands against-...someone else. Even if they didn't realize that. His fury to her probably looked like a growing problem - a concern...and that made him even more determined to throw his vicious tantrum around the room, teeth gritting- eyes squeezing shut as he thought about all those fuckers -teasing him...when he did nothing to deserve it!
He's feral, snarling and slapping pottery away from him like they're his enemies' laughing faces. She can scream all she wants - but he can't seem to hear her. He's too invested- ...too focused. Too vicious. He doesn't want to be tame in this moment, and it shows with how he practically rips the tiles up from their bedding and snarls at passing Toads, leaning back on his feet to beat his chest briefly and pound back down again onto knuckles that waste no time in imediately pounding the ground to rip it up. Stupid fucking tiles...stupid fucking castle-! His thoughts are as vicious as his actions and he doesn't care if they make sense at this point. He just wants...to smash. To tear everything apart until it's just him in the debris panting loudly and exhausted so he can fall asleep faster-
He doesn't even notice her coming up to him, though her shout was enough to warrant him turning swiftly to slam his fists against the ground she walked on. Snarling, he watched her fall, cutting herself on the ground...good-! Good? He's half rabid when he notices the scent of fresh blood in the air, and it draws him in momentarily to shake the beast out of him for a moment to follow the color of red droplets across the floor to her wrist that she hugged suddenly against her and looked at him-
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...was that ... fear? His heart dropped, and for a moment he didn't breathe. The world was still. He'd stay there forever if he didn't need air, and huff it shakily into his lungs. "P-...Peach?" He asks, the beast in him ceased momentarily as he calls out. "What-..oh-..o-oh fuck." He's not fine, seeing her like that-...knowing it was HIM that-
"God- I'm!! So...so fucking stupid- I'm sorry!" He asserts, but it doesn't feel enough. Teeth grinding, he starts to approach her, then realizes he shouldn't dare and scoots back instead, missing her hugging his arm regardless of his actions, teeth grinding and snapping hard in fury he didn't know where to direct. "I didn't-...I would never...I CAN'T fucking hurt you. I'm a fuckin' monster-" He adds, descending into heavy breathing as he noticed the fresh blood on her hand. It wasn't his-...that made it worse. "Fuck me- I'm jumping off this fucking castle right now!" He snarls, turning to climb the nearest wall. He'd punish his own damn self - whether that meant coming back or not.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕
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Trigger warning: Brief Mentions of death/war/violence/trauma/depression/past relationships/anxiety/etc...
Genre: angst to fluff, slight adventure.
Synopsis: 'orphic' a word used to describe something mysterious and entrancing that it beyond understanding, is how an forgotten archon like yourself would be. Yet, when the death goddess threatens to wreak havoc upon the land, then even the mighty morax seeks your help but will fate and prophecy overpower death?
𝙰/𝚗 : ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ 500 ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍs. Sᴏ, ɪᴍ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛs ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ɪɴsᴛᴇᴀᴅ! Eɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀs ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ ᴘᴀɪɴғᴜʟ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ. Hᴏᴘᴇғᴜʟʟʏ, ʏᴀʟʟ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ!!
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Rustling leaves and the faintly blowing wind—your two and only friends that brought safety to your unconscious form laid in a glass coffin like sleeping beauty. The sound of the breeze echoed in the abandoned domain as the world continued to live on without any worry or memory of the old archon. Another unknown God who will go down in history without an identity.
Perhaps, time really was flowing fast as the beautiful shore of liyue now, homes many people with the name of 'liyue harbor' and the dearly morax of yours had stepped down or how the anemo archon had blessed his city with freedom.
"How do we awaken her, my lord?" Whispers the yaksha unsure of whether what should be done next while the dark blue-haired bard tightens his grip on the lyre, in hopes of disturbing your slumber with a tender melody. A slumber originally intended to last an eternity was to be over, finally to free you from the domain of treachery.
Experienced fingers dance over the strings of his lyre playing tune more sweeter than honey. If it weren't for the current situation, this melody would resonate joy and peace instead of only drowning the atmosphere in dread, which creeps into their heart and mind.
Goosebumps adorn the soft and smooth skin of the three standing before you as the memory flashing before their eyes again. And perhaps, even the mighty morax was scared. Scared of the anger and wrath the death goddess possess which will soon be rained upon all of teyvat.
The swift wind blows softly over Vanessa's tree as the raven-haired woman growls at the people who stand in front of her. The calm breeze and sweet scent it bring could almost mask of what was truly happening between the four. Almost.
"You! How dare you, Morax!" Yelled Deidre upon the sight of the very Archon she dispised, along with this newbie who claimed the title of Barbatos and of course, the conquerer of demons by his side like two feral guard dogs trying to protect their owner with all their might.
Her wrath was polluting the atmosphere, thickening the air as if the sky crashed down on them and suddenly, the oxygen in the air isn't enough, suffocating them and compromising their ability to breathe as the yaksha swallows the lump in his throat.
"2,785 years ago, you and your disgraceful friends had me locked in slumber, like an animal. You–" with dark energy only growing like spilled ink staining a painting slowly destroying the scenery and casting a dark stain that only grows.
"How could you fall so low?! I put my faith in you yet this is the outcome of the trust! You foul-disgusting excuse of an Archon! What makes you believe that you're greater than death herself!!" The Archon rages on,
"B-barbatos, you too knew! And still continued to assist and bury those secrets for him! Now, b-because of your crimes, you will watch your civilizations drown in their own blood! This wretched land will be nothing but barren as death will remain the only being standing! Your peopl—"
"Enough is enough!" Interupts zhongli through gritted teeth, having just about enough of the other God degrading him, his friends and his people. "I understand your suffe—" "You don't!"
The tension thickens in the air, suffocating each one of them as xiao finds his heart trying to escape the confines if his chest while barbatos's jaw tightens even more and panic crawls it's way into their bodies. For the power of death should never underestimated and neither should the words that she fumes out.
The smooth melody continues to bounce off one wall to another as the reality sets down like the sun dawning upon the land. There is no-one who can escape the clutches of death especially humans who don't have a vision to defend themselves. But only one who is capable of eliminating the threat of Deidre, who could never be in fear of death and even dare be stronger than it, is fate.
Destiny, fate or whatever you may call them, can calm an Archon's wrath before the goddess of death charts her course to drain teyvat of life. Which is what brought them here at your mercy and awakening you, the God(dess) of fate and prophecy and dear friend of Deidre. Welcoming you back into the world but as the savior and not the antagonist it once viewed you as.
'Someone is calling me. Someone needs me.'
An unsettling feeling washed upon your semi-conscious figure before your eyes snapped open to an blinding light and the sight of morax, conquerer of demons and a new face, 'barbatos' whispered your intuition who continued to play the soft melody, not daring to shatter the dreadful atmosphere.
"H-how l-long..?" You choke-out unsure of how much time had passed since you've laid in this confinement. "2,785 years..." Whispers the yaksha while offering a hand which you take reluctantly but with a smile due to politeness.
Despite, the growing tension and unease, the melody soothed your heart from twisting and aching as zhongli informs your sleepy form of all that had happened in windrise and that she— "threatens to slaughter the public for our—no, my decisions and we need your assistance to avoid that from taking place..." He confesses, not daring to meet your eyes.
"And why do expect me to help when you and your disgraceful companions locked me in an eternal sleep..?" You ask quietly as the smooth melody of the lyre slowly dies down and silence falls upon the domain but the geo Archon smiles at your words being almost the same as the other.
"...b-because you're our o-only hope..." finally whispers barbatos, head hanging down in shame and humiliation as tears sting his eyes for not being capable of protecting his city or friends.
"Y-you are the onl—" he yells but is interrupted by loud and echoing footsteps and panting in the dead-silent domain that seemed to rush in your direction and through the door burst in. Who could possibly find a domain so old or get past its defense mechanism?
A man. A man who is tall and muscular with messy dark blue hair and chocolate-tinted skin. He has cryo vision hanging from his waist.
'Kaeya Alberich' murmers your intuition.
"M-master Jean!! She—!!" He screams as the colour slowly drains from your face.
Master jean was......
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What happened to master jean? And why was kaeya in such a rush? Who knows...
Find out in part 2. (In progress)
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undersero · 3 years
please note: i’m aware this work was on the lovingshinso blog- i am the one who wrote it and posted it there. i am the author and i am sharing it to my new blog here.
pairing: hanta sero x fem reader
warnings: breeding kink (this is literally the plot), squirting, swearing, unprotected vaginal sex, overstimulation, feral sero, eventual pregnancy/pregnant reader at the end, labor and delivery is mentioned one time as written here
word count: 5.1k 
There were some things in life that Sero really enjoyed. He liked to eat bagels with the strawberry cream cheese, and he liked to nap on Sunday afternoons. He really enjoyed when the weather was nice and he could fire up the grill and make something delicious. 
Of course, there were thoughts that he enjoyed too. Being a loved, sought-after hero. Backpacking around the world. Climbing the hero charts. Making a difference. 
One such thought was above the others, though. 
Breeding you. Throwing his pretty wife’s pretty legs over his shoulders and pounding into your little cunny with no thoughts other than to breed, breed, breed. Feeling your cunt stretch around him. Pumping load after load of his seed into your gushing hole, hoping that it’ll take, hoping that soon, you’ll be full and round with his child. 
When this thought crept up on him, a blush normally settled on his ears. It was almost overwhelming to think about- beautiful, yes, but overwhelming. His brain plays the sensations in his head and he has to consciously keep himself calm, take steadying breaths and will his arousal to die down. 
Some nights, though… it festered inside him. Hanta felt his heart clench in his chest when he saw you come out of the bathroom, fresh from a shower. His t-shirt adorned your body, hanging off your frame adorably, the hem just brushing the top of your thighs. You smelled nice, like roses and vanilla- he caught a whiff as you crawled into bed with him. 
How could he not touch you? 
Gently, he tugged you near to him, and you smiled up at him, cuddling into his broad, strong chest. Hanta hummed in content, pressing his nose to your hair and inhaling your alluring shampoo, allowing himself to be caught up in you. 
Your skin was so soft, so smooth, smelled so nice. He wanted to squeeze it so hard it turned white, wanted to grope that soft area on your lower belly that made you mewl. That soft skin, when touched, always made you shiver and whine in the most beautiful way. You’d always shiver, pressing your head against him somehow. Were you showing submission when you did this? Or was it simply a need to be close? He never quite figured that out, but each time you did this, it unleashed something from inside him so possessive, so feral that he had to be careful to prevent it from taking over. 
But maybe he wouldn’t stop it when he bred you. There was a thought. 
He blinked in surprise, seeing your curious gaze meet his. You were talking to him, expecting an answer. He swallowed hard, chuckling a bit. His ears were red. 
“Sorry, what?” He asked, and you laughed, kissing his lips softly. 
“Didn’t realize you were so tired,” you said, mistaking his spacey behavior for exhaustion and not horny daydreaming, “I asked if you wanted me to bring you lunch tomorrow. You mentioned it was a paperwork day.” 
Hanta loved when you stopped by his agency, he loved when your face lit up when you saw him. He loved knowing that this work was what took care of you both. You didn’t have to work a day in your life if you didn’t want to- but Hanta, of course, never forced you to stay home. He wanted you to have the option to find your dream job anywhere you wanted- and if that job was to stay home and be his adorable little housewife, then so be it. If your dream job was to become a lawyer, so be it. He’d always support you. Always had, always would. 
“Yeah,” he said, smiling brightly at you. “Yeah, that would be nice,” he murmured. 
With that confirmation, you smiled, kissing him again, feeling your eyelids become droopy and your body feel sluggish and warm. Hanta’s arms felt warmer and more secure than any you’d ever been in before and you couldn’t help but want to stay there forever. 
Sleep came to you quickly. It didn’t come as fast for your husband; Hanta stayed awake after he clicked off the bedside light, looking at you sleeping so sweetly in his arms. 
That was the best way he could describe you. Sweet. Sweet in everything you did. You gave sweet kisses, and sweet advice, and you made the sweetest brownies he’d ever had. Your face was sweet… your hands were sweet, looking even sweeter when he put that ring on the left one not so very long ago. You smelled sweet… 
...and he knew you’d look sweet when he had you in a mating press. When he bred you and filled you up with his cum. Your face would be fucked out, red, eyes hazy and unfocused. Maybe you’d even be drooling- he loved when he fucked you that good. And he’d sure as hell do it when he knocked you up- he’d have you creaming on his cock so much, so often, that the only thing in your brain would be the only name falling off your tongue- Hanta. 
A shiver racked through his body. He blinked a few times, taking a deep breath. 
Settling back into the pillows, he pressed his nose against your hair once more, inhaling and smiling softly against your head. He loved you so much. But these thoughts…
Well, if he didn’t breed you soon, they might just drive him crazy. 
The next morning was pretty uneventful. Hanta woke up and went to work, kissing you several times, making you squeal and giggle with glee as you handed him a thermos of coffee to drink on his commute to work. When he arrived at his agency, his desk was nearly overflowing with paperwork, which surely would have put a damper on his day had he not known you were coming to see him. 
This knowledge didn’t do much to make the paperwork any less sucky, though. It was tedious. He signed and initialed so many times that he idly wondered if he could get stamps with his signature on them- that would make this whole, boring ordeal a lot easier on the wrist… might take a little less time, too. He wondered if there were any rules against that, and was still pondering this thought when his receptionist called into his office phone; the shrill ring scaring him nearly half to death. 
“Yeah?” He answered after taking a moment to compose himself and ignore the fact that he just shrieked like a twelve year old seeing a very large, menacing bug. 
“Cellophane, you have a visitor,” his receptionist relayed. “Should I send her up?” 
His heart soared. 
“Yeah,” he said, unable to hide the smile in his voice. 
Moments later, you came through the door, a bento box in hand, your bag slung over your shoulder. A blush was on your cheeks. Even after all this time, seeing your handsome husband, Hanta the Hero, made you so excited you felt like you could and would explode. 
A matching blush and smile on his cheeks, Hanta came around the desk and gave you a soft, loving kiss. You tasted like mint bubblegum, the blue kind, not the green kind, and it made him shiver, just slightly, with delight. 
“Hi, handsome!” you said, pulling him back in for another kiss and cupping his face. The cool metal of your rings pressed against his flushed cheek, only making his blush worsen. Sero grinned against your mouth and pulled you closer by your waist, giving you a little squeeze, before pulling away. 
“Hey, beautiful,” he said, gently carding his fingers through your hair and giving you a soft kiss on the forehead. “This paperwork has been kicking my ass. So glad you came.” 
You eyed the stack of papers on the desk behind your husband, making a squeamish face before looking up at him with sympathetic eyes. 
“Yeah that looks… like a migraine waiting to happen,” you said. Sero laughed. 
“I know. It is, though. Maybe I should make an intern do it for me,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Scoffing, you batted his chest before quoting one of your and Sero’s closest friends.
“That’s not very heroic!” you scolded playfully before breaking into a fit of giggles. Sero laughed, pulling you in closer and kissing your cheek and neck, over and over, thus making you laugh even more. 
After several moments of kissing and giggling, Hanta stilled and inhaled, smelling that same alluring scent on you that he’d smelled the previous night when you got out of the shower. It was so comforting… if there was ever a time when he was spinning, out of control, losing touch with his surroundings and with what was important or not, that smell… well, he knew that smell would bring him right back. 
The problem was, though, that right now, that very smell was sending his mind spinning again. He had no control over it and his ears were turning pink.
His mind raced. He could take you right here, throw the paperwork aside, lay you out on his desk, press you in half, holding your knees nearly by your ears. The desk would give him such a good angle too, he’d be able to fuck into you as hard as he wanted with no worries of his thrusts being impeded by the soft, plushiness of your bed. All he’d have to do was tell his receptionist to cancel any appointments he had for the afternoon- he couldn’t even remember if he had any at that point- tell her to not permit any calls in… 
All this ran through his hot, overworked brain in about a second, and in that second, he just smelled your hair, being so relaxed and at peace outwardly while he was, inside, raging with uncontrollable arousal. He had to have you. Had to breed you. Breed, breed, breed. 
“Babe,” you said, your voice was quiet, soft. Almost unsure. His heart dropped for a moment, worried that in his haze, he’d somehow spoken or made his thoughts known to you some other way. He pulled back just enough to look at you, tilting his head to the side, willing you to continue. 
You were chewing on your lip so adorably that it hurt his heart and made him yearn to be the one chewing your lip. Your cheeks were redder, but your eyes were looking at him earnestly, almost shining with excitement. Clearly he hadn’t slipped and spoke his thoughts, otherwise you wouldn’t have been looking at him like that… 
“Hm?” he asked, tilting his head, “you look so serious, babe.” 
You smiled a little, looking down, bashful. 
“Yeah… um… so, like...you remember what we were talking about the other day?”
Well...that was vague. The two of you talked about a lot of stuff the other day, and every day before or since. Hanta’s confusion was evident on his face and you shook your head, giggling in spite of yourself, before taking a breath and trying again. 
“Okay… that’s not clear. I meant…” 
Why was this so hard for you to say out loud? Maybe it was because of the way Sero’s brown eyes bore into you, looking intensely, even though he wasn’t necessarily trying to do that. Just looking at you, curiously, wanting to know what was on your mind. Your husband...so caring. So loving. 
“I’m listening, Bonita,” he prodded gently, tucking some hair behind your ear. The nickname sent a shiver down your spine, and you smiled at him. 
“About starting a family,” you said, shy. 
Oh yeah. The conversation that started this whole obsession that was taking over Hanta’s thoughts. You’d been looking on Social Media, on a friend’s profile, cooing over her baby who’d just turned two. And then the conversation...turned. 
“I think it might be a good time to think about it,” you said, turning and looking at Sero with hopeful eyes and pink, blushy cheeks. “You’ve got your agency going...and we’re both still young. Seems to be working in our favor, don’t you think?”
Sero smiled at you, his own cheeks getting red; the tips of his ears were starting to pinken, too. 
“You think so?” he asked, delighted, butterflies in his chest akin to the ones he felt the very first time he’d seen you smile at him. You nodded enthusiastically. 
“I think so! I mean… that’s assuming you want to.” 
You had talked about it before with your husband, but in a passing kind of way. Like, ‘one day we’ll be parents’ and ‘we’ll have to remember that when we have kids’. It was never a fully serious thing, never something that the two of you really thought about or planned out. Until this conversation. Until now. 
“Yeah! Of course I want to,” Hanta said, giving you a kiss. And then, what started off as five simple words, became the source of his current obsession. Of his current need to breed you immediately and upon every surface of every space you’d been in. Five words that seemed totally innocent at the time but immediately had his heart racing, his libido rising, and his gut clenching in arousal. 
“You’ll be a beautiful mommy.”
Presently, Hanta had to consciously swallow to wet his suddenly parched mouth. He grinned at you, that same dazzling, sparkling Hanta Sero grin that made your knees weak and your heart flutter. He leaned in and kissed you, passionately, the lunch you’d brought for him all but forgotten about. 
Inhaling deeply and pulling away, you saw Hanta’s expression had changed. It was darker now, more… needy. He nipped your bottom lip, making you mewl in surprise and lean in closer to him;  his strong arms kept your knees from collapsing. 
“Yeah, I remember,” he told you, voice having noticeably dropped an octave, maybe even two. The change immediately made you blush harder- you were sure you looked like a tomato at this point, but you didn’t care, not when your husband, the only man who’d ever have your heart, looked at you that way.
“I thought,” you murmur, voice sounding softer, like your body would surely be when you carried his child; softer, supple, stretching so beautifully around a stomach full of life, “I thought it would be nice to maybe start trying.” 
Hanta groaned, the words having an obvious effect on him. He pulled you  flush against his chest, roughly kissing against your jaw, nipping every few times to make you positively melt in his arms. You felt the need waft off him in waves- it was hot and potent, almost making you dizzy as you felt his unquestionable want, his need, to breed you. 
He opened his mouth to answer you, when at the exact moment, his office phone rang again, causing you both to flinch in surprise; thankfully, he didn’t shriek this time. That would have changed the mood. 
But he still sighed heavily, swallowing hard, before opening his eyes and giving you an easy smirk. He’d been brought out of whatever trance you’d put him in, it seemed. 
“I hate that damn thing,” he muttered, casting a disparaging glance at the phone.
He answered the call from his receptionist, and soon, you were on your way home. Hanta gave you many kisses and hugs for the road, leaving you feeling well loved and excited to see him that evening. 
But further, the entire visit left you...curious. You’d never seen Hanta act so...possessive. Almost… you couldn’t think of the right word. The way he kissed you, though. How dark his eyes had gotten. The way you felt your husband’s need roll off of him in the heaviest way you’d never experienced before. 
Your mind rolled the interaction over and over, prodding and playing and questioning and wondering. 
Certainly, you knew you wanted a family with him. Hanta would be an excellent father and you never doubted that for a second, never for a moment. Excitement tingled in your chest- this was a huge decision, of course, but it was one you knew you wanted. Based on his behavior back at his office, and the behavior he’d been displaying before, you could tell your husband was pretty into the idea as well. 
A familiar heat settled into your stomach, burning embers of arousal keeping you just warm enough to notice, but not yet scalding enough to make you squirm. 
That, like you, like your husband, would come later. 
It was an understatement to say that Sero was distracted for the rest of his afternoon. He likely wouldn’t have been able to hit the floor with his helmet, even if he was trying to. His brain whirled in excitement, spun in arousal and possibilities. It was maddening, dizzying. He couldn’t tell which way was up anymore, but that didn’t matter. He didn’t need to know which way was up to know he was the luckiest man in the world. 
Not only was he your husband, but he was going to be the father of your child, too. 
Sero never considered himself to be the fatherly type- not really, at least. He’d never discounted it either, but then… well. Then he met you, and his entire life changed.
When he first saw your eyes, your smile… heard you giggle… he knew without a doubt he wanted to be your husband, wanted to be your man. He wanted to hold you every night and wake up to you, bed head and morning breath, every morning. 
And the more time he spent with you, the more he knew he wanted to be a father. He wanted to be the father to your children, he wanted you to be the mother of his babies. 
And the time, finally, blessedly, was here. 
Dinner was an interesting affair that night. You couldn’t have been more spaced out while making it… you were only semi-sure that you’d included all the correct ingredients in all the proper amounts. It didn’t taste awful, so that was a good indication; you still would not have put it past yourself to mix up two spices, or forget something altogether only to add an unneeded ingredient. 
Sero didn’t complain, though, not that he ever did. But he looked distracted. His cheeks were permanently rosey, it seemed, and he kept looking at you, only to shyly look down when you met his gaze. It was cute, really, like you two were kids trying to figure out your feelings for one another for the first time. 
There wasn’t much conversation. Little broken bits of sentences passed between the two of you. Small laughs and hums filled the rest of the otherwise quiet atmosphere and semi-regular sounds of silverware scraping plates. 
After about half an hour, and after you both had managed to eat about half of what was on your plate, he finally spoke. 
“I don’t know why I feel so nervous,” he said with a shy, almost bashful laugh, cheeks blooming a brighter red. 
“I feel it too. I feel like a virgin,” you told him, to which he reached across the table and took your hand.
“I’m sure you were a cute virgin,” he teased with an affectionate squeeze, and you laughed out loudly, maybe a little more harshly than you intended with your shotty nerves. This only made Sero’s expression toward you soften even more. 
“Gee, thanks,” you said, leaning in, closing the gap between you and kissing him. The kiss came easily enough; you were pros at this point. 
“Should we… y’know?” Hanta asked, lips mere millimeters from yours, breath fanning across your flushed face. Another giggle left your lips, but this one was more high-pitched and nervous. 
“Yeah,” you said. You swore you saw the same apprehension mirrored in Hanta’s eyes, but he quickly stood and scooped you up before carrying you, bridal-style, to the bedroom. 
The walk there seemed to take ages. You were horny, that dull warmth from your walk home had turned into quite the all-encompassing heat, but your hands felt clammy and cold and were fidgety. 
You hadn’t been lying; you really did feel like you were a virgin. Like you’d never been fucked stupid by the man holding you. 
It was an exciting thing. A scary thing. An exhausting thing. But it was the start of your adventure, the greatest one you’d take, and it was with your loving, attentive husband. 
As you approached your room, Hanta’s body seemed to relax a bit, almost as if passing the threshold made this whole thing easier for him now that he was in an extra safe, comforting space. 
As he laid you on the bed, on your back, you didn’t see apprehension in his eyes anymore. They were dark now, nearly black, and just one look alone had your heart racing. The butterflies in your stomach were now the size of watermelons and it felt like there was no way, no reasonable way at all, for them to avoid bursting your stomach, but they never did. Somehow. Heat which didn’t exist before radiated between your bodies, and you were taken back to that same feeling that washed over you when you visited him earlier. Your cheeks flushed and you felt...submissive. Needy. Helpless. 
Hanta started rubbing his hands all over your pretty little body, rubbing your sides as he hovered over you, gazing down lovingly at your form through those dark eyes. One hand slid up under your shirt, fingertips gently grazing over your soft belly, the action and the intimacy giving you goosebumps. 
“Love you,” you whispered, looking at him with starry eyes, and he smiled back at you. 
“Love you too,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss you, “and I’m gonna fuck you full.”
The shivers in your body hadn’t subsided once you both were stripped down. You weren’t cold; there was no shortage of heat between you and your husband’s bodies- it was the thrill of it all. The knowledge that you were going to be bred by such a handsome, capable man. It drove you wild. His touches drove you wild. You wanted to jump his bones, but you were stuck, on your back against the comforter, with Hanta kissing down, down, down… 
Then, your legs were over his shoulders and he was lapping hungrily at your already sopping cunt. Long, broad strokes up and down your lips before he spread your folds open with his fingers. You heard his sharp intake of breath, though this was something he’d seen many times before. 
Your cunt, pink and pretty, like a tiny rosebud, was breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Delicious. Hanta leaned forward as you held your breath in anticipation, eventually exhaling with a tiny whine as he licked through your folds with practiced movements. His tongue felt like heaven. He knew exactly what to do, how to swirl his tongue, how to lap at your hardening clit. And there was no room for teasing tonight, not as far as Hanta was concerned. He wanted you to cum as many times as he could. 
The first orgasm came quickly; his constant sucking and lapping at your clit, coupled with harsh, efficient swipes to the bud with his thumb, had you cumming in mere minutes. If you hadn’t been so fucked out, you were sure Hanta would have teased you about making you cum in a new record time. 
Pleasure pumped through every artery, every vein of your body. You felt warm and floaty, but Sero didn’t stop. Of course he didn’t. He was nowhere near done with you. 
A finger breached your hole, pressing inside up to his knuckle with ease. You mewled at the sensation, the slight burning, the overwhelming goodness of being so full. 
“Ffff…” you huffed out, cheeks red, squeezing your eyes shut as your toes curled in response to Hanta moving his finger into and out of you at a nearly agonizingly slow pace. 
Then, he added another. And a third. Three fingers pumping you open, scissoring inside you, curling to hit that little spot within your spongy walls that made you moan and cry and see stars. 
Sero looked like he was possessed. His head was bowed between your legs, watching your cunt suck his fingers in, feeling in delight the fact that you didn’t seem to want to let his fingers out. His eyes were dark, too. His cheeks were flushed. There was so much tension in his body- he held it in his shoulders, in his hips, in his hands...and most especially in his cock, throbbing with need, bobbing heavily between his legs. 
Your second orgasm washed over you without much fanfare, though it did feel incredibly good, making your toes curl so hard that you almost felt the muscles in your feet cramp in protest. Almost. 
And then, Sero was sitting up and your legs were falling off of his shoulders. His hands rubbed soft, soothing circles into the soft, flushed flesh of your thighs, and he smiled at you so softly that it nearly made you cry. Your husband. 
“Ready?” His voice was soft, surprisingly so, considering how rough he looked and how red his cock was. You nodded, smiling, feeling anxious nerves bubble up in your stomach and make your chest feel fuzzy, like soda. 
“We’re gonna do it,” you said, voice hoarse from your whimpers. “We’re gonna be parents.” 
A silent, intimate moment passed between the two of you; a moment in which eternity spread out before you. You could both see it; a child, growing in your womb, slowly at first, but then quicker than you could ever imagine. You envisioned a nursery, one with soft green curtains and a big, white crib with a soft, pastel baby blanket hanging over the side. Labor and delivery flashed through both your minds, but then, the warm, imagined feeling of seeing your child for the first time. It made both of your chests expand with a love so strong that it nearly consumed the both of you. You surmised, though, that actually seeing your child, in your arms, would be a much stronger event. 
Then, like a reel of film, you saw your child growing up. Learning to talk. Walking. Running. Playing, laughing, growing. Breaking your hearts and making them stronger at the same time. Developing a quirk, maybe, but developing a passion, definitely. Knowing how loved they were by mommy and daddy, knowing that they had a safe place to call home. School. Graduation. The real world. Weddings. 
It all stretched between you and Hanta, like the vast expanse of an unexplored journey; the greatest and most terrifying and exhilarating and challenging of all. 
This all happened within a second, but you both felt it. You saw the same things, you experienced the same feelings. Hanta’s eyes, still dark, but now brimming with emotion, stared into yours, and he touched your cheek. 
“Yeah,” he confirmed softly, with a nod. “Yeah, babe. It’s always been you.”  
First. Your legs wrapped tightly around Hanta’s waist, resting on the dimples of his lower back as he drove himself into you with practiced, hard thrusts. His hands dug into your hips, his thumbs pressing on that soft skin on your lower belly. You mewled at his presses on such a  delicate area. Your first orgasm with him inside you was like being submerged in a warm bath. It was slow, almost, not frenzied, and at this point, it was relatively calm. Sero’s orgasm followed suit. 
Second. Your left leg is up over Hanta’s shoulder, the right one pinned to the bed with his left hand. His wedding ring glints in the lowlights of your room as he fucks you, this time with more vigor. Maybe it’s the different position, maybe it’s the harder thrusts, maybe it’s the fact that you’ve already cum three times and he doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, but everything feels amplified. Every swipe of his thumb over your puffy clit. Every drag of his thick, beautiful cock against your sensitive, gummy walls. Every squeeze to your thigh… 
Every look that you shared. Hanta’s eyes were even darker now, darker than they’d been earlier that day at his agency. More needy, almost feral. Your second orgasm with him inside you wasn’t as pleasant. It was hot now, not just warm, and sparks of overstimulation shocked you as your body jerked, almost convulsing as the pleasure tore out of you. Hanta came with a grunt of your name, his voice now so deep and gravelly that he sounded feral. 
Third. Hanta was feral now. His hair stuck out in a million different directions, his pupils were completely blown. Breed, breed, breed. He held your thighs down to the bed, on either side of you, your knees pressed down on the mattress in close proximity to your ears. 
Breed, breed, breed. Tears streamed down your flushed face, and you were babbling nonsense, mostly of your husband’s name and broken little whines.The headboard smacked the wall, the sound reverberating through the room as Hanta thrusted with his entire body weight into your aching, sloppy cunt. He growled, primeval in his need to fill you up- it was no longer a want. He needed to breed you. He’d simply go crazy if he couldn’t. 
Your third orgasm felt like an atomic bomb went off within your walls. Arousal gushed forward as you squirted, your entire cunt clenching violently, milking Hanta’s throbbing cock for all it was worth, painfully so, in your sensitivity. You cried out, sobbing, nails clawing at your husband’s bare back and arms. But he continued to fuck into you recklessly. The drywall behind the bed cracked. The bedframe groaned. A feral growl unlike anything you’d ever heard came from your husband as he came, driving his hips and his seed further and further into your womb. 
Breed, breed, breed. 
The day was sunny and clear. A warm breeze fluttered in through your open kitchen window, rustling the curtains and wafting the delicious smells from the stove throughout your home. A soft smile pulled at your face as you stirred and seasoned as needed- baby corn. Baby carrots. Baby back ribs. 
Of course, there was a theme. 
Hanta came home, calling for you, and your heart soared, fluttering in your chest and settling down into your belly.
“I’m in here babe,” you replied, turning, and picking up a small box. 
The box itself was nothing remarkable. It was yellow, small, and rectangular- like the kind of box one would put a necklace inside of, but this one held something more precious than a necklace. 
This box held your future. 
Inside, nestled in with sea green tissue paper, was a pregnancy test. The first pregnancy test you’d taken that showed those two sacred, life-changing, little pink lines. 
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haikyuucute · 4 years
I commented on your kyoutani post about his omega chilling him the fuck out, and would be SO happy if you considered writing about it 🥺🥺🥺 Essa, u r so amazinnnngggg
You’re so sweet, ily😭😭 thank you for requesting this, I had so much fun writing it💝💝
Warnings: None
Soothe (Alpha!Kyoutani Kentarou x Omega!Reader)
Alphas such as Kyoutani Kentarou were a .... curious breed.
The kind of alpha that is easily set off just by someone’s scent not being to his liking.
He was a ticking time bomb and everyone was holding their breath until the next time he went feral.
A feral alpha was a scary being to witness and unfortunately for Kyoutani, he was prone to this, but everything just made him so angry. He wished he could stop it, but he was never good at learning self control.
It was why he liked volleyball.
It was the one thing he found he was good at and a way for him to channel his aggression.
But ever since high school had started, it changed.
Now he had to put up with other alphas telling him what to do, and as much as he respected Iwaizumi and would do as he said, when the others told him what to do, he was close to punching a hole in the wall.
And today, just felt like the world was out to get him more than usual.
Everything he did on court was sloppy, and to make up for this off day he ended up putting more and more force behind each and every spike.
The others were annoyed with him, yelling at him to calm down or sit out if he had to, anything to make him stop playing so unnecessarily aggressive.
Between getting yelled at and his own frustrations with himself, he stormed out of the gym. To where? He had no idea. He just needed to leave before he ended up hurting someone.
His mind was a tornado of rage and he could barely think or see straight, hands curled into tight fists and eyes narrowed fiercely, ready to tear apart the next person that decided to approach him.
He hadn’t noticed the group of omegas he passed until it was too late.
Not until he was completely frozen in his spot, eyes widened impossibly large.
He could practically taste it. Sweet and juicy making his tastebuds stir as he could almost feel the juice of a peach run down his throat, making him swallow pointlessly.
But the feeling the scent brought was indescribable. It was warm and welcoming— peaceful.
Kyoutani forgot what it felt like to be at peace, it was an emotion that had abandoned him ever since he had presented as an alpha.
The veil of anger had suddenly lifted in those few short moments, and when he was able to grab ahold of himself he suddenly remembered the omegas.
It had to be one of them.
And whoever you were, you were his.
He spun around on his heel, but had been met with an empty hallway.
You and your friends were already gone.
The only sign that you had been there was the peachy flavor that still lingered on his tongue.
It was not in Kyoutani’s blood to give up easily, so thus began the search for you.
He had never been aware as to just how many omegas attended Aobajohsai until he decided to look for one and it was exhausting to say the least.
Days had gone by which eventually turned to weeks.
Weeks of Kyoutani searching for that sweet peachy scent. Not a day had passed that he wasn’t actively searching for you.
But all the omegas he saw, were all wrong. It was almost as if he had conjured up the scent in his head.
He refused to believe that was the case and continued his search.
...Until he didn’t have to any more.
He thought he was imagining it, that he was simply remembering the soothing scent of the sweet omega he never even saw, as a response to how he was currently feeling.
He was told to sit down during practice— it wasn’t an unusual occurrence for the coach to tell him to sit when he noticed he was getting too riled up.
So there he sat, head down with a towel over his head, attempting to calm himself down when the same scent from a few weeks ago washed over him like it did that day.
His whole body went stiff, head jerking upwards as his eyes searched the gym frantically.
And there you were, speaking with the coach.
He couldn’t move as he stared at you— you were pretty, much prettier than he ever imagined. You smiled as you spoke to the coach and it made his heart flutter.
He then watched as the coach called Oikawa off the court.
His eyes widened in confusion at the exchange that followed. Oikawa exclaiming something or other as he tugged you into a hug, clearly happy to see you. You had giggled in response, complaining about how sweaty he was and trying to pull away from his grasp.
This... this wasn’t right.
Was Oikawa your mate? No... you couldn’t have been. There was no mark on your neck and you didn’t smell like him either.
So then why was he touching you.
Kyoutani felt a growl rumble in the back of his throat, eyes glued to where Oikawa had his hand on your shoulder now— Kyoutani had never even spoken to you and yet he was acting like this.
”She’s pretty isn’t she?”
Kyoutani blinked, looking over at Yahaba who was suddenly standing beside him, staring at your and Oikawa’s exchange.
”What’s her name?” He demanded of his teammate before looking back at you.
”(L/N) (F/N). She’s a third year and good friends with the third years on the team. She’s really cool.”
”Does she have a mate?”
Yahaba looked at him in surprise, “Do you have a thing for (L/N)?”
”Does she have a mate?” He reiterated, more annoyed now.
”No she doesn’t. But good luck trying to get an omega like (L/N). She turns down alphas almost every day, even some betas from time to time— actually, I’m pretty sure she even rejected an omega once or twice.”
Kyoutani tuned him out as he continued to ramble.
You were leaving now, about to pass him and Yahaba to get to the exit, when you noticed his piercing gaze.
You recognized him immediately as the alpha that you were sure was about to go feral one afternoon when he passed by you and your friends— it was why you all left so quickly.
But his gaze had you pinned, almost suffocating you, forcing you to freeze.
He held something possessive in his eyes as he looked up at you from his seat and it filled your stomach with butterflies.
You were used to getting stared at by alphas, but this was different— you were finding yourself wanting to submit to the alpha before you, even in front of a gym full of people.
”Omega,” his voice came out as a growl, and where many other omegas would’ve run for the hills in fear of how aggressive he was coming off right now, your lips quirked up in a grin.
”Alpha,” you nodded, a mutual understanding that this would be far from over before you continued walking.
You quickly glanced at your friends on the court, all the third years gazing at you peculiarly after the exchange they had just witnessed between you and their uncontrollable teammate. But you simply grinned and shrugged at them before leaving the gym.
Little did they know, you’d become their greatest weapon during games to get the alpha to calm down.
Requests are open!
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @baeshijima @yams046 @cutepet09 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon @nekoma-hoe @curiouslilbeast @badboysdoitbetter2 @nervousenergyy @coupsieddori @mizuchan24-blog @ly-nia @mer92 @voids-universe @savemesteeb @bokurotrash @basicallyberry @cherryonigiri @k-eijiakaashi @ethylalcoholforfandoms @sanemisthiccbih @a-book-lover-things @rue-was-here @prod983 @reject-tinkerbell @emotionalfangirl2002 @kawaiipotatochan @alienatia @mortifiedmoon @amirahroronoa @wholeasswhore @asahi-is-jesus-periodt @fake-id-69 @kkoalaworld @hithisismina @lilidrawz @royalmuffinsworld @amberisnotcrazy @atsunakaashi @srhlsx
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The Pack: Heated Petals
Summary- 2.7k Alpha Steve x Little One Reader. Steve is finishing up a project and was planning on taking you out but things get side tracked and turns out you two are not leaving for a while. 
Warnings- Smut, Female receiving Oral. 18+ readers only please. 
Written for @imanuglywombat​ “Is that even a sex position” weekly challenge. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
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“Weekend plans?” Sam asked Steve while they waited for the logs to be unloaded from the back of the truck to be sent into the mill to be filed down and then Steve could arrange to have them shipped out to buyers. It had been a busy week, both the Alpha and Steve feeling like they neglected you in that time. Early days and late nights had him giving you a chaste kiss while out the door and quick bouts of sex late in the night before you curled up to him to sleep. 
No, he had to make it right. “I’m thinking about a weekend away, take Little One to a nice dinner, maybe go into the city and get a suite for us for the weekend.” Steve checked the time, anxious to get finished so he could do just that, he never was able to take you out on a date or a trip anywhere just for the two of you. “Peak foliage season right now, I think she would enjoy all of it.” The Alpha agreed with Steve, thumps of his tail marking his approval. 
“Sounds good, Sara is gonna catch a hint of that and be wanting to do the same.” Sam grinned while the last log got unloaded. “Think I might just steal your idea.” 
Steve dug for his keys now that they could head back. “Do it Man, I'm not one to stand in the way of love.” Sam rolled his eyes at the Pack Leader, Steve flashing him a grin as he hauled himself back into the truck. 
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You woke up knowing what was going to happen. Your thighs kept clenching together for the relieving pressure it would put on your pussy that started to ache. Not even playing with yourself in the shower had helped relieve it till Steve could get home. Growling in the hot water as you leaned your forehead against the coolness of the shower tile, willing yourself to just calm down. Your Alpha would be home soon. 
The Little Wolf whimpered, her ears flattening against her skull in discomfort. <Call him maybe?> 
I can’t, it's still early and he has been busting his ass to get this last order done. He's stressed out enough as it is. You countered with the Little Wolf, who although miserable with want, agreed that you were right. 
You both were stronger then the heat, you could get through today. 
Just as a precaution, you messaged Sara cancelling your typical coffee date. She didn't ask why, it was thankfully an unspoken understanding between shifters what was going on. Then you paced, back and forth through the cabin, out onto the deck and down to the dock, trying to let the cool fall air ease you to relax. 
If anything it all made you more on edge. Your gut clenching, and your thighs sticky while your pussy throbbed with what felt like every beat of your heart. Throb Throb Throb. 
You clenched your fists and pressed them against the top of your quivering thighs, whispering out “Son of a bitch.” To the only thing around you, the still lake water that seemed so calm, the complete opposite to the Little Wolf crying for her mate inside. 
He will be home soon, I know it. It's Friday. He always cuts the crew loose on Friday. You reasoned, probably more for your sanity then anything, but you could feel the Little Wolf try to settle down with that knowledge. It was then you heard the heavy machinery of the crew's gear rambling down the dirt road leading to the compound and you turned on your toes, head tilted listening for one in particular. The one Steve always took up the mountain. 
The distinct rattle of exhaust sounded and you broke into a sprint back along the dock and up the stairs. Buzzing through the house, you sprang onto the porch, tilting your nose up to inhale deeply, searching for him. Tangles of scents hit you. 
Motor Oil, the trees lining the compound, the cool musty lake, other pack members. None of them were your Alphas heavy calming scent of pine forest and iron, a soothing balm to your soul as well as gasoline to the embers of your hormones driving you mad. 
But it didn't take long for you to locate it, swarming your senses to cloud your mind of rational thought. Steve was in the garage, with a few other stragglers. He always stayed behind to make sure the equipment was put away correctly, a man was only able to work as good as the tools provided for him. 
You skipped down the steps and sprinted again, right now you needed one thing and one thing only. You needed Steve.
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Steve was just wiping his hands on a rag, biding the others a good weekend when his back stiffened. It was so distinct, the flooding of honeysuckle that had long ago became a pleasure scent for him, the one that was all you. Steve wasn't the only one to sense it, the other shifters still in the garage pausing to look warily back at the Alpha. Steve’s hair on the back of his neck stood on end, and the Alpha immediately raised from his slumber in the back of his mind. The Wolf’s hackles raised seeing so many between him and the Little One, his Little One who was just in heat and it made Steve’s mouth water and cock ache just catching the faintest whiff of you. But you were growing stronger, just outside of the garage door, and the Wolf started pressing for control of Steve, ready to rip through his lingering pack mates to get to you. Steve did what he could to keep the beast in control. “Get out” He growled deeply, challenging any to oppose him. 
Then you stepped in the doorway and that growl in Steve’s chest turned more threatening, short of a snarl. “Little One, come over here.” Demanded while his nostrils kept flaring, scenting you and you pushed through the packmates who were making a hasty retreat. It was dangerous to get between an Alpha and his mate in heat. Steve never broke eye contact with you, using you making your way towards him as his lifeline to keep in control. The Alpha visibly started shaking in restraint when you would accidentally brush against another on your way to him. The moment you reached him, the garage door slammed shut to the pair, leaving them alone. 
Steve immediately circled your waist with his hands and picked you up to perch on a nearby pickup truck's hood. Pressing his face into the top of your thighs, pressing in against the juncture of them, inhaling the addictive scent that had turned him completely feral in the moment. 
Your fingers pressed into his hair and pressed him in closer as he inhaled against your heat, your hips rolling into his face with a whine. “I really need you Alpha.” 
He bit the top of your thigh lightly before moving back to start working your pants open while you leaned back on your elbows, tilting your head back to try and breath through the next wave of arousal scorching you now that your Mate was close. Your panties and jeans were starting to stick to your skin, and felt so constricting. Your legs kicked out as he started to pull them down. 
“Fuck Little One, why didn’t you call me to come home? There was no need for you to suffer like this.” He growled in a reprimand as he tugged your pants off and you lifted your head guilty while his hands braced along the inside of your thighs and spread them apart to groan at the sight of slick covered petals, swollen in need for him. His cock so fucking hard in his jeans, raging with desire to sink into your heat and knot you while filling you full of cum. But this wasn’t about him. 
You rocked a bit under his gaze, which Steve didn't try to hide the fact that he was staring right in your most intimate spot that was weeping for him, ready to feel your Alpha claim you in every which way. “Because I didn't want to bother you while you were so busy.” 
His eyes snapped up and he stepped in closer, his fingers digging into your thighs. “I thought we went over this, when you go into heat, you're my focus. Fuck everything else.” Harsh kisses started at your ankle and moved up as he lifted a leg to lope over his shoulder, his tongue dragging through the slick on your inner most part of your thigh, but he yet didn't touch your sensitive folds and that made you whine sharply in protest at how he bypassed it. 
“We did-” You panted as your heel pressed into his upper shoulder blade, the cool air washing over your heated core making you shiver. Steve repeated the action with kissing your ankle and then biting in your calf sharp enough to leave his teeth imprint, cutting you off. 
“Next time Little One, you won’t wait, correct?” Dragging his tongue back up your inner thigh and resting his chin against the top of your mound, arched brows waiting for you to confirm. 
The Little Wolf huffed in frustration at you holding out from answering him right away, snapping at you while Steve nudged his nose through the tufts of pubic hair, also holding out on you till you growled out. 
“Yes Alpha, Yes. Please now?” You lifted your hips to have him touch you where you most wanted and strong hands were quick to grasp your ass cheeks, keeping you raised up near his mouth. “Even the Little Wolf is scolding me now.” You huffed and he chuckled as now he let the tip of his nose follow your slit, dragging your scent in like he could drown himself in it. 
“Cause she has common sense.” He teased, when he buried his mouth into your folds, dragging through the slick folds and sucking those sensitive petals into his mouth. You tensed at the sensation of Steve feasting on you. He never was subtle about how much he enjoyed you sprawled open like this for him. Groans and growls following thick hard laps of his tongue, pressing his face harder into sensitive flesh till you swore he imprinted himself into you. 
Slick mess coated his chin as he spread your petals apart to your weeping channel tightening with the sensations of the tip of his tongue tracing tight circles around, dipping into tease the walls before leaving you wanting more while he turned attention to your clit. 
Your sensitive little clit that he tugged between teeth that made you squeal and try to rock into him, scratching a bit at the truck's hood with a screech through the old paint job. “Steve! Fuck Alpha.” You yelped at him and he shook his head to stimulate you more while glancing up at you heatedly. 
“This pussy is mine Little One, I'm going to enjoy my meal.” He sucked the top of your mound into his mouth, his tongue putting pressure against your swollen bud till you were rocking to grind into his face, his hands helping you move back and forth. Now you gushed around him, coats of arousal catching in his beard, glistening while he rubbed his chin against your thigh with a scratchy brush against soft skin, turning it red. Rubbing his scent into you as well as marking you. 
Plump handfuls of your flesh in his hands made him strengthen his grasp on you, digging in harshly while you tried to make your own rocky demands. It would be some time till those fingertip bruises left your flesh, just as his sharp bites to your inner thighs or the beard burn your folds were taking. He was heady with intoxication on your honeysuckle arousal. Warm and enticing, he could keep buried in your pussy just because you were so good to him, slurping up your addicting juices with demanding lips and tongue, your quivering flesh captured in his teeth and he suckled on you. Loud growls overtook the wet sound of him feasting on your pussy, and in no time you started thrashing in your orgasm, bangs of your body on the unforgiving metal of the truck hood. 
He lifted for air, your body heaving as you tried to catch air and your head tilted back while you let the satisfaction of your orgasm wash over you for a few moments of relief with that first orgasm. Steve massaged his hands against your ass while your trembling thighs fell off his shoulders to drape over the edge of the hood. He pulled you open for him once more and the cold air once more made your sweat streaked body goosebump. Steve eased your hips to rest on the edge of the pickups hood, you let your sticky back rest down, running your hands up and down your still clenching body, riding out the last of your orgasm as you heard a zipper drop and buckle open. 
Closing your eyes while you hummed happily, you could already feel the coil spiral in your lower belly, but knowing your Alpha was just about to knot you kept you from getting too impatient. Steve leaned over you while grasping your hips to pull you to the edge. Your legs wrapped around his hips while you reached up to grasp his biceps, to pull yourself up to sit. 
“Mmhh, hold on Little One.” Steve warned before pressing his erection into you. There was no easing in, stretching you open, he just forced himself hilt deep and you revealed in the way it burned with a hiss escaping you, his ruts deep and demanding while you did just as he told you. Digging into his straining biceps and tightening around his hips that rocked upwards to continue railing you, ready to knot your weeping pussy when you came for him again. 
It wouldn't be long, so sensitive after he ate you out. Your head dropped to his shoulders while he grunted against your ear, bouncing you off him and the truck's hood while he pulled you up and down his cock. 
“So fucking good Little One.” He bit your neck sharply while mummering the words, muffling his noises while he angled himself. Reaching between your bodies, he thrummed your clit expertly, causing your flutters to start clenching his pounding cock, until you shuddered around him, coming again while giving a cry into his shoulder, loosening your hold a bit tiredly and letting your body just go slack. But he didn't let you sink back, he crushed you tighter to his chest, his thrusts staggering with utmost goal in mind and when he painted your channel for the first time, the knot followed to keep his seed deep in you, small thrusts pushing him deeper till he stalled with a moan, licking where he bit you harshly to clean any blood dotting the mark before pulling back. His hold loosens a bit to rub up and down your back.
You to lift your head, purring while you pressed your lips to his, nuzzling your nose against his before brushing your face against his in a affectionate way, your hands sliding from where you grasped his biceps to smooth along his chest, lifting and lowering under his palm where he was breathing heavily. 
“Can I ride you next?” You asked heatedly, your mind still lust filled with desire to have him fill you with his seed again. Rubbing your body against his while moaning at the way his knot kept you stretched and stuffed with him. “We could probably sneak back home now.” 
Steve growled, placing nipping kisses along your face and then sucking on your neck. “Why do we have to go back home? Little One, that is exactly what truck beds are made for.” Circling his arms under your thighs and ass, he lifted you off the hood while you were still full of him, making you squeak in shock at the movement and tightening your legs around his waist to keep you in place while he carried you around to the back, making you giggle excitedly as he set you down on the edge, easing from you now that his knot loosened. You moved to crawl into the truck bed, him following along right behind you with grabbing hands and flipped to his back, pulling your thighs to straddle him. Instead of easing you down though, Steve pulled you up towards his face, licking his lips. 
“But you can only ride my cock after your ride my face Little One.” 
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA vampire soulmate scenario: you see them again/ they introduce themselves.
 They find you and don't leave you alone.
Dabi: It had been almost a month since the 7/11 incident, Dabi kept his distance watching and protecting you from the shadows, That all change today, he was watching your house from the old abandoned grocery store-across the road from your bar (your house is on top of the bar). He noticed you haven't step outside for almost two days, Dabi frowned as he step out of his hideout and as soon as he got close enough to your home his nose scrunched up as he was hit by a fowl stench: he made a disgusted noise... it was like mix of rotten milk and cantaloupe...
You were sick! but that wouldn't explain your lack of activity...unless- Dabi felt his stomach drop into his feet he checked the gargoyle you keep by the door for your spare key, he unlocked the door and walked inside your house and found you passed out on the floor at the bottom of your stairs! he rush over crouched down to check on you... he put his hand on your neck, Fuck your skin was like a furnace. "What the fuck do I do?" he hissed picking you up of the floor and putting you on the couch in your living room.
You wheezed in protest feeling your body being lifted away from the nice cold floor, your eyes opened straining to see who had moved you? but all you could see was a black and purple blob looking down at you; before moving away from sight as your overheated mind tried to comprehend what was happening, Who was that? How did they get in... but soon you drifted back into unconsciousness, and felt something cold on the back of your head...
You woke up disoriented and very confuse you looked around and you were still in your Livingroom... with half melted bag of frozen carrots resting behind your neck and another bag of frozen corn shoved down your shirt, which bewildered you the last thing you remembered was trying to crawl upstairs and go to your room, than nothing. You heard someone clear their throat and looked next to you to find a man who looked like a ragdoll was sitting in your recliner watching you...
"Who the fuc-" you croaked only for the guy to thrust a yellow pill and a glass of water towards you. "Take this first.." he muttered as you eyed the pill suspiciously "patchy" rolled his eyes at your wariness. "It's just Tylenol." he put the glass on the coffee table and showed you the box, "If I wanted to hurt you, wouldn't I have done it already?" he stated as you hesitantly took the pill and the water from him and swallowed it trying not to gag as it went down your throat. "Who are you?" you hissed voice still hoarse trying not to show fear, which was in vain as Patchy's cerulean eyes lit up in amusement seeing through your bluff. "I have several names, but these days I go by Dabi." he said waiting for your reaction but, to his utter astonishment you clearly had no idea who he was... "ok..."Dabi" How did you get into my house?" you huffed as Dabi gave you this unimpressed look. 
"Y'know the whole reason for hiding a key, is to not make it obvious."
"What are you talking about? What key?"
"Yeah, good one...the key under the gargoyle."
"...I don't keep a key under my gargoyle."
You say watching Dabi's expression shift to confusion as the scarred man pulled the the duplicate key from his pocket, he showed it to you and your stomach felt like it was full of rocks... that was definitely your house key!... But, it looked newer, shinier then the one in your purse. "You don't recognize this?" Dabi asked feeling your fear which caused his instincts go haywire wanting to remove whatever caused the distress, as you shook your head insisting you've never owned a spare key!
Dabi took a sharp breath through his nose, taking it in all the scents around the house before picking up faint traces of a another male... Dabi let out a low inhuman growl as he relaxed against into the recliner. "Good news doll, you gotta a new roommate." Your mouth opened to protest, but something in the deep crevices of your soul was telling you to trust the scarred man as he played around with the duplicate key. with a feral glint in his eye. "Bad news is... It's gonna suck for whoever the hell pissed me off." his purred flashing his fangs at you.  
Hawks: You were at work it had been to weeks since Hawks showed up on your doorstep, let's just it didn't go so well... It was like in the movies you opened the door saw the blond vampire standing there, you gasped, screamed and fainted scaring the crap out of the poor guy! At the moment he was currently loitering outside the gym you were teaching at, he could hear some of your students parents talking about you.
"It's waste I tell you, someone with her Quirk should've gone pro!" A woman said in a snarky tone the man next to her nodded. " I agree. if I had a Quirk like L/n-san I would be saving lives and kicking ass, instead of teaching kids how to dog paddle!" Keigo growled looking up from his phone and spoke up. 
"Yeah...She could've gone pro, but instead she's here teaching your kids not to drown..." 
Both adults froze and saw the number 2 hero glowering at them his wings slightly puffed and raised making him look bigger, They sheepishly apologized and scurried off, Just as you walked out, with an unreadable expression it was obvious you had heard everything just now, but were relucted to say anything as the two of you started the routine of walking home together, you were still on the ropes about Hawks. 
When he first showed up (after you woke up) you freaked out thinking he was there to to silence you and keep his secret, however after calming you down, he started going on about soulmates, blood-bonds and you being his other half, you were very reluctant to believe him after all... the first time you saw him, he was covered in blood feeding off a woman who looked half dead! Hawks seemed genuinely remorseful about you seeing that, it wasn't his intention to scare you, he explained how the woman was fine. 
She wasn't dead like Y/n had thought! he just used his venom to put her into a state of ecstasy... she likely has no idea the winged blond had been drinking her blood, She was at home most likely believing she had a wild night with the number 2 hero. He even showed you the girl's social media account to prove it; There she was doing a bathroom selfie bragging about the wicked "hickey" Hawks had given her...
Now here you are a month later and the vampire hasn't left your side since! Well... Except for when he has to go on patrol, then he has one of his feathers following you, and you have this sinking suspicion that Hawks has been sleeping on your roof at night...though you're never sure, you could hear something rolling around up there but whatever it is, is usually gone by the time you go check it out, later that night Hawks texted you inviting you to dinner, you read the restaurant's name... Dang that's pretty swanky place, you didn't even know if you had a dress or whatever to wear! luckily in the far reaches of your closet you found an old black dress that seemed suitable enough for the job... and sighed. " I only wore this once, to a funeral..." you muttered before getting ready.
You wished you had taken a shot of whiskey before you left the house, you were a ball of shaking anxiety as you entered the restaurant, the hostess eyed you with a unpleasant sneer. "Can I help you?" she said in fake sweet tone. "Y-Y/n L/n, I-I'm here to meet a Mr. T.K.?" you stammered the hostess scrunched her nose as she gave you a once over snorted. 
"I don't know how you found out about his reservation... but I can assure you the number 2 hero doesn't associate with your type." she with sneer your face would would've been flushed with anger if you weren't holding back every fiber in your body to slap that smug smile off that bitch's face. "Well can you go check?" you snapped standing up to your full height which threw the hostess off, she curt nod and walked off into the back...
(Hawks knew you were here he could smell you the second you walked in, his eyes briefly skimmed over the menu as he herd hostess approach, without you... "Sorry about that Hawks." the redhead cooed as the blonde looked at her bemused she snorted. "Some fake (h/c) slut tried to say you were waiting on her-" she continued talking as Keigo talked over her. " I am waiting for Y/n." he stated firmly as the hostess finished what she was saying. "Just let me ask my boss to let me off and we ca..." she trailed off and blinked not believing what she just heard.
"w-What?" she chortled thinking this was a joke as Hawks deadpanned repeating what he said. "I am waiting for Y/n, go get her." it wasn't request the hostess looked like a fish as she stared at the No. 2 slack-jawed. "Bu...You.. I- what about me?!" she sputtered lip quivering like a child who'd been denied candy, the winged man just eyed her incredulously making it clear he doesn't know her. "What are you talking about?" Hostess didn't answer she just stomped away to go get you.)    
A few minutes later she came back all red in the face. "Please follow me ma'am." she huffed now it was your turn to be smug. "Oh?... But I thought the No. 2 hero didn’t associate with my type?" you hissed as she snapped her head up to look at you eyes her brown eyes filled with jealous rage and you realized....It was her. The girl from the park. "My apologies ma'am." she said with a forced cheery tone as she led you to a private booth where Hawks was waiting his wings stood up at full attention as you sat down.
"Hey did you have any trouble?" he asked nodded towards the front desk where the hostess was giving both of of you the stink-eye. "You don't recognize her?" you whispered as Keigo's brow furrowed as he tried to piece it together.... had.. they slept together?...Hmm no, signed her tits? that was a possibility, He hummed scratching his beard You could tell he was drawing blanks. "She's the woman from the night...when we met?" His gold eyes widened.
 "Oh... the blood that tasted like charcoal and moldy bread." he grimaced in disgusted as he finally pieced it together you tilted your head as him bemused. "That’s what smoker's blood taste like...to me anyways, other Vamps have told me it varies." he stated you hummed nodding your head both intrigue and worried that you were getting use to this odd situation.
While you two were going over the menu, Keigo couldn't help but notice how off you were acting, you were fidgeting and looking around almost like you were...scared. why would you scared? all the other girls he'd brough.... Then it hit Keigo like ton of bricks. 
He was treating you like one of his fans! and not his...hopefully soon to be lover, Dammit! He didn't even think about your comfort zones or asked if you wanted to go out and where did you want to go, he just assumed you would jump at the chance, because what girl doesn't want to go on a date with the number two hero?
After a few moments Keigo put the menu down. "Hey...wanna get out of here?" You were about to protest but the blond put his hand up. "Let me rephrase that; Do you want go somewhere else?" you shyly nodded Keigo called the waiter paid for the drink he had earlier and the two of you went on a very simple and impromptu park date involving pizza and an outdoor movie theater that Keigo had no idea existed; all in all he actually had fun! 
And so did you given the joy and admiration he was sensing coming off you in waves. as opposed the fear and defensiveness you usually gave off around him, which made Hawks hopeful for the future... but for now he'll just settle on being friends, He smiled staring at the spare key you gave him, the blond let out a tiny churr feeling giddy as he fell asleep on your couch, as you caught him outside earlier.  
…..Yes, he was totally sleeping on your roof.
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my attempt at fanfiction it is smutty
(also in azriels perspective)
azriel was leaning against the ledge of the balcony at the river house, a glass of wine in his hand and his gaze far away. he stared out at the city he loved and the sidra beneath him when he heard a shuffle of feet , a small bang and a nasty curse.
“hi love,” he said into the air, putting his glass down. gwyn blushes and bites her lip, sliding underneath him so his arms are wrapped around her. he is content to just stand there as they watch the humming city. his head quieted and his swirling shadows calmed as they tended to do in her presence. az could feel the mating bond glowing between them strong but soft and sweet like an endless melody. he heard the song between their soul’s mine, it seemed to say, you are mine and I am yours.
gwyn breaks the silence asking what he’s doing out here and he tells her “it’s funny I’ve been doing this for 500 years and even now it can be overwhelming.”
she nods “every so often I feel like it would be so much easier to just go back into the library and hide from all this.” she gestures to the lit-up city in front of them.
“gwyn” he turns her head around so she’s looking at him “you know that if you wanted to go back I would fully support you. I’d miss you like crazy but I’d support you.” and she gives him a broad smile, the one that makes his heart pound and his head dizzy.
“I know but I am ready to live and I want to do it with you.” he smiles but words don’t feel like enough so instead he grabs her hand, spins her around, pulling her close to him, and kisses her. letting his actions tell her everything his words can’t and when she kisses him back his head is dizzy and he knows he could get drunk on the feeling. like he’s the question and she’s the answer, as if he had been singing the same hopeless song for 500 years and than she came and gave it life. gwyn let out a soft gasp and with that single sound, he knows he could come undone.
they break apart for a second and she looks at him in a way that only she, ever has, with her hands around his neck, face rosy with a healthy flush “I love you az.” his heart strains and he understands now, that this is love, this is real, and he had never been in love before. not in a way that mattered. azriel knows they should stay but can’t find it in himself to waste this moment so he wraps them in his shadows and winnows them to his secret apartment, the one that not even rhys knows about. he turns them and pushes her against the wall with a scarred hand pressed against the stone and the other stroking her jaw. he moves it up and with the barest whisper of a touch, traces the constellations in her freckles. getting lost in the intensity of her teal eyes and the feeling of her skin he forgets to respond so she tilts her head expectantly.
he laughs, the sound deep and real “I love you too.” gwyn raises her eyebrows as if to say go on and azriel can’t believe he ever felt a fraction of what he felt for her, for anyone else “I love the way your nose scrunches when you get excited. I love your smile and the way you light up every room you walk into. I love that you’re a competitive asshole.” she looks at him with mock hurt and he brushes a hair from her face. “I love the face you make when I catch you reading smut and you pretend you aren’t. I love how brave you are.” his voice turns huskier and drenched with arousal. “I love how you taste.” he licks his lips. grazing her ear with his teeth “I love the way you moan when I’m inside you.” gwyn lets out a whimper. az smirks “yeah just like that.”
“Are you sure we should’ve left?” gwyn asks halfheartedly, her eyes avoiding him. he grips her chin softly but firmly to make her look at him. he brushes a finger over the curve of her mouth and she brings her tongue out to meet it. the sight makes his cock strain against the confines of his pants. he can smell the change in her scent, the sweetness of her arrousal and his pants tighten further.
his eyebrows raise full of amusement and lust, “oh yeah this is much more important.”
she bites her lip “mmm”
“now will you let me go back to listing all of the reasons I love you,” he says as he trails kisses from her jaw going lower and lower. he lifts her shirt to reveal her chest.
“we might be here a-ohh” she moans not getting a chance to finish her sentence as az traces her nipple with his tongue. gwyn began to squirm but az held her arms tight above her head keeping her pinned as he sucked her tit while squeezing the other, feeling them go hard. he sucked and sucked, never wanting to stop hearing the sound of gwyn moaning, of her beneath him. she manages to get a hand free and immediately it goes to her slit but az bats it away. he lets out a low snarl, looks her in the eye and shakes his head.
“az” she pleads
“someone’s greedy today” he hums, still sucking. finally, he lifts his head only to capture her mouth in a possessive kiss as he carries them to their bed. he lays her down, gets on his knees, and purrs “I am going to worship you like never before”
“you better get to it then” gwyn tries to smirk but instead it comes out breathy. az chuckles as he trails his fingers up and down her thigh, every time getting closer and closer to her slit. finally, he moves his hand up and traces it as lightly as possible, emitting a shutter from gwyn. he starts to stroke her, avoiding her clit, wanting to enjoy gwyn’s reaction before tasting her because he knows once he starts he may never be able to stop. all at once az brings his head toward her and licks that one spot while simultaneously slipping a finger inside her. his tongue making deliciously slow circles while his hand pumps to the same rhythm. slowly but surely he begins to build up speed and pressure, going faster and faster, in and out and in and out. gwyns breath quickens and one hand grips the sheets while the other runs through his raven black hair, pushing him into her, desperately trying to get more friction. he happily obliged and then with a final push she jumped over the edge and climaxed, cumming on his expert tongue. he continued to flick and pump her past completion. her body squirming on the bed, her back arching in pleasure.
finally, he stood up with an expression only an arrogant cocky male could make “satisfied” the question was laced with a challenge he knew gwyn could never ignore. he unbuckled his pants ready to take control but instead, gwyn stood up with newfound energy. her stealth and speed could rival the spymaster in front of her.
she slipped in front of him enjoying the shock on her mates face. in his eyes, she read the question and with a devilish smirk, she responded “I guess you taught me well” and she pushed him down on the bed. he fell back with ease, az would swear that everything about this amazing female made him go weak in the knees. just one look, just one sniff of her amazing scent, just one taste and he could crumble. gwyn looked at his shadows pointedly as if she was speaking to them. his confusion must have shown because her smirk only broadened. suddenly he felt his hands being whipped back towards the headboard. he turned to look and it had seemed his shadows had pinned his hands, leaving him at her mercy. he felt his cock stiffen. holy shit he thought, the fantasy suddenly a reality. she walked to a dresser to the side of the bed, swinging her hips in the way she knew made him crazy. his eyes tracked her every movement as he licked his lips. she opened the doors and pulled out two colorful bands that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. one blue, the color of his siphons, the other a vibrant teal, the color of her eyes. ribbons he realized with no small amount of delight, they were ribbons. his shadows released his right hand only for gwyn to replace their grip. she took it into her own and kissed the scars, as though to remind him he was no longer alone. gwyn then took the cobalt blue ribbon and tied his hand to the post. instead of going around, she straddled his waist to get to the other side of the bed. his breathing hitched.
az licked his lips, his throat going dry. “oh the things I would do to you if my arms weren’t pinned”
gwyn hopped off his lap as quickly as she hopped on going to his other arm. “like” she teased back.
“well I would fuck you until you couldn’t walk straight,” he said simply.
gwyn felt the increasing wetness begin to drip down her thighs but she refused to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, “that is a very enticing offer, one that I will happily reclaim later but” she drawled
“but” he repeated.
she waited a moment, basking in the anticipation, then she trailed her arm down his toned body brushing it against his cock. she felt it twitch and heard az groan, gwyn grinned sweetly
“but today we play by my rules”
az felt it twitch again, the competitive asshole in him prayed she hadn’t seen but of course she noticed and her smirk was nothing short of feral. this, of course, did not help his raging hard-on and only managed to make him somehow want her more. now on the other side of the bed gwyn took his left hand and repeated the same steps she had taken on his right. kissing his hands and then tying it to the post with the teal ribbon. gwyn looked over him with a satisfied glance, “my ribbon” she teased in a sultry voice. she moved to the end of the bed, her body emitting a slight glow while azriel's shadows arranged themselves atop gwyn’s head to form a crown of shadows. she looked like a goddess, his goddess. gwyn ran her hand up and down the front of his pants, slowly undoing and pulling them off. she bent down and looked up at her mate, and said “try to last will you” azriel barely heard her as all he could think about was his throbbing cock and the female tormenting him. he tried to come up with a witty retort but then gwyn leaned in, took her tongue, and licked up the startling length of him, circling the head, shocking him from his thoughts. she teased and teased always going just a tad too light and slow. az tried to lift his hips but found he couldn’t. gwyn must have spelled the ribbons. his head was proud but his cock was pissed. gwyn smirked as if she knew what he was thinking. azriel let out a deep groan. the sound snapped her self-control and she took him into her mouth while using her hand to stroke the shaft. she bobbed her head up and down. az bucked knowing he couldn’t last much longer, one more stroke, one more lick and he knew it would have been over but instead, gwyn hopped off him, just stopping. he let out a complaint but it was muffled by gwyn seizing his lips with her own. the kiss was sweet but deadly and took azriel’s breath in a way he never knew was possible. gwyn lifted her head, grazing her teeth along his ear while her hand found its way to his dick. she stroked once as she whispered “cum for me”. with those dirty words from the cruel mouth of the female he loved more than life itself azriel exploded. released hit him like an avalanche, pleasure unlike any he’s ever known. he groaned her name and couldn’t remember his own. gwyn winked and said “I win” the magic holding him back broke and he smiled and flipped gwyn over holding her gaze.
her breath hitched and he smirked “not just yet.” gwyn laughed, her smile shining as he looked into his mates eyes, her hands around his neck. he lined himself up with her and slowly pushed in, letting her adjust to his length and girth. she bit her lip but a little moan still managed to escape.
“az” she groaned. he began to move inside her, forgetting where she ended and he began. he moved at a leisurely pace as if they had all the time in the world. gwyn wrapped her legs around his waist and flipped them over putting her on top.
“dominate little creature” he purred. she rode him fast with his hips lifting to meet hers, the mating bond a living breathing thing between them. it was a never-ending song between their souls, glowing. his shadows swirled around them, entangling themselves in gwyn’s hair and up and down her arms and legs as if they were home. as she rode him, she took his hands into hers and brought them up to her chest.
she looked him in the eye and said the words he had been waiting for 500 years to hear
“you’re mine”
together they came in ecstasy. pleasure racing through their conjoined bodies leaving them nothing short of fulfilled. azriel gripped her waist while gwyn arched into his touch. each other’s names, the only words they knew. both of them drunk on happiness.
gwyn jumped off az and fell back onto the enormous bed. they turned to look at each other. az ran his fingers through her soft flaming hair, twirling it between his fingers as though he was content to do so all day. he leaned with his lips hovering above hers and whispered “you’re mine too.”
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fourmarkdove · 4 years
Fawn - Part 4
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Masterlist
Title: Fawn - Part 3
Words: 3.2k
Summary: Yennefer confirms Geralt’s suspicions and a rift is created between you and the White Wolf. Angst. Suggested smut. Fluff. Hurt/comfort.
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Suicidal ideation, miscarriage, abortion. If you’re triggered PLEASE skip ahead. Please check out the trigger warnings (tw:) in the tags!
A/N: Don’t blame me. It was that fricking wish! I’m not happy about it, either, but it’s canon. Comments welcome. Thanks for reading as always!
Like an expectant father waiting outside the delivery room, Jaskier paced just outside the tent while Geralt sharpened his sword near the fire.
“No. Get out before I portal you away,” Yennefer demanded yet again when the bard poked his head in and asked for an update. 
“She’ll come out when she’s ready,” the burly Witcher grunted. Another plume of purple smoke rose from the tent door and static sizzled inside. Jaskier began thinking of a verse that needed to rhyme with “plume.”
Wiping her hands, she emerged and motioned at Jaskier: “Watch her. Geralt, you’re with me.”
Sauntering across the way to her own much larger, and much more richly furnished tent, Geralt followed behind like a puppy.
“Well? Well, I saved her life, darling,” the raven haired woman smirked, turning to face him once they reached the foot of her lavish bed. Tossing aside the cloth, she twirled a finger and a dozen candles lit around the space.
He was not impressed by simple tricks. “What happened? It wasn’t just poison, was it? It was a curse.”
“Yes, my love,” she sighed, bored with conversation, so she lifted his shirt and ran both hands up his muscular torso, making the tense fibers just under his skin twitch. “I lifted it though.”
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Craning his neck low, he crushed his mouth to her plump lips. The relief and gratitude expressed in his kiss melted when feral heat took over. They were souls bound together by a wish he made years ago to save her life. As such they were drawn time and again to this exact moment.
She moaned, tugging at the ties on his breeches pressed against her stomach. Biting down on his bottom lip suddenly, she flattened her palms to his chest and pushed him back to the bed, intent on climbing him and claiming payment for a job well done.
“So she’ll be able to travel soon?” Geralt huffed lazily, one arm under his head on the pillow. 
“You’re really taking her back to her father?” Yennefer sighed, playing with the glistening sweat droplets along the center of his chest.
“That’s the plan.”
“Well, if you do travel with her just have her take it easy the next few days.”
“Why?” He arched an eyebrow down at the naked woman still tangled up with him under the sheets.
“Well, she’s with child, Geralt. But the child is much smaller than it should be. She probably needs to see a real healer to have it dealt with anyway - given the circumstances.”
His brow furrowed sharply and he gripped her upper arms, dragging her off of him as he sat up. “Dealt with...?”
She sighed, running the back of her fingers down the sinews of his forearm. “Mm. She told me who the father is. I just went to his wedding just last month. It's a bad idea to show your new bride your bastard child. So yes… dealt with.”
“Wedding?” he mirrored, breaking into a cold sweat. “Did you tell her this?”
Yennefer shrugged and rolled over. “I alluded to it. Hmm. You know she may not need a healer on second thought. Baby isn’t well. Body might try to reject it after this, so watch for - where are you going?”
Stepping into his breeches, he glanced over his shoulder at the raven haired woman lounging in bed still. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
“Why? Did you want to attend with me? The food was decent but the wine was weak. I so would have loved to have dressed you, though.”
His frustrated growl was not lost on her but she didn’t budge by the threatening sound of it. “She told me where you met. Geralt, I said I’d try to save her life but she’s your whore. I’ve done more than enough here, my love. If you leave this tent tonight, I’ll be gone by daybreak.”
He didn’t even have his pants tied before he stalked out of the tent barefoot into the dewy grass. Jaskier heard him coming from his own cot opposite yours. Finding it quite impossible to sleep anyway, he met the Witcher at the tent flap opening.
“That witch gave her something to sleep but it’s not quite doing its job,” the bard forewarned, touching Geralt’s shoulder. He held his friend back just a moment longer to catch his golden-eyed attention. “It’s not you she’s been calling for.” 
Jaskier excused himself, ducking past his friend breathing hard with his jaw clenched. Every muscle up the back of his legs and across his spine snapped into tension; the coppery scent of bloody cloths left on the table sent his senses into a frenzy the moment he stepped inside.
“N… no… n...” you moaned in your fitful sleep, writhing and grasping at the pillow under your head.
Cat eyes dilated in the near dark, his attention drew to the shadow of your body tucked under a thin blanket. In two strides, he dropped by your side and dragged the tear-soaked hair from sticking to your cheeks. 
Your head rocked back and forth on the pillow, your expression wrought with grief, one hand grasping at nothing but air until his fingers closed over it. 
He lifted his brows in the center, anguish lining his forehead. Your breathing came in hiccups, clearly crying in your nightmare.
“Wake up, little fawn,” he rumbled, pulling deep from within to sound calm so as not to frighten you. “Come on, wake up.”
“Ah…” Your legs shifted under the blanket and you inhaled deeply.
Your wet eyelashes flashed open, revealing still slightly ink-stained black tears rolling down your cheeks. “Where is he? Where’s Acheros?”
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Rolling his eyes at the sound of his name, Geralt backed up into the shadow of a tent peg. “That’s a good fucking question.”
“Why did he leave me in that horrible place?” You pressed, eyes bleary from tears, pain and exhaustion.
“Hmm,” he grunted, sitting back against the other cot.
“He said he’d always come find me. ‘Nothing in all of eternity could keep us apart,’ he said.”
Another frustrated grunt as Geralt sat back. As Jaskier stoked the flames of the fire outside, the walls of the canvas tent illuminated with flicks of orange light.
You stayed silent a long time, letting the length and breadth seep into your conscious thought. Curling up on yourself, you rolled over into the tent wall and away from the brutish man sitting in silence across from you. “Is it true? Did he - get married - without me?”
“Mmm,” Geralt hummed in the affirmative, dropping his head back as the reflected orange flames danced on the ceiling. He cursed under his breath. 
There is a screech a striga makes when you deliver that final death strike straight through its heart; the sound is horrendous up close. Because of their circulation system, it takes them a moment to go, all the while realizing they’ve met their end. And then there is the soft little squeak of a rabbit as its neck is being broken. It doesn’t understand what is happening to it and doesn’t expect the end.
Neither startled cry at their moment of death is as difficult to listen to as your trembling gasp and wailing sob at the exact moment your heart broke in two.
Snarling his upper lip in disgust, he planted a fist on the ground to stand up, but stilled hearing you speak into your own hands.
“But… this is his child. And... I’m his.”
“Fuck.” Geralt replanted himself and sighed harshly, rubbing his rough thumb of one hand into the palm of another.
“What?” you shuddered, glancing over your shoulder. “But I love him...”
“You’ve said,” he husked, glancing at the exit with an arched brow and a changed mind. Waking you from that nightmare, he actually considered taking you in his arms and comforting you with all of the strength he had in him. He was not particularly given to tender moments, but if you’d have asked, even whimpered, anything at all, he’d have moved heaven and earth to shelter you.
You turned away from his frustrated growling. “Where is he? He should be here.”
With a huff of rage, he lifted to his feet and took the one large step to the door. Rolling over, your torso twisted and you yelped at the sharp pain. “Ah - fuck! What -“
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“You were very sick,” he oversimplified, glancing behind his shoulder. “Yennefer…”
“Yennefer? She says she’s the ‘Love of your life’? I thought I was dreaming but she’s really real?”
“You should know Yennefer saved YOUR life.”
You mewled, ripped the covers down your thighs and tugged at your torn shirt, trying to find the source of the overwhelming pain.
Setting his jaw, he breathed deep and clenched his fist to keep from absolutely roaring at you. “You wouldn’t have survived - to be reunited with whoever this arsehole is, since that’s clearly all you can think about.”
It was neither his tone nor his words that shook you, rather the ache in your belly. “Something feels wrong.”
“As it should. Sleep.”
“Fuck you,” you spat holding your middle, getting up onto your feet much more slowly than he did. Bumping chests, you glared up at him. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew and you didn’t say a damn thing.”
Nostrils flared, patience dwindling, he looked over your head; he knew the second he glanced down and saw the pain in your eyes, it’d just add fuel to his  fire and one of the two of you needed to be levelheaded. 
“Not for certain until Yen told me a few minutes ago. Although I had suspected something like this when you told the story yesterday.”
Suddenly alert, you bolted toward the tent flap, but a heavy arm across the front of your shoulders blocked your way. Desperately, you reached both hands out. “Please! I need to go home. I just need to see him. He’ll explain and fix it.” 
Your pained gaze finally lifted to his, digging your fingernails into his forearm locked across your chest.
His sharp gaze narrowed. “There’s a reason he didn’t come back for you. Showing up on his doorstep, now, won’t produce the results you want, I guarantee you.”
“But - I did everything I was told to do,” you gasped, blinking back tears that spilled down your cheeks anyway. Dropping your head, the tears dripped freely onto the ground. Tilting your shoulders just slightly into him, you bumped your forehead against his chest and stayed like that a long while.
“I hate you...” you sniffled and hiccupped, speaking slowly, clearly drained.
“Mmph.” He grunted, holding the back of your bare neck.
The rage had worn around the edges like two fighters in the last round dragging their feet; both of you were slow to swing back.
“Come on,” he encouraged as gently as he could muster, thumbing behind your neck. “Lie down.”
He sighed, glancing down at your trembling, balled up fist thumping against his chest.
“I-I h-hate y-“ you sobbed, nosing into his chest. “I h-aate-“
“I know,” he grumbled, closing his hand around your fist. “You hate me.”
He rested his chin on your head and carded his fingers through your hair. Feverish tears eventually gave way to panting, then to soft breaths against his skin.
“What am I going to do?” you croaked, dragging your fingertips down his spine, releasing the muscles you’d been clawing into. “I don’t know what to do.”
“The first thing you’re going to do is get some rest,” he graveled overhead. Not giving you a second to protest, he collected your wrists from behind his hips and drew you back to your cot, throwing open the covers with his free hand.
“I don’t want to sleep,” you whined, giving him a side eyed glance.
“Lie down and count geese then,” he huffed, clearly not budging on it.
With a long sigh, you crawled in and curled up, pressing your face down into the pillow. Your eyes closed when the blanket rugged up over your shoulders.
Hearing your voice just barely mumbling into your pillow, he came down onto a knee and tilted his head. 
“Hmm?” he graveled just above a whisper. “You don’t mean that. … No, you don’t. … Hm? Fine, I will. Sleep.”
Settling down cross legged, he reached over the short expanse between you and the edge of the cot. As promised, he smoothed over your hair, and hummed a deeply soothing tune, the one he’d sometimes hum to Roach when she was being groomed. 
Tag Team: @ly--canthrope​ @marswritings​ @fire-in-her-veinz​ @thiclikeh0ney @uncoolcloudyhead​ @michelle-1185​ @boop-le-snoot​ @tearsontape13​ @confusinglump​ @mary-ann84​ @the-soot-sprite @wanderingsoulcelticheart @henry-cavill-obsessed​ @ruthoakenshield​ @nerra75​ @raspberrydreamclouds​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Masterlist
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
🍡Custard’s A/B/O 🍡
🍡 These bad boys are the top dog. They are brash, fiercely protective and unyieldingly loyal. 
🍡 They are head of the pack*. They are meant to provide for the betas and omegas, and fight off predators.  Normally there is the ‘Head Alpha’. This is the Alpha of all. He-- or she-- is the head honcho.  They give directions, they lead the hunt, they are the leader. 
🍡 Their scents are heavy and musky-- things like Leather, or Old wood, or even pine-- and are meant to ward off other alphas. 
🍡 While the alpha’s mates are Scented* by their alpha alone, the Head Alpha scents everyone to claim them as part of a pack. 
🍡 Alphas are very territorial in the sense of their pack, always ready to fight for their pack members. 
🍡 The next in line after the Head Alpha is the Commanding Alpha. They are second in command-- although they do not scent anyone other than their mate.
🍡 Alphas go into extremely fertile stages called Ruts. A rut increases their scent’s potency and their libido. They become hot and increasingly aggressive, with a bulge swelling at the bottom of the penis called a Knot. A Knot is meant to lock the alpha to whomever they mate with to ensure fertilization. There are exceptions though*. 
🍡 Ruts can last anywhere from four to seven days and happen periodically every three months.  Pre-Rut symptoms help alert an alpha to when their rut is coming. Things like providing food for whomever their Courting* or excessive scenting, or even increased senses. 
🍡 When alphas feel their mates or territory is being threatened, their fangs will drop-- meaning their canines will sharpen-- and the hair on the back of their neck (Hackles) will raise. They will become hyper aware and will growl at the enemy. They also tend to snarl. If not calmed in time, alphas can go into an Alpha Rage. They will become blood thirsty and angry and only someone they trust can calm them down.
🍡 Alphas, when not threatened, may also purr. In states where they are calm or need to calm someone, especially omegas. A purr is a deep rumble-- much like a cat-- that can echo enough to make packmates purr.
🍡 Their inner alpha is much like an inner conscious. Like a mental embodiment of every one of their primal instincts. I like to picture this as a wolf like creature, but you may picture it however you please!
🍡 Though female alphas can be impregnated, it has to be done when they are in rut and their partner is either in their fertile cycle or Heat*.Even then, their pregnancies' aren’t like any others. Their womb has an extra layer of protection called the duoendodermic layer. This is just a copy of the endoderm layer (This is a real thing. The endoderm layer. Probably the only biological correct term in this lmao) in the fetus, only thicker and tougher. This protects the pup, even in battle, and is nearly impenetrable. This breaks and is shed hours before the pup is delivered. 
🍡 Betas are middle men in the pack. While level headed, they are good followers  and even better strategists. They can be critical in winning territorial warfare. They can analyze and predict the battle field before anything can happen. 
🍡 Some still radiate dumb bitch energy ™  though.
🍡 Betas have very little or no scent at all. If they do have a scent it’s bland, may haps a little boring. Things like store bought bread or corn or weak soap-- things along those lines. 
🍡 Betas don’t scent and rarely retain any scenting given to them. when scented, the alphas scent may mingle with their own scent. Giving it an undertone of the alphas scent.
🍡 Not nearly as territorial as alphas, but can be critical  in both keeping the pack together or keeping territory.
🍡 Betas don’t go into heats or ruts, they go into fertility cycles. Men produce higher sperm counts and female eggs survive longer, leaving a longer window for feralization. 
🍡 Beta fertilization numbers  are highest with beta x beta couples, but not impossible with Alphas or omegas.
🍡 Beta pregnancies carry on like normal non-A/B/O- pregnancies.
🍡 Betas do not have an inner alpha/omega.
🍡 Where can I start-
🍡 Omegas are the babies of the pack. They are protected, and sheltered and loved by everyone. 
🍡 They are sweet and caring and motherly, having the natural motherly instinct in them that drives them forward with a fiery work ethic
🍡 Although in the olden days, omegas were kept inside and weren’t allowed to work thought those rules have since changed. That doesn’t mean the prejudice against omegas has though.
🍡 Out of all secondary genders, Omegas have the most prejudice for breathing. People can see them as nothing more than slaves for their alphas or walking incubators, but most have changed their views seeing omegas as respectable workers. 
🍡 Their scents are sweet and delicious-- like vanilla and chai or sugar cookies or even seaside shores. Their welcoming and calming.
🍡 Omegas are scented by everyone. Their mates, the head alpha, anyone their close with. Scenting is way they can calm others and themselves
🍡 Omegas aren’t territorial but can get possessive, they don’t like other omegas going near their alphas and will hiss and growl. While omegas do have fangs that can drop, it takes a lot for an omega to get to that stage.
🍡 Omegas go through heats instead of ruts or fertility cycles. Heats  are like hot molten pits in your stomach  that make you unbelievably horny and unable to even move as natural lubrication called slick pours down your legs.
🍡It sounds fun but it’s not. No amount of fans  or A/C can cool you off. 
🍡You are stuck
🍡 Horny and Miserable
🍡 Heats can last anywhere from 3-8 days every three months, 
🍡 Omegas can also chirp. A chirp is a high pitched yelp that can escape an omega in times they feel threatened or scared. It alerts nearby pack members or alphas that they need help. 
🍡 Omegas can also purr. They are high pitched and not nearly as deep as an alpha’s purr but can calm an alpha if they are nearing an alpha rage. 
🍡 There are omega trained for this specific situation if an alpha doesn’t have an omega. These are called therapy omegas.
🍡 If omegas are pushed to the brink, they go into an omega depression. If an an omega depression happens the omega refuses to eat, sleep, or even take care of themselves. If not treated this can lead to death. 
🍡 When an omega is pregnant, any alpha around them can tell. Their scent becomes sweeter and makes their inner alpha hyper-aware. A pregnant omega can be a trigger for any alpha. 
🍡 Male omegas can also get pregnant via something called Prostatic Utricle. This is the male equivalent of a Uterus and Ovary. This can be accessed via a small opening that opens during heat in the rectum, near the prostate gland. 
🍡 Omegas have the ability to splice DNA and combine multiple sperm cells to make the perfect sperm-- making the pup biologically related to every alpha the omega may take up.
🍡 Omegas have an inner conscious called their inner omega. This is almost exactly like an inner alpha. 
🍡 Scenting is when an Alpha or Omega rubs his/her scent gland along another persons body, coating them in their scent. This is a way for an alpha to claim an omega or for an omega to calm an alpha.
🍡 Children, as I’ve most likely mention before, are known as pups. 
🍡 A pack is a group of people, alpha, beta or omega, that see each other as family. Packs fight together, cry together, laugh together, eat together, etc. They are who you rely on.
🍡 Courting is a way for an alpha to prove an omega to are a good option to carry or father the omegas young, or provide companionship to the omega.  This happens by the alpha gifting food, handmade gifts or other meaningful things to the omega. 
🍡 Betas do not court
🍡 An omega can have multiple alphas and vice versa.
🍡 An omega can do something called nesting. Nesting is where an omega gathers a whole bunch of pillows and blankets, arranging them a nest  shape. This is where they find comfort or where they can sleep or where they take their new born pups to scent. This is especially prominent in high stress periods of time or pregnancy. 
🍡 Omegas can be extremely aggressive when it comes to their nest and have been known to bite when anyone, without explicit permission comes close.
🍡 For a couple to bond, the ‘Dom’ bites the ‘Sub’s’ scent gland-- a small indent in the neck where scenting normally occurs-- hard enough to penetrate it with their teeth. For the bond to be complete, this must be returned to the dom. Once a bond is placed, it cannot be undone. 
🍡 That is all! Thanks for checking out my explanation! 🍡
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