#his quirk rivaljng riyyao in being :deas:
goldenguillotines · 1 year
Hi Astrah! I hear you like to stop by a certain café! what's your favorite drink and/or pastry?
->He nods his head.. a cat meows from his arms and paws gently at him. Beckoning him down for affection he just smiles, petting at the feline..
"Yes... I do..."
"Free drinks... here... are nice.. but... I'm not a big fan... of the tea .... we have..."
->He leans down.. giving the cat a kiss against its forehead, producing a meow from the kitty.. along with some purring..
"I like... Getting the Earl Grey.... tea.. or a ... Americano..."
"I suppose... I like the... little fruit sandwiches they sell... and the tirmasu the... most.. I don't get... the chance... to try the... popular stuff out.. ehhe..."
"Have... your tried.. anything?"
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