#his heart is a warrior | dan
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emeraldtied · 1 year ago
⇨ starter | @rxbelling-hxrald
{➹} – "ACTUALLY 'M glad you're here."
The hedgehog was actually always glad when Dan stopped by for a visit but he hoped that much went without saying. Today was just a little different as they had caught each other in the forest and not the hero's home for once. For good reason.
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"I could use an extra hand with something. 'S a small mission but I think Mina would feel a lot better if I had some company in it." And far be it for the hero to worry his partner more than need be. "What do you say? Want t' check a half-baked lead with me?"
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milksnake-tea · 5 months ago
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━━ fear not the road untaken .
Sunday hadn't spent long with the Stellaron Hunters before boarding the Express, but the memories he'd made with them were priceless. One quiet day in the Express's cabin, while reflecting on his experiences with the Hunters, you appear to visit him.
astral express!sunday x gn!stellaronhunter!reader
contains: sunday used to be a stellaron hunter, teasing, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF THIS IS THE CUTEST THING IVE WRITTEN SO FAR, SUNDAY IS DOWN BADDDD AS HE DESERVES TO BE BITES FIST I MISSED THIS SO BADDDDD, not established relationship sunday just has a massive crush on you
word count: 2.06k
a/n: happy drip marketing yall. you all get a sunday fluff piece. as a treat. also yes i am completely and totally sane. (THIS IS THE MOST SELF INDULGENT FIC IVE EVER WRITTEN I AM SO SORRY GUYS)
taglist: @sh0jun , @themoderatelyawesomeninja , @xphantasmagoriax , @rainswept , @lucensei , @akutasoda , @naraven , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace , @flurrina , @tragedy-of-commons , @cakechase , @kiiyoooo
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“Sunday, we’re going out to Belobog for a bit. Wanna come with?”
Heeled boots still in the midst of a step. Feather-like hair shifts and tousles as he turns his head. At the invitation, gold melts, sapphires glitter, and a gentle smile warms his lips.
March is a blessing, he thinks. She is bubbly, kind, and always manages to light up whatever room she steps into - in that regard, she is not too unlike his beloved sister. Although her ability to plan ahead leaves much room for improvement, he cannot deny that it was her presence that made his transition into a Nameless much easier than it would’ve been.
Although, truthfully, he’d expected more resistance from her - out of everyone, she seemed to be the most traumatized by the Charmony Festival Disaster, and she also had more of a distaste for Stellaron Hunters than the others. But surprisingly, she’d come around to him, and welcomed him into the Express with open arms - and a lot of food. He swears, every time she’s come back from a trip, it’s another sweet or drink shoved into his arms - not that he’s complaining, though.
“Thank you for the invitation,” he begins, then rests a hand over his chest as a reflex. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to refuse. The last expedition has left me rather exhausted - and as you know, I don’t fare well in cold weather.”
Dan Heng nods in understanding. He’s never been a man of many words, and for that Sunday appreciates him. He rather likes straight-forward people, who aren’t afraid to say their mind - perhaps that’s why he’s grown to adore both the Express and the Hunters so much.
“Is there anything you want us to bring back?” pipes up the Trailblazer, dog-like eyes shining as they lean over March. “Like, sweets or whatever?”
Sunday bites back a chuckle. Somehow, word had gotten around that Sunday had quite the sweet tooth. He doesn’t know who started it or how they found out (he has his suspicions on March), but ever since the trio has been dragging him around to various planets and encouraging him to try the local desserts.
He wonders if he’s gotten cavities yet. He hopes not.
Maybe he should check again, at a later time.
“That Rye Bread Iceberg you brought last time was rather enjoyable. I’d like to try it again.”
March and the Trailblazer brighten at his words. “Okay, on it!”
Dan Heng only hums his acknowledgement before turning to leave the parlor car. “Let’s go,” he advises the others. “You know Seele doesn’t like to wait.”
Sunday has never personally met this Seele (the Trailblazer describes her as a crass but kind-hearted warrior), but her fury is enough to whip both March and the Trailblazer into shape. It isn’t long before the trio is waving him goodbye as they descend into the frozen planet, and he also bids them farewell.
And then it is just him, and the conductor.
A small sigh leaves him as he sits down on one of the many couches. He wasn’t lying when he said he was exhausted. Fighting - or any physical activity, for that matter - isn’t exactly his strong suit. Even during his time with the Hunters, he’d stayed behind the front lines, acting as a pseudo Kafka with his carefully crafted words and tuning abilities.
That’s one of the few things about the Hunters that he prefers over the Express - they didn’t force him to hike through deserts and jungles and mountains and Xipe knows what else. All they did was throw him off a skyscraper in the name of the script (he’s pretty sure Elio just wanted to see if he’d actually fly or not).
Sunday blinks, realizing just what had just passed through his mind. Then he sighs with a smile, leaning back into the red plush of the couches.
Only a few months since his fall, and he’s already beginning to think as weirdly as the rest of them.
“Sunday, are you alright?”
Sunday glances down to see the conductor waddling by his feet.
Pom Pom is… strange, no doubt - for whatever reason, Dan Heng fears them and has advised Sunday to not anger them at all costs. Their past is shrouded in mystery, but Sunday finds himself drawn to the conductor. Perhaps living most of his life in a fever dream like Penacony has warped his perception of what is normal and what is not.
“I’m fine, thank you.” He shifts on the couch to make room, but the conductor shakes their head.
“Are you sure? Pom Pom saw you laughing to yourself,” they fret, tapping their nubby hands together anxiously. “Have you been sleeping enough?”
Sunday crosses one leg over the other, and rests his hands over his knee. “If you’re concerned about my transition from Penacony to reality, be at ease. The Hunters have practically beat a proper sleep schedule into me.”
Pom Pom yelps in shock. “B-Beat?! They beat you?”
“Not literally,” Sunday hastes, instinctively reaching out a hand to calm the conductor. “It was more akin to… ominously threatening checkups. Although, there was this one time-”
He sees the look on Pom Pom’s face, and decides to stop it there. He fears they might break out sobbing if he continues.
“Nevertheless, rest assured that I am sleeping at an appropriate time,” he finishes reassuringly. His practiced smile pays off as the conductor gradually calms down, albeit worry about the Hunters’ methods still lingers.
“Alright, if you say so, Sunday.” They look around uneasily. “Do you want anything to drink?”
Sunday waves his hands hastily. “No, I am alright, thank you-”
“He’ll have some tea.”
Pom Pom jumps with a shriek and Sunday’s wings puff up. A familiar laugh ghosts his ear, and immediately Sunday’s face brightens.
“What- What are you doing here?!” Pom Pom quickly hides behind one of Sunday’s slender legs, hugging it like a lifeline. Sunday places a hand on their head to calm them as he turns to the hologram with a warm smile.
“At ease, conductor, they’re a friend.”
Your holographic form glitches in and out of reality. There’s a thin blue filter over your appearance, but other than that, everything is the same as he remembers.
“Hey, angel,” you coo, leaning your elbow on his shoulder as you sit besides him. Its weight is not the same as it would be in reality, but the presence is enough - a small, barely noticeable tingle that has his heart fluttering and his wings following in suit. “How’s life as Nameless? Do you miss us yet?”
Sunday laughs gently. “It has only been two weeks since I left the Hunters. I’m afraid I haven’t had the time to miss you all.”
You pout playfully, sticking out your tongue.Even though parts of you chip away and reappear, and your form isn’t stable, Sunday can’t help but be as captivated by you as he was when he was still among the Hunters’ ranks. Where the projection fails, his tinted memory fills in.
“Silver Wolf misses you, although I doubt she’d actually say it,” you say, taking a lock of his hair and twirling it around your finger. “Has she visited you yet?”
Sunday stutters a bit before weakly batting your finger away with his wing. “No, I’m afraid she hasn’t.”
“Hm.” You smile at his attempt to brush you off. Letting go of his hair, you instead opt to tug lightly at his cheek, earning a squeak from the Halovian. “That’s weird. Maybe she was too shy to speak up.”
“I-” Sunday rubs his cheek when you finally let go. Embarrassingly, his wings jump to shield his face, an unfortunate reflex he’d yet to curb. “I suppose she was…”
He hears you hum, and he lifts a wing to peek at you. His cheeks feel hot - no, that’s an understatement, the entirety of his body feels as if he’s in a fireplace.
“Give her my regards,” he finally breathes out, thanking the Aeons for his training in keeping his composure. Sure, it ultimately fails whenever he looks at you, but at least he’s able to fix himself quickly enough… or at least, he hopes that’s what it looks like.
“You didn’t answer my question though.” Propping your elbow on his shoulder again, you rest your cheek in your palm. “How’s the Nameless life treating you?”
“It’s chaotic,” Sunday admits with a fond sigh. He relaxes into the couch once more, feeling himself sink into the plush. Briefly, he’s tempted to lean his head on your shoulder, but given that you’re a holograph, he holds himself back. “But it’s fun. The Nameless have been kind, and the planets I’ve visited… It’s nice, to see the universe as someone other than a wanted criminal.”
“Wow. Thanks.”
Sunday would apologize, but considering that it’s you he’s talking to, he doesn’t feel the need to. After all, you’ve said worse to him, and him to you.
“You know what I mean,” he chuckles. “To be honest, though, the Express and the Hunters aren’t so different.”
He hears Pom Pom squawk indignantly, and again he ruffles their fur to calm them. Turning ever so slightly to your hologram, he gazes at you with adoration and fondness swelling his heart.
“To the both of you, I am forever grateful. If it weren’t for your kindness, I’d be rotting away in an alley somewhere. I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
All distaste for the Hunters fades from Pom Pom as they giggle bashfully. “Aw, Sunday… You don’t have to thank us. We were just doing what the Nameless do.”
You nod in agreement, reaching through his wing and poking his cheek again. “Conductor’s right. No need for thanks, birdie.”
“Still-” Sunday makes a sound like a startled bird as you poke his cheek harder, squishing it against the rest of his face. Underneath his coat, his primary wings strain with the urge to flutter and twitch, while his secondary wings are held back by sheer willpower. The only sign that they want to flap so badly is with the tiniest of tremors.
“None of that,” you chide him gently, tapping him lightly on the plush of his lips. “We’re just glad you’re happy - right, bunny?”
“Who’re you calling bunny?!” Pom Pom protests, steam puffing out of their head while steam threatens to escape Sunday’s face for completely different reasons.
Before you can reply, however, your form begins to glitch out, flickering in and out of reality at a higher frequency. With an annoyed click of your tongue, you stand up.
“Looks like Silver Wolf isn’t happy,” you comment, brushing off imaginary dust from your clothes. Taking one step so that you’re fully in front of Sunday, you lean in so that your projected nose barely brushes against his. “I have to get going now. You have my number, so text me if you need anything, okay? Or if you want to catch me up with your travels, you can always call me.”
Sunday’s voice feels lodged in his throat. With a subtle gulp, his Adam’s Apple bobbing ever so slightly, he manages to speak with an even voice.
“Okay,” he whispers, his voice almost a whimper. He wants to explode.
You smile fondly, and duck in to peck at the corner of his lips. The buzzing of your holograph morphs into electrifying lightning, surging into his veins, puffing up his feathers and making all of his hairs stand up and sending his already tapping heart into a frenzy. His body freezes into a statue, and all coherent thoughts melt away into a haze that is both ecstatic and shocked.
By the time you pull away, his wings are flapping erratically and his entire body is dyed in a rosey red. His mouth opens and closes like a fish, but all words die on his tongue and he is left blabbering like a fool.
You laugh again, eyes crinkling so beautifully he swears he’s ascended.
“If that’s how you react, I wonder how cute you’ll be when it’s the real deal.”
And then you’re gone, vanishing like a sweet dream in a flurry of pixels, leaving Sunday there to dazedly touch his lips, and then where you’d kissed him.
And then he smiles, giddily, and his halo practically glows as soft, love-stricken giggles begin to leave him.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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hazymoonlinh · 1 month ago
🤔 phainon x astral express member fem reader
Like he is fall in love with her in first sight when he first meeting with the other astral express member. In that scene when he suddenly appear and then he cut dan heng's weapon into two, thats where they first meet.
👀 Imagine how he try to impress fem reader by showing of his skill and flirt with her
Ahaha I have a lot of draft I write for him and my OC just like this. So this kinda base on those draft.
Really really love this! I hope you like it!
Our first meeting.
(Fluff, Phainon is head over heels with reader.)
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“You’ve got something interesting,” Phainon drawled, his icy blue eyes scanning the group.
The clash of steel rang out sharply, echoing through the quiet ground of the abyss of fate. Phainon, with his usual flamboyant flair, emerged like a thunderbolt, took the trailblazer’s bat as he sliced Dan Heng’s spear clean in two. He landed with a smirk that could rival the sun, looking every bit the arrogant warrior he was known to be.
But then he saw her.
Among the stalwart crew of the Astral Express, she stood out—not because of her combat stance or any defiant glare, but simply because she existed. Her eyes, her presence, the way she carried herself—it hit him like a strike to the chest. For the first time in what felt like centuries, Phainon faltered.
“Oh,” he said under his breath, his smirk slipping for the briefest of moments.
“Who are you?” she demanded, stepping forward, her gaze sharp.
Phainon recovered quickly, his trademark grin returning. “Who am I? Why, I’m the one who’s just stolen your heart, darling.”
The group collectively groaned, except for her. She blinked, clearly taken aback. “Excuse me?”
“Forgive me,” Phainon said, his tone deliberately melodramatic as he placed a hand over his chest. “I wasn’t expecting to meet someone so radiant today. I’m Phainon, by the way. Remember the name—I’ll make sure it’s worth your while.”
“Is he serious?” The Trailblazer whispered to Dan Heng, who was still glaring at his broken weapon.
“Unfortunately,” Dan Heng muttered.
From that moment on, Phainon became a constant presence, much to the frustration of the rest of the two Astral Express crew. Wherever she went, he wasn’t far behind, finding every excuse to be close to her.
“Need help?” he asked one day, leaning casually against a wall as she searched through the streets of the Okhema for treasures.
“I’m fine,” she said without looking at him, crouched over a map.
“Come on,” he said, stepping closer. “A treasure hunt’s no fun without a partner. Besides,” he added, flashing a dazzling smile, “I’m quite good at finding hidden things. Like your heart, for example.”
She rolled her eyes, but there was the faintest hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I try,” he said with a wink, pulling out his weapon and twirling it effortlessly. “But in all seriousness, two sets of eyes are better than one. I’ll even let you keep all the treasure we find—consider it my gift to you.”
“Fine,” she relented, standing up and brushing off her hands. “But no more flirting.”
“Deal,” Phainon said, though his grin made it clear he had no intention of keeping that promise.
It didn’t take long for his antics to become a regular occurrence. Whether it was showing off his combat skills by slicing through imaginary enemies with theatrical flourishes or insisting on calling her nicknames like “starlight” and “darling,” Phainon seemed determined to leave an impression.
“Why do you keep doing this?” she asked one day as they walked through the streets, the sun casting a warm glow over the city.
“Doing what?” he asked innocently, though his eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Following me. Flirting with me. Trying so hard to impress me.”
He stopped walking, his expression softening. “Because I’ve never met anyone like you before,” he said, his voice sincere. “And I don’t want to miss my chance.”
For a moment, the playful mask slipped, revealing a glimpse of the man behind it. And though she wasn’t quite ready to admit it, something about him was beginning to grow on her.
Few days later.
By now, Phainon had become a fixture in her daily life. His teasing had shifted into something more gentle, his playful remarks often followed by acts of genuine kindness. She’d catch him looking at her when he thought she wasn��t paying attention, his gaze softening in a way that felt different than before.
One evening, after a particularly difficult mission, Phainon appeared outside her quarters, holding something behind his back.
“Phainon, what now?” she asked, her tone flat but not unkind.
He grinned, stepping closer. “I’ve got a surprise for you, darling. Close your eyes.”
She raised an eyebrow, wary but intrigued. “A surprise? I’m not going to like this, am I?”
“Just trust me,” he said, his voice dropping lower, playful but gentle.
Reluctantly, she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, he was holding out a small, delicate flower—an exotic bloom with silver petals that shimmered faintly under the light.
“It’s a flower from a faraway land,” he said. “One that only blooms for those who capture my heart. Consider it a token of my affection.”
She stared at the flower for a long moment, the sincerity in his voice settling over her like a gentle warmth. “Phainon…”
“Don’t say a word,” he murmured, leaning a little closer. “I know I’m not easy to deal with. But I’m persistent. And for some reason, I can’t seem to stay away from you.”
She smiled softly, unable to hold it back. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
He chuckled, handing her the flower. “Impossible… or irresistible? I’ll let you decide, starlight.”
In the days that followed, Phainon continued to find ways to be near her, whether it was sharing his battle strategies, teasing her during downtime, or offering to help with anything she needed—just so he could be close. There was no escaping him, but somewhere along the way, it began to feel less like an annoyance and more like a comforting constant.
Phainon, with all his pride, flirtation, and ever-present smirk, had carved a place in her life—and maybe, just maybe, she was starting to see him in a different light.
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gojosatoruwifey · 1 month ago
ㅡgolden, sweet nectar & love of your dreams
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just a passing thought...3.0 quest spoilers do not read if you haven't finish it yet
there is an agreed unspoken rule between the chrysos heirs when there is alcohol involved within the vicinity.
do not let phainon get drunk.
it’s a simple and easy feat, if one can say. phainon doesn’t drink that often unless the situation calls for it and he doesn’t seek inebriation especially he is a soldier—a warrior, he is always ready for combat, alcohol will only impair his judgement. in a world under the prophecy’s befall upon currently, phainon is one of the last people you could think will get drunk.
tribbie mentioned the rule in passing.
you definitely should have been more careful instead of brushing off his question ‘can i drink this?’, unsuspectingly making the hero of amphoreus drink all the content of a concoction you were brewing (a burst of inspiration from gallagher’s words when you wake up this morning and it’s always morning in okhema) just because you’re curious what will a drink made from three drops of celestial ambrosia and a half glass of beautiful enemy from penacony recipe tastes like.
a few minutes earlier, you’re playing with the items in your inventory in your private chamber. as a natural trailblazer, of course, you don’t just stay in one place when every cell in your body is itching to travel the stars but when you’re stuck in a world without a touch of communication outside and no chat from the astral express and your two companions—dan heng and scrappy raccoon—are sleeping.
you’re naturally bound to get rid of your boredom like an idiot cleaning their whole bedroom and found interesting things midway. in this case, you open your inventory.
all sorts of things including yes, even the dangerous ones like shards of desires, scattered around.
phainon comes in with a knock and without turning your back to face him, brewing mung bean soda and let’s be real together, you let him enter.
at first, phainon is expressing his excitement seeing your out-of-this-world items silently, occasionally asking questions that you didn’t mind answering—still brewing drinks. until he got nearer to your sitting figure in the floor, bottles and glasses of different drinks surrounding you and asked a question that will almost brand you as a criminal in amphoreus, “can i drink this?”
“sure,” you nodded without hesitation, distracted by the energy drink’s bubbly reaction.
all is well until phainon’s large arms wrap around your waist and his heavy body leans to you, his snowy head nuzzling to your shoulder from behind. “wha-! phainon??”
“let me kiss you please?”
you almost dropped the energy drink, “what?“
“i said, let me kiss you.” he murmured, voice barely audible if he isn't closer to you, you would miss it.
“what!?” you snapped your head towards him, trying to squirm away from his grasp but what can you do when his grip is tight and he is whining? one hand reached out to move his locks away hiding his face and you found his skin hot. “..are you drunk? what did you drink?”
you tried to ignored phainon’s drunken pleas but as much as you wanted to, it all went straight to your heart, his desperate words filling your ears—they sounded so sincere and passionate and you could almost feel your restraint weakening. your poor heart almost couldn’t resist his drunken desires, a young and handsome man like phainon is a temptation, and you found yourself giving in.
safe to say, you thank whoever titan heard you to not let nikador’s titankin attack during that time as you multitask in taking care of drunk phainon and looking for a drink that could knock him out in one go so he could sleep and leave you in peace.
lady aglaea wouldn’t interrogate you the second time, right?
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aventurineswife · 1 month ago
Could I request Dan Heng, Mydei, and Welt with a lover who will talk about them at every opportunity?
“I could be the one to make you feel that way”
Tags: Dan Heng x Reader, Mydei x Reader, Welt x Reader, Established Relationship, Fluff, Romance, Admiration, Lighthearted, Comfort, Mentorship, Protective Partner, Introspection, Emotional Support.
A/N: again this might be ooc especially on Mydei's part because idk much about him 😭🙏
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It had become a well-known fact among the crew of the Astral Express that you were absolutely smitten with Dan Heng. No matter the situation, it was almost impossible for you to refrain from talking about him, whether it was during quiet moments or in the midst of lively discussions.
“Did you see how Dan Heng handled that situation?” you said, grinning as you found a rare moment to share your admiration for your partner. “So calm, so collected. It’s like he’s always a step ahead of everyone. I don’t think I could ever keep my cool like he does.”
March, ever the playful spirit, nudged you with a teasing smile. “You really can’t stop talking about him, huh?”
“Can you blame me?” you responded, almost defensively, though you were beaming with pride. “He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner. He’s wise, strong, and doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him. Not to mention, he’s always looking out for me, even when I don’t realize it.”
“Seems like you’re in love,” March teased with a wink.
You blushed, but didn’t deny it. “I’m lucky, honestly. I know there’s so much about him he keeps to himself, but I get to see the parts he doesn’t show to everyone. The way he’s always thinking ahead, protecting the crew... He has this quiet strength that speaks volumes.”
Later that evening, as you and Dan Heng sat in the quiet of the Express’s common area, you found yourself watching him with a gentle smile, eyes soft with affection. He glanced up at you, his usual stoic expression warming just slightly.
“I’m not always as composed as you think,” Dan Heng murmured, his voice low. "But I appreciate your faith in me."
You reached over, gently squeezing his hand. “It’s not about your composure, Dan Heng. It’s how you make everyone feel safe. How you make me feel safe.”
He didn’t respond, but the brief flash of warmth in his eyes was enough. You were content simply being by his side.
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Mydei was no stranger to the way you gushed about him, though it never failed to amuse him how often you brought him up. Whether it was talking to the crew or in quieter moments between just the two of you, you found a way to weave him into every conversation.
"Honestly, Mydei is so much more than just a warrior,” you said one evening, your eyes shining with admiration. “You can’t even begin to understand the depth of everything he’s been through. His life is filled with tragedy and loss, and yet he’s one of the most resilient people I know. It’s like the strength of a king—no, a god, but with the heart of someone who’s seen too much.”
Phainon raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Is that all, or is there more?”
“I could go on forever,” you chuckled, rolling your eyes playfully, “but honestly, if you spent more time around him, you’d see it, too. He’s so much more than what he shows on the surface.”
As if summoned by your words, Mydei appeared, stepping into the room with his usual grace. He caught your gaze, a smirk playing on his lips.
“You talk about me an awful lot, don’t you?” he said, his voice carrying a teasing tone. “You make me sound like some sort of legend.”
You laughed, standing up to walk over to him. “Well, you are a legend, Mydei. You’ve seen the worst of things and still come out the other side with a fire in your heart.”
He leaned down slightly, his expression softening. “You’re the only one who sees me that way.”
“You’re more than a prince or a warrior to me,” you murmured, your hands gently resting on his chest. “You’re someone who’s always willing to fight for what matters. Even if it means making sacrifices.”
Mydei chuckled, lifting your chin to kiss your forehead. “I could get used to you talking about me like this."
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It wasn’t unusual for you to talk about Welt, especially to the crew. Whether it was over dinner or during idle moments, you couldn’t help but share how much you admired the man who had become your partner.
“He’s just—” you paused, trying to put your thoughts into words, “He’s so wise. Welt’s seen so much in his life, and yet he’s still here, guiding us all. I don’t think I could even begin to comprehend the weight of everything he’s gone through.”
“Sounds like you’ve got it bad,” March teased, giving you a knowing wink.
“Of course I do,” you replied with a fond smile. “I mean, how could I not? He’s been through more than anyone can imagine, and still, he chooses to stay by my side. He’s not just my partner, he’s a mentor, a protector, and—sometimes—I think he’s forgotten just how special he is.”
Later, as the night wore on and the two of you sat alone in the quiet of the train car, you leaned your head against Welt’s shoulder, feeling his steady presence beside you.
“You’ve been awfully quiet tonight,” Welt noted, glancing down at you.
“I was thinking,” you said softly, “about how lucky I am to be with someone like you.”
He chuckled lightly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “You don’t need to flatter me.”
“I’m not flattering you,” you replied, lifting your head to meet his gaze. “I’m telling you the truth. You’ve done so much for everyone around you, but you never ask for anything in return. You’re a true protector.”
Welt smiled, his gaze warm as he kissed your forehead gently. “And I’m lucky to have you with me. You make me feel like my burdens are a little bit lighter.”
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scirelistener · 9 months ago
jing yuan x gn! reader
synopsis : falling in love with the dozing general was never apart of your plan but it felt right either way
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the moment your feet landed on the luscious, alluring land of luofu along with the rest of the crew, your eyes immediately averted towards the white-haired general who seemed to be waiting for your arrival
the tales of his undeniable charms and his ever-so handsome eyes has been weaved before, you not being an exception
yet to see the rumored charms with your own eye was something else
to experience that rumored charm was something else
“Nice to meet you too.” Admittedly, your voice shook a little as Jing Yuan’s hands clasped against his. Was it the calloused feeling of a warrior’s past or the natural warmth radiating from the man himself? Whatever it was, the general’s hand felt comforting with it wrapped around yours.
“I am disappointed to have never heard words of such presence from the Astral Express.” Jing Yuan spoke without letting go of your hand. Your eyebrows slowly furrowed, pondering the true meaning of his words and was about to question it when he slowly lifted up your hand.
Gently pressing his lips against your knuckle, the corner of the general’s lips went upwards. “If I had known, I would’ve at least combed my hair better to impress.”
something about the way his smile looked as if it held a another secret, the way his eyes lingered upon you just a second longer than anyone else before lending out his hand for a shake, the way his golden orbs stared into your soul as his warm hand clasped onto yours the moment you lent out your hand
from behind his shoulder, march 7th giggled and outwardly pointed at your baffled expression and red cheeks
as the trip extended with the growing problem of the stellaron, the astral express crew members got used to the luofu environment
you, on the other hand, got used to the luofu environment through a certain general
whenever the general got some leisure time from the stellaron problem, no hesitation was needed in asking you to come stroll through xianzhou luofu with him
“My, don’t you look exhausted?”
“With all due respect, General, you are one to talk.” Jing Yuan savored the way your eyes lingered on him and him only even if you were eyeing the eye bags that had deepened rather noticeably within the recent days. “Have you gotten any sleep..?”
Jing Yuan chuckled at your worried voice, a breathy laugh following at your deadpanned expression when he laughed it off. “I appreciate the concern and I assure you I have had enough rest to get this body of mine going.”
“Besides,” The general made a bold move, reaching out for your hand and gently intertwining your fingers together. It felt as if your fates were being intertwined.
With a smile that now contrasted his usual laziness, full of mirth and mischief, he spoke words that swooned you, “Sleep is of no need for as long as I have your lovely presence with me.”
your heart nearly dropped to your stomach when phantylia’s gargantuan hands made its way to jing yuan while he was temporarily immobilized
silent pleas left your mouth as you watched the general’s body get toyed by the lord ravager, threatening to turn him into a void ranger
you had trust in him, of course you did, but to see the danger that the general of luofu had to face with suddenly crashed upon you in that moment
when dan heng broke the connection between the arbor and jing yuan by stabbing him, you were first to react
your legs reacted faster than your brain did, running towards the general who descended to the ground in a worrying speed
when he was in your reach, you quickly caught him or at least attempted too, ending up on your knees in order to shield his body from a harsh landing
you had no time to check on his condition as phantylia’s apparition-like form made an appearance once more
as jing yuan shakily stood up from your embrace and said his final words of warning before flickering the apparition away, your fingers itched to reach out to him once more
when his standing became unstable and his knees buckled, you quickly went back to him
while the others called and waited for the arrival of fu xuan as well as the cloud knights, you remained on the floor with jing yuan’s upper body leaning against you
the way his eyes opened for a split second, glazing over his surroundings before it eventually settled on you and a smile graced his features
a shaky hand reached out to gently cradle you cheeks, his thumb caressing the skin under your eye and your name escaping from his mouth like a prayer before he fell unconscious once more
even after jing yuan was taken away for medial attention, you couldn’t get it together
your hands went up to clutch your chest in a measly attempt to calm down the ever fastening heartbeat of yours
this ludicrous feeling.
If Jing Yuan knew he’d feel your hands in his when he’d wake up, the general would’ve willed himself somehow to do so earlier.
It felt like a blessing to be able to open his eyes to a new tomorrow and to see you as his first sight. Although your hair was tousled with half of your face squished to the hospital bed, you still looked ethereal to him.
A celestial being had bestowed him with its beauty and he became its devotee.
Gently brushing his fingertips against your forehead to ease the tension between your brows, a smile crawled up onto the general’s face once more.
“Even in your sleep, you look irresistible.”
When you wake up, you’d be greeted with the general asking you out on a date.
When you wake up, the general’s smile would brighten up even further as you accept his date, gripping your hand tightly as if you’d disappear from his grasp.
You’d squeeze his hand thrice.
a/n : this is not beta read, i fell back into the hsr rabbit hole and needed to release some of this brainrot somewhere 😔 also hello everyone it’s been almost a year 👋
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heidilylovely · 1 month ago
𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 , 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧 Introduction to the cast!
𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
"Plus, I'm just a "me" . Live free, Live happily. That's how I would live my life. Doesn't mean I wouldn't stop appearing to talk to you Y/N."
𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐃𝐫 𝐌𝐄𝐈 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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"Isn't this time we introduce to the newly lover-? actors? May they be together in this universe ALIVE.!"
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Dr. Y/N is a scientist 
 An iceberg person with a steady and calm personality who doesn't have any communication with people except for research. The genius woman who is called the last savior by the world, but no one actually knows her inner thoughts.
A mad genius who could have joined, THE genius society level, THE Intelligentsia Guild!, But she chose the express. Even she doesn't know.. Maybe, she just wants to meet the man in her dreams...?
"Ah, I sense that you're a originally such a romantic person. Firm and Brave, but unable to let go of that innocence. Am I right? Phainon? Or. You have another name?"
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The Chrysos Heir of Aedes Elysiae, a warrior of Okhema.
A gentle and cheerful young man with a detail-oriented mind and a pursuit of perfection in everything he does.
However his smile became very bright and wants her to to notice him soon.
"Are you saying the stars in the sky are enemies. In your understanding- Those shining lights, beautiful and cruel, will swallow us all if we are not careful....In my own way I used to believe that too, But now those lights bring not only threats but also. Open up hope for the future."
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There's no need to introduction this man, He is inside her dreams. He's HER dream. A nightmare..? Isn't a word for him.
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The cold and reserved train guard and archivist of the . Wielding a spear.
He definitely HATES you.
   "You will do anything necessary just to satisfy your curiosity. Just don't be careless with your stuff. Y/n. No one wants to get hurt."
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Very funny, Too much she thinks Stelle's annoying. 
She's def not close with her.
But Stelle thinks She do be a baddie not gonna lie 🥵.
"Man, You're so cool, EVEN if you're slightly insane with your work...Y/n."
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An animator by trade, Welt is a seasoned member of the ASTRAL EXPRESS  and the former sovereign of ANTI ENTROPY who has saved from annihilation time and time again. He inherited the name of the world, 
Welt's trust in her was a delicate balance—he relied on her contributions but couldn't shake his unease. Her methods, while undeniably helpful, often veered far from his ideal, leaving him torn between appreciation and suspicion. He watches her closely, not out of malice, but out of a need to ensure she didn't cross a line he couldn't overlook.
You have a knack for walking the fine line between brilliance and recklessness, "I trust your intent, but I'm watching your methods closely—don't make me regret this."
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She's a person who will welcome with open arms. She will understand her.
But her guard might be up.
"I TRUST you Y/N. I hope you can find something to help march.."
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March, ever the bright and bubbly optimist, made every effort to include her, always choosing to see the best in people, she believed everyone deserved a chance.
All Y/N wants is to help...Her friend. Who's now a ice. Just like how she saw her first.
March cares about her, When everyone SAW her. She held her hand and held her coat and offered her change of clothes.
"..Hey Y/N! I'll be fine. You said you're. .gonna look into it. Right? I'll be cured in no time. Good Luck. I told Dan Heng not to be...angry at you."
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If Ratio is over done with someone than Ruan Mei, It's you. Her IDEAS is too MUCH. Insanity, Ratio would perhaps check her brain. he wouldn't be super close but close enough to be considered just colleges. Dr Ratio doesn't think too highly of ppl and tends to disagree a bit
After all,
She ended universes because she COULD. 
She started a project of path striders BECAUSE she could. 
"I would think that DR Ruan Mei IS a SAINT compared to her, She does everything she can to "save" humanity. Trust me, If she had some other mindset. Maybe we all won't exist right now."
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Castorice is reserved and soft-spoken, more like a drenched, shivering cat than a sunny presence. She keeps to herself, but her willingness to help others knows no bounds. Her unique ability to temporarily bring back the souls of the dead comes at a steep cost—
it drains her to the point of collapse. Even during the most grueling moments of a quest, when she looked ready to pass out or worse, she never faltered. Despite her struggles, there's a quiet charm to her: she loves feeding animals and captures the world around her through black-and-white photos, a preference that mirrors her understated, delicate nature.
 All they really want to do is help their planet and stop the attacks/war. Though they could see them becoming semi friends
"You're...really double sided. You do it because you HAVE to. Not because you WANT to, Why do you HATE Humanity so MUCH?"
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Beneath her seemingly calm demeanor lies a cold and calculating heart. She'll stop at nothing to save Amphoruses, even if it means crossing moral boundaries. Her ruthless determination once brought her to the brink of killing Stelle and Dan Heng—an alternate path where their lives were sacrificed for her cause. Brilliant and pragmatic,
she carefully weighs every choice, always prioritizing her planet's survival. She's unafraid to manipulate others, even using Castorice's painful abilities as a weapon to ensure her people's future, no matter the cost.
"Ah, so they're trying to play the villain? How quaint. Destroying the multiverse for HELPING? I suppose it's admirable in its simplicity, though it lacks... finesse. Experimenting on humanity is a delightful pastime, but if they're so focused on hate, they're missing the real joy of it all—the artistry, the chaos, the creation of despair. Insanity? Please. They're just another monster playing dress-up. Let's see if they can keep up when the stakes truly rise."
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Mydei has a short fuse and isn't afraid to let it show, even if it means lashing out at Phainon when he disagrees with her. On the outside, he's all tough and gruff, but underneath, there's a surprisingly soft side to him.
As long as her methods don't threaten to tear everything apart, he's willing to look the other way. His focus is clear: saving Amphoruses is his priority, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means tolerating things he doesn't entirely agree with.
"She's got her ways, and I don't always agree with 'em. Hell, half the time, I can't even stand it. But if she's not gonna burn everything to the ground... I'll stick around. At least she's got a damn point—saving Amphoruses... that's the only thing that matters right now."
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Unlike with others, he grew close to you faster than anyone else. He sticks by your side, always ensuring you have everything you need.
Sunday knows deep down that what they're doing is wrong, but his own past—scarred by trauma and manipulation—pushes him to understand, even empathize. Having once seen the world through a similarly skewed and morally gray lens, he feels compelled to help her, perhaps hoping to guide her away from the darkness he once knew too well.
"Miss Y/n, Can we hang out more together, I wouldn't mind working under your projects too. As Long It's close to you. I don't know....Maybe I'll be fine. And I want to help you too..."
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Black Swan remains an enigma, her true intentions still largely shrouded in mystery. She would undoubtedly find her intriguing, much like Acheron. Her approach would be calculated—earn her trust, get close, and then use that connection to uncover her secrets. The thrill of unraveling someone so complex would be too tempting for her to resist, always pushing for more, always looking for leverage.
"....I would rather watch you from afar. I once danced with someone like you and..Their mind.. Let's just leave it."
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Let's be real—she destroyed entire universes just because she could. DR Y/N did it for her own twisted sense of power, and she? She did it purely for the thrill, with no deeper motive than the chaos itself.
She doesn't have the tragic backstories that make most villains feel human; she's just pure, unapologetic evil. Her hatred for humanity runs so deep, her Project AEONS was designed with one goal: to wipe out every last trace of it. Even the ACTUAL AEONS called her insane, and they weren't wrong. She's not just evil—she's a force of destruction.
Competing against the NANOOK on who can obliterate the multiverse faster? That's her game. Humanity? She wants to destroy it, simply because she thinks it'll be fun. She's done inhumane experiments, and in the ultimate show of her depravity.
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Let me know if I should publish this As a fic here!...
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minnaci · 2 years ago
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contents: established dan heng x gn!reader. reader is a member of the astral express crew, but is not the hsr mc. hurt/comfort, post-1.2 spoilers
a/n: a little bit of a longer one today! thanks to @itoshisoup, @/petrichorium, n @/kitsunefreak for answering my questions abt dh's reincarnation (ask here)! if u see this i hope u know it took everything in me not to call him daniel heng
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you and dan heng have never needed words. why say "i love you" when you could just cut him a plate of fruit? why say "i need you" when you could press little, fluttering kisses to his spine, and watch the shiver of goosebumps spread over his skin?
your language has always been one of quiet actions, quiet loves, which is perhaps why he looks so surprised when you take one look and him and say, quite loudly, "what the fuck?"
because the dan heng standing before you isn't the dan heng you could recognize by touch alone. he's.... taller, somehow. broader. he carries himself with an ease that he hadn't before. and most importantly—
"are those horns?"
"yes," he says, with no further explanation.
"dan heng used to be a cool dragon warrior guy in his past life!" march 7th interjects, seemingly oblivious to your increasing upset. "he was super powerful and super important, too!"
you'd known about the whole... reincarnation thing. he'd explained it to you before, but from your understanding, his past lives weren't important. he'd told you that this life with you was the only one that mattered to him. so why hadn't he told you...?
"that's quite enough, march 7th," himeko takes one glance at your expression and cuts in as march 7th begins rambling about dan heng's... boyfriends? husbands? from his past lives and how handsome and cool and strong they all were, and how their story was so romantic—
dan heng says nothing.
"well," you say abruptly, forcing a smile, "i'm suddenly feeling a bit tired. i'm going to turn in. dan heng, you can sleep outside tonight."
you stand up and swiftly make your way to the passenger car. behind you, you hear march 7th ask, "did i say something wrong?"
you let it all fade into silence as you step into the archive room— you and dan heng's room. at least, it would be silence, if it wasn't for the faint footsteps behind you.
"you're upset with me." dan heng crosses the room to you in a few long strides. gently, carefully, he pulls you into his arms. you let him. despite all of the visual changes, he still smells the same. it's more comforting than you thought it would be. you take a few deep breaths, letting his familiar scent calm you down.
"i'm not angry," you say, voice a bit muffled as you bury your face in his chest.
"you're not," he agrees. "but you are upset."
silence falls upon you. you curl further into dan heng's embrace, and he welcomes you easily, drawing wide circles over your back. he's generous with his touch, his affection. it helps you begin to sort through the mess of feelings in your heart.
"you always told me that your past lives weren't important," you say. the words spill from you, a waterfall of hurt and insecurity. "but then you come back from the luofu looking like some— some celestial war dragon, and then i hear about your banishment for high treason and your two beautiful lovers who recognized you across lifetimes, and how it's so romantic because they're probably your soulmates—"
"i know you don't like when i interrupt," dan heng interrupts. "but i... i want to explain before you get more upset, as there are nuances to this situation that i do not think march 7th handled with enough care. you know how she can be when she's excited."
you nod. you do know. you take another deep breath— in through your nose, out slowly through your mouth. "okay, then. explain. please."
"i do not consider myself the same person as the version of me who lived in the past," dan heng says. "i am dan heng. the person that march 7th spoke of was called dan feng. his deeds and his lovers are not mine. i claim no ownership of nor association with them. thus, they are not important to me. dan feng is not important to me. does that make sense?"
"not really," you say. "you're literally him."
"i am not him," dan heng says. "we may share a soul, but i am not him. i do not remember his life, nor do i want to. i have everything i could ever want here and now, as dan heng."
"yes," he says. there's a warm brush of lips against the crown of your head. "the astral express crew makes me happy. you make me happy. we may have our troubles, but there's nobody i would rather face them with than you."
warmth flushes through your body, and you hide your face again. it's rare that dan heng voices his emotions so clearly. his candor strips you raw, scraping at the inside of your chest. he's the one being vulnerable, so why are you the one feeling so seen?
"i mean it," dan heng says, taking your silence as disbelief. "i love you. nothing about my past reincarnation's life will change that."
"you're so ridiculous," you sniffle, willing your tears away. "i love you, too."
silence settles around your shoulders once more, comforting like a feather-filled duvet. dan heng rocks you gently— back and forth, back and forth. new clothes and new horns aside, he still smells the same. he speaks the same way. and when you press your ear to his chest, his heart beats the same, steady beat.
"were your— dan feng's— past lovers really that hot?" you break the silence, and dan heng lets out a rare laugh.
"of course you're curious about that," he says, with no small amount of fondness. "here— i'll let you form your own opinions."
he taps on his communicator a few times, pulling up a picture.
"no way," you do a double take, hands flying to your mouth, and you pull back to look at him, wide-eyed. "dan heng. no way."
"yes way," he says, and you can hear the little smug smirk in his voice. he loves you, you know he does, but you can't blame him for the bit of pride that shines through his tone. if you'd managed to pull not one, but two men that magnificent in your past life, your head would get so big that you'd explode.
"and you don't care about them at all?" you have to ask. dan feng was one lucky guy. it's hard not to feel insecure, just a little—
"why would i? they're strangers to me," dan heng blazes through your train of thought, tilting your chin to look you in the eyes. he sobers. something in his voice reaches into the soft, small animal of your heart, holding it steady as it flutters. "besides, i already have the most beautiful person in the universe in my arms."
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"so does this mean i can sleep in the room again?"
"mrgh," you mumble. if your eyelids were any less heavy, you'd open your eyes to shoot him an incredulous look. your limbs are intwined with his like an octopus, and it's bedtime. surely, he's capable of extrapolating. as it is, you mouth sleepily at his collarbone, and hope he understands it as permission.
"okay. just checking. goodnight, dear."
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cnnmairoll · 1 year ago
Hello again.
I hope you don't mind me asking this or requesting again. I don't want to have you overwhelmed with my requests at all! But if possible, do you think you can write something for Welt, Gepard, and Luka about what things make them flustered? Like what does the reader do that might make them flustered/how easily does it happen?
Thank you once again! I look forward to all of your writings!
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Fumbling Hearts
Character(s) : Dan Heng, Gepard, Luka Genre : Fluff a/n : Sure thing 🌸 anon! I love your ideas, they're always so cute ^_^ Hope you don't mind me replacing welt with Dan Heng! I'm struggling with writing welt ><
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Dan Heng : Kissing his fingers as you hold hands.
One evening, as the two of you sat side by side in your private cabin, fingers intertwined, you decided it was time to employ your favorite tactic. With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you brought your lips to the back of his hand and pressed a delicate kiss to each finger, starting with his thumb and working your way to his pinky.
Dan Heng's initial reaction was predictable - a slight twitch of his lips, a subtle narrowing of his piercing blue eyes, and the faintest hint of a blush that only you could detect. But he didn't pull his hand away; instead, he allowed a soft sigh to escape his lips.
"You know that tickles," he murmured, his voice as velvety as ever.
"That's the point," you replied with a playful smile, moving to kiss each fingertip again. "I like seeing that little flustered look on your face, even if it's just for a moment."
Dan Heng sighed again, this time in mock exasperation, but his hand remained securely entwined with yours. "You're incorrigible," he said, though there was a hint of amusement in his tone.
You leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, "But you love it."
A small, genuine smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Yes, I suppose I do," he admitted, finally allowing himself to relax into the tender moment you'd created.
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Gepard : Just looking at him
Gepard was sitting at the kitchen table, poring over some reports from the previous night's patrol. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his piercing blue eyes were scanning the pages with the utmost seriousness. He looked every bit the noble and stalwart warrior that he was known to be.
You couldn't help but smile as you approached him, your heart swelling with love and adoration. Gently, you rested your chin on your hand and just stared at him. Not with a teasing glint in your eye, but with genuine, unfiltered affection. It was as if he were the most amazing thing in the world, and you couldn't take your eyes off him.
"Uh, what's the matter?" Gepard mumbled, his voice slightly shaky as he felt your gaze on him. He didn't look up from his paperwork, but there was a faint blush creeping up his cheeks.
You leaned in closer, your gaze unwavering. "Nothing at all, my dear captain," you replied, your voice soft and filled with affection. "I just can't help but admire how handsome and amazing you are."
Gepard's ears turned a shade of red that would put a ripe tomato to shame. He finally glanced up from his work, his eyes meeting yours. "I-I… well, you see…" he stammered, completely flustered. "I don't know what to say."
You couldn't help but giggle at his adorable response. "You don't have to say anything, Gepard. Just know that I love you, and I think you're incredible."
His blush deepened, and he cleared his throat, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. "Well, I… um, I love you too," he managed to say, his voice still tinged with embarrassment.
You leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, causing him to turn an even brighter shade of red. "You're just too cute when you're flustered, Gepard," you teased, a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
Gepard let out a soft chuckle, finally relaxing a bit. "I suppose I can't help it when you look at me like that," he admitted, a small, genuine smile gracing his lips.
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Luka : Playing with his hair
As you both settle on the couch after a long day, Luka begins to recount the hectic events of his day. His enthusiasm shines through as he gestures animatedly, using his good hand to emphasize his points. You, on the other hand, find your attention wandering, not to his words, but to that vibrant mane of red hair.
Unable to resist, you reach over and start playing with his hair, your fingers gently combing through the silky strands. Luka's blue eyes widen, and his words trail off, replaced by a soft gasp.
"Hey, babe, you wouldn't believe the chaos at the underground arena today," he starts, but his voice quivers slightly as your fingers trace delicate patterns in his hair.
You offer a warm smile, continuing your ministrations. "I'm all ears, Luka. Tell me everything."
Luka's eyes remain closed as your fingers work their magic through his hair, and he can't help but relive the adrenaline-fueled moments of the underground boxing match he's just described.
"So there I was," he begins again, his voice a soft, nostalgic tone, "in the center of the ring. My opponent, this hulking behemoth with biceps like tree trunks, was giving it his all. We traded blows like there was no tomorrow, and the crowd was roaring with every punch."
As he speaks, his memories come alive, and his words flow more freely, though his voice retains that endearing hint of bashfulness.
"I could feel the sweat trickling down my brow, but I couldn't let up. I dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding a haymaker, and then—"
Your fingers pause briefly, and Luka opens his eyes to glance at you, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You know, you're making it really hard to concentrate, darling."
You chuckle softly, offering a quick peck on his cheek as encouragement to continue. Luka clears his throat, his enthusiasm undiminished.
"Right, so, where was I? Ah, yes. I managed to land a solid hook to his ribs, and you should have seen the look on his face. Pure shock. But he didn't back down. He came at me even harder."
Your fingers resume their soothing caress, and Luka's words come out in a mixture of exhilaration and amusement.
"I swear, it felt like a dance, dodging and weaving, trying to predict his moves. The whole arena was a whirlwind of cheers and shouts. And then… well, the moment I'll never forget was when I saw my opening."
Luka's voice takes on a note of triumph as he recalls that decisive moment in the fight.
"I launched a fierce uppercut, and it connected square on his chin. The crowd went wild. He stumbled back, dazed, and then the ref counted him out. Victory was mine!"
Luka's eyes light up with pride as he finishes his tale, the memory of the fight vivid in his mind. Yet, despite the thrilling story he's just recounted, he remains captivated by the tender touch of your hands in his hair.
"I swear, it was like a madhouse in there," he stammers, his words growing softer as he loses himself in the sensation of your touch. "But with you here, it's all worth it."
Your fingers trail down, gently scratching his scalp, and Luka lets out a contented sigh. His eyes flutter closed, and his words become a mere whisper.
"It's moments like this, with you," he murmurs, "that make me forget the world. Just keep doing what you're doing, and I'll never stop talking… or blushing."
You share a knowing smile, continuing to weave your fingers through his vibrant hair. In that intimate moment, words fade into the background, and the two of you revel in the simple pleasure of being close, connected by a touch that speaks volumes of love and affection.
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anonymous-existences · 4 months ago
Chapter 19: ..? — Surprises!
Finally updated, finally found the time to update— THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YESTERDAY!! AAAAAAAA—
— — — — — — — — —
Danny was with his 'Older brother' Dan and Damian for the day to play with friends and hide out in Hood's territory/turf, Damian only decided to tag along since he didn't have school and he was still wary of maybe just maybe another kidnapper who wants to take Danny away and hurt him. Damian occasionally looked up from his phone and observed their surroundings before going back to scrolling in his phone as he assured himself that there were no nearby threats, Danny was playing tag with the other kids and everyone being rough with each other.
Ellie was sitting by Damian's side and watching as he scrolled through Twitter and bickered with his friends in his private account. "What are you doing?" Ellie asks with her tiny voice, "Arguing." Damian bluntly said as he typed hard as if tho his life depended on it. "Keyboard Warrior..." Ellie stared at him and Damian stopped typing for a brief moment and looked at Ellie.
"And I wear that certificate and badge with Honor." Damian huffed and slightly raises his chin before typing away once again, this time faster and much harder on the screen, "You're gonna break your phone—" Ellie just raises her palm slightly and Damian scoffed, "As if." Damian kept typing and the screen cracked. "I take back my words." Damian stared at his cracked screen, "Control your strength idiot—" Ellie stuck out her tounge.
Damian sets aside his phone in his pocket and walked over to Danny who was looking at an alley, "Daniel—" Danny suddenly ran in the alley, "Hey! Danny! Where are you going!" Damian immediately ran after the younger boy through the alley, "Dear God why is he fast—" Damian huffed as he ran after the bolting Danny. Damian almost tripped as the boy suddenly turned right and Damian held himself upright by grabbing onto the Alley Wall, "Danny!" Damian yelled out.
Damian saw Danny Sit on the floor and gently taking something from the ground. "Dami... Bird..." Danny looked over his shoulder to Damian, his eyes flashing a Lazarus Green yet his Expression blunt and straight. "Bird?" Damian repeated as he walked over to Danny, "Injured Bird... I saw it fly down when it got hit by something..." Danny just muttered and held up the injured 'hawk' that's settling on his arms with a 'broken' wing.
"Oh my.. let's go home to Manor, I have supplies there." Damian immediately took action and Danny nodded as he held the hawk close to his chest, "Will Bruce let me keep it?" Danny asked as he followed Damian out of the alleyway, "Considering your current place in his heart then probably allow you without hesitation." Damian chuckled. Damian called Dan over since Jason was out for the day.
"Dante, do me and Daniel here a favor and take us to the Manor." Damian said and Dante looked at him for a moment before smiling and nodding, "Sure Kiddo." Dante turned off the stove and took off his apron before taking his keys by the door and leading the two children back outside, "What's with the Bird?" Dante finally asks, eyeing the hawk in Danny's arms, clearly comfortable and snuggling in gently.
"Found!" Danny just says with a happy delighted tone and a small chirp, Pause—Freeze—Record fucking scratch— "You can chirp?" Damian backtracked at what he heard from Danny's mouth, "hmm..." Danny chirped again, Damian just stared at him with disbelief— possible questioning?? What? They've known him for quite a while and this is the first time he finds out the kid can CHIRP?!
"I mean I can too." Dante also chirped, this one a larger much intimidating sounding one whilst Danny's sounded like a baby chick, the Bird-Hawk chirped back and Danny kept chirping with the Bird in unison. "Oh my god I have to tell Richard." Damian just laughed in still disbelief as he watched— heard Danny and Dante chirping with the injured bird, Danny got in the car with Dante in the Driver's seat as always.
"Ellie! Bite Kidnappers." Dante just finger guns the feral child and she smiled grimly with a subtle nod, she laughed to herself as Dante drove away, "Now I fully understand why she's allowed to be left alone.." Damian utters as he watched Ellie laugh maniacally, almost intimidatingly and unexpectedly cute at the same time.
Ellie as he's observed was quite.... Small and Fragile, but now that he knows them more it's evident that the small child that is Ellie can cause more damage than Danny himself as Danny was more reserved and anxious as to Ellie is the complete polar opposite of her 'Brother—Cousin—Esque' Clone Template. "Ofcourse, she can handle herself and she got her Dad with her even if we don't see him, favoritism totally." Dante scoffed as he drove out of downtown and slowly soon nearing the Wayne Manor as they entered the outskirts of Gotham.
"I still hate this long ass driveway." Dante scoffed and Damian stared at him Judgingly, "It's a pretty decent sized driveway mind you." Damian sneered and Dante rolled his eyes with a laugh, "Rich people talk." Dante scoffed as Damian and Danny got off the car. Dante was driving away once again to go somewhere, Danny was heading inside with a hum, the Hawk still in his arms just snuggled fit.
Damian following the little boy, "Alfreeed?" Danny called out and heading down the halls and soon after finding Alfred who was quite startled by Danny's mentally adopted Hawk. "Oh my! Master Danny, how may I help you?" Alfred greeted the boy and lowered his body to the boy's height and Danny held up the Hawk, "Please help me with patching her wing up." Danny smiled and Alfred nodded.
"Danny ran after it as it fell down in an alley, he was fast—" Damian just clarified, trying to indirectly say it's not him that found the hawk and wanted to adopt it. Alfred nodded and leading the boys in the kitchen to get the much animal friendly medical kit he has in store Incase Damian brings home another set of pets which is totally normal and common in this household apparently.
Danny chirped and the hawk chirped back and both Damian and Alfred nearly jumped at Danny's sudden chirping. Alfred stared for a moment before chuckling softly and bandaging the calm bird's wing and leg. "I need to tell Richard about this." Damian smiled very excited to show off Danny's chirps. Damian was always the first to know, he was the first to find out Danny could purr, that he could make things glow, and now he's the first to find out he can chirp like a chick.
"Danny I'm your favorite brother right?" Damian sat beside Danny and Danny stared at him for a moment. "Yep!" Danny smiled brightly, maybe Damian should invest in sunglasses just because of this occasional bright smile— Damian just leaned back to the chair and sighed, Danny kept chirping and 'conversing' with the Bird as Alfred went to make them sandwiches as snacks.
"Dami— why is there chirping in the kitchen—" Tim entered the kitchen in curiosity of 'chirping' and his eyes landed on The hawk and Danny who was chirping back at It, "What the fu—" Tim was interrupted by a look from Alfred, "Fuu—udge..." Tim slowly corrected himself, Damian also shot Tim a glare, "Watch your language drake." Damian sneered his gaze still sharp and deadly. If looks could kill Tim would already be 6 feet under.
"Dami did you bring that home or did you convince Danny to bring that home instead of you?" Tim raised an eyebrow as he sat a tad bit far from Damian and Danny, "Mind you, Danny brought the bird home because he found it injured." Damian corrected Tim with a huff and Danny nodding profusely. Danny chirped again which made Tim jump in his seat, "And I also found out he can chirp." Damian states and Tim stared at Danny.
"Oh my god... he's a bird— a robin—" Tim said with a smirk and Damian shot him a glare, "He is already phantom, he will not be a Robin...." Damian pulled Danny closer protectively. Danny tilts his head, "Admit it Dami, he's a birdie." Tim chuckled and Dick entered as he heard them somewhat bickering, "Who's a birdie?" Dick peeked his head and the three jumped not noticing his presence earlier. "What's with the hawk?" Dick asked and stared at the hawk in Danny's arms.
Danny chirped and Dick froze, "OH MY GOD! HE CAN CHIRP?? OMG —" Dick just started cooing over Danny, "Richard halt this embarrassing display of affection... You look like a crazy and stupid man." Damian scoffed and looked over to the side, "Oh come on now Dami... He can chirp—" Dick just hugged Danny and put the boy in his lap with the Bird also in Danny lap.
"Yes and that goes the same for Dante and most ghosts? Apparently." Damian shrugged as if stating the weather, "The BIG big guy can chirp? The guy bigger than Bruce?" Dick asked not believing Damian, "He demonstrated it to me, that's how I knew, said it's common in ghosts." Damian stated as he scrolled through his phone again and Tim just staring at the boy speculating.
"Do they have accents?" Tim asked and Damian stared at him for a few moments before finally speaking up, "I'm not quite sure... But I am sure that they have different tones, Danny's being more on the higher pitch and Dante's totally on the Low Pitches." Damian just motioned his hands as he spoke and Tim nodded. "Maybe Todd can chirp?" Tim speculated loudly, Dick and Damian stared at him for a moment also thinking that maybe he too can chirp like a little chick— "He can!" Danny interjected, "Dante and Him sometimes chirp at each other especially when Jason gets upset with Dan." Danny says casually as he preened the feathers of the hawk.
"And I never knew?!" Dick just exclaimed, disappointed at himself for not catching Jason chirping before, groaning to himself. "It's fair that we never caught Todd 'chirping' he is not at the Manor often and was only here to check up on Pennyworth." Damian shrugged nonchalantly, Soon Alfred placed a plate of sandwiches for them at the table before leaving to go do the rest of his daily routine. "Thank you Alfred!" Dick called out as Alfred left with a smile.
"Where's Dan anyways?" Tim suddenly asked, Damian and Danny shrugged, "I think he's going Ring—Shopping." Danny states and the three older Wayne's froze. "Ring shopping as in...?" Tim tried to get Danny to clarify but only earned him a smug smile for Danny. "Daniel please elaborate." Damian softly demanded and Danny laughed, "Proposals duh!" Danny laughed, and Dick stared at the boy in his lap in shock.
Dan was in a jewelry shop in the Metropolis City(How fast did they get there?? No idea.) , "Vlad you know you're the only one who can help me here—" Dan just dragging his 'Father' with him to ask for help with ring shopping, "Atleast now we know his ring size." Vlad sighed and followed Dan to the display, "is it always supposed to be a diamond...?" Dan looked over his shoulder to Vlad who shook his head.
"Dante we are in the metropolis, you can do better than a measely diamond ring, pick something that'll speak to both your hearts." Vlad suggested as Dam looked over the rings, "... Maybe a Black Band for the ring...but the gem..." Dan speculated and tapped his finger on his chin.
"What color do you both resonate with? Something yo have in common, maybe something that you two first saw each other in—" Vlad was interrupted by an instant answer to his question, "Red." Dan's breathe Hitched in excitement, his core subtly buzzing(?) at the thought of Red Rings.
"If it is red, I don't suggest the more common Ruby... If we're talking THAT type of red... Red Spinel." Vlad suggested proudly and Dan nodded, "How do you know gems?" Dan asked Vlad after hearing his somewhat, slight expertise on gems(?) he supposes. "I buy Clockwork jewelry, I want to know what is more special. Either way all works for him. Especially the blues and reds." Vlad chuckled and Dan nods in understanding.
"That... That actually makes sense now as to why he's hoarding jewelry in his lair like some sort of obsessed dragon—" Dan just mutters and Vlad eyes him, "Hoarding? Like a dragon?" Vlad raised an eyebrow at that statement and Dan just nodded and shrugged as he commissioned(Rich People shit—) for a Red Spinel Ring that had a Black Band on [Jason's Finger Size].
Vlad was still trying to imagine Clockwork as a dragon with a hoard of... Jewelry and sparkly stuff Vlad buys clockwork— "That is quite a cute thought... Very odd and cute." Vlad nodded to himself. "Sometimes I still don't understand how you act..." Dan just stared at him in confusion as he watched Vlad sign the cheque to pay for the ring and them leaving the shop.
"Where is Clockwork anyways?" Dan asks and looks over at Vlad, "No Idea, But all I know is that he's competing for the Little Badger's love with Nocturn... And so far Nocturn has been on top." Vlad shrugs with a sigh, "Pretty sure his favorite person is Alfred Pennyworth— but okay. Go off I suppose." Dan laughed, and Vlad groaned. "They will not be happy... Ancients." Vlad pinches the bridge of his nose in tiredness.
"Wait when do you plan to propose to Jason?" Vlad crosses his legs as he hops on the passenger Seat and Dan on the driver's seat. "First Year Anniversary, I know it's still a bit too far and we've only been together for like what? 6 months? 4? 5? I forgot— I'll check my... Calendar later. But I am fully committed to him." Dan says and Vlad gave him a worrying gaze, "Yes, but the future will always be unpredictable Dante, one moment you're each other's lovers and the next you could be strangers that passed by each other."
Dan's breathe Hitched and his core buzzed uncomfortably, "I know that but I trust him, and myself... I just need to not mess it up or something... He... He's... He's everything for me now you know— like how you and clockwork became each other's obsessions—" Dan shrugged and Vlad nodded. "I understand Dante, but all I'm doing is for your betterment. I don't want you to get hurt." Vlad furrowed his brows with a worried look and Dan held his breathe for a moment before giving Vlad an understanding look.
"I understand.... I really do... Goddamit I'm glad you're not an asshole here unlike in my timeline." Dante Blurted out and both men looked at each other before laughing loudly, "I am also glad you don't see me as an asshole." Vlad slowly calmed his laughter and Dante was chuckling. Dan fixed his eyes back in the road but his mind slowly drifting back to his thoughts, 'What if I fuck it up? What if Jason leaves me? What it—' Dan's thoughts were interrupted by Vlad's soft pat to his back.
"I do not know what you're thinking but you should calm down Dante. It's not good for you to be so lost In thought whilst driving." Vlad reminded him and Dan just nods silently, turning up the radio's audio to let the music flow in the silence of the two. Dante pursed his lips and furrowed his brows lightly, 'Don't fuck up Dante. Just don't fuck up and no one gets hurt.' Dan reminds him as he breathed heavily.
'I can't fuck up...' Dan muttered under his heavy breathe, Because he really can't fuck up with Jason. He loves him too much that... That... He just can't fuck up.
Vlad just looked at Dante with a worried gaze, "You won't fuck up." Vlad just uttered which snapped Dante back to reality, "Right. I won't... I really won't..." Dan just mutters back as he drove faster and steadier so they could go back home faster.
'I won't fuck it up.' Dan thought to himself Finally as he relaxed the muscles on his body.
Master Post :))
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multifandomxzion · 23 days ago
Phaindei x Moonian! reader pt.4
(Spoilers for Amphoreas quest)
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Its over. The war is over. Nikador has been defeated, and Caelus has even learned the power of ice and touched the path of remembrance! Everything happened so quickly.. and you and the others feel, just so.. So tired. You feel like you could sleep for weeks. Amd you do- well- atleast if castorice didnt wake you up
Castorice: I dont mean to wake you my guest, but its time to get ready.
Reader: Hm..? What?
Castorice: Mydei is hosting a feast and has invited you and your friends
Tribbie walks in, expression hardened
Tribbie: Why is Moonie not ready yet?!
Reader: Im up.. Im up.. *You suddenly seize still. Mydei invited you, Caelus and dan heng over for a feast.. Well, I mean.. There's bound to be food but an actual outfit?! Idk..*
Reader: Do I even have anything to we-
Tribbie: Let us worry about that! *she says as her other 2 twins appear out of nowhere, practically dragging you away*
The feast was a harmonius event, Phainon and Aglaea dancing, while Mydei and Caelus were having an eating competition trying to see who could eat more than the other (And Mydei was winning) You, Tribblets and Castorice practically galloped all the way there, hoping to not miss alot
Reader: We're here! We're .. *pant* here
You dont notice now, but Phainon and Mydei both stop in their tracks to look at you, your in a traditional robe similar to Aglaea, w/ a few of your own accessories ofc and a golden head piece! You looked like an average citizen and yet at the same time so...
Phainon: I...
Mydei: I...
Dan Heng: Come join us reader
You actually have alot of fun at this feast, Aglaea attempts to teach you a traditional dance, You eat to your hearts content ect! At some point you walk out to Mydei's balcony to get some fresh air from all the social interaction, only to be followed by a certain white haired individual
Phainon: Ah, so this is where you are! Are you ok Reader?
Reader: Yeah,, Just burned out.. Parties take alot out of me
Phainon: I uh.. I see! Shall I keep you company until you wish to go back?
Reader: If you want ig..
And thats just what phainon does, staying right by your side.
Phainon: Caelus told me that you have fun stories to share about your travels, I'd love to hear some.. To hear more about you
Reader: Huh? Really?
*Phainon looks away sratching his neck, signalling he's nervous*
Phainon: Yes, I eould like to maybe find a proper way to apologize that way. I um.. I was rethinking our interactions together and realize how I may have sounded like.. I only cared about one part of you, which isnt true, You have helped me save Amphoreus, as a warrior, that alone proves so many things about you. *He grabs your hands, intertwining them with his*
Phainon: Your brave, Courageous, sweet, you get the idea, and If it werent for your 3's help.. I dont even want to imagine such a fate.. I want to show you just how much I appreciate you. Not just your beautiful skin, but You as a person, reader. You are not some treasure to be searched, But a one of a kind to be earned and cherished!
Phainon stares into your eyes as he says every word, your stomach becoming queezy with butterflies as he compliments you, He looks like he has more to say but he's holding back
Phainon: I.. *he looks back at the party, then leans into your ear*
Phainon: I believe Mydei wishes to dance with you, but he is too shy to ask you directly, You should go dance with him!
Reader: But I havent mastered any-
Too late, Phainon grabs you and almost throws you back into the party, pushing you towards Mydei
Phainon: Alright you both, go dance!
You and Mydei get on the dance floor and dance together, weird enough even if Mydei comes off more aggressive and mean, He is suprisingly gentle when guiding you trough the dance, Your so focused on trying to get it right that you dont even realise the look of pure adoration on phainons face.. As 2 bright stars dance in front of him
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(Sorry if this was alil rushed, its 2AM by the time I post this-)
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emeraldtied · 8 months ago
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↳ @rxbelling-hxrald asked: "Did I hear correctly that I was wanted? Or are my ears deceiving me?"
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{➹} – "DAN!" Nope, he had heard perfectly, the toddler's little legs carrying her from the back porch all the way to the demon hog with little effort. In her hands was a smooth, rounded rock. Black as night. One she had been hanging onto for weeks now, especially for this moment as she held it up for him to take with a smile.
"She saw it and thought of you," Arrow explained, not bothering to hide his grin.
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star2fishmeg · 1 year ago
Hi, how are you? How is your day? I hope you are having a good day.I read “Overseas” and I was wondering if you could do that for SWORD leaders and mighty warriors. If you have the time.
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Pairing: SWORD leaders x gn!reader (separate), Ice x gn!reader
Summary: SWORD leaders and having a foreign s/o they kept secret until they didn’t
Warnings: swearing
Authors note: Thank you for requesting! I’m glad you enjoyed ‘Overseas’!! I only included Ice for Mighty Warriors as he is the leader, I hope this is okay! This is my first time writing for him and Hyuga too, apologies for any ooc. In future I plan to include MW once I’ve grasped their characters more!
Request: above!
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ʜɪɴᴏ 'ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ' ᴊᴜɴᴘᴇɪ
Most of this man’s life is a mystery, Yamato and Nobaru probably got a board of red strings and photos for him
 How he met his s/o is a secret he’ll never tell, but knowing him, it was probably after a fight, probably casually grabbing a drink with dried blood painting his nose and upper lip
 s/o likely cleaned him up on the spot, and he didn’t shoo them away bc a) he has manners believe it or not and b) he thought they were cute and why the hell would he say no?
 He did smile though! Barely but from up close it was clear as day
From then on, he met up with them until they left, but s/o flies over to visit him whenever they can and the rendezvous continue
This guy is a texter, a rare caller. He’s texting them whenever he can, which is suspicious to the others bc he never answers their texts that quick
One time Yamato was in deep shit and Cobra aired him, but the moment they text? Mans like lightning
He leaked his s/o by pure accident and with the help of his friends snooping. His s/o sent him a package once a month of goodies from their country, with a letter and photos included and Sannoh just happened to get their hands on this before he did
Eyeing up the box, Yamato, Dan and Tettsu sheepishly gave each other looks. It wasn’t usual for Cobra to receive any sort of mail, let alone turn up at the diner. But the way the box was coated in cute stickers and little drawings of snakes piqued dire interest among the others. Their cold, mysterious leader, having an admirer?
“Think we should open it?” Tettsu asked, gently shaking the box to hear the rustling coming from inside.
“You’re fucking stupid, are you asking for a death wish?” Yamato hissed, snatching it off him and gently placing back on the back table where the man in question usually sat, “This is Cobra’s business, and we should stay out of it.”
“Or we can watch from afar, he’s here, act natural.” Dan grinned, him and Tettsu scurrying to the table in the centre of the diner, under the bottle chandelier and giggling like schoolgirls. Yamato rolled his eyes and sat at the bar. Cobra strolled in, eyes darting to the box in an almost panicked state. The boys pretended to not notice, but Cobra noticed Yamato taking a not-so-subtle glance his way as he ran his key through the tape.
Opening the cardboard shyly, he was met with a letter addressed to him, his real name, not his alias. Dan, Tettsu and Yamato snuck up behind him, looming over his shoulders for a peak. At that point his secret was out, Junpei gave up on trying to hide it as he rummaged through the tissue paper for the contents of the gift. Photos of s/o’s day trips and travels, one of those amusingly shitty tourist keyrings you find in the cities, handmade items they’d passionately told him about, a polaroid of the two of them they’d taken on their last visit to Japan and more. His favourite this time was the small Cobra figurine, with a note attached saying ‘punched a man for this like you taught me <3’. A smile graced his lips upon reading the letter, the other bewildered, practically hearing Cobra’s heart thump in his chest.
“Damn, not even we get Junpei privileges.” Yamato whistled; eyebrows raised in shock.
“And you never will.” Junpei scoffed, placing all the items back in the box and taking off.
Definitely met his s/o in his club
They were at the bar, probably fending off some creep when he came over, getting the guy removed and permanently banned
Rocky introduced himself and apologised and their story continued from there
Gives the vibes that s/o just moved to Japan and was getting to know the area when they found Club Heaven
 Teaches Rocky new one-liners in their native language for sure, also telling him about their country in general and all the culture shocks
And he listens to all of it happily, fully intrigued with the way they carry themselves and speak
 Oh this man always lends them his coats, and they playfully wear his glasses bc it makes him smile every single time. He finds when they impersonate him the cutest
White Rascals actually had no idea about them until they burst through the doors one evening, panicking about being late to open the club
“So uh…this a thing now or a new member? Companion?” Koo asked for the group, giving y/n a hesitant look. Rocky only pulled them into his lap, coat still wrapped around their shoulders.
“S’my angel. She’s gonna be stickin’ around now.” He threw their legs over his lap, thumb rubbing their thigh. Koo and the others only nodded, focusing on opening the club and worrying about asking the details later.
Despite running late, the club still held its lively state with flashing lights, crisp sound blaring through the speakers, bar busy, dancefloor packed and Rascals serving the people when needed. At the top of the balcony, the VIP area, Rocky leant back on the red sofa, cigar smoke floating from his lips as his s/o melted into his side, legs over his knee and hand on his chest. Kizzy and Kaito side-eyed each other, still unsure of how the situation came to be and where this person came from to start with. Sure, they’d seen them at the bar, how could they not? But what were their intentions with their leader? They agreed, silently, with a nod to each other that Koo would be the one to ask since he’d already opened that can of worms.
ᴍᴜʀᴀʏᴀᴍᴀ ʏᴏsʜɪᴋɪ
OH BOY this interaction did not go smoothly
In fact, Yoshiki most likely either made the most awkward meeting or the most embarrassing one
He’s still cute tho, and his s/o thought so from the start
His shower packed up and the plumber wouldn’t come until the morning, but he really stank and so what does this kid do?
Go next door to his new and incredibly gorgeous neighbour who just moved from overseas
Man is fumbling when they let him in, he can’t believe he’s folding so fast
And somehow, in broken English (because it’s the only other language he knows from middle school), this awkward encounter gets him their digits
And dates, and a label. And amongst all this time passing, not once did he remember to tell his friends at Oya
His stomach dropped at the knocking on his door, eyes frantically looking for Seki and Furuya’s. Both men, looking back at him like deer in headlights, motioning him to answer. Murayama stood up nodding, making his way to the front door, mind screaming at him for forgetting to say something sooner, they were going to freak out like usual.
Opening the door slowly, he peered back before looking at y/n’s bright smile.
“Hey ‘Shiki! You busy?” they chirped, Seki and Furuya’s heads snapping around towards the entrance way.
“Uh, yeah. My friends are over right now, but I’m free tonight.” Was all he could muster up with such a dry throat. Saying goodbye he closed the door again, shaking his head as he took his walk of doom back to the living room and flopping back onto the couch. The silence killed him, so he kept his head thrown back and eyes closed, counting down from five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Furuya and Seki yelled, confusion and banterous hurt in their tones.
Pure accidental meeting but he was so sweet
 s/o probably took a wrong turn and ended up lost in Nameless City, devastated by what they were seeing
Until they bumped into Smokey, expressing their sympathy as well as the situation
Smokey did help them tho, showing them the way to where they were actually intending to go but s/o claimed they’d remember the route to see him again
They sent letters back and forth since that day, and s/o would fly over to help out the people when they could
Definitely wanted to tell Rude Boys but was hesitant about their reaction and never got around to it
Until s/o visits the base asking for Smokey and the boys stand there, guard up asking why someone looking so out of place wants their Smokey
Drawing back one of the ragged fabrics used as a curtain, y/n poked their head through first before shuffling into the base completely. They kept their footsteps quiet, not wanting to disturb the boys who were gathered in the middle. Yet Smokey was nowhere to be seen. Nerves bundled in their stomach, they’d never properly met the boys before, only seen them on patrol.
“Excuse me,” they called, all their heads snapping around to face them, “Christ- is Smokey around?”
Takeshi stood up and approached her slowly, the rest watching ready for any kind or cue, “He’s not here right now, can I help you though?” Their shoulders relaxed, letting out a breath as they gave him a small smile. Takeshi lowered his guard in return, glancing behind him for the others to do the same.
“Ah, I’m y/n, Smokey told me to come visit him here. That’s all he said.”
“Sounds like Smokey, vague but to the point.” Takeshi chuckled. As if on cue, Smokey’s figure trudged in, a smile gracing his lips upon seeing y/n. He pulled them into his side and placed a kiss to their head, watching the boys’ faces scrunch up or eyebrows raise.
“Boys, meet y/n, my s/o. Y/n, mee the Rude Boys.” Was all he mumbled out before slipping his hand into y/n’s and leading her to their meeting circle.
P scratched his neck, “Okay, why didn’t you say anything before, Smokey?”
ʜʏᴜɢᴀ ɴᴏʀɪʜɪsᴀ
This man fully lost to them in Poker at a Daruma festival
But was he mad about it? Not really, he was more impressed at their wits over anything else. No one dared gamble against Hyuga
So when s/o placed their winning cards down, smirking at his face, mans had to know them better
Probably made them his companion for the night, asking them if they’d come back to see him and of course they said yes
They kept this little thing between them for a while actually, until Hyuga wanted them around often, feeling a lack of excitement without them
And that’s how his s/o met Daruma properly: beating them at Poker
“Hyuga, I dunno where you found this person, but this is just embarrassing for Daruma.” Ukyo groaned, accepting his defeat and dropping his cards.
“You guys are just really bad at this, I thought you had experience?” y/n mocked, watching another member stare at their cards intensely. Hyuga’s arm remained wrapped around y/n’s waist, firmly keeping them on his lap while they played.
“No, you’re cheating!” Sakyo hissed, pointing a finger at them. Y/n shrugged, taking their turn and hearing another guy wail.
“Bold statement to make about Norihisa’s s/o, don’t you think?”
“You’re a monster!” Sakyo watched another Daruma lackey lose, y/n taking the chips for themselves.
This guy is a festival attendee and a chronic one at that
So, he met his s/o at one of those when chasing them around the world
Gives me the vibes that his personality with music and destroying SWORD are complete opposites so when s/o bumped into him in the crowd, he happily vibed with them
Ended up eating together and finding out they were also festival chasing and decided that they’d attend as many as they could together, talking in between until eventually calling themselves a couple
Ice didn’t tell y/n about Might Warriors until later, he wanted to surprise them with a club they could properly find refuge in
 He also didn’t tell MW about s/o, bc it never came up mainly
Ice I’ll come find you y/n How will you do that? Ice Baby I can spot you in any crowd
With strobe lights flashing, bodies dancing in all directions and music so loud the floor vibrated, y/n’s head was in no other place but bliss. Ice’s pride and joy surged through their veins as they relished in his dream.
Their thoughts were pulled back to earth as the familiar sound of a beat Ice had shown them months prior blared through the speakers, swaying their hips shamelessly to the rhythm. Large hands caressed their hips, pulling them into a firm chest and hot breath making the hairs on their neck stand on end.
“Told you I could spot you in any crowd.” Ice mumbled and they felt his smirk through his words. Spinning around to face him, y/n’s arms wrapped around his neck.
“Never doubted that,” they smiled, eyes flickering between his and his lips, “I’m gonna be expecting VIP access.”
“You had it by default, baby.” He laughed, capturing them into a sweet kiss.
“Hate to ruin the moment, but who the fuck is this?” A voice yelled over the music, breaking the two apart.
“Jesse! This is my s/o, y/n! They're kinda one of us but also not.” Ice replied. Y/n didn’t care whether they were a Mighty Warrior or not, they were Ice’s and that’s all they needed. Jesse’s glare softened and morphed into a nod of approval before slipping through the crowd to the VIP lounge.
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H&L harem (if you wanna be tagged/removed in future H&L content, comment or lemme know via ‘chat to me bbygorl’ :D);
@straysugzhpe @airbendertendou @strxwberrychocolate @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @rinwhore @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @rainisawriter @cheshirecatuniverse @certainbananacollectionblr @tiredlittlewriter
[Requests CLOSED]
2023 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise, translate, repost, copy any of my works. If you notice that any of these have been done to my work, please let me know.
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mxdarling · 7 months ago
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: after reading the first few pages of the fable of stars, you can't help but let yourself be intrigued by even more people who live beyond the stars. let us open your eyes to their story.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 1.2k
ೃ⁀➷: ref/inspo: fable of the stars #1 | fable of the stars #2
[author’s note:] FINALLY PART 2!! no one really asked for a part 2 but i felt the need to write one plus my motivation is high on hsr anyways, so here i am rushing to finish this before school starts so let's hope this one is written a bit better than the first one CUZZ i didn't proofread shit last time BHDHBD
[part one]
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me.
[warnings:] bad metaphoric writing, bad attempt of character analysis (take this with a grain of salt please), lowercase, not spoiler free, can be considered 'x reader' if you're delulu enough, noah is trying to explain hsr character lore (and failing miserably, once again).
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a cute girl who always has her camera with her and enjoys taking pictures of everything around her. according to her, it's good to have a pastime for someone her age, and she's less likely to forget these memories. every photo she takes inside her camera is safely kept close to her heart and in the comfort of her own room, where she can hang it up and smile to herself, hoping to take even more photos while she's around. perhaps deep down there's this inkling fear that one day all those memories she's made with everyone will be forgotten, that these people who've been with her through thick and thin will suddenly become strangers to her.
although she often has a smile on her face, she struggles to find her place in the astral express. in her mind, everyone has a role within the astral express: pom-pom is the conductor, himeko is the navigator, welt is the jack of all-trades, dan heng is the guard, and she is... the warrior. she doesn't necessarily feel nor act like one; warriors commonly don't wield a bow and arrow—rather, they hold their swords with a tight grip, slashing through every obstacle that comes their way, and when faced with a formidable foe, they push forward with bravery in their hearts and end up victorious. one day, she wishes to be just like those warriors, and maybe she'll find her place in the express.
contrary to belief, a cute girl such as herself is very much into mystery novels, especially ones that feature a detective. how they follow the trail of clues to piece together to hopefully solve whatever mystery they're trying to uncover—that's what makes the story so compelling for you. how you can read a clue and not understand its purpose only to realize what the clue meant many pages later, how there's a sense of satisfaction after reaching the end of the protagonist's journey to figure out the truth, how they learned so much about the world around them, their family, their friends, their enemies, their frenemies, but most importantly—themselves. to march, the feeling of needing to find what's inside a mystery is all too familiar, for she—herself—is the greatest mystery.
"a girl who once slumbered in eternal ice and knows nothing about her past. to find out the truth about her origins, she decided to travel with the astral express. as of right now, she has prepared about 67 different versions of her life story for herself."
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the "dozing general," a title he's gained through his seemingly lazy demeanor, taking every opportunity to take a nap, spending an awful amount of time in leisure, gradually falling asleep during one of fu xuan's lengthy reasonings of why she should be nominated to generalship, and much more. yet he's much more attentive than he lets out to be, able to perceive the intentions of other people, keeping his cards close to his chest, knowing exactly how to play them at the right moment to catch the other person off guard, and checkmate you when you least expect it.
through his careful management of affairs and wise strategy of leading the cloud knights, the peaceful years seem to stretch into many centuries for the citizens of the luofu. while some have complained that the general feared combat so much so that he rarely resorts to battle it out, yet that couldn't be further from the truth. the reason is simple: he's protective—not corrective; he does not consider saving the xianzhou luofu from disaster at the last minute as a showcase of wisdom. he continues to oversee the xianzhou luofu, using his intellect to cut down on any thorny problems they encounter—like the tip of the sharpest blade.
even then, his renowned abilities as a general and his intellect are nothing against the cruel reality of time. in the past, the high-cloud quintet was regarded as legends during their time, accomplishing countless feats throughout their prime. however, in just less than a hundred years, the five of them soon fell apart. he watched and witnessed the destruction fall upon his very own friends—how, at the very end, he's the only one remaining. fate has been so cruel to other people around him yet somehow spares his out of everyone else, a haunting reminder of his powerlessness against the enemy that is time.
"the divine foresight, one of the seven arbiter-generals of the xianzhou alliance, leads the cloud knights of the xianzhou luofu. a student of the luofu's previous sword champion, though not known for his martial prowess."
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in the present day, her name is one that is considered forbidden, and it has been like that a long time ago. her name has been erased from any sort of history recorded in the public's eye; only those in higher positions or who lived long enough to see the high-cloud quintet in their prime would remember it. remember how she was the one who established that high-cloud quintet, remember how she taught jing yuan the art of the sword and saw the fruits of his effort turn into his glory, remember how many praised her for wielding a sword so impressively, and that the title of sword champion is one she's earned rightfully so. they remembered, for the past can never be truly forgotten.
she recalls the first time she met her student, a young but devious child who had asked the same questions as she did back when she was younger and when her master was still alive. "master, why do you insist on using the sword? aren't there other weapons available you could've used?" he curiously asked during one of their trainings. "that's like asking why poets write poems; there are many ways to express oneself, but this is the only way i express myself," she replies with wisdom, the same kind her master has given her back then. her master is no longer around, though; there is no one to instruct her or provide any more lessons. however, she no longer needs one; the way of the sword has been imprinted into her system so long ago and so many times. she knows everything there is about a sword; they've become a part of her now.
she's has lifted and wielded many swords in this lifetime, and in many battles and wars she's stood side-to-side with allies and her disciple—no matter which way her sword swung, abominations could never escape the death or imprisonment destined for them. she just never thought she'd be pointing the end of her sword towards a lifelong friend in battle. it was during that time that she felt trapped in her own nightmares again, the destruction of her own home caused by that ominous planet, and she was unable to struggle against such a fate. yet as she leaped forward into the battlefield, suddenly familiar words were heard: "i will cut down even the stars in the sky."
"former sword champion of the luofu, and the creator of the cloud knights' legends of undefeated might. now, her name has been wiped from the records, and she is a traitor of the xianzhou walking on the fine line between sanity and mara-struck."
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aventurineswife · 4 months ago
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In the quiet, galactic space of the Astral Express’s observation room, you find Dan Heng standing alone, his form ethereal and strong, back turned to you. In his Vidyadhara form, he appears almost otherworldly—a being of dragon heritage with sharp features, midnight-black hair that fades to teal, and curled horns casting shadows on the walls. His clothes, a blend of warrior regalia and quiet elegance, reflect both his heritage and his inner conflict.
You hesitate at the doorway, admiring the serene yet guarded figure before you. He knows you’re there—Dan Heng is never unaware—but he says nothing, his gaze fixed on the stars beyond the glass. In the silence, the space between you feels almost sacred, as if speaking would shatter it.
Taking a deep breath, you step forward, daring to approach him. “Dan Heng?” you say softly.
He glances at you, eyes a striking, vivid green that glow faintly in the dim light. For a moment, his gaze flickers with emotion—something raw, buried deep within. But he holds it back, as he always does, his face returning to the composed expression you know so well. “You should be resting.” he murmurs, though there’s no admonishment in his tone.
You can’t help but give a small smile. “I couldn’t sleep. And… it seemed like you could use the company.”
For a moment, he says nothing, but his silence is answer enough. Slowly, he nods, turning his face back to the galaxy. Encouraged, you come closer, standing beside him as the two of you gaze out into the void. His presence is calming, yet electric; you can feel the restrained power within him, the weight of his lineage and the memories he hides.
“You don’t talk about it much.” you say quietly, unsure if he’ll answer.
He tenses slightly, but doesn’t move away. “There isn’t much to tell.” he replies, though you sense the reluctance in his words.
“Even if it’s just with me?” you ask, heart pounding as you reach out to him, your fingers brushing against his hand.
For a moment, he remains still, as if deciding whether to let you closer. But then, slowly, he turns to face you fully, his hand slipping into yours. His eyes are intense, searching your face for something, perhaps reassurance or understanding. It’s as though he’s teetering on the edge of something—vulnerability, maybe, or trust.
“Being here, with you…” he murmurs, voice low and filled with an emotion he can’t quite conceal, “makes me wonder if there’s a part of myself that I could share, that isn’t… tainted by the past.”
His words stir something deep inside you, a mixture of empathy and a need to bridge the chasm he keeps between himself and everyone else. You reach up, your fingers lightly tracing his cheek, his skin warm beneath your touch. “You’re not defined by what’s happened. You’re allowed to want more. To want someone.”
Dan Heng’s eyes search yours, his breathing shallow as he lets your words sink in. Then, his hand lifts, his fingers ghosting over yours as he draws you closer. His forehead rests against yours, a sigh slipping past his lips, as if he’s finally allowing himself to let down his guard.
The moment stretches, filled with a quiet tension. Then, his lips meet yours, soft at first, cautious. But as you press closer, a new urgency fills the air, the kiss deepening as he lets go of his restraint, just for you. His hand slides up to cradle the back of your neck, his fingers gentle yet firm, drawing you in as his lips part, inviting you further.
It’s then that you feel it—a faint, unfamiliar sensation against your tongue. You realize it’s his split Vidyadhara tongue, a delicate, serpent-like touch that’s both unfamiliar and thrilling. A shiver races down your spine as he explores, his breaths growing unsteady. The unique feel of his split tongue intertwining with yours is mesmerizing, an intimate act that seems to bare the quiet vulnerability he keeps hidden from everyone.
Dan Heng’s hands settle at your waist, his hold tightening as he pulls you flush against him. Each movement is tender, filled with a longing he rarely lets himself indulge. His lips trace yours, slow and deliberate, as though memorizing the shape, the feel of you. His breath mingles with yours, each exhale carrying the unspoken desire he’s kept buried.
For a moment, he breaks the kiss, his forehead resting against yours once more. His vivid green eyes meet yours, softened by an emotion that words can’t quite capture.
“You make me feel…” he murmurs, voice barely audible. He trails off, as though he can’t bring himself to finish, but his expression says enough. In his gaze, you see it all—years of solitude, of battles fought and regrets carried, all melting into the gentle warmth he shares with you now.
His lips find yours again, this time with a sense of urgency, an unspoken promise. His split tongue brushes against yours once more, sending a thrill through your senses as he pulls you closer, his hands sliding down your back, grounding you against him.
In that moment, the walls he’s built around himself crumble just a little more. Dan Heng, the stoic guardian, allows himself to be vulnerable, to be human, if only with you. And as he holds you, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment, you realize just how deeply he feels for you, even if he may never find the words to say it.
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sharkszone · 9 months ago
The foxes as a dnd group pt 2
Renee (dm) : ok dan, that about sums up what you missed last session. So, whats everyone doing at camp?
Matt : I wake my boyfriend up with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Dan : ok where the fuck was that in the briefing?!
Renee : you're walking through the desert as you come across a large hole about 30 feet deep.
Nicky : is it filled with sand?
Renee : no, because its a hole. It's not filled with anything?
Nicky : hm
Renee: ok andrew, describe the kill.
Andrew: i would first slash his ankles so he couldnt run, then go for the jugular to stop him from screaming as i finish him with a knife to the heart.
Renee : ok andrew, you pushed him off the roof... how did you push him?
Allison : ok so me and nicky will meet first seperate from the group.
Nicky : woo ok quality time with the princess, whatsup... my girl?
Allison : are you... trying to roleplay... heterosexuality?
Dan : also, being straight doesnt mean misogyny dude. Allisons not gonna play a princess just because shes a girl.
Allison : oh, no dan. I am a princess. Of course im a fucking princess. A badass warrior princess, like peach but hotter.
Nicky : i dont think peach was a warrior... but sure whatever you want baby ill be your mario.
Allison: yeah, no.
Neil : ok so i cast sickening radiance then!
Renee : perfect! So that targets all 4 enemies at once.
Aaron : uhm it actually is a friendly fire spell so also will effect andrew and m-
Andrew (through his teeth) : shut up you dm dick rider. Take the win.
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