#his father the commission that one bastard he did a work study with and yeah AfO himself(and anyone who works for him and was Aware™)
I mean, bear in mind, Spinner ended up having a bunch of Quirks shoved into him, devolved into mindless rage, and murdered a bunch of hospital workers in a blind rage, so I think that some motivation decay may have set in alongside the whole "it gets easier" thing.
Well yeah but if some shit happened before that.
Like I joked about how in tpp, Toya 'takes half the League in the divorce', and him doing that might involve telling the others the truth about some things.
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
Piss Off your Parents
Shigadabi week day 5
AO3 Link
Summary: Tenko is tired of being treated like a kid. He knows that his dad is worried, but he is an adult and it's time his old man understands that. Luckily, he has a hot new boyfriend who is more than willing to help him.
Civilian / Steampunk / Teamwork
"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Tenko cried as a moving company placed his furniture on the UA teacher's dormitory.
Tenko had always been an unlucky bastard. He was born with a destructive quirk that made him dangerous to others and valuable to villains. Or, more specifically, one villain. All for One. The man wanted to grab hold of him since he was a child and had his first accident with his quirk. He had luckily been found by a hero instead of the super-villain though. Loud Cloud, or Shirakumo Oboro had come across the scared, skinny, bloodied child and helped him out. The two, along with his friends Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi, had learned that he was the grandson of Nana Shimura, the mentor of All Might.
Suddenly, he had gone from murdering his family to being adopted by the cloud hero and gaining three hero uncles and one hero aunt. His life had gone from nightmare to dream-come-true in a matter of seconds. And after years of taking care of him and being the best possible dad he could have asked for, the man who saved him was stabbing him in the back.
"Tenko, this is only temporary," the cloud haired man says trying to calm him down. "You only have to stay here for a few months, until it's safe for you to live alone again," the hero teacher explains.
"I have my own life now, dad. I have art classes and friends and a life outside of UA, unlike you," Tenko hadn't followed on his new family's career. He didn't want to be a hero. After everything he had gone through, he just wanted a simple life. And he almost suceeded.
He might have gone to UA, but only because his father and uncles worked there and he went to General Studies. Once he graduated, he got a scholarship for an Art course of studies in a good university, he sold commission pieces of his drawings on patron and got his own apartment. It was not the luxury and excitement of a pro-hero, but he was happy. He had a great neighbour, Twice, who introduced him to his gang of misfits and outcast where he fitted perfectly.
There was Giran, Twice's boyfriend, who ran a Personal Manager office. Magne, one of the girls who worked there. Toga, an upcoming idol who the office represented. Spinner, a friend of Toga's. Mustard, Giran's intern. And Dabi, another one of the represented clients of their office and his boyfriend.
How had he gotten that? Don't ask him. One day, Jin was introducing the two to each other, and the next Dabi was taking him out on dates. Tenko had never had a boyfriend before, and his relationship with Dabi was rather new, so he hadn't told his dad yet. For the most part, he didn't want to freak him out. Oboro had grown very protective of him with having a crazy super-powerful villain going after him. But with how things were going, he was starting to not care that much about it.
"It's already been decided, Tenko," Oboro sighs. "You have to stay here..." Oboro tried to place a hand on his hair, but he quickly moved away and stomped inside.
"Fuck you!" he cried at his dad first. "And fuck all of you too!" and he continued with the rest of the faculty members hanging around in the Common room before heading upstairs to what will be his new place.
If he was honest, he didn't care much about living for a few months in UA. He loved his dad and his uncles and didn't really mind spending more time with them. But they couldn't keep treating him like a child. They couldn't take such a big decision for him believing that they knew better. He was an adult now. They had to talk things over with him and understand that he could make his own responsible choices. Usually Shouta, Hizashi and Yagi would have his back, but with their paternal instincts turned on again with the arrival of Midoriya and Eri, there was no such luck.
He stomped all the way to his room and once inside, flopped face down on his couch. Unlike the students dormitories, UA faculty members had bigger quarters. Instead of a one-bedroom, they had a private bathroom, a separate bedroom and a main lounge area. It was better than his apartment, but the fact that it had been his and this wasn't, made the entire thing pale in comparison to his eyes. But maybe it was just his anger. He was still pissed at his father, and it frustrated him that screaming at him wouldn't help the situation. He wanted to get back at him somehow, teach him a lesson. But how?
His answer came in the form of text message. His phone pinged in his pocket, and when he checked who it was, he couldn't help but smile.
Dumbass <3
Why are ppl taking stuff out of your home?
Are you moving out?
Dad is worried and made me move with him
Well, Fuck
And I had a plan to surprise you with cooking and a nerdy movie...
Guess we'll have to wait
Don't cry, babe
We can sneak you out.
I am an expert, after all
An expert?
What? Did you sneak out of your house late at night to go to some concert or some shit?
Like the rebel that you are?
Hell yeah,
I'm the disappointment your parents don't want you near
That's right...
You are a disappointment
Okay... Rude
Do you still want to help me with my body-art project?
Are you free tomorrow? It might take a while
I thought you were going to paint over me and take some pictures.
How long can that take?
A lot
We might get distracted~
And I want to reward you after such a long day of work~
I have a clear schedule on Friday.
It's a date!
"What the..."
School had just finished, and the teachers were just returning to their dormitory. Thought the sight that welcomed them wasn't one they were expecting.
It had been a couple of days since Tenko had moved in with them. The rest of the staff didn't see a problem with it. They knew the kid, and he was a polite and responsible young man. That morning, for example, he had asked all of them if he could use the Common room of the dorm for one of his art projects and if they were alright with somebody else coming too (Apparently he needed help with the project). It was a good change, though. Lately, the art student had been in a foul mood, ever since he moved. But that morning, it had been as if he was a whole other person. Oboro had been glad his son's mood had improved. He thought once he could focus on his art, it would happen. Boy, was he wrong...
When the teachers entered their new shared home, Tenko was there with a plastic rug covering the floor, some paintbrushes scattered around and kneeling in front of a half-naked person. It was definitely not what they expected.
"Oh, hey," the nudist greets them with a nod.
The sound makes the man kneeling turn around, revealing the other was not fully naked, but wearing underwear thank god and Tenko was painting near his crotch area. Aizawa, who was holding Eri and covering her eyes, and the rest of the teachers, let out a relieved sigh, except Oboro. He is still staring in disbelief and surprise, not understanding what is going on. Why is his son with this stripper stranger? Why was he so close to him?
"Sorry about the mess, I didn't know this would take so long," Tenko apologises as he goes back to painting on his live canvas.
Said canvas was a tall red-haired man with blue eyes who couldn't have been a few years older than Tenko. The guy had painted on patches of black ashy paint on half of his face, his neck, arms and shoulders. He probably had more on his back and legs, but the teachers couldn't see that. His front was left bare, but Tenko was making a weird patterns that were rising through his abdomen and chest, leading to a giant rainbow heart in his left pectoral.
"What type of classes are you taking?" Yamada asks.
"This is for my Alternative Art and Style class," Tenko explains. "Now, could you not bother me? It's a delicate process, and I don't want to start over again. Pretend we are not here," he calls them off.
The teachers do, and so he continues. Once he finishes with the chest, he takes a weird tool with a round end and dips it in water. He gently starts to trace patterns on one of the black patches, revealing a multitude of colours behind it. It's rather magical, seeing the colour come to life on the other's skin. Eri, who had become too curious and escaped Aizawa's censoring, even asks if she could try. Tenko lets her, and she does a small heart in the behind the redhead's ear.
An hour later, Tenko is done, and he and the live canvas start to take pictures of his work. The teachers are not paying it too much attention now, letting the student finish in peace as they grade papers, sometimes glancing back at them from the corner of their eye. All of them but one, who was too busy glaring daggers at the canvas. Oboro can't help but notice the weird tension between his son and the naked man. There's something in the way their gazes cross, and their touches linger that is making him mad. He used to be able to read his son like an open book. There weren't any secrets between them. But now, he is not so sure.
After a few shots with the guy spread-eagle against one of the white walls, the two left towards another room to take more pictures. Oboro fought against all his instincts telling him to stop them, to go with them, to not leave them alone for a second, and stayed with the rest of his co-workers and friends. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he had let his son walk straight to hell.
"Finally," Snipe sighs relieved once the two younger adults leave.
"Yeah, Shirakumo-san, you didn't tell us your son had a boyfriend-," Thirteen comments.
"He doesn't!" the delusional man interrupts. "That guy is not- he isn't- Tenko would tell me if he had a boyfriend, alright!?" he tries to convince them or himself, he isn't sure at this point. Shota hums by his side, in that ' I agree, but we both know you are wrong'  tone.
"Honey, the only reason why they didn't jump each other is because we were there," Nemuri goes straight for the punch, covering Eri's ears and giving him a little wink.
"No! No, no. NO." he splutters before going back to paperwork. Shota hums again.
They don't see Tenko again until after dinner. They were cleaning the table when the young man came down wearing a new set of clothes. Instead of the dirty sweatpants and tank top he used for painting, he had a black pair of pants and a black hoodie that was too big for him. The neckline didn't cover one of his shoulders and the sleeves pooled in his wrists. The hoodie also had a fire design on the back with blue flames.
"Hey, you missed dinner," Oboro tells him as he dries while Yagi cleans. "There's some leftover the fridge, if you want them," he tells him.
"No need, there's still some pizza left from my lunch with Dabi," he says and starts taking out what he needs.
"Dabi?" Yagi asks. "That's the name of the model who wore your art today? He seemed familiar,"
"Yeah, he's a professional model, maybe you saw him in a billboard or something," Tenko explains and starts heading out of the kitchen.
"You might wanna take another shower, Ten, you still have paint on your neck," Oboro points out.
"That isn't paint, dad..." Tenko grins as he disappears upstairs.
"Oboro-san! The plates!"
Saturday morning at UA always started slow. The weight of the week was still present, and the usual energy was not there yet. The staff of UA began their day with a quiet morning and a cup of coffee. Not all of the teachers stayed though. Some returned to their homes for the weekend, like Hizashi and Shota with Eri. They would take turns to stay with the students during Saturdays' and Sundays'. This weekend, Oboro, Nemuri, Snipe and All Might stayed.
"Fucking married fools..." Snipe groans as he arrives at the Common room.
"What are you complaining about now?" Nemuri asks, confused as the rest of them also come down.
"Last Night, Yamada and Aizawa," he grunts and spreads on the couch. "I know that they are married and that they love each other, but can't they keep it down?" he moans tired, making everybody confused.
"What do you mean? They left yesterday with Eri, they didn't even spend the night here," Oboro tells the hero, voicing everybody confusion.
"But then who were the ones having sex yesterday in the room on top of mine?" Snipe asks baffled.
"Sorry about that," a low voice comes from the kitchen. The teachers all turn towards it and find the model from yesterday leaning against the kitchen door with two steaming cups of coffee one was Tenko's favourite one, Oboro noticed and no shirt.
"What- Why- What are you still doing here?" Oboro asks, fearing the answer.
"My baby was lonely, and he never says no to Daddy's attention," Dabi grins and walks back upstairs.
"So, how long are you going to torture your dad?" Dabi asks his boyfriend, giving him the steaming cup in his new bed before he lays down next to him.
"For a while," Tenko hums and sips his sugar monstrosity he referred to as 'coffee'. "I'm guessing in a month, he'll finally get tired of it, learn his lesson," Dabi hums as he sips with him. "You don't have to follow along if you don't want to. I know what I'm doing is stupid," he says, lightly scratching his neck.
"Are you kidding me!? I love every second of it," Dabi chuckles. "How about on winter holidays you came to my family's home, and we do the same to my old man?" he suggests, a mischievous grin forming in his face.
"Are these going to be our dates from now on? Pissing off each other's parents?" Tenko rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's daddy issues.
"Hell, yeah. We are a team, aren't we? If you succeed, then so do I," he kisses him in the cheek, making the younger man's cheek turn pink. "Speaking of which, I need to leave more marks on you, babe," The brunette traces a path with his lips to the crook of his neck.
"Dabi..." the artist moans. Suddenly, the body besides him steps away from the bed, taking the heat with him. "No, don't leave..." he pouts and watches as his boyfriend rummages through his overnight bag. A second later, the taller male drops a dozen lipstick tubes on the bed and a box of make-up removing tissues on the bed. He then sits in the mattress again, in front of him, making the new objects bounce. "What are those for?"
"A game I know. Pick one," Tomura looks between the object and his boyfriend, trying to decipher what he was planning on doing. With a shaky gloved finger, he takes the tube nearest to him. Dabi takes it from him and spins it open, displaying a hot pink colour and applies it rapidly on his lips.
He is about to ask him something else, but he is interrupted by a pair of wet lips connecting with his. After his mouth, Dabi kisses his cheek then his jaw, his neck and collar bone before once again returning to his lips. He then separates from him once again and reaches for one the wipes, leaving Tomura panting. "Pick another one," he is instructed as the brunette takes off the pink lipstick. Without taking his eyes off Dabi, grabs another tube and hands it to him. The man on top opens the new one, a deep red, applies it and goes back to Tenko's lips. This time though, instead of continuing on his neck, the other dips down lower and tugs his shirt upwards. He starts to outline a straight line from his hip to his heart before returning to his lips again. "Another one and take that shirt off, I plan on making you a masterpiece," Dabi softly whispers in his ear before wiping off the make-up.
Colour after colour, Dabi stayed true to his word. His collar and neck ended up pink, his chest had three lines of kiss marks in red, purple and blue, his shoulders and wrists got green and yellow on his right and left and his crotch covered in black. He would start and end with his lips, making them swollen and full of colour. Dabi kissed him slowly and sensually everywhere, tearing him apart with every touch of his lips, smearing make-up all over his body. He felt his affection and care, leaving him breathless and dizzy. They didn't do anything overly sexual, his bottom was still sore from yesterday, though Dabi did blow him.
As the two laid next to each other after it, Tenko couldn't believe how happy the other made him. Dabi was his first relationship, and the man had been nothing if not patient with him. He let him set a pace he was comfortable with, teaching him the ropes and calming his anxiety whenever he got nervous. He even went along with his petty scheme. Tenko knew he was falling for the guy and it terrified him and thrilled him at the time. The fact that he could just be next to a person and be happy and content was new. He could stay in this bed forever, staring back into those blue eyes, and be in peace.
Suddenly, a phone rings in the background, interrupting the moment. Dabi huffs annoyed and picks up the phone on the nightstand. "What, Giran!?" he answers the call. "What? No, I'm busy. Can't you postpone it?" he says after a second. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But I'm with Shirakumo right now," he moans and sighs once he gets an answer. "Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll see you there," he hangs up the phone and sighs again.
"You have work?" Tenko asks him.
"Yeah, the photoshoot for that new perfume brand, 'Angel's Tears', got moved to today. They want to release the product earlier, to win against a rival brand," he explains annoyed. "I don't wanna leave..." he moans and hides his face in the crook of his neck.
"You can come back later, I don't want you to miss work," he tells him, stroking the model's naked back. Dabi groans in protest and cuddles closer, hanging on to hin tighter. "Come on, you lazy bum, get up," he tells him and tries to get out of his hold.
It takes him a minute, but he is able to get out of bed and go into the bathroom. When he is in there, he gets to look at the end piece of Dabi's game. His body is a battlefield of lip marks of different colours in a chaotic yet very eye-catching way. He had a lot of issues like a LOT of issues and his dislike for his body was one of them. But looking at himself like this? With the clear evidence that someone loved his frail, pale form, it made his stomach flutter. Taking advantage of his new-found confidence, he goes for his phone and takes a picture in the mirror. As the camera goes off, Dabi appears behind him, placing his arms in his stomach and his chin in his shoulder. He takes another one.
"I told you I would make you a Masterpiece," he whispers in his ear and then kisses it.
The two try to get presentable, or at least Tenko does, covering the lipstick with clothes. The make-up is dry now, so the wipes don't take much of it off. He might need to take a shower once Dabi leaves. Once the two are ready, they go to the gate hand in hand to wait for Giran. The manager is going to drive the model there, since he doesn't have a car.
They depart with a kiss and a promise to call the other once they're free again.
Once he is gone, he makes his way back to the small dormitory-apartment, where he sees his dad sitting in one of the couch with his face in his hands. Yagi by his side, was trying to comfort him. He ignored them, but he can feel their eyes in his back and neck. Especially on the make-up he yet had to remove. He is feeling a little bad for his dad. He knows it's very pitiful what he is doing. But he guessed for now he learned his lesson. He could back down a little and attack once he went back to his habits. He was prepared if that happened. Unlike his dad, whose strategy was unplanned and sprung in the moment, he had a hot-blooded boyfriend he could use as very effective ammo.
He took a shower when he got to his room, which took him while. The lipstick was a pain to scrub off, and it made him question how worth it would be to do it. But then he remembers how good it was to be kissed stupid by his boyfriend and how he would love to do the same to him, and thinks that maybe it's worth the mess. He steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist but stops in his tracks.
"Dad!? What are you doing with my phone!?" he yells when he sees his dad there, messing with his phone.
'Quick, Oboro, act stupid!'
"...what's a phone?" the older man utters. 'Not that stupid!'
Tenko feels like he's about to explode with anger. Screw going on the defensive! Screw his dad and his overprotective nurture! Screw being treated like a child or an innocent teenager! This meant war and his dad was going to relive hell on earth!
Tenko takes a deep breath to calm down first. He isn't wearing his gloves right now, and while his control is pretty good, he doesn't want to accidentally decay his phone or his possessions in a fit of anger. Or worse, his dad.
"I'm going to change, and then  you  are going to apologise for disrespecting my privacy," he tells him in his meanest and darkest tone. "Also, if I were you, I wouldn't open the camera roll," he warns as he enters his bedroom.
The scream he hears once the door is close is strangely satisfying.
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kpopboysreact · 5 years
Nameless Pt. 1 - Hongjoong Scenario
Commission for @dearhongjoong, a literal angel on earth.
Oh jeez there’s a LOT of cursing, guns, notes of human trafficking, kidnapping, all that good stuff. Yeosang also gets OWNED by Hongjoong so that’s a fun bit. Yeosang stans, this is not your fic. Yeosang stans, read this fic regardless because I love you anyway and I worked really hard on this.
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“Shit!” You yelled, quickly dodging a bullet that soared past you, a little too close for comfort. It sunk deep into the wall you were just in front of, sending debris and dust across the ground and through the air. You coughed and ran a clothed arm across your eyes, brushing them clean, before you whipped out your pistol and fired a shot back.
“Are you hit??” Junyoung, a man who was like a brother to you, asked frantically.
“Good! I’m supposed to be looking after you, and your dad would kill me if you got shot. So don’t die, or…don’t die, or I’ll fucking kill you.”
You chuckled. “Wasn’t planning on it, but thanks for the advice.” Your father was the mob boss of “Nameless”, the mafia organization you’d been wrapped up in since birth. Your goal? To take down ATEEZ, a brutal gang that laundered money, ran a drug kingpin, trafficked women, and terrorized whoever stood in their way. Your father had principles, ones built on the exact opposite of everything ATEEZ stood for.
“I’m good here.” Junyoung insisted. “Go back to the car, bring it around back and keep the engine going for me. I’ll cover you.” Junyoung fired a barrage of bullets as you snuck away from the firefight, only to run into the scene that would change your life forever.
“STOP!” You screamed, holding up your gun. In front of you, two ATEEZ members were hauling your father into their car. You aimed your gun at the leader, Hongjoong, the evil man you’d heard countless stories about from your father. Hongjoong, a menace to society, was the very man you were taught to shoot on site.
“Don’t even think about it.” The other ATEEZ member warned, aiming a gun at your head.
“Try me.” You growled.
“Y/N!” Your father called out for you. “Y/N, run! Get the fuck out of here!”
“Let him go!” You shouted. Hongjoong pulled your father in front of him and put his gun to your father’s head.
“Put down your fucking gun!” Hongjoong yelled. Your body was white hot in fear, anger, and hate. But slowly, you lowered your gun. “Drop it!” He commanded.
“You don’t want to do this.”
“I won’t ask again.” You reluctantly dropped your gun. “Keep your gun on her, I’ll get him in the back.” You heard Hongjoong mumble, right before he pulled a syringe out of his pocket. He held it against your father’s neck, then you screamed.
“DON’T!” “Listen to your father.” The other ATEEZ member spat. “Get the fuck out of here before I put one through your skull.”
“Y-“ You swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “You don’t want him.” Hongjoong snarled. “No! You really don’t! Think about it. I’m his only daughter, his only weakness. My father was raised learning how to tough out the worst tortures, how to negotiate, how to survive…all you bastards together can’t get anything out of him if you tried.” Hongjoong raised an eyebrow, then your father realised what you were doing.
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” Your father screamed at you.
“But…” You continued, your voice firm. “Me? Shit, what’s a better bargaining chip than your enemy’s only daughter?”
“NO!” Your father screamed. “JUNYOUNG! JUNYOUNG!” He desperately called for your companion.
“I like how she thinks.” Hongjoong said to his partner, a wicked smile forming on his face. “Seonghwa, I’ll get the girl. You keep your gun on him.” Hongjoong gestured to your father.
“Why don’t we get them both?” Seonghwa responded, lowering his voice.
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. “Think a little. We got his daughter. Is it better to have a puppet locked in a cage, or roaming around willing to do your bidding to keep its prized possession alive?” Seonghwa smirked, then aimed his gun at your father.
“Put your hands above your head.” Hongjoong commanded. You did so, begrudgingly.
“Y/N…” Your father cried.
And thus, your new life began.
You sat, hands cuffed behind your back, blindfolded, tired, confused, lost…
Has it been hours? Days? All you know is it’s been a shitload of blackness.
“He’s going to fucking kill you.” You laughed, a manic craze overcoming you. “He’s going to fucking kill all of you.” Suddenly, the blindfold was ripped from your eyes. The flood of bright light blinded you for a second, before you could make out a few people sitting across from you. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and one more you didn’t recognize. They only stared at you. “What? No welcome party?” The third ATEEZ member spit at your shoes, and you attempted to launch yourself at him but your restraints kept you locked tightly against the chair you were bound to.
“You’re disgusting.” You spat back.
“Me? I’m the disgusting one??” “Yeosang, calm down.” Hongjoong commanded him.
Yeosang just laughed. “Boss, she calls methe disgusting one.” Hongjoong nodded, chuckling. “Ironic, isn’t it?” Hongjoong’s expression melted into one of disgust, shooting daggers at you with his eyes. “Right across from the daughter of human filth, and she calls usdisgusting.”
“Watch your tone.”
“We’llbe making the commands around here.”
Another ATEEZ member entered the room, carrying blueprints under his right arm. He handed them to Hongjoong. “Here, boss.” You made eye contact with the new ATEEZ member for a brief second, and he almost seemed to hold a bit of sympathy towards you.
“Thanks, Jongho.” Jongho nodded and left the room. Hongjoong spread the blueprints out on the table in front of you and looked at you expectantly.
You sat in silence for a second. “…and what exactly the fuck do you want me to do with this?”
“Where are they?” Hongjoong responded, his voice low and dark.
“Up your ass and to the fucking left.” You tugged at your restraints, only to fail once again. “I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking about.”
Seonghwa whispered in Hongjoong’s ear, so you couldn’t hear. She might not know, boss.
Hongjoong responded at normal volume. “Might as well give it a try.” He banged on the table. “Where. Are. They.”
“Even if I wantedto help you, I don’t know who ‘they’ are.”
“The girls.”
“What girls?”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. “All the girls your fucked-up father sold.”
“Sold? What do you mean, ‘sold’?”
Yeosang chuckled bitterly. “You want to play games?”
“No.” You took a deep breath. “What do you mean, ‘sold’?”
“To those investors from China.” Hongjoong clarified. “We know more than you think we do. We know he’s moving the girls this Friday. That’s three days from now. If you have anyconscience at all, you’ll help us find them.”
“You’re saying these girls were trafficked?”
Yeosang and Seonghwa exchanged looks. “Yeah.” Hongjoong responded. “By your father. As always.” He shook his head. “I don’t know how you can live with yourself.”
Your heart stopped. “You…you LYING BASTARD!!!” You tugged again at your restraints and this time, through sheer fury, managed to break just loose enough to send the ATEEZ members back a step…which only led to Yeosang shoving a gun in your face.
“Put it down.” Hongjoong commanded, and Yeosang followed orders. Hongjoong moved closer to you, and looked you directly in your eyes. “I’ll know if you’re lying.” You resisted the urge to spit in his face. “What do you think Nameless does?”
You scoffed. “We stop youin your tracks. We bring order to South Korea, protectwomen from being trafficked by you, keep your demonic drugs off the streets…we destroy everything you work for.”
The ATEEZ members’ jaws opened ajar, and Hongjoong just studied you. “You…” He began. “You really think that, don’t you?”
Your heart began to race. “I don’t like what you’re implying.” “Then let me make it perfectly clear.” Hongjoong returned to his seat. “Your father is a criminal. He’s done all the shit you just mentioned, and WE make it right.”
You shook your head. “You liar…”
“You really never knew?” Seonghwa asked you.
“How could you be so blind to your own family business?” Yeosang chimed in.
“Get out.” Hongjoong addressed Yeosang, without turning to face him.
“Boss…” “Yeosang, just go.”
Yeosang rolled his eyes and left his spot next to Hongjoong. You waited for him to leave before you spoke again. “I can’t fucking stand liars.”
“Seonghwa, get my tablet.” Seonghwa did as was instructed and shortly returned with Hongjoong’s tablet. “Now, you can leave.” Seonghwa nodded and was on his way. Hongjoong unlocked the tablet and pulled up a recent video in his photo library. “One of my men recorded this last week.” He held the tablet for you to see.
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
There was your father, holding a gun to a group of women, screaming at them and demanding they all shove themselves to fit in the back of a truck. They looked malnourished, haggard, and scared. You couldn’t make out what your father was saying, but the scene was clear enough. You didn’t even know you were crying when Hongjoong spoke. “I’m sorry…” He spoke, and you were puzzled by the sudden sincere tone of his voice.
“How…how could he?” You choked.
“Please…” Hongjoong begged. “If you know where he took those girls, we need to know. We can save them!”
“I don’t know!” You cried.
“Hey, hey…” “If I knew, I would tell you.” You screamed. “I’ll fucking KILL him!” Hongjoong was slightly taken aback by your outburst. “My whole life…my whole life was a LIE! I was WORKING for that…that…that monster…”
“Y/N-ssi…” Hongjoong addressed you by your name, startling you. “You-“
“I want to help you.” “…you do?” You nodded slowly, and after a few moments, Hongjoong called Seonghwa back in the room.
“Seonghwa, hold your gun on her.” You grimaced. “It’s just a precaution.” Hongjoong approached you and walked behind your chair. He knelt down, and all you could hear was the sound of a switchblade sliding open. You squeezed your eyes shut, but instead of a sharp pain, you were falling forward, out of your restraints and out of the chair. Hongjoong quickly backed up, and watched you as you stood to your feet. “If you want to help us…” Hongjoong stood next to Seonghwa, facing you directly. “Then prove it.”
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lightsburnbrite · 6 years
Such a Thrill: Part 7
“I know, Mama. I’m sorry.” Karina held the phone away from her ear but could still hear her mother clearly.
“Karina, it’s Christmas. Do you mean to tell me that you can’t separate yourself from your school or work or whatever it is that’s keeping you from seeing your family on Christmas?”
She sighed before moving the phone back to her ear. “No, Mama. I had said my visit was going to be short because of an internship at the museum that I’m starting. I’m not coming home because I’ve got the flu or something and right now I can barely tolerate standing for longer periods of time so I don’t want to risk traveling. Or infecting you and Papa.”
Now she added a few coughs for good measure. Karina had briefly entertained the idea of telling their mother that Marius was being a complete ass to her but that wouldn’t really make much of a difference. She figured she was over exaggerating it, but Karina always felt as though her mother sided with Marius more often. He was fine to go about playing football and modeling but it was expected that she complete schooling beyond her Abitur to an advanced degree.
“Fine.” Karina could practically hear her mother’s disapproving look through the phone. “But I expect that your father and I will be invited down once you are over this…flu as you call it.”
“Yes, Mama. Of course.”
Once she had told her parents she wouldn’t be coming home, Karina felt like she could finally relax and focus on her own plans. While she was exaggerating her symptoms and her work load, removing traveling across the state definitely gave her a better time frame to work with.
After visiting a few friends, Karina set to work on pulling together a collection for a private collector. One of the things that she was learning through her collegiate career in studying art history was that there were two types of people who sought the services of a curator; those who adore a certain artist or piece of work and want help in finding it or those who look to build a private collection as a status symbol. Some fellow aspiring curators that she had met along the way had developed opinions against status collectors, but Karina figured she was not in a position to turn down professional opportunities. When her advisor sent her the request from a man who lived just outside of Bogenhausen which promised a large commission, Karina immediately agreed to it.
As Leon had thought, he didn’t have any contact with Marius until they both arrived at the house they were renting with a group of friends. When they did see each other, Leon smiled but Marius only grumbled.
“What was that about?” Michel elbowed Leon, laughing at the current drama.
Leon shrugged, Michel was more of a friend of a friend so he wasn’t going into any detail.  “I kinda broke up an argument between he and his sister and took her side.”
A disapproving dude came from somewhere else in the house but Leon couldn’t tell who it was.
It was later by the time everyone made it to the house and the group watched a movie before splitting off with some going for drinks and others deciding to check out the town. Leon felt like all he had been doing lately was driving or flying so he really just wanted to find a bed and pass out. Before he fell asleep, he called Karina but there conversation was punctuated by her own yawns so he told her to go to bed, knowing he wasn’t far away from that himself.
It almost made Leon laugh at how well Marius had been avoiding him over the week but inevitably, a busy ski lift meant they were stuck together.
“Why does it bother you so much?” Leon kept his eyes ahead and his voice neutral. “Do you think I’m going to be awful to her or something?”
Marius laughed blatantly at the thought that his concern for Karina was driving his disdain. “I couldn’t care less about what happens to my sister. But now you’re going to spend all your time with her and I really don’t want to see her anymore than I need to.”
“That’s kind of a shitty thing to say, you get that, right?” Leon glanced around, choosing to look at the scenery surrounding them instead. “I’m here now, yeah? I didn’t bring Karina with me so it’s not like I can’t spend time apart from her.”
Leon wasn’t going to mention that the only reason Karina wasn’t with him was that she had declined his invitation.
“She just doesn’t seem like your type.” Marius blurted out.
He scoffed at that. “I don’t have a type and I love your sister. Get over it or don’t, I don’t care anymore.”
After a lengthy pause, Marius cleared his throat. “What was wrong with Mathea?”
“Nothing.” Leon turned to look at Marius now. “It just wasn’t there for me. Look, I’ve thought Karina was cute for a while now but when you brought her around over the summer and I spent some time with her, she just makes me happy. I want to be around her all the time and that’s not something I could say about Mathea.”
Marius shook his head in disbelief. “But Mathea is gorgeous, she-”
“Are you in to her?” He couldn’t help the puzzled expression on his face, nothing about this conversation was making sense to Leon. “Talk to her then. You don’t need my permission or whatever.”
“It’s not…I’m not…” Marius stammered on until his gave his head a final. furious shake. “I don’t like it. I don’t want the two of you seeing each other.”
Looking away, Leon rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. But I’m not going to break up with her just because you don’t like it.”
The top of the mountain came just in time. Marius pushed off and moved a few strides forward before turning bak around. “So you’re really going to choose her over me?”
Leon had to force himself not to laugh. “I don’t want to, but if you’re going to make me then yes.”
Over the next few days, Karina met with Hans Friedrich to determine what exactly he wanted. At first, she was led into a larger open hallway that had floor to ceiling windows on one side and a huge blank wall parallel to it. She smiled to herself, it reminded her a little of Marwin’s study, before realizing that she had not thought of Marwin in a long time. Karina briefly entertained the idea of sending him a letter, letting him know that she was happy and wishing him well, but ultimately thought against it. Leave well enough alone, she thought.
Armed with the dimensions of the hallway and an almost non existent budget, Karina got to work in finding different pieces that would work well both in the space and together. She didn’t devote her entire time to it but she found it helped to keep her occupied while she was waiting for Leon.
Karina was working in her makeshift office in the back of her apartment when she heard her front door open. Thankful that she had taken her socks off and had better traction in her bare feet, she raced to the door and practically crashed into Leon as he was putting his bag down.
He let out a little “oof” as he soon laughed and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I missed you too, Mausi.”
Karina turned her head just slightly so that she could speak instead of having her face buried in his chest. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah,” Leon played with her ponytail briefly before he gave her a squeeze. “It felt like it was in the middle of nowhere, the landscape was beautiful.”
Closing her eyes, Karina sighed as she realized that she’d only have Leon’s company briefly before he’d be gone again. She slipped her hands under his shirt and let her thumb drag against the small of his back as she looked up at him. “Good. I’m deliberately not asking about Marius, just so you know.”
“Ok.” He laughed again before giving her the briefest of kisses. “I will say nothing about him then.”
Leon smirked when he noticed Karina frowning at the lack of contact. Leaning in, he kissed her again, only this time, he wouldn’t be satisfied with just a peck. Karina rested her hands on his face as she pressed her body against his, smiling as she felt his hand grip her backside.
A knock at the door elicited a growl from Karina as she pushed away from Leon and slunk towards the door. “Fucking…I just want to spend some time with you before you have to leave again and who the fuck is…”
“Relax,” Leon playfully chided Karina as he made sure he didn’t look too disheveled and followed her to the door.
Karina opened the door to see a woman standing with a small crate on the ground next to her.
“I have a delivery for Karina Müller.”
Karina stared at her for a moment. “I don’t understand, I didn’t-”
“Marwin Strohmann arranged for the sale and transport. I have registration papers for you to complete as the owner and her health records are in there as well.” With that, the woman lifted the crate and handed it to Leon before nodding a goodbye and walking off.
“What the fuck?” Karina turned around to look at Leon. “That bastard.”
By now Leon had opened the crate and was cuddling a fluffy ball of black, tan, and white fur. Finally, he looked back at her. “What’s wrong?”
“He told me, when I was mad at him because he wasn’t affectionate, that if I wanted someone to sit at my feet and lick my hand then I should get a puppy.” Karina softened as soon as she saw the puppy in Leon’s arms. “I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into it.”
Leon moved closer and held the puppy up to Karina so she could lick her face. “Maybe he just wanted to do something nice.”
Smiling, Karina took the puppy from Leon and then leaned against him. “I just don’t want to think about him anymore.”
That got a laugh out of Leon. He would have been thrilled to never have to hear about Strohmann again but he knew this was only the beginning. “Then don’t think about him. Think about what you’re going to name her.”
“Elsa.” Karina said definitively. “That’s her name.”
Leon stroked Elsa’s ear before she started to chew on his finger. “Why Elsa?”
“Didn’t you just tell me to let it go?” Karina smirked, as if Leon should have known better than to ask. “It only makes sense.”
They had planned to go out for dinner but Elsa’s arrival had changed their plans. Karina made dinner and then they watched some tv and generally hung out on the sofa. When Leon glanced at his watch and stood up, Karina tried not to frown.
Leaning over, he kissed Karina on the forehead before letting out a little yawn. “Alright Mausi, I’ve gotta be on a bus by 8 tomorrow. Time for bed.”
“How long are you going to be away?” Karina debated about standing, but Elsa was currently asleep on her lap. Eventually, she gently slid her off and followed him towards her bedroom.  
“About a week.” Noticing her growing frown, he placed his hand on the back of Karina’s neck and kissed her before taking a step back and smiling. “It’ll go by quick. And now you’ve got a little fuzzball you keep you company.”
Karina sighed and nodded. “I know, it’s just I put together a display for a collector and he was having a party to show it off. He asked me to be there and I was hoping you’d be back in time to go with me.”
“I’m sorry.” Karina didn’t even need to see Leon’s face to know that he was genuinely disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to be there. “Next time. I promise.”
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elianas-cozycorner · 6 years
Where Were We? 3 (Jesse McCree/Reader)
Here’s the longest and final part of this series. I apologize for taking so long, there’s been a lot going on in my personal life right now with me being a new DM for a D&D game, my art commissions have been taking off, and I’ve experienced some low energy levels in the past weeks. Nothing big, or worrisome, but that’s taken over most of my thoughts lately and I haven’t been able to focus on writing. I love you all so much and deeply appreciate the support some of you have given me. It means a lot. I hope you enjoy this and @miawolfo I hope I did justice in the conclusion to your thoughts. 
It is late here, and I hate the last half of this, but yeah.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, motherhood, mentions of neglect, mild language.
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You woke up to a creaking bed and gentle footsteps upstairs. Your little girl came running down the stairs, her footfalls rapid but soft on the wooden stairs. She practically threw you off the couch you seemed to have fallen asleep on, bouncing onto you. 
“Momma! Momma! Monster! Monster!” She whimpered into your stomach as she hugged you close, face buried so she couldn’t see the stairs. She seemed a lot less congested and much better than the day before, so you decided to let her get away with being out of bed. 
You giggle softly, a natural angelic sound according to your daughter. Jess had always been afraid of the guest room, calling it too dark and cold. She insisted there were monsters under the bed, in the closet, and that a ghost made deep scratches in the wall. Admittedly, there were scratches on the wall, but they came from Hagrid, a dog your parents had kept in the past. He’d been a big dog and the windowsill in that room had often hosted a cat or two, he’d made the marks every time he attempted to get to them.
“Honey, there’s no monster in the room.” You sit up, pulling her into a hug. “I brought an old friend home last night, he was hurt and that was the only room he could sleep in.” 
She looked at you with big doe eyes. “You his hero?”
You laugh loudly this time. “I don’t think so, but we can always check with him, can’t we?”
Gently, you grab her small hand and pull her to her feet. You stretch for a moment before leading her into the kitchen. She kept extremely close to you the entire time as you grabbed a tray putting an assortment of things onto it and set about making a quick breakfast; a glass of cold water, two ibuprofen tablets, a plate with toast and eggs, and some of the blackest brewed coffee you could find in your kitchen. 
You let Jess hold the end of your shirt on your way up to the guest room, seeing as your hands were occupied. Once you’d arrived, she let go only to hide behind you. You knocked softly on the door, calling out as a groan came from the room at the loud noise.
“Are you still decent!?” You called out, trying not betray your own anxiety at the situation. You’d left Jesse with his shirt and pants on last night, but if he’d been awake for the past half hour from the time your daughter woke you, then you weren’t sure of his current state.
“’M wearin’ a shirt ‘n’ all.” Came a sad, slurred grumble. Apparently, he was still tired and confused enough to accept the situation.
“Alright, two persons incoming.” You make yourself as loud as possible without scaring Jessica.
A pained, annoyed growl came from inside as you opened the door. “For fuck’s sake, keep it down.”
“Watch your mouth, Jesse McCree, there’s a child in the room.” You snap, placing the tray on the bedside table a little more roughly than you should have. 
It got his attention, however, as he shot up into a sitting position almost immediately. He seemed dumbfounded and confused as he looked around at where he was, recognizing the place immediately. His face dropped, eyes so wide you’d thought they’d pop out of their sockets. His jaw dropped, confusion and anguish taking over his face as he processed who you were.
“Y/N?” His voice alone would have been enough to send you into tears if you didn’t have Jessica with you. 
“Hello.” You tried to give him a smile, but it was wobbly with all the bottled emotions and anger you felt towards him.
“Y-you’re still here, eh? I thought you’d’a moved out by now… Outta town… New-” He cut himself off, staring at Jessica as if seeing her for the first time.
“New life, Jesse? Yeah, well, I tried and it worked for a while.” You watched Jesse take the meds and take a sip of the coffee. “This is my daughter, Jessica. Say hello, sweetheart.”
Jessica slipped from behind you slowly, eyeing McCree before deciding it was okay to offer him her hand. He took it gently, even more gently than her own father when he’d been around, and shook it. You’d taught her as much as you could about greeting someone and what to say, but she was often all over the place with her words like normal three-year-olds.
“Heya.” His voice was soft, weak almost. “Name’s McCree.”
“Mornin’ m-m-mister.” She replied before scampering back over to you; you’d expected her to say more, to babble about some random cat she’d seen on the windowsill, but she was direct and very, very shy about saying hello. 
You gave her a smile, gently pushing her towards the door. “Jess, my little dumpling, why don’t you go to your room and wait in bed while my friend and I make food for breakfast in bed, huh?”
“In bed because bed’s warm, a-a-and there’s buttons. B’eakfast momma, I’m hungry.” She rambled, patting her stomach.
You laughed softly. “Yes, yes. I know. Go back to bed and wait for me.”
She gave you a wide smile and dashed out the door to your room. She hardly slept in her own room, so you’d opted to let her call your room her room. 
“Where’s the mister?” 
“Huh?” You turned to find Jesse munching on some toast.
“The mister, sugar. You’re dear ol’ hubby.” He almost growled out the word, refraining, however, because you were no longer his and he had no right to feel the way he did. 
“He’s gone, he’s been gone a year now.” You sigh, embracing yourself and rubbing your arms.
“I’m sorry,” His face betrayed pain for a moment. “For your loss.”
You tried to contain yourself, but a short huff of laughter escaping your lips before you could help it. “No, No! He’s not dead! He ran off with some younger, “high bred” woman. Said the family life… that kids weren’t his thing.”
You studied the range of emotions on his face, seeing the anger. It still startled you when he replied, however. It was curt, to the point, and aggressive.
“That bastard.”
You let yourself laugh, a sound he found himself enjoying a hell of a lot more now. “Yeah…”
You’d lead McCree downstairs, cooking breakfast for yourself and Jessica while you told him everything; all the hurt he caused you, the emotions and the tears you’d bottled up, moving on, finding “The one”, having Jessica and what she meant to you, you told him everything. By the end of your story he was shaking, out of anger, out of fear, remorse, you didn’t know. 
And suddenly, he was down on his knees in front of you, crying. You were shocked, to say the least, and you found yourself wrapping him up in your arms, cooing and soothing him. “Aw, now, now, Jesse. Come on, come on. You’re alright, I’m alright, see?”
He started to speak and you had to decipher his wobbly, slurred words. He was apologizing, trying to set things right. He told you everything, on his knees and vulnerable, he spared no detail until both of you were on your knees, shaking and crying, and holding each other. 
“Oh god, sweetpea. Wha’ did I do to ya? Left ya all alone, and now some bastard gets the chance to be where I wan’ed to be but runs off on ya ‘cause o’ some goddamn stupid reason. You didn’ do nothing to get all that shit thrown atcha.” He took a deep breath, steadying his words. 
“Can a man get a second chance to make it right for ya?”
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