#his current face markings is supposed to be like Gabriel’s with a solid black mask and ears with white everywhere else
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donutfloats · 3 months ago
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From left to right: Lilith (she/they), Dantalion (she/they/he), Rosier (he/him), Andras (he/they), and Paimon (she/her)
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wttp · 7 years ago
Possible a short story where Gabriel has strong feelings for the reader male or female doesn't matter. And after he has already become Reaper, they cross paths in some way- maybe she/he are his next target?
(Pre-Fall):“This is the day” the gruff soldier thinks to himself for what is probably the 100th time that day. It´s been about a month since the infamous Gabriel Reyes came to terms with his feelings for you, and he´s been trying to gather the courage to ask you out, ever since then. And today was going to be the day it would happen. He had spent most of the morning preparing, making sure he looked as good as possible and going over what he wanted to say. Despite all of his planning, however, he was still able to feel his heart as it thumped loudly in his chest. Choosing to ignore his nerves, he exits his quarters and walks directly to the cafeteria. It is lunchtime, so everybody usually makes their way there after doing their training/paperwork. As he opens the doors to the large room, he mentally braces himself. He cares for you deeply, but still understands that it´s not guaranteed that you feel the same way. Pushing the doors open, he walks in as if nothing particular is on his mind, while at the same time secretly looking around the place trying to find you.
When his eyes finally find you, his heart stops for a second before it goes completely into overdrive. There, at the far end of the room, he finds you, talking to Morrison and laughing that sweet laugh that makes his knees feel weak every time he hears it. He is unable to hear what you two are talking about but judging by the smirk on Jack´s face and your red cheeks, Gabe thinks he has a pretty fair idea of the conversation. As he turns on the spot, ignoring Ana and Tracer calling his name, he lowers his head in defeat, as he feels his hands tighten. He´s once again been one-upped by the “fantastic and amazing” Strike-commander, Jack Morrison, and that thought certainly doesn´t entertain his now darkened heart.
Hearing the shouts from Ana Amari and Lena, you turn around, only to see Gabe walk out of the cafeteria. You notice his slumped shoulders and his lowered head and feel sorry to see Gabe so downtrodden. You try calling out to him, but it is too late, as you see the door close behind him. “I´m starting to think that this whole “Trying to make him jealous, so he´ll notice you” thing, may have been a bad idea” you hear from your superior at your side. You turn to Jack with a defeated look on your face, as you lower your head. “I just don´t know” you say, feeling more hopeless than ever “I think he likes me like I like him, but every time I try to talk to him he just makes an excuse to slip away. I just don´t know how to get through to him, and with his fiery passion of his, this seemed like a good idea at the time”. You rest your head against the wall, a dull thud being heard as your forehead meets the flat surface. “I feel like such an ass right now”. Jack only sighs before placing a hand on your shoulder. “Me too, to be honest. Look, he´s probably too annoyed to talk right now, so we´ll just have to find him later when he´s cooled off a little. Then we can explain everything to him, and you can ask him out”. You raise your head, the wall leaving a slight red mark on your forehead, and you actually, start smiling. As you and Jack join the rest of the team you make a mental vow to yourself that you´ll make this up to Gabe, as soon as you can get your hands on him.
Despite the determination you put in your promise, it isn´t enough to withstand the tragic events that unfold later that day. All thoughts of love and jealousy are forgotten, as an explosion rips through the Swiss HQ, officially heralding the end of Overwatch. You survive with a few scratches and a new scar starting next to your right eye and ending near your jawline, but your heart shatters when you learn about the deaths of so many of your friends. Especially the loss of Gabe lingers in your mind, as there were so many things you wished you could have said and wrongs you could have made right. But that doesn´t matter now. Nothing really does.
(Post-Fall):It was just supposed to be a normal reconnaissance mission in a small city in northern Italy, but of course nothing goes quite to plan these days. You had spent most of the day just walking around and looking for anything suspicious when you noticed that someone was following you. They were doing a fantastic job at it to be honest, but a mirror in an old antique-shop gave them away, as it clearly reflected their dark uniform. You speed up, walking through narrow streets and into large crowds, in an attempt to rid yourself of the unwanted attention, but your pursuer is persistent as they keep popping up every time you check. Seeing no other way out you make a snap decision and turn into a fairly deserted alleyway. Only problem is that that alley was deserted for a reason, as it turns out to be a dead end. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, so you slowly pull out your weapons, prepared for a fight. Despite your training and years of experience you still can´t help but feel a slight shiver as you take in the sight before you. Despite most agents never having met him in person, everybody knows about the man in front of you, the Talon-leader Reaper, one of the deadliest forces of the terrorist organization.
A calm almost growled “Well, what do we have here?” escapes the masked man’s lips, as he walks into the alley. You quickly raise your weapons, but your reactions are too slow as the bullets from Reaper´s shotgun forces you to drop your weapons, as the projectiles pierce your left leg. As you fall to the ground you quickly grab the stabilizer Mercy has provided you with and apply it to your leg. It is supposed to temporarily stop the flow of blood to a specific area of the body to limit blood loss, but the potential damage to the limp from being starved of blood makes it a very dangerous tool, that you were advised to only use in cases of “extreme danger”. Having applied the stabilizer, you look up from your sore leg, to notice that Reaper has moved near you, and is now practically looming over your downed form. Understanding that you have no way of fighting back, the otherwise stoic Reaper finds time to mock the supporter of his most hated enemy. “Any last wishes?” he tauntingly asks you, before waiting for an answer. When he receives no answer, he returns to his other main emotion: Anger. “Well, if you insist on acting like a brat, then at least take off that pathetic mask of yours, and face your death like an adult” he growls, raising his weapons. Feeling fed-up and tired of his games you snarl at him as you release your mask, before throwing it to the side. You then close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Your heart jumps a little as Reaper prepares to continue his taunting. “My, my what a pathet-”. His unexpected halt confuses you and you open your eyes slightly, in an attempt to understand the situation. What you see shocks you even more than facing Reaper.
The aforementioned Talon members arms are shaking and his voice stutters as he tries to speak. Finally, after having calmed himself down a little, he manages to utter the simple sentence “(Y-y/N)?”. Your eyes widen at hearing your real name spill from your enemy’s lips. After the recall, you choose to go by the codename “(C/N)” to avoid people like Talon finding out about your friends and loved ones. “How do you know my name?!” you question him, trying to keep the shock out of your voice. Reaper only emits a low dark chuckle at your question, as he answers “I should have known that you would crawl back to them. You never were very good at knowing when to quit”. You grow angry at the man in black acting like he knows you, and heave yourself up to a sitting position, before yelling “Who are you!?” at your opponent. “Who are you, and how do you know who I am? Answer me!”. Reaper raises his hand into the air, causing you to stop. “Who am I?” he says, slowly releasing the small locks which hold his mask in place. “I am nothing more than a shell of what I once was”
As the white mask drops to the floor, the sound of it hitting the ground echoes through the lonely alley. Behind it you find a thing unlike anything you´ve ever seen before. In your current state of fear and confusion, you could best describe it as a middle-thing between a human and a ghost. As one side of his face continues to exist as a constantly moving swirl of smoky black tendrils, constantly contorting as if they were sentient, the other side is solid and shows a face scarred by both time and conflict, yet still oh so familiar. The little amount of endurance you had left in your arms fades at the sight before you, and the upper part of your body falls to the floor. Now only able to raise yourself on your elbow, you barely manage to hold the tears that are threatening to fall from your eyes at bay, as you let out a low stuttered “G-Gabe?”. The man in question merely huffs at your reaction, before bending down and grabbing his mask. As he reattaches his mask, Gabe´s eyes fall upon his downed crush, as he prepares to deliver one last farewell. “Many people, you included I´m sure, look upon me and see a monster. I even find myself coming to that conclusion some mornings when I look in the mirror. I´ve grown to accept that over the years. I am what I am, and I will survive no matter what you people think of me. I´ve killed hundreds of people. Soldiers, agents, innocents, all kinds of different people have fallen at my hands, and I meet their cries with an insane man’s glee. I truly am a monster. I am fully aware that I already have my own parking spot in hell, right next to the devil himself, but I don’t care anymore” he pauses for a moment, to catch his breath before continuing. “I am a monster no question about it. Almost every part of my heart has been consumed by the utter darkness that is “Reaper”. Almost every part….“ He shakes his head “The last part of my heart is stubborn. It refuses to be corrupted. Filled with all of my old memories of friends and loved ones, and dreams about what I  would achieve some day. Dreams of what could have been. Dreams of you and me”
As he finishes he takes a big breath, before looking you dead in the eyes, causing you to feel as if you´ve been completely paralyzed. You want to talk to him. You want to explain what happened and how you felt about him all those years ago, but your lips won´t move. The situation has you so overwhelmed that even despite your heart begging you to say something, you just remain speechless. Gabe turns his head one last time, before telling you a secret that completely shatters your heart and forces tears to roll down your cheeks. “I loved you, you know? I truly loved you with all of my heart. But I guess it was for the better after all. Would be sad to see the flames in your eyes be extinguished by being tied to an old depressed blast from the past like me, right?”. Before you can even open your mouth to apologize for all of the sorrow and pain you´ve must have caused him back then, Reaper disappears in a large shadow of tendrils, reminiscent of those that make up part of his face, leaving you on the cold hard floor clutching your hands to your chest, as you whisper to yourself. “I´m sorry Gabe… I´m so goddamn sorry”.
You feel so broken on the inside. Not even Tracers worried voice over your com-system manages to wake you from your stupor. “He loved me” you think to yourself “He loved me, and I made it seem like I didn´t care for him”. You press your hands to your face, attempting to stop a new waterfall of tears from escaping your eyes, but to no avail. When backup finally arrives, your tearstained cheeks and raspy voice worry Tracer and Mercy greatly, but since you refuse to explain what happened they decide that you opening up about it will have to wait, as your leg is the primary priority right now. Resting your arms on their shoulders, as they help you walk back to the others, you make a silent vow to save Gabriel Reyes, no matter what. You failed a vow once, and it sure as hell isn´t going to happen this time. “I´ll bring you home Gabe” you mutter, too low for your friends to hear, “I´ll bringing you back, and then we are going to make up for all the time we have lost”.
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angstandhappiness · 3 months ago
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From left to right: Lilith (she/they), Dantalion (she/they/he), Rosier (he/him), Andras (he/they), and Paimon (she/her)
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