#his big eyes and teeny tiny nose and big elephant ears
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youboughtmeawall ¡ 5 years ago
me seeing baby yoda for the first time:
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me seeing baby yoda for the millionth time:
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pucker-sauce ¡ 6 years ago
Hello Again || Brackie
TAGGING→ Jackie and Brittany TIME→ April 30th, 2019 LOCATION→ Brittany and Artie’s Apartment NOTES→ Jackie finally returns to New York City after some much needed time away. A month in freaking Paris. (Side note listen to Maren Morris Make out with me right after or before reading LOL)
The trip had been invigorating, revitalizing and every other big ass positive word Jackie could think of. She’d left New York City completely lost and she was coming back a little less so. She’d met people who helped reawaken something in her. A love of the thing she’d always relied on. The thing that’d always been there in times of trouble and strife, dance. She danced more in Paris than anything else. Jackie danced, and made plans for her future, and danced some more, and flirted, and laughed, and told jokes, and was genuinely happy. She felt joy. And all the crap shit back home, none of it mattered for a while. There were things back home that did matter, namely those true friends that uplifted and loved her. No one more so than Brittany. Her ever connected friend who made every ache feel just a bit less painful.
When Jackie left there were things left unsaid. And though she spoke to Brittany nearly everyday, those things remained unuttered. It was hard to know where they stood exactly because Jackie, though in a better head space, was still a complete mess. Brittany on the other hand, was too awesome to let get wrapped up in Jackie’s mess but still too special to stay away from. All she knew is when she got off that Plane she was going to see the blonde.
The flight had been a little rough, which made the plan to sleep through a difficult one to stick to. By the time she’d landed Jackie was completely exhausted. She lugged her bags to her shared Lyft and headed to Brittany’s apartment.
Jackie dozed off in the car a couple of times before the Lyft finally pulled up in front of the blonde woman’s building. It was late in NYC so it was even later in Paris-time, and Jackie’s body felt as heavy as her eyelids. Her bags fell at the apartment door with a thud as she leaned against it and knocked. Artie was on the other side and she mustered up a smile before pushing past him. “Handle those for me.” Jackie gestures to her bags and smiled over her shoulder as she headed to Britt’s bedroom.
She walked into the dark room quietly slipping out of her shoes and jeans, before crawling into bed, snuggling in behind Brittany and letting her eyes fall shut. Jackie kissed the back of the other woman’s neck and hummed. “Hey.”
She was jittery, she had been for days now. It had been so long, too long. Since she’d last seen Jackie, who was on her way back to New York City. She looked at the text on her phone with a lopsided grin. ‘See you soon’ Granted, the two were in contact on almost a daily. Text, calls, FaceTime, Instagram. It was both constant and consistent, give or take a few hours in-between, but it had become even more apart of Britts daily routine than before the other woman had left for Paris, if that was at all possible. She craved Jackie’s attention. The compliments. The declarations of missing her...it made her feel so warm inside...something she hadn’t felt in so long...and historically only once prior. But everyone knew how that ended. Literally. The split between she and a non-titled Santana situation-ship, circulated through her friend group like wildfire. But no one truly knew how badly it hurt her, to feel so unwanted, disposable. That was in the past though. But even something like that, that she had been so invested in at the time, didn’t feel as good as this...whatever this was between she and Jackie. It almost made what she felt for Santana seem juvenile, laughable. “Girl what the hell are you smiling at?” Arties voice pulled her out of her musings, and she looked up to see him staring at her over his reading glasses, laptop resting on his legs. She rolled her eyes but the smile didn’t fade. “Why are you watching me, creep. You’re supposed to be working.” she nodded towards the computer in his lap before standing from her lovesac, empty water bottle in hand. “Look I’m just worried your face will get stuck that way, it’s been weeks.” He sassed. She squinted in his direction before chucking the empty plastic bottle at him. He squealed out a ‘Britt!’ as she quickly walked down the hall to her bedroom chuckling. “Mind your own business!” She yelled out, as she faintly heard him cursing about getting water on his laptop. She shut her bedroom door and flopped down on her bed, phone in hand. This time she scrolled through the endless photos Jackie had sent her, while away. Blue eyes traced full pink glossy lips on her screen, remembering how soft they felt against her own without followed rejection. Her fingers trailed her own lower lip as her eyes grew heavier. She turned on her side, setting her phone down beside her, tank top bunching around her waist. Just a quick nap, and maybe Jackie would have landed by the time she woke up...she could pick her up from the airport...her thoughts of excitement continued as she drifted off.              ———————————— “Mmm...” she couldn’t tell if she was awake yet, soft lips against her skin made it hard for her to focus, her eyes were still closed and she sank into the warmth of the body behind her. God those lips were so familiar. It felt like slow motion... lips caressing her skin. The velvet voice filled her ears and her eyes fluttered open. “Jackie?” She mumble. It was like hearing her voice say the name made everything clear. Jackie was back, Jackie was in her apartment,Jackie was in her bed,  JACKIE WAS KISSING HER FUCKING NECK. Be cool Britt-be cool She was screaming inside, but wanted to take advantage of this moment. She turned to face the woman behind her. It was the softest of smiles as she studied the face she missed so much. “Am I dreaming?” She joked, her hands finding Jackie’s face in the darkness. She didn’t hesitate, leaning in and pressing her lips to Jackie’s. She hummed against them, her body melting into the gesture. Her lips were demanding, dominant, caressing the other woman’s in a semi repetitive motion. Her eyes remained closed as she pulled away. “Shit....I’m sorry-I didn’t-I don’t...” she rubbed her eyes, still a little confused and lost in those soft lips. “I was gonna pick you up.” she mumble suddenly embarrassed, not know what to say. “I’m sorry.” She apologized again. She wasn’t sorry though.
A sleepy smile danced across Jackie’s lips as the blonde’s face came into view. A moment passed and she found herself lost in a sea of blue. “I don’t know are you?” She reached around and pinched Brittany’s ass. “Did you feel that?” A small tired laugh hit the air but it was quickly cut off by the softest set of lips pressing against her own. The tips of her fingers ran up the other woman’s spine as her entire being was taken over. An involuntary quiet moan escaped.
The grin on Jackie’s face as Brittany pulled away was knowing and assured but that kiss had definitely shaken her. “Why are you sorry? That’s my favorite kinda welcome home.” She pecked Brittany’s lips and shrugged. “I wanted to surprise you I guess. No big. I got myself here.”
Yeah she was surprised alright. Brittany’s eyes flutter closed again at Jackie’s returned peck, her heart thundering embarrassingly hard in her chest. She only hoped the other woman couldn’t feel it. She could hear her pulse in her ear, feel the subtle throb against her neck as her blood rushed to keep up. Her eyes opened again, watching lips that were just on hers moments ago, speak. “I dunno” she shrugged, she honestly didn’t know. For one she wasn’t sorry in the least. Kissing Jackie felt amazing. And two, Jackie had technically kissed her first, but that subject wasn’t exactly the giant elephant in the room, quite the opposite actually. It was a teeny tiny elephant stuffed in a pair of jeans with some loose change and lint at the bottom of her laundry basket. Or something like that. “I mean I’m not sorry for kissing you.” She blurted, but that didn’t sound right. “ I mean I am, but only if you are. “ She avoided eye contact, this was weird. She had imagined things moment in her head so many times, and here she was crumbling. “I missed you.” There that was safe to say, right? It was so dark and they were so close. Sure they had been close before, but now there was kissing and touching and B had so many questions.
Honestly Jackie couldn’t put into words how much she’d missed Brittany. She hadn’t expected it. The pull was such a surprise. She’d known that B’s apartment was the first place she was going when she returned to New York, because she literally couldn’t find any reason not to. There was no other place she’d have rather been. The moment she slid into that bed, wrapped her arms around the blonde and inhaled the undeniable Brittany aroma, Jackie knew she made the right decision, the only decision. Even in knowing all that, this couldn’t be a thing, because things for Jackie just let shit fucked up and that was a bad idea for both of them. So where did that leave them?
Jackie slid her hand under Brittany’s shirt and rested it on her hip a moment before giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m not sorry.” She gave a scrunched nose smile, and pressed her lips against the other woman’s, lingering long enough to steal a few more breathy kisses. She parted her lips to speak but nipped Brittany’s bottom lip instead. “I missed you too.”
It was nice, more than that it felt safe, and that was… Jackie kissed the tip of Brittany’s nose before rolling over, laying on her back, and yawning. “I hope it’s cool that I showed up. I really kinda just needed to see you, but I can get out of your hair whenever you’re sick of me, K?” She let out a soft chuckle. She needed to give Brittany an out. She needed to give the woman a chance to turn her a way.
It was close to impossible to think with Jackie touching her...kissing her. Brittany focussed on the soft hand as it disappeared under her shirt, just barely. Fingertips and palm so soft and gentle. She held back the urge to grab that same and and guide it higher. The squeeze made her instinctively move closer. Their bodies were pressed flush against one another’s. She could feel every curve of Jackie’s athletic frame and how it fit so perfectly against her own. Her hands rested on either side of the other woman’s neck, thumbs mesmerizing her jawline, and when she kissed her unapologetically, Brittany was lost again. Still unsure what any of this meant but knowing she didn’t want it to ever stop. Whatever ‘it’ was. This moment being so close to Jackie, feeling her soft skin, tasting her sweet lips, and inhaling her familiar fragrance, it was an eye opener to Britt that she hadn’t really been this close with another woman in months, minus a drunken make out session with Cam on her birthday. But even that was half assed and short lived. She could remember the guilt she’d felt, when she pushed past the bathroom stall. That wasn’t Brittany at all. She lived for a hot make out. Hands exploring, the taste of lipstick and fruity drinks lingering on her tongue. But these days there was only one pair of lips she desired.   She adjust herself as Jackie roll onto her back. Nestling taught against her, leg bent and draped over a different pair of long legs, her hand resting on a firm abdomen. “I’m glad you’re here.” She reassured, pulling the covers over them. “You can stay until you get tired of me...” she chuckled quietly, tiredly...but part of her still wasn’t fully enjoying the moment. There was still so much confusion. “..” she opened her mouth to speak, but shut it again, now wasn’t the time for question. She didn’t want to ruin what was currently happening. “I’m sure you’re tired...you can sleep.”
As she stared up at the ceiling, fingertips swiping back and forth across the thigh of the long leg thrown across her own, Jackie thought about how she’s back to reality now and it’s surprisingly… nice, but that didn’t mean she was dealing with everything. She’d wrote these postcards to Kitty and Marley and she had the letter to Puck still in her bag. She was trying to let go of all her shit so she could be fully present in moments like the one she was in. Jackie just didn’t think she could do too deep. Deep is what had her head on backward and her heart shattered. So she was going to ignore how fucking good it was to simply be wrapped up in Brittany, laying there very few words said, just existing together. Because that was too deep and she was too tired.
“Sleep sounds really bomb right now.” A yawn escaped once more before she turned her head ending up nose to nose with the blonde. “Yo, I owe you a couple surprises.” She smiled and pecked those lips again, she just couldn’t help herself.  “Something to look forward to.” And with a wink Jackie’s eyes fell shut. Though more sleepy words followed. “I’m about to be living my best life, B. I made a promise to myself, and that shit def means making sure my favorite people are smiling as much as possible. And that means you” Another smile appeared eyes still closed as she nuzzled her face into the pillow... “I may sleep for like the next 3 days though.”
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