#his apartment wouldn’t look as pretty as these ones bahahaha
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napuleh · 22 days ago
saw these gorgeous apartments in chiaia district on ig (this specific type of dwelling where it’s low level and opens up to the street, ‘o vascio/i bassi lit. “the lows”)
for reasons unbeknownst to me i hadn’t placed vin in ‘o vascio in modern times (1900s forward) but like it kind of makes sense that he would have been right there… this entire time. not in Chiaia specifically (because it’s an affluent area) but just in that type of apartment in general at least until the 60s
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prettylilparker · 7 years ago
moonstruck slumber
summary: peter parker can’t seem to fall asleep and like everything else, he assumes you’re the answer.
warnings: just a bunch of fluff because why not??
word count: 1.2k (a lot longer than my first one)
author’s note: the weather where i live has been too cold for fall?? like mother nature it’s not winter yet bahahaha, so i thought some people (myself included) could use something warm. so here it is :))))
According to the small black lettering displayed across the top of your phone screen, it was 2:14 am, signaling that you’d definitely extended all energy possibly left in you. You rubbed your eyes lazily, yawning, and finally ceasing to disregard the apparent exhaustion that you’d been ignoring for hours now.
You clicked out of Instagram, pushing in the button to turn off your phone and setting the device on your wooden bedside table. You rolled over on your small, but cozy bed, moving pillows here and there to settle yourself properly, preparing for the wave of sleepiness to drift you off into your dreams, probably (more likely that not) consisting of that sweet boy you happened to be completely infatuated with.
Coincidentally, the boy seemed to be thinking of you as well, the personalized ringtone of the song Peter coined as your love song playing.
Without thinking twice, your fingers tapped away at your phone, answering the FaceTime call and seeing Peter Parker’s pretty face fill up the brightly lit screen.
Peter had contemplated calling you for more than 10 minutes, just smugly staring at the picture he had of you in his contacts, a photo of him kissing your flushed cheeks while you smiled shyly at the camera held by Ned. He thought fondly of the memory, and before he knew it, he was ringing you, the emptiness in the pit of his stomach he felt caused by how much he yearned for you.
Oh, what he’d give to just be able to have you curled up in his arms at that moment, an aimless conversation growing between the two of you as his hands wandered your delicate skin, memorizing every inch his fingers touched.
“Oh,” Peter chirped, his caramel eyes filling with adoration the second your face loaded onto his phone. “I didn’t think you’d pick up.” He looked up at the small clock on his oak desk a few feet away, his brows furrowing.
“Love, it’s almost 2:20 am. What the hell are you still doing up?” Peter asked, a worrisome tone coating every syllable as he further examined your drowsy face.
“Peter,” you yawned, rolling your eyes playfully. “I could ask you the same thing.”
He blushed, running his fingers through his soft brown locks absentmindedly, a habit he had picked up from whenever you got him even the tiniest bit flustered.
“I couldn’t fall asleep and I was thinking, um, about you,” he said quietly, not looking directly into the phone.
“Then, why don’t you come over?” You queried, stifling a yawn with your hand, then smiling gently as Peter’s warm eyes immediately glistened with anticipation.
“Really?” He asked unsurely, wondering how he’d deal with the repercussions in the morning, also known as Aunt May or your parents finding him in your bed instead of his own.
You nodded, affirming the invitation. Of course you wanted this boy to come over, hell, you wanted to spend every minute of your life in his presence if that was even possible.
Peter fumbled with his phone, parting with a short, “see you in a few,” then scrabbling to toss on a sweatshirt. He opened his window quietly, afraid of waking his aunt, who he knew needed the rest, and made his way to your apartment.
After about 10 minutes, Peter appeared at your windowsill, panting not very covertly while wiping beads of sweat forming above his brow. You’d already opened the window, anticipating his arrival, so all he had to do was lift the glass up gently and crawl inside the opening.
“Did you run all the way here?” You ridicule, flattered by how devoted the boy, out of breath, was to you. He closed the window, turning to you and blushing softly.
“Maybe,” Peter replied, laughing and plopping down on your mattress, feeling immediately at home because of how many times he’d done that before.
The weight of the bed shifted as he laid down next to you, resting his head on your white pillow and rotating his body to face towards you. “So, what’s a pretty girl like you doing up so late at night?” He asked, his fingertips brushing against your cheek as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You closed your eyes, savoring this precise moment in time, the gentle touch of your soulmate sending you swirling into a cloud of immense, overbearing love. “Just appreciating life,” you replied truthfully, staring into his warm, brown eyes with the smallest flecks of gold you wouldn’t notice unless you looked at them up close.
“Do you see us together in the future?” Peter asked, while his fingers travelled down to the hem of your white cotton tee, playing with the fabric between his fingers, the cold of his skin from being outside transferring to yours with the slightest touches. Peter asked the question without thinking, scolding himself the second the words passed his lips, because you guys were young; only two teenagers, still learning about relationships and love and all-around life. He feared that his thoughts of his future didn’t align with yours. He wanted you by his side and he was almost certain that you wanted the same thing, but doubt and uncertainty still burned in his heart, wondering if this comment could destroy your whole relationship.
You paused, taken aback by the sudden depth of his question, pondering. These seconds of silence were terrifying for Peter, his eyebrows arched at his anxiousness for your answer.
“Honestly, Peter-” you started. Oh here it came, he thought, shutting his eyes tightly, in hopes that if he didn’t see you break up with him, then it didn’t count.
“I can’t see why it wouldn’t be you there at the altar with me,” you responded thoughtfully, causing him to let out a loud sigh of relief.
“Oh, good god, because I just thought you were about to split with me and that would be terrible, because y/n, I can’t help but picture you in your wedding gown, saying your cheesy vows that make me think how I’d gotten such an amazing girl, but with such a terrible humor, but I can’t help but love with every inch of my heart. Oh and now I’m talking too much bu-” Peter stammered effervescently, rambling as his heart beat inhumanely fast.
All it took for him to stop and breathe was you leaning forward, your lips on his as your hands grasped his chin to tilt his face slightly upwards. His eyes slowly closed, placing a hand behind your head and pulling you closer, as close as he could.
You pulled apart, his hand still tangled in your hair and yours on his cheek, your thumb running dainty circles over the freckled skin. “I love you too, Peter.”
“Good, because I don’t think I could ever stop loving you,” he confessed, both of you blushing at the sincerity behind his statement.
“Neither could I.”
After a few hours of meaningless, late night conversing, you found yourself snuggled in Peter’s arms, your head placed on his chest, listening to every steady heartbeat as you two drifted into a moonstruck slumber filled with dreams of each other.
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fizzingwizard · 4 years ago
Last week I mistakenly wrote “episode 41″ instead of “episode 40.” Tried to fix it, not sure if Tumblr let me. Here’s the real episode 41!
We’ve been on a pretty darn good streak lately, but this episode was a miss for me. It’s not terrible - it’s still far and away better than much of what we were getting in the past - so I don’t want to be harsh. It’s a much needed Yamato & Takeru centric episode, which I was excited for.
But one of the weaknesses in this reboot is that the characters just lack the strong motivations and inner conflict that drove the 99 Adventure series. It’s not completely absent, but it’s very dialed back by comparison. So I just couldn’t really feel the brotherly bond this episode wanted me to feel. But more below the cut.
Pic of the week:
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Yamato and his gentle face <3
The group is taking another break. I will never get bored of watching them just chill.
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Gomamon gives Jou a massage. On the one hand, cute! On the other, wtf? XD I mean wouldn’t that hurt? He has claws
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Cutest siblings.
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Even though they’re taking a break, Taichi, of course, is too responsible to properly goof off. (99 Taichi would be so freaked out by this kid.) He decides to go scouting and Koushirou offers to go with him. I really hoped we’d see a bit of what they do this episode scattered through the main story, but looks like we’ll get to it next week and I can’tttt waaaaitttt
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Speaking of the main story, Yamato and Takeru decide to go gather food.
Who even knows what the other four get up to. Jou and Mimi continuing their break makes sense, but I’m kinda surprised Hikari and Sora didn’t want to join one of the tasks, or do their own. I suppose they know they can’t leave Jou and Mimi unsupervised though hurr hurr
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So Takeru and Yamato go to look for food and find themselves surrounded by fog. Suddenly this little guy, Opossomon, pops out. I instantly hate him and his annoying squeaky voice.
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Opossomon takes them to his amusement park. He is sad because nobody comes to visit anymore. I figured Takeru would be like AMUSEMENT PARK AMUSEMENT PARK!! but literally all he cares about is “aw, opossomon seems sad, let’s give him what he wants.”
Whoever heard of a kid who wasn’t excited by amusement parks.
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Takeru does get a little excited once they enter the park and start going on rides. They get on the ferris wheel - a classic Digimon motif - and the brothers recall going to a theme park with their parents before the divorce. Takeru reminisces happily, but Yamato seems a bit more reserved.
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Takeru: Oniichan was scared of the haunted house and wouldn’t go in?
Gabumon: o_O y-you were??
Yamato: o/////////o
seriously Idk, I just love that he’s bothered by ghosts, bahahaha - pretty sure that wasn’t a thing till Tri, unless it happened in a CD drama or novel or something. Anyway it’s just, it’s just so perfect for Yamato, bahahaha
I am absolutely going to write a ficlet about Taichi, Yamato, & the haunted house now
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Then there’s this weird bit. They come across a merry-go-round and they remember that, on their family trip, Takeru tried to go on it with Yamato, but Yamato said no and Takeru went with their mom instead. That seems to be the situation but IT’S NEVER EXPLAINED. Why did Yamato not want to go on the merry go round then?? Was there a reason? Or he just didn’t want to at the time, and the reason he regrets it now is because this turned out to be their last family trip and there was never another chance to go on the merry go round together after that? I could totally accept that but it’s not explained in any way.
Unless I totally zoned out... I’m pretty guilty of that with this show lol.
But this is the kind of thing that bugs me... we’re supposed to understand that Yamato, at least, is feeling some kind of melancholy, at least. But we have so little background for it. We know Yamato and Takeru don’t live together and that they care a lot about each other. But we don’t feel the kind of bitterness 99 Yamato had, nor is Takeru anything like as clingy as his 99 version. They seem pretty well adjusted.
And, I mean, that’s probably the point. Plenty of children of divorce are perfectly well adjusted. Maybe that’s the reason the producers didn’t want to be as heavy-handed with the trauma this time - there’s more divorced families than ever and you don’t want to be guilty of suggesting all those kids are messed up because of it. I’m on board with that. But even in 99, the main reason Yamato and Takeru struggled wasn’t because their parents were divorced - it was because the divorced separated them from each other as well. Each parent took one kid. You can see how that would seem practical, except that kids aren’t furniture, you can’t just divide them evenly and call it fair.
So... yeah. This episode seems to want us to believe Yamato and Takeru are indeed struggling over being separated. But it’s so low key. It just doesn’t make sense when in every other interaction they’ve had, they’ve been fine. The only previous sign was Yamato being worried about protecting Takeru when Tokyo was in danger, and anyone would be worried in that situation - you don’t need to be from a divorced family for that lol.
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Back to busness - they come across... Xiaomon? Chowmon? who is annoyingly cute and helpless. Turns out, shock! The theme park is a trap! Opossomon is evil!
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And he has evil balloons! Evil balloons!
Yamato and Takeru fight the balloons but somehow end up creating more fog and get separated. Previously they’d also realized that their Digivice communication wasn’t working, probably due to the fog. I hope we see more of that in future episodes.
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Yamato hears Takeru’s voice coming from within the dreaded haunted house and ventures inside.
Here’s another bit that just left me like uggggh. Yamato is scared of haunted houses, so make it a big deal that he makes himself go in for Takeru! He has like one timid line about and that’s it. There’s no challenge here. There’s no stress. The whole encounter is like a minute long.
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He quickly finds out the voice was actually just a mimic coming from these Takeru balloons.
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And then Bakemon attacks.
Me: Now something interesting will happen, right??
Yamato: Nope.
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Meanwhile, Takeru hears the story about how Opossomon has been luring Digimon into his theme park and then sacrificing them to his Monzaemon statue thing in another weird example of this Digimon-eat-Digimon world we’re in Why Opossomon is doing this, or where Monzaemon came from, is never explained.
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Takeru also encounters his dreaded theme park ride, the roller coaster. But Pegasusmon takes care of it in a single attack lol.
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He fights his hardest but still can’t prevent his new friend from getting sucked into the void. This was another place where they could’ve stressed Takeru out, but he’s fine.
Ugh, I miss crybaby Takeru. The victories are more powerful when the challenges are steeper, what does this show not get about that?
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Monzaemon then becomes WaruMonzaemon, but he seems to be a mindless puppet ordered around by Opossomon. I DON’T GET IT BUT OKAY.
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Now Takeru does something really cool! He wants to save the trapped Digimon and he understands they’re inside WaruMonzaemon’s hole. So he willingly goes in himself!
That is SO COOL! Why isn’t it a bigger deal???
Why don’t we get Takeru struggling to muster his courage?
Why don’t we get real fear and worry from Yamato when he sees him go inside??
Yamato runs up right at that moment just in time to watch his brother get swallowed up. HE SHOULD BE OUT OF HIS MIND WITH PANIC.
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But he just fights normally. Shouts Takeur’s name, gets a bit of a power boost... that’s it.
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Inside WaruMonzaemon, Takeru finds out that the trapped Digimon are having their life energy sucked away by the balloons connected to them.
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Then he and Patamon also realize their own energy is draining away thanks to their own balloons.
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Yamato finally looks properly concerned, though it’s still like... not at the level the episode needs.
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He recalls the family theme park outing again, and apparently he promised Takeru that the next time, they would go on the merry-go-round together. The episode treats this promise like it’s a Big Deal, again without explaining anything like they never got that next time thanks to the divorce, or they’re so lonely being so far apart, or Yamato is obsessed with giving Takeru everything he wants... I don’t. I don’t get it. I can’t be moved by this nonsense.
why a merry go round? Maybe there’s a good reason I’m not thinking of, but I wish it had been the haunted house or the roller coaster. It would make more sense if Takeru were scared of the roller coaster and only wanted to try it if Yamato went with him, but Yamato at the time said no, and thus Takeru didn’t get over his fear and the roller coaster itself played a role in this episode both towards Takeru getting stronger and their brotherly bond getting stronger...
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Inside WaruMonzaemon, Takeru gives a speech about HOPE and HOPE IS IMPORTANT and WE MUST NOT LOSE HOPE and the other Digimon are like YES WE HAVE HOPE HERE’S OUR POWER and are able to channel their life energy into Patamon so he can evolve...
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... and Angemon appears. And I’m like, oh yeah, this is the Takeru episode. It’s supposed to be his episode. IT DOESN’T FEEL LIKE IT. If anything, up till this point it feels like a Yamato episode.
I mean, in the other episodes, the kids’ Crest traits mattered to various degrees. Sometimes they talked about it in words, sometimes they didn’t so much, but you could see the trait at play (uh, not sure how well that applies to Jou’s case tho...? lol). This episode gets to the very end and is like “Oh yeah by the way Takeru’s trait is hope... forgot to mention it before so lemme mention it ten times in a row now!”
If Takeru had seemed sad, scared, upset - literally any negative emotion - this would have worked, BUT AS USUAL HE’S FINE THE WHOLE TIME.
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Angemon wins, duh.
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And apparently it’s evening now??? They’re still gonna go get food. By the time they get back the other kids are gonna be like wtf where were you we are STARVING
So yeah, I guess you get the idea of how I feel about this episode. Just nothing special. It’s like a summary of the episode it wanted to be, if you know what I mean. On paper, everything looks fine, but in execution, it’s just... a lot of nothing. I mean compare this to 99 Takeru with DemiDevimon at the theme park. Or how about that fan favorite episode with Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon? Those both kick this out of the water, despite being no more complex.
I just so want this show to understand.... what made 99 Digimon good wasn’t just the monsters and the battle scenes, it was the kids’ relatable flaws and problems and the surprisingly organic way they learned new things and overcame obstacles. Digimon Adventure in 1999 had a way of teaching without preaching that is incredibly rare in children’s media. The modus operandi was pretty much let the kids be kids.
This 2020 reboot is not preachy - but it’s also lacking the stuff that made the 99 show relatable.
However. This wasn’t a terrible episode. At least it gave us some face time between the brothers. I’m frustrated, but I’m still glad that the show has overall been moving in a much more Digimon Adventure-like direction. And who knows what will happen in the end - I plan to rewatch the whole thing after the finale and maybe I’ll discover they were doing something totally different with Yamato and Takeru the whole time that I just didn’t notice, or that wasn’t clear until the very end. We’ll see.
Next week!
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My favorite Digimon, Raremon, appears!
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like I’m sooooo psyched for this!! I hope it’s good but I’ll just be happy to see the two of them working together. Taichi didn’t appear in the preview though, only MetalGreymon - not sure if that means anything. Regardless, my little Taishiro heart is pounding!
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