#hiroka jorei
loosesodamarble · 4 years
(Possibly) Silly Idea
If anyone remembers the class 1-B I created, you might be aware that they basically are just names and Quirks. There isn’t much to them.
I think at most I have the following ideas: -Tsuyoshi believes in “survival of the fittest” and is the type to categorize “Hero” and “Villain” Quirks. -Etsu has a dislike for aggressive/violent Heroes. -Hiroka doesn’t try to reign in her classmates as much as Fukue does and is lowkey an enabler.
Rather than actually work hard and flesh out these characters more myself, I think I’ll leave it up to my tumblr friends and the anons to assign appearances, personalities, and backstories to the students of class 1-B.
This can be done anonymously or through the submission box. Take your pick.
It doesn’t need to be complex. It could just be three or four bullet points of info. I guess the only rule I have is that none of the backstories can be involved with the students from the new class 1-A. This especially holds true for Haruka, the Moriharas, Kyouhei, and Terumi.
Other than that, do what you will. First come, first serve. If there’s a student you feel strongly about (for whatever reason) be quick to submit your ideas.
This isn’t a temporary thing. I’ll keep this going until all the students have gotten something submitted for them.
As for right now, the students who have been given backstories are Ayano, Arata, and Kemuri.
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loosesodamarble · 4 years
The New Class 1-B
So far, I only mentioned one MHA OC for a new class 1-B (Kaito Misumi). But I have made others. They’re just not that fleshed out.
Instead of making separate posts for each of them, I’ll just have them compiled into a single post with their names, Hero names, Quirks, and any other details about them if I have any.
1. Kiyomi Atsumi -圧身 気夜実 —圧: pressure —身: body —気: air —夜: night —実: truth -Quirk: Atmosphere (大気): Atmosphere grants the user the ability to increase or decrease the atmospheric pressure within a certain spherical area. The user does not have to be within the affected area, but they must be able to see the area they are affecting. -Hero Name: Pressure Hero: Ozone
2. Ayano Irowake -色分 彩乃 —色: color —分: a part —彩: color —乃: possessive particle -Quirk: Neon Blast (ネオン・ブラスト): Neon Blast gives Ayano the ability to start chemical reactions that rarefy and ionize gases in the air, causing small blasts. As a side effect, the blasts are colored depending on what gas Ayano targets. -Hero Name: Rainbow -Trivia: Her hair is dyed multiple colors. -Character info (by @loafingdragon)
3. Norina Utsuriba -移場 記奈 —移: transfer —場: place —記: record —奈: Nara -Quirk: Displacement (変位): Displacement gives Norina the ability to forcibly switch positions with a person or object that she has touched. She has a ten minute length of time during which she can use Displacement on the object or person she has touched. Norina can also have multiple targets to choose from, though she cannot switch the positions of two different targets; she has to be one of the things switching positions. Any momentum that the user and target have at the time of the switch are maintained. Norina suffers a great deal of motion sickness when she overuses Displacement. -Hero Name: Vanishing Hero: Transpositioner
4. Shinju Ezaki -江崎 真珠 —江: inlet —崎: peninsula —真: truth —珠: pearl -Quirk: Water Reach (水の操縦): Shinju is able to control a body of water so long as she remains in contact with it. If she removes her touch from a body of water it is no longer under her control. Shinju can convert water into vapor or ice, but she cannot do the reverse. -Hero Name: Aquatic Hero: Wave
5. Shinji Kaiden -嘉電 信磁 —嘉: praise —電: electricity —信: trust —磁: magnet -Quirk: Electromagnetism (電磁気): Electromagnetism allows Shinji to attract metal objects based on the strength of the electric current running through his body. If he can pass more electricity through his body, then they can attract larger objects. -Hero Name: Lodestone
6. Wataru Kina -季菜 亘 —季: season —菜: vegetable —亘: breadth -Quirk: Shifting Seasons (季節 シフト): Shifting Seasons gives Wataru the ability to transform his body and gain special attributes as well as increase his overall strength depending on what season it is. -Hero Name: Shifting Hero: Seasonal
7. Ken’ichi Kurogane -黒鋼 研一 —黒: black —鋼: iron —研: sharpen —一: one -Quirk: Iron Quills (鉄棘): Ken'ichi is able to use the metals in his body to create metal needles that grow out of his skin and can be thrown at opponents. -Hero Name: Spiny Hero: Needle Gun
8. Sayaka Sashiyama -刺山 砂矢加 —刺: thorn —山: mountain —砂: sand —矢: arrow —加: addition -Quirk: Thorny Devil (トゲトカゲ): Thorny Devil gives Sayaka the appearance and abilities of a thorny devil lizard. -Hero Name: Desert Dragon
9. Kemuri Sawai -沢井 煙里 —沢: swamp —井: well —煙: smoke —里: village -Quirk: Miasma (ミアスマ): Kemuri can expel a noxious smelling and flammable gas from his mouth. Eating sweet food makes the gas less effective while sour and bitter food makes it stronger. -Hero Name: Smaug -Trivia: Kemuri actually has a sweet tooth so he dislikes his Quirk a little. -Character info (by @nothxkas)
10. Hiroka Jorei -助霊 寛香 —助: aid —霊: spirit —寛: tolerant —香: scent -Quirk: Spirit Limbs (スピリット・リム): Spirit Limbs grants Hiroka the ability to manifest opaque limbs that she can use to grab objects, fight opponents, or guard from attacks. The strength of the appendages depends on the strength of her physical ones. -Hero Name: Helping Hand -Trivia: Hiroka is the class representative of class 1-B.
11. Banri Zei -勢 萬理 —勢: forces —萬: million —理: reason -Quirk: Push Back (押し戻す): Banri is able to push objects away from himself or himself away from objects. The Quirk doesn't work on living things and he can't push anything that weighs over 5 tons. Whenever he uses his Quirk to push an object away from him, he gets some slight push back. To reduce the drawback, Banri wears heavy, metal boots that greatly increase his weight. When he pushes himself away from an object, the object suffers no push back. He does not have to be touching an object in order to affect it. -Hero Name: Newtonian Hero: Third Law
12. Jishin Teshima -手島 慈深 —手: hand —島: island —慈: mercy —深: depth -Quirk: Seismic Touch (地震 タッチ): Seismic Touch allows Jishin to send pulses of energy through people or objects. To do this, she must make physical contact with the target. Maintaining contact with the target keeps the pulses going through the target. -Hero Name: Richter Hero: Shockwave
13. Yoshirou Todokou -滞岡 吉郎 —滞: stagnate —岡: hill —吉: luck —郎: son -Quirk: Stasis (滞): Stasis allows Yoshirou to touch non-living objects and temporarily freeze them in place. After the time being frozen ends, any force applied to them comes into effect. -Hero Name: Freeze Frame
14. Tsuyoshi Hatsumi -発見 強 —発: departure —見: see —強: power -Quirk: Vitality Burst (精力破り): Vitality Burst grants Tsuyoshi the ability to pressurize people's vitality until it literally explodes. The more vitality someone has, the stronger the blast he can create. -Hero Name: Rupture -Trivia: Tsuyoshi is the other recommend student in class 1-B alongside Kaito.
15. Arata Bunkinari -分岐成 新 —分: part —岐: forking/branching —成 formation —新: new -Quirk: Moose (ムース): This Quirk allows Arata to turn into a massive moose. -Hero Name: Moose Man -Character info (by @nothxkas)
16. Etsu Heiwada -平和田 悦 —平: peace —和: harmony —田: rice field —悦: joy -Quirk: Way of Tranquility (静けさ道): Way of Tranquility makes Etsu exponentially stronger the lower her heart rate is. In order to keep her pulse low, Estu takes medications to block her adrenaline. -Hero Name: Nirvana
17. Sekihiro Musato -武里 石仁 —武: martial —里: village —石: stone —仁: benevolence -Quirk: Armored (鎧): Sekihiro’s Quirk causes him to grow a metallic exoskeleton, much like an insect would, making him look like a statue of armor. He regularly sheds this exoskeleton to grow a stronger one. -Hero Name: Iron Soldier
18. Agatha Wyrm -Name meaning: Agatha supposedly comes from the Greek word ἀγαθός (agathós) which means "good.” A “wyrm” is a type of mythological dragon but also can describe a parasite. -Quirk: Virus (ウイルス): Virus allows Agatha to target infect anything with a virus to cause them to malfunction. On living creatures, the virus causes a target to feel sick while technology experiences minor defects. The longer the Quirk is in effect, the worse the condition of the target gets. -Hero Name: Plague Doctor -Trivia: She’s an international student from England.
19. Mika Watanabe -渡辺 美華 —渡: cross —辺: side —美: beauty —華: shine -Quirk: Light Leap (光飛躍): Light Leap grants Mika the ability to move at high speeds, going faster in brighter light. -Hero Name: Light Force
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