#hire balloon shooting
crying-wolves · 11 months
🪻 ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴀᴛʀᴇ ᴇᴍᴘʟᴏʏᴇᴇ!ᴀʙʙʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ 🪻
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cw: 18+ MDNI!!! little bit of richgirl!abby, anxious!abby, little bit of loser!abby but i’ll let you be the judge of that, alt!reader, reader w/ tattoos + piercings, reader doesn’t care about their job, abby and reader are, like, 18 - 20, mostly fluff, petty theft, minor drug use (abby and reader get a teensy bit high), nsfw under the cut!
a/n: this is ENTIRELY self-indulgent cause i work at the movies and i think i would've liked my job better if Abby was there with me :) thank u so much for reading i love u so much i hope u enjoy <3
wc: 1.3k (a lot longer than i was expecting pls forgive me)
not proofread! im so eepy
dividers by @cafekitsune !
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🪻movie theater employee!abby whose family is, as she likes to put it, ‘relatively well off’, so she’s never had to get a summer job before… 
…but when her father emails her an application from their local theater, going on and on and on about how she could manage to learn a thing or two about responsibility and time management and a hundred other things she’s apparently lacking in, she doesn’t see any other option but to piece together a meager resume and send it in.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who gets a response back almost immediately, because they’re just that desperate for new hires.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who shows up to her interview the next week in pressed black dress slacks and a perfectly ironed blue button-up, only to be met with the hiring manager’s tattered black jeans and stained work shirt.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s nervous as fuck during the interview and thinks that she’s taking too long to answer simple questions and tripping over her words, but the manager hires her on the spot, in like, 10 minutes.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who calls her dad on the ride back home to tell him the good news, is met with balloons that say ‘congrats!’ in big sparkly letters on the front and her favorite take-out when she steps through the front door.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who arrives on her first day on the job 20 minutes early. Spotless, bustling with excitement, and so, so unprepared to deal with all that’ll happen in the day.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who is introduced to you, after you arrive 10 minutes late, fruity energy drink in hand and sunglasses still hanging on the tip of your nose as your new trainee.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who initially thinks she’ll evaporate in the stuffy heat behind the concessions counter, suddenly feels an icy-cool wave move through her body when you shoot her a lopsided smile.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who can hardly hear a word you say as you explain what all the buttons on the register screen do… 
…‘cause she’s too focused on the way your work pants cling to your thighs and flare out at the bottom. on the pretty tattoos sneaking up and down your right arm. on the shiny lip ring that a part of her strangely wants to lick at–
🪻movie theater employee!abby who squeaks out a “yep, yeah! uh, got it!” when you ask her if she has any questions.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who definitely does not got it. Not one fuckin’ bit.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who fucks up a whole lot, at first, and manages to oversalt a batch of popcorn, stock too much of the same candy, overcharge 3 separate customers, spill a strawberry soda all over the counter, get scolded by 2 old men, and burn herself on the hotdog grill.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who smells like butter and exhaustion by the end of her 4 hour shift, but brightens up when you tap a star-shaped sticker onto her shirt and mumble out an amused “see you tomorrow, trainee.”
🪻movie theater employee!abby who realizes she has to do this all tomorrow again and lets out a shaky sigh on the way back to her car
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s slowly getting the hang of it after a few weeks at the theater…
…getting compliments from customers, multitasking between different orders, knowing the back room as well as she does the flavors of the drinks you silently sip during your shifts.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s a little enthralled by you, even if you don’t really notice it.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s too afraid to ask for your number, so scours instagram for your contact instead.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who throws her phone across her bedroom when you finally follow her back one night.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who super smoothly asks you when you’re working so she can try to arrive at her shifts when you go on break.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who freezes up when you invite her over to the park bench in front of the theater and offer her some cajun fries and a hit from your cart.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who takes you up on both offers, because she’s starving and she wants you to think she’s cool.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who takes a bigger hit than you were expecting and is a little confused when you giggle at her sudden coughing.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who spends the next 7 hours of her shift trying to act normal, but sees you trying not to bust out laughing in the corner of her eye every few minutes.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who gets a lot closer to you after that…
…who watches you undercharge a frazzled mother on her kid’s birthday, and doesn’t say anything to the supervisor. who sees you swipe a few chocolate bars from the candy cart to give to a group of kids in the arcade. who is certain of your favorite slushie flavor because your lips are always some different color everytime you come back from your too-long bathroom breaks.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who argues about which book-to-movie adaptation is the absolute best when the day’s going by slowly.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who sneaks into different showrooms where the movie has already been playing for a while with you so you guys can guess what’s happened in the plot before.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who hides with you in the stockroom to take a break from the yelling customers and screaming kids every once in a while.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who traces the outlines of your tattoos, all heart-eyed while she’s listening to you talk about the new superhero movie that just came out a week ago.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who places a hand at the small of your back when she has to squeeze by you to grab a bucket of popcorn for a customer.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who gets a little green with jealousy when a customer compliments your piercings or makes a joke that really isn’t that funny to begin with, but you laugh anyways cause you’re required to be cordial with them.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s so stupidly thrilled when you kiss her after a rough closing shift and can hardly breath when she climbs into her car to drive herself home.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who is so very happy that her dad convinced her to get this stupid job in the first place.
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🪻movie theater employee!abby who lets you eat her out in the tiny bathroom stall in the women’s room on nights when the theater is dead… 
…your left hand squeezing at her tits, your right stretching her left leg over your shoulder. She looks down at you, panting, shuddering, trying and failing to conceal the little huffs and content sighs that fall from her lips every time your tongue swipes against a particularly sensitive spot.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who makes out with you in the backseat of her car when your breaks coincide, and whines in pleasure as you grind your clothed cunt against her covered thigh.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who can feel her hand start to shake and her throat go dry as she scurries to the back when you call her from your bedroom, voice all pitched-up and needy, while on your day off. Words strained and quickening wet sounds coming from your background.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who almost gasps when you two are the only ones working the concessions counter and she feels your hand slide from her lower back to squeeze her ass.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who’s obsessed with the way you watch her expressions as you slowly finger her in the empty break room.
🪻movie theater employee!abby who hates that she won’t see you until next summer, but has a million different secret pictures and texts from you that she has saved in a locked file on her phone to get her through the year <3
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scribble-dee-vee · 2 months
Heyyy I just got here and am already obsessed with LL and the boys. I've come for the ask game. If you have the time/energy I'd like answers for both >:]
Cecelia sounds like such a badass I'll be back to bother you about her later :>
Omg hiii!! Ty for the ask (and reblogs – I see u). I'm glad u r fond of the lads. Cecelia is in fact a badass and I do in fact love her and I would in fact talk about her at any time. Ur Western/cowboy/eldritch WIP sounds like it goes EXTREMELY hard, and I will for sure be bugging you about it as well 🫡
Prompt list is over here!
Responses are predictably long, so I stuck em underneath a cut. Also, tagged content warnings.
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
I answered this one for Dale over here! TL;DR parties are a constant in Dale's life. He generally views them as a vector for political/social gain rather than something to attend for funsies. Charles emphatically DOES NOT like parties, because A.) he doesn't like people, B.) he's some flavor of neurodivergent, and B.) he had a TERRIBLE childhood with few chances to practice conventional social interaction. At the beginning of Lost Letters, Jamie ropes him into attending a party at the Rosehip Club for tactical reasons. He meets Dale, who drags him along to subsequent events. He complains about this for the entire book, but what is he supposed to do? Not spend every single waking moment with his bf??
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
OH BOY, do these lads have scary memories!! Several come up within Lost Letters, so these are slightly spoilery. Oh, well. When Dale was thirteen, a highwayman (or hired assassin?) nearly murdered him and Rosalind. They were on their way to boarding school. He stopped their carriage and put a knife to Rosalind's throat. One of her guardsmen rescued them by shooting the attacker, but things got pretty dicey for a minute. In moments of panic, Dale can still feel the splatters of blood and brain matter on his face. Eugh. Charles has many traumatic memories. He was abducted into the cyborg force as a child; he still fears Imperial doctors and the mysterious warren of caves beneath the palace. There's one particular instance that stands out in his mind, but I can't reveal the whole story here – it's highly plot-relevant, hehe. It resulted in his bionic eye and the metal chunk of his skull.
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Dale is a hot, wealthy Goldenheart and lineal descendant of the Queen. He can get away with murder. He doesn't concern himself very much with rules, but he does try to keep a clean record – anything else would threaten his claim to the throne. For the most part, Dale benefits greatly from the oppressive, corrupt legal system of his world. He sits at the top of the City's social order. (Asterisk. Dale's queerness, and his illegitimate Leadenheart sister, certainly complicate his social positionality. But that's a can of worms we don't have time to open now.) Charles lowkey IS the law – he's a junior member of the Imperial military. He's a cyborg and a Goldenheart, which means that he's pretty high up in their Order. However, he's still an apprentice until the end of Lost Letters, which means he doesn't have a formal rank. He attends palace schooling/training and sometimes conducts one-off missions to kill mages. He's an excellent tracker. Charles' mentor is General Dmitrius Fenway, the guy who leads the entire dang force, so that's a big deal! It definitely means that Charles will graduate to a prestigious rank, and probably means that he'll be a prominent leader someday. However, Charles is not Dmitrius' favorite apprentice – that would be Charles' sister, Cecelia. This whole fucked-up little family dynamic is complicated. Charles is a sensitive person, and despite the lifelong brainwashing, he feels a little iffy about the whole "forced military service" thing. When he leaves to attend college, with the Queen's personal permission, these feelings only grow; he sees the world outside the Imperial echo chamber, and it allows him to recognize the deplorable implications. Cecelia, on the other hand, is SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC about serving the force. She has never left, and she craves validation for her skill. However, she's also a girl; women soldiers are less common and less respected in this pseudo-Victorian dystopia. (I should probably clarify that Lost Letters deals HEAVILY with oppressive gender roles, misogyny, and fascist ideology. It's not intended to be a light read or a conventional romance.)
Ty for reading the HIGH wall of text, hehe. Love sharing ✨ fucked up character lore ✨
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Might be time to look into some small sponsorships from some sweets shops for both Ann and Rise
"Are you -uuuuurp- sure about this Ann?" Rise said as she rubbed her bloated belly, groaning as she tried to calm down the beast after making it suffer with so many candies.
"Absolutely! C-Come on Rise, didn't you say that you wanted the huge Risette comeback? Well, we first gotta start small, you know? A few sponsorships here and there, let people remember we're still in the showbiz, I'm pretty sure companies will go crazy after that"
Much like Ann expected, as her waistline grew, the offers for fashion magazines and just ads in general went down. This, however, was something that further emphasized her excitement for her gain. Going from the hottest model in the agency, one that had to constantly decline offer after offer from all kinds of shady companies who just wanted to use her body as a selling tool; to now barely even finding any agency who might want to work with her, having outgrown the size limit for "thick" and get into the downright "fat" territory.
Sometimes she would even contact agencies directly, send them pictures of herself, knowing fully well that they would reject her. The excitement she got from knowing she wouldn't be allowed to was simply intoxicating. And for as much as she didn't want to admit it... The same was true for Rise.
Watching her roommate ballooning alongside her, watching her get less and less business calls, it was an experience unlike any other... still, she did feel a little bad, so she decided to look for other things they could do, something that could kill two birds in one stone, and well, what better way to do it than by working with a candy agency?
The candy was cheap, the type that didn't really put much thought about how much sugar or calories they put in their product. A company that was kind of out of the loop and thought that hiring Ann Takamaki and the Risette for such a cheap price was a jackpot. The favorite kind of brand deal for Ann.
"I know, but we have been recording this AD for an hour, and you always -uuuuuuurp- tell me to stop after the scene of us eating the candies. I think my sugar rush just became a sugar crash"
Rise pouted as she rubbed her tummy and readjusted her bra, the damn thing kept moving and moving. The elastics must have been worn-out with how loose it was getting.
"Well, that's the most important -bwaaaaaarp- part, we have to sell the candy well. Come Rise, I thought you were a perfectionist in commercials. Come on, let's give it another shot"
"Ugh, ok"
Rise groaned as she sluggishly rose from her seat and adjust her bikini, changing her weary face to one filled with joy and happiness. She truly was a master in acting.
"3...2...1... Hi, I'm Ann Takamaki"
"And I'm Risette!"
"You might know us from our many many live performances and photo-shoots. But there is one thing you might not know about us"
"We are two girls with a massive sweet tooth, we just can't resist candy!"
"Well, that's a lie, I mean, look at us, we obviously can" Ann said, purposefully facing Rise and moving closer so their bellies would smoosh together. "But there is on candy we can't at all"
"Lulu's Lardycups. I swear, if my manager didn't ban it from the studio, I would spend all day eating it."
"Well, funny you mention that Risette. I just so happen to have a bowl right here!" Ann said as she picked up a bowl from a table off-screen
Immediately, both women started going ham on the sweets, devouring every single one of them until the bowl was empty.
"Jeez Takamaki, I guess I'm going to have to call you Pigkamaki if you keep eating like that"
"I just can't resist it, Lulu's Lardycups are so good, even us models can't resist a snack... Nah nah, cut! We didn't sell them well enough. Let's start from scratch Rise"
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big-boah-2 · 1 year
Y'all I had a WILD RED DEAD DREAM last night. Vivid AF.
It was first person where everything happened like normal except it was modern day AU, but there were no cars, only horses. That's the only difference. Everything was kind of steampunk.
There was a safehouse in Valentine, a decent abandoned house near Horseshoe Overlook where Sadie, Arthur, and I met up after Micah escaped Beaver Hollow (Arthur didn't have TB.) After a few peaceful days the Pinkertons descended upon us, there was a bloodbath, we shot a bunch of guys and escaped on horseback up north to Canada. Arthur spun a yarn just like Hosea and we were able to get in via the Amtrak in the middle of nowhere, north North Dakota.
I vividly remember passing parks and going into a city and seeing the houseless folks and being like "I hope there's beaches or something here because we will be houseless and jobless, which is fine but shitty that I can never see my partner or family again being a national fugitive and all."
We depart the train and go separate ways. Sadie goes to some guys house that she knows, Arthur is bumming it on the street, and I'm pretending I'm a journalist studying nature/doing photography for National Geographic (I just realized I might've been Albert Mason???)
So eventually we all get caught like 2 weeks later and get sent to prison. Somehow it's a mixed gender prison bc Canada made sense in my dream I guess. Somehow Sadie got out on a technicality during her arrest (know your rights!) and then she helped me and Arthur escape from prison like in the game but no hot air balloon just a hole under the fence lol!
We somehow get back over the border into America in the middle of nowhere and I remember being like "How the hell are John and Abigail owning a HOUSE and not on the RUN this is crazy???" Because we see his and Arthur's Wanted posters in the first town. We decide it's safer to split up again. I debate seeing my partner back near Valentine, Sadie decides to to back to the safehouse (why, I don't know.)
So a few months go by, I'm working on a ranch Jim Milton style in Montana. Sadie shows up on her horse and is like "I need help, I've been living with Jake's friend in Valentine because the safehouse is being occupied by none other than Agent Milton as a trophy." For some reason I think it's a good idea to help her because I'm itching and bored. We have no idea where Arthur is.
So we go back to the house, which I just realized is the safehouse from Detroit: Become Human where that awesome Black lady runs the hideout. Milton is there reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and Sadie shoots him through the window, headshot, he's dead. We bury the body a ways away and celebrate and make it our home again feeling safe.
A week later, Arthur shows up, after hearing Milton was dead. Apparently Sadie is like... running Valentine instead of the O'Driscolls at this point with some kickass gal pals which is why I felt so safe. Arthur is a hot mess, he's been a gun for hire all over New Hanover like the very smart man Arthur is... /s
But we're so happy to have him back. And the peace lasts a few weeks, then Micah shows up. And were like Jesus Christ just what we need. He tells us to join his and Dutch's gang at Mount Hagen otherwise he's going to kill us there and then. He was all happy and thanking us for killing Agent Milton and the other Pinkertons after Beaver Hollow. It was gross. Micah in first person IRL in a VIVID DREAM where I could see his PORES, y'all it was nasty.
We roll our eyes and agree to join to get him out of our hair, but he takes Arthur in the kitchen area and tells us to stay put. Of course we don't stay put, Sadie notices Micah has one of those red guns to Arthur's stomach and is hissing at him about how he's a traitor and Dutch has plans for him and how he was gonna go baaaad things to Sadie. I was going to kill him after that statement, but Sadie whacked him over the head with an oil lamp that was on the kitchen table. Micah just laughs but he's covered in oil. Arthur stumbles back to the living room in shock, Sadie throws another oil lamp down from the top of the fireplace and yells at us to get outside.
Micah is laughing maniacally and the place smells of gas and I know what's about to happen. Sadie lights a match, throws it at Micah, and we all dive off the front porch before the place goes up in flames. Why she couldn't have just shot him and why she ruined our safehouse?? I don't know. We hid in the woods behind the house near Horseshoe basically and I'm missing my partner really bad, Arthur is so tired of all this he's also got gray hair and is 1911 Arthur now lol.
The next morning, our little camp is surrounded by Pinkertons and we decide to just give up and surrender. But Sadie isn't going down without a fight. The Pinkertons kill Arthur and I mourn for .2 seconds before Sadie quickdraws and shoots 3 Pinkertons. I just split into the woods during the chaos, and I hear footsteps behind me so I know it's over. But then it's silent and I hear Sadie whispering like, "Don't worry my friends in town will take care of it."
Turns out she's the new Colm O'Driscoll. I was like fucking WHAT.
So we go to Six Point Cabin and there's like 15 O'Driscolls she's bossing around and they treat her like a queen. I'm treated like a king too. Then my now ex-partner shows up and looks slightly different from IRL but he doesn't talk to me, pretends that I'm invisible and it was heartbreaking. He talks to one of the O'Driscoll guards, then turns to me and says, "I just wanted to see if you were alive. Now I see you are, and that must be unfortunate." And walks away?? I was like wtf you dick but I was wrecked.
Shortly after, the O'Driscolls protect us from the Pinkertons that show up. I hear a helicopter and I'm like "Here comes the damn drones" out loud.
And then I woke up. Writing it down, I just realized I'm pretty sure my partner was a 🐀🐀🐀
That's it, that's the dream!
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin III Chapter 87 Review
Ok so even though fujiko and lupin were trapped on the air balloon way above the stratosphere last chapter that doesnt matter i guess because they just somehow came back on land in this chapter its ok its lupin continuity it doesnt matter that much
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So now Zenigata appears finally! Can't have the last arc not have him
He's hired by the president to protect him from Lupin, and he then gets a distress call faked by the Lupgang to lure him in. Apparently Lupin wants to use him to infiltrate the president's organization to take him down for good
He's pissed off that Lupin intends to disguise as him and have himself disappear while Lupin does his thing, so he obviously refuses and taunts Lupin instead, causing a fight to happen!!
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And to my surprise, Zenigata actually defeats both Goemon and Jigen with sheer wits! He really shines when given the chance to
Goemon and Jigen both get cuffed ontop of a tree branch, so Lupin has to now fight Zenigata on his own... He puts a silly little rule to this duel between him and Zenigata, where he is the one that determines the position of where Zenigata stands because he's the one with the knife? Ok, sure i guess, this is totally not a ploy! Hahaha!
It is totally a ploy.
Lupin tells Zenigata to move all over the place, and gets real nitpicky about the position, to the point where Zenigata gets pissed at his assholery
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Z: Enough, god damn it! You're driving me nuts!! L: I've got the knife! I name the conditions. Now, back to the left!!! Z: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!!! L: SHUT UP AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!! Z: TELL ME WHERE TO STAND!!! L: YOU'RE GOOD.
Ok, so Zeni's now in the correct position Lupin's ordered him in, what's next?
Oh, just a rock on the head.
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Now, for the second part of this chapter. Lupin, now disguised as Zenigata, enters the mansion of the president and hears the orders from him.
He has found the secret of the island... and of the Lupin Clan. There is a tomb that stores all the fortune of the clan, and he wants "Zenigata" to examine and find the opening of it.
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Meanwhile, the real Zenigata is being held captive in one of Lupin's hideout, with Goemon and Jigen watching over it. We get some more silly interactions with Goemon and Zenigata- man i wish we get more of this from zeni
Jigen gets absolutely sidelined as per usual, poor guy
Anyways so fake Zenigata examines the grave and comes back to report his findings to the president. He tells him to open the grave, but he tries to persuade the president against it and just let it go, which he doesn't.
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After a couple searching around, Lupin finally finds the president's location, where he seems to be having some business with Fujiko (i assume that's her?)
Lupin reveals his real identity as well as being a bit of a creep around them. The president continues to assert his legitimacy as the president of the island, but Lupin decides to finally finish him off with a shot to the head.
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Lupin leaves the mansion, to see that the real Zenigata has escape the jail and arrests Lupin with his police force!
...Did he arrest the right Lupin though? Turns out, the shot to the president's head wasn't infact a gun shot, but a syringe shot that shoots a serum tricking the president into thinking he's Lupin!!!
The Zenigata that left the mansion was actually the president, and the real Lupin is still inside, probably reveling at his genius plan...
With the president thinking he's Lupin, the secret of the grave will be kept a secret, but what about the woman..?
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"Nevertheless, there is another person that knows the secret... Yes! It's the secretary! For what I did with her..." S: Take off your clothes at once! Don't even think of running away from me!! S: Not from this Lupin, hehe...
Um... the end!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Red Widow PT2 (Teeth and Skin)
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Laswell reached Alex, Farah, and Malika and they get on the road to Mexico. However, someone by the name of Phillip Graves stops them. Someone has likely hired him to take Laswell out. But... Why?
It was a long but thankfully uneventful drive. The worst part was just swerving around broken down cars on the bridges but thankfully, she could get through. She pulled to the stadium close to night time.
Immediately the back of the truck was yanked open and Kate started at first before recognizing Alex and Farah, and then another young woman, frantically throwing their gear in the truck. 
“Fucking Drive.” Alex said, immediately, once they all got in. “Now!” 
Kate didn’t hesitate once the doors were closed, slamming her foot on the gas. “What’s going on?”
“Some idiot came through and woke up a couple fucking heavies!” Alex opened the flap to the back door of the truck, pointing a gun out. Laswell focused on driving, headed back in the direction she came.
“What the fuck are heavies??” She asked, glancing in the rearview mirror but getting nothing but the sight of Alex shooting into the distance.
“It was a strain of the virus that made those damn things. It bloated them so bad that they ballooned to twice their original size.” Farah explained coming up and sitting by Kate. “They mostly sleep but… when they get woken up… They’re not as fast as Sprinters but just as deadly.”
Kate shuddered but kept driving, not quite understanding but also knowing she didn’t want to see whatever it was that was chasing them.
Alex cursed loudly. “I’m out of fucking bullets!”
“Here!” The young woman called.
Kate focused on the front of them, swerving to avoid vehicles and the occasional biter.
“We lost them…” Alex sighed after a bit and Kate relaxed, finally lowering her speed.
They didn’t speak until they stopped in La Porte again. They found an abandoned part of a building that hadn’t been leased yet next to a grocery store and Alex yanked open the door so they could get in with their gear and then he shoved it closed again.
Kate let out a breath once they were fully inside and panted. They’d left some gear in the truck but they could get it later. Farah hugged her and Kate gratefully hugged back, relaxing. “I thought we’d never see you again…” Farah murmured.
Kate smiled, patting her back before pulling away. Then, she was half tackled by Alex, who bear hugged her. “You just went fucking dark and we couldn’t find you and we were so worried!”
“Well, I certainly didn’t mean to!” She laughed and hugged back. “I’m here now, though, so let’s get to business.”
Alex rolled his eyes as he pulled away. “Always business with you.”
“Well, I don’t see Price or Gaz here so… Unfortunately, for now, it is.” Kate winced, apologetically.
Farah smiled and then gently nudged the other young woman over. “This is Malika. She was one of my scouts. I had her come with me when I came to help you find Price and Gaz. We’ve both been stranded here.”
“Your country…” Kate realized, frowning deeply. “Farah, I’m so sorry.”
Farah laughed, though it was a little bitter. “It is liberated. Finally. Took a whole fucking apocalypse but it is liberated. Russian forces retreated almost immediately after it all started. So… I guess I cannot complain.”
Kate smiled, sympathetically. “It is nice to meet you, Malika.” She turned to Malika and offered her hand. Malika had softer features than Farah. Farah had always looked sharp, even when she was complimenting you, but Malika looked soft, sweet. Her eyes were a darker brown and her hair was jet black while Farah’s was still a little brown. She was the same height as Farah, but smaller in build.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Agent Laswell.” Malika’s voice was also much softer than Farah’s, though about the same pitch.
“Please,” Kate laughed, “I don’t think any of us have our titles anymore. Just Kate.”
Malika seemed to blush, though the bottom half of her face was covered. “Okay, Kate.”
Kate smiled at her and then turned back to Farah and Alex. “Alright. Brief me. You were looking for me. But… I don’t remember any of it so pretend I was a target.”
“Yes ma’am.” Alex snorted before mumbling to Farah, “she says no titles, though.”
Farah nudged him and shook her head, looking amused. “When Malika and I touched down, we had issues getting through security. They wouldn’t believe our fake papers were real, apparently.”
Kate winced. “I should have thought about that. I… I’m sorry, Farah.”
“No, it’s alright. Alex actually managed to take care of it. Came up and made a big scene.” Malika spoke up, looking amused. “He put his arm around Farah and started to cuss out the TSA agent and ask them why they were harassing his wife.”
Kate found that especially funny since Alex and Farah were both gay in the wrong directions. She laughed, softly. “Did it work?”
“Thankfully.” Alex groaned. “However, everything almost immediately went to shit.”
“We saw two women get into what we thought was an argument.” Farah explained.
Kate frowned at the wording. “I am guessing from your phrasing that it wasn’t.”
“We think it started as such but… They were fighting because one woman bit a chunk out of the other woman’s hand. Just a huge chunk. How the woman wasn’t on the floor screaming from pain was beyond me.” Alex sighed and shook his head. “It was gruesome.”
Kate could only imagine. “What happened after that?”
“The one who bit the chunk started to scream the word “hungry” over and over and over and then she just leapt onto the other woman and started to… tear into her.” Farah looked disgusted. “It was awful. But the worst part was… she wasn’t the only one. Several more people started to do the same.”
Alex nodded. “Within minutes, half the entire airport was either attacking something or dead. Farah, Malika, and I barely managed to escape. Malika was bit in the process.” He gestured to Malika, who rolled up her sleeve, revealing a huge bite mark on her forearm. It was grotesque, grey and purple. Kate felt nauseous looking at it and touched the one on her face, wondering if hers looked like that.
“When we got out,” Farah continued, “we tried to find you but… you wouldn’t answer. You’d gone completely radio silent. So, we traveled to Georgia, where you mentioned you’d be with your wife. It took two months to cross from Washington to Georgia because of the pandemonium.”
Kate sighed and shook her head. “I wish I could say where I went but… I have no idea. I just remember Jen…” Her voice caught as she remembered and she took deep breaths. “Then I was being bitten and… I black out after that.”
Farah frowned. “And you woke up today?”
“Yes, just outside of town.” Kate explained. “After Georgia, where did you go?”
“We asked around in the town since things weren’t yet… how they are now.” Farah continued to explain. “I got bitten around that time, though we knew by then there was a chance I would turn.” She pulled the collar of her jacket down, revealing a bite on her collarbone.
Kate winced. “But you and Malika both survived… And so did I… So how did you find out the bites could turn you into those… things?”
Alex shook his head. “Zombies, Kate. Like… real zombies.”
Kate couldn’t help her laugh of disbelief. “Zombies? Like Night of the Living Dead?”
“More like walking dead but yes.” Farah sighed. “Exactly like that.” All three looked at her and raised an eyebrow and she flushed. “What? I was bored, and the electricity still worked so I watched it.”
Kate shook her head. “No, that’s science fiction.”
“You saw them, Kate. You can go look outside. They’re everywhere.” Alex pointed at the door. “Real fucking zombies.”
Kate winced and glanced to the door. She had in fact seen them. She sighed again. “Okay. When you couldn’t find me in town, what happened then?”
“We figured you went to Mexico. Maybe thought you panicked and so went searching for Gaz and Price alone. But… When we got to Texas, we stopped to see if Alex’s family was alive and…” Farah went quiet. Alex turned away from them.
Kate understood. “I’m sorry, Alex.” She murmured, touching his arm.
“They were all turned.” Alex muttered. “My mother… my grandparents. Barely recognizable. Bleeders.” He shook his head. 
“Bleeders?” Kate asked.
“Another strain of the virus.” Farah explained. “It… well, we’ve not been able to touch any of them to find out what it does but it basically changes their blood. Makes it acidic. Painfully acidic. At the airport, one spit blood on this man and his face practically melted off.”
Kate was going to be sick. She shook her head, holding her mouth.
“Their skin splits open, too, so touching them at all is impossible.” Farah continued to explain. “After that… we just started to ask around about you. Stories about a woman called the Red Widow started to show up. Around the same time the awful people started to take precedence. Slave traders, cults… Like I said, Kate… Pandemonium.” She sighed. “But… some of these stories were of this woman freeing children from the slave traders and creeps. Saving families from attacks.”
Kate raised an eyebrow, though she could guess where this was going.
“All with a bow and arrow, too.” Alex spoke up, finally. “We showed them a picture of you that we got off of your mantel. Sure enough… they recognized you.”
Kate frowned deeply. “I don’t… think I could do those things.”
“I do.” Farah laughed. “You’re a badass, Kate. But… you did. Every single person who had a story recognized you. And… your red hood.” She gestured.
Kate frowned, noticing it as if for the first time. She recognized it, almost immediately. “Oh… It was Jen’s favorite of mine. Said it brought out my eyes.” It was a deep blood red, though it looked a little beat up. “Wore it when we were fleeing…”
“Fleeing?” Alex frowned.
“Right. I was going to tell you.” Kate winced. “When we planned to Rendezvous… well here… I uncovered a plot by General Shepherd to use chemical warfare on a town harboring a criminal we needed. I confronted him about it and he… made me a war criminal. We were fleeing the authorities when we got attacked.”
“Fuck. That’s awful.” Alex winced and shook his head.
Kate nodded in agreement. “I uh… guess I’m not a war criminal, anymore.” She sighed.
Alex snorted and then sighed. “Yeah.” He sighed. “Alright, well, you know where we’re at, now. So… Let’s get set up.”
Farah nodded in agreement and so Kate did as well. Funnily enough, she was exhausted. They set up everything and so Kate took the opportunity to get to know Malika, since she seemed a little timid. “How long have you known Farah?”
“Since I was a little girl. Well… that’s how long I’ve known about her. I joined her army when I was 16…” Malika explained as they set up sleeping bags. “I’ve always admired her, though. She… was willing to put everything on the line to save Urzikstan.”
Kate smiled. “Farah is honorable.” She agreed. She found the way that Malika spoke about Farah to be sweet. She glanced at Alex who was nearby, and could probably hear everything. He snorted and just gestured to Malika and Farah.
Ah, so they were like that frequently. She gave Alex a knowing smile to show she sympathized and then turned back to Malika, who was now watching Farah set up camping lamps. Kate smiled. “You can go to her. I am sure she could use the help. We’re pretty much done here.”
Malika seemed to hesitate before smiling brightly. “Thank you… Kate.” she nodded and then turned, quickly going over to Farah. Farah smiled when she came over and they immediately started a conversation. 
Kate finished what she was doing before joining Alex. “So they’re always like that?”
“Constantly.” Alex snorted. “Two years of sexual and romantic tension has definitely gotten to me. Farah said Malika no longer had to call her commander and Malika looked like she was about to hit the ceiling from happiness. She called her Farah in every sentence, afterwards.”
Kate laughed, softly. “That’s so sweet.” She nodded, watching Malika and Farah interact. Farah was sat on a crate, gesturing as she told what Kate assumed was a story. Malika was… well, Farah was funny, but Malika was laughing a bit too hard at whatever Farah was saying. 
Alex snorted and leaned over. “Don’t worry, it’s not one sided, either. Farah wastes no opportunity to show off. ‘Hey Malika, did you see that??’ ‘It was brilliant, commander.’” He shook his head. “You’re lucky you missed it, honestly.”
“You’ll find someone.” Kate chuckled, patting his arm, knowing this probably came from a place of loneliness just as much as it was being fed up.
Alex sighed. “In the apocalypse?” 
“We’ll find Gaz again.” Kate glanced at him, watching his reaction. Alex went pale and mumbled a “whatever” before busying himself with what he was doing. Kate shook her head in amusement. 
She hoped Price and Gaz were alive, still. She knew they had to be. Both were fighters. If they survived whatever made them go dark, she had no doubts they’d survived this long.
Well, regardless of what Kate’s mind remembered and was used to, her body had clearly adjusted to shitty sleeping conditions, because she’d fallen asleep rather easily and had woken up with little issue. Two years ago, she would have struggled to sleep on the hard tile and she definitely wouldn’t have woken up feeling rested.
Alex was already up when she woke up, looking over a giant map. It had markings on it and looked to be the whole of the US and Mexico. When she came over, he held out what looked like an old beat up thermos. “Farah and I found a way to make coffee. Most of the stuff on the shelves is still fine to drink if you can handle the stale taste.”
Laswell… didn’t think she could stomach that, so she just said no thank you. Alex just shrugged and took the thermos back. “Your loss.” He chuckled.
She watched him put on a cowboy hat and shook her head. “Where did you even pick that up?”
“Found it. Cleaned it up.” Alex shrugged. “Looked like one of my dad’s that my mom kept in a shadow box. I don’t… know. Makes me feel better to have it with me.”
Laswell could respect that. She nodded and sat down on a nearby crate, sighing softly and watching him continue to pour over the map. “I know where we need to go. We need to start near that cartel.”
“That’s what I was thinking.” Alex agreed and sighed softly. “However, that’s going to be a month’s worth of travel.”
“They’ve waited two years, they can wait another month.” Laswell smiled, though she wasn’t sure she liked that fact, either. She would also like to get to them as fast as possible but… they didn’t really have any other choices.
Maybe they could try to hinge on them being closer but Laswell really wasn’t sure that would be the case. 
“What do you think they’re doing?” Alex asked, softly. “Right now.”
Laswell shrugged. “Knowing Price… Helping people. That’s what he enjoys doing, I don’t doubt he’s doing that right now. They’ve probably set up a system and help people.” She knew her friend well. In this situation, she was positive that if he was alive, he was helping whoever he could.
Alex chuckled. “Of course he is.” He sighed. “Laswell… I… I need to talk to you about something.”
“What is it?” Laswell frowned and sat down on a crate. 
Alex hesitated. “The last two years… I felt like shit. Because I stayed in Urzikstan… Even though I knew we had something… I was a coward.”
Laswell frowned. “Alex… that’s over now. There’s no point in being upset. We’re in a completely different world now. Those things… Don’t really matter anymore.”
Alex frowned before nodding. “I know that. You’re right. But… I still feel so… shitty. I- I saw in his eyes how hurt he was when I chose to stay in Urzikstan with Farah… And then when you called and you told us they’d gone missing, I damn near lost my mind… I can’t do that again… And now… When we do find them, what do I even say?”
“You don’t say anything.” Laswell shrugged. “Unless he says something, you don’t bring it up. Trust me, none of that matters anymore. There’s no governments, no… missions. Trust me. The world is too different for you to hold onto something that happened over 3 years ago, now.”
Alex only frowned more. “I guess you’re right…”
“It’s up to Kyle to decide if he’s still hurt about it. Then, if he is… you grovel. You grovel a lot. But, for now, you don’t worry about it. Besides, we need to focus on getting them back, first.” Laswell snorted. “Then you can feel bad and try to figure out how to apologize. Until then, it doesn’t really matter.”
Alex nodded. “We are positive they are still in Mexico if they’re alive. We’ve heard nothing about them up here so…”
“To Mexico we will go.” Laswell chuckled and nodded. 
Alex agreed. “To Mexico.”
Getting on the road to Mexico had been rather easy. As it should be. They’d siphoned more gas and filled up the truck and then Alex and Farah had converted the back so they could travel longer.
They’d made it easier to sleep in, the idea being that two people could sleep while two stay awake and drive. The actual shifts would switch around a little so there was always someone fairly alert.
Farah had labeled the cycles A, B, C, and D.
On Cycle A, Laswell would start out driving with Malika awake while Alex and Farah slept. On cycle B, Farah would take over driving while Laswell went to the passenger seat and switched out with her and Malika would go to bed. On C, Alex would take over driving while Laswell went to bed and Farah switched to the passenger side. Then on D, Malika would take over driving while Alex switched to the passenger side and Farah would go to bed.
Then on Cycle A again, Laswell would wake up and take over from Malika. 
It was a bit convoluted but… Laswell figured it would mostly work out for them. They all four seemed to be fairly structured. Alex was definitely the least so of them but he could keep up with a schedule.
So, they’d set out driving. Already, they’d been driving for about a day and Laswell was tired of being in a truck. Each cycle was four hours long, so they’d been through about six already and Laswell was sick of it.
Not that she’d tell any of them that, of course. 
They’d passed a few survivor settlements and Laswell had decided to stay in the truck, just in case this whole Red Widow thing was true. She was worried they may figure out she was different, now.
She had heard about herself on the little radio thing, too. They didn’t talk about her, often. Mostly just in passing. It was sort of known that she didn’t really use the radio, apparently, and instead she just appeared.
She sounded a super hero but… that wasn’t Laswell. She wasn’t a superhero. She was a paper pusher who knew how to shoot a gun. But… somehow, her going catatonic had made her a total fucking badass.
Malika had told her many of the stories they’d heard of the Red Widow. She’d apparently wiped out a ring of traffickers who’d been taking kids from survivor settlements. And she’d saved a family from a horde of biters. 
Among other smaller things. 
Laswell still wasn’t sure she believed it but Malika had no real reason to lie or aggrandize the truth. So, she’d reluctantly accept that that was the story going around at the very least. 
Laswell groaned as she moved into the driver’s seat. “I am sick of being in this truck, Malika.”
“Me too, Kate.” Malika smiled sympathetically. “Alex mentioned maybe taking a break soon.”
“Not maybe.” Alex spoke up as he settled in. “Definitely. I am sick of this.”
Kate laughed softly and then frowned as the truck wouldn’t start. “Hey, when did we last fill this thing?”
Alex sat up, frowning deeply, and then he cursed loudly. “Fuck!” He got up, rubbing at his face.
“You need to shave.” Malika pointed out and Alex repeated what she said in a high mocking tone.
Laswell laughed. They were just like she and Price had been. “Well, I guess we’re taking that break now.” She looked out the door. There wasn’t any biters that she could see or… anything else so she hesitantly got out the truck, sighing in relief at getting to full stretch out.
Malika and Alex did the same, leaving Farah to keep sleeping. “Here, Alex, you sleep. I know how to siphon Gas. We’ll camp here for a bit. Malika and I will go and get gas and pick up any supplies we see.” Laswell told Alex who hesitated before nodding. 
He climbed back into the truck and Laswell made sure all of the back doors were locked before getting her bow out of the passenger seat. “Alright, Malika. Let’s go.”
Malika smiled brightly at her and grabbed the gas canister. They found a car with a pretty decent amount of fuel that was close enough they could take the canister back and forth. So, they used it to fuel the truck. 
Malika was pretty quiet as they went back and forth. “Laswell… do you think Farah… likes Alex?”
Laswell almost dropped the canister. “Why would you think that?”
“They joke around with each other a lot. Alex jokes with me but… it’s different. Farah talks about Alex like he’s amazing and I’m just… Malika. Her scout.” Malika’s shoulders dropped. 
Laswell smiled sympathetically. Ah, every generation of lesbian is useless with feelings, it seemed. “I will tell you that… Farah and Alex are incompatible. Completely.”
Malika frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Farah prefers women. Just women. Alex prefers men. Just men.” Laswell shrugged. “There’s nothing there, hon. Trust me.”
Malika flushed. “Okay.” She smiled. “Good…”
Laswell pat her shoulder and then finished emptying the canister. Maybe she’d have a talk with Farah about being smart and open with one’s feelings.
When they were done, Laswell sighed and wiped her hands on her pants, getting the dirt from the car off. “Alright, we can either stay by the truck while Farah and Alex sleep or we can go look through cars.”
“How will we look through the cars? Most of them have their windows up and the doors are locked…” Malika frowned.
Laswell laughed and climbed the truck, getting the tire iron that was up there. She knew she usually kept one on top of her trucks. It was a dumb thing she did, but it was so they were easy to access. 
Then she took it to the car they’d just siphoned Gas from. “How do you feel about looting, Malika?”
Malika hesitated. “They’re not exactly going to be back, are they? So… surely looting isn’t that bad.” 
Laswell nodded in agreement. “Exactly.” She grunted as she smashed the car window. As expected, the car alarm didn’t go off. Makes sense. Nothing can last two years. She reached in and unlocked the car and then she got in and pulled the thing that manually popped the trunk, climbing back out through the trunk. 
She had to applaud herself for staying so well in shape for two years, even while catatonic. She found suitcases in the trunk and opened them, pleased to find unopened bottles of travel shampoo. “Malika, did you know unopened shampoo can last up to 4 years?” She looked around the trunk at Malika, who was staring at her in awe.
“No, I didn’t- that was impressive, Kate!” Malika came over, her eyes wide. “You moved so smoothly!”
Laswell laughed and thanked her. “Thank you!” She looked through the clothes. “What size do you wear?”
Malika came closer, looking at the clothes. Her eyes seemed to sparkle a little at them. “I couldn’t…”
“Nonsense, you said it yourself. They’re not coming back.” Laswell shrugged and pulled out some jeans from one of the suitcases that looked like they’d fit Alex. She had never been opposed to looting. You do what you need to to survive. 
No one would care. If they did, they were likely dead or zombies, anyway. 
Malika hesitated and then looked over the clothes, taking a few of the shirts. Her own shirt looked very worn. 
“I’m shocked Alex hasn’t looted every car in Texas.” Laswell commented, chuckling.
“He tried but there wasn’t very much clothing in many of them… When we had access to it, it wasn’t high priority. Then there was the worry of where to keep it.”
“Well, take a few things. You all three look like you need it. I’m sure we can-” She stopped, hearing a gun click behind her. Very close to her head.
She glanced over to Malika, who’d gone pale. There was the barrel of a gun to her head. 
“Have to admit, wasn’t expecting to find you so easy, Red Widow.” The voice behind her commented, chuckling. “Let alone goin through a random trunk. Lookin at clothes.”
Laswell closed her eyes and put her hands up. 
She opened her eyes to her own hands on the steering wheel and driving frantically. Alex was in the passenger seat, holding his hand over a gunshot wound. He was panting, his head back.
“What… the fuck?!” Laswell exclaimed and slammed on the breaks.
“Keep fucking going!” Alex yelled, gesturing to the road. “Don’t stop! Fuck!”
Laswell kept driving, now having to fight to not freak out. “What the fuck happened?!” She looked in the rearview mirror, seeing Farah and Malika in the back. Malika was bandaging up Farah’s leg.
“Well, when that idiot put a gun to your head, you fucking lost it!” Alex exclaimed and then took a few breaths. “You like fucking… I don’t even know how to describe it. One of them grabbed Malika and she screamed for Farah… Wasn’t aware Farah could even move that fast but you both got us out of there… Farah got shot getting into the truck and I got shot trying to help her. Malika and you seem no worse for wear.”
Laswell internally assessed her body, not feeling any pain anywhere. “Yeah, I think I’m fine… I… I just… I closed my eyes and I just opened them again.”
“Your eyes were plenty open.” Alex shook his head. “Angry ass hell, too… and bright purple.”
“Purple?!” Laswell exclaimed, almost jerking the truck. Alex quickly put his hand on the wheel to right it. Laswell looked in the mirror, not seeing any trucks around them. Still… she didn’t want to stop. “Do you know who those people were?”
“We’ve heard of them.” Farah spoke up, panting a little. “They call themselves the Shadow Company. They’re ran by some asshole named Phillip Graves. Good, bad… if you have a way to pay them, they’ll work for you. The only people that can give them what they ask for around here tends to be… pretty fucking bad.”
Laswell frowned and furrowed her brows. Shadow Company… Phillip Graves… Why did that sound familiar? “So they’re a mercenary company, basically?” She asked.
“Yes.” Alex nodded. “Fuck, we’re going to have to stop so Farah and I can get fixed up.”
“I’m not sure I want to risk it so soon.”
“Farah, I have blood dripping down my arm.” Alex sighed. 
Laswell was quiet. “They’re looking for me. They called me the Red Widow. Mentioned they thought it would be harder.”
“Graves was the one with a gun to your head.” Alex sighed. “So… Someone hired them to take you out. Who?”
“I’d love to know.” Laswell sighed. “I really would.”
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laresearchette · 1 year
Friday, March 17, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NCAA MEN’S BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN5) 12:00pm: March Madness: First Round (TSN)  6:00pm: March Madness: First Round (TSN4) 10:00pm: March Madness: First Round
NCAA WOMEN’S BASKETBALL (TSN3) 12:00pm - 10:00pm: March Madness: First Round
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Phillies vs. Jays
TENNIS (TSN2) 6:00pm: WTA 1000 Tennis: Indian Wells - Semifinals (TSN2) 9:00pm: WTA 1000 Tennis: Indian Wells - Semifinals
WBC BASEBALL (SN) 7:00pm: Quarter-Final #3
NHL HOCKEY (SN1) 7:00pm: Sabres vs. Flyers (TSN4) 7:00pm: Hurricane vs. Leafs (SN1) 10:00pm: Blue Jackets vs. Ducks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:30pm: Warriors vs. Hawks (SN Now) 10:30pm: Mavericks vs. Lakers
MARKETPLACE (CBC) 8:00pm: Retail Tricks / Buzzkill: Balloons: Testing the sizing of jeans; putting the safety of motorcycle helmets to the test; and eco-friendly alternatives to balloons. Reporters: Rosa Marchitelli/Charlsie Agro
STREET OUTLAWS: FASTEST IN AMERICA (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): The title of Fastest in America is up for grabs with new teams, new cars and new rules; the eight captains each choose two drivers to compete in a 16-car bracket; the goal is to go fast, stack cash and be the last driver standing.
PUSH (CBC) 8:30pm: Relationship drama finds Bean as the Wheelie Peeps bring it to the runway. Brian says a hard goodbye to a past life.
THE NATURE OF THINGS (CBC) 9:00pm: War for the Woods: Thirty years after historic logging protests on Vancouver Island, the battle to protect old growth forests is still raging.
THE SPENCER SISTERS (CTV) 9:00pm: Darby and Victoria are hired by a former schoolmate of Darby's to investigate acts of vandalism at his winery.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DURBAN (Slice) 9:00pm: LaConco discusses her high-profile relationship with Mabusi.
THE MAURITANIAN (Crave) 9:00pm:  A defense attorney, her associate and a military prosecutor uncover a far-reaching conspiracy while investigating the case of a suspected 9/11 terrorist imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for six years.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm: The Hired Hit: When former beauty queen Alexandra Pesic is gunned down in a brazen daylight shooting on a midsummer evening in 1992, a quiet community in a suburb of Vancouver, B.C. is stunned; evidence of a contract killing is found motivated by greed and hate.
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independentzaun · 1 year
Things Silco should get to do. A small list.
1: Shimmer in Piltover's water supply. Just a lot of Shimmer. Like Way too much. 2: Sell a couple chem-tanks to some frustrated overworked and underpaid post workers or government clerks or whoever in Piltover and watch them shoot up the workplace.
3: Shimmer injected into the animals at the zoo and let the animals free. ???. Profit.
4: Just bomb the hexgates. Send some people that are SO hyped up on Shimmer RUNNING up there with a bunch of explosives, and boom. Do the people survive? Look that's not important.
5: Find the cheap food that most of the common workers, servants, etc of Piltover survive off of. Poison it. See what happens when the rich greedy stuck up nobles have to worry about if their servants can't eat.
6: Every single school in Piltover from highschools down? Bomb them. At night when there's no one there maybe, but bomb them. Zaun children don't get schools. Why should theirs?
7: There has to be Piltover rich people, and nobles, and whoever that go to Zaun for fun. Where's the blackmail, corruption, and convincing them they murdered a prostitute in the middle of a drug fueled blackout?
8: Assassinations/for hire serial killers. Just sending really good sneaky people up into Piltover and randomly killing people. Doesn't even have to be important people. Just make the inhabitants of Piltover paranoid.
9: The giant airships? Sabotage them. Fuel tanks or the huge balloon type things at the top, or whatever else. Cut off Piltover the way they cut off Zaun.
I could go on but I'll stop here. I think you all get the point.
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bee-in-motion · 2 months
A Guide on How to Plan Kids' Birthday Parties In NYC
New York City is not just a place, it’s a living, breathing entity, pulsating with the energy of its millions of inhabitants and visitors alike filled with contrasts and contradictions. Planning a birthday party for your kids in this bustling and bright city can be an exciting task. You can get so many options and venues here. In this comprehensive guide, you will get the details of everything that you need to know to plan the perfect birthday bash for your kids in NYC.
You have to go through the blow details to plan kids' birthday parties in NYC,
Choose the Venue:
The first and most vital step to planning a successful birthday party in NYC is selecting the perfect venue.  Focus on your child’s interests and preferences. You can also hire agencies providing birthday party packages. You can arrange your birthday event at any indoor play space, Trampoline Park, or museum with interactive exhibits geared toward children.
Book Any Fun Entertainment:
After choosing the venue, think about hiring the entertainment. You can hire entertainers like clowns, magicians, or balloon artists to add an extra element of fun and enjoyment to the party. Also, consider incorporating themed activities or games to keep the little ones engaged and entertained throughout the celebration.
Design The Theme Of The Party:
Customizing a theme for the birthday party can make it even more memorable for your child and your guests as well. The options for a themed birthday party are like a princess tea party, a superhero extravaganza, or an outer space adventure. Make the decoration, party favors, and even the cake creative and attractive that will bring life to the particular theme. Last but not least, engage your kid in everything to plan kids' birthday parties in NYCperfectly!
Send Invitation:
After finalizing the venue, entertainment, and theme, it is time to send out invitations. No matter what type of invitation card you opt for, be sure to add all the necessary details including the date, time, location, and RSVP information. Focus on providing a fun RSVP deadline to get prompt or quick responses and get help with your party planning logistics.
Arrangements of Food and Drinks:
Every birthday party is incomplete without delicious food and refreshments. Many venues offer catering services which include decorations, food, and drinks according to your needs and requirements. Do not forget to plan the menu or the dishes irrespective of the allergies or any dietary restrictions among your guests. Last but not least, the birthday cake, is the most considerable and common centerpiece that should be delighting for both kids and adults or your guests.
Photo-Shoot or Videography of the Event:
Make sure to plan kids' birthday parties in NYC by hiring a professional photgrapher to capture all the good and candid moments of the event, which will make you cherish the fun and enjoyment of your children’s special day for a lifelong. Consider setting up a designed photo booth area with some exciting and beautiful props for extra fun and memorable snaps, which will also increase excitement and happiness in your children as well as your guests.
0 notes
thesnapshotcafe · 3 months
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Barbie in Paris, Another Romantic Proposal Photoshoot in France
Embracing the charming Autumn in Paris, we had the pleasure of providing proposal photography, videography, and bridal hair styling and makeup services for a Hong Kong couple. Their story unfolded just a couple of weeks before their planned Parisian escapade, and despite the short notice, we crafted a day filled with love, laughter, and enchantment.
Proposal Planning and Photography, Videography Shoot:
The bride to be does a lot of stage work, like modeling, emceeing, and hosting events. It was hard for the couple to organise a shoot. When the groom to be came to us, it was just one week before their trip.
The bride to be imagined a fairy tale experience. We have not came across a proposal shoot which the groom to be went above and beyond scourcing everything the bride to be wants with 120% effort. There were four things he found in a week:
1) A pink candy floss like barbie dress, which we ended up made it in three days for the shoot 2) A private hired boat on River Seine roam around Eiffel Tower 3) Colourful helium balloons 4) A hotel room suits for the princess.
The bride to be imagined she would be proposed in a big pink princess dress on the River Seine with the Eiffel Tower in the background. It was a little bit difficult to shoot and film on the boat, as the boat shook from time to time due to the water current. The proposal ran five times, so we were able to capture it from different angles. After their proposal shoot, we took some photos around Petit Palais, Pont Alexandre III and Eiffel Tower.
Desintation Wedding Photography and Videography
We have forgotten the amount of times we shot in Paris in the past few years. We have performed shoots in European cities like Zurich, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Sevilla, Brugges and more. Our pre-wedding and wedding photos and videos have been featured on various wedding-related websites, especially those based in Europe.
This particular couple discovered us through a Paris pre-wedding photographer selection website, where our best engagement photos were showcased. We are humbled to see our work appreciated by fellow suppliers in the industry.
We wish their love lasts forever!
Feel free to take a look at their proposal photos and videos on our Facebook page and website!
芭比在巴黎—拍攝另一個浪漫的求婚 -
擁抱巴黎迷人的秋天,我們很榮幸為一對香港情侶提供求婚攝影、錄影以及新娘髮型和化妝服務。 他們的故事在他們計劃的巴黎之旅前幾週展開,儘管通知時間很短,我們還是精心策劃了充滿愛、歡笑和魅力的拍攝。
準新娘要做很多舞台工作,例如模特兒、司儀和主持活動。 對於這對情侶來說,組織一次拍攝是很困難的。 當新郎與我們聯絡時,距離他們的旅行只有一周了。
新娘想像有一個童話般的經歷。 我們還沒有遇到這樣的求婚拍攝,準新郎用 120% 的努力超越了準新娘想要的一切。 他在一週內找到了四樣需要品:
1)一件像棉花糖一樣的粉紅色芭比娃娃裙,我們最後在三天內完成了製作這裙 2)塞納河上的私人租船(艾菲爾鐵塔周圍漫遊) 3)彩色氦氣球 4)適合公主的酒店房間。
新娘幻想穿著粉紅色裙在塞納河上被求婚,背景需有艾菲爾鐵塔。 因為水流的影響,在船上拍攝錄影有點困難,船不時會晃動。 該求婚進行了五次,因此我們能夠從不同的角度捕捉過程。 在他們的求婚拍攝結束後,我們在小皇宮、亞歷山大三世橋和艾菲爾鐵塔周圍拍了一些照片。
我們已經忘記了過去幾年我們在巴黎拍攝了多少次。 我們曾在蘇黎世、哥德堡、巴塞隆納、塞維利亞、布魯日等歐洲城市拍攝。 我們的婚紗和婚禮照片和影片已在各種婚禮相關網站上展示,尤其是歐洲的網站。
這對情侶透過巴黎的一個列出不同婚紗攝影師網站發現我們,那裡展示了我們最好的婚紗照片。 看到我們的工作受到業內其他供應商的讚賞,我們深感榮幸。
歡迎在我們的 Facebook 頁面和網站上查看他們的求婚照片和影片!
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kudosmyhero · 3 months
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #395: The Secret of the Waiting Graves/Drop Out…or Drop Dead!
Read Date: June 08, 2023 Cover Date: January 1970 ● Writer: Dennis O'Neil / Frank Robbins ● Penciler: Neal Adams / Gil Kane ● Inker: Dick Giordano / Murphy Anderson ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Ben Oda / John Costanza ● Editor: Julius Schwartz ●
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Reactions As I Read: ● Bruce looks dashing in that Spanish-style suit
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● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Story 1: A party has been organized in a graveyard of Central Mexico. The organizers are the Muertos, a wealthy and eccentric couple who have invited people from other countries as well. During the party, some of the guests are taken on a ride on hot air balloons, but the balloon in which Pedro Valdes has taken off is suddenly attacked by trained falcons, causing him to drop to a certain death. Batman appears from the shadows and manages to save Valdes by directing his fall to a river beneath. As soon as Valdes recovers, he recognizes Batman, but before he realizes, Batman is gone.
Moments later, Bruce Wayne arrives at the party, as he had been invited as well, and he is introduced to Juan and Dolores Muerto. Bruce notices there is something odd about the couple, but he is distracted by the arrival of Valdes, who has recovered after the apparent accident. At that precise moment, someone shoots at Valdes from the wilderness around them and Bruce realizes that someone is definitely trying to murder Valdes. Changing again to Batman, he goes to the place where the bullet came from and finds a group of hired killers hiding behind some rocks. Batman gets the upper hand in the fight, forcing the thugs to call their wolves. Batman is then forced to retreat by jumping off a cliff and hanging from a very well concealed Batrope.
Waiting a few moments until his attackers are gone, Batman starts hearing some voices that belong to the Muertos and Valdes. Batman finally deduces that the Muertos are behind the murder attempts of Valdes and he starts following them as the Muertos take Valdes to a nearby abandoned monastery.
Once inside the building, the Muertos show Valdes a large orchard of Sybil flowers, which are said to grant immortality at the cost of one's sanity. Valdes then reveals himself as a government agent out to capture the Muertos, but the mysterious couple use the strange flowers against Valdes to knock him unconscious. At that moment, Batman breaks inside the place and confronts the Muertos, who also use the flowers to dose Batman and force him to have nightmarish visions. Before they leave, Batman learns that the Muertos plan to spread these flowers across the world, creating madness and chaos on their way.
The Muertos leave the monastery, with Batman and Valdes tied and helpless, and once outside, they prepare their trained falcons to attack and kill their victims. Batman tries to fight off the hallucinations and using Valdes' badge, he breaks the ropes binding him. Batman frees himself in time to defend himself from the trained falcons and takes Valdes away from the strange flowers. Once outisde, Batman uses a torch left behind by the Muertos to burn all the flowers in the monastery. The Muertos notice the fire from far away and they realize that the source of their immortality is being destroyed. The couple try to reach the monastery before the plants are all burned, but with the source of their power burning, they begin to age at an increased speed and before they could reach the place, they become living corpses and collapse in the graves designated for each other. Finally, Batman approaches the tombstone of the Muertos and includes the year of their deaths, almost 130 years from their birth years.
Story 2: Robin finds out that he has been played by the fake police officers into beating the leader of the strikes at Hudson University in order to have some evidence of "police brutality" against students. By the time Robin focuses his energy on beating the rest of the gang, he is easily outnumbered and tied to a post in an abandoned barn.
The leader of the riots wants to keep going with the plan and they prepare to go back to Hudson U. Meanwhile, a couple of fake officers stay behind to deal with Robin, but the hero manages to break free and knock them both unconscious. Placing them inside one of their fake police vehicles, Robin returns to his Dick Grayson identity and manages to reach the campus of Hudson U at the same time as the other members of the gang. Dick then informs the students about the trick played by the leaders of the riots and thanks to his intervention, the responsibles for the crimes are captured and the regular activities are resumed.
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Fan Art: Batman No. 25 by AlexGarner
Accompanying Podcast: ● Overlooked Dark Knight - episode 12
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funplayvr · 3 months
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fullyalivephotography · 7 months
Balloon Magic A Creative Brand shoot for Bubble Hustle
Balloon Magic A Creative Brand shoot for Bubble Hustle Have you ever had a client you’ve been dying to work with, and then it actually came true? That’s Bubble Hustle for me! Bubble Hustle is a phoenix local balloon art installation company that creates the most beautiful and creative installs you could ever imagine! The moment began when my friend Risa Kostis hired them to create my dream…
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vshoot · 8 months
Shine Bright on Your Special Day: Best Birthday Photoshoot Tips and Ideas
Birthdays are a time to celebrate, and what better way to immortalize the joy, laughter, and love than through a well-planned birthday photoshoot? Whether you're turning a milestone age or simply reveling in another year of life's journey, a birthday photoshoot can capture the essence of the day, preserving beautiful memories for years to come. To make your birthday photoshoot truly special, here are some tips and ideas to help you shine bright on your special day.
1. Choose the Right Location:
Selecting the perfect location is the first step to a successful birthday photoshoot. You can opt for an outdoor setting like a beach, park, or botanical garden for a natural and vibrant backdrop. Alternatively, an indoor location like a studio, a historic venue, or even your own home can provide a more controlled environment with creative possibilities.
2. Set the Mood with Decor:
Add a touch of magic to your photos by incorporating decorations that reflect your personality and the theme of your birthday celebration. Balloons, streamers, confetti, and banners are popular choices, but don't be afraid to get creative. A well-decorated space not only looks great in photos but also adds to the festive atmosphere.
3. Wardrobe Selection:
Choose an outfit that not only makes you feel confident but also complements the theme and location. Whether you prefer a glamorous, casual, or themed look, your attire can set the tone for your photoshoot. Don't forget to consider accessories and footwear that match your outfit.
4. Professional Photography:
While smartphone cameras can capture great shots, consider hiring a professional photographer for your birthday photoshoot. A professional can provide you with high-quality images and help you make the most of the chosen location and lighting.
5. Lighting Matters:
Good lighting is essential for any photoshoot. For outdoor shoots, early mornings and late afternoons offer soft, flattering natural light. Indoor photoshoots might require artificial lighting setups. Discuss lighting options with your photographer to ensure your pictures turn out beautifully.
6. Candid and Posed Shots:
Mixing candid moments with posed shots can create a well-rounded collection of photos. Candid shots capture genuine emotions and interactions, while posed shots allow you to highlight specific elements or themes.
7. Involving Loved Ones:
Consider involving friends and family members in your birthday photoshoot. They can bring an added layer of warmth and authenticity to the pictures. Candid shots with your loved ones can be particularly heartwarming.
8. Props and Fun Ideas:
Think outside the box when it comes to props and poses. Bring in items that hold sentimental value or add an element of playfulness to the shoot. Ideas like confetti, cake smash, or even themed props can make for dynamic and memorable shots.
9. Timing Is Key:
Plan your photoshoot either on the day of your birthday or on a date close to it. This way, you can celebrate and capture the moments when you're truly in the spirit of your special day.
10. Be Yourself:
Most importantly, be yourself and enjoy the process. A birthday photoshoot is an opportunity to showcase your unique personality and celebrate your individuality. Don't be afraid to express your true self and let your inner light shine.
A birthday photoshoot is not just about taking pictures; it's about celebrating the beauty of life, the joy of your achievements, and the love of your friends and family. With these tips and ideas in mind, your best birthday photoshoot will be a radiant reflection of your personality and the happiness that fills your heart on this special day. So, get ready to shine bright and create lasting memories that will make you smile every time you look back on them. Happy birthday!
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grande-bay-resort-spa · 9 months
5 Tips to Host the Perfect Party at a Resort
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As the saying goes – All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. From monotonous work life to countless family responsibilities, it is easy to get lost in the constant humdrum of life. So what better way to let loose and blow off some steam than a perfect party at one of the happening resorts of the city? If you are planning to host one soon, read on for some quick tips and suggestions to leave your guests spellbound.
Let the music play!
Music is the soul of every party. There is no better way to get the crowd on to their feet and pump up the ambience than some great foot tapping numbers. Make sure you invest in a good music system and put up some great speakers that are all about that bass! It is also a good idea to update your playlist with all the latest chart toppers and timeless classics. While you are at it, add in some Bollywood numbers and regional super hits as well, and watch the crowd go bonkers. To shoot the party meter up a notch, hire a DJ and let him/her take over the evening.
Set the mood with good food
An awesome party is incomplete without great food. Opt for a buffet so your guest can tickle their taste buds with dishes of their choice. Since a party is about socialising and striking interesting conversations, make sure the spread includes a good amount of starters and finger food that are easy to nibble on. Keep the preferences of your visitors in mind and spoil them with a scrumptious serving of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Of course, do not forget the desserts! From delicious ice-creams to finger-licking sweets, let your guests indulge in the best delicacies and have the time of their lives.
Keep the spirits high
Food is usually complemented with sparkling beverages that set the mood of the party. You can opt for domestic or international liquors and make sure there are enough chasers to complement them. Hosting a party at a resort is the best idea as you have unlimited access to spirits, eliminating the need to buy them in bulk. Additionally, resorts are equipped with gorgeous sea-facing bars, like the Quentina Bar, that instantly give out party vibes. You can hire a bartender and watch him mix up the best of cocktails as you sit back and chat with your guests. Apart from the refreshing drinks, you can also keep your audience entertained with some jaw-dropping bartending skills and be the talk of the town.
Go in for a theme
Theme parties are the best way to excite your guests even before the party begins. It creates a hype amongst the crowd as everyone dresses up with the prime motive to stand out. From good-old movie themes to contemporary concepts like nautical or all-white, get creative and keep your guests intrigued. Do not forget to decorate the venue as per the theme. You can opt for dreamy lanterns, colourful balloons or interesting props and bring the party to life.
Choose a fun resort
Resorts are the best place to host parties. Unlike houses or pubs, they offer a relaxed ambience by the serene sea. From good food to great music and mind-blowing cocktails, you can let the professionals take up the responsibility as you enjoy your party along with your guests.
So, what are you waiting for?It’s time for a weekend getawayand we are here to make sure you have a great one!
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watfordmarquees · 11 months
5 Trending Themes for Unforgettable Birthday Parties
Birthdays are an ideal opportunity to cherish relationships with loved ones and celebrate life. Organizing a unique and unforgettable birthday party requires creativity and attention to detail.
In recent times, event marquee hire and rentals have gained popularity as an exceptional choice for hosting memorable birthday celebrations. Marquees offer flexibility, elegance, and customizable space for various themes.
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This blog will explore five trending themes that perfectly complement rental and event marquee hire Borehamwood, ensuring an unforgettable birthday experience.
Enchanted Garden Party - With a fantastic garden-themed birthday party, you can celebrate the beauty of nature. Marquees offer a blank canvas to transform into a magical outdoor setting. - Decorate the space with twinkling fairy lights, lush floral arrangements, and cascading greenery. - Opt for earthy tones and rustic elements to create an ethereal atmosphere. - Organize garden games to entertain guests, like a scavenger hunt or croquet. - To add a touch of whimsy, consider setting up a dessert table adorned with mouthwatering treats inspired by the theme.
Vintage Carnival Extravaganza: Step back in time and create a nostalgic carnival atmosphere within the confines of a marquee. A vintage carnival-themed birthday party exudes charm and excitement. 1. Decorate the space with vibrant bunting, colorful balloons, and traditional carnival signs. 2. Set up classic carnival games like ring toss, duck pond, and a shooting gallery; it will help engage your guests and have fun with them. 3. Don't forget to hire a popcorn machine and cotton candy station to offer delicious treats that evoke memories of childhood fairs.
Glamorous Hollywood-Themed Birthday Party: A glamorous Hollywood-themed birthday party is perfect for a touch of sophistication and glitz. You can transform marquees into elegant ballrooms with draped curtains, chandeliers, and a red carpet entrance. - Encourage guests to dress up like favorite movie stars to increase the excitement of the event. - Set up a selfie stand with props inspired by great films for a fun and memorable activity. - Elevate the experience further with a customized cocktail bar serving signature drinks named after iconic movies.
Movie Night Under the Stars: Create an unforgettable outdoor cinema experience with a movie night under the stars-themed birthday party. - Install a big screen and comfy seats with blankets and cushions in the backyard or other outside areas. - Invite friends to come dressed in cozy pajamas for a laid-back atmosphere. - Choose a selection of classic or popular films, and don't forget the popcorn and snacks to complete the cinematic experience.
Magical Wonderland: The enchanting world of magic and wonder is a timeless theme that captivates people of all ages. Guests can dress up as their favorite fairytale characters or wizards, adding a touch of fantasy to the celebration. - Set up interactive stations for magic tricks, fairy tale readings, and potion-making activities to keep everyone engaged. - A dessert table adorned with whimsical treats will complete the experience, leaving guests feeling like they've entered a real-life fairy tale.
Conclusion - Choosing a suitable theme can make all the difference when organizing an unforgettable birthday party. Event marquee hire and rentals provide a versatile and stylish space to bring these trending themes to life. Whether it's a milestone birthday or a celebration of life, these trending themes combined with party equipment rentals in St Albans will undoubtedly create an extraordinary and unforgettable birthday experience for all.
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