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viperwhispered · 4 months ago
Hasdfs I just realized.
With Emi, Jamil's kinda gonna end up with a big tiddy goth gf - and when they first start dating, he doesn't even really know that that's what's he signing up for.
Jamil had better appreciate his good fortune, lol.
(I mean the big tiddy part is perhaps debatable for Emi, and it’s not like she likes showing off her assets to the world, but I'm sticking with it for the meme)
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suppenzeit · 9 months ago
died in 2018 born in 2024 welcome back Hip-Hoppers (<- saw the 2024 london freight designs)
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freshthoughts2020 · 11 months ago
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adulthumanproblem · 2 months ago
Weil ich grad bei deutschem Hip-Hop/Rap bin, hab ich natürlich mal wieder an Schwule Mädchen gedacht und bin bei Wikipedia gelandet:
Laut der Band ist der Song „eine Reaktion auf eine Bewegung im Hip-Hop, die nicht reflektiert. Eine Kritik an Künstlern, die ihre Lyrics nicht reflektieren. Der Umgang mit dem Wort ‚schwul‘ ist dafür ein Beispiel.“ Laut Rapper Schiffmeister wollte die Band einen Denkanstoß für homophobe und frauenfeindliche HipHopper geben: „Wir haben überlegt, was das Schlimmste ist, das man beim Rap sein kann, und da sind wir auf Schwule und Frauen gekommen.“ Björn Beton meint, das Lied vermittele „nicht nur ein gutes Partygefühl, sondern auch eine Haltung.“ Musik und Liedtext stammen von den drei Bandmitgliedern.
Cool! Wusste ich gar nicht! Voll woke und so!
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persbaderse · 9 months ago
something i LOOOOOVE about this last episode of doctor who is that i THOUGHT all these ridiculous names were just there to be ridiculous posh people names, like "ohh noooo i haven't seen my friends Thoroughbred Prancington or Hiphoppity Gardenparty the Third in two days :(" but nope! it was a clue
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brgzmpff · 2 years ago
Ajve, találkoztam a 80 éves jovokepemmel. 30+ éve kortárs galériás, olyan finom és torekeny modorral, mint ami nekem jutott baszki, a menő magyar festok nála kezdtek, be se lépett az ajtón és már lebaszott, de direkt hozzam jött, atbeszélgettünk hiphopp pár órát, ugyanolyan kupleráj van az ágyában, mint nálam, hogy a könyvek és dolgok melle nem férne meg egy ember, lenyugozo a lendülete, elnézést kert a modora miatt, rajongok, lenyűgözött, Ben Soir szerinte avantgarde, az áprilisi és a májusi muveszem lelegzetelallito, a nice to see you grafikaim erősek, a zold festmenyem a felejtesrol gyönyörű. Jahahahahahajjj 🥲🥲🥲
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digitallyinkedart · 1 year ago
#tumblr #tiktok #viral #tiktokviral #spillthetea #funny #follow #newyork #nyc #like #duet #split #likes #hot #rap #hiphop #drill #drillmusic #music #art #artist #tiktokart #tiktokartist #animation #video #animated #cartoon #animatedvideo #edit #edits #fire #sexy #rickandmorty #halloween #2023 #drawing #tiktokviral #iykyk #messy #clip #insta #instafamous #famous #famousart #buy #buy #buynow #forsale #tiktokproducts #producer #graphicdesigner #graphics #gfx #beats #cap #dance #dancing #bounce #live #tiktoklive #brooklyn #queens #newburgh #rapvideo #love #new #numberone #hott #thot #juicy #everubody #everywhere #newnew #tiktoknew #hiphopjunkie #foryou #raptok #foryourpage #hiphopmusic #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic #hiphopsong #rnb #unsignedartist #hiphoppers #hiphopslife #hiphoplove #vh1 #mtv #bet #soundcloud #trapbeats #trapmusic #explorepage #instagood #dj #godj #fire #blue #money #tiktokrnb #tiktokrap #tiktokartists #therapy #theraputic #trending #trendingontiktok #newnewnew #likemyart #followback #trendingartist #newartist #nft #nftartist #sellart #trendingnft #rip #smoke #edit #edits #smokeweed #drugs #sober #trendingart #topchart #topofthecharts #doubleclick #click #newtiktok #newtiktoker #retro #sneakerhead #kicks #tiktokkicks #xxx #solo #digital #ink #paint #painted #tattoo #tatted #italian #black #blacktiktok #mullato #tech #purchace #girls #ass #twerk #tiktoktwerk #mural #trendingallday #likelikelike #view #viewviewview #capcut #cupcutedit #video #picture #livinglegend #promote #promotetiktok #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #duet #viralvideos #trending #comedy #funnyvideos #tiktokchallenge #tiktok #love #like #follow #memes #explorepage #likeforlikes #trending #music #followforfollowback #explore #funny #meme #cute #art #fashion #likes #tiktokers #lfl #followme #repost #robot #urbanartists #graffitiart #streetartists #rickandmorty #rickandmortyart #exploreartist #viralart #vitalartist #ai #artificialintelligents #professionaleditor #exploreart #🤣   #👿 #demon #demonmusic #driptoohard #drip #fluidart #grime #grimeart #lfl #repost #exploretiktok #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #viralvideos #tiktokviral #tiktoktradition #tiktoktravel #memeart #lovegoals #lazy #alliwannado #couchsurfing #pizza #demonhiphop #likeforlike  #followforfollow #virallife #makemeviral #howmanyviews #tiktokmademebuyit #comexychallenge #prank #fashiontiktok #featureme #lol #comedyvideo #justforfun #motivation #storytime #foodlover #food #tiktokfood #workout #lifehack #diy #moments #moneytok #elevatetheordinary
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hiphopmagazine · 2 days ago
source The post Always me fr😭 #art #drawing #love #music #artist #automobile #hiphopper #hiphopmusic #relatable appeared first on Hip Hop News.
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versinator · 3 months ago
Haragotok fölitta
Mézeskalácsszivet bátyáidnak körültünk tizéves Illene füzd térten tisztainges Repdeső kikről hadaknak társához Csábit lyrát remegtetik látáshoz Vérfagyasztó csizmái esztendőknek kiszálltunk Eltemettek rakd herceget szolgánk
Hattyúdalom ingatta huny szinarany Függönyös válláról szórták mákony Józanságnak idehallom ágyúink nemszabad Ígértétek behajtanak ékszere olvasgattad Mostátok szolgájaként közelgett frank Sirjon hamvat szigetében karabélyunk
Meggörnyedve hullámhegyeken öklöző üdvösséges Muzsikomnak világló golgotán halványveres Sugja kerülik ködével sorhoz Írásodon asszonyszavak sietőbb angyalához Letörve döglés fényetek kergetőztünk Szitkát fütyülőnek feleltek orcánk
Szívekből nyughasson rohannom cselszövény Lesimít temetőből kérdte fáklyafény Kaptad boszporusi menetnek bántsad Cellának akarások kardotok lefogtad Megértlek szülőházamat vackom küszöbünk Megkötözze ugarok vallottuk csapolunk
Istenírás kimondod imádkozhat bérces Előbbvaló erében üvöltsetek erényes Népemet másvilági lefogva sugároz Farkcsóválva lovagot leromlottam fogukhoz Felfordulni mezsgyén árnyékozza szétmegyünk Üzend járatod térdelt nászunk
Üdvös wesselényi boldogulhat özvegyasszony Mécseket áldhasson hiphopp élettörvény Szittyák hullaház könyörülnek visszaadtad Enyésző bitorolja rendjel vérpad Uzsorások kívánd úrnőd tanulunk Bókolunk párnádon zárdaszűzek fiókáink
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the-evil-pizza · 4 months ago
I feel bad for those guys because they are NOT able to sing or writing interesting texts (which is fine they are young and should be here to learn) but every single one of the "teachers" (none of them have qualifications for this, it's a businessman a radio personality and a show girl) treat them like they are the second coming of Albano talent wise and refuse to actually give the homeworks and making the improve
Meanwhile the dancing side you got an hiphopper that has to do a classic coreo in 2 weeks of study
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viperwhispered · 24 days ago
Red emoji asks
There was this red emoji ask game that had some questions I wanted to answer for Emi.
So, random tidbits be upon ye
You can find more information on my yuusona Emi and her relationship with Jamil here on the masterlist.
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🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
In general, Emi tends to prefer level-headed, smart and sensible people. She doesn’t get Idia-levels of extrovert exhaustion, but she doesn’t really vibe with people who are loud, brash or domineering. Like, can we just keep things chill and civil, okay?
Certain kinds of smugness tend to get to her, as loathe as she is to admit it. But hey, confidence is sexy, even the cocky variations sometimes.
Looks-wise, a lean, long-haired metalhead would be her default for attractive looks. Muscles or chiseled jaws aren’t really a big thing for her. On the other hand she can really enjoy the curves of a nice back or even well-turned legs. Just, shapely parts of a body, really – just don't ask her to rate anyone's ass, because you'll just get a shrug from her.
While Emi gets tight with ADeuce over time, there definitely is a reason why she drifts towards Trey’s company sometimes.
Looks-wise, Jamil isn’t quite what Emi envisioned herself ending up with (like, man dresses like some kinda hiphopper, a sworn enemy of a metalhead /jk), but he certainly still ticks a lot of her boxes. Personality-wise, the gap between expectations/assumptions and reality is pretty close – and there are definitely things Jamil does, when he lets his self show, that just get Emi kinda swoony (I mean, y’all know how a cocky Jamil is).
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Emi enjoys dancing and doesn’t need too much convincing to step onto the dancefloor. She’s not really at home dealing with people she doesn’t know, however, so she tends to stick with people she knows. Dancing, chatting, nice snacks… She’s definitely up for all those.
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
(I still would need to decide if Emi would’ve been of age to drink before getting transported to twst, oop – and who knows what the rules are like in twst.)
Anyways, Emi likes to have a drink or two if she’s going out clubbing, for example, but she doesn’t like being more than tipsy. She just doesn’t like the feeling. A slight lowering of inhibitions is fine (for example, to dance the night away without worrying too much about how she looks), but she dislikes the feeling of losing control over herself.
In that vein, she also can’t really say she’s ever had a “proper” hangover. Like, tired after a late night? Sure. But no one’s had to hold back her hair while she’s bent over the toilet bowl or anything like that.
So, a drunk Emi (as drunk as she’ll get) will be a bit louder, bit more likely to just blurt out whatever she’s thinking, but nothing too dramatic.
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy? 
Escapism and food, pretty much. Like, a sweet treat or a good meal is always nice for lifting one’s spirits, right?
When she first turned up at twst, she very much escaped to books a lot. No need to worry about your own problems when you can lose yourself in someone else’s story instead.
For healthy things, if she finds herself getting really angry / out of sorts, she'll try to disengage and go for a walk or something instead of just pushing through. She does also vent to people, at least once she feels close enough to them.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
Depending on the day, Emi’s pretty neutral to positive about her face. Her eyes may be crossed, but ehh she only remembers that when she gets her picture taken from a particular angle. The color is nice, besides. She also likes the cupid’s bow she’s got going on and her lips in general. She’s also lucky to have pretty symmetrical features, and smooth skin without much effort.
Like, it’s her face, sometimes it feels weird to look at herself in the mirror, but not because she dislikes what she sees. It's not something she thinks about overly much.
For makeup, Emi likes wearing eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow on occasion. She doesn’t really do full face makeup, though, or doesn’t even really know how to do that. So her makeup skills are pretty basic.
As for her skincare… Vil may have had a bit of an aneurysm during book 5 when he found out. All she really does is remove the makeup (before bed the latest), and wash her face with water when she showers. During winter, she might use hand cream if her knuckles are cracking, and she’ll throw on lip balm if she remembers.
On the other hand, she is pretty diligent about keeping herself from the sun and using sunscreen if needed.
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
Emi’s not Jamil levels prepared, but she still does carry a fair bit of stuff around, usually in a bag. Like, she’s got this little pouch with like her most used meds, hand cream, hair ties, small mirror, compact hair brush, some safety pins and a small sewing kit, some bandaids, some blister plasters, some makeup wipes, pads… And then her water bottle, tissues and stuff like that.
So yeah, she rarely goes about without her bag unless she’s literally just popping in somewhere.
Tagging @scint1llat3 @diodellet @moonyasnow @bibi-cha
If anyone else would like to be tagged for Emi / jamemi things, just let me know!
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utomherten · 1 year ago
Hiphopper - Thomas Rusiak feat. Teddybears Sthlm
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higherselfjon · 2 years ago
#freestyle #hiphopper #rapmusic
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greenteaforbreakfast · 8 months ago
Igen, nagyon jól értettem, hogy mit szeretne mondani, de nem azt mondja. Én csak ezt mondom.
Mert a videó szerint "mindenki elkezdett gépeket használni", meg a "bezzeg az én időmben dolgoznom kellett a boltban, hogy megvásárolhassam a lemezt, amivel el kellett bicikliznem a barátomhoz, hogy meg tudjam neki mutatni", nem sorolom fel az összeset. Ha nem ezt akarja mondani, hanem azt, hogy "vannak zenei irányzatok, ahol ezt-és-ezt csinálják", meg hogy "megoldások arra, hogy azok is tudjanak lemezt kiadni, akik eddig nem tudtak", meg hogy "mennyivel könnyebb ma a zenéhez hozzáférni, hiszen ez eddig nem adatott meg mindenkinek (pl annak aki nem tudott pénzért lemezeket vasárolni, vagy nem volt biciklije, amivel át tudott volna menni a barátjához)" "DE!! Ellenben!! A kapitalizmus!!!" - akkor mondja azt. A "mai zenének" nem az a "baja" (ha egyáltalán van neki, ugye), hogy elérhető Spotifyon, vagy hogy vannak ilyen hiphopper(?) gyerekek napszemüvegben, akik kijavítják a hangjukat, ez csak annak magyarázat, aki ilyen videókat néz, amiben fiatal zenészekkel is együtt dolgozó idősödő urak a végén bemondják, hogy like and subscribe. Persze azért aranyos volt, hogy így lezárásképpen megkérte a fiatalokat, hogy ugyanmár üljenek le egyszer Igazán Zenét Hallgatni(TM) a telefonjuk az agyrohasztó készülékük nélkül, hiszen addig nem is éltek :)))
Mindegy, az első 12 percet sem érte meg, hátmég ezt a másik 12-t, amíg ezt bepötyögtem, a versenykiírás továbbra is érvényes.
Na itt vegre jol osszefoglalja valaki, miert hallgathatatlan szemet majdnem minden az elmult (legalabb) 20 evbol. 🎶 a piac szabalyozta magat
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boomjayposts · 5 years ago
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Want these beats ? Link in Bio #boomjaybeats #hiphoppics #studiolife #musiccomposer #musicproductions #youtubechannel https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCxoc1jhCr/?igshid=1isfbct4g3fl5
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hiphopmagazine · 2 days ago
source The post Always me fr😭 #art #drawing #love #music #artist #automobile #hiphopper #hiphopmusic #relatable appeared first on Hip Hop News.
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