#hinokami kagura dance
squilfmybeloved · 3 months
the first time the hinokami kagura comes into play in season 1 is like my favorite demon slayer scene ever- the music, the animation, nezuko's blood demon art, the dance, the fire- its all so beautiful. i feel like the dance doesnt get much attention from what i've seen and its so underrated but i love it so much.
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Um so i drew Tanjiro a while back so I posted this! How is the drawing? This is actually one of my best drawings lol
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shokos-lazy-life · 1 year
Guys....guys...about the Kamados...
Also spoilers!
Just finished reading this damn sobfest manga and a question here,specifically about the dad,
as in are we sure Tanjuro,the Kamado patriarch,didn't die because he overtaxed himself with the Sun Breathing?
We sure he didn't die because of the demon slayer mark or something?
Like it's never specified what age he was when he died but he seemed young if ill and the Kamado's wouldn't know that they are essentially performing superhuman and really taxing feats,yeah?
Like Tanjiro specified his father had the same damn mark he himself is developing and Hinokami Kagura is essentially just Sun Breathing for dummies so...?
I mean the official reason for the death of the Kamado patriarch is basically an unspecified illness and I am totally ready to accept that too!
Don't get me wrong this story is tear jerking enough without the implications of the blessing of inhuman strength also basically being a curse for everyone involved.
But yeah this thought won't leave me alone and since I am sick right now and possibly delirious if this post makes no sense I apologize.
But really,realistically Kamado's wouldn't know what the damn breathing is and anyone else would have just called a random wasting sickness.
At the same time,they did live on a mountain so maybe the dad just caught pneumonia or something?
But like he was wrestling bears at one point and dancing the Hinokami for hours apparently,and Tanjiro describes that as actual debilitating pain and a stamina and strength sapping effort of only pulling one of the forms,imagine dancing it consecutively for hours?
Man no wonder Tanjiro just seems to be so good at this too!
He had the most difficult form of breathing as a yearly tradition!
No but really this damn breathing form and breathing in general was dropping people left and right and most of the Hashiras got their mark in the end but imagine being a normal man and pulling this superhuman bullshit as a yearly tradition that lasts hours?
Damn the entire Kamado family is something else.
It also gives credence to that whole adage about no hero ever had a happy life but thankfully we had the power of friendship on our side.
In other words Kamado's are crazy but that's nothing new.
On the side note,apparently the realest and smartest person here is evidently Tengen.
Man came there,saw,conquered and dipped.
No but really how pissed of would you be if you basically killed this world's version of basically Satan and then the very thing that gave you the strength to do it,kills you?
It's probably nothing and I hope it was just some random illness or something but jeez the coincidence and implications are not giving me any joy.
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
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something something yoriichi is the fire god
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cardtorius · 1 year
I felt a series of gifs just does not do this justice. Like at all. Turn sound on.
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eiichiro · 1 year
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— hinokami kagura... sun halo dragon... head dance!
KIMETSU NO YAIBA: KATANAKAJI NO SATO-HEN (2023) created by gotouge koyoharu
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Hey there! Can I ask for Housewardens, Vice Housewardens and the Adeuce Duo with a Female Tanjiro Reader (Who has Nezuko with her) who’s known for being really kind, helpful and naive about technology (So a LOT of people assume she’s a pushover and a ‘Peaple Pleaser’ because they can’t fathom why she would do ALL these nice things for others without her getting something out of it)
But either some Random Students or Themselves do something that triggers her rage (Either by hurting her friends or Nezuko) and reveals she’s actually physically and mentally stronger than a LARGE portion of the Student Body as she breaks some ribs sending someone FLYING a few yards back and her rage is just coming off her in WAVES and even uses her Sword to take down the Overblots, which shows her Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura (Though they begin to not want her to go back home after learning what her home is like with Man Eating Demons)
Bonus if they go through her memories and her Soul Core (Seeing the death of her family, her sister becoming a demon, becoming a Demon Slayer, meeting Muzan, enduring so much pain, trauma and injuries that someone her age should NEVER have to go through and endure and yet she’s STILL this kind even too her enemies? She and her sister can’t leave, Crewel is getting the Adoption Papers NOW. Even if he has to forge them)
I LOVE Tanjiro (He’s Best Boy) 😭
He is the bestest boy and I love this scenario so much
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland x Tanjiro Reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
He slowly learns to appreciate you 
As the wonderful difference from your peers because you treat everyone with kindness and respect
Not to mention your sibling is so well behaved 
Following your lead as you respect those who don’t do the same to you
At first he equates you to Jade simply hiding behind a smile
But to see you act the same way when you didn’t know he was watching
Which made your reaction and action so much more surprising
“Wow~Can you believe it if you cut him it’ll just grow right back!?” “Whoa he’s like a demon.”
Riddle had witnessed some students taunting Nezukuro who was only shrinking away in response to their violent actions
He goes to ‘Off their heads’ before you react faster than life
Patting the head your brother while the perpetrators were respectfully smashed into the stone wall and suspended in the air as they twitched in the slots of a bookcase
He’s first getting medical aid before asking you ‘what in the Queen’s good name was that?!’
“I apologize for that but I will not stand for them to torment my brother!” 
He’s still reeling as you defend yourself to the teachers
But now he sees you so differently 
Your power, your kindness, your morale has him blushing at the thought
“A-a queen?!”
Now that he thought about it you were the perfect for a position of a ruler
Strong, rule-abiding, nurturing, irrefutablely obsess-worthy protective…oh he could go on!
But silently of course he wants to give you a kingdom to rule
Starting with him 
The moment after, he implements new rules among the students of Heartslabyul
“Bow to the Queen or it's off with your heads!” 
 When you confront him about these new rules
“I don’t see what the problem is. Heartslabyul was built on the name of the Queen of Hearts; it’d be a crime if we didn’t idolize such a figurehead!” 
In simpler terms perhaps he just found it really hot that you so quickly were able to defend for your brother
Now he didn’t want to be your brother
But to be the King of Hearts was someone he aspired to be 
To be your King of Hearts
“I’m not acting irrationally (Y/n)! I’m taking your advice about working toward what I want! And frankly that is you!”
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Trey Clover
He sees you in action during Riddle’s overblot watching how you protected your brother Ace, Deuce, and Grim 
He almost forgot to use his own magic while watching you move so finitely like a deadly dance
When all's said and done everyone breezes over your obvious power
And all he can do is assure Riddle, and calm the students of Heartslabyul
But later he circles back, asking you about your occupation
“Ah yes in my world, I’m a demon slayer. I trained really hard to get to where I’m at but if I can save another family from him..well it’d all be worth it.”
He finds that he admires you more than ever
As a family man himself he can only imagine what you had been through
So of course to show his appreciation he’s showering you in desserts
And as he watches you gulp down him his work, he realizes that if all goes to your plan you’ll go home
Back to a world of demons
Back to a world with pain
A world he could easily save you from 
He can’t do as much as you could but he’ll do his part
And if that means making it so you’d rather not return he doesn’t mind being your reason
“I’m hoping you love this tart I made for you. Filled it with love.”
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Ace Trappola
Is horrified when he first sees you so easily slice at the shard monster in the cave
Torn between running from you and kissing up to you so hard that he’ll never be on the receiving end of your Hinokami Kagura 
But he realizes that your just too sweet 
Too caring for someone so freaking strong
“Ace, you look as though you're going to burn with a fever. Let me check!”
Even when he teaches you the foreign game of basketball you obviously excel
Your just too awesome 
But you’d be even more awesome if you used that insane strength of yours to put those snobs in their place
Too many times as he seen you get taken advantage of
“You’re too nice, (Y/n). One of these days someone’s definitely gunna stab you in the back.”
For awhile he was just waiting for that to happen maybe even orchestrating it 
But at the last minute he’s interceding
There's no way he could ever beat you but there is one place he seems to excel above you
And that’s just looking out for his your own
So don’t mind it all to much when Ace off-handedly mentions a rumor to be truth
Or informing you about how this one homewrecker student had been talking about Nezukuro
You don’t need to trust anyone else really 
Just him
He’s entirely telling the truth
“C’mon (Y/n) trust me! I couldn’t nearly do that much damage to a buff guy like that.”
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Deuce Spade
He’s in shock for the next couple days
He had just recently admitted to himself that he admired your studious tendencies for an honorary student
Only to realize how much you surpassed him in delinquent tendencies
Scratch that you surpass him in actual strength
You never really join him in the sports club so how would he know 
But that just makes you more of someone worthy of admiration to him
He doesn’t fully understand your occupation but he’s especially curious when he sees you whip out a sword while running from that gem monster
He’s too busy blushing anytime you acknowledge him to really be jealous of anyone else
He just focuses on you and him
He doesn’t have the foresight to think about what happens at your old home
Especially since you seem so strong it must have been a breeze for you
Can he rub his face on your abs
“(Y-y/n) you're so strong! I-I could never reach your level b-but I hope you still give me the time of day!”
“Of course, Dear! I don’t mind getting you started on the brutal training of a demon slayer!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“...That’s unexpected but its nice to know an herbivore like you can at least be strong.”
He really wasn’t expecting you to so quickly lay waste to the Savvanaclaw students that were giving you, Nezukuro, and Grim trouble
He really thought low of you when it came to standing your ground
Too often could he recall ‘your friends’ whining for time that you barely have to take part in whatever problem they’ve gotten themselves stuck in
You smile way too bright
always igniting that heat from the inside of him
Which is really uncomfortable in the environment of Savvanaclaw
He gets excited about this 
He low-key wants to fight with you 
But he knows he won’t be able to have your hand in marriage even if he tricks you
You just won’t shut up about your mission
“So this Muzan-guy, huh? You’re going to kill him?”
“Yes! I have a long way to go but I’m ending the suffering he causes and saving Nezukuro!”
“Sounds exhausting. Sleep with me.”
He doesn’t like when you talk about it–your old ‘home’
He seriously debates letting Crowley or anyone for that matter present any information about sending you home
“A strong mate isn’t a common thing around here. It won’t hurt to turn a few books to sand.”
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Ruggie Bucci
“Whoa…so that’s what you do to demons?”
“Yup but no worries there won’t be too much damage…hopefully.”
You most likely mentioned it while easily helping Ruggie carry some groceries around
He noted it but it didn’t really register until you casually pulled a sword off of a decorative knight to defend him against some zombie-like assailants
as you easily dodged and then struck with the hilt of your sword before dealing some calculated blows he near wets his pants
He always thought you were easy
 always smiling, always helping, always being a step below what he wants
But the moment he starts seeing you in such a position of power he’s devoting his time to you
He tries to act like he’s not shaking in ecstasy at the thought of you owning him
But your just too sweet 
He can hardly stand it
“Y-you’re awfully powerful despite your no-maj status. Are you sure your muscles don't need a massage? Or me to soothe your aching bones? Or to hold me as tight as you can I can handle it..its my choice of compensation.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“...Would you be willing to be employed?”
He often finds himself too flustered to approach you
In fear in over-excitement of your sunshiney attitude
Always complimenting his smarts
Encouraging him when you think he’s down
Even going so far as to cheer him on
He could barely believe it when he saw you so easily swing a broom slicing through this violent students uniform
“One of the rules here is that we don’t fight. And since I’m sure we both love it here let this be all, okay?”
As he watches the student run out clutching at, what was left, of their uniform his jawdrops
But he recovers pushing up his glasses as he calms the onlookers
“ N-no need to worry, all our staff are more than capable of doing their job…and maintaining the piece! No need to worry.”
And he will when the lounge is closed and the madol counted 
“What in the Great Seven was that!?”
He’s used to seeing Jade and Floyd levels of power 
But you…your on a completely different level
After all his questions he pinches the bridge of his nose as you tell him about your world
He realizes how alike you two are
You’ve both entered a market full of vulnerable students
Ones you both had a clear advantage of 
The problem is your in the business of being too nice and planning on going home
While he’s more interested in actually making your home in the Coral Sea and making sure he’s your next mission
It’s in his interest that you don’t go home 
And this octopus is willing to pull every potion off the shelves if it means you can keep complimenting him while he imagines that you become his
“(Y/n) sign please! This contract will save you me so please sign!"
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Jade Leech 
“Oh my this is…intriguing.”
You continue to amaze him with everything you do 
A demon slayer?! With exemplary sword skills? 
And you're just too sweet to boot?!
He really has good taste in mates
When he sees you so easily escort the giant of the SavvanaClaw dorm out of the lounge since him and Floyd were occupied
He’s doing the eel equivalent of purring at the sight
While he’s more than happy to nip at a submissive, weaker partner
You’re just as strong if not stronger and he’s so excited 
Forget the chase! 
When it finally came down to it you would be his beloved entertainment
A mate that he could constantly tame 
Not to mention the fact that you already were strong enough to hold your own
Something important in the Coral Sea
You probably already go hiking 
He’s absolutely whipped
“Your form was absolutely spectacular! If I may ask, would you like to spar with me? I want to see if you can wreck me.”
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow, (Y/n)-chan you're so cool and strong!”
He doesn’t mind at all
In fact he’s excited whenever you show this side of you 
You match his energy perfectly 
Often being called the two suns you 
both attract and amaze with your kindness and compassion
He starts to falter when you speak about your world
Smile dropping as you declare your mission to kill Muzan 
And you go on about your job and the world you live in
He quickly puts his smile back up and cheers you on
But Kalim’s going to ignore the pit that sits heavy in his stomach
Trying to silent that voice that sounds so helpful
“Maybe they need to give up on this one dream…right? It's best if they do that at least..right?”
Of course he’ll ask Jamil not doing so well to be subtle and oddly enough he’s on board
“Its easier for me if your wife is someone so skilled. Not to mention as…their friend it really will be best to do this for them.”
Kalim can’t stop smiling 
You don’t have to leave for your old place anyway
You and Nezukuro can party all night with him when you finally agree to marry him
“I’ve always loved the idea of big families! I’d love it if Nezukuro moved in with us when we get married!”
“Did you say ‘when’?”
“Oh! And Grim can come too! I’m sure he’d get along with Raji just fine!”
“Can you not decisively hear me? We should address that.”
“Nya they have that bread bun you’ve been wanting to eat! You might want to get it before I, Master Grim, and Nezukuro eat it all!”
“...We’ll talk about this later.”
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Jamil Viper
“W-was that really necessary!? Looking back on it you were so close to not only slicing that door but slicing at me!”
You probably brought both your forms out either to finally get out of the room Scarabia locked you in or as a reaction to Jamil trying to hypnotize you while overblotting
Has probably tried before but you probably hit him in the head when you caught whiff of a deceptive smell
Or just broke out of his hypnotism overall
Eitherway he stays connected enough to hear whispers of your actual strength but is still amazed by the actual power you possess
For a time he’s just scared of you in general 
Someone who can sniff out when he’s trying to scheme
And someone who so nice to him despite it all
He just can’t seem to understand you
And in that same light he doesn’t understand these feelings for you
The feelings that have him using viper on your friends so they won’t bother you two on your lunchdate
The ones that have him working with even Kalim to ensure that when the time comes they will make sure you don’t return to your world
Once he gets past his fear of his love for you
He can’t help but want to get closer to you
Keeping a helpful eye out for Nezukuro 
all the while hearing you forgive him and wanting to be his friend
But he both finds himself swooning and drugging and keeping reprimanding you for distracting him so
when he sees you so quickly defend your brother completely putting your adversaries out of commission 
“(Y/n) I have to protect you…even if it seems like you can do it yourself. You're too naive.”
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Vil Schoenheit
“...Is this a common action in your world?”
“..uh maybe? More so in the circles I run though!”
He witnesses your abilities twice 
once in the Ramshackle easily kicking away a stray falling piece of wood
And in the colosseum when you pull out your sword to carry and destroy the infected drink out of Rook’s hand
First time he almost dismisses it with how fast you complete the action 
He’s intrigued by you and he’s pleased to be able to study the Ramshackle prefect up close for VDC competition
And boy does he get to study
Whether you decide to dance along with them or act only as a coach he can see how much  more powerful and agile you really are
He admires that you can defend yourself and others
but of course he prefers you use your cute face to do it instead
Guess who he’s trying to train right next to Epel
You can’t have the power to make him blush while being so brutish
But just as your determination to train is insistent so does his desire to make you his
And finally finding the potion that can go unmasked by your keen nose will be his latest achievement 
No doubt its going to take a while 
But he can be patient 
“I have no doubt your world needs you, but I need you more. And as the Vil Schoenheit of the most beautiful queen’s dorm  I will not let you leave that easily.”
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Rook Hunt
“Ah~Madamoiselle (Y/n) I see you’ve been gifted with both your immense beauty and incredibles strength!”
Probably learned long before any of the overblots took place
Of course who else would be running around campus with a box on their back
He first watches you while you train
Then when Crowley sends you on a mission
Then he’s watching you undress
He can’t help it 
You resemble his other favorite stalking subjects friends 
And occasionally a staged collision in the hallways has him burning up when you give him that shining smile in full effect
Its impossible for him not to get…aroused when your around
Imagining the chase, the struggle, if he were to finally move on his thoughts
Thankfully simply sneaking into your home and taking a few things is incredibly satisfying
Especially paired up with his growing photo gallery of all things you
When he learns of your environment he’s quite impressed
And he wrestles with the thought of supporting your mission or absolutely sabotaging so that you can’t so much as think about it
He ultimately decides that he doesn’t care what anyone else is doing but you 
And as long as he gets to follow that’s perfectly fine with him
“Ah~oh~(Y/n) you render me a devoted slave to your will! I’d wish you’d invite me to your hunt! No matter though I’m joining you anyway~!”
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Idia Shroud
“Whoa can the human body actually do that?!”
Seeing you easily strike at Blotted Ortho as you pull out your sword launching from the hovering chariot before maneuvering yourself back on it 
Even in his overblotted form he was totally taken aback
He doesn’t forget when he changes back 
No doubt he’s devoted quite a few hundreds of sleepless nights to review footage of your op character status in an isekai
For someone without magic he feels you have quite the presence
One that has him staying as far as he can as he lets his thoughts run on
Like how easily you lift up furniture when someone complains about it
Or how you so politely shoo his rivals your friends away when Nezukuro muffles an uncomfortable sound
How would it be like if you picked him up like that one kid
Or if he should dare-feel the full effect of your smile directed at only him
And eventually he’ll be able to ignore the layer of sweat that always seems to form when you scooch in close to understand the technology you have a hard time grasping
Or the…intense blood flow when you say his name 
He’s never wanted to lock a person up in his life
No doubt he already has plans A through Z about when you try to return to your world
Surely STYX would allow him to keep you there
If anything its the perfect amount of technology you barely understand and the perfect place to keep tabs on the no magic human that was apart of every overblot 
“(Y/n) you're the top love-interest to the otaku mc…while usually that would automatically put me in the lowest tier, breaking barriers in stereotyping is healthy. A-anyways I’m going to score your h-heart so j-just w-watch m-me!”
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Ortho Shroud
“(Y/n) (L/n) is actively using over 90 percent of their bodily functions at all times. Including breathing, isn’t that peculiar?”
He investigates on Idia’s sudden interest
But that alone isn’t what makes you intriguing to him…if you’d call it that
Your a human using your body in ways never seen before and without magic you are able to summon elements of fire and water
Not to mention Nezukuro himself never detectable on his radar until he looks with his optics
Or how he notes the strange behavior of you carrying said brother in the box you carry around
But when he thinks about you protecting his brother with that strength
His circuitry whirrs and whistles in what he figures his excitement
Not to mention the secret desire inclination towards the brotherly pat on the head
Surely you’d stay from such an unpredictable world if you were madly enough with his brother
“(Y/n)-san will you please accompany my brother to this convention? He’d beso happy to go with a…friend!” 
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Malleus Draconia
“Oh my, how intriguing! I’ve never seen a human possess such specific powers.”
He’s just that amused 
I mean of course you’re nowhere near as powerful as him
But that doesn’t matter when he might as well be your tool with how desperate he is to be around you
Taken by your kindness and compassion it doesn’t matter all that much to him
You’d be cute even if you…had weapons sprouting from your hands
He doesn’t mind all that much
Not until he knows why you do that
“In your world they need you to fight nocturnal creatures that eat humans and have regenerative abilities? And even more so have various powers that aren’t easily detectable?! Excuse me for my rudeness but your home world sounds like a losing battle that you could…die from.”
He’s not pleased with this discovery 
And he’s constantly mulling over the fact that your so willing to return
If anyone can use magic to look into yours and Nezukuro’s past its him
He’s horrified 
He understands your need for revenge but must you go against someone so powerful
It takes him awhile to think of his resolve
He couldn’t allow you to die let alone be turned into a demon 
But then again he’d hate it if it was Lilia or Silver in your familiy’s position
But he worries 
He couldn’t leave with you considering he has no idea if he could return; he’s a prince that wouldn’t be ideal
All he knows for now is that he can’t let you return until he knows what to do
So he’ll let you be 
Happily talking with you as you train and Nezukuro does his thing
He doesn’t know what he’s going to do next
He just knows he’s not letting you go
“My child of man you truly are the fire that burns so sweetly. I don’t think I will ever share you , not when I have yet to make you light the darkness of forever.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Oya~? Now that’s a style I haven’t seen in years!” 
Probably encountered one or two warriors with similar styles 
Nonetheless he demolished them
Or rather had them join his ranks
He’s already bewitched for such an old fae
You so easily just grow on him so that he can’t think of life without you
Even when he knows of your past and knows your situation he’s not budging
Your coming with him when the time comes
You’ll get over your revenge eventually
And Nezukuro just sleeps like Silver and is a silent sweetheart in his own right
it just works perfectly
No doubt he encourages you to spar with him
Gauging your strength as he decides he’ll need to pull an Azul
“If I win, you lovingly will return to be my bride in my Briar Valley. If you win I’ll refrain from abducting relocating you in the meantime. So what’s it gonna be?”
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smol-ackerman · 1 year
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鬼滅の刃: SWORDSMITH VILLAGE ARC - Ep. 05: Burning Red Blade
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izvmimi · 4 months
cw: selfship-coded. tanjiro and reader in 30s and have named children. family fluff.
Your daughter, only aged six, is surprisingly graceful, mirroring her father’s movements with determination and care written on her face that outsizes her small frame, as Tanjiro gives words of gentle encouragement, each step in time and more fluid than the next. 
It’s Sunday morning, and Ayumi has been practicing small portions of this dance for months now, and her sister right after her, Miki, stands a short distance away in the courtyard, mouth open in awe, with uncoordinated movements of her own as she tries to mimic them. You smile and call her over from your vantage point, and she peels her eyes away from them to look at you, then runs over to fall into your arms. Your last daughter, Mio, who has a wooden toy halfway in her mouth as she crawls over the tatami, also looks and easily jealous, scampers over to fight for attention.
“Stop!!!!” Miki starts to whine, but you shush her gently before finding space for both of them to sit close enough as you sit cross-legged and watch the rest of your family dance.
Ayumi is not holding a sword, even a training one made of wood, and you’re endlessly thankful for that. Thankful that she’ll likely never don a Demon Slayer Corps uniform, thankful that she’s learning for fun and tradition only. 
Tanjiro isn’t wielding a blade either, and while you can still see the slashes of his sword in your mind’s eye as he moves (you’ll never forget it as long as you live, you think), the Hinokami Kagura he’s performing has the steps he once called unnecessary added back in, once more a dance rather than necessary swordsmanship needed in situations of life or death. As he turns quickly, power and beauty combined in every step and hand movement, Ayumi moves in concert, less steady but just as impressive if not more so given her young age, and she’s the picture of her father in miniature, in a small little girl, the tints of burgundy in her thick curls pulled up into a ponytail matching his in the ample sunlight. 
She makes another sudden step, misplaces her foot, and practically trips, but Tanjiro is quick to catch her by the back of her kimono, and gives her a reassuring smile. 
“Oops! That’s enough for today, sweetheart,” he says, as she rights herself.
Ayumi pouts, but she can’t deny that she’s tired, and allows him to pat her on the head. “Good job,” he offers and her lips spread into a wide smile.
“You looked amazing, honey!” you call out to her. 
The two are quick to join you to sit on the tatami, Tanjiro pulling Mio into his lap and inspecting the drool covered block in her hand. She giggles as he tickles her tummy, and then Tanjiro’s eyes shift to you, as Mio quickly escapes him and crawls back into your direction, something that often drives him insane but he allows today.
“It wasn’t a bad idea,” he finally admits.
Ayumi, ever curious, asks “What?” as her eyes dart between the two of you but you share a knowing smile and don’t say anything further. 
You’d once asked him if he’d ever pass on Sun Breathing and he’d imparted to you that he never intended to teach anyone this dance, practically callous in his honesty that he in fact, never expected to live long enough to. In your stubbornness in refusing the idea that he could potentially die, you’d made him promise that he’d imagine himself teaching his child, whether girl or boy, if he managed to beat the curse and if he carried out his promise to marry you if he made it to age 26. 
And here you are now, years past that in the courtyard of a house far bigger than Tanjiro would have been comfortable living in, only giving into Kiriya’s constant offers of money once you were pregnant with your first child and he considered perhaps he could fill up a happy, large home.
“What wasn’t a bad idea?” Ayumi insists again, pushing into her dad’s side. Tanjiro ruffles the curls of her hair.
“Letting you show me up in front of your mother,” he teases. She laughs.
“Nuh-uh! I messed up three whole times!”
She demonstrates with her fingers and Tanjiro quickly replies, “yeah and you’re only 6, so very, very soon you’ll be a far better dancer than me!”
Ayumi’s dark eyes sparkle with competitive spirit which makes you smile. He picks her up abruptly and spins her around, then asks,
“Will you beat me at a ramen eating contest too?”
She laughs as he cheerfully puts her down then does the same spin with Miki, ever demanding of copious amounts of attention, and pretend wincing as she tugs gently at his earrings.
“So ramen for lunch?” you ask, as Ayumi and Tanjiro nod furiously. 
The idea of a family outing puts a smile on your own face. 
“Of course, let’s get ready to go!”
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twisted-dork · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland x Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse x Hamilton
2 weeks after Tanjiro!Yuu gave Malleus the SDC (where they are preforming Hinokami Kagura dance)
Malleus: In the message (on the invitation) I received from you two weeks ago, I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase.
Malleus: It change the meaning, did you intend this?
Malleus: One stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days, it says.
Malleus and Tanjiro!Yuu: My dearest tsunotarou
Malleus: With a comma after ‘dearest’ you’ve written,
Malleus and Tanjiro!Yuu: My dearest, Tsunotarou
*Flustered* Malleus: Anyway all this to say
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nakamatoo · 1 year
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Hinokami Kagura
Sun Halo Dragon
Head Dance!
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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astro-can · 5 months
tanjiro kamado - mha x kny
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this is tanjiro!! his hero costume is literally just the hinokami kagura outfit. I didn't draw his feet bc I cant draw feet
this is the link to kanao's profile for my MHA x KNY story
more information:
name: tanjiro kamado
hero name: (still unsure)
age: 15
height: 165cm
family: tanjuro (father, deceased), kie (mother), nezuko (younger sister), hanako (younger sister), rokuta (younger brother), takeo (younger brother), shigeru (younger brother)
occupation: first year student at U.A., part of class 1-A, hero-in-training, employee at his family’s bakery
quirk: hinokami kagura - by performing a series of dances, tanjiro can build up physical power. there were only twelve known dances, but tanjiro managed to unlock the thirteenth one. each dance has a different name. dance is the first dance, and by performing it, tanjiro’s physical power only goes up a little bit. In order to get stronger by using the dances, he must connect the dances together. at the current moment, he is only able to connect the first three. once he manages to connect all of them, his power will ultimately be on the same level as all might. he can also convert the strength into objects, like his sword. the scar on his forehead also gets bigger as he starts dancing. drawbacks include exhaustion, lightheadedness, internal bleeding, and nausea.
tanjiro is one of the students that entered U.A. late. he was unable to attend due to some difficulties involving the passing of his father. he first started attending at the same time as kanao tsuyuri, after the USJ accident.
his family runs a decently popular bakery. however, they are a family of seven and it is quite hard for kie to support the family on her own. this is why tanjiro decided to become a hero.
the kamados are family friends with the no. 21 hero, tomioka. tomioka helps financially support them, as does the retired hero, urokodaki.
the quirk hinokami kagura is a quirk that has been passed down for generations in the kamado family. tanjiro inherited his quirk from his father, as did his younger brother takeo. however, takeo has no intention of becoming a hero. all his other siblings other than nezuko inherited their quirks from kie.
he is friends with zenitsu and inosuke, who are exchange students in class 1-b. they often come over to his bakery (to see nezuko).
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taniavttv · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to Tanjiro Kamado 🥳🎂💞🌸
July 14th
Here are some funfacts about Tanjiro
💙 His Zodiac sign is a Cancer
💙 His Favorite food is Kelp Riceballs
💙 Tanjiro has a strong Forehead
💙He activated his demon slayer mark in the battle against Gyutaro
💙 He has sympathy for demons and is known to be a sweet and kind hearted boy
💙He can use two breathing techniques such as water breathing and the Hinokami Kagura
💙 His Earrings He got it from his dad since the earrings have been passed down from Yorrichi
💙 He looks similar to his ancestor Sumiyoshi
💙His father taught him the Hinokami Kagura dance
💙He is the oldest brother and has 5 siblings
💙 His duty/ goal is to bring Nezuko back into Human since she is the only family he has left
💙 Tanjiro has a strong sense of smell
💙His Nichirin Sword color first started black but then changes into crimson red from Nezuko Blood art
💙 His Hobby is Hanging out with Nezuko and his friends and even cleaning
💙We can't wait to see how much Tanjiro grows in the Hashira training arc and also his battle in season 4 Can't wait😭🤗💞🌸
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silverynight · 6 months
This is going to be long and forgive my spelling/grammer mistakes I'm a terrible writer
I once thought of an Au where Senjuro somehow get amnesia (But remembers his name is Senjuro) and meets the Kamado family (before Muzan) and they basically take him in as one of their own and he gets super close with Tanjirou and Kie because they feel super familiar to him the most (Big bro and Mom energy) and during his time there he decides to ink his hair black and let his bangs down (Hair would still have red tips) because he wants to fit in with the rest of the family and because he wants to explore his identity to figure out who he was
On the day of Muzans attack Senjuro asked to go with Tanjirou because he wanted to help and wanted to see the Village again (maybe to try and remember) after there interaction Senjuro has a dream with him saying goodbye to what he think is his brother only to wake up to see its morning (Skip to defending Nezuko from Tomioka) Tomioka finds Senjuro familiar but doesn’t really know why he is so familiar but leaves it alone
During Training to be demon slayer Tanjirou gives one of his earrings to Senjuro saying It will protect him and how it would be his way of making sure that he is safe Senjuro knowing the importance of the earring doesn't feel like he should hold on to it Tanjirous says That he will intrust Senjuro with the earling until the day Nezuko becomes human or when they step down as slayer (Tanjirou has one earring and Senjuro has the other) and when they both see that Nezuko is awake they both break down crying -During this time Senjuro talks to Tanjirou about his dreams and what might possibly his memories and Tanjirou help tries to help in anyway that he can but to little to no avail- on the day Tanjirou and Senjuro unshelth there swards Tanjirous changes to black but strangely Senjuro didn’t change at all but is not bothered by it and says ‘Its fine I may not have my color but that won’t stop me from reaching my goal’ (Tanjirou positivity rubbing off him) (Skip again with lower 5) As Tanjirou does that sun breathing move Senjuro joins along with him causing his sword to change black during all this Senjuro finely remembers his father and brother but not there history-During his time with the Kamados he always loved watching the hinokami kagura dance and was even taught parts of the dance-(NOW THE HASHIRA MEETING) 
(Part 1)
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Thanks for sharing.
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