#hinoka and olivia definitely
dvrtrblhr · 23 days
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some people, both old and new (mostly new).
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bossisgirl · 6 years
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I love her attack art she looks adorable
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My trappy boi
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Also can I just mention that the og v.a.s for these three are still here meanwhile hinoka is past her third v.a.
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I worked so hard on this and i love it but i also hate it so much but honestly i am hype for her
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She also has dazzle staff so im going for a panic wrazzle dazzle combo. But honestly so hype for maribelle
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Also olivia's skill set is so great will definitely fodder her off for chill spd or bracing dance cuz im not running a flier emblem
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And we finally have fjorm's bro. Honestly so fucking hype for this banner bout to lose all my money for maribelle and sumia.
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annathetrickster · 6 years
Rng must have blessed me, got 22 5* in about 500 orbs, I caved in and bought some. Pulled 5 b!ike before I pulled hector and was like “you’re not the axe man I want”. But 7 bikes, 6 Lhectors, 2 myrrh, tharja and Leif, 1 Elise, Like and la!Lyn. Most of the Ike’s have gone to my dragons but I was wondering, if I should fodder off La!Lyn to Olivia for guard as you’ve suggested I do before or giving attack/speed bond to a healer since well it’s like the only in game offense skill they can get
sounds like you definitely lucked out, so nice work there.
if you already have LAlyn or you just don’t plan on using her i’d off her for atk/spd bond before i would for guard. guard can be had from titania whereas atk/spd bond is only available on hinoka outside of limited banners.
healers can make great use of it, but they can also use brazen skills as well which are stronger, so keep that in mind before you off her for it.
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ragecndybars · 6 years
lyn for the character thing!!!
You know the way to my heart Yurei
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: uhhh fuckin fave??? Lyn is almost definitely my favorite Fire Emblem character, and probably up there on my top ten favorite characters of all time. I absolutely love her and everything about her. Honestly, Lyn’s story could be expanded into a full-length 30-chapter game without any plot additions beyond just more conversations involving Lyn, and that game would probably be my fav FE game, lol
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: First of all, FLORINA. I ship FloriLyn or Flyndis or LynFlorina or whatever you wanna call it SO MUCH. But, given how much I love Lyn, it’s inevitable that I’d have other ships, haha. I like Kent/Lyn, Rath/Lyn, Ninian/Lyn, Eliwood/Hector/Lyn, and honestly Rebecca/Lyn is a crack ship that I fell in love with.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: First of all, Lyn and her grandfather had an incredibly touching relationship, even if it was pretty brief. I also loved the entire attitude of Lyndis’ Legion towards her, since, by the end of her story, you could really feel the camaraderie between them – and the loyalty they felt towards Lyn. Even with characters like Erk, who was dragged into the whole thing against his will and is standoffish in general, have moments where they clearly show that they respect her as a leader and just… aghh. It kills me.
My unpopular opinion about this character: So apparently a lot of people skip Lyn’s story??? Like??? What?????? I mean, I get not liking the tutorial aspect of it, but, after the first time, you can just play on hard to turn off the tutorial, which also negates the whole “it’s too easy” thing??? It’s really enjoyable, it provides free levels for characters you get later in Eli/Hector’s stories, and it’s well written??? why?????? skip it?????????
One thing I wish would happen or had happened with this character in canon: Well, I’ve always kinda wished that she wasn’t kind of a prequel exclusive / retcon and could’ve had some role or at least a mention in Binding Blade, plus it’d make my little heart go wild to see some canon kids from her. I also really wish she had a slightly more substantial role in the overall story; I feel like Lyn Mode would be less hated (apparently? I like it lol) if it had more bearing on Eli/Hector’s stories, or at least more than just a cameo for Eliwood and Hector.
Favorite friendship for this character: Personally, I love the idea of Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn all being pretty close-knit after the events of the game, even though they’re scattered here and there. Also, this is a weird one, but I always found the friendship between Lyn and General Wallace to be strangely heartwarming. He’s so wild and zany but ultimately very experienced, whereas she’s pretty serious but young and inexperienced, but they both respect each other and can relate to each other, which is kinda adorable. I like the idea that, before leaving for the plains, Lyn would occasionally track down Wallace to consult him over matters of Caelin military tactics after her grandfather’s inevitable death.
My crossover ship: Blame Fire Emblem Heroes (and the fact that I put Lyn on the vast majority of my teams) if you want, but I have,,,, several. I could see her being really cute with Olivia, Hana, Lukas, Eirika, Caeda, Titania, Hinoka, ok i’ll just.. stop.
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