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@hinoexuma sent ♔♔ for a gifset of our muses
“ for pride         and avarice                  and envy are the three fierce sparks           that set all hearts ablaze.
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dreamdeemed · 3 years
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@hinoexuma​​     ↝   starter call !
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          “  you are truly a magnificent beast.  your aid is always noted and praised,  but your roots are more wild than we could ever maintain.  what you were given was not a curse,  however,  but a blessing by one who is greater than all of us combined.  ”
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shirokodomo · 4 years
Cont.: from here
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Hakudoshi was sure of it, this person standing right in front of him...he had felt this strong aura before and not just once. It was one that, for a long time, had been one with his own...
Violet eyes watched as the fruit the demon had been eating dropped on the floor. Hakudoshi never fully finished saying his name, too shocked, too surprised...and although the aura was familiar, he still wasn’t sure if it was the same. Perhaps it was the human form, which Hakudoshi didn’t even know existed, that twerked lightly his senses.
Red orbs stared right into him and Hakudoshi felt his throat go dry and his heart starting to beat faster. The distance between the two wasn’t big, the half-demon knew he had seen those eyes before...in a different shape yes but he had never forgotten the way those same red colored eyes had locked into his own the first time they met. 
When Entei choose him as his new rider.
Hakudoshi damned his human heart for the emotions he was feeling now. Hell...he was even feeling like crying, no matter how uncharacteristically that was of him...he didn’t let that happen tho.
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❝ ...It’s...a long story. ❞ not the best answer of course...but he was still in shock.
Did Entei feel it? How much he had changed...? How he was no longer the same demon child, Naraku’s incarnation, that once rode on his majestic back? Had Entei realized that this Hakudoshi standing before him...
Was now an artificial half-demon...?    
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kururugi-shine · 4 years
@hinoexuma​ (x)
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The horse demon just simply patrolling his territory when he came across the human that stumbled into his eyesight like a clumsy bug. Crimson hues narrowed as the creature reared up as he let out a loud whinny that rumbled inside of his chest almost like thunder. As his hooves slammed to the ground his caused the rock to turn into rubble from the pressure as he charged forward to drive the male mortal far away from his home.
How did Michiru get into these situations? He had to have been a magnet for trouble. Only he could have stumbled upon some sort of demon horse, lock eyes with it, and immediately cause it to go on a single-player stampede.
Wasn’t that just his luck? Obviously, he had no way to outrun the monster, and it looked powerful enough to kill him with a glancing blow. He certainly wouldn’t be able to find the others if he was dead.
Perhaps his best bet was to inspire some misdirection and hope that it would lose his trail. “Help me out, shikigami!” He didn’t suppose he had time for a proper incantation, but hopefully the spirit would grant him an allowance. “Fill this space with chaos!”
An iridescent light burst from his palm, expanding and enshrouding the area within 30 feet of him into a swirling array of dizzying colors and hypnotic patterns. Ideally, he would slip away while the demon was confused by the enchanting illusions, while he scuttled away.
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izayoi-hime · 4 years
I mean, every child asks their parents for a pony. But of course, your husband had to take it up a notch haha.
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“Yep, of course he does. That’s him all over.”
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tennoyuriii · 4 years
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Sango be seen her horse runnin’ around with no drawers on in his human form and she don’t like it.
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birdccge · 4 years
“ what did you just say? “ -itsyspider
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“I said I’m not afraid of you!” The young girl glared at the half-demon, her bow armed and aiming in his direction. “One move from you and it’s going right between your eyes, I’m warning you!” Even with a brave face, she felt her heart beating hard against her rib cage. The adrenaline full of rage is what kept her legs from failing under her.
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akarxuu · 4 years
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OOC://Thank you for reading the rules and it’s a amazing pleasure to meet you as well.
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ka-go-me · 4 years
hinoexuma said: The plan was to kidnapped the young priestess so when his rider launched himself between the half breed and the female the horse wasted no time to take action. Flying down quickly as he increased his size to easily carry her better Entei bit into the fabric at the scruff of her neck as he took off into the air.
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                                                                               『 @hinoexuma​ 』
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「巫女」::                                                                           “Wh--wha--Whaa!!”
               ::She hadn’t been expected to be picked up by the mouth of the wannabe Rapidash~! Of course she wasn’t expecting to be kidnapped at all...Never mind by Entei-and his rider...! What could either really, possibly want her for? She wriggled in the horse’s maw-trying to get him to let her go; not even taking into account that the higher Entei went---the further she’d fall if he did let her go!--
                 But she also had to believe that Inuyasha would be there to catch her too...Not that her wrigging was going to get the youkai horse to do anything, never mind drop her...::
                                                                                                      “You oversized pokemon!! Leggo my eggo!!”
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starter for @hinoexuma
Run-ins with youkai were not alien to the young mercenary, and most of the time, Bankotsu enjoyed taking advantage of such opportunities by testing his strength. After all, would it not be cruel to disregard the god’s design-- to weave the golden threads of fate as such to craft an ingenious tapestry depicting a decisive victory? However, when Bankotsu saw the monstrous equine--it’s pompous mane a blazing inferno and it’s long tail a regal pyre--he knew the yokai was not like the others. The divine trial was not whether or not he would defeat the beast in battle, rather it would be if the yokai would allow itself to be conquered, if only for a cursory epoch where he may triumph over the piddling world. 
He straightened his back and gazed into two ebony pools hemmed by carmine red, which told an epic of untamed power and aberrant intelligence; The yokai was no mere beast. “A demon horse, eh?” Bankotsu noted, and tightened his lips. His expression was resolute, but a small, confident smirk graced his tanned face.
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multiicolor · 4 years
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@hinoexuma​  ♥’d
  The cage surrounding  made the unicorn shiver, the man-metal feeling like it was leeching any warmth the unicorn had. Helpless to do anything but stand here, violet eyes gazed into the slowly darkening sky, watching the face of the sun slowly fall into the horizon.
  Today, it had seemed the witch had even more luck than she deserved- for even after she had stolen the unicorn in her sleep, she had also stumbled across another creature. The unicorn hadn’t the faintest idea how the witch was still alive, but Mother Fortuna had taken them too. She felt the heat of the demon horse in the next cage over, and she would stick her head through the bars if she could. But repulsed by the chill and the mere idea of being touched by metal, they refrained.   But yet her curiosity was not given the same treatment ; uncaged, it sought out answers.
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  There were hardly any crowds today, the haunting edges of night growing too near for any common people to venture here. The unicorns eyes flicker the the far wall of her prison.
“  Do you see them too?  ”  she asks in an airy whisper, head straining to look through the bars towards the other, but their cage was angled just so she couldn’t get a good look, only the flicker of a tail was the most they could see.
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shirokodomo · 4 years
NO! reversed
Send “NO!” to find my muse dying on the battlefield
“NO! reversed” for my muse to find your dying muse
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No no no no...! Why did this have to happen?! Why?!
After so long, after so damn long of thinking the other was dead, they had reunited. 
And everything had to crumble not long after...
Hakudoshi forced himself up on his feet, his leg injured and bleeding but that wouldn’t stop him from doing what he wanted. Violet eyes never leaving his injured stallion companion out of sight. Stumbling on each step, the now half-demon walked little by little towards Entei’s unmoving figure.
He was still breathing. He was still alive.
But for how long?
The white haired nearly crumbled onto the floor by the time he had reached his companion, his arms extended and attempted to cradle the demon horse’s head on his lap. He felt Entei breathing heavily. The wound looked really bad.
What could he do?!
Hakudoshi gulped and one of his hands softly caressed the neck of the beast  ❝ I will find a way to save you...I promise. ❞ why was he promising something that he probably wouldn’t be able to keep?  ❝ You have to hang on, you are stronger than this..! Just turn into that human form of yours...! ❞ he was begging but what could begging do for him? Nothing. ❝ If you do I can carry you back to the village, someone can help you there. ❞
Hakudoshi knew he was asking too much, Entei hated humans and he hated even more his humanoid form.
❝ You can’t give up now. ❞
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❝ Please ❞  
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barbricbone · 3 years
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Rules: Google/search your name + your favorite color + the word ‘aesthetic’. Take the first four (non collage) photos and voila, you have your aesthetic moodboard! Then tag your friends and moots to join.
tagged by: @senpujin  /  tysm for the tag ~ tagging: @thecursedpriestess, @hinoexuma, @ka-go-me, @vigilans, @shirokodomo, + anyone else who’s interested !
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universestreasures · 4 years
Which Eeveelution are you?
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you are umbreon, the moonlight pokemon! you strongly prefer the outskirts of a crowd to center stage; some might find you shy or unapproachable the first time they meet you. however, it is after one gets to know you that your personality blossoms. beneath your surface, you are compassionate, gentle, trustworthy, and above all unwaveringly loyal to those you love.
Tagged By: No one! Found this and decided to yeet it!
Tagging: @senpujin​​ @thcsevoices​​ (For Kyo!) @adversitybloomed​​ @ka-go-me​​ @hinoexuma​​ @slaheir​​ @ethcria​​ (For Inuyasha!) @fourthcardinal​​ and anyone else who would like to do this!
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Izuku had felt..a pull of some sort ever since he had woken up. Something so familiar yet strange at the same time. It bothered him throughout the day and all his classes and as soon as they ended and he had earned his free time he eagerly and quickly followed the pull. Leading him deep within the forests that surrounded u.a’s campus though today they felt a bit deeper leading him somewhere strange.
Until he came to his destination his eyes scanning the surroundings as a gentle wind blew through the air swaying the branches and leaves as he looks around before his eyes focus on the horse before him his eyes widening slightly as an overwhelming feeling swells within him his eyes glow with a single color of bright red for a moment as a single mentor steps forward inside his mind.
“What a beautiful creature...” He mutters softly.
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tennoyuriii · 4 years
Both the slayer and the horse had secrets that they kept to themselves, however, after being captured and kept like he was a prized bird by a power demon who was the lord of the north made his blood boiled. He never expected to see this human girl again after so many years. Snorting as he laid down on the ground his all his legs in chains he glared not giving her any satisfaction.
Sango had immediately regretted not using, or even revealing that she had these new powers when the northern demon lord captured her. Initially, she’d allowed it to see what the bastard was up to, but after a little too much groping and being put in chains in the same room as an old adversary? She wished she’d just used her power to escape.
She hadn’t kept track of how long it had been since her gaining immortality, it hardly mattered. All she really had to keep track was that her old friends’ children were almost as old as Kagome had been when they first met, that much was clear. Kohaku and Rin (and Hakudoshi, interestingly enough) had children now too, she wondered which one would be Kirara’s next partner. Kirara had been passed down to each of the chief’s children of their village as far as she could remember, and as the nekomata had once been passed to her, years ago she’d passed her onto Kohaku. The flaming horse yōkai across from her made her think of Kirara made her miss her beloved kitty too, even as the chained up horse snorted and glared at her. There was no satisfaction to be had on either side, like this, and so she sighed as she got back to work on breaking the advanced shackles around her extremities and neck, purple sparks bouncing from the pieces with her effort. Sango was still learning, so even with her power, it would still be tricky to defeat the demon...but perhaps if she could get Entei’s cooperation....
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