#hindesight is 20/20
idk-dude-im-just-here · 4 months
I struggle with not feeling good enough and I’m getting better and I’m a lot better already than I was even a year ago. But in my last relationship I blamed myself for everything that went wrong for a long time when things got bad and I moved back home. And it wasn’t until I broke things off officially and completely with him that I realized it wasn’t all just me and that I deserved better and it hurt a lot at the time and it’s not something I would ever do again and I’m not sure what made me do it, I had kind of expected to find exactly what I did but going through those phone records really were the final straw that made me realize I didn’t deserve it anymore. Whether or not he really did get with her before we broke up or not didn’t even matter because I realized if I’m in a relationship with someone that makes me feel so insecure to the where I feel the need to go through their phone records, it’s not worth it. Let alone finding out he’d been lying to me about her. Bythere were a lot of things in that relationship that were said and done that made me feel very badly about myself and hindesight is 20/20 like they say, because at the time I just accepted it because I felt like I deserved it . But the therapy that I’m doing has helped me come a long way and yeah I still say sorry a lot but I’m living for me as unapologetically as I can and I now know what’s important to me in a relationship.
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I just had the biggest “whoa I was always like this” moment in history. I’ve always said stuff like “When i grow up I want to live in a big house with all my friends, avoiding the idea the nuclear family” and my brain just went “You poly dumbass, how did you not realize you were poly until a couple months ago, you have been saying this since you were 8!” and I feel so dumb
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hdawg1995 · 5 years
high key if a friend comes to you and vents and you don’t have the time to reply right away let them know. if you don’t have the time to tell them what you want to tell them let them know. i vent and rant to my friends all the time and if they can’t get back to me or if they just don’t have anything to say its fine but whats not fine is not letting your friend know that you listened, that you read, that you are there. if you don’t have the time let them know. if you tell someone your door is always open that you’ll listen to them at any time and than ignore them thats not fine. communication is a two way street. 
and don’t just try to sound thoughtful and smart by replying with a cliche or phrase that you think summarizes your feelings/the words you want to tell them. thats lazy and doesn’t make someone who is hurt/sad/angry/venting to you feel better.
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crashquez · 3 years
I’m just curious about why you chose America for working? Was there special opportunity there for the work? P.S. I will miss you very much
hi! so basically i went to an international school for highschool, so i knew i wanted to do uni in english which left me to choose between the uk or the us (i didnt really vibe with australia). i ended up choosing the us cause at the time i thought the culture fit better with what i wanted, and also i liked that law was a graduate degree rather than an undergraduate one. i felt like i needed a few years after highschool before becoming a lawyer. i mean i am 24 now and i still feel like a child in this field, i could not have imagined being a lawyer at 21.
as for work, once i graduated here, this is the only place where i could use my degree. which is what i originally wanted, but many things have changed and many things have happened to me since i was 17 in highschool making this decision. if i had to go back i would do it all very different but obviously hindesight is 20/20.
given the state of the world right now, its pretty hard to just get up and go somewhere else, so even though i have my issues with this country, its where i will have to be for a while! also im trauma bonded with boston anyway, probably couldn’t leave even if i tried lol
but awww anon you are very kind and i will miss you too <3
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thealexcolpitts · 6 years
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Hindesight 20/20: University Productivity Tips and Tricks https://ift.tt/2t5J93l
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