#hinata is a sweetheart
raelyn-dreams · 2 years
Me then: I mean, sunshine characters are cool, but I don't think they're among me favorites.
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doors-worstenemy · 3 months
Aone and Hinata personality swap bcz im CRAZY ABT THEMMMMM WOOOO!!!!
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madmanwonder · 2 years
Type: Ask
Summary of the Question: Hinata and Hinari to Naruto and Naruko.
Meme: Happy Valentine My Sweetheart Meme
Theme: (Genderswap)
Hinata: H-Happy Valentine, M-My Sweetheart. 😖 *Hand Naruto a box of homemade chocolate*
Naruto: Ah shucks, Hinata-chan. Ya’ shouldn’t have. 😊 *Also hand Hinata of homemade chocolate*
Hinata: T-Thank you Naruto-kun >///<
Hinari: H-Happy Valentine, M-My Sweetheart *Hand box of homemade chocolate to Naruko*
Naruko: Ah~ You should’ve *Peck Hinari in the cheek*
Hinari: Mep!
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evenmorebeetles · 1 year
I personally really love the shippuden epilogue, like do I think that they should've done at least something with naruto becoming hokage rather than leaving it for boruto? yes but I think it's entirely fitting with the themes of the story for the epilogue to be centralized around "look at how much all these people love each other, look at them enjoying peace, look at the friendships that have been forged along the way, look at them having fun and smiling and laughing and honoring one another" so I honestly wouldn't really change anything about it
and this is especially true because something that makes it so much better is thinking about how much the naruto fans who take everything way too seriously hate it. like I'm here just chilling, vibing, having a ball of a time with the fantastic jokes and animation and feeling soft over all the friendships meanwhile some anti out there is seething over hinata's mere existence as if she's ever done anything wrong in her life
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semiis · 4 months
their cuddle positions w/haikyuu
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pairing: various x reader
genre: headcanons ; fluff
warning(s): none
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a/n: this is an old post i uploaded on my hq blog from 2020. this was one of my favorites so I thought it was be nice to post it again. back then, i went with the ones i wrote for so i'm keeping it just the way it is. i’m really sorry if your favorite isn’t there. i hope you guys like them !!
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
atsumu, ushijima, daichi ⥼ the sweetheart cradle. i personally think this would be his go to cuddling position. his arm wrapped around you, holding you close while he lays on his back, your head buried deep into his chest while you inhale the scent of his cologne. most definitely pats or strokes your head as a sign of comfort or whispers nothing but comforting words to you. 
suna, kageyama, tsukishima ⥼ the leg hug. i don’t know why, but this is definitely you guy’s go to. the two of you would be chilling on either one’s bed, sleeping, on the phone, playing games etc. while one of your legs are entangled together. it’s much more relaxing to him and you both get the physical contact you were craving from each other. 
oikawa, sugawara, kita, asahi ⥼ the honeymoon hug. oikawa loves the physical affection between you two and whenever he’s feeling touch starved this is his go to. the both of you are entwined together, holding the other tight, arms wrapped around each other - almost as if refusing to let go. his chin (or yours) is delicately propped up on top of yours. he can feel your breath against the crook of his neck and he adores it. sometimes find him or yourself peppering soft kisses on the other. 
bokuto, lev, yamaguchi ⥼ the spoon. he loves cuddling, especially when it’s with you. he mostly loves cuddling after a long day a practice when he’s beat and worn out.  he lives for having his arms securely around your torso while your back is pressed up against his chest. you would sometimes find his hands caressing your sides or arms and he’d be eager to leave the most tender kisses against the back of your neck. 
hinata, osamu, noya, tanaka ⥼ the butt pillow. you or him laying on your stomach while the other has their head propped up on your butt. also an easy way to tease his s/o. he loves it. the “best pillow in the room” and the only one you guys want to lay your head against. it’s common if he strokes/caresses your leg, might even draw an invisible heart on it. 
tendou, kuroo, iwaizumi, semi ⥼ the cradle. he enjoys when you're laying on top of him, legs on either side of his body, cradling him while his arms hold you firm against his chest. you listen to the sound of his heartbeat and almost find yourself falling asleep to the soothing, rhythmic sound. 
kenma, sakusa, akaashi ⥼ the lap pillow. he’s fond of laying his head in your lap and often finds himself doing it every time he comes over to your place and vice versa. play with his hair, stroke his cheek with your finger, boop his nose, bend over to place kisses on his face - all of them would make him melt. loves peering up at your face from that angle and admires just how attractive you are. 
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© semiis 2024 ; do not translate, repost, modify, or copy my work.
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Since we don't have an official birthday for her (or any information, really) I like to headcanon May 8th as Ignis' birthday.
Normally I might do some Ignis posts on that suggested birthday, like I would any other character, but a 5/8 birthday would overlap with Hinata Himezuru's official one.
And, like, Hinata already has so little recognition in the fandom. I don't want to creep into her birthday too much.
Therefore I'll be posting an Ignis or two now, on the cusp of 5/8, and focus on Hinata for the rest of the day proper.
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nicka-nell · 3 months
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How they act when they have a crush on you
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Pairing: Atsumu x, Suna x, Kuroo x, Ushijima x, Daichi x, Hinata x, Iwaizumi x, Oikawa x reader
Warning: fluff, mdni
Part 1 | Part 2 (end)
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A total bully. Constantly in teasing mode.
Whether it’s in class and he throws little paper balls at your head, pulls your hair while you’re tying your shoes in the gym, or “borrows” your homework to copy it and give you your notebook back with a scrabbly drawing next to your exercises.
Atsumu takes every free opportunity to pick on you, thinking that you take it as a form of pleasant affection.
You’re chatting with some friends in sports class when you get hit in the back of the head with a ball. It wasn’t a powerful throw. In fact, you barely felt it, but you know immediately who the ball came from when you turn around with a grim expression and see the wide-grinning blond Miya brother running towards you. “Sorry sweetheart. But ya were standing in my throwing lane.” he grins and picks up the ball. Oh, how you’d love to hit him in the face with the ball.
After school you just want to go home, the umbrella is already open as it is pouring like hell, when you feel two strong hands snatching the umbrella from your hands. “Hey sweetheart, I’m sure ya won’t have a problem if I borrow the umbrella, will ya?” Atsumu smirks at you again, already holding the umbrella in his hands so that he doesn’t get wet. You’re next to him, but half your body still gets wet as you try to take the umbrella away from him. “Hey, I’m a damn superb athlete. Can’t risk it to get sick,” he complains, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him so that you don’t get completely wet. You walk home together for quite a while until Atsumu leads in the opposite direction to his own home. With your umbrella, of course. You can prepare yourself to arrive home soaked and chilled. Awesome.
Atsumu would never think of telling you that he has a crush on you. He assumes that you already know this and that you also have feelings for him, but are too shy to tell him.
When a guy invited you out for ice cream and you agreed, Atsumu complained to Osamu. Osamu first had to make it clear to him that you two are definitely not a couple and that you certainly don’t assume that he has feelings for you, because Atsumu is also just an asshole towards you.
Atsumu interrupts you sulking while you’re eating ice cream with the guy, completely ignores this dude and tells you that you shouldn’t eat ice cream with other guys because he likes you and it annoys him when you do things with other guys who aren’t him.
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Suna is probably more of a secret, very laid-back admirer who takes things rather slowly.
He doesn’t behave any differently towards you in everyday life. That’s why it’s not obvious to outsiders that he has feelings for you. Even for you.
You’re in the same circle of friends. He’s not particularly jealous when you talk to other men. Possibly also because he knows exactly what he has to offer and is convinced of himself to a healthy degree.
But after a while, you notice that he’s more interested in you. He always likes your pictures on social media. Sometimes he comments on them with emojis. A fiery heart, or a smiley looking mischievously to the side, or even a smiley with heart eyes. Sometimes he also speaks to you directly about your pictures.
Rarely does he tease you.
“Saw your picture yesterday. Looked good,” he says calmly, his legs up against the wall as he lies on his back on the bed, his head hanging off the edge of it as he looks at his phone in his hands. You’re sitting on the floor with your back against his bed, still finishing up a few things for your group work for school, when you look sideways at him. “Thank you, that was with Tsumu. We played CoD,” you answer him. “A game date?” he replies with an almost arrogant look, still scanning you from his casual position as you shake your head and roll your eyes. Suna wouldn’t admit it, but deep down, he’s glad you denied his question.
Your free classes are for learning. But sometimes you use them to just relax, chat or do nothing. While one or two of you are studying in the school's common room, you approach Suna, who is sitting on a bench with Atsumu and Osamu. Both boys are looking at Suna’s phone, who’s playing a game, when you approach him and ask curiously what he’s doing. All three boys look at you before Suna grabs your hand and casually pulls you onto his lap while resting his head on your shoulder. His hands are around your waist while his phone is in his hands in front of you. “It’s a new mobile game that came out. It’s based on a webtoon,” he answers, still focused on his phone.
Suna would probably confess his feelings to you first. However, his confession is rather spontaneous.
For example, in a store when you buy some fruit sticks on the way back home and he also pays for your stick. Outside, you tell him that he didn’t have to do that and that you can pay for it yourself, but out of the blue, he just tells you that he did it because he likes you. “So what does it matter? I did it because I like you. So bad?”
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Like Atsumu, Kuroo is someone who would tease you to get your attention. But not in that childish way with paper balls in your hair.
But at the same time, Kuroo would also help you and is very attentive.
In sports class, you are currently learning the basics of basketball - how to dribble, make a lay-up and so on - before your sports teacher tells you to practice on your own for the next 30 minutes. Kuroo grins at you and throws you the ball. “Do you think you can beat me in a one-on-one?” he smirks, knowing full well that you can’t. Nevertheless, you accept his challenge, start to play and quickly lose the ball. “You need to be less stiff. Try to move with the ball. And... try to keep the ball at about waist height when you dribble,” Kuroo says as he dribbles past you to make a smooth 3-pointer. 
You’re sitting on a bench in the shadows during your break. It’s a hot summer day and you just want to get somewhere where there’s air conditioning. “You should drink more. It’s pretty hot today and you’re not an oryx antelope that can go without water for long,” says Kuroo, who suddenly stands next to you at the bench and holds out a small bottle of water.
He always acts so tough around others, but he cares about the people who are important to him.
Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Probably not, but at some point you would notice it yourself and ask him casually. 
If you asked him about it, he’d start off by rambling and beating around the bush, but then eventually admit to having feelings for you.
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Ushijima would probably behave the same way towards you as he usually does. At least that’s what he thinks.
But you can actually see him looking in your direction from time to time and subconsciously observing you.
He also subconsciously thinks of you, asking Tendou, for example, whether he could imagine that you might also like certain things.
In class, you are all already in the classroom waiting for the teacher, while you talk to Semi about the new shop next to the school and Tendou tries to tell Ushijima about the latest manga he has read. Tendou quickly realizes that Ushijima isn’t paying any attention to him, but that his gaze is instead wandering toward you and Semi. “Wakatoshi? Were you even listening to me?” Ushijima barely visibly flinches, noticing that his thoughts were somewhere else when he looks over at Tendou again. “Can you lend me the magazine? They always have such interesting promotions on the last page,” he says, completely forgotten that his attention was still on you earlier. Unlike Tendou, who purses his lips and narrows his eyes.
“Uhhh, tell me, did you watch the new K-Drama series? The one with the lawyers and the forensic scientist? Mmmh, the lawyer’s secretary is sooo cute!” Tendou chants as he walks with Ushijima towards the gym for training. “No. Do you think Y/n would like the series? She likes watching these things, doesn’t she?” Ushijima asks dryly, not realizing that he’s only thinking about you again. “Mmm, I don’t know, maybe you two should watch the series,” Tendou replies, hoping to finally get a little more out of Ushijima, but he doesn’t respond to his statement anymore.
It would take so long for Ushijima to realize that he has feelings for you. Whether he finds out on his own, because he realizes that this rapid heartbeat is not because of his “suddenly worsening condition”, or because Tendou gives him a few clues to think about his feelings for you.
However, Ushijima would tell you as soon as he recognized it for himself. But not with a bouquet of flowers and a romantic dinner.
No, he would simply ask you at the next opportunity, if you were interested in him, because he is pretty sure that his interest in you goes beyond friendship. Not caring if you were alone or around friends during his confession.
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Sawamura is a little gentleman. He would show his kind of affection through small things. The typical “act of kindness”.
Whether it’s opening the door, holding your school bag while you put on your jacket, or simply walking home together, even if it means a ten-minute diversions for him.
“Ah damn...” you curse quietly as you sit in your seat in the classroom and realise that you’ve forgotten your pencil case at home. “Dai-“ you’re turning around to ask Sawamura if he can lend you a pencil only to see him holding one out to you already, with a slight smile on his face. “Thank you.” You whisper quietly and turn back to the front.
You’re on your way home after a pretty exhausting day at school. All of you stayed a little longer in the school library today to study for your final exams. So it’s already dark when you go home and you’re upset about not bringing a jacket. “Here. Next time you should remember to pack something warm. You never know when it might rain and the temperature could drop,” Sawamura says calmly, holding out the jacket he wears for volleyball training. He himself is still wearing his school uniform jacket. After all, he doesn’t want to catch a cold. You gratefully accept the sports jacket and put it over your shoulders. Sawamura wouldn’t admit it, but he wouldn’t mind if you forgot your jacket next time as well, and wore his instead, because seeing you in his way too big jacket somehow makes his heart beat faster.
Sawamura would think long and hard about whether to confess his feelings to you, because he wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship between you. But in the end, he would be the one to confess his feelings to you first, in the hope that you would return them.
Unlike Ushijima, however, he would do it at a moment that suits him. For example, when the two of you are alone, on the way home together, in a quiet and laid-back environment and a relaxed atmosphere.
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Hinata is so clumsy and although he tries to hide his feelings a little bit and keep them under control, even a blind man would understand how much he has a crush on you.
As soon as you enter the room, he gets all nervous and his vocabulary suddenly shrinks so much that it feels like it only consists of 30 words.
Even if Hinata appeared nervous towards you, he would never be someone who would tease you or have a cheeky remark on his lips. Nor would he ignore you. He would also be the cheerful and friendly whirlwind towards you, just a little awkward. He would try to support you, even if it was just carrying the bench in the gym together with you.
“H-hi,” Hinata stutters and turns away, glowing red in the face, as you smile at him and greet him too. “I’ve brought water for myself,” he says with a smile and holds out a water bottle to you. You give him an irritated look, but then giggle. “For you? Yes, that’s nice, but why are you giving it to me?” you ask and notice Hinata blushing again. He’s probably embarrassed right now. But you think it’s cute. “Eh, I mean for you. You. I’ve got my bottle here! See? It’s even full!” he says and reaches for the bottle in the side of his bag, wanting to shake it to show you that it’s full. But instead, he presses down on the bottle and splashes the water on his face. You giggle, but reach into your own gym bag and pull out a small towel to put on Hinata’s wet head so he can dry off. A gesture that is probably too much for his nerves right now.
Tired after his hard and long volleyball training with Kageyama, Hinata is just about to get on his bike and ride home when he sees you sitting at the bus stop in the dark. A little confused, he asks you what you are still doing here at this time of night when you tell him that you missed your bus."Then come on, I’ll drive you home!" he says with a cheerful smile and you don’t even have the chance to say no. Because you’re already sitting on the front of his handlebars while he pedals his bike and takes you home. He doesn’t seem to care that you live in the opposite direction to him and that it will take him even longer to get home, thanks to you. “Hold on tight, the Shouyou taxi is fast as lightning,” he says with a grin and drives you home.
With Hinata, it’s a fifty-fifty chance whether he confesses his feelings to you or not. Either he confesses them to you, but then because he babbles and the words just fall out of him with nervousness, or you tell him at some point that you have feelings for him.
If you are the one who confesses his feelings first, you can literally watch a fuse burn out in his head and how he is completely overwhelmed until he realizes what you have just told him.
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Iwaizumi is similar to Sawamura. He would also shine through his act of kindness. Even if he would try to hide it coolly.
However, Iwaizumi also has a protective and slightly jealous side, especially when Oikawa gets the idea to flirt with you. He doesn’t like it when you feel uncomfortable or when other guys get too close to you.
“You shouldn’t carry such heavy things. You’ll damage your back,” Iwaizumi grumbles, before taking the bag with all the water bottles for the volleyball team from you and hanging it over his shoulder. “Hajime... I’m not five anymore... I can carry the bag by myself.” You answer him with a sigh. He’s a bit like your mum... far too caring. The only thing missing now is that he shouts after you in the morning to always bring a jacket so that you don’t freeze in the summer when it’s thirty degrees… “Never mind, I’ll carry the bag now...” he replies casually and turns his head away from you, but the tips of his reddish ears betray his coolness.
“Uuuhh my favorite manager is back” grins Oikawa, who runs up to you and hugs you as if you were best friends, but quickly lets go of you when he is hit in the back of the head with a ball. “Hey Shittykawa, leave her alone. We’re here to train, not to flirt with women. Especially not with our manager, you idiot!” Iwaizumi yells annoyed and approaches you both, while Oikawa tries to hide behind you. “Not my face, not my face!” Oikawa begs from behind you, leaning his head against your back. Iwaizumi tries to pull him away from you as the coach calls everyone together and demands their attention.
Iwaizumi would definitely be the first to tell you that he has feelings for you. But also alone, not in front of all your friends.
He would pull you aside, casually ask if you had a moment and just before he confessed his feelings to you. His tough determination would leave him and he would scratch the back of his neck until he got the words out almost sulkily, not looking you in the eye at first, before repeating his words with more determination, this time looking at you.
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Oikawa would try to win your attention with every second.
Whether it’s in class because he offers to answer difficult questions and flaunts the answer to make himself look smart and strong in front of you, or whether it’s in training when he scores 5 points only with his serves.
Even your teacher doesn’t call you by name as often as Oikawa does when he wants your attention.
He also doesn’t like it when he sees you with other guys. He always pushes his way in between your conversations and tries to be close to you.
“Oh hey, Y/n-chan, what are you talking about right now?” he asks with feigned curiosity, his arms draped over your shoulders as he stares darkly into the eyes of the young guy in front of you. “Oh eh, we were talking about the new movie that airs tomorrow,” you reply, looking back over your shoulder at Oikawa, who suddenly looks at you with a smile, the dark expression completely gone. “A movie? Shall we go together?” He’s not really in the mood for the cinema, but if it means this guy leaves and Oikawa can spend more time with you, it’s a win-win.
Oikawa walks out of the changing room with a big grin on his face. Freshly showered and in everyday clothes after his team won the game against a neighboring team. “Did you see how many points I scored in that game? It’s amazing, isn’t it?” he asks, totally full of himself, as he puts his arm over your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. “Yes... you really scored a lot of points. But Hajime was also really-“, ”Iwa-chan could only score so many points because I’m the best setter. Right? You saw that, didn’t you? How I pass the ball into Iwa-chan’s hand?" he interrupts you, almost as if it annoys him that you were about to praise his best friend. With a sigh, you just chuckle. “Mhh yes, that’s right. You’re really great.” you answer him and watch as his eyes sparkle even brighter and he happily presses you against his chest. “I knew you only had eyes for me, little birdy.”
Since Oikawa assumes that every woman likes him anyway, he also expects you to like him. Would he tell you that he has feelings for you? Maybe.
The fact that you two are always doing so much together and that he’s like a clingy puppy somehow blurs the line between friendship and relationship.
At some point, when a guy had asked for your number, Oikawa had then shouted loudly that the guy should leave his girlfriend alone. You looked at him in confusion and there was a brief, awkward silence until you asked him if by any chance he had feelings for you.
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wake-uptoreality · 1 year
You always liked the thought of 'your moles being where your lover kissed you the most in your past life'. When you innocently tell him that, he grabs your hand pulling you closer to his chest. "Like this, baby?" He murmurs as he starts kissing every inch of your face where your beauty marks are located. You furrow your eyebrows, clenching his shirt with shaky hands. He goes lower and lower, breathing on your neck at last, gulping the sweet smell of you perfume. "You are my past, present and future love, never forget that" he grumbles "...now should we find your other moles too, sweetheart?"
-> IWAIZUMI, ushijima, hinata, BOKUTO, sakusa, AKAASHI, aone, OSAMU.
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tiza0925 · 6 months
Pretty Little Thing | 18+
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Warnings/Tags: nsfw, afab/female!reader, kissing, soft!dom Hinata, pet names, teasing, sitting on his lap, vaginal fingering, grinding, praise kink, implied multiple orgasms, it gets wet and messy ♡ SET IN A TIMELINE WHERE ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED-UP AND OVER 18
Pairing: Hinata Shouyou x Female Reader
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It should be embarrassing how easy it is for you to get this aroused. 
All it takes is for you to sit on his lap—his muscled thighs keeping your legs spread apart—while he murmurs such soft demands to kiss him with light touches all over your body—
And you’re already heated just by that alone—your pussy leaking in your panties, clit all puffy and sensitive, and your nipples feel so heavy that the slightest brush over them can set you off. 
But it’s mostly the way Hinata kisses you as he holds your hips in place—lips slotting between yours and suckling on your plush lips like he wants to taste you—while parting your mouth open with his to let his tongue slide against yours so sinfully—
That’s what has you melting into a puddle of honey and heat as you make a small sound at the back of your throat—and your fingers in his hair dig in a little more to scratch against his scalp. 
“Hm?” Hinata hums, sounding dazed, still kissing you senselessly as his hands—so big and calloused—move behind you to give your ass an indulgent squeeze. “You okay?” 
He asks while nipping your lower lip, pulling out a whimper from you, and you force yourself to relax in a shuddering breath as you pull back a little. “Y-yeah, I just—”
You suck in a sharp breath as he kisses you again, and your eyelashes flutter as they grow half-lidded. 
You need more.
Making out with him on this couch in his apartment is great—one of your favourite ways to pass the time with Hinata but—
But god—there’s this needy ache between your thighs that you can’t ignore, and it’s getting at you with every slick slide of his mouth against yours. 
“You need something, baby?” He asks, causing you to look down at him and—
Your eyes widen at the grin you’re met with in return—as if he already knows without needing to hear you say it—and you swallow hard, nodding slowly as you wet your swollen lips, your voice coming out breathy, “Yes.” 
“Yeah?” Hinata has one eyebrow raised, and his grin grows as his voice lowers, tilting his head to kiss the underside of your jaw, murmuring, “Was kissing too much for you, sweetheart?” 
Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his warm lips kiss your jaw, below it, then slide his mouth down the side of your neck, teasing that sensitive spot in the crook of your neck. 
It has your head going hazy, and your cheeks grow hot as he sucks on that delicate piece of skin, seemingly intent on leaving a small mark. 
Not that you mind. 
You’re always proud to show off whatever mark Hinata leaves on your body—whether it be a small bruise from his mouth or a red spot from where his hand would meet your skin with harsh slaps—you wanted everyone to know. 
Your fingers curl into his hair as Hinata continues to lick and suck at your neck, and your mouth parts with heavy breaths swooshing out of you as you nod wordlessly—your tongue feeling too thick to move at the moment. 
You hear Hinata chuckle—you even feel how it rumbles against you with how close your bodies are pressed against one another—and then he pulls back to tilt his chin up at you, his eyes so murky with desire. “Then show me.” 
You blink, confused for a moment with a frown burrowing on your lips, and Hinata kisses your small pout as he mumbles against your mouth. “Lift your skirt for me, baby.” 
You shake as he kisses you gently, slowly, and so softly before you pull back to do just as you were told—your hands a little shaky with just how affected you are—as you tug at the bottom hem of your skirt to bring it up and over your waist, revealing pink panties that are already a little soaked. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Hinata groans, low, as his eyes take in the small damp spot seeping from the center of your panties, and he runs the pad of his thumb from your covered clit and down your slit, feeling just how hot and wet you are through the thin fabric. 
Then he brings his eyes back up with a small, teasing smile, and your stomach flutters. “I haven’t even done anything to you yet.” 
You huff out a breath, clearly a little embarrassed of how obviously affected you are. “Shut up.” 
But that just makes him snort softly, and he hooks two fingers to pull your panties to the side, revealing your bare pussy that’s all sticky and shiny from your arousal. 
“Look how pretty you are,” Hinata drawls, almost entrapped with the way his eyes are admiring your pussy, and his other hand comes to run his middle finger—that’s long and thick—through your pillowy folds, gathering your fluids towards your little clit, while the excess of your juices leaks onto yours and his thighs. “Such a messy pussy too.” 
Who would’ve thought that the Hinata Shouyou would have a mouth like that? 
Because you certainly didn’t when you first met him in Brazil. 
He seemed nice—innocent, actually. 
It’s why you felt so safe and carefree around him when you two talked. 
It’s also why you agreed to come back to his place for the night—only your perceptions of him to be completely turned a whole 180 when you realize that he’s a different person in bed. 
Still sweet and caring, yes, but god—he knew how to make you feel so heated and exposed with such simple words. 
And that was months ago.
Now look at where you guys are. 
You whine as you try closing your legs—but that’s futile when he’s got you all spread out from the strength of his thighs—and he laughs quietly at your embarrassment as you rest your forehead on his shoulder. 
“Don’t be shy,” Hinata cups you over your cunt, feeling just how soft your pussy is, and he puts pressure against your clit with the palm of his hand. “I like it when it’s all wet, sweetheart.” 
He kisses the side of your head, almost soothingly, and he grinds his palm up to rub it against your engorged clit, his voice a throaty whisper against your ear. “You feel so good like this, you know.” 
You shudder, electric sparks of heat shooting up your spine as he continues to grind his palm against your pussy, getting it soaked and drooling all over his hand and fingers, and it has your eyes rolling back as you let out small moans. 
“Can you cum like this?” He asks that, all sweet yet there’s a hint of a demand in there, as he kisses your ear. “Get my hand all messy for me, baby?” 
You let out a shaky groan, and your hips begin to move in sync with his hand, bringing that tight coil in your belly to grow more and more until it’s so close to exploding—
And Hinata gets your cunt all drenched as his palm spreads your juices everywhere—making your pussy all sloppy as he brings you to your first orgasm—
“Shit—” You gasp, all wet and needy, when you feel one of his fingers dip inside you, and Hinata is so damn quick to curl his finger to rub your g-spot, causing stars to shoot behind your eyes and liquid fire bursts from your clit—
“There you go,” Hinata coos, strumming the inside of your walls as he gropes your pussy, sounding throaty as his lips brush against your ear. “You’ve always been good at listening to me.”
Your mouth opens with a silent moan as your orgasm ripples through you—suddenly and harshly—and you cum on his hand, fluids leaking everywhere that you get all slippery with how wet you are.
And Hinata works you through it, his free hand coming to hold your hip—his fingers dig into your flesh—just mesmerized at how pretty you sound at the moment. 
It’s when he feels you grunt from overstimulation that he pulls his hand away, and you let out a huge breath as your body goes limp against him and—
And then you hear him hum as something close to the sound of sucking catches your ears—and your turn your head to watch with wide eyes as he licks his hand, groaning at the taste of you. 
“Get up.” 
You blink dazedly at him, still feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm with your cunt still throbbing, and he must’ve noticed the confusion on your face as he chuckles breathlessly, giving you a chaste kiss—and fuck, you can faintly taste yourself on his lips. 
“Don’t look so confused, now, baby,” Hinata smirks against you, and your heart makes a small leap as he kisses you again. Slowly. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
That’s another thing about Hinata that surprised you—
Is that all of his passion and eagerness you’ve seen on the court as he plays volleyball—
That all translates well into how he is with you in bed—because he never just stops at one orgasm. 
And tonight is no different. 
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slttygeto · 1 year
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જ⁀➴ synposis: neither you nor mikey seem to have pulled out cupid's arrow despite being separated in this timeline. lucky for you two, you have the perfect group of friends for you to reunite in every life.
જ⁀➴ content warning: manga spoilers! (the ending), racer! mikey, best friend! kazutora, fem! reader, tooth rotting fluff, mikey is very confident and famous, making out on the first date, se.x in the changing room, se.x on the couch, protective sex (wrap it before you tap it), overstimulation, cunnilingus, mikey makes you cum three times, he's a sweetheart.
જ⁀➴ word count: 10k
જ⁀➴ note: thank you to @mztoman for commissioning me again (so loyal!) i had so much fun writing this, even though it took me a while. and thank YOU guys for 8k followers! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it hehe.
ʚ⁺˖↪ comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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One of Takemichi’s biggest achievements in life is giving his friends the life he promised them when he first discovered what being a time leaper was. It wasn’t easy, he fought like hell but it was worth it at the end. All of his friends are alive, his girlfriend is soon going to become his wife and was preparing for their wedding—it couldn’t get more perfect than this. The man sat next to this big window of a very quiet and fancy place, so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice that his friend was walking back towards their table.
Manjiro watched as the black haired male fidgeted nervously in his seat. It was his idea to take him out, help him loosen up a little since Takemichi has been so caught up in wedding stress. He deserved a day like this. Especially with how far he’s come and the sacrifices he made for them to be here in the first place.
“If you fidget again, you might break the chair,” Manjiro teases him as he takes a seat across from him. He watches as the male flinches before resting his forehead on the table. Takemichi heaves out a long sigh.
“This is way too fancy, Mikey…”
“Well, what did you think? That I’d be allowed to go a coffee shop down the street where anyone can recognize me?” Manjiro flashes his friend a grin, a little proud that his career mad him get this far. And Takemichi sighs in defeat, accepting the fact that their little hangouts were going to be like this from now on.
“Plus, you need this more than I do. Wedding preparations are wearing you out. Maybe attending Emma’s wedding first will help putting you in a good mood before the big day comes up.” It was true, but there was something else to be discussed and Takemichi wasn’t sure of how to bring it up.
Was this even the right moment for it? He didn’t even know if it was appropriate to discuss this so casually. But he needed to get it off his chest. It was one of the first things he noticed when the last time leap happened—how it felt off. He wasn’t even sure at first, he thought he was just imagining things, that the time leaps took a toll on him. But one look at Chifuyu confirmed that he wasn’t tripping. Someone was missing in the picture.
“Hey, do you remember ever having a girlfriend in the past?” Takemichi tries to be casual about this, tries not to make it seem like it was a life or death situation but his facial expression fails him. It was so serious that it makes Mikey pause eating his food.
“A girlfriend, or perhaps a girl? Do you remember being involved with a girl romantically?” At first, Takemichi was hesitating on telling his friend about this. After all, there’s no nice way to ask this question without making it seem like you are calling your friend a total loser. But he remember his conversation with Chifuyu, and he knows that if there is anyone to trust when it comes to information about the past, it’s either him or Naoto.
“I remember her, we didn’t talk that much but she was definitely there,” Chifuyu says, still holding the cold beer in his hand. Takemichi had invited him to his apartment while Hinata was out shopping, because he couldn’t just discuss this kind of stuff over the phone.
“Through it all, right?”
“Mhm, you remember her too Michi, you’re just hesitant.” Chifuyu was right. Takemichi knew what he saw in all of the timelines, he is sure that there was someone and Mikey always looked so protective of you, never let anyone near you. He’s never seen his friend like that, and so for him to be separated from her in this final timeline just didn’t make sense. He needed to do something about it.
“Michi, are you trying to tell me something?” It seemed like Mikey refused to take the situation seriously, and no one could blame him. What was supposed to be a fun hang out with his best friend was turning into a serious conversation and faster than he had anticipated.
“You were in love, Mikey.” This sentence makes his face fall. Takemichi sighs before leaning back in his seat, stirring the drink placed in front of him.
“Each time I went back in time and tried to fix things, it led me to a different timeline—a different outcome. In all of them, you were involved with this girl—you were different,” Takemichi pauses as he looks up at his friend. “No matter how bad things turned out to be, she was always there and seemed to be the only person to pull you out of this dark cloud. Last time, way before that big fight happened—“ He almost cringes when he remembers how bad it was. “You two weren’t together anymore. And I’m not sure why or how, but that seemed to worsen things for you. And if I’m not mistaken, she did end up dying at one point.”
Manjiro was trying his best to process what was being said to him. He was quiet, attentive and did not know what to say. He wasn’t opposed to the idea that younger him had found love, he was more upset that he must’ve fucked up some way for this mysterious girl to leave him and not want to be involved with him anymore. But he had no memory of her. No name, no address—how old was she? Were they both the same age? Was she older? What was she like? She must’ve been super patient with him because his teenage self was a menace, whiny and way too needy.
“Do you remember what she was like?” Mikey breaks the silence, his eyes going from his drink to his friend’s face who hums, trying his best to remember some of the features.
“I’m not sure, all I remember is that she was very loyal to you. She had a bonten tattoo on the back of her neck to match yours.” Takemichi remembers vividly the Bonten timeline, where he had tried to visit Mikey at that one abandoned building. He remembers watching her as she stood near the leader with careful eyes, a warm touch that contrasted her partner’s cold demeanor. She seemed to give Mikey what he lacked—warmth, love and a home.
“Where was she during the last fight?”
“I have no idea, but she didn’t want to be around you,” Takemichi cringes at the confession.
It’s true, she and Manjiro were like strangers in this timeline, but it wasn’t guaranteed that they wouldn’t meet again. After all, this mysterious girl was also friends with the rest of Toman. Takemichi wasn’t sure who exactly was her closest friend in the gang, and it made the chances of meeting her very slim.
“How do you know so much, though?” Mikey starts, taking a bite from his pastry. “You can remember that I was a piece of shit to her, but not her face?” It was a natural question, and no offense was taken by Takemichi who shrugged his shoulders.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I got some answers from Chifuyu and Naoto. We know this girl, but we tried to look at every picture with Toman and she was just never there. Almost like a ghost.”
“And you’re sure she isn’t dead in this present time?” This was Takemichi’s least favorite theory. Something must’ve happened in the past, she was nowhere to be found and the guy didn’t have time to ask everyone if they remember a certain girl being involved with the gang. All he could hope for was that she was alive and that nothing bad happened to her. Unlike that one timeline where she does end up getting killed, Takemichi hoped that she somehow survived and made it in the present time.
“I hope that she isn’t.” Takemichi confesses, almost gloomily. “But one thing is for sure—if she was close to somebody in Toman, there’s a chance she might attend either mine or your sister’s wedding. Let’s not lose hope.”
You are invited to the wedding of an old friend. You remember Emma as being the light of any room she walks into, and seeing her get married to the one person she’s always had a crush on makes you grin from ear to ear as you hold the wedding invitation in your hands. You are not particularly close to the couple, but you remember bumping into them a couple of times and every time you would pray that nothing bad happens and separates them because their happiness is truly contagious.
The wedding takes place in about two days, and you learn that you are not the only one invited when you hear your doorbell ring.
“You’re invited to Emma and Draken’s wedding, right?” Kazutora stands at your door and you snort at how excited he is. You’ve been friends with him for almost a decade now, you’ve seen each other at your lowest and you couldn’t deny that your friendship with the man was one of a kind. He pestered you like you were a little sister, and no matter how annoying he was to you, he happened to be one of the few people who were truly there for you when you needed them.
“Mhm, she even called me and told me she really wants to see me.” You smile when you remember the phone call. She was sweet enough to ask for your number when you bumped into her three months ago, and now that you look back at it—it was definitely to invite you to her wedding. You let Kazutora walk inside your place and the man makes himself comfortable on your couch.
“Good. You do need to get out of the house, it’s starting to become annoying,” he says with a light tone, and he sees you roll your eyes before you take a seat next to him.
“Sure, I do need to socialize a little.”
“Not a little, a lot.”
“Shut up, I get it.” You smack Kazutora’s arm and he laughs before grabbing the remote control. He chooses a random show on Netflix before grabbing his phone to order takeout. You can’t even argue with him or tell him you had some left-over food from yesterday because he wouldn’t listen to you anyway.
Kazutora was right. You rarely ever went out unless you were obligated or the man dragged you to an event. It felt as though you dreaded the thought of going out and having to meet people. But attending Emma’s wedding didn’t sound like a bad idea. As long as the people there were as sweet as her.
Which made you realize another thing.
“It’s crazy how we both knew Emma, but we didn’t become friends through her.” You say outloud and your friend hums. You two became friends because you happened to be hanging out near a cat café. You both happened to be rescuing the same kitten, and decided that it was the start of your very long friendship.
“True, which also means that you’ve never met one of my closest friends and Emma’s brother.” You tilt your head in confusion.
“Mikey.” You’ve never heard of that name in your life. Then again, you’ve never been to Emma’s house or were that close to her in the first place. All you knew was that she had a massive crush on this Draken dude who you saw recently and that was that. Anything about her family was simply none of your business.
“Yeah, I don’t know him.” You simply shrug.
“He’s a pretty famous racer actually,” oh? That was a first. “But he likes to keep his personal life mostly private. Last time, he came to my place wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants—I thought I was getting robbed.”
You snort at the thought of your friend being absolutely terrified from his own close friend. But this made you a little curious about this Mikey. If he was as famous as Kazutora claims, why have you never seen him on TV before?
“You’re such a scaredy cat. “ You tease your friend, nudging him with your elbow.
“Yeah, yeah. Says the same person who cried when she found me on her couch after opening the door for me at night.”
“I forgot!”
“Say that to the person who will murder you in your sleep.”
Emma’s wedding was as intimate as it could be. You weren’t complaining, you hated big weddings where people didn’t even know each other. And right off the bat, you could tell that the people invited to the couple’s wedding were loved ones and have seen them grow up together.
You don’t feel out of place, but you are still a little closed off as Kazutora marches towards his group of friends. You refused to go with him mainly because it would be so awkward and you wanted to give your friend some space to hang out with his own group of friends. And so you stand next to the drinks, pour yourself some water and hold onto your cup while looking around the place.
It was small, but not too small. You take notice of the flowers hanging by the ceiling and the cake sitting in the corner. There’s soft music playing in the background and despite the number of people present, it is not loud enough to annoy you. Perhaps if you were to get married one day, you wanted a ceremony just like this.
You’re brought out of your thoughts when you feel Kazutora’s hand around your wrist and you send him a look that he knows a little too well.
Don’t you dare-
“Come! They wanna meet you.” He’s grinning from ear to ear, and you hear his friends laugh at the contrast in your expressions. While Kazutora is so excited to introduce you to his friends, you look as though you don’t even want to be here.
“There she is! Give her some time and she will warm up to you guys,” you give a tight lipped smile and you can feel your cheeks warming up at the attention. You aren’t exactly awkward with people, but being introduced like this wasn’t a situation you would ever put yourself into.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Mitsuya.” A man with lavender hair extends his hand out and the smile on his face helps you relax a little. You shake hands with him and introduce yourself back, and suddenly everyone was telling you who they were.
Beside Baji (whom you’ve already seen in pictures before), everyone else is a new face. There was a set of twins, Souya and Nahoya. Pah-chin and Peh-yan, and then there was Hakkai and Chifuyu. They were all nice and welcoming, didn’t make you feel awkward at all. But you notice how Chifuyu’s stare lingers on you for a bit longer than the rest, and you don’t shy away from asking him if there was something he needed.
“Is there anything you need or?”
“Oh no,” Chifuyu starts and shakes his head. His cheeks are flushed that you caught him staring at you so intensely, but he continues nonetheless. “You just look familiar, that’s all.”
Familiar? It wasn’t exactly impossible, but you were still sure that you’ve never met Chifuyu before.
“Maybe we met outside or something, or maybe Kazutora showed you a pic?” You ask the male, and he quickly darts his eyes towards Kazutora.
 “Actually, yeah. I think that’s where I saw you.” He lets go of the conversation pretty quickly after this, leaving you standing confused next to your friend. You don’t really question it, perhaps he did believe you and it was all in his head. But it was still a weird interaction altogether.
You are quickly introduced to a new person, and your interaction with him isn’t any less weird than the previous one. Takemichi stares at you with wide eyes and parted lips, and you see Chifuyu pinch his side which makes you furrow your eyebrows. What the fuck was going on here?
“Are you okay—“
“You just look very familiar.” Again? You almost roll your eyes in annoyance. If they were playing games with you, this surely wasn’t a fun one. But you decide to give a proper answer to this observation and shake your head.
“It’s probably all in your head, I’m sorry. I have never seen you in my life.”
Despite how warm and gentle you look, you are strong minded and don’t shy away from situations like these. Takemichi finds himself smiling at the thought.
I can see why her and Mikey are perfect for each other.
Takemichi, just like Chifuyu, lets go of the conversation very easily and you find yourself even more annoyed than before. If one more person tells you that you look familiar, you might just tell them to fuck off. But you’re distracted by Kazutora dragging you to take a seat, indicating that the ceremony was about to start.
You watch as the best men step out and stand next to the groom who looks as though he is about to burst into tears at any moment. It is a sweet thing to witness in real time, the same man you remember meeting three months ago holding a bag of groceries while Emma was holding nothing but her purse. He was truly head over heels, and to be able to witness him devote himself and promise to love and cherish her, to be there for her and hold her when things get tough felt like witnessing a love story straight from the books.
The after-party starts shortly after, and you take notice of how the quiet and intimate vibes remain present throughout the whole night. You are sat at a table all alone, Kazutora had only left your side a few moments prior to grab food for you both and so you decide to just scroll on your phone for a bit. But you are quickly robbed of your alone time when your friend comes back and it seems as though he’s dragging someone with him.
“(Name), this is Mikey. Mikey, this is (name). He’s the friend that I told you about yesterday.” Mikey is anything but how you imagined him to be. Cocky, arrogant, maybe a little self-centered since that’s how everyone who rose to fame behaved even around their friends. But he is… closed off. He can hold eye contact, but you take notice of the small blush painting the apples of his cheeks at having to be introduced like this.
You two seemed to have that in common.
You give a small smile in response and extend your hand, Mikey sees it and mirrors your actions. You don’t think much of it, it’s a hand shake after all—but the moment the palm of your head meets his, you feel electricity shock through your body and you both pull away with a slight hiss.
You’re both holding your hands back, but then you look at him and he feels different. For some odd reason, this young man you had just been introduced to looks at you as though he’s been looking for you for a long time. Your heart skips a beat. His eyes are intense, and he doesn’t seem to pull his eyes away from you until you dart them back towards Kazutora with red cheeks.
Your friend watches the scene unfold before him with raised eyebrows and a small smile. He had hopes that two of his closest friends would get along, and it seemed to be going just fine.
“Wow, am I interrupting something?” The playful tone to his voice seems to make the heat travel all over your body, and both you and Mikey smack him at his comment.
“Don’t be such a dickhead.” You look adorable when you try to be threatening, Mikey thinks. But he also thinks that it must be you.
The girl Takemichi told him about a few days earlier, it has to be you. He doesn’t know how or why, but the hand shake made him feel different about you. It was cheesy to be thinking this way, Mikey would’ve probably teased anyone else if they had told him this. But you were staring at him with pretty eyes and pink cheeks, even your stare was a shy one up until you looked at Kazutora.
You bicker with Kazutora for a few more moments until Mikey sees him lift up his hands in defeat, a triumphant smile on his lips. You roll your eyes at this.
“Fine, I’ll leave you two alone if that’s what you really want.” This little-
“That’s not what I said!” Your face is as red as a tomato, watching Kazutora walk away to chit-chat with some of his friends. Mikey finds himself snickering a little at this.
“Laughing at my misery?” You tell the man with a small grumble and he shrugs his shoulders before pulling out a chair.
“It was entertaining—can I?” You nod in response and Mikey takes a seat next to you. Your body immediately relaxes around him, and given that you were the only two people sitting at this table, you don’t find yourself feeling awkward as you strike a conversation with the man.
“So, you like bikes?” The question is genuine, but the way you phrase it has Mikey throwing his head back with a small laugh.
“I do, how were you able to tell?” He props his elbow on the table before resting his chin on his hand. He is grinning, and the way he’s staring at you makes your stomach flutter.
“A little birdie told me you’re a pretty famous racer,” You grin in return and mirror his actions, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. Mikey takes notice of what you are trying to do and lets out another laugh.
“I am, and yes I do love bikes.”
“I know, Mikey.” You chuckle at his sincerity and you see him shrug his shoulders.
“Hey, I’m an honest man. I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn’t lying.”
“Honestly, you look like a terrible liar.” You giggle a little when he lets out a gasp, feigning being offended.
“I am an amazing liar!”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah! For example, me being an amazing liar is a lie in itself,” Mikey finds himself grinning from ear to ear when his little joke makes you laugh really hard. He truly hopes that you were her, otherwise he would be pretty bummed.
“Alright comedian, I’m getting a little hungry. Wanna grab some food?” Manjiro doesn’t say no, and so you stand up and head towards the display of various types of snacks and food to fill your plate.
The night seemed to be going pretty well.
You spend the rest of the night talking to Mikey as though you’ve known each other for years. He lets you talk with Emma and Draken to congratulate them, and you don’t notice the smile that’s on her face when she sees you walk away with her brother. In fact, you fail to notice the various pairs of eyes lingering on you both as you sit down at the very corner, seemingly thinking that you are away from prying eyes, but you were obviously wrong. You and Manjiro looked like you were on a date.
The after-party does eventually come to an end. Kazutora tells you to get ready and you put on the coat you brought with you in case it got cold at night (which it did). Mikey walks you out of the venue, but before you can follow Kazutora to his car, he stops you with a hand around your wrist.
“Hey wait,”
“Yeah?” A part of you was hoping that the conversation was going that way, you had a lot of fun with Mikey during the few hours you hung out with him and you were hoping that he would do something about it.
“I had a lot of fun, and it wasn’t even my own wedding,” he starts with a chuckle. “And I was wondering if we could hang out again.” Oh, he was bold. You liked that.
You smile at this, and you remove your wrist from his grasp before wrapping it around his hand, grabbing it firmly.
“I would love to, Mikey.” You exchange phone numbers and you walk towards Kazutora’s car. You wave at Mikey, you see him mouth ‘I’ll text you later’ and it makes you blush. You get inside the car, and Kazutora immediately starts the car.
He notices how quiet you are, but you don’t look upset. You’re busy staring at your phone, almost like you were waiting for a text and then your phone pings. Your eyes light up when you see the notification, and you quickly type something on your phone.
--Kazutora’s a pretty reckless driver. Think you gonna get there safely?
You stifle a giggle before sending a reply.
--He’s a pretty good driver actually, have some faith in him.
Kazutora doesn’t take a look at your phone, but from the way you are beaming at your phone, he knows who you were talking to.
“You two are getting along pretty well,” you don’t raise your head to look at him, only nod in response.
“Mhm, he’s really cute,” you say quietly and your friend smiles to himself. He hasn’t seen you this excited about someone in quite some time, and for it to be his close friend out of everyone warms up his heart.
You couldn’t wait to see Mikey again.
Mikey has a very busy schedule, you learn that from the past three weeks of texting him. You tried to make plans four times, and they were all dismissed by his team because he had something to do. You weren’t even upset about it, you had been having video and phone calls with him the entire time, but he still apologizes during every call and promises to make it up to you somehow.
Which brings you to where you are right now—standing near your apartment building waiting for him to pick you up. You two had agreed to go back to his place to hang out, since his race was coming up soon, the paparazzi were on his ass and he didn’t want that to ruin his fun time with you.
You see a black, fancy car pull up next to you and your eyes are wide as you stare at it. Mikey rolls down the window and flashes you a toothy grin, before yelling out.
“You’re gonna keep standing there?” You are quick to get inside the car, and you take notice of how clean it is.
“I didn’t think you were gonna pick me up in such a fancy car,” you admit, and Manjiro chuckles at your honesty.
“Were you expecting a bike?”
“Yeah.” You smile when you see him laugh a little harder. “What?”
“You’re cute, that’s all,” you blush at his remark and cough a little, suddenly finding the ceiling of his car very interesting.
“Getting shy?”
“Focus on driving,” you say playfully and he gets stubborn, refusing to listen to you.
“Ooh, did my talk of Kazutora being a reckless driver get to your head?” He rests his head on the steering wheel, and you almost panic when you see that he’s not paying attention.
“Mikey—really, focus!”
You arrive to his place in less than twenty minutes, and you hope your face does not betray you and show him how absolutely mesmerized you are by the size of the building. You have to hurt your neck in order to see the top, and he tells you that he lives on the 20th floor, since he loves watching the city from above. You walk inside, get in the elevator and Manjiro notices the way you’re holding your purse tightly.
His hand reaches out towards you and wraps around your wrist, you look at him in surprise but immediately relax when you see the smile on his face.
“Relax, yeah?” His voice is barely above a whisper. Butterflies dance in your stomach at the way he’s addressing you—so full of love and care. You look away from him when you feel your face getting hot.
Luckily, Manjiro doesn’t notice as the elevator finally comes to a halt, indicating that you finally arrived at the 20th floor. The doors open and you are greeted with a long, illuminated hallway with grey carpets on the floor and big windows on the side. Mikey is the first one to step out and you follow suit, watching as he starts to look for his keys in his pockets.
You arrive at a door with big, bold numbers on it and you wait behind Mikey as he unlocks it before stepping inside.
“Come in, make yourself comfortable.”
Mikey’s place is as fancy as the building, but there’s a hint of domesticity to it and it warms up your heart. There are framed pictures everywhere, trophies sitting above the bookshelf and plants in each corner of the humongous living room. The kitchen is attached to the living space, and you’re surprised when you see that the oven was turned on.
“Were you cooking?”
“Yeah, I’m actually lucky cause if we had been late, our dinner could’ve been burned.” He’s grinning from ear to ear, while you stare at him mortified. He could’ve started a fire and he’s laughing about it?
“You know that’s super dangerous, Mikey.”
“I was just excited to come pick you up,” he pouts at you, and you already have this show memorized. Every time he would do something reckless and he tells you over a video call, he would pout when you scold him in hopes of getting out of it.
“Please,” you roll your eyes, bending down to take off your shoes before putting on the slippers he had laid out for you. While dinner was still cooking, Mikey decides to give you a little tour of his apartment.
You learn that there is he makes good use of the space he has, and he tells you it’s all thanks to his sister Emma for giving him ideas. He has an office where he takes calls, a bedroom that looks rather neat compared to when you saw it over the video call a few days ago and a very pretty bathroom that is black themed. You think it’s the prettiest part of his house.
“Out of everything, you pick the bathroom?” He is amused, watching as you grab the bottles of shampoo and conditioner with a loud gasp, the fascination in your eyes warms up his chest. He truly feels like pulling you in his arms.
“Those are so cool! Have you ever broken one of these?” Manjiro raises an eyebrow at this.
“I just wanna know if you’re clumsy,” you give him an innocent grin, and he pouts his lips at your comment.
“I am not clumsy.”
“Hm, then I guess Kazutora lied to me.” This makes his ears perk up.
“Kazutora told you about me?” You chuckle at his eagerness but nod anyway.
“He told me you were reckless and a bit childish,” you tilt your head to the side. “Stubborn, indecisive, impulsive, idiotic-“
“Did he say anything that’s actually good,” you can sense the annoyance in his voice and chuckle before reaching out to hold one of his hands.
“He told me you were loyal, very kind and loving. You care a lot about your family and friends, and you never let fame get to your head,” your voice is soft as you tell him all the things Kazutora told you, and the longer you hold his hand, the louder your heartbeat is in your ears.
It feels strange, almost familiar to be this close with him even through just hand holding. And when you look up from where you were holding his hand, your breath hitches at the way he is staring at you. Intense, passionate—you can’t exactly decide how Mikey’s eyes feel, but you do know that they make you nervous. You bite your bottom lips out of nervousness, but you don’t let go of his hand. Instead, your thumb caresses the back of his hand and traces soft circles there.
“And what do you think?” Mikey finally breaks the silence, eyes darting all over your face before settling on your lips.
“I think,” you tighten your hold around his hand, before pulling him towards you in one sudden movement. “I think you should kiss me.”
Manjiro didn’t need to be told twice. His hands gripped your hips as he pinned you against his sink, lips pressed against yours in what started out as a soft, innocent kiss. But the longer your lips moved against one another, the harder it was to keep it tame. You only pull away when you’re out of breath and panting, hands gripping the fabric of shirt to pull him impossibly closer to you. He rests his forehead against yours, teeth nipping at your bottom lips before pulling you into another kiss. You gasp when you feel his lips kiss down, nipping at your jaw.
“Mikey—the food.” You pant out.
“Oh shit-“ There goes your dinner.
Whatever Mikey cooked that night wasn’t going to be served. You laugh a little at how pouty and sad he is at the incident, but you reassure him that you appreciate his effort until the very end, and even if it was ruined.
You end up ordering food for the night, and you find out that Mikey gets really excited when the food has little decorations on top. He orders a hamburger and you decide to go for a pizza, and the sheer amount of happiness on his face when he finds a little flag on top of the bun makes you coo at him.
There is a show playing while you eat, but neither of you focus on what was happening as you devour your food and talk about everything and nothing. You learn many things about Mikey, and so does he. And it seems as though the kiss you shared back in the bathroom is long forgotten, almost as though it never happened. But you do notice that Mikey is holding back on the stuff he is telling you.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” You’re not necessarily being confrontational, but you see him shift a little. So you noticed.
He doesn’t say anything as he removes the fry from his mouth and grabs some water, and your heart sinks a little. When did it get so serious?
“Can I be honest about something?” Oh no. Whenever a conversation started like this, you knew it wasn’t going to end well.
“Sure.” He was gonna tell you that he didn’t enjoy the kiss—or worse, did your breath smell? You already felt repulsed by yourself and he hadn’t even said a single thing. You were getting ready for rejection, for the night to end terribly and for him to send you back home and never talk to you again. You knew it was too good to be true.
“This might sound a little crazy, but we were lovers in the past.” Huh? You didn’t know what to say—this sounded ridiculous, but maybe he meant when you were kids? On the playground?
“You mean as kids or?”
“No, I mean in a different timeline, we are—well, were lovers.” The use of the past tense when referring to his relationship with you has a bitter aftertaste to it. He wasn’t even sure what he was doing right now, you might not even be her. But he remembers his conversation with Takemichi after Emma’s wedding, how his friend confirmed to him that yes, it was you.
“Mikey, go for it.” Takemichi was grinning from ear to ear. It seemed as though you were actually alive and he did manage to save everyone this time. Even you.
“Are you sure-“
“Yes,” Chifuyu interrupts with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. “I’m certain that it’s her.”
This was the confirmation Mikey needed, but he was still scared. What if you reject him in this timeline? What if you both don’t fall in love and things don’t work out? This probably scared him more than having to tell you about the whole time leap thing.
“What do you mean?” You don’t tell him that he sounds ridiculous, nor do you laugh at the fact that he just told you that you were both lovers at one point.
“Takemichi, and my brother—but it doesn’t matter,” Mikey shakes his head. “Takemichi was able to go back in time at one point in his life. He’s what people might call a time leaper. He went through hell and beyond to be able to save his girlfriend from dying, but then eventually he got involved with me and that’s how we became friends.” You see him pause to smile to himself, and you think to yourself that there is no way someone can make up a story this detailed without stuttering or missing a beat.
“Every time he tried to fix something in the past, it would lead to a horrible outcome in the future. And he remembers that—well, we were together,” he frowns before continuing. “No matter the horrible outcome, we were never separated until well, now.”
What Mikey is saying right now should make you look at him like he’s crazy, what he’s implying and the events he’s describing sound straight out of a book. And yet you still believe every word he says. You aren’t sure what part of his speech convinced you that this was real, you just believe him.
“It makes sense. The handshake made me feel some kind of way, I thought I was crazy for looking too deeply into it—but then I felt you and I don’t know, I think even hanging out as friends would do us great, yeah?” You were going on such a ramble, that you fail to notice that Mikey is a little taken aback by your understanding of the whole situation. He’s relieved that you don’t think he is crazy, but when he feels the blush crawl up his neck, he looks away from you with a loud huff.
“What is wrong with you?” You blink at him.
“You’re being awfully understanding, I wasn’t expecting it.” You find yourself cooing at him, and your hand reaches towards his face to pinch his cheek playfully.
“Oh Mikey, are you shy?” You regret your words as soon as they come out. You feel his hand grab your wrist before pulling you on top of him on the couch, making you straddle him. He smirks at your wide eyed look and his hands grip your hips just like how he did in the bathroom.
“Cat got your tongue?” Yes, it totally did. This side of Mikey was so unexpected but you weren’t complaining. But you did feel as though he was reminding you that no matter how flustered he could get, he always had more effect on you than you could ever imagine.
You get over the situation on the couch rather quickly, and an hour later you decide that it’s finally time to head back home. Mikey is whiny about it, but he decides to drive you back to your place and completely forgets why he was upset in the first place. His behavior resembled one of a very needy puppy.
He parks next to your apartment building, and he immediately starts sighing out dramatically.
“I cannot believe I have just been reunited with my past lover, and yet she still asks to go back to her place and urgently!” He yells out the last part, the back of his hand pressed against his forehead. “I am heartbroken.”
“I promise to text you, yeah?” You lean towards him and press a kiss to his cheek, to which he grins at.
“And you have to go on a date with me again very soon.”
“Okay, deal.” You quickly agree, and the smile beaming on his face makes you think that if he was always going to be this happy, then you would go on plenty of dates with him.
“Goodnight Mikey,”
“Manjiro.” Your hand rests at the door, and you turn around to face him.
“Call me Manjiro, I like it better.”
You smile at this and nod his way. “Goodnight Manjiro.” It sounds so sweet when it comes out of your mouth, and when you lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek, he grabs your face and pulls you into a deep kiss.
He is such a passionate kisser, a little aggressive since he keeps nipping and biting at your bottom lip and gripping the back of your head—but you don’t mind. You are dizzy when he pulls away, and he finally unlocks the door for you with a grin on his face.
“Goodnight, (Name).”
Over the next month and a half, not once do you question your relationship with Mikey. It’s casual, you tell yourself. It has to be. Sure, you have shared a few passionate, and very intimate kisses but it was all casual and friendly. At least that’s what you tell yourself.
Mikey refuses to discuss whatever is going on between you two either, chooses to brush it to the side because as much as his brain was telling him this was going well, his heart was screaming at him not to get attached. Which was too late.
The conversations you both had, the kisses you shared—hell, you even understood the whole time leap thing and told him that when he first shook hands with you, he felt familiar. But what if Mikey fucks up again? What if he messes up like he did in the previous times, so badly to the point where even Takemichi couldn’t fix it? The thoughts in his head were getting louder and more suffocating by the minute, and he was afraid that he would do it again—push you away, or worse; lose you.
You notice that his text messages become shorter and less excited than when you both started talking, it confuses you at first—you brush off the idea of him losing interest in you because there was no way. You both got along so well, did he really get cold feet so suddenly?
It was even more frustrating to try to get him to talk about it—every time you would try to bring it up, he would shut down your attempt and give a lame excuse such as “oh, I’m just tired” or “I didn’t get enough sleep”. You were starting to get a little fed up.
You text Kazutora to come over, and you’re not even surprised when you hear a knock at your door not even twenty minutes later. He was always quick with these.
“What do you want this time, more money? My soul?” Kazutora says as he walks in, but the humorous mood he was trying to set immediately fades when he notices your distressed state.
“Wow, are you okay?” His eyebrows are pinched in concern and you shake your head.
“No, no—I think Mikey doesn’t like me.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” This wasn’t what Kazutora heard from Mikey himself, and he realizes almost immediately that things weren’t being communicated properly between you two.
“He’s been acting distant and cold—and I think I fucked up, maybe I shouldn’t have kissed him the first time we hung out-“
“You kissed him the first time you hung out?” Your friend was impressed, but he winces when you smack his shoulder. “Shit sorry—hey listen, I’m very sure he likes you.”
“How can you be so sure? I really don’t know what he’s thinking and it’s killing me.” You are frustrated, and it’s very understandable. But Kazutora has to explain to you how Mikey was as a person.
“It’s Mikey, he’s incredibly scared of his feelings.” He sits you down on your couch and you raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “It’s always been like this. His feelings are intense, and he is scared that it might push people away which is why he’s had the same group of friends for years--so my theory is, he really likes you. But he is scared that you do not feel the same, or worse and impossible; don’t feel the same way.”
You aren’t surprised that your friend knows this much about Mikey, but you still find it endearing that he was willing to explain to you in detail how his friend dealt with his feelings. You find yourself nodding at his words before resting your head on the couch.
“How do I make him less scared though?”
“What do you mean?”
“I obviously like him back,” you stare at your friend. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. But how do I tell him? How do I let him know that I want him? I can’t have him question that, I need him to be convinced that I feel the same for him, that it doesn’t scare me.”
Kazutora smiles a little at your eagerness. You and Mikey were truly the perfect match. Confident, unwavering and strong with a pinch of gentleness and care for your loved ones. He pats your head affectionately.
“Don’t worry, I got the perfect plan.”
You should’ve known his plan would include some of Mikey’s closest friends. You are a blushing mess as you stand in the middle of Mitsuya’s office in an awkward position. The lavender head is staring you down so intensely, you can’t even hold eye contact with him.
“Yeah, lucky her I have one ready.” Have what? You look at Kazutora who only grins at you before shrugging his shoulders.
Mitsuya then comes out and is holding what appears to be a black outfit. He hands it to you and sits back down on his chair before nodding at you to open it. You do as you are told and unfold the piece of clothing in your hands—a dress? There was pretty writing in gold, it said TOMAN on the back and Mikey written in gold right above the heart area.
“Is this…?”
“Mhm, Mikey’s old uniform when we were back in Toman.” Mitsuya says before fixing his glasses. “I tried to experiment with it a couple of times, and this is the last thing I was able to make. It should fit you as an oversized shirt.”
You hold the piece of clothing in your hand and nod at him, before darting your eyes towards your friend.
“What do I do with this?”
“His race is tomorrow. You already have a VIP pass to the front row, right?” You nod in response. “Cool, wear that and stand there. I’m very sure he will be very excited.”
It sounded like a reckless plan—crazy, even. But you were down for it as long as Manjiro knew that you felt the same, and that you were willing to try again with him in this timeline. You were ready to be lovers, it’s what fate decided for you both. And although it doesn’t always work out, during the two months of having known Mikey, you’ve come to accept the fact that you were his and he was yours.
No matter the circumstances, you always found your way back in each other’s lives.
Mikey loved his job more than anything in the world. He loved the adrenaline that comes with it, the confidence boost that he gets from hearing people—fans, and mostly his friends and family cheer for him, was immeasurable. He was the center of attention, and such a competitive person that all eyes fell on him the moment he gets on his bike. Like a kid being handed candy, Mikey finds pure joy in holding trophies at the end of every race, and some might think he is cocky for saying this—but he knew that today’s victory was going to be his.
He is getting ready to get on his bike, a heavy helmet in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He knows his manager is saying something, but he can’t really get himself to care enough to listen, mind thinking of far more important things.
He wonders how you are doing, after all it’s been a while since he last saw you and it makes him internally cringe. Avoidance was one of his worst traits, coming second to pushing people away from him. He doesn’t know what he should do about the whole situation, he is far too deep in it to be able to get out without you getting mad at him or worse—choosing not to be with him. But Manjiro is ready for whatever is thrown his way, he will fight back and try to win you ever. Even if his own fears can easily get the best of him at the worst of times.
The race starts, and Manjiro doesn’t stare at the crowd cheering for him. He knows it’s the usual—His siblings, grandpa and all of his friends cheering the name “Mikey!” over and over again. It wasn’t until the race ends and Mikey wins the first place that he decides to take off his helmet and flash the crowd his usual, toothy grin. It’s contagious, and he notices how his friends keep pointing down for him to notice something in the crowd—or rather, someone.
There you were, standing so close to him yet so far away—how did he not notice you from the very beginning? You looked adorable, and you were wearing something that looked way too familiar. The closer he got to you, the sooner he was able to confirm that it was his old Toman uniform. And you were wearing it as an oversized shirt, with what he hoped were shorts underneath.
He doesn’t miss the way his siblings and friends were snickering to themselves at his speechless state, but he chooses that he will throw a tantrum over that later. He has more important things to focus on—such as asking you what you were doing here, how did you get that? Does it mean that you weren’t mad at him?
Mikey knew he should be careful with the paparazzi, after all they were the type to make a huge deal out of anything—but he has never had any dating rumor. In fact, he would always shut down the idea and say that dating wasn’t for him. But now that you were standing in the crowd, looking especially adorable in his old uniform, he couldn’t really decide whether to protect you from the nasty fans or to hold you in his arms and show the public that his heart belonged to one person only.
He decides to be careful for the sake of your safety—flashes you a confident smile that has your face changing into a bright red color before giving him a curt nod which he returns. You could hear Kazutora and Baji fake gagging in the back at the sight of you two communicating silently, but you didn’t care anymore. Not when Mikey’s eyes spoke louder than any cheering you heard today.
You are patiently waiting for him next to his changing room, it’s where Emma told you to go. You appreciated that neither she, Izana nor Shinichiro teased you about being romantically involved with their brother. Though you did notice the smile that painted the older brother’s face at your nervousness, so he decides to speak up.
“I’m glad you found each other again.” So that’s what Mikey meant when he said that his brother was a time leaper too. Shinichiro knew about you two, but he trusted Takemichi to do the job of telling Manjiro about you.
You fiddle with your thumbs, leaning against the wall. You don’t have time to get lost in your thoughts before you see Mikey storming down the hallway and towards you, ridding himself of his jacket and all the equipment that was strapped onto him as a form of protection.
“Sir—“ His manager tries to get his attention, but Mikey raises a single hand to dismiss his efforts.
“Whatever it is, cancel it or tell them to wait. I have far more important things to do.” You flush at his words, and you’re about to say something yourself when Manjiro grabs your hand and opens the door to his changing room. He turns out and looks at his manager once again.
“No one’s allowed near my room for a while, okay?” His manager raises a questioning eyebrow.
“But sir, why-“
“It doesn’t take a genius to know why.” Mikey almost gives the man a deadpan look, and the manager seems to understand almost immediately and flushes before bowing his head and walking away in a hurry.
You are amused at how eager Mikey is about the whole situation, but you can’t deny that you feel nervous about being alone with him in his changing room. It’s fancy and private, exactly what you imagine Mikey to have since it’s not any different from his house.
Once the door is closed and locked, Mikey turns around to face you and he lets out a fascinated “wow”, eyes darting over the newest version of his old uniform.
“You like it?” Your voice is shy, and you feel small under his gaze as he takes a step closer to you. His hand reaches to grab the hem of your shirt and you see how his thumb grazes over the fabric. His eyes travel all the way up to your face before letting out a hum.
“Ask me again if I like it,” Manjiro’s voice is barely above a whisper, you feel his other hand grab your jaw.
“Do you like it?” You can’t finish the sentence properly before he’s yanking you towards him by your shirt, the hand that was holding the hem of your shirt resting on the small of your back. His nose brushes against yours, and his eyes dart over your face in search for any sign of hesitance or wanting him to pull away.
Instead, you’re a blushing mess. But there’s a proud grin on your face, and you’re biting your bottom lip in hopes of controlling it—Mikey thinks you look too pretty up close.
“I love it, a lot.” He brushes his lips against yours, pulls back when he feels you trying to kiss him properly and when you whine, he lets out a small chuckle.
“What? You wanna kiss me?” You don’t give him a verbal response, but you catch him off guard and capture his lips in a deep kiss. You can tell he is taken aback, but the hand that was resting on your back rests on your face and you almost feel yourself melting from him holding your face with both hands. The kiss is passionate and deep, and you feel yourself being backed up against the wall. You gasp when you feel him pin you there, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth. His hands move down from your face to grip your hips, and when he pulls away, you’re a panting mess.
He rests his forehead against yours, taking in how your face is flushed and your eyes have a thin layer of lust coating them. He hums, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek before biting the skin there.
“I need to hear it.” And somehow, you don’t even have to ask him to know what he means.
“I’m yours, I wanna be yours.” He bites at your jaw, then asks you to say it again.
“Fuck yeah, mine.” He gently nips at your neck, and you can’t think properly to tell him not to leave any love bites there. Again, you are reminded by how strong he is when he lifts you up and wraps your legs around his waist, walking towards the couch. He lays you down there, and when you see him get down on his knees, you start panicking.
“Manjiro, you don’t have to-“ he grabs your hand and places it on his crotch, and your lips part in shock when you feel the bulge in his pants. Already? Just from making out? Your face was burning enough.
“Feel that? Yeah, I have to.” You let him take off your shoes for you, and let out a surprised squeal when he rids you of your shorts and panties in one go. You hear him groan at the sight, shamelessly spreading your legs wider for him before pressing a kiss to the back of your thigh.
“Can smell you from here, sweet thing.” His voice is raspy, and you only nod in response while licking your lips. Your hands grab at the hem of your shirt and you’re ready to pull it over your head before Mikey stops you.
“Keep it. Wanna fuck you in it.” You feel dizzy at his words. You’ve always known that Mikey was confident but this was a whole new person, not that you were complaining.
Manjiro presses a few loving kisses on your inner thighs before getting to your pussy where he stares at it for a few moments. You don’t have to feel self-conscious, he doesn’t let you as he presses his nose against the patch of pubes sitting right above where you wanted him the most. He parts your pussy lips with his fingers, and swipes his tongue over your folds, smiling when you give that adorable gasp over the initial contact. His thumb pulls the hood of your clit, before pressing his tongue against it. And when he sees the way you squirm and try to move away, he knows he’s doing a good job. His tongue assaults your clit over and over again—kissing, sucking and humming against the sensitive bud as his middle and ring finger push past your folds. You are far too gone to react properly to the intrusion, sitting up with a flushed face and uncontrollable moans leaving your lips.
Your stomach twitches and relaxes a couple of times, and Mikey can tell you are trying not to cum fast. So he curls his fingers up, grazing that one spot that has you covering your mouth and throwing your head back. He keeps finger fucking you at the same angle and pace, grinning to himself when your breathing stutters and you cum around his fingers, gushing so sweetly with the prettiest moans leaving your lips.
Mikey is back on his feet almost immediately, the fucked out look on your face making him groan to himself as he pulls his pants down enough to free his cock from its confines. It’s pretty, has a slight curve to it and the tip is flushed red. Your mouth waters at the sight, hands squeezing your boobs while staring up at him, begging him to put it in your mouth.
“Not today, baby,” he reaches for a random drawer next to him and pulls out a condom. You don’t have to question him before he’s wrapping it around his cock. “Today is all about you.”
It was pretty ironic considering the pathetic moan he lots out the moment he pushes himself inside you. Your pussy welcomes him with so much ease, and you wrap your legs around him to pull him impossibly closer to you. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss when he starts to move his hips against yours.
“Oh fuck baby, you feel good.” Manjiro says against your lips and you can only moan in response, the angle at which he is fucking you knocking the wind out of your chest. You are already feeling dizzy enough from the sheer force of his thrusts, but when you pull your legs up on his shoulders, Mikey gives you a look that could only mean trouble.
You gasp in surprise when he lifts up your hips, pushing your upper body deeper into the couch and he starts fucking you hard. His hips are driving into yours so harshly that you feel the couch move with every movement and the sounds—fuck, you just hope that the room is soundproof because the cries you are letting out along with Mikey’s occasional groans of “fuck yeah” “that’s it, take it.” Are straight up pornographic.
Your hands try to cling onto his shoulders, but settle on his muscular arms. You feel the muscle flex under your fingers, and you feel a little embarrassed that feeling his strength was what tipped you over the edge. You cum around him with a loud yelp, body stuttering and shuddering against his. You try to cling onto him for support, throwing your head back when you feel him press his thumb against your clit. You whine in overstimulation.
“I can’t—fuck, I can’t!”
“Oh yes you can, come on baby, make me proud.” Your eyes roll to the back of his head at the overwhelming sensation of his cock bullying its way inside along with his thumb over your clit. You think it’s humanly impossible to cum again in such a short amount of time, but you do it. Mikey pulls it out of you and this time, he collapses on top of you as you both reach your orgasms at the same time.
You think it’s magical, your fingers resting at the back of his head to brush the few hairs there. You feel him pant against your skin and hum, pressing a few kisses there.
“Need to clean you up,” you giggle at how sleepy he sounds but nod anyway.
“Yes, you do.”
“Can I just do it with my mouth?” You gasp in terror, trying to push his heavy body off of you.
“No! I’m too sensitive.” You feel him pout against your skin, but he gets off of you and traces his hands over your lower body.
“I like you like this, you’re so pretty.” Mikey reaches his hand up and pinches one of your nipples, making you gasp and smack his hand.
“Manjiro, keep your hands to yourself.” You see his eye twitch at your comment, and suddenly he flips you on all fours and smacks your ass harshly.
“Face down, I need to taste you again.”
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2023 ; all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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accioscarheadthings · 15 days
↳ 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸 - 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂! 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺! 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
summary - when they so pussydrunk and deep in subspace that they fuck you senseless
warning - explicit smut, 18+, minors dni, p in v, unprotected sex, praise kink and degradation kink (i have issues), breeding kink, spit kink, stomach bulge, subspace, premature ejaculation, overstimulation, breast play, choking kink, clit slapping
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"spread those pretty legs for me, baby,"
your husband loomed over you, his body bare and taut with muscle as he gazes down at you, his eyes roving over you body in hunger, committing every inch of you to memory.
he leaned over you, and you can't help but run your hands over his rippling muscles.
it was a normal night, a night of intimate touches and gentle kisses. but when the question of having babies came up, things took a different turn. you had told him that you were ready to have his babies, that you wanted to feel him filling you up, and it was as if a switch had been flipped inside him.
his kisses became more intense, more voracious as if he was trying to devour you.
his hands roamed over your body, and soon the clothes were shed, leaving you both bare and vulnerable to each other.
and now you're here, laying bare beneath him, his body towering over you as he looks down at you with a predatory gaze.
standing between your legs at the edge of the bed, he gave his hard cock a few strokes, resting his tip on your slit and he slathered his arousal all over your pussylips.
"mine," he groused in a possessive manner, "all mine," he slowly eased his length into you, slowly and deliberately. his hands gripped your hips as he pushed deeper into you.
you sunk your teeth on your lower lip, your walls molding to fit his grith as you took in every bit of him
"s-so warm," he buried his face into your neck, feeling the way your pussy clamped around him, "so tight, fuck baby," his fingers dug into your hip, hard enough to bruise, "m not gonna last long, ah, i can't hold back baby, fuckk,"
his cock twitched inside you just as he pushed all of him into you. he could sense his nearing orgasm, his body going rigid, tensing up as the knot in his lower tummy tightened and tightened. he went over the edge, groaning and whimpering against your skin.
"shit, i didn't mean to finish to quick, love. ahh. couldn't hold back," his forehead creased.
he peppered your face with soft kisses, his hands gently stroking your hair, "let me make it up to you,"
he didn't pull out just yet and stayed inside you, rolling his hips against yours.
you slung one leg around his hips, pulling him into you, "just fuck me, need you s'much please," you whined, your pussy warm with his cum.
your core spasmed around his cock, his bulbous tip nudging the edge of your cervix with each pointed, thrust of his pelvis against yours.
"can feel her creamin' around me," he blubbered, pressed his lips to your cheek, "such a pretty pussy, begging to be fucked,"
he pulled out slightly, looking down to where you were connected with him. a white ring of your mixed arousal was circled the base of his cock, sliding down to his sac.
"m'gonna fill her up nice and full," he pulled his semi-hard cock out, coated with your slick, and rested it against your leaking entrance.
"you've been thinking about it, haven't you? you've been fantasizing about me knocking you up, about me making you mine," he grumbled into your chest, mouthing languidly at your skin.
he straightened up on his knees between your legs, resting a hand on your pudgy waist.
the thought of your body changing and swelling with his child, your breasts growing full and heavy with sweet milk, turned him on even more; his cock twitched at the mental image in his head.
"fuck, yeah," he groaned, his voice rough with need, "i want to see you like that, sweetheart," he nudged the tip of his cock into your entrance, pushing slowly.
your face scrunched in pleasure, head fuzzy. wanting more. needing more.
"i want to watch your hips widen and your breasts fill out," he murmured, cupping your breast and pinching your hard nipple, eliciting a moan from you, "i want to see you swollen and heavy with my child. i want to see your body change, just for me,"
with that, he rammed his remaining length into your sopping heat without any warning, bottoming out in one fluid motion.
you cried out at his action. he paused for a moment, watching you gasp and writhe under him.
"s'big so good," you whined, throwing your head back into the mattress, your head fogging from the stimulation.
"that's what u want, isn't it?" he teased, fucking his cum back into your hole, "what me to stuff you full of my cum, eh?"
"fuck, yes," you clawed at his back, digging your nails deep enough into his skin to mark him, gasping for breath as you rbrows furrowed.
he moaned, head tipping forward as his hair fell over his forehead, "you'll be feeling me for days, baby,"
you were speechless with ecstasy, every touch and movement from your husband felt magnified, your body responding desperately to even the lightest touch.
"did i fuck you dumb, baby?" his words were thick and heavy, his breath coming in ragged gasps, "fucking cumslut,"
your pussy clenched around him, spasming around his girth.
"ahh gonna cum again," he muttered, before spilling his load into you.
but even so, he didn't slow down, instead, he grabbed your ankle and tossed it on his shoulder, to hit you even deeper.
"oh god," you cried out, back arching. as a result, his cock nudged that spongy spot in you, "i-i - right there, please,"
his hips worked relentlessly against yours, "m'gonna fuck u till your pussy is full of my cum," his thrusts became harder and deeper, "she's takin' me so well," he landed a smack over your clit.
your entire body jerked in response, shivers coursing under your skin.
the matress began to squeak and the frame hit the wall with the force of his each brutal fucking.
"you'll be growin' our baby here," he pressed his palm on your lower stomach with slight pressure.
"i can feel me here, fuckk," he panted, open mouth pressed against yours, hot breath coming out in puffs. he could feel himself thrusting in and out of you.
the weight of his hand only intensified the effect of his cock drilling in and out of you. you writhed and moaned uncontrollably, fisting the sheets in a death grip.
the intensity of the sensations crashing over you was almost too much to bear. white flashes of pleasure exploded behind your eyes, drowning them in a sea of ecstasy and your orgasm passed through you.
you clenched around his length, grabbing his biceps for any sense of balance.
"oh sh- fuck,"
his hips rocked into you hard as he reached his peak again, his cock burying to the hilt as he shot ropes of cum into your gummy walls.
"ah, squeezin' me so good," he roused, dipping his cock in and out of you that made your mixed arousal dribble from the sides, leaking down the crease of your inner thigh.
his cock softened inside you, nestling snugly within your soaking folds.
he pushed the pad of his thumb on your soft, pink, lower lip, forcing your mouth open. you stuck out your tongue involuntarily.
you closed your mouth around his digit, sucking his thumb into your hot and wet mouth. you swirled your tongue around, blinking up at him with dilated pupils.
he pulled his thumb back with a loud pop, and the sight of the long, thick string of saliva stretching between his thumb and your mouth was obscenely hot.
he couldn't help but give a low, guttural moan at the sight of your mouth, glistening from spit and desire.
"fuck," he whispers, his voice thick with need, "you look so beautiful right now, so perfect for me,"
"open your mouth," he leaned down, cupping your face in his hand, puckering his lips over your parted lips.
you poked out your tongue, your lashes fluttering. you let out a strangled whine, feeling a thick glob of saliva hitting your tongue.
he peered into your eyes, his voice low and commanding, "swallow,"
your eyes fluttered close, and you obeyed, swallowing the salty liquid without a second thought, moaning and arching your back with a whimper.
"good girl," he praised, beginning to thrust his hips into yours, "that's my good girl, taking what i give you and obeying me without question,"
his hand slid down, circling around your slender neck and squeezing gently.
the pressure on you throat was just enough to make you gasp for breath, your eyes going wide with surprise and pleasure.
he leaned over your form, your mouths crashing together in a messy, desperate tangle of lips and teeth and tongue.
you gripped each other tightly, each trying to pull the other closer as if you could merge into one being from the sheer force of your desire.
his thumb reached between your legs, pressing and rubbing roughly on your clit.
you could feel it building, the pleasure and tension coiling in your abdomen like a taut rubber band.
you pulled back from the slobbery kiss, whining at all the stimulation, "m'gonna- shitt," you gasped, jerking when a spark of pleasure shot to your core.
"you cumming again?" he grunted, snapping his hips into yours, your mixed arousal dripping to his balls while they slapped against your slit, "come for me baby, please. make a mess all over my cock, mama," he whimpered, punctuating with a particularly harsh thrust, "give it to me,"
"s'too much, baby please hngg,"
"shhh," he flatted his tongue on the side of your neck, sliding across your skin, "gonna make you feel so good, baby," he promised, "gonna give you what you need. one more. just one more,"
you could barely string a sentence together, "ple-"
the rest of your words were drowned in your wanton moan, as your release rippled through your body, leaving you trembling beneath him.
his hips stuttered as he emptied his cum yet again in your battered pussy, rolling his hips to make sure your spasming cunt took in every drop.
your eyes closed, back relaxing into the mattress as he let your leg fall from his shoulder. rawness shot up your calf from how long your leg had been up in that angle.
he pulled back a little, just enough to look down at you, sprawled out beneath him.
"you look so beautiful like this," he uttered, his voice soft and tender, "all flushed and messy, just for me,"
he reached out and brushed a lock of hair out of your eyes, his gesture a soft caress.
he could feel you quivering beneath him, and he relished the power it gave him, the knowledge that he could make you fall apart.
"you're shaking, baby," he whispered, his voice filled with wonder. "you okay?"
you nodded, still boneless and shaky from the intensity of your encounter, "no more, please, i can't-" you gulped, feeling how sore your throat had become.
"no more, no more," he conceded, "you did so well, baby," he murmured, his voice low and sweet.
he cupped your cheek, in awe of how he had fucked you senseless. he leaned forward, pressing his lips to your sweaty forehead tenderly, "i'm so proud of you,"
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lilacqiqis · 8 months
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naruto, kakashi, obito(non massacre), hinata, itachi(non massacre), sasuke, sai
Scenario: getting casually called darling by their crush
A/N: pls send in Naruto reqs I'm starving to write stuff, also finally decided to give characters specific emojis LMAO last post i made i randomly gave them emojis 😭 Writing this at 3 AM sorry if it's ass -mod Lilac
TW: none, GN!reader
more under the cut
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🌱 Naruto isn't used to romantic affection from people, let alone his crush, so his reaction when you call him "darling" is a huge gaping mouth and stuttering as he tries to process what you said
🌱 "W-wait!! Whuh?! Huhhh?!! Whaddja call me?!"
🌱 Whether it's a joke or not he has a dorky smile after as he laughs, the pet name making him feel warm inside. He probably will try and call you a pet name back afterwards, hoping you'll like it just as much as he did.
🌱 Goes to brag to all his friends the next day. "Hey hey! Guess what?! S/O called me DARLING!!" Nobody really cares too much honestly, they think he's overreacting or even lying.
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🌾 A stoic man he is, that Kakashi. Not much can get him flustered, besides reading Icha Icha of course.
🌾 He usually can keep his feelings hidden away from his crush, treating you like any of his other friends, but when you call him darling? Lucky that he's wearing a mask because you'd be able to see the huge blush forming on his face.
🌾 He'd try not to react too much, his eye slightly widening and body tensing up when the word hits him. It felt so... Natural? The pet name came off your tongue so nicely that Kakashi can't help but want to hear it more.
🌾 Wouldn't comment on it, but may bring it up in the future to tease you. Perhaps to get back at them he'll also call you a romantic pet name... Nah, he's too nervous to do that, if he was that bold he'd go and just confess already!
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🌺 Like Naruto, Obito is flabbergasted. He's liked you for gods who knows how long and you can just casually call him that while he becomes a mess just hugging you?
🌺 His head whips towards you so quickly as he stares at you with wide eyes. How is he supposed to react to this?! Does this mean you like him...? Did you even mean this romantically in the first place? Do you call other people that too?!
🌺 His mind is running and he just kinda... Stares at you in awe. Don't let him down by telling him it was just a joke when he questions you later, he'll be devastated.
🌺 Obito will try and be confident, calling you an affectionate pet name as well but all that comes out is stuttering.
🌺 "Heheh... I think so too, s... S-sweet... Sw-sweethEART OKIMGOINGTOGONOWBYES/O"
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🌻 Goes absolutely red. Hinata already gets embarrassed by little gestures so something like getting called darling is sure to make her pass out!
🌻 Did you really mean that? She hopes so! That small name made her day, and she won't ever forget about it<3
🌻 Of course, she's still too shy to admit her feelings to you. If that was your way of confessing you'd be dumb to not see that she obviously likes you too... You'd probably be dumb to not notice her behavior before, after all Hinata isn't very good at hiding her feelings towards you.
🌻 She wouldn't realize it's a confession of your attraction if that was your motive, so please be more blunt with her.
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🌙 If you think he wouldn't remember, he will. Itachi is a romantic individual, though not as much before a relationship. He takes note of everything S/O says, and will try to hint towards his feelings through small actions and words.
🌙 Absolutely loves it. Itachi will think about the pet name, wondering if you'd mind if he called you that as well. Maybe you'd get embarrassed that you're getting a taste of your own medicine? It's not the humiliation part Itachi would enjoy, but he'd love to see your flustered face.
🌙 Doesn't make a huge fuss when you call him darling, probably doesn't even say anything about it, but has a small smile while thinking about it.
🌙 Will begin to also call you pet names!! It depends on how close you are, but if you two are good friends he'll return your affection. You two probably end up having a lot of romantic tension while everybody suffers watching wondering if one of you two will finally confess or not...
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🪻 Sasuke loves hates it. Do NOT call him that cheesy warm and gooey shit, he will scoff at you then turn his head away. jk he just has an ego to protect
🪻 Hates how it makes him feel. That disgusting ticklish feeling he gets in his stomach and the heat in his face makes him feel weak and vulnerable, so stop that. This is just as bad as a genjutsu and he doesn't like it one bit!
🪻 In reality though, Sasuke adores being called darling. He's just... Really bad at dealing with affection you know? He doesn't know how to react and the feeling of love is so foreign to him, so his only way of reacting is acting like he hates it in hopes of ridding his feelings. (Spoiler alert:it doesn't help one bit.)
🪻 You can catch him with a soft blush and tiny smirk on his face if you can catch a glance before he turns his head. Quit being such a loser and just accept it, Sasuke!
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🪶 This was mentioned in his book, so Sai should act accordingly, right? He'll begin to also call you pet names, and he probably already did before you due to the fact he read a book saying he should...
🪶 Doesn't quite understand the meaning behind the sweet names but he's trying his best
🪶 It makes him happy though, being able to connect with you... Someone he enjoys being around so much, someone who he feels he has a "special" bond with.
🪶It creeps into your twos friendship, and before you know it you two are acting like a married couple with all your affectionate behavior.
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mikgreo · 3 months
hi! 🙈
do you also find it really attractive when guys say I know, baby I know. or something along those lines (///w///)
if your taking them could i request jik or hq characters doing this in some scenario/drabble. please feel no rush/pressure.
take care of your self too:)
“i know baby, i know.”
ft. jjk + hq boys fluff, slight nsfw, humor.
tags. nsfw for gojo oikawa and kuroo, rest are cute scenarios + some hcs i made on some.
chars. gojo/oikawa+ kuroo, geto/osamu, toji/atsumu, inumaki/kenma, yuji/hinata, megumi/kageyama, choso/suna, todo/bokuto, nanami/akaashi
a/n. tysm nonnie!! i didnt know if u wanted them separate or just in a group category..couldnt resist not giving gojo oikawa and kuroo smut. i hope this was what u wanted:((
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gojo, oikawa, kuroo
you were sprawled out on his bed in his apartment. you were gripping the soft cushion sheets in pleasure, gritting your teeth, occasionally biting your lower lip to halt your moans. his long skinny fingers scissored their way through your gummy walls as if they owned the place. the tips of his calloused fingers hitting your g-spot everytime he thrusted in. you hated how vulnerable you became, how you melted like putty just from his fingers- but it just felt soo good. he knew your insides like no one else, knew all your sweet spots and how to make you cum. he was big- big being in understatement. he was huge, in your eyes atleast. prep was needed, always. even though you hated how long it took to get you ready.
“hngh.. i want you now- please!~” you said, putting a hand on his shoulder, as he looked up to you with a frown. “want you insideee..ngh! can’t wait...~”
“i know baby, i know. you’ll get it soon, ‘kay? i just dont wan’ it to hurt, my love.” he said softly, adding a third finger in. “just a little bit more, okay princess?”
geto, osamu
it was 3am, and you could not sleep. you tried scrolling through twitter and instagram for some time, but couldn’t. thats when you opened up tiktok, fully forgetting that, tiktok.. was a music app. and your volume…was halfway up. so when you opened it, it blasted for a second before you quickly swiped off the app, why were you so scared? well..
“y/n, what the fuck.. why are you up, go to sleep girl.”
your boyfriend was sleeping, and you hated waking him up.
“but i can’t sleep sugu/‘samu!! im not tireddd.” you whined, pouting. as if he could see you.
“dont care, go to bed or im snatching your phone away. l/n.” he growled and sat up rubbing his eyes.
“noo im sorry. please i cant sleep, babe!!”
“i know baby, i know. what if we cuddle and i tell you about my plans for tomorrow, hm? maybe it’ll help.”
toji, atsumu
“i want a dog.” you said glaring at him, who was sat on your couch.
“i know baby, i know. but yk we cant.. im fuckin allergic ‘member??” he shot you a mocking facial expression.
“but its okay, you can just take some Benadryl and you’ll be fineee! its not a big deal toji / ‘tsumu.” you pouted.
you walked over to him and sat on his lap facing him.
“if yur tryna seduce me into agreeing, its not g’na work babe.” he put his hands on your waist.
“ughhh!! can we atleast get like a cat or something?? please babyyy.”
“let’s leave this conversation for a different day, y/n.” he replied before pulling you into a hot kiss...that led to making out.. that led to your own personal problem for tonight.
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yuji, hinata
it was getting late… too late. your boyfriend had a day off and decided to spend it by sleeping, completely forgetting the fact that you two agreed on walking around the park today.. he was just soo lazy :(
“sweetheart….get upppp. its 12pm, you needa wake up.” you whined as your boyfriend tightened his grip around your body. he was big spooning you, a position where not even an earthquake could move him out of.
“mmm, i know baby, i know. just…five more- five minutes.” he groaned into your ear, you could feel the warm breath against your earlobe, it sending tingles down your neck to your spine.
“if you get up, ill take a shower with you, and make you waffles.”
you had never seen him get up from bed that fast before.
megumi, kageyama
you and your boyfriend were having you weekly movie night, you were under his right arm while you layed your head on his lap, using the blanket to cover your view of the flat screen.
“babe….i dont wanna watch this..its scary.” you pout as you attempt to sink deeper into your boyfriends arms.
“i know baby, i know.. but i love this movie, so can we please keep it on?” he scratched the back of his neck.
“ughhh, couldn’t we just watch inside out 2 or something babeee??” you whined.
“that’s a kids movie, im fine where im at.” he flicked you on the forehead.
“stoppp!! owww.” you cried out.
choso, suna
you two were watching moana in his room, the room was dark and you were both on his bed, cuddling. everything was fine until there was a loud noise which you thought came from the kitchen. you thought nothing of it but your boyfriend…
“did you hear that? what the fuck.” he sat up.
“babe…you better not.” you warned him with a glare.
“it was a fucking ghost, y/n. i fucking told you theyre real. theres no way im letting somethi-”
you cut him off, “girl, ghosts are not damn real. if you dont lay your ass right back down i swear to god.”
“i know baby, i know.. but you gotta really think about it, what else could it be?” he bit down on his thumbnail.
“shut up, cho/rin.”
todo, bokuto
you were sitting on the dinner table- across from your boyfriend, who had told you he had something really important to talk to you about. some minutes passed and he was just sitting there, hands interlocked together, his leg beating up and down.
“babe…is everything all right? its been like 3 minutes are ya gonna say something?..” you softly spoke.
“there’s something..i gotta own up to.” he spoke, not moving a muscle.
“oh fuck no, if you cheated on me i swear to god-”
“are you crazy?,” he finally moved from his position and gave you a puzzled look, “of course not, its just..”
he took a long deep breath..
“when i was 5 years old, i went with my mom to the store. she was browsing and i wondered off and.. i saw this lollipop, that i really, like really wanted. and i picked it up and asked her if i could get it, of course my mother being my mother she said no. so i got angry.. and stuffed it in my little pocket. and she checked out and i got away with it. and i just keep thinking about it, and the more serious we get with our relationship i just cant bare the everlasting weight and guilt of this act i decided to act upon. so im telling you now.. if you wanna make your choice on whether you still wanna date a criminal like me.”
you got up from you seat, and sighed.
“i hope its April 1st today.”
nanami, akaashi
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blockedbykei · 3 months
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🏐 — hinata shoyo x f!reader
— synopsis: he always had a lot of energy. the boy made out of literal sunshine. but he also knew how to made your knees weak and made butterflies flutter around your stomach
— warning: timeskip!hinata being SUCH A FLIRT (art not mine)
— a/n: now i know hinata would be such a dork when he's older when it comes to girls but lord this FANART i am like melting HNGH
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hinata was a ray of sunshine; everyone knew that.
you felt like you'd burn if you get too close to him, your fingertips feeling that gratifying burn when you graze his soft, tan skin. he always managed to bring a smile on your always frowning face, always made you laugh when you felt like crying.
in your eyes, hinata was the kindest man you knew who always had an amicable energy in his veins. that serotonin in your veins, the adrenaline rush in your brain. the one that made your heart pound.
so seeing him tower over you, cheeks flushed, breath of sweet vodka, eyes drooping in some kind of flirtatious approach with his hand beside your head, pressing against the rough texture of a brick wall, you feel butterflies prodding at your knees to weaken them.
his eyes— usually full of exultation, are now heavy with amorous vigor. the corner of his lip is twitched upwards, his other hand using his thumb to graze the skin of your chin, tracing up to rub the moist skin of your bottom lip.
"you..." he murmurs, eyes glancing between your lips to your eyes. you can't help but keep your lips parted, head tilted upwards to look ay him. this feeling is foreign, this sight is bizarre. "do you know how beautiful you are?"
there's a shaky sigh that leaves your lips at that question, your head tilted upwards to look into his eyes. "thank you...?"
"you have no idea what you do to me, sweetheart," he chuckles, his eyelashes fluttering, his voice deep. hinata wasn't lightweight; a few sip of vodka felt like drinking water to him, but you're beginning to wonder what it is that gave him the courage to speak to you like this.
your hands wrap loosely around his wrist, the other on his chest. you feel the hard muscle tense beneath your fingertips. "what do you mean?" you ask, breathless.
"you drive me crazy," he smiles, his bottom lip catching between his lips. "you and your voice, your laugh, your smile, those gorgeous fucking eyes,"
his hand that was on your chin cups your face, his thumb on your cheek, tilting your head upwards so that your lips were directly parallel against his. there's a small sound emitting from the back of your throat that just made him a little smug.
"so, so beautiful," his eyes trace the features of your face, like mapping and placing a pushpin on the parts he loved the best (he loved your entire face). "so gorgeous. fucking stunning."
"i want you," he inches closer, nose nudging against yours. "you're everything that i need."
then his lips hover over yours dangerously, like he's tiptoing the edge of a cliff, experimenting the way the skin of his lips graze yours. you want to melt into him, get your fingers lost in his hair, get lost in him.
"can i kiss you?" he almost sounds taunting, like he knows you want him to kiss you. "pretty please, angel?"
"yes," you breathe out, the hand on his wrist coming up to grip his hair. "please."
his lips taste of alcohol, sweet alcohol and him— full of fervor, hunger, desire to take over you, sweet yearning. his tongue wastes no time to graze the bottom of your lip and slip it inside your mouth.
heavy breaths. his body inches closer to yours and locks his legs between yours, the hand against the wall wrapping around your waist to push you against his chest, his mouth moving against yours in harmony.
"shoyo," you murmur against his hot mouth. hinata smiles.
"nothing," you laugh, rubbing your hand against his chest. "just wanted to say your name."
hinata moves the hand on your cheek to the back of your head, gripping your hair lightly. "i love it when you say my name."
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HNMGH reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 months
Sweetly Obsessed
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Soft Dom! Hinata Shoyo x Fem! Reader
Summary: Tanned skin and a boyish charm draws you in at a party, his touch is sweet and his scent intoxicating. Taking things slow is hard, but Shoyo would do anything to feel you again.
Category: Smut! 18+ Only - Minors DNI
WARNINGS!: bathroom fingering, squirting, male masturbation
Word Count: 3.5k+
A/N: havent written in a hot minute so its a bit messy LMAO
Just To Clarify:
This is mixed in with Yuri!! On Ice LOL
reader doesn’t have much experience
I have no idea if parties like this even happen but for the sake of this fic they do tyty
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Parties were never your scene.
The obnoxiously loud music blasting throughout the rooms and halls, vibrating the walls and floors of whatever venue or home it was held in always gave you a headache the moment you stepped through the entrance.
No matter how many parties or gatherings you attend, you never get used to it - tylenol being your best friend at these functions your pro athlete pal drags you to.
Seeing pros from all across Japan at these large functions drinking heavily was always an experience. You never really watched much sports, so you never recognized any of them.
Most of them were cocky and annoying from just winning in whatever sport they were from, or overly pushy and flirty, to which the socially anxious Yuri would have to whisk you away from them.
It was uncomfortable.
Supporting your friend meant everything, and most of the time it wasn't so bad. So, you'd usually stay by his side until the figure skater decided that he had had enough socializing with fellow Japan sport representatives and wanted to retire for the night.
The free expensive food was always a plus, of course.
However, this party was different.
A new athlete was on the scene, and his boyish charisma had you like putty in his hands the second he flashed smile at you.
You could feel his smile even now against the skin of your sweaty, hickey covered neck. The once deafening music now just a distant thrum bouncing around the metal stalls of the bathroom you hid away in, the boom of the stereo matching with the rapid beat of your heart as your mind clouded with the unfamiliar sweet, sticky haze of desire.
He was magnetic, electric almost, and instantly pulled you in the second he introduced himself bashfully to you,
“Hey there, my name is…”
“S-Shoyo..!” You gasped his name, two tanned and calloused fingers knuckle deep in your soaking pussy, messy arousal dribbling down his wrist and your spread thighs to the clean tile floor as his fingers thrusted in and out. You swear he was matching his pace to the song that played, Scream by Usher you think it is..?
It's hard to think right now as he pressed yet another searing kiss behind your ear, whispering in a teasing tone, “You're so tight and wet, sweetheart. Havent been touched like this in a while, hmm?”
His deep hum tickled your prickly skin, and you could only whimper pathetically, hips desperately grinding down on his digits as you lost yourself in his addicting scent. Sunscreen, icy hot, sweat, and something smelling of mahogany and cinnamon, strangely comforting.
Your mind soon succumbed to the fog he created as the rough pad of his thumb took to rubbing circles at your throbbing, attention starved clit as he added a third finger, deliciously stretching you even more.
You felt so full, your own fingers never being able to be compared to that of a man like him, that of an athlete who used his hands every day. Someone who practiced finger strength religiously and now used them in a silent yet lewd prayer of twisted desire as if you were some god he needed to worship.
It was as if your heart was in your throat, and you could feel his own pounding against his thick and steady chest as he pressed you closer to him while he leaned against the stall door. That tan, thick and muscular thigh of his coming between your own as his foot rested up on the toilet seat to spread yours more and graciously give you a chance to get off your unsteady feet.
Now you hung helplessly in the air as he expertly played with your pussy as if you were a doll, pressing all your right buttons and rubbing against you in places that made you mewl - you had no time to feel embarrassed when he was making you feel so good.
The salacious noises spewing from your spit slicked lips, as well as the consistent shlick shlick shlick of your tight, creamy walls sucking and gushing around his fingers was like music to the volleyball players burning ears.
He felt as though he had died and ascended to heaven, adrenaline keeping him unbelievably warm.
Hinata Shoyo had never felt this way with any of the few girls he had met and seduced before, he had never felt so hyper aware yet fuzzy around the edges. The confidence he had gained over the years wavered when he first saw you.. and now.. carnal desire nipped at the primal side of his brain, a growl rumbling deep in his chest.
He wanted to devour you, consume everything you had to offer him. Shoyo was already so helplessly addicted. Obsessed.
“M-my stomach…! I feel… I feel weird!..! Hnngh! aa..aa.!”
You couldn’t help but cry out, the unfamiliar tingling making you nervous, but you were too lost in the onslaught of pleasure to truly pay it any mind. Your body itched to run away from his touch, and subconsciously it did, but he would just hold you tighter and fuck you with his fingers faster, only making your toes curl in your heels.
“Yeah?” He chuckled breathlessly as your nails dug into his tan forearms, core tightening deliciously around him. Oh, how he wished he had you bent over right now, such a sweet little thing for him. He was blessed by all the gods, surely, for getting the chance to see an angel like you writhe in pleasure against his sturdy body.
“Just hold on to me, I've got you.. shh..shh..”
Shoyo was always a talkative person, and he couldn't help but talk to you even now. A true chatterbox full of nerves and energy no matter what.
He wanted to hear your fragile voice as he drove you insane, he needed to hear you break. The subtle changes in your gasps and whines and he moved his fingers a certain way, scissoring inside you, mapping out the inside of your addictive cunt. He needed you to get addicted to him. To want more, to come back to him so he can claim you as his.
Gods, does he need that.
The man couldn’t help but grind his clothed erection against your ass, already so close, pre cum no doubt staining his boxers, his heavy breath in your ear as he whimpers.
Glossed over honey brown eyes meet your own, pupils blown wide as he grinned cheekily at you.
His strong fingers abuse that spongey spot inside of you, and the consistent swirling of his thumb just how you liked to be touched paired with how he humped you desperately.. it was all too much.
Tears poured from your eyes as you choked on a gasp. The burning hot coil inside your stomach suddenly snapped aggressively, back arching as you moaned his name loudly over the music - suddenly thrown sky high as stars burst in your vision. A strange tingling feeling gushing between your thighs as you sobbed for him, twitching uncontrollably. It was the most intensive feeling you’ve ever felt, all caused by a stranger.
And here Shoyo is, experiencing the same orgasmic euphoria from watching your body twist and convulse aggressively just from his digits being deep inside you, making you squirt all over his thigh and the floor.
Oh fuck.
The rest of the night was a blur after that, the alcohol you consumed and the pleasure you were fed making your mind numb.
He cleaned you up like a gentleman, and led you out of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to stay by your side and keep you in his arms, only for Yuri to find you and take you home.
Despite knowing his name, neither of you thought about exchanging numbers. It felt like he was yours in that moment, as if you were connected on a psychic level, simply from his touch and intoxicating aura. That look in his eyes that drew you in in the first place. It felt like you were meant to be finger fucked by him.
Such a stupid fucking horny, alcohol induced thought that was!
Now here you are, the next day with a pounding headache and slight soreness between your thighs. Yet, you miss him and his touch. The dream you had of waking up next to him a sour reminder that he was just some guy you met at a party.
You werent like this, you never do this sort of thing.
All the embarassment that was pushed aside by lust came rushing forward as you squirmed in bed.
How were you supposed to know staring at his hands was going to lead you to getting touched by them? His hands were just… attractive…. and they were inside you…. God.
You bit your thumb, willing the thoughts away.
You’d never see him again, that was the grim reality.
A quick thing in the bathroom at a party.
And yet….. you cant help but think back to him licking his fingers into his mouth, maintaining searing hot eye contact with you that made you melt as he sucked your juices off of them with a smirk.
You could cry from all these overwhelming emotions.
What else were you to do except call your friend that dragged you home after?
“Yuuuriiii…” You sobbed dramatically on the phone, flinging an arm over your eyes.
“Is this about last night?” Ever the smart one.
“Oohhhh!” A russian accent came from the background, “What happened?!?! What happened?!?!”
“Viktor…” You sniffled, “A lot..”
“She ended up in a bathroom with that upcoming volleyball athlete for MSBY, Hinata.”
“(Y/N)!!! Woah!!” Viktor exclaimed, you could practically hear the stars in his eyes, “Nice!”
“I am distraught!”
How did HE know who Shoyo was, anyways?
“She didn't get his number I bet,” Yuri presumes,
“No way!!” Viktor exclaims.
“YOU GUYS. If you’re gonna gossip about this the least you could do was gossip with me in the room.. eating your food.”
“Right, right, come over! We must talk about this!”
Viktors eagerness somehow calms you down, his enthusiasm and dramatics always made any situation a bit easier to handle.
It was funny when Yuri freaked out about Viktor to you, but oh how the tables finally turned you suppose.
Talking about it over breakfast with the two brought you back down to Earth. Reality was harsh sometimes. No matter how connected you thought you were to that warm man you felt at home with in some extravagant party’s bathroom, you'd likely never see him again.
That, of course, flew out the window when you checked your social media only to see his private account request to follow yours. You’d recognize that orange slightly curly hair anywhere. Bile built up in your throat and your nerves bit at you as if you were covered in angry fire ants.
Should you accept?? Did he…. search for you? To be honest, you werent that hard to find. Anyone who looked at Yuri’s professional account could easily find you by searching your name in his list of follows.
It was endearing.. how he no doubt did that to find you.
So he didn't view it as a mistake?? Heat of the moment? He wanted to talk to you again?
You nervously drank your coffee, thoughts going a million miles as second as your shakily stared at your phone screen.
“Woah!” Viktor exclaimed from behind, startling you.
“Is that him?!” Your phone was snatched from your hand as you helplessly sputtered.
“There! Now you follow eachother!! So cute!”
“What?? What did you do!!”
“I requested to follow him for you~ He accepted almost immediately!!! How cool! He must have been waiting, no?”
That russian little shit was grinning ear to ear as you furiously swiped for the phone he held out of reach.
“Viktor…” His husband's voice of reason chimed in, “Don’t meddle in (Y/N)’s love life..”
“She meddled in ours?”
“You ass, you did most of the meddling and you know it!” Having enough, you hit him with a couch pillow and snatched your phone back, possessively clutching it to your chest.
The familiar ding caught all three of your attentions.
“What’d he say!” The two boys exclaimed together.
“Uh, hi?”
You really never saw yourself seeing him again, but seeing him in the innocent light of day instead of the intoxicating allure of night…. you felt funny. Shameful, almost.
Having adult conversations sucked the life out of you.! And yet here you were babbling.
“I'm not the type of person to sleep around with someone, I.. I dont have fuck buddy friends.. and I don’t want one..”
You didn’t want him thinking you were someone he could booty call or whatever…
The conversation was awkward, and yet he had such a desperate look in his eyes, those honey brown doe eyes that look so intense clinging to every word you say.
The truth was, Shoyo didn't know where to go from how you started, he just knew he wanted you in his life. Whatever way it was, he needed you.
He'd so graciously take anything you offered him, friendship, or more.. Gods, did he want more.
It was as if you were a drug to him. He found himself being a nervous, fidgety school boy around you, sweat already sliding down his neck from talking to a girl he was crushing on.
Please, he thought to himself, please give him a chance!!! He’d do whatever it’d take!! He would!!
“I've never done anything like that night before…” He found you so cute, the way you blushed and fiddled with the drink he bought you.
He’d buy you anything, truthfully. Whats the point of having money if you dont use it trying to win over the girl of your dreams??
“I guess what I'm saying is, I want to be friends first.. is that okay-”
“Yes!!” He has an in!! “Yes! I wanna be your friend!”
He blatantly showed his eagerness and excitedness, basically jumping in his seat, and you swore you could see a tail wagging happily behind him.
Shaking it off, you took a deep breath, continuing.
“I'm not some awe-struck fan.. and I'm used to being friends with pro athletes so.. so dont uh, think you being a pro changes anything and I'm gonna fangirl over you.. Friendship is uhm!! Slowly built, you know?”
“Yes, I agree.” He anxiously chewed at his plump lower lip, “That makes me happy, I like being treated normally. I’m just a guy who really likes volleyball!!”
Though, he wouldnt mind if you watched his games and fangirled just a little bit… maybe theres time for that later.
You giggle at this, and his tanned cheeks heat up, a wobbly smile on his mouth.
“Well, you're just my normal friend, yeah?”
Licking his lips and swallowing thickly, he agrees, “Yeah!”
Truly, you were a mess. A mess who didn’t know how to handle friendships that start off the way yours did. It was… embarassing. You were an adult, sure, but you still knew what you wanted. You knew and yet, how did that night happen?
Whenever you're around him, you're reminded how.
Conversations always flow so smoothly, and his excitement about everything brings a bright light to your dull view on everyday life.
He face times you a lot, enjoying seeing your face in the morning whilst he eats breakfast after a run. Your adorable sleepy face makes his heart melt and yearn at the same time.
Oh, how patience can kill a man.
Shoyo wishes he could take you on a date, spend thousands of yen on you, take care of you like an adoring boyfriend would.
And oh, how his thoughts tend to drift when you smile at him.
It was the sweetest type of torture, he felt like a caged crow again with a juicy piece of fruit just outside the metal bars - barely out of reach.
Yet, he'd do anything you say.
It's only been a few months of knowing you, a blissful time where he chats with you every day as much as he can without trying to annoy you.
Shoyo is thoroughly obsessed.
A simple small town boy, a country bumpkin with a big heart.
He wants to devour you, claim you as his.
No, No, No. Patience sucks.
And yet, the orange haired man feels as though he could wait forever if it meant he had a chance to kiss you one more time.
One night with you and he was completely yours.. no, even before that. When you giggled at him as he shakily poured you a drink, oh it was highschool all over again for sure. What a dream you are.
Did you know?
He hopes you know.
He hopes you feel it too whenever he comes over and accompanies you out on errands, carrying your groceries or shopping bags. When he buys you dinner, and you fight him for the check. When he looks into your (e/c) eyes and you look back, do you see his soul that so desperately yearns to intertwine with yours?
What a silly, hopeless romantic he is.
He'll admit. He flexes his hands constantly around you because he knows it catches your attention and makes your thighs rub together. He knows, it's his greatest weapon. Oh, thank you years of playing volleyball for giving him this very unique gift to attract the person of his dreams!!!
He even started doing it subconsciously, to which Kageyama called him a hand freak and threw objects at him.
Hinata truly did adore being your friend, it filled his heart with joy. You were always so fun to be around, and having fun with you came as easy as breathing. Even if you just sat in silence together for hours.
However, that never stopped him from spreading his tan, muscular thighs while laying in bed after calling you. His calloused hand that you so adore, the one that was once deep inside of your gummy walls, pumping up and down his stiff, drooling cock.
Try as he might, it's impossible to imagine his hand as yours. Yours was so much smaller and softer..
He'd whine as his cock helplessly weeped, sniffling in his dark room as his imagination ran wild with flashing images of you, cumming pathetically as his hips humped into his hand.
Post nut clarity was brutal. He’d end up crying into the pillow he held close to him, pretending it was you. He wanted to hold you, cuddle with you, give you all of his love. It hurt.
Then, seeing you in person, like always, is a breath of fresh air. His wild, untamable thoughts simmer down and hes a calm and patient man once more. Your sweet Shoyo, your friend.
He prays you go crazy at night too.
And perhaps you just might, from the way you squirm while sitting beside him on the couch, his hand bravely resting on your warm thigh as he laughs at the movie playing on his wide screen TV.
His hand rubs up and down your thigh, and the way you subconsciously spread them draws him closer.
You're just so sweet for him, looking up at him through your lashes as the end credits roll, a pout on your lips that draws him in like a bee to a flower.
All too quickly his plush, slightly chapped lips that taste of vanilla are upon yours and you once again become putty in his sturdy hands.
The volleyball player is desperate as he kisses you, is this his chance?
Shoyo wants to give you all he has, his entire being, body and soul. The now bashful orange haired boy tries his best to convey it as his hands move to your hips, thumbs swirling in calming circles at the exposed soft skin, pulling you closer to him.
He wanted to worship you like a deity.
His kisses are dizzying, that familiar haze sparking in the back of your mind as he seamlessly maneuvers you into laying down on his couch. Him hovering over you, the muscles in his arms flexing.
“Shoyo..” You whisper, voice quiet and small, unsure.
“(Y/N)...” He whines, eyes pleading as he kisses you more, licking his way into your mouth, tongue caressing your own.
Whimpering into his mouth as he groans, his all too familiar cologne and scent intoxicating you the same way it did months ago when you first met.
You're surrounded by him, caged in by his larger body clad in a dorky t-shirt and black gym shorts and so, so warm. He was like a furnace.
You feel delirious as his thick thigh smoothly fits in between your legs, spreading them so he could fit inbetween them comfortably.
His lips lift from yours, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth as he goes. Kissing down your jawline to lick at your throat, teeth sinking into your skin at the sweet spot he remembers between your neck and shoulder.
You cant help but moan, a sound so sweet it makes his body twitch.
He needs you, oh does he need you.
And his lips are back onto yours, sucking on your tongue like a lollipop.
Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers tugging at his orange curly locks, making him moan into your mouth, dragging his body down. The need to feel him as close as possible to you overwhelming your senses.
“Shoyo..” You mummble against his buttery lips, and your eyelids flutter open just to see him staring at you with half lidded eyes, carnal lust swirling deep in his gaze.
His warm palms slide up from your hips, smoothly rubbing your sides, getting dangerously close to your chest.
His breathing is wild, panting like a dog as if he had been on the court for five whole sets, he so wishes to taste your sweet taste of victory on his tongue.
“Friends don’t..” He kisses you again, deepening it with every word you utter, “Friends.. don't act like this..”
“Don't they?” He'd say anything he could to get you to stay here with him, to feel you like he did that night. “I’m sure they do, I’m positive..”
“Do they?” You laugh breathlessly, butterflies in your stomach and he chuckles, “Yeah, they do.”
His lips swallow you whole, stealing your breath.
“Sweet girl,” He mumbles, pulling away.
Moving one arm up he grips your chin, thumb smoothing over your kiss swollen lips,
The ginger smiles sweetly at you, the sweetness barely reaching his eyes as he places two fingers on your lips, sliding them into your mouth and you shyly lick at them, unsure of what to do.
“Let me take care of you, please.”
You suck on his fingers as he pressed down on your tongue, nodding your head and he moans.
Soon, his fingers are back to where he fully believes they truly belong, shoved deep inside your velvety pussy as you call his name, creaming all over his hand and couch, head tucked into his sweaty neck.
Oh, his sweet angel.
He'll help you, and he won't stop after just one orgasm this time. He wants to see you break, just for him.
He's so completely yours, obsessed.
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cloeis · 1 year
hq men and their pet names for their gf
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babe - matsukawa, SUNA, atsumu, oikawa, tsukishima, noya, SEMI, aran, konoha & yaku
baby - kuroo, iwaizumi, suna, ATSUMU, kenma, sugawara, oikawa, meian, OSAMU, bokuto & romero
sweetheart/sweetie - USHIJIMA <3, sakusa, KUROO, osamu, daichi, romero, kita & AKAAASHI
love/my love (my fave) - osamu, akaashi, SAKUSA !!, KAGEYAMA, iwaizumi, ushijima, sugawara & tsukishima
angel - suna, ATSUMU, kuroo, meian, OIKAWA, iwaizumi, daichi, aran & sugawara
honey - osamu <3, KUROO, akaashi, ushijima, suna, sakusa, OIKAWA, tendou, asahi, hinata & yaku
my girl/my pretty girl (cries) - atsumu, SUNA (hello), matsukawa, osamu, OIKAWA, SAKUSA, kageyama & iwaizumi !!!
doll - atsumu, suna suna suna !!, MATSUKAWA, kuroo, meian, IWAIZUMI, tsukishima & osamu
all of this tbh coz he doesn't have a permanent pet name for u - BOKUTO, kuroo, atsumu, romero, LEV, hinata, sugawara, suna, yamaguchi & aran
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