hotontopnow · 1 year
Whos the mother in How I Met Your Mother: The Ultimate Guide
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How I Met Your Mother is one of the most popular sitcoms of all time because of its clever writing, likeable characters, and many references to pop culture. But who the mother is has always been one of the biggest mysteries of the show. During the nine seasons of the show, Josh Radnor's character, Ted Mosby, told his kids how he met their mother, but we never saw her until the very end. If you're a fan of the show, you may have been left scratching your head and wondering, "Who's the mother in How I Met Your Mother?" Well, wonder no more! We'll tell you everything you need to know about the mysterious mother, from who she is to how she affects the show, in this complete guide. H1: How to Find the Mother The mother's name was one of the biggest mysteries of How I Met Your Mother. During the nine seasons of the show, Ted went through a lot of relationships, but we didn't get to meet his mother until the very end. So, in How I Met Your Mother, who is the mother? Her name is Tracy McConnell, and Cristin Milioti played her. In the last season of the show, Tracy showed up, and it didn't take long for us to find out that she was Ted's true love. H2: How the Mother Came to Be Known Even though we didn't meet the mother until the last season of the show, we could feel her presence the whole time. In fact, we were given numerous hints about her identity, including: In the first season, Ted meets a stripper named Tracy, who he thinks might be the mother. But we found out later that this was just a false lead. In season eight, there's a flash-forward to Barney's wedding, where we see the bride's foot, which is wearing the same boots that the mother wears in the last season. In the episode "Bass Player Wanted," the mother plays bass at a wedding, but we don't get a good look at her face. H2: How the Mother Changed the Show The mother had a huge impact on How I Met Your Mother, despite the fact that we didn't get to meet her until the very end. Here are some of the ways she changed the show: Ted told his children the story of how he met their mother because it was about her. The mother brought out the best in Ted, and helped him to become the person he was meant to be. The mother's death, which was shown in the last episode, was a big part of the story and tied the whole series together. FAQs: When did the show first talk about the mother? How I Met Your Mother's first episode, which aired in 2005, was the first time the mother was mentioned. In the first scene, Josh Radnor, who plays Ted Mosby, tells his kids that he is going to tell them how he met their mother. Did the people who made the show know from the start who the mother would be? Yes, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, who made the show, knew from the start who the mother would be. But they didn't find out who she was until the last season. Was the cast kept in the dark about who the mother was? No, the How I Met Your Mother cast already knew who the mother was before the last season. Cristin Milioti was cast as the mother in season 8, but her scenes were shot in secret so as not to give anything away. Why did it take so long to find out who the mum was? The people who made the show wanted to take their time telling the story of how Ted met the mother and let the characters grow. They also wanted to keep people guessing and build up tension. How did the fans react when they found out who the mother was? The reactions to finding out who the mother was were mixed. Some fans were excited that Cristin Milioti was cast and loved her character, while others thought that the show had kept the mother's identity a secret for too long and were disappointed when it was finally revealed. Why was the end of the show a big deal? The ending of the show was controversial because it showed that the mother had died of an illness and that Ted had been telling his kids the story to get their permission to date their Aunt Robin (played by Cobie Smulders). Many fans thought that this twist went against the main idea of the show and were upset with how the story ended. Was there a hint earlier in the show that the mother would die? Yes, there were many clues and hints in the show that pointed to the mother's death. In season 6, Ted tells his kids, "Sometimes in life, you meet someone who is meant to change you." In the last season, it turns out that he was talking about his mother, but she had died before she could change him. Did the people who made the show know that people would not like how it ended? Yes, the people who made the show were aware that the ending would be controversial and that some fans would be upset. In fact, they filmed a different ending in which Ted and the mother live happily ever after, just in case they wanted to use it instead. Did finding out who the mother was affect how many people watched the show? The reveal of the mother's name didn't have a big effect on how many people watched the show. In fact, one of the most popular seasons of How I Met Your Mother was the last one. Will there ever be a spin-off or continuation of How I Met Your Mother? There have been rumours that How I Met Your Mother might get a spin-off or continue, but nothing has been confirmed. But a spin-off called "How I Met Your Father" is in the works. It will follow a new group of characters as they look for love. In the end, the mother was a very important character on How I Met Your Mother, even though she didn't show up until the very end. For nine seasons, nobody knew who she was, but when she finally showed up, she was worth the wait. Ted Mosby's love, Tracy McConnell, was played by Cristin Milioti. Her presence was felt throughout the series. She helped Ted become the person he was meant to be by bringing out the best in him. Even though the show's ending was controversial, one thing is for sure: How I Met Your Mother fans will always love the mother. So, the next time you wonder, "Who is the mother in How I Met Your Mother?" Don't forget that Tracy McConnell was the woman who won Ted's heart and made his search for true love complete. Read the full article
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vayalda · 1 year
TV-Show Rec – How I Met Your Mother
I know that this is an older show, but I’ve only just come around to binge-watch it and need to rave about it for a minute or two because this has easily become my second-favourite show after Game of Thrones (which will always remain number one because of Braime) and I haven’t been this excited about a show/movie/book in the last two years…
For the first few episodes, I wasn’t even sure I’d like HIMYM because sitcoms aren’t usually my thing and the constant audience laughter annoyed me soooo much. But since I wanted to watch something light and funny during my recovery, I pulled through and eventually managed to blank out the laughter and focus on the story and characters instead. And I’m glad I did for one reason and one reason only: Barney Stinson, who’s 100% awesome and legen – wait for it – dary! LEGENDARY!
Plus, Neil Patrick Harris is a treasure! That man can act and sing and dance and do it all at once and I’m in absolute awe of his talent. He was the heart and soul of the show and carried HYMYM. And did I already mention that this man can sing? There are still so many of his songs I haven’t heard yet, but these are a few gems I simply have to share (in no particular order):
This Tony Awards Opening
His Disney Christmas Parade Opening
The “Dream On” performance from Glee
His Broadway Musical Riff-Off against James Corden, which includes snippets of his musicals “Company” and “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”
“The Origin of Love”, which is my favourite song from Hedwig
The brilliant “Stand by me” performance from HIMYM (special thanks to Cobie Smulders who was all of us in that moment)
And, of course, the legen – wait for it and I hope you aren’t lactose-intolerant because the second part of the word is – dairy “Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit” by Barney Stinson
And those are just the tip of the iceberg…
Seriously, I imagine NPH’s creation going somewhat like this:
God: How much talent do you want to have?
NPH: Yes! What up?
That being said, if you belong to the few people who haven’t watched this show yet, I have two warnings for you…
First: You’ll never be able to hear the song “I’m gonna be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers again without slowly sinking to your knees, screaming NOOOOOOOO at the top of your lungs and starting to weep because it will be stuck in your head for days. DAYS, I tell you!
Second: The HIMYM ending is absolute crap and I’m so pissed at it. This is GoT all over again (or rather, I now know where D&D got their idea from since HIMYM is the older show). Seriously though, is there some secret prize for the producers/writers who manage to make the best shows and character arcs only to screw them over in the last episodes??
In any case, for anyone who hasn’t watched the show yet, here’s a simple four-step guide:
1. Watch every episode including Season 9, Episode 22 (you could leave out the rhyming one cause that one was boring and had no point imo)
2. Do NOT watch Season 9, Episode 23 and 24 unless you want to get “I want to punch a hole in the wall-angry”
3. Don’t bother with the alternative ending either cause that isn’t much better than the original
4. You’re welcome!
PS: I’m not gonna write HIMYM fics but I might have to include a small Barney Stinson tribute in one of my future Braime fics because I’ve had an idea on how to easily fix his stupid ending with a guest appearance.
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adarawlslune · 4 years
How I Met Your Mother
記得HIMYM係Neflix成日pop up 廣告
終於係呢個 unexpected long holiday 終於睇完
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Source : https://nypost.com/2014/03/28/your-nyc-location-guide-to-how-i-met-your-mother/
你唔介意佢哋 make fun of you
故事嘅連線係由Ted 講述 “How I met your mother” 開始
208 集後,揭曉最後答案
Ted 為咗尋覓一生中最愛,不停撞板
"But love doesn't make sense. You can't logic your way into or out of it. Love is totally nonsensical. But we have to keep doing it, or else we're lost and love is dead and humanity should just pack it in. Because love is the best thing we do."--Ted Mosby
And this is how to make love last forever 
"Here's the secret kids. None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love is the best thing we do."--Ted Mosby
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morninglazziness · 3 years
A Guide: Friends With An Ex is Good or Bad
A Guide: Friends With An Ex is Good or Bad
One of the biggest struggles after a breakup is if you should stay friends with your ex or not. Life is not some TV drama like FRIENDS or How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM), where they can drag for years remaining friends without any problems whatsoever. This is real life, and the struggle is just overwhelming. Every breakup is different, and the reasons may look similar at once, but the root cause…
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6 years… 6 years Emma Swan has become a part of me. 6 years I have found a huge part of me inside this broken woman. 6 years I have never stop admiring her. From the woman who couldn’t give her trust to anyone, lonely, living in the darkness, hopeless, feeling unloved, running away to protect herself from suffering, wearing an armor for not being hurt. This Emma was and still is me. I loved watching her opening herself, finding her family, finding love, being vulnerable and  stay the strong hero I have loved from the beginning. Her character development is so beautiful. I am so proud of her. I love Emma Swan. I will always love Emma Swan. I also know if I love her so much, it’s because of Jennifer Morrison and the perfect way she gave life to her and her emotions. My life is chaotic. So much. And my light in this darkness I am surrounded by was Emma and her journey, and Captain Swan, and JMo. She has given me strengh, she has given me hope when everything was more hopeless than ever, she has given me the inspiration to never give up, because of her I didn’t feel too alone even if every single day I have to deal with loneliness, but I still need her to take my hand to move forward…
I knew something was going on about Emma, Jen and the possible season 7, I could feel it, I could see it from little spots here and there since weeks, but I didn’t want to believe it. Keep hoping. Stay in denial. It couldn’t be possible. I was looking for all the tiny things that could make me believe I was wrong to think it was happening… I stayed focused on this desperate season 7 I was sure we would have to say goodbye properly and have one more year to prepare myself to « let go », but I prayed for a season 7 with Jennifer, with Emma, with Captain Swan. But now it will never happen. Instead of that, I must deal with a huge anxiety and pain in a few days because the farewell will be on next Sunday and we were not warned in a decent time for that. Right after an amazing episode and a wonderful event we have been waited for 5 damn long years… There are still so many things I wanted to see in Emma’s life. Canon things I wanted to see in her life. I wanted to see her and Killian happily married and dealing with things of life. I wanted her to give birth to her second child she would never abandon, I wanted her to be the mother she couldn’t have been for Henry. I wanted to see her and the family she and Killian would build. And so much more…  
I love Jennifer. I respect her decision and I understand why she took it. She probably had to deal a lot with what to do and it was probably very hard for her too… But God I will miss her. Beyond words. She has been a part of my life since much more years than OUAT. Since House. Because my Mom loved House and I watched with her from the beginning, and I loved Cameron (I stopped watching House when she left, as well as I will stop watching OUAT if ABC, A&E go for one more season -and only be back for the only episode she will be back in-). From this period, I think Jen has never really left me. She has always been on my TV week after week. Even if there was about a year between her departure from House and her arrival on HIMYM, I didn’t really realize it because House was aired later than in the US in France so her absence was shorter than it really was. And she filmed the pilot of OUAT when she played on HIMYM so I knew she was coming back just a few months after her last appearance on the sitcom. So many years growing up with Jennifer Morrison as an inspiration. As a guide, a « mentor ». I know I am a grown up now, but a grown up with severe issues, an empty life that needed to be fullfilled with stuff like a fictional character and her journey, and the actress who gave life to her. Today, I feel more lonely than ever. I have the feeling I lost a part of me. And I don’t know if I will find this part of me again. Someday. My heart has been ripped out from my chest and someone is crushing it. Crushing it. Crushing it. Over and over again. I feel pain. Anxiety. Sadness. I am breathless. Empty. The hole in my chest is too big. And tomorrow is uncertain (how ironic it is to write those three little words now). I don’t know how to handle the blurry times to come without Emma Swan coming back in my life after summer, without watching at Jen’s acting week after week. It means no spoilers pics from set. No fangirling over new things that will happen. It means no more San Diego Comic Con this summer to fangirl over interviews of her and Colin. It means no more OUAT… How will I fulfill my empty and pathetic and chaotic life with those sweet little moments that will never come back ? Her new projects will now be so different. I am so proud of the direction she wants to give to her carreer. She is extremely talented and she is a brilliant director. She will amaze all of us in the future with her projects. She says she will still act. But I don’t think she wants to be on a TV show again. And I will miss that. A lot. I wish her all the best but I’m gonna miss her so much. Too much. I have the feeling I am losing my « best friend » in some ways…
I don’t know how to handle the pain I feel. I don’t know how to fix my broken heart. I wish I had other « real » things to focus on and happy things too… Instead of that, everything is becoming darker. Emma and Jen were my lights. And they are leaving for new horizons. I have never been so attached to fictional characters, to an actor or actress, to a fictional couple. Things will never be the same… Time will do its job to soothe the pain, I know that. But I also know it will be very long. And right now, I can just cry. I haven’t stopped since the minute Jen posted her message on Facebook. I don’t know when I won’t have enough tears to stop crying. But I am exhausted to cry. And it physically and mentally hurts… And I feel stupid. And so lonely. I know there is still Tumblr and I am so grateful for that. I am glad I joined in 3A after one year of lurking. Since then, you all have making my days. So many hours to smile, laugh, and cry together. Thank you for being a part of me too. Keep making gifsets, keep writing beautiful metas, keep drawing amazing fanarts and funny strips. Especially now. It will help to get better day after day... We are in the same boat after all. At different degrees of sadness, but in the same boat.
And you know what ? When I think about all of this and the pain and the tears, I am pissed. Not at Jen. Not at all. But at ABC. At Adam and Eddy. It’s their fault if today, I am a total and complete mess. We should have been warned a long time ago that what would happen with the show. Instead of that, they have decided to let us hope. For nothing. They had to give us time to prepare ourselves for that moment. Everything is too rushed now. And it’s not possible to deal with that so quickly. I will try to enjoy the season (series) finale. But it will be very hard and every minute of it will drive us closer to the end. And what a great end that keeping the young married couple separated about 95% of the double episode… It will be so cool as a farewell (irony). Yay, enjoy the last two minutes of Captain Swan you will have, because that’s all what you get! I am not okay. This is not the end I expected. And I should stop writing this incoherent and boring post right now, before I can’t see the words again because of the tears…
I am sad. It’s a sad day. And it will be rainy days for a long time…
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heaventide · 8 years
🌻rules: once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
@seacoasts I LOVE TAGS TY!!!
🌻LAST… [1] drink: sprite [2] phone call: my mam [3] text message: space fam!! [4] song you listened to: the bad thing by am [5] time you cried: two am because umfb&mha
🌻 HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nah [7] been cheated on: nah [8] kissed someone and regretted it: nah [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: yeah but i’m not diagnosed [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no i am a Child
🌻 LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS… [12] maroon/dark red [13] dark green [14] black
🌻 IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes!! [16] fallen out of love: yep [17] laughed until you cried: hell yeah [18] found out someone was talking about you: HAHAHHAHA yes [19] met someone who changed you: yep! fuck you rat [20] found out who your true friends are: yes i love them with everything in my body [21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: i don’t have facebook
🌻 GENERAL… [22] how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: no fb [23] do you have any pets: doggo and two cats [24] do you want to change your name: NO i love ro [25] what did you do for your last birthday: DISNEYLAND what else [26] what time did you wake up: 10 am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: driving home [28] name something you cannot wait for: SOUNDSATIONAL I AM SO EXCITEDDD IT’S BEEN TOO LONG [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 2 seconds ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: amount of rats at school [31] what are you listening to right now: piledriver waltz by alex turner!!! [32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tom holland yes. one sided conversation tho he never replies to me rip [33] something that is getting on your nerves: school Forever [34] most visited website: tumblr and ao3 [35] elementary: i loved elementary!!! wish some of my old friends still talked to me but o well [36] high school: i am Suffering [37] college: ughfjdhg i wanna go to ucsf or uci [38] hair colour: plain old dark brown [39] long or short hair: i cut mine last month so i have bangs n a bob [40] do you have a crush on someone: yes i love em platonically but a relationship is cute [41] what do you like about yourself: my sense of fashion is always lookin nice. lots of people think i’m good at atuff but not rlly whoop [42] piercings: nope [43] blood type: idk [44] nickname: ro, bebe, beebs [45] relationship status: single as hell [46] zodiac sign: libra [47] pronouns: she/her, them/they [48] fav TV show: yuri on ice, voltron: legendary defender, parks and rec, bob’s burgers, and himym [49] tattoos: no i am a Child [50] right or left handed: right
🌻 FIRST… [51] surgery: never [52] piercing: never [53] best friend: sammie!!!! [54] sport: ballet hahaha [55] vacation: philippines!!! i miss it everyday [56] pair of trainers: idek
🌻 RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: nothing [59] I’m about to: play sims!! fuck you homework [60] listening to: off to the races by ldr [61] waiting for: My life to end jfdgshdif fuck you school [62] want: death and clear skin [63] get married: Yes [64] career: professional yet unofficial disneyland tour guide
🌻 WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hug [66] lips or eyes: either??? [67] shorter or taller: SHORT i love being short [68] older or younger: so long as it is legal [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic!! [70] nice arms or nice stomach: it doesn’t matter rlly [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: either works?
🌻 HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger: no [75] drank hard liquor: i am a Child [76] lost glasses/contact lenses: more like broke (3 fucking times) [77] turned someone down: YES always [78] sex on first date: no [79] broken someone’s heart: have i?? i don’t know [80] had your own heart broken: fuck you rat [81] been arrested: no never [82] cried when someone died: i cry 24/7 [83] fallen for a friend: yes rip
🌻 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself: HAHHAHHAHAHA no [85] miracles: yes but they never fuckin happen [86] love at first sight: yes [87] santa claus: nope [88] kiss on the first date: sure? [89] angels: i’m catholic i kinda have to
🌻 OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: noooo that’s too many [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: kiki’s delivery service, alice in wonderland, moana, big hero 6 and peter pan!! (they’re all cartoons wow)
🌻 I’M TAGGING… @buckys-fossil @punkholland @ultraviolitings @celestial-yuuri  @intheheartofpeterparker (i don’t have a lot of tumblr friends rip
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ibaha · 5 years
The Masked Singer: Skeleton Is Unmasked and Revealed to Be Paul Shaffer #Paul_Shaffer #Masked_Singer ★Source: *https://ift.tt/2ldLEQZ ******************************************************************* In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. AL - FATIHAH 1. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds . 2. The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, 3. Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. 4. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. 5. Guide us to the straight path - 6. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray. 7. AMIN Al - Quran. ******************************************************************* Disclaimer: ========= For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 💖💖💖 Sponsor And Donations...$£€₹ PayPal - [email protected] Payoneer - [email protected] Bitcoin - 3QF1JScZAd5qG5BCXBe8UhDZJBA2QUzp8k ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _paul shaffer asks julia roberts a forbidden question, paul shaffer and the world's most dangerous band roll over beethoven, paul shaffer and david letterman, paul shaffer blues brothers, paul shaffer bermuda, paul shaffer best moments, paul shaffer blues, paul shaffer billy gibbons, paul shaffer blues brothers 2000, paul shaffer bitten by beaver, paul shaffer bill murray, paul shaffer cher, paul shaffer cape, paul shaffer christmas, paul shaffer chile, paul shaffer cher impression, paul shaffer conan, paul shaffer cbs orchestra, paul shaffer cher o holy night, paul shaffer dress cool, paul shaffer david letterman, paul shaffer don rickles, paul shaffer dancing, paul shaffer documentary, paul shaffer don kirshner, paul shaffer dan rather, paul shaffer donny osmond, paul shaffer drummer, paul shaffer eyes, paul shaffer entrevista, informe especial paul shaffer, paul shaffer funny, paul shaffer family guy, paul shaffer from david letterman, paul shaffer fiddle, family guy paul shaffer fire alarm, jimmy fallon paul shaffer, paul shaffer godspell, paul shaffer graham nash interview, paul shaffer glasses, paul shaffer george costanza, paul shaffer gilda radner, gilbert gottfried paul shaffer, paul shaffer hammond organ, paul shaffer hard to handle, paul shaffer how i met your mother, paul shaffer honeydrippers, paul shaffer himym, paul shaffer how tall, paul shaffer hits, paul shaffer hiccups, paul shaffer impression, paul shaffer is the skeleton, paul shaffer imdb, paul shaffer interview with joe walsh, paul shaffer in spinal tap, is paul shaffer blind, paul shaffer joe walsh, paul shaffer jimmy fallon, paul shaffer jay leno, paul shaffer jazz, paul shaffer john mayer, paul shaffer johnny carson, paul shaffer jimmy kimmel, paul shaffer keyboard, paul shaffer kalamazoo, paul shaffer you kill me, paul shaffer late show, paul shaffer late show theme, paul shaffer late night, paul shaffer late night theme, paul shaffer las vegas, paul shaffer letterman show, david letterman paul shaffer, paul shaffer music, paul shaffer martin short, paul shaffer music video, paul shaffer musician, paul shaffer world's most dangerous band, michael brecker paul shaffer, paul shaffer net worth, paul shaffer now, late night paul shaffer, paul shaffer oregon, paul shaffer on the view, paul shaffer on david letterman, paul shaffer on jimmy fallon, paul shaffer on snl, paul shaffer roll over beethoven, paul shaffer playing piano, paul shaffer plus one donald fagen, paul shaffer party on, paul shaffer plus one sammy hagar, paul shaffer plus one billy gibbons, paul shaffer plus one season 1 episode 2, paul shaffer podcast, paul shaffer radio, paul shaffer rapper's delight, paul shaffer rolling stone commercial, paul shaffer rock and roll hall of fame, don rickles paul shaffer, julia roberts paul shaffer, paul shaffer songs, paul shaffer singing rappers delight, paul shaffer sign, paul shaffer sammy hagar, paul shaffer show, paul shaffer singing hard to handle, paul shaffer singing hip hop, paul shaffer tonight show, paul shaffer talking, paul shaffer the view, paul shaffer today, paul shaffer the skeleton, paul shaffer this is spinal tap, paul shaffer todd rundgren, paul shaffer & the world's most dangerous band, paul shaffer when the radio is on, paul shaffer vegas, paul shaffer voice, paul shaffer with joe walsh, paul shaffer wayne's world, paul shaffer wife, paul shaffer whitney houston, will sasso paul shaffer, paul shaffer yeah, paul shaffer youtube, paul shaffer young, paul shaffer 1982, paul shaffer 1993, paul shaffer 2019, paul shaffer 4261 by X World
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hotontopnow · 1 year
Whos the mother in How I Met Your Mother: The Ultimate Guide
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How I Met Your Mother is one of the most popular sitcoms of all time because of its clever writing, likeable characters, and many references to pop culture. But who the mother is has always been one of the biggest mysteries of the show. During the nine seasons of the show, Josh Radnor's character, Ted Mosby, told his kids how he met their mother, but we never saw her until the very end. If you're a fan of the show, you may have been left scratching your head and wondering, "Who's the mother in How I Met Your Mother?" Well, wonder no more! We'll tell you everything you need to know about the mysterious mother, from who she is to how she affects the show, in this complete guide. H1: How to Find the Mother The mother's name was one of the biggest mysteries of How I Met Your Mother. During the nine seasons of the show, Ted went through a lot of relationships, but we didn't get to meet his mother until the very end. So, in How I Met Your Mother, who is the mother? Her name is Tracy McConnell, and Cristin Milioti played her. In the last season of the show, Tracy showed up, and it didn't take long for us to find out that she was Ted's true love. H2: How the Mother Came to Be Known Even though we didn't meet the mother until the last season of the show, we could feel her presence the whole time. In fact, we were given numerous hints about her identity, including: In the first season, Ted meets a stripper named Tracy, who he thinks might be the mother. But we found out later that this was just a false lead. In season eight, there's a flash-forward to Barney's wedding, where we see the bride's foot, which is wearing the same boots that the mother wears in the last season. In the episode "Bass Player Wanted," the mother plays bass at a wedding, but we don't get a good look at her face. H2: How the Mother Changed the Show The mother had a huge impact on How I Met Your Mother, despite the fact that we didn't get to meet her until the very end. Here are some of the ways she changed the show: Ted told his children the story of how he met their mother because it was about her. The mother brought out the best in Ted, and helped him to become the person he was meant to be. The mother's death, which was shown in the last episode, was a big part of the story and tied the whole series together. FAQs: When did the show first talk about the mother? How I Met Your Mother's first episode, which aired in 2005, was the first time the mother was mentioned. In the first scene, Josh Radnor, who plays Ted Mosby, tells his kids that he is going to tell them how he met their mother. Did the people who made the show know from the start who the mother would be? Yes, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, who made the show, knew from the start who the mother would be. But they didn't find out who she was until the last season. Was the cast kept in the dark about who the mother was? No, the How I Met Your Mother cast already knew who the mother was before the last season. Cristin Milioti was cast as the mother in season 8, but her scenes were shot in secret so as not to give anything away. Why did it take so long to find out who the mum was? The people who made the show wanted to take their time telling the story of how Ted met the mother and let the characters grow. They also wanted to keep people guessing and build up tension. How did the fans react when they found out who the mother was? The reactions to finding out who the mother was were mixed. Some fans were excited that Cristin Milioti was cast and loved her character, while others thought that the show had kept the mother's identity a secret for too long and were disappointed when it was finally revealed. Why was the end of the show a big deal? The ending of the show was controversial because it showed that the mother had died of an illness and that Ted had been telling his kids the story to get their permission to date their Aunt Robin (played by Cobie Smulders). Many fans thought that this twist went against the main idea of the show and were upset with how the story ended. Was there a hint earlier in the show that the mother would die? Yes, there were many clues and hints in the show that pointed to the mother's death. In season 6, Ted tells his kids, "Sometimes in life, you meet someone who is meant to change you." In the last season, it turns out that he was talking about his mother, but she had died before she could change him. Did the people who made the show know that people would not like how it ended? Yes, the people who made the show were aware that the ending would be controversial and that some fans would be upset. In fact, they filmed a different ending in which Ted and the mother live happily ever after, just in case they wanted to use it instead. Did finding out who the mother was affect how many people watched the show? The reveal of the mother's name didn't have a big effect on how many people watched the show. In fact, one of the most popular seasons of How I Met Your Mother was the last one. Will there ever be a spin-off or continuation of How I Met Your Mother? There have been rumours that How I Met Your Mother might get a spin-off or continue, but nothing has been confirmed. But a spin-off called "How I Met Your Father" is in the works. It will follow a new group of characters as they look for love. In the end, the mother was a very important character on How I Met Your Mother, even though she didn't show up until the very end. For nine seasons, nobody knew who she was, but when she finally showed up, she was worth the wait. Ted Mosby's love, Tracy McConnell, was played by Cristin Milioti. Her presence was felt throughout the series. She helped Ted become the person he was meant to be by bringing out the best in him. Even though the show's ending was controversial, one thing is for sure: How I Met Your Mother fans will always love the mother. So, the next time you wonder, "Who is the mother in How I Met Your Mother?" Don't forget that Tracy McConnell was the woman who won Ted's heart and made his search for true love complete. Read the full article
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