#himko toga
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with-my-calamitous-love · 3 months ago
this has probably been done before but wtvr 🫧 after rewatching wicked…
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no, one mourns the wicked
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shigarakisdumbwhore · 6 months ago
With today's new episode, I love how they showcase the different ways of loving someone. Dabi loved Toga and destroyed her old home because now it didn't exist, and maybe that would help her. Uraraka loved her and acknowledged her trauma because Toga just wanted to be validated, and maybe that'd also help her. Both of them showed affection in their own ways and that's beautiful.
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bedbug404 · 2 months ago
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Himiko Toga stimboard with themes of red and pink, blood, and sweets 🌹
my first attempt at one of these :]
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doodlenoodleboi · 6 months ago
The two types of My Hero Academia fans right now.
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tv-gh0st · 7 months ago
Drv3 Monsters au
much easier to say then Oumota/Drv3 undead monsters au idk what tf i was thinking on that post
my friend csme up with an idea
diffrent type of were animals
so like wearcat, wearbat ect
so i decided to make tenko a wearcat bc i can
speaking of i wanted to talk about tenko x himiko x angie and there dynamic
i want to keep there cannon dynamic atlest for the start of there realastionship
but less of tenko has an unhealthy obsession with himiko more of himiko is one of my first friends and shes great and i just want to keep talking to her and wait a second i think im in love
which seems similar but her attitude twords himiko will he diffrent and more respectful of himikos boundriers
bc the idea is no one tenko meets reallt wants to be around her bc wearcat and she hurts ppl bc of rhat but himikos a ghost soooo tenko doesnt hurt himiko and then himiko still wants to be around tenko which tenko isnt used to so she does everything she can to make himiko stay
but when himiko starts hanging around angie tenko doesnt know how to take it and starts getting anxious that Himiko is gonna leave her bc well everyone does bc tenko is a bit loud and can hurt ppl on accident
angie on the other hand is a littel less pushy on her religion i think out of the three of them im gonna chsnhe angie the most bc now angies dead and this isnt whay she was promised by her god or otherwise the cult she was in (i need to rearche more on atua beffore i use Atua bc i dont esnt to disrespect that culture so for now im just gonna say Angies god)
Angie was apart of a cult and brainwashed to become the perfect beliver and in life she was simlisr to her in game personality which i belive was a sort of escapism mechanism for her as well especially in the killing game that i also think is possible she retsins in a different way now i think angie belives theres somthing more after this which is fair for her to belive
the reason himiko latchs onto angie and tenko is because Angie has somthing to belive and Tenko is stronger then Himiko, himiko has nothing to latch onto in death shes a follower and wants to belive theres somthing for her in a way idk quite yet still flushing himikos character out but i know she latche onto those two for slightly unhealthy reasons which is okay and i did bc i think these characters are unhealthy and problematic and im trying to take out the offensive bits but keep some of that unhealthy stuff bc death isnt the best thing for you and they wont have the best coping mechanisms
but there all going to have character development and communication evantully and its gonna be a bit angsty a bit slow burny but there gonna get there
all three of rhem have there own complexes theyll need to work through and i love that about these three but they'll eventually find comfort in eachother and itll all end up okay
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rose-riot-johnson · 2 years ago
Alongside Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any Version)), Kurama (Human name Shuichi Minamin) (Yu Hakusho) and Rumi Usagiyama (aka, Mirko) for the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th place (in a 4 way) tie according to the poll I originally posted:
My Hero Academia's very own, Himiko Toga
I have my reasons why I wanted to write about Toga😃👍Aside from Dabi, she is 1 of my favorite members of The League of Villains in My Hero Academia😁👍Also she's actually 1 of the 1st villains (if the exactly the 1st villain) I had actually noticed from watching My Hero Academia😃I do like a lot of the characters from My Hero Academia and that includes Toga😁I'm just a fan of hers😁👍She's just 1 of those villains I've been wanting to write about for years, since becoming fan of My Hero Academia and writing fanfics of my very own😃👍And recently I decided that Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen) and Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) were the first two characters I had in mind putting in the poll I originally posted a while ago, to be honest🤷‍♀️😃👍I just hope you enjoy this fanfic with Toga in it my Tumblr Peeps 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉
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There's No Turning Back Now ((Adult) Himiko Toga x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Angst, Drama, and Possible Brief Comfort (Warning ⚠️: Mentioning Of Blood, Language, Depending On The Reader's Imagination (In The End Of This Fanfic))
Your life wasn't the greatest. Infact your life has been pretty, (usually) unlucky. You have dealt with being bullied in school and whenever you finally end up being in with a group of friends, most of the time there was drama (in the cafeteria during breakfast or lunch), when you were in middle school. You just either never truly fit in or you never truly belonged or you were never truly accepted for who you fully are (or even majority of things about you). What makes it worse was things just are not going well for you and usually your good days were that no one bullied nor were mean to you nor anything like these things. And the worst part of all, everyone you know and/or knew either has found a reason to judge you for and/or made you feel misunderstood atleast twice (if not just once) in your life.
As you were considering giving up on yourself, you met up with this happy, ash-blonde hair (with two buns, with strands poking of of both), yellow eyed, girl. She introduced herself cheerfully, "Hi. I'm Himiko Toga. I'm a member of the League of Villains. What's your name?", while having both of her hands behind her back. You were pretty happy about meeting her, as she's the first person you have trusted in a long time and that was right away. You then answered, "Well, Toga. My name is (Any Gender Reader Name). It's very nice to meet you!", as you smiled at her. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, too!", Toga replied happily.
You decided at that moment, you will try seeing her as much as possible. You automatically confessed, "I have a feeling seeing you and even to hang out with you will be something I will definitely look forward in my life, as you can see.", so you told her everything you can remember about your life, even about the fact that you feel that, Toga is going to be the first person who will truly accept you and who you will be able to be your true self with (even majority of the stuff about you). Toga then told you, "I guess we're more alike than we thought, though it wasn't because of my love for blood and my love for blood is why my parents want me to suppress what they don't approve of that I couldn't control for the shake of others, including my peers, so one day I couldn't repress my desire for blood any longer!", then she pretty much told you everything that happened afterwards, including about how she joined the League of Villains and the fact she feels they're all her family now, including Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress. So, both you and Toga decided to accept eachother, despite of eachother's flaws.
Months went by as you and Toga grew together to the point where both you and Toga felt destined to be together, as if you and Toga are soulmates. After you graduated from a school academy, you were attending, Toga even showed you off to the League of Villains, as they're all delighted to meet you. They even somehow instantly trust you to the point they treat you like their family somehow, right away.
However one night, you went home from hanging out with your girlfriend Toga, then as you went inside of the door, you noticed that your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) watched you coming inside your home (which is also your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian)'s home as well). "Where have you been going to after school, then after your academy, then now your job you're working at, (Any Gender Reader Name) for all these months?", your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) asked in slight anger. "I was hanging out with my new friend.", you answered. Your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) then asked, "Is your friend.... Or should I say significant other a rich and/or highly paid pro hero? Or is ((s)he/they) rich with lots of money in general?". You were slightly annoyed, however you kept your cool and told your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) the truth about your relationship with your girlfriend Toga and how you feel about her.
After you finish telling your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) about Toga, ((s)he/they) ended up being so pissed off to the point where (his/her/their) face turned the redest or the red, as ((s)he/they screamed, "How dare you date someone who's not rich! And worse! You're dating a villain and not a rich pro hero!! And why can't you date someone who can make everyone else happy, including your own family, especially...ME!". You then shouted, "Why does life have to what everyone else wants?! Why can't I choose what makes me happy for once?! Can't you see my girlfriend, Toga and the other members of the League of Villains not only make me happy, they also care about me and appreciate me!". "Your happiness doesn't matter, if I don't approve, young (lady/man/child/etc...)!! ", ((s)he/they) continued screaming, "That's right! It's my fucken way or the fucken highway, because I have NEWS for you, (Any Gender Reader Name)! If it's something I don't approve of, then you don't deserve to be happy! So, unless it's something I like and/or approve of, I don't care about your happiness!!!". So, you stormed off to your room.
Once you were in your room your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) last words ((s)he/they) shouted are, "And by the way, starting tomorrow, I will be following you everywhere you go, especially while you're at working at your job and at home, so I can makesure you don't in anyway contact your League of Villains friends anymore, including that moneyless, golddigger, Toga, from now on!", before slamming your bedroom, then locking it on you, where you can't leave your own to even go to the bathroom for anything. You're so upset to the point where you ended being so sick and tired of your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) controlling your whole life. Your love life included. You're so stressed to the point where you don't even know what to do.
That was until, Toga sent you a text message to ask if you got home safe. Once you saw the message you knew what you had to do. You knew you needed to warn her, so she can warn the rest of the members of the League of Villains, somehow. You texted her everything that was happening after you got home, including everything your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) said to you, and that ((s)he/they) even threatened to stalk you starting tomorrow, to the point where you couldn't contact any members of the League of Villains, including her, as ((s)he/they) locked your bedroom door, where you couldn't even go to the bathroom for anything.
Toga saw the message(s) you sent and she was shocked and pissed that you (Mom/Dad/Parent/ Legal Guardian) said and did all this to you, so she texted you that she will makesure to get you out of this house. She warned the rest of the members of the League of Villains about what you warned her about (as you expected). They're shocked and pissed off about what she told them about what you told her. Dabi was very tempted to burn your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) to ashes, while Shigaraki really wanted to decay your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) to dust, however all of them including Dabi and Shigaraki know it will make things worse for you, so every member of the League of Villains agreed on a quick plan none of them can refuse.
Later that night, Toga and the rest of the League of Villains, snuck into your home. Toga managed to use her knife to somehow, pick the lock part of the door you entered your home in. Spinner and Twice were so hungry where they ate strictly all of your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian)'s food up, which is surprisingly the foods they both enjoy eating. Dabi found your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian)'s safe and took (his/her/their) saved money after burning the lock of the safe in order to open the safe, as he felt it served (him/her/them) right. Mr. Compress snuck inside of your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian)'s room, so he can use his compress power to catch (him/her/them) without waking (him/her/them) up. Shigaraki helped Toga get into your room by decaying the knob and lock of your bedroom door that your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) locked on you in the first place.
As the door open, you hid under your blankets as you fear that your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) was coming in your room to find something to get on your case about, if not worse. As Toga, came in your room, she noticed you were hiding under your blankets in fear and yes she knows why you're hiding under the blankets, so she whispered, "Don't worry, (Any Gender Reader Name). It's me Toga. We're coming to get you out of this hellhole. The rest of the family is there too, including, Twice.". You then got out of your blankets, she reached her hands as she continued whispering, "Please come with us? This is our only chance and your only chance to makesure you have plenty of freedom, as well. I can promise you that, (Any Gender Reader Name).". You knew deep down in your mind, gut, heart, and soul that, Toga was speaking the truth out of her love for you, as you felt like all the members of the League of Villains (Spinner included) are more both true family and true friends put together than anyone you had ever known, including your (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) was, is, and ever will be. So, you decided to reach your hand to Toga back to hold her hand, as this became a sign that you made a decision to come with her with the rest of the League of Villains.
Months after you made your decision to leave the home you were living in to come with the League of Villains and to keep your relationship with Toga, you realized this was the best decision you had ever made and you have no plans on ever turning back. Not only you get to live with and hang out with the League of Villains, who you consider your true friends and real family, you also get to spend more time with your girlfriend, Toga. Eversince then, your life has become so much better than what it used to be, because the life your living now is so much better than you could ever dream of. As for what happened to you (Mom/Dad/Parent/Legal Guardian) after ((s)he/they) was captured, well... (It's up to the reader's imagination to what happened to him/her/them).
The End
I've wanting to working on writing and actually posting a fanfic about Toga for a while. While I did give other League of Villains members parts of it, I basically ended up deciding what they would do while in the home the reader was in (his/her/their) room, prior to having to Toga rescue the reader, because I wanted to come up with a plan on how to have Toga rescue you, while a couple thing I have written about before I wrote about the reader being rescued I figured I'd write about them for fun of it. I really ended up having tons of fun writing about this fanfic, so as for the ending part I just wanted the reader to imagine what would happen with the (Mom/Dad Parent/Legal Guardian) character just incase if the reader imagines a harsh punishment or maybe a second chance redemption thing or maybe anything the reader does put in his/her/their imagination(s)...🤔 Either way I do hope you like this fanfic and reading it helps with your day, just as much as writing this fanfic helps make my day and stuff😁💉🩸
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white-bunbun · 2 months ago
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CHOOSE carefully
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stupidartist · 8 months ago
Spoiler warning 428 of MHA
Toga Himko and Ochako "Uravity" Uraraka from My hero acadmeia
By Horikoshi Kōhei
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cherryblossombombs · 5 months ago
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, who are your top 7 favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon) and your top 10 favorite characters ever from any media? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hey I don't mind!
My top 7 romantic relationships in media.
(***no particular order)
BakuDeku (Katsuki Bakugou/Izuku Midoriya)
TogaChako (Himko Toga/Ochako Uraraka)
NaruSaku (Naruto Uzumaki/Sakura Haruno)
XMCU!Cherik (Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr)
Pokeshipping (Ash Ketchum/Misty Waterflower)
SasuSaku (Sasuke Uchiha/Sakura Haruno)
Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire)
****(with Danny/Valerie from DP coming in behind at 8th)
And top 10 favorite characters in any media (no particular order):
Danny Fenton/Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Katsuki Bakugou (MHA)
Trainer Dawn (Pokemon/Nintendo)
Izuku Midoriya (MHA)
Ochako Uraraka (MHA)
Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Princess Daisy (Mario Bros/Nintendo)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Francine Smith (American Dad)
Steve (Blues Clues)
****(with summer smith from R&M coming in at 11th)
***(NOTE: the list does change from time to time. I just thought of the top ships/characters currently)
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with-my-calamitous-love · 8 months ago
here i present: girls that deserved so much better
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here i present: FEMALE RAGE
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littlemochix17 · 1 year ago
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Class 1A
Izuku Midoriya
A Hero's Heart
Ktsuki Bakugo
Shoto todoroki
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Male Ochoa Uraraka
Male Momo Yaoyorozu
Male Mina Ashido
Male Kyoka Jiro
Male Tsuyu Asui
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Class 1B
Neito Monoma
Male Itsuka Kendo
Male Ibara Shiozaki
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The Big Three
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Male Nejire Hado
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Class 1C
Hitoshi Shinso
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Pro Heroes
Enji Todoroki
Keigo Takami
Shota Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada
Toshinori Yagi
Male Rumi Usagiyama
Male Nana Shimura
Male Nemuri Kayama
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Tenko Shimura Tomura Shigaraki
Oboro Shirakumo Kurogiri
Toya Todoroki Dabi
Atsuhiro Sako Mr. Compress 
Male Himko Toga
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Natsuo Todoroki
Yo shindo
Inasa Yoarashi
Older Kota Izumi
Male Melissa Shield
Male Mei Hatsume
Male Fuyumi Todoroki
Male Camie Utsusimi
Male Saiko Intelli
Male Older Eri
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wolfshystuff · 2 years ago
We all remember charapter 226 (v24-my villain academia) right?
If you not remember then is when Toga's backstory was explained for the first time
And we all remember this panel right?
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This is when we all thinked that Toga's real name wasn't Himiko but this theory was scarted long time ago beacuse of Gran Torino in the Bakugo rescue arc and now with the recent charapter that confirme again that Toga Himiko is her real name and not a villain name or others type of name(?).
So why the cencorship?
Well i have a theory that the girl wasn't says directely Toga's name but rather her sibiling's name
Like this:
name's sister
But you could say that if we haven't see him/her then why the name is censored?
Like with Shigaraki, her sister name was reveled with his backstory, so why all this mystery with Himiko's family members?
Because i think one of her sibiling is already in the series! That we already see him! And that it will be a Toga and Dabi parallel (in fact they were introduced togheter and they have already so much parallelism with their family dynamic and abuse)
But why the sibiling isn't fight with Ochako and Tsuyu for stopping her/his sister and save her?
Because we already seen this with the Todoroki plotline, Dabi and the Todoroki have a family fight! They need to let go of the past (but not forget) and be a family again (and I think the phoenix allegory is perfect for the whole family, in particular Touya/Dabi)
But Himiko need love, she already see the LOV as her family and friends so she has no needs to feel that type of love, she nedds to be love in a romantic way, this is way TogaChako not being Canon make no sense for the whole "accept your falling" and romantic plotline with this two!
So yes, i think The Monotoga sibiling theory might be true and that it will be reveled after the final war and finally we will see Toga's parents have consequences!
¡Spoiler warning for charapter 395¡
This is also why Toga won't die! I'm 90% sure of that!
So what are you thoughts about this theory?
(And if there are any grammatical errors i apologize and please feel free to correct me 🙏)
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transsekai · 1 year ago
ID list
pt: ID list
pt: TransId
- TransAbled (wheelchair/cane user)
- TransSevDelusional
- Trans(Sev)BPD
- TransED
- TransCharacter
- TransGender
- TransSelfship
- TransDollKin
- TransIdol
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- Mspec lesbian
- Autism + DID
- Otherkin
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pt: fictional
Source mates and doubles are welcome to interact!
Fictionkin: Vriska Serket(Homestuck), Draco Malfoy(Harry Potter), c!Tommy(Dream smp), Toga Himko(My Hero Academia)
Transcharacter: Virgil Sanders(Sander Sides)
Questioning: Sayori(Doki Doki Literature Club), Jinx(Arcane)
For fictive sources please view the Alter Tags list linked in pinned
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year ago
The Wishes Promised in My Early Days
by TheBlazingRedcoat
Izuku Midoriya is a lot of things. A son, a friend, a classmate, a rival, a student, a crush, or even a hero to some. Despite what many think of him, one thing about Izuku generally remains relevant no matter who you ask: he's a bit of a wimp. In this alternate reality, Izuku isn't the nerdy and wimpy boy we all know him as, instead, he's always what he's wanted to be: confident, strong, powerful, and above all else heroic. Also, even though it seems irrelevant to what I've been building up here, he has a harem because I said so.
Words: 1129, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, Mei Hatsume, Himko Toga, Rumi Usagiyama | Miruko, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Takeyama Yuu | Mt. Lady, Class 1-A, Toshinori Yagi | All might, Sorahiko Torino | Gran Torino, Stain the Hero Killer - Character, League of villains - Character
Relationships: Izuku/Harem, Izuku/Ochaco Uraraka, Izuku/ Tsuyu Asui, Izuku/Momo Yaoyorozu, Izuku/Kyoka Jirou, Izuku/Mina Ashido, Izuku/Mei Hatsume, Izuku/Himiko Toga, Izuku/Rumi Usagiyama | Miruko, Izuku/Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Izuku/Takeyama Yuu | Mt. Lady, Confident Izuku Midoriya - Relationship, Smarter Izuku Midoriya, Izuku has One for All quirk - Relationship, Izuku's a prodigy, Stronger Izuku Midoriya - Relationship, Toshinori Yagi | All Might is a good teacher, Smut - Relationship, Fluff - Relationship, Fluff & Smut - Relationship, eventual smut - Relationship, My Hero Academia - Relationship, Izuku has plot armor lol, Sorahiko Torino | Gran Torino is a good teacher, Izuku becomes a pro hero
Additional Tags: N/A - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia)
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52088314
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creationofsin · 5 years ago
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Himko toga batch of icons!!
Toga transparents were made by @//mha-transparents show them some love!!
Use credit if using or I’ll break ur kneecapz!!!
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scarletheartzverse · 5 years ago
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The League of Villains power of friendship never ceases to amaze me.
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