Explore tagged Tumblr posts
kitty-dae · 10 years ago
You're under arrest for being so majestic and perfect! Copy this message to 9 other blogs that are currently in your 'tumblr crushes' list ❤ Keep the game going and make other blogs feel loved! ~
Thank you, lovely! (/^3^)/~♡
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bang-yong-guks-wife · 10 years ago
when you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes.
v-hyung Is so Cute and Adorable :D
woojihosbitch Is the best and amazing :D
vsuck is awesome and has great gif making skills!! :D
himchanscrotch I miss her but she is a great person and friend :D
matoki-project has great art work and i admire her a lot :D
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dohkyum · 10 years ago
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. Check my blog to see what I said about you! ♥
okawaiidesu SPENSYR IS THE BEST like seriously everyone go talk to this guy because he’s such an amazing person and hella rad. I’m so happy you messaged me and I got to know you a bit because honestly I would be in bad shape if I didn’t get to talk to you. YOU ROCK
vassupjimin heyo Elena you’re frickin rad, as well! Thank you for listening to me and I hope to get to know you really well. ^^
taemintnchocochips HI! Thank you so much for following my blog for so long and giving it lots of love. Also thank you for talking to me about all the things and stuffs and getting me through some rough times. ILY!! ♥♥
doresque Sandra is a sweetie and super beautiful and I love you!! You’re such an amazing person and I really admire your sweet personality.
himchanscrotch You are my special twinny and I love you! I hope you’re doing well right now. :)
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sims2ratgirl · 11 years ago
I was tagged by gukkielovestigger , hehe thankyou~ xx
My questions:
1. What’s your naaame? ^____^: My name is Danielle~ or Dani for short :)
2. Which kpop idol would you choose for you dream date? OH GODD, there is no way I could ever choose one from B.A.P so I might just choose someone who isnt from b.a.p. Maybe Hyuna? I really like Hyuna, it would be really nice to go on a date with her~
3. Did you already leave a kpop fandom? If yes, which one? Hehe nope, b.a.p was my first group technically. The first kpop person I knew was Hyuna but I can't say I was really in her fandom in that time~
4. Have you already been to a kpop concert? YES I WENT TO B.A.P!!! its was so amazing I have no words!! <3 <3
5. What is your room like? (Random question, so sorry T_T) >_< my room is actually really nice, but it has like way too many kpop posters ahhh, i just got some new furniture too so its super cool right now
6. BUNNIES OR KITTENS? I LOVE THEM BOTH BUT SADLY IM ALLERGIC TO BOTH AS WELL! T_T but if i had to choose, i would definately choose kittens because they are so amazing hehehe
7. Did kpop or a certain group change your life? (How?) B.A.P, more specifically Bang Yongguk has changed my life forever, they have made me such a better person, and without them I don't know how I would cope tbh
8. Favorite drama? omgg, i have watched not many dramas yet but recently I watched the drama Secrets Seonhwa was in called Gods Gift: 14 days, and it was such an amazing drama but it was also very sad
9. Did your bias ever change? CONSTANTLYYYYY!! I cannot have a bias I don't know how other people do itttt, but if I had to choose a bias I would maybe choose Zelo? Hes special to me because we are of similar age and hes just so cute >_<
10. Block B or B1A4? Block B all the way!! Zico is really an amazing person and I personally think there should be more guys who support womens body image. He just makes me feel really good inside when he talks about things sometimes :)
11. Which girl group you think is overrated? Overated? I'm not that sure, most girl groups I come across I really like... if i had to choose one, im not that familiar with wonder girls but I think they might be a bit overrated~
Annndd my questions will be~
1. Who is your bias group? Where they always your bias group?~
2. Favourite girl group?
3. Are you a fan of a korean actor/actress?
4. What colour are your eyes?
5. Chocolates or Lollies?
6. Did you have any urls before your current one?
7. Whats your favourite movie?
8. Whats the last thing you ate?
9. Do you prefer using pencil or pen?
10. Whats your favourite book?
11. Whats a music video that you think is really cool?
I will tag: Pabodae , youngjae-sshi ,I-luv-bap , himchanscrotch , lulu5897 , henrys-hoe , shreks-hoe , bangyonggukkie , daesdick , coconuut-kid , djaes
I hope I did okay hehe >_< and I will notify the people that I have tagged :D
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jongkooki-blog1 · 11 years ago
tagged by fallenforzelo 
Rule One: always post the rules Rule Two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule Three: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule Four: actually tell them you tagged them
Why did you join tumblr? someone forced me to make one lol
Do you prefer winter or summer? summmaa
What genre of movie do you usually like to watch? adventure/dramas something with a great plot and makes your heart feel good after ヾ(○⌒∇⌒○)ノ
3 things you like about yourself? my creative side, my smile, and my long hair 
3 things you want to do before you die? achieve my dreams, go to a lot of concerts, and travel many places
What was your favorite Birthday and why? i dont really have one^^ all my birthdays were memorable and happy
Cake or Pie? pie
What hair color would you like to have? i like my hair color hehe so the same one i have!
Do you consider yourself close to you family? to my immediate family only
If you were to be reborn into an animal, what animal would you like to be and why? a puppy~ 
Where would you like to live and why? San Francisco because it's a city that i feel like suits me and my personality well
Thanks for tagging me! i love doing these ;u; 
How are you today? 
whats your favorite type of weather? why?
which celebrity would you want to be best friends with?
Which movie could you watch over and over and still love?
What's your dream job? 
What are you most proud of? 
Could you recommend some songs for me? (im in need of new music omg)
Last book you read? 
Who would be playing at your dream concert? 
What's your favorite movie?
3 things that you like about yourself?
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tagakblog · 11 years ago
I was tagged! :'D Ummm I'll tag, ohxing, himchanscrotch, treasureroyale, and exo-cists. They're pretty cool cats and I love them and/or their blogs!
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hakyeuns · 11 years ago
Lizzy~! ♥
done- ^^
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl | how do i respond omg
Sidebar: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ∞
Following: yes | no, sorry | not my style | i am now | follow forever
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bang-yong-guks-wife · 10 years ago
Tagged by gracetforever  ^^
1. what’s your name
2. when’s your birthday? 
june 13
3. where are you from? 
4. have a crush? 
yes,and his name is Bang Yongguk ❤ (i'm so lonely)
5. what’s your favourite colour? 
Red :D
6. write something in all caps. 
7. favourite band/artist? 
8. favourite number? 
3 & 31
9. favourite drink? 
Water ,juice,bubble tea & mochaaaa 
10. tag 10 people 
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pabodae · 11 years ago
Beautiful - BTS 
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eottaehkaji · 11 years ago
I am a cuppycake!!! >///<
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dohkyum · 11 years ago
Tagged by imprisonmeinyourarms
Rule 1: Always post the rule
s Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
 Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
 (I'm not tagging 11, only 5 ^^) Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them 
1) What’s your all time favorite kpop song?
Infinite - The Chaser? I always end up going back to that one and I NEVER get tired of it. I hate favorite questions because I love too many things. xD 2) What type of music did you listen to before kpop? (Oh I’m curious yea~! I listened to rock. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but yea)
I have always listened to everything, really. The only thing I didn't really listen to a lot of was rap and I still am veerrry selective about rap because a lot of times it's offensive and disrespectful to women and I want no part in that and it just gets me all riled up.  3) Your top 5 kpop groups?
Infinite, B.A.P, EXO, Royal Pirates, BIGBANG 4) If you were to go and live in any other country (excluding Korea) where would you go and why?
Germany! I love the architecture and I love Heidelberg and Munich a lot. It has a good education system, better than America's I think, and I think the language is extremely sexy.
5) If you could be in any drama (already created) which one would it be and what character would you play?
Kim Nana from CIty Hunter or Yoo Eun Soo from Faith! :D 6) If you had the opportunity to do or say something to your idol, the one and only time you will ever get to meet them, what what would it be?
I would just want to tell them a bit about myself and get to know him better and get to know him for who he really was. I don't really like the word "idol" or "celebrity", I like to think of people in the industry more as regular people who are talented in some way and show it off. I don't like to idolize people. ^^ 7) Idols with natural or dyed hair? Curly, wavy, or straight?
I like straight, black hair that has a little bit of flowy waviness at the bottom. I love the bedhead look or when it's pushed back. :D The only blonde dyed hair that I really love is Kris's. 8) Do you prefer singers, dancers, or rappers?
Singers ^^ 9) What MV would you like to be in and why (similar to the drama question)?
YOU DON'T KNOW LOVE BY K.WILL BECAUSE CUTE! 10) Have you ever attended a kpop concert? If so which one(s)?
why do you remind me of my pain um, no :( For a fan whose idol group has a world tour this year: 11) Do you plan on seeing {insert an idol group} live this year on their tour? n.a. For a fan whose idol(s) aren’t having a tour: 11) Type a word in a different language w/ the translation?
Dicen si tú trabajas duro tú tendrás ��xito; espero eso es verdadero.
They say if you work hard you will succeed; I hope that's true.
My questions:
1. Do you like to sing? Would you say that you're good at it?
2. What do you enjoy most about the place that you live?
3. What are you most excited about for this year?
4. Do you have any goals that you wish to reach within the next few months? Share them if you'd like.
5. What is something unusual in your house/apartment/undersea castle that you don't think everyone else would have in their home? Put a picture of it here if you want. 
6. What is something you achieved this month that you're proud of or happy about?
7. Are you happy with the weather that you are experiencing right now where you live?
8. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, could you describe it by not saying the name of the song? What does it sound like? What instruments do you hear? What is the quality of the vocal like (soft or loud or raspy or powerful etc.) ? How does it make you feel when you close your eyes and listen to it?
9. What is your favorite thing about the person you look up to most in your life?
10. What is your biggest motivation in life?
11. If you could take one bad memory from your life, but it changed your personality, would you still do so?
I tag: ohxing, himchanscrotch, suhotness, sexyguykai, aishbaek
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jongkooki-blog1 · 11 years ago
henliilau said: yes o w o
himchanscrotch said: never forget ;A;
an important day in history
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jongkooki-blog1 · 11 years ago
himchanscrotch ;o;
Do they follow me: Yes | No
Do I follow them: YES forever and ever because i love lizzy loo | No | Now
(If I follow them) Opinion on their blog: all i have to say is lizzy is perfect and her blog is erfect. go follow her because shes so sweet, caring, crazy, and funny. shes one the greatest friend anyone could ask for. also you can go to her if you ever need to talk about b.a.p’s butts or about sweatchan. 
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dohkyum · 11 years ago
himchanscrotch replied to your audio post: In which I try to sing a Christmas Carol, oh God...
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hakyeuns · 11 years ago
Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people’s asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. ♥ \(^ㅅ^)/
Thanks so much Lizzy! ♥♥ You deserve this too ouo
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hakyeuns · 11 years ago
yes Lizzy this is perfect i like this very much
Bias: Jiyong
Favourite song/era: Blue bc perfect hello
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl | this is a whole new level
Sidebar: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Theme: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Posts: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
Overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ∞
Following: yes | no, sorry | not my style | i am now | ((we are stuck together))
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