#him with long hair judt give really warm energy
hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
Long haired Twilight ramble..
He used to have really long hair when he was a kid and he absolutely loved it. But when he got old enough to start helping in the forge and the fields, the adults suggested he start cutting it so it wouldn't be in the way.
He didn't want to, but he felt like he had to and he was the only one with long hair in the village so he eventually agreed even hough it made him sad. And he always hated when it was time to trim it up again until he started getting used to it.
He hadn't noticed it had gotten so long during his journey until people started giving him a hard time about it (I personally blame the knights for the most part) to the point he finally just hacked it off so people would leave him alone.
When it's growing out while traveling with the chain. The first time it's pointed out it's actually a compliment which throws him for an absolute use. I'm betting it's either Wild or Hyrule but who ever it is just spend the night playing with his hair because it's really thick and really soft. So he leaves it for a little bit. But the first time it causes a problem he gets that sinking gut feeling that he should just cut it again and be sure to keep after it.
THANKFULLY someone notices that he doesn't look all to happy when he's getting ready to cut it and stops him. So then anyone who's good with hair just, teaches him how to keep it out of the way. Warriros teaches him how to care for it properly, Wild goes absolutely ham braiding it. Wind shows him how to do different buns to keep it completely out of the way if he needs to. So it all just, quickly becomes part of his routine and before they know it he's got more hair than Wild does.
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