#him meeting Alina while her being a warrior of her own. with her own army. conquering lands and freeing Grisha in Shu Han and Fjerda
aleksanderscult · 9 months
What do you think Aleksander would have done if Alina was having her own grisha revolution but away from him? Maybe in Shu Han and she was doing overall good for Grisha but wanted nothing to do with him? Not Alina- basically any Sun Summoner was just having his)her own conquests and didn't want to associate with him. What would he do then?
So if they had never met and he heard that the Sun Summoner was having her own military campaign in Shu or Fjerda, he would be kinda impressed. Like: "Damn. That's really something". He has experienced persecution in those countries and knows first-hand what it's like.
A Grisha having conquests in hostile lands is badass and requires balls NGL 😭😭 Even if he/she is a powerful one.
Then he would set plans to go to him/her and meet that person. Aleksander would try to make her join him by talking to her reasonably of his own experiences and what he desires to achieve. He would hope that this person would understand him and his plans but I'm not quite sure he would be totally honest with her (out of fear of her sending him away if he would tell her "Hey I wanna vanquish a city with the Fold in the process"). Also, I feel like he would be kinda wary around her. She's not a weak, easily fooled person but a powerful soldier and a strong leader so he would know that commanded her around or blackmailing her are out of the question. He would try a different approach. Appeal to her cause and his cause, how similar their dreams and actions are and of how much they can achieve together for the Grisha and the world.
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orangegreet · 3 years
No Minor Miracles
This is a completed story - pending only an epilogue at this point. Reposted to Tumblr from AO3.
“Hello Aleksander.” He closed his eyes at the sound of her whispered greeting. Could she have picked any other night? Any other than this one? “Why do you haunt me when I feel at my weakest to defend myself?” He asked. “You are always droll when we meet. First I am your demon and now I am your ghost.”
Captured by Grisha slavers and ultimately shipwrecked between West Ravka and Kerch, Alina is orphaned and stranded on the other side of the Fold.
In secret, the Sun Summoner is raised and trained thousands of miles outside of Os Alta and the reach of the Black General.
Ambition leads her to seek out the infamous Shadow Summoner in her twenties—only, he isn’t what she expected.
Yet still, she leaves Os Alta broken-hearted and unsure and both Alina and Aleksander resolve to stick to their own sides of the world for some years after.
—Until a weary night on the war front pushes the Black General to reach out to his old enemy.
What follows is an ongoing struggle for power, information, dominance and, ultimately, each other.
But with two such Saints involved, surely miracles will abound.
Chapter 1 | A Night on the Warfront
He pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut as four of his soldiers continued their debate. The map spread out before them was littered with crude markings. A dirty shell casing sat near the edge of the Fold, the scale of it far out of proportion considering it was reported to be a small camp with no more than five tents.
“The West is closing in. They have some kind of advantage. Otherwise they would not drift so close to the Fold.”
“What do you propose we do about it? You can hardly expect us to sneak through the Fold on our end and catch them off guard.”
“I’m not convinced it is the West at all—our scouts themselves weren’t sure.”
“You don’t expect Shu Han to set up so far North in enemy territory.”
“I’m not saying that, I’m saying we don't know that it's army at all. Could be refugees seeking the protection being so close to the Fold can provide for all we know. We’ve seen it before.”
The General reached for the decanter, eyes bleary with lack of sleep. He refilled his glass. The soldiers continued to debate.
“You’ve seen it before? And when was that?” Ivan stared down the Inferni.
The young man stuttered, eyes shifting cautiously to the General who paused with his glass aloft.
“R-Rumors maybe but…years back we had intel of refugees camping near the Fold at the behest of the Sun Summoner.”
The General made no outward sign of recognition. He took another drink and placed his glass back on the table.
The neatly coiled rope at the center of his very being seemed to writhe. His heart picked up pace and he shot a covert warning glare at Ivan to keep his mouth shut. The Heartrender glared back, averting his gaze to the Inferni once more.
Internally he reached for the tether, intending to coil it back up and press it down again but he found once he touched it, he could not bring himself to let it go. Blame it on many late nights, war weariness and something else he refused to acknowledge in the presence of subordinates.
The tether gave a dull throb in his grasp.
The General forced himself to speak and quell the tension building in the tent.
“Rumors perhaps. We won’t know until it is too late. We must assume it is the West attempting the next step in secession. Prepare a skiff. I want the strike unit outfitted with the shielding cloaks. We send the skiff through on one side of the camp while our team traverses the Fold on foot on the other.”
He felt her presence in his chest first as the embers present stoked to a fiery glow. The General continued to stare at the map with a hardened glint in his eyes and ignored her apparition; his hand squeezed the tumbler.
“While the camp is preoccupied with the skiff, the strike team will take them out from behind. No prisoners.”
“And if they are refugees, sir?”
The General lifted his eyes to her. Her raised eyebrows expectant on her otherwise impassive face.
“No prisoners.”
She cocked her head at him but stayed quiet, surveying his whole being. Plotting his features for the signs of weakness, he was sure.
“You have your orders. You are dismissed.”
“But-sir which soldiers should we send on the skiff—“ The Inferni began.
“Ivan.” The General didn’t have to complete his request.
The Heartrender escorted the young Inferni out.
The General looked at her and then back at the decanter, determined to pull his features together though he felt his control slipping.
This, of course, was evidenced by her very presence.
“I feel I should offer you a drink. Though I am not sure if you could taste it.”
“It would be a warm gesture though. I wouldn’t decline to try.” She stepped closer to him and he struggled to keep the tension from his posture, his breath from hitching at the sound of her voice. How long had it been again?
He allowed himself the time to take her in. A decade had passed without seeing her. She looked older in some vague sense. Mostly in her eyes. He could tell by her gaze that she was severely less innocent than a decade ago.
Her posture too. She held herself with grace and dignity, the insecurity of youth long since fallen away.
“You’re looking well.” He said.
She blushed without a hint of modesty and he felt the warmth emanating from one of them. He couldn’t be sure who.
“I could say the same of you. Your hair has grown long. You look like a warrior.”
Her hands were clasped in front of her. Not reaching toward the dark locks that hung past his shoulders, half of it pulled back and tied with leather.
“I have been a warrior more often than not during my lifetime. I’m pleased to hear I look the part.”
She smirked at him and reached for his hand, bringing the glass to her lips for a sip.
“Can you taste it?”
She shook her head with a demure smile.
He took the glass away, musing out loud, “I thought not. This connection is beyond anything which has been studied but I do recall I could never see something unless you touched it.”
He put a hand on the map and watched her as she swiftly took in the details proffered on the table and then glanced back at him. Her eyes betrayed nothing.
“You did used to visit me more often than you do now. Though perhaps those visits were simply part of your own research efforts.”
When he didn’t respond for a few moments she continued, “I wondered if you had forgotten about me altogether.”
His chest bobbed a little higher under his breath as he studied her but eventually he decided how best to play this new hand.
“I do not consider myself forgetful in any regard, Miss Starkova.”
The liquid swirled in his glass as he caught her momentary bristle at the moniker. No doubt many years have passed since she was addressed as such.
He hummed, amused at her ruffled feather and resolved to push his luck, dipping his finger in the glass and looking up at her. “Now you mention, I do wonder…”
He lifted his finger to her lips and she scolded him with her eyes but allowed her tongue to brush over his skin. When her eyes drifted shut he couldn’t stop the backs of his fingers trailing over her cheek.
“Some things don’t change, do they? You favor the same casks of wine pilfered from the cellar of a Tsar.” She tutted and he smiled at her.
The first real smile she had seen him give in over a decade. Her insides pulsed.
“Then you are not forgetful, either.” He said in lament. He turned away from her.
She sighed. “This is tiring, please can we speak normally? Some time has passed since I last received your call. Did you mean for me to come to you tonight?”
He huffed a breath. “A compelling question for us both, I think. I wish I knew.”
When her eyes turned wary, she stepped away from him and he almost shouted at her. “No. Not—not yet. Just stay.”
The wariness turned to concern and she studied his features without reticence.
“What has happened? Tell me.”
“Nothing has happened. Nothing. It’s just—“ His hand raised to stroke her cheek again and he adored the way she leaned into it. Had she ever done that for him before? He could not remember. Not forgetful, indeed.
“Rumors.” He murmured. “Rumors reach me always of your life. Rumors of your death, of your sainthood and of your miracles. Tonight I—I wished for a miracle.”
Smiling sweetly, she cupped his face in her hands and stepped to him.
“My dear Aleksander,” Her eyes searched his for a moment. “The only miracle tonight lies in the possibility of two enemies who allow themselves to meet as friends. It would take two saints to pull that off. I am but one saint and cannot tell you the outcome. How strong is your desire for this miracle?”
His jaw clenched. He was so tired. Tired of wanting. Tired of losing. Tired of feeling like he was trailing behind. Forever out of step with her when he simply desired to be at her side.
His hand wrapped around the juncture of her shoulder and neck and he shook her. “You are no saint. You are a demon. My own personal demon sent from below to torture me on this plane. That must be it. I have yet to die and pay my dues and my sins have grown too great.”
Many late nights had led to this. Many years of keeping the door to her firmly shut led to this.
Time had passed differently for him in this after. Before her were calmer centuries poised in a position of patience and waiting. Since he had known her, known of her existence really, this frenetic energy was sparked inside of him that he could not shake. Time was centered acutely on constant anticipation. Anticipation of meeting her, experiencing her power. Then, once he knew her, heard her speak, felt her touch, mingled his power with hers-everything inside was reignited. His greed, desire, lust, rage, justice, truth, hope. It was chaos and tumult and agony contained inside an ancient man who was not ready for it.
Centuries of emotions being quelled and dulled and hammered flat into nothing before her existence. The last decade spent attempting, fruitlessly, to grow back that callous.
A moment of weakness and he reforged his connection to her. The meager protection he hoarded around himself the past few years fell away like an autumn leaf and now he was nothing more than a naked limb in the winter snow, completely exposed before her. Begging for her warmth.
It was enraging.
Her hand covered his on her neck and she squeezed it but did not attempt to remove him. She looked at him with such sadness that he felt it ache inside himself. Although it could have been his own sadness. There really was no way to tell in the moment.
“I know your sins, Aleksander and I am not here for absolution. I am here because you called to me and I wanted to answer.” His hand dropped away from her. The emotions which were so clear on his face a moment before grew opaque to her.
She swallowed, “I know your sins. And I have missed you.”
A ripple across his eyes and then nothing. He pushed down his insides.
A stoicism formed in his demeanor and it was with complete control that he let out his next sentence. “I hate you. For leaving me, I hate you.”
She drew herself up into a more formal posture with a deep breath.
“You wanted to mold me in your image. But it did not take and I would not let it continue. It has been better this way, I think. I would have hated you had I stayed.”
He scoffed. “You would have gotten over it, given enough time.”
She smiled at him, formality breaking with the warmth in her eyes. “Just as I believe you will, my oldest friend. My eternal friend.”
He blinked and his eyes gathered tears. She pretended not to notice, scared to spook him.
“Why did you leave?”
“You know the answer already. I’ve just told you.”
“Would it have been so bad to stay?” The emotion was seeping into his voice now and she stepped toward him with caution.
“I could not bear to hate you. It is better this way. We are both better, stronger. Worthy.”
Her eyes don’t lose their warmth but he felt the accusation the same. He would have sacrificed every ounce of his goodness, sanity and patience to keep her under his will. He would have sacrificed her for it.
“Are we?” He asked quietly. They both knew what he was asking.
She stroked his cheek and he nuzzled it.
“What you have in patience, I have in hope.” His eyes closed.
“Why do you stay away from me, Alina? Even now? I am well enough tortured. Surely your task must be done.”
Another sigh. “It is not so simple when it comes to you and me. You are my Inevitable. We will have an eternity together in my future and yours. It is only natural I want some time to live in autonomy before we begin. You were granted centuries to yourself, you recall.”
“Centuries of waiting, solnyshka. Centuries alone.”
She said nothing but continued to touch his cheek, his jaw, her eyes taking in every minute detail of his face. He called her there. She did not know when he would again.
“Will you make me wait more centuries for you?”
She hummed in amusement.
“Would you wait that long for me?”
If you ask.
He wanted to say it but he had given her so much of himself already. Greed smothered over his burgeoning embarrassment. She would leave soon enough and his desires wouldn’t be tamped down neatly anymore.
Possessive and greedy. That was how she knew him.
He wanted to possess her the way she seemed to possess him. Her ownership over him felt effortless to him and he half hated her for it. He gripped her hips dragging her flush to him.
Her breath startled and fanned over his face. He paused for only a moment and then pulled her mouth to his.
His lips sliding over hers in a heightened sense of torture. Could she taste him? If not she could surely taste his blatant desire. Completely exposed and on display for her to see.
He wrenched his mouth off hers, hand clasped to the back of her neck.
“Have you taken other lovers?”
The words were hissed through clinched teeth and his hand fisted into the fabric around her hips, holding her close.
Her eyes flashed into his and then down to his mouth where she pressed a kiss. Sweet as gentling an agitated animal. She pressed another and lingered.
Far from being quieted, he panted into her mouth, fisting a hand to her hair in a rush and crushing his mouth to hers.
The moan from her throat drifted into his mouth and he swallowed it up, lifting her onto the table and plunging them into what felt like the most familiar fantasy or memory or deja vu for them both.
Everything was different. Nothing had changed.
He tangled his tongue with hers, a reluctant groan escaping from his own throat.
She knew she should stop it. It would be harder to keep going without him if she let herself have too much.
Gradually their heat seemed to lower into a simmer and they both sighed into it. His hand stroked her thigh and his other held her jaw tenderly.
He pulled her into a languid kiss, holding her face as he pulled away.
“General—“ she started as he slowly parted the fabric wrapped around her waist. He eyed her with a dark silent look as he went to his knees.
“Would you have me kneel to you, Sol Koroleva?”
She smirked at him, weaving a hand into his dark locks and pulling him forward. His answering smile was glorious to her eyes. Victorious and tender at the same time and she relished it as he devoured her center.
“Aleksander.” Her voice was weak and he shook his head, clutching her harder. Hands gripped her thighs and secured them tight over his shoulders and he groaned into her further. His tongue relentless in pursuit of her pleasure. Driving her higher and harder than she knew was possible.
A torrent of pleasure with him and she briefly mourned what she realized was now over. There would be no other lovers. Not for her anyway.
The vibrating tether in her chest was a living thing now. Where it previously lay dormant, it now pulsed. Untamed and unleashed and rooting into her body at multiple weak spots. The palms of her hands, the soles of her feet, the nape of her neck, the base of her spine. Her gut. Her chest.
It was everywhere and she was lighting up from within with the magnitude of its power.
The strength and bond of their somehow ancient connection. Ancient in the way it stretched behind them in time but also in the way it surged forward into the coming years. Into their Inevitable future.
If she wondered whether the effect was the same for him, it didn’t take long to recognize the surrounding shadows pouring from him as he lost himself in her. She whimpered at his alternating ferocity and gentleness before remembering.
Her responsibilities. Her promise to herself.
“Sasha.” There it was. Firm and accompanied with a tightening of her hand in his hair, tugging him away.
When his gaze flicked up to meet hers she almost gasped at the feral look of him. Shiny mouthed, panting. Knuckles white where they pressed her thighs to his shoulders. Eyebrows bunched in irritation at her interruption.
Her rabid, wild Shadow Summoner pulled from his meal before he was sated.
“We can’t.” Her voice was strained. Irritation deepened into defiance across his features.
“Another lover, is it?” He spat the words out.
Her eyes squeezed shut and she felt the wetness in them gathering and shook her head.
“There is no one else. There will be no one else.” The grip on his hair gentled as she smoothed the back of his head and he lost a centimeter of rigidity from his posture.
“Then why.”
“It’s too soon.” The words were stifled. More wanted to follow but she would not let it and he grunted in frustration.
“We can’t.” She repeated to herself.
His face drifted back toward her shining folds, his eyes locked on hers as he brushed a careful tongue over her core. She whimpered again, hand twisting his locks and she meant to pull him away.
“No, Alina. You can.” His heated breath fanned over her and she shivered, “Just you. For tonight.”
She looked dismayed but it melted when he bestowed another long, slow lick to her center.
“Please.” The word came from his lips and it shocked both of them. Her hands stroked over his ears and met in his hair and when he leaned in again she did not stop him.
He was wonderfully cruel in his own brand of torture. His touch purposefully delicate and calculated. He worked her up toward the edge before redirecting his attentions until she calmed.
“Sasha.” The cry was wrenched from her mouth as she tried to snap her thighs shut around his face. To force the attention she was desperately craving thanks to him. He persevered in keeping them open. Leveraging her pleasure for his purposes.
“Promise me.” He demanded between a soft caress of his tongue, tone at odds with the motion.
“Promise what?” It was a struggle to keep her eyes open as her head wanted to tilt back.
“You will come back to me.”
“You already know that I will.”
He pressed a finger into her, then another.
“Promise it. Promise you will be mine. Only mine.”
She keened and clutched his wrist in encouragement.
“And will you be mine, General? Will the Darkling belong only to the Sun Summoner?”
His fingers curled and he licked his lips, watching her take her pleasure.
“I will give myself to you alone, Alina.” His fingers curled again and she shuddered feeling so close to something so big.
“Then I promise to be yours. As much as you are mine. I will take everything you have to give, and everything you try to hide away will be mine. All of it will be mine, Sasha.”
He grunted, swallowing against her and sucking. She screamed out as she finally finished. Wave after wave of pulsing euphoria spreading over her and through her and from her chest and into the very root of her being.
The lapping continued and he kept his eyes fixed on her for the minutes following as she trembled and shuddered under his attention.
Bestowing a few lingering kisses to her thighs and smearing the moisture across them, he carefully removed her legs from his shoulders and got to his feet. When he was planted firmly between her legs, he took hold of her face again.
His forehead leaned against hers. She reached for him this time and kissed him hungrily. To her surprise, he broke away, breathing in through his nose in a deep way. His chest brushed her with each breath.
“I’m trying to prove to you I can be sweet and you are making it very difficult.”
Her answering smile was radiant.
He kissed it.
“Tell me where you are.” The demanding tone was back and she chuckled.
“I’m here. With you.” Fingers stroked his chest. His hand covered hers and he pressed it into himself and growled.
“I forgot how much you infuriate me.”
“I underestimated how enjoyable it would be still.”
His nostrils flared but his chest warmed at her mirth.
She pinched a strand of his hair between her fingers, still grinning, “We’ve brought about your miracle, after all. It is very satisfying to be this holy. Do you not agree?”
He had no words, only kisses which he placed on her cheeks, her ears, a nip to her jaw, a pull on her neck.
“Aleksander,” it was whispered. He sensed her imminent departure and kissed her again with increasing desperation. She met him with equal fervor, both unable to get close enough to satisfy the ending. When his face was buried into her neck and she clutched his body to her, she made a last attempt to secure his soul.
“In light of our miracle, can I make a request?” He nodded against her shoulder, a tender kiss placed over her pulse. “Sometimes you should take some prisoners. Please.”
Her eyes raked over his features, some kind of affection or devotion shared in their last looks. With them it seemed one posture easily slipped into the other. The lives of Saints, he supposed.
Then she was gone.
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