glassamphibians · 11 months
community college is all fun and games until you make eye contact with someone you blocked on instagram four years ago
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
Happy Valentine's, Author!! 💕💕
How would the ROs love to spend their Valentine's day with the MC?
Hahah this is so very late, sorry for some reason I just saw this ask just now, for some reason my inbox is being wonky.
So I apologize if I answered this just now :).
Luna: Pie tasting, yup she's a cold blooded killer alright but she got the most sweet tooth in the team and every time she saw sweets and delicacies she will stop to have a taste.
Especially pies so watch out for those if you want to continue walking because she can really enjoy and savor pie for a very long time.
So dinner comes and Luna by then here is very full due to her sampling every sweets available in town and she is feeling guilty because she felt that she was selfish.
So as penance she insisted that she will prepare and cooked a romantic dinner for the both of you.
Did you just sit and wait for dinner? Of course not, you went in there and help her and let's just say when the opportunity arises for you to be romantic, you seized it without hesitation.
Amelia: Well for her giving love is gonna be the most enjoyable time for her and even more if you stayed and help by her side.
Giving kids candies and flowers is what you can expect when she spend this romantic day and if your not still tired well it's your turn to be taken care of by her ;)
Tsk,tsk and what I mean by that is preparing you dinner of course but play your cards right and let's see if the both o you will have dinner in bed ;).
Serena: Valentine's day Hah to her this means war because when you gave her something she will try to surpassed that gift.
To her she is the champion of love and she will not let you beat her on this day of hers but if you managed to make her yield to your love giving and making skills then expect some boon from her.
Dinner? you sure you will be wanting dinner after your prize?
Or will you ignore the main course and dive in to the dessert 😉😉
Elrick: The both of you will be on the wild and presence of Mother Nature having picnic on the grassy fields, riding on horsebacks, playing hide and seek.
Him being the hunter and you the quarry, then when the day comes to an end well if your willing then you will be camping with him.
You can bring both of your dinners or if you want another romantic moment with him the both of you can hunt your dinner.
Conrad: This one is very complicated, it takes all your begging and puppy eyes to just take him out of his lab but when you succeed you can say that's very worth it.
Because every time your eye lands on something he will stop and ask the store owner how much and he will buy it for you.
To the point you have to look straight because by this point your carrying 2 bags of goods.
Of course he also treated you to dinner and let you pick what you want and even ask you if you want extras.
You even question Conrad to where he got the funds.
All he said that money and cost doesn't matter to him because when he sees you smile and happy then he will buy everything just to see you smile and he is willing to go bankrupt just to see you happy.
Dustin: Very chivalrous and a gentleman, always carrying your stuff for you.
A puddle? never fear Dustin is here to carry you across, a man mocks your honor and taste in clothing.
Dustin will not let it pass, he will slap the man with his glove(the most disrespectful bitch slap in the oldest times) and challenged him to the duel.
He won the duel and the man's mistress out of spite mocks you too, a bitch slap and then he shall challenge her too in the name of your honor and love.
Dinner? His manners is impeccable, offering a seat to you, passing what you need and standing up from his chair if you request something.
Ahh yes very chivalrous indeed, walking on the streets he will offer his arm for you to sling on, your feet hurts? the man will carry you to your destination.
Pickpocket? he will chase after the thief and after retrieving it he will kneel down to present it to you.
You want something but don't have the means to buy it? Speak no more he will purchase it on your behalf, you point at something he will ask you if you want it.
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dewdrop-writes · 3 years
What if this is an au where the reader was like baby (innocent cinnamon roll/ absolutely obvious to anything) means the way the archons and twin travelers get when someone tries to insult us
Key word: tries
Or things like that or the other monsters and creatures too and just us focus on the fluffy animals lol:3
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OHHH I love this!!! I wrote little scenarios/snippets of each of them! The travelers are both assumed to be the traveler in their section, with the hint that the other twin is the abyss twin just fyi! (That being said, my traveller is Aether, so Lumine is a bit more...ruthless in this lmao)
The archons (+ Travelers) when someone insults their Creator
cw: General cult-like behavior, slight yandere behavior, brief mention of violence (not against reader)
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Their revered and beloved god was the perfect embodiment of a pure, sweet soul. The way their eyes lit up and they stopped to pet every animal, slime and monster they came across - it was very much endearing to their doting acolytes. That being said...you were also a little bit oblivious - which wasn't a bad thing, no! But it often meant you could not detect the insults or snappy tones some vermin decided to toss your way.
Oh, they'd all be fuming, but their reactions might differ a little...
He'd been watching you, perched upon the edge of a wall, strumming his lyre as he attempted to compose a ballad that could at least try to do your glory justice. You were gently playing with the birds and little critters, allowing them to climb over you as you giggled and gently fed them treats, engulfed in your own happy world.
Venti was happiest seeing you like this - joyful and filled with life. He matched your energy in that sense, and often the two of you would be lumped together as 'oblivious, yet lovable' by friends.
All it took was a passing comment from a total stranger - a comment about your naivete and childlike antics, spoken harshly and mockingly.
That was all it took to make the bard shake off his playful façade and become the archon who fought for the freedom of Mondstadt many years ago, as well as claiming a seat among the seven during the archon wars.
He may seem innocent, but as he set out to look for the vile filth that dared to sully your name (after ushering you to the safety of your other acolytes), that he became a true hunter. His aim was good enough to kill, deadly - and yet, he drew out the hunt for longer than needed - all to drive the point home.
No one was allowed to sully your name.
As he wiped off the blood from his recovered arrows, he slid back into the skin of your lovable bard, already skipping towards your abode - ready to perform you his newest songs, all praising your glory.
Zhongli appreciated the times you'd ask him to accompany anywhere - he did not mind where, as long as he was able to bathe in your divinity and live up to his duty of keeping you safe from all harm.
There you were now, on a busy street and curiously eyeing the candy store's display window, enamored with the fancy treats up on display.
"Those look great!" you grinned, tugging at Zhongli's sleeve to point them out to him. He cared not for sweets, but anything you'd wish for - he'd make sure you'd get.
He nodded, reaching into his pocket to pull out a bag of mora, handing it over to you.
"Buy anything you'd like, your grace," he bowed and watched you disappear into the shop with a fond smile. Of course, you could get anything for free, most likely - but you yourself had insisted on people's services requiring payment. He obliged.
"How unsightly for someone like that to be deemed the Creator," he caught someone murmuring as they watched the scene.
"I doubt they are. Look at them. Foolish and childish. Nothing to worship there-"
The slanderous gossip was put to an end as Zhongli approached slowly, outwardly calm and collected, inwardly seething with flames of fury.
"You dare disrespect our Divine Creator in such a manner?" he asked, voice perfectly even despite the golden glow within his eyes and the claws starting to grow from his nails.
Once you returned, clutching a bag of goodies, you ran up to Zhongli. You failed to notice the dust covering his suit or the slightly disheveled state of his hair - instead handing out a chocolate treat to him.
"I got this for you!" you beamed at him and he could not help but melt - honored to be on the receiving end of your infinite kindness.
"Thank you, your grace. I will treasure it greatly."
"Treasure it by eating it!" you chuckled, beginning your walk back towards your temple happily, not noticing the rubble of stone and a singular, angry pillar protruding out of the ground in an alleyway.
"I hope the others are back too! I got everyone some sweets," you hummed happily, taking a bite of one.
He did wish your kindness was not quite as endless sometimes.
The archon of Electro, despite her outward composed nature - would be very protective of you. The times you two go out, she's have a group of specialized guards tailing the two of you, making sure no harm would befall her beloved Creator.
She enjoyed the sweet, childlike nature you often displayed, as it made her more comfortable to unleash a similar part of herself when around you, but that being said, she'd still have her guard up.
You were happily munching away at some dango, allowing her to feed it to you with a serene smile on your pure face. Oh how she lived to see that expression on your face.
Still, it seemed like some people were foolish enough to attempt to wipe it off your face - foolish enough to wish harm upon you.
All it would take is a passing whisper of a comment to set her off and unleash a furious beast - one as harsh and deadly as a bolt of lightning.
She was glad you were often naïve to the cruelties behind people's words, as she would not be able to restrain herself if someone was able to make you frown.
"Would you like to go buy some dango milk, your grace?" she offered, her body already buzzing with the fury of thunder as she glanced at the unassuming gossipers nearby. You were quick to agree, and she handed you a generous bag of mora, sending you on your way with an entourage of half an army.
The skies darkened and lightning cracked upon the skies as she turned to the disrespectful heretics, her body enveloped in deadly purple as she drew her sword.
She would be quick and merciless, making an example of those that dared to try to insult you. Thunder crashed into the ground angrily, turning many heads as she punished the sinners, seething with the energy of the lightning.
After her victims were burn to a crisp with the fury of her powers, she quickly turned to go and find you, a satisfied smile on her face and her nature composed once more.
She hoped you'd be generous enough to offer you a sip of dango milk from your bottle - just the thought of it making her giddy as she walked away from the scene.
Aether is the more reckless and emotional of the traveler twins, and with the loss of his sister weighing heavily upon his shoulders, he would be even more protective of the Creator, the one who had so lovingly guided him in his and his sister's endeavors before arriving in Teyvat.
He'd be much like a guard dog - friendly and warm with you, but able to glare at anyone else who he deemed suspicious. He was glad you were able to find amusement and company from Paimon, his floating companion's energy often matching yours as you laughed away at silly things.
Not that he'd consider anything you liked silly.
He'd always take time between his adventures and commissions to spend time with you, unable to take you along despite your pleas. Your other acolytes were much too concerned for your wellbeing and safety, and much as he hated to part from you, he did agree.
This is why he treasured moments like these so much.
You plucking dandelion's from the ground happily and gently blowing on them to make the feathery seeds dance around in the air around you. You looked angelic and perfect, and Aether found solace and home within those picturesque moments.
It added all the more fuel to his frustration when some ignorant asshole bumped into you, making you stumble.
"Oh, sorry!" you chirped apologetically, still beaming with a bright smile.
"You should watch where the hell you're going!" the figure snapped at you.
Aether saw red.
Gently, he ushered you and Paimon away, motioning for his companion to get you away from the area while he dealt with this...vermin.
His lesson to the offender would be a harsh beating - Aether not even willing to waste his elemental energy upon them. He wouldn't kill them - it's not his style, but he'd leave them with a memorable lesson for life.
Don't be surprised if an unrecognizably beaten figure begins to bring countless offerings to your shrines.
Lumine is the more collected and level-headed twin. Her presence around you was less...obviously feral. She'd accompany you happily wherever you'd like to go when she has time off, and while she wouldn't outwardly glare at every suspicious stranger, she would adopt a more...unapproachable aura when she is with you.
She took you out to eat and brought you gifts from her travels, happy to see your joy - untainted by the cruelties the world had to offer. She had lost her brother to the abyss, and while losing a loved one was painful, seeing the world change them was even more painful - at least in her eyes.
So, your sweet and innocent nature was something she had to protect - it was her duty to you as your first vessel and dedicated follower.
If someone was foolish enough to insult you in the presence of Lumine...well, they wouldn't be in for a good time.
Her first reaction would be shock, frozen still and unable to believe her ears - her beloved god being sacrilegiously slandered right before them? But then, she'd be quick to act - reassuring you with a sweet smile and a squeeze of her soft hand as she pointed out a group of strays awaiting to be fed nearby, successfully distracting you and getting you away from this...filth.
She was not the famed traveler who defeated Stormterror, who fought the infamous 11th Fatui Harbigner Tartaglia, who smacked some sense into the Electro archon in Inazuma - without reason. She has a moral code, and wouldn't easily resort to murder quite easily - but she could be ruthless when the scenario called for it.
Depending on the severity of their attempt to defame you - she'd punish them accordingly. There are some things that cannot be atoned for, in her mind, at least.
Satisfied with her work, she'd sprint over to you, her appearance still pristine and the questionable red under her fingernails was not something you took note of, luckily.
As you smiled at her, inviting her to sit with you as you cradled a kitten in your arms, she was sure of one thing.
She'd protect her Creator and their innocence with every fiber of her being.
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Class Drama and Anger Issues
Hey besties this will contain swearing, violence, catcalling/ sexual harassment, blood and just horrible behaviour so please take care reading this, love you all <3
You had always been very protective of your friends
It wasn’t like you didn’t think they could stand up for themselves
You understood that 100%
However whenever anyone insulted them or talked bad about them you were the first person to throw hands
You were sure that your jaw had locked from how long you had been tensing it. You see, being sat at the back of the classroom was great, you could see everyone and hear everyone. Which means that whenever someone decided to bitch and moan about the people in the little group you had managed to join, that you would be the first person to hear it. Like right now for example, Liz and Peter had broken up a few days ago and she didn’t take it so well and had taken up talking about him behind his back. Which had led us to this: you at the back of the room, fists and jaw clenched in an effort to not walk over to her and her little friends and wipe that smug look right off her face. “And he isn’t even that smart, God knows how he got into Stark industries” nope that was it, that was the last straw. You pushed the stupid science lab chair back so hard it fell to the ground, heads turned to you as you stormed over to where Liz and her group where currently at which just happened to be at the front of the classroom. God, were you lucky that the teacher had left to go grab some more textbooks from some cupboard down the hall, otherwise you would have been dead when you said “Listen Liz. Peter is an amazing and smart boy who cares more for others than he does himself. He works harder than anyone else I know and he still manages to make sure others are okay. He is twice the person you will ever be and if you don't shut up in the next 2 minutes you won’t have to worry about being bitter over a breakup, you’ll be too worried about getting a set of new teeth”. If this was a cartoon steam would be pouring from your ears and your face would be blood red, which wasn’t too far from what you looked like now. Peter had taken a sick day and thank god he had, otherwise he would have killed you for even saying anything, however Ned was still here and he was waiting to see how far you would go before having to step in and calm you down. “Oh how sweet L/n, you think you’re all strong and scary” her and her friends' sickly sweet laughs echoed in your ears as you clenched your fists even harder. “Y/n come on Peter wouldn’t want this” ned tried to reason and even in your rage filled stupor you realised he was right and took a breath to try and calm yourself down “say anything again and you’ll see just how strong and scary I can be” you spat, stroming away, grabbing your bag and walking out of the room just in time for your teacher to walk back in, “where’s L/n?” he asked. 
Okay maybe you did tend to overreact 
You just really cared about your friends
They were there when you needed them and you wanted to do the same 
You couldn’t help it that you got angry when people decided to talk about them 
In some situations though it was acceptable to get angry
You, Mj and Betty had been coming back from the Cinema late one night after deciding that you deserved to spend some time together after exam week to treat yourselves. Unfortunately walking through the streets at 10pm meant getting some very unwanted attention from older men. “Hey mama looking good” one man slurred as you walked past him grabbing the girls hands a little tighter in an attempt to ground yourself and reassure them that you would keep them save, “hey don’t be like that, we just want to talk” another man added, honestly what was it with them? Couldn’t they see you obviously didn’t want to “talk” to them. You hadn’t even realised your feet had stopped moving until Betty gently placed her hand on your shoulder and whispered “It’s fine just let it go” and tried to give you a nudge in the direction you had originally been going. “Hey! Don’t just ignore us! We know you want some attention” you didn’t know who had said it and at this point you didn’t care, worrying more about teaching them a thing called respect than about who voiced their unwanted thoughts. Letting go of your friends hands, turning around slowly and walking towards the men with a smile on your face so sweet it was almost scary. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that women aren’t your submissive little toys?” you sung punctuating your sentence with a kick to one guy's nuts and a punch to the other's nose. “Because someone really should” and as the men were recovering from your atack you stalked away along the dimly lit street and continuing your journey to Mj’s house.
Okay so we have clearly established your hatred towards people who disrespect your friends 
The Avengers new about your strong feelings and respected the fire that you had 
Of course they did have Bruce try and teach you some breathing exercises 
Spoiler alert they didn’t help very much 
So when Bucky got a call from your school telling him that he would have to pick you up as you were suspended for a week
He couldn’t say he was surprised
“I’m going to pick Y/n up from school, be back in a bit” Bucky called to the rest of the team who had been watching some sort of reality show on the new Tv Tony had no reason to buy but did, “why? What happened?” Steve replied, a look of concern on his face “They got into a fight and so they are suspended for a week” the supersoldier sighed, grabbing the car keys and whispering “what did you do this time Y/n” to himself.
I’ll tell you what happened
You had been on your way to English when you had seen Flash taunting Mj, waving her book above his head and laughing hysterically about something. Instantly you dropped your bag to the floor and stormed over to them “Hey Flash, what are you doing there buddy?” you shouted loud enough to seem intimidating but not loud enough to capture the attention of the teachers and students who were already in class. “None of your business Y/n, move along” he spat back, if looks could kill he would be six feet under and halfway to hell as you ripped the book from his grasp and slammed him into the lockers “really? Because to me it looks like you’re being rude to my good friend Mj and I don’t take that very lightly”. Gripping him by the collar and pushing him even further into the lockers that he was sure his body had made a dent in the metal, however flash was never one to give up like the shaking leaf of a man he was. Pushing you hands off and shoving you by your shoulders he said “aww look Mj your angry little guard dog has come to your rescue again. How sweet” if there was one thing you hated more than stupid boys and disrespect it was being called a dog. You weren’t gonna let him call you that. Quicker than he could say “Don’t hit me” your fist came flying straight into the boy's noise, a satisfying crunch being made upon impact. Now throughout all of this no one had heard the commotion and they wouldn’t have if Flash didn’t scream out in pain and then faint at the sight of his own blood.
That’s how you ended up getting suspended 
It was what you had told your dad when he picked you up because you had no reason to lie
No matter how proud of you he was he still gave you a talking to 
You both had a long talk about how best to go about controlling your anger and instead of going back to Bruce you decided to take a few anger management classes
And so far it’s going great
(Until flash decides to open his mouth again)
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
𝐇𝐪 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞.
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🌿 Hello! First post since the break baby! V glad to be back. Let’s start it off well, shall we?
-We all are brutally aware of the lack of representation in different fandoms and their writings- and while the Haikyuu fandom has been nothing but good to me personally, I thought making a mini series out of this could be a neat idea. The basic idea is take a hq character and write about the things they would do to help out/cheer up a significant other with a certain condition or disability.
- I marked each of the ones that personally affect me in my day to day life in case you’re interested.
- These are ways the hq characters HELP THEIR SO. This does not mean they treat them differently or lesser than others. Keep that in mind- scrubs.
- This by no means whatsoever fully encompasses what it’s like for any party involved to be in these romantic relationships- however, I do experience some of these conditions in my personal day to day and thought I did pretty well at writing those specifically. This does not mean I didn’t make mistakes in the rest, however. Please leave CONSTRUCTIVE AND NOT BLATANTLY RUDE CRITICISM if that’s the case. I did not intend to offend anybody, so keep that in mind.
Characters: Tendou Satori, Kita Shinsuke, Iwaizumi Hajime, Osamu Miya, Bokuto Koutaro, Hinata Shoyo, Tsukishima Kei, Sugawara Koushi, Suna Rintaro, Kuroo Tetsuro
Genre: Fluff/comfort
Warnings: mentions of blindness, deafness, eating issues, depression, anxiety, chronic migraines, wheelchair use, dyslexia, ADHD, and Insomnia. Established relationships.
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- Tendou Satori with a blind significant other consists of his constant singing/humming around the house, or turning random household objects into makeshift instruments to both entertain you, and so you always know where he’s at and therefore doesn’t frighten you with his sudden presence. He reads things to you, usually describing various things you come in contact with in your day to day life that may not be so friendly to the blind. Letting you touch his face or body in order to get a mental image of his features, doing your hair or makeup and even picking an outfit if you ever ask, holding your hand and guiding you when you’re out or if you request it. He tries his best to continue learning new things to help out where he can, and the thought goes a long way. Bb Tendou ily
- *Kita Shinsuke being more than happy to spend quiet time with his deaf significant other, enjoying the process of learning sign language in order to surprise you, and communicate with you. He’s very thankful his grandmother taught him some growing up. He adores leaving love letters on your nightstand to find at random, and his gentle loving touches in the morning bring you to the day unlike an alarm. He enjoys laying you on his chest so you can feel his heartbeat, and always ensures he approaches you from the front, leaving soft touches on your skin as he twirls you around in the kitchen in the late evenings of your days spent together, smiling wide at the happy grin plastered on your face. This man is incredibly smart, and he continues to surprise you with new sweet gestures every single day.
(This one hits extremely close to home, so I apologize if it’s longer than the rest.)
- *Iwaizumi Hajime with a wheelchair bound significant other consists of many things. Like him happily pushing around your chair for as long as you’d like if you use a manual, or holding your hand as you drive around in your electric chair, always remembering to plug it in at night to charge too. He regularly finds extremely wheelchair friendly places to explore or visit, restaurants without stairs and large enough bathrooms and tables to make you comfortable, or parks and entertainment spaces where you can enjoy yourself without needing to worry about different terrain or judgmental strangers. Him always pressing the handicap door button for you, since he agrees that it’s incredibly disrespectful when more able people kick the button with their dirty shoe for seemingly no reason. It’s his willingness to carry you around bridal style all day if you get uncomfortable sitting for so long, or to give you a massage when you’re sore. Him giving you alone time when you request it, (because for some reason people think it’s okay to crowd wheelchair users all the time?), and chewing people out when they think it’s alright to touch your chair without permission. He does so much more, but unfortunately this drabble is getting a bit long. Though I’ll definitely be writing about this more in the future..
- *Osamu Miya is always mindful of his significant others eating issues, offering up healthy meals with portion sizes that your body both needs and enjoys each day. Making sure to text you a reminder to drink enough water when he’s away or working, or bringing you a glass randomly throughout the day while you were busy with your studies or career. He seems to always keep snacks he knows you enjoy in his car and office at work, and he always offers encouraging, honest advice about your progress and just how proud he is of you. 10/10 bb Osamu
- *Bokuto Kotaro with a significant other who struggles with anxiety, and his constant never ending support and reassurance. His strong arms wrapping around you in a big hug when you ask for them, his uncharacteristic whispers, usually of encouragement or funny stories to make you laugh and bring forward that beautiful smile of yours. It’s how he took the time in the beginning of your relationship to really ingrain the signs of your oncoming anxiety attacks into his brain in order to remove you from those situations as seamlessly as possible in the future. It’s his seemingly endless “I found a new thing that could help, baby! Wanna try?” phrases. How he bought weighted blankets and bubble bath in your favorite scent, and tea in your favorite flavor- always keeping them stocked in the house. It’s how he calls Akaashi at times to ask about what he does to help his own anxiety, and how learning about yours transforms his treatment towards his family, friends, and even shy fans who admire the loud boisterous man, but are too scared to approach him for the same reasons. It’s when he crouches down next to a small child and gently holds their hand, quietly telling them that it’s okay to be anxious sometimes and not to worry. (I went off here- oops)
- *Hinata Shoyo always being helpful and loving when it comes to your depression. Encouraging you every day and reassuring you that you’re doing so well. It’s him bringing you glasses of water or snacks throughout the day to ensure you eat and drink enough, and offering to take bubble baths with you and wash your hair if you’d like, since it can be hard for some to motivate themselves to do that with depression. Him helping you with work or studies in order to take some of the load off of you, even with his busy schedule. It’s how he cuddles you at night, if you’re okay with it, and tells you how proud and happy he is to have you in his life. Him being a ball of sunshine that makes you smile everyday, and taking you on dates he knows will bring happiness to your day. (I will be writing more about this soon too!)
- Tsukishima Kei is always helpful when it comes to his significant others dyslexia. Offering to read things for you, or helping to keep track of small details when you request those of him. He’s always there to comfort you when you’re feeling insecure, and he not-so-secretly really enjoys when you ask him to help with your work or studies, even when they have to do strongly with numbers or extensive reading, he enjoys spending the time with you, it feels intimate to him. Similarly, calming you down or comforting you whenever/if ever you become overwhelmed, or reading a book you seemed really interested in to you at night before snuggling up in bed.
- *Sugawara Koushi and his mix of calm and chaotic nature that pairs well with his significant others ADHD. How he’s always helping keep track of ideas and such, or just generally being a good listener. He knows how frustrating it can be to forget something important. He’s always so down for spontaneous shit too. Wanna paint a room at 4am? Let’s go get the paint. Want to bake cookies and learn the basics of guitar while you wait for them to bake? He’s got one around here somewhere. It’s how he’s thankful he chose being a school teacher as a career path, because keeping you on track for work and school/leaving little reminders to do those things becomes second nature for him. As chaotic as he himself is, he’s always there to comfort you when you’re feeling insecure, and reminding you to take your medication if you take any. He enjoys taking you on walks to clear you mind, and often goes out to buy you notebooks and sticky note to write things down for whenever he isn’t there to help you out. Suga bb ily you’re doing great sweetie
- *Suna Rintaro and his significant other with insomnia, finding himself thanking his professional athlete training schedule that keeps his own sleep on track unlike in high school, so he can drag you to bed and hold you close to him whenever you’re struggling to sleep. It’s him learning of all the different things around the house he can do to help, like making sure all the screens in your home have a blue light filter, and ensuring any caffeine or sugar are tucked away into the kitchen cabinets to avoid temptation. It’s him running you a hot bath with lavender or vanilla, and giving you massages when you ask for them, buying fluffy blankets and comfy socks for you occasionally when he’s out. Him being willing to stay awake all night with you until you fall asleep, or taking you out for a late night/early morning walk to the park, and his gentle morning touches that first wake you everyday.
- *Kuroo Tetsuro always being mindful of his significant other with chronic migraines. It’s him turning off all the lights whenever he starts to notice your signs of one coming on, and making as little noise as he possibly can when maneuvering around the house while you’re attempting to sleep one away. It’s how when you wake up he’s giving you massages and bringing you medication with a glass of water, if you take any. How he’s always ready to run you hot baths, or showers if you’d prefer, and making sure to keep the house stocked up on scented/unscented products that won’t aggravate your headache more. It’s him ensuring you eat and drink enough, and bringing you caffeine in the early morning hours to help keep the pain away. Him quietly bringing you hot rags to place over your forehead, and putting blue light filters on all the devices in the house. If they get too bad, he’s driving you to the doctors when needed, or just generally comforting you. His own busy schedule helps in dragging you to bed to get enough rest, and he can’t say he doesn’t enjoy helping you with your work and/or studies- the nerd in him just can’t help it.
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🌿 If you guys enjoy this content, I will gladly write more! Please let me know what you think cause this has been racking my brain for a while🥴 I’ll be back to posting regular content soon if you haven’t seen my apology post for my absence/impromptu break for my mental health!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Taglist: @sunalma @toworuu @livy384
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© catwithangerissues 2021 - do not repost, edit/alter, plagiarize or claim any works as your own.
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diredove · 4 years
Hello!!! May I request Staff x Reader scenarios or headcanons whichever you feel like doing where the reader gets very flustered and bashful at flirtation and compliments towards them? 👉👈😚
You bet! Thanks for my first ask! <333
This is pretty long since it includes everyone, so most of it is under the cut! Let’s see how I do, hehe
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Dire Crowley 
- He gets a major ego boost out of it, your blush can only mean that his charm is still as all-encompassing as it was in his youth!
- He's going to act (very poorly) like he's apologetic about making you shy, but his apology is buried under him having a big head about it
-"Ah, am I too bold for you? I can't help that I am not only kind, but also debonair! It is a curse!"
- Also just because he apologizes for being bold doesn't mean he's going to stop! Now that he knows how much he effects you he's going to flirt with you at every chance and revel in the flush on your face
- "How cute, I've once again put you under my spell! Will you ever recover?"
- You can say goodbye to the days you could walk freely on campus, because now you never know when Dire is going to catch sight of you and yell out some super specific compliment at you even as you try to run
- No seriously, he pops out when you least expect him with the cheesiest lines on the tip of his tongue, if you weren't so busy being embarrassed for yourself you'd be embarrassed for him
- But it's okay, everyone else side eyes him for you, because it's actually painful how proud Dire is of himself whenever you can't meet his eyes
- The man is on cloud nine having an adorable being like you at his whim alright, you really need to understand how big his chest is puffed up because of you
- If you actually asked him to stop, let's be honest, he wouldn't listen at first. Dire is someone who needs it drilled into his head to get the picture and just one scolding isn't enough for him to give up his new favorite pass time
- If you truly mean it, he'll sulk about it and lament the loss of your rosy cheeks dramatically, but he'll back off if you don't budge
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Divus Crewel
- Not surprised in the slightest, but highly amused.
- "Precious." Is his first thought, seeing you wring your hands in front of yourself
- Well, of course you're flustered by him, he flusters everyone. However, if it's you, he's less bored and much more playful
- Since he's always making some innuendo or being flirty already, he makes it a point to turn it up to 11 when he's with you. He wants you to know you're special
- "If I lined up every precious puppy in the world, you'd still win best on show."
- He's more sincere with his compliments, and purposely dotes on you more than anyone else so you get the hint he likes your flushing face better than all the others he's seen
- And poor you, Divus is trying to make his intentions known but for you he's just turning up the heat until you can barely speak to him
- At least before you could calm yourself down by saying "He's like that with everyone" but then he goes and says things to you that he most definitely doesn't say to everyone!
- If you tell him off, he will obey. It is never his intention to cause you discomfort, and if his advances aren't returned he's not the type to pursue someone unwilling. That's just plain uncouth.
- If you make your stance clear Divus will go in the opposite direction, making a point to be professional and polite with you to avoid coming off as disrespectful of your rejection.
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- He stops in his tracks and stares. Wait, hold on, you're flustered? By him? Surely you've got the suitors lining up where you're from, right?
- "You're flustered over little ol' me? Well now I'm embarrassed, having flattered a an evening star like you!"
- If you attempt to deflect or downplay yourself, Sam's not having any of it. In fact, now he's just offended because you're trying to convince him he's blind and you aren't the prettiest thing to walk the earth
- Sam is definitely the type to call out your shyness, not to be mean, but to give you some confidence!
- Because, seriously, you're flustered? You should be getting bigger and better compliments than his left and right! Why, have you seen yourself?
- It's too late to try and hide your face from him, no no no, Sam is going to remedy this right now!
- Sam is the best at showing off the good qualities of his products, he could sell a bottle of water to an ocean if he wanted, and now he's putting all that energy into convincing you you're the cat's meow!
- "Look at those eyes, that smile, that sweet demeanor! You can't find that just anywhere, I'll tell you what folks!"
- Every time you buy something now, it comes with a compliment and if you try to reject it he's going on another spiel about your beauty until you get it through your head that you're a dime
- Unlike the others, he is directly against stopping his campaign. He wants you to be confident and sure of yourself, so he's less likely to back off
- He probably wouldn't stop until he got some sort of sign he got through to you, like asking you call yourself gorgeous and tell him your good qualities. If you can manage that, it'll satisfy him enough to stop waxing poetic about you. For now
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Ashton Vargas
- He won't ever admit it, but he was shocked. Ashton's a confident guy, but he knows he doesn't have a good track record when it comes to romance.
- He hides it under his bravado, but he's over the moon that you're so receptive to his compliments
- "Oh, you embarrassed? Yeah, I have that effect on people!"
- Inside he's squealing at the idea of you thinking he's worth blushing over
- You being shy over him complimenting you gives Ashton confidence to woo you in other areas, if you like his flirting then you'll totally like his flexing and showing off too, right?
- He acts like a whole fool whenever you're around, he's like a schoolboy shouting "Look at me!!" the moment he sees you
- He could be eating lunch one minute, then you come in and suddenly he's decided to bench press the table. Oh no, you just thought you saw him drinking from his water bottle, he was actually pouring it over his face and shoulders because he's just so hot from his work out!
- He doesn't care who's around, which makes you even more embarrassed because everyone looks at you two and now everyone is looking to see your reaction
- Everyone is sick of him and wondering why you put up with his shenanigans, honestly.
- If it gets too much for you, Ashton will probably take it harder than others. Ah, so it was too good to be true after all, huh?
- He won't let it show to you though, he'll laugh it off and treat you just as well as he treats everyone else. He's past his teenage days of anger at rejection, he's a big boy now.
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Mozus Trein
- What do you mean, you're embarrassed? He's mortified!
- He sees your blush and thinks he majorly overstepped, and quickly tries to reassure you that he didn't mean to be so forward
- "M-My dear, I assure you I meant no disrespect! I am not that kind of man, truly!"
- Which in turn makes you want to assure it not his fault at all and you fluster too easily, and now both of you are apologizing in circles
- From that moment on, Mozus basically flees every time you're in the vicinity, he's tarnished your image of him and he can never show his face again
- Don't be fooled, he wishes he still had that bold streak he used to. He could have gone about things much differently and really swept you off your feet!
- But his delivery was all off and he's too old for all this now, he could never charm someone as lovely as you with how rusty he is at romance
- Eventually he'll get over his shame and talk to you as though it never happened, do not bring it up he will cry, but he chooses his words much more carefully from now on to avoid further embarrassment
- He does try to compliment you after regaining his courage, if only to prove to you that he's not always that awkward, but it's always aborted and you never get the chance to flush over it
- You won't have to worry about teasing with Mozus, you'll just have to worry about the fact that one of you shy fawns is going to have to make the first move at some point and neither of you are keen on the idea
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Hello!!! Soooo I came up with a few headcanons for Muslim Bakugou, JajkjGhoA I can't wait to read your response! 😫🤲💖
Okay! So he is definitely the good husband who does house chores! He actually helps around the house, knows how to do all the chores, and all the other girls are so jealous of you lolll
He will make you the best food! He knows all your favourite dishes, and will spoil you with his cooking! Also he will make your favourite desserts as a form of apology for when he pisses you off or makes you upset
Will feed you when he's trying out new dishes, and when you're getting married during the mehndi, when you feed him laddu or gulab jamun, he will blush so hard but also holds your wrist to "guide" you, as everyone giggles and teases you two for being so flustered and blushy around each other
If you make his favorite dishes?? Like okay imagine you make his fav dish (after asking the bakusquad cuz he's hard to approach lol) and subtly give it to him or maybe get Kirishima to give it to him as you leave the mosque or arrive at some community party or something, homeboi will blush so hard and will not let anyone have even the tiniest bite of your cooking
As a thanks he will buy you churiyan! He will see you admiring them and will come up and awkwardly but gruffly ask you if you like that certain churiyan set (that is like a pretty red and gold) and when you say yes, he will proceed to buy it for you, and omg if the bakusquad see this, Denki and Sero will definitely tease him and be like you should put them on her! While you're like omg! Wait, the adults will see! And he just surprises everyone as he gently grabs your hand and puts them on you and just admires how soft your hands are, and how they fit in his hand, and thinks about how pretty they would look with a wedding ring on them, and you are just standing there blushing so hard, and when he sees you wearing those churiyan at other events he feels so proud and possessive and happy
Weak for your smile and laugh, and very protective of you, will blow someone's head off for making you upset or for disrespecting you. Your parents love him so much, will immediately say yes to the rishta! Also, his parents love you so much, you and Masaru are the calm to Bakugou and Mitsuki raging tempers lmfaoo
You're the only one who gets to see his soft side and soft while without being threatened with death loll lucky youuu~ Also! Everyone will tease him sooooo much for being soft for you, the girls and aunties always giggle when they see how soft he is with you when you guys are out in public and he won't deny it either loll
In public he's kinda reserved with pda, but likes it when you hold his hand or loosely hook your arm around his muscled arms. He will however, put an arm on your lower back to steer you away from an uncomfortable situation or will step in front of you to protect you
In private he will be cuddly, loves wrapping his arms around you, forhead kisses too! You will be a blushing, flustered mess as he leans down by your ear and teases you about it in his low gruff voice. Also just loves the feel of your soft body against his
Also! Omg say its eid or something, and you're getting your mehndi done, the bakusquad will push him to sit with you and help you since you're mehndi is still wet. He will gruffly compliment your mehndi design, will get you food and feed it to you, will softly but hesitantly brush your hair away from your face when he sees that its bugging you, and this will make your both blush, and omg he will have the softest look in this eyes at that moment, and his hand will linger by your pretty earnings, and will just gaze at your lips with a lustful gaze as you softly whisper thank you
When the mehndi dries, and Denki makes a comment about how dark and rich the color is and is like damn Bakugou you really have it bad for y/n huh? Both of you will be so flustered and while Bakugou chases Denki while yelling that hes gonna blow his head off, you just stand there will Mina and Ochako and giggle at his antics, and the girls will tease you about you have gotten Bakugou wrapped around your fingers and that you shouldn't be surprised when his parents approach your parents with a rishta
AunwQniwa anyways Muslim Bakugou will love you so much and cherish you and just RIP to your heart 😫😭💖
okay so 100% YES!! Y’all seen mitsuki? She ain’t havin none of that “I’m the only son so treat me like a king” bs. No no, our girlboss femdom Mistski Auntie has her two boys cookin and cleanin every weekend and massaging her feet, as she SHOULD!
These habits carry on to when he gets married also. His wife could be doing the dishes one day right after their wedding and he would walk by, peeking over her shoulder at her hand-to-sponge technique.
“You’re doing it wrong dumbass. Use the hard side to scrub the crumbs off and then the soft side to polish it.” He snatches the plate from your hands and starts vigorously rubbing it the way you couldn’t. You stare at him, flabbergasted that a mom in the desi community has actually succeeded in raising her son right.
“‘The fuck are you looking at?”
“Nothing,” you quickly say, stepping aside to let him work his magic. He merely grunts and picks up the next bowl.
In a moment of bravado, you lean over to kiss his cheeks. He stops scrubbing and just stares at the sponge in his hands, his face slowly going red as a beet.
When you two fight, you already know he’s gonna be yelling at the top of his lungs and stomping around the house, the explosions from his hands searing the furniture around you.
It’s enough to set you off and storm out of the house too. You need a fucking break, he can be so much to handle sometimes.
It’s around late evening that you come back in the garage from wherever you decide to cool off from. The house is silent and dark from the outside so you assume he fell asleep with the usual scowl on his face.
You sigh and drop your keys and purse on the counter, exhausted from the day’s drama. Form the corner of your eye you see a small candle on the kitchen table alight, and you walk over to put it out.
Except right in front of the candle, there’s a small plate of mithai(sweets) that has a note attached to it.
“Sorry for being an ass” is written in his chicken scratch writing. You smile and shake your head, taking a bite from the surprisingly well-made gulaab jamun.
It’s a good thing Katsuki hid Sato’s recipe in one of the cabinets before you came home.
And just like you said, the man is WHIPPED for your cooking. He’s always pulling you to the kitchen and lightly shoving you around the stove, gruffly telling you to add more spices that he knows you can recreate to a T.
Whenever the Bakusquad comes over to hang out, you try to cook the same way you know Katsuki likes (extra spicy), but for some reason on those exact days you can’t seem to find any of your special ingredients…
At other times maybe before your marriage, when he first began falling in love with you he would see you admiring a vendor’s churiyaan and earrings.
He would quietly walk up behind you maybe a foot or two away, observing how you fit the bangles on your wrist.
“I like the red ones on you,” he says lowly, making sure to dwindle down his usual aggressive tone.
You turn and gently smile at him. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because red is what brides wear.”
Your heart beats fast as he takes your wrist, oh so delicate compared to his callous large hands.
“And the silver makes me think of the ring I’ll have on you in no time soon.”
Bakugo closes his eyes in front of you and inhales, letting you know that everything about you draws him closer.
When you guys walk around a college campus or even in town, he’s always looking left and right shiftily, convinced that every man within a mile of you is trying to steal you away. He’ll stand in front of you when a guy asks you where a certain building is, he’ll glare at his friends when they get too rowdy and rough with you, but he still gets nervous for PDA. He knows how fast word travels around in desi communities so he doesn’t want to do anything in public, but fuck when he gets home he’s pinning you on the bed and resting his entire weight on you.
At eid as stated above^^ he’ll see you in your lengha or kurti and get INSANELY nervous and flustered at your beauty. The way you sit poised and laughing with Mina and ochako while your mehndi is being done makes his palms sweat and his armpits prickly. He has to wipe them on his kameez almost three times before taking one last look at you and walking away.
Well, at least he tries to walk away. He’s promptly sought out and grabbed by his three cronies, who drag him by nail and tooth towards you. No amount of swearing and growling threats to ‘blow their ass up so bad people will piecing them back together for weeks” stops them from bringing him closer to you.
“Yeah yeah, you said that already,” Denki smirks and playfully zaps his ass so that he helps and lurches forwards towards you.
The commotion makes the girls look up and wave excitedly when they spot the rowdy men.
You bite your lip and give Bakugo a meek little grin, which makes steam curl from his ears.
“Heyyy ladiesss, got room for one more?” Sero drawls and throws an arm over the simmering grenade of a man.
“Hmm,” Mina mockingly contemplates for a minute before she slowly starts to get up, uraraka following pursuit. “Not at the moment, but maybe we could make some room…” she tackles Bakugo and Kirishima also kicks the back of his knees so that he folds cleanly into the chair next to you.
You look bewildered at everybody while they snicker at Bakugo’s vermillion face.
He glared at them and after an oblivious moment or two they get the hint and wink before backing off.
“So, uh, how long have you been getting your hand done for?”
You grin at his inexperience with these kinds of things, but still indulge him.
“About 25 minutes or so.”
“25 min-“ his eyes grow wide and the whole hall turns to him as he screams at your poor designer for making you ‘sit on her cute ass for such a goddamn long time. And why the hell doesn’t she have food yet??’
At least he thought you were cute
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whisperlullaby · 4 years
Prompt - Bucky x Reader - "You can't just punch everyone who makes me upset!"
My dear thank you for the prompt! I had a bit too much fun with it but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: misogyny, violence, fluff
Not beta read all mistakes are my own
Knocked Out
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You were thrilled as you stepped into the gym. You had finally passed your fitness test and moved into the new recruit training program with the Avengers Initiative. Ever since the battle of New York you had wanted to join the team to help protect the world. You studied various martial arts as well as each member of the team in order to help form your own unique skill set.
It took a few years to get recruited and it all happened out of sheer coincidence. You were at a bar with a couple of friends when you noticed a man trying to drug someone's drink. You reacted before he had the chance to add the drug to the woman's drink and had him laid out on the floor struggling to breathe. You managed to do it so seamlessly that no other patrons, except for the woman who's night you saved, noticed. That woman ended up being Maria Hill and she was so impressed by your stealth and skill she gave you her card and you had a shot at the Avengers within the week.
You were in awe as you looked around at the state of the art equipment. Your eyes sparkled at the new possibilities you had right in front of you. You turned your attention to the center of the boxing ring where you saw Captain Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. There was absolutely nothing that could take the smile from you as you stared into the glittering eyes of the former Winter Soldier. If you didn't know any better you would have said you saw a flicker of a smile when he met your gaze.
Captain Rogers went over an introduction with the new recruits before splitting everyone up between Sergeant Barnes, Natasha, and himself for further training. You went off into your group with Sergeant Barnes bouncing on the balls of your feet with excitement.
"Hello new recruits we're going to start off by pairing up so I can see where you all stand with your hand to hand combat." Bucky started to pair everyone off trying to be fair in regards to everyone's size. When he approached you he gave you an easy smile. You tried not to get flustered by his brilliant blue eyes and muscular stature. 
"Hello Sergeant Barnes, I look forward to working with you." You put out your hand for him to shake and he chuckled as he grabbed your hand.
"Call me Bucky doll, the pleasure is all mine." He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand as you gaped like a fish. Bucky dropped your hand stifling a laugh and placed you with a recruit named Lena. You began going back and forth trying to take the other down, while ignoring how hot your face felt all of a sudden.
A few weeks later you had been rotating through the recruits to advance your skills with different opponents. During those weeks it seemed as though Bucky took you right under his wing. Giving you more tips and advice after hours, walking with you to training every day, and buying you coffee when the morning runs seemed a bit too early. You formed a quick bond with Bucky and an easy crush on him. How could you not? He was sweet, attentive, and easy on the eyes for sure. Watching him demonstrate moves was enough to make your heart rate increase before you even got to the workout.
Bucky left for a mission at the beginning of the week but was due back any minute. You couldn't wait to get back to training with Bucky because for the time being you had been training under an advanced agent, Agent Muller. He was nothing if not cruel with his criticism, making more than one recruit cry. Today Agent Muller had paired you with one of the larger recruits, Kyle, who was known to be a bit of a dick. He knew he was strong and used that to make everyone else feel bad about their skills since Bucky wasn't around to keep him humble. The third time Kyle had managed to throw you onto the mat your head hit the corner and you cried out in pain.
"What's the matter Y/N? Can't take a little pain? I didn't even throw you that hard. Maybe you should work in one of the less strenuous positions. Maybe they need help in the cafeteria or housekeeping? Leave the actual work to the men." Kyle laughed.
Rubbing your head you tried to keep your tears at bay. Not only did your head throb from the contact with the floor but this was a hell of a week without Bucky as your primary trainer and you were starting to feel terrible about your progress as an agent.
"Recruit, why are you laying down? Thinking about taking a break when we just got started? Get your ass up and go again. I will not keep tolerating your laziness. I'll just have to report to Sergeant Barnes that you can't handle hand to hand combat and are unfit for field work. Pathetic." Agent Muller spat.
As tears started blurring your vision you noticed a flash of black boots stomping over to Kyle and Agent Muller. A second later you heard the whirring of metal, Kyle cry out in pain, and Agent Muller was out cold. You wiped your eyes and saw Bucky standing over them with his chest heaving. You rushed to your feet and grabbed Bucky's hand dragging him out of the gym before there were any more casualties. 
Once the door closed you turned to face Bucky. His eyebrows were pulled together and his eyes were stone. The scowl on his face was frightening.
"Bucky what the hell was that?!" You huffed crossing your arms.
"I saw everything. They deserved it. They were disrespectful and had clearly upset you." Bucky hissed.
"Whether they deserved it or not, you can't just punch everyone who makes me upset!" You dropped your arms and walked closer to Bucky.
"I can't stand to see you upset doll." His face softened as he looked into your eyes.
You stared at him for a moment stunned. Bucky took your silence as an opportunity to close the distance between you in a flash. He grabbed your face and kissed you tenderly. It didn't take long before you leaned into the kiss bringing your hands up to his hair to deepen it. Bucky moaned and you pressed your body into his letting his tongue massage yours.
When he pulled away you were breathless. Your hands were still tangled in his hair as he smiled down at you.
"I will always protect you sweetheart. No one's gonna mess with my girl." Bucky caressed your cheeks with his thumbs and he leaned down to press one more soft kiss to your lips. 
You heard the gym doors open and saw Kyle dragging Agent Muller out with him. Kyle was already sporting a black eye and busted lip and Agent Muller didn't look much better. You giggled as they walked by noticing how they avoided Bucky's murderous gaze.
You grabbed Bucky's hand and smiled, "come on let's get some coffee my treat." 
Bucky squeezed your hand and let you lead him from the building knowing he would do anything to make sure you always kept that beautiful smile. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
How would you describe your version of the Jiangs?
See, this gets tricky, because I often write my fics in close-person perspective and that means I write them as how the POV character perceives them to be rather than how they really are. So a fic written in the POV of Jiang Cheng will have a very different Jiang sect than a fic written from Wei Wuxian or a third person’s POV - even though their actions wouldn’t be in any way different.
That being said, my version of Jiang Fengmian and Madame Yu (excluding Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli because that would take forever):
Jiang Fengmian is a calm, introverted, laid back person who tends to go with the flow. He hates confrontation and drama, and just wants to be happy, which is reflected in his preference to surround himself with happy people who similarly believe in not letting things bother them. He rarely pursues anything too aggressively because he thinks that’s just setting yourself up for disappointment, and tends to deal with difficult situations by looking for a solution where everyone will leave him alone/continue to play nice, without really thinking too much in the long term or too deeply about questions of right and wrong. If someone starts an argument with him or is annoying him, he will leave rather than engage; if someone does something that only harms him tangentially, he will ignore it in the hopes that it will go away by itself. He is a private person who does not generally share his emotions.
He does not have a happy marriage - he likes his wife a great deal, actually, but their communication styles are so utterly different that he honestly thinks she hates him, even when she’s trying to show affection, because he does not understand that anger/scolding can show care. His own methods of showing affection are often rejected by her (because she in turn doesn’t understand him), and he believes this means that she does not love him. He believes he was in love with either Cangse Sanren or Wei Changze or possibly both, he’s not entirely sure himself, and he regrets their deaths more than anything else in his life - except maybe the realization that his wife does love him, always has, and that he only figured it out right before their deaths.
He is, objectively, a bad father. He favors Wei Wuxian and neglects Jiang Cheng, and lets Jiang Yanli bear most of the emotional burden from that. He does not think of himself as a bad father - he doesn’t really think of himself as a father much at all. He doesn’t see anything wrong with what he is doing because he treats his children like adult friends, so he thinks it’s fine to spend time with the people whose personalities he likes (Wei Wuxian) and less time with those he doesn’t (Jiang Cheng). He is, unknowingly, rather misogynistic, and assumes that Jiang Yanli, who fits his image of a proper woman, is fulfilled by caring for her brothers and not burdened by it; ironically, the women he actually appreciates most are the ones who break his expectations. 
Madame Yu, Yu Ziyuan, is a lonely, highly introverted woman with an extremely strong sense of pride. Her personality is cold and standoffish, coming off as disdainful, and she doesn’t have any mode other than fully engaged and intense about everything. She does not suffer fools gladly, and has a truly nasty turn of phrase that does more damage than she realizes. She is extremely aware of etiquette and class divisions, and is especially angered by disrespect. She was an excellent cultivator in her youth and is an excellent trainer for the Jiang sect, remaining highly respected by her peers, although less so now that she no longer goes out on night hunts; she did not want to stop, but felt she had no choice once she became a mother. She is resentful of the fact that her husband does not involve her more in sect politics, and believes she would do a better job if given the chance, but she would never lower herself to ask because it would risk being rejected.  She misses her home very much, in part because she was last truly happy there, but she’s also extremely proud of being part of the significantly stronger Jiang sect.
She expresses affection through worry (often manifesting as scolding) and through acts of service, such as by trying her best to improve the sect’s reputation or make people stronger. As a result of her own experiences, she believes people need to be toughed up to deal with the cruel realities of the world. She is in love with her husband, who she believes does not love her - she interprets his gifts as trying to buy off her anger, which only makes it worse, his acts of service as condescension, and when he says sweet words to her she is convinced that he is only trying to use her as a ill-fitting substitute for the person he really loves, which also makes her angry. This is in large part because he persists in treating her like she is a soft woman who likes pretty things for the sake of being pretty, which she is not - she is highly practical and likes to look good because she knows it’s another weapon, not because being pretty is fun. Her best friend - who became Madame Jin - has an equally unhappy marriage, which she thinks should give her a cynical view of marriage, but in fact she’s still secretly a romantic at heart.
She is, in many ways, a bad mother. While she loves her children, she also sees them as key to her position as mistress of the Lotus Pier, and anything that challenges that position is disrespect to her - a sore spot. She does not understand how Jiang Yanli seems to be happy with what she is given, a domesticity almost to the extent of acting like a servant, but since it seems like Jiang Yanli likes it, she tries not to interfere. The fact that Jiang Fengmian won’t quash the rumors about Wei Wuxian makes her anxious that he is, in fact, planning on disowning Jiang Cheng in favor of Wei Wuxian, and she hates the fact that Jiang Fengmian prefers Wei Wuxian. She gets this anxiety and anger out by trying to make Jiang Cheng do better in the hope that if he is truly exceptional, the way Wei Wuxian is, Jiang Fengmian will finally like him - and maybe also her. She is aware to some extent that what she is doing is futile and hurting Jiang Cheng, but she cannot seem to stop herself. 
She does not hate Wei Wuxian himself, nor does she mean him any harm - if only her husband were not so partial to him, she would be very pleased with how he’s done as head disciple. She makes sure he has the best possible training and wants to cultivate him to be as strong and smart as possible, in large part because she thinks of him as her son’s future right hand. The main thing that bothers her is that he leads her son in trouble - the issue being lead. If Jiang Cheng were leading Wei Wuxian into trouble, she wouldn’t mind it, but she foresees that it will be a problem in the future; she doesn’t want her son to be a hollow sect leader who is a puppet for Wei Wuxian. 
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alleycatmimi · 4 years
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Kim Taehyung × reader
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↬Genre: SMUT!, daddy/kitten, bdsm, themes, hard dom!taehyung, sub!reader, ceo!au;
↬WARNINGS: BDSM, spitting, cum eating (fem), spanking, eating out, over stimulation, DEGRADATION, slightly slapping, daddy/kitten kink, humilating names, Taehyung being a HARD DOM, submissive reader, swearing, unprotected sex (USE PROTECTION, U FUCKERS), fingers suck, ice play, breeding, creampie, Taehyung making you take it all like a good girl;
↬Words count: 4k+ ;
↬Description: What do you do when your boyfriend is a CEO and you are mad on him? Steal his Black Card and buy something you'll tease him later with.
When you woke up this morning, got out of your puffy and comfy bed, dressed yourself into a smooth satin bath-robe, to go to your princess-like bathroom, where you've done your daily routine: taking a long, warm and full of aromatic bath bombs and shower gels bath, then applied your- so expensive- body care and finally dressed up to come see your boyfriend, didn't actually expect this is how your day will go.
Sitting in his office, the picnic basket you prepared for you two, thinking you will make him a really special and beautiful surprise for showing in his office, dressed into a cute and short dress which you knew he would like on you, resting on your arm, you were watching his secretary wiggling her slutty ass in front of him, while acting like picking up some files, from the clean floor tiles.
Kim Taehyung, one of the biggest CEO's this world-no, this galaxy had. A really handsome, determinated, imposing, smart, talented, stunning, kind hearted, tall, powerful and rich man. And it happened for him to be your beloved boyfriend, which was staring at his secretary ass, with a deep frown on his face, right in front of your eyes.
That's right, he didn't notice your presence yet, but you are boiling anyway. What is yours is yours and this man is DEFINETLY yours. You cleared your throat, both of them turning around to face you, the second they heard you. Taehyung eyes widened in shook to see you in his office. First, because you looked smashing and second because he knew the posture you catched him in wasn't, actually, a happy one.
As for his secretary, she was shameless smirking at you, staring straight into your eyes. "Good afternoon, miss Y/N!" she said with a forced and fake, sweet tone. You ignored her and faced Taehyung, which was scanning you from head to toe, licking his lips.
You almost rolled your eyes in annoyance. "Princess?" you heard his smooth, but deep voice. You were about to scoff, but you didn't want to show weakness in front of that bitch, who was still daring to stare at him.
"Leave us alone, Stephanie!" you demanded, on a cold, unfriendly tone. Her eyes widened in shook, but she didn't move from her place, staring at your man, who had his eyes only on you, like he should .
"I told you to get out, what are you waiting for?" you asked in annoyence, your eyes never leaving Taehyung's ones. "I don't take orders from you!" she finally said, which made you turn on your heels and stare at her. "Excuse me? I couldn't hear you?"you were so pissed off. "I only take orders from - " but you cut her off. "If I tell you to leave, you are leaving. If I tell you to stay, you stay. If I tell you to find another man to try on seducing, you will. Because this one is fucking taken. By me." you explained to her and showed her an engagement looking like ring, which you mentally thanked yourself for putting on this morning.
She nodded when she saw the "engagement" ring, bowed for you two and left the office, with a low face. Rolling your shoulders, you turned around to face the CEO. He cocked a brow at you, amusement seen on his face. "Engaged?" he asked.
You rolled your eyes. "What are you doing here, my princess?" he stared down your arm, his gaze fixed on the picnic basket. He smiled then and you swore you are gonna forget why you were mad on him if he keeps on being this beautiful. "Princess came to see her daddy? What do you have there, baby? Let daddy see."
You put the basket on his dark wooden, rigide table, a little too harsh than you initialy planned. "Here." you said and stared at him with a puzzled face. "What is it, baby?" he titled his head, trying to understand you. "Food. I prepared a picnic for us two." your tone was cold.
Taehyung's smile grew bigger and you had to look away so you won't lose your mind. "Oh! Such a good girl I have!" He swore he is the luckiest man alive. You tried to not blush, because you wanted to stay mad on him. "Let's go eat, princess."
"Pardon?" he titled his head, piercing you with his narrowed eyes. "No, you eat. I don't want to eat with you anymore, I want to go shopping." And with that you took his famous black credit card, out of his expensive leather wallet. "Have fun eating alone. Or you are lucky and maybe Stephanie is hungry too. For something else, away of your dick." you offered him your sarcasm. You didn't care anymore if he will get mad or not for you talking back to him, disrespecting your daddy, you just got out of his office, making sure to wiggle your ass while walking, your dress contouring it well.
You spent your day buying the most expensive dresses, shoes and underwear you saw and liked, not caring how much they cost, you were mad and wanted to give him a lesson. He won't mind anyway, he always spoils you in expensive stuff, treating you exactly like a princess, so you are sure he won't care about the money.
You got out of your last model, expensive, white Jeep, with your arms full of bags from the most expansive house brands. As you unlocked your house's gate, by your finger print, you passed your beautiful garden. Usually you would admire the beautiful flowers the Spring came with, but right now you were planning on something and you didn't have enough time until Taehyung will come back home.
You opened your the door with your foot, arms to busy with the bags and closed it by pushing your ass on it. Your stilettos making broken sounds on your house's tiles. Going straight to your room, you put the black credit card on the table, got out your new acquisition from the expansive bags and careful put them in your closet.
You traced the lines of a new lingerie, from a beautiful, black, square box, sogned Victoria's Secret. You smirked to yourself and went to your huge bathroom, where you prepared.
Coming back home, Taehyung was only thinking about how he will teach you a lesson for being such a disrespectful girl to him, earlier that day. He loosened his tie, cracking his neck twice, thinking about how he will totally use your pretty holes just for him to fuck his angriness and stresse, caused of work, into them. He could feel a bulge already growing into his pants.
Arriving home, he opened the gate with his spare keys and headed directly to the front door and straight to your room, where he opened the door, banging it on the wall.
And there you were, wearing a beautiful pair of lingerie, slowly sipping from a glass of wine, with your red painted lips. He could take you there and then, ravaging you. But no... he wanted to make you pay for leaving him to eat alone and talking back to him.
"Hi daddy." you said, on a sweet and smooth tone, putting the glass on the night stand, with a gentle and delicate move. He watched your long legs slowly making way out of bed, your delicate feet, touching the carpet. Oh, how much he loved every detail of you...
You came closer and slowly touched his chest, moving your hands up to it, circling his neck and finally finding place in his hair. He clenched his jaw. "What happened, daddy?" you asked, rising your chin to look at him. You gasped when his firm, veiny hand wraped around your fragile neck into a tight hold. But you loved the feeling, sending a fave of heat down your core. He got closer, his eyes piercing yours.
"What happened? What happened?! Let me tell you what happened, kitten!" he said through his clenched teeth and pressed you on the wall behind you. He pressed his body on yours, his breath so close of your rose cheek, tickling the skin of it, making you almost whimper.
"Do you think you can show into my office dressed so pretty, take my card and then leave me alone?! Huh?! And even be disrespectful to me?!" he said and cupped your heat, out of suddent. Realisation hit you and you gasped, when you felt his cold hand between your tighs, even through the thin matterial of your panties.
"Already wet for me, huh?" he smirked and you looked away, blushing. "Where is the disrespectful girl now, huh?" he said and choked you harder, while his other hand pressed more, right between your folds.
"S-she's gone, d-daddy."
Taehyung tsked. "Oh she's gone now? Why, kitten? Tell me, tell daddy why." He said and let go of your heat, which earned a whine for you of the lose. "I...daddy..." you started, suddently blushing. Your plan was to tease him and show him you are the best he will ever have, but damn, he was too imposing and you were a sucker for him.
"I am listening." he said, eyes never leaving yours, hand still wrapped firmly around your neck. "I...am sorry, daddy. I was a bad girl, I didn't know what I was saying- " but he wasn't listening to you.
"Huh? Did you say something?" you thought he teased. But he was serious, titling his head, leaving you confused. "I was saying that- " but he cut you off. "I can't hear you, doll. A kitten like you should know her place, at her master's feet." Realisation hit you. Your cheeks heated up as you nodded and imediately obbeied to him, getting in all fours in front of him. His smirk grew bigger. "What were you saying, kitten?"
You took a deep breath and started again. "Daddy. I am so sorry for being a bad girl and talking back to you. Please forgive me daddy, I was a bad girl." You were giving him puppy eyes, trying to be as sweet as possible. "Yes you were." He said and cupped your jaw, with a firm hold."Go take your leash" he demanded you and you got up obeying him.
A loud sound filled the room, followed by a whimper from you, by the time his hand touched your ass cheek, into a hard spank over your skin. "Do kittens walk like humans?!" he growled. "N-No, daddy..." you said and got in all fours, crawling to the closet to get the leash and collar from the sex toys box he bought for playing with you, secretly enjoying the feeling of the burn on your ass cheek.
You turned to him with them into your mouth, he was staring at you with a huge smirk on his face. You left them at his feet and stroked your cheek on his ankle, in need for some affection. "Good girl. Now continue." You nodded your head and looked up at him. "I am sorry for getting your card, daddy. Without asking for permission." He fixed the collar and the leash on you, holding the end of it with his left hand, lifting your chin up with the other one. He caressed your lips with his thumb and you closed your eyes of the feeling, until he harshly pushed it into your mouth, without a warning. You whimpered and sucked it, without him telling you to.
"What were you doing with my credit card, brat?" His voice was low and deep. You tried to get his finger out to talk, but he kept you still. "Dadsy cwnr tak-" you mumbbled, whimpering when his thumb pressed on your tongue, caressing it.
"Oh baby, you can't talk?" He faked his affection, with an amused tone. You shook your head. "So you are not answering to daddy, disobeying again, huh?" Your eyes widened in shook when he pulled your hair with the leash hand, making you stare at him. You shook your head. "Were you shopping? Spending money on your bratty expensive ass? Got this slutty lingerie for me?" You nodded every time, his hand tightening around your hair, you whimpered once more. "Get the receipt to me, slutty kitten."
You tried to nod, but couldn't with his hand in your hair, nor talk with his thumb in your mouth so you shameless moaned. "Pathetic." He said and let go of you. You crawled and took the receipt as you did with the leash and collar. He went to the bed, where he sat on, pulling you with him, by the leash. "Sit!" He demanded and you did so. He looked through the prices and shook his head. "Such a spoiled kitten you are..." he smirked and pulled you into his lap, on stomach. You gasped in shook, but your stomach flipped with excitment.
"You should be teached a lesson. Hands at your back, my little whore." You did as he said so. Next thing you knew, he ripped off your expansive panties. You whined and he smirked, once more. "Don't worry, little whore, daddy's gonna buy you many of these."he announced and stared to caress your ass.
"Count for me." You wanted to reply but a loud smack filled the room, you jumped in place. "O-one"
"T-Three..." every smack was harder and harder, he was finally letting his anger out.
"F-four- ah fuck!" You said and tried to make yourself a ball, but he threw one of his tighs over the back of your knees, imobilising you. "Take it all, whore." He hissed into your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. After ten smacks, your ass was fully red and sore and you were breathing hard.
He then pulled your hair again, throwing your head back. "Tell me kitten, why do I punish you right now?" he was so hot. You gulped "f-for being a bad girl, daddy...". He seemed to be pleased with your answer "Good. Now I want you to get on bed, ass up like a good kitten,for daddy to see your pretty cunt, yeah?" You nodded in excitment and did as you were told to, bruisy ass fully on display, glisstering pussy tempting him to fuck you. But that had to wait, because right now, he had other plans.
"Shake your ass for me, sweetheart". You obeied him once more, wiggling your ass in front of him. Then without expecting, you were pushed down on bed, Taehyung's face burried into your wet pussy. A loud moan escaped your lips, as he started sucking hard on your sensitive clit, enjoying the softness of it. "Mmm... sweet" he informed you. Then he started lapping at your wetness, eating you out like a starved man, teasing your sweet hole with his skilled tongue, circling it but never entering it all, leaving it clenching around nothing and moving his tongue to give your folds and clit multiple licks.
You were so close, your moanings filling the walls, but you knew he is not gonna let you cum, at least not yet. But he was making it so hard because when he pushed his long tongue into your warm hole, all at once, your body almost jerked in front, if it wasn't for his firm hold around your ass cheeks, keeping you opened for himself.
"Mgh...d-daddy.." you were pathetically moaning his name over and over again. If you weren't so lost into the feeling of his tongue moving inside your cunt, caresing your walls, you would feel him smirking against your heat. Another spanck filled the room, same time with a deeper push of his tongue. You almost screamed in pain in pleasure, because he spanked a bruise he left on you. But he didn't caress your abused cheek but only srubbed it with his nails, sending you pver the edge, with a muffled cry, tears fillinng up your vision.
But he sensed you were about to cum so, after a long and hard suck on your pussy, while your body was trembling from the need or releasing, he got up and pulled your hair harsh, snapping your head back, to look at him. "Oh kitten, look at yourself, drolling and crying over my pillow. Poor baby... you are so dirty." But his expression was saying something else. He enjoyed it, he enjoyed how fucked up he got you and it took only his tongue and some spanking to turn you like this.
You whimpered, needy." What happened, whore? Cat got your tongue?" Then he laughed on his own joke, a low, hoarse, hot laugh. You shooked your head. "Then? What is it with you and whimpering? Is this all what you know to do?" You shooked your head and he chuckled. A dark one.
"Stick it out then and prove me." You sticked your tongue out, blushing harder. He licked his lips. "Look such a pretty and pink tongue we have here, babydoll." You blushed even more. He caressed it with his thumb. "Maybe I should give it a treat, then?" You nodded your head and whimpered, eyes begging. You could already imagine his thick and fat cock into your mouth, the cum running down your neck. You were dripping down your sheets.
"Ok then, but keep it out." But he got down again and gave your pussy another fully and harsh suck, making you scream, almost biting your tongue. He collected all your juices and came back to you. He spit your juices into your mouth and you closed your eyes. Ok, this was definetly new. But seems like you enjoyed it, the taste of yourself making you moan. You swallowed it, like a good girl.
"Show me." You sticked your tongue out, jumping and whinning when he slapped it, not hard but hard enough to send another wave of heat straight to your core. He titled his head. "So you enjoy it, huh?" You nodded, looking away. "Are you shy now?!" He cupped your jaw and turned your face, a little harsh. "Look at me when I talk to you, brat." He slapped your tongue again and you moaned. "Tell me how much you love it!" And he let out a sexy laugh when you patheticaly tried to said it with your pulsing tongue sticked out.
"Are you my sex toy?" He asked you, kissing your tongue, giving it a slightly suck. You moaned a yes into kiss mouth and leaned closer, wanting to kiss him so bad. Surprisingly... he didn't pull away and gave you a huge and wet kiss, carresing your tongue with his, massaging it slowly and exploring all the corners of your mouth. Even his kiss was fire, he was completly dominating you. When he pulled away, you had your red lipstick all over your mouth and chin, his lips red as well.
"Such a pretty mess..." he said and smiled. It melted your heart. "Tae- " but his smile faded away and your bruised ass earned three painful smack, in the same place, making the skin almost bleeding. "How did you call me?"
"D-daddy...." you cried out, tears rolling down your cheeks. "P-pwease..."
"Please what?" He was trailing his fingers up and down your wetness, teasing and driving you crazy. "F-fuck m-me" you whispered. He stared at you, amusment written on his face. "What did you say?"
"Fuck me..." you repeated. He leaned back, face close to your ear, where he blowed hot air, making you whimper and squirm in place. "You want me to fuck you? Can you even take it? I don't think do kitten, it would be a shame for you to not be able to take my fat cock with your tight wortless count."
You had to addmit it...he was treating you with no respect and you were more than ready to do everything for him. "Daddy please! I will take it all! Just please put that fat cock inside of my worthless pussy. Daddy, make me your kitten..." you were a whimpering, begging mess under his hot stare. He was satisfied. "Is that so?" You felt him getting off of the bed, your face burried into the pillow, your tied hands resting by the navel of your spine, your expensive bra still on. You felt his hia hot breathe on your skin again, your body tensing once more.
He grabbed your hip with one hand, rubbing the head of his cock on your wet and sticky cunt. You shivered of the feeling, goosebumps spreading on your skin. He was rock hard but still wanted to tease you as much as possible. "Will you let me fuck you like this, doll?" He trailed an ice cube down your spine, making you yelp. "Like a little bitch? Breeding you like dogs do it with them? Or like my good kitten?" The ice cube was slowly melting on your heated skin, you hissed in pain when it touched the bruised skin of your ass. Then you screamed when he pushed it into your tight hole, the feeling making you close your thighs in annoyence and fall on one side.
But it didn't take long for him to spank you again, on your tighs too this time. "Get up!" Your body was trembling, tears streaming down your face, but you got up somehow. "I-I...daddy, please, fuck me like a bitch. Give me your pups, breed me as yours, or fuck me like your dumb little kitten."
"That's my girl!" He exclaimed, a pleased smirk on his face. You screamed once, when, without a warning, he snapped his hips into you, with a hard and fast move, burrying all of his long lenght inside of you. "Fuck, baby!" He cursed, under his breath and started to roll his hips, his lenght still inside of you, pocking your walls, in circles, making you see stars and moan his name many times. But you needed more and as if he heard you, he pulled back and left only his tip inside, then snapped back with a same hard move as before, making your eyes roll back in pleasure. His grunts fill up the room, as well as your subbmissive moans, his hands pushing you harder to meet his own.
His head was reaching your pelvic, by every push he was making inside of you, you felt closer and closer. His moans and curses started to grow louder and louder, making your whinny and breathless moans so tiny beside his. "M-m c-close " you managed to whimper. His hand wrapped around your throat once more than night, your vission getting blurry, your head going light, and a hard and fast snap of his hips sent you over the edge. He left out an animalistic like deep growl, rolling his hips once more, since your cunt's muscles were spasming around him, making it hard to move.
You cummed all over his cock, screaming his name so loud "D-Daddy! Ahh!!" You were seeing stars, mumbling words only you could understand, body relaxing after the wave of pleasure that washed over you. But you couldn't relax either, because Taehyung's moves fastened, making you squirm in place. "C-can't ...s-stop!"
But he only smashed your ass once more, making you cry again. "Thought you said you can take my cock now, kitten, what happened now?" You bit down on the pillow, making it full of red lipstick and wet of your tears, while your boyfriend was using you as his personal fuck toy. "Don't you want my warm cum filling your walls? Don't you want me to breed you" he groaned, rolling his eyes back of you squeezing him once more "to make you my little bitch?Take it all, like good girls do!"
You moaned a yes, feeling your second orgasm, he pulled you on your knees and hugged you at his chest, one hand around your waist, the other one having his fingers stuffed into your mouth, which you sucked like a desparate slut, feeling the taste of your own cum once more, you pushed yourself hard on him, meeting his hips.
"Shit! Yes, baby! Do it again!" And you did so, once, twice, until his cum filled your walls, sending you through another orgasm. He kept you close at his chest until his cock stopped twitching inside of you. He slowly pulled it back and watched the cum dripping down your thighs. "Such a beautiful creampie...." you were almost sleeping so he kissed your shoulder and laid you on your stomach, avoiding your bruised ass. He untied your hands and got some wet tissues to clean you both. After that he hugged you at his chest, kissing the top of your head and smiling bright.
"I love you, kitten..."
Author's note: @taesluttt sorry for waiting, was supposed to post it yesterday but couldn't stop adding more and more 😅 hope you enjoy it!!!
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narcosmx · 4 years
narcos mexico headcannon list: them being protective would include (pt. 2)
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a/n: just when i thought i couldn’t get any fucking softer i go and i write this, next i’m off to tackle request thank you for being patient with me ... also needed to use this pic bc fuckin wow offended
so for this i divided this up into two categories divided up by how the narcos men would primarily demonstrate their protectiveness
the two groups that they fall under are physically protective and emotionally protective 
physically protective was part 1 and here we are to go into what is for sure going to be the death of me which is those who are emotionally protective 
okay when i say emotionally protective, i’m thinking that they make you feel safe; there isn’t as much concern about a whole army of people following you at all times and willing to kill someone for you but it’s about you knowing that they’re there for you 
not that these motherfuckers wouldn’t kill someone for you but it’s not that they wouldn’t kill someone for you, we all saw the palma scene you know what i’m talking about
it’s just like they’re more likely to kill someone because they disrespected you than because they got too close to you 
anyways the three people that fall into these categories are the softest of narcos men 
palma, benjamin and  chapito i’m sobbing so let’s begin my torture 
hector palma 
my fucking sweet soft ass daddy 
like i want you to think about that scene where lupe comes out crying from the room when clavel tells her that miguel sent out to kill palma
the way he was so freakign soft with her, already reaching out to hold her when he sees her crying 
that is what palma is all about making you feel emotionally safe; like you can tell him absolutely anything and he will be there to 
i am heart eyes at the idea that he would for sure be the one to come check on you to make sure you were okay all the time 
like when you’re at a party and maybe he’s out talking to the other plaza bosses he keeps his eyes on you, stands so he can keep an eye on you 
would make excuses to go get a drink so he can walk by and check on you 
him reaching up to like caress your face with his thumb and leaning down to kiss your forehead and gently lifting your face by your chin to look up at him because he wants you looking into his eyes 
‘todo bien, mi vida? hmm?’ whispering gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips 
and if he takes too long because you’re like cooing up at him the other guys are smirking and yelling at him to stop being a madilon (being whipped) but he wouldn’t give a shit 
him turning back around after you reassure him you’re okay like 24 times he nods and turns around with his stupid smirk flipping the other guys off and he’s like ‘ya calmanse, tranquilos morros’
notices when you’re off right away, like even if you’re like in the slightest mood he is on it trying to make you feel better
palma will literally call his men to figure shit out today by themselves ‘porque me voy a quedar con mi reina hoy y punto, hijos de su reshingada madre’
will do whatever you need, this bitch would happily stay in bed with you all day/ you want your favorite meal? he will slave in the kitchen all day and just have you curled up in a blanket sitting at the kitchen table
can you just imagine freaking palma with a trapo slung over his shoulder, looking over at you and winking at you, before coming over and squishing your cheeks just being like “ugh mI SHULADA”
but yeah him squishing your face would be something he does often because he’s convinced you’re the cutest piece of shit he’s ever encountered 
will do anything to make sure you’re happy and holy shit if someone makes you unhappy ... if someone upsets you palma’s going off
like baseball bats to he knee head popping off you know
the level headed one amongst a family of complete human firecrackers; calm and collected god he’s such a soft daddy
but also conservative daddy on the streets for sure 
benjamin wouldn’t be one, LIKE HIS BROTHER, to be smacking your ass, kissing at your neck and grabbing at you 
it’s very much like he doesn’t want anyone seeing him be intimate for you; those things are only shared between the two of you 
benjamin treats you and respects you like a queen and he will not fucking stand for anyone treating you like anything less
can you imagine the amount of times he has to smack the shit out of pancho’s and ramon’s head 
angry hissing at them, this isn’t the time where he’s yelling at them this is when he gets in his really low whispers and pulls them really close to threaten them through closed teeth 
like ‘no puedes ver que hay una dama, no quiero oir tus grocerias enfrente de ella, estamos?’ 
and if that’s what he’s out here doing to his brother’s imagine how he would be around literally anyone else 
min makes it a point that you mean so much to him
since he isn’t the biggest in pda, he feels like he needs to constantly reassure you that he still loves you 
 like very subtle acts of pda, holding your hand and giving it a soft squeeze so you’ll look up at him and he’ll give you his warm smile and kiss the back of your hand 
cannot leave the house without a goodbye kiss and being able to tell you to be safe and call him if you need anything 
like he can’t go on with his day if he hasn’t reminded you of those two things 
and at first assuming the whole ‘call me if you need me’ thing was just a thing he said to make you feel better but wouldn’t really be able to do 
but then you call him one day; maybe you’re having car trouble and you need help being like ‘i’m sorry amor... i know you’re busy and...” 
and benjamin is already snapping at someone to get the car ready and is immediately telling you he’ll be there in a few minutes, telling you there is absolutely no reason to apologze he meant it A N Y T H IN G 
i just his protectiveness is all about taking care of you, making you feel safe in the fact that no matter what he got you... you don’t have to worry about anything as long as he’s here 
mi chapito
chapito absolutamente el amor de mi vida i am sobing 
chapito’s protectiveness is about protecting and perserving yOUR HONOR THAT IS SO FUCKING HIM
he’s pretty fucking positive you’re an angel walking on earth 
has told his mom that you’re the angelito that diosito sent him to keep him safe and showing him there’s still some good in this fucking world
anyways you’re the purest and most precious thing in his life and he’s going to make sure you stay that way
needs everyone to see you as their pure bean too okay
the moment that i keep imagining is in season 1 is  when ramon makes fun of chapito about him getting it up 
if anyone made even something approaching a sexual comment around you he would be squaring this person up doesn’t give a shit that is ramon who’s half a foot taller than him no one disrespects his bebe
if some moron said a sexual comment about you fucking forget it okay the sinaloa cartel is fucking savage i need you to consider that palma, THE BOSS, beat someone to death with a baseball bat now imagine what chapito would do as the person PALMA SENDS OUT TO FUCKING MURDER PEOPLE 
in conclusion, chapo would tear someone limb from limb for your ass 
and again on the sinaloenses; they are the biggest fucking group of buttholes they will roast each other all day every fucking day 
and chapito isn’t unaware of this, i mean cochi is his closest friends he knows what this shit is like
and oof fucking chapo can dish it out too and he’ll take it from anyone BUT THE SECOND THAT THE JOKES MOVE TO YOU HE’S SHUTTING THAT SHIT DOWN IN AN INSTANT 
even to coshi he’s like ‘aye aye no te pasas cabron, de mi princesa no se habla’ and gets his most serious face because cochi’s trying to laugh it off 
similar to palma and that he’d be checking in with you all the time; as much as he can and as frequently as he can 
and he doesn’t give a shit about what other people may think of him but if something is upsetting you, making you uncomfortable it is fucking cancelled and he’s going to make sure of it 
always worries about making you feel safe because you are his safety... you are home to him and he’s going to make sure of it 
also protective in like stupid subtle ways wanting to make you feel safe; walking on the side closest to the street on the sidewalk, keeping his hands on your waist when you’re walking through a crowd, always checking the house to make sure everything is locked up, always sleeps with his arms wrapped around you 
i have this idea of him buying you a guard dog so that he knows you’re safe when he’s away... s o  b b i n g
i will end this before i end myself 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
hey, so your requests are open. I loved your foreign mc and latina mc headcanons! 💗 just wondering if you could do something based on the latina one. Mc is like a strict latina mom. When they get angry at someone, they take off their sandals and start hitting/threatening the person with it in angry Spanish. Or, they just grab anything really. Even the ronins are scared of them but they’re surprisingly good with kids. Sorry if this is too long, love 💕
◉_◉Anon; (Masamune, Hideyoshi, Nobu, Ieyasu and Yuki) and one for the IkeVamp boys (Comte, Leo, Arthur, Theo, and Napo) in which the femMC gets involved in a girl fight and she goes 21st c on them? ❤️
Hi, hi dears! 🦋🌻Thank you so so much for the requests! ❤🥰Also, soooorrrryyyy for taking super long getting to this! I think I might make this headcanon week, and catch up on all the HC piling up in my box lol! 😂🦋Anyways hope yall don’t mind that I combined the two asks! I found they were somewhat similar!❤❤🥰🌻🦋
Headcanon: Angry Latina MC feat; Masamune, Hideyoshi, Nobu, Ieyasu and Yuki
Masamune is a pretty playful guy so its no surprise that he gets into trouble with his Latina girlfriend now and again (¬‿¬)
He lives for those moments where he pushes you over the edge ever so slightly, where you start swearing at him in Spanish  (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Honestly he absolutely loves it, he finds it super sexy  (¬‿¬)
One day you were out in the markets, buying some fresh ingredients for dinner you planned to surprise Masamune with
Your hands were full of fresh produce when you accidentally bumped into a soldier (╯°□°)╯
He stared down at you, “Hey watch where you are going you, filthy maid,” he said with a snarl ノಠ_ಠノ
You had honestly had it, with disrespectful men and your angry strict lantana mom mode was activated (♯▼皿▼)
You legit threw the man against his head with an apple, ranting at him in Spanish (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻
Masamune had been on the hunt for his kitten ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
He strolled through the markets, as the maids had told him that you were out shopping 
And that’s when he spotted you
You were going 21st century on the disrespectful man’s ass, giving him a true Latina smackdown ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
When you were done with him he was bowing down low to you, in an apology, promising that he would treat people better in the future
That’s when Masamune strode to your side and put an arm around your shoulders, “Having fun kitten,” he asked with a broad smile ~(˘▾˘~)
He looked down with pity at the soldier now fearing for his life, as he has had one too many sandal smacks to the head (。◕‿‿◕。)
Masamune simply smiled, as he helped you pick up your fallen ingredients from the floor and helped you carry the stash back home
He was low key thankful that it was not him on the receiving end of the sandal for once (。◕‿◕。)
You and Hideyoshi had been dating for a while now (。◕‿◕。)
Often the two of you would walk around the markets together on the hunt for the best tea house to have some tea and lunch at 
One day as you were peacefully sipping on some tea and enjoying Hideyoshi’s company (◠‿◠✿)
Something caught your attention ⚆ _ ⚆
You turned to see a woman abusing some poor street child, for messing a drop of water on her fancy kimono 
You Latina mom mode was activated
Hideyoshi looked over at you and saw the fires being lit in your eyes, he followed your gaze to see the woman hitting the poor child ◉_◉
Before he even had a chance to react, he saw you stomping your way to place yourself between the child and the woman 
You glared angrily at the woman who then started attacking you for interrupting her 
 ( ・ω・)っ≡つ
You legit went all out, pulling her hair and punching her in the gut
At some point Hideyoshi even saw you take off your sandal and hit her with it 
(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
He ran to your side trying his hardest to break up the fight
Hideyoshi was pulling you away from the woman by your waist as you continued to curse at her angrily in Spanish 
“I’m calm, I’m calm put me down Hideyoshi,” his caramel eyes looked into your to see all traces of anger had disappeared, and he let you go ಠ⌣ಠ
Before the mama bear could even scold you, you crouched down in front of the little girl and in the most tender of voices asked if she was alright
You then asked her if she would like to join you and Hideyoshi for some tea and lunch (。◕‿◕。)
Her little eyes lit up in delight, you walked back to the teahouse holding the little girl’s hand leaving a very shook and confused Hideyoshi staring at you (°ロ°)☝
For a scary fighter, you certainly were good with children (ʘ‿ʘ)
You and your boyfriend had snuck out of the castle to go on a fun trip together ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
The plan was to spend the day in a flower field away from the business of the castle
Finally the two of you had reached your destination(◕‿◕✿)
You set up the blankie and picnic under the shade of a big tree
Your eyes gleamed in delight when you had noticed that Nobunaga even managed to sneak some sugar candies for the two of you to share
Your relaxing picnic, however, was soon interrupted but a group of ronin appearing from the treeline (;一_一)
“Well, what do we have here, a sweet romantic getaway for two.” They looked at you with a dangerous glint in their eyes (¬‿¬)
Nobunaga drew his sword and glared angrily at the people for interrupting his quiet time with his beloved fireball (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
You started swearing and threatening them in Spanish, which causes Nobunaga to smirk smugly (ง'̀-'́)ง
He loved how feisty you were, never backing down from any opponent or challenge, you always stood your ground and even though he didn’t have a clue what you were saying, he always found it incredibly sexy  (¬‿¬)
However his smug smile soon turned into a small frown as he spotted a woman ronin among the men ⚆ _ ⚆
You followed his gaze to the woman and grabbed his hand giving it a slight squeeze, “Leave that one to me, this ain’t my first rodeo.” (。◕‿◕。)
He looked down at you and smiled, “Well then fireball lets finish this quickly so we can get back to our picnic.” (◠‿◠✿)
Nobunaga charged at the men, as you now calmly walked towards the woman, “surrender now and no one will get hurt.”
The woman simply scoffed and charged at you 
The two of you went hand to hand as you fought (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
To say you gave her a true 21st-century smackdown would be an understatement  (*'Д')ノシ)゚ロ゚)
By the end of the fight you had her tied up and started scolding her in Spanish
Nobunaga couldn’t hold back that proud smirk as he watched his beloved fireball in her element (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
After a long boring council meeting you and Ieyasu decided to take a pleasant, relaxing stroll through the forest (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
You were gathering some flowers to make the grumpy porcupine a flower crown when you heard a shuffling coming from one of the bushes (◕‿◕✿)
You were on high alert as you approached the bush, sandal in hand, ready to smack any potential attacker ಠ_ಠ
Ieyasu had to stifle a laugh at the scene of you slowly approaching the bush with your sandal held high above your head
“You silly girl its probably just a rabbit” he said trying to hold back his laughter (≧y≦*)
You made your way closer and crouched down, to meet big blue eyes
Your eyes widened when you saw a scared little boy hiding in the bush
You carefully reached out and wrapped the child in your arms as you gently lifted him out of the bush ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Ieyasu’s eyes widened as he rushed towards you, shrugging off his haori to wrap it around the little boy to keep warm
The boy wore a well known family clans crest
The two of you took the boy back home with you and after cleaning him up, asked him what had happened (◕‿◕✿)
He revealed that he was from one of the clans that allide with Nobunaga and that some assassins had kidnapped him and his mother to use to gain an advantage against Nobunaga  (ಥ_ʖಥ)
That night the kidnappers came to Ieyasu’s palace to kidnap the child and finish the job, but when they saw you, an Oda princess they simply couldn’t resist and kidnapped you as well
Ieyasu had gone to report the news of the discovered boy to Nobunaga
You woke up, bound in a dark shed ಠ╭╮ಠ
You gazed around the room and spotted the boy and his mother, fearful and crying 
The kidnappers filed into the room and smiled when they saw that you were awake, “you will serve us well in the downfall of the Oda forces.”
You lost your temper at that and started swearing at them in Spanish, to buy yourself some time to work on your bounds, to free yourself (  ̄^ ̄)
Once you got your hands-free you legit threw the kidnapper’s with any object you could get your hands on, yelling angrily at them in Spanish
Imagine Ieyasu’s shock when he burst into the shack to see you on top of the attacker hitting one him over the head with your sandal.
He was even more sister shook when he looked around the room to see that all the other kidnappers had already been bound and taught a lesson they would never forget (=゚ω゚)つ)゚∀゚)
Never mess with a woman from the 21 st century
A shiver went down Yasu’s spine, as he watched you continuing to swear at and hit the man 
For someone so good with children, you were definitely terrifying
You were happily married with the aloof dufus, and lived together with your four beautiful children (◕‿◕✿)
You were a rather a strict Latina mom, thanks to your own mother being a heavily spirited woman
You were feared far and wide by ronin and thugs and no one dared mess with you or your children lest they wanted to face your wrath 
A lesson which Yukimura had not yet learned (¬‿¬)
He had taken your kids out to play in a nearby forest, to give you some well-derived rest from the little gremlins
You honestly loved your children and would dote on them 24/7, they could honestly do nothing wrong in your eyes (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Suddenly missing your small trouble makers, you slowly made your way to the flower field that they were playing 
As you got closer you could hear one of your children crying 
You instantly went into mother must protect mode
̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
You ran up to your cute little child and overheard the conversation he was having with your dearest husband
“Your okay, little dummy, here look I’ve patched your leg all up, good as new,” Yukimura said in a cheerful tone ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
“Just don’t tell your mother okay, she will kill me if she found out I let you play with Sasuke’s ground spikes” he said as he scratched the back of his head and chuckled ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just then a shadow fell over Yukimura, he didn’t need to turn around to know that you had obviously overheard the conversation and that you were furious  ʘ‿ʘ
He braced himself for impact as you whacked him over the head with your sandal, yelling at him in Spanish 。゜(`Д´)゜。
Being married to you for so long and having faced your wrath many a time he was able to pick up the meaning of a few words
He also knew there was only one way to get you to calm down, “Hey you little squirt help me,” your child stared up at his dad, “Nope papa, it’s not my fault you didn’t listen,” he then giggled and ran to play with his siblings
Leaving poor Yukimura to deal with your angry Spanish ranting ¬_¬
I hope you enjoyed this dear and thanks again for the request! ❤🌻🦋
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
//Yandere Magi//
This is a collections of a number of Magi charcters written in the yanderevers. I’ve excluded Sinbad and his eight generals inorder to write them their own fic later this month. I would aslo like to say thanks to @yandere-romanticaa​ for all her help with this story, thanks so much love, You’re a life savoir!Feedback and comments always appriciated! ENJOY my beloveds!
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Alibaba Saluja
Alibaba is a very soft and obsessive yandere, one that has fallen so deep in a maniacal love, with an independent yet innocent darling. One that he believes must be kept concealed from this harsh, cold world. 
He'll desperately strive to learn every possible little thing about you. He wants to know your favorite color, food, animal, etc. And at first, this may come across as indearing, he takes the time to sit with you, hear your endeavors and triumphs. It's refreshing at first until he becomes too clingy. 
Alibaba slowly starts prying you away from your friends, going quite with a heartbroken look in his eyes when you tell him you have plans for the night. Sometimes the looks he gives you, are too much to bear and you cave canceling whatever you previous engagement you had to rest by his side. 
"(Y/N) you're my whole world, I never want to lose you!"
At some point in your relationship, Alibaba becomes fed up with others constantly possessing your affection. It's around this point that he'll decide that its better for both of you if you where kept locked up somewhere only he would have access to. This will -obviously- not sit well with his darling and yet what choice are they given. The Wonder Man can be quite forceful when it comes to his interpretation of his lover's being. 
"So I'm going to tie you to my heart, so ill never lose you"
Addition Details
Alibaba wouldn't mind taking you outside as long as you have chains around your ankles and wrists. As a simple diversion to those around you, they will pay you no mind if they think you are merely a slave walking around with her master. This will also prevent people from believing anything you say if you were to ever run away and attempt to seek aid. After all who will believe the tales of a desperate slave girl. 
He will also permit you to mingle with Alladin, Morgiana, and Kassim. That is if they keep a respective boundary and don't get too touchy.
When it comes to outfits, Alibaba isn't too picky about what you wear, however other than the shackles you are to wear one of Kassim's red earings at all times. His reasoning for this? Simply that he'll be able to look at one of his loved ones and be reminded of two.
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Aladdin is a bit of an odd yandere, he isn't particularly violent unless pushed, he gives his darling more freedom than other yanderes and he possesses both qualities of possessives and obsessives. He's most likely to fall for a darling based on two things, their kindness and their large appearances (Magi fans will understand what that means) they will also have to possess a knowledge of cooking and house chores. To be frank, Aladdin desperately wants a normal family. One with a warm welcoming wife and sweet children, food on the table and someone to cuddle with at night. That's why with the help of Ugo he decided that it'll be best to kidnap his love and keep her in the Sacred Place. 
"I love you all so much (Y/N)!"
He'll treat his darling with the utmost respect and heed to their every need and want. His punishments are rather childish and normally consist of the silent treatment or simply leaving their darling alone for a couple of days. At the end of the day you just end up accepting your current role as Aladdin's little "wife" really it isn't so bad, soon you'll even start to reciprocate his feelings to the point of almost matching his obsessive tendencies. 
"Don't you love me back?"
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He makes sure that you and Ugo become good friends, he will also attempt to make befriend Alibaba and Morgiana. 
As previously mentioned Aladdin is not very violent but he will not tolerate anyone other than himself touching you. He will also not hesitate to fight anyone who dares disrespect. 
He loves it when you wear slightly revealing tops and asymmetrical skirts, all in shades of blue and white.
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Morgiana is a very considerate yandere that could be best described as a delusional/ obsessive mix. She knows what it's like to be stripped of your freedom and lose all-purpose but to serve your "Master". It's a fate she doesn't wish for anyone body else let alone her one true love. She will never chain you up, never lock you in a room or deprive you of food and water. Everything will appear to be a normal relationship, except if you look underneath the surface it isn't. People around you start to go missing or wind up dead. You mortified fearing that you'll be next, so you start seeking security from Morg who gladly provides you with love and comfort. Non the wiser that she is the one being the homicides. 
"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll protect you"
When the two of you start living together, she starts to become a little more possessive. She'll accompany you where ever you decide to go, insistent that you stay by her side at all times even when in the safety of your shared home. In truth, Morgiana doesn't know why she loves you and needs to protect you to such an extent. Maybe because she's never had anyone to protect her, maybe it's cause she's seen the grim reality of this world and wants to shelter you from it. Whatever it is it doesn't matter, all that matter and will ever matter is her love and admiration for you. The punishments that she does dole out are based on humiliation, most of which are sexual. She may start to rub you in public or pinch the right area between your thighs. She'll have no problem with forcing herself on you in front of a crowd if only to show just who you belong to. 
 Her other methods of keeping you in line consist of making you believe that you'll never be able to live without her and that you need her to do everything for you  
"I'll never leave your side!" 
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She doesn't want to develop a friendship with anyone including her closest friends. Viewing them as potential threats to your safety. 
She will, however, intrust Masrur with looking after you when she gets caught up in something. 
She very dominates in bed and is very specific about the acts that you two commit. Knowing her strength she doesn't want to hurt you yet she does enjoy seeing you squirming under her. 
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Kassim is a possessive yandere, he views his darling as his property, she's an atonement from the universe for all the cruelty he's been through! He quickly becomes infatuated with the notion that someone's sole purpose on this earth is to please him. that's all his love is meant to do. To be there for him, to greet him with a smile and kisses when he returns to his current hideout. She shouldn't think of anything but him, shouldn't want anyone or thing but him. 
His darling likely resembles Anise in someway. Be it their kindness towards the members of the slums and fog troupe or their smile or the purity they radiate off of her in colossal waves.  
It's something and it's addicting, it's what caused him to steal her away one night under the cloak of darkness. To chain her to his worn-out bed, blindfolded and shivering. 
"You're mine (Y/N)..."
He never takes the blame for his actions, always saying it's her fault, she made him do this. It's his only response when he forces himself onto her practice each day, littering her body with sweet tender kisses and rough sharp bites that draw pallets of blood. 
When the poor darling tries to pull back or cower in a corner, he'll burn her with the tip of his cigars. If the unfortunate dear ever attempts to escape the punishment will be much harsher. He'll lock her away in some underground tunnel or broken down-home. Leave her there for days antagonist the filth any disease. It always works, whenever Kassim comes to collect her, she's always putty in his hands. Willing to be the sweet little darling he wants her to be.
"Don't you forget it!"
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Judar is a sadistic and cruel yandere with possessive tendencies. He's the type to see his beloved as his toy and plaything rather than a human being a unique though prosses. In his eyes, her only goal in life is to amuse and serve him.
Judar lacks care for....pretty much everything He's constantly bored and seeking some wicked way to quench his boredom. When he first met his beloved he would only see them as a temporary amusement, something he can get a chuckle out of and then slaughter for kicks. But then he notices something about the girl, she's modest, innocent wrapped in a child-like personality. She's his reciprocal, she's what he might have been (keyword might) if Al-Thamen hadn't abducted him and twisted his soul until he became a stygian monster. 
The pitiable darling will have no warning as to what's to come, one minute they're in the bazaar and the next, their in Judar's chambers, chained to the wall by a cold metal collar. 
"You're supposed to be my pet!"
That's when the real fun begins! Judar's favorite pass time soon becomes tormenting his new toy. He'll beat you to a bloody mess leaving you with broken bones, black eyes, split lips, bloody noses, and too many bruises to count. He'll get off to cutting you, smearing your blood over the both of you. You soon realize just how kinky and uncivil the fallen magi can be. Oh and let's not forget about his ice magic! For punishments he'll freeze the room and have you strip, leaving you in the cold for hours on end. Sometimes he may cuff your wrists and ankles in blocks of ice as he cuts you open with his wand and uses some ice pallets to sterilize the wounds. 
However, do note that Judar does try to make you happy from time to time. Buying you the prettiest dresses, making sure you are well fed and entertained. He always kisses you, of course, they are followed by harsh bites. It's just the only way he knows to show his affection, the cruelty and pain are only out of his sick and twisted love. By keeping you locked up and occupied he'll always be in full possession of your undived attention, at the end that's all he truly wants...well sorta. 
"So act like one before I kill you" 
To Judar this love is Ludus to you it's mania. 
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Judar rarely ever calls you by your name, he usually has some degrading nickname up his sleeve. 
Examples are pet, toy, my bitch, peach, plaything, whore 
He always makes you dress in black and gold clothes that are somewhat too tight and revealing. With this being said he does enjoy the occasional Rococo dress.
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Hakuei Ren
Hakuei doesn't believe that she's a yandere at first. She just knows that she finds you enticing and exquisite, so she'll stare at you, follow you around from time to time. It isn't until she witnesses you laughing and smiling at some other girl, that rage begins to bubble up inside of her. Visions of wrapping her slender fingers around the other parties' neck plague her mind. She thinks she might be feeling ill, maybe it's from all the stress she's been under lately. 
Paimon will likely have to take her aside and explain to her that's she's in love, a dark and twisted one at that! The reason why she's outraged when she sees you with someone else is that she wants you all to herself. These emotions will not cease until she has truly posses you solely to herself.  
"Swear your love and loyalty to me (Y/N)"
It'll likely be Paimon that will kidnap you due to Hakuei's manipulated request. However, now that she has you she's doesn't know what to do. 
For the first few weeks, she keeps you locked up in her room. Finding it amusing to dress you up and style your hair. Decorating your locks with flowers and pears, slipping on golden tiaras and delicate chains. She makes you look so beautiful that she can't help but to show you to the rest of the royal family. Only this time she makes sure that you won't leave her for one of them. She'll tell you tales about how mean and brutish Emporer Kouen is. How sadistic and cruel the two imperial princes are. She'll manipulate your every step and word to benefit her own. 
It works, soon you sincerely believe that the only person you can trust is Hakuei, she's the only one that cares about you, the only one who won't hurt you. 
"Swear it!"
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Hakuei treats you like a doll, you are not to speak unless spoken to, not to move unless told. You do not own yourself only she can ever possess you.
Her punishments are usually whippings or small beatings. She hates punishing you but you have to learn your place even if it's through strict means. 
She enjoys dominating you in bed but while grant any request you have. If you want to try something new she'll be all for it and will make sure that you enjoy it too. 
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Hakuryuu Ren
Hakuryuu is an odd yandere, at first he'd be fascinated with your courage and bravery, how independent and strong-willed you are. That fascination will very soon turn into an obsession. He'll soon find himself following his beloved around, trying to steal glimpses into her room, secretly stealing small trinkets of hers.  
In his eyes, you are perfect, a goddess of war with the most beautiful eyes and shimmering skin. You are his everything he'll gladly lay his life down at your feet. Except you don't seem to notice that, you don't even acknowledge his presence. This lights his heart on fire and now he's desperate for your attention. 
"You love me right (Y/N)?"
To Hakuryuu he has to find some way of "winning" you. It takes him the longest time to figure this out, to fully grasp what he has to do. But once he finally decides what to do no one can stop him. When he finally takes you, hiding you away in his private chambers where you will be safe. In his eyes this is the final step, he won you it's game over. 
He doesn't view keeping you captive as wrong or unlawful it's merely his way of protecting you from the awful creatures outside, those who do not appreciate your true beauty and could never love you as he does. 
Hakuryuu does have very strict rules in place one's you are to follow without question. They're for your good after all! He wants to keep you perfect and brave and his. His punishments are harsh but short, he hates hurting you but he has no other choice, you forced his hand! Normally he is very merciful and may even let little things slid. One thing he will never tolerate however is escaping. If you so much as open the door without his permission, he won't hesitate to lock you up in a cell in the palace dungeons leaving you there until you are begging him to let you out. Promising to be a good darling and do anything he says. 
"Say it! Say you love me!"
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Hakuryuu adores dressing you in the finest robes and walking around the palace with you. He ravishes the looks that others throw your way, seeing the sparks of envy in their eyes always put him in a lighter mood. 
His favorite person to show you to is Hakuei, he wants his older sister to be proud of the darling he caught. it's a lot like a small child showing their newest artwork to their mother.
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Kouen Ren
Kouen is a possessive and controlling yandere, at first, he views his darling as merely a possession, one granted to him because of his role as emperor and also due to his numerous victories on the battlefield. He doesn't always treat his darling as an equal or with much affection and admiration for that matter. Really he simply expects his beloved to sit next to him on her own throne as a glamorous doll of a queen. 
He's rather fixated with the thought of morphing you into the perfect darling, into the most elegant and obedient queen the Kou empire has ever known! His methods for doing so are strict and rather unsavory. He has rules in place for everything, a routine you must abide by throughout the day, he monitors and manipulates every word you say, every step you take. Everything his always under his control! 
"My queen, you weren't supposed to utter those words."
Eventually, you will start to absorb his ideologies, wholly believing that your sole purpose in life is to be Kouen's perfect little queen.
You will do anything to please him, carve the rules and routines into your mind and soul. Only feel truly alive when he kisses you softly sucking ever so slightly at your bottom lip, pulling away to whisper how proud he is of you and how pure you're turning out to be!
"Now I'll have to punish you."
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His rather lax when it comes to sexual activities, he likes to be in charge but doesn't mind if you wish to dominate him and usually encourages it. He does, however, reserve requests for when you deserve a phenomenal prize. 
His rewards vary vastly, from new outfits to new privileges, to someone new to talk to or fresh words you are permitted to speak. 
Kouen's punishment methods are usually different forms of bondage, for example, tying you from the ceiling from your wrists. 
Or spreading your limps apart and to a different corner of the bed. 
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Koumei Ren
Koumei isn't a very crazed yandere or very demanding. He's an obsessive that desperately want's your company. When he first kidnaps you, that all he wants, someone to talk to hidden away in the safety of his room. You'll spend may days and nights simply chained to an overly decorated and engulfing chair listening to the second imperial prince go on and on about his newest war strategy for conquering a new land or favorite book. 
However nothing lasts forever, soon Koumei will expect you to start doing chores such as organizing his books and scrolls, filing his military tactics, cleaning and dusting the room. All the things a good housewife should do. He is obsessed with you, this is a fact but he's also convinced himself that you're already his wife that you already love him and that to an extent you don't really want to leave him. 
"My gorgeous, stunning (Y/N)..." 
Every time you attempt to escape, you end up coming face to face with your captor, a knowing smirk decorating his features and a triumphant glint in his magenta eyes. You're always brought back, yet never punished Koumei just claimes that you're either bored and looking for a source of entertainment or were attempting to gain his attention because you missed him direly. 
Koumei also slowly begins to get more touchy the longer you reside with him. He'll embrace you more often, with his hands running along your back, nails scratching lightly at your tender flesh. He constantly has you sit on his lap or hold entwine your fingers with his. It doesn't matter how it is, he simply has to feel you in some manner or another. 
After some time you slowly begin to adapt to his hermit-like ways. Becoming to scared of the outside world yourself. A form of apathy grows within you, it becomes to much trouble to escape too much effort to beg the servents and staff for help. Life is much easier and simpler to just remain in Koumei's room. Being his little housewife is just a life that seems to suit you more than whatever you did with your existence before your lover captured you. 
"Kiss me"
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Koumei is rather shy during sex, your first few times. He slowly begins to adapt more to your body as time progresses. He quickly learns that he really really enjoys blow jobs. He loves how you feel around him, it's pure ecstasy to him. 
He does want his darling to feel comfortable around his brothers and sister along with their respective darlings. His family means a lot to him and thus he wants his darling to feel included in it. So he humors Kouha and Hakuryuu's little darling competitions even making you and himself the judges. 
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Kouha Ren 
Kouha is a bit of a complex yandere, his tendencies border on possessive and sadistic, yet at times he is sickly sweet. Kouha will kidnap you, will force you to become his doll, his toy and his lover. 
He keeps you chained in a personal room he had customized solely for beloved. The room itself is luxurious, with an enormous closet filled to the dream with a multitude of clothes. Shimmering ball dresses, silky hanfus, delicate dresses both short and long imported from all over the Kou empire, even graceful linger that shows off more skin then it should. And that's just a minuscule portion of your wardrobe. You're given every piece of jewelry imaginable, every style of shoes and accessories. There isn't a thing that Kouha wouldn't give you! 
"My sweet doll..."
However, there is a price to pay for all these lavish gifts. Kouha expects you to be at his beck and call, to pleasure him in any manner he so desires. This can lead to certain unsavory events... Kouha is very rough and commanding in bed, the things he wishes to do to you are very painful and extremely taboo. He will mark you and cut you, tearing at you delicate flesh, decorating it with kisses, bruises and little cuts in shapes of hearts. 
Kouha's favorite thing is to dress you up all elegant and porcelain-like and than to just cuddle you. Nuzzel your neck and breath in you sweet sent, tangle is slim fingers in your silky locks, watch as the light illuminates your dazzling eyes. He'll give you the softest kisses on your sweet spots practically worshipping your body. 
"Behave or I'll have to punish you!"
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Kouha does enjoy flaunting you around, making everyone so envious of his adorable and well-behaved darling.
If you've been extra good than Kouha will let you mingle with Kouen, koumei, and Hakuryuu's darlings. Oh, but of course you have to be dressed to outshine them all. 
Actually, Hakuryuu and Kouha constantly compete to see who's darling is better! Not simply by outward appearance and outfits but also in manners and how much love they give their yandere.
Kouha's punishments are the most damaging and painful to endure. they vary from classic torture methods (such as burning her with boiling water, adding salt to fresh cuts, dislocating and/ or breaking bones) to sexual humiliation. Forcing you to set on his lap during a meeting is an extremely skimpy dress with his fingers plunging into your womanhood. Or taking you in front of his servants and whoever else would enter the room. 
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Kougyoku Ren
Kougyoku is a manipulative and jealous yandere, she knows that she doesn't own you but she wants all of your actions, wants to be the only person you care about. She doesn't mind what tactics she must use to get you undevoted attention wheater it is clinging to your arm or kissing you in front of the royal court, it doesn't matter!
"You’re so cute (Y/N)!"
She won't outright kidnap you but she (Along with Kouha, Kouen, and Koubun Ka) has made it very clear who you belong to and that you have no say in the matter. She'll constantly request your presence in her room and will get pushy and invasive if you deny her request. 
She can be slightly cruel and sadistic in her punishments. Enjoying how to scream and cower in pain. Sure she feels ever so slightly bad that she is casing to suffer but how else will you learn not to disobey her?
" Cute And mine!"
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You always have to be pressed perfectly, in the finest and cleanest clothes. Only pure gold jewels decorating your flesh. Not a single hair out of place. Kougyoku insists on doing this herself each and every day!
She has a pretty high sex drive but finds that she's a big fan of watching as you play with yourself, she might join in or just start playing with herself as she listens to your sweet moans. 
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moonfox281 · 4 years
Can you do number 6 from the prompt
6- : “Are those suppressant pills!?”
“Are those suppressant pills?”
Dick shoved everything into the toilet and flushed them down. “No!” He kicked the garbage bin shut. “Those were out of date Advil.”
“Bullshit, those pallets got dates on it. Those were suppressant pills.”
“No, you’re being ridiculous. Why would I have suppressant pills?”
Dick was doomed. D.O.O.M.E.D.
Who taught Jason to open someone’s door without asking. That was so rude, Alfred would be disappointed. 
But that should be the last thing for Dick to concern right now, because Jason was pushing him until his back hit the sink and Dick had to crane his neck to keep eye contact.
“You’re an Omega, right? Can’t fool me now. I can smell it from you. So that’s how you’ve always hidden it under everyone’s noses. Fucking medicine.”
Was inviting Jason, a 6 feet something 200 something pounds ideal of an insanely attractive and strong Alpha, over to the Titans tower on the exact day of his heat cycle a bad idea? Terribly, terribly yes. Let just say Dick had run quite a long night and hadn’t got much sleep lately to keep up with even his own biology schedule. 
And okay, maybe he and Jason got the whole supposed-to-be-brothers thing all immensely fucked up, but that didn’t mean there was anything going to happen between them, right? Right?
Jason wasn’t an animal. He wasn’t going to push Dick over and demand to claim him like the old school Alpha supremacy just because of his reproductive capability.
“Fuck, you smell good... Goddamn, I’m hard.”
Okay, maybe Dick overestimated this idiot a little too much.
So he grabbed the jar he had on the sink for the toothbrushes, and slammed it on Jason’s head until he rolled down the floor in a ball. 
“My head....What the fuck was that for?! Arghh!!!”
Dick kicked his stomach extra hard just to make sure he stayed on the floor until Dick was done getting a new suppressant shot from the drawer, and pumped it in through his arm.
When Jason stopped groaning and cursing (thank God), Dick went over and squatted down by his place. 
“Do I still smell good?”
Jason hid his face down the tiles, not looking at Dick. Very mature of him.
“No.” He whispered back.
“That’s good.”
“Who else knows about this?”
“Just Wally.” Well, basically, Wally found out by accident too, just like Jason.
“West is also an Alpha.”
“And my friend. I trust him, with my life.”
 “You trust him and you hit me? Where’s the justice in that!”
“You told me you were hard.” And just to make sure, Dick glanced down his crotch. Yep, nothing was standing up now. If Jason’s dick could still be interested at this time after all the stuns Dick pulled, he seriously needed to consider a brain check.
“So?” Jason suddenly snapped back. “You think it’s your pheromone that got me like that? I’m not an animal. I’ve got it hot for you since...well, since we first met! And I even thought you were an Alpha this whole time!”
“You thought I was an Alpha?”
“What else?! And you thought the fact that you can bear children can magically make me wanna bond you in a split second? What am I, a breeding horse?”
“Hey I didn’t mea-”
“And you trust West and think of me like that? West? Me? Okay, I get it. I didn’t kick it off as good as that smiley goodie redhead. And okay, I have an attitude, I’m like that to everyone. But I’ve never disrespected you or thought less of you, I would never...”
“Okay, that’s enough. I get it.” Dick handed his hand out and pulled Jason up. “I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” Okay, that was quick. Dick was starting to think Jason was doing this to get his attention.
“You’re really an Omega, huh.”
“You know, if you said it sooner, I’d only end up respecting you more.”
Dick was an idiot, wasn’t he? How could he think this sweet boy, the one used to buy him hotdogs, the one after landing his ass in Blackgate for fighting with Bruce still pulled chairs out for Dick to sit, could be something like that.
How could he ever think this little of him, knowing he had been good at heart this whole time.
“By the way, if you and West aren’t anything...”
“We aren’t.”
“Then can I give it a shot? You and me? You know I’ll treat you like a royal.”
Okay, Dick took everything back. That smile on his face? It was straight-up sinister.
But hey, maybe it wouldn’t hurt a bit. Because Dick thought the way the Alpha was trailing behind his back, saying all sorts of things to get his attention, was kind of... cute.
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vikingsarememes · 5 years
His True Wife
                                               ↭    part one   ↭                                next part
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Main Characters: Ivar the boneless, Reader.
Characters Mentioned: Freydis, Hvitserk 
Summary: you are Ivar’s second wife, the only problem is that no one knows about the two of you. 
Word Count:  1556
A/N: I’m trying something new which is to write an actual full-length story with chapters and all, this is basically the pilot, let me know if you want me to continue the story!
warnings: none
You and Ivar were married in secret, shortly after he got married to Freydis, he found out about her treason, he also found out he had feelings for someone else, you, you were a friend of the Ragnarssons, a farmer, but not a shieldmaiden, they always teased you about it but you never cared, combat wasn’t what you were passionate about.
The two of you had the perfect relationship, behind all the anger Ivar showed, he was nothing but a sweet, scared, insecure man, who wanted to be loved, be held, be told that he’ll be alright, he wanted to feel wanted, he wanted to feel human, you gave him those feelings, while Freydis, she made him mad, she manipulated him the way she wanted, even a man like Ivar the boneless can be manipulated by a little smile, a few kisses here and there and sweet talks, you hated the woman, she never cared about him, not the way you did at least.
But Ivar swore that you are the one who has his heart, and when the time’s right, he’d make you his queen, you saw him, the real him, while Freydis used him, used his weaknesses to rule, it wasn’t fair, not for him, not for you.
Your husband sneaked into your hut, far away from the center, far away from the noises and knocked on the door, two times, that’s your code, you opened the door and greeted him with a hug and a kiss “my love! You’re back!” you exclaimed, closing the door after he limped inside, the chair was near the fire for him, a glass of mead on the table next to it, but on the left, near the fire to keep it warm, that’s how he liked it, you knew because you cared Freydis would never notice those small details about him.
“I’m finally home” he whispered at you and kissed you back, once again “come, sit with me, I missed you wife” he spoke as he made his way to the chair, sitting down, taking off his leg braces, with you he didn’t need them, he didn’t struggle to prove himself, he was safe and he knew it, that’s why he’d drop the crutches and the braces, that’s why he’d tell you if he’s hurt or sad, that’s why he’d open up to you, and only you.
You sat on his lap and cuddled his chest, he stroked your hair, so gentle, taking his time to treasure every moment “how’s your week been love?” you asked, he sighed and took a deep breath “you are married to a god now, I’m worshipped don’t you know?” he said, laughing at how ridiculous that sounded “I’ve heard stories about Ragnar being descendant of Odin” you shrugged, he shook his head no “Ragnar was nothing but a man, misfortuned man, who couldn’t love” 
“If you think so then why did you agree on being a god?” you looked at him, carefully studying his face, wanting to know whether you stepped out of your lines or not “because she told me I was special” he said, biting his bottom lip, he knew how you hated hearing about her, but he didn’t want to hide anything from you, “I tell you that all the time” you protested, pulling away from him a little bit “it’s different when you say it, you touch my heart makes me know that no matter where I go, I’m special to you and that all that matters, but when she does, she drives my soul mad, she makes me want to prove myself, I hate it” 
“No you don’t Ivar the boneless, don’t mock me for stupid” you demanded, upset “Y/N, please! I think you are a blessing of Freya! Don’t question how I feel about you!” He pleaded desperately “I don’t wish to hear about her” you huffed and he nodded, taking your hands into his, kissing them several times until you crack up a smile “I would do anything for you, and you know that, you are my wife and the love of my life, everyone else is here for a purpose, while you’re here because I love you” he whispered to you, and you sighed “alright, you’re forgiven” he picked the glass and sipped some mead, his free arm wrapped around your slender body, closing the distance between the two of you if it wasn’t for the fabrics.
“What about you? How’s your week?” He asked you rested your head on his chest “my goat, Thrys gave birth to three healthy babies, I named them Fry, Freder and Freyon after the gods, so they bless us with milk and meat! Hvitserk visited as well, he seemed troubled, look after him for me would you?” You looked at him when you said the last sentence, clearly, he wasn’t happy about it “he visits you a lot my brother, don’t you agree?” He said annoyedly “Ivar he’s my friend, he rescued me” you defended.
“Is he now? I wonder if he’s as friendly with you as I was? Or perhaps you enjoy his company for the things he does to you when I’m not around?” You looked at him with disbelief, you stood from his lap and looked at him “I cannot believe you! A week! I heard nothing from you for a week! And that’s how you treat me? With false accusations and disrespect? I’m going to bed. Husband” you growled and walked to your bed, closing the curtain that separated your sleeping area from the living room, you laid under the fur, angry, but mostly hurt of how the love of your life thinks of you.
You could hear Ivar grunting from his place, it didn’t take him long until he crawled to bed next to you, hugging you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder “you are right, I’m a poor excuse of a husband, and I didn’t mean to upset you, I can be a little skeptical about my brother’s intentions, being away from you makes me feel jealous, I don’t like sharing” he mumbled, you turned to look at him “I don’t like sharing too, but I’m doing it for you, that’s how much I love you, yet, you accuse me of having an affair with Hvitserk” you pouted.
“Y/N, please, I said my apologies, I’m only here for a short while and I need my wife, everyone else is angry at me, or trying to hurt me, please, take me to our world where nothing matters” you sighed and turned your body so now you’re facing him “come” you opened your arms and Ivar didn’t need to be told twice, he got under the covers and between your arms, you placed a kiss on his forehead “I wish things  were different, I wish our lives were different and we belonged to each other” you whispered, he looked at you “we belong to each other” he corrected “perhaps it’s better like this, I feel something bad will happen, and perhaps because no one knows about us, you will survive it” 
His words made you frown, you rarely went to the town, not unless you have goods to sell and other to buy, your farm was filled with everything you need, and the Ragnarssons gave you few slaves to help you with the work, it only made you question how bad it is in Kattegat, and how much Ivar was hiding from you “you will too, right?” you asked, he shrugged “it doesn’t matter love” you sighed and buried your face in his chest as he stroked your hair “they hate me, they think I’m mad, I built walls to defend the city, I did everything to defend us, protect us, yet, they think I’m trying to isolate them, but if I can’t get their love, fear shall do it” he spoke, you knew this can’t be good.
“Ivar… what did you do to Thora?” you asked, remembering what Hvitserk said earlier, about him worrying for her safety “nothing, not as long as Hvitserk leaves Kattegat” he told you you frowned “leave? Ivar why are you sending him away?”, “Are you sad of his depart?” he looked at you, you were unable to believe that the two of you were back to the same point “of course I’m Ivar! We already talked about it!” you huffed, “he wants to kill me” your husband sighed.
“Not everyone wants to kill you Ivar” you protested “true, but Hvitserk does, and I want to be safe, I want to make sure that we are safe, I don’t wish him any harm, I just want him gone” he explained, you knew Ivar had already made up his mind “I don’t wish to speak about it any further if you please” he whispered as he held your body closer to him, you nodded, the two of you cuddled until you fell asleep.
When you woke up in the morning, Ivar was already gone, you hated it, you hated how he had to sneak in like a thief of the night and leave before everyone wakes up, you hated how he can’t spend more time with you, but the heart wants what it wants, and your heart wants Ivar the boneless, the son of Ragnar.
Tags: (let me know if you want to be tagged for this story) @i-am-a-teenage-dirtbaggg
Gif source: stolen from google images.
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“Lift your head back for me” JC said, I needed my own barber for a while now, I am glad to have him back until I have to leave, lifting my head back “look at the boy Breezy, he here getting ready for his romantic time with Rihanna herself” Shem said which made me laugh, he know damn well I am going to go all out for this, I need to look good and smell good “only the best bro” I said “don’t blame you, I would be doing cart wheels for her. It’s good looking out, she is going to love it” Shem is right she will “I want to thank y’all though, I mean y’all helped” both brothers was here picking ideas out for me, they didn’t need too but they did “happy wife, happy life. I would live by those rules if and when I ever get married” Shem is right, also Robyn has been doing so much for me, for my son, for everyone and she deserves some time alone, time for us “how is London living?” JC asked me “it’s different bro, it’s nothing like it is here. The home we have is amazing, like some double oh seven type shit, my cars are in a underground car park, the home as a games room but it’s underground too so like from the window I can see the pool and shit, it’s amazing. The white folk be calling me Christopher, I go for dog walks in the morning. I can be me, no bodyguard at all JC, nobody chases me around or judges me. The thing is, it’s peaceful. Being here as made me realise how much I miss London, how much I really see London as home, I am at peace. I come here and I got niggas disrespecting my wife, disrespecting my life, police searching my home. It’s just not good vibes here, so yeah. I prefer London, London treats me good, I am happy” I sound like I am preaching but I am not lying, shit is so much better there, I am happier “you have really settled down, not going to lie. I am happy for you, you and Rihanna are made for each other” JC is a good dude, he ain’t ever give me shit but I have decided, London is home now.
Aeko ain’t staying with me like Robyn wanted, he is staying with Robyn so I just stayed here with the boys, I am happy. Stephan and Shem, I trust them the most. I am leaving them to stay at my home, they can relax there while I have my time with Robyn for valentines, it’s going to be good times. It’s funny because I can openly speak on Robyn, I can speak on my wife and they speak on her too with so much respect, they gave me this idea to buy her this. I wanted to get her something special and I know this woman meant the world to her, I know Robyn is going to appreciate this the most. Opening the box smiling, Stephan mentioned it and he is right this would be the gift she will love. I got Robyn this chain, it has a picture of gran gran dolly on it, smiling down at it. She was my biggest fan, she really liked me. Even in twenty twelve, she told Robyn to go with her heart and she did, she came to me, but I fucked that up. She was a good woman, and then I also painted a picture, and I must admit. It’s the proudest thing I have done, this all thank to those niggas at my home. They gave me it, but I worked on it. I got a picture of Robyn and gran gran dolly and I painted that with Fenty in it. It is crazy dope how I have done it; I didn’t think I could do such a thing, but I did. I love art and this my greatest gift to give her.
Mel opened the door for me “where is my wife?” I asked her “she is upstairs packing her things; she is so excited. Look at you, less of the homeless look and more of the I am worth a million dollars” I chuckled at Mel “well I come with gifts and flowers, I will go upstairs” I said, I want to give her the gifts first because I don’t want to take the painting to Mexico with me. Walking up the steps trying to juggle the painting, the box, the roses. It’s a lot of shit to be holding and going up these steps now, I must admit I look and smell so good. I am so ready for sex and some alone time with my wife. We really deserve this; I think it’s time for us to be alone anyways “gummy bear” walking into the bedroom, I mean I don’t expect much from Robyn she is still in her robe getting ready “I am literally just doing my makeup” she turned to me “and pumping?” I said laughing “you know me, but I am just making sure things are in order, you know. I want to pump enough, or my boobs will hurt” I chuckled placing the covered painting down “Happy Valentine’s Day baby” walking over to her “awww Chris, this is cute. I don’t feel sexy right now, you should have totally warned me Chris” she cringed “don’t, you look beautiful” kissing her cheek lightly, I don’t want to mess her makeup up now “I love roses, you know this” nodding my head smiling as she took them “I feel embarrassed now, oh god. You should have told me” I chuckled “don’t be Robyn, honestly. You look beautiful” Robyn breathed out “let me just take it off, hold that thought” she pointed at me, nodding my head smiling, she is so sweet.
Robyn removed the pumps before coming back out of the bathroom “that is better, like you should have warned me Chris. But thank you for the roses baby” she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging Robyn close “I love you” pressing a kiss at the side of her neck “I love you too” moving back a little “I have a gift for you, I want you to face the mirror though” placing my hands at the side of Robyn’ hips and navigating her to the mirror “oh a gift, for me? I am excited” I chuckled “I hope you love it” turning Robyn around facing the mirror “you look so beautiful Robyn, like I do not deserve you at all. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, words can’t amount to what I feel when I see you, with or without makeup on, you are just beautiful and I don’t really deserve it because I have fucked up so much and don’t some shit in life, but you are my whole heart” Robyn cooed out “you’re going to get me so emotional, stop it. I don’t deserve you” shaking my head laughing “I don’t deserve you” pressing a kiss to the back of Robyn’ head “if you can hold your wig up for me and close your eyes” Robyn gasped “I am joking” I chuckled “just hold your hair up and close your eyes, please do not cheat and open them, ok?” staring at Robyn in the mirror, she smiled at me lightly “I promise” she said in a whisper, Robyn gathered her hair up and held it “and I will close my eyes” she said with a smile, she closed her eyes with the most playful smile on her face, I love her so much. Opening the box and pulling the chain out “is it something cute?” Robyn asked, looking up to check she isn’t looking “it’s something you will love” she isn’t looking “I can’t wait to devour you” I really can’t, like it’s been so long “be kind though” I couldn’t help, pressing a kiss to the back of Robyn’ neck as I bought the chain forward “not long now, just a moment” latching on the chain, fixing it around her neck “let your hair go” I said to her, she moved her hand with her eyes still closed “I hope you like it” stepping to the side to see her reaction first hand.
I smiled wide seeing the diamond picture pendant chain around her elegant neck, she deserves it “open your eyes princess” I can’t wait to see her reaction, Robyn slowly opened her eyes. Open gasped “no” she said “oh my god, gran gran” Robyn just sobbed out “Oh my god” I cooed out as Robyn cried out, wrapping my arms around Robyn “my gran gran, oh god” Robyn cried out, I feel bad for making her cry now but I know how much this would mean to her. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head moving back “I love it Chris, oh my god” she looked down at the pendant “look at her smile, she will be around my neck forever. She will be looking down on me, on us. Thank you. You gave me a daughter and now this, thank you so much” while she is emotional let me just show her this “so” walking around “I was working hard on this, like gran gran really has a special part of my heart. I know if she was here she would have slapped my head and say you’re stupid for taking so long but I love her, she was a beautiful lady. You remind me of her and it does play on my mind she isn’t here for this moment for us” moving the sheet back from the painting “I got my best oil paints and made this” Robyn gasped “Chris, oh my god. You didn’t!?” Robyn stared in shock, no other words left her lips but shock “I miss her so much, god. You got me here being a mess” tears left her eyes as she reached out touching the painting “why did she have to go, oh god” wiping Robyn’ tears with the back of my hand.
I ruined Robyn’ makeup so much, she was done with me and made me come down “I miss you so much gummy drop” pressing a kiss to Fenty’ cheek “you getting all this love that I don’t get the chance anymore, you got your momma hair. You really do, you’re literally Robyn’ twin, you’re gonna love this when you’re older. Hey, you got this blonde brown hair like Aeko, I love you” Fenty smiled a little at me “aww, I know. When we go back to London we will spend so much time together” looking away from Fenty and at Robyn “I am done with my face, I can’t even do my makeup anymore, I am going with the lip gloss and base and we going” I chuckled at Robyn, she looks good wither way “it’s ok, you look nice in that silk black dress” it’s minimal but she looks well, I can tell that Robyn has lost weight too “thank you, just put on some big gold hoops and lip gloss and we on our way. I posted your gifts on Instagram, you can’t see it so I thought I would tell you. I posted it and put nobody will amount to the love and attentiveness my husband shows me, the best valentine’s day gift ever. Thank you Chris honestly, like at times I feel like I get at you, I feel like at times I push at you to do things, I feel I am overbearing when can be too much for you. But you don’t ever talk down to me, you listen to me all the time. The moment you helped me give birth to Fenty, I knew I made the best decision in my life. We have our faults and I accept that, you accept me for what I am and I accept this” smiling at Robyn lightly “nothing I do amounts to what you have done for me, thank you” she has done the utmost for me.
Hugging Aeko “you going to be a good boy?” I said to him “I be good, Bobyn say that she be back. I stay with Gran” oh wow “who?” I said, I am shocked like what gran is he speaking on “there” he pointed at Monica “oh ok, since when?” I said to Robyn “since I want him to be part of the family, he is comfortable” nodding my head “thank you” I thanked Monica “it’s ok, he is a pleasure to take care of. We got Majesty here too, he promised to not cry that Bobyn and daddy is going either, remember?” Aeko nodded his head, he is going to be a big boy “also” Monica said as I turned to her “I heard that his mother has been cruel to him, I don’t play that at all” I sighed out “yeah, it’s wack. But thank you, we will be back by tomorrow afternoon. Won’t leave you with the kids for that long” I laughed, Robyn is ready “I got to put up with you two for Valentine’s day” Rich said, I feel for him but he has to come “it will be fun” I lied “just don’t be in the next room to us, I kid. I got you in a room that is like further along. Well in another hotel, cause you ain’t want to be near” rubbing my hands together “whew, don’t get pregnant again. Y’all nasty, protection is key” pulling a face “uhh, I don’t do that now” Robyn knows that herself “just think your own sex life” Robyn pointed at Jah, he all in our business with what.
I am so excited for this; this has been a long time coming “I didn’t think we was going anywhere? Maybe a hotel but you text me saying Mexico I was like huh? Let me get out of bed and prepare, look at you surprising me” Robyn grinned at me “mhmm you need it, also I peeped that Savage x Fenty duffle. You got them goods in there” I winked at her “no” she is trying to say no but she can’t even say that with a straight face “don’t lie to me, I peeped that bag. You got that good lingerie in there, mhmm?” Robyn giggled “I am going to need you to shut up” she is being all shy now “tell me” reaching, holding Robyn’ hand “let me surprise you then, I got a little something in there. If you look in there, then it’s off” I groaned out “fine, either way you going to be extra sexy. I can’t wait miss mommas; it’s going to be a different feeling. I ain’t had sex in so long, this is how faithful I am to you” she got to be praising me for that “you have been, I am super proud of you. Funny thing that I see your eyes light up when I am like walking in some bras or even naked and I am like my poor baby, he is suffering but I miss it. I want you to be extra nice to me, make love to me” nodding my head “of course” I am going to savour this moment with Robyn.
I do hate having to walk in the airport, random check having asses. Like who the hell knew we was coming but the paparazzi are here, maybe it set up “did you set this up?” I asked Robyn “no I didn’t, well we are having to go through checks so I am guessing someone has mentioned that we are coming” Robyn is right, but that totally annoying I will walk around the car to you” I said to Robyn as I got out of the car, Rich is buying getting the things out of the car, we haven’t got that many things to be honest “welcome back to America Chris! Are you staying here now?” one of them shouted, walking around the car. Opening the door for Robyn, holding my hand out for her “are you both staying here!? Congratulation on the marriage, how does it feel to be married now” closing the car door “I can take that” grabbing my duffle bag from Rich “that is the Savage one!” Rich shouted; it was too late. I am not holding Robyn’ Savage X Fenty duffle bag, which the name is plastered all on it “are you both going away without the kids” holding Robyn’ hand “you look nice holding my lingerie” Robyn said, it made me laugh because only I would pick that “special goods” I chuckled, the paparazzi are falling over each other, not had this in a while “Valentine getaway Rihanna?” one of the guys asked “maybe” Robyn responded “I missed you boo, how are you?” I guess she knows him “good, it was nice seeing you after all this time and in LA? You from New York” oh Robyn knows him then “things change, nice seeing your face beautiful, you are glowing” Robyn giggled “even more so tonight” Robyn made me laugh with that.
I don’t even drink win but here we are on the jet “I am so excited; it’s been a while. Fill my glass to the top please” she said to the flight attendant “there is a lot to celebrate” the lady filled Robyn’ glass to the rim “it’s ok boo, leave the bottle here too” she winked “I don’t even like this shit” I pulled a face “be quiet so raise your glass” grabbing the glass and raising it up “this is to us, being childfree, stress free. I mean most importantly to you, you have been so good with me, too good even if I don’t say it, you have been the best husband with me and I can’t thank you enough” she is cute “this is to you, the best wife” I chuckled “take a picture for me” Robyn said to the lady “link arms with me” she is about to spill the overflowing thing, Robyn is going to be a mess, I have a feeling “I am not about to scrape you from the floor, this one glass from you” Robyn rolled her eyes as she linked her arm with mine “ready” she said as I drank from the glass, Robyn snorted laughing spitting out the wine “wow!” I spat “sorry, I was laughing” Robyn said laughing still, she is so giddy right now.
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