#him asking if noct was worried and then saying that's what he was telling himself so he could live and have noct tell him he wasn't a fake
halchron · 1 year
I am so upset rn
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zzprompto · 6 months
hiiii I love your stuff and wanted to make a request. is it possible to get an accidental confession from the reader where we're either talking to ignis or whoever you choose about how we have feelings for either prompto or noctis and they over hear us talking about them? you can choose whoever or both. have a good day/night<3
thanks for requesting!
☆ not so secret
noctis lucis caelum x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
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[name] paced around, waiting for ignis to finish talking to gladio so he could get some advice of his own. his brain was rattling around in his head, different thoughts squirming around as he stood there, consumed by his own thoughts. he need to talk to ignis, and quick.
after what felt like centuries, ignis was finally done talking to gladio. [name] took this opportunity and he quickly rushed over to the cook, not wanting anyone else to steal his chance.
"ignis. we need to talk about something. something.. serious. i don't know who else to tell, i feel like you'd be the best guy out of all of us to talk to." [name] rambled, voice rushing to finish it's sentence - just how the thoughts were rushing around [name]'s mind.
ignis nodded in response to his friend's rambling, seemingly quite concerened now for his friend. what could of happened? surely it wasn't something bad, right? because [name] surely looked distressed.
"yes, of course. you can come to me for anything, [name]." ignis said, giving [name] a small smile. he hoped it would somehow reassure him, or calm his nerves about this hidden situation to an extent. "now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" ignis asked.
[name] took a deep breath, trying to calm down his racing mind. it seemed to work, or well at least for the time being. he could talk to ignis and not worry about his looming anxiety about the topic.
[name] cleared his throat, eyes focusing on the ground briefly before he looked up. he leaned in a little closer to ignis and he finally spoke. "i like noctis, romantically i mean. i just.. i just don't know if he feels the same. he has luna, a perfect, fairy tale ending to his story." [name] speaks, eyes trailing down to the floor once again. "no prince or king runs off with another prince, he always ends up with a princess - marrying her so she'd be his queen." [name] mumbles, clearly disappointed by the situation he has been put in because of his feelings.
ignis' eyes widen for a brief second as he takes in the initial shock after learning the news. his eyes then soften and he looks at [name] sympathetically, trying to make sure his friend doesn't worry about this 'boy drama' he has gotten himself into.
"i would've never thought you liked noct, but thinking back on it now it definitely makes sense." ignis chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he thinks of all the moments that had been shared between noctis and [name] over the years. it was clear that their bond was that beyond friendship - but to what extent? nobody knows yet.
throughout the years that all the men knew eachother, it was obvious that [name] and noctis were the closest. they'd always end up hanging out more, having more to say to eachother, or even having more secrets between eachother. it was clear that the two men cared for one another a fair deal.
yet, there was always a hint of something more.
there had always been a little glint in [name]'s eye whenever noctis was mentioned, or vice versa. there was always a smile, or a special applaud that the pair had for one another that they didn't have for anyone else. it was always clear that the relationship between the two was more than platonic.
even some of their friends caught up with all the signs. prompto was really the first one to notice, he even started to tease noctis about it. he'd often say how great of a couple the prince and [name] would be, and as of late he had been saying that noctis should marry [name] and not luna. noctis always brushed it off, however. he tried to act nonchalant, but there was always a blush on his cheeks whenever he heard the mention of his friends name.
whilst the conversation between ignis and [name] was occuring, noctis couldn't help but try and listen in. of course, his intentions were merely innocent. he had heard his name escape his friend's lips, and wanted to see if something was wrong. what he did not expect however, was for [name] to be confessing his feelings for him to ignis. noctis was perplexed.
the ravenette stood there in shock for a few seconds. he tried to process everything he had just heard, trying to see if he was just making things up. but no. he wasn't. [name] truly liked noctis romantically, and noctis felt his heart swelling as he heard the words fall out of [name]'s lips.
after gaining the courage, noctis decided to approach his friends. he stood besides [name] and smiled at the other man softly. it was the special smile he had only reserved for [name], none of his other friends. yet, this time the smile looked a bit different. it was as if the smiled was filled with an aspect of love and hope.
"i overheard what you said, [name]." noctis whispered as he stood besides his friend. ignis decided to take this as his queue to leave. he didn't even have to play the matchmaker, his friends were going to do that all themselves without his help.
[name] looked at noctis and he felt a little hot. perhaps it was from embarrassment, or perhaps it was even from the anticipation, the ever so painful longing of loving a friend.
"you did? oh fuck me.." [name] chuckled, shaking his head slightly as a nervous smile filled his features. noctis wanted to reply with something crude, but he decided to hold of for the time being. he'd say such things when they'd actually get together.
"i believe this prince doesn't need a princess.. another prince will do just fine for him." noctis replied, a smile on his lips to conquer the one [name] had. "that is.. if you're willing to have this prince?" the ravenette continued, holding out his hand for [name].
[name] nodded and he took noct's hand, taking a step forward to hug his friend. well, they weren't actually friends anymore. they were more than that now. they were practically soulmates, in all platonic and romantic senses.
"yes.. i am willing to have you and your offer of us being princes together." [name] hummed, feeling content as he held the prince in his arms. he just felt so relieved he didn't have to hide a part of him anymore. it was all out in the open.
noctis gracefully accepted the hug, his own arms going around [name]'s body. he wasn't sure what label to put on his relationship with [name] at the moment, but he was sure to find out. it was sure to be something that fit too, something that represented the two of them greatly.
"thank you." noctis whispered, pressing a small kiss to [name]'s cheek. the prince then earned a flurry of kisses to his face after that.
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- author's note: hope you guys enjoy <3 decided to do noctis because i haven't written for him yet + there's barely any noctis content anyway
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gingerel · 2 years
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The hotel room door snaps shut as Ignis and Gladio leave. Prompto turns his face into the pillow and groans.
He’s not in any pain — not anymore. The three potions he went through today saw to that just fine.
Three. Three. In one day. Prompto is supposed to be getting better at this, not stagnating, not backsliding. Ignis told him it didn’t matter, Gladio needed healing today too, it’s nothing to worry about — but he knows that isn’t true.
They warned him it would be tough. Cor outright told him they wouldn’t normally send someone so green out into the field for this long.
Prompto wanted to help, but all he’s really doing is hindering.
Prompto’s just a normal guy. He never intended to be anything other than that, never really thought he would have to be, beyond figuring out who he wanted to be before becoming friends with Noctis.
When the door opens back up Prompto doesn’t move. It can only be Noctis, Ignis and Gladio were stepping out to top up their supplies and there’s no way they can be done yet. The bed shifts, dipping as Noct sits on the edge and Prompto slides a little towards him.
 “I didn’t have as much change as I thought,” Noctis murmurs, like they’re in the middle of a conversation. “I could only get one.” There’s a tell-tale crack, followed by a fizzle that indicates a soda can opening. Noct’s first sip is noisy — the can clinks as Noct sets it down on the little table between the two beds.
The soda is cold, Prompto can tell from the chill of Noct’s fingers as they slide against his back, right under his shirt and against bare skin — because of course he does.
“You’re warm,” Noctis says, humming appreciatively. Prompto doesn’t respond. After a full minute of silence, Noctis sighs. “Okay, what are you sulking about?”
“I’m not sulking,” Prompto defends himself, though it’s a lie.
“Prom,” Noctis urges, pushing at his side to get him to roll over. At first, Prompto simply ignore him, but he keeps doing it, prodding, and poking and tickling until he becomes so annoying it’s easier to roll over and face this than lie there and take it. He glares up at Noct though, just so he knows he’s an annoying brat.
“What happened?” Noctis asks. Prompto’s glare deepens.
“You know what happened?”
Noctis blinks, frowning himself as his eyes flit over Prompto’s face like he’s searching for visible clues.
“I — messed up?” Noctis offers.
Prompto sits up, rockets forward so suddenly he almost bumps their heads together.
“I messed up,” Prompto corrects. “Today, when we were fighting.”
“When?” Noctis blurts.
“Constantly,” Prompto mutters. “Every time — Gladio and Ignis have had to go out to buy back all the potions I used.”
“We all needed stuff today,” Noctis says. “We bit off more than we could chew — it happens. I’m just sorry you got hurt.” His palms chafe up and down Prompto’s bare arms, his expression sufficiently despondent it kind of takes the wind out of Prompto’s sails.
 “I’m not ready to be here,” Prompto whispers. He means to say more but Noct snorts, leaning away enough to retrieve his soda.
“None of us are read to be here,” Noct says bitterly. He takes a hearty gulp before pressing the can into Prompto’s grip. He doesn’t take a drink himself, just stares down at the generic can and flicks the tab with his thumb.
Noctis drags the backs of his fingers over Prompto’s cheekbone, lets him look away without forcing his attention, lets him be quiet if he needs it.
“I thought we cleared this up just after we set out?” Noctis says. Prompto glances up a little nervously, only staying calm because Noct’s still gently petting him. “You’re doing great, you deserve to be here.”
Prompto sniff. “Maybe.”
“No maybe,” Noctis says. “Definitely.”
“But —”
“Prince’s decree.”
Neither of them points out he’s technically the King now. They should work on fixing one bad mood at a time.
“You really abuse that power,” Prompto mumbles. He finally lifts up the can, presses the cool metal to his bottom lip and lets the drink flood his mouth. The expected cherry flavour never comes, instead the sweet-sharp fizz of lemon-lime.
“Were they out of cherry?” Prompto asks.
“Huh? No, I told you — I only had change for one,” Noctis explains. He grins, tugging on a lock of Prompto’s hair. “You don’t listen to a thing I say, do you?”
Prompto lets himself lean forward, hiding away in the curve of Noctis’ throat. He feels the need to apologise again, even though that’s stupid. Noctis curls his arms around Prompto’s back, nuzzling Prompto’s ear.
“Can we have a nap?” Noctis asks quietly. “Until Ignis and Gladio come back.”
Prompto smiles, mouth stretching against Noct’s skin.
“Sure thing, bud,” Prompto agrees.
Ignis always says things seem better when you sleep on them.
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Radio Silence - Whumptober day 7
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Prompto Argentum Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Neglectful/absent parents (no physical or verbal abuse)
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
It’s not like it’s anything new that his parents don’t call him.
He knows they’re busy, and he knows they’re doing their best to keep in touch, but sometimes, it’s just not possible. It’s what he’s been telling himself for years, his mother’s words slowly becoming his own as he repeats them to himself until they’re ingrained in his brain.
Noct takes one look at the perpetually empty house and immediately forms an opinion, one Prompto knows doesn’t paint his parents in the best light. Through conversation snippets and careless remarks, Prompto eventually pieces together that Ignis’ parents are… well, they suck, to quote Noct directly, and he knows Noct must have a similar image of Prompto’s own parents in his head.
Thing is, Prompto doesn’t think that’s fair to them. It’s not like they treat him badly or leave him to starve or anything like that. They make sure to always transfer enough money into his bank account that he doesn’t have to worry about bills or groceries. His mom hugs him when they get home from their weeks-long work trips, and his dad ruffles his hair and asks about his grades. They’re thrilled he’s made a friend, and one that came with two more bonus friends at that. They’re good people, he just hasn’t found a way to convey that to Noct yet.
…That said, he does wish they’d at least call him today. Or even just text him. Just... something to tell him they haven’t forgotten.
October 25, the lockscreen on his phone reads as he checks it again just to make sure he hasn’t accidentally put it into flight mode. He hasn’t, of course, and the new message he has from Noct confirms it.
Noct [07:03]: happy birthday old man
Noct [07:03]: come over after school. specs asks what cake you like
Prompto smiles, disappointment over the lack of messages from his parents momentarily forgotten.
You [07:10]: dude ur older than me o((>ω< ))o
You [07:10]: nooo he doesn’t have to make me a cake!!
You [07:11]: i like apple pie tho
When he arrives at school, Noct punches him in the shoulder and tells him happy birthday again and then he unceremoniously shoves a little plush chocobo keychain at him.
“Dude!” Prompto gasps. It’s bright yellow and it’s got cute little black eyes and orange feetsies and fluffed up feathers on its head and he loves it. “Thank you!”
Noct avoids his eyes and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “S’ fine, no big deal.”
The chocobo gets to sit on Prompto's desk all day and every time he looks at it, it makes him smile.
“What’s up?” Noct asks him during lunch, mouth full as he speaks like he hasn’t had to sit through hundreds of lectures on etiquette and good manners. “Why do you keep checking your phone?”
“Nothing,” Prompto says entirely too quickly, and before Noct can call him out on it, he changes the subject to the test they’re about to take this afternoon. He complains about having to take a test on his birthday, and Noct promises to outlaw birthday tests, and Prompto finally shoves his phone deep into his bag for the rest of lunch.
In Noct’s kitchen, Ignis presents to him what must be the most gorgeous apple pie Prompto has seen in his life.
“Dude,” Prompto says, and then for good measure, “ Iggy! Thank you, if this is only half as good as it looks it’ll still be the most delicious apple pie I’ve ever had!”
Ignis rewards him with a warm smile and leans in conspiratorially. “Would you like a slice? I wasn’t going to bring it out until Gladio arrived, but I’ll make an exception for you.”
Prompto considers briefly - the offer is tempting, the pie smells divine, but then he firmly shakes his head. “Nope! I’m strong enough, I can resist!”
He sticks around and tries to help Ignis with the dishes since Noct’s in the shower and Prompto has nothing better to do, but Ignis absolutely refuses to let him help. He doesn’t say Prompto has to leave the kitchen though, so he hangs around and tries his best to stay out of the way.
When Ignis isn’t looking, he sneaks glances at his phone, but his lockscreen remains disappointingly empty.
After the fourth or fifth time of checking, he looks up to find Ignis observing him with a slight frown like he’s trying to figure something out.
“Expecting a message?”
“Nope!” Prompto chirps, flipping the phone face-down so he doesn’t have to keep staring at it. “Just checking.”
Something in Ignis’ expression changes to… pity? No, not pity, it's sympathy, Prompto thinks. Iggy’s parents suck, Noct’s words echo through his mind, and Prompto almost opens his mouth to tell Ignis that it isn’t like that, his parents don’t suck, but then the door opens with a bang and before he knows it, he’s being swept into a bear hug.
“Happy birthday, kid!” Gladio’s voice booms into his ears and Prompto melts into the embrace because oh man, Gladio’s hugs are the best.
The rest of the evening passes in a warm, happy blur. Ignis has outdone himself, having cooked all of Prompto’s favourites, and the pie is every bit as good as it looked and smelled.
They gift him a bunch of amazing things - a gift card from that expensive sports shop Prompto’s never even dared enter before, the collector’s edition of a video game from his favourite series, and the new camera he’s been saving up for the past few months, and then he cries in earnest.
Once he’s gathered himself, he goes to put the game into Noct’s console and they take turns playing, even Ignis, and they have more pie even though Prompto has eaten so much he can barely move, and it’s almost midnight when he passes out against Gladio’s shoulder, unable to keep his eyes open any longer.
His phone lies forgotten on the table, and no one is awake to notice when it lights up and buzzes quietly with a call that will eventually go to voicemail.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Hello!!! Can I request a prompto/gladiolus where prompto has been hurting himself and finally ask for help? Mabye using the prompt “Nobody’s seen you in days.”
Sure thing! Also, thank you for sending in an FF request! I love the variety! 💙
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"One more layer to go," Gladio muttered to himself, after he finished applying another oil onto his great sword. He carefully inspected all the blemishes the weapon had acquired on his journey, admiring how battered the old thing was. Soon though, he'd have to get a new one. Gladio furrowed his brows at the thought. He never considered himself someone that got sentimental over material goods but even his heart strings felt pulled the longer he dwelled on it.
"Maybe I can salvage it somehow." Gladio said aloud. He found it easy to navigate his mind when he could speak freely. Something that wasn't common these days while camping with three other guys. Then again, it had been awfully quiet as of late. Ever since Prompto left a note about needing some time to himself, the energy among the group had dwindled down. Gladio would be lying to himself if he didn't miss the chaos a little.
Speak of the devil...Gladio said to himself when he heard a few twigs snapped from the weight of someone's shoe upon them. He gripped the handle of his blade, just in case this happened to be an intruder. Seconds later, Prompto's form began to emerge and Gladio loosened his hold. He sighed through his nose out of relief.
"Were you seriously going to take a swing at me?" Prompto asked with a gulp, gesturing at the weapon as he walked close to the encampment.
"And ruin the pretty hairs on your head? No way." Gladio huffed sarcastically.
"Well," Prompto made a face and rubbed the back of his neck before proceeding. "I'll leave you to it! Whatever it is you're...doing. I saw that Iggy and Noct went fishing, so if it's all the same, I'm gonna catch up on my beauty sleep before they show up!"
"Nobody's seen you in days." Gladio murmured. He watched Prompto stop in his tracks. The playful demeanor the younger man carried seemed to die along with what little composure he had. Gladio knew he had caught him. The question now was what kind of trouble did Prompto fall into. That worried him a great deal as much as Gladio shrugged it off when Noctis and Ignis questioned him about his concerns.
"It's like I said," Prompto began. "I needed some time to myself. I was getting cooped up with everybody."
"Not buying it." Gladio shook his head. "We both know you're lying."
"Maybe I don't want to talk about it, ever thought of that?"
Both Gladio and Prompto were taken back by the latter's irate tone. Once the initial shock wore off, Gladio nervously scratched the side of his nose and got up after putting the sword down next to the camp fire. He calmly approached Prompto. His gaze stern as ever, but his expression began to soften when he noticed the deep sadness in Prompto's eyes.
"Look, you don't gotta tell me jack," Gladio muttered and crossed his arms. "But I'm saying this as your friend, I'm here for you. The guys are here for you too. We were scared you got caught up in some BS we couldn't save you from."
Prompto sighed and nodded. "I know. I know I scared everyone. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize. Just be mindful next time you want to get up and run off. Are you hurt at all?" Gladio asked and gestured to Prompto.
"I--" Prompto closed his eyes and averted his gaze. He made a fist with his right hand, and then it was decided. He carefully rolled up the sleeve to his upper left arm, showing off fresh cuts that had been self inflicted. He visibly tensed, hearing Gladio gasp.
"I-I had to blow off some steam! I didn't know---I didn't know how to, not when I know what I--" He couldn't bring himself to finish the rest of his sentence. Tears began to well up in the corner of Prompto's eyes. "I thought I was over it, finding out I'm some---copy of a horrible guy. I guess I'm not."
"Man..." Gladio was at a loss for words. He shook his head and reached out for Prompto, not giving his younger friend a chance to escape as he swung his right arm around Prompto's shoulder, minding the cuts, and pulled him into a tight side embrace.
Gladio felt Prompto become petrified as his tired eyes looked up. His bottom lip quivering while Gladio shook his head and gave a reassuring pat.
"I'm not good with these situations but---you matter. You really do. I know Iggy and I were initially cold to you when we started this trip, but that's because we have Noct to protect. I've seen what you're made of, and Prompt, you do matter. Not just to Noct and Iggy, but me as well. Damn it, we already decided you're the baby chocobo out of the group. The spirited one that keeps the life flowing. I sure as hell can't live up to that mantle. Doubt Iggy or Noct could. Who gives a damn about how you were conceived? It doesn't matter to the guys or me. We love you for you and that's that."
Prompto didn't think it to be physically possible for Gladio to utter the word love, much less did he ever think he'd bear witness to Gladio admitting their friendship was legitimate. He sniffled and wiped away at his eyes, trying to be strong all the while take everything to heart. He was missed. Truly missed.
"I don't know if I can stop hurting myself." Prompto admitted while rubbing his eyes.
"We'll figure it out together. Just like we always do when we get our asses handed." Gladio smiled, giving a firm pat to Prompto's back. He chuckled hearing the wind get knocked out of him, although he worried he overdid it until Prompto smiled back sincerely.
"C'mon, let's get you patched up." Gladio gestured with his head to the tent.
"What about Noct and Iggy?"
"We'll worry about them later. First, you gotta tell me where you headed off to."
Prompto nodded and allowed himself to be led back to camp by Gladio. A few more pats to the back reassured the younger man that returning to his friends was the right call. If anything kept him grounded nowadays, it was the people who had become his brothers. Somehow he knew, despite not feeling well, that things would work out.
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Cash App: $JayRex1463
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berrydoodleoo · 3 years
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If Ignis were himself, he would no doubt have counseled them against the trip, or at least proposed some kind of clever work around. Gladio would have loomed and grumbled, and then would have been the first to bow at Luna’s bedside with some courtly, if gruff, remark. But of course, Ignis wasn’t himself, and really, neither was Gladio. And Noctis knew it was all his fault.
But Prompto was insistent, and he was trying so hard to be himself and keep things light. He'd taken over Iggy’s duties of cooking and planning their trip, and still found time and energy to help Ignis activate the handicap settings on his phone while keeping up a steady stream of light-hearted chatter. Not to mention visiting Luna and helping out with the rescue and relief efforts. It was like watching someone do a ballet in a field full of giant boulders – three of which were named Ignis, Noctis, and Gladiolus – he just kept moving, kept dancing, and you almost couldn’t see the toll it was taking on him.
So Prompto brought up visiting Luna’s hospital room again, as-if casually, mentioning that he’d had word from Weskham as to where she was currently hidden, and that he was sure he could get them in without being noticed by Imperial spies. And besides, Pryna had licked his hand when he’d visited last, which probably meant that Luna was going to wake up soon, any day now, and wouldn’t it be something if she woke up while Noct was there? A kiss from Prince Charming, eh?
Gladio had snorted, an ugly, mocking sound, and Prompto had stuttered to a halt, with an expression like his heart was breaking. Ignis had averted his face, just slightly. Shutting the whole world out. And Noctis had dredged up a voice (his own? someone else’s?) from the vise clamping his chest and said sure, Prom, let’s go.
And so they did.
Traveling the streets of devastated Altissia in Lucian royal black was probably unwise, but Prompto seemed to exude a notice-me-not aura that, in conjunction with the chaos still gripping the city, was enough to let them travel unmolested. They kept to the areas packed with refugees where possible, where everyone had their eyes glued to the screens announcing ferries and how long the current wait lists were (some were hours, most were days) instead of at each other. It did nothing for his nerves, which were a constant jangle, but at least no one stopped them. Or worse, shouted, hey, Prince Noctis!
The hospital was mostly intact, at least from the outside. Upon entering, it became clear that it had suffered a beating, either from Leviathan or the Imperial forces. The first level was still flooded, the polished marble turned treacherous by a thin layer of mud. The smell of mold competed with the smell of hospital bleach, and Noctis almost gagged.
There was a crowd here, too, too many people to fit in the emergency room reserved for the most critical cases. Noctis stood aside as Prompto shuffled about, standing on his toes, trying to find the best way forward without attracting too much attention.
A little kid with a bloody rag tied to his forehead stared at them. Noctis met his eyes and then regretted it, trying to look away and act casual. When he glanced up, the kid had wandered from his sleeping mother to stand beside them, still staring silently.
Prompto almost collided with the kid, and then did a double-take. “Hey!” he exclaimed quietly, and he sounded happy. “Stanford, my man!” He crouched, careful to keep the edges of his jacket out of the water. “How you doin’? Still waiting for a doctor, huh?”
Stanford – he must have been a few years younger than Talcott, too young to be so injured and haunted-looking – nodded, popping his filthy thumb into his mouth.
“Can I take a look, dude?” Prompto asked, gentle, touching the bandage on the child’s head. He nodded again.
It made Noctis’ eyes water, seeing how gentle Prompto was with the kid. He unwound the bandage and checked the wound beneath – the sight made Noctis wince – and produced some wrapped bandages and antiseptic wipes seemingly from his pocket (Noct felt the tug that meant they’d really come from the Armiger). He talked the whole time – man, those are cool shoes, I love chocobos, and how old are you again, dude? like, sixteen, right? or seventeen, you’re in high school, right – trying to coax some words out of him. Stanford was clearly listening, half-smiling at Prompto’s jokes, but was otherwise unresponsive.
He submitted to the cleaning with only a little tearyness. When he finally spoke, it wasn’t about anything Prompto had said.
“Do you have more magic potions?” he asked hopefully.
Prompto winced, shooting a quick glance at Noct. They’d agreed early on not to share their potions with people – it was too easy to trace them back to Noct, and Ignis was always concerned they would run out at the worst possible moment (which, to be fair, they had done so more than once).
“Not at the moment, little dude,” Prompto was jittering, hurrying to finish wrapping the bandage, “but uh, maybe later, I can, uh–”
Noctis reached into his back pocket and summoned a potion from the Armiger, the same trick Prompto had just pulled. It was weak – he just hadn’t been able to summon the magic for a proper Elixir once it was clear they wouldn’t help Ignis’ eyes – but it would help ward off infection and help with pain management. For a little while.
Stanford’s eyes lit up, and he started to snatch the glowing bottle from Noct’s hand. But then he hesitated. “For – for me?” he asked, staring up at Noct with the hugest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Yeah.” Noct tried to smile for him, extending the potion a bit further. “Of course.”
Stanford accepted the bottle, hugging it to his chest as if were a precious treasure. Now his eyes glowed with happiness, watching Noct, and he stood obediently still as Prompto finished retying the headband that kept his bandage in place. “Can I share it with my mom?” he eventually asked.
Noctis glanced at the sleeping woman, and wondered what was wrong with her. Was she injured, too, or just exhausted? “Yeah,” he said again. “Just don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
Would the woman even accept it, if her son told her he had a magic potion from a strange man? Well, maybe she would assume it came from a doctor, or that it was still the harmless bottle of (Noctis checked) apple juice it had started out as. Albeit glowing apple juice. Well, marketing, right? Maybe it wouldn’t seem too weird.
It was Stanford’s to do with as he chose. If he wanted to give it to his mom, or a total stranger, or pour it down the drain, Noctis wouldn’t stop him. He just didn’t have the energy.
Stanford’s eyes went even wider, but he nodded. “Yes, sir,” he said.
Brave little man. Noctis tried to smile for him again, moved his lips in the familiar gesture, and the kid tried to smile in return. If his own forced smile made him look as sad as Stanford’s did, Noctis mused, then it was no wonder people kept flinching away at the sight.
They found an un-monitored stairwell, the door blocked off with yellow tape. It quickly became clear as to why it was locked down – some tree branches and half a gondola were poking through the battered walls, tossed through marble and concrete by Leviathan’s rage. Worse, there were puddles of slimy water everywhere.
Prompto kept ahold on Noct’s arm – Noct realized he’d been doing that since they left their borrowed refuge in the Secretary’s home, as if Noct would drift away without the anchor – as they made their way up the stairs. “I don’t think he’s gonna keep it a secret, man.”
Noct had to blink himself back to the present. “Huh?”
“Stanford. With the potion.”
Noct shrugged. “Didn’t get the impression he was talking much.”
“It’s not a big deal. We’ll be out of here soon.”
Prompto seemed deflated, guiding him up the stairs. “Yeah.”
Noct let himself be led. What did Prompto expect him to say? Maybe he wanted Noct to go back down the stairs and offer to help everyone else in the room. Give out their store of potions, grab some bottles of water and start enchanting those, too. Act like a king for once, instead of piece of luggage that had to be carted to and fro by people smarter and more capable.
“I just feel bad, you know?” Prompto said, his voice echoing a bit in the humid, smelly space. “I’ve never done anything to deserve you guys – traveling with you guys, using your magic, seeing the gods, I – I don’t deserve any of this – this magic, this specialness, I’m just –” He swallowed. “And then there’s kids like Stanford, and man, I just don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know anything.”
Noctis let his arm slide through Prompto’s grip until he could squeeze his hand. They paused, side-by-side as they sidled around a piece of crushed stairwell, and Prompto squeezed back. Hard.
Noct started feeling floaty once they left the stairwell. Parts of this floor were still in use, despite the damage and the flickering lights. But Prompto knew the way, avoiding the lighted areas, and led him to a dark hallway behind more yellow tape.
Noct felt his steps slowing. He and Prompto’s arms, connected by their held hands, stretched like a rope between two ships tugged in opposite directions. They reached a door, Prompto produced a key, and Noct thought he might faint. He pulled free of Prompto’s grip to lean against the wall, heart laboring, spots filling his vision.
Luna. Luna was on the other side. Once he saw her, it would all be real.
He needed more time. Time to get ready, time to be better, time to be the King she believed he was. All he could picture was her face – somewhere between the child he’d known and the woman he’d seen in official broadcasts – crumpling in disappointment, and the fact that it hadn’t happened (yet) did nothing to lessen the pain. Gods. Gods. He couldn’t do this. More time—
Prompto’s face appeared, looking worried and frantic, and then Noct was being hauled into the unlocked room despite his sluggish limbs. He heard the door shut behind them, closing them in safely. And when he opened his eyes, he was in Luna’s hospital room.
“Dude,” Prompto was whispering. “Breathe.”
Noct nodded.
“Breathe. Breathe.” Prompto pressed a quick, awkward kiss to his forehead. “Breathe. Just breathe.”
Noct breathed, or tried to breathe. When he opened his eyes, he could see Luna in her hospital bed, traced in appallingly bright sunshine, and he swayed again. Prompto caught him, held him up, held him in place. Just held him, really.
For a minute, he had the inane thought that Clarus and Gladio were on the other side of the door, and if they came in they would see Noct snuggling with Prompto and the game would be up. And then he remembered that Clarus was dead, that Gladio wanted nothing to do with him, and that this wasn’t his father’s hospital room, after the stroke that nearly claimed his life a year ago. Something about the smell, the beeping, the seafoam green of the curtains and blankets, must have taken him back. And his dad was dead, anyway, dead like Clarus, dead like Ignis almost was, dead like Luna almost is….
“I can’t do this,” Noct whispered, when Prompto backed off to give him a little space.
Ignis would have said, yes you can, Highness. Majesty. Gladio would have said, don’t give me that crap, you’re gonna do your duty if it kills us both. Luna would have said, none of us know what we can do until we do it, or fail trying. But I do believe in you, Noctis.
Prompto just whispered, “I know, man.” Noctis met his eyes, briefly, and the love and sorrow there stole his breath. “That’s why I’m here to help.”
Noctis glanced back, thinking of escape, about making excuses and stepping out, running away, back to the Secretary’s house and the room where Ignis and Gladio tip-toed around each other and the smothering silence. And then he swallowed, and squeezed Prompto’s hand, and nodded, meeting his eyes one more time.
“Let’s go,” he whispered, and Prompto led him forward, into the light.
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ffxvficrec · 2 years
IgNoct White Day Gift Exchange Round Up 1
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ignoctwhiteday2022
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
Let's Learn a Little About Each Other by Megane
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
General Rating
One day, while in the elemancy labs, Prompto and Noctis discovered an odd side effect when one of the spellbombs backfired. Instead of panicking (okay, maybe while slightly panicking), Prompto took Noctis to the one person who could fix things: Ignis. To Noctis' surprise, being small helped him see a side of Ignis he never noticed before.
Mnemosyne by The_Glacian
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Teen Rating 
Noctis drops by Ignis’s dorm to ask him something, but food gets in the way.
Unspoken and Unseen by TinyLlama
No Archive Warnings Apply
Explicit Rating
Sometimes, Ignis gets quiet, lost in memories and things long past. Noctis never really knows what to say during those times, but he always knows how to pull Ignis out of the darkness.
Stamina Recovery by Megane
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Teen Rating
Noctis is... stressed. He doesn't say as much because he doesn't want other people to worry. Thankfully, Ignis notices anyway and does his part to help alleviate things. It wasn't just because he was a trusted figure of Lucis, fated and dutybound to help the young prince—but because he wanted to help his friend. The one he sincerely loved.
We've Earned Our Happy Ending by LadyKF
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
After all they had gone through, they deserved a second chance.
I Shine Only with the Light You Gave Me by DistractedDream
No Archive Warnings Apply
Explicit Rating
The thread of magic binds Ignis to Noctis, a thread that follows them through the events of their lives.
And now, having reached the age of majority, Ignis had presented himself to be consecrated to his prince and for Noctis to bestow his magic to him.
Cool fingers curled around his own, grounding him, lest the influx of magic sweep him away. Blue eyes met his own, allowing him to focus on his prince and drift with the magic rather than fight against it. Ignis inhaled deeply and steadied himself, his warmer fingers gripping Noctis’ for another moment and then releasing his hands. Their physical connection was no longer necessary.
His prince’s magic had woven itself into Ignis’ very being, never to let go.
A moment for themselves by marukusanagi
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
In the Darkness by kikowithcatears
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
It happened so fast Noctis barely had time to react. Fangs, too slow reflexes, and then he was slammed to the ground. There was a loud scream, his own, and everything went fuzzy. He heard footsteps closing in on him and suddenly Ignis was by his side in seconds, whispering to him, his emerald eyes scanning his body for injuries. Noct could sense his consciousness slipping. The world around him was fading fast and he could feel Ignis’ arms around him, lifting him up, and carrying him away.
He loved Specs but he was always too scared to tell him. He hoped it wasn't too late...
and the crown it weighs heavy; by queenhomeslice
No Archive Warnings Apply
Explicit Rating
Noct's plate is overflowing since the dawn came back; but Ignis has never left his side.
Stargazing Conversations by nychus
No Archive Warnings Apply
General Rating
As always, Ignis is working too hard and Noctis thinks he should take a break. Some post-Dawn stargazing seems just the thing to do that.
Mr Sandman Bring Me a Dream by Knight of Flames (beetroot_of_doubt)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Mature Rating
Unknowingly moving into a “haunted” apartment, Ignis finds his life entirely upended by his unexpected housemate. But to find a way to help Noctis break his curse and potentially leave forever, Ignis has to accept and be willing to act upon the feelings he develops as they grow closer.
Exploring the Forbidden by kickcows
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Explicit Rating
Ignis ventures into a casual relationship with Noctis, and finds that it’s difficult to keep it casual.
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corvidkingden · 3 years
Hello it is me the Panda asking for some good good Promptis idiots in love
Promptis, idiots in love?
Got it. How about a first kiss that almost didn't happen? [Read it on ao3]
“Noct, I swear if you don’t get your ass up here,” Prompto called down to him from where he was perched rather precariously on the edge of the cliff overlooking their camp. It wasn’t particularly high, high enough to give them a bit of space from Gladio and Ignis, but low enough that Prompto felt capable of scaling it on his own. Just barely so though, any higher and he would not be up there, he was a disaster walking and he knew it. It was a miracle he’d made it up without any scrapes as it was. Grinning widely he leaned forward just enough to peer down at Noctis as he stood at the base of the cliff, looking up at him silently judging for not just asking to be warped up.
“Yeah yeah, I’m comin’, someone’s gotta make sure you don’t fall off,” he huffed out, taking a few steps back for a better vantage before warping up beside him. It was a far more graceful approach than the blonde’s awkward clamoring up the side of the rocky wall. Which he most definitely watched him do but was pretending he didn’t for now. He’d tease him later for the number of times he stopped to give himself a pep talk.
“So what’s so important-woo!” Noctis yelped in surprise at suddenly being dragged down by the surprisingly strong blonde, his heart rate spiking as he teetered over the edge, but Prompto held a firm grip on him. He had half a mind to chew him out for being so reckless, even if he could have easily warped out of falling, but the moment he planted himself next to him what little anger that fueled the urge faded. The unabashed joy he saw on that freckled face, lit up with a grin, was all it took to melt it away.
He made it so hard to be mad at him.
“Look,” Prompto answered, nudging his shoulder with his own as he gestured up at the sky, turning Noct’s attention away from him for now. He probably could have kept staring at that grin all night otherwise.
The sun was slowly setting on the horizon, dipping low between the trees in the distance, still painting the land in golds and pinks where it shone through them. But the highest point of the sky was now a deep blue black, stars twinkling overhead. It was beautiful for sure, but it was hardly their first night under the stars. So what made this one so special? “What am I looking at?”
“You have no eye, I swear, come here,” the crownsguard huffed in exasperation, hooking his arm around his neck and dragging him in closer as he pointed straight ahead. “Look again.”
Noctis was momentarily distracted though, focused more on how close they were than where Prompto was trying to get him to look. All he could think about was his warmth, his smile, how he could see every tiny little freckle, even the palest ones that dusted his cheeks. How easy it would be to lean in and kiss across them and watch those cheeks turn pink. But he forced himself to look ahead, catching sight of what Prompto was pointing out just in time. A small shooting star danced across the sky in an arc of light, making him gasp softly. “Oh shit…”
“See? Told you,” Prompto murmured, in awe of the sight himself, watching the shooting star disappear into the black blanket of the night sky. His arm stayed hooked around Noctis as they both watched more slowly light up the expanse of darkness, turning the void into a shimmering pool of light.
It was beautiful, peaceful, a much needed moment of serenity after everything that had happened already and...well everything they still had to prepare for. They could hear Ignis and Gladio talking below while they prepared dinner, the tent long since set up. Insects and frogs chirped in the distance, the world falling asleep around them and falling away entirely as they both drifted and were lost in the moment.
Without thinking, Prompto looked over at Noctis as the meteors started to dwindle, growing fewer and less frequent, about to make a snide remark about him trusting him next time. But his words caught in his throat. He could see the reflection of them in his blue eyes, the small smile that curled on his lips as he’d fully relaxed for the first time in weeks. He was even more beautiful than the night sky above and all the man could do was stare in silent awe.
Feeling his gaze on him, Noctis turned to ask him why he wasn’t looking but he never got to get the words out, their noses brushing from the proximity, a tension settling between them so suddenly it almost seemed to knock the wind from them both. It wasn’t new, it was something that had always been there between them but they both tried so desperately to ignore it. It was never the right time, never the right place. Neither of them could seem to drum up the guts to admit to the feelings overwhelming them, completely unaware that the other felt the same.
The air between them felt heavy, hot, a spark of static tingling across their skin as they were caught frozen in limbo. Who would move first, would either of them even do it? Would this finally be the moment to break their resolve or would it soon be catalogued as another too little, too late. Noctis could hardly think past the sound of his own heart thumping heavy in his chest, dulling out the sound of anything else.
Just as he thought maybe, maybe he could do it, maybe now was the time to swallow his nerves and seize it, they were interrupted. “Dinner is ready,” Ignis’ voice carried up to them from below, unaware of the moment he’d just cut into so abruptly. “You’d do well to come down anyway, you’re not in range of the runes and daemons should be coming out any moment. I’d really rather not have to spend another night listening to an Iron Giant lurking outside our camp please.”
“Right-right, sorry, Iggy. We’re coming,” Prompto called back, stumbling over his words as he quickly let go of Noctis, pulling away to try and find his own air to breathe and gather his thoughts again. They’d been so close, he’d been only moments away from ruining everything by closing what little space had been left between them. Ignis calling out was a blessing and he didn’t even know it. He was flushed so thoroughly that he felt feverish, his heart was practically trying to break out of his chest the way it was beating so hard and his stomach was twisting so painfully he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to eat dinner. But he needed to get down there and regain control over this. He’d gone this long keeping his crush a secret he was not going to let it slip now.
Noctis cleared his throat awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at the two men below already plating up their meals. He knew he should say something, even if the moment was ruined, because that was the closest they’d ever been and who knew when it would happen again. If it would happen again. He needed to tell Prompto before they left for Altissia and he might have just lost his chance. “I uh…”
“Thanks for coming up and watching them with me,” Prompto cut him off, that brilliant smile gracing his face again, though Noctis could see the hesitation and worry in his eyes. He knew him too well to fall for that grin, even if it did make him feel a bit warm and more than a little fuzzy inside.
“Yeah, yeah of course...surprised you didn’t get any pictures,” he smiled back, laughing slightly, hoping he could ease the awkwardness that had settled between them by sparking up another conversation instead of simply warping away. It seemed to work because Prompto truly lit up almost instantly, hopping up off the ledge.
“Actually, I did! I had my camera on the tripod getting some long exposures,” he grinned widely gesturing behind them, earning a laugh from the prince when he saw it. “Two steps ahead of you bud.”
“Always are,” Noct shook his head, eyes shining with mirth as he gazed at his best friend for a moment. He wanted nothing more than to just drag him right back in and fully close that space between them, to finally feel those soft lips against his own.
Prompto floundered silently under his gaze, looking back at him, feeling frozen in place as he tried to read what he saw in those eyes. As he tried to fight his own desire to scurry back over and lean in to kiss him too.
“If you’re much longer, Gladio may come up and drag the two of you down here himself,” Ignis called again, completely ruining the moment once more. Prompto saw it as a blessing, saving him from potentially making a horrible decision, but Noctis wanted to warp down and smack him for cock blocking him twice now. Kiss blocking? That just sounds weird.
“Coming!” Prompto called, snatching his camera off the tripod and tucking it away in his pocket again, tossing the tripod back into the armiger in one smooth motion. Marching back over to the ledge he eyed it a bit skeptical, trying to figure out the best way to scale back down the side of the cliff. Climbing up it had been so much easier, though it helped that he hadn’t looked down the whole time.
Seeing the nervous look on his face, Noctis saw an opportunity, hooking an arm around his middle and pulling him in close. “I got ya,” he said, though it had sounded way more suave in his mind. But he didn’t give it time to ruminate, warping the two of them back down into the camp below in a spark of blue light.
When they landed, dizzy and warm and full of adrenaline, they forgot that they weren’t alone for a moment. Pressed close as they were, chest to chest, Noct’s arm still wound tight around Prompto’s waist to keep him safe, it was like something straight out the movies. It would be so easy, so perfect, to just close that gap.
Noct could feel his nerves quickly dwindling under the weight of how much he wanted to just kiss him already, overpowered by the build up of years and years of denying himself. He wondered if Prompto felt the same, the way he could feel his heart racing said yes but the kid was shakier than a chihuahua, it could mean anything.
“You two need a room?” Gladio taunted as he made his way over to help Ignis pass out the plates, an all too amused grin spreading across his lips as he took in the sight of them huddled so close. He and Ignis had been able to read the tension between them from the start, but at this point it was so palpable it was unbearable. They’d both had half a mind to just shove them together themselves. But Ignis insisted that if it were to happen to let it happen at it’s own pace.
“Shouldn’t you be doin’ push ups or something?” Noctis shot back at him, and if looks could kill Gladio would be dead where he stood. Much as he wanted to do this, he wanted to be the one to tell Prompto how he felt, not Gladio and his big mouth. Letting go of the blonde in question, he didn’t notice that the boy looked ready to burst; he was so red. Slipping away from him he took one of the offered plates and planted himself down in one of the chairs to eat.
They eventually all settled in, no one daring to bring up what had just happened, though Prompto was uncharacteristically quiet through dinner. Noct kept looking his way hoping to catch his eye, trying to pull him into the conversation but Prompto was thoroughly distracted it seemed. Maybe he was reading the signs all wrong? He felt his stomach twist nervously at the thought, what if he’d made him uncomfortable?
He was entirely unaware that Prompto was just trying to figure out the very same. His mind was reeling, flip flopping frantically between imagining those lips against his and the thought of him pushing him away. Maybe he was wrong and Noct wasn’t trying to kiss him, maybe he was just trying to be nice and not flat out reject him.
But if he did want to, what did that mean for them? Was it even worth pursuing at this point? He was supposed to get married soon, that was the whole reason they were out here in the first place. Astrals, this was too confusing, it was so much easier when he thought his crush was entirely one sided.
Ignis and Gladio were all too aware of the tension between them, they’d seen it coming a mile away and if either of them were asked, they’d say they were surprised it took this long for it to finally happen. When neither Noctis nor Prompto seemed to be paying attention to what was going on the two older men got up to clean off their plates and clear away what was out from making dinner, giving the boys a moment with their backs turned.
It took a second, but Noctis realized the pointed departure, watching them to be sure he wasn’t misreading it before stretching his leg out to nudge Prompto’s boot. “Hey…”
“Hm?” Prompto quickly lifted his head, flushing slightly at being caught completely zoned out.
“Can we...talk?”
“Oh-uh yeah-yeah sure,” he nodded, brow furrowing immediately with worry. This was it, this was where he’d tell him off, turn him away. At least he’d been preparing for this for a long time, he was ready for it. At the end of the day he was just happy to be his friend after all.
Noctis stood then, a bit solemnly seeing the way Prompto’s face turned. He’d definitely made him uncomfortable it seemed, so at least this way he could apologize with a bit of privacy. Leaving his plate by his seat, he offered Prompto a hand up, tugging the blonde from his chair once he set his own plate down.
They walked to the far edge of camp, putting more distance between them and the older men, sitting on the edge of the rune lined space they both kicked their legs, an awkward silence settling between them. It was the polar opposite of the peaceful quiet they’d had up on the cliff, making them both want to scream just to break it.
“Noct, I…”
“Let me,” Noctis said, patting his knee gently, leaving his hand there as he turned to look at him. He could feel that lump swelling in his throat again, stomach twisting anxiously but he knew he needed to do this before he lost the chance again. “You...you’re my best friend, you know that right?”
“Yeah, buddy,” Prompto nodded, shifting to face him more as his stomach dropped heavily like lead. Rejection he could deal with, but was he about to say he didn’t want to be friends anymore either? “Of course, forever right?”
“Forever,” the prince nodded, looking into those lilac eyes and seeing the worry in them. Maybe that wasn’t the way to start this off, he opened his mouth to speak again but stopped lost on what else to say that wouldn’t simply make it worse.
“...Noct, it’s-it’s okay,” Prompto reached out, taking his hand. “I understand, you don’t have to say it. I made you uncomfortable and I know I shouldn’t have, it really wasn’t my intention. But I still want to be friends with you, I don’t want to lose that-that’s so much more important to me.”
“No, Prom, wait--” Noctis tried to interject as he watched him fall into one of his flustered tangents. They were endearing, but he was going to dig a hole for the both of them with this one.
“Honestly, I knew I was okay with it a long time ago, and I’m sorry I made it weird earlier. I really promise I wasn’t trying to. I just get so in my head sometimes and I don’t think about what I’m doing or-or what I’m saying--”
“Prompto,” he groaned.
“I just want to make sure you know I’m not gonna be upset, I get it, I’m not goin’ anywhere--”
Noctis cupped his cheeks and pulled him in, shutting him up with the crash of his lips against his, feeling him tense at first before melting right into the kiss. Pushing his fingers back into his soft blonde hair, he pulled him closer, shifting so their noses weren’t pushed together so uncomfortably. Feeling Prom’s fingers curl into the front of his shirt and tighten only made his heart leap though. This was it, it was happening.
They kissed until they were breathless, until it felt like the world was spinning faster and yet somehow frozen all at once, pulling away only because their lungs begged it of them. Their foreheads still pressed together, Noct let his hands slide down to the sides of his neck, simply holding him there as their breathing mingled, steadying despite the frantic patter of their hearts.
“You’ve really gotta let me speak next time,” Noctis murmured, grinning as a giddy laugh bubbled up out of Prompto.
“Shut up,” he huffed in mock exasperation, pulling him right back in and kissing him again, feeling every ounce of worry fall away from his shoulders.
It wasn’t what either of them had pictured, but it was special nonetheless. Sat underneath the stars, far away from any of their problems, they lost themselves in one another for what brief moment the gods would grant.
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tiifalockhart · 4 years
Invisible Enemy
Anonymous asked: Hello, I want to request also a Prompto bc i love him 😍 like his insecurities kicking in and then his s/o will kiss them insecurities away, kissing his cute freckles and adoring his stretch marks (i have them too 🥺) just to get sunshine boi smile again, not too saucy, bye thank you *flies away*
Pairing: Prompto x Reader
Word Count: 2k
A/N: hello!! thank you so much for your request. I hope you enjoy it!! feedback is always appreciated
Ao3 || Masterlist
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Prompto could brave anything...
After building up enough confidence to do so, of course. He could fight off giant snake women in the deepest caves in all of Duscae, and only feel a bit of anxiety after the fight. His adrenaline would be pumping to the max and he’d actually look forward to the next battle. He’d been frozen, burned, petrified, and even turned into a frog, and yet he still was able to put on this magnificent brave front. 
...That is until the enemy he’s fighting is himself. 
The greatest curse to him was his insecurities. He hated them so much. His intrusive thoughts would pop into his mind and ruin his joyous mood. They sucked away so much of his life... It was almost devastating. No one knew why Prompto would randomly go silent during conversations in the car, or why he would sometimes distance himself in camp. It was saddening, watching the light leave his eyes sometimes. 
It wasn’t the same when he was fighting an invisible enemy. He’d do anything to distract himself. He’d play random games on his phone, maybe go out and practice shooting, sometimes he would even offer to go exploring at night to take his mind away from the berating verbal abuse his mind gave him. 
He’d think about the insecurities he’s carried with him since he was a child. Was his weight okay? Did he look okay? Maybe the others were friends with him out of pity. Was he really funny or were the guys just laughing to make him feel better? Maybe he should go on a jog in the morning. These constant thoughts plagued his mind and caused him to unendingly doubt himself until he was swallowed up by his insecure and depressed nature. He wish he could fix it within a snap, he wished that he could just make them go away, but he couldn’t. 
When the two of you first met, you seemed so... Confident. He watched the way you walked without a qualm in the world, how you smiled brightly and laughed happily and took everything with a grain of salt. You seemed to love life... It was admirable. Prompto wanted to be like that desperately, to be happy and carefree, but he was sad and cared too much. 
As the two of you got closer, he tried to follow your lead but it never worked. Eventually, his thoughts would come back just as he began to feel better. It was a sick circle of doubt. 
You began to notice it when he became distant and quiet, how he would stare out the window of the car silently or how he’d laugh hollowly. You would grow concerned and ask him about it, but ultimately receive no answer from him. Usually, he’d brush it off, typically saying something along the lines of “Sorry, I’m just tired” or “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” You understood how hard it was to talk about feelings, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be okay with those answers. 
It wasn’t until after the two of you began to date that he began to open up more about his insecurities. It would be random occurrences when he’d mention it. Sometimes it was at dinner, sometimes it was when the two of you were about to sleep, sometimes it was just out of the blue when you both were watching TV. He began to speak his mind more, which you appreciated greatly. It seemed to be healthy for him as well. 
That is until he completely broke down one day.
You’d never seen anything like it before, it was like he was a completely different person. He was so on edge and upset about seemingly nothing and refused to talk about it. He tried desperately to bottle it up and swallow it, anything so that he would stop his mind from racing. 
That night, you found him in your bed, curled up and crying. It was such a pitiful sight. You couldn’t find the right words to comfort him, you weren’t quite sure what was causing him so much pain. So, to attempt to comfort him, you simply laid next to him and hugged him. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You asked after several minutes passed. Prompto let out a shaky sigh as he slowly shook his head. 
“No... I don’t want to bother you with my issues.” He muttered, his voice rough. You gave him a sympathetic look before moving closer to him. After planting a very gentle kiss on his cheek, you cleaned away his tears with your hands. 
You sat up and carefully pulled him closer, holding him in your arms. “You won’t be bothering me. Tell me about it.” You whispered comfortingly, gently rubbing his arms and shoulders. 
He sighed and nodded somewhat reluctantly. “Sometimes... I feel like I’m not good enough, you know?” He murmured, tilting his head back to look up at you. “Like... I don’t look as good, I don’t fight as well, my personality isn’t that good. It scares me... Because sometimes I don’t know if those thoughts are true or not.”
You frowned at his confession, smiling weakly and leaning down. You placed a kiss on his most prominent freckle on his forehead. “I think you’re perfect.” You whispered, pressing another kiss on another freckle. “I also think you’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.” You reassured, pressing another kiss to another freckle. “You don’t have to be sad, because you’re more magnificent than you think.” You whispered, beginning to press more kisses to his freckles. Your lips traveled from his face and down to his sun-kissed shoulders. You massaged his shoulders afterward, a small smile gracing your lips. 
He relaxed under your touch, his eyes slowly falling shut. “You think so?” He whispered, a little too dazed to respond properly. You let out a soft laugh as you nodded.
“I know so.” You answered, running your fingers through his hair. “I think you’re lovely.” You continued, shrugging lightly.
“Even for who I was?” He asked, a shaky breath leaving his lips. You raised a brow in confusion. Was he referring to his teenage years..? You sighed softly and shifted so that you were hugging him around his waist from the side. 
“Your past defines who you are... But that doesn’t necessarily involve looks.” You murmured, looking up at him. “Experiences make up who you are, looks inevitably don’t matter, especially after the change you went through.”
“But... How do I know that it doesn’t?” He responded, shaking his head and letting his head fall back onto the pillow. You looked up at him, a glint of concern evident in your eyes. 
“Well... Because when we met, I knew nothing about your past until you showed me.” You pointed out logically, shrugging. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to one of the stretch marks left on his stomach, causing him to shudder. “Have you heard Noctis, Ignis, or Gladiolus mention it? What about Cindy or Iris?” 
He hesitated and nodded slowly. “No... They’ve never said anything about it.” Prompto replied, his brows furrowing. 
“That’s right, because no one is worried about it... They’re more worried about being your friend and taking care of you and making you happy. They don’t care what you looked like, they just want to make sure you’re okay.” You explained as you trailed kisses along his stretch marks. He nodded hesitantly as if he silently understood. 
“Can we cuddle?” He asked randomly, which caused you to smile. 
“Only if I get to be big spoon.” You answered, moving up and wrapping your arms around him from behind. He sighed in relief, his eyes falling shut as he leaned into your touch. 
“Thank you...” He sighed, before eventually drifting off to sleep. You admired his peaceful expression and simply held him. Hopefully this would have an impact on him... You hoped that he would be feeling better by the time you two woke up.
The next morning, you woke up to find yourself alone. A confused look formed on your features as you stared at the pillow in your arms. Quietly, you stood and wandered around the house in search of Prompto, until you came upon the kitchen. You raised a brow in confusion as you entered, noticing how Prompto was bent over the oven. “Prompto?” You called out, a confused look on your features.
“Oh-” He tried standing up, but ended up hitting his head on the counter. “Ow... Good morning.” He greeted, pulling out a pan of biscuits. “I decided to make breakfast, I feel really good after last night, you know? I was going to bring it to you in bed, but you ended up waking up. But it’s alright, we can just eat it here. Oh, what kind of jam do you like?” He rambled on, turning to take off the oven mitts and grab plates for the two of you. The confusion never left your features as you took a seat, watching him curiously. 
“How... How did you make that? I thought you were awful at cooking.” You began, eyeing the tray of biscuits. “And... I don’t have a preference of jam... Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked, narrowing your eyes at him. 
He grinned and laughed, placing some biscuits on your plate and handing it to you, before taking a seat next to you. “I feel a lot better after last night. You helped a lot, you know? Hey, we should go see Noct today!” He explained, spreading jam on the biscuit in his hand before eating it. He seemed to be much more energetic today... Scatterbrained as well. 
“Oh... Sure, we can. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” You responded, smiling at his eagerness and beginning to eat. Maybe things were going to be okay for him after all. 
After your meal, the two of you got dressed and headed out, meeting up with Noctis, Ignis and Gladio. They seemed to notice the change of attitude for Prompto as well, which made you feel slightly relieved. He was energetic and talkative, and even brought out his camera often, which you missed in the past few weeks. It seems that he’s returned to normal. You were thankful for it.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter IX
Safely driving out of Aracheole Stronghold, the group head in the direction of Lestallum. As they drew closer to their destination, Prompto turned on the radio just as a newscaster broadcasted the latest news. "At long last imperial blockades of Duscaen roadways have been removed. The imperial army has also demolished all related facilities erected around the region. The provisional government of Insomnia anticipates increased traffic congestion along most local highways, and encourages all citizens to refrain from any unnecessary travel for the time being."
At that moment, Prompto remembered what Ignis told him about Ravus. "So help me figure this out-that was Luna's brother?"
"The high commander himself-wartime makes for quick promotions," Ignis answered.
"Even a son of Tenebrae can rise to the top," Gladio added.
"But why would he want to lead their army?" The sharpshooter questioned.
"Who cares?" Noctis sighed.
"Certainly formidable enough on his own. We are fortunate (Y/n) intervened when she did," the tactician said.
"With that cool sword!" Prompto pops out of his seat and propped himself up on his knees, turning to face the backseat. "I had no idea you carried a sword with you, (Y/n)."
She curled her hands up in her lap, staring down at the middle console. "I haven't had it for long."
Ignis, who's eyes were still glued to the road, chimed in. "The Creator's Blade, if I recall what the high commander uttered."
She was hoping they hadn't heard Ravus use the sword's true name. "Yes. It's, well...um..."
Prompto noticed her distress as she clasped her hands tightly together and shifted uncomfortably in the seat. He leaned over the side of the seat and placed one of his hands over hers, squeezing them tightly. "You don't have to say anything if you're uncomfortable."
She looked up and stared into his eyes. "Thank you, Prom."
Eventually, the royal retinue and the guardian arrived back in Lestallum. Once parked, they headed to the Leville. As they walked into the lobby, they found Iris waiting for them. She had a devastated look on her face as she did her best to hold her tears at bay. "Oh, Gladdy."
Gladio was taken aback at his sister's forlorn expression and asked, "What's wrong?"
"I let you down. I never made it to Caem," she confessed melancholically. "The empire came while you were gone."
Deciding to speak somewhere more private, they headed upstairs to their hotel room. Everyone gathered around the distraught Iris as she explained the situation to them. "None of us said a word about Noct. They just showed up and then...poor Jared."
"What do you mean? What happened to Jared?!" Gladio demanded.
"There was nothing we could do!" Iris wailed back. "H-He...He tried protecting us and another woman. B-But the empire killed him and her!"
"They killed an obscure civilian?" Ignis asked.
She nodded, a single tear trailing down her cheek. "Th-They cut her down without even blinking and dragged her body away..."
Just then, the door to the room slowly opens. All eyes fall onto Talcott as he walks into the room, crying. Noctis gets down on one knee to speak with the weeping boy. His voice was full of sorrow as he spoke. "It's...not right. We should've been here."
"I... I couldn't stop them," Talcott mumbled between sniffles.
"But I won't let the empire get away with it. They'll pay for what they've done. I promise."
The little boy nodded. "I believe in you, Prince Noctis." He then walks away followed by (Y/n).
She followed him out into the hallway. She listened to him sniffle a few more times before squatting down in front of him. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Talcott."
"I-I miss him..." He wiped his tears away, but they were promptly replaced with even more tears. Through his blurry vision, he saw the golden gemstone in her arm. "Grandpa tried protecting a lady who was really nice to us when we first arrived here. Her name was Cynthia and she helped us with so much. You have a gem just like she did."
(Y/n) blinked in surprise. Now she knew the empire wasn't just here for Noctis, but to kill any spirits dwelling within Lestallum. "Really? Was it pretty?"
He nodded with a faint smile. "Mhm. It was blue just like the sky. And yours is yellow like the sun."
The spirit smiled back at him, taking his small hands in both of hers. "How about we get outta this stuffy hotel and have some fun?"
Talcott's smile widened, his tears vanishing. "Yeah!"
While (Y/n) escorted Talcott out of the Leville, the conversation inside the hotel room changed. Iris noticed the spirit when she walked out of the room to check on Talcott and couldn't help but admire her beauty and somewhat strange features. Prompto noticed the girl's perplexed expression and decided to clear the air. "Oh, right! You've never met (Y/n) before."
"I didn't know you guys had someone else traveling with you," Iris said.
"Neither did we until a month ago," Noctis commented.
The young Amicitia wasn't sure what he meant, but pushed it aside. "(Y/n)... She has a gem just like Cynthia. And her eyes are weird, too."
"Cynthia?" Gladio inquired.
"She's the woman Jared tried to protect. She helped us when we first arrived in Lestallum. We were shopping together when the empire showed up."
"Wait, y'mean this Cynthia person was a spirit?" Prompto questioned.
Iris' brows furrowed together, showing her puzzlement. "Spirit? I don't know anything about that."
"By the way you described her, she sounded like one."
"If that indeed is the case, we know for a fact Noct wasn't the empire's only target," Ignis chimed in.
Iris glanced between her brother and the other boys. "What're you talking about?"
"Guess an explanation is in order." Noctis turned to Prompto. "You probably better take this one. You would know more about guardians since you have one."
The blonde nodded and took the lead. He explained to Iris who (Y/n) was and what spirits were, remembering what the golden-eyed girl told him earlier during their journey. He even used pictures to help explain. Concluding his explanation, he examined Iris' expression and saw disbelief in her eyes. "You...don't believe me..."
Iris shook her head. "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just...hard to wrap my head around it. Geralt didn't even say anything about Cynthia being a guardian."
"Who's Geralt?" Gladio asked.
"Cynthia's husband. He sells vegetables in the marketplace."
Prompto blinked in surprise, his heart racing. "Her...husband? C-Can I go talk to him?"
"Don't you think the man needs time to mourn?" The shield sighed.
"Actually, I think he'd enjoy your company, Prompto. His stall is located near Tostwell Grill," Iris said. "Just try to keep talking about Cynthia to a minimum."
"Thanks, Iris!" Prompto dashes out of the room, leaving the others behind.
Noctis crosses his arms, leaning back against the wall with a smirk. "Wanna bet it's about (Y/n)?"
Ignis adjusted his glasses. "He is quite smitten with her."
"At least he's found someone who likes him," Gladio chortled.
Meanwhile in the marketplace, Prompto searches for Geralt's stall. He asked each stall owner their name until stumbling across the man he'd been searching for. He swallowed nervously as he grabbed the merchant's attention. "Sorry to bother you, but are you Geralt?"
The crimson-haired man nodded. "That I am. What can I do for you?"
Prompto held out his wrist and showed him the bracelet with the golden gemstone. "I was hoping to talk to you."
Geralt examines the gemstone, eyes widening when realizing what it was. "So you've got yourself a guardian. By the state of the gemstone, they're still alive."
"Huh?" The merchant held out his hand to show the boy the ring on his finger. Prompto gasped when seeing the gemstone adorning it was black and cracked. "Is that...?"
"The gemstone of my lovely Cynthia. After she was killed by those imperial bastards and dragged away, it turned black and cracked. Not only that, I could feel our connection shatter. It was as if someone had stabbed me in the chest."
The marksman frowned melancholically. "I'm...sorry you had to go through that. I-I don't know what I'd do if I lost (Y/n). She means so much to me..."
Geralt leant forward against the wooden table, staring into the blonde's cerulean eyes. "Listen, she may be your guardian and has sworn to protect you, but you've gotta protect her too. I failed to protect my Cynthia. Don't make the same mistake I did."
Prompto nodded with a determined gleam in his eyes. "I will protect (Y/n), I promise."
A smile appeared on the man's face. "I can tell there's not only determination in your eyes. You love her, don't ya?"
He lowered his head. "I do."
Geralt chortled. "You remind me of myself when I was younger. I fell in love with Cynthia and before I knew it, we were married."
The boy lifted his head. "Did you ever question your relationship? Y'know, since she was your guardian?"
"A buncha times. I don't know how many times I heard my sweet Cynthia worry about her status as my guardian. She feared how she wasn't human and wouldn't be able to satisfy me. But after we got married, all her fears vanished. We were living happily until..."
"The empire attacked," Prompto muttered.
"If I could get revenge for Cynthia, I would." Geralt leant over the table and patted the boy on the shoulder. "I wish you luck with (Y/n)."
The marksman left the marketplace and searched for (Y/n). He wandered the streets of Lestallum until he found her at the outlook with Talcott. They were sitting on a bench, laughing with one another. The little boy was no longer feeling down thanks to the guardian cheering him up. Prompto froze for a second before snapping a picture of the scene. Checking the photo, he saw it was perfect. Lowering his camera, he walked up to the two with a brilliant smile. "Heyaz!"
"Hey, Prom," (Y/n) greeted him with her usual smile. "Talcott and I were just sharing some funny stories. And while we were out, we happened to overhear hunters talking about spotting a royal tomb atop the Rock of Ravatogh."
"We better tell Noct the good news, then!"
Talcott crosses his arms with a pout. "Man, I wish I could go with you guys. Your adventures sound so fun!"
The spirit patted the top of his head. "Trust me, you'll have your own fun adventures someday. Just keep enjoying being a kid for now." She stood up, stretching her arms into the air before lowering them. "Anyway, we should head back and tell the others what we learned. Right, Talcott?"
"Yeah!" Talcott hopped off the bench and dashed off towards the Leville.
Prompto chuckled at the sight. "Little guy sure has spirit."
"I'm glad he's feeling better," (Y/n) commented. Taking a closer look at the blonde, she noticed his joyous expression was replaced with melancholia. "What's wrong?"
Unconsciously, he'd been fiddling with the bracelet around his wrist. "I, um...I talked to Cynthia's husband, Geralt."
"Oh, Talcott told me about Cynthia. She was the spirit who Jared was trying to protect. He didn't say she was married, though. What made you want to visit Geralt?"
"Just wanted to ask him some things. That's all." Prompto glanced away from the girl, fiddling even more with the bracelet.
(Y/n) placed a hand on her hip, a single eyebrow raised. "Like what?"
She closed the distance between them, grabbing his chin between her thumb and index finger. She turned his head so he had no other choice but to look down at her. "You asked him about their relationship, didn't you?"
Prompto's eyes widen as they were still locked hers. "How'd you know?"
"If I had known earlier about Geralt, I would've sought him out myself to ask about his relationship with Cynthia. They're the first human/spirit couple I've heard of." She released his chin. "What did he have to say?"
"He said Cynthia had the same doubts about herself like you do. She was afraid she couldn't make him happy because she wasn't human, but all that fear went away when they got married. They were happy until the empire came to town and killed her." Prompto took her hands in his, entwining their fingers together. "I know you're supposed to be the one protecting me, but I want to protect you too. I-I can't bear the thought of losing you."
She smiled gently at him. "You won't lose me, Prom. I'll always be by your side, even when you don't want me to be."
Prompto laughed, leaning his forehead against hers. "There's no way that'll ever happen." He placed his lips over hers, kissing her gently. He squeezed her hands when the kiss deepened, drowning in the blissful moment. His heartbeat and hers picked up in speed as the kiss became heated. Before it could turn into a full make-out session in broad daylight, they pulled apart. The boy glanced down at their connected hands before quickly looking back up at (Y/n). "Guess we better head back."
"Then let's go." She released one of his hands, but continued to hold the other one. They held hands all the way to the hotel and weren't even ashamed when they walked into the lobby, grabbing everyone's attention.
Iris was the first to react, flying to her feet. She was aware of the couple holding hands, but she was more invested in introducing herself to (Y/n). "We haven't formally met. I'm Iris."
"I'm (Y/n). A pleasure to meet you, Iris," the guardian smiled.
The young Amicitia glances at the gemstone in the girl's upper arm. "Prompto told me everything about spirits earlier. I'm...still trying to wrap my head around it, especially since Cynthia was one too." She them looked over towards Talcott with a smile before meeting the spirit's gaze again. "Thank you for cheering Talcott up. He told me how much fun he had with you today."
"I'm glad I could bring his smile back."
"Oh!" Talcott suddenly shouted. He looked over at Noctis. "(Y/n) and I overheard some hunters talking about another tomb."
The raven-haired boy blinked in surprise. "Really? Where?"
"At the top of the Rock of Ravatogh."
"Well, looks like we know where we're heading next," Gladio commented. "Best head out now if we wanna beat the daemons."
"It is in our best interest to restock our supply of curatives before departing," Ignis said.
Iris and Talcott remained behind as the others left the Leville. They restocked their diminishing supply of curatives before heading to the parking lot. Before they climbed into the Regalia, they could hear the frustrated yells of someone nearby. They all exchanged glances with each other, deciding to check on the frustrated person. They came across the President and CEO of Meteor Publishing, Vyv. He was complaining about the heat, which is what caught the group's attention.
After calming down, Vyv explained to them how he wanted pictures of a cave located at the Rock of Ravatogh. Prompto gasped in excitement at the request. "We'll do it!"
"We will?" Noctis asked.
"I am not passing up this opportunity. Besides, we're already heading that way!"
"Prompto and his pictures..." (Y/n) mumbled.
"Indeed," Ignis said after overhearing the girl.
"Get a good shot and I'll pay you," Vyv said.
"We do need the money," Gladio stated. "And it's only a picture. Blondie'll handle it."
"Aw, yeah!" Prompto cheered. "You can count on me!"
With that, the group headed back to the parking lot and climbed into the Regalia. They left Lestallum and headed towards the Rock of Ravatogh. Ignis pulled the car over to the side of the road when they got as close to the pathway leading up the volcano as they possibly could. Hopping out of the vehicle, they trek up the path until they reached jagged, uneven ground. (Y/n) watched where she stepped to avoid tripping. "So, we're really going to trek up the side of a volcano for a picture and a royal arm."
"Why do you sound excited?" Gladio asked.
She grinned from ear to ear. "I thrive in environments of extreme heat. Makes my magic more powerful."
"You wanna take the lead then?" Noctis asked. "I wouldn't mind, especially if you burn all the monsters we come across. It'd make this whole trip easier."
"And let you guys miss all the fun?" She gasped in feign shock. "Never. Lead the way, Noctis."
Noctis groaned at her answer. "Ugh..."
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gingerel · 2 years
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Noctis steps out of the shower before he can fall asleep in there. Every time he moves a limb, shifts a hand, or turns his head his vision turns blue, remnants of his days, too much warping, too much magic all at once.
It’s better than standing still. Better than letting life push him on a track he’s not ready, not truly willing to take. Noctis can do good here, even if his errands are small and mostly inconsequential, they make people happy, makes their lives a better for at least a little while.
He’s lazy with the way he towels himself off, regrets it the minute he starts pulling on a clean pair of fatigues and the fabric clings to his skin like half used sticky tape in the humid, tiny camper bathroom.
Noctis stumbles into the front part of the camper, finds Ignis and Gladio having a low conversation while Ignis works at the small stove. It’s not as good as the camp gear they have packed away, but Ignis thinks it would be a slight to set it up outside when their accommodation provides. Over the smell of the food, he picks up coffee and sure enough, a steaming mug sits on the side next to an open beer.
Gladio catches his eye, jerks his towards the door.
“He’s outside,” Gladio tells him.
Noctis figured as much but he mumbles thanks anyway, not bothering with his boots and just stepping outside in his socks.
Leide is still hot, sun on its way down but still beaming heat down onto Hammerhead. Prompto showered before him and his hair is mostly dry already, soft without product, slightly floofy on one side where he’s not bothered to try and control it.
“Hey,” Noct greets him. Prompto blinks sleepily but offers him a smile.
“Feel better?” Prompto asks.
Noctis flexes his hand, an inexplicable kind of fatigue heavy in his bones.
“Yeah,” he half lies, dropping into the chair at Prompto’s side, shoving it closer in a way he hopes isn’t too obvious. Not that it matters, they’ve been together for a while now.
Noctis should really know exactly how long, but his feelings predate their first kiss by so long it’s all a mess inside his head.
“Long day,” Noct offers.
Prompto snorts, “So long.”
They need something, he knows. A distraction, something akin to how they’d sneak away back home in the absence of being able to — maybe they could go for a walk, but it’s not worth watching Ignis have kittens worrying over what might happen to them while they’re by themselves.
And he doesn’t exactly want to invite Gladio along to … watch.
It’s harder to pull stuff from the Armiger you didn’t put there, but not impossible if you know it’s there. Gladio only bought the four pack this afternoon so —
The bottle is cold in his hand, preserved by his magic to be the exact same way it was when it was slipped inside. He lines the lip of the cap up on the edge of the table and smacks his palm down on top.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Prompto asks drily.
“I’ve seen Gladio do this a thousand times,” Noct mumbles. He tries again, catches the lid right but doesn’t get it off, adjusts it just a little and this time the cap pings away. Prompto manages to catch it before it hits the ground, and he spins it around in his fingers before setting it on the table between them.
“You know we can just buy some right?” Prompto says. “We don’t need to steal from Gladio.”
“Stealing makes it taste better,��� Noctis says — it’s not true, but it makes Prompto laugh, which is what he really wanted. “Besides, it’s gross, I’m not paying for something gross.”
He takes a sip, wincing at the bitterness, made not at all palatable by the carbonation. Prompto takes it from his hand when he tilts it his way, running his thumb over the sun emblazoned on the label before tipping the bottle back for his own swallow.
“Ugh,” Prompto complains.
They never really drank much back home, never saw the appeal — much preferring artificially flavoured soda and overcooked popcorn while an uninteresting movie plays in the background. Something it didn’t matter if or when they got distracted.
Prompto takes a second swig and sets the bottom down, shifting his chair closer in a move that is clearly not supposed to be subtle. He folds his arms on top of the table, directly in Noct’s space before burying his head into them. Without hesitation Noctis wraps himself around his boyfriend, nosing at the soft curl of hair at the nape of his neck and folding them into an impossible pretzel of limbs.
They’re all using the same soap now, so Prompto smells less like himself and more like Noctis. It’s good and bad.
“Ignis and Gladio are going to make us sleep in the bunk beds,” Prompto complains, words muffled.
“Yeah,” Noctis says. It makes sense, Gladio literally cannot fit in any bed but the pull-out double.
“Lame,” Prompto mutters.
Noctis noses further into his hair, trying to pick up any of his old smell underneath Noct’s woodsy soap.
“Wanna curl up on the bottom bunk?” Noct teases.
Prompto giggles, falls silent, and then, after a full minute —
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Animal Trap - Whumptober day 11
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Noctis Lucis Caelum Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Just *gestures* general description of a leg being stuck in a bear trap, but there's not like, heavy gore or anything. Also everyone keeps all their limbs, no worries.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
“Remind me again why we took on this job?” Noct groans as they walk around the area the hunter indicated for the third time.
“Because you have that insatiable need to help everyone you come across,” Gladio says dryly. “Just don’t understand how we keep getting dragged into it.”
“Less bickering, more focus, gentlemen. And do watch your step,” Ignis snaps. He’s been irritable all day, a result of the rest area being fresh out of coffee, and Noct agreeing to find those old traps for the hunters might just be his personal last straw.
Slowly but surely, Noct is starting to share the sentiment.
Prompto, wisely, says nothing at all and instead shuffles around the grass nervously, eyes trained on the ground.
Noct on the other hand has grown up with Ignis and has long since lost the particular sense of self-preservation that tells him not to push his luck, so he turns around to face Ignis and says, playfully, “C’mon Specs, maybe you’re lucky and that shipment happens to contain some Ebony. If you ask them very nicely-”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. Prompto’s cry of “Noct, watch out!” coming a fraction of a second too late as something snaps with a loud metallic clang and Noct’s leg gets caught in the trap.
Choking on a cry, he stumbles to the ground. The movement digs the spikes into his skin and his vision fades momentarily. Blood rushes in his ears and he can vaguely hear someone yelling his name, but the pain is too intense for him to focus on anything else.
It hurts, in a way that takes his breath away. His leg throbs in sync with his heartbeat and the pressure from the trap is too much to bear. It’s meant for large prey, designed for the monsters that prowl around the area - his leg doesn’t stand a chance.
He wishes he could just pass out and let the others deal with this mess, but his body doesn’t grant him that mercy. Instead, the world swims back into focus and he becomes aware of Ignis talking to him, gentle hands on his back and chest to keep him steady.
Gladio is already examining the trap, but he seems afraid to touch it - afraid to hurt Noct any further.
“Iggy, hold him down,” he says, and immediately, panic wells up in Noct’s chest. “Prompto, get the first aid kit from the car. Shit’s all rusty, don’t wanna give him a potion without cleaning it first.”
Ignis pulls him into an embrace, both for comfort and to hold him still. His arms are wrapped around Noct in a way that makes it impossible for him to flail or lash out, and he’s making shushing noises into his hair. It’s only then that Noct notices that his own breath is coming out in shallow, panicked bursts.
When Gladio starts testing the trap’s mechanism to try and find a way to release it, even the small amount of jostling nearly takes Noct’s breath away.
“It’s stuck,” Gladio says grimly, “I’m gonna have to break it open.”
Ignis’ lips press against Noct’s sweaty hair. “Do it quickly. He might be going into shock.”
“I wanna wait til Prompto gets back with the-” Gladio starts, but Noct interrupts him, teeth gritted to keep himself from crying out.
“Just get it off! ”
“Alright, alright,” Gladio gives in, moving to better access the trap.
Noct closes his eyes, not wanting to look. Instead, he focuses on Ignis’ whispers of comfort, but a scream rips from his mouth nonetheless when Gladio wrenches the jaws open. The metal spikes slip free, the pressure lessens, and immediately, it’s easier to breathe.
“Well done, Noct, shhh, you’re alright,” Ignis soothes, rubbing his hands up and down Noct’s arms as if to warm him. “Gladio, what’s the holdup?”
Gladio’s silent for just a beat too long, and immediately, Noct knows the universe isn’t done with him yet.
“One of the spikes broke off in his skin. I gotta get it out before we can give him a potion.”
Ignis swears quietly, settling back around Noct. “Just a little longer, Noct, I promise.”
Noct presses the back of his head against Ignis’s shoulder, taking comfort from the familiar presence and touch. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t think he could manage even if he wanted to.
A warm hand finds his and squeezes it. Noct opens his eyes to find Prompto looking at him with a shaky smile.
“Hey, buddy, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you need, okay?”
“’M not giving birth,” Noct sob-laughs, and then he has to bite his lip as hard as he can to keep himself from just… dissolving into sobs without the laughing.
In the meantime, Gladio has prepared everything to extract the rusted piece of metal from Noct’s leg - gods, just thinking about it makes Noct feel sick.
He imagines Gladio digging around the wound, spike slipping out of the tweezers and deeper into the skin and he thinks he’s close to hyperventilation, but Gladio, thank the gods, is quick and skilled with the tweezers and so it’s barely a minute until Gladio sits back with a sigh of relief and says, “Got it.”
His hand brushes against Noct’s knee. “Well done, kid,” he rumbles. “Just gotta keep it up for a little while longer and then you can have a potion.”
Right, Gladio’s been wanting to clean the wound first. Part of Noct wants to tell him to fuck off and just give him the damn potion, but he knows Gladio takes first aid and field medicine too seriously for that. The potion would probably take care of the rust and whatever the hell else was on that trap, but Gladio won't take any chances.
So Noct leans his head back against Ignis’s shoulder and resigns himself to another round of pain.
Gladio works quickly and efficiently, cleaning the wound with brisk strokes, and when he’s finally done he doesn’t waste a second to crush the potion against Noct’s leg.
Immediately, relief floods through him - the pain subsides and even though Noct cranes his neck to see for himself, all that remains of the grisly wound is the memory of it.
“Shit,” Noct says and breathes shakily, letting his head drop back against Ignis’ shoulder. “Let’s never do that again.”
“I very much agree,” Ignis says, finally releasing Noct and helping him stand when he says he's ready to get up.
Noct’s leg feels weird still, not hurting, but the phantom pain lingers and he feels weak and fragile. He leans on Ignis a little more heavily than is probably warranted, but Ignis, bless him, doesn’t comment on it.
“I think we should probably call it a day,” Prompto laughs nervously. He’s white as a sheet and looks ready to keel over, but he’s got a smile plastered on his face and Noct is immensely grateful for it.
“I’m gonna sleep for like three days,” he announces as he takes a first, shaky step. Irrationally, he expects his leg to crumple under him, but of course it holds. He limps a little and he’s still clutching Ignis like a lifeline, but he knows he’s gonna be alright in a little bit.
Just, ugh. He is not looking forward to the nightmares of giant monster traps tonight.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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thedarkrose17 · 3 years
Landing in a strange world was weirdly normal at this point for Noctis. But landing in a strange world with one of his friends not so much.
Prompto looks at the Regalia and sighs.
"You think there's a gas station around here?"
Noctis shrugs, leaning against the car.
"Where even is here?"
Prompto swallows and looks around for any signs with text on, hoping to get a hint. Nothing.
He checks his phone. No signal. Weird. It looks like nowhere on Eos he's seen before.
"No signal." Prompto looks at Noctis and sighs. "Any bars for you?"
Noctis grabs his phone and checks. "Nothing."
"Shit." Prompto groans.
He feels his anxiety easing as he hears footsteps approaching. A person! Finally!
They could figure out where they were, get the Regalia in a garage and maybe call Cindy to get her to tow them back to Hammerhead.
Prompto takes a deep breath and turns to face the stranger, a greeting on his lips. It dies the moment he sees said stranger.
The stranger looked human-like but not fully. Black cat ears sat on top of black and grey hair with an orange lily in it, a tail flicked to the side. His eyes were normal minus the glowing yellow hue.
The stranger had a weird get up, black almost robe-like open top, black pants and boots and two circular shiny things on each of his sides, strapped down.
"Um." Prompto blinks. That was straight up a cat man. "...Do you know where we can find a garage?"
Noctis stood up and looked at the stranger. Said stranger looked flustered as he looked between Noctis and Prompto. Was he turning red?
"Um...To fix the Regalia." Noctis adds, gesturing to the car.
"Oh...the vehicle! Cid can help. He's the expert. Can't say he's ever seen something like this though. Hells I haven't." the cat stranger says. He has fangs. Actual cat fangs.
"Cid?!" Noctis shares a look with Prompto as Prompto utters: "Is Cindy here too?!"
The stranger watched them in complete confusion. His face screamed who's that?
"Who are you?" Noctis asks.
"Solis. Solis Octavia" the cat man introduces himself. He bows, it feels so formal. He looks embarrassed almost when he notices the boys didn't return the gesture, his ears droop down and his tail curls around his waist.
Prompto and Noctis couldn't help but stare. This was just a cat that could talk. A disaster of one at that.
"Solis huh? I'm Noctis. You can call me Noct." Noctis rested a hand on his hip, using his free hand gesture to Prompto with his thumb. "That's Prompto."
"Hey." Prompto offered an awkward smile. "So um where are we?"
"Eorzea. In Thanalan." Solis replies.
The boys blinked and shared a look.
"I've never seen that on a map of Eos." Noctis muttered while Prompto looked close to a panic attack. Where the hell were they? "Can you help us push the car?"
Solis nodded and the three pushed the car until they reached Cid. To the boys' surprise it wasn't their Cid but another one called Cid Garlond.
Through him they learned they were in another world while his crew seemed to marvel at the Regalia. Cid promised he'd try to fix her.
* * *
Prompto and Noctis headed off with Solis to find out more information while they waited.
Sadly they didn't learn how to get back home but they learned something concerning.
"There's been metal men around. There's reports of people saying they're Garlean made." Solis says.
Prompto frowns and speaks up before Noctis has a chance to.
"Did they follow us?" Noctis asks.
"Em-Tees?" Solis asks in confusion.
"They're magitek soldiers. Robots. Made of metal by the Niflheim empire. No one's inside them."
Prompto swallows and nods.
"They sound like they scream when they go down. Super creepy."
Solis' body stiffens. His tail swishing side to side, eyes wide.
Noctis had been around enough cats to know that was a sign of an afraid one. He resisted every urge to reach out and pet the cat man who was the exact same height as Prompto. It seemed weird.
"We'll take them out. They're easy." Noctis says, offering a smile.
Solis blinks and nods. He punches his fist into his hand and grins, showing off his fangs.
"They don't stand a chance."
* * *
The Regalia's gone by the time they get back. Hidden from the prying eyes of a cat woman reporter trying to get a scoop.
Unfortunately for the boys, she tracks them down and offers to give them more information to all their questions for a price. An interview with Prompto and Noctis.
So Noctis somewhat reluctantly agrees.
* * *
Noctis and Prompto come out of their interview with her and head over to Solis.
"So...How was it?" Solis asks.
"It wasn't an interview." Noctis sighs.
"It was an interrogation." Prompto mutters.
Solis snorts.
"It can't have been that bad."
"Trust me dude. It was." Prompto sighs dramatically.
* * *
True to her word, the reporter gives them more information, sending the trio to Gridania to talk to her sources about MTs.
After talking to said sources, Solis tells the reporter about a person seeing mts near Bramble Patch in the east shroud.
Prompto and Noctis listen completely lost on the places but it eventually doesn't stop the pair bolting off before Solis has finished speaking.
He sighs and chases after them, catching up with them in the east shroud. It's dark and dangerous, granted it's also dangerous in the day for anyone clueless about their surroundings or inexperienced.
He pants and is ready to warn them about running off until a creature growls in the darkness and stops him.
"Holy shit! A daemon!" Prompto yells.
Solis takes the circular things from his sides. While he's never fought this thing he's fought things similar.
"Let's go fellas." Noctis smirks, leading the charge.
Prompto hums and summons his gun, he fires off a starshell bullet, lighting up the area as Noctis warp strikes.
He rushes around firing as Noctis attacks. Almost stopping as he glances at Solis attacking.
The cat twirls and spins, colours coming off him as he throws the circular thingies around and at the enemy. He should really ask what those are called.
Prompto blinks and looks at Noctis who grins and throws him his sword, Prompto catches it with ease and throws his gun to Noctis.
The pair attack and finally finish off the daemon.
They bump forearms together and Prompto does his cute little victory cheer that Noctis adores but refuses to admit.
"...What's with the weapon change?" Solis asks.
"Link strike." Noctis replies. "We have a few."
Prompto nods and puts the sword back in the armiger, Noctis doing the same with his gun.
A stomach growls and the duo turn to their cat man teammate.
"...All that fighting made me hungry." Solis says, looking embarrassed. He rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
Noctis' stomach growls next, followed by Prompto's.
"Same here dude." Prompto mutters.
"Lets go set up camp." Noctis suggests.
"For once you're actually down for it. Ah, if only Gladio could see you now." Prompto jokes, gently elbowing him.
"...Sometimes it's not all bad." Noctis quietly admits.
* * *
They set up camp on higher grounds away from hostile creatures.
Noctis makes onigiri that would probably impress Ignis while Prompto makes and hands out coffee.
He sits next to Solis with a quiet oof before speaking up.
"I've been meaning to ask you dude...What's those circular thingies on your waist." Prompto asks.
"Chakrams. Blades are on them. They're what we dancers use."
"Dancers with weapons?! Dude, that's sick!" Prompto grins. "It was super cool seeing you spin around and all these colours come off you as you throw them."
Noctis heads over and sits next to Prompto. He offers the blonde a smile as he hands out the onigiri to the other two boys.
"Dude! He's a dancer with cool bladed circles!" Prompto excitedly repeats to Noctis.
Noctis can't help but smile.
"Is he now?"
He goes quiet for a moment before offering his thanks to Solis.
"What for? All I did was stop you two from becoming lost." Solis smirks. He laughs a little when Noctis calls him a smartass.
"No I mean you probably have shit to do yet you're helping us."
"It's nothing."
"Don't you have a life?" Prompto asks before covering his mouth. "Fuck! S-Sorry that came out wrong."
Solis offers them a warm smile and fiddles with a ring on his hand with a gem in.
"Is that-" Noctis gets cut off.
"An eternity ring." Solis answers, a blush dusts his cheeks as he says it and a fond smile crosses his lips.
"You're engaged?!" Prompto asks.
"Married actually."
"Won't your wife be worried about you?" Prompto asks.
"Husband. He's an adventure too."
The boys glance at each other. Maybe there's hope for them. Granted neither knows the other's feelings or even has the balls to confess yet.
"I get the feeling maybe there's some unsaid feelings between you too." Solis says, resting a hand on his jaw. He smirks. "Cute."
Noctis and Prompto turn scarlet. Prompto stutters gibberish while Noctis tries and fails to deny it.
Solis laughs, his fangs are more visible when he does so.
"Whatever it is..I hope you two can figure it out."
"....Sooo…" Noctis speaks up, changing the subject. "What's your husband like?"
Solis beams and rambles about his husband, a tall viera (bunny person as the boys come to learn) with green hair and heterochromia.
Seeing him light up like that makes Noctis wish that one day he could gush about Prompto like this to anyone who'd listen.
The man sounds completely smitten and honestly Noctis wants that freedom too.
He flops back in his chair, looking up at the sky sadly. Maybe if they can get home, somehow he'll confess.
Prompto places a hand on his arm and offers a weak smile.
"We'll find a way home. You always have."
Hearing that makes Noctis smile. Prompto has a point, he always does end up back home.
* * *
"It's good we took care of the daemon but there weren't any clues this time either." Noctis sighs.
Prompto puts an arm around his shoulders.
"We'll find something. We have to."
Solis joins them moments later.
"I told the reporter about what happened. She's hunting for more leads so we'll have to sit tight for a while."
"...I'd rather go for a walk. Take in the sights."
"Me too." Prompto moves his arm from around Noctis. "We won't leave the city. Promise."
"Ok just don't-"
They head off before Solis finishes.
"...Run off," he sighs.
* * *
He finds them at a stall, the lady behind offering them glamours for free to change their clothes.
Prompto tries one and horns appear on his forehead and a spiky tail appears from his lower back. The cropped top and tattered pants with open toed shoes are a surprise for the blonde. He's yet to notice the horns or tail.
Huge surprise for Noctis judging by how red his face has turned. He can't seem to speak let alone stop staring at the blonde.
"Um...W-What is this?"
"Au ra starting gear sir. Would you like to try another?" the lady behind the stall says.
Prompto nods awkwardly and takes another, using it. He looks human to his relief, the only change is his outfit. A white and black shirt with a deep v, white pants and thigh high boots.
Noctis still seems flustered by that as he takes a miqo glamour and uses it, turning into a cat person. Prompto squeaks in surprise, he blushes muttering Noctis looks cute making Noctis choke out a "W-What?!" flustering Prompto more.
Solis looks at the pair and sighs. Truly they're hopeless. Even more so as they awkwardly get two more glamours for their friends.
He's barely known them for a day and yet he can see their pining. And here he thought he was a disaster.
"When's the wedding?!" he yells, teasing. He might cackle when he notices the boys turn a deeper red.
"Fuck you that's when!" Noctis yells back, flipping him off. There's no malice, just a flustered prince and his best friend internally dying next to him.
Solis can't help but laugh more.
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bgn846 · 3 years
The Science Experiment ffxv fluff cats
Noct tried not to panic as he re-read his text message. He was in a meeting and unable to do much of anything besides fidget uselessly in his seat. This of course attracted the attention of Ignis who simply scowled at him with a disapproving look. Figures Prompto would text him with something urgent when he was busy!
Waiting for the meeting to end was pure torture. Not that he knew what real torture felt like but Noct was sure it had to be close. He wasn’t even out of high school yet and he still had to sit through boring council meetings. Finally, when the meeting adjourned he quickly sent a message back to Prompto right before Ignis’ full focus was directed towards him.
“Highness, might I suggest you not play with your phone during council sessions, it does make you look rather distracted.”
“I wasn’t playing!” Noct spit back under his breath.
“Well, whatever it was you were doing shouldn’t be conducted during the meeting.”
“Yeah, yeah, gotcha, can we go home now?”
Ignis merely sighed and nodded towards the exit. The drive back home was mostly quiet. Ignis probably thought he was stewing over being reprimanded for his phone use, but Noct was really texting Prompto. He still had to figure out what to do.  Ignis needed to drop him off and go home so Noct could call Prompto.
Getting Ignis to actually go home, took forever. First, he had to convince his advisor and friend that he should take the night off. Only after he agreed to eat some leftovers with actual nutritional content did Ignis agree to this idea. Noct kept saying he was only tired and didn’t want to be a bore if Ignis stuck around. The lie was weak and Noct assumed Ignis was only agreeing to keep him happy.
Nearly twenty minutes later when Ignis had gone back down to his car and the door was locked and bolted did Noct call Prompto. His friend picked up on the first ring.
“Dude! Where have you been?” Prompto wailed.
“In a meeting, I just got rid of Ignis, what’s going on? Is she alright?”
“I dunno, she’s um acting weird. I’m starting to get worried.”
“Shit, I knew you should have taken her to the vet yesterday, now what do we do? Nothing will be open now except in emergency places.   Ignis will definitely know something is up if that shows up on the credit card.”
“Oh, oh, I need to bring her over, I don’t know what else to do,” Prompto replied in a rush. “I have just enough money for a cab, I’ll be there soon.”
“Wait! Prompto!” It was too late the line had disconnected. Noct considered calling back but he knew his friend was coming over no matter what he said. Nervously pacing his living room Noct couldn’t get time to go any faster. It felt like an eternity before someone called from downstairs alerting him to Prompto’s arrival.
Running to the door he waited in the hallway until Prompto’s figure appeared around the corner. He was carrying a large box and practically sprinting down the hall. “I don’t know what to do buddy, she’s not okay.”
Noct ushered Prompto inside and quickly shut the door. “Come on let’s take her into the bathroom and see, the light is better in there and it’s got all the first aid stuff too.”
Nearly two hours later Noct wasn’t sure he could unsee what he’d witnessed. Blinking slowly he took in the scene that had unfolded on his pristine white tiled bathroom floor. “How the hell am I going to explain this to Ignis? He doesn’t like animals.”
“We can clean up the mess for sure, but, um, I don’t know what to do with all the new ones,” Prompto replied gesturing towards the pile of squirming fur near the bathtub.
“How did we not know she was pregnant? Shouldn’t that be like, obvious?”
“I’ve never seen a pregnant cat before how the heck would I have known that?”
Noct hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t bother to comment further. They’d both missed this very important fact regarding their newly rescued furry friend. “We couldn’t have left her right? I mean, we did the right thing yeah?” Noct checked, suddenly worried that they’d somehow ruined this cat’s life by taking her in right before she gave birth. Finding a cute cat behind the arcade had been fun but then it had followed them, and pretty soon Prompto had picked it up and the rest is history.
“Nah, dude, she needed a nice place to rest for something like this,” Prompto defended.
“Okay, but now what? They can’t stay here.”
“What do you mean? They can’t stay here, I can’t keep them,” said Prompto with a serious expression. “I work after school, remember? I won’t be able to watch them properly.”
“What about your parents can’t they help?”
“No! Dad is working out of town this week and mom is allergic. I did well to hide momma cat from her this long.”
“Ignis will skin me alive if he finds out I’m keeping a cat in here. I can’t keep them!”
“Buddy, you have to, we don’t have a choice. Don’t you have that extra room no one uses? Can’t we set them up in there and just keep Ignis out?”
“You make it sound so easy, Ignis will find them.”
“Oh! Tell him you are doing a science project and you need a controlled environment or something and that he needs to not open the door for the next week.”
“Prompto, that is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard of, that will never work,” Noct huffed.
“Yeah, so it’s for a science project and like I need a controlled environment otherwise it’ll fail and I’ll have to um, you know, start over,” Noct rambled as Ignis stood in the hallway holding a bundle of folded clothes the next evening.
“Highness you are aware that I use the closet in that room for storing some of your extra clothing, it would have been helpful to have alerted me to this development before you started your experiment.”
“Uh, sorry about not telling you but it’s super important that you just don’t go in there. I’ll let you know when I’m done.”
Ignis raised an eyebrow in judgment and watched as Noct withered under the gaze.  Unwilling to fight Noct on what he was actually hiding in the room Ignis sighed and shook his head. Without uttering anything else he turned and walked away. The evening was going to be an interesting one.
It became clear that Noct wanted him to leave sooner rather than later, so Ignis decided to play along. Being an integral part of the prince's life meant he would see Noct again, whether he wanted it or not. Seeing Noct struggle to ignore the spare room was comical. Homework was even brought out as what Ignis could only guess was some form of distraction.
Noct only stared at the paper but didn’t write anything. When dinner was served he ate so fast Ignis was sure he’d make himself sick. Thankfully, that didn’t happen. Once all the dishes were clean Ignis gathered his things and bid Noct a good night.
No sooner had he shut the door behind him did he hear Noct run away from the door, he was up to something. Debating about calling Gladio to ask if he knew, Ignis decided things might be more adventurous if he let it play out naturally.
Approximately twenty-six hours later when Ignis came over to fix dinner he had his first clue. Noct’s apartment smelled fruity. The prince normally didn’t like fake scents but he’d obviously bought something. Sniffing around Ignis found the source, plugged into the wall just down the hall from the supposed science experiment room. As he was walking over to investigate further Noct came bustling down the hall and blocked the door with his body.
“When did you get here?! I told you already you can’t go in there!”
“I wasn’t going to go in, I was merely trying to figure out why you bought that,” Ignis commented as he pointed to the small device emitting the not-so-great scent. “And I’m here to fix dinner highness like I always am at this time.”
“Ah, oh, um, right, dinner.”
“So the experiment you’re conducting stinks?” Ignis asked hoping to glean more information.
“No, well not exactly, but yeah,” Noct scrambled. “Does it really matter, this is my house. If I want a smelly plug thing for the wall then I should have one right?”
Ignis raised his hands in defeat and turned away. “I’ll go start dinner then since there is nothing to see here.”
The moment he’d made it to the kitchen Ignis was sure he’d heard the door to the spare room open and quickly close. Noct came to join him about five minutes later and couldn’t focus to save his life. The boy was constantly looking towards the spare room and was unable to make conversation that consisted of anything more than three words. Giving up Ignis finished up dinner and excused himself early for the night.
One day down, Ignis wondered how long  Noct would make it before he slipped up and revealed the secrets of the spare room.
It had been three weeks and Ignis was still playing Noct’s game of ‘stay out of the spare room’. Though, he had a pretty good idea of what was going on. He’d just not seen physical evidence yet. Ignis had also discovered that Prompto was part of this ruse as well. The two teenagers were constantly hanging out, more than normal, and working to keep the spare room from being noticed. The idea that making distractions around the rest of the apartment would keep their secret safe was funny to Ignis.
Having had ample time to do research on a few things Ignis was sure that life was about to get a lot trickery for Noct and Prompto. By now Gladio had been alerted and told to stay quiet. Ignis was actually having fun and looking forward to the big, or rather small reveal.
Granted he could have intruded and taken a peek in the room already, but Ignis stood by his morals, this was Noct’s home and he’d been asked to stay out of that room. The trust he and Noct shared was not something he was keen to throw away over a cat.
Settling in at the dining table that evening Ignis sat with his back to the hallway, Noct’s new seat of choice was one facing the spare room. It was just the two of them tonight; Prompto had to go home early to see his parents. Halfway through the meal, Ignis heard a faint scratching noise. “Do you hear that?” he asked pausing and tilting his head.
“Hear what? I don’t hear anything!”
“Hmm I’m sure I heard something, does your science experiment have to do with anything that moves?”
“Something moving?! Six no, its not alive. Nothing in that room is alive,” Noct answered as his face turned a rather interesting shade of red.
“I see, well then I must have heard something else.”
Noct didn’t say anything more; instead it seemed his focus had become how loudly he could eat the rest of his dinner. The idea that clinking his fork into the dishware and slamming his water glass down would do anything to mask the sounds coming from down the hall was amusing. Working hard to keep from smiling Ignis finished eating and hurried to clean and put away the dishes.
“Don’t forget we need to review the council meeting minute’s tomorrow evening after dinner.”
“Can’t we just like wait until the meeting and then I’ll take a look, I don’t really need to be that prepared. They never ask me anything anyway.”
“You will not get out of this highness, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Noct groaned in frustration but nodded as Ignis gathered his things and made to leave. Deciding to push a little Ignis paused near the door. “When will your science experiment be over?”
“Not sure, it’s sorta um an organic timed kinda thing. Ya know?”
“No not really, why don’t you explain it to me?”
Noct’s nervous laughter filled the space as he began gesticulating with his hands and trying to say something coherent. “Well, like, um, it’s science and stuff and sometimes I don’t even understand it, but there are instructions and its going well I think.”
“I see,” Ignis hummed. “I’d best be off then, good night Noct.” With nothing more than a smile, Ignis donned his shoes and left.
The next evening when Ignis approached Noct’s apartment door he could hear a commotion inside. A faint yelp indicated that Prompto was there as well. Knocking loudly Ignis took his time unlocking the door and letting himself in. He could at least give them a head start.
Once inside Ignis could tell that things had escalated. The living room was a mess and the sound of hushed voices and frantic steps could be heard down the hall. Both young men were in the spare room. The cat must have escaped the room or maybe it was trying to escape. One couldn’t keep a cat caged for too long it’d get curious and want to explore.
Deciding to start dinner Ignis busied himself in the kitchen. Looking around in an upper cabinet for a dish Ignis was startled when a door slammed. Spinning around Ignis was about to check on Noct and Prompto when something caught his eye. There on the floor was a tiny little ball of fluff. It had cute little ears and was wobbling around headed straight for him.
They were hiding a kitten, not a cat! No wonder Noct was being so protective. Slowly walking towards the little kitten, Ignis was surprised when another nearly identical kitten appeared from around the corner. Dear six, there was more than one. The first kitten had nearly made to his feet when Ignis heard footsteps approaching. Without thinking he leaned over and scooped up the little animal and promptly shoved it in the still open cabinet. Swiftly closing the door he stayed facing the wall pretending to prepare things while he waited. The footsteps became very quiet, almost like the owner was trying to hide. Ignis knew they were trying to catch the little escapee. When the door down the hall opened and closed Ignis checked to make sure he was alone before he opened the cabinet door.
A petit mew was the greeting he received from the occupant. Reaching in Ignis gave the little fuzzball a pat. “I believe they are still looking for you little one,” he whispered with a smirk. “Your sibling didn’t make it as far as you.”
Again, the door opened down the hall and Ignis quickly and carefully shut the cabinet to hide its secret. Spinning around Ignis found Noct wandering around the living room, hunched over clearly looking for the missing kitten. “Did you lose something?”
Noct straightened up and shook his head, “Nah I was um just stretching my legs.”
Before Ignis could think of what to say Prompto came running into the room without noticing him. “Did you find it?!”
“Be sure to say hi to Ignis first!” Noct exclaimed.
“Shit! Oh uh I mean hi, how’s it going?” Prompto managed as he turned to face him.
“So you were looking for something?”
“Prompto’s phone, that’s what I was looking for, it’s not here. I think we need to check the other room again.” Noct walked away and dragged a very flustered Prompto with him.
Ignis heard Noct berate Prompto for not knowing he was there. The last bit of conversation he could make out was regarding the blond having not heard the knock on the door. Remembering his own secret Ignis rushed back and opened the cabinet. Another mew sounded and this time the kitten stumbled right out and nearly hit the counter. Thinking fast Ignis caught the little thing and cradled it to his chest. “Little trouble maker you,” he cooed. “Come now, let’s have some fun.”  
Dinner was truly entertaining. Ignis managed to hide the little kitten that he‘d already named Darvis in the laundry room. The basket full of clean towels was most intriguing and worked as a wonderful place for a small nap. However, the real show was getting to watch Prompto and Noct attempt to remain sane while they ate. Neither of them would maintain eye contact for more than a few seconds. They’d always break away to scan the floor around the apartment.
When dinner was over Ignis stood and stretched. “I think you two should clean the dishes while I get some paperwork ready for Noct to review.” Both boys were up in a flash and clearing away the dishes. Ignis had never seen them move so fast.
Taking advantage of the distraction Ignis calmly went to retrieve little Darvis. It was far too easy to sneak back into the living room and sit on the sofa with his back to Noct and Prompto. The kitten was enjoying the attention and clambered around on his lap until it found a nice little spot between Ignis’ leg and the sofa cushion. Getting comfortable Ignis began arranging paperwork for Noct to look at. Darvis had his eyes closed and was happily napping again. Soon enough Noct shuffled into view, still looking everywhere but Ignis. Prompto followed him and was also scanning the area.  
“Sit down this won’t take long. Feel free to stick around Prompto, we’ll be done soon and then I’ll take my leave for the night.”
“Huh? Oh sure, um what do you need me to review?” Noct replied absentmindedly, his attention clearly on something else.
Ignis smiled and handed over the paperwork, Noct almost dropped the folder because he wasn’t looking. Finally, the prince sat down and made a half-assed attempt at looking through the files. Prompto continued to search the fringes of the room by idly wandering around.
Several minutes passed before Prompto froze and let his mouth fall open. He was looking right at Darvis. Noct was still distracted enough that Ignis was able to put a finger to his lips to silence Prompto. The blond kept moving his mouth akin to a fish out of water but he remained quiet.
“Ignis, um, can I look at these later I’m really not able to focus right now.” Noct lamented as he put the folder down on the coffee table.
“Certainly highness, I’ll be happy to go over it again tomorrow with you.”
“Thanks, sorry, I’m not being very helpful.”
“I understand,” Ignis supplied looking straight at Noct and waiting for him to see what was in plain sight.
Prompto had even begun to stare at his friend in disbelief. Finally, Noct’s eyes grew wide as he noticed the little ball of fluff nestled next to Ignis. “How --how long have you known?” Noct managed in a strangled voice.
“Since the scent plug-in appeared.”
Noct groaned and flopped sideways on the sofa, though he quickly perked back up and pointed an accusing finger at him, “I get to keep one, you clearly already picked one.”
“Yes, Darvis is mine and will be coming to live with me once he’s been properly nursed by his mother.”
“I thought you didn’t like cats!” Prompto exclaimed.
“I don’t, Darvis is the exception,” Ignis answered coolly.
“What about the other two, and the momma?” Prompto asked with worry. “I can’t take any of them, my mom is allergic.”
Ignis wasn’t surprised to hear there were more, but he knew what to do. “I’ll put a notice up in the office; we’ll be able to find suitable homes for all of them in no time.”
“I can’t believe you let me suffer through that terrible science experiment lie for three whole weeks!” Noct lamented.
“How did you even come up with that farce?”
Noct immediately looked at Prompto and threw his hand out, “he suggested it!”
“Next time I might suggest you fess up before making your life harder. I may not like most cats but I wouldn’t have made you put it out on the street.  Though,” Ignis paused and stared at Noct intensely, “that doesn’t mean you can bring every pregnant stray you find here. Am I understood?”
“I promise never to do it again, so long as I get to keep one.”
“Can he keep another one for me too?” Prompto tried hopefully.
“Don’t push your luck young man, I think one cat between the two of you will be purrfectly fine.”
“Oh, you did not just do that!” Noct groused. “Prompto we need to get him away from the cats now, he’s only gonna get worse!”
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ohdaim · 3 years
april fool's day oneshot
hi guys, i wrote this today in one sitting, and it's lazily edited:) i'm recovering from an oral surgery and on strong medication, so i hope this makes as much sense as i think it does.
Ship: Ignis Scientia/female reader Summary: You are a Citadel valet working the night shift, frequently attending to Ignis' car. You have no idea how to talk to him. He has no idea how to ask for your number. Words: 1849 idk if this is considered fluff or just mutual pining but with like,, idiots
Stir together bread crumbs, garlic, parsley…
You scanned the rest of the newest recipe on your favorite cooking blog, Feeding The Fussy. As always, it looked delicious. As always, you rated it five stars and typed out a comment.
I followed the recipe exactly, but I left out the bread crumbs and cheese. I used shrimp and bacon grease instead. Terrible recipe. Won’t make again.
Putting your phone away, you came to attention when someone stepped out of a Citadel elevator across the lobby. You worked night shift as a palace valet and hardly saw anyone but for a few regular night owls. One of them approached now, and gods, you were nervous all of a sudden.
Ignis was your favorite regular. He was polite, tipped well, and made small talk so you wouldn't have to. You didn’t know what he did in the Citadel or why he so often left at four in the morning. You just knew you had a big crush on him and, for that reason, could never carry a full conversation without getting sweaty palms.
“Good morning.” He greeted you first. “Quiet night?”
You nodded, entering the info you needed to check his vehicle out of the system. You wanted to say something, anything. Nerves got the best of you, and you excused yourself into the back room to get his car keys. On your way out, you held them up. “I’ll have your car here momentarily.”
Ignis didn’t respond. He wasn’t even looking at you. His attention was on his phone, a corner of his mouth curled upward.
You paused, taking in the smirk with shy curiosity. That was a new look. What was he smirking at? When he seemed to remember himself, he schooled the look and met your eyes. Startling, you repeated yourself quietly and went through the doors leading to the parking garage.
Ignis’ car consistently smelled like coffee wrapped in leather. Your phone vibrated in your pocket as you buckled in. Because you wanted to linger in the nice scent--was this extremely weird? Yes, of course--you checked to see what the buzzing was about.
An email. You’d gotten a reply from the Feeding The Fussy chef. They’d liked your comments in the past but hadn’t addressed your obvious jokes. You stared at the subject line for a beat, then opened the message.
Thank you for the review. Almost as insightful as last week’s eight hundred word description of your current diet and how my recipes conflict. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this one?
Your nervousness grew so heavy, it burst in bright red over your face, a flame in your chest. The chef was talking to you. You’d chalked it up to luck that they understood your sense of humor and the intent of your comments. Never had you thought they’d give more than a like. You typed a response before getting back to work.
Pro tip: Using a microwave is faster than the oven. Also, I’ve begun a new diet (details to follow), so is there any way to make this recipe without the ingredients?
Ignis’ car was fancy but less so than most others in the garage. You always felt a pinch of regret when pulling it up to the lobby entrance. Driving a car like his just to see how fast it could go, it wasn’t something you’d ever get to do. You didn’t own one yourself, and truthfully, you'd only gotten a driving license to be qualified for this job. Getting out, you waved at Ignis and extended an arm toward the open driver’s seat.
Tip passing from his hand to your own, you bowed and tucked the money into a pocket. He thanked you, getting into his car. You waited for him to drive away, likely the last person you’d see this shift.
“Ah, pardon me,” Ignis startled you by climbing back out, the car door hanging open. He held something out to you. “I believe you dropped this.”
You looked at your phone in his hand, your eyes wide, nervousness becoming embarrassment. Quickly grabbing it, you bowed again. “Sorry.”
Ignis chuckled. “It’s quite alright. Good thing I noticed when I did.”
Nodding emphatically, you wished he’d just go before you humiliated yourself further.
Clearly not reading your mind, he lingered a moment longer. “In truth, I--”
“Have a good day, sir.” You didn’t mean to interrupt him and hadn’t expected him to say more.
He cleared his throat and smiled. “Same to you.” Thanking you again, by name this time, he left.
Back in the quiet lobby, you put his tip with the rest you’d made that night. You sat behind the desk and buried your face in your hands. The sting of feeling stupid in front of Ignis was abated by the underlying excitement that came from talking to the chef you admired.
They specialized in meals for picky eaters, which you were. They used clear directions, so they could be followed by an amateur chef, which you really were. They sometimes added personal anecdotes spiced with sarcasm and dry jokes to the recipe’s background, which made you feel safe to comment. You refrained from checking your inbox, content to wait until you were home to see if they’d replied yet.
Two attendants arrived for the day shift, and as you hitched the strap of your bag over a shoulder, readying to leave, one of them told you to wait.
“You should pick up a new nametag before your next shift.”
Glancing down at your uniform, you remembered you’d lost yours several days ago. “Oh, right. I will.”
You stepped into an elevator, pressing the button for the metro station level. New nametag. Dumb. You had your work badge but still required a tag. How else would the Citadel inhabitants know who to thank for fetching their expensive cars? You rolled your eyes at the thought, already annoyed. You’d have to come to work early to pick it up. Was it too soon to quit and attend culinary school? You needed to make a bit more money first. Ignis tipped large bills, but still, it’d take years of picking his car up every morning before you could afford tuition.
Grinning to yourself, you weaved through the incoming morning crowds and boarded a train home. It had felt nice, hearing Ignis say your name on his way out. He was the only person who ever addressed you, so maybe getting a new tag was worth it for that alone. Ignis was just-- He truly-- You really liked when he came down, that was all.
It didn’t strike you for another several hours, as you filled out the online request for a new Citadel employee nametag, that Ignis must’ve remembered your name. You supposed a great memory was probably just another part of his polite demeanor. That’s what you told yourself, at least, to keep your crush from growing. You didn’t even know the man.
You attempted the chef’s latest recipe, and as it cooled, you--very casually and not nervously at all--checked to see if they’d replied.
I’ll keep that tip in mind. As for your question, I recommend the following replacement recipe: brew a cup of coffee or tea, sit somewhere comfortable, and enjoy the beverage knowing your comments haunt me whenever I cook.
You read and reread the message, then laughed into a hand. Worth the wait. You ate a bite directly from the dish on your counter, huffing through the fresh heat with mild regret. They deserved a genuine review after such honesty, but it seemed you were doing little more than burning the roof of your mouth. So you took a picture of the food, offering a thumbs up with one hand in frame, and sent it as a reply.
The next night you worked, Ignis arrived much earlier than expected--before midnight, no less. He was coming in rather than going out. Another man was with him, someone blonde and unfamiliar. Ignis opened the back to retrieve something, turning you down when you offered to get it for him. The blonde man, his smile sincere but awkward, complimented your shoes.
“Thanks.” You didn’t really know what to say. People chatting with you was uncommon.
“They match your uniform’s tie… thing.” The blonde man was red in the face. Someone needed to tell him he didn’t have to make small talk. You were just a valet. He persisted, his smile broad. “It’s nice, y’know. You’re, like, coordinated and stuff.”
“Prompto.” Ignis closed the back and proffered a piece of luggage toward the other man. “Leave her be.” When the man took the bag from him, Ignis gave you the car keys. “I apologize for my friend. He can’t contain himself around beautiful women. Add inebriation, and he’s a lost cause.”
You gripped the keys tightly, taking in everything with a slow nod. Yes, of course, right. All of that made sense. Ignis was bringing a drunk friend into the palace. Normal Ignis stuff.
“Do you think Cor’s gonna be mad at me?” the blonde asked Ignis, walking backwards from the car toward the lobby doors. “Iggy, what if Cor gets mad at me?”
Ignis rolled his eyes, a hand checking his inner jacket. “A tad late to worry about that. Go directly to the barracks and try to sleep it off.”
“Where are the barracks again?”
Ignis’ chest broadened with a sigh, and he left the guy hanging. Withdrawing a money clip, he held it out to you. “For your trouble.”
You hesitated taking it. The outer bill appeared to be 1,000 yen, and it was several notes thick… More than the usual tip. You took it slowly, fingertips brushing his leather covered palm, and murmured a quiet thanks.
Ignis remained, his hand lifting to brush loose strands of hair out of his face. He wasn’t as put together as you were used to. Your eyes trailed downward, now noticing the unbuttoned collar of his shirt. Huh.
He cleared his throat and began, “There’s something I--”
“C’mon, Iggy!” The blonde man held one of the entrance doors wide open. “If I knew Cor was gonna be mad anyway, I would’ve stayed at Noct’s.”
Ignis gave you a hasty farewell, already walking away to push the blonde man through the door. They disappeared inside, leaving an awkward wake of silence. You settled into Ignis’ coffee-and-leather scented car, a realization hitting you late, as they tended to do. Had Ignis implied you were beautiful? You didn’t entertain the thought for long. Ignis was a professional, royal something-or-other. He would never. You were reading too much into it. Surely.
On the walk from Ignis’ parking spot back to the lobby, you checked for the latest message from the chef. You’d boldly given them your number in a DM when the comment thread became unbearably long. You hadn’t held out hope of receiving a message and read their initial text at least ten times in disbelief before responding and saving the number.
Was this a new friendship? You hoped so.
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winterstarqueen · 3 years
I'm not sure this idea could be relevant to the plot or be used as a side chapter to the riku x reader x yozora story but Im kinda in the need of angst. This is before yozora found the reader, where yozora is holding the heart shaped locket which brings up a painful memory of when the reader died but before she did, she wanted to see him one last time(in other words her death is similar to of Luna's) after the memory ends a single tear falls from his cheek as he promises himself that they will see each other again. You don't have to do this if you don't want to
Our never ending promise. (Yozora x female reader)
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(Warning: death, and sadness.)
Yozora was looking around the city. He did this when he wasn’t fighting the Gigs. Just hoping that you were around here. You had to show up eventually. Because that’s what that old man told him. That you became a nobody. He didn’t quite know what he meant by nobody. But, if you’re alive then he was going to find you. Even though you broke your promise. He stopped by a flower shop. Although he looked here multiple times he just had to stop. Because you loved flowers. He closed his eyes.
He was looking all over for you. But,he couldn’t find you anywhere. “(Y/n)? Where are you?” He asked. You sat up and said. “I’m right here.” “Did you fall asleep in the flowers again?” Noct asked. You yawned before saying. “Y-Yeah.” “What am I going to do with you?” He asked sitting next to you. “Make sure that I’m all set up when you become king. I want a nice house with a garden that has beautiful flowers. Just like these.” You said smiling. “Don’t you want to live in the castle? Because there’s plenty of room.” He asked. “Well, I’m going to have to think about it.” You said. He turned his head before saying. “The castle gardens are much bigger. You can use the library whenever if you want.” “Are you trying to bribe me?! I can’t believe you!” You said turning your head. “No. That’s not...” He said frowning. Noctis didn’t want you to be mad at him. He just wanted to rule with you by his side. You’re his best friend and he didn’t want you to leave.“I’m just joking around with you.” You said laughing. “You were scaring me for a minute. I don’t like it when we argue.” “I don’t either.” You said laying back down and watching the clouds. You then picked up a flower. “We should probably head back.” You said after a while. You got up and that was when he grabbed your hand. “What is it?” You asked. He looked at you for a while. Now was his chance to tell you. “Have you ever felt like you wanted something but,couldn’t have it?” He asked you. “Well, there was a book I wanted...” “That’s not what I mean.” He said. “Oh? It’s getting late. Let’s talk about this later.” You said frowning. “Okay.” He said looking down. You never did.
“If only I told her. Then she probably wouldn’t have left.” He said frowning. Everything changed between the two of you and it wasn’t because of your disappearance. It was because you were confused. You simply didn’t understand what he was getting at. He tried to tell you in multiple ways. He remembered even falling more in love with you. Yozora went to the park to look for you there. He sighed upon remembering the last time the two of you were together.
You weren’t acting like yourself and Noctis was getting worried. At first he just thought it was because you were getting a cold. As soon as you got up you barely said a word. This was very unusual. Because you would always say good morning. “(Y/n) what’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?” He asked. Was this about being the wedding planner? Because that seemed stressful. “Huh? I’m okay.” You said picking up you fork. You were going to eat some of your waffles. However Noct stopped you. “Are you sure? You haven’t been acting like yourself.” He asked. “Yes...I’m just sleepy that’s all.” You said yawning. Today was your last day with him. A couple nights ago you had a nightmare. For some reason you found out Luna’s and Noct’s fate. You couldn’t let them die. They’re your good friends. It didn’t matter what happened to you. As long as they are safe. “C-Can we spend the whole day together? Just the two of us.” You asked trying not to cry. If you cried. He would definitely ask more questions. And try to stop you from doing this. “Let me go ask the others.” He said taking out his phone. As he sent a text. You looked out the window. What you were going to do was best for everyone. You just had to remember that. “They said that we could.” He said. “Okay. Let’s go to the arcade. We can play video games together.” You said. The two of you did all your favorite things. Soon it was sunset. “This sunset is so beautiful.” You said smiling. Noctis looked at you. You looked so beautiful it was almost like this sunset brought out your beauty. You were going to show him the wedding plans. But,as soon as you got it out he stopped you. “What are you doing?” “You have to see what I have planned. There is just a few things that you should see.” You said opening the the book. “Let’s just enjoy the sunset. We can talk about it tomorrow.” “O-Okay....” You said putting it back in the car. You then took out your favorite pen and crossed out your name from the guest list. There was no way that you could make it to the wedding. There wasn’t enough time. “(Y/n)...” “Yes.” You said. “Thank you.” “For what?” “Everything you do.” “I don’t think I do that much.” You said sitting next to him. “But, you do. You always put others first. If you want that little house with the garden then you got it.” “Thank you....but,I can’t accept it.” You said frowning. “Well, what do you want then? Just name it and I’ll get it for you.” He asked. “Don’t forget me.” You said frowning. “I won’t ever forget you.” He said putting his hand on top of yours.
Yozora sighed while looking at the sunset. If only he knew what you were planning. Then he could’ve stopped you and you would’ve been safe. He took out your locket and sighed.
You were sitting in the gardens looking down. “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. (Y/n) you have always been by my side and I want to tell you something. I....” “Noct...I’m....I’m dying....” You said with tears. “What?! I don’t understand....” He said frowning. You didn’t show any symptoms of illness. So how could you be dying? Were your symptoms not noticeable? Did your other friends know? Why didn’t tell him? Everything melted away and the two of you were in a dark place. “Promise that you won’t forget me.” You said crying. “I promise. But,(Y/n) why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. “You would’ve stopped me.” You said explaining everything. It was true if he knew. He would’ve stopped you. Because he loves you so much. He was hoping that this was some sort of nightmare. Because he couldn’t imagine his life without you. You held out your locket. “Please take care of this for me.” You said. “But, it’s only thing that you have left. Didn’t you say that your parents gave it to you?” “Yes.I really want you to have it. So,I’ll always be with you.” You said crying. He took it from you. “We’ll meet again I promise.” You said. He reached out to hug you. But, it was too late you disappeared. “(Y/n)....” He cried. He then woke up. It was just a bad dream. That scared him so much. After he got up he went to your room or at least the room you were staying in. He knocked a couple times. No answer...he knocked again no answer. He then went to the kitchen. Because you sometimes helped out there. “Has anyone seen (Y/n)?” He asked his friends. They all fell silent. He didn’t like this. “Where is she?!” He asked a bit upset. No one was telling him anything. He needed to know that you were okay. Was this some sort of prank? “Noctis...s-she’s dead...the guards found her...body this morning.” Luna cried. This couldn’t be real....it just couldn’t. There was no way that you could do this. All he knew was that he had to see you. He had to make sure that this wasn’t a nightmare. He ran around the castle looking for you or at least your body. He finally found you in one of the rooms. Noctis told the guards that if they didn’t let him in. Then they would lose their jobs. With that they let him in. “(Y/n)....” He said. This wasn’t a nightmare this was real. He held your hand. You felt so cold. “What happened to you?! D-Did you really change our destinies?” He asked crying. You still had wounds from what you did. “If you only knew. If you only knew how much I loved you. Then none of this would’ve happened. I’m so sorry....” He said kissing your head.
After that day his life wasn’t the same. Yozora looked at your locket and shed a single tear. At least he could find your nobody. Whatever that was. He was just hoping that the old man was right. He put your locket away and continued looking. You made him a promise. That you’ll see each other again. So he would continue to look for you.
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