#hilde dickhaut
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kuroshitsuji-wiki · 7 days ago
AnimeJapan 2025: Character designs and new trailer!
At the AnimeJapan panel, the present voice actors (re-)introduced the characters they are voicing; for that, the S5 character designs of Finnian, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Snake were unveiled.
Later, the Main PV was revealed! In it, we do not only get more glimpses of Wolfsschlucht and, finally, the rest of the Phantomhive household, but also get to listen to bits of the ending WALTZ and opening MAISIE for the first time as well!
The German: Hilde: Klappe! Ihr Zuteiler!* (Silence! You informants!) The villagers: Tod für die Zuteiler! (Death to the informants!) Sebastian: Sind Sie der Landsherr Sullivan? (Are you the landlord Sullivan?) Sieglinde: Genau. (Indeed.)
*it sounds a lot like "Zuteiler" for me but it doesn't seem correct? it means "allocator" but could have been mixed up with "Mitteiler" (informant); the Japanese subtitles say "密告者" (informant, betrayer, snitch)
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every-sieglinde-sullivan · 8 days ago
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todays-german-reapers · 2 months ago
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Day 40: Sascha’s reaper recruitment jumpscare coming tomorrow :(
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Hilde Dickhaut
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What did you think of Sieglinde's former maids ?
I honestly digged them. It honestly did break my heart when they were revealed to never care for Sieglinde and would be willing to kill her for the sake for a paycheck of a broken woman
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every-wolfram-gelzer · 2 months ago
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abybweisse · 2 years ago
I'm an Angelic Smartass (December Sagittarius).
Let's look at people in the Kuroverse with known birthdates:
The Phantomhive twins are also Angelic Smartasses (December Sagittarius).
Vincent Phantomhive is a Feral Disaster (June Gemini).
Claudia/Cloudia Phantomhive is also a Feral Disaster (April Aries), "proving" that sons really take more after mothers in this world. 👈
Cedric K. Ros-- is a Feral Smartass (March Aries). Very fitting for Undertaker. 😉
Agni is an Angelic Disaster (August Virgo). Considering the alternatives, I'd say this tracks.
Hilde Dickhaut (German soldier) is a Sad Disaster (October Libra). Oof, that's too true, as far as I can tell. However she got caught up in that lie being fed to Sieglinde, we will probably never know, but she ends up burned in a tank, shot by Wolfram, and then finally killed by Sebastian with a blade to the carotid.
Queen Victoria is an Angelic Disaster (May Gemini). Meh. Unless John Brown turns out to be an angel instead of a demon.... Then 🤔.
Prince Albert is also an Angelic Disaster (August Virgo). Now I'm just staring at John Brown.
Bonus: Sebastian claims to have been reborn when he made his contract, which would have been either January 20 or 21, 1886... making him a Sad Himbo.
What other birthdays do we know?
Signs and their months on an alignment chart
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spaghettipunx · 7 years ago
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thislittlekumquat · 2 years ago
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kuroshitsuji-girls · 7 years ago
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Pride Month Special! Mods Headcanons for: 
Grethe Hilbert *Anne Drewanz * Hilde Dickhaut
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every-sieglinde-sullivan · 11 days ago
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todays-german-reapers · 2 months ago
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Day 23: Nothing says “welcome to chapter 105” more than these two standing over Hilde’s lifeless body.
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Now we're going to mix things up a bit and have a vote that can only be calculated using this horrible thing called math. Coming up is
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"Most Controversial" character medals are decided by calculating the difference between Love/Like votes and Dislike/Hate votes. Another stipulation was that either the Love/Like vote total OR the Dislike/Hate vote total had to be higher than Indifferent/Who? vote total.
Did I explain that well enough? I hope so. First, let's show 10th-7th place:
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10th place - Hilde Dickhaut (41 Love/Like to 70 Dislike/Hate) 9th place - Peter (76 Love/Like to 49 Dislike/Hate) 8th place - Al (52 Love/Like to 78 Dislike/Hate) 7th place - Blavat Sky (95 Love/Like to 72 Dislike/Hate)
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6th place - Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel (147 Love/Like to 128 Dislike/Hate) 5th place - demon Ciel (96 Love/Like to 83 Dislike/Hate) 4th place - bizarre dolls (55 Love/Like to 66 Dislike/Hate)
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3rd place - Pluto (76 Love/Like to 80 Dislike/Hate)
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2nd place - Charles Grey (88 Love/Like to 91 Dislike/Hate)
And the characters that are apparently more controversial than Charles Grey are...
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1st place - the "werewolves" (63 Love/Like to 65 Dislike/Hate)
(But I would still say there may be more contention for Grey and Pluto, even with the numbers as they are 😜)
All right, it's time for the final part of the award ceremony, the moment you've all been waiting for with breath so bated and toes so tapping: the Most Despised and Most Adored vote results! I'll have them in separate posts but will release them fifteen minutes apart instead of an hour. That way you won't have to sit around with a bad taste in your mouth too long after the Most Despised are revealed. Just one more hour to go!
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every-wolfram-gelzer · 8 days ago
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kurobruja · 10 years ago
I think that what it bugs me the most about how the current arc endded, and dorkshadows will agree with me in this one, is the fact of how all those amazing opprtunities to make an actual insight about human relationships and behaviors, were overshowed by a cliched and silly “forgiveness” scene with Wolfram (and all the previous things about him, being more specifically, but this is more personal).
How about the fact of the so many women used in the wars as tools by the army: 
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I think I don’t need to remind you people that we all believed that this was made by werewolves. But true being revelead, she was probably forced by her superiors to do that. 
Women have been used for things as awfull as sexual tools and even more awfull things for armies all around history of all around the wolrd. She’s being used. She may believe she was doing something good for her country, her loyalty it’s amazing, nevertheless, one of her comrades did this to her. (Hilde? You evil high ranking badass fucker). I mean, I know Germans are really badass, but I seriusly doubt it was her idea and she did this to herself. And even if she did this to herself, it would have been cool as heck to be adressed, I mean, the woman offering herself? Badass as hell.
Oh, and speaking about high ranking militars, how about HOW this three women get it to be high ranking officers/commandos in the end of 1800′s?: 
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Or how about women, who are usually more sentimental, and this is never used enough, stood up for everything for a girl withouth holding any feelings?. They practically raised her, not just Wolfram: 
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It wasn’t even mentioned. We don’t know what they felt. Yes, sure, you could say it was only their work, and that they were indeed evil, and that’s awesome, because they were cool even evil, but what it bugs me its that it wasn’t addresed. At all. And Sieglinde has, apparently, cut anything related to that town, she didn’t even flinched when Grethe or Hilde died, she apparently doesn’t remenber the girls or hold any feelings for them anymore.
Yana missed an opportunity for an actual and deep insight about human relationships, how war makes people act, how “duty for the country” works and makes you do despicable things, how can you believe you’re doing something good even when you’re mistreating a child (in this case), and specially, and actual insight of how women were seen now and before, and the army was a good perspective. Nothing was used. Nothing except Wolfram getting a silly redeem, and Sullivan apologizing for something she shouldn’t even think it was her fault. 
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housewaifutoaster · 10 years ago
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Breach of Trust
Looks like Hilde made a 'small' miscalculation in openly firing at Ciel's party, as her subordinate, Wolfram, had been witnessing it all from the shadows.
Had she actually made it 'look' like she was concerned with whether or not the person they were pursuing was in fact the real Sullivan, he'd probably have continued to act as their support from close-range and impeded there targets.
However seeing them not hold back confirms his growing suspicions with his own regiment, and that his Major had not developed even a single feeling of compassion towards the child whom they'd taken complete advantage of, let alone affection.
Although a sad part of me feels he might sacrifice himself for Sullivan's sake, as well as to repent for all that he'd done to her, the more optimistic part hopes he'll join them and add to the international butler club once he’s earned the right and trust from his Lady again.
((Hey, you can never have 'too' many butlers in a series.))
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