#hikari gave birth before taichi having a kid
earlgreymon · 3 years
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guess who got a little too excited and ended up making all the avatar for my digichildren headcanon.
in chronological order:
tsuyoshi yagami, taiora's oldest son. i've mentioned that sora would never let him have the same bushy hair as taichi, and thankfully tsuyoshi hated the big hair because it's itchy. still and all, he inherited the recklessness (and apparently the glutton) of his father⁠—but also his mother's wisdom. i read a shoujo manga called meganee, tokidoki, yankee-kun and i couldn't stop thinking about tsuyoshi every time i saw the male protag, ichikura-kun. AND YES HE USES GLASSES LATER ON, WHY NOT? perhaps uncle kou gave him too much video games and he literally glued himself in tv screen every time the soccer game is on.
tsubasa yagami, taiora's 2nd son. no, he's not the "goggle leader" of the group, but obsessed with the goggle ever since his father showed him. tsubasa said it makes him look like an explorer or a pilot⁠ (he wants to be either one someday). he loves going outside, observing nature⁠—birds, bees, flowers, you name it. also apparently they have a yellow t-shirt with PIYO written on it. what a chance.
reina ishida, the oldest child of mimato. the queen, just like her name. hot-headed, loud, but tsundere. a sweet tooth thanks to her mother's amazing dishes, but also has a high tolerance on spicy food thanks to her father. has this model/k-pop star aura, but more into rock bands like scandal (it's a japanese band, not that tv show...).
runa ishida, the middle child of mimato. actually i'm not fond of the hair but the picrew has a limited option. haven't thought much about her, but she's a sweet girl with a milder temper compared to her older sister. perhaps like princess kaguya because her name also means moon?
raiden ishida, the youngest child of mimato. the coolest among all the children. nuff said⁠—the genes don't lie.
makoto kido, jyoumi's only child. his clothes are always dandy thanks to the coolest momma ever. if there was a world where mimato and jyoumi could coexist together, i would say he has a crush on reina.
kouki takaishi, son of takari, twin brother of hinagiku. has this amiable charm that will make everyone (LITERALLY EVERYONE) loves him. hikari teaches him to play piano and he's pretty good at it. naturally good at sport. still searching for his weakness...
hinagiku takaishi, daughter of takari, twin sister of kouki. twins don't have to opt for a similar name, a'ight? little hina-chan's favourite bedtime story is alice in wonderland. watching too many ghibli movies growing up. probably writes fanfiction about uncle taichi and uncle yama.
satoru izumi, eldest son of koukari. he's more of a street smart rather than a book smart, so don't think of him as a nerd. uncle taichi doted on him before tsuyoshi was born. he can play soccer, but he chooses baseball. very observant.
akari izumi, youngest daughter of koukari. she always thought the only similarity between her and her father was the hair, but that's that. without her realising, she was actually pretty similar to koushiro; for example, in terms of getting petty over little details. avid tea drinker like her parents. highly competitive.
(picrew credit)
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im-a-lonelyheart · 5 years
Second Generation Headcanons
These are my headcanons of how the children from the epilogue would be. I know most folks don´t like the epilogue (For the most part I still don’t know how to feel about it) but I do, however in my head Takari and Koumi are canon (there are people who like the epilogue but don’t like including non explicit canon ships) (I won’t be mentioning them just in case), I really love the design for the kids!!!
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Let’s start:
The following fanart is done by the amazing Mishy (who let me use her art for this post) (go check her out x)
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Sora and Yamato’s kids: (sorry I suck at naming characters so don’t expect names)
The only ones who were fully planned they waited a while to have kids because:
1. Were busy building successful and time demanding careers.
2. Given their own childhood issues, they both agreed to wait until both were 100% on board and could provide a healthy household for their kids to grow up.
Were scared shitless anyways
Yamato is the cool uncle who is an astronaut, all the kids LOVE him, and he loves all the kids. Always brings every single one of them presents from his travels or science/related ones.
The son:
Tiny baby (the takeru of the group), everyone is so protective of him not only his sister and cousins. His Digimon follows the gabumon line and is really powerful so he doesn’t really need the extra protection (but everyone ignores this)
Inherited the crest of light. He is a ray of sunshine
Ok hear me out. I think the chosen lost/gave up their crest sometime between kizuna and the epilogue and while their kids got the same baby Digimon as their parents, the crest were redistributed according to their own personality traits.
That scared his parents, because they saw how it burdened Hikari. Even if the darkness was placated years ago (whatever was after Hikari is gone), it couldn’t be truly destroyed. Still, this crest carries a lot of power and responsibility.
 Hikari came over and took him to the park and over ice cream explained the crest to him and reassured them all that they have nothing to be worried about and they could contact her anytime in case something happens.
The daughter:
Bearer of the crests of Love and Friendship.
Scarily similar to both of her parents.
Loves to play and participate in group activities, but also enjoys being alone sometimes.
Really into art, she is never seen without her sketch book and a pen. All the paintings in her house are painted by her. And her mother also incorporates some of them into her designs or uses them as inspiration.
100% Daddy’s girl. She looks up to Yamato so much, even dresses a little like him and keeps her hair short for a while (she loves it when they tell her she looks like him).
Loves to hang out with Taichi’s son. They are in the same school.
Had an emo phase.
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Miyako and Ken’s children:
The babies having babies. I am emo.
They both work a lot, but miyako does it from home (she works with Koushiro, fight me). They still take them to the park a lot and go on family trips all the time.
Little shit.
Actual genius. Always doing experiments, don’t be surprised if you see the dog with a phone taped to his collar, she is probably trying something. Loves computers but science is her thing. After all these years they let her be as long as 1. She is home, 2. Doesn’t involve the digimons, 3. Doesn’t involve fire.
One time Yamato gave her a chemistry set. They had to move out to another building. After that, Ken asked him to bring her moon rocks from now on. She also loved the rocks
Loves to roast everyone in the family (mostly Miyako). Ken has to remind her not to be so rude to her mom. She adores her parents, but this brings her joy.
Crest of purity. Mimi is proud of her
Don’t be fooled, she is the goggle kid of this gen.
The son
Actual cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
Calm personality. It contrasts a little from his sister’s. But if she is up to something, he is the only one 100% aware of it and would follow her to the end of the world.
Miyako thought she was coercing him, but no, he loves his older sister’s ideas and plans.
Crest of Love.  He is really in tune with other people’s feelings, it concerns his parents because he can be overly empathetic sometimes and it affects him. He is really open and wears his heart on his sleeve.
He tells everything to his mom, and if something goes wrong, he’s the first one to contact the adults.
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Iori’s daughter
Iori was the youngest to have a kid, he knew it, but he really wanted his grandfather to meet his kid and see him happy and married before he died.
He isn’t sappy or overly romantic, but he believes in love at first sight, meet his wife on his first day in college and didn’t look back.
Lives in the same building as takeru. They drink tea together in the afternoons like old british ladies
The kid
Looks like a cinnamon roll but is Little shit 2. Best friends with little shit 1 and Takeru’s son.
Again, Ken has to make sure they aren’t overly mean to Miyako and Iori.
Crests of knowledge. Wants to know everything about the digimons and the digital world.
Has Iori wrapped around her finger since day one, but he is the first one to call her out her BS.
Isn’t into kendo but likes to try different extracurricular activities (still hasn’t found what she likes yet), but Iori is her #1 fan everytime.
Jyou’s son
Jyou moved around the country for a while, so his kid didn’t grow up as close to the others. He still made sure they all hung out together whenever he was in town.
“I have to make sure you don’t miss me” 
“oh, it isn’t like you were around much when we were young” 
The kid
Gomamon’s biggest fan. He and his own Bukamon were his only friends for a while, he can’t wait for bukamon to digivolve so he can be with TWO gomamons.
When they moved back, He got close to Takeru’s kid. Doesn’t get what the fuss about his father is about.
He knows a lot about digimons but is more into engineering. Doesn’t like blood.
Inherited his father’s lack of chill. Has a little crush on iori’s daughter (hasn’t figured out how to act around her, yet).
Crest of purity/reliability.
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Takeru’s son
He is with Hikari and their kids are siblings. Please let me have this.
Takeru really loves his nephew and niece. He totally would spoil them rotten.
Designated Babysitter. Since he is a freelancer, you can say he has a lot of free time (not to his face tho), he likes to take the kids to amusement parks, go for ice cream, etc.…
After his lonely childhood he is loving having such a big family now. I CrY.
The kid.
Grew up listening to his father’s stories every night.
One thing he learned about them was the importance of being prepared all the time and think before he acts. He is thoughtful, so he really related to Jyou.
Not only that, Jyou is his hero. Takeru was really amused at first when his son would ask him questions about him after his bedtime stories. He is fond of his son admiration for his friend, who also saved him when he was younger, and knows that Jyou being away contributed to this.
Carries a backpack with him all the time. You want water? He got it. You need tissues? He has some. Some kid at school is being mean to you? He would show up to walk you home. (doesn’t like violence)
Crests of reliability. The kid was ecstatic.
At first, he got close to Jyou’s son so he could talk about his dad but ended up really liking the kid. (he likes to be friends with everyone)
Best friends with Iori’s daughter. And hella overprotective of his cousins.
Hikari’s son:
Designated babysitter 2. She is really good with kids, tho she also helps organize plans for only the adults.
Tailmon disappeared one day when she was heavily pregnant, she looked for her the whole day and finally found her in her mother’s house. Tailmon told her she was worried that when she had the baby, she wouldn’t like having her around anymore.
Hikari reassured her that she would love them all equally and she will need her now more than ever. They cried and made up, then her water broke.
Taichi totally cried nonstop the day she gave birth. She still teases him about it.
The kid:
Healthy as a horse, athletic and tall. Total opposite from his mother except for his looks. It amuses Taichi to no end.
Behind the scenes leader. He loves to bring out the best in everyone and always makes sure they are all fine. He specially loves to hang out with Miyako’s kids, Daisuke’s son and Takeru’s son his sibling (they have to deal with the shenanigans of LS1 and LS2, god bless them).
Crest of Fate. Hikari always suspected that like her, he wouldn’t get a normal crest, still cautious as to what exactly this one means.
Hates being alone, isn’t used to it. Tailmon slept in his crib with him when he was a baby. He is always with his plotmon and has got in trouble several times for bringing her to school. He hasn’t told anyone but his Nyaromon digivolved because he ran to the street without looking and was almost hit by a car. Plotmon saved him.
Loves having sleepovers at his uncle’s house, despite their age difference he really loves to play with his cousin.
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Taichi’s son
Always said he’d rather be a cool uncle than being a father. But the more he thought about it the more he wanted it. He realized he was the only one without a kid, but his travels still made him hesitate.
Still goes over to Yamato and Sora’s house all the time. One time when Sora was pregnant Yamato arrived from work and found Sora sitting in the sofa and Taichi cutting fruit in the kitchen.
Yamato and Taichi sat down, Taichi handed Sora a bowl of fruit and whipped cream and started eating it with her.
“You didn’t bring me a fork?”
“oh, I am sorry, was the baby growing inside you pushing your organs too?” Taichi and Sora laugh.
“no. but then why are you eating?”
“I cut the fruit”
“well, I bought the fruit!”
“Sorry… but seriously what’s the matter with you lately?”
“I don’t know what are you talking about… hey Sora how did I do it?”
“the fruit? Fine I guess… why?” both Sora and Yamato stared at Taichi waiting for him to spill.
One time he got emotional after seeing his little sister’s son taking care of his son.
CREST OF FRIENDSHIP *not pictured: everyone laughing about it for years.
Baby but doesn’t like being treated as one. Super independent, dresses himself since he is two. Loves to challenge himself.
Instant best friends with everyone he meets. Loves to hangout with the Ishidas. They are his best friends, also his cousin, also is everyone else. Doesn’t mind being around adults as well, often called matured for his age. This amuses Hikari.
Apart from his parents, Hikari is his favorite person in the world. Right now, he wants to be a teacher like her. (Last week he wanted to be a Chef like Mimi)
He and the third Ichijouji kid will probably lead the next gen.
Daisuke’s son
Daisuke travelled a lot, meet a lot of people and ironically, he married one of his neighbors. He went one time to visit his parents and ran into the girl who lived upstairs, whom he knew since he was a kid, but holy shit. He visited his parents everyday for a month until she asked him out.
When she got pregnant, he asked Taichi for his goggles.
The kid:
Prankster. Did you expect anything else? (his chibimon has a really deep voice and he loves to use him to prank people)
Don’t leave him alone with the Ichijouji girl if you value your home or your life.
Crest of Courage. Loves a good adventure, well for him everything is an adventure: from running errands with his aunt to going with his father to one of his restaurants around the world.
He is a handful; however, he has a big heart and is such a happy kid.
Admires the older chosen a lot and it’s always asking them questions about their adventures. Dreams of being an explorer or changing the world. Yamato patiently answers all his questions about space since his own kids don’t seem to be interested.
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Mimi’s son:
She totally married koushiro, bear with me on this.
She has a multifaceted career, although not in what you would expect (she wasn’t interested in acting or singing professionally). She ran a lot of business, selling them when she lost interest. Is not afraid of taking risks. This meant she travelled a lot.
Eventually got tired (yes, I know. Mimi, tired? Yes) and came back to Japan. At first, she was promoting her new cooking book in a tv show but she got offered her own show and has been living her best life ever since.
The kid:
He is quiet, introvert but observant.
Ironically, he speaks 4 languages (Japanese, English, French, and Spanish), he is learning german now. He loves reading so that’s why he likes languages a lot.
He bonds with the other kids over the digimons and card games, ends up going to school with most of them and they eventually bring him out of his shell. He and Jyou’s son are kindred spirits.
Calm kid, but if you mess with him or one of his friends… you will see him angry. He is honest and loyal to his friends.
(you know how each baby Digimon has multiple evolution lines? I read in the Digimon wiki that one of Palmon’s ultimate forms is a cherrymon. Imagine Taichi saying something like: “Well kid, one advice: never tell someone to kill their friends” and the kid being like: “…ok?”, whereas Mimi and Yamato glare at him “I’ll fucking end you Taichi”)
Crest of knowledge/courage, of course.
Last but no least: 
Koushiro’s Daughter.
By this point You know what’s up
Koushiro first thought when she was handed to him for the first time was: “wow, she looks like me.” What really got to him (even though it shouldn’t) was how he had someone related to him by blood.
He adores her and is really proud of every little thing she does. Remember the “do it for her” scene from the Simpsons? He totally has one like that in his office.
Tentomon didn’t tell anyone that he spent a whole day watching Youtube hair styling tutorials. No, none. He didn’t tell Palmon and Gomamon who told everyone else, no.
The kid:
Actual ray of sunshine. (i know i seem to say this about every kid, but listen they are my kids too)
She is the nicest kid you’ll ever meet. Koushiro says he’s never had to deal with a temper tantrum.
Crest of Kindness. Loves animals, got her dad to donate money to the oceans and animal shelters.
Sora gave her stickers with cute animals and smiley faces for her birthday and now if she sees someone sad, she gives them a sticker. “Dad, you look sad today. Here!” she puts a smiley face on his forehead, he smiles and hugs her. He didn’t take it off and “accidentally” went on a meeting like that. Miyako took pictures and sent them to the group chat.
Closest to Ken’s son and Mimi’s son her brother. Also loves to hangout with Taichi’s son, and Yamato’s kids.
Loves music, actual prodigy. Plays the piano and the violin (she plays violin most of the time). Wants to compose a song for each Digimon. Invites everyone to her concerts.
Ok, this was long. I didn’t talk about the baby, but i think he would be Hope (since he is the last one) (wrote this in an hour and english is not my first language, so yeah. Sorry)
I think these people love each other so much, they might’ve drifted apart in their youth, but with the years they all got close again. Since most of the kids don’t have siblings, they set up playdates, so they don’t feel lonely. They don’t regret the events that brought them together, they knew they had to let their kids experience it when the time came.
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