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nochedeespanto · 5 years ago
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Que película tan predecible. Ofrece exactamente lo que vende, es básicamente eso. No sé la juega ni un poco y la idea original tenía tela para cortar. ¿Les gustó Brightburn? #brightburn #hijodelaoscuridad #cine #peliculasdeterror https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EO279leAx/?igshid=19zbqu5xunlrn
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ivandelangel · 6 years ago
En cartelera. Brightburn: Hijo de la oscuridad.
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blancica · 6 years ago
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Puede verse como nosotros, pero no es como nosotros. Mira el nuevo póster de #Brightburn #HijoDeLaOscuridad 24 de mayo #SoloEnCines https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvmn35slCoP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1347t2oxlfd0p
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elespectadorfanatico · 5 years ago
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La idea de corromper al superhéroe impoluto, al portador de la esperanza, quien por sobre todas las cosas tiene como estandarte ”hacer el bien”, sin duda es una propuesta atractiva, sobre todo si se piensa en el infalible avance de los personajes que han emanado desde las viñetas al cine y su reiterativo perfil familiar, salvo en contadas ocasiones. Las historias con giro adulto han sido dejadas de lado en múltiples planos, pero sobre todo en este. Así, algo como #HijoDeLaOscuridad tuvo la posibilidad de abrir la puerta hacia una cuota de frescura en el género. El problema: no se ve el esfuerzo y se entrampa en una telaraña de clichés que suponen las películas de terror creadas en serie, por el mero hecho de tener bajo costo y alta recaudación; pero que a la hora de ser una aporte a la narrativa cinematográfica poco tienen que decir. Hay dolor en esta alma que por un momento pensó que se venía una pequeña obra para atesorar. Iluso, no tenían las agallas para ser despiadados. Lo que pasa es que se siente desesperantemente contenida. Quiere adentrarse en las implicancias familiares de tener una oveja negra con superpoderes, pero no arroja nada nuevo o inesperado al caldo. Va a explotar, pero encuentra nuevas formas de contenerse y así es como se va apagando. Un sustito de salto por aquí, otro por acá. Acciones predecibles, oscuridad, ojos rojos, un par de gritos, pero un rotundo “no” a, al menos, cultivar imágenes icónicas. Un par de personajes aborrecibles que, en el contexto de la historia, merecían una muerte horrorosa; pero ni el gore es capaz de entregar. Desilusión. #Brightburn tenía oscuras pero buenas intenciones. Sin embargo, no alcanza a aprovechar todo el potencial que buscó proyectar. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2M6apJIe4/?igshid=d34qd01j9fx8
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tonytenreiro · 6 years ago
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#brightburn #hijodelaoscuridad https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxl1LyxH0mk/?igshid=68jeele8baq0
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grupowurtlitzer · 6 years ago
Review: Brightburn, hijo de la oscuridad
Review: Brightburn, hijo de la oscuridad
¿Qué sucedería si un ser llegado de otro planeta con increíbles dones y poderes se volviera en contra de los humanos?. La respuesta a esta pregunta, la cual sin duda no quisiéramos comprobar por nuestra cuenta se responde en Brightburn, hijo de la oscuridad, dirigida por David Yarovesky y producida por el reconocido James Gunn, esta película de terror, suspenso y ciencia ficción, nos…
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nottobecrossed · 9 years ago
He had missed New York, surprisingly. Marcus doesn’t care for cities, except Chicago which is his home, but there was something about New York that made people miss it. Which was probably why they decided to come back here. As a Clan and not just for a visit.
New York had changed a lot since he had last been here, which he believed to be the 80′s, but something never did. It was still crowded. It was still loud. It still had some of the best pizza on the East Coast. And, if they were going to stay here, they’d need to make a visit to Hotel Dumort to pay “tribute”.
More or less it was to let the other vampires know that they were here. They weren’t trying to take over their territory. They weren’t trying to move in on anything. And they weren’t trying to join their Clan. The Cross Clan were nomads. They went were they wanted, when they wanted, together or separately, like their founder, his and Edens’ maker, did so many centuries ago before the “areas” were decided. And they were happy with it. And they were old enough to have enough friends, or at least acquaintances, in the vampire community of whatever area or place they went to that they let them go and do as they liked.
But things had changed in New York. The Cross Clan had heard of Camille Belcourt’s mysterious “departure” from the Clan she had more or less created, or at least shaped into the force it was now, and didn’t buy it. Camille didn’t just leave. Camille didn’t leave even when it was in her best interest sometimes. But, it wasn’t their argument. There had been no formal fight for power, Camille hadn’t contacted them for aid, and they weren’t part of the New York Clan, as mentioned, so it wasn’t their concern.
However, what was their concern, was that leadership of New York had been given over to some....kid more or less, younger than even Marcus, that they didn’t know and that left variables that they couldn’t count on and that they didn’t like. They’re here to hide in the open. To blend. Not to cause trouble or bring conflict. So, someone had to go talk to him. And since Eden was busy setting up their home and getting it in ordered now that they had returned, Charlee was too young, and Sydney might start a war if she went alone, it fell to Marcus to play ambassador. Something he was not looking forward to.
So, that was what found him here that night. At the steps of Hotel Dumort before he let himself in, drawing quiet a bit of attention from the loitering vamps around, who recognize his presence but also that he was not “one of us”.
“I need to speak to who is in charge.” He said, loud enough so everyone can hear. Though with their vampire hearing that really didn’t take much. He then added a, “please” as an after thought to seem more civil.
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grupowurtlitzer · 6 years ago
Brightburn: Hijo de la oscuridad
Brightburn: Hijo de la oscuridad
Título: Brightburn: Hijo de la oscuridad Título original: Brightburn País: USA Productora: The H Collective, Troll Court Entertainment Distribuidora: Screen Gems Director: David Yarovesky Guión: Brian Gunn, Mark Gunn Reparto:Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Meredith Hagner, Matt Jones, Gregory Alan Williams, Jennifer Holland, Elizabeth Becka, Steve Agee, Becky Wahlstrom,Christian Finlayson, Stephen…
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grupowurtlitzer · 6 years ago
Trailer 2: Brightburn, hijo de la oscuridad ¿Qué pasaría si un niño con poderes de otro mundo aterrizara de emergencia en la Tierra, pero en lugar de convertirse en un héroe para la humanidad fuera algo mucho más siniestro?
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