#hiiiii so I made a new cloche bio for the sake of clarity-
robo-milky · 1 year
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[More Info]
Henchman (Grim) | Claws (Ace) | Clochey Wochey (Cater) | House Cat (Leona)
Shrimpy (Floyd) | Trickster -> La Petite Clochette (Rook) | City Kitty (Epel) | Kit -> Honorary Human (Sebek)
Kit of Beasts -> Heart of Man (Malleus)
In Return:
Master _____ (Everyone except for faculty)
Uncle (Ramshackle Ghosts)
An emotionally distant girl who thinks with her brains more than her heart. Her words may come off as insensitive, but it’s always said in a neutral tone. Prefers to state the facts and look for the most efficient way out, than tackling more abstract concepts like emotions. Despite this outlook on life, she is a skeptical, worst-case scenario planner. Cloche will go the extra mile if it means security and success is guaranteed. When it comes anything, be it a task/person/subject, Cloche is the type of person who would want to know anything and everything about it to be prepared. When push comes to shove, Cloche will take on the role of leadership and make all the hard decision no one else wants to make. Cloche is a very “the ends justify the means” kind of person.
Core Values -> Competency + Freedom
A cosplayer from Earth who, after exiting from a con, took a wrong turn to get home and was swept away by the NRC horse carriage.
“I did not put so much effort into studying and making the right friends just for it all to go into smoke! …What’s the point anymore?”
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Ghost Camera: “I’m pretty sure Headmaster Crowley gave this to me as binding to keep me here.”
Snow Hand Cream: “Master Rook could tell this cream is from Neige’s line just by the smell! Isn’t that impressive?”
Bandaids: “I originally bought these for myself, but I end up giving them to others…”
Advils: “Would you like one? Binding Bells told me you were getting headaches, so…”
Handkerchief: “Here, let me wipe that up for you, Master.”
Hair ties: “Master Epel gave them to me during a joint P.E. class. The day after, I overheard Master Vil complaining about his missing hair ties.”
Pencil Case: “If you wish to borrow a pencil, I expect you to give me something back as collateral— so I know you’ll return it back to me.”
Lollipops: “The lollipops in Twisted Wonderland are great and all, but they can’t beat the taste of Chupachups.”
Thread and Needle: “Oh, you’re missing a button.”
Lactaid: “You don’t need one… do you?”
Scrapbook: “Do NOT touch.”
Textbook: “I’m so close annotating the whole book. Just a couple pages left…”
Spiral bound notebook: “Master Rook complimented the calligraphy title in my notes! …Maybe I should do the same thing for futures ones.”
Phone: “Master Grim, please stop playing games…”
Sketchbook: “Master Epel complained about me drawing him too ‘girly’, but I only drew what I saw.”
Notable Thoughts: Cloche’s
“Headmaster Crowley must be busy running such a prestigious school like this… So busy, I wonder if he’d have time looking for a way I can go back to my world.”
“Master Grim’s orders aren’t as bad you think. All he really does is make me do his share of the chores. The simplicity of his orders are a blessing compared to other students’…”
“Master Riddle is accomplished, but he throws tantrums too easily at the drop of a pin.”
“Master Ace may be annoying, but he can be a surprisingly reliable when needed.”
“Although Master Deuce has a good attitude, I don’t think I’m patient enough to wait for him to catch up.”
“I do like Master Jack’s work ethic, but his moral compass is suffocating.”
“I can relate to Master Ruggie’s pragmatism to some degree, though I personally disagree with his disregard of fine arts.”
“If Master Azul ever asks about my whereabouts, no he did not.”
“Is it bad I felt no sympathy for Master Kalim when Master Jamil overblotted?”
“I feel like I’ve been seeing Epel more and more since he stayed over at Ramshackle for the VDC. I get that it’s probably convenient for him to go with me, if we’re going to head back to the same destination anyways, but he doesn’t have to accompany during short breaks.”
“I think Master Rook is very admirable! He’s intelligent, athletic, and creative! …I wish more people could give him a chance and see him for who he really is— but… he probably wouldn’t like that… After all, half the things I know about him, he’s never told me in person.”
“I have deep respect for Master Vil, I really do. Although I have some qualms with the lyrics he wrote for ‘Absolutely Beautiful’.”
“Before asking Master Idia for homework help, Master Grim and I always play a game of rock-paper-scissors. …Why? Because neither of us want to be the bargaining chip.”
“I don’t see why I should fawn over the prince of a foreign land— let alone, from another world. Master Malleus will not be my king, nor will I be his subject. Sage Island is out of his jurisdiction, anyways.”
“…Some of my acting was genuine. A part of me was so desperate to rid myself of the curse, that I was fine with fooling myself. I’ll admit, if Master Rook didn’t come first, then I’m sure he would have... ahem— Capable, composed… it’s almost scary.”
Notable Thoughts: Others’
“Cloche could’a been the perfect henchman if he didn’t have to call other people ‘Master’!” - Grim
“With Cloche around, Heartslabyul doesn’t have to resort to using a cat beastman to play the violin, but an actual cat. That way, we can follow rule 529 without any loopholes.” - Riddle
“Me, friends with that stick in the mud? Pfft—! As if!” - Ace
“Even in a sticky situation, I’ve never seen Cloche lose his cool before. I wonder how he does it…” - Deuce
“For a beastman, Cloche really doesn’t like noise. I get that too, since our ears are more sensitive than humans… but shouldn’t he have already gotten used to it, by now?” - Jack
“I can’t have Leona ordering Cloche around, cause he’ll steal my job!” - Ruggie
“It’s such a shame Cloche refused my offer for him to work at the Monstro Lounge. …We could have made good money and attracted more customers if we used his cat form to promote on our Magicam…” - Azul
“Cloche is really nice! He’s kind of like Jamil, helpful and a bit stern. …But I also feel like there’s a darkness… Ah— Nahaha! N-Nevermind! I want to know more about him too.” - Kalim
“Cloche is surprisingly weak. He could barely lift up a crate of apples when I called him over for help the other day. I ought to be annoyed he couldn’t help, but I’m also kind of glad?” - Epel
“I thought I could feel the claws of a wild beast, but there’s a beauty to reservation too. Perhaps I’ll need to lure it out.” - Rook
“Honestly… All the work I put into reviving Cloche’ natural curls has gone to waste, since he left Pomefiore.” - Vil
“‘Master Hornton’, an amusing nickname, indeed. I was under the impression Cloche had known my identity, but it seems my expectations had been subverted.” - Malleus
“Tch. Cloche can play the victim when needed, I’ll give him that. Manipulating his curse to his advantage makes him no better than those Night Raven College miscreants he claimed to have disassociated with.” - ???
- Birthday: May 12
- ISTJ-T/6w5
- “She/Her” is only used in a meta/narration sense, otherwise— she uses “he/him”
- Prefers voice > looks
- When Cloche is in her cat form, she has no conscious thoughts and move as if she’s on autopilot, like a normal cat.
- Cloche has no distinct handwriting. It varies depending on what she’s writing and who it’s for— yet even then, no two letters look the same. (Unless forging)
- Cloche has no inner fur in her ears. It’s to signify that the cat ears are unnatural— fake.
- Has a habit of either covering her mouth with her hand/sleeve or turning away whenever she breaks into a genuine smile. Can smile on command for a camera (cosplayer intuition).
- Goes to the school forest to calm down whenever she feels emotional or if she has an inkling that her feral side will come out
- Cloche has germaphobic tendencies.
- Has a habit of biting her index finger or thumb to suppress pain/excessive laughter.
- School ghosts and paintings are fond of Cloche for always being respectful and fixing their frames, the Ramshackle ghosts, especially.
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Groovy!! [SR Tsumsitter]
Groovy!! [SSR Union/Birthday Jacket]
[SR Luxe Couture]
[SSR Birthday Bloom]
[SSR Glorious Masquerade]
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