#hiii nyx!!!
Ted (singular ) with choice overload after escaping the Ted empire you agree
hell yeah i agree !!!!!!!
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
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redvelvetpdf · 6 months
helloooooo !absolutely depressing that i cant send you boops😔😔
so true 🥲 im in desperate need of boops rn
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
i love dropping a character i Know one of my mutuals will love into the gc
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magicandmaybe · 2 years
hi nyx! how are you doing?
i saw that you had read the seven husbands of evelyn hugo and malibu rising, what genre are you into? maybe i can recommend some books along those lines?
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fieldofdaisiies · 11 months
Power Over Me
ship: Nyx x Reader type: I don't know, a bit angsty, a bit fluffy word count: 2k words warnings: none request: Hiii i just finished reading ur Nyx fic on wattpad now I have an obsession with the young lordling. I was wondering if you can make an angsty fic of him and reader where they had a fight and she doesn't talk to him and makes him grovel??
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He is a fool. A big, big fool. Nyx knows this. He knows this so well. 
He sits on the railing of the balcony, wings spread wide behind his back as he balances, pondering over the biggest mistake he has ever made in his life — letting you go. 
A cool breeze blows through his hair and he brings a hand up to brush back his silken strands, before grabbing a hair tie and fixating them at the nape of his neck. You look more and more like Cassian, he can hear his mother's voice and a low, cold chuckle slips through his lips. 
Maybe he does, but Cassian wouldn't have messed up like this. 
This stupid fight — it was so useless, over something so stupid. His thoughts were a little too loud, and he started to worry that you can't stand the pressure of dating the High Lord's heir. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he did not even listen to you, did not even give you a chance to explain to him that it doesn't matter to you. And then you laughed and chatted with his best friend, Ran, and jealousy flooded the young heir. He thought you would like Ran more and that you would be so much better off with him. Everything, every stupid thought filled his brain, and he saw red and simply ended things with you. 
And well, now he has to pay the price. 
After your fight, you told him you don't ever want to have anything to do with him. The hurt just ran so deep, your emotions got the best of you and made you say this. 
You did not mean it, not really at least, but obviously Nyx now thinks he lost you forever. 
A groan parts his lips when the young lordling throws his head back, his eyes squeezed shut. 
"Let me guess, a girl is the reason behind your misery?"
Nyx whips his head to the side, eyes wide open. 
He didn't hear his father enter, nor did he hear him approach. But suddenly Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, stands next to him, hands braced on the railing onto which Nyx sits. 
Nyx closes his eyes and groans again. "So obvious?"
Rhysand chuckles lowly, then he clicks his tongue. "Very much, son." The High Lord turns his head, giving him son a sidelong glance. He just looks so much like Rhysand, the same eyes, the same colour of hair, the same stature, he only has Feyre's eyes, and her nose. And apparently he is trying to get the same hairstyle as his uncle. "This is about Y/N, I assume?" Rhysand asks when Nyx provides no further information. 
"You know about us?" 
For a moment Nyx worries his mental shields have been lowered too often and he has given everything he ever thought away. But his father's answer brings at least some comfort in this case. 
"The amount of times she has been here, how you looked at her and the way you talked about definitely gave you away." Rhysand chuckles again and finally Nyx turns to him as well, sadness glistening in his eyes when he searches his father's gaze. 
"She is amazing," Nyx mumbles. 
"She is." The High Lord nods, sympathy passing over his face. "And now I wonder what happened."
"I am a fool and I messed up?"
Rhysand raises a questioning brow. "Enlighten me, son."
"I let her go?" Nyx says, his voice rising at the end, almost like he is posing a question. 
Confusion passes over Rhysand's face and he watches his son closely. "Why?" he asks. "Did you do something to hurt her? Or did she do something to hurt you?"
"Yes." Nyx presses his lips in a thin line and lowers his chin to his chest, letting his head hang. 
"Yes, what?"
Another groan leaves the lordling, and he once again throws his head back in a dramatic manner. "I fucked up."
"Wording," Rhysand reprimands and gives his head a little shake. 
Nyx turns to him once again and rolls back his shoulder. "Sorry, father. I messed up. I broke up with her. I got jealous and I then I thought I was not good enough for her and I broke up with Y/N, not even listening to what she has to says and she…" His voice starts to quaver, but Nyx quickly bites down on the inside of his cheek — he won't cry now. 
"She said she never wanted to see me again."
"And you just gave up?" Rhysand leans forward a little, holding his son' gaze. He can see the young boy behind his grown-up demeanour. Deep inside, Nyx is still so very young, his little boy, and he will forever stay that. Rhysand brings his arm up to clasp Nyx's shoulder. "Your mother called me terrible names back then, threw a shoe at me—" "Y/N tossed pillow at me," Nyx says with a cold chuckle. "And then told me to get lost, but not in the nice wording I just used." A sad smile appears on his lips, and Rhysand squeezes his shoulder again. 
"You are going to fix this, Nyx. I know this. But you need to put some effort in it. Buy her something nice, show her that it was a mistake. Tell her—" "I tried!" Nyx blurts out and throws his hands up in despair. "I tried everything. I brought her flowers. I brought her chocolate. I knocked at her window at three in the morning. I told her she is amazing and I tried to make it up with her. But she does not even want to see me. She—" "Did you apologise?" Rhysand raises a brow. "Did you tell her that you are a massive fool for letting her go?"
Nyx doesn't answer, does not deny it either, which tells Rhys he hasn't. The young lordling only turns his head to side and stares straight forward at the Sidra river, his lips pressed in a thin line, eyes downcast, gaze empty. 
The High Lord tilts his head in a reproachful manner, and gives his son's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Well, I guess you now know what you have to do?"
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
And Nyx does know what he has to do. The moment the sun rises the next moment, he is one his feet, gathering the large bouquet of flowers his aunt Elain made for him, a box of little chocolate hearts in his other hand. He sets out, his wings carrying him over Velaris to the small house where you live with your family. 
Today he won't give up. Today he will make up with you. He is Nyx Archeron, first born son of Rhysand and Feyre, High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, and he won't give up. 
He will get you back and he will never let you go. 
Determination is etched upon his features when he Nyx slowly descends. His grips the bouquet and the box of chocolates in his hands, his heart beating so rapidly he can feel it in his throat, hammering against his ribcage. But it won't make him give up. 
This is a mission, a mission he will return from successful. With confident struts he nears your entrance door, shifts the bouquet and knocks. 
And then he waits, feeling how his hands turns clammy, how his heart beats even faster, his breathing quickens until—
The door opens slowly, and your beautiful eyes are the first thing he sees. 
"Y/N, I—" You slam the door in his face. Or rather you try to, but he is faster. He places his foot in the doorframe, stopping the door. "No, Y/N, you need to listen to me. You need to let me explain. Please, hear me out."
"Just like you listened to me?" With anger in your voice, you raise your brow at him, fingers curled around the door. "What do you want, Nyx? Ask me again if I am banging Ran behind your back? Tell me again that I am not good enough for the High Lord's son and should rather be with someone like Ran?"
"I never meant it like that. You are good enough for me. I am not good enough for you and I am huge fool."
You snort. "That is true. You are a big idiot." Slowly you grip on the door loosens, but you stand your ground, nothing kind or warm in your gaze. He hurt you and he should see what his words have done to you. 
"I know this, I am the biggest idiot ever for letting you go. I love you and I am sorry - for what I said, for what I assumed, for how I behaved."
"And you think a simple sorry is enough?" You raise your brow, hoping your discussion at the door does not draw your family's attention to you. They are all still asleep and really don't want them to wake up because you are fighting with the High Lord's son at the entrance door. So, you decide to step outside, closing the door behind you.
A glimmer of relief passes over Nyx's face, over you at least wanting to talk to him, being ready to listen to him. It is what he should have done. 
"No, I don't think so," he says, voice tinged with shame. He gives his head a little shake. "I know I have to fight hard to make it up to you, and I will fight hard for you. I am a born warrior and I won't give up like that."
"You are a born idiot, Nyx." You can't avoid the silly, little smile from appearing on your lips. 
Nyx has to chuckle a little as well, stepping a little closer to you. "I brought you chocolate and flowers." He reaches his hands forward. 
You don't accept immediately, you let him suffer for a second, and then hesitantly reach forward and take the things from his hands. Inhaling a deep breath, you lift your gaze to his. "It is a beginning and—Nyx, what are you doing?!"
The High Lord's son drops to his knees in front of you, staring up at you with a pout and pleading eyes. "I love you. I love you so much, and I am the biggest idiot Prythian has ever seen. Letting you go was the worst I could have ever done, and I hate myself every day for it."
"Nyx, Gods, get up please." You have to laugh a little as you try to urge him to get back up again. 
"Not until you forgive me." He pouts even more, brows laying in furrows. 
"Nyx," you say, shifting the bouquet, so you can reach a hand out and grab his arm.
But he shakes his head. "Nope. I am sorry. I never thought you would cheat on me, I just thought you being with me puts unnecessary burdens on you. Everyone in Velaris knows who I am, and they will be interested in you as well. People will question who you are, will want to know everything about you—"
"And I told you that I don't care. Or, I tried to tell you that I don't care." You now also take a step towards him. "I don't mind it. I wanted to be with you, and I don't care what other people think or want to know about me. I like you and I care about what you think, not random citizens from Velaris." 
You tilt your head to the side and look at him for a long moment. "If you promise me to never question my love for you, my loyaltiy and that I would never betray you, I will forgive you."
"Sure?" Nyx raises a brow. 
You nod and he finally gets back onto his feet, straightening up and rolling back his shoulders. "Also, to make it fully up to you, you are allowed to call me an idiot for the rest of our immortal life."
You grin, stepping into him so he can put his arms around you. "I would have done that anyway." You smile into his chest when a soft laugh leaves him and he embraces you tightly. "I love you so much and I missed you terribly."
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honeybeefae · 5 months
Hiii☺️ for your Headcanon Monday I hope I'm doing this right: I reaaaally believe that Azriel is Nyx favorite uncle, and his shadows love Nyx too!
Hello lovely lovely love! Yes, that is right and also I totally headcanon this as well! <3
Azriel being Nyx's fav uncle would look like:
Cassian and Rhys arguing in the background on who Nyx likes more while Azriel is holding him, his hands making grabbing motions as Az's shadows tickle and twirl around him.
If Nyx cries out and Azriel, for whatever reason, doesn't hear them, his shadows are the first to alert him. It can get annoying at night.
Speaking of which, I like to think Azriel is a MAJOR help to Rhys and Feyre when Nyx is having trouble sleeping at night. He loves walking around with him and soothing him.
His favorite place to take him is out on the balcony to look out at the stars.
Nyx is always reaching out to Azriel whenever he walks into the room, poking his head around whoever is holding him when he hears his voice.
Az's shadows are Nyx's favorite toy.
He is a giggle machine as they tickle his nose and belly, his little squeals of delight ringing around the house as they play with him.
It's makes a small part of Azriel think about having a child of his own.
The IC would DEFINITELY have a baby race to see who Nyx would crawl too. Azriel wouldn't even be in it, he'd be on the sideline and Nyx would BEELINE over to him.
Making Cass and Rhys roll their eyes.
But Feyre gives him a secret smile while she "consoles" Rhys.
Also, just picture Nyx falling asleep on Az.
They're in his nursery, late at night, and rocking while his shadows dance above them and when Azriel looks down, Nyx is fast asleep and buried in his chest.
And bless him, he can't just move.
So, logically, they both fall asleep, and Rhys finds them a few hours later.
Feyre gives him a painting of the two of them in that exact scenario for his birthday, which Az keeps on his nightstand.
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readychilledwine · 1 year
hiii can i request cassian with single mom reader? she’s his mate, but she has a child from a previous relationship vibes
Girl Dad Cass is back. ❤️ just in a different situation.
To Have and To Hold
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Summary - Cassian and reader are finally saying their vows after a few years of courting, but there's other vows Cassian finds just as important.
Warning - fluff? Cassian being mushy?
A/n - I wanted to leave the reader and her daughter as undescriptive as possible. I really need to try a boy dad cassian, but he just screams girl dad energy. Ps- peep the cute divider from @firefly-graphics tons of cute options
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Cassian had seen the two of plenty of times. You two were constantly walking around the Rainbow, or in book stores, or shopping.
He never saw a male with you, though, and if his wife and daughter were as pretty as you two, you would have never been unaccompanied. He arrived to Feyre's studio one day to pick Nyx up from class. The little heir was playing with your daughter, beaming so brightly about being around another little one his age. He couldn't stop his curious nature and asked. He found out from Feyre who you were, that your daughter had no father, just a coward of a male who had packed up and ran as soon as he found out protection failed.
That is when you started noticing Cassian around Velaris more. He'd start coming to the bakery you and your daughter loved. Hed be at the children's book reading done by Gwyn at the library her and her mate had opened. He'd be helping Feyre with her art classes.
One day, you were running late picking up your daughter from her art classes. You were at a shift at one of the many pleasure halls and had to help the other bar mistress break up a nasty fight between a male you'd later learn was Azriel and an idiot who'd made a comment about forcing you into his bed. A few stitches gently put into the illyrian males cheek later, and you finally arrived with him at your side. Your daughter and Cassian were deep into a conversation. Her little hands and arms were moving so quickly as you figured out slowly that they were discussing the possibility of Helion and the Day Court hiding unicorns. 
That was the beginning of this beautiful journey. She had begged Cassian to join you two for dinner and snacks that next day, and you couldn't say no to her bright eyes and wide smile, writing your address on a piece of parchment and handing it to the Illyrian male. You joked now that Cassian courted her first. He took her flying long before he ever took you, took her out for ice cream once a week, took her to little dinners and play dates with Nyx. He began joining you two for meals twice a week. Sometimes a breakfast before flying her to school lessons. Sometimes a surprise picnic lunch on a weekend. 
It took a full 3 months of this for your guard to drop. He finally asked you out when it did. "Just the two of us," he had said, and with childcare already planned out by him, you said yes. He had thought of everything. Arriving with Azriel early so your daughter could be taken to the Riverhouse, bringing you beautiful flowers from the garden planted by the High Lady's sister, and even a pick up time for your daughter that night. 
That became the new routine. Once a week, Cassian would take you out, then your daughter would get her Cassian night the next evening. A year later, he had moved you two into the House of Wind where he ensured your daughter had a playroom filled with toys, another little study room with books for her lessons, and her own bedroom with a big girl bed and fluffy pink sheets.
She fell for Cassian as hard as you had. And now, 3 years later, that all felt like a fading memory as Feyre and Gywn helped you lace up the pretty off white gown you were about to marry him in. A soft knock had the three of you turning towards the door as Rhys strolled in, picking at his black suit with a soft smile. 
"I was sent to find the little princess. Is she ready?" As if your daughter knew she was being summoned, she ran into the room, throwing herself into Rhys open arms as he lifted her. She looked so beautiful and grown in her soft white dress that glittered like fresh snow, her long hair curled and pinned with a flower crown and gems. "Cassian just wants a few moments with her before the big ceremony. Is that okay?" You rose a brow but nodded. "Let's go see Cass, princess."
You looked at Gwyn and then Feyre, both of them had small smiles on their faces. "I cannot hide this from you," Feyre finally said. "Come on, but we have to be very quiet." The two of them walked you to a little area that had been set up without your knowledge. A floral archway with purple wisteria hanging from it came into view, and centered under that archway, glowing up the dying light of the setting sun, was your daughter, both of her little hands swallowed by Cassian's large ones.
He was on his knees in front of her, sitting back on his calves. A priestess stood near them, speaking to them about the importance of family, regardless of it being by blood, how it is always the male of the house's duty to protect those he loves, and how it is a father's duty to ensure his daughter is taught how a male should treat her. "Cassian, is there anything you'd like to say to (daughter's name)?"
Cassian cleared his throat and nodded. "I want you to know I'm not just marrying your momma today because I love her. I'm marrying her because I love you. I love your little nose," he placed a gentle kiss on her nose.  "I love your giggle," he tickled her sides making her bell-like laugher sing into the air. "I love our adventures, I love playing your knight in shining armor saving you from the dragon's keep or storming castles in your honor. I love bragging about you to my family constantly."
He paused and wiped a tear from her cheeks. "I know I'm not your dad, babygirl, but I want you to know I'll always love you like you're mine. I'll protect you with my life. I'll love you until my heart stops, and even then, I will love you when I find you in the next world and lifetime." A little I love you interrupted his speech, making Cassian's voice break for the next question. "Is it okay if I start calling you my daughter?"  You watched as her curls bounced with how aggressively she was nodding. You watched as she threw herself into Cassian's arms, and he lifted her, holding her against his chest before letting the priestess know they were ready.
Feyre quickly winnowed you back to the dressing room, fixing the makeup the tears you didn't know you were crying ruined. Rhys returned to the room, seconds later, "I hate to ruin you having a flower girl, but she refuses to leave Cassian's side. We are all ready if you are." He offered Feyre his arm and the two left to take their places as witnesses. 
Gwyn left with a soft kiss placed on top of your head, "Azriel and I will be the cute ones right next to where you and Cass will be standing!"
You paused at the doors to the ceremony chamber. Taking a few stilling breaths, you nodded for the doors to be opened, and you began the walk. The room was beautiful. Strings of fae lights echoed the stars. Candles adding to the illumination of the room, setting a soft warm glow to everything. You couldn't look at anything but Cassian in stunned silence, though. His jaw and face had fallen in shock, tears forming in his eyes. Your face mirrored his and tears started to genuinely fall. 
The scent of it hit Rhysand first. He started laughing silently. It made sense now. All of this made sense now. He told Azriel to take your daughter and he did instantly. 
Cassian moved to you, crushing you to his chest as soon as you were within reach. "Mate," he whispered softly. "I can't believe you're my mate."
"Cassian, babe, we're making a scene."
"It's our wedding. We can make as big of a scene as we want." You two didn't notice your daughter wiggling out of Azriel's arms until both of you were being pulled to the priestess by her little hands. 
"Hurry up and make him my daddy." She demanded before returning to Azriel with her arms up. "Tisk tisk momma." She looked at you, blinking her eyes as she stomped her foot like sass had become her first language.
You held your arms up in defeat. "Alright alright. So demanding," you turned to the High Priestess. "Could you marry me to this male so he can be my daughter's daddy?"
Cassian's eyes were watering again. He sniffled lightly before turning to Azriel to take your daughter back and holding her tight against his side. "General, are you ready?" He nodded, kissing her temple as she leaned into his shoulder. "We are gathered here tonight to watch the union of two souls," the words faded as soon as Cassian took your hand in his, you were focused solely on him, on that new string sparkling between you two, and the happy tears your daughter was crying as she held her dad. 
You wiped one of her tears gently with your free hand after the ceremony when the three of you were alone under that floral arch where he had made his vows to her. "Are you happy, babygirl?"
Cassian still held her tight, refusing to yield her to anyone since she had called him daddy. "Why wouldn't I be? I have my mommy, my daddy, and there's cake."
"Mmmm there is cake." Cassian agreed. "Specifically your favorite chocolate cake with a layer of fudge. Too bad Uncle Az is going to eat it all before you get to." She didn't realize the glint in his eyes was playful, that he was teasing her. 
"Siege the castle, daddy. Bring me my cake."
Cassian seemed to relish the word as it continued to fall from her mouth. Settling her on his back as she pointed to the room, a loud reception party was taking place in. "As my princess wishes." He took off running through the open doors and straight to the cake table Azriel and Rhys were currently admiring. The winged males jumped back, hands held up as your daughter demanded they handed over their plates of cake and sweets.
You looked up to the stars in their all knowing and twinkling glory and two simple words fell from your lips, "Thank you."
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pigcowboys · 1 year
Hi I hope you're having a wonderful day <3
I was wondering if you could maybe do percy jackson with a daughter of nyx where they are basically the same person personality wise and have a lot of common interests ( sorry self indulging here🤭). They basically both kin each other lmao
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pairing: ꒰percy jackson x nyx! female! reader꒱⋆·˚
summary: general hcs for percy with a nyx! s/o
warning(s): mutual pining, nonsensical bickering, mentions of injuries & kisses
a/n: HIII OMG THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE :)) i tried my best to do what you requested!! i hope you like it!!
request are closed!
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literally off the bat i can see the two of you at each other's throats all the time.
you're just too alike there's no way there's not gonna be bickering man.
"i think we should use a different design."
"who put you in charge?"
"the voices in my head, actually"
"literally what."
i imagine percy kind of being put off by you when he'd first get to camp half-blood like
who are you.
i mean it isn't like he's TRYING to be mean, you're just so annoying sometimes yk.
then i feel like one night he'd sneak out of camp to go stargazing and find you near the shore in his spot.
lowkey annoyed by your presence at first but still proceeds to gaze with you silently. you'd strike up a conversation with him and it'd actually go a lot better than he expected it to go.
okay, maybe you're not that bad.
he'd start to approach you more at camp but like not for any reason at all yk. he just enjoys talking to you, i guess.
probably would be overjoyed when he finds out you have similar interests as him.
you two probably stay up all night talking about the most random stuff.
honestly, those talks are probably the moment when he realizes he..like likes you.
you're just chilling and talking about random shit and he laughs at one of your jokes and has to take a moment because he realized that you're honestly just the best person ever.
and then from that point on he's honestly kind of a mess.
you're so cool to him for some reason?? you'd just be living life and he'd probably just be in the background observing you with big ass heart eyes.
"is there something on my face, perce?"
"huh? uh no, what?"
he knows he likes you but just doesn't know how to say it?? i mean, do YOU even like him back..??
aghhhh it's honestly so draining to him.
he's not shy. just kind of stupid when it comes to feelings.
probably tried to "woo" you somehow by buying you ocean related stuff whenever you go out together.
played it off as him just having some change.
he is willing to go bankrupt for you.
i feel like one day he just got tired of dropping hits and just decided to go for it cause like, you've known each other for a minute.
he'd meet you at that star gazing spot and literally just spill all his feelings for you.
"don't say anything but what if i told you you're an amazing person and probably the coolest person i've ever met in my life and that i'm literally head over heels for you because you're smart and funny and pretty and you're just the best?"
and you start dating!! woo!!
once you start dating he def gets a bit more of a confidence boost.
always boasting about the fact he's dating you like everyone else doesn't already now from the way he's always clinging to you.
and if you're not into physical touch no worries!! he's completely and totally fine with it!! probably asks permission to give you hugs and hold your hand.
beach dates.
you'd be that one sappy couple who interlocking hands and walks down the beach together UGHH
he would def be the type of guy to go to you after every quest so you can patch him up. do you even know how to patch him up?? probably not! can't he just use some ambrosia?? yes.
doesn't mean he won't stop.
"percy, what the fuck happened!?"
"what do you mean?? :)"
kind of scared of your mother but would never admit it to your face.
i feel like he'd make some kind of big plan to try and kiss you but it'd ultimately fail.
he'd pull up to you with some beautiful ass flowers with a big grin on his face.
would take you to some really secluded spot that he'd decorated with a bunch of different things and homemade food!! (sally helped him.)
things would be going good till it starts to rain.
not that it's a problem for him at all but it kills the freaking mood.
"i'm so sorry.."
"for what?"
"how this turned out, it was supposed to be this big and..romantic thing."
"it's okay, we can have other dates."
"no like..i wanted us to kiss."
"who says we can't right now..?"
he's in heaven when you finally kiss for the first time!! you're literally so amazing like wtf he got so lucky.
from that point on you two are locked in for life.
he's everywhere you are, you're everywhere he is NO MATTER WHAT.
he's so in love.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
Hiii you’re such an amazing writer i really love your content and writing!! you’re so good😩🤍🤍
I especially liked the rowaelin x reader, with reader getting nip piercings, could i please request a similar one where it’s feysand x reader, and reader and feyre get matching nip piercings, and rhys sees them. and reader also suggests they all should get matching tattoos, maybe nyx’s name or the date they all mated😭🥺
Feysand x Reader
Summary: Feyre and reader get piercings. 
Warnings: nudity, piercings, not proofread
A/N: ahhh you’re so sweet! thank you and thank you for the request!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Feyre’s voice was barely above a whisper as you led her through the streets. 
“You don’t have to,” you assured her. She caught a stray thought of yours - about getting your nipples pierced, and insisted she go with you. It did take some convincing for her not to go straight to Rhys - who would’ve shot the idea down immediately. First, she insisted on going with you, then on getting her own done as well. 
Still, you’d wanted them for a while. You had other piercings - a few in your ears, one on your nose, but nothing below the shoulders. You wouldn’t say it’s an impulsive decision. It was going to be, until Feyre found out about it and made you wait a week. At that point, you were getting them done out of pure stubbornness. 
Feyre still looked hesitant as you approached the shop. You stopped a few feet away from the entrance, out of sight from the windows. “Feyre,” you said quietly. “I won’t judge you if you decide not to.” 
She rolled her shoulders back, determination crossing her features. “I’m doing it.” 
It surprised you, but she did end up getting them done, alongside you. Although she may have broken a few fingers in your hand during the entire thing. It’s helpful that the piercer was a friend of yours, and remained completely professional the entire time. Although she did send you a sly smirk at the end of it, as Feyre was looking in the mirror, slipping her top back on. You shot a warning glare her way, and she held both hands up, as if to say ‘I’ll keep the secret.’ 
“How was your day?” Rhys asked, leaning back in his seat. His arm was draped around Feyre’s shoulders, and you sat opposite of them, curled up in your favorite armchair with a book. 
“You’ve asked us already,” you peered over the top. You and Feyre hadn’t told him yet, purposefully because you knew it would drive him crazy trying to figure out the change, and you liked to play games once in a while. Again, Feyre was hesitant about the situation but you convinced her to play along. 
“And I haven’t gotten the answer I want.” He said mildly. Your lips curved into a small smile, one you knew would irritate him, and you returned back to your book. 
Feyre let out an exaggerated sigh. “Take your top off, y/n.” 
You slammed your book shut, your eyes widening. She had one elegant brow raised, just tell him already. 
Why don’t you take yours off? You hedged. 
Rhys snapped his fingers and a wave of cold air hit you - stinging the small wounds. You yelped, trying to cover yourself but he’d already seen it. 
His eyes seemed to dance as he stood, moving so he stood right in front of your chair. You didn’t fight him as he peeled his arms away from your chest, spotting the two metal bars running through your nipples. 
“Isn’t this a pleasant surprise,” he ran his finger along one, barely ghosting your breast, and turned to Feyre. “I assume she roped you into this?” 
“I spent the morning trying to convince her not to.” You protested. 
“Liar,” he purred, not even looking at you, but his hand stroked your shoulder. 
“I wanted to,” Feyre admitted with a shrug. “She kept asking me if I was certain.” 
Feyre lifted her shirt to show hers, just for a few seconds before lowering it. Meanwhile, your shirt had disappeared to Gods-know-where, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes in annoyance, snatching a blanket from the back of the armchair and wrapping yourself in it. 
“Why don’t you get yours done?” You poked Rhys in the shoulder. He hadn’t move from in front of you, but his eyes were fixed on Feyre - them having some sort of conversation. Probably double checking you didn’t pressure her into it. 
“Absolutely not,” he answered automatically. 
“But we’d all match.” You teased him, pinching this time to get his attention. 
He turned to you with an exasperated look, “No.” 
“What about tattoos?” He still looked wary, but cocked his head and indicated for you to continue. “Of our mating date, maybe. Somewhere discreet.” Some anxiety hit you, maybe you’d suggested something a bit too permanent, or too intense …
“I like that idea,” Feyre’s voice cut off your mental spiral. You could see Rhys debating it, turning the idea over in his mind, but if both you and Feyre wanted to do it, chances are he’d give in.
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guiltyscarlet · 2 months
👬 Fingers intertwining for Thanzag? <3
Hiii ! Thank you for the ask! For this fun game/challenge It was my first tome writting ThanZag, hope it comes out okay
EDIT: I crossposted it on AO3 here
Snippet below the cut
0=={{::::::::::::::> Zagreus emerges from the pool of Styx disoriented. He’s pretty sure he wasn’t defeated this time. In fact, he was just talking with his mother, when he felt this… pull. 
Frustrated, he storms to his chambers, ignoring Hypnos’ annoying waving and Nyx’ concerned gaze. Only to find Thanatos sitting at the edge of his bed. The god of Death rises at his entrance, his golden gaze, framed in silver strands, immediately finding Zagreus’. There’s something vulnerable about him. Something foreign, as Than’ usually keeps his emotions close to his heart, never to be seen by anyone. 
There’s a long pause as they just stare at each other. 
Until Thanatos finally breaks the silence.
“I thought this time for sure, I wouldn’t see you again. I felt it when you exited the Underworld.” There it is, that carefully crafted mask of indifference, slotting back into place. “How come you’re here again ?”
“I’m not sure… I think I can’t leave. But Than’, I met my mother !!”
Thanatos’ gaze softens slightly “That’s… I’m glad for you Zagreus. Now, what do you mean you can’t leave ? And why do you look so… dejected…? If you were able to meet your mother, I mean.”
“Something about being bound to the Underworld…But that’s not- that’s not why I’m upset. My mother thought I was dead. That's why she left.” A thought hits him then, and his voice becomes small. “Did you know about this?”
Thanatos’ features shine with confusion before settling in something like determination. He crosses the distance between him and Zagreus in two long, elegant strides. He reaches for Zagreus’ hand, forcing his mismatched gaze on him. 
“I swear to you, I didn’t. I was sure the Queen left because she was unhappy with her life down there.”
Zagreus feels silly for even entertaining the thought. Than’ would never keep something like that from him.
“I believe you.” His gaze catches briefly on their hands, and he allows himself a slight smile before his features close off again. “My father, however, never said anything.”
“You know how he can be… Try not to take it too personally, Zag’.” In an uncharacteristic display of affection, Than’ entwines their fingers. His eyes are sincere, intent. “I’m here for you. You know that, right ?”
Zagreus barely manages to stammer out a “Yes”.
They linger like this for one, two seconds, before Than’ lets his hand fall away. He steps back, and turns without another word, exiting the Prince’s chambers.
Zagreus can only stare after him, completely stunned.
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But do know that one of the answers was to the question about which character fandom changed your mind on, and y'all did change my mind on Ted (singular) and I thought I'd at least let you know 💖
??? fucking tumblr this place sucks. im so glad you appreciate his pathetic ass :]
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slxttybxnni · 22 days
Hiii!! You can call me Bunny or Nyx
18 - she/they - switch/ sub lean - pansexual/ fem lean
{Men and Minors DNI, you will be blocked}
Yes: praise, degradation, overstim, somno, spanking, ice play, voyeurism, exhibition, breeding
Soft: md/lg, pet play, edging
No: anal, scat, race play, r4pe, knife
Play nice with each other. My dms and inbox are open😉
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redvelvetpdf · 6 months
nova look
Tumblr media
this is me trying so hard to keep in touch with you all
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chappellrroan · 3 months
hi vio idk if you remember me but i am nyx. we only interacted once or twice so, hiii!!
nyx i know you!!! you're the one who's common in our mutual circle also with banger taste in anime i think i lost you after you deactivated 😭
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eru-iru · 2 months
Hiii! First ask ever um
Your recent post with Pharos and Ryoji as twins seems like a really interesting concept and I haven’t seen many aus with Pharos
I’d love to see more info on this au if you’re up for it!
this au is just smth me and my mutual have KHFKSDF this is still deeply as ryomina, just that ryoji is now split into two ppl lmao
so death got split into two when he left makoto, his pharos self at the end of the drama cd where he's older and copying makoto's appearance and then ryoji, who is what he was supposed to become coz he intended to have all their memories erased. a tiny part of him didnt want to let those memories go so tada pharos is still here
same story ryoji have with him transferring from abroad but now theres two of them as twins. pharos is the older twin while ryoji is the younger twin. ppl are pretty shocked to find that theyre actually twins but they do look the same if ryoji has his hair down. ryoji's still more of the flirt of the two but pharos also gains attention coz of the mysterious cool atmosphere he has. pharos instead only flirts with makoto ahaha. he's human now so he'll take the chance to be closer to makoto. ryoji also ends up doing that coz it's ryoji we know how he is ahaha
they still merge together at the end as nyx avatar tho to become whole again. but thats it for now this is a pretty new au for me so i havent really thought up all the details ;;w;;
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