#highly believe she is the 2nd strongest on the team both when it comes to her powers and her physical strength
l1-b1 · 1 year
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Highly believe in buff Nya supremacy 💪
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obsidianossuary · 5 years
HPHM Profile: Alex Aurelius
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Name: Alex Livia Aurelius
Gender: Female
Age: 11 (Debut--start of first year); 16 (Current--start of sixth year)
Birth Date: August 31, 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasion 
Nationality: British
Residence: Oxford, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INTP--the Logician
The Mage
1st Wand: Blackthorn Wood; Unicorn Hair Core; 11 3/4 Inches
“Blackthorn wands, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in Garrick Ollivander's well-merited opinion, of being best suited to a warrior. These wands appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish.” 
2nd Wand: Ebony Wood; Dragon Heart String Core; 11 1/4 Inches
“Ebony wands have an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider. In the experience of Garrick Ollivander, the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.”
Animagus: N/A
Misc. Magical Abilities: 
Legilimency--Alex, like most of her family, was born a legilimens. She is horrendously talented--she subconsciously reads the thoughts of those around her without meaning to, unable to control her ability. 
Occlumency--She was taught how to use occlumency and hone her control over legilimency by Professor Snape in her fifth year. 
Spell Invention--Her fluency in Latin gives her an innate ability to create spells. 
Boggart Form: Jacob as a Death Eater
Riddikulus Form: Jacob dressed-up in a clown costume, make-up included.
(What does she smell like?): Vanilla and coconut
(What does she smell?): Grass and honeysuckle (Charlie Weasley); new books; earth right after rain; peppermint toads
Patronus: Crow
“The crow is a very well-known bird that some believe is an omen of dark magic. But if this is your Patronus, don’t fret! The crow is very resourceful, ambitious, and cunning. Once they set a goal, they always seem to get what they’re after. Crows are also fearless. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. They are also very smart and have been observed using tools to achieve their means. This is a Patronus anyone should be proud of having!”
Patronus Memory: Jacob coming home for the summer after completing his first year at Hogwarts; Charlie Weasley kissing her for the first time. 
Mirror of Erised: Her and Jacob reunited; she is a successful curse-breaker working at Gringotts along side Bill; she is married and has a family with Charlie. 
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Expecto Patronum
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
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Game Appearance:
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Height: 5ft 3in 
Weight: 100 lbs
Physique: Petite
Eye Colour: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long, messy, and curly
Skin Tone: Light Brown
Body Modifications: Pierced Ears (x2)
Small silver hoop earring with small opal balls attached to the center--a gift from her family for her tenth birthday. 
Opal studs--pierced by Tulip and Badeea in her fifth year. 
A large slash mark on her right forearm from the Ice Knight (Year 2)
Small cut on her left eyebrow from Rakepick in the portrait vault (Year 5)
Skirts, sweaters, and jeans; overall very modest dress (because she’s insecure about her small frame); starts to wear a lot of make-up in her sixth year to compensate for her insecurity; generally keeps her look natural and comfy when Andre isn’t there to interfere.
Wrist watch (gift from McGonagall in her second year)
Dragon necklace (made and given to her by Charlie Weasley for Christmas in her fourth year)
Jacob’s journal (which she now also uses to document her search for the cursed vaults and as a personal diary)
The key to Jacob’s room (one of a pair that she shares with Tulip)
Her father’s initialed fountain pen (enchanted with infinite ink)
A Tale of Two Cities by Charlie Dickens
Photographs of her friends and family 
Garroting Gas (from Snape in Year 4).
Miniature hairbrush (from Andre)
Make-up compact (Year 6)
Invisibility Cloak (Year 6)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny House: N/A
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Gringotts Bank
Order of the Phoenix 
Order of the Phoenix Leader
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies: 
Astronomy ★★★★★★★☆☆☆(E)
Charms: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (O)
DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★(O)
Flying: ★★★★★★★★★★
Herbology: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (A)
History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (O)
Potions: ★★★★★★★★★☆(O)
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★(O)
Arithmancy ★★★★★★★☆☆☆(E)
Care of Magical Creatures ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆(E)
Divination ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(A)
Study of Ancient Runes ★★★★★★★★☆☆(O)
Favorite Class: Transfiguration--Alex is extremely gifted at transfiguration. It’s her favorite subject because she finds it both fascinating and practical and because it it taught be her favorite professor
Least Favorite Class: Herbology--Alex can't take care of a plant to save her soul
Quidditch: Chaser (Starting in year 2) 
Extra Curricular:
Duelling Club--She’s not a full-time member, but she often joins Bill and Diego at the dueling club when they ask her to come
Frog Choir--Her mother used to sing to her as a child; she loves singing to herself in the halls or when she’s bored. 
Favorite Professors:
Professor McGonagall--Basically her role model. She admires McGonagall’s intelligence, strong morals, and no nonsense attitude. 
Professor Snape--She doesn't actually like him as a teacher, but she enjoys messing with him. 
Professor Kettleburn--She loves that he’s an absolute wack-job and that will let the class get away with pretty much anything. 
Least Favorite Professors:
Professor Trelawney--She’s a wack-job, but not in a fun way like Kettleburn. Because of her involvement with the cursed vaults, Alex became that one kid in every year that Trelawney foresaw would die a heinous death by the end of the year (but she never does, so the cycle repeats at the beginning of each year, much to Alex’s displeasure). 
Marcus Tiberius Aurelius: 
Born: August 12, 1945
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
The Aurelius family is an ancient and noble pure-blood family that was said to be descended from Roman wizards who migrated to Britain in the first century BC.
Strangely, every male born into the family is gifted with legilimency. Every male... and Marcus’s daughter, Alex.
The Aurelius’ weren’t originally blood prejudiced, often marrying half-bloods and muggle-borns. But after they were excluded from the Sacred Twenty-Eight, that all changed. The Aurelius family began to arrange marriages to traditionally pure-blooded families in hopes of restoring their reputation as a noble and prestigious pureblood family.
Marcus Aurelius, Alex and Jacob’s father, was the oldest of three boys and grew up to be extremely prejudiced against muggles and muggle-borns.
When Marcus was twelve, his youngest brother, Jacob, died in an accident involving a muggle motor vehicle which only reaffirmed Marcus’s prejudice against muggles.
Marcus’ middle brother, William, married a muggle-born witch in 1968. This would put a huge strain on the relationship between the two brothers to the point where they would become estranged. William, his wife, and his children would be killed by Death Eaters during the first wizarding war in 1980.
Marcus was the very definition of “tall, dark, and handsome.” He had shaggy dark hair and deep set brown eyes. He is described as ambitious, handsome, and charismatic.
At Hogwarts, he was a member of the Slug Club and was a chaser and captain of the Slytherin quidditch team.
There he met his future wife, Helena Blackthorn, the only daughter of a prestigious pureblood family from America.
Marcus was the strongest and most talented legilimens to be born into the Aurelius family in centuries.
This gift got him a job at the Ministry of Magic working as an interrogator. It was during his work at the ministry that Marcus developed his ultimate technique.
Marcus was an extremely gifted legilimens--proabably the greatest behind only You-Know-Who himself. He could not only see into a person’s mind without the use of a wand, but he could sense the thoughts of all those around him up to a one-mile radius. Marcus subconsciously sees into the minds of those around him without even trying. His legilimency is so strong that he often finds it harder to NOT use his ability. He is extremely proud of his power and used his job as a way to further develop his abilities beyond the average legilimens.
“Yeah, but you were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.”
While working as an interrogator, Marcus discovered that he could use his legilimency to send his own thoughts or visions into another person’s mind, driving them insane. From there, Marcus was able to deduce that if he was able to create and relay his thoughts into another person’s mind, he could force his will onto another person and control their body.
Marcus kept his technique a secret from the world. Any one who ever had the misfortune of being controlled by Marcus Aurelius never lived to tell the tale.
During the war, Marcus used his new abilities to not only interrogate Death Eaters, but to kill them as well. He developed a reputation as “The Inquisitor” for his ruthlessness.
When his son Jacob turned six, Jacob showed signs of being a legilimens. This made Marcus incredibly happy that he would have an heir to continue not only the Aurelius name, but his work as a legilimens as well. 
When his daughter Alex turned three, she also showed signs of being a legilimens. This was a great shock to Marcus not only because up until that point, only the men of his family were born legilimens, but that she was able to use legilimency even earlier (and better) then his son.
Marcus started to train her along side Jacob. Marcus, overall, favored his son as his one true heir and secretly hoped that his power as a legilimens would continue to grow, but found that it was actually his daughter who had a true talent for legilimency, easily outclassing her older brother even at her young age.
However, after a certain incident when Alex was four and Jacob was eleven, Marcus stopped teaching his kids, fearing that they were growing more powerful then him. 
Towards the end of the war, Claudius Aurelius, Marcus’s father and a known Death Eater, tried to recruit his son for Voldemort’s army.
Marcus idealized his father, but he refused to join on account that his wife was secretly a muggle-born and his own children were half-bloods.
Enraged, Claudius attacked Marcus. Marcus, using his mind control technique, killed his own father in self-defense.
After his son was expelled and went missing, he became extremely over protective and controlling over Alex because she the only remaining heir to the Aurelius family name. 
Helena Rose Aurelius (née Blackthorn)--Mother
Born: April 2, 1947
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
The Blackthorn family is prestigious pureblood family from the United States of America.
Helena Blackthorn was orphaned as an infant after both of her biological parents died from pneumonia. She was adopted by the Blackthorns when she was six years old after she accidentally used magic to defend herself against the abusive matron of the orphanage.
Helena has thin blonde hair and bright, icy blue eyes. Helena is very smart and compassionate and carries a strong love of muggle literature which she then passed on to her own children. However, she is also very insecure and needy--mostly due to her abusive experience at the muggle orphanage.
She met Marcus Aurelius (a seventh year) in her fifth year at Hogwarts and fell madly in love with him. However, when she discovered that Marcus was blood prejudiced, she couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth about her blood status in fear of losing him. She continued to let Marcus believe that she was a pureblood and the two of them got married after Helena graduated from Hogwarts in 1965.
Jacob, their first child, was born a year later in 1966.
Alex was born in 1973, seven years after her older brother Jacob.
Ten years into their marriage, Marcus discovered that Helena was adopted and a muggle-born, not a pureblood as he had originally thought.
Marcus was furious with Helena for lying to him, but Britain was in the midst of the first wizarding war and Marcus feared that if word got out that his wife was actually a muggle-born and not a pureblood, she not only would be killed by Death Eaters (not that he would care, knowing the truth of her heritage), but their children as well.
Marcus couldn’t afford to lose his children. After the death of his brother and his children, Alex and Jacob were the last of Aurelius family line. The discovery that both Jacob and Alex were legilimens only made Marcus even more protective of his two children, and so he kept quiet about his wife’s blood statues and joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against You-Know-Who in order to ensure the survival of his children.
Helena’s relationship with her husband deteriorated, but they were both horrendously protective of their children (especially during the war).
After the the truth came out, she fell into a deep depression and became very distant from her children.
When Jacob disappeared, that seemed to be the breaking point in her sanity. 
Jacob Julius Aurelius--Brother
Born: September 30, 1966
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Jacob was a boisterous child but often preferred to keep his own company rather then socialize with others, often adventuring on his own around town.
He is described as clever, mischievous, charming, and rebellious. His fatal character flaws are his narcissism and selfishness.
When Jacob turned six years old, he began to show signs of being a legilimens like his father. Jacob trained relentlessly with his father every day to hone his skills and practice his father’s special mind-control technique. By the age of seven, Jacob could successfully control and create realistic visions in another person’s mind.
While learning to control people, he found that the process was horredously painful on the recieving end (they often practiced on muggles and then obliviated them afterwards). Jacob found that he didn’t really care about the pain he inflicted on his victims and even took pleasure in knowing it was he who had the power to create such pain.
This was only one the earlier signs of Jacob’s sociopathic tendencies.
After his sister was born, he had no intention at first of becoming the “big brother” type. But as Alex got older and started to idealize him as her hero, he had a change of heart.
Alex became the most important person in his life... and the only person in the world he could truly love.
Between his parents tense relationship and his mother’s growing depression, Jacob took it upon himself to be Alex’s protector, mentor, and role-model.
When Alex turned three, she started to train along side him in legilimency. 
Right before Jacob went off to Hogwarts (when he was eleven and Alex was three), during one of their training sessions, Marcus forced his children to use their legilimency to control one another.
Jacob went first. He stopped once Alex started to scream.
Marcus then ordered Alex to do the same to Jacob but she refused because she didn’t want to hurt Jacob.
Angered by his daughter’s insolence, Marcus attempted to hit Alex as punishment. But before he could, Jacob steps up to his sister’s defense and uses mind-control to stop his father from hurting Alex. 
Jacob then threatens his father that if he ever tried to hit Alex again, he would use the training his father gave him to drive Marcus insane. 
Jacob left for Hogwarts one tense month later. 
Jacob, similarly to his father, became fascinated with furthering his magical abilities which led to his search for the cursed vaults and his involvement with R. 
Claudius Nero Aurelius--Paternal Grandfather
Born: November 12, 1921
Died: October 1, 1981
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Claudius was a beater for the Slytherin quidditch team.
Claudius was apart of an arranged marriage with the respected Carrow family. He married Elizabeth Carrow in 1944.
Claudius became a Death Eater at the beginning of the first wizarding war in 1970.
He disowned his second son, Antoninus, when he married a muggle-born. In 1980, Claudius ordered Death Eaters to murder Antoninus and is family.
Claudius attempted to recruit his eldest son to Voldemort’s army, but when Tiberius refused and told his father the truth about his wife’s wizarding heritage, Claudius tried to kill his own son and threaded to do the same to his “filthy half-breed” children.
Claudius was killed by his own son.
Elizabeth Mary Aurelius (née Carrow)--Paternal Grandmother
Born: June 6, 1926
Died: September 15, 1950
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pureblood--Member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight
Died giving childbirth to her third son.
Antoninus Octavian Aurelius--Paternal Uncle
Born: October 30, 1947
Died: December 24, 1980
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
At Hogwarts he met and fell in love with Catherine Smith, a muggle-born witch.
They married right after they graduated and started a family.
Antoninus and his family were murdered by Death Eaters on Christmas Eve, 1980.
 Maximinius Gaius Aurelius--Paternal Uncle
Born: September 15, 1950
Died: July 3, 1963
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Run over and killed by a muggle motor vehicle at age twelve.
Jonathon Henry Blackthorn--Maternal Grandfather
Born: July 4, 1924
Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent
Jonathon was born into a wealthy and prestigious pure blood family in New York City. He became the sole heir to his family’s fortune when his older brother died from Dragon Pox.
Jonathon met his wife Catherine at Ilvermorny and married her shortly after they both graduated from school.
Unable to have children of there own, the two of them decided to adopt a child.
After hearing rumors about an incident at an orphanage where a little girl miraculously flung the head matron across the room, the couple suspected that the little girl in question was actually a muggle-born witch.
They met and adopted Helena in 1953.
A few months later, Jonathon is offered an editor’s position at the Daily Prophet and they moved to London.
Inadvertently tells his son-in-law that Helena was actually adopted.
After the end of the first wizarding war, he and his wife move back to New York and retire.
Catherine Marie Blackthorn (née Solomon)--Maternal Grandmother  
Born: March 5, 1923
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
After she adopted Helena, she encouraged her daughter to embrace her muggle culture. This sparked the entire family’s love for muggle literature and Catherine’s love of muggle music.
Love Interest:
Charlie Weasley
Best Friends (Canon):
Bill Weasley (Alex’s best friend period)
Penny Haywood
Nymphadora Tonks
Tulip Karasu
Rowan Khanna (Best Friend for Years 1-2)
Ben Copper
Barnaby Lee
Andre Egwu
Jae Kim
Badeea Ali
Liz Tuttle
Diego Caplan
Tablott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Patrica Rakepick
Rowan Khanna
Tulip Karasu
Skye Parkin
Badeea Ali
Quidditch Teammates: 
Skye Parkin
Orion Amari
Murphy McNully (kind of)
Andre Egwu
Talbott Winger 
Commodus--Jacob’s eagle owl; Alex inherited him after Jacob went missing
George--Orange tabby cat; Hagrid gave George to Alex as a kitten as a Christmas gift in her first year
Closest MC Friends:
 None yet ;)
Alex was born on August 31st, 1973. 
Her parents were very distant for most of her childhood so grew a strong attachment to her older brother, Jacob. 
When she was three years old, she used legilimency for the first time to read her brothers mind to see where he hid her stuffed toy. 
She began to train with her brother and father to hone her abilities. At the time, she thought of it as more or a game then training. 
After the incident where her father tried to make her use mind-control on her brother, her father stops her lessons, fearing that one day she could grow even more powerful then Jacob, and forbids her from ever using legilimency again. 
Alex tries to obey her father’s wishes, but finds that she can’t suppress her ability no matter how hard she tries. 
She kept her ability a secret from everyone until her fifth year when Dumbledore figured out what she was and arranged for Professor Snape to teach her how to control her ability. 
When her brother goes missing, she was devastated. Jacob was her hero. And because of that, she always tries to make sure that he portrayed in the best light, often ignoring the parts of him that are less then ideal. Alex’s mind is very fixed when it comes to Jacob. She often refuses to believe or talk about anything that doesn’t correspond to the hero image she has of her big brother. 
Her relationship only got more tense with her parents after Jacob’s disappearance. Her father became extremely controlling and over protective of her. 
Her parents became very concerned when she started searching for the cursed-vaults (they even try to keep her from returning to Hogwarts in her third year) but secretly hope that her search will find answers about Jacob. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Alex joins Bill at Gringotts as a curse-breaker. With her experience with the cursed vaults, she easily becomes the best in her field and rises quickly among the ranks. 
When the second wizarding war breaks out, Alex joins the Order of the Phoenix. She becomes one of the order’s top leaders, leading the rebellion along side other leaders such as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Aberforth Dumbledore. 
After the war, she finally marries Charlie Weasley after dating since their fifth year and moves to Romania. 
Intelligent, witty, and clever. Alex prefers using her brain rather then her wand to solve her problems. She’s very cool headed for the most part, but if she’s pushed beyond a breaking point, her emotions will get the better of her. Witty comebacks and sarcastic remarks are a must with this girl. 
Compassionate. She loves her friends and family deeply and will do anything to help and protect them. She’s very empathetic so she's often the person her friends come to when they need advice or comfort. 
Ambitious. Nothing will stand in her way once she sets her mind to something. That being said, she has a tendency to become self-absorbed and obsessed with her task, often neglecting herself and others. 
Mischievous and cunning. Alex enjoys messing with people (especially one certain potions master) and gets a huge kick out of all the trouble she can get up to with Tulip and Tonks. 
Brave. Alex is especially courageous and brave in the face of danger. She never backs down from a fight and will always stand up for what she believes is right. 
Guarded. Alex guards her hearts like a Dragon guards its egg: ferociously. She fears letting anyone get too close her after her brother disappeared. However, if you can get through her defense mechanisms (usually some snarky comment), she is a true friend till the bitter end. 
Her favorite book is a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Alex and Jacob used to read together before bed time. Their favorite bed time stories included Dickens, Dumas, and the Bronte Sisters. 
She and her brother learned how to read and write Latin from their father. 
Special thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory​ for the template and for inspiring me to do my own Hogwarts Mystery re-write. I used to think that doing a re-write would be stupid, but after seeing so many people having fun writing for their amazing MCs, I decided that I might as well join in on the fun. 
I already have a draft done for year one, but I have some editing and minor planning to do before I move on. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the first chapter soon. 
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