#high pinch scream at each other 😂😂😂😂
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artsolarsash · 1 year ago
Fairy AU comics
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4:soon
Charlotte/Charley Moore: @artsolarsash
Sundrop the fairy: @ayyy-imma-ninja
Yep, they’re scared at each other 😂
I did this page before first and second, but I fixed some details
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azsazz · 2 years ago
Terrible Twos
Cassian x Reader
Summary: Anon Requests: "I’d love to see a little fic where Cass deals with a toddler tantrum😂🥰pls" and "More dad cass"
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,162
You pinch the bridge of your nose, exasperated as your son lies on the cobblestones before you, screaming and crying, his little fists pounding into the stones beneath him.
It had been a mistake to take Gideon, freshly two years old, out into the Rainbow when he hadn’t taken his nap.
He’d caught sight of the pastries in the window, face pressed up against the glass, wide-eyed as he begged you for a dessert. But once the little squirt heard the word ‘no’ he’d begun banging on the window in a fit of rage, the workers indoors startling at the noise.
And you are really paying the price for telling him no.
You are really no match for Gideon, the little boy twisting and turning violently in your arms after you’d scooped him up and away from the bakery, kicking his legs out and pushing against you. Like his father in so many ways, he is stubborn as hell and can put up a good fight.
He’d nearly slipped from your arms and you set him down so he wouldn’t hurt himself, fat tears streaming down his chubby cheeks as he points at the bakery behind you, wailing for a treat.
You give awkward smiles to the passerby as you stick an arm out, stopping your son from running back up to the shops windows. He pinches at your arm, ever the frustrated Illyrian babe, brows furrowed and nose bright red and scrunched up in fury.
It’s normally cute when he makes this face, but paired with a wail louder than a banshee, disturbing the peacefulness of the city, it’s not so adorable.
You’ve dealt with plenty of tiny Illyrian tantrums before, but today was just not either of your days as you call out to Rhys with your mind, begging him to answer as Gideon throws himself down again, rolling onto his stomach as if that’s going to get him what he wants.
You called? The High Lord’s voice purrs in your mind. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to it, the whole mind speaking thing. It feels like his voice is rattling around in your already pounding head, setting you on edge even more.
Tell Cassian to come get his child, please. You grit, triedly.
His child? He asks and you can tell that he’s holding back a laugh. You roll your eyes, sitting yourself down on the street by your son. The High Lord must sense that now is not the time for joking so he continues promptly, He’s on his way.
Your head feels lighter when Rhys retreats, shoulders releasing some of the pent up tension now that you know reinforcements are on their way.
It’s all you can do, head propped up on fists, watching Gideon as his tantrum ensues, screaming so loudly you’re sure it can be heard across Velaris.
Maybe he’s calling out to his cousins, Nyx and Wren. The three of them must have some sort of code by now, always so loud when they’re playing together. You bet they both had their naps today.
A large shadow flies overhead and you use a hand to block the sun, watching as your mate lands with quiet grace a few feet away. He looks like a true hero, an adoring smile on his face and shooting a soft look at you, hazel eyes letting you know that he understands how tired and frustrated you are.
He’s dressed in his leathers, and had been in a short meeting with his brothers early this afternoon, which you really knew meant that they were going to have a few glasses of whiskey and shoot the shit with each other, a nice chance to get away from their mates and sons.
Cassian doesn’t know that you know this, and it’s best for the both of you that he doesn’t.
Gideon hasn’t noticed him yet, face down on the ground with his head buried in his hands, kicking his feet in tantrum. 
For a fleeting moment you selfishly hope the crying tires him out so much that he falls asleep.
“What’s wrong, little man?” Cassian asks, sitting cross legged next to Gideon. His wings tuck back and up behind him, not touching the cobblestones, hands placed in his lap, waiting patiently.
Giddy’s cry falters for a moment at the sound of his father’s voice and his head shoots up so fast, wet eyes locking on his father immediately. He scrambles to his feet, stumbling over to his daddy with tear-streaked red cheeks, and Cassian scoops him up, holding him to his chest.
Your mate brushes the tousled hair from your son's face, kissing his chubby cheek as he rubs his back soothingly, whispering soothing words to the child.
You love watching Cassian like this, all soft and caring as he calms Gideon. He is truly the best father and partner, taking care of you both, so much love in his big heart.
Gideon hiccups, pointing to the bakery behind you.
“You have to use your words, buddy,” Cassian soothes, letting his son wipe his runny nose on his shoulder. He would’ve grimaced but he’s used to it by now, would do anything for his son even if it includes being a tissue for his snot and tears.
“Ice cream,” he says, or tries to. It’s interrupted by a shuddering gasp for air and it sounds like he’s saying something else, but you’re easily able to make out his babble.
“What did mommy say?” he asks gently, and Gideon’s teary eyes slide to you. He’s no longer bawling and the presence of his father has him calming down slightly.
“No,” he whines, lip wobbling and you tense, shutting your eyes and praying that he doesn’t start wailing again. You don’t think the townspeople can bear it.
“Then we gotta listen to her, isn’t that right Giddy?” Cassian asks the little boy in his arms. Your son's lip juts out in a pout but he reluctantly nods his head after thinking about his fathers words for a few moments.
“That’s my boy,” Cassian praises, planting a loud kiss on his cheek that makes the little boy squeal with laughter. Your shoulders go lax as you watch them, a small smile on your face. “Now go say sorry to mommy for making a fuss in the street.”
Gideon agrees, running out of his father’s arms and into your open ones. You hug your baby close as he apologizes, clinging tightly to your front. 
Some days are a challenge, dealing with a two year old, but this makes it all worth it.
Cassian scoops the toddler up into his arms, the little boy resting his head in the crook of his daddy's neck, eyes already drooping from the exhaustion of the long day. Your mate offers you a hand up, intertwining your fingers once you’re to your feet. He leans down, greeting you with a kiss before you all begin the walk home together.
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years ago
Random Headcannons Part 2
Back by popular demand loves 😂
Age Rating: same as p.1 take it all with a pinch of salt n don’t get offended (:
These span throughout the time lines
Man some of these are weird af
Ran chopped his hair off cos Sanzu got chewing gum in it (he cried throughout he was very proud of his hair)
Kakucho didn’t have his first kiss till 18 when he was in a club n some random drunk girl grabbed him n smacked one on, he was shocked for a good half hour
Kokonoi can’t drink whiskey for the life in him, gets absolutely fucked off one glass
Sanzu shots or downs any drink even if it’s just a bottle of juice or coffee
Takemitchy cry’s at all the John Lewis adverts
Hanma once unironically told you to call him “daddy” in public 💀
Takeomi eats copious amounts of cheap nasty tasting chocolates when he’s stressed
Sanzu once found Rindous orange stash in his office draw n ate them all, Rindou raised absolute hell n shot Sanzu in the foot 3 times before making him go buy new ones
Kokonoi hates dogs says they’re too noisy for him even if they’re silent
Draken keeps pictures of people he cares about in he wallet, has one of those picture things that fold out into like 100 plastic holder things
Inupi is scared of spiders, like he will scream his lungs out n climb on furniture to get away before he rings someone to help him
Shion has chinchillas
Pehs apartment is in the same complex as Pahs
The Kawata twins once died their hair opposite colours to freak people out but no one noticed
Taiju has wayyyyy too many crosses in his house
Sanzu once found a dog outside durin one of his highs n took it home, woke up the next day to a very large rat sat on top of him, he screamed the house down
All of the ex Tenjiku members still get extreme second hand embarrassment when Ran n Kakucho are together 😭 iykyk
Mochi actually hates mochi like despise it especially matcha flavoured ones
Chifuyu is actually allergic to parrots so they hardly ever have them in the pet shop
Baby Mitsuya shaved his own hair when he went to get his dragon tattoo
Senju cut her own fringe n Takeomi had a melt down n tried to stick the hair back on with tape
Wakasa eats way too much candy nd ends up with cavities that need filling every time he visits the dentist
Koko orders food every single day he never cooks, mainly because he can’t
Sanzu once filled the water in the Bonten meeting room with laxatives before a very long meeting
Hakkai never sits well when Mitsuya is trying to cut his hair pattern in, fidgets like a wo 24/7
Nahoya smiles even when he’s sleeping, very freaky
Draken has a massive obsession with giraffes, he’ll never tell anyone but he’s had a toy giraffe since he was a baby that he keeps under his bed during the day
Izana went through hoe faze like a biggggg one
Inupi tried to show some of the second gen Toman how to walk in heels
Shinichiro couldn’t pull because Wakasa was there 24/7
Koko and Inupi have a tiny matching tattoo on their ribs, just a tiny delicate one liner of each others initials (in a completely platonic way)
Ran also has a Haitani Obsession, it’s lemons water, he has a bowl full of fresh lemons in his house and office, he caries around a bottle all day everyday with freshly made lemon water in it, even in Bontens meetings, he even had one with him during all his past fights
The Haitani’s were raised by their grandparents, like I think their parents are alive n that but they just done want to deal with them so they send them off to their grandparents n now they’re older they just buy them an apartment to live in so they don’t have to deal with them
Shion n Peh are both ‘trust fund babies’
Takeomi is really, really stingy with his money 😭 Ik we like to think he’d spoil people but fr this man will it get his black card out for anything!! Tight git
Rindou plays with stray cats all the time, he really likes their toe beans too
Angry had tow pet hamsters but one of them ate the other 💀 (found out this happens more than anyone wants to admit)
Taiju has a whole fucking aquarium in his house and restaurant
Yuzuha still sends Taiju Christmas and birthday cards
Children absolutely love the bonten trio for their loud hair colours
Inupi seems really aloof n nice but he’s actually the biggest dickhead when he’s around the others
Shion cried during Encanto cos he “relates” to Mirabell as the odd one out in all the gangs 🙄(he’s just weak rly so he’s a sour boy)
Izana was known for never even acknowledging stupid questions, just ignored or got rid of the moron
Speakin of Izana we know he has a soft spot for Kaku but I think he has one for Shion too, hear me out, he knew he was weak cos he saw him loose to Toman durin 9th gen but he still brought him to Tenjiku 😭 Izana was a softie rly or he needed a token charity case
Ran got mistaken for a girl way too many times in prison when he had his hair down so he saw his fair share of fights in there, ofc Rindou n the others joined in
Takemitchy once let Hina wax his leg hair💀 she only got through one strip before he cried
Rindou and Mikey are both maladaptive daydreamers
Sanzu is a raging narcissist challenged with an unbridled inferiority complex and a very high need to be liked (by mikey)
Koko on the other hand in also a raging narcissist however he has a malevolent god complex
Mikey has a god complex coupled with a minor inferior complex and extreme unbridled rage
Ran n Rin are just crackheads with no sense of self preservation they can and will leap off a bridge into ice water if dared
Mochi is very tired please give this man a raise
All of the 1st gen black dragons through Wakasa was a girl for a solid month till he whipped his top off I front of em, Shinichiro almost had a heart attack n tried to cover him up 🤦‍♀️
This is way longer than I meant it to be but it is what it is ;)
Taglist: @soushswag @pervitoshi @roppongiperfume @loonashadow @bontensbabygirl @haitink @wakasagurl @sunahyejin @reiners-milkbiddies
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blackypanther9 · 3 years ago
Part 1 - The mischievous student...
No one’s POV...
Destiny was 18 years old and in her last grade of high school. Seven months had passed from the New York attack. She was so angered that she couldn't see Loki. Her favorite Norse God. Instead she and her family left for Romania. No matter...she had school today. Giggling she entered.
"Destiny !!!"
Destiny turned around and saw her and her sister's best friend Alexander Cloud.
"Alex !"
They hugged each other as hello.
"How have you been yesterday ?"
"Good, good."
"Hello you losers.", one of your enemies said.
"Glad you are here again you poor bitches.", the other said.
Destiny rolled her eyes. The rich bitches from next door were here and annoying them...again... Then they went to their lockers. Destiny and Alex chuckled. As they opened their lockers they screamed.
"EWWW !!! SPIDERS !!!"
"EWWW !!! BUGS !!!"
"EWWW !!! INSECTS !!!"
Destiny and Alex went to their classroom and laughed inside there.
"Another pulled prank worked !!", Destiny cheered.
"You are truly a god in it Destiny ! I kneel in front of you !"
Alex fell to one of his knees and put one arm over his chest, like the asgardian people would do to the royals. Destiny laughed her ass off.
"Just wait for later !"
Alex stood up again and smiled.
"I always wonder again...how did I ever deserved the honor to meet you and pull pranks with you ?"
Destiny put her hand on his shoulder.
"Fate. It was fate who gave us three the honors to meet and become best friends."
Destiny took out her phone, giggling.
"That will be fun..."
They both ran out and Dest started to film. On the ground was wet soap and of course the rich bitches from next door had no eyes and brain to see it. They stepped on it and were sliding down the hallway, screaming. As Destiny recorded the whole school laughed. After she stopped recording, she put it into Facebook and YouTube. With the following words...'#another prank succeeded😂'. All of the students phones vibrated and they looked at their phones. They laughed and all commented on it. Like...'Lol' or 'Rofl' or ' Bruh.' And many more comments. Then the first lesson started...
Meanwhile in Avengers Tower...
Tony was pacing in the room.
"I want to know who that person is !! They hacked JARVIS in less than 5 minutes !"
"Not to mention that this person may have killed a few people from SHIELD.", Nat said.
Loki had joined the team 1 month ago and was right now reading a book. Not giving a damn about their problem.
"This person must be mischievous. No one else could be that clever...", Bruce said.
Now they had Loki's full attention.
"May I ask why ?", Loki said.
"They killed SHIELD people and hacked JARVIS. Loki...that person is a genius for not getting caught by us."
Loki put his book away.
"Who do you think is it ?"
"We don't know.", Clint said.
"Based on the high and design it must be a teenager.", Tony said.
"From where do you know ?", Steve asked Tony.
"JARVIS told me that the killer has that typical teenager goth style."
"Don't you think that something is off ?", Loki asked.
"What do you mean, brother ?", Thor asked Loki.
Loki pinched his nose.
"Why would the killer let one of the agents live ? They could have killed them easily and still they let him live."
"The killer didn't know that he escaped.", Tony said shrugging.
"Wrong Stark. Loki is right. The killer let him live, saying that he was innocent and not one of them.", Nick said, walking to them with a folder.
"It is a teenager from New York. Probably still in High school."
"And what do you wish to do now ?", Steve asked.
"I will send one of you into the only High school in New York."
"What is it called ?", Clint asked.
"Y/s/n (Your school’s name)."
"Who will you send there ?", Bruce asked.
"Someone who knows all kinds of mischief, tricks and can read every lie. Loki I am sending you on this mission."
Everyone's eyes widened, even Loki's.
"Me ? Are you certain you wish to send me there ?", he asked Fury with disbelief.
"Yes I am. Find the one responsible for all this, play their friend, give us all information about them and then arrest them."
"How ?"
"Go there as yourself a few times and tell them why you came. Feed them lies. Tell them that you are there to make sure that their school won't be attacked and nobody dies."
"And if he doesn't find them there ?", Thor asked.
"Then they escaped or we even guessed wrong.", Fury sighed.
Thor and the others nodded.
"We are counting on you Loki. Don't mess this up.", Nat said.
Loki nodded.
"You will go tomorrow. Until then read the file.", Nick told him.
He handed Loki the folder and with that Loki went into his room, reading the whole file.
'Mischievous, clever, intelligent, sly, genius....This will not be easy....', was Loki thinking.
As Loki was done he planned how to act and then when he was done with that, he decided to read in his book.
The next day at school...
Destiny and her group (her sister and their friend Alexander) were talking on the way to their lockers. Suddenly...
"All students into the theater room. We have a visitor and he wants to see you all.", said the headmaster through the speakers.
"Maaaaaaaan. I don't wanna !", Daniela said. (Your sister)
"And also...do not laugh. This is serious."
Destiny groaned.
"Not againnn.", she growled.
"What ?", Alex asked Destiny.
"I bet with you that this is another Cosplay fake Loki...This is the 20th time this year."
And with that Destiny put her earphones on and played in YouTube a song. She sang with it.
(Oh baby by Pitbull ft. T-Pain)
Soon the whole school sang with her, except the ones who always tried to bully her. All students walked into the room, Destiny and her friends were behind everyone. Hiding. Waiting.
"Thank you all for coming here. We have an Avenger in this school. Loki Laufeyson.", said the headmaster, gesturing to a tall man.
He spoke to the headmaster and showed to the microphone. He talked back and Loki looked at the microphone strangely. Then used the turn on button.
"Does it work ?", came his voice.
"Okay...Hello Midgardians. What the headmaster said is true. The Avengers send me here, because a killer is on the loose. I am here to make sure that this school will not be attacked and end up unprotected. I will stay here until the killer got arrested and put to jail."
Destiny giggled and looked at her sister. She nodded grinning and Destiny pulled out her microphone, faking her voice with Loki's.
"Okay...Hello Midgardians. What the headmaster said is true. The Avengers send me here, because a killer is on the loose. I am here to make sure that this school will not be attacked and end up unprotected. I will stay here until the killer got arrested and put to jail."
Even at the right timing, because Loki wanted to say something and right then came the command. And the best is, when Destiny speaks, his microphone is turned off. Everyone laughed, knowing that it was their very mischievous girl. Loki wasn't pleased at all.
"What kind of magic was that ? Who said that ?"
"Me who else you fool ! Another fake of me who thinks he can trick the school and the most mischievous person in school. Go back and crawl into a ball, cry, curse and die !"
"Show yourself !"
"You're a funny one. I almost bought it that you are the real Loki. But everyone knows that he is dead ! Or even imprisoned on Asgard ! I hate people who fake him ! I despise them !", came now a girls voice.
"Who is that ?", Loki asked the headmaster.
"I can't tell you. Data protection. I break many rules and could go to jail, if I tell you. But ! But we can challenge the speaker."
"And with what ?"
"They can ask you every question they want and you have to answer them truthfully. The girl is right. You aren't the only one who came here as a Loki. The first time she was so disappointed that it wasn't the real Loki. The next few times she never believed in him being alive again. She always said that he is really dead and that is final."
Loki's eyes widened.
"Why would they think that I am dead ?"
"Ask them yourself."
Loki nodded and turned back to the group. He looked at his microphone and tried to form a sentence.
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musesforart · 5 years ago
OMG! OMG! THAT WAS AMAZING! like wtf.. I'm so thrilled. How did you manage to weave all these fucked up complicated feelings together? You explained everything so well.. The emotions of everyon involved.. The inner turmoil of the reader, the parallels of the situations but also their differences.. Amazing. Wow. 😱 I absolutely loved readers reaction towards the proposal! She gave him a quite needed talk and explained herself, her feelings and tried to reason with him.. Her thoughts made so much sense! It's a complicated situation and there just isn't an easy answer for that whole clusterfuck of emotions.. This chapter read like a sitcom. In a good way because it just had everything. Angst, anger, heartbreak, Lust, honesty, a good cry, humour, confessions of love, drama, more Angst, and so on.. . Wow.
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Not to say that, in the deepest of your mind, there’s a chanting of another man’s name, a quiet but persistent echo.
Because she's falling in looooooohoooove.. 😍😭
Your eyebrows dart high on your forehead. The question causes a cold pinch in your stomach. You think about all the time you spent together, all the hopes and dreams, the struggles, the good and the bad… Right now, if you dig into yourself and your feelings, he may not feel like the obvious choice for you, but there was a time, not so long ago, that he was and it felt right. You have to respect that, don’t you?
Jooooo I love how you've written the inner dialogue. It's really like I'm feeling it myself.. So conflicted and honest and confusing at the same time. But girl.. COLD PINCH.. Like.. You're not in love with him anymore.. Just.. 😕
You don’t need to fall for him just because you’re having sex… Just because he’s the most handsome and sexy man you’ve ever seen… Because he’s amazing in bed, respectful, kind, smart, funny, strong, thoughtful…
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The words catch on Bucky’s throat as he inhales sharply. He takes a step back at the same time his rounded eyes drop to your hand, which is still laced on his. The blood seems to vanish from his face.
“Hold on.” Bucky holds up both his hands as a crease appears between his eyebrows, “Are you telling me he decided to break up with you without even trying to work things out, really talk to you about whatever shitty crises he was going through and then comes here after four months of radio silence, right after seeing you close to me and after he tried to hook up with someone else?” He scoffs, shaking his head before getting up, turning his back to you.
THANK YOU BUCKY! exactly. 😆 Love their honesty with each other.
“Bucky, it’s ten years,” you argue, not sure why this seems to be escalating to, not a fight, but at least a heated debate, “I can’t just erase this time and what it meant to me. That’s a great part of my whole adult life. We lived together, did everything together. I loved him. You have no idea what it’s like to have a relationship like that.” 
Her reasons are sounding so.. Reasonable. Damn it.
“A man who won’t even eat your pussy...” he shakes his head, utter exasperation on his voice.
THERE HE SAID IT! the most important reason, the argument to end all arguments.. It's said. A point was made and Bucky's right. That was so funny though.. I screamed/laughed :D..
“Ok…” Your heart races in your chest, but you still have no idea where this is going, so you decide to not say anything else and let him talk so maybe you can get a better grasp on what the hell is going on.
Damn girl your subconsciousness already knows you're in deep.. 😂
Burying your cheeks on his shirt, dampening the fabric with tears, you let yourself be hugged by him. And, just like that, you live the most pathetic scene of your life, two grown ass adults holding each other and sobbing like babies, without saying anything for God knows how many minutes.
I loved that. I love their honesty with each other and that they're able to be vulnerable with each other.. Like the trust it takes to say these things and show your emotions like that? Fuck. Love them.
“As for me,” you nod, as if to engrave the thought into your mind, “I think what I need now is to be alone for a while… My entire adult life I was never single. I need to figure out who I am without having someone to lean on emotionally, physically and… I don’t know...You-you know what I’m saying? But, please, I don’t wanna hurt you, I-” You stammer, annoyed that the air you’re breathing suddenly seems to not be enough to fill your lungs.  
Again... I sooo get that. I'm amazed how you've managed to display a valid reason and background for every action of the characters..it's definitely an emotional clusterfuck but it's totally believable and makes so much sense from everyone's point of view. This chapter was really really good and I'm so excited to see where this will go and what they'll do with it now.. It's just so complicated.. Oh my.. I just hope for reader to be able to be totally independent again and THEN choose her next step. Just like she explained. Because bucky and her should be something new for a new chapter in both their lives. Thank you so much for sharing! THAT WAS AMAZING! 😘💕
It’s a Deal (Chapter 10)
Chapter Summary: What a day.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 7.1k
Warnings: mild angst, fluff, confrontation, mention to past relationships that might’ve been a bit toxic, crying, laughing.
A/N: I know, I’m not a fast updater! Thank you all for the patience, and I hope you guys like this chapter. I feel like a should warn you about the level of angst that might be below your expectations, this is me trying to write a romantic comedy, guys, bear with me, lol! Thank you to my sweet Les for always having my back. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
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