#high fevers are more common leading to a high population of those with hearing loss
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mariatesstruther · 1 month ago
imagine residents in jackson just know and learn sign language as a community because they have a big Deaf and HOH population
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drlaurynlax · 6 years ago
CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is
CIRS or “chronic inflammatory response syndrome” or “mold illness” is frequently talked about as a “health hazard,” but often overlooked contaminant when it comes to chronic disease or health conditions.
What is “CIRS”? & Mold Illness
 “CIRS” (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is exactly what it sounds like—inflammation that arises in the immune system from a long-time exposure to a chronic health condition or environmental toxins (like mold).
Mold illness, or “biotoxin illness” are two common illnesses associated r “CIRS”—specifically for those affected by it environmentally by mycotoxins (molds, fungi, bacteria), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) and chemicals (endocrine disrupting BPA’s in plastics, glyphosate in plants and packaged foods, sulfates and parabens in shampoo and conditioner).
Both acute or chronic immune dysregulation can wreak havoc on your health with a host of side effects including:
Symptoms of  “CIRS”& Mold Illness
Appetite swings
Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Difficulty regulating body temperature
Eye irritation
GI distress (diarrhea, abdominal pain)
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Memory problems or brain fog or decreased word-finding
Mood swings/changes
Morning stiffness
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Respiratory problems (suppressed function)
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes
Skin sensitivity, tingling and/or ice pick pain
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
Urination frequency
Vision changes (blurred vision, tearing of eyes, or red eyes)
You do not have to have all the signs and symptoms of mold illness—in fact you may just have two or three. For mold illness.
Unfortunately, mold illness or “CIRS” is often overlooked because signs and symptoms can easily fly under the radar, believed to be a “norm”—such as sinus congestion (“allergies”), morning stiffness or frequent loose stools. CIRS is also often missed as an underlying trigger to other co-morbidities associated with mold and biotoxin illness, like autoimmune disease, weight gain/loss, hormone imbalances or skin conditions. No matter how many green juices you drink, many diseases won’t fully heal until you address the underlying cause.
Who Gets CIRS or “Mold Illness”?
Vulnerability to mold toxicity is present in about 25% of the population—most of whom have a genetic predisposition (the “HLA” gene) that inhibits their clearance of biotoxins from their body, and a weaker immune system (i.e. a predisposition for autoimmunity and B cell or T cell imbalances).
  In fact, a family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.
Those who are genetically prone to “CIRS” (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) are more prone to develop CIRS if two conditions are present:
Chronic exposure to biotoxins (in the home or work place, food, environment)
A “triggering” inflammatory event (something that fires or activates the immune system, like strep throat or allergens in the air)
For the remainder of this article, we are going to focus on mold illness.
Mold Illness Statistics
Contrary to popular belief, molds can be found in both old and new construction. When water damage occurs, and relative humidity is high enough, mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours.
More than 50 percent of buildings have moisture problems.  In fact, a report by the Federal Facilities Council found over 40 percent of buildings they examined had current water damage, and over 80 percent had past water damage (23). Even in buildings without water damage, mold and other fungi and bacterium can develop when indoor humidity levels reach around 50 to 60 percent.
  In addition, the current practice of making homes more energy efficient, means that there is less ventilation with outside air, and toxic mold gasses can be trapped inside, potentiating their effect.
  Little Known Fact: Mold Illness is NOT Just Caused by Mold
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just mold or pathogenic molds that are a concern from water-damaged and humid buildings. This is why both allergenic and pathogenic molds can trigger CIRS in susceptible individuals. In addition, there are multiple other toxins that may trigger “mold illness” or CIRS—both from moldy contaminants (allergens, pathogens and toxic mold) as well as other pathogens in the including:
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
  Types of Mold
Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors that grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Once established, mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth.
  Harmful molds may fall into any of the following classifications:
  Allergenic: Molds that cause and produce allergies and allergic reactions such as asthma attacks.
Pathogenic: Molds that cause health problems in those suffering from an acute illness.
Toxigenic: Molds that produce toxic substances (mycotoxins) that can lead to dangerous or even deadly health conditions. This is sometimes referred to as “toxic mold.”
  The most common types of these molds found in home environments include:
  Acremonium (Toxic)
Where it is: Household systems and areas such as condensation from humidifiers, cooling coils, drain pans and window sealants
What it looks like: often pink, grey, orange or white in color
Symptoms: Cause disease in the bone marrow, immune system and other organs. Because it is a carcinogen, it can also impair brain function.
  Aspergillus (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: A a wide range of stored food products such as maize (foods with corn syrup, corn, etc.) and nuts, damp walls, wallpaper, floor and carpet dust, tarred wooden flooring, humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, old bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Long flask-shaped spores that can form thick layers or walls of the mold. This creates long chains of mold growth on surfaces. Because there are over 185 species of aspergillus mold, it can appear in many different colors.
Symptoms: Asthma symptoms, lung infections and respiratory inflammation
  Chaetomium (Pathogenic)
Where it Is: Usually found in a damp or leaking roof, basement or sink and may be recognizable by its musty odor.
What it Looks Like: cotton-like texture and usually changes colors from white to grey to brown and eventually to black over time
Symptoms: Skin and nail infections, weakened immune system
Cladosporium (Allergenic) Where it is: Can grow in warm or cold conditions, common outdoor mold, but often found on indoor material such as fabrics, carpets, and upholsteries
What it Looks Like: Olive green or brown Symptoms: Sneezing, dry skin, hives, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, postnasal drip
Fusarium (Toxic)
Where it Is: Carpeting, wallpaper and other fabrics and materials; naturally grows on food products and in compost.
What it Looks Like: Pink, white or reddish in color
Symptoms: Brain and nervous system damage; neurological problems or tingling, internal bleeding.
  Penicillium (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: Water-damaged homes and buildings and materials such as carpets, wallpapers, ducting and even in mattresses.humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Blue or green colored surface with a velvety texture.
Symptoms: Pulmonary inflammation and asthma; further weaken immune system
    Stachybotrys (Classic “Toxic Mold” or “Black Mold”)
Where it is: Typically on cellulose material such as woods, cardboard, paper, hay or wicker.; thrives in damp, wet areas with high humidity levels that maintain these environmental conditions for weeks.
What it Looks Like: Black splotches
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, dull aches and pains in the mucous membranes, burning sensations in your airways, a tightening in the chest, persistent cough, nose bleeds, fever and painful headaches.
Where it is: Found in homes and buildings that have experienced extreme water damage. It can be found in kitchens, bathrooms and basements as well as around windows with high condensation levels.
What it Looks Like: Black in color
Symptoms: Skin infections, asthma, allergy symptoms, hay fever
                            Mold Allergy vs. Mold Illness
Although mold is a part of life, it is the overgrowth of these mold and chronic (ongoing) exposure to that mold that can cause problems—both allergies and illness .
  Mold Allergy Explained
A mold allergy produces hay fever-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, nasal stuffiness, watering eyes, wheezing, and coughing. The symptoms are usually easily observable by a physician and therefore are easily accepted and diagnosed. Diagnosis can be confirmed with typical allergy tests for elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE).
  Mold Illness Explained
If you’re especially sensitive to mold, you may develop irritation in your throat and nasal passages, often immediately upon exposure. But not all symptoms of mold sensitivity are respiratory related. In sensitive individuals who go on to develop “mold illness,” mycotoxins can produce numerous symptoms (as described above).
  Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Eye irritation
GI distress
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Memory problems or brain fog
Mood swings/changes
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Skin rashes
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Vision changes
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
      How to tell?!
If chronic mold allergy is an issue, the only option for complete relief is to eradicate mold from your environment. Generally folks with mold allergies feel much better simply by being removed from the mold. They also often find that heal much quicker than someone with a true HLA gene and mycotoxin or black mold illness.  If you have an HLA gene that prevents you from excreting mycotoxins—leading to Mycotoxin Illness, in this case you’ll also need help from additional therapies such as binders and possibly antifungal therapies to clear them from your system, which will be detailed more in a future post.
  Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Always Get It
Unfortunately, conventional medicine assumes that a response to mold is related to external allergens (outdoors, dust, pollen, etc.)—not necessarily the mycotoxins from molds themselves.
  CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) is practically unrecognized altogether in conventional medicine as practitioners often overlook environmental pathogenic and toxigenic mold exposure as being a source of health ills, or the possibility of allergenic molds turning into a more serious health condition if exposure continues. Consequently, if a patient’s mold allergy test comes back negative via bloodwork or allergy testing, they are turned away; if it is positive, they are given a prescription for allergy shots or steroids. End of story.
  So How Do You Know if You Have Mold Illness?
Stay tuned for the next post where we will talk about diagnostics for uncovering mold illness.
The post CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/uncategorized/cirs-mold-illness-101-what-it-is/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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dhianbook · 3 years ago
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janisthaafertilityivf · 5 years ago
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                              Ovulation Hospital in Bangalore
The word that we hear incessantly every day from morning to night of late is COVID -19 or CoronaVirus.Coronavirus disease is the official name given by the World Health Organization to the disease caused by the newly identified type of coronavirus. These viruses are usually responsible for causing common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections. The world had previously witnessed such respiratory diseases affecting tens and thousands of people. These include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2014. The current bout of the disease has affected more than 210 countries and therefore been declared a pandemic or a disease that has affected a large population or region, country or continent.The entire world is engulfed by this pandemic and has brought it to a near standstill. It has been reported that half of humanity today is under lockdown. In such a scenario, it becomes our duty to understand the functioning of this virus, what exactly happens due to the virus and how do we protect ourselves? Let us first try to understand the mechanism through which the virus affects the human body. 
The basic mechanisms through which it enters the human body is through the nose, mouth or eyes of a person. Upon entering, the virus attaches itself to the cells in the respiratory tract producing a protein known as ACE 2. It fuses with the cell and releases what is known as its RNA. The human cell is now equivalent to being hijacked and infected. This infected cell will now produce proteins based on the “instructions” of the virus’s RNA affecting the upper respiratory tract and spreads to the rest of the lungs. In serious cases, the immune system of the human body will overreact and attack lung cells, in some cases, the infection leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome and possibly causes death.How does one contract the disease in the first place?The answer to this is the fact that Covid 19 is a contagious disease and therefore social distancing, covering of the mouth and measures such as lock down have been imposed to prevent the spreading of the disease. When an individual coughs or sneezes, the droplets that escape the lungs can contain droplets of this virus. When the infected person does not cover their mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and ends up touching surfaces, the virus present on those surfaces enters another person when the next person touches the surfaces and then their face. 
This way,  it spreads directly from one human to another or indirectly through infected surfaces. It is said that on an average Covid-19 patient can infect up to 1.6 to 2.4 other people and it is more fatal and contagious than other known diseases such as influenza due to lack of vaccine.Once affected, it is said that a person might take up to 14 days to display symptoms or in few cases, remain asymptomatic or not display symptoms at all and still test positive. For those who do display symptoms, these include dry cough, fatigue, low-grade fever, body aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat. The more severe symptoms include high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath. In  10% to 20% of cases, disease may become severe enough to require ventilatory support.  Recent studies suggest that a lost sense of smell, known as anosmia, may also be a symptom of COVID-19 since viral infections are a leading cause of loss of sense of smell. Most carriers of the Covid-19 are among the younger population but the ones most adversely affected are from the senior citizens. This is based on the tests done in Korea, Italy and China.
The precautions that one needs to take to avoid getting infected are:
First of all, avoid going outdoors, other than when it is absolutely necessary for essential activities
Practice social distancing while outside and even at home
Wash hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds
Usage of sanitizers with 60% alcohol, rub until dry and remember to not go near any source of heat or fire without washing hands with soap after having used a sanitizer
Avoiding touching of face at all times.
Clean surfaces with a cleaning spray often
For those infected or are suspecting of being infected, have to mandatorily isolate themselves in order to not infect their fellow companions. Use tissues and discard them appropriately. Hydrate oneself well. If the above mentioned symptoms appear, contact the nearest medical service in the vicinity or call the state helpline number 104 (for general public)In this situation, it is natural for especially those undergoing
Fertility treatments
to panic or feel anxious about the effects of the disease, if infected. Although the disease does not discriminate and can affect anyone and everyone, expectant mothers need to pay extra attention as they are considered to be in the vulnerable group. There is no confirmed evidence that the infection can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal abnormality, however, precautions are necessary since there is very less information on dangers that the disease could carry. Especially women with any history of having diabetes, any other respiratory disease or immunosuppression should be extremely careful as the chances of getting infected are high. For those who have started fertility treatment are advised to contact their respective doctors and clinics for further advice.It is entirely for this reason that we at
Janisthaa Fertility Center, with the sole motive of providing the best treatment and care to our patients, have started online consultations and tele-consultations.We are here for our patients and take all sorts of precautions and care possible to reassure our clients that they do not have to forego their treatments without timely advice. Our staff are following the protocols and ensuring all safety procedures and precautions are adhered to. There is absolutely no need to panic and anybody who wishes to seek some kind of advice can contact our center, login to the website  https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ and register for Live Video Consultations for further treatment or clarification of doubts from Dr. Swetha herself.
Read more: https://bit.ly/2OwpFQK
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healthinputs · 6 years ago
Ringing in Ears Causes and Treatment
If you have also felt that uncomfortable buzzing or ringing in the ears, you should know that it is much more common among the population than you imagine. This discomfort is a perceptual phenomenon called tinnitus that can only be perceived by the person who owns it and who can be described in different ways; bells, sea noise, beeps, bells, etc.
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This ailment is very annoying and prevents the sufferer from leading a normal and routine life, especially at bedtime. Although it is usually a temporary problem and it is not something serious to worry about, at other times it could be indicating a health problem, which is why we should pay special attention to the evolution of the beep. If you have also felt that uncomfortable buzzing or ringing in the ears, you should know that it is much more common among the population than you imagine. This discomfort is a perceptual phenomenon called tinnitus that can only be perceived by the person who owns it and who can be described in different ways; bells, sea noise, beeps, bells, etc. This ailment is very annoying and prevents the sufferer from leading a normal and routine life, especially at bedtime. Although it is usually a temporary problem and it is not something serious to worry about, at other times it could be indicating a health problem, which is why we should pay special attention to the evolution of the beep.
Why my ears are ringing: the main causes
Ear tinnitus is related to several forms of deafness . These discomforts come from inside the ear and the most frequent causes are the following: Accumulation of cerumen : the cerumen is in your ear to prevent the entry of dust or foreign objects, as well as the growth of bacteria inside. However, it is more frequent than you think that ear wax builds up, which makes it difficult to wash the inside of the ear naturally producing irritation and hearing loss. Exposure to loud noise : if you expose yourself to loud noises for a long period of time, such as heavy machinery or loud music on any device, it can lead to ringing or ringing in the ear. Aging : As you know, as the years go by the hearing gets worse, so it is normal for the elderly to experience buzzing. Certain medications : the intake of some medications can also cause your ears to buzz, as it is a common side effect in some treatments. Lack of oxygenation : if you are a smoker, you should bear in mind that tobacco consumption hinders the oxygenation of the ears, so you may hear whistling. Infections : When a bacterium invades your ear, it causes buzzing and pain. Meniere's disease : this is the most common cause of tinnitus. It has to do with a set of disorders in the inner ear and, although the cause of this problem is not known, it is considered that it can come from the pressure or the mixture of the fluids that the inner ear contains. In addition to experiencing buzzing, you may have dizziness and / or constant and strong headaches. Anxiety : if you have stress or anxiety, it is very likely that you will experience this problem, since you may suffer an increase in blood pressure. Other causes : although, as we have said, it is not usually a serious problem, other causes that can cause this uncomfortable condition are tumors in the ears or brain, neck or head injuries, vascular lesions or intracranial hypertension and / or arterial. Having high blood pressure is one of the main reasons why people experience buzzing or whistling when there is silence. There are many people who suffer from tinnitus and who experience severe headaches, as not being able to get rid of the buzzing of the ear is very frustrating and stressful. However, it is important to remain calm, try to relax and ask for help from a specialist who can recommend the best solutions.
Drugs that cause ringing in the ears
As we mentioned before, there are a number of medications whose side effects include buzzing or ringing in the ears. These medications are the following: Aspirin, whose goal is to relieve pain, inflammation and fever. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, which are used to reduce the body's hormones capable of causing pain. Some antidepressants such as the tricyclic amitriptyline can cause worsening or the appearance of tinnitus. Chemotherapeutic drugs such as cisplatin and vincristine. The antiobiotics indicated for the elimination of infections that lead to inflammation of the large intestine, or those that are used to fight against other bacteria. Diuretics can also cause tinnitus and are used to increase the production of urine and thus eliminate excess water from your body.
Treatments for ringing in the ears
The truth is that there is no specific treatment to end the ringing in the ears. However, there are many things that can help you overcome this uncomfortable condition. The first thing you should do is visit a specialist doctor to examine you, study your particular case and diagnose the reason why you feel ringing in the ears. Only in this way, you will be able to receive the appropriate treatment for your case and you will be able to end the buzzing. There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of the ringing in your ears, although it depends on each case and the cause that produces the beeps specifically to you. You can also make use of some of these home remedies to avoid ringing in the ears : Perform a deep ear cleaning from time to time. Do not subject yourself to loud noises for long periods of time. Change medications if they produce ringing in your ears. Take some occasional medication recommended by a professional to reduce the symptoms of the ailment. Take a good diet and avoid foods with a lot of sugar, as well as coffee or tea, since these foods could increase pain. Eat fruits and vegetables to improve your immune system and reduce tinnitus. Chew dried fruits, as this will improve your blood circulation. Exercising will help regulate blood pressure and prevent tinnitus from getting worse. It will also keep you entertained and in good physical and mental condition. Go to the doctor to check your blood pressure and sugar in your body, so you will know if they are at the right levels. Practicing yoga can be a good option, as it increases the levels of GABA in your body and reduces ringing in the ears. In addition, this practice will help you relax and avoid anxiety and stress. It is recommended that during the night, especially while you sleep, place a radio at your side and put relaxing music. This will help you to neutralize the buzzing. Eliminate tobacco and alcohol from your routine life. Sleep at least eight hours, this will help you to end tinnitus. Read the full article
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brian-cdates · 6 years ago
CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is
CIRS or “chronic inflammatory response syndrome” or “mold illness” is frequently talked about as a “health hazard,” but often overlooked contaminant when it comes to chronic disease or health conditions.
What is “CIRS”? & Mold Illness
“CIRS” (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is exactly what it sounds like—inflammation that arises in the immune system from a long-time exposure to a chronic health condition or environmental toxins (like mold).
Mold illness, or “biotoxin illness” are two common illnesses associated r “CIRS”—specifically for those affected by it environmentally by mycotoxins (molds, fungi, bacteria), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) and chemicals (endocrine disrupting BPA’s in plastics, glyphosate in plants and packaged foods, sulfates and parabens in shampoo and conditioner).
Both acute or chronic immune dysregulation can wreak havoc on your health with a host of side effects including:
Symptoms of  “CIRS”& Mold Illness
Appetite swings
Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Difficulty regulating body temperature
Eye irritation
GI distress (diarrhea, abdominal pain)
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Memory problems or brain fog or decreased word-finding
Mood swings/changes
Morning stiffness
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Respiratory problems (suppressed function)
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes
Skin sensitivity, tingling and/or ice pick pain
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
Urination frequency
Vision changes (blurred vision, tearing of eyes, or red eyes)
You do not have to have all the signs and symptoms of mold illness—in fact you may just have two or three. For mold illness.
Unfortunately, mold illness or “CIRS” is often overlooked because signs and symptoms can easily fly under the radar, believed to be a “norm”—such as sinus congestion (“allergies”), morning stiffness or frequent loose stools. CIRS is also often missed as an underlying trigger to other co-morbidities associated with mold and biotoxin illness, like autoimmune disease, weight gain/loss, hormone imbalances or skin conditions. No matter how many green juices you drink, many diseases won’t fully heal until you address the underlying cause.
Who Gets CIRS or “Mold Illness”?
Vulnerability to mold toxicity is present in about 25% of the population—most of whom have a genetic predisposition (the “HLA” gene) that inhibits their clearance of biotoxins from their body, and a weaker immune system (i.e. a predisposition for autoimmunity and B cell or T cell imbalances).
In fact, a family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.
Those who are genetically prone to “CIRS” (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) are more prone to develop CIRS if two conditions are present:
Chronic exposure to biotoxins (in the home or work place, food, environment)
A “triggering” inflammatory event (something that fires or activates the immune system, like strep throat or allergens in the air)
For the remainder of this article, we are going to focus on mold illness.
Mold Illness Statistics
Contrary to popular belief, molds can be found in both old and new construction. When water damage occurs, and relative humidity is high enough, mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours.
More than 50 percent of buildings have moisture problems.  In fact, a report by the Federal Facilities Council found over 40 percent of buildings they examined had current water damage, and over 80 percent had past water damage (23). Even in buildings without water damage, mold and other fungi and bacterium can develop when indoor humidity levels reach around 50 to 60 percent.
In addition, the current practice of making homes more energy efficient, means that there is less ventilation with outside air, and toxic mold gasses can be trapped inside, potentiating their effect.
Little Known Fact: Mold Illness is NOT Just Caused by Mold
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just mold or pathogenic molds that are a concern from water-damaged and humid buildings. This is why both allergenic and pathogenic molds can trigger CIRS in susceptible individuals. In addition, there are multiple other toxins that may trigger “mold illness” or CIRS—both from moldy contaminants (allergens, pathogens and toxic mold) as well as other pathogens in the including:
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
  Types of Mold
Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors that grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Once established, mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth.
Harmful molds may fall into any of the following classifications:
Allergenic: Molds that cause and produce allergies and allergic reactions such as asthma attacks.
Pathogenic: Molds that cause health problems in those suffering from an acute illness.
Toxigenic: Molds that produce toxic substances (mycotoxins) that can lead to dangerous or even deadly health conditions. This is sometimes referred to as “toxic mold.”
  The most common types of these molds found in home environments include:
Acremonium (Toxic)
Where it is: Household systems and areas such as condensation from humidifiers, cooling coils, drain pans and window sealants
What it looks like: often pink, grey, orange or white in color
Symptoms: Cause disease in the bone marrow, immune system and other organs. Because it is a carcinogen, it can also impair brain function.
Aspergillus (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: A a wide range of stored food products such as maize (foods with corn syrup, corn, etc.) and nuts, damp walls, wallpaper, floor and carpet dust, tarred wooden flooring, humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, old bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Long flask-shaped spores that can form thick layers or walls of the mold. This creates long chains of mold growth on surfaces. Because there are over 185 species of aspergillus mold, it can appear in many different colors.
Symptoms: Asthma symptoms, lung infections and respiratory inflammation
Chaetomium (Pathogenic)
Where it Is: Usually found in a damp or leaking roof, basement or sink and may be recognizable by its musty odor.
What it Looks Like: cotton-like texture and usually changes colors from white to grey to brown and eventually to black over time
Symptoms: Skin and nail infections, weakened immune system
Cladosporium (Allergenic) Where it is: Can grow in warm or cold conditions, common outdoor mold, but often found on indoor material such as fabrics, carpets, and upholsteries
What it Looks Like: Olive green or brown Symptoms: Sneezing, dry skin, hives, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, postnasal drip
Fusarium (Toxic)
Where it Is: Carpeting, wallpaper and other fabrics and materials; naturally grows on food products and in compost.
What it Looks Like: Pink, white or reddish in color
Symptoms: Brain and nervous system damage; neurological problems or tingling, internal bleeding.
Penicillium (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: Water-damaged homes and buildings and materials such as carpets, wallpapers, ducting and even in mattresses.humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Blue or green colored surface with a velvety texture.
Symptoms: Pulmonary inflammation and asthma; further weaken immune system
  Stachybotrys (Classic “Toxic Mold” or “Black Mold”)
Where it is: Typically on cellulose material such as woods, cardboard, paper, hay or wicker.; thrives in damp, wet areas with high humidity levels that maintain these environmental conditions for weeks.
What it Looks Like: Black splotches
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, dull aches and pains in the mucous membranes, burning sensations in your airways, a tightening in the chest, persistent cough, nose bleeds, fever and painful headaches.
Where it is: Found in homes and buildings that have experienced extreme water damage. It can be found in kitchens, bathrooms and basements as well as around windows with high condensation levels.
What it Looks Like: Black in color
Symptoms: Skin infections, asthma, allergy symptoms, hay fever
              Mold Allergy vs. Mold Illness
Although mold is a part of life, it is the overgrowth of these mold and chronic (ongoing) exposure to that mold that can cause problems—both allergies and illness .
Mold Allergy Explained
A mold allergy produces hay fever-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, nasal stuffiness, watering eyes, wheezing, and coughing. The symptoms are usually easily observable by a physician and therefore are easily accepted and diagnosed. Diagnosis can be confirmed with typical allergy tests for elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Mold Illness Explained
If you’re especially sensitive to mold, you may develop irritation in your throat and nasal passages, often immediately upon exposure. But not all symptoms of mold sensitivity are respiratory related. In sensitive individuals who go on to develop “mold illness,” mycotoxins can produce numerous symptoms (as described above).
Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Eye irritation
GI distress
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Memory problems or brain fog
Mood swings/changes
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Skin rashes
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Vision changes
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
    How to tell?!
If chronic mold allergy is an issue, the only option for complete relief is to eradicate mold from your environment. Generally folks with mold allergies feel much better simply by being removed from the mold. They also often find that heal much quicker than someone with a true HLA gene and mycotoxin or black mold illness.  If you have an HLA gene that prevents you from excreting mycotoxins—leading to Mycotoxin Illness, in this case you’ll also need help from additional therapies such as binders and possibly antifungal therapies to clear them from your system, which will be detailed more in a future post.
Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Always Get It
Unfortunately, conventional medicine assumes that a response to mold is related to external allergens (outdoors, dust, pollen, etc.)—not necessarily the mycotoxins from molds themselves.
CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) is practically unrecognized altogether in conventional medicine as practitioners often overlook environmental pathogenic and toxigenic mold exposure as being a source of health ills, or the possibility of allergenic molds turning into a more serious health condition if exposure continues. Consequently, if a patient’s mold allergy test comes back negative via bloodwork or allergy testing, they are turned away; if it is positive, they are given a prescription for allergy shots or steroids. End of story.
So How Do You Know if You Have Mold Illness?
Stay tuned for the next post where we will talk about diagnostics for uncovering mold illness.
The post CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/uncategorized/cirs-mold-illness-101-what-it-is/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
0 notes
clarencebfaber · 6 years ago
CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is
CIRS or “chronic inflammatory response syndrome” or “mold illness” is frequently talked about as a “health hazard,” but often overlooked contaminant when it comes to chronic disease or health conditions.
What is “CIRS”? & Mold Illness
 “CIRS” (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is exactly what it sounds like—inflammation that arises in the immune system from a long-time exposure to a chronic health condition or environmental toxins (like mold).
Mold illness, or “biotoxin illness” are two common illnesses associated r “CIRS”—specifically for those affected by it environmentally by mycotoxins (molds, fungi, bacteria), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) and chemicals (endocrine disrupting BPA’s in plastics, glyphosate in plants and packaged foods, sulfates and parabens in shampoo and conditioner).
Both acute or chronic immune dysregulation can wreak havoc on your health with a host of side effects including:
Symptoms of  “CIRS”& Mold Illness
Appetite swings
Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Difficulty regulating body temperature
Eye irritation
GI distress (diarrhea, abdominal pain)
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Memory problems or brain fog or decreased word-finding
Mood swings/changes
Morning stiffness
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Respiratory problems (suppressed function)
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes
Skin sensitivity, tingling and/or ice pick pain
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
Urination frequency
Vision changes (blurred vision, tearing of eyes, or red eyes)
You do not have to have all the signs and symptoms of mold illness—in fact you may just have two or three. For mold illness.
Unfortunately, mold illness or “CIRS” is often overlooked because signs and symptoms can easily fly under the radar, believed to be a “norm”—such as sinus congestion (“allergies”), morning stiffness or frequent loose stools. CIRS is also often missed as an underlying trigger to other co-morbidities associated with mold and biotoxin illness, like autoimmune disease, weight gain/loss, hormone imbalances or skin conditions. No matter how many green juices you drink, many diseases won’t fully heal until you address the underlying cause.
Who Gets CIRS or “Mold Illness”?
Vulnerability to mold toxicity is present in about 25% of the population—most of whom have a genetic predisposition (the “HLA” gene) that inhibits their clearance of biotoxins from their body, and a weaker immune system (i.e. a predisposition for autoimmunity and B cell or T cell imbalances).
 In fact, a family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.
Those who are genetically prone to “CIRS” (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) are more prone to develop CIRS if two conditions are present:
Chronic exposure to biotoxins (in the home or work place, food, environment)
A “triggering” inflammatory event (something that fires or activates the immune system, like strep throat or allergens in the air)
For the remainder of this article, we are going to focus on mold illness.
Mold Illness Statistics
Contrary to popular belief, molds can be found in both old and new construction. When water damage occurs, and relative humidity is high enough, mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours.
More than 50 percent of buildings have moisture problems.  In fact, a report by the Federal Facilities Council found over 40 percent of buildings they examined had current water damage, and over 80 percent had past water damage (23). Even in buildings without water damage, mold and other fungi and bacterium can develop when indoor humidity levels reach around 50 to 60 percent.
 In addition, the current practice of making homes more energy efficient, means that there is less ventilation with outside air, and toxic mold gasses can be trapped inside, potentiating their effect.
 Little Known Fact: Mold Illness is NOT Just Caused by Mold
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just mold or pathogenic molds that are a concern from water-damaged and humid buildings. This is why both allergenic and pathogenic molds can trigger CIRS in susceptible individuals. In addition, there are multiple other toxins that may trigger “mold illness” or CIRS—both from moldy contaminants (allergens, pathogens and toxic mold) as well as other pathogens in the including:
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
 Types of Mold
Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors that grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Once established, mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth.
 Harmful molds may fall into any of the following classifications:
 Allergenic: Molds that cause and produce allergies and allergic reactions such as asthma attacks.
Pathogenic: Molds that cause health problems in those suffering from an acute illness.
Toxigenic: Molds that produce toxic substances (mycotoxins) that can lead to dangerous or even deadly health conditions. This is sometimes referred to as “toxic mold.”
 The most common types of these molds found in home environments include:
 Acremonium (Toxic)
Where it is: Household systems and areas such as condensation from humidifiers, cooling coils, drain pans and window sealants
What it looks like: often pink, grey, orange or white in color
Symptoms: Cause disease in the bone marrow, immune system and other organs. Because it is a carcinogen, it can also impair brain function.
 Aspergillus (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: A a wide range of stored food products such as maize (foods with corn syrup, corn, etc.) and nuts, damp walls, wallpaper, floor and carpet dust, tarred wooden flooring, humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, old bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Long flask-shaped spores that can form thick layers or walls of the mold. This creates long chains of mold growth on surfaces. Because there are over 185 species of aspergillus mold, it can appear in many different colors.
Symptoms: Asthma symptoms, lung infections and respiratory inflammation
 Chaetomium (Pathogenic)
Where it Is: Usually found in a damp or leaking roof, basement or sink and may be recognizable by its musty odor.
What it Looks Like: cotton-like texture and usually changes colors from white to grey to brown and eventually to black over time
Symptoms: Skin and nail infections, weakened immune system
Cladosporium (Allergenic) Where it is: Can grow in warm or cold conditions, common outdoor mold, but often found on indoor material such as fabrics, carpets, and upholsteries
What it Looks Like: Olive green or brown Symptoms: Sneezing, dry skin, hives, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, postnasal drip
Fusarium (Toxic)
Where it Is: Carpeting, wallpaper and other fabrics and materials; naturally grows on food products and in compost.
What it Looks Like: Pink, white or reddish in color
Symptoms: Brain and nervous system damage; neurological problems or tingling, internal bleeding.
 Penicillium (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: Water-damaged homes and buildings and materials such as carpets, wallpapers, ducting and even in mattresses.humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Blue or green colored surface with a velvety texture.
Symptoms: Pulmonary inflammation and asthma; further weaken immune system
  Stachybotrys (Classic “Toxic Mold” or “Black Mold”)
Where it is: Typically on cellulose material such as woods, cardboard, paper, hay or wicker.; thrives in damp, wet areas with high humidity levels that maintain these environmental conditions for weeks.
What it Looks Like: Black splotches
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, dull aches and pains in the mucous membranes, burning sensations in your airways, a tightening in the chest, persistent cough, nose bleeds, fever and painful headaches.
Where it is: Found in homes and buildings that have experienced extreme water damage. It can be found in kitchens, bathrooms and basements as well as around windows with high condensation levels.
What it Looks Like: Black in color
Symptoms: Skin infections, asthma, allergy symptoms, hay fever
              Mold Allergy vs. Mold Illness
Although mold is a part of life, it is the overgrowth of these mold and chronic (ongoing) exposure to that mold that can cause problems—both allergies and illness .
 Mold Allergy Explained
A mold allergy produces hay fever-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, nasal stuffiness, watering eyes, wheezing, and coughing. The symptoms are usually easily observable by a physician and therefore are easily accepted and diagnosed. Diagnosis can be confirmed with typical allergy tests for elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE).
 Mold Illness Explained
If you’re especially sensitive to mold, you may develop irritation in your throat and nasal passages, often immediately upon exposure. But not all symptoms of mold sensitivity are respiratory related. In sensitive individuals who go on to develop “mold illness,” mycotoxins can produce numerous symptoms (as described above).
 Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Eye irritation
GI distress
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Memory problems or brain fog
Mood swings/changes
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Skin rashes
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Vision changes
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
   How to tell?!
If chronic mold allergy is an issue, the only option for complete relief is to eradicate mold from your environment. Generally folks with mold allergies feel much better simply by being removed from the mold. They also often find that heal much quicker than someone with a true HLA gene and mycotoxin or black mold illness.  If you have an HLA gene that prevents you from excreting mycotoxins—leading to Mycotoxin Illness, in this case you’ll also need help from additional therapies such as binders and possibly antifungal therapies to clear them from your system, which will be detailed more in a future post.
 Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Always Get It
Unfortunately, conventional medicine assumes that a response to mold is related to external allergens (outdoors, dust, pollen, etc.)—not necessarily the mycotoxins from molds themselves.
 CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) is practically unrecognized altogether in conventional medicine as practitioners often overlook environmental pathogenic and toxigenic mold exposure as being a source of health ills, or the possibility of allergenic molds turning into a more serious health condition if exposure continues. Consequently, if a patient’s mold allergy test comes back negative via bloodwork or allergy testing, they are turned away; if it is positive, they are given a prescription for allergy shots or steroids. End of story.
 So How Do You Know if You Have Mold Illness?
Stay tuned for the next post where we will talk about diagnostics for uncovering mold illness.
The post CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/uncategorized/cirs-mold-illness-101-what-it-is/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
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elizabethbgrimes · 6 years ago
CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is
CIRS or “chronic inflammatory response syndrome” or “mold illness” is frequently talked about as a “health hazard,” but often overlooked contaminant when it comes to chronic disease or health conditions.
What is “CIRS”? & Mold Illness
 “CIRS” (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) is exactly what it sounds like—inflammation that arises in the immune system from a long-time exposure to a chronic health condition or environmental toxins (like mold).
Mold illness, or “biotoxin illness” are two common illnesses associated r “CIRS”—specifically for those affected by it environmentally by mycotoxins (molds, fungi, bacteria), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic) and chemicals (endocrine disrupting BPA’s in plastics, glyphosate in plants and packaged foods, sulfates and parabens in shampoo and conditioner).
Both acute or chronic immune dysregulation can wreak havoc on your health with a host of side effects including:
Symptoms of  “CIRS”& Mold Illness
Appetite swings
Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Difficulty regulating body temperature
Eye irritation
GI distress (diarrhea, abdominal pain)
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Light sensitivity
Memory problems or brain fog or decreased word-finding
Mood swings/changes
Morning stiffness
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Respiratory problems (suppressed function)
Sinus congestion
Skin rashes
Skin sensitivity, tingling and/or ice pick pain
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
Urination frequency
Vision changes (blurred vision, tearing of eyes, or red eyes)
You do not have to have all the signs and symptoms of mold illness—in fact you may just have two or three. For mold illness.
Unfortunately, mold illness or “CIRS” is often overlooked because signs and symptoms can easily fly under the radar, believed to be a “norm”—such as sinus congestion (“allergies”), morning stiffness or frequent loose stools. CIRS is also often missed as an underlying trigger to other co-morbidities associated with mold and biotoxin illness, like autoimmune disease, weight gain/loss, hormone imbalances or skin conditions. No matter how many green juices you drink, many diseases won’t fully heal until you address the underlying cause.
Who Gets CIRS or “Mold Illness”?
Vulnerability to mold toxicity is present in about 25% of the population—most of whom have a genetic predisposition (the “HLA” gene) that inhibits their clearance of biotoxins from their body, and a weaker immune system (i.e. a predisposition for autoimmunity and B cell or T cell imbalances).
 In fact, a family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.
Those who are genetically prone to “CIRS” (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) are more prone to develop CIRS if two conditions are present:
Chronic exposure to biotoxins (in the home or work place, food, environment)
A “triggering” inflammatory event (something that fires or activates the immune system, like strep throat or allergens in the air)
For the remainder of this article, we are going to focus on mold illness.
Mold Illness Statistics
Contrary to popular belief, molds can be found in both old and new construction. When water damage occurs, and relative humidity is high enough, mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours.
More than 50 percent of buildings have moisture problems.  In fact, a report by the Federal Facilities Council found over 40 percent of buildings they examined had current water damage, and over 80 percent had past water damage (23). Even in buildings without water damage, mold and other fungi and bacterium can develop when indoor humidity levels reach around 50 to 60 percent.
 In addition, the current practice of making homes more energy efficient, means that there is less ventilation with outside air, and toxic mold gasses can be trapped inside, potentiating their effect.
 Little Known Fact: Mold Illness is NOT Just Caused by Mold
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just mold or pathogenic molds that are a concern from water-damaged and humid buildings. This is why both allergenic and pathogenic molds can trigger CIRS in susceptible individuals. In addition, there are multiple other toxins that may trigger “mold illness” or CIRS—both from moldy contaminants (allergens, pathogens and toxic mold) as well as other pathogens in the including:
volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
 Types of Mold
Molds are fungi that can be found both indoors and outdoors that grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Once established, mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth.
 Harmful molds may fall into any of the following classifications:
 Allergenic: Molds that cause and produce allergies and allergic reactions such as asthma attacks.
Pathogenic: Molds that cause health problems in those suffering from an acute illness.
Toxigenic: Molds that produce toxic substances (mycotoxins) that can lead to dangerous or even deadly health conditions. This is sometimes referred to as “toxic mold.”
 The most common types of these molds found in home environments include:
 Acremonium (Toxic)
Where it is: Household systems and areas such as condensation from humidifiers, cooling coils, drain pans and window sealants
What it looks like: often pink, grey, orange or white in color
Symptoms: Cause disease in the bone marrow, immune system and other organs. Because it is a carcinogen, it can also impair brain function.
 Aspergillus (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: A a wide range of stored food products such as maize (foods with corn syrup, corn, etc.) and nuts, damp walls, wallpaper, floor and carpet dust, tarred wooden flooring, humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, old bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Long flask-shaped spores that can form thick layers or walls of the mold. This creates long chains of mold growth on surfaces. Because there are over 185 species of aspergillus mold, it can appear in many different colors.
Symptoms: Asthma symptoms, lung infections and respiratory inflammation
 Chaetomium (Pathogenic)
Where it Is: Usually found in a damp or leaking roof, basement or sink and may be recognizable by its musty odor.
What it Looks Like: cotton-like texture and usually changes colors from white to grey to brown and eventually to black over time
Symptoms: Skin and nail infections, weakened immune system
Cladosporium (Allergenic) Where it is: Can grow in warm or cold conditions, common outdoor mold, but often found on indoor material such as fabrics, carpets, and upholsteries
What it Looks Like: Olive green or brown Symptoms: Sneezing, dry skin, hives, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, coughing, postnasal drip
Fusarium (Toxic)
Where it Is: Carpeting, wallpaper and other fabrics and materials; naturally grows on food products and in compost.
What it Looks Like: Pink, white or reddish in color
Symptoms: Brain and nervous system damage; neurological problems or tingling, internal bleeding.
 Penicillium (Allergenic & Toxic)
Where it is: Water-damaged homes and buildings and materials such as carpets, wallpapers, ducting and even in mattresses.humidifiers and HVAC fans, bakeries, shoes, leather, bird droppings, potted plant soil, compost
What it Looks Like: Blue or green colored surface with a velvety texture.
Symptoms: Pulmonary inflammation and asthma; further weaken immune system
  Stachybotrys (Classic “Toxic Mold” or “Black Mold”)
Where it is: Typically on cellulose material such as woods, cardboard, paper, hay or wicker.; thrives in damp, wet areas with high humidity levels that maintain these environmental conditions for weeks.
What it Looks Like: Black splotches
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, dull aches and pains in the mucous membranes, burning sensations in your airways, a tightening in the chest, persistent cough, nose bleeds, fever and painful headaches.
Where it is: Found in homes and buildings that have experienced extreme water damage. It can be found in kitchens, bathrooms and basements as well as around windows with high condensation levels.
What it Looks Like: Black in color
Symptoms: Skin infections, asthma, allergy symptoms, hay fever
              Mold Allergy vs. Mold Illness
Although mold is a part of life, it is the overgrowth of these mold and chronic (ongoing) exposure to that mold that can cause problems—both allergies and illness .
 Mold Allergy Explained
A mold allergy produces hay fever-like symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itching, nasal stuffiness, watering eyes, wheezing, and coughing. The symptoms are usually easily observable by a physician and therefore are easily accepted and diagnosed. Diagnosis can be confirmed with typical allergy tests for elevated immunoglobulin E (IgE).
 Mold Illness Explained
If you’re especially sensitive to mold, you may develop irritation in your throat and nasal passages, often immediately upon exposure. But not all symptoms of mold sensitivity are respiratory related. In sensitive individuals who go on to develop “mold illness,” mycotoxins can produce numerous symptoms (as described above).
 Chronic burning sensation in the throat, chest and/or nasal passage
Coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath
Loss of balance
Depression and/or anxiety
Eye irritation
GI distress
Hearing loss
Heightened sensitivity to chemicals, smells and foods
Irregular heartbeat
Joint pain and/or muscle pain
Memory problems or brain fog
Mood swings/changes
Muscle weakness
Peripheral neuropathy, and sensory neuropathy
Reduced color distinction
Skin rashes
Sleep problems
Slower reaction time
Vision changes
Serious toxicity may result in impaired speech, seizures, stroke, and paralysis.
   How to tell?!
If chronic mold allergy is an issue, the only option for complete relief is to eradicate mold from your environment. Generally folks with mold allergies feel much better simply by being removed from the mold. They also often find that heal much quicker than someone with a true HLA gene and mycotoxin or black mold illness.  If you have an HLA gene that prevents you from excreting mycotoxins—leading to Mycotoxin Illness, in this case you’ll also need help from additional therapies such as binders and possibly antifungal therapies to clear them from your system, which will be detailed more in a future post.
 Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Always Get It
Unfortunately, conventional medicine assumes that a response to mold is related to external allergens (outdoors, dust, pollen, etc.)—not necessarily the mycotoxins from molds themselves.
 CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) is practically unrecognized altogether in conventional medicine as practitioners often overlook environmental pathogenic and toxigenic mold exposure as being a source of health ills, or the possibility of allergenic molds turning into a more serious health condition if exposure continues. Consequently, if a patient’s mold allergy test comes back negative via bloodwork or allergy testing, they are turned away; if it is positive, they are given a prescription for allergy shots or steroids. End of story.
 So How Do You Know if You Have Mold Illness?
Stay tuned for the next post where we will talk about diagnostics for uncovering mold illness.
The post CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/uncategorized/cirs-mold-illness-101-what-it-is/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ CIRS & Mold Illness 101: What it Is via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
0 notes
theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
Tuberculosis (TB) isn’t a disease Americans hear about much about these days, but that’s not true for the rest of the world. TB is currently the deadliest infectious disease, responsible for 1.6 million deaths last year, most of them in the developing world.
And that’s not the scariest part. A rapidly growing number of patients are developing drug-resistant tuberculosis, which kills more people than any other drug-resistant pathogen.
The persistence of TB is the reason the United Nations General Assembly held its first high-level meeting on tuberculosis Wednesday, which experts hope will trigger an influx of cash and attention for the treatment and diagnosis of a neglected disease.
“In the developed world, people weren’t seeing it, and that’s where most research occurs,” says Dr. Eric Goosby, the United Nations special envoy on TB, on why the disease has received comparatively so little attention. “It was something you taught medical students but didn’t really see in the United States or Canada.”
Another reason for the neglect is that other diseases grabbed much of the research community’s attention in recent years. HIV, which was responsible for approximately 1.3 million deaths last year, has seen a lot of attention and resources channeled its way for decades, and has already been the subject of three of these high-level meetings (the first of which was held in 2006). Only now are people starting to recognize just how significant of a threat TB is.
“Action isn’t guaranteed, but these meetings usually translate into more attention, and with attention comes scale and push and more funding,” Dr. Lucica Ditiu, the executive director of Stop TB, told me. Experts hope this meeting will lead to increased diagnosis and treatment of the 3.6 million people who got TB in 2017 but never received either, as well as an infusion of funding for research to further a TB vaccine and improved treatment.
The meeting has already spurred some action: On Wednesday, the US Agency for International Development announced it was allocating up to $60 million to fight TB around the world.
TB is a lung infection that causes a hacking, sometimes bloody, cough, as well as weight loss, fever, and night sweats. It’s caused by airborne bacteria, so people catch it from coughing, sneezing, or even talking, although you’re most likely to get it from someone you live with. Infection is more likely in people with weakened immune systems, and more common in cramped living conditions.
“The people with TB are not the ones that are in the media. They’re not the ones that are very visible,” Dr. Ditiu said. “It’s the most vulnerable groups, the poor ones, the ones on the outskirts of the city, immigrants, drug users.”
It’s a very treatable disease — but it’s too rarely caught. Some 40 percent of TB cases are never treated or diagnosed, which means people are passing the disease onto others without realizing it. There’s also a large number of people, a staggering quarter of the world’s population, who are carrying a latent form of the disease that could crop up later in life when the individual’s immune system is suppressed, such as during pregnancy or chemotherapy.
The overall mortality rate for TB is 12 percent, but that figure jumps for the millions of patients who don’t receive treatment. Deaths from TB are concentrated in poor countries in the global south, with India, China, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, and Bangladesh bearing the greatest burdens.
While we’ve known how to treat TB for more than 40 years, according to Dr. Goosby, the cocktail of drugs hasn’t developed much in that time, and the way to diagnose it has barely changed since the early 1900s. Treatment requires an antibiotic regimen of multiple drugs taken for a minimum of six months and, for cases of drug-resistant TB, as long as two years. For highly drug-resistant strains of TB, those treatments can jump to five years.
In 2016, there were 600,000 new cases of drug-resistant TB; 240,000 of those people died.
The length of the antibiotic regimens is the primary culprit for TB’s growing drug resistance. If you’ve ever forgotten to take the last few pills in a week-long antibiotic regimen, you can imagine how hard it is to get patients to complete a treatment that can last for years, especially in the countries with poor health care systems where TB is most prevalent.
When people stop antibiotics early, they’re at a high risk of developing drug resistance and then passing that resistance on to others. Even worse, these drugs come with brutal side effects that include serious liver and kidney damage, and, for multidrug-resistant TB, half of patients will lose their hearing.
It’s not all bad news: When done correctly, TB treatment is more than 85 percent effective, and since 2000, TB diagnosis and treatment has saved an estimated 54 million lives.
With a little attention, TB treatment can move into the 21st century. “I believe this high-level meeting will be the starting gun,” added Goosby. “It’s the first time we’ve introduced hope into the TB fight.”
Original Source -> The deadliest infectious disease is becoming drug-resistant
via The Conservative Brief
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janisthaafertilityivf · 5 years ago
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Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Basaveshwara Nagar
The word that we hear incessantly everyday from morning to night of late is COVID -19 or CoronaVirus.Coronavirus disease is the official name given by the World Health Organization to the disease caused by the newly identified type of coronavirus. These viruses are usually responsible for causing common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections. The world had previously witnessed such respiratory diseases affecting tens and thousands of people. These include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2014. The current bout of disease has affected more than 210 countries and therefore been declared a pandemic or a disease that has affected a large population or  region, country or a continent.The entire world is engulfed by this pandemic and has brought it to a near standstill. It has been reported that half of humanity today is under lockdown. In such a scenario, it becomes our duty to understand the functioning of this virus, what exactly happens due to the virus and how do we protect ourselves? Let us first try to understand the mechanism through which the virus affects the human body. The basic mechanisms through which it enters the human body is through the nose, mouth or eyes of a person. Upon entering, the virus attaches itself to the cells in the respiratory tract producing a protein known as ACE 2. It fuses with the cell and releases what is known as its RNA. The human cell is now equivalent to being hijacked and infected. This infected cell will now produce proteins based on the “instructions” of the virus’s RNA affecting the upper respiratory tract and spreads to the rest of the lungs. In serious cases, the immune system of the human body will overreact and attack lung cells, in some cases, the infection leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome and possibly causes death.
Also Read: Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Basaveshwara Nagar
How does one contract the disease in the first place?The answer to this is the fact that Covid 19 is a contagious disease and therefore social distancing, covering of the mouth and measures such as lock down have been imposed to prevent the spreading of the disease. When an individual coughs or sneezes, the droplets that escape the lungs can contain droplets of this virus. When the infected person does not cover their mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and ends up touching surfaces, the virus present on those surfaces enters another person when the next person touches the surfaces and then their face. This way,  it spreads directly from one human to another or indirectly through infected surfaces. It is said that on an average Covid-19 patient can infect up to 1.6 to 2.4 other people and it is more fatal and contagious than other known diseases such as influenza due to lack of vaccine.Once affected, it is said that a person might take up to 14 days to display symptoms or in few cases, remain asymptomatic or not display symptoms at all and still test positive. For those who do display symptoms, these include dry cough, fatigue, low-grade fever, body aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat. The more severe symptoms include high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath. In  10% to 20% of cases, disease may become severe enough to require ventilatory support.  Recent studies suggest that a lost sense of smell, known as anosmia, may also be a symptom of COVID-19 since viral infections are a leading cause of loss of sense of smell. Most carriers of the Covid-19 are among the younger population but the ones most adversely affected are from the senior citizens. This is based on the tests done in Korea, Italy and China.
The precautions that one needs to take to avoid getting infected are:
First of all, avoid going outdoors, other than when it is absolutely necessary for essential activities
Practice social distancing while outside and even at home
Wash hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds
Usage of sanitizers with 60% alcohol, rub until dry and remember to not go near any source of heat or fire without washing hands with soap after having used a sanitizer
Avoiding touching of face at all times.
Clean surfaces with a cleaning spray often
For those infected or are suspecting of being infected, have to mandatorily isolate themselves in order to not infect their fellow companions. Use tissues and discard them appropriately. Hydrate oneself well. If the above mentioned symptoms appear, contact the nearest medical service in the vicinity or call the state helpline number 104 (for general public)In this situation, it is natural for especially those undergoing
Fertility treatments
to panic or feel anxious about the effects of the disease, if infected. Although the disease does not discriminate and can affect anyone and everyone, expectant mothers need to pay extra attention as they are considered to be in the vulnerable group. There is no confirmed evidence that the infection can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal abnormality, however, precautions are necessary since there is very less information on dangers that the disease could carry. Especially women with any history of having diabetes, any other respiratory disease or immunosuppression should be extremely careful as the chances of getting infected are high. For those who have started fertility treatment are advised to contact their respective doctors and clinics for further advice.It is entirely for this reason that we at
Janisthaa Fertility Center
, with the sole motive of providing the best treatment and care to our patients, have started
online consultations
and tele-consultations.We are here for our patients and take all sorts of precautions and care possible to reassure our clients that they do not have to forego their treatments without timely advice. Our staff are following the protocols and ensuring all safety procedures and precautions are adhered to. There is absolutely no need to panic and anybody who wishes to seek some kind of advice can
contact our center login to the website https://www.janisthaaivf.com/ and register for Live Video Consultations for further treatment or clarification of doubts from Dr. Swetha herself.
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janisthaafertilityivf · 5 years ago
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The word that we hear incessantly everyday from morning to night of late is COVID -19 or CoronaVirus.
Coronavirus disease is the official name given by the World Health Organization to the disease caused by the newly identified type of coronavirus. These viruses are usually responsible for causing common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections. The world had previously witnessed such respiratory diseases affecting tens and thousands of people. These include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2014. The current bout of disease has affected more than 210 countries and therefore been declared a pandemic or a disease that has affected a large population or  region, country or a continent.
The entire world is engulfed by this pandemic and has brought it to a near standstill. It has been reported that half of humanity today is under lockdown. In such a scenario, it becomes our duty to understand the functioning of this virus, what exactly happens due to the virus and how do we protect ourselves? Let us first try to understand the mechanism through which the virus affects the human body. The basic mechanisms through which it enters the human body is through the nose, mouth or eyes of a person. Upon entering, the virus attaches itself to the cells in the respiratory tract producing a protein known as ACE 2. It fuses with the cell and releases what is known as its RNA. The human cell is now equivalent to being hijacked and infected. This infected cell will now produce proteins based on the “instructions” of the virus’s RNA affecting the upper respiratory tract and spreads to the rest of the lungs. In serious cases, the immune system of the human body will overreact and attack lung cells, in some cases, the infection leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome and possibly causes death.
How does one contract the disease in the first place?
The answer to this is the fact that Covid 19 is a contagious disease and therefore social distancing, covering of the mouth and measures such as lock down have been imposed to prevent the spreading of the disease. When an individual coughs or sneezes, the droplets that escape the lungs can contain droplets of this virus. When the infected person does not cover their mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, and ends up touching surfaces, the virus present on those surfaces enters another person when the next person touches the surfaces and then their face. This way,  it spreads directly from one human to another or indirectly through infected surfaces. It is said that on an average Covid-19 patient can infect up to 1.6 to 2.4 other people and it is more fatal and contagious than other known diseases such as influenza due to lack of vaccine.
Once affected, it is said that a person might take up to 14 days to display symptoms or in few cases, remain asymptomatic or not display symptoms at all and still test positive. For those who do display symptoms, these include dry cough, fatigue, low-grade fever, body aches, nasal congestion, and sore throat. The more severe symptoms include high fever, severe cough, and shortness of breath. In  10% to 20% of cases, disease may become severe enough to require ventilatory support.  Recent studies suggest that a lost sense of smell, known as anosmia, may also be a symptom of COVID-19 since viral infections are a leading cause of loss of sense of smell. Most carriers of the Covid-19 are among the younger population but the ones most adversely affected are from the senior citizens. This is based on the tests done in Korea, Italy and China.
The precautions that one needs to take to avoid getting infected are:
First of all, avoid going outdoors, other than when it is absolutely necessary for essential activities
Practice social distancing while outside and even at home
Wash hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds
Usage of sanitizers with 60% alcohol, rub until dry and remember to not go near any source of heat or fire without washing hands with soap after having used a sanitizer
Avoiding touching of face at all times.
Clean surfaces with a cleaning spray often
For those infected or are suspecting of being infected, have to mandatorily isolate themselves in order to not infect their fellow companions. Use tissues and discard them appropriately. Hydrate oneself well. If the above mentioned symptoms appear, contact the nearest medical service in the vicinity or call the state helpline number 104 (for general public)
In this situation, it is natural for especially those undergoing Fertility treatments to panic or feel anxious about the effects of the disease, if infected. Although the disease does not discriminate and can affect anyone and everyone, expectant mothers need to pay extra attention as they are considered to be in the vulnerable group. There is no confirmed evidence that the infection can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal abnormality, however, precautions are necessary since there is very less information on dangers that the disease could carry. Especially women with any history of having diabetes, any other respiratory disease or immunosuppression should be extremely careful as the chances of getting infected are high. For those who have started fertility treatment are advised to contact their respective doctors and clinics for further advice.
It is entirely for this reason that we at Janisthaa Fertility Center, with the sole motive of providing the best treatment and care to our patients, have started online consultations and tele-consultations.
We are here for our patients and take all sorts of precautions and care possible to reassure our clients that they do not have to forego their treatments without timely advice. Our staff are following the protocols and ensuring all safety procedures and precautions are adhered to. There is absolutely no need to panic and anybody who wishes to seek some kind of advice can contact our center, login to the website  https://www.janisthaaivf.com/  and register for Live Video Consultations for further treatment or clarification of doubts from Dr. Swetha herself.
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